1 Emcon
1 Emcon
1 Emcon
13c Release 2
January 2018
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Introduction, 13c Release 2
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Audience vi
Documentation Accessibility vi
Structure vi
Conventions vi
1.3.12 Application Quality Management 1-10
This manual introduces Oracle Enterprise Manager. It provides a brief overview of the
system architecture and describes the key features of the product. The manual also
details new features in this release.
Note that later versions of this and other Enterprise Manager books may be available
on the Oracle Help Center:
This manual is intended for all users of Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
The book consists of the following chapters:
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Overview of Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c
This chapter provides an overview of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and helps
you understand its architecture and the various core components that are integrated
within the product. It contains the following sections:
• About Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
• Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Architecture
• Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Architecture
For more information about Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, access the following
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Architecture
In Figure 1-2, the load balancer and the multiple Oracle Management Service
(OMS) instances are depicted only to indicate how a sample Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control architecture would look in a large organization. They
are not a prerequisite or a requirement for an Enterprise Manager system
installation. If you do not have a load balancer, then the Management Agents
communicate directly with the OMS instances.
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Architecture
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Architecture
Plug-ins have independent release cycles, so every time you have a new version of an
Oracle product released, you will have a new version of the plug-in released to support
monitoring of that new product version in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. This
simplifies things because you no longer have to wait to upgrade your Enterprise
Manager system to support a new product version; instead you can upgrade your
plug-ins to monitor the new product version.
Table 1-1 lists the default plug-ins that are installed with a new Enterprise Manager
system. In addition to these plug-ins, you can optionally install other plug-ins available
in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software bundle, and so on). The installer offers
a screen where you can select the optional plug-ins and install them.
Table 1-1 Default Plug-ins Installed with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Name Description
Oracle Database Enables you to discover, monitor, and manage Oracle Database
and related targets such as Oracle Real Application Clusters
(Oracle RAC), Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle
ASM), and so on.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Enables you to discover, monitor, and manage Oracle Fusion
Middleware products such as Oracle WebLogic Domain, Oracle
WebLogic AdminServer, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle SOA
Suite, Oracle Web Tier, and so on.
Oracle Exadata Enables you to discover, monitor, and manage Oracle Exadata
Oracle Cloud Framework Enables you to access basic features that are common across
cloud services such as Middleware as a Service (MWaaS),
Database as a Service (DBaaS), Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), and Testing as a Service (TaaS).
Oracle System Infrastructure Enables you to discover, monitor, and manage Oracle hardware
systems and Super Cluster engineered systems, including server
hardware, chassis, racks, power distribution unit, network
equipment, operating systems, virtualization software, and
clustering software.
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Publisher makes your data stand out with pixel-perfect reports and dashboards, offers
a variety of report and dashboard layouts, and enables you to create all types of highly
formatted documents.
Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c, Oracle BI Publisher is installed and
configured by default on the OMS. For every additional OMS you deploy, you receive
one Oracle BI Publisher by default with that OMS.
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Some of the Enterprise Manager 13c DB Plug-in pages related to database
management require Adobe Flashplayer Plugin for rendering.
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
Chapter 1
Enterprise Manager Management Focus Areas
New Features In Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c
This chapter provides an overview of the new features available in Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c. It lists new features specifically associated with the base
Oracle Enterprise Manager platform which includes the Cloud Control console, Oracle
Management Service, and Oracle Management Agents.
This document contains the following sections:
• Virtualization
• Database Management
• Middleware Management
• Infrastructure Management
• Hybrid Cloud Management
• Framework and Infrastructure
• Enterprise Monitoring and Incident Management Features
• Cloud Management
2.1 Virtualization
Oracle VM is a platform that provides a fully equipped environment for better
leveraging the benefits of virtualization technology, and it enables you to deploy
operating systems and application software within a supported virtualization
The entire Oracle VM environment can be managed from within Oracle Enterprise
Manager. Oracle Enterprise Manager offers extended functionality beyond that of
Oracle VM. The Enterprise Manager for Oracle Virtualization (VT) Plug-in has been
extended to work seamlessly with Oracle's latest server virtualization product, Oracle
VM Release 3.4. Oracle VM Release 3.4 delivers many important features and
enhancements to enable rapid enterprise application deployment.
Chapter 2
Middleware Management
• Fleet patching is now supported for 12c pluggable databases. Enterprise Manager
provides automated patching for a fleet of container databases then migrate the
pluggable databases in phases. The feature is complemented with sophisticated
reporting to track the overall progress.
• Simplified deployment of SaaS applications through multi-tenant application
container database support. Discovery and administrative operations of application
containers and associated PDBs is also supported.
• Accurate performance diagnostics with simplified database administration using
per-PDB snapshots and reporting in a multi-tenant environment.
• Out-of-the box visualization of resource usage at the PDB level and ability to
navigate and analyze large number PDBs in a scalable manner. Enterprise
Manager provides intuitive visualization for PDB level resource usage distribution,
identifying resource usage outliers, and analyzing resource usage trends over
Chapter 2
Middleware Management
Chapter 2
Middleware Management
• WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-in Metrics for Oracle HTTP Server: New
performance metrics specific for the Oracle WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-in
(mod_wl_ohs) module are available. These new metrics are available with Oracle
HTTP Server Release 12.2.1.x when collocated with a WebLogic Server domain.
Chapter 2
Middleware Management
The Routing Topology Viewer provided in previous Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control releases required the use of Adobe Flash. Removal of the Adobe Flash
dependency improves the users experience with the routing topology viewer as well as
reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities.
Chapter 2
Middleware Management
Chapter 2
Infrastructure Management
Chapter 2
Framework and Infrastructure
2.6.3 Support for Exadata and Real Application Custers with IPv6
You can now use Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage IPv6 enabled Exadata
systems and IPv6 configurations with Real Application Clusters (RAC) databases.
The IPv6 network provides several technical benefits including larger address spaces.
Chapter 2
Enterprise Monitoring and Incident Management Features
Chapter 2
Cloud Management
The new emsctl list_agents verb provides information about Management Agents
that are communicating with Always-On Monitoring. Prior to a planned Enterprise
Manager downtime, it is necessary for the Enterprise Manager administrator to
know if all agents are uploading their alerts to the Always-On Monitoring service.
The emsctl list_agents verb provides a count of the agents that have
communicated with the Always-On Monitoring Service within the past hour, as well
as the URL for each agent. This gives the Enterprise Manager administrator
assurance that the agents are uploading their alerts to the Always-On Monitoring
service prior to a planned Enterprise Manager downtime.
A metrics
Connection Queue, 2-5
architecture, 1-3 Keep Alive, 2-5
Session, 2-5
Cloud Control
console, 1-1, 1-6 OMS, 1-4
Connection Queue metrics, 2-5 Oracle HTTP Server metric, 2-5
core components, 1-3 Oracle Traffic Director, 2-5
disaster recovery, 2-8 performance metrics, 2-5
deployment, 1-4
E mandatory plug-ins, 1-5
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control monitoring, 1-4
architecture, 1-3 optional plug-ins, 1-5
core components, 1-3 pluggable entities, 1-4
description, 1-1 release cycles, 1-5
load balancer, 1-3
Exadata X6-2, 2-8 R
Routing Topology Viewer, 2-4
federated caching, 2-9 S
Session metrics, 2-5
I SSL Certificates for Oracle HTTP Server, 2-5
IPv6, 2-8 storage location, 1-4
Keep Alive metrics, 2-5 TLS 1.2, 2-8
Transport Layer Security 1.2, 2-8
load balancer, 1-3
unmanaged host, 1-4
Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness
M feature, 2-8
managed host, 1-4 UPGRADE_TRANSITION flag, 2-8
Management Agents, 1-4
virtualization, 2-1
X6–2, 2-8
WebLogic Node Manager, 2-5