Sacred Geometry Numerology
Sacred Geometry Numerology
Sacred Geometry Numerology
Sacred Geometry charts the unfolding of number in space. Its moves, concepts
and products are regarded as having symbolic value, which makes the difference
from mundane geometry. Thus, like music, the study and practice of geometry can
facilitate the evolution of the soul. The basic journey here is from the single point,
into the line, out to the plane, through to the third dimension and beyond,
eventually returning to the point again, watching what happens on the way.
Concerning the 5 Elements it might be interesting for you that there are only five
regular three-dimensional solids. Each has equal edges, every face is the same
perfect polygon and every point is the same distance from the center. Known as
the 5 Platonic Solids, they were recognized in the British Isles 2000 years before
The first solid is the tetrahedron, with 4 vertices and four faces of equilateral
triangles = Fire
The second one is the octahedron, made from 6 points and 8 equilateral triangles
= Air
The third one is the cube, 8 vertices and 6 square faces = Earth
The forth one is the icosahedron, with 12 points, and 20 faces of equilateral
triangles = Water
The fifth one is the dodecahedron with 20 vertices = the mysterious element of
Sacred Geometry
There are endless names for it and one can’t even speak of it, because to speak of
it would make it an object which implies separation, right? We can only
misinterpret the essence of oneness it seems. It is point, seed, and destination,
echoed in all things that are immersed in the shoreless ocean of Truth.
In preparation for the Symphony of Truth I was more than once contemplating
Unity, my understanding of Truth, and the more I went into it, the more I realized
that every thought about it, every word spoken about it, would part me from its
essence. One can’t describe, explain, label Truth. It’s simply not possible.
And yet, we are longing for Truth and a way to belong in this infinite realm.
As human beings we experience duality - there are always two sides of a coin.
Inhale - exhale.
right - left
day - night
male - female
resting - moving
positive - negative
up - down
Sacred Geometry
1 + 1 = 3.
Why is this? Whenever 1 and 1 meet, a third entity evolves. A relationship between
the two is experienced as a third being, a triad that bridges heaven and earth, a
synthesis which returns to unity after division.
The number 3 has always had symbolic meaning and birth, life and death appear
in all principles, in all form. The triangle is the first stable polygon, it defines the
first surface. In music the ratios 3:2 and 3:1 define intervals of the fifth and its
octave - the most beautiful harmonies and key to all ancient tunings.
With the 4 we enter the realm of manifestation. The Tetrad is the first square
number (other than 1) and a symbol of the Earth and the natural world. The
tetrahedron is made of four triangles and is fundamental to the structure of three-
dimensional space. We have the equinoxes and solstices quartering the year, the
four seasons, the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. All everyday matter is
appropriately made of just four particles: protons, neutrons, electrons and
Sacred Geometry
made of five tones (black keys on a piano), grouped into two and three. 5 ist a
Fibonacci number.
The Hexad, like a snowflake, brings structure, order and perfection. Multiplying
even and odd, 2 and 3, six is the number of creation, with a cosmos made in six
days (common theme in scripture). Six is the first perfect number because all her
factors equal six also. The three dimensions make for 6 directions: up and down,
forward and backward, left and right.
Six is also the pentatonic octave in music. Insects creep and crawl on six legs and
the bee arranges her honeycomb in an instinctive hexagonal shape.
Seven is the virgin, standing quite alone and having little to do with all the other
single numbers. Spiritually 7 functions as the center of six like six working circles
surround a seventh restful one in a plane. In music, a scale of seven tones, which
are the white keys on a piano, emerges as naturally as its sister 5-tone-scale. Our
eyes perceive 3 primary colors: blue, red and green which combine to produce
four more: yellow, cyan, magenta and white.
The vertical rainbow of the seven subtle energy bodies are known as chakras - the
seven endocrine glands. We have seven days of the week and the seven planets of
antiquity, arranged in order of their apparent speed, make amazing connections
with metals.
Sacred Geometry
The ancient I Ching which „inspired" the Gene Keys and Human Design, is based
on combinations of 8 trigrams, each the result of a twofold choice between a
broken (yin) and an unbroken (yang) line, made three times. Echoing these ancient
Chinese pairs, computers think in units called „bytes“, each made of 8 binary
„bits“. The 8th note is the octave in a seven-tone scale, twice the pitch of the first
note. It signals the movement to a new level. Spiders and crabs have 8 legs and
octopi has 8 tentacles.
9 is the triad of triads, the first odd square number. Something extraordinary
occurs here: for the first three numbers can be arranged in a magic square where
every line of three in any direction has the same total. This ancient pattern was first
discovered in the shell of a divine turtle emerging from the river Lo in China. The
ratio between 8 and 9 defines the crucial whole tone in music, the 9:8 seed from
which the scale emerges, as the difference between the two most simple
harmonies in the octave, the fifth (3:2) and the forth (4:3).
Nine is the celestial number of order, and many ancient traditions speak of nine
worlds, spheres or levels of reality. Cats know - they have nine lives. When you
look at your Human Design bodygraph, you see that we are nine-centered beings.
Sacred Geometry
10 is a child of five and two. The word „ten“ derives from the Indo-European
„dekm“, meaning „two hands“. The Pythagoreans immortalized 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 =10
in the Tetraktys and called it Universe, Heaven and Eternity. DNA has ten steps for
each turn of the double helix, so appears in cross-section as a tenfold rosette.
There are 10 Sephiroth in the Kabbalah’s tree of life and we find the tenfold
geometry very often in Gothic architecture.
Sacred Geometry