Nabil Project
Nabil Project
Nabil Project
Submitted by:
Registration no: 16508000034
Session: 2016-17
We, hereby, declare that the work presented in this project is the outcome that we get is
done under the supervision of Abu Hena Md. Mustafa Kamal, Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE, National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh .We also declare that no
part of this project has been or is being submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree
or diploma.
Candidate’s Signature
Md. Mahadi Hasan Limon
Registration no: 16508000034
Saeed Hasan Nabil
Registration no: 16508000066
This project entitled “IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System”
submitted by Saeed Hasan Nabil and Mahadi Hasan Limon to the Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
is accepted by the department in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Award of the
Degree of Bachelor of Science and Engineering.
In this project, an IoT based vehicle accident detection and rescue information system is
developed in order to detect vehicle accident and send the location information of the
accident place to vehicle owner, nearest hospital and police station via a web service.
The communication between the web server and hardware device is established via
GSM/GPRS shield, and the location is traced by using the GPS shield. The accident is
detected through vibration sensors, keypad and buzzer. The project is developed for real
time data fetching form the hardware device using sensors and store in the web server,
and send notification to different users either through web application, android mobile
application or SMS. This project approximately provides the accurate detection of the
location of accident occurred, and send notification to the nearest police station and
First of all, we would like to thank almighty Allah for giving us strength, patience and
knowledge to complete this project work. We would like to express our sincere
gratitude to our supervisor Abu Hena Md. Mustafa Kamal Sir for the continuous
support, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped us
in all the time of work and writing of this thesis. We could not have imagined having a
better supervisor and mentor for this project. We would like to thank our friends for
their feedback, cooperation and of course friendship. In addition, we would like to
express our gratitude to the faculty members of the Department of ECE ,National
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh who helped us with their feedback. Last but not least,
we would like to thank our family, our parents and to our brothers and sisters for
supporting us.
LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE.....................................................................................iii
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................1
LIST OF ABBREVIATION.........................................................................................2
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................4
1.1 Background.............................................................................................................4
1.2 Objective.................................................................................................................6
1.3 Motivation..............................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Service layer..................................................................................................11 Features..........................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION.........................................................................28
4.5 Security.................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION....................................................................................36
Figure 2.1: IoT connecting the physical world to the web ................................................
Figure 2.6: IIC / I2C 1602 Blue Backlight LCD Display Module[13] ...........................
Figure 3.3: Flow Chart for the complete design methodology. ......................................
Figure 4.5: Website ......................................................................................
Figure 4.7: User panel for multiple car installed the device. (website screenshot).........
Figure 4.8: Hospital get notification about accident and direction towards the spot. .....
Figure 4.9: Police satation get notification about accident and direction towards the spot.
Table 1.1: Road Accident and Casualties Statistics (2009-2016) (Source: Bangladesh
Police) .............................................................................................................................. 6
Shield ...........................................................................................................................
Using this from of industrial machines to wearable or wireless devices, using built-in
sensors to gather data and take action on that data across a network. The sensor and
actuator can be setup in different place but they are working together over an internet
Using IoT technique a vehicle tracking system (VTS) can be built. A vehicle tracking
system combines the use of automatic vehicle location of individual vehicles with
software that collects these fleet data for a comprehensive picture of vehicle locations.
Modern vehicle tracking systems commonly use GPS or GLONASS technology for
locating the vehicle, but other types of automatic vehicle location technology can also
be used. Vehicle information can be viewed on electronic maps via internet with
specialized software. The history of vehicle tracking dates to the beginning of GPS
technology in 1978. In the early years, the technology was not yet operational, due to an
insufficient number of satellites orbiting the earth. On Jan. 17, 1994, after years of
gradual growth, the final of the first 24 satellites was launched, and the GPS system was
considered fully operational. Early GPS was designed primarily only for military but in
1996, President Bill Clinton determined that the system would be an asset to civilians as
well as the military. This policy change made GPS technology available to the average
individual, including fleet managers, who could see the benefit of using the technology
to keep tabs on their vehicles. In the early days of fleet tracking, in order to properly
track a fleet, each vehicle had to be enabled with a costly GPS device. The company
was required to pay a typically high monthly fee to use the satellite tracking system.
While helpful, these early systems were difficult to implement, costly to use and
sometimes inconvenient for drivers and fleet management alike. Thus it took several
years for the concept to catch on. In the earliest days, only large, wealthy fleets took
advantage of the technology. The modern fleet tracking system provides the necessary
data to fleet managers allowing them to run their operations more efficiently. Reports on
driver behavior, vehicle performance and fuel use all make it easier for the fleet
manager to cut costs and increase efficiencies. These systems go beyond simple
reporting of each vehicle’s location, offering fleet managers a wealth of information
about their vehicles and their drivers [1].
1. GPS tracking: The device fits into the vehicle and captures the GPS
location information apart from other vehicle information at regular intervals
to a central server. Other vehicle information can include fuel amount,
engine temperature, altitude, reverse geocoding, door open/close, tire
pressure, cut off fuel, turn off ignition, turn on headlight, turn on taillight,
battery status, GSM area code/cell code decoded, number of GPS satellites in
view, glass open/close, fuel amount, emergency button status, cumulative
idling, computed odometer, engine RPM, throttle position, GPRS status and
a lot more. Capability of these devices actually decide the final capability of
the whole tracking system; most vehicle tracking systems, in addition to
providing the vehicle's location data, feature a wide range of communication
ports that can be used to integrate other on board systems, allowing to check
their status and control or automate their operation.
2. GPS tracking server: The tracking server has three responsibilities:
receiving data from the GPS tracking unit, securely storing it, and serving
this information on demand to the user.
3. User interface: The UI determines how one will be able to access
information, view vehicle data, and elicit important details from it [2].
In Bangladesh this VTS is available. There are some company like GP, ROBI provides
Vehicle Tracking Service (VTS) which has some common features like tracking the
vehicle using satellite GPS & GSM communication. But there is no system which can
detect accident and also give the service of VTS. Here comes carsafe project which can
detect speed of a car, location of a car, and if there is any accident occur it can
communicate automatically to the nearest police station, hospital and owner to reduce
instant loss or damage.
1.2 Objective
Here the following objectives are set, in the view of above mentioned research
background for the present work in VTS, accident detection and rescue information
1.3 Motivation
In Bangladesh, there are some company provides vehicle tracking system. Every VTS
do the same thing like speed check, track vehicle. Some VTS can detect an accident. But
there is no VTS that gives notification to the nearest hospital and police station if any
accident occurs. In Bangladesh, where a person who faces an accident get less facility in
treatment there need a system that can communicate to the nearest hospital and police
station. Statistics shows, there are more than 3,000 people die on Bangladesh's roads
every year. The country has one of the highest rates in the world, with more than 85
deaths for every 10,000 registered motor vehicles. That's around 50 times higher than
the rate in most western countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
road traffic injuries cause a loss of about 2% of GDP in Bangladesh, or about £1.2bn
annually. This is almost equal to the total foreign aid received in a fiscal year. The
losses include direct and indirect expenses, such as medical costs, insurance loss,
property damage, family income losses and traffic congestion [3].
2013 2029 1957 1396
Now-a-days lots of accidents happen on highways due to increase in traffic and also due
to rash driving of the drivers. And in many situations the family members or the
ambulance and police authority is not informed in time. This result in delaying the help
reached to the person suffered due to an accident. A serious accident occurs at
nightmare and it might be not caught sight of other people then the victim is unable to
call some emergency services by himself don’t get help at the right time. If other may
see the accident but they don’t have the number of hospital or police station. So It take’s
lots of time to inform a nearest hospital or police station. That increase the vulnerability
of life of the people who got into accident. Besides, Many people died on the way to the
hospital due to lack of information about nearest hospital or delay for waiting for the
ambulance. This project will implement a system that can detect accident and show the
nearest hospital to the car passengers, also a hospital and police station will get notified
about any accident occurred near to the hospital and police station. So that, the hospital
and police station can send rescue team in very short time. This project will help to
reduce the greater loss and damage for any accident.
The outline of the rest of this report has been structured as follows.
Chapter 2 presents the background study for the project and hardware specification of
the components used in the project it also describes the technical previous related works
on the topic of VTS and IoT..
Chapter 3 explains methodology of the project that how the project being implemented.
Chapter 4 presents the real implementation of the project. The hardware, web services
including website and mobile application.
Chapter 5 outlines conclusion of this work precisely and also describes the scope of
future work for possible extended application of the project.
The Internet of things (IoT) is the between systems administration of physical gadgets,
vehicles, structures, and different things installed with hardware, programming, sensors,
actuators, and system availability which empower these items to gather and exchange
data. The IoT enables items to be detected or controlled remotely across existing system
infrastructure creating open doors for more straightforward of the physical world into
computer-based systems and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic
benefit in addition to reduced human intervention. Only IoT can connect physical world
to the web.
The IoT is more than internet connected consumer gadgets. Sooner or later every IT
organization will need to create an framework to support it. Energy companies already
use networked sensors to measure vibrations in turbines. They feed that data through the
network to computing systems that analyse it to predict when machines will need
maintenance and when they will fail. Jet engine manufacturers embed sensors that
measure temperature, pressure, and other conditions to improve their products. Even a
gift basket business can deploy sensors to constantly monitor the temperature of
perishable products [4].
2.2 Architecture of IoT
The first layer of IoT is interface layer. This layer provides the interaction methods
between users and application. This section looks how user can easily used the system.
This includes three main approaches. Firstly, we need the ability to create web-based
front-ends and portals that interact with devices and with the event-processing layer.
Secondly, we need the ability to create dashboards that offer views into analytics and
event processing. Finally, we need to be able to interact with systems outside this
network using machine-to-machine communications (APIs).
The recommended approach to building the web front end is to utilize a modular
frontend architecture, Web server-side technology, such as Java Servlets/, JSP, PHP,
Python, Ruby, etc.
This layer is used to create and manage services to satisfy users needs. To do so, it
process data deep processing. To make more userfrindly application, it provides
database with different data and devides work.
The Networking or Communication layer supports the connectivity of the devices. There
are multiple potential protocols for communication between the devices and the cloud.
The most well known three potential protocols are
HTTP is well known, and there are many libraries that support it. Because it is a simple
textbased protocol, many small devices such as 8-bit controllers can only partially
support the protocol – for example enough code to POST or GET a resource. The larger
32-bit based devices can utilize full HTTP client libraries that properly implement the
whole protocol.
There are several protocols optimized for IoT use. The two best known are MQTT6 and
CoAP7. MQTT was invented in 1999 to solve issues in embedded systems and
SCADA. It has been through some iterations and the current version (3.1.1) is
undergoing standardization in the OASIS MQTT Technical Committee8. MQTT is a
publish-subscribe messaging system based on a broker model. The protocol has a very
small overhead (as little as 2 bytes permessage), and was designed to support lossy and
intermittently connected networks.MQTT was designed to flow over TCP. In addition
there is an associated specification designed for ZigBee-style networks called MQTTSN
(Sensor Networks).
CoAP is a protocol from the IETF that is designed to provide a RESTful application
protocol modeled on HTTP semantics, but with a much smaller footprint and a binary
rather than a text-based approach. CoAP is a more traditional client-server approach
rather than a brokered approach. CoAP is designed to be used over UDP [5].
Sensors collect data from the environment or object under measurement and turn it into
useful data. This layer covers everything from legacy industrial devices to robotic
camera systems, water-level detectors, air quality sensors, accelerometers, and heart rate
monitors. And the scope of the IoT is expanding rapidly, thanks in part to low-power
wireless sensor network technologies and Power over Ethernet, which enable devices on
a wired LAN to operate without the need for an A/C power source.
Even with the recent attention given to security for IoT devices, it can be easy to
overlook the need for end-to-end security for an IoT platform. Every part of a platform
should be analysed for security prospects. From internet connections to the applications
and devices to the transmitted and stored data, there is a potential for an attack vector.
Without question, the single most important non-functional requirement of an IoT
platform is that it offers robust security.
2.4 Hardware specification
Operating Voltage 5V
DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mA
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)
Length 68.6 mm
Width 53.4 mm
Weight 25 g
14 Features
GPRS data feature o Downlink speed: max 85.6kbps o Uplink
speed: max 85.6kbps o Coding schemes: CS-1\CS-2\
o Supports PAP (Password Authentication
Protocol) for
PPP connection o
Embedded TCP/IP protocol o
Supports PBCCH
o Supports CSD transmission speed:
2.4/4.8/9.6/14.4 kbps o Supports USSD
16 Board Description [12]
1. SIM808 module
2. MIC29302 power chip
3. CP2102: USB TO UART converter
4. SMF05C: TVS diode
5. 1N5408: on board rectifier
6. SIM808 functional pins
7. Arduino expansion connector
8. USB TO UART interface
9. DC power jack
10. GPS antenna connector
11. Bluetooth antenna connector
12. Firmware upgrade interface
13. GSM antenna connector
14. SIM card slot
15. 3.5mm earphone/mic jack
16. GPS status indicator 17. CP2102 UART Tx/Rx indicator
18. NET indicator:
a. flashes fast when the module starts up
b. flashes slowly after GSM register succeed
19. Power indicator
20. Power switch
21. SIM808 control button: press the button and hold for 1s, to startup/shutdown the
22. Reset button
23. UART selection switch, select controlling the SIM808 via:
a. CP2102
b. UART pins of Arduino interface
24. SIM808 UART configuration:
25. IOREF power selection: configure the UART voltage level.
Figure 2.6: IIC / I2C 1602 Blue Backlight LCD Display Module[8]
• LCM type: Characters
• Can display 2-lines X 16-characters.
• Voltage: 5V DC.
• Module dimension: 80mm x 35mm x 11mm.
• Viewing area size: 64.5mm x 16mm.
If the module does not vibrate, the vibration switch was closed on state, output of low
output, the green indicator light. The product vibrates, vibration switch momentary
disconnect, output is driven high, the green light does not shine. The output can be
directly connected with the microcontroller, which to detect high and low level, so as to
detect whether the environment exist vibration, play a role in the alarm [9].
2.5 Previous Related Works
In many research IoT has been used in vehicle tracking system to find the vehicle
location. In [10], the hardware and software of the GPS and GSM network were
developed. The proposed GPS/GSM based System has the two sections, first is a mobile
unit and another is controlling station. The system forms, interfaces, connections, data
transmission and gathering of information among the mobile unit and control stations
are working effectively. These outcomes are good with GPS technologies.
In [12], Face Detection System used to detect the face of the driver, and compare with
the predefined face. The car owner is sleeping during the night time and someone theft
the car. At that point Face Detection System obtains pictures by one little web camera,
which is hidden easily in somewhere in the car. Face Detection System compared the
obtained images with the stored images. If the images don't match, then the information
sends to the owner through MMS. The owners get the pictures of the criminal in cell
phone and follow the place through GPS. The place of the car and its speed displayed to
the owner through SMS. The owner can recognize the thief images as well as the place
of the car and can easily find out the hijacker’s image. This system applied in day-today
In [13], this system provided vehicle cabin safety, security based on embedded system
by modifying the existing modules. This technique screens the level of the poisonous
gasses, for example, CO, LPG and alcohol inside the vehicle provided alert information
as alarm during the dangerous situations. The SMS sends to the authorized person
through the GSM. In this technique, the IR Sensor used to identify the static obstacle in
front of the vehicle and the vehicle stopped if any obstacle detected. This is avoiding
accidents due to collision of vehicles with any static obstacles.
In [14], Kai-Tai Song and Chih-Chieh Yang have a designed and built on a real-time
visual tracking system for vehicle safety applications. In this paper manufactured a
novel element based vehicle-tracking algorithm, consequently identify and track a few
moving articles, like cars and motorcycles, in front of the following vehicle. Joint with
the concept of focus of expansion (FOE) and view investigation, the built system can
fragment elements of moving articles from moving background and offer a collision
word of warning on real-time. The proposed algorithm using a CMOS image sensor and
NMOS embedded processor architecture. The constructed stand-alone visual tracking
system validated in real road tests. The developed remain solitary visual following
framework approved in genuine street tests. The results provided information of
collision warning in urban artery with speed about 60 km/hour both at night and day
In [15], the remote monitoring system based on SMS and GSM was implemented. In
view of the total design of the system, the hardware and software designed. In this
paper, the GSM network is a medium for transmitting the remote signal. This consists of
two sections that are the checking focus and the remote observing station. The observing
centers consists of a PC and correspondence module of GSM. The software monitoring
center and the remote observing station executed by utilizing VB. The result of this
demonstration shows that the system can watch and control the remote communication
between the monitoring center and the remote checking station.
In [16], the proposed tracking system based on cloud computing infrastructure. The
sensors are used to monitor the fuel level, driver conditions, and speed of the vehicle.
All data exchanged to cloud server using GSM empowered device. All the vehicles
equipped with GPS antenna to find the place. To stay away from the alcoholic and
drive, the alcohol sensor introduced to monitor the driver status. The proposed
technology significantly avoids the accident in highways.
The project is combined an accident detection mechanism with a VTS. Hardware used
in this project are listed below:
Driver Alert Sarver Communication
GPS Arduino
Trace Location
Web Server
Database +
Send Notification
Vibration Sensor
To Detect Accident
The above block diagram explains the working procedure of the system which can be
designed for this project. An Arduino UNO is used here for automation and controlling
of the other supporting devices those are GPS, GSM, vibration sensor, LCD display,
puss switch, buzzer etc. Actually this paper gives a practical model of a vehicle accident
detection and rescue information system which can do routing, tracking of moving
vehicle as well as detect accident in large area.
Actually this system consists of two section, the first one is tracking location which is
done by GPS in it and as the car moves the location of the car change continuously, the
GPS finds the location in terms of two co-ordinates that are longitude and latitude.
These two co-ordinates communicate with GSM modem which is shown in the block
The second one is detection of accident through vibration sensor. To detect accident, a
threshold is set to a highest vibration value. If the vibration value is greater than the
threshold value, then it will consider that accident occur and wait 60 second for a
confirmation. After detection of an accident the system send the accident location to the
web server. The web server then informs the car owner and nearest police station and
hospital through web service using web application/ mobile application/ mobile SMS.
A hardware and web service is designed to implement the project. The hardware will be
installed in the vehicle and any user can monitor their vehicle by using the web service.
Also any police station and hospital can get the notification of accident occur through
the website.
3.2.2 Web services:
To interact with users, a website has been developed where a user with the hardware can
create an account and monitor all the vehicle installed this system. User will get
notification if any vehicle gets into accident through the website account, mobile
application and mobile SMS with the exact GPS location of accident. Also any police
station and hospital can open an account from the website and will get notification
through website and mobile SMS about an accident with the accident location and
direction towards the accident location using google map.
Step 4: Ask Driver for confirm accident. Set wait time 60 second.
Step 6: Send notification to web server owner account, nearest police station, hospital
also send SMS. Go to step 2.
Step 9: go to step 6.
3.4 Communication with web server and sending notification
The system communicates with the web server through GPRS communication via a
GSM, GPRS Shield. It will send the vehicle location’s latitude and longitude data to
web server upon user request or after detection of accident. The web application will
forward necessary notification to the nearest police station and hospital with the
website, mobile application and mobile SMS.
If an accident occurs in any place this system can communicate with nearest police
station and hospital. To find out the nearest police station and hospital ‘haversine’
approximation method is used.
It is a formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two points – that is, the
shortest distance over the earth’s surface – giving an ‘as-the-crow-flies’ distance
between the points. Haversine formula:
3.6 Project flow chart:
The complete design flow of the project can be depicted by Figure 3.33:
Decisions of design
specification and hardware
4.1 Embedded device
4.1.2 Arduino Programming:
Arduino IDE is used to write program for Arduino Uno Board and to upload the
program to the board.
4.2 Configuration of Database:
A web database is configured to store the data that are being sent from the embedded
devices. phpMyAdmin application is used to configure the MySQL database. There are
7 tables:
Figure 4.4: MySQL Database in webserver
A web application has been developed to receive data from embedded device through
GSM shield using GPRS connection. Using this application one user can monitor
his/her vehicle. Using google API the web app can show the location of a vehicle. If an
accident occurs, this system will notify the owner and show the accident spot as well as
the nearest hospital or police station and a way of nearest police station and find three
nearest hospital using google map. Also police station and hospital will get notification
about the accident and get the location and direction towards the accident spot. All the
notification will send by using website account, android mobile application and mobile
Figure 4.6: Website Screenshot
Figure 4.7: User panel for multiple car installed the device. (website screenshot)
Figure 4.8: Hospital get notification about accident and direction towards the spot.
Figure 4.9: Information about three nearest hospital from the accident spot.
Figure 4.9: Police satation get notification about accident and direction towards the
Figure 4.10: Android Application screenshot
An android application has been developed for android mobile phones that receive data
from the web server. This android application serves all the feature available in the
4.5 Security
To access the website, the user has to go through a login page. There is a table “user”
stored in the database with username and password. After the user input the username
and password, it got matched with the fetched data from the database and if matches, it
will log the user in and a new session will be started. This username also enables the
data to load on the site. So, even if someone got access to the main webpage no data will
be loaded until the correct username and password is given.
Instead of storing large and constantly changing information via cookies in the user’s
browser, only a unique identifier is stored on the client side (called a ‘session id’). This
session id is passed to the web server every time the browser makes an HTTP request.
The web application pairs this session id with its internal database and retrieves the
stored variables for use by the requested page.
On the login page and home page of the website a session security has been added. After
arriving on the login page, the user session starts by session_start().
It automatically creates a session id and puts it in the browser as a cookie. Then the
login variables get stored in the session and got retrieve each time after cross checking
the session id. If the user logs out, the session id will expire and a new one will be
generated for each new login sessions.
5.1 Overall Conclusion
The IoT Based Vehicle Accident detection and rescue system is successfully
implemented using database server and API and fulfils all the requirements to be an IoT
based framework. This device is capable of reading and collecting the required data and
sends them securely to the database stored in server. This system can do tracking of a
vehicle which have this device. Besides, if an accident occur this system can
communicate nearest hospital and police station. Police station and hospital’s authority
can see the shortest route to reach the accident spot using this system which have a web
application and mobile application. Web based real time data visualization makes this
system more convenient to see all the data in a clean, formatted and user friendly way.
So far, it has been implemented that the system can collect data successfully from
sensors and communicate with web server. In near future, the system can be improved
by using more sensor to detect accident with more accuracy and more different way of
accident detection. This system will try to communicate at least three nearest hospitals if
any major accident occurs and show the shortest path to reach the accident spot.
Moreover, the system will integrate with other system. For example, an insurance
company can use the project database to inquiry about an accident and provide money to
the owner in time. In Bangladesh, traffic jam is very popular word. If people use this
system, the system can collect traffic data and notify the driver about traffic and find out
a way which have less traffic jam.
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#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>
#include<String.h> #include
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#define warningTime 5
#define threshold 20000
#define buzzer A3
#define vibrationSensorLeft A0
#define vibrationSensorMiddel A1
#define vibrationSensorRight A2 char
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 16, 2);
char keymap[numRows][numCols]=
{'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
{'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
{'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
{'*', '0', '#', 'D'}
byte rowPins[numRows] = {11,10,9,8}; //Rows 0 to 3
byte colPins[numCols]= {7,6,5,4}; //Columns 0 to 3
Keypad myKeypad= Keypad(makeKeymap(keymap), rowPins, colPins, numRows,
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" Save Lives ");
} void popup(String s,int
int i;
delay(500); lcd.clear();
} long
long vibrationSensorValueTotal = 0;
long vibrationSensorValueLeft = pulseIn (vibrationSensorLeft, HIGH);
long vibrationSensorValueMiddel = pulseIn (vibrationSensorMiddel, HIGH);
long vibrationSensorValueRight = pulseIn (vibrationSensorRight, HIGH);
vibrationSensorValueTotal = vibrationSensorValueLeft +
vibrationSensorValueMiddel + vibrationSensorValueRight;
Serial.println(vibrationSensorValueTotal); delay(100);
return vibrationSensorValueTotal;
} void
accidentDetected(){ int
flag=0; int
{ lcd.clear();
lcd.print(i); flag =
flag = keyInput(300);
{ break;
lcd.clear(); if(flag==0)
{ lcd.print("Accident
Occured"); for(int i=0;i<6;i+
{ analogWrite(buzzer,225);
} location();
delay(2000); lcd.clear();
delay(500); } else
if(flag==1){ popup("No
} else
{ lcd.print("
1); lcd.print("
for(int i=0;i<6;i+
{ analogWrite
} } int keyInput(int times){ int
flag=0,i=0; while(i<times)
{ keypressed =
myKeypad.getKey(); if
(keypressed == '1'){ flag=1;
} else if (keypressed ==
'2'){ flag=2; break;
} i++; delay(1);
} return
flag; } void
location(){ byte
{ gps.get_position(&lat,&lo
n); message(lat,lon);
Serial.println(lon); for(int
{ Senddata(lat,lon);
} return; } }
location(); } void clocation()
{ byte a; if(GPS.available()){;
{ gps.get_position(&lat,&lo
n); Serial.println(lat);
return; } } clocation(); }
void message(long lat, long lon){
GPS.println("Accident Occured!!\nMap Location:\n");
GPS.print((lat*0.000001),6); delay(200);
GPS.print(","); delay(200);
delay(200); GPS.write(26);
} void Senddata(long lat, long
{ char
GPS.println("AT+CIPSEND"); //begin send data to remote
server delay(500); GPS.print("POST "); delay(500);
GPS.print(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\
n"); delay(500);
GPS.print("User-Agent: Arduino\r\n");
GPS.print("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
GPS.print("Content-Length: ");
delay(500); GPS.print("50");
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\n\
r\n"); delay(500);
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\n\r\
n"); delay(500);
void Sendcdata(long lat, long lon)
{ char
GPS.println("AT+CIPSEND"); //begin send data to remote
server delay(500); GPS.print("POST "); delay(500);
GPS.print(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ");
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\
n"); delay(500);
GPS.print("User-Agent: Arduino\r\n");
GPS.print("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
GPS.print("Content-Length: ");
delay(500); GPS.print("50");
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\n\r\
n"); delay(500);
GPS.print("lat="); delay(500);
delay(500); GPS.print("\r\n\r\
n"); delay(500);
// user login session_start();
// to prevent mysql injection
$query= "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE username= '$username' AND
password= '$password'";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$query) or die("Failed to query
$row= mysqli_num_rows($run);
$_SESSION["login_user"]=$username; echo
}else{ echo "<script>alert('Failed to
login')</script>"; echo
// logout if
{ session_start();
header("location: index.php");
// users car if
{ $license=$_POST["license
$query= "INSERT INTO user_cars VALUES(DEFAULT,'$username','$license')";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$query); if
(!$run) {
echo "<script>alert('Failed to add')</script>"; echo
echo "<script>alert('Successfully added')</script>"; echo
// delete routing data if(isset($_GET['car_rou_id'])){
$id = $_GET['car_rou_id'];
$car_rou_del ="DELETE FROM cars_info WHERE id = '$id'";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$car_rou_del); if(!$run){ echo
"<script>alert('Not Deleted')</script>"; echo "<script>location =
} else{ echo "<script>alert('Successfully Deleted..')</script>";
echo "<script>location = 'car_routing_information.php'</script>";
// delete cars data if(isset($_GET['car_id'])){
$id = $_GET['car_id'];
$car_del ="DELETE FROM user_cars WHERE id = '$id'";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$car_del); if(!$run){
echo "<script>alert('Not Deleted')</script>"; echo
"<script>location = 'your_cars.php'</script>";
}else{ echo "<script>alert('Successfully
Deleted..')</script>"; echo "<script>location =
$sql="SELECT * FROM cars_info WHERE license_no='$license'";
$run=mysqli_query($connect,$sql); while($row=$run->fetch_array()){
$qry="INSERT INTO show_map VALUES(DEFAULT,'$license','$lat','$lng')";
if(!$result){ echo "<script>Not
inserted</script>"; }}}?>
/****Code for google map and finding nearest hospital and police station****/
<?php include("header.php");
$qry="SELECT * FROM accident_info";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$qry);
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="well">
<marquee style="color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; margin-bottom:
10px;">An accident occur</marquee>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-12 col-md-12" >
<div class=" col-sm-10 col-xs-10 col-md-10" id="direction_map"
style="marginbottom: 20px;">
<div class="col-sm-2 col-xs-3 col-md-2" id="right-panel">
$timezonedate= new DateTIme("now", new DateTimeZone('Asia/Dhaka'));
$datetime= $timezonedate-> format('Y-m-d h:i:sa');
$qry="SELECT * FROM hospital_information";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$qry); if(!$run){
echo "1query not run";
$a = sin($dlat/2) * sin($dlat/2) + sin($dlon/2)*sin($dlon/2)*
$c = 2* atan2(sqrt($a),sqrt(1-$a));
$distance= 6371*$c;
// find minimum
{ $min3=$min2;
$qr="SELECT name FROM hospital_information WHERE id= '$minhpid'";
$re= mysqli_query($connect,$qr);
if(!$re){ echo "final query not
$hpname= $ro['name'];
// map with text and direction
function initMap() {
var location= new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $lat1; ?>,<?php echo $lng1;
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService; // var
directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer; var directionsDisplay
= new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressMarkers: true}); //to hide the
default icons var map = new
google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('direction_map'), { zoom: 9,
center: location,
var accident = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/car-accident32.png');
var help = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/medicine32.png');
//you set your icon for each of the direction points Origin
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new
google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $lat1; ?>,<?php echo $lng1; ?>), map: map,
icon: accident });
//you set your icon for each of the direction points Destination, var
marker2 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new
google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $minlat; ?>,<?php echo
$minlon; ?>),
map: map,
icon: help
calculateAndDisplayRoute(directionsService, directionsDisplay);
function calculateAndDisplayRoute(directionsService, directionsDisplay) {
directionsService.route({ origin: new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo
$lat1; ?>,<?php echo $lng1; ?>), destination: new google.maps.LatLng(<?php
echo $minlat; ?>,<?php echo
$minlon; ?>),
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING
}, function(response, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
} else { window.alert('Directions request failed
due to ' + status);
<script async defer
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>2nd and 3rd nearest hospital</h2>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover text-center">
<tr class="info">
<th class="text-center">Nearest serial</th>
<th class="text-center">Hospital Name</th>
<th class="text-center">latitude</th>
<th class="text-center">Longitude</th>
<th class="text-center">Map Show</th>
$res= mysqli_query($connect,$ql);
if(!$res){ echo "mquery not
$hpname2= $r["name"];
<tr class="danger">
<td><?php echo "2nd" ?></td>
<td><?php echo $hpname2 ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minlat2 ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minlon2 ?></td>
<td><a href="2ndnearesthospitalmap.php?lat2=<?php echo $minlat2
?>&lon2=<?php echo $minlon2 ?>&lat1=<?php echo $lat1?>&lon1=<?php echo
$lng1?>"" class="btn btn-success no-rad">Show Map</a></td>
<?php } ?>
$ql="SELECT name FROM hospital_information WHERE id= '$minhpid3'";
$result= mysqli_query($connect,$ql);
if(!$result){ echo "<h3>There is no 3rd nearest hospital found
$hpname3= $r['name'];
<tr class="danger">
<td><?php echo "3rd" ?></td>
<td><?php echo $hpname3 ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minlat3 ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minlon3 ?></td>
<td><a href="3rdnearesthospitalmap.php?lat3=<?php echo $minlat3;
?>&lon3=<?php echo $minlon3; ?>&lat1=<?php echo $lat1; ?>&lon1=<?php echo
$lng1; ?>"" class="btn btn-success no-rad">Show Map</a></td>
<?php } ?>
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>Nearest Police station</h2>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover text-center">
<tr class="info">
<th class="text-center">Police Station Name</th>
<th class="text-center">latitude</th>
<th class="text-center">Longitude</th>
<th class="text-center">Map Show</th>
$qry="SELECT * FROM policestation_information";
$run= mysqli_query($connect,$qry);
if(!$run){ echo "ps
query not run";
$a = sin($dlat/2) * sin($dlat/2) + sin($dlon/2)*sin($dlon/2)*
$c = 2* atan2(sqrt($a),sqrt(1-$a));
$distance= 6371*$c;
// find minimum
// echo $minpslat.$minpslon;
$q="SELECT name FROM policestation_information WHERE id= $minpsid";
$res= mysqli_query($connect,$q); if(!
echo "psm query not run";
$psname= $r['name'];
<tr class="danger">
<td><?php echo $psname ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minpslat ?></td>
<td><?php echo $minpslon ?></td>
<td><a href="nearestpolicestationmap.php?lat2=<?php echo $minpslat
?>&lon2=<?php echo $minpslon ?>&lat1=<?php echo $lat1?>&lon1=<?php echo
$lng1?>&psname=<?php echo $psname; ?>"" class="btn btn-success no-rad">Show
$sqlqry= "INSERT INTO rescue_info VALUES
$exec= mysqli_query($connect,$sqlqry) or die ("not insert in rescue information");
mysqli_close($connect); include("footer.php");