Controller of Procurement Vendor Registration Form
Controller of Procurement Vendor Registration Form
Controller of Procurement Vendor Registration Form
Telegraphic Address and Telephone No. 3. Nature of business, whether manufacturer / service sub contractor / authorized agent / trader 4. Description of item of manufacture / agency / services for which registration sought., also indicate trade name of the product. 5. (a). Factory postal address and phone no. (b). Registered office, postal address and phone no. (c). Branch office, postal address and phone no. (d). Sale office addresses and phone no. (e). Correspondence address phone no. for this registration STATUS 6. Whether public limited / private limited /partnership or proprietary concern. Attach photo copy of memorandum/ articles of association / partnership deed if applicable : 7. Name of Directors / Partners / Proprietor and their interest in other concerns 8. Address of directors / partners 9. If you are manufacturer your firm is registered under? (a) Director of industries (govt. of Maharashtra) give details such as reg. no. & etc. with Photostat copy (b) Small scale industries, give details such as reg. no. & date etc.with Photostat copy. (c) Partnership,state whether registered Indian partnership act 1932 (d) Attach documentary evidence of purchase of factory premise : :
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10. In case you are a trader --(a) Whether you are registered under shop & establishment act certificate ,if you attach Photostat copy : (b) Registrar of firms certificate, if yes attach Photocopy: (c) Registrar of Companies Incorporation certificate with Photostat copy
(d) Attach Documentary evidence of purchase of your office, Shop and godown : 11. (a) Sales Tax Reg. No. with Photostat copy (b) C.S.T . with Photostat copy (c) Attach S.T clearance Certificate for the previous year 12. (a) Income Tax permanent Account no. (b) Attach Photostat copy of Income Tax clearance certificate for the previous year 13. Balance Sheet of the previous financial year. Attach photo copy, if not printed : :
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14. (a) Name of Bankers Postal Address and Telephone No. : (b) Give details of bank credit facilities available to you : 15. Paid up / Invested capital :
16. Name and address of associated sister manufacturer/sub contracting/ trading concern : 17. Name and address of your authorized distributors / dealers and their phone Nos.
18. (a) Are you interested for the item offered with DGS & D.if so give your registration No. and submit a Photostat certificate of your registration with DGS & D. :
(b) if an authorized dealer / stockist / sole selling agent / items under authorized agency(attach Photostat copy of authorized agency/agreement) : (c) Address of Godown 19. Date of commencement of business / Product itemwise (a) Whether the item(s) is completely manufactured. if not, names of subcontractors who supply major components 20.(a) Major orders executed for the Govt./Non Govt. concerns-attach details of order No. date value etc. :
(b) Attach performance report from at least three of your reputed and major customers : 21. Number of employees in your firm Engineers (a) Permanent (b) Temporary Total 22.(a) Plant area of your Firm (b) List of Machinery and equipment available in your factory, give Photostat of machinery purchase bills (c) Installed capacity (d) Sources of procurement of Raw Materials 23. (a) Do you have a laboratory for metallurgical/ chemical / physical testing : Skilled : Semi-skilled Unskilled Total
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(b) Do you avail yourself of testing facilities outside of your organization? If so please indicate the same and address of testing agency : 24. Name of officials who will directly negotiate or transact business with us
25. (a) Name and Postal address/Telex No of the foreign collaborators if any (b) Name and Postal address of foreign Principals, for agency, if any
26. If importers of raw materials / products, give details of Import License ,name of supplier : 27. If stockists, minimum stock held for each item in qty and value 28. Give a brief write up of the inspection and quality control procedure followed by you.
29. Does your product enjoy quality specification approved by Govt. If so details of ESL, BS etc. Enclose product Catalogues, Price List, Brochure etc. : 30. Name, Postal address and Telephone No. of firm in which any of Proprietor/Partners/Directors is associated: 31. Any other details which you wish to quote for judging your firms standing in the market : DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT FIRM We hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We confirm that our Proprietors/Partners /Directors are not associated with any thing with which business has been banned by the Central / State Govt. Dept / Public sector undertaking(Central / State Govt.) We hereby accept the Terms and Conditions of contract as stipulated in Schedule B of this form. Signature : (Seal of company) Name in block letters : Designation : Place : Date : Please note : The Controller of Procurement reserves the right to reject any application without giving any reasons
TO BE EXECUTED ON NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF RS.20/- AND THE ATTENDED BY NOTARY PUBLIC OR IGT CLASS MAGISTRATE I/We __________________________________ Son of _____________________the Proprietor /Director of M/s___________________with the registered office at ____________________ solemnly of firm and state on oath that 1) The Plant & Machinery/ premises ___________________etc. of the factory of the firm situated at _______________________ are now owned exclusively by me/us. 2) The firm for which registration has been applied is small scale industrial unit on the basis of the capital investment of the cost of plant and machinery 3) None of the Proprietor / Directors / Partners of the firm was / is of any firm with whom the Government have banned / suspended business dealings. 4) We undertake to report to the registering authority of CPRO immediately after we are informed but in any case not later than 15 days, if any firm in which Proprietor / Partners /Directors are such a firm which is banned / suspended in future either before the registration is granted of thereafter The information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. Place Verification Signature of deponents/s (seal of the firm/company)
I/we above named deponents/s hereby, verify that the contents of my/our above deposition are true to the best of my/our knowledge and nothing has been concealed there from. Verified at_______________________ this the _________________ day of ________ Notes:1. Strike out which ever is not applicable (deponents) Affidavit portion regarding ownership of Plant & Machinery is not applicable , where audited accounts are submitted. 2. The applicants may submit the affidavit separately or together as is convenient
TERMS AND CONDITION OF REGISTRATION 1. Please note that you should abide the General Terms and Conditions of Contract as contained in SCOC of Indian navy and instructions given in application form as amended from time to time persistent failure on your part to abide by the same may result in cancellation of registration. 2. It will be obligatory on you to furnish performance in statement form once in every year indicating all the orders placed on you by CPRO. It should be your endeavor to participate in CPROs tenders and secure minimum order by quoting most economical and competitive rates, your performance against CPROs contract will be criteria for continuation of registration . 3. Your technical capacity will be verified at an interval of three years or earlier .If necessary you should thereof keep registration branch informed of the changes in specification or if you discontinue production of nay item. 5. All the documents having specific validity period like 1st license certificate, ITCC, Balance Sheet should be furnished when ever they become due. Changes in constitution, merger/amalgamation/takeover/dissolution or liquidation and changes. If any in the name and address of your firm/partner/proprietors/directors of constituted attorney etc. including plant and machinery technical skill, brand products line etc. should be furnish to the registration branch of CPRO when they occur .You may furnished well in time system to ensure that all these information and documents are furnished well in time without expecting any reminder from CPRO. Any laxity of failure to comply with this requirement should be viewed seriously and may result in cancellation of registration. 5 As a registered supplier your are required to maintain absolute integrity follow a decent standard of business and do unbecoming of registered supplier. 6 Application of inclusions of additional items in your permanent registration certificate should be made directly to the DQAN, New Delhi in a prescribed form with a copy to registration branch of CPRO, not more than 2 such application should be entertained in year. 7 Registration on the approved list does not guarantee award of any contract in your tenders you should quote your Regn. No. and state that you are registered for particular store
8 In all your future correspondence with the registration branch of CPRO, please quote always Regn. Number given at the top 9 Whenever you are required to produce a coy of registration certificate, you should produce copies of the original certificate along with all documents (including addition/deletion etc) 10 The government has a right to add or delete firm and alter or amend any of the above terms & conditions and such additional /deletion amendments and alteration shall also be applicable to the firm already registered from the date when they come into effect 11 I/We have read the above terms & conditions for grant of registration, carefully and agreed to abide by them
Signature of Partner/Proprietor/M.D/Director