Final Project Report - Sarabjeet Singh Bagga
Final Project Report - Sarabjeet Singh Bagga
Final Project Report - Sarabjeet Singh Bagga
Submitted by
(1613105103 / 16SCSE105084)
Bachelor of Technology
Dr. J.N.Singh
1. Abstract 1
2. Introduction 1
3. Existing System 2
4. Proposed system 4
7. Conclusion/Future Enhancement 12
8. References 12
Loan management is crucial and it's instrumental in ensuring the success or failure of any credit institution.
Loan portfolio problems have historically been the main explanation for the danger of possible loan losses. the
most scope of this project is to supply good interaction and communication between customers and
administrator. the present system could be a manual system, that does not maintain details with proper
security and can’t track details easily and also doesn’t contain functionalities of fast retrieval
information, like customer details, maintenance of all the loan details and it involves many paperwork. Loan
Management System has been designed to automate the rear office activities of bank and non depository
financial institution offers any sort of loans. System can make the daily activities efficient and providing the
fast response. Includes add, edit, find customer details, maintain and issue new loan, modify loan rate. The
scope of this project is to use loan in a very smart way. The project covers the system analysis and style of
getting loan detail process, settling process, and receiving payment process. the present system presents the
issues occurring from manual operations. This project is arranged to beat many problems like data
redundancy, data incorrectness, time consuming, etc. The new computerized system will reduce errors while
providing a stronger control over the method and a stronger management information in timely manner for
implementation strategies. The new system had been checked to make sure that there's no error within
the programs, and therefore the outputs of the system are met with the target of the export financing system. to
boost the effective management of consumers, the system should be further developed to support other
bidding loan information. Main objective is to provide good interaction & communication facilities between
customers & Administrator. Loan management system has been designed to online the back office activities of
bank and finance company which offers any type of loan, Administrator manage customer information
database more efficiently, Loan details, maintain loan type and interest rate information. Admin can use
calculator to give exact payable loan amount for the customer & generate all these work info as a report of
each customers.
This system is called as a online loan management system. this technique is intended to simply maintain the
info of the loan customers specifically. this technique is formed to stay the records about the shoppers who have
taken a loan from a bank. Registered user can login into the Loan management system using the e-mail id or the
user id and password. After signing in into this technique there are the choices to feature new customers,
manage the account of old customers and to test their other details etc. Daily many new customers visit the
bank, so adding the new customer’s details and keeping the records using it's very easy. There are many other
options also like changing repo rate, adding new accounts etc. New and unique ids are given to everyone who
gets registered over this technique and to the shoppers who take the loan. There also are the choices to test the
customer’s loan amount, rate and therefore the unpaid amount. Amount paid by any customer or may
be saved thereon and it's easy to calculate daily that the money is collected. Bank staff members sort of
a manager, the cashier can the also check the main points of their customers like if any customer has not paid
the monthly amount from the last three months then it'll notify itself to the user.It is easy to calculate money
and handle account on monthly basis also. this technique also has an choice to use the backup, which means if
we are backing up the database it can never be lost. It can even take attendance of the working staff and
may also manage their account for salary. A staffer can even have taken the loan from the bank which can
even be seen. So, overall this loan management system could be a solution to all or any the issues that we
face in a very industry.
-Here the existing system is a manual that doesn't maintain details with proper security and can’t track details
-It doesn’t allow the customer to check their profile in proper way which leads customer dis-satisfaction.
-Existing system doesn’t contains functionalities of fast retrieval information such as customer
details and maintenance of all the loan details so it involves lots of paperwork.
-Doesn’t user-friendly interface.
-Lots of time is required to manage customer info & details so it feels that existing system not
accurate and therefore maintenance becomes very complicate.
-It used to take more time to find customers because there are required extra manual effort such
as to hire candidate.
There are Following Modules of this System :-
● User management:
-Registration: Customer, User can registration with basic information like User name, Mobile no, email id etc
● Loan Application:-
Admin manage loan application which is sent by customer using the system.
Once loan is approved customer can download loan form in MS word document to sign of them
and their guarantor.
EMI Calculation - System have EMI calculator which can provides details of particular loans, System take
input from user like Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Tenure, Issue Date and give details output like monthly EMI,
total interest, total cost.
Receive payment – using with this System admin can enter payment information for particular emi, in this
system late fine charges can mention if receipt date is greater than the emi date.
● A Query Module:-
A query module give information for particular customer, Customer user can search information by
entering customer ID.
It displays details like No of payment, EMI amount, EMI date, Receipt date, Late fine charge if any etc.
Admin :-
• Admin can login the system with his user name and password.
• Admin can manage loan application sent by customer using the system to decide to give loan and
for that customer will be contacted by company's agent to get document of loan .
• He can maintain information & details to the customer such as customer name, address,
contact no, bank account no, pan no, email id, etc. Only Admin can manage customer
• He can manage loan details such as Loan no, loan type, Loan Amount, loan tenure, interest rate,
Issue date etc. for the customer.
• He can mange at the time of receiving EMI which contains details of given an EMI and the
EMI that are remain in future to get next time of customer.
• Report generation module provides user to take print out..
• They can view an interest rate and the loan type in the system.
• They can apply loan application using the system to get loan and track their profile
details from online after given the loan.
• Once loan is approved they can download a loan form in MS word document to signature.
• User can register with the basic information like User name, Mobile no, email id etc.
• User can login the system with his username and Password.
• They can view their information & details such as customer name, address,
contact no, bank account no, pan no, email id, etc.
• They can view loan details such as Loan no, loan type, Loan Amount, loan tenure,
interest rate, Issue date etc.
● Interest rates and the loan details are also available at the click of a mouse.
● Customer can apply for a loan and after approved it they can track their details from online.
● This system provides detail about the customers, their loan details, EMI details and its rate details.
● System provides download option to download different type of loan form in MS word document
● Using with this system admin can find customer easily and it’s a paperless system so
workload is reduced.
Entity Admin:
Every User detail must be stored in a very proper manner with very needed attributed. As all the
opposite tasks will be performed given that the user is authenticated. After the admin has registered and is
verified by the admin then the user can perform all the tasks thereon. a number of the features of the user
are because the follows:
The user id is system generated and unique, which may be referenced in the other entity.This mostly for
recognizing it within the unique way anywhere within the program.
User name:
User name is taken from the user and fed into this it's properly validated in order that no mistake happens.
The number is taken here to stay the member updated and for the confirmation of the event is additionally
managed through this method.
Email is taken to form member tuned in to new offers a replacement events and for future references, it is, also
User Address:
Address of the user is required at the time the receptionist is registering itself on the system.
The password is required to login into the system and therefore the password must contain a special character, a
numeric character and an graphic symbol letter.
Entity Customer:
A customer that came to the bank for taking loan of any a sort of consumer credit, study loan, auto loan etc. and
if the customer is new a novel and new id is given to the customer and if the customer is old then customers
entry with the date is finished and therefore the further account is started.
For the new customer, the knowledge that's required names, age, address, sign and therefore the loan type and
amount that the customer has come to the bank.
Customer name:
User name is taken from the user and fed into this it's properly validated in order that no mistake happens.
Loan type:
The customer might need taken any variety of loans like study loan, auto loan or consumer credit. So, it must be
added within the database.
Entity Bank:
The bank is that the one who gives the loan to the banks and if the customer is fake then it's dangerous for the
bank. The bank must have the knowledge about its customers, its branches and therefore
the information that's required for the bank branches could be a name, address, sign. These attributes are
explained below:
Bank name:
bank name is taken from the user and fed into this it's properly validated in order that no mistake happens.
Bank Address:
Address of the bank is required at the time the user is registering itself on the system if the user is adding a
replacement bank branch. So, the address is extremely important in every case. for patrons, for the bank and for
the user.
Loan Amount:
The loan amount is the total amount that the borrower promises to pay back. This is the amount after the down
payment has been paid.
Entity Staff:
Staff members add the bank and therefore the job they're doing must be in step with their profile or the
study they need done. the knowledge required for registering a staffer on this technique could be a name,
address, employee id, job and salary.Other attributes of entity guard are as follows:
The user must know the names of the guards who are on duty within the same prison.
The sign is taken here to stay the member updated and for the confirmation of the event is additionally managed
through this method.
If a guard gets hurt on the duty and just in case his family has to be known that then the guard’s address and
therefore the sign is required.
The user must understand the shift of the guards in order that all the guards do their duty well.
Duty Hours:
Duty hours of the guards keep getting changed and it must be updated into the prison management system.
In this use case as you'll see we've got our system as box and also the users who use our system are of the
sort of outdoor the box but associated with the system. There are two varieties of user one is admin and also
the other is user type.
There is only one style of user which is present here during this system. This user has all the privileges but it
cannot register itself on this method because the admin has to verify the registering user. After the admin
verifies the user only then he's eligible to use the system and afterward, it's all the privileges.Attributes given to
the user are:
Adding customer:
The user can add a brand new customer and might put it aside. the small print of shoppers are often seen only
by the valid users.
Adding staff:
In this attribute or column, the user can add the small print about the staff members.
This entity is about the small print of the bank and its branches who are giving a loan to customers.
Admin panel:
There are often only 1 account of admin. Admin can add the users. When a user tries to register on prison
management system then the request goes to admin and if the admin verifies only the user can register itself on
that. Other privileges that admin has been explained below :
He can Login through his id and password. The password is created very secure so not a soul can guess and
make it difficult for hackers to crack.
He has access to the profile of his own and he can search detail of other Users and might see the detail of him.
This admin is liable for creating and uploading the Menu card to each User within the Interface.
He can add a user therein account a and provides access to for handling the prison on their own.
He can manipulate the info of any user. In this, we are showing here the interaction of the users with our system
through our use case diagram.
Description :- This form shows about loan application details which is sent by customer.
Description :- This form shows about validation for entering invalid PAN Card no of customer
● I will also make live chat with the newsletter mailing system for user.
Websites :-
Books :-
Java for the Web with Servlet & JSP : Budi Kurniawan