Hydraulic and Structural Design of Super Passage

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ME (Structures)
• A designed structure constructed at the intersection of
a canal and stream with drainage passing over the Canal is
knows as a “super passage”.
• A super passage is a reverse of an aqueduct
• F.S.L. Of the canal is sufficiently below the bed level of the

Conditions to satisfy as a Super Passage

The canal flow shall be below the drainage thus the flow of the
canal is undisturbed.
The drainage should cross the canal perpendicularly i.e., the
drainage and canal should make a right angle at their
The stream at the site should be stable and should have stable
The site must be such that long and high approaches of the
canal are not required.
There are three processes involved in the design of
a super passage. They are
a. Analysis of site conditions of proposed super
passage or assessment of site details to suit to
the proposed super passage.
b. Design of super passage
c. Drawing
a. Scrutiny of site survey details:
It requires the following
i) L.S. of stream crossing the canal from 500m US
to 500m DS of canal with levels at every 25m
ii) Cross Sections of stream at US
500m,400m,300m,200m,100m,50m and 25m
Similarly at DS including cross section at
iii) Net levels sheet with levels at 15m with a minimum
size of 150mX150m duly marking the Contours.
iv) Topo/ SI sheet duly marking the proposed structure
along with alignment of canal and stream
v) Catchment area details along with calculations duly
showing the area on TOPO/SI sheet
vi) Details of OMFL
vii) T.P.Particulars/ Soil survey report at piers and
abutment locations

b)Design of super passage:

The design criteria consists of two parts and they are
Hydraulic design deals with the following :
i) Hydraulic design
ii) Structural design
Hydraulic design
• Requirements for Hydraulic design
i) Hydraulic Particulars of Main Canal :
Discharge (Qd)= 52.765 Cum
Bed Width = 35.40 m
FSD = 2.35 m
Free Board = 0.90 m
Coefficient (n) = 0.03
Side slopes = 0.5 : 1
Velocity = 0.614 m/sec
Bed fall = 1 in 8000
CBL = +311.69
FSL = +314.040
TBL = +314.940
GL/DBL = +315.170
ii) HP'S of Drain :
Catchment area
in Sq.Km/Sq.Miles = 0.140/0.054
GL Centre = +314.480m
U/S 25m GL = +315.171m
D/S 25m GL = +314.460m
OMFL = +315.300m
Calculation of Maximum Flood Discharge: Catchment of
drain = 0.14 sq.kms. Using Dicken's Formula,
Maximum Flood Discharge Q = CM3/4 where C = 1400
M = C.A. in sq.miles = 0.054 sq.miles
.: Q = 1400 x 0.054^ 3/4 = 156.828 Cusecs
or 4.442 Cumecs
Reqrd.Discharge of StreamSection=4.442Cum.
Lacey's width = 0.60 to 0.80 of 4.80xQ^1/2
= 7.082 m
(byconsidering 0.845 m depth of flow)
Bed width of stream section= 5.392m
Assume Bed Width ( b ) = 5.40 m
F S D ( d ) = 0.56 m
Side Slopes ( N ) = 1.5 : 1
Rugosity Coefficient ( n ) = 0.03
Bed Slope ( s ) =1 in 250
Area of Section ( A )= ( b + N d)d
= 3.4944 sq.m
Perimeter ( P ) = 7.419 m
Hydraulic Radius ( R ) = ( A/P )
= 0.471 m
Velocity ( V ) = (1/n ) R2/3 S1/2
= 1.27618m/sec
Hydraulic Radius(R)= ( A/P )
= 0.471 m
Velocity ( V ) = (1/n ) R2/3 S1/2
= 1.27618 < 1.60 m/sec
Designed Discharge(Qd)= AV
=4.459 Cumec
>4.442 cumecs
Consider Bed Width= 5.400 m
Drain Bed Level= +314.740
for Structural design
To decide the length of the structure
The following are required
i) Details of Canal section
ii) Loss of head provision in the HP’s
iii) Height of structure available above FSL of canal
iv) Free board provision above FSL of Canal as per IS:7784
part2,Section-2 based on the canal discharge
2. Section of RCC Trough for the proposed Super
Passage :
By considering 1 Nos. of
3.00 X 0.56M RCC Trough Section
Velocity in Trough= 4.442 / (1X 3.00 X 0.56) = 2.644sec
and a Free Board of 0.52m is provided

0.25 315.820

0.52 315.300

0.56 +314.740
0.05 0.160
0.040 314.490
Finalisation of number of spans of the proposed structure can
be finalaised based on the top width of the canal with
sufficient free board as per IS:7784 and with the loss of
head provisions in the approved HP’s of the canal
Structural Design :
It requires the following
i) Mix design to be adopted
ii) Steel grade to be adopted
iii) Finalisation of design constants based on the design mix
adopted and steel grade adopted
3.Calculation of Design Constants:
Charecteristicstrength of concrete=30N/mm2(Table21IS:456-2000)
σcbc = 10 N/mm2 (From Table 21 of IS:456-2000)
σst = 190 N/mm2 (From Table 22 of IS:456-2000)
m = 280 = 9.333333
σcbc k = 1 1+ σst mσcbc = 0.3294118
j = 1- k/ 3 = 0.8901961
Q = 1 σcbc j k 2 = 1.4662053 N/mm2

σcbc = 10 N/mm2 or 100 Kg/cm2 considering

σst=150 N/mm2 or 1500 Kg/cm2(As per IS:3370-2008)
m = 280 = 9.333333 3σcbc k = 1 /1+ σst mσcbc = 0.3835616
j = 1- k /3 = 0.8721461
Q = 1 σcbc j k 2 = 1.672609 N/mm2 or 16.726 Kg/cm2

After the finalisation of the design constants the following are to

be designed
1.Design of Super Structure:
i) Structural design of Trough slab
ii) Structural design of side walls and intermediate walls
4. Design of Trough Slab :
Clear Span = 3.00 m
Overalldepth of slab = 0.16
Assuming 12 mmФ bars for Main Reinforcement ie.,dia=
0.012 m
Effective Depth(deff)= 0.16 - 0.012/2 - 0.03 = 0.124 or (deff)
= 12.4 cm
Considering M-30 Mix ,
t = 1500 kg/cm2 for HYSD bars(Tor steel 415)
c = 100 kg/cm2 and j = 0.87215
Loadings :
Weight of slab = 0.16 X 2.50 = 0.4 t/m 2
Weight of W.C = 0.05 X 2.40 = 0.12 t/m 2
Weight of water in trough = 1.08 X 1.00 = 1.08 t/m2
Add for Unforeseen = 0.03 t/m 2
= 1.63 t/m2
Weight of Live Load ( wl) = 0 t/m2
Weight of Dead Load ( wd) = 1.63 t/m2
I )BM @ Centre of span ( Net Moment at centre )
Mmax = ( w)l2 / 8 - w h3/6 Where l = 3.124 m
Mmax = 1778.52086 kg.m = 177852.09 or say
Effective Depth(deff)= √(M/Qb)
where Q= 16.726
b = 100 cm (deff) = 10.31 cm < 12.4 Hence OK
II )BM @ support (Net Moment due to water thrust)
B.Mmax due to the water thrust = wh3/6
w = 1000 kg / m3 h = 1.08 or cm
= 209.952 kg.m = 20995.2 kg.cm
5.Development Length ( Ld ) :
σs = 177852.086/0.872X12.441X12.4= 1322 kg/sq.cm
Designbond stress= 10 kg/sq.cm
Hence OK
Development Length(Ld)= Ǿσs/4 ‫ז‬bd =1.2X1322/4X10=40 cm
for the designed load
6. Pull due to water thrust ( p ) :
wh2/2 p = 1.00X1.08X1.08/2 = 0.5832 tonne per metre
7. Calculation of steel Reinforcement :
Area of Steel at centre of span(Ast)= M / ( t j d ) + p / t
where t = 1500 kg/cm2
(Ast) = 10.964 cm2 j = 0.87215 d = 12.4 cm
Spacing of 12 mm dia Tor. Bars = 1.131 X 100/10.964
= 10.316 cm c/c
provide spacing @ 3 X deff or 300 mm which ever is less 3 X
deff = 0.372 or 0.30
Hence provide 12 mm dia. Tor bars @ 10 cm c/c spacing at
bottom of slab
Therefore Area of Steel provided = (1.131X((100 / 10)+1)
= 12.441 as against 10.964 cm2
Minimum Reinforcement as per I.S:3370 part-II
Bitmap 100mm Th. 450mm Th.
For 160 mm Thick
% of Steel = 0.16%+0.08%X(450-160)/350 0.24% 0.16% =
Min. Area of Steel reqrd.=0.226X100X16/100= 3.621 cm2
< 12.441 cm2
Hence OK
How ever provide 12mm Tor bars at bottom of the slab
at 10 cm c/c
Area of Steel reqrd. at centre of span (Ast)= M/( t j d )+ p/ t
where t = 1500 kg/cm2
(Ast) = 1.295 cm2 j = 0.87215
Steel Reinforcement due to cranking = 12.441/2= 6.2205 cm2
d = 12.4 cm
Extra bars of 12 Tor. at a spacing of 200c/c= 3.393 cm2
9.6135 cm2 > 1.295 cm2
Hence OK
8. Distribution Steel : .
For 160 mm thick slab @ 0.15% of Gross area Area of Steel
= 0.15% X100 X 16 = 2.40 cm2
As per Clause 71.1.1 of I.S 456-2000 , distribution
Reinforcement may be reduced to 80% incase of HYSD bars
Area of Distribution Steel = 80% of 2.40 = 1.92 cm2
Providing 10mm bars at a spacing of 0.785X100/ 1.92
= 40.89 cm c/c
However provide distribution steel @ 30 cm c/c at bottom
and 30 cm c/cat top of slab
9. Check for Shear :
Shear force ( V ) = ( w l ) / 2 = 1.63 X 3.124 / 2 = 2.546
Tonnes = 2546 kg
Nominal Shear Stresss( ĩ v ) = V / b d = 2546 / 100 X
12.4 = 2.05 kg/cm2
For M-20 ĩ c max = 18 kg/cm2
ĩc max/2= 9 kg/cm2
For slabs ĩ v ≤ ĩ c max/2 as per B- of I.S.456: 2000
But ĩ v < ĩc max/2
Hence no shear Reinforcement is required
Percentage of Steel provided = 100 Ast/bd = 100 X 12.441 /
100 X 12.4 = 1.003 %
Permissible Shear Stress as per Table 23 of I.S.456: 2000
ĩ v = 3.9 kg/cm2 for 1.00 %
ĩ v = 4.2 kg/cm2 for 1.25 %
ĩ v for 1.003 % = 3.904 kg/cm2
For solid slabs as per B- k' value for depth of slab 160
mm = 1.28
Hence Permisible Shearstress = 1.28X3.904 = 4.997 kg/cm2 >
2.05 kg/cm2
Hence OK
10.Check for Bond Stress :
Bond Stress ( ‫ז‬bd ) = V / ΣO deff
where ΣO = 1000 X ╥X d/s d= 12 mm
= 2546.06/37.692X12.4 = 376.92 mm
s= 100 mm = 5.448 kg/cm2 = 37.692 cm
Permissible Bond Stress as per Table 21 of I.S.456: 2000
and B-2.1.2
For M-30 Grade ‫ ד‬bd = 10 kg/cm2 = 1.6X10 kg/cm2 = 16
kg/cm2 > 5.448 kg/cm2
11. Design of Side Beams :
The RCC side walls of Trough are designed as side beams
Overall Depth of Side Beam = 1.33 m or 133 cm
choosing 20 mm dia Tor bars,
the Effective Depth(deff) = 133 -4 -2/2 = 128 cm or 1.28 m
or 1280 mm
The effective span will be the least of the two below
( I ) Effective Span = 8.9 + 2 X 0.50 / 2 = 9.4 m
( ii ) Effective Span = 8.9 + 1.28 = 10.18 m
Therefore Effective Span = 9.4 m
Loads on the Side Beam :
Self Weight of Wall = 1.33 X 2.5 X 0.25 = 0.831 t / m
Self Weigtht of Slab= 1 / 2 X 3.00 X 2.50 X 0.16=0.6 t / m
Weight of W. C.=1/2 X3.00 X 2.40 X0.05=0.180t / m
Weight of Water = 1 / 2 X 3.00 X 1.00 X 1.08= 1.620 t/ m
Weight of Haunches=1 X 0.15 X 2.40 X 0.15 = 0.054 t / m
Total 3.285 t / m
BM max. = w l2 /8= 3.285 X 88.36/ 8 = 36.29 t.m
or 3628559 kg.cm
Effective Depth(deff) = √(M/Qb) where b= 25 cm
= 93.15 cm < 128
Hence O K
12. Area of Steel :
Area of Steel required (Ast) =M/(tjd)
where t = 1500 kg/cm2 j = 0.87215 d = 128 cm
(Ast) = 3628559 / 1500 X 0.874 X 128 = 21.669 cm2
However provide a minimum of (Ast)= 0.85bd/fy
= 655.42 mm2 or where b = 250 mm where f y = 415 N / mm2
6.554 cm2 d = 1280 mm
Therefore provide 21.669 cm2 of steel By providing 20 mm
dia Tor bars,with each bar of 3.143 cm2 cross sectional
No of bars required = 21.669/3.143 = 6.89 nos.
Therefore priovide 7.00 Nos. of 20 mm dia Tor bars at
bottom and the area of steel provided is 7 X3.143 22.001
cm2 as against of 21.669 cm2 and
provide2No.s of 16 mm dia Tor bars at top of the Beam
13. Check for Shear & Shear Design :
Shear force ( V ) = ( w l ) / 2 = 3.285 X 9.4 / 2 = 15.441
Tonnes = 15441 kg
Nominal Shear Stresss( ĩ v ) = V / b d = 15441 / 25 X
128 = 4.83 kg/cm2
Percentage of Steel provided = 100 Ast/bd = 100 X 22.001
/ 25 X 128 = 0.688 %
ĩc = 3 kg/cm2 for 0.50 % and ĩ c = 3.5 kg/cm2 for 0.75 %
ĩc for 0.688 % = 3.375 kg/cm2 tv > tc
Hence Shear Reinforcement is required Shear for which
reinforcement is required
Vs = V - tc b d = 15441 - 3.375 x 0 x 128 = 15441 Kgs
for vertical stirrups Vs = ssvAsv d Bitmap Sv
Assuming 12 mm for 2 legged stirrups
Asv = 2 x 1.131 = 2.26 cm2 ssv = 1500 Kgs/cm2
Sv = 1500 x 2.26 x 128 15441 = 28 cm
Maximum Spacing of Reinforcement
(As per Clause of IS : 456 - 2000)
i) 0.75 x d = 96.00 cms
ii) 30 cms 30
iii) Sv = 28 cms
Minimum of the above three is 28 cms
However provide 12 f 2 legged stirrups @ 25 cm c/c bars
= 41 Nos.
Total area of 2 legged stirrups with 12 tor bars on each face=
92.72 cm2 per span
14. Check for Bond Stress :
Bond Stress ( ‫ז‬bd ) = V / ΣO deff
where ΣO = 12 X ╥X d d= 20 mm = 15440675/43.974X128
= 439.74 mm bars 7.00 Nos.=2.743 kg/cm2 = 43.974 cm
Permissible Bond Stress as per Table 21 of I.S.456: 2000
and B-2.1.2
For M-30 Grade ‫ ד‬bd = 10 kg/cm2 = 1.6X10 kg/cm2 = 16
kg/cm2 > 2.743 kg/cm2
Hence OK
15. Minimum Reinforcement as per I.S:3370 part-II
Bitmap 100mm Th. to 450mm Th.
For 250 mm Thick % of Steel = 0.16%+0.08%X(450-
250)/350 0.24% 0.16% = 0.206 Minimum Area of Steel
required = 0.206X100X0/100 = 5.143 cm2 < 92.72 cm2
Hence OK
16. Design of Side wall for Horizontal water thrust :
B.Mmax due to the water thrust = wh3/6
where w = 1000 kg / m3 h = 1.08 or 108 cm= 209.952 kg.m
= 20995 kg.cm
Effective Depth(deff)= √(M/Qb)
where Q= 16.726 b = 100 cm (deff) = 3.54 cm Using 10
mm dia Tor bars , available effective depth = 25 -3 -1/2=
21.5 > 3.54
Hence OK
Area of Steel required (Ast) =M/(tjd)
where t = 1500 kg/cm2 j = 0.87215 d = 21.5 cm
(Ast) = 20995 / 1400 X 0.916 X 21.5 = 0.746 cm2
As per Clause, of I.S.456-2000 the side
reinforcement is necessary as the Depth exceeds 750mm
As per the above clause (Ast) shouldnot be less than
0.10% of Web area
0.10% of Web area = 0.1%X 133X25= 3.325 cm2
Provide 10mm dia tor bars on both the faces @ 33 cm c/c
No. of bars= 5
However provide 5 No.s of 10 mm dia Tor bars extra on
both the faces of the wall (inner & outer)
At a spacing of 30 cm c/c
17. Check for Wind Force :
( When trough is without water condition )
Horizontal wind pressure as per IRC section-II = 240kg /sq.m
Bending Moment = 240X1.33X1.33/2= 212.268 Kg.m or
21226.8 Kg.cm
Area of steel required =
21226.8/1500X0.872146118721461X128 = 0.126 cm2 <
92.72 cm2
Hence OK
18. Check for Slendeerness Limits :
Slenderness Limits for beams to ensure lateral stability clear
span(l) ≤ 60 b = 1500 ≥ l ( 890cm)
span(l)≤ 250 b2/d = 1221 ≥ l ( 890cm)
Hence OK
Design of Sub Structure:
i) Design of Piers
ii) Design of Abutments
iii) Wing walls
iv) Return walls
3.Design of Foundation:
4.Protection works

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