2. Methods that prevent loss of mixing water from the concrete by B. INSULATING BLANKETS OR COVERS
sealing the surface - used when temperatures fall below 32 oF (0 oC)
- uses layers of dry, porous materials such as straw or hay
A. IMPERVIOUS PAPER serving as insulators
- consists of two sheets of kraft paper cemented together by - formworks can be economically insulated with commercial
a bituminous adhesive with fiber reinforcement blankets or batt insulation that has tough moisture-proof
- applicable to horizontal surfaces and structural concrete of covering
relatively simple shapes - insulating blankets are manufactured of fiberglass, sponge
- does not require periodic addition of water rubber, cellulose fibers, mineral wool, vinyl foam, and open-
- provides protection to the concrete against damage from cell polyurethane foam
subsequent construction activity CURING PERIODS:
APPLICATION/INSTALLATION Factors considered in determining the length of curing period
• applied as soon as concrete has hardened and thoroughly 1. type of cement
wetted 2. required strength
• edges of adjacent sheets should be overlapped several 3. ratio of exposed – surface area to volume of concrete
inches and tightly sealed with pressure-sensitive tape or 4. weather
bituminous cement 5. future exposure conditions
• sheets must be weighted to maintain close contact with
concrete surface
• paper can be reused if it effectively retains moisture
- use of polyethylene film which is lightweight and effective
moisture barriers
- easily applied to complex as well as simple shapes similar to
that of impervious paper
- causes discoloration
- available in clear and white opaque film, however black is
available and satisfactory under some condition
- includes a sheet material consisting of burlap impregnated
on one side with white opaque polyethylene film
- advantageous where early strength gain is important or
where additional heat is required to accomplish hydration,
as in cold weather