The Effect of Multimedia Based Learning
The Effect of Multimedia Based Learning
The Effect of Multimedia Based Learning
Yogyakarta State University
In recent years, the uses of Multimedia Based Learning (MBL) in classroom instruction increased widely. Overall,
this implementation aims to improve students’ motivation and also their learning outcomes. This study was
answering the effect of MBL toward students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in chemistry teaching and learning.
The experiment was conducted in class XI of senior high school in Yogyakarta. Researchers create some computer
based media for chemistry materials and continued with expert judgement of the media. Students’ data SRL were
measured using validated questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three components, i.e. metacognitive,
motivation and behaviour. The results showed that there was significant differences in SRL of students before and
after participating in chemistry teaching and learning which applying MBL.
Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si. Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University.
Email :
Sulistyani, M.Si. Department of Chemistry Education. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta
State University.
Email :
Chemistry is a part of science that is seeking the answers to the questions of what, why and
how natural phenomena related to the composition, structure and properties of a substances. There are
two issues related to chemistry, i.e. as the products (chemistry knowledge in the form of facts, concepts,
principles, laws, and theories) and and also as the processes (scientific work) (Retno Dwi Suyanti,
In the chemistry teaching and learning in a senior high school, a teacher must deliver a much of
chemistry concepts with different characteristics in limited time. In the end, the teacher can only
resolve the matter but has yet to provide more opportunities for students to practice and prove chemistry
concept. It occurs mainly on material that requires a lot of practice, such as acid-base, thermochemistry,
Based on research observations in some of senior high school in Yogyakarta, all the chemistry
teaching and learning has been supported by laboratory facilities and adequate technology for senior
high school such as LCD projector, screen, and speakers that are mounted on each class. However, the
teacher in the teaching and learning process less utilize these facilities for the application of Multimedia
Based Learning (MBL).
MBL is a teaching and learning method that applies a blend of interactive media and
accompanied by text, static images, dynamic images and or video in the delivery of the subject matter
(Nazir, et al, 2012). The main purpose of this method is creating better teaching and learning process,
faster and foster independent learning attitude (Lightbody, et al, 2006). In addition, through the MBL,
teachers can deliver more innovative materials and motivate students to study harder (Nazir, et al,
2012). Delivery of teaching materials through the MBL, it would be much more effective than just the
teacher delivering a lecture course material (Osamah, et al, 2010).
Another things that determine the success of the teaching and learning process is students’ self-
regulated learning (SRL). The teaching and learning involves students what to do for himself, the
initiative must come from himself. Education experts agree behold SRL is an important factor in the
motivation of learning (academic motivation) and learning outcomes (academic achievement)
(Zumbrunn et. al., 2011). Zimmerman in Greene et. al. (2011) states that the SRL is a form of the
attitude of a student to monitor and control aspects of cognition, motivation, habits, and emotions
according to the environment or circumstances are always changing in the learning process. Students
who apply SRL means the student to plan, monitor and assess their own learning (Zumbrunn et. al.,
2011). Turan (2010) claim that the students who have academic value (learning outcomes) higher will
tend to have a higher SRL and vice versa.
From the description above, it can be concluded that students SRL is very important to the
success of students in school. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of the
implementation of MBL on chemistry teaching and learning toward the students SRL.
This research was an experimental study of observation under artificial conditions in which the
conditions set by the researcher (Moh. Nazir, 2005). The approach used in this study is a quantitative
approach, meaning that all information or data realized in the form of numbers. Data were analyzed
statistically, then the result was described.
Research Variables
The independent variable in this study was the method of chemistry teaching and learning. The
dependent variable was students SRL. The control variables were the teacher, the students' prior
knowledge, the chemistry material being taught, and the number of meetings.
Sampling Techniques
This study was held in class XI of SMA N 5 Yogyakarta. The sampling technique was simple
random sampling. There were two classes taken as an experimental class and as a control class. The
experiment class was XI-A2 which consist of 37 students. The control class was XI-A1 consisting 36
students. The experiment class using MBL in chemistry teaching and learning, while control class was
Research Instruments
The research instruments were (1) lesson plans; (2) computer based media; and (3) SRL
questionnaire. All the instruments were validated by the expert. The SRL questionnaire adapts to the
364 The Effect of Multimedia Based Learning (MBL) in Chemistry Teaching Learning on Students’
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
SRL components proposed by Zimmerman (1989). It was consist of three components, i.e.
metacognitive, motivation and behavior.
Data Analysis
Firstly, data were tested for homogenity and normality. Then, data were analyzed statistically
using t-test (independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test).
SRL data can be divided into two kinds, namely the SRL data before the learning process and
SRL data after the learning process. SRL questionnaire used was a questionnaire enclosed models with
Erfan P., Sulistyani. (2014). Journal of Education and Learning. Vol.8 (4) pp. 363-367. 365
5 different answer options, which were always (SL), Often (S) Sometimes (K), rare (J), and Never (TP).
This questionnaire consists of 51 items that include positive statements or negative statements.
Both the control class and experiment class, the students’ SRL was increased. The average
value of students SRL are shown in Figure 2 below.
before after
Figure 2. The average value of students’ SRL before and after the learning process.
Based on the analysis using the independent sample t test (in SPSS 16 computer programm), it
was known that t (2.072) > t table (1.99394) and p (0.042) < α (0.05). It can be concluded that there
were significant differences between the students’ SRL who take chemistry study using MBL with
students who take chemistry without applying MBL.
Based on the analysis of the paired sample t-test (in SPSS 16 computer programm), t value
obtained 10,206 with p = 0.000. This value is much larger than t table of 2.028 at a significance level of
0.05. It can be concluded that there were significant differences between the students’ SRL before and
after participating in learning chemistry using MBL.
The result of this study showed that there were (1) significant differences between the students’
SRL who take chemistry study using MBL with students who take chemistry without applying MBL
366 The Effect of Multimedia Based Learning (MBL) in Chemistry Teaching Learning on Students’
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
and (2) significant differences between the students’ SRL before and after participating in learning
chemistry using MBL
The authors thank the YSU on research grants that have been awarded through DIPA UNY 2013.
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