Ijest11 03 08 291
Ijest11 03 08 291
Ijest11 03 08 291
Mr. D.K. Sharma
HOD Electrical Engineering L.R. Institute of Technology & Management Email Id : davendrakumarsharma@gmail.com
ABSTRACT The paper describes the damping of power system oscillations of the single machine and multi- machine power system using STATCOM, the static synchronous compensator with combined PI and Fuzzy Logic controlled voltage regulator. The proposed controller is used to damp the power system oscillations and regulate the bus bar voltage at which STATCOM is connected. The rate of dissipation of transient energy in post fault period giving additional damping will actually evaluate the efficiency and performance of the STATCOM. The basic objective of the STATCOM is to support bus bar voltage by injecting appropriate reactive power; it can also improve the dynamic behavior of a power system. The performance of the proposed controller has been compared with combined conventional PI voltage regulator and SFLC on a Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) 3-phase 9-bus system through simulation by using MATLAB Key words: - FACTS,STATCOM SFLC and MATLAB. 1. INTRODUCTION In power system the low frequency power oscillations are inherent due to sudden change of load, outage of machine or load, fault conditions and such frequent occurrence. Satisfactory damping of the power system oscillations, therefore is an important issue when dealing with rotor angle stability of the power system .STATCOM is a shunt connected FACTS device which Is used to regulate and control the reactive power in the power system and thus improving the performance and capability of the transmission lines and damping the undesired oscillations, thus increasing power system stability. The STATCOM is generally used for voltage control, but in some cases it may adversely effect the power system oscillations. Here in this paper such eventually are eliminated and on the basis of locally measured value the priority will be to improve STATCOM control strategy by measuring the locally measureable signals obtained from load side near the STATCOM. These FACTS devices are effectively used to improve upon the power system stability with high value of accuracy and promptness. The electromechanical oscillations have been observed in many power systems during immediately after major disturbances, these oscillations may be local to a single generator or may involve a number of generators widely
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
separated (inter-area oscillations).Since the advent of deregulation and separation of generation and transmission system in electric-industry, voltage stability and reactive powerrelated system restrictions have become an growing concern for electric utilities. The Flexible AC Transmission System can be effectively used for power flow control, load sharing among parallel corridors, voltage regulation and enhancing the transient stability and mitigation of system oscillations. The FACTS technology opens up new opportunities for controlling power and enhancing the present capacity and upgrading of lines of the power system. It increases the transmitting efficiency of the transmission lines by controlling the inter-related parameters that governs the operation of transmission system too. 2. STATCOM. (Static Synchronous Compensator)
The STASTCOM is one of the important shunt connected Flexible AC Transmission system controllers to control the power flow and make better transient stability. A statcom is a controlled reactive power source. It provides voltage support by generating or absorbing capacitors banks. It regulates the voltage at its terminals by compensating the amount of reactive power in or out from the power system. When the system voltage is low the STATCOM injects the reactive power to and when the voltage is high it absorbs the reactive power. The reactive power is fed from the voltage source converter (VSC) which is connecting on the secondary side of a coupling transformer as shown in the Fig 1. The power electronic based source generates three phase supply with proper frequency. By varying the magnitude of the output voltage the reactive power exchange can be regulated between the convertor and AC system. 2.1 ADVANTAGES OF STATCOM There are many technical advantages of a STATCOM, these are primarily i. ii. iii. iv. v. It has fast response. It requires less space as passive elements are eliminated. Inherently modular and re-locatable. It can be interfaced with real power source viz. battery. It has superior performance during low voltage condition as the reactive current can be maintained constant.
2.2 OPERATING PRINCIPLE Let V1 be the voltage of power system and V2 be the voltage produced by the voltage source (VSC). During steady state working condition, the voltage V2 produced by VSC is in phase with V1 (i.e.=0) in this case only reactive power is flowing. If the magnitude of the voltage V2 produced by the VSC is less than the magnitude of V1, the reactive power is flowing from power system to VSC(the STATCOM is absorbing the reactive power). If V2 is greater than V1 the reactive power is flowing from VSC to power system (the STATCOM is producing reactive power) and if the V2 is equal to V1the reactive power exchange is zero. The amount of reactive can be given as Q (i)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
Thus we can say that; If V1 > V2 the STATCOM is drawing a capacitive reactive current and if V1 < V2 the STATCOM is inductive reactive current.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
If an energy source on DC side, the voltage VDCcan be constant,GTO based switch T1 & are switch on and off in a cycle. The conduction period of each switch is 1800 and whenT1 & T2 is off and vice- versa. Fig.5 shows the basic six-plse STATCOM connected to a load bus in a power system where Rp represents the ON state resistance of the switches and Lp the transformer leakage inductance. It generates a balanced and controlled three phase voltage Vp. The voltage controlled depends on the firing angle control of the VSC.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
The synchronous generator is described as; iii) (v) , is load angle, and angular speed of the generator. Where iv) ,
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
In case of multi-machine for three phases nine bus systems it can be solved using a two axis machine model with no saturation and neglecting-both
4 TEST RESULTS. The transient performer of the rotor angle, rotor speed deviation, terminal voltage and bus voltage are shown in figures for load with conventional, PI STATCOM and SFLC controllers.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Mr. D.K. Sharma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
6. CONCLUSION The result shown above by modeling the system in MATLAb and simulating their result shows that by MATLAB simulation stuides the superior damping of the superior damping of the electromechanical oscillations of the synchronous generator provided by this proposed control strategy over the conventional cascade control approach has been established for a variety of sever transient disturbances. Thus the proposed controller shows better performacnce to damp the power system oscillations.
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ISSN : 0975-5462