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The Ohio State C‘nir~ersity,Columbus 10, Ohio

Mass transfer coefficients from packed beds of benzoic acid spheres to water and propylene glycol soh-
tions were mieasured in the very low Reynolds number, N R ~ ’ ,range of 0.0016 to 55. Studies using bed
heights from ‘/4 to 4 inches showed the mass transfer, J, to b e affected only slightly. No effects on J were
found on diluting the bed b y a factor of 10 to 1 with inert spheres. Varying the Schmidt number, Nscr from
950 to 70,600 had no effect on J when Nsc2I3was used. Data obtained from internal samples gave the same
J values as from outlet samples and showed that axial mixing effects were small. Gupta and Thodos
experimentally found J to b e inversely proportional to the void fraction and this was shown to b e very similar
to that derived b y Pfeffer. Equations are proposed for liquids for the entire range of N R ~ from’ 0.001 6
to 1500.

A S S transferof fluids in packed beds of spherical particles glycol-40% \cater solurion \cas doivnflow through the fixed
is encountered in many different processes at very low packed bed of benzoic acid spheres. The outlet flow \cas
sampled and analyzed. The column inside diameter \vas
velocities in chromatography, ion exchange, combustion of fine 2.625 inches. T h e bottom layer of the packed bed rested
particles, and petroleum reservoir engineering. Relatively on a screen and consisted of 2 inches of inert glass spheres of
few data on liquids are available covering the effects on J of 0.238-inch diameter. O n top of this \vas the active packed
wide variations of Schmidt number? at very low Reynolds bed of benzoic acid spheres or the active dilute bed of a mixture
numbers, XRe’,below 0.05, of variations of bed length, and of of benzoic and inert glass spheres randomly arranged. Then
on top of this layer \cas another ?-inch layer of inert glass
dilution of the bed with inert spheres. spheres. The 2 inches of inlet and outlet layers of inert glass
’It’illiamson, Bazaire, and Geankoplis (76) obtained mass spheres \cere used to eliminate channeling and end effects.
transfer coefficients for packed beds of benzoic acid spheres The new benzoic acid spheres were true spheres and had a
and \vater in the .YRe’ range of 0.05 to 55. They correlated mean diameter of 0.2510 inch and the average decrease in
diameter after a run lvas 2.67, for all the runs. The diameter
the data of others (6, 1 7 ) using .Vsc0,a8 instead of -VsC213, Mc-
used in the calculations \%.asthe average of the diameter before
Cune and ‘It‘ilhelm ( 7 7 ) used modified spheres of 2-naphthol and after the run. The void fraction of the bed \vas deter-
and water and obtained J values for a -\71ze’ range of 14 to mined by counting the number of benzoic or benzoic plus glass
1440. Gaffney and Drew (6) studied mass transfer of modified spheres in the active bed for a given height and calculating
spheres with liquids i n a *\-Re’ range of 0.4 to 765 using a \vide the void fraction, e . The internal samples of liquid in the bed
were sampled using a small glass capillary tube inserted from
range of .Vs,. the side radially into the active bed. The tip of the sampler
Pfeffer (72) derived a theoretical equation relating J to had five glass spheres attached as a cluster to eliminate erro-
ITRe’which holds for high Peclet numbers and low .VRe’ or neous sampling which could occur if the open tip \cere next to
mainly liquids. He also derived a n expression for the effect a benzoic acid sphere.
o f t on J . Gupta and ‘Thodos (8)experimentally determined J
Experimental Data and Calculations
to be proportional to 1,’e for gases in the high >YRe’region.
They also correlated all the mass transfer data on gases for a The values for the mass transfer coefficient and the J factor
J V ~range
~ ~ ’ of 12 to 2NO. Bradshaw and Bennett ( 7 ) shoived were calculated using Equations 1. 2, and 3 where C1 = 0 and
that the J value of liquids should be lower than the J of gases b = C? C,,.
at low .YRe’ because of the higher Schmidt number of liquids.
DeAcetis and Thodos ( 3 ) :Bradshaw and Meyers ( 2 ) :Brad- L(C2 - C J = k,U.,fX(LC) 111 (1)
shaw and Bennett ( 7 ) , and McCune and ’IVilhelm ( 7 7) studied
effects of bed height on J at high Reynolds numbers. De-
Acetis and Thodos (3) also studied dilute beds-i.e., the effect
of inert spheres mixed 1,cith the active spheres in a packed bed.
In the present work mass transfer coefficients of benzoic acid
The solubility data for benzoic acid in Mater and the -VSc
spheres in water and propylene glycol solutions Lvere obtained
are those used by others (70. 7 1 ) . The data for benzoic acid
in packed beds in the .l‘Re’region of 0.0016 to 55. The effects
in the solution 60% propylme glyc01-40% water are those of
of bed height, dilute beds, and internal sampling \cere also
Steinberger and Tre) bal (75). Final mass transfer results
studied. The data kveie correlated and equations presented.
are given in Table I For the calculation of J for the internal
sample data (series 111). the distance from the inlet of the bed
Experimental Methods to the internal sampling point was used as X and the internal
The apparatus used and the experimental methods are very sample concentration as C?in Equations 1, 2. and 3.
similar to those used by ‘IVilliamson, Bazaire, and Geankoplis
(76). The inlet flow of pure d i d l e d pvater or a 607, propylene Discussion and Results
1 Present address, Dow Chemical Co., Midland. Mich. Effect of Bed Height. Data for bed heights of 0.25>0.50,

VOL. 5 NO. 1 F E B R U A R Y 1966 9

Table 1. Experimental Mass Transfer Data
Over-all No. hro .
Run qmp., Bed Benzoic Inert Ratio
No. c. b Ht., In. Spheres Spheres R N00 J
Runs with Water (e = 0.436)
1.1 26.9 0.0966 876 1.176 2.691
1.2 26.1 0.3734 914 0.1120 13.07
1.3 25.0 0.8456 970 7.85 x 10-3 56.8
1.4 27.3 0.1679 0.50 184 ... ... 859 1.250 2.470
1.5 25.6 0.9403 0.50 184 ... ... 939 2.013 X 42.1
1.6 26.8 0.2622 881 11.07 0.520
1.7 26.4 0.7007 899 1.240 2.104
1.8 25.8 0.9810 928 0.1073 7.13
11.1 26.2 0.7642 0.50 184 ... ... 909 5.75 x 10-2 20.85
11.2 25.8 0.8707 0.50 184 ... ... 928 5.04 X 0 -2 29.96
11.4 23.4 0.9545 0.50 184 ... ... 1063
~~. ~ 1.441 > 10-2 48.0
11.5 22.7 0.9783 0.50 184 ... ... 1107 7.78 X 0 62.1
11.6 23.5 0.9649 0.50 184 ... ... 1056 4.94 x 0 -3 50.7
Runs with Water and Internal Sampling (E = 0,401)
III.3= 25.0 0.1440 4.25 735 1103 2.5 970 10.65 0.567
111.3b 25.0 0,0322 1.25 735 1103 2.5 970 10.65 0.407
111.45 24.5 0.9666 9.30 X 0 -2 13.49
111.4b 24.5 0.6989 9.30 X 0 -2 16.20
111.5“ 30.0 0.1613 12.18 0.543
111.5b 30.0 0.0599 12.18 0.437
111.6“ 29.0 0,9624 16.0 735 6616 10 792 0.1222 10.83
111.bb 29.0 0.8093 7.0 735 6616 10 792 0.1222 12.57
111.7” 28.3 0.4947 16.0 735 6616 10 818 1.261 2.382
111.7b 28.3 0.2612 7.0 735 6616 10 818 1.261 2.430
Runs with Water ( e = 0,401)
111.1 26.1 0,0470 4.0 184 1656 10 914 10.58 0.673
111.2 25.6 0.586 4.0 184 1656 10 939 0.1027 13.20
Runs with Water ( e = 0,403)
IV.1 21.3 0.529 4.0 735 985 2.3 1203 0,787 3.30
IV.2 20.9 0.905 4.0 735 985 2.3 1231 0.1640 10.51
IV.3 21.7 0,305 4.0 735 985 2.3 1171 2.240 1.544
IV.4 21.7 0.0592 4.0 735 985 2.3 1174 57.7 0.259
IV.5 21.5 0.2243 4.0 735 985 2.3 1188 3.89 1.098
Runs with 60% Propylene Glycol-405; IVater Solution (E = 0.436)
v. 1 26.6 0.0456 2.0 740 ... 52,300 1.042 2,425
v.2 25.5 0.1572 2.0 740 ... 59,100 9.42 X 10.57
v.3 23.9 0,5090 2.0 740 ... 70.600 1.028 X 54.68
v.4 25.0 0.8743 2.0 740 ... ... 61 900 1.582 x 10-3 120.4
a J calculated from outlet concentration sample. b J calculated from internal concentration sample.

2.0, and 4.0 inches are plotted in Figure 1. The line for J shaw and Bennett (7) in using gases and beds 5 to 10 inches
for 0.25 and 0.50 inch is higher by about 15% than the line for in length studied the A\’Re’ range of 400 to 10,000. They also
2.0 inches at a .YRe’ less than 1.0. Also, the J value of one corrected the mean driving force by a graphical integration and
point for the 4.0-inch bed is slightly lower than the value for then found no effect of height on J .
the 2.0-inch bed at a .VRe’ of about 0.1. At a S R e ’ of over 1.0 DeAcetis and Thodos (3)found no effect of bed height \\hen
there seems to be no effect of bed height. The data at Reyn- using gases at a .VRe’ range of 1 3 to 2100 and bed heights of
olds numbers below 1.0 scatter enough to cast doubt on the one, three, and five layers of spheres.
fact that there is a slight effect of bed height. I n all these Csing liquids, McCune and N’ilhelm ( 7 7) studied heights of
runs there were 2.0 inches of inert spheres above and below the 6, 11, and 18 inches and found no effect of bed height at a
active bed to eliminate end effects. ,\’Re’ range of 15 to 1440.
Gupta and Thodos ( 9 ) found that if three layers of inert Hence, it appears that for gases and at a .VRc’ above 15
spheres were used above a three-layer active bed, the J value bed height has no effect on J , if the proper driving force is used
was about 30y0greater than if no inerts were used. This work which essentially corrects for axial mixing Belo\t this value
was for gases and at a ,VRe’ range of 500 to 2000 and indicates of ATRe’ no data are available. For liquids there Mas no effect
entrance effects present which increase the axial mixing, as of bed height at a value of AVRe’ above 1.0 and below thls AVRe’
discussed by Epstein ( 4 ) . there may be a slight effect.
Bradshaw and Meyers ( 2 ) found that at a A V R e ’ over 400 for Dilute Beds. In Figure 2 the J values for dilute beds are
gases the J v a l u e s were constant for bed heights of 1 to 4 inches about 12y0 higher than for the equivalent 2 0-inch bed having
if the mean driving force used for the longer lengths was ob- the same number of benzoic acid spheres. However, as shown
tained by graphical integration using the outlet concentrations later, J is proportional to l i e After correcting for this effect
from the shorter and longer lengths. If the log mean driving and calculating J E for the dilute bed having an e of 0 402
force of the outlet and inlet concentration was used, the J v a l u e and the regular bed of 0 436, the J Evalue for the dilute bed is
for the 4-inch bed was 40y0 less than for the 1-inch bed. Brad- only 3% higher than the regular bed. This is \tithin the

Figure 1 . Effect of bed height on J
1. Bed heights 1 /4 and 1 / 2 inch, this work
2. Bed height 2 inches, Williamson, Bazaire, Geonkoplis
3. Bed height 4 inches, this work

experimental error. Hence, for liquids there is no significant an exponent of 2, on the -Vsoand Jproportional to ( - V R ~ ’ ) - * ~ ~ .
difference in values of between regular and dilute beds below The average deviation of the points from the line in Figure 3
a .Vxe‘ of 55. is =k6.77, and the maximum is -28%. The equation for the
De.4cetis and Thodos ( 3 ) used gases and found no effect of line for the ,VRe’ range of 0.0016 to 55 is
dilute beds for dilution ratios of 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 and a .Vne’
range of 1 3 to 2100. J = 2.50 (AVRe’)-z’3 (4)
Schmidt Number. The data for J for the 2.0-inch bed The exponent of .YRe’ is -2/3, the same as that predicted by
and benzoic acid diffiising to pure water and to a solution of Pfeffer.
607, propylene glycol-40yc water are plotted in Figure 3. J from Internal Samples and Axial Mixing. Internal
The .Vsc was varied from 950 to 70,600 or by a factor of 75 to 1. samples were taken at a distance of 3 0 7 , of the over-all X or
Hence, in this extreme .Ysc’ range the data correlate using the active bed height from the inlet in the runs with a dilution of
AVscto the exponent. If the exponent of 0.58 of Gaffney 2.5 to 1 and at a distance of 447, of X in the 10 to 1 dilution
and Drew (6) is used, the line for J of the propylene glycol series. T h e value of J was calculated using the inlet concen-
solution drops 327, be!ow the line for water. tration and the concentration of the internal sample of the
Gaffney and Drew varied the .Vs, from 159 to 13,260 in the bed and also using the inlet and outlet of the over-all bed.
range of .\*Re’ of 0.4 to 750, bu[ their data scatter considerably in These data, plotted in Figure 4, show that the J values are the
the region of low *Vne’. PfefTer (72) derived a theoretical same, and hence, that it is correct to use the (SC),,n or log mean
equation for liquids for the region of’ low and obtained driving force even for values of b up to 0.95.


I 0 10/1
I 0 2.3/1 735
/ I (NO DIL’N) 735 (2‘’ BED) Y
5- -
rt -

0.5 -
0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 5 IO 50 100
Figure 2. Effects of bed diluted with inert spheres on J

VOL. 5 NO. 1 FEBRUARY 1966 11

This also shows that axial mixing effects for liquids are small The data for the Peclet number for liquids in packed beds,
in this 1V'ne region, since the values of J are the same for outlet summarized by Stahel and Geankoplis (73), show that the
and internal sampling. Epstein (4) has shown in his deriva- effect of .YRa' on .V, at very low values of ,trRe' is uncertain
tions that the greatest effects of axial mixing on J occur at low and may vary markedly with .Vne', diameter, etc. Hence,
packing heights and/or at high values of b. Gottschlich (7) because the effect is small for liquids and the Peclet number
in his equations showed that for the liquid data of Gaffney and data are inadequate, the corrections for axial mixing on the
Drew (6) and McCune and Wilhelm ( 7 7) and a range of 'lrne' data of J of this work were not made.
of 0.4 to 1440 the axial dispersion effects were small and only This discussion points out the desirability of getting mass
0.1 to 4.7%. transfer data at different bed heights or getting internal samples,
For gases and turbulent flow Bradshaw and Meyers (2) and so that the true concentration gradient and mean driving
Bradshaw and Bennett (7) calculated the effect of axial mixing force can be determined. The J v a l u e s obtained should be the
for a Peclet number of 2.0 to be 4 to 30% for the data in packed values corrected for axial dispersion and possibly end effects.
beds. They also found, in using the mean driving force If only inlet and outlet samples at one bed length are taken,
determined by a graphical integration, no effect of height on the J values must be corrected for axial dispersion by assuming
J values. This corresponds to taking into account the effect a Peclet number for these particular conditions.
of axial mixing. Effect of e on J. The effect of B on J in packed beds of

, 1 , , 1 1 1 1 I I I I IIll I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I (I""1 1 ' ' I ' I ' Y

50 -
- 0 2.W OUTLET
- 0 2.5/1 INTERNAL -
'5& -
Jj 10/1
5- '\
J -
- *\ \

I .o
'' -
0.5 1
'Y -
- 4'
- '\ -
0.1 I l 1 1 l l 1 1 I I llllll I I I Illll I I I I Ill I I I lllk

gases was studied experimentally in detail by Gupta and J = 1.26 (O~(A~R~’)-’’~ (6)
Thodos (8) for e values of 0.416, 0.570, and 0.778 and a range 1 - (1 - 4 5 1 3
of NRe’ of 100 to 2000. They found J to be proportional to
pt where
(Of = [2 - 3(1 - ,)‘I3 + 3(1 - t)5I3 - 2(1 - e)’ (7)

I n Figure 5 are plotted the 1/(0€values of Pfeffer calculated

(Or = (5) from Equation 7 and the experimental values of l/pC from
Pfeffer (72) derived the following equations for high values Equation 5. Both correlations are very similar. In the range
of the Peclet number and A‘Fe >> 1 and low values of NRE’ or o f t of 0.35 to 0.75, the extreme range usually encountered in
primarily liquids: packed beds, the ( o of
~ Pfeffer is a n average of 6.9y0 greater than
that of Gupta and Thodos. For a single sphere, e = 1.0 and
for a NRE’of 2000, the experimental point of Evnochides and
Thodos (5) is plotted and checks very closely the value of
I t is recommended that, for liquids in packed beds at low
NEe’, the pf of 1/t be used since it is simpler to use and gives
values very close to Pfeffer’s.
Correlation of Je US. NRe’. In Figure 6 the liquid mass
transfer data are compared for downflow through packed beds
of spheres. The recommended correlation is line 1 for a range
of NRe’of 0.0016 to 55 and for a range o f t of 0.35 to 0.75 and
the equation is
JC = 1.09(LVRe’)-2’3 (8)
For the region of .VRe’of 55 to 1500, line 4, which is simply the
best line through the data, is recommended and the equation is
J€ = 0.250(NR,’)-0‘31 (9)
The average line for the data of Gaffney and Drew (6) is
15% above Equation 8 in the low region of IVR~’and a maxi-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 mum of 24% above Equation 9. Equation 6 of Pfeffer pre-
E dicts J values 25% higher than Equation 8 for this work.
Figure 5. Effect of void fraction on correc- The average line for the data of McCune and Wilhelm deviates
tion factor, pa,for J of packed beds a maximum of 13% from Equations 8 and 9 over the range of
1. Gupta, Thodos. Experimental for gases, NR,’of 100 the data. The over-all range in values of Alrscfor all the data is
to 2000 165 to 10,690 for the data of Gaffney and Drew, 1367 for Mc-
2. Evnochides, Thodos. Experimental for gases and Cune and Wilhelm, and 950 to 70,600 for this work and
single sphere, N R ~ ‘of
’ 2000
3. Pfeffcr. Calcuilated from Equation 7 the work of Williamson, Bazaire, and Geankoplis (76).

Figure 6. Plot of JE vs. NRe’ for liquids

1 I This work and Williamson, Bazaire, Geankoplis. ’ 0.001 6 to 55
Recommended line for N R ~ of
2. McCune and Wilhelm
3. Gaffney and Drew
4.. Recommended line for N R ~ of
‘ 55 to 1 5 0 0

VOL. 5 NO. 1 FEBRUARY 1 9 6 6 13

Gupta and Thodos ( 8 ) correlated all the available gas and L = liquid flow, lb./sq. ft. empty column cross section-sec.
liquid mass transfer data for a .VR~’ range of 1.0 to 2140. Npe = D,U/D
NR,’ = D,L/p
However, the only data used below a I Y Y ( ~ofI 12 were the liquid
lvso = p/pD
data of Gaffney and Drew. Their equation is R = dilution ratio in active bed, (Xo. benzoic +
spheres)/(So. benzoic spheres)
0.863 U interstitial velocity, ft./sec.
JE = 0.0100 + (.YRe’)0’58 - 0.483 X
= packed bed length, ft.
E = void fraction
p = viscosity, lb./ft. sec.
Some of the data for gases scatter widely, with some deviations p = density, lb./cu. ft.
of 1OOycfrom this line. .4t a SRe ’ of 1.O, Equation 10 derived ye = correction factor to be applied to J defined by Equa-
primarily from gas data gives Je values 60Yo greater than the tions 3 and 7
liquid correlation (line 1, Figure 6), with the deviations de-
creasing a t higher values of
Literature Cited
Bradshaiv and Bennett (7) predict that a t a - V R ~ ’of 1.0, the
J value for gases ivith a of 2.57 should be 5795 greater (1) Bradshaw, R. D., Bennett, C. D., A.Z.CI2.E. J . 7,48 (1961).
(2) Bradshaw, R. D., Meyers, J. E., Zbid.,9, 590 (1963).
than for liquids with a -VB~ of 2300. Pfeffer also states that (3) DeAcetis, James, Thodos, George, Znd. Eng. Chem. 5 2 , 1003
because of the higher AYsoand ‘Vpe of liquids, different correla- (1960).
tions should be expected for the J values for gases and liquids (4) Epstein, Norman, Can. J . Chem. Eng. 36, 210 (1958).
(5) Evnochides, Spyros, Thodos! George, -4.Z.Ch.E. J . 7 , 78 (1961).
especially a t low values of .VR,’. Hence, Equations 8 and 9 (6) Gaffney, B. J., Drew, T. B., Znd. Eng. Chem. 42, 1120 (1950).
are recommended for liquids and the correlation of Gupta and ( 7 ) Gottschlich. C. F.. A.I.Ch.E. J . 9. 8 8 (1963).
Thodos (8) for gases. (8) Gupta, A. S., Thodos, George, Zbid., 8: 608’(1962).
(9) Zbtd.,9, 751 (1963).
(10) Linton, \V. H., Sherwood, T. K., Chem. Eng. Progr. 46, 258
N o rnenclature
/ I ncn\
(1 ’IJV) .
(11) McCune, L. K., FVilhelm, R. H., Znd. Eng. Chem. 41, 1124
Q, = sq. ft. surface area/cu. ft. volume of bed (12) Pfeffer, Robert, IND. ENG. CHEM.FUNDAMEh-TALS 3, 380
b = Cy:ICs (1964).
C1 = inlet concentration, lb.~’lb, (13) Stahel, E. P., Geankoplis, C. J., A.I.Ch.E. J . 10, 174 (1964).
Cz = outlet concentration, lb./lb. (14) Steele, L. R., Geankoplis, C. J., Zbid., 5 , 178 (1959).
Cs = saturation solubility, lb./lb. (15) Steinberger, R. L., Treybal, R. E., Ibid., 6 , 227 (1960).
D = molecular diffusivity, sq. ft./sec. (16) FVilliamson, J. E., Bazaire, K. E., Geankoplis, C. J., IND.
D, = particle diameter, ft. ENG.CHEM. FUNDAMENTALS 2,126 (1963).
J = (k,/L)(.Vs,)*;3 RECEIVED
for review February 15, 1965
kL = mass transfer coefficient, lb. solute//sq. ft.-sec.-iC ACCEPTED September 7, 1965


Zstttuto di Chimica Industriale, UniLersity of .\hples, .Yaples, Italy

The phenomenon of molecular diffusion in the flow field which is established in the neighborhood of a solid
surface during steady, laminar flow of a nowNewtonian liquid is discussed, and the solution is given for a
velocity distribution of the type u = a x m , This solution is used to interpret experimental results on the rate
of dissolution of slabs of benzoic acid into a falling film of aqueous carboxymethylcellulose solution. The
diffusivity of benzoic acid in the solution is evaluated from the data as 1.4 X 10-’sq. cm. per second.

ERY few data are available ( 7 , 2, 6 ) on mass transfer phe- liquid film. The shear rates encountered in the flow of a
nomena in non-Newtonian liquids, and only one paper (6) viscous liquid along an inclined flat surface are generally
reports a n investigation of mass transfer in the nonzero shear lower than those encountered in the flowthrough capillary
rate region of a flowing non-Newtonian liquid. The mass tubes; this suggests that an extension of the technique of
transfer experiment discussed in this paper consisted of the Kramers and Kreyger to non-Xewtonian liquids may make it
dissolution of the inner wall of a tube into a liquid flowing possible to investigate the low-shear-rate region.
through it in laminar flow; the order of magnitude of the Such an extension requires the understanding of the fluid
shear rates in the concentration boundary layer was 100 mechanics involved. The fluid mechanics of the laminar
sec. steady flow of a non-Kewtonian liquid along an inclined plane
Kramers and Kreyger (70) have made experiments on the surface have been discussed extensively by Astarita, Marrucci,
dissolution of a flat solid surface into a falling Neivtonian and Palumbo ( 3 ) . I n the present paper, the phenomenon of


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