Teks Perhimpunan BI (Edit)
Teks Perhimpunan BI (Edit)
Teks Perhimpunan BI (Edit)
A very good morning I bid to our
*Principal, Pn. Hjh Andik Radhiah bt A. Aziz
Administration Senior Assistant – En. Zulkurnain bin Abd Rahman
Student’s Affair Senior Assistant – Pn. Jamiah bt Basimin
Co curriculum Senior Assistant – En. Khairul Hisham bin Ali Barzom
Form 6 Senior Assistant – En. Rozman bin Shafie
Special Education Senior Assistant – Tn. Hj. Mohd Ashari bin Maheran
Head of Sectors, teachers and friends.
Alhamdulillah, thank to Allah for his blessings as we can gather here in a lovely morning for our
weekly assembly.
1. DOA
To bless our assembly today, I would like to invite ________________
to recite the doa.
Thank you.
6. ANNOUNCEMENT (Optional)
We have almost come to the end of our assembly. Before we dismiss, I have a few
announcements to make ;
2) ________________________________________________________
Now, Teachers and students, please stand still and straight to sing our school song.
Thank You for singing the school song with enthusiastic.
Hopefully, we have gained a lot of valuable and beneficiary information during the assembly.
Thank you for your cooperation and attention.
Assembly Dismissed. Assalamualaikum w.b.t.