CHE 42 - Problem Set 6 - Liquid - Liquid Extraction
CHE 42 - Problem Set 6 - Liquid - Liquid Extraction
CHE 42 - Problem Set 6 - Liquid - Liquid Extraction
College of Engineering
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
CHE 42
Separations Processes
Problem Set 6: Liquid-Liquid Extraction
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This problem set must be done individually. For each items/sub-item in the problem, you
must do the following:
• Draw the schematic diagram/representation of the process that is ongoing. The diagram must include the
known values and unknown variables to be determined.
• The entire solution process (i.e., mole balances, the list of equations used, sample calculations, etc.) must
be manually handwritten. A screenshot of these handwritten solutions must be pasted in the document.
• For the steps wherein iteration/use of Solver function is required, you may encode the necessary data or
do the screenshots of the steps performed in MS Excel.
• Equilibrium diagrams must be constructed using MS Excel.
• Graphical solutions should be done manually.
• I encourage you to make your solutions have an organized flow by putting “Step number #” on it.
Step 1: Collect all the necessary physico-chemical data for the design of the flash drum.
Step 2: Compute for the permissible velocity of the drum.
• Conclude each sub-item/item by making a summary of the required answers placed or enclosed in a box.
The file must be saved and submitted as a PDF file. Please keep your MS Excel files because I will ask for them soon
as part of your deliverables:
Word Problems:
1. Continuous Countercurrent Liquid-liquid Extraction. One thousand kilograms per hour of a 45 wt%
acetone-in-water solution is to be extracted at 25˚C in a continuous countercurrent system with pure 1,1,2-
trichloroethane to obtain a raffinate containing 10 wt% acetone. Using the following equilibrium data, do the
a. Plot an equilateral triangular equilibrium diagram and a right triangular diagram (with an equilibrium
diagram below it) for this system. Make sure that the processed data needed for the plotting are
presented first prior to the graphs. Properly locate (by putting labels) the raffinate and extract curves
in the diagrams.
b. Determine the minimum flow rate of solvent. (use equilateral diagram)
c. The number of stages required for a solvent rate equal to 1.5 times the minimum. (use equilateral
d. The flow rate and composition of each stream leaving each stage.
e. Calculate the percent recovery of acetone.
2. Extraction of Acetone in a Single Stage. Refer to Example 12.5-4 in your Geankoplis book.
a. Construct a right triangular diagram for this system using the equilibrium data given in Appendix A.3.
b. Determine the amounts and compositions of the extract and raffinate phases via graphical method
(inverse lever arm rule) and analytical method (using the mass balances).
3. Crosscurrent Extraction of Acetone. A mixture containing 40 weight percent acetone and 60 weight percent
water is contacted with an equal amount of MIBK. Use a feed stream amount of 500 kg/h. Calculate the
percent recovery of acetone if the fresh solvent were divided into three parts and three successive extractions
4. Number of Stages in Countercurrent Extraction. Repeat the entire Example 12.7-2 using a right triangular
diagram. Use the equilibrium data in Appendix A.3 to plot the right triangular diagram.
a. Calculate the number of stages required.
b. Calculate the percent recovery of acetic acid.
5. Extraction of Acetone from Water with Trichloroethane in a Tower. Repeat the entire Example 12.7-4 in
Geankoplis book. Make sure to elaborate the steps that were not clarified in the example problem.
6. Prediction of Flooding and Packed-Tower Diameter. Repeat the entire Example 12.6-1 in Geankoplis book.
Make sure to elaborate the steps that were not clarified in the example problem.