Impact of STATCOM and SSSC Based Compensation On Transmission Line Protection

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Impact of STATCOM and SSSC Based Compensation on Transmission Line Protection

Suresh Maturu, U. Jayachandra Shenoy, SMIEEE
Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India Tel: +91-080-22933357, Fax: +91-080-23600444, E-mail: its connected terminal. The reactive power drawn or supplied by the STATCOM can be varied by varying the magnitude of converter output voltage. Ideally the output voltages of the converter are in phase with the corresponding bus voltages. It is advantageous to connect STATCOM at midpoint of transmission line as power transfer and voltage support has been improved in the transmission system [1]-[4]. The SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Compensator) is a series connected FACTS device, used to control the power flow in the transmission lines, improve power oscillation damping and system stability improvements [2]-[5]. The SSSC is a solid state voltage source inverter that injects voltage which is nearly sinusoidal and it is of variable and controllable magnitude in series with the transmission line. This injected voltage is almost in quadrature with the line current, a small component in phase with the line current to replenish the losses in the inverter. The injected voltage can emulate either an inductive or a capacitive reactance in series with the transmission line. By controlling the size of this emulated reactance, the SSSC is able to influence the power flow in the transmission line. As distance relays are widely used in transmission line protection, it calculates the apparent impedance between the relaying point and the fault point. The apparent impedance seen by distance relay will be changed under normal loading and fault conditions due to the presence of STATCOM in the transmission system [6]-[8]. This paper investigates the impact of STATCOM and SSSC connected at the midpoint of the transmission line on distance relay performance. Apparent impedance is calculated for different loading conditions, L-G fault with different fault resistances and faults created at different locations of transmission lines. Simulation studies are carried out in PSCAD/EMTDC [9]. II. FACTS DEVICES AND POWER SYSTEM MODEL A. Power System Representation Fig. 1 shows the single line diagram of power system considered for analysis. The interconnected line is modeled with pi-sections and the relay to be examined is placed at sending end bus S. STATCOM is connected at middle of the transmission line. Power system is modeled such that fault location and fault impedance can be varied to carry out simulation studies for all possible conditions in the transmission system.

Abstract--In this paper, the performance of distance relays when applied to transmission system equipped with shunt FACTS devices such as Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is described. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the performance of distance relays when STATCOM and SSSC are incorporated at the mid point of transmission lines. A detailed model of these devices and their control strategies are presented. The presence of these devices significantly affects apparent impedance seen by the distance relays due to their rapid response to different power system configurations. The distance relay is evaluated for different loading conditions and for different fault locations. The faults are created during various prefault loading conditions. The studies are performed on 400KV and 132KV systems and the results are presented. Simulation studies are carried out using transient simulation software, PSCAD/EMTDC. Index Terms--FACTS devices, distance relay, STATCOM, SSSC.

I. INTRODUCTION As the need for electricity is increasing day-by-day, the existing transmission systems are pushed towards their steady state stability and thermal limits. This means that security or reliability of transmission system needs to be continuously improved [1]. The construction of new transmission rights of way is difficult due to economical and geographical constraints in transferring bulk power to the consumers. FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) [2] is a technology that provides the requisite corrections of transmission functionality in order to fully utilize existing transmission system thereby minimizing the gap between stability and thermal limits. Power system is becoming more complex due to the increasing use of FACTS devices in the transmission system which includes STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC etc. These devices cause further difficulties in power system protection, in particular transmission line protection. The concept of FACTS envisages the use of solid state controllers to achieve flexibility of system operation together with fast and reliable control. Fast control over the reactive power can allow secure loading of transmission lines nearer to their thermal limits, provide voltage regulation and improve the system damping. Out of all FACTS devices, STATCOM (STATic synchronous COMpensator), a shunt type FACTS device, is used for shunt reactive power compensation. The objective is to control or regulate the transmission voltage at its reference value by supplying or drawing reactive power at

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.



parallel operation of two or more compensations. Necessary filters are provided in the control scheme to limit the effects of system resonance and other harmonics [2]-[3]. The control strategy for STATCOM model is depicted in Fig. 3.
Relay STATCOM Load


AC Terminal

Fig. 1. Single line diagram of the system under study

B. STATCOM Model Fig. 2(a) depicts STATCOM model used in the proposed simulation studies. STATCOM considered in this paper is modeled with six pulse voltage source converter which provides a set of 3-phase ac output voltages, each in phase with and coupled to the corresponding ac system voltage through small reactance. The current, Idc for the voltage source converter is obtained using an energy storage capacitor. STATCOM is modeled as a controlled reactive power source. It regulates the voltage at mid point of transmission line by generating/absorbing the reactive power at the point of common coupling. The exchange of reactive power between STATCOM and ac system can be controlled by varying the amplitudes of 3phase output voltage. If Es>Vt, STATCOM generates the reactive power to the ac system and if Es<Vt, it absorbs reactive power from the system as indicated in Fig. 2(b).
PCC Istatcom (Iq) Magnetic coupling Vt

Current measurement and conditioning Voltage measurement and conditioning

K% Regulation slope

Vt Six pulse converter Iq*K


PWM Gate Pattern logic

PI Controller

Fig. 3. Control system used for STATCOM [6]

Iq Supplies Q Es>Vt Es<Vt Eac Absorbs Q

Estatcom (Es)

D. SSSC Model Fig. 4 shows the SSSC model used in the proposed simulation studies. SSSC considered in this paper is modeled with six pulse voltage source inverter, injects a voltage in series with the transmission line through the coupling transformer. SSSC is connected at the midpoint of transmission line.

voltage source converter (b) Idc Vdc (a) dc Energy Source

Converter Transformer Voltage source converter

Fig. 2. (a) STATCOM diagram (b) Power exchange Where Es voltage at the converter output Vt voltage at the ac terminals Iq reactive current injected by STATCOM
Vdc C

C. STATCOM Control Strategy The STATCOM control scheme designed for the study is necessary to regulate the voltage magnitude at the STATCOM location. The ability of STATCOM to regulate the voltage under widely varying operating conditions depends on its rating. It can be used in conjunction with fixed capacitor compensation which provides most of reactive power in the steady state conditions, enabling the reduction of the STATCOM rating and reduces steady state losses of STATCOM, thus providing the maximum controllable compensation during faults [10]. A regulation slope (K) of 3% is given in the controllable range so that it does not hit capacitive and inductive limits too often and also facilitates

Gate pattern logic

Fig. 4. SSSC diagram

The reactance compensation capability of SSSC can be made in one of two ways. One way is to inject a reactance compensating voltage in series with the line whose magnitude is controlled independent of the line current magnitude. In this mode of operation the device is not intended to replicate a specific ohmic value of reactance. Fig. 5 shows the VI characteristics of SSSC. The other way is to inject a compensating voltage whose magnitude is controlled to be proportional to the line current magnitude. In this mode the

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.



device directly emulates an ohmic compensating reactance, with the emulated compensating reactance being the constant of proportionality.
VL Vq = VLmax

Ra =

2 2 V P Q

) (P 2 + Q 2 )

( Q )

(3) (4)

2 2 2 X a = V . P Q

) (P2 + Q2 )

Imax I

Vq = VCmax VC

Fig. 5. V I characteristics of SSSC

Where Q represents the difference of reactive power from sending end between the absence and presence of STATCOM at the midpoint of transmission line. From the above two equations, it can be shown that resistance seen by the relay increases where as reactance decreases with the reduction in reactance power supplied from sending end. A. System Data Generator:
Star connected and solidly grounded, 4 250MVA, X 1 = X2 = 0.2 p.u, X0 = 0.1 p.u.

(Q )

E. SSSC Control Strategy The SSSC control scheme in this study is to inject an alternating voltage in series with the line which is lagging or leading the line current by 900. A positive compensating voltage emulates a capacitor and a negative compensating voltage emulates an inductor in series with the line. The control scheme used for SSSC is shown in Fig. 6. The simulation studies are carried out using voltage control (Vq control) method.
Vc* Vdc*

15kV/400kV, delta-star grounded, 4250MVA, X1 = X2 = 0.15 p.u, X0 = 0.135 p.u.

Transmission line:
Line length = 300km Positive sequence impedance, Z1L = (0.0264+j0.3294) /km Zero sequence impedance, Z0L = (0.2015+j1.095) /km Positive sequence shunt suspectance, b1=3.35610-6 mho/km Zero sequence shunt suspectance, b0 = 2.64610-6 mho/km Zero sequence compensation factor, K0 = (Z0L Z1L)/Z1L

1 k

ABS ()

PI Controller

SGN ()
Xq* I


Magnitude and Angle Calculator

System voltage = 132KV Star connected and solidly grounded, Equivalent impedance = 6.9696

Transmission line:

Id Ia Ib Ic

d-q abc

Va Vb Vc


Gate Pattern Logic

To Inverter

Line length = 60km Positive sequence impedance, Z1L = 0.1397+j0.4016 /km Zero sequence impedance, Z0L = 0.2651+j0.9880 /km Positive sequence shunt suspectance, b1 = 2.87110-6 mho/km Zero sequence shunt suspectance, bo = 1.76410-6 mho/km


Fig. 6. Control block diagram of SSSC [11]



B. Calculation of Impedance during Loading Conditions The impedance is calculated for different loads at the receiving end of the transmission line. The equivalent circuit of the system is shown in Fig. 7.
VS = VR + I L R L + jX L I S = I L + IC 2 I L = I Load + I C1

As distance relays measure apparent impedance based on voltage and current signals measured at relaying point, it is possible to develop the relationship between the apparent impedance and power flows in the transmission lines: 2 2 2 (1) Ra = V P P + Q

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

( ) ( ) 2 2 2 = (V Q ) ( P + Q )


I Load =

( RLoad + X Load )
YC 2 YC 2


Where Ra and Xa are apparent resistance and apparent reactance seen by distance relay at sending end, V is the voltage measured at sending end bus and P and Q are real and reactive power flows from sending end bus to meet load requirements. Change in resistance, Ra and reactance, Xa with respect to change in reactive power demand for constant real power demand can be calculated as:

I C1 = VR

I C 2 = VS

The impedance measured by the distance relay, Za at the relaying point is:

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.




Z a = Ra + jX a =



Voltage measured at mid-point of transmission line 1 Voltage measured at sending end


Z S + ZT

I Load

Voltage (p.u)


IC 2
YC 2


I C1
YC 2



X Load
0 0 0.3 0.6 T ime (sec) 0.9 1.2 1.5

Fig. 7. Equivalent of the system under study Where VS VR IS ILoad IC1, IC2 IL ZS, ZT RL, XL RLoad, XLoad Ra Xa voltage at the sending end bus voltage at the receiving end bus current at the sending end bus current drawn by load line charging currents line current source and transformer impedances line resistance and line reactance load resistance and load reactance apparent resistance seen by the relay apparent reactance seen by the relay

Fig. 9. Voltages with STATCOM

Apparent resistance and apparent reactance measured by the distance relay are evaluated using Fourier Full-cycle algorithm by inputting instantaneous voltage and current signals and signals sampled at 3 KHz sampling frequency (60 samples per cycle). Table I shows the comparison between results obtained from theoretical calculations and simulation results for different loads at receiving end. Loads are chosen in such a way that real power demand is kept constant and the load power factor (lagging) selected are 0.9, 0.8 and 0.7.
TABLE I COMPARISON OF IMPEDANCE MEASURED BASED ON THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS AND SIMULATION RESULTS FOR DIFFERENT LOADS AT RECEIVING END Load at receiving end (MVA) 400+j193.73 400+j300.00 400+j408.08 Without STATCOM Theoretical calculations Simulation results Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Resistance Reactance Resistance Reactance () () () () 449.38 407.44 333.95 131.41 234.32 297.50 447.87 406.89 334.07 128.10 230.81 294.30

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. STATCOM 1) Loading Conditions a) Without STATCOM Initially a load of 400MW, 0.9 p.f lag is connected at the receiving end of transmission line. Simulation has been carried out for duration of 1.5 seconds. Fig. 8 shows the difference in voltage (p.u) measured at the sending end and at the mid point of transmission line in the absence of STATCOM. This is due to fact that there is no reactive power compensation device to support for the voltage along the transmission line.
1.2 Voltage measured at sending end 1

0.8 Voltage (p.u)

Voltage measured at midpoint of transmission line



Table II shows the variation of resistance and reactance seen by distance relay with and without the presence of STATCOM in the system. The simulation studies are carried out for different reactive power demands at receiving end. It can be observed that the apparent resistance increases with decrease in reactive power from sending end while apparent reactance decreases with decrease in reactive power from sending end. The results are matching with the analytical study results obtained using (3) and (4).
TABLE II VARIATION OF APPARENT RESISTANCE AND APPARENT REACTANCE FOR DIFFERENT LOADING CONDITIONS Load at receiving end (MVA) 400+j193.73 400+j300.00 400+j408.08 Without STATCOM Apparent Apparent Resistance Reactance () () 447.87 406.89 334.07 128.10 230.81 294.30 With STATCOM Apparent Apparent Resistance Reactance () () 451.25 475.26 505.65 -34.04 -24.30 -11.24



0.6 Time (sec)




Fig. 8. Voltages without STATCOM

b) With STATCOM The desired voltage for STATCOM is set at 1.0 p.u. It can be seen from Fig. 9 that there is an improvement in the voltage profile during normal loading conditions after the inclusion of STATCOM, since STATCOM injects necessary reactive power to maintain midpoint voltage at the desired level.

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.



2) Simulation Results during Fault Conditions Phase A to ground fault (A-G fault) is created at different locations of transmission line and the reference voltage for STATCOM is set at 1.0 p.u. When fault occurs between the relaying point and the STATCOM location, there is no effect on the apparent impedance measured by the distance relay. The measured impedance is almost identical to that of measured impedance without STATCOM as STATCOM is not included in the fault loop. However, when fault occurs beyond the STATCOM location, the apparent resistance values are smaller and the apparent reactance values are greater than that of the impedance measured without STATCOM. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 respectively show the plots of apparent resistance and apparent reactance measured at the relaying point for phase A to ground fault (A-G fault) and the fault is created at different locations of transmission line with and without STATCOM.
8 Without ST AT COM 7 6 Apprent resistance (ohm) 5 4 3 2 1 0 With ST AT COM

affected the measurement of apparent resistance and apparent reactance values during faults.
180 Without ST AT COM 160 With ST AT COM, 400MW laod, 0.9p.f With ST AT COM, 400MW laod, 0.8p.f With ST AT COM, 400MW laod, 0.7p.f 120

Apparent reactance (ohm)



Apparent resistance (ohm)

Fig. 12. Apparent resistance versus apparent reactance for phase A to ground fault at various locations during different prefault loading conditions

Table III shows the variation of apparent resistance and apparent reactance for phase A to ground fault, for fault created at 80% of transmission line with different fault resistances when the system is loaded.
TABLE III VARIATION OF APPARENT RESISTANCE AND APPARENT REACTANCE FOR A G FAULT AT 80% OF TRANSMISSION LINE WITH 400+J193.73 MVA LOAD Fault resistance, Rf () 0.0 Without STATCOM With STATCOM Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent resistance () reactance () resistance () reactance () 6.067 13.008 32.587 79.971 81.130 84.328 5.191 18.746 50.204 105.865 105.451 101.650



30 40 50 60 70 Fault location (% of line length)




10.0 40.0

Fig. 10. Apparent resistance versus fault location curves of transmission line with and without STATCOM
160 Without ST AT COM With ST AT COM 120





30 40 50 60 70 Fault location (% of line length)




Fig. 11. Apparent reactance versus fault location curves of transmission line with and without STATCOM

3) Effect of System Strength System strength plays an important role in measuring the apparent impedance between the relaying point and the fault location. During fault conditions, fault voltages are low in weak systems. When STATCOM is introduced in weak systems and if phase A to ground fault occurs on the transmission line, STATCOM provides more compensation and therefore, causes more errors in impedance measured by the distance relay. The results obtained for 132KV transmission system when a prefault load of (32+j32) MVA connected at receiving end of transmission line with and without STATCOM is shown in Fig. 13.
45 Without ST AT COM 40 35 Apparent reactance (ohm) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -2 0 2 4 6 Apparent resistance (ohm) 8 10 system capacity =2500MVA system capacity =5000MVA system capacity =10000MVA

The changes in measured values are due to the operation of STATCOM, which tries to maintain the voltage at the midpoint to its nominal voltage. During fault conditions, voltage at the midpoint dips from the nominal voltage. STATCOM produces the reactive current to boost the voltage at the midpoint thereby increasing the apparent impedance measured by the distance relay. This would lead to the under reaching of distance relay. Fig. 12 shows the curves between measured apparent resistance and measured apparent reactance of distance relay for phase A to ground fault (A-G fault) created at various locations of transmission line with different prefault loading conditions. It can be observed that prefault loading has

Apprent reactance (ohm)

Fig. 13. Apparent resistance versus apparent reactance curves for different system capacities with and without STATCOM for A-G fault; pre-fault load (32+j32) MVA

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.



B. SSSC 1) Loading Conditions The SSSC is connected in series through a transformer at the midpoint of transmission line. The compensating voltage of 0.1p.u is set for SSSC. As mentioned earlier, the positive compensating voltage emulates a capacitor in series with the line. That means, SSSC injects a voltage which is almost in quadrature with the line current. Table IV shows the variation of resistance and reactance seen by distance relay with and without SSSC in the system.
TABLE IV VARIATION OF APPARENT RESISTANCE AND APPARENT REACTANCE FOR DIFFERENT LOADING CONDITIONS Load at receiving end (MVA) 400+j193.73 400+j300.00 400+j408.08 Without SSSC Apparent Apparent resistance reactance () () 447.87 128.10 406.89 334.07 230.81 294.30 With SSSC Apparent Apparent resistance reactance () () 431.37 85.39 394.26 321.99 183.85 250.72

V. CONCLUSIONS The results outlined in the proposed simulation studies using PSCAD/EMTDC software show that the presence of STATCOM and SSSC in the transmission system significantly affects the apparent resistance and the apparent reactance measured by the distance relay under both normal loading and fault conditions. During normal loading conditions with STATCOM connected at the midpoint of transmission line, resistance increases and reactance decreases when compared to resistance and reactance values measured without STATCOM. Under fault conditions, resistance decreases and reactance increases with STATCOM as compared to the case without STATCOM. In the case of SSSC, connected at the midpoint of transmission line, under normal loading conditions, both resistance and reactance decrease as compared to the values of resistance and reactance measured without SSSC. During fault conditions, resistance increases and reactance decreases with SSSC as compared to the case without SSSC. The results show that there is a need for distance relay to adjust to new settings in its characteristics and make it adaptive to system conditions. REFERENCES
T. J. E. Miller, Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. [2] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, 2000. [3] R. Mohan Mathur and R. K. Verma, Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, IEEE Press/John Wiley & Sons, 2002. [4] L. Gyugyi, Dynamic Compensation of AC Transmission lines by SolidState Synchronous voltage Sources, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 9, pp. 904911, April 1994. [5] L. Gyugyi, C. D. Schauder and K. K. Sen, Static Synchronous Series Compensator: A Solid-State Approach to the Series Compensation of Transmission Lines, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 406417, January 1997. [6] Khalil El-Arroudi, Geza Joos and Donald T. McGillis, Operation of Impedance Protection Relays With the STATCOM, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 381387, April 2002. [7] T. S. Sidhu, R. K.Verma, P. K. Gangadharan, F. A. Albasri, G. R. Ortiz, Performance of Distance Relays on Shunt-FACTS Compensated Transmission Lines, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol.20, No. 3, pp. 18371845, April 2005. [8] Xiaoyao Zhou, Haifeng Wang, R. K. Aggarwal, P. Beamount, Performance Evaluation of Distance Relays as Applied to a Transmission system with UPFC, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 11371147, April 2006. [9] Users Guide PSCAD 4.1.0, Manitoba-HVDC Research Centre, Canada 2003. [10] K. R. Padiyar and A. M. Kulkarni, Design of Reactive Current and Voltage Controller for Static Condenser, Elec. Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 397410, 1997. [11] K. K. Sen, SSSC Static Synchronous Series Compensator: Theory, Modeling and Applications, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 241246, January 1998. [1]

2) Fault Conditions Phase A to ground fault (A-G fault) is created at different locations of transmission line and the reference compensating voltage for SSSC is set at 0.1p.u. When fault occurs between the relaying point and the SSSC location, there is no effect on the apparent impedance seen by the distance relay. However, when SSSC is included in the fault loop, the apparent impedance seen by relay gets modified. The corresponding results are shown in Fig. 14 and Fig. 15.
16 Without SSSC 14 Apparent resistance (ohm) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 With SSSC



30 40 50 60 70 Fault location (% of line length)




Fig. 14. Apparent resistance versus fault location curves of the system with and without SSSC for A-G fault
Without SSSC 80 With SSSC

Apparent reactance (ohm)






30 40 50 60 70 Fault location (% of line length)




Fig. 15. Apparent reactance versus fault location curves of the system with and without SSSC for A-G fault

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

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