Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
and pressure.
CEMENTING - Class G is the most common type of cement and
is used in most areas.
CEMENT - Class H has a coarser grind than Class G and gives
- primarily used as an impermeable seal material in oil and better retarding properties in deeper wells.
gas well drilling.
- It is most widely used as a seal between casing and the PROPERTIES OF CEMENT
borehole, bonding the casing to the formation behind the
casing and from, and into, the subsequent hole section. Compressive Strength
- also used for remedial or repair work on producing wells. Thickening time (pumpability)
- the time during which the cement slurry can be
FUNCTIONS OF OILWELL CEMENT pumped and displaced into the annulus.
Slurry density
The most important functions of a cement sheath between the - may have to be altered to meet specific
casing and borehole are: operational requirements to support the
hydrostatic pressure of a cement slurry whose
To prevent the movement of fluids from one formation to density is around 15ppg.
another or from the formations to surface through the Water loss
annulus between the casing and borehole. - The slurry setting process is the result of the
To support the casing string(Specifically surface casing) cement powder being hydrated by the mixwater.
To protect the casing from corrosive fluids in the If the water is lost from the cement slurry before
formations. it reaches its intended position in the annulus its
pumpability will decrease and water sensitive
CEMENT SLURRY IS MADE UP FROM: formations may be adversely affected.
Cement powder Corrosion resistance
Water Permeability
o Fresh water
Chemical Additives - Used to modify the properties of the slurry and optimize
the cement job.
Accelerators o Vary the slurry density
Heavy weight material o Change the compressive strength
Friction reducers o Accelerate or retard the setting time
Mud contaminants o Control filtration and fluid loss
Fluid loss additives o Reduce slurry viscosity
a. Accelerators
CLASSIFICATION OF CEMENT POWDERS - shorten time taken for the cement to set.
b. Retarders
The differences in the distribution of the four basic compounds - prolong thickening time and avoid the risk of the
which are used to make cement powder: C3S, C2S,C3A , C4AF cement setting in the casing prematurely.
caused the differences in properties of cements. c. Lightweight Additives
- -reduce slurry density for jobs where the
Class A and B hydrostatic head of the cement slurry may
- These cements are generally cheaper than other exceed the fracture strength of the formation.
classes of cement and can only be used at (Bentonite , pozzolan)
shallow depths, where there are no special d. Heavyweight Additives
requirements. - are used when cementing through over
- Class B has a higher resistance to sulphate than pressured zones. Barite, Hematite , Sand
class A. e. Fluid loss additives
- are used to prevent dehydration of the cement
Class C slurry and premature setting. Organic polymers
- This cement has high C3S Content and therefore (cellulose), Carboxymethyl cellulose
becomes hard relatively quickly. f. Friction Reducing Additives (Dispersants)
- are added to improve the flow properties of the
slurry. (lower viscosity)
Class D, E and F
g. Mud Contaminants
- These are known as retarded cements since they
- contaminants mixed from drilled solids may react
take a much longer time to set hard than the
to mud to produce significant property change.
other classes of cement powder. This retardation
is due to a coarser grind.
- These cement powders are however more
expensive than the other classes of cement and
their cost must be justified by their ability to
work satisfactorily in deep wells at higher
temperature and pressures.
Class G and H
- These are general purpose cement powders
which are compatible with most additives and