Self-Assessment Report
Format 7
Introduction 7.1
This section provides a generic form for the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) that an
institution must submit to begin the accreditation process. The SAR should reflect the
quantitative and qualitative assessment of the strengths and limitations of the program
being submitted for accreditation.
1. The data and the information provided in the SAR should be adequate and should
be supplemented by comments and discussions that will allow the evaluation team
to perform a preliminary evaluation of the program based on the SAR.
2. For any criteria and sub-criteria, the SAR should generally address the following
three questions. Data, examples of cases and other supporting information should
be included in the SAR to justify the assertions. The challenges faced and the way
in which these were overcome during enactment, implementation and
improvement of each policy and process should also be described.
a. Is there a policy/process in place?
b. If ‘yes’, is the policy/process in practice?
c. Does any improvement mechanism exist for the policy/process?
3. The SAR should proactively and unambiguously identify the deviation from the
act/statute where and when one exists.
1. Latest copy of the prospectus and a copy of the institution’s latest academic
2. Copy of the letter of approval to establish the institution from the appropriate
3. Copy of the letter of approval to establish the program from the appropriate
4. Copy of statutes/academic ordinances.
All other documents requested in the SAR template shall have to be provided as
Annexure(s). The SAR and the Annexure should be printed on both sides of A4 size
paper arranged in two volumes. The SAR should not exceed 200 pages. A soft copy
should be given with each volume contained in one file.
7.4 Template
The template for the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) begins on the next page.
This section provides a generic form for the SAR that an institution must submit to
begin the accreditation process. All supporting documents shall have to be appended
at the end of the SAR as Annexes. All the pages of the submitted SAR including the
annexes shall have to be consecutively numbered.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-3
of the
Program Name
Institute Name
Month, Year
7-4 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
Table of Annexure 2
General Information 3
Contact Information 3
Eligibility for Accreditation 4
For Renewal of Accreditation Only 5
Criterion 1: Organization and Governance 6
Criterion 2: Financial and Physical Resources 9
Criterion 3: Faculty 11
Criterion 4: Students 13
Criterion 5: Academic Facilities and Technical Support 15
Criterion 6: Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Processes 17
Criterion 7: Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 20
Criterion 8: Program Outcomes (POs) and Assessment 21
Criterion 9: Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) 23
Criterion 10: Interactions with the Industry 25
Appendix 26
Certificate of Compliance 28
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-5
Name ___________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _________________________________________________
Telephone _______________________________________________________
Fax _____________________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________________
7-6 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
3. Is the stipulated duration of the program for a full-time student four years?
Yes _____ No _____
6. Is a minimum of 130 credit hours (as per clause 2.1 of the BAETE accreditation
manual) required to graduate from the program?
Yes _____ No _____
8. Does the department offering the program have an adequate number of full-time
faculty members, including senior faculty members, with relevant academic
Yes _____ No _____
9. Does the institution have adequate lab facilities for the program?
Yes _____ No _____
A program will be considered for accreditation only if the answers to all nine
questions above are positive. The application will not be accepted if the answer to
any of the nine questions is negative.
Proceed with the application only if there is no negative response to any of the above
nine questions.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-7
7-8 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
Addressing deficiencies, weaknesses and concerns identified during the most recent
accreditation evaluation(s) (not applicable for new accreditation applications)
List the (i) deficiencies, (ii) weaknesses and (iii) concerns identified during the most
recent accreditation assessment(s). Mention the remedial actions taken and the
improvements made for each item and provide copies of documents that support the
Please attach a copy of the most recent accreditation certificate and the final
statement received from the BAETE in the Appendix.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-9
Describe in no more than 300 words the historical background of the institution and
the program under evaluation.
For each syndicate, the academic council, the finance committee, the faculty selection
committee, the disciplinary committee and any other statutory committee, state the
assigned responsibility (as per act/ordinance/statutes) of the committee. Prepare a
table as follows for each committee.
Comment briefly on the alignment of the actual activities of each committee with the
assigned responsibilities.
List the dates of the meeting(s) of each of the statutory bodies during the last calendar
year. Attach a copy of the most recent meeting notice of each committee in the
Institutions often form committees in addition to statutory bodies for the smoother
running of academic and administrative activities. For each such committee, state the
assigned responsibility of the committee. Prepare a table as follows for each
Comment briefly on the alignment of the actual activities of each committee with the
assigned responsibilities.
List the dates of the meeting(s) of each management committee during the last
calendar year. Attach a copy of the most recent meeting notice of each committee in
the Annexure.
Provide copies of the statutes, the ordinances and any other relevant policies such as
service rules, academic rules, codes of conduct, disciplinary rules, recruitment and
promotion policies, salary structure, leave rules, and scholarship and financial aid
policies for students and employees. Describe how each of these policies is
disseminated to the stakeholders.
Describe briefly the extent to which the policies are adhered to when making
academic and administrative decisions. Additionally, list the frequency of exception
requests and the cases in which exceptions are made. The process for making
exceptions, if any exists, should be outlined.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-11
Discuss how the effectiveness of the policies is evaluated and the processes that are
followed to update a policy. Give relevant examples, where applicable, to justify
List the dates of convocations and the number of students who have received a degree
over the last three calendar years.
Please complete the following table for the last three calendar years.
State the amount budgeted and the actual expenditure in BDT and percentage of the
total amount for the following sectors for each of the last three calendar years. In case
of shared budgetary allocation and expenditure, please indicate the following.
7-12 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
- Salary of the faculty members of the institution and of the program under
- Salary of the non-teaching staff of the institution and of the program under
- Laboratories of the institution and the program under evaluation
- Physical infrastructure (space, furniture, air conditioners)
- IT
- Maintenance
- Medical center
- Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
- Library
Briefly discuss whether the budgeted amounts are adequate for the proper running of
the program under evaluation. If they are not, indicate the sectors where inadequacy
exists. Identify what measures are being taken to address the inadequacies.
Describe the budgetary planning process, the identification of priority areas and
resource allocation. Additionally, describe the general process of preparing and
approving the budget, including feedback from the stakeholders.
State the total amount in BDT given to students of the institution as well as the
students of the program under consideration such as scholarships and financial aid
during each of the last three academic years. Express the amount as a percentage of
the institution’s total income.
State whether the institution provides accommodations for students. If so, give the
total number of students using institutional accommodation and provide a gender
breakdown for each semester during the last three calendar years.
Provide details for the following including compliance with regulatory requirements
where applicable.
Describe the safety rules, procedures and practices that are in place in each of the
laboratories used by the program. Describe what provisions exist in each laboratory in
case of accidents and health hazard conditions.
State the designated activities and functions of the placement center if such a center
Additionally, provide the organogram of the center and state the name and
designation of each staff member along with his or her qualifications.
Criterion 3: Faculty
Provide a list of full-time faculty members teaching in the program for each semester
of the last three academic years, as per the following table. State whether the program
has a sufficient number of qualified faculty members with relevant areas of
specialization to teach all the courses offered for the program.
Additionally, provide detailed curriculum vitae for each faculty member, including a
complete list of publications, in the Annexure. The format of the faculty curriculum
vitae is given in Appendix-A of this template.
Provide a list of part-time faculty members teaching in the program for each semester
during the last three academic years, as per the following table.
Additionally, provide detailed curriculum vitae in the Annexure for each faculty
member, including a list of publications. The format of the faculty curriculum vitae is
given in Appendix-A of this template.
State the minimum class size, the maximum class size and the average class size of
all the courses/sections offered by the program for each of the semesters during the
last three academic years. State whether the class size is suitable for conducting
teaching-learning and assessment activities to achieve all the course outcomes. In the
Annexure, provide a list of all the courses offered by the program, including the class
size and the name of the instructor, for each semester during the last three academic
Calculate the student-teacher ratio of the program for each semester during the last
three academic years. Describe in detail the calculation procedure and justify the
appropriateness of the adopted calculation model. State whether the student-teacher
ratio is suitable for conducting the teaching-learning and assessment activities to
achieve all the course outcomes and for adequate interactions between teachers and
students outside of class.
Complete the following table for full-time faculty members in the current semester.
Describe in detail the role of the faculty members in establishing course outcomes,
selecting appropriate pedagogical and assessment tools, updating course content, and
making decisions regarding quality improvements to the program.
Attach copies of the minutes of relevant meetings held during the last three academic
years in the Appendix in support of this assertion.
List all the training events organized for department faculty members during the last
three calendar years in establishing appropriate course outcomes, conducting
effective teaching-learning activities, conducting suitable assessments, and measuring
outcome achievement as per the following table.
Provide a copy of the notice for each event and the list of attendees in the Annexure.
Criterion 4: Students
Describe in detail the admission policy and process to admit new students into the
program (attach published brochures/guidelines, website address). Discuss if any
exceptions are made to the admission policy in admitting students.
Describe the policy and process for accepting the transfer students into the program
and provide details (attach published brochures/guidelines, website address). Mention
the process of determining the equivalence of transfer credits.
Provide information on the transfer of students as per the following table for the last
three academic years.
Describe the process of providing academic advising to the students. If each student
is assigned a faculty member as a designated advisor, provide advisor information for
the three most recent semesters/terms, as per the following table.
Name of the faculty member Designation No. of advisees assigned
Discuss the nature of the advising activities with examples. State whether the advisors
maintain advising files or any other records of advising.
State the policy of the institution/department, if any exists, regarding students’ extra-
and co-curricular activities. State how these activities are encouraged/supported
institutionally. List students in the program who have participated in student activities
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-17
at the institutional level or higher in the past three academic years. Additionally, list
notable achievements involving students from the program, if any.
5.1 Library
State the total space allocated for the library and the number of students served by the
library. State the library’s operating hours.
Describe how IT and other modern technologies have influenced the use, operation
and record-keeping of the library for both users and library officials.
5.2 Classrooms
Provide a statement on the number, usage and facilities of classrooms available to the
program. Justify whether these resources are adequate for the program.
List all the laboratory courses and the corresponding name and location of the
laboratory where the classes are conducted. Prepare a table for each semester of the
last academic year.
7-18 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
Describe the improvements that have been made in the laboratories for the program
during the last three academic years. Describe the plans currently under consideration
for laboratory improvement.
List the Internet facilities available for students and faculty members. Required
information includes total bandwidth, number of computers with Internet
connections, daily hours that the services are available and areas covered by Wi-Fi.
List the number of laboratories, including the number of computers that are accessible
to students outside of class/lab times. Identify the types of uses that are available to
students. Computers in the library or in any other common place may be considered if
such facilities are available.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-19
6.1 Curriculum
State the minimum number of credit hours required to earn the degree under the
program. Express the number in contact hours, explaining the calculation method
used. Convert the program’s credit hours as per the conversion rules stated in Section
2.1 of the BAETE accreditation manual.
Complete the following table that describes the category of each course, e.g.,
mathematics, basic science, language, humanities and social sciences, non-
engineering skills, engineering, design project, others. Note that humanities and
social sciences courses are non-skill courses. Non-engineering skill courses, such as
accounting, should not be categorized as humanities courses. Additionally, indicate
for each course whether it is a program requirement or an elective.
Also submit the detailed content of each course offered by the program, including
credit hours, contact hours, prerequisites and a list of the textbooks and reference
books in the Annexure. The format of the detailed course content is given in
Appendix-B of this template.
Provide a breakdown of the structure of the curriculum detailing the credits assigned
in each category(as mentioned in Section 6.1.2). Describe how the curriculum meets
the requirements of the relevant program-specific criteria.
Submit the program’s course offering list for each semester of the last three academic
years in the Annexure.
The department should maintain a course file for each course offered by the
department for the program in each semester of the last three academic years. If a lab
is integrated with theory in any course, separate course files should be prepared for
the theory and the lab parts of the course.
The course files shall be made available during the on-site visit for perusal by the
members of the evaluation team. The course file must contain at least the following
Lecture plan detailing prerequisites, course outcomes and content, text and
reference books, assessment tools for each course outcome, and grading policy
Questions and three representative examples of answer scripts (one excellent, one
average, one marginal pass) for each exam, class test and quiz (for theory
Lab sheet and three representative examples of lab reports (for lab courses)
Assessment criteria or rubrics for assignments/projects/lab activities. Three
representative examples for each assignment/project/lab activity report
Final tabulation sheet including grade assigned to each student
Assessment of outcome achievement for each course outcome
State how the program gives importance to hands-on lab activities incorporating
higher order learning as per a learning taxonomy.
Describe the process followed in conducting the final-year design projects. Describe
how the experience in the final-year design project is based on the knowledge and
skills acquired in earlier coursework and incorporates appropriate engineering
standards and multiple design constraints.
Provide a list of the titles of final-year design projects completed in each semester of
the last three academic years, as per the following table.
Design project title Name(s) of the supervisor(s) Names of the group members
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-21
The original final reports should be made available during the on-site visit for perusal
by the members of the evaluation team.
In case the program demonstrates culmination of POs through any method other than
the Final-year design project, describe the method in detail highlighting how the
method used is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework and
how it incorporates appropriate engineering standards and multiple design
Describe the process used to select appropriate assessment tools in different courses.
Highlight the tools that are used for assessing skills and attitudes.
Provide the published academic calendar for each semester of the last three academic
years. State whether the semester actually progressed according to the calendar. If
not, indicate the deviations in each semester.
State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and show their alignment with the
institutional/departmental mission, as per the following table.
Describe the process of establishing the PEOs. Provide evidence and documents.
Describe the process of measuring the attainment of each PEO including rubrics.
Provide evidence and documents. Describe the process of periodic review of each
PEO. Provide evidence and documents.
8.1 Program outcome (PO) statements and their mapping with the PEOs
State the program outcomes (POs) and show their alignment with PEOs as per the
following table.
Indicate the correlation using either binary levels (yes/no) or ternary levels
(high/low/none). Leave the cell blank if there is no correlation (no/none).
8.2 Course outcomes (COs)
State the COs for each core course offered by the program, which are used to
demonstrate attainment of POs, as per the following table.
The COs of all other courses offered by the program, listed by department, along with
the corresponding domain/level of learning taxonomy, delivery methods and
activities and assessment tools, should be provided in the Annexure.
For each course included in the table of Section 8.2.1, present a map of COs and POs,
as per the following table. Alternatively, the following information may be presented
Indicate the correlation using either binary levels (yes/no) or ternary levels
(high/low/none). Leave the cell blank if there is no correlation (no/none).
Demonstrate, through mapping, how each attribute of the Knowledge Profile (K1 –
K8) is addressed in the curriculum. Additionally, demonstrate how each attribute of
the Range of Complex Engineering Problems (P1 – P7) and Complex Engineering
Activities (A1 – A5) is incorporated in the teaching, learning and assessment.
Describe how the attainment of COs is assessed in each course, including the rubrics,
where applicable. The assessment processes, attainment criteria and scale, and
expected level of attainment should be clearly stated. Present a summarized
assessment of the COs of the courses listed in the table of Section 8.2.2. Evidence of
CO assessments for the other courses offered by the department for the program in
each semester of the last calendar year should be included in the Annexure.
Describe how the attainment of PO(a) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attributes (K1 – K4) are
incorporated in PO(a). Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex
Engineering Problems (P1 – P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(a) and
provide evidence to support the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained
after the assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(a) is being
Describe how the attainment of PO(b) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attributes (K1 – K4) are
incorporated in PO(b). Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex
Engineering Problems (P1 – P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(b) and
provide evidence to support the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained
after the assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(b) is being
Describe how the attainment of PO(c) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K5 is incorporated in
PO(c). Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex Engineering
Problems (P1 – P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(c) and provide
evidence to support the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained after the
assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(c) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(d) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K8 is incorporated in
Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex Engineering Problems (P1 –
P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(d) and provide evidence to support
the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained after the assessment and
analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(d) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(e) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K6 is incorporated in
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-25
Describe how the attainment of PO(f) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K7 is incorporated in
PO(f). Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex Engineering
Problems (P1 – P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(f) and provide
evidence to support the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained after the
assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(f) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(g) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K7 is incorporated in
PO(g). Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex Engineering
Problems (P1 – P7) are addressed through the attainment of PO(g) and provide
evidence to support the assertion.Present a summary of the results obtained after the
assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(g) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(h) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. State how Knowledge Profile attribute K7 is incorporated in
PO(h.) Present a summary of the results obtained after the assessment and analysis to
demonstrate the extent to which PO(h) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(i) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. Identify the
expected level of attainment. Present a summary of the results obtained after the
assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(i) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(j) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. Identify which of the attributes of the Range of Complex
Engineering Activities (A1 – A5) are addressed through the attainment of PO(j) and
provide evidence to support the assertion. Present a summary of the results obtained
7-26 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
after the assessment and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(j) is being
Describe how the attainment of PO(k) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. Present a summary of the results obtained after the assessment
and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(k) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of PO(l) is assessed and evaluated. State and justify the
methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process. State the expected
level of attainment. Present a summary of the results obtained after the assessment
and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which PO(l) is being attained.
Describe how the attainment of each additional PO (if any) is assessed and evaluated.
State and justify the methods, tools, criteria and scale used in the assessment process.
State the expected level of attainment for each of the additional POs. Present a
summary of the results obtained after the assessment and analysis to demonstrate the
extent to which each additional PO is being attained.
State whether students evaluate every course/instructor at the end of the semester. If
yes, provide a sample student evaluation form in the Annexure.
State whether course instructors evaluate every course offered by department for the
program at the end of the semester. If yes, provide a sample instructor evaluation
form in the Annexure.
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format 7-27
State how the department collects feedback from alumni regarding PEO and PO
achievements. Provide supporting documents (survey results, meeting minutes).
State how the department collects feedback from employers regarding PEO and PO
achievements. Provide supporting documents (survey results, meeting minutes).
Describe the CQI processes for PEOs. In particular, discuss how the results of the
evaluation and feedback from various stakeholders are systematically utilized to
continuously improve the PEOs.
Describe the CQI processes for POs. In particular, discuss how the results of direct
and indirect assessments including feedback from various stakeholders are
systematically utilized to continuously improve the PO attainments.
The loop should be shown either pictorially as in a flow diagram or in tabular form.
State any significant, justifiable future improvement plan that has been devised based
on the present evaluation results.
Describe the CQI processes for COs in courses and curriculum. In particular, discuss
how the results of assessment and feedback from various stakeholders are
systematically utilized to continuously improve the COs, their attainments and the
7-28 Chapter 7 Self-Assessment Report Format
The CQI loop should be shown either pictorially as in a flow diagram or in tabular
form. State any significant, justifiable future improvement plan that has been devised
based on the present evaluation results.
List the names, designations and professional qualifications of the members of the
program/department’s industrial advisory panel. Submit copies of notices for the
industrial advisory panel meetings and the attendee lists of meetings held over the
last three academic years. The minutes of these meetings should be made available to
members of the Evaluation Team during the on-site visit.
10.4.1 Internships
State whether the students in the program are required to perform an industrial
internship. If yes, describe the nature and the duration of the internship. Explain how
student performance and outcome achievements during the internship are assessed.
State whether the final-year design projects are conducted with industry
collaboration. If yes, provide details regarding the industry’s involvement in selecting
the project topic, supervising project activities and providing assessment.
State whether the students in the program are required to visit companies within the
industry. If yes, provide details regarding the nature of such visits. Explain how
student learning and outcome achievement as a result of such visits are assessed.
Please use the following format for preparing the curriculum vitae (maximum 2
pages) for each of the faculty members under the program.
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Educational qualification (start from highest) – degree, discipline, institution,
4. Academic experience (most recent first) – institution, designation,
period (mm/yyyy- mm/yyyy), type (full-time or part-time)
5. Non-academic experience (research, industrial) – organization, title/position,
period (mm/yyyy- mm/yyyy), type (full-time or part-time)
6. Fellowship/membership of academic bodies and professional organizations
7. Honors and awards
8. List of significant publications and presentations in the five most recent years –
title, names of the author(s), name of the journal/conference where
published/presented, month and year of publication or presentation
9. List of Professional Consultancy and Sponsored Research activities in the five
most recent years – organization, title of the consultancy/research project,
amount received if any, year
Please use the following format for preparing the course syllabi of each of the
program’s required and elective courses.
By signing below, we certified that all the information given in this Self-
Assessment Report (SAR) for the accreditation of the __________________
(Name of program) is correct to the best of our knowledge.
It is also attested that this report is prepared in compliance with the BAETE
Accreditation Manual for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Name of the Head of the Department Name of the Head of the Institution
_____________________________ ____________________________
Signature Signature
_____________________________ ____________________________
Date Date