Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Q2: The only tool available for the nurse? Non-Verbal Communication Techniques
A: SELF (nurse) -> SELF AWARENESS (You cannot → Proxemics: physical space or physical distance
give what you don’t have) • Not too near because it can invade personal
Q3: When is trust established? • Not too far because the patient may feel you are
A: Sharing scared and not sincere
★ Proper physical space: 3-6 ft (one arm and a half)
Elements of Therapeutic Relationship → Kinetics: Body movements (gestures, facial
→ T - rust expressions, mannerisms)
→ R - apport → Touch: intimate physical contact (invasive) NEED A
→ U - nconditional positive regard (Accepting the client CONSENT
for who they are) • Especially when patient had experienced rape,
→ S - et limits (Suicidal patients: reinforce suicidal abuse
precautions) → Silence: agreeing, listening, encourages the patient to
→ T - herapeutic use of self -> THERACOMM talk
→ Paralanguage: voice quality (tone, inflection), how the
Therapeutic Behaviors message is delivered
→ These are the characteristics the nurse should have to
enable to handle the client Verbal Communication
1. Genuineness: sincerity and honesty → Therapeutic in nature
• All things you say are based on reality → Should be therapeutic, appropriate, simple, adaptive,
2. Concreteness: ability to identify one’s feelings concise and credible
• The nurse should be adaptive
3. Respect: consideration of the client as a unique being Therapeutic Communication (Theracomm)
• They have different beliefs though they have the → Offering self: Let me sit here with you for 5 minutes
same condition • Specific:
• Accepting the client for who they are • Measurable
• Attainable
Phases of the Therapeutic Relationship • Realistic
I. Pre interaction/Pre orientation phase • Time Bounded
• no contact with patient → Active Listening: ah, huh, yes, no
• Secondary sources (chart/journals/books) → Exploring: You said Hannah was the best, can you
• SELF AWARENESS describe her?
II. Interaction/Orientation phase → Broad openings: Where would you like to begin?
• Establish TRUST → Making observations: I noticed you have combed your
• Assess the client hair today
• Establish mutual agreement → Summarizing: In the past 15 minutes we have talked
• Informing termination about….
III. Working phase
• Considered as the “Longest Phase” Hallucination (without stimuli) / Illusion (with stimuli)
• Achieving goals and sharing facts → Visual - vision
• Resolve the problem → Auditory - hearing (described as the most dangerous
• A phase that is “Highly individualized” (each type because it can issue a command)
client has its own differences according to → Tactile - feeling
OF THE CLIENT) Encouraging description of perception/Acknowledging
IV. Termination phase Presenting Reality
• Moving towards independence
• Trying of the patient is now independent Situation: Patient states, “I am hearing voices..”
• Observe for regressive behaviors → EDP/Acknowledging: Nurse will reply, “What are the
voices telling you?”
Therapeutic Communication → Presenting reality: I know that the voices are
→ A DYNAMIC PROCESS of exchanging information frightening but there are no voices here…
→ It changes depending on the response of the patient → Seeking clarification: Do you mean? Do you say?
→ 2 Techniques: Verbal and Non-Verbal Techniques → Reflecting: Mas makakabuti ba sayo pag iniwan mo
• Used simultaneously for communication to be ang asawa mo? (Letting the client reflect with the
effective guidance but not the opinion of the nurse)
→ Restating: Rephrasing
Elements of Therapeutic Communication
1. Sender: Encoder Situation: Patient states, “I am down”
• The source of message Nurse: You feel depressed?
2. Message: Information → General leads: Go on…
• The information transmitted → Focusing: Let us look at it more closely...
3. Receiver: Decoder
• Recipient of message
Non-Therapeutic Communication → Loose associations: not related, without meaning
Common pitfalls such as: (PHRASES)
→ Giving advise → Perseveration: persevere -> stick with one topic only
• Patient will solve his/her own problem, you will just → Echolalia: parrot-like imitation of speech
guide → Palilalia: stereotyped words/last syllable (nahulog-
→ Talking about self loglogloglog)
→ Telling the client is wrong → Verbigeration: repetition of words or nonsense
→ False reassurance phrases
→ Asking WHY (it demands an answer, makes client → Coprolalia: copro (feces), lalia (logic/speech) -> trash
unrelaxed and uneasy/arouses deep seated feelings) talkers, curse, badwords (more common:
*Except: Suicide (needs direct questioning) Schizophrenia)
→ Neologism: new words
3 Spheres Jargons: they created words and all of them understand
→ ID: Pleasure, Irrational it
• Antisocial personality disorder Example: medical jargons (TID, BID, OD)
→ Ego: Reality based
→ Superego: Conscience, ego ideal Morse code
• Balances the ID SOS (… - - - …) - emergency
• Our part that is idealistic → Blocking: sudden cessation of thought (mental block)
• Obsessive compulsive personality disorder → Word salad: mixture of unrelated words (WORDS)
→ Clang association: rhyming
Defense Mechanisms
1. Repression - unconsciously forgetting (di sadya) Disturbances in Perception
• Have trauma in the past and when asked he/she → Delusions: fixed false beliefs (e.g. “I am the Queen of
cannot remember anything about it England.”) - persecutory, grandeur
2. Suppression - consciously forgetting (sadya) → Magical Thinking: people believe in magic, common in
3. Reaction formation - plastic/plastik/orocan preschoolers
4. Rationalization: reasoning out/making excuses → Paranoia: extreme suspiciousness; could be a
5. Projection: blaming others diagnosis; more general term
6. Introjection: blaming self/exact replica of other people → Religiosity: obsession of religious ideas; point of focus
7. Compensation: weak at one aspect, strong on another is in religion
aspect → Grandiosity: point of focus is himself (e.g. kung gaano
8. Denial: unacceptance of the truth kaganda)
9. Displacement: channeling of anxiety → Phobia: irrational fear; fear is unreasonable (e.g.
10. Regression: Going back to the previous developmental natatakot sa isang baso ng tubig)
stage → Obsession: persistent thoughts
11. Undoing: hugas kamay -> relieve guilt → Compulsion: persistent actions
12. Conversion: anxiety -> physical symptoms → Preoccupation: idea with intense desire; should be
13. Intellectualization: reasoning in a detailed manner satisfied ; much worse
(references) → Thought broadcasting: “others know what I am
14. Substitution: unavailable -> available thinking”; common in people with paranoia
15. Sublimation: unacceptable -> acceptable → Delusions of reference (palaging naiisip)/Ideas of
16. Identification: idolization reference (minsanan lang): talk of the town
● Management:
o Systemic desentization: gradual exposure to
the object
▪ Always mauuna
o Flooding: sudden exposure
o Breathing exercises
o Thought stopping: diversional activity -
o Guided Imagery: conditioning mind in thinking
▪ Allow them to open the wrappers
Major Depression Bipolar
→ Increased dopamine
3 Main Types
1. Catatonic Schizophrenia
• Abnormal motor behavior
• S/SX
o Catatonia
o Waxy flexibility
o Mutism
o Negativism
• Defense mechanism: Repression
• Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired motor activity
• Management:
o Circulation - needs ROM exercises
o Nutrition - because they are not moving
(spoon feeding/tube feeding is done)
2. Disorganized Schizophrenia
• Bizarre behaviors
• Like taong grasa, umiihi sa kalsada
• S/SX:
o Thought
o Movements
o Speech: neologisms
• Defense mechanisms: Regression
• Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Social Functioning
• Management:
o ADL assistance
3. Paranoid Schizophrenia
• Extreme suspiciousness/Ideas of reference
• S/SX:
o Delusions
o Hallucinations
o Flight of ideas
• Defense mechanisms: Projection (Paranoid)
• Nursing Diagnosis: Potential injury directed to
self/others (they are hostile, aggressive)
• Management:
o Safety - due to potential injury directed to
o Nutrition - they feel there are — motives
against them
▪ Give food sealed