Creativity Journal
Creativity Journal
Creativity Journal
sponge activities to bring out the
inherent creativity in your students
compiled by Shannan LaPorte, TAG teacher
Research shows that creativity is something that needs to be nurtured in order for
it to reach its fullest potential in young people. This creativity journal, inspired by
activity ideas in the book listed above, is meant to provide a springboard for bringing out
the creativity in elementary school students. The activities can be used as a daily journal,
or as “sponge” activities when a few minutes present themselves during the day. They
can also be used to generate other related activities.
It is important to give students time to work on the activities independently, as
well as time to share and discuss the ideas generated by the activities.
Creativity Journal: Fairy Tale Twist
Take a fairy tale that you know well (Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood,
etc.), and change one aspect of the story to make it funny. Write your new
fairy tale.
Creativity Journal: Poetry
Write a poem about any topic you choose. Use any form of poetry that you
Creativity Journal: In Another’s Eyes
Describe an argument you have recently had with someone else or observed
between two people. Write about the event from someone else’s point of
view. What was that person thinking? How did that person feel?
Creativity Journal: Inventions
Think of something you do every day, and how it could be made better,
easier, or more fun. Invent something that will help accomplish that goal.
Draw and describe it below.
Creativity Journal: Transportation
Make a list of 10 words that don’t seem to have anything to do with one
another. Then choose two of the words and explain how they are related.
Choose another two, and repeat. Continue.
Creativity Journal: The Seed
Imagine that you find an unusual seed lying on the ground. You take it
home and plant it. A few days later, it starts to grow from the ground. Draw
and describe the plant that is made from the seed. Explain why it is an
unusual plant.
Creativity Journal: Questioning
Draw an interesting picture in the top half of the rectangle below. Then
switch papers with a partner and write at least 5 questions about your
partner’s picture underneath it.
Creativity Journal: Pictures
In the space below, draw some lines, curves, and shapes that could be almost
anything. Then switch journals with a partner who has done the same thing.
Complete your partner’s picture.
Creativity Journal: Using Senses
Write a play for 2-3 characters. Include one or more elements of fantasy in
your play.
Creativity Journal: Possibilities
(source: Invitations to Thinking and Doing, Myers and Torrance, 1964, p. 21)
Creativity Journal: Similes
You may be familiar with words that would complete the similes in the
traditional way. Whether you are or not, though, complete each simile with
something unique and interesting that no one else would think of.
funny as…
hard as…
wet as…
soft as…
nervous as…
crooked as…
(source: Invitations to Thinking and Doing, Myers and Torrance, 1964, p. 29)
Creativity Journal: Common Threads
Look at each group of three words below. Think carefully about the words,
and for each row write what all three words have in common.
Now write three words of your own, and explain what they have in common.
(source: Invitations to Thinking and Doing, Myers and Torrance, 1964, p. 33)
Creativity Journal: Titles
Write a really interesting story below, but don’t give it a title. When you are
through, swap journals with a partner. Give his or her story a title, and he or
she will do the same for your story.
Creativity Journal: Interesting Names
What if you woke up one day and everyone’s houses were right side up, but
the rest of the world was upside down? What would such a world be like?
Write about it.
Creativity Journal: Synthesizing
You will find a box in the attic. In the box are: a magnet, a can opener, a
baseball glove, a pair of panty hose, a saw, a tricycle, a jar, a sweater, and a
tennis racquet. You combine two or more of the items to make something
new. Describe what you made.
(Source: Invitations to Thinking and Doing, Myers and Torrance, 1964, p. 33)
Creativity Journal: Title First
Write down the most interesting story title you can. Then swap papers with
a partner. Write a story to go with your partners’ title, and your partner will
do the same for your title.
Creativity Journal: Explanations
You get on the bus one morning and the seats have been replaced with
canoes. What possible explanations are there for this? List as many as you
Creativity Journal: Consequences
You are in charge of the school store. You arrive one morning to find that
all of the things to sell at the store are gone. What possible solutions are
there to this problem?
Creativity Journal
Myers, R. E. & Torrance, E.P. (1964). Invitations to Thinking and Doing. Boston: Ginn
and Company.
Smutny, J. F.(2001). Creative Strategies for Teaching Language Arts to Gifted Students
(K-8). ERIC Digest E612.
Torrance, E. P. (1979). The Search for Satori & Creativity. Buffalo: Creative Education
Foundation, Inc.