Package E1071': R Topics Documented
Package E1071': R Topics Documented
Package E1071': R Topics Documented
R topics documented:
allShortestPaths . bclust . . . . . . bincombinations . bootstrap.lca . . . boxplot.bclust . . classAgreement . cmeans . . . . . countpattern . . . cshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 4 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 11 . 13 . 14
2 Discrete . . . . . e1071-deprecated element . . . . . fclustIndex . . . hamming.distance hamming.window hanning.window . hsv_palette . . . ica . . . . . . . . impute . . . . . . interpolate . . . . kurtosis . . . . . lca . . . . . . . . matchClasses . . matchControls . . moment . . . . . naiveBayes . . . permutations . . plot.stft . . . . . plot.svm . . . . . plot.tune . . . . . predict.svm . . . probplot . . . . . rbridge . . . . . . read.matrix.csr . rectangle.window rwiener . . . . . sigmoid . . . . . skewness . . . . stft . . . . . . . . svm . . . . . . . tune . . . . . . . tune.control . . . tune.wrapper . . write.svm . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
allShortestPaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 54 56 57 59 61
Description allShortestPaths nds all shortest paths in a directed (or undirected) graph using Floyds algorithm. extractPath can be used to actually extract the path between a given pair of nodes.
allShortestPaths Usage allShortestPaths(x) extractPath(obj, start, end) Arguments x obj start end Details matrix or distance object return value of allShortestPaths integer, starting point of path integer, end point of path
If x is a matrix, then x[i,j] has to be the length of the direct path from point i to point j. If no direct connection from point i to point j exist, then x[i,j] should be either NA or Inf. Note that the graph can be directed, hence x[i,j] need not be the same as x[j,i]. The main diagonal of x is ignored. Alternatively, x can be a distance object as returned by dist (corresponding to an undirected graph). Value allShortestPaths returns a list with components length A matrix with the total lengths of the shortest path between each pair of points.
middlePoints A matrix giving a point in the middle of each shortest path (or 0 if the direct connection is the shortest path), this is mainly used as input for extractPath. extractPath returns a vector of node numbers giving with the shortest path between two points. Author(s) Friedrich Leisch References Kumar, V., Grama, A., Gupta, A. and Karypis, G. Introduction to Parallel Programming - Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Benjamin Cummings Publishing, 1994, ISBN 0-8053-3170-0 Examples
## build a graph with 5 x <- matrix(NA, 5, 5) diag(x) <- 0 x[1,2] <- 30; x[1,3] <x[2,4] <- 70; x[2,5] <x[3,4] <- 50; x[3,5] <x[4,5] <- 60 x[5,4] <- 10 print(x) nodes
10 40 20
## compute all path lengths z <- allShortestPaths(x) print(z) ## the following should give 1 -> 3 -> 5 -> 4 extractPath(z, 1, 4)
Bagged Clustering
Description Cluster the data in x using the bagged clustering algorithm. A partitioning cluster algorithm such as kmeans is run repeatedly on bootstrap samples from the original data. The resulting cluster centers are then combined using the hierarchical cluster algorithm hclust. Usage bclust(x, centers=2, iter.base=10, minsize=0, dist.method="euclidian", hclust.method="average", base.method="kmeans", base.centers=20, verbose=TRUE, final.kmeans=FALSE, docmdscale=FALSE, resample=TRUE, weights=NULL, maxcluster=base.centers, ...) hclust.bclust(object, x, centers, dist.method=object$dist.method, hclust.method=object$hclust.method, final.kmeans=FALSE, docmdscale = FALSE, maxcluster=object$maxcluster) ## S3 method for class 'bclust' plot(x, maxcluster=x$maxcluster, main, ...) centers.bclust(object, k) clusters.bclust(object, k, x=NULL) Arguments x centers, k iter.base minsize dist.method Matrix of inputs (or object of class "bclust" for plot). Number of clusters. Number of runs of the base cluster algorithm. Minimum number of points in a base cluster.
Distance method used for the hierarchical clustering, see dist for available distances. hclust.method Linkage method used for the hierarchical clustering, see hclust for available methods. base.method Partitioning cluster method used as base algorithm. base.centers Number of centers used in each repetition of the base method.
final.kmeans If TRUE, a nal kmeans step is performed using the output of the bagged clustering as initialization. docmdscale resample weights maxcluster object main ... Logical, if TRUE a cmdscale result is included in the return value. Logical, if TRUE the base method is run on bootstrap samples of x, else directly on x. Vector of length nrow(x), weights for the resampling. By default all observations have equal weight. Maximum number of clusters memberships are to be computed for. Object of class "bclust". Main title of the plot. Optional arguments top be passed to the base method in bclust, ignored in plot.
Details First, iter.base bootstrap samples of the original data in x are created by drawing with replacement. The base cluster method is run on each of these samples with base.centers centers. The base.method must be the name of a partitioning cluster function returning a list with the same components as the return value of kmeans. This results in a collection of iter.base * base.centers centers, which are subsequently clustered using the hierarchical method hclust. Base centers with less than minsize points in there respective partitions are removed before the hierarchical clustering. The resulting dendrogram is then cut to produce centers clusters. Hence, the name of the argument centers is a little bit misleading as the resulting clusters need not be convex, e.g., when single linkage is used. The name was chosen for compatibility with standard partitioning cluster methods such as kmeans. A new hierarchical clustering (e.g., using another hclust.method) re-using previous base runs can be performed by running hclust.bclust on the return value of bclust. Value bclust and hclust.bclust return objects of class "bclust" including the components hclust cluster centers allcenters Author(s) Friedrich Leisch Return value of the hierarchical clustering of the collection of base centers (Object of class "hclust"). Vector with indices of the clusters the inputs are assigned to. Matrix of centers of the nal clusters. Only useful, if the hierarchical clustering method produces convex clusters. Matrix of all iter.base * base.centers centers found in the base runs.
6 References
Friedrich Leisch. Bagged clustering. Working Paper 51, SFB Adaptive Information Systems and Modeling in Economics and Management Science, August 1999. See Also hclust, kmeans, boxplot.bclust Examples
data(iris) bc1 <- bclust(iris[,1:4], 3, base.centers=5) plot(bc1) table(clusters.bclust(bc1, 3)) centers.bclust(bc1, 3)
Binary Combinations
Description Returns a matrix containing the 2p vectors of length p. Usage bincombinations(p) Arguments p Author(s) Friedrich Leisch Examples
bincombinations(2) bincombinations(3)
Description This function draws bootstrap samples from a given LCA model and rets a new LCA model for each sample. The quality of t of these models is compared to the original model. Usage bootstrap.lca(l, nsamples=10, lcaiter=30, verbose=FALSE) Arguments l nsamples lcaiter verbose Details From a given LCA model l, nsamples bootstrap samples are drawn. For each sample a new LCA model is tted. The goodness of t for each model is computed via Likelihood Ratio and Pearsons Chisquare. The values for the tted models are compared with the values of the original model l. By this method it can be tested whether the data to which l was originally tted come from an LCA model. Value An object of class bootstrap.lca is returned, containing logl, loglsat The LogLikelihood of the models and of the corresponding saturated models lratio Likelihood quotient of the models and the corresponding saturated models lratiomean, lratiosd Mean and Standard deviation of lratio lratioorg Likelihood quotient of the original model and the corresponding saturated model zratio Z-Statistics of lratioorg pvalzratio, pvalratio P-Values for zratio, computed via normal distribution and empirical distribution chisq Pearsons Chisq of the models chisqmean, chisqsd Mean and Standard deviation of chisq chisqorg Pearsons Chisq of the original model An LCA model as created by lca Number of bootstrap samples Number of LCA iterations If TRUE some output is printed during the computations.
boxplot.bclust zchisq Z-Statistics of chisqorg pvalzchisq, pvalchisq P-Values for zchisq, computed via normal distribution and empirical distribution nsamples lcaiter Number of bootstrap samples Number of LCA Iterations
Author(s) Andreas Weingessel References Anton K. Formann: Die Latent-Class-Analysis, Beltz Verlag 1984 See Also lca Examples
## Generate a 4-dim. sample with 2 latent classes of 500 data points each. ## The probabilities for the 2 classes are given by type1 and type2. type1 <- c(0.8,0.8,0.2,0.2) type2 <- c(0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8) x <- matrix(runif(4000),nr=1000) x[1:500,] <- t(t(x[1:500,])<type1)*1 x[501:1000,] <- t(t(x[501:1000,])<type2)*1 l <- lca(x, 2, niter=5) bl <- bootstrap.lca(l,nsamples=3,lcaiter=5) bl
Description Makes boxplots of the results of a bagged clustering run. Usage ## S3 method for class 'bclust' boxplot(x, n=nrow(x$centers), bycluster=TRUE, main=deparse(substitute(x)), oneplot=TRUE, which=1:n, ...)
classAgreement Arguments x n bycluster main oneplot which ... Author(s) Friedrich Leisch Examples
data(iris) bc1 <- bclust(iris[,1:4], 3, base.centers=5) boxplot(bc1)
Clustering result, object of class "bclust". Number of clusters to plot, by default the number of clusters used in the call of bclust. If TRUE (default), a boxplot for each cluster is plotted. If FALSE, a boxplot for each variable is plotted. Main title of the plot, by default the name of the cluster object. If TRUE, all boxplots appear on one screen (using an appropriate rectangular layout). Number of clusters which should be plotted, default is all clusters. Additional arguments for boxplot.
Description classAgreement() computes several coefcients of agreement between the columns and rows of a 2-way contingency table. Usage classAgreement(tab, match.names=FALSE) Arguments tab match.names A 2-dimensional contingency table. Flag whether row and columns should be matched by name.
10 Details
Suppose we want to compare two classications summarized by the contingency table T = [tij ] where i, j = 1, . . . , K and tij denotes the number of data points which are in class i in the rst partition and in class j in the second partition. If both classications use the same labels, then obviously the two classication agree completely if only elements in the main diagonal of the table are non-zero. On the other hand, large off-diagonal elements correspond to smaller agreement between the two classications. If match.names is TRUE, the class labels as given by the row and column names are matched, i.e. only columns and rows with the same dimnames are used for the computation. If the two classication do not use the same set of labels, or if identical labels can have different meaning (e.g., two outcomes of cluster analysis on the same data set), then the situation is a little bit more complicated. Let A denote the number of all pairs of data points which are either put into the same cluster by both partitions or put into different clusters by both partitions. Conversely, let D denote the number of all pairs of data points that are put into one cluster in one partition, but into different clusters by the other partition. Hence, the partitions disagree for all pairs D and agree for all pairs A. We can measure the agreement by the Rand index A/(A + D) which is invariant with respect to permutations of the columns or rows of T . Both indices have to be corrected for agreement by chance if the sizes of the classes are not uniform.
Value A list with components diag kappa rand crand Percentage of data points in the main diagonal of tab. diag corrected for agreement by chance. Rand index. Rand index corrected for agreement by chance.
References J.~Cohen. A coefcient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20, 3746, 1960. Lawrence Hubert and Phipps Arabie. Comparing partitions. Journal of Classication, 2, 193218, 1985.
cmeans Examples
## no class correlations: both kappa and crand almost zero g1 <- sample(1:5, size=1000, replace=TRUE) g2 <- sample(1:5, size=1000, replace=TRUE) tab <- table(g1, g2) classAgreement(tab) ## let pairs (g1=1,g2=1) and (g1=3,g2=3) agree better k <- sample(1:1000, size=200) g1[k] <- 1 g2[k] <- 1 k <- sample(1:1000, size=200) g1[k] <- 3 g2[k] <- 3 tab <- table(g1, g2) ## both kappa and crand should be significantly larger than before classAgreement(tab)
Description The fuzzy version of the known kmeans clustering algorithm as well as an on-line variant (Unsupervised Fuzzy Competitive learning). Usage cmeans(x, centers, iter.max = 100, verbose = FALSE, dist = "euclidean", method = "cmeans", m = 2, rate.par = NULL, weights = 1, control = list()) Arguments x centers iter.max verbose dist The data matrix where columns correspond to variables and rows to observations. Number of clusters or initial values for cluster centers. Maximum number of iterations. If TRUE, make some output during learning. Must be one of the following: If "euclidean", the mean square error, if "manhattan", the mean absolute error is computed. Abbreviations are also accepted. If "cmeans", then we have the c-means fuzzy clustering method, if "ufcl" we have the on-line update. Abbreviations are also accepted.
cmeans A number greater than 1 giving the degree of fuzzication. A number between 0 and 1 giving the parameter of the learning rate for the on-line variant. The default corresponds to 0.3. a numeric vector with non-negative case weights. Recycled to the number of observations in x if necessary. a list of control parameters. See Details.
The data given by x is clustered by generalized versions of the fuzzy c-means algorithm, which use either a xed-point or an on-line heuristic for minimizing the objective function wi um dij , ij
i j
where wi is the weight of observation i, uij is the membership of observation i in cluster j, and dij is the distance (dissimilarity) between observation i and center j. The dissimilarities used are the sums of squares ("euclidean") or absolute values ("manhattan") of the element-wise differences. If centers is a matrix, its rows are taken as the initial cluster centers. If centers is an integer, centers rows of x are randomly chosen as initial values. The algorithm stops when the maximum number of iterations (given by iter.max) is reached, or when the algorithm is unable to reduce the current value val of the objective function by reltol * (abs(val) * reltol) at a step. The relative convergence tolerance reltol can be specied as the reltol component of the list of control parameters, and defaults to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps). If verbose is TRUE, each iteration displays its number and the value of the objective function. If method is "cmeans", then we have the c-means fuzzy clustering method, see for example Bezdek (1981). If "ufcl", we have the On-line Update (Unsupervised Fuzzy Competitive Learning) method due to Chung and Lee (1992), see also Pal et al (1996). This method works by performing an update directly after each input signal (i.e., for each single observation). The parameters m denes the degree of fuzzication. It is dened for real values greater than 1 and the bigger it is the more fuzzy the membership values of the clustered data points are. Value An object of class "fclust" which is a list with components: centers size cluster the nal cluster centers. the number of data points in each cluster of the closest hard clustering. a vector of integers containing the indices of the clusters where the data points are assigned to for the closest hard clustering, as obtained by assigning points to the (rst) class with maximal membership. the number of iterations performed. a matrix with the membership values of the data points to the clusters. the value of the objective function. the call used to create the object.
J. C. Bezdek (1981). Pattern recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms. New York: Plenum. Fu Lai Chung and Tong Lee (1992). Fuzzy competitive learning. Neural Networks, 7(3), 539551. Nikhil R. Pal, James C. Bezdek, and Richard J. Hathaway (1996). Sequential competitive learning and the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms. Neural Networks, 9(5), 787796. Examples
# a 2-dimensional example x<-rbind(matrix(rnorm(100,sd=0.3),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(100,mean=1,sd=0.3),ncol=2)) cl<-cmeans(x,2,20,verbose=TRUE,method="cmeans",m=2) print(cl) # a 3-dimensional example x<-rbind(matrix(rnorm(150,sd=0.3),ncol=3), matrix(rnorm(150,mean=1,sd=0.3),ncol=3), matrix(rnorm(150,mean=2,sd=0.3),ncol=3)) cl<-cmeans(x,6,20,verbose=TRUE,method="cmeans") print(cl)
Description Every row of the binary matrix x is transformed into a binary pattern and these patterns are counted. Usage countpattern(x, matching=FALSE) Arguments x matching A matrix of binary observations If TRUE an additional vector is returned which stores which row belongs to which pattern
14 Value
A vector of length 2^ncol(x) giving the number of times each pattern occurs in the rows of x. The names of this vector are the binary patterns. They are sorted according to their numeric value. If matching is TRUE, a list of the following two vectors is returned. pat matching Author(s) Andreas Weingessel Examples
xx <- rbind(c(1,0,0),c(1,0,0),c(1,0,1),c(0,1,1),c(0,1,1)) countpattern(xx) countpattern(xx, matching=TRUE)
Numbers of patterns as described above. Vector giving the position of the pattern of each row of x in pat.
Description The c-shell clustering algorithm, the shell prototype-based version (ring prototypes) of the fuzzy kmeans clustering method. Usage cshell(x, centers, iter.max=100, verbose=FALSE, dist="euclidean", method="cshell", m=2, radius = NULL) Arguments x centers iter.max verbose dist The data matrix, were columns correspond to the variables and rows to observations. Number of clusters or initial values for cluster centers Maximum number of iterations If TRUE, make some output during learning Must be one of the following: If "euclidean", the mean square error, if "manhattan", the mean absolute error is computed. Abbreviations are also accepted. Currently, only the "cshell" method; the c-shell fuzzy clustering method The degree of fuzzication. It is dened for values greater than 1 The radius of resulting clusters
method m radius
cshell Details The data given by x is clustered by the fuzzy c-shell algorithm.
If centers is a matrix, its rows are taken as the initial cluster centers. If centers is an integer, centers rows of x are randomly chosen as initial values. The algorithm stops when the maximum number of iterations (given by iter.max) is reached. If verbose is TRUE, it displays for each iteration the number the value of the objective function. If dist is "euclidean", the distance between the cluster center and the data points is the Euclidean distance (ordinary kmeans algorithm). If "manhattan", the distance between the cluster center and the data points is the sum of the absolute values of the distances of the coordinates. If method is "cshell", then we have the c-shell fuzzy clustering method. The parameters m denes the degree of fuzzication. It is dened for real values greater than 1 and the bigger it is the more fuzzy the membership values of the clustered data points are. The parameter radius is by default set to 0.2 for every cluster. Value cshell returns an object of class "cshell". centers size cluster The nal cluster centers. The number of data points in each cluster. Vector containing the indices of the clusters where the data points are assigned to. The maximum membership value of a point is considered for partitioning it to a cluster. The number of iterations performed. a matrix with the membership values of the data points to the clusters. Returns the sum of square distances within the clusters. Returns a call in which all of the arguments are specied by their names.
Evgenia Dimitriadou References Rajesh N. Dave. Fuzzy Shell-Clustering and Applications to Circle Detection in Digital Images. Int. J. of General Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 343-355, 1996. Examples
## a 2-dimensional example x<-rbind(matrix(rnorm(50,sd=0.3),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(50,mean=1,sd=0.3),ncol=2)) cl<-cshell(x,2,20,verbose=TRUE,method="cshell",m=2) print(cl) # assign classes to some new data
y<-rbind(matrix(rnorm(13,sd=0.3),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(13,mean=1,sd=0.3),ncol=2)) # ycl<-predict(cl, y, type="both")
Discrete Distribution
Description These functions provide information about the discrete distribution where the probability of the elements of values is proportional to the values given in probs, which are normalized to sum up to 1. ddiscrete gives the density, pdiscrete gives the distribution function, qdiscrete gives the quantile function and rdiscrete generates random deviates. Usage ddiscrete(x, pdiscrete(q, qdiscrete(p, rdiscrete(n, probs, probs, probs, probs, values values values values = = = = 1:length(probs)) 1:length(probs)) 1:length(probs)) 1:length(probs), ...)
Arguments x,q p n probs values ... vector or array of quantiles. vector or array of probabilities. number of observations. probabilities of the distribution. values of the distribution. ignored (only there for backwards compatibility)
Details The random number generator is simply a wrapper for sample and provided for backwards compatibility only. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel and Friedrich Leisch
e1071-deprecated Examples
## a vector of length 30 whose elements are 1 with probability 0.2 ## and 2 with probability 0.8. rdiscrete (30, c(0.2, 0.8)) ## a vector of length 100 whose elements are A, B, C, D. ## The probabilities of the four values have the relation 1:2:3:3 rdiscrete (100, c(1,2,3,3), c("A","B","C","D"))
Description These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of package e1071 only, and may be defunct as soon as of the next release. See Also Deprecated
Description Returns the element of x specied by i. Usage element(x, i) Arguments x i Author(s) Friedrich Leisch See Also Extract Array of arbitrary dimensionality. Vector of the same length as x has dimension.
18 Examples
x <- array(1:20, dim=c(2,5,2)) element(x, c(1,4,2))
Description Calculates the values of several fuzzy validity measures. The values of the indexes can be independently used in order to evaluate and compare clustering partitions or even to determine the number of clusters existing in a data set. Usage fclustIndex(y, x, index = "all") Arguments y x index An object of a fuzzy clustering result of class "fclust" Data matrix The validity measures used: "gath.geva", "xie.beni", "fukuyama.sugeno", "partition.coefficient", "partition.entropy", "proportion.exponent", "separation.index" and "all" for all the indexes.
Details The validity measures and a short description of them follows, where N is the number of data points, uij the values of the membership matrix, vj the centers of the clusters and k te number of clusters. gath.geva: Gath and Geva introduced 2 main criteria for comparing and nding optimal partitions based on the heuristics that a better clustering assumes clear separation between the clusters, minimal volume of the clusters and maximal number of data points concentrated in the vicinity of the cluster centroids. These indexes are only for the cmeans clustering algorithm 1/2 c valid. For the rst, the fuzzy hypervolume we have: FHV = j=1 [det(Fj )] , where
Fj =
1 second, the average partition density: DP A = k j=1 [det(Fj )]1/2 , where Sj = i=1 uij . j Moreover, the partition density which expresses the general partition density according to k N S the physical denition of density is calculated by: PD = FHV , where S = j=1 i=1 uij .
xie.beni: This index is a function of the data set and the centroids of the clusters. Xie and Beni explained this index by writing it as a ratio of the total variation of the partition and the centroids $(U,V)$ and the separation of the centroids vectors. The minimum values of this index under
k N i=1
u2 ||xi vj ||2 ij
fukuyama.sugeno: This index consists of the difference of two terms, the rst combining the fuzziness in the membership matrix with the geometrical compactness of the representation of the data set via the prototypes, and the second the fuzziness in its row of the partition matrix with the distance from the $i$th prototype to the grand mean of the data. The minimum values of N k this index also propose a good partition. uF S (U, V ; X) = i=1 j=1 (u2 )q (||xi vj ||2 ij 2 ||vj v || ) partition.coefcient: An index which measures the fuzziness of the partition but without considering the data set itself. It is a heuristic measure since it has no connection to any property of the data. The maximum values of it imply a good partition in the meaning of a least fuzzy T 2 clustering. F (U ; k) = tr(U U ) = <U,U > = ||U || N N N F (U ; k) shows the fuzziness or the overlap of the partition and depends on kN elements. 1/k F (U ; k) 1, where if F (U ; k) = 1 then U is a hard partition and if F (U ; k) = 1/k then U = [1/k] is the centroid of the fuzzy partion space Pf k . The converse is also valid. partition.entropy: It is a measure that provides information about the membership matrix without also considering the data itself. The minimum values imply a good partition in the meaning of N k a more crisp partition. H(U ; k) = i=1 h(ui )/N , where h(u) = j=1 uj loga (uj ) the Shannons entropy. H(U ; k) shows the uncertainty of a fuzzy partition and depends also on kN elements. Specically, h(ui ) is interpreted as the amount of fuzzy information about the membership of xi in k classes that is retained by column uj . Thus, at U = [1/k] the most information is withheld since the membership is the fuzziest possible. 0 H(U ; k) loga (k), where for H(U ; k) = 0 U is a hard partition and for H(U ; k) = loga (k) U = [1/k]. proportion.exponent: It is a measure P (U ; k) of fuzziness adept to detect structural variations in the partition matrix as it becomes more fuzzier. A crisp cluster in the partition matrix can drive it to innity when the partition coefcient and the partition entropy are more sensitive to small changes when approaching a hard partition. Its evaluation does not also involve the data or the algorithm used to partition them and its maximum implies the optimal partition but without knowing what maximum is a statistically signicant maximum. 0 P (U ; k) < , since the [0, 1] values explode to [0, ) due to the natural logarithm. Specically, P = 0 when and only when U = [1/k], while P when any column of U is crisp. P (U ; k) can easily explode and it is good for partitions with large column maximums and at detecting structural variations. separation.index (known as CS Index): This index identies unique cluster structure with welldened properties that depend on the data and a measure of distance. It answers the question if the clusters are compact and separated, but it rather seems computationally infeasible for big data sets since a distance matrix between all the data membership values has to be calculated. It also presupposes that a hard partition is derived from the fuzzy one. dis(u ,u ) D1 (U ; k; X, d) = mini+1 l k1 min1 j k max1mkj l m )} , where dia is the {dia(u diameter of the subset, dis the distance of two subsets, and d a metric. U is a CS partition of X D1 > 1. When this holds then U is unique.
20 Value Returns a vector with the validity measures values. Author(s) Evgenia Dimitriadou References
James C. Bezdek, Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms, Plenum Press, 1981, NY. L. X. Xie and G. Beni, Validity measure for fuzzy clustering, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 3, n. 8, p. 841-847, 1991. I. Gath and A. B. Geva, Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 11, n. 7, p. 773-781, 1989. Y. Fukuyama and M. Sugeno, A new method of choosing the number of clusters for the fuzzy $c$means method, Proc. 5th Fuzzy Syst. Symp., p. 247-250, 1989 (in japanese). See Also cmeans Examples
# a 2-dimensional example x<-rbind(matrix(rnorm(100,sd=0.3),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(100,mean=1,sd=0.3),ncol=2)) cl<-cmeans(x,2,20,verbose=TRUE,method="cmeans") resultindexes <- fclustIndex(cl,x, index="all") resultindexes
Description If both x and y are vectors, hamming.distance returns the Hamming distance (number of different bytes) between this two vectors. If x is a matrix, the Hamming distances between the rows of x are computed and y is ignored. Usage hamming.distance(x, y) Arguments x y a vector or matrix. an optional vector.
hamming.window Examples
x <- c(1, 0, 0) y <- c(1, 0, 1) hamming.distance(x, y) z <- rbind(x,y) rownames(z) <- c("Fred", "Tom") hamming.distance(z)
Description The lter coefcients wi of a Hamming window of length n are computed according to the formula wi = 0.54 0.46 cos Usage hamming.window(n) Arguments n Value A vector containing the lter coefcients. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel References For a denition of the Hamming window, see for example Alan V. Oppenheim and Roland W. Schafer: "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, 1989. See Also stft, hanning.window Examples
hamming.window(10) x<-rnorm(500) y<-stft(x, wtype="hamming.window") plot(y)
2i n1
Description The lter coefcients wi of a Hanning window of length n are computed according to the formula wi = 0.5 0.5 cos Usage hanning.window(n) Arguments n Value A vector containing the lter coefcients. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel References For a denition of the Hanning window, see for example Alan V. Oppenheim and Roland W. Schafer: "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, 1989. See Also stft, hamming.window Examples
hanning.window(10) x<-rnorm(500) y<-stft(x, wtype="hanning.window") plot(y)
2i n1
Description Computes a sequential color palette based on HSV colors by varying the saturation, given hue and value.
Arguments h from to v hue lower bound for saturation upper bound for saturation value
Value A function with one argument: the size of the palette, i.e., the number of colors.
pie(rep(1, 10), col = hsv_palette()(10)) pie(rep(1, 10), col = hsv_palette(h = 0)(10))
Description This is an R-implementation of the Matlab-Function of Petteri.Pajunen@hut.. For a data matrix X independent components are extracted by applying a nonlinear PCA algorithm. The parameter fun determines which nonlinearity is used. fun can either be a function or one of the following strings "negative kurtosis", "positive kurtosis", "4th moment" which can be abbreviated to uniqueness. If fun equals "negative (positive) kurtosis" the function tanh (x-tanh(x)) is used which provides ICA for sources with negative (positive) kurtosis. For fun == "4th moments" the signed square function is used. Usage ica(X, lrate, epochs=100, ncomp=dim(X)[2], fun="negative") Arguments X lrate epochs ncomp fun Value An object of class "ica" which is a list with components weights projection epochs fun lrate initweights Note Currently, there is no reconstruction from the ICA subspace to the original input space. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel ICA weight matrix Projected data Number of iterations Name of the used function Learning rate used Initial weight matrix The matrix for which the ICA is to be computed learning rate number of iterations number of independent components function used for the nonlinear computation part
impute References
Oja et al., Learning in Nonlinear Constrained Hebbian Networks, in Proc. ICANN-91, pp. 385 390. Karhunen and Joutsensalo, Generalizations of Principal Component Analysis, Optimization Problems, and Neural Networks, Neural Networks, v. 8, no. 4, pp. 549562, 1995.
Description Replaces missing values of a matrix or dataframe with the medians (what="median") or means (what="mean") of the respective columns. Usage impute(x, what = c("median", "mean"))
Description For each row in matrix x, the hypercube of a containing this point is searched. The corners of the hypercube are linearly interpolated. By default, dimnames(a) is taken to contain the coordinate values for each point in a. This can be overridden using adims. If method=="constant", the value of the lower left corner of the hypercube is returned.
Arguments x a adims method Matrix of values at which interpolation shall take place. Array of arbitrary dimension. List of the same structure as dimnames(a). Interpolation method, one of "linear" or "constant".
x <- seq(0,3,0.2) z <- outer(x,x, function(x,y) sin(x*y)) dimnames(z) <- list(x,x) sin(1.1*2.1) interpolate(c(1.1, 2.1),z)
Description Computes the kurtosis. Usage kurtosis(x, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3) Arguments x na.rm type a numeric vector containing the values whose kurtosis is to be computed. a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds. an integer between 1 and 3 selecting one of the algorithms for computing skewness detailed below.
Details If x contains missings and these are not removed, the skewness is NA. Otherwise, write xi for the non-missing elements of x, n for their number, for their mean, s for their standard deviation, and mr = i (xi )r /n for the sample moments of order r. Joanes and Gill (1998) discuss three methods for estimating kurtosis: Type 1: g2 = m4 /m2 3. This is the typical denition used in many older textbooks. 2 Type 2: G2 = ((n + 1)g2 + 6) (n 1)/((n 2)(n 3)). Used in SAS and SPSS. Type 3: b2 = m4 /s4 3 = (g2 + 3)(1 1/n)2 3. Used in MINITAB and BMDP. Only G2 (corresponding to type = 2) is unbiased under normality. Value The estimated kurtosis of x. References D. N. Joanes and C. A. Gill (1998), Comparing measures of sample skewness and kurtosis. The Statistician, 47, 183189. Examples
x <- rnorm(100) kurtosis(x)
Description A latent class analysis with k classes is performed on the data given by x. Usage lca(x, k, niter=100, matchdata=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) Arguments x k niter matchdata verbose Value An object of class "lca" is returned, containing w p matching Probabilities to belong to each class Probabilities of a 1 for each variable in each class Either a data matrix of binary observations or a list of patterns as created by countpattern Number of classes used for LCA Number of Iterations If TRUE and x is a data matrix, the class membership of every data point is returned, otherwise the class membership of every pattern is returned. If TRUE some output is printed during the computations.
Depending on matchdata either the class membership of each pattern or of each data point logl, loglsat The LogLikelihood of the model and of the saturated model bic, bicsat chisq lhquot n np Author(s) Andreas Weingessel References Anton K. Formann: Die Latent-Class-Analysis, Beltz Verlag 1984 The BIC of the model and of the saturated model Pearsons Chisq Likelihood quotient of the model and the saturated model Number of data points. Number of free parameters.
## Generate a 4-dim. sample with 2 latent classes of 500 data points each. ## The probabilities for the 2 classes are given by type1 and type2. type1 <- c(0.8,0.8,0.2,0.2) type2 <- c(0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8) x <- matrix(runif(4000),nr=1000) x[1:500,] <- t(t(x[1:500,])<type1)*1 x[501:1000,] <- t(t(x[501:1000,])<type2)*1 l <- lca(x, 2, niter=5) print(l) summary(l) p <- predict(l, x) table(p, c(rep(1,500),rep(2,500)))
Description Try to nd a mapping between the two groupings, such that as many cases as possible are in one of the matched pairs. Usage matchClasses(tab, method="rowmax", iter=1, maxexact=9, verbose=TRUE) compareMatchedClasses(x, y, method="rowmax", iter=1, maxexact=9, verbose=FALSE) Arguments tab method iter verbose maxexact x, y Two-way contingency table of class memberships One of "rowmax", "greedy" or "exact". Number of iterations used in greedy search. If TRUE, display some status messages during computation. Maximum number of variables for which all possible permutations are computed. Vectors or matrices with class memberships.
30 Details
If method="rowmax", then each class dening a row in the contingency table is mapped to the column of the corresponding row maximum. Hence, some columns may be mapped to more than one row (while each row is mapped to a single column). If method="greedy" or method="exact", then the contingency table must be a square matrix and a unique mapping is computed. This corresponds to a permutation of columns and rows, such that sum of the main diagonal, i.e., the trace of the matrix, gets as large as possible. For both methods, rst all pairs where row and columns maxima correspond and are bigger than the sum of all other elements in the corresponding columns and rows together are located and xed (this is a necessary condition for maximal trace). If method="exact", then for the remaining rows and columns, all possible permutations are computed and the optimum is returned. This can get computationally infeasible very fast. If more than maxexact rows and columns remain after applying the necessary condition, then method is reset to "greedy". If method="greedy", then a greedy heuristic is tried iter times. Repeatedly a row is picked at random and matched to the free column with the maximum value. compareMatchedClasses() computes the contingency table for each combination of columns from x and y and applies matchClasses to that table. The columns of the table are permuted accordingly and then the table is passed to classAgreement. The resulting agreement coefcients (diag, kappa, . . . ) are returned. The return value of compareMatchedClasses() is a list containing a matrix for each coefcient; with element (k,l) corresponding to the k-th column of x and l-th column of y. If y is missing, then the columns of x are compared with each other. Author(s) Friedrich Leisch See Also classAgreement Examples
## a stupid example with no class correlations: g1 <- sample(1:5, size=1000, replace=TRUE) g2 <- sample(1:5, size=1000, replace=TRUE) tab <- table(g1, g2) matchClasses(tab, "exact") ## let pairs (g1=1,g2=4) and (g1=3,g2=1) agree better k <- sample(1:1000, size=200) g1[k] <- 1 g2[k] <- 4 k <- sample(1:1000, size=200) g1[k] <- 3 g2[k] <- 1 tab <- table(g1, g2) matchClasses(tab, "exact")
Description Finds controls matching the cases as good as possible. Usage matchControls(formula, data = list(), subset, contlabel = "con", caselabel = NULL, dogrep = TRUE, replace = FALSE) Arguments formula data A formula indicating cases, controls and the variables to be matched. Details are described below. an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from the environment which matchControls is called from. an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the matching process. A string giving the label of the control group. A string giving the labels of the cases. If TRUE, then contlabel and contlabel are matched using grep, else string comparison (exact equality) is used. If FALSE, then every control is used only once.
The left hand side of the formula must be a factor determining whether an observation belongs to the case or the control group. By default, all observations where a grep of contlabel matches, are used as possible controls, the rest is taken as cases. If caselabel is given, then only those observations are taken as cases. If dogrep = TRUE, then both contlabel and caselabel can be regular expressions. The right hand side of the formula gives the variables that should be matched. The matching is done using the daisy distance from the cluster package, i.e., a model frame is built from the formula and used as input for daisy. For each case, the nearest control is selected. If replace = FALSE, each control is used only once.
32 Value Returns a list with components cases controls factor Author(s) Friedrich Leisch Examples <- 40 + 5 * rnorm(50) Age.cont <- 45 + 10 * rnorm(150) Age <- c(, Age.cont)
Row names of cases. Row names of matched controls. A factor with 2 levels indicating cases and controls (the rest is set to NA. <- sample(c("M", "F"), 50, prob = c(.4, .6), replace = TRUE) Sex.cont <- sample(c("M", "F"), 150, prob = c(.6, .4), replace = TRUE) Sex <- as.factor(c(, Sex.cont)) casecont <- as.factor(c(rep("case", 50), rep("cont", 150))) ## now look at the group properties: boxplot(Age ~ casecont) barplot(table(Sex, casecont), beside = TRUE) m <- matchControls(casecont ~ Sex + Age) ## properties of the new groups: boxplot(Age ~ m$factor) barplot(table(Sex, m$factor))
Statistical Moment
Description Computes the (optionally centered and/or absolute) sample moment of a certain order. Usage moment(x, order=1, center=FALSE, absolute=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
naiveBayes Arguments x order center absolute na.rm a numeric vector containing the values whose moment is to be computed.
order of the moment to be computed, the default is to compute the rst moment, i.e., the mean. a logical value indicating whether centered moments are to be computed. a logical value indicating whether absolute moments are to be computed. a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
Details When center and absolute are both FALSE, the moment is simply sum(x ^ order) / length(x). Author(s) Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch See Also mean, var Examples
x <- rnorm(100) ## Compute the mean moment(x) ## Compute the 2nd centered moment (!= var) moment(x, order=2, center=TRUE) ## Compute the 3rd absolute centered moment moment(x, order=3, center=TRUE, absolute=TRUE)
Description Computes the conditional a-posterior probabilities of a categorical class variable given independent predictor variables using the Bayes rule.
34 Usage
## S3 method for class 'formula' naiveBayes(formula, data, laplace = 0, ..., subset, na.action = na.pass) ## Default S3 method: naiveBayes(x, y, laplace = 0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'naiveBayes' predict(object, newdata, type = c("class", "raw"), threshold = 0.001, ...)
Arguments x y formula data laplace ... subset na.action A numeric matrix, or a data frame of categorical and/or numeric variables. Class vector. A formula of the form class ~ x1 + x2 + .... Interactions are not allowed. Either a data frame of predictors (categorical and/or numeric) or a contingency table. positive double controlling Laplace smoothing. The default (0) disables Laplace smoothing. Currently not used. For data given in a data frame, an index vector specifying the cases to be used in the training sample. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.) A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. The default action is not to count them for the computation of the probability factors. An alternative is na.omit, which leads to rejection of cases with missing values on any required variable. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.) An object of class "naiveBayes". A dataframe with new predictors (with possibly fewer columns than the training data). Note that the column names of newdata are matched against the training data ones. If "raw", the conditional a-posterior probabilities for each class are returned, and the class with maximal probability else. Value replacing cells with 0 probabilities.
object newdata
The standard naive Bayes classier (at least this implementation) assumes independence of the predictor variables, and Gaussian distribution (given the target class) of metric predictors. For attributes with missing values, the corresponding table entries are omitted for prediction.
naiveBayes Value An object of class "naiveBayes" including components: apriori tables Class distribution for the dependent variable.
A list of tables, one for each predictor variable. For each categorical variable a table giving, for each attribute level, the conditional probabilities given the target class. For each numeric variable, a table giving, for each target class, mean and standard deviation of the (sub-)variable.
## Categorical data only: data(HouseVotes84, package="mlbench") model <- naiveBayes(Class ~ ., data = HouseVotes84) predict(model, HouseVotes84[1:10,-1]) predict(model, HouseVotes84[1:10,-1], type = "raw") pred <- predict(model, HouseVotes84[,-1]) table(pred, HouseVotes84$Class) ## using laplace smoothing: model <- naiveBayes(Class ~ ., data = HouseVotes84, laplace = 3) pred <- predict(model, HouseVotes84[,-1]) table(pred, HouseVotes84$Class)
## Example of using a contingency table: data(Titanic) m <- naiveBayes(Survived ~ ., data = Titanic) m predict(m,[,1:3]) ## Example with metric predictors: data(iris) m <- naiveBayes(Species ~ ., data = iris) ## alternatively: m <- naiveBayes(iris[,-5], iris[,5]) m table(predict(m, iris[,-5]), iris[,5])
Description Returns a matrix containing all permutations of the integers 1:n (one permutation per row). Usage permutations(n) Arguments n Author(s) Friedrich Leisch Examples
Description An object of class "stft" is plotted as a gray scale image. The x-axis corresponds to time, the y-axis to frequency. If the default colormap is used, dark regions in the plot correspond to high values at the particular time/frequency location. Usage ## S3 method for class 'stft' plot(x, col = gray(63:0/63), ...) Arguments x col ... An object of class "stft" as obtained by the function stft. An optional colormap. By default 64 gray values are used, where white corresponds to the minimum value and black to the maximum. further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
plot.svm Value No return value. This function is only for plotting. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel See Also stft Examples
x<-rnorm(500) y<-stft(x) plot(y)
Description Generates a scatter plot of the input data of a svm t for classication models by highlighting the classes and support vectors. Optionally, draws a lled contour plot of the class regions. Usage ## S3 method for class 'svm' plot(x, data, formula, fill = TRUE, grid = 50, slice = list(), symbolPalette = palette(), svSymbol = "x", dataSymbol = "o", ...) Arguments x data formula fill grid slice An object of class svm data to visualize. Should be the same used for tting. formula selecting the visualized two dimensions. Only needed if more than two input variables are used. switch indicating whether a contour plot for the class regions should be added. granularity for the contour plot.
a list of named values for the dimensions held constant (only needed if more than two variables are used). The defaults for unspecied dimensions are 0 (for numeric variables) and the rst level (for factors). Factor levels can either be specied as factors or character vectors of length 1. symbolPalette Color palette used for the class the data points and support vectors belong to.
38 svSymbol dataSymbol ... Author(s) David Meyer <> See Also svm Examples
## a simple example library(MASS) data(cats) m <- svm(Sex~., data = cats) plot(m, cats) ## more than two variables: fix 2 dimensions data(iris) m2 <- svm(Species~., data = iris) plot(m2, iris, Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, slice = list(Sepal.Width = 3, Sepal.Length = 4))
plot.tune Symbol used for support vectors. Symbol used for data points (other than support vectors). additional graphics parameters passed to filled.contour and plot.
## plot with custom symbols and colors plot(m, cats, svSymbol = 1, dataSymbol = 2, symbolPalette = rainbow(4), color.palette = terrain.colors)
Description Visualizes the results of parameter tuning. Usage ## S3 method for class 'tune' plot(x, type = c("contour", "perspective"), theta = 60, col = "lightblue", main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, swapxy = FALSE, transform.x = NULL, transform.y = NULL, transform.z = NULL, color.palette = hsv_palette(), nlevels = 20, ...)
predict.svm Arguments x type theta col main xlab, ylab an object of class tune
choose whether a contour plot or a perspective plot is used if two parameters are to be visualized. Ignored if only one parameter has been tuned. angle of azimuthal direction. the color(s) of the surface facets. Transparent colors are ignored. main title titles for the axes. N.B. These must be character strings; expressions are not accepted. Numbers will be coerced to character strings.
swapxy if TRUE, the parameter axes are swaped (only used in case of two parameters). transform.x, transform.y, transform.z functions to transform the parameters (x and y) and the error measures (z). Ignored if NULL. color.palette color palette used in contour plot. nlevels ... Author(s) David Meyer (based on C/C++-code by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin) <> See Also tune Examples
data(iris) obj <- tune.svm(Species~., data = iris, sampling = "fix", gamma = 2^c(-8,-4,0,4), cost = 2^c(-8,-4,-2,0)) plot(obj, transform.x = log2, transform.y = log2) plot(obj, type = "perspective", theta = 120, phi = 45)
Description This function predicts values based upon a model trained by svm.
40 Usage ## S3 method for class 'svm' predict(object, newdata, decision.values = FALSE, probability = FALSE, ..., na.action = na.omit) Arguments object newdata Object of class "svm", created by svm.
An object containing the new input data: either a matrix or a sparse matrix (object of class Matrix provided by the Matrix package, or of class matrix.csr provided by the SparseM package, or of class simple_triplet_matrix provided by the slam package). A vector will be transformed to a n x 1 matrix. decision.values Logical controlling whether the decision values of all binary classiers computed in multiclass classication shall be computed and returned. probability Logical indicating whether class probabilities should be computed and returned. Only possible if the model was tted with the probability option enabled. A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. The default action is na.omit, which leads to rejection of cases with missing values on any required variable. An alternative is, which causes an error if NA cases are found. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.) Currently not used.
... Value
A vector of predicted values (for classication: a vector of labels, for density estimation: a logical vector). If decision.value is TRUE, the vector gets a "decision.values" attribute containing a n x c matrix (n number of predicted values, c number of classiers) of all c binary classiers decision values. There are k * (k - 1) / 2 classiers (k number of classes). The colnames of the matrix indicate the labels of the two classes. If probability is TRUE, the vector gets a "probabilities" attribute containing a n x k matrix (n number of predicted values, k number of classes) of the class probabilities. Note If the training set was scaled by svm (done by default), the new data is scaled accordingly using scale and center of the training data. Author(s) David Meyer (based on C++-code by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin) <> See Also svm
predict.svm Examples
data(iris) attach(iris) ## classification mode # default with factor response: model <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris) # alternatively the traditional interface: x <- subset(iris, select = -Species) y <- Species model <- svm(x, y, probability = TRUE) print(model) summary(model) # test with train data pred <- predict(model, x) # (same as:) pred <- fitted(model) # compute decision values and probabilites pred <- predict(model, x, decision.values = TRUE, probability = TRUE) attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,] attr(pred, "probabilities")[1:4,] ## try regression mode on two dimensions # create data x <- seq(0.1, 5, by = 0.05) y <- log(x) + rnorm(x, sd = 0.2) # estimate model and predict input values m <- svm(x, y) new <- predict(m, x) # visualize plot (x, y) points (x, log(x), col = 2) points (x, new, col = 4) ## density-estimation # create 2-dim. normal with rho=0: X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1000), b = rnorm(1000)) attach(X) # traditional way: m <- svm(X, gamma = 0.1) # formula interface: m <- svm(~., data = X, gamma = 0.1)
# or: m <- svm(~ a + b, gamma = 0.1) # test: newdata <- data.frame(a = c(0, 4), b = c(0, 4)) predict (m, newdata)
# visualize: plot(X, col = 1:1000 %in% m$index + 1, xlim = c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5)) points(newdata, pch = "+", col = 2, cex = 5)
Probability Plot
Description Generates a probability plot for a specied theoretical distribution, i.e., basically a qqplot where the y-axis is labeled with probabilities instead of quantiles. The function is mainly intended for teaching the concept of quantile plots. Usage probplot(x, qdist=qnorm, probs=NULL, line=TRUE, xlab=NULL, ylab="Probability in %", ...) ## S3 method for class 'probplot' lines(x, h=NULL, v=NULL, bend=FALSE, ...) Arguments x qdist probs line xlab, ylab h v bend ... Author(s) Friedrich Leisch A data vector for probplot, an object of class probplot for the lines method. A character string or a function for the quantiles of the target distribution. Vector of probabilities at which horizontal lines should be drawn. Add a line passing through the quartiles to the plot? Graphical parameters. The y-value for a horizontal line. The x-value for a vertical line. If TRUE, lines are bent at the quartile line, else regular ablines are added. See examples. Further arguments for qdist and graphical parameters for lines.
## Make the line at prob=0.5 red lines(p, h=0.5, col="red") ### The following use the estimted distribution given by the green ### line: ## What is the probability that x is smaller than 7? lines(p, v=7, bend=TRUE, col="blue") ## Median and 90% confidence interval lines(p, h=.5, col="red", lwd=3, bend=TRUE) lines(p, h=c(.05, .95), col="red", lwd=2, lty=3, bend=TRUE) par(opar)
Description rwiener returns a time series containing a simulated realization of the Brownian bridge on the interval [0,end]. If W(t) is a Wiener process, then the Brownian bridge is dened as W(t) - t W(1).
44 Usage rbridge(end = 1, frequency = 1000) Arguments end frequency See Also rwiener Examples
# simulate a Brownian bridge on [0,1] and plot it x <- rbridge() plot(x,type="l")
the time of the last observation. the number of observations per unit of time.
Description reads and writes a le in sparse data format. Usage read.matrix.csr(file, fac = TRUE, ncol = NULL) write.matrix.csr(x, file = "out.dat", y = NULL) Arguments x y file fac ncol An object of class matrix.csr A vector (either numeric or a factor) The lename. If TRUE and y-values are stored in the le, the values are interpreted as factor levels. Number of columns, detected automatically. Can be used to add empty columns (possibly not stored in the sparse format).
Value If the data le includes no y variable, read.matrix.csr returns an object of class matrix.csr, else a list with components: x y object of class matrix.csr vector of numeric values or factor levels, depending on fac.
rectangle.window Author(s) David Meyer (based on C/C++-code by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin) <> See Also matrix.csr Examples
## Not run: library(methods) if (require(SparseM)) { data(iris) x <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) y <- iris[,5] xs <- as.matrix.csr(x) write.matrix.csr(xs, y = y, file = "iris.dat") xs2 <- read.matrix.csr("iris.dat")$x if (!all(as.matrix(xs) == as.matrix(xs2))) stop("Error: objects are not equal!") } ## End(Not run)
Description Returns the lter coefcients of a rectangle window. That is a vector of n 1. The purpose of this function is just to have a name for the R command rep (1, n). Usage rectangle.window(n) Arguments n Value A vector of length n lled with 1. Author(s) Andreas Weingessel The length of the window.
Description rwiener returns a time series containing a simulated realization of the Wiener process on the interval [0,end] Usage rwiener(end = 1, frequency = 1000) Arguments end frequency Examples
# simulate a Wiener process on [0,1] and plot it x <- rwiener() plot(x,type="l")
the time of the last observation. the number of observations per unit of time.
Description Sigmoid 1/(1 + exp(x)), rst and second derivative. Usage sigmoid(x) dsigmoid(x) d2sigmoid(x)
a numeric vector
Description Computes the skewness. Usage skewness(x, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3) Arguments x na.rm type a numeric vector containing the values whose skewness is to be computed. a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds. an integer between 1 and 3 selecting one of the algorithms for computing skewness detailed below.
Details If x contains missings and these are not removed, the skewness is NA. Otherwise, write xi for the non-missing elements of x, n for their number, for their mean, s for their standard deviation, and mr = i (xi )r /n for the sample moments of order r. Joanes and Gill (1998) discuss three methods for estimating skewness: Type 1: g1 = m3 /m2 . This is the typical denition used in many older textbooks. Type 2: G1 = g1 n(n 1)/(n 2). Used in SAS and SPSS. Type 3: b1 = m3 /s3 = g1 ((n 1)/n)3/2 . Used in MINITAB and BMDP. All three skewness measures are unbiased under normality.
D. N. Joanes and C. A. Gill (1998), Comparing measures of sample skewness and kurtosis. The Statistician, 47, 183189. Examples
x <- rnorm(100) skewness(x)
Description This function computes the Short Time Fourier Transform of a given vector X. First, time-slices of length win are extracted from the vector. The shift of one time-slice to the next one is given by inc. The values of these time-slices are smoothed by mulitplying them with a window function specied in wtype. For the thus obtained windows, the Fast Fourier Transform is computed. Usage stft(X, win=min(80,floor(length(X)/10)), inc=min(24, floor(length(X)/30)), coef=64, wtype="hanning.window") Arguments X win inc The vector from which the stft is computed. Length of the window. For long vectors the default window size is 80, for short vectors the window size is chosen so that 10 windows t in the vector. Increment by which the window is shifted. For long vectors the default increment is 24, for short vectors the increment is chosen so that 30 increments t in the vector. Number of Fourier coefcients Type of window used
coef wtype
svm Value Object of type stft. Contains the values of the stft and information about the parameters. values windowsize increment windowtype Author(s) Andreas Weingessel See Also plot.stft Examples
x<-rnorm(500) y<-stft(x) plot(y)
A matrix containing the results of the stft. Each row of the matrix contains the coef Fourier coefcients of one window. The value of the parameter win The value of the parameter inc The value of the parameter wtype
Description svm is used to train a support vector machine. It can be used to carry out general regression and classication (of nu and epsilon-type), as well as density-estimation. A formula interface is provided. Usage ## S3 method for class 'formula' svm(formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit, scale = TRUE) ## Default S3 method: svm(x, y = NULL, scale = TRUE, type = NULL, kernel = "radial", degree = 3, gamma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x), coef0 = 0, cost = 1, nu = 0.5, class.weights = NULL, cachesize = 40, tolerance = 0.001, epsilon = 0.1, shrinking = TRUE, cross = 0, probability = FALSE, fitted = TRUE, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit)
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from the environment which svm is called from. a data matrix, a vector, or a sparse matrix (object of class Matrix provided by the Matrix package, or of class matrix.csr provided by the SparseM package, or of class simple_triplet_matrix provided by the slam package). a response vector with one label for each row/component of x. Can be either a factor (for classication tasks) or a numeric vector (for regression). A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. If scale is of length 1, the value is recycled as many times as needed. Per default, data are scaled internally (both x and y variables) to zero mean and unit variance. The center and scale values are returned and used for later predictions. svm can be used as a classication machine, as a regression machine, or for novelty detection. Depending of whether y is a factor or not, the default setting for type is C-classification or eps-regression, respectively, but may be overwritten by setting an explicit value. Valid options are: C-classification nu-classification one-classification (for novelty detection) eps-regression nu-regression
y scale
the kernel used in training and predicting. You might consider changing some of the following parameters, depending on the kernel type. linear: u v polynomial: (u v + coef 0)degree radial basis: e( |u v|2 ) sigmoid: tanh(u v + coef 0)
parameter needed for kernel of type polynomial (default: 3) parameter needed for all kernels except linear (default: 1/(data dimension)) parameter needed for kernels of type polynomial and sigmoid (default: 0) cost of constraints violation (default: 1)it is the C-constant of the regularization term in the Lagrange formulation.
parameter needed for nu-classification, nu-regression, and oneclassification class.weights a named vector of weights for the different classes, used for asymmetric class sizes. Not all factor levels have to be supplied (default weight: 1). All components have to be named. cachesize cache memory in MB (default 40)
svm tolerance epsilon shrinking cross tolerance of termination criterion (default: 0.001) epsilon in the insensitive-loss function (default: 0.1) option whether to use the shrinking-heuristics (default: TRUE)
if a integer value k>0 is specied, a k-fold cross validation on the training data is performed to assess the quality of the model: the accuracy rate for classication and the Mean Squared Error for regression logical indicating whether the tted values should be computed and included in the model or not (default: TRUE) logical indicating whether the model should allow for probability predictions. additional parameters for the low level tting function svm.default An index vector specifying the cases to be used in the training sample. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.) A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. The default action is na.omit, which leads to rejection of cases with missing values on any required variable. An alternative is, which causes an error if NA cases are found. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.)
Details For multiclass-classication with k levels, k>2, libsvm uses the one-against-one-approach, in which k(k-1)/2 binary classiers are trained; the appropriate class is found by a voting scheme. libsvm internally uses a sparse data representation, which is also high-level supported by the package SparseM. If the predictor variables include factors, the formula interface must be used to get a correct model matrix. plot.svm allows a simple graphical visualization of classication models. The probability model for classication ts a logistic distribution using maximum likelihood to the decision values of all binary classiers, and computes the a-posteriori class probabilities for the multi-class problem using quadratic optimization. The probabilistic regression model assumes (zero-mean) laplace-distributed errors for the predictions, and estimates the scale parameter using maximum likelihood. Value An object of class "svm" containing the tted model, including: SV index The resulting support vectors (possibly scaled). The index of the resulting support vectors in the data matrix. Note that this index refers to the preprocessed data (after the possible effect of na.omit and subset) The corresponding coefcients times the training labels. The negative intercept. In case of a probabilistic regression model, the scale parameter of the hypothesized (zero-mean) laplace distribution estimated by maximum likelihood.
svm probA, probB numeric vectors of length k(k-1)/2, k number of classes, containing the parameters of the logistic distributions tted to the decision values of the binary classiers (1 / (1 + exp(a x + b))).
Note Data are scaled internally, usually yielding better results. Parameters of SVM-models usually must be tuned to yield sensible results! Author(s) David Meyer (based on C/C++-code by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin) <> References Chang, Chih-Chung and Lin, Chih-Jen: LIBSVM: a library for Support Vector Machines Exact formulations of models, algorithms, etc. can be found in the document: Chang, Chih-Chung and Lin, Chih-Jen: LIBSVM: a library for Support Vector Machines More implementation details and speed benchmarks can be found on: Rong-En Fan and PaiHsune Chen and Chih-Jen Lin: Working Set Selection Using the Second Order Information for Training SVM See Also predict.svm plot.svm tune.svm matrix.csr (in package SparseM) Examples
data(iris) attach(iris) ## classification mode # default with factor response: model <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris) # alternatively the traditional interface: x <- subset(iris, select = -Species) y <- Species model <- svm(x, y) print(model) summary(model) # test with train data
pred <- predict(model, x) # (same as:) pred <- fitted(model) # Check accuracy: table(pred, y) # compute decision values and probabilities: pred <- predict(model, x, decision.values = TRUE) attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,] # visualize (classes by color, SV by crosses): plot(cmdscale(dist(iris[,-5])), col = as.integer(iris[,5]), pch = c("o","+")[1:150 %in% model$index + 1]) ## try regression mode on two dimensions # create data x <- seq(0.1, 5, by = 0.05) y <- log(x) + rnorm(x, sd = 0.2) # estimate model and predict input values m <- svm(x, y) new <- predict(m, x) # visualize plot(x, y) points(x, log(x), col = 2) points(x, new, col = 4) ## density-estimation # create 2-dim. normal with rho=0: X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1000), b = rnorm(1000)) attach(X) # traditional way: m <- svm(X, gamma = 0.1) # m # m formula interface: <- svm(~., data = X, gamma = 0.1) or: <- svm(~ a + b, gamma = 0.1)
# test: newdata <- data.frame(a = c(0, 4), b = c(0, 4)) predict (m, newdata) # visualize: plot(X, col = 1:1000 %in% m$index + 1, xlim = c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5)) points(newdata, pch = "+", col = 2, cex = 5)
# weights: (example not particularly sensible) i2 <- iris levels(i2$Species)[3] <- "versicolor" summary(i2$Species) wts <- 100 / table(i2$Species) wts m <- svm(Species ~ ., data = i2, class.weights = wts)
Description This generic function tunes hyperparameters of statistical methods using a grid search over supplied parameter ranges. Usage tune(method, train.x, train.y = NULL, data = list(), validation.x = NULL, validation.y = NULL, ranges = NULL, predict.func = predict, tunecontrol = tune.control(), ...) best.tune(...) Arguments method train.x train.y data either the function to be tuned, or a character string naming such a function. either a formula or a matrix of predictors. the response variable if train.x is a predictor matrix. Ignored if train.x is a formula. data, if a formula interface is used. Ignored, if predictor matrix and response are supplied directly.
validation.x an optional validation set. Depending on whether a formula interface is used or not, the response can be included in validation.x or separately specied using validation.y. validation.y if no formula interface is used, the response of the (optional) validation set. ranges a named list of parameter vectors spanning the sampling space. The vectors will usually be created by seq.
predict.func optional predict function, if the standard predict behavior is inadequate. tunecontrol ... object of class "tune.control", as created by the function tune.control(). If omitted, tune.control() gives the defaults. Further parameters passed to the training functions.
tune Details
As performance measure, the classication error is used for classication, and the mean squared error for regression. It is possible to specify only one parameter combination (i.e., vectors of length 1) to obtain an error estimation of the specied type (bootstrap, cross-classication, etc.) on the given data set. For convenience, there are several wrappers dened, e.g., for nnet(), randomForest(), rpart(), svm(), and knn(). Cross-validation randomizes the data set before building the splits whichonce createdremain constant during the training process. The splits can be recovered through the train.ind component of the returned object. Value For tune, an object of class tune, including the components: best.parameters a 1 x k data frame, k number of parameters. best.performance best achieved performance. performances if requested, a data frame of all parameter combinations along with the corresponding performance results. train.ind best.model list of index vectors used for splits into training and validation sets. if requested, the model trained on the complete training data using the best parameter combination.
best.tune() returns the best model detected by tune. Author(s) David Meyer <> See Also tune.control, plot.tune, tune.svm, tune.wrapper Examples
data(iris) ## tune `svm' for classification with RBF-kernel (default in svm), ## using one split for training/validation set obj <- tune(svm, Species~., data = iris, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)), tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "fix") ) ## alternatively: ## obj <- tune.svm(Species~., data = iris, gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4))
summary(obj) plot(obj)
## tune `knn' using a convenience function; this time with the ## conventional interface and bootstrap sampling: x <- iris[,-5] y <- iris[,5] obj2 <- tune.knn(x, y, k = 1:5, tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "boot")) summary(obj2) plot(obj2) ## tune `rpart' for regression, using 10-fold cross validation (default) data(mtcars) obj3 <- tune.rpart(mpg~., data = mtcars, minsplit = c(5,10,15)) summary(obj3) plot(obj3) ## simple error estimation for lm using 10-fold cross validation tune(lm, mpg~., data = mtcars)
Description Creates an object of class tune.control to be used with the tune function, containing various control parameters. Usage tune.control(random = FALSE, nrepeat = 1, repeat.aggregate = min, sampling = c("cross", "fix", "bootstrap"), sampling.aggregate = mean, sampling.dispersion = sd, cross = 10, fix = 2/3, nboot = 10, boot.size = 9/10, best.model = TRUE, performances = TRUE, = NULL) Arguments random if an integer value is specied, random parameter vectors are drawn from the parameter space.
nrepeat species how often training shall be repeated. repeat.aggregate function for aggregating the repeated training results. sampling sampling scheme. If sampling = "cross", a cross-times cross validation is performed. If sampling = "boot", nboot training sets of size boot.size (part) are sampled (with replacement) from the supplied data. If sampling = "fix", a single split into training/validation set is used, the training set containing a fix part of the supplied data. Note that a separate
57 validation set can be supplied via validation.x and validation.y. It is only used for sampling = "boot" and sampling = "fix"; in the latter case, fix is set to 1.
sampling.aggregate,sampling.dispersion functions for aggregating the training results on the generated training samples (default: mean and standard deviation). cross fix nboot boot.size best.model number of partitions for cross-validation. part of the data used for training in xed sampling. number of bootstrap replications. size of the bootstrap samples. if TRUE, the best model is trained and returned (the best parameter set is used for training on the complete training set).
performances if TRUE, the performance results for all parameter combinations are returned. function returning the error measure to be minimized. It takes two arguments: a vector of true values and a vector of predicted values. If NULL, the misclassication error is used for categorical predictions and the mean squared error for numeric predictions.
Value An object of class "tune.control" containing all the above parameters (either the defaults or the user specied values). Author(s) David Meyer <>
58 Usage
tune.svm(x, y = NULL, data = NULL, degree = NULL, gamma = NULL, coef0 = NULL, cost = NULL, nu = NULL, class.weights = NULL, epsilon = NULL, ...) best.svm(x, tunecontrol = tune.control(), ...) tune.nnet(x, y = NULL, data = NULL, size = NULL, decay = NULL, trace = FALSE, tunecontrol = tune.control(nrepeat = 5), ...) best.nnet(x, tunecontrol = tune.control(nrepeat = 5), ...) tune.rpart(formula, data, na.action = na.omit, minsplit = NULL, minbucket = NULL, cp = NULL, maxcompete = NULL, maxsurrogate = NULL, usesurrogate = NULL, xval = NULL, surrogatestyle = NULL, maxdepth = NULL, predict.func = NULL, ...) best.rpart(formula, tunecontrol = tune.control(), ...)
tune.randomForest(x, y = NULL, data = NULL, nodesize = NULL, mtry = NULL, ntree = N best.randomForest(x, tunecontrol = tune.control(), ...) tune.knn(x, y, k = NULL, l = NULL, ...)
Arguments formula, x, y, data formula and data arguments of function to be tuned. predict.func predicting function. na.action function handling missingness.
minsplit, minbucket, cp, maxcompete, maxsurrogate, usesurrogate, xval, surrogatesty rpart parameters. degree, gamma, coef0, cost, nu, class.weights, epsilon svm parameters. k, l knn parameters.
mtry, nodesize, ntree randomForest parameters. size, decay, trace parameters passed to nnet. tunecontrol ... Details For examples, see the help page of tune(). object of class "tune.control" containing tuning parameters. Further parameters passed to tune.
write.svm Value
59 returns a tuning object including the best parameter set obtained by optimizing over the specied parameter vectors. directly returns the best model, i.e. the t of a new model using the optimal parameters found by Author(s) David Meyer <> See Also tune
Description This function exports an SVM object (trained by svm) to two specied les. One is in the format that the function svm\_load\_model of libsvm can read. The other is for scaling data, containing a data with centers and scales for all variables. Usage write.svm(object, svm.file = "Rdata.svm", scale.file = "Rdata.scale", yscale.file = "Rdata.yscale") Arguments object svm.file scale.file yscale.file Details This function is useful when SVM models trained in R shall be used in other environments. The SVM model is saved in the standard format of libsvm. The scaling data are written to a separate le because scaling data are not included in the standard format of libsvm. The format of the scaling data le is a n times 2 matrix: the n-th row corresponds to the n-th dimension of the data, the columns being formed of the corresponding mean and scale. If scaling information for the dependent variable exists (in case of regression models), it is stored in yet another le (1 times 2 matrix). Object of class "svm", created by svm. lename to export the svm object to. lename to export the scaling data of the explanatory variables to. lename to export the scaling data of the dependent variable to, if any.
60 Author(s)
Tomomi TAKASHINA (based on predict.svm by David Meyer) <> See Also svm Examples
data(iris) attach(iris) ## classification mode # default with factor response: model <- svm (Species~., data=iris) # export SVM object to file write.svm(model, svm.file = "iris-classifier.svm", scale.file = "iris-classifier.scale") # read scale file # the n-th row is corresponding to n-th dimension. The 1st column contains the # center value, the 2nd column is the scale value. read.table("iris-classifier.scale")
Topic IO read.matrix.csr, 44 Topic arith interpolate, 26 Topic array element, 17 Topic category classAgreement, 9 matchClasses, 29 naiveBayes, 33 Topic classif naiveBayes, 33 plot.svm, 37 predict.svm, 39 svm, 49 write.svm, 59 Topic cluster bclust, 4 cmeans, 11 cshell, 14 fclustIndex, 18 lca, 28 Topic datagen permutations, 36 Topic distribution Discrete, 16 rbridge, 43 rwiener, 46 Topic hplot boxplot.bclust, 8 hsv_palette, 23 probplot, 42 Topic manip impute, 25 matchControls, 31 Topic math sigmoid, 46 Topic misc e1071-deprecated, 17 61 Topic models plot.tune, 38 tune, 54 tune.control, 56 tune.wrapper, 57 Topic multivariate bclust, 4 bootstrap.lca, 7 countpattern, 13 hamming.distance, 20 ica, 24 interpolate, 26 lca, 28 Topic neural plot.svm, 37 predict.svm, 39 svm, 49 write.svm, 59 Topic nonlinear plot.svm, 37 predict.svm, 39 svm, 49 write.svm, 59 Topic optimize allShortestPaths, 2 Topic ts hamming.window, 21 hanning.window, 22 plot.stft, 36 rectangle.window, 45 stft, 48 Topic univar kurtosis, 27 moment, 32 skewness, 47 Topic utilities bincombinations, 6 allShortestPaths, 2 approx, 26
62 bclust, 4, 9 best.nnet (tune.wrapper), 57 best.randomForest (tune.wrapper), 57 best.rpart (tune.wrapper), 57 best.svm (tune.wrapper), 57 best.tune (tune), 54 bincombinations, 6 bootstrap.lca, 7, 29 boxplot, 9 boxplot.bclust, 6, 8 centers.bclust (bclust), 4 classAgreement, 9, 30 clusters.bclust (bclust), 4 cmdscale, 5 cmeans, 11, 20 compareMatchedClasses (matchClasses), 29 countpattern, 13, 28, 29 cshell, 14 d2sigmoid (sigmoid), 46 daisy, 31 ddiscrete (Discrete), 16 Deprecated, 17 Discrete, 16 dist, 3, 4 dsigmoid (sigmoid), 46 e1071-deprecated, 17 element, 17 Extract, 17 extractPath (allShortestPaths), 2 fclustIndex, 18 grep, 31 hamming.distance, 20 hamming.window, 21 hanning.window, 22 hclust, 46 hclust.bclust (bclust), 4 hsv, 23 hsv_palette, 23 ica, 24 impute, 25 interpolate, 26 kmeans, 46 kurtosis, 27 lca, 7, 8, 28 lines.probplot (probplot), 42 matchClasses, 10, 29 matchControls, 31 Matrix, 40, 50 matrix.csr, 40, 45, 50, 52 mean, 33 moment, 32 naiveBayes, 33
pdiscrete (Discrete), 16 permutations, 36 plot.bclust (bclust), 4 plot.ica (ica), 24 plot.stft, 36 plot.svm, 37, 52 plot.tune, 38, 55 predict.lca (lca), 28 predict.naiveBayes (naiveBayes), 33 predict.svm, 39, 52 print.bootstrap.lca (bootstrap.lca), 7 print.fclust (cmeans), 11 print.ica (ica), 24 print.lca (lca), 28 print.naiveBayes (naiveBayes), 33 print.summary.lca (lca), 28 print.summary.svm (svm), 49 print.summary.tune (tune), 54 print.svm (svm), 49 print.tune (tune), 54 probplot, 42 qdiscrete (Discrete), 16 qqplot, 42, 43 rbridge, 43 rdiscrete (Discrete), 16 read.matrix.csr, 44 rectangle.window, 45 rwiener, 46 sample, 16 sigmoid, 46
INDEX simple_triplet_matrix, 40, 50 skewness, 47 spline, 26 stft, 48 summary.lca (lca), 28 summary.svm (svm), 49 summary.tune (tune), 54 svm, 38, 40, 49, 60 tune, 39, 54, 57, 59 tune.control, 55, 56 tune.knn (tune.wrapper), 57 tune.nnet (tune.wrapper), 57 tune.randomForest (tune.wrapper), 57 tune.rpart (tune.wrapper), 57 tune.svm, 52, 55 tune.svm (tune.wrapper), 57 tune.wrapper, 55, 57 var, 33 write.matrix.csr (read.matrix.csr), 44 write.svm, 59