V.O No. - Civil Works-R
V.O No. - Civil Works-R
V.O No. - Civil Works-R
Name of Work: (R&B) Department – NDB Phase-I- Guntur District – (R&B) Circle, Guntur Package No:
GNT/APMCRCIP/1 -Widening and Strengthening of 13 roads in Guntur District”
Execution of the missing reach of the Road Ravendrapadu to Seethanagaram from Km.7.600 to Km.8.835
Sl. No Description of the Item
From To
1 Variation Order
1 15
2 Preamble 16 17
3 Abstract 18 25
A. In accordance with clause 40 of General Conditions of the Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to perform the works for this Non-BoQ item at the rate as mentioned
in the variation Order.
B. Payment for this work will be made as per the rate as shown in this Variation Order. The rate for this item is derived based on MoRTH Standard Data of Rate Analysis and AP
SoR 2019-20
C. Variation approval is within the powers of Employer as per Clause no: 38,39 & 40 General Conditions of the Contract Agreement.
Dismantling of Cement Concrete pavements by mechanical means and disposal of dismantled materials
up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately as directed by
Non BOQ the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRTH specification 202 II (5th revision)-Payment based on levels
1 Item Cum 965.00 1563.00 1,508,295.00
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts , bridges, retaining walls and other structures
comprising of masonry, cement, concrete, wood work , steel work, including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking
2 57 the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000 m ( By Mechanical means in Cement concrete grade M-15 & Cum 215.00 653.00 140,395.00
M-20) as per MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 II (A) (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means including trimming bottom and side
slopes in accordance with requirements of lines , grades and cross sections etc., complete for finished
3 3 item of work for trench cutting as per MoRT&H specification 301(5th Revision) and as directed by the Cum 18053.00 103.00 1,859,459.00
Forming embankment with Excavated earth obtained from trench cutting by mechanical means upto
SDR including pre-watering of soil, removal of top soil, excavation of soils , depositing the soils on the
embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes
Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and
4 5 operational charges of T&P and seigniorage charges, complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Cum 101.00 110.00 11,110.00
specification 305 (5th Revision) (Payment will be made based on level for finished item of work).
(excluding seigniorage charges)
Forming Subgrade with borrowed useful selected soils having MDD of not less than 1.75 gm/cc and CBR
not less than 10%, from outside road boundary by mechanical means up to SDR with all leads and lifts
including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area,
conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning,
5 7 grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of Cum 8490.00 447.00 3,795,030.00
table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P, complete for finished item of
work as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specification Clause No. 305
Construction of median and Island above road level with approved material brought from borrow pits,
spread, sloped and compacted as per clause 407 (Payment will be made based on levels for finished
Non BOQ item of work)
6 Item Cum 741.00 741.00 549,081.00
Construction of Granular sub-base by providing HBG material confirming to Grading - V of MoRT&H
Table 400-1 including cost, seigniorage charges and conveyance of all materials to work site and
spreading in uniform layers with motor grader or by approved means, on prepared surface mixing by
mix in place method with Rotavator / approved means at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller to
7 11 achieve the desired density etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 401 Cum 3925.00 1745.00 6,849,125.00
(5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (excluding seigniorage charges)
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix
macadam specification ( 5th Revision) as per Table 400-13, including cost of all materials and including
premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper
to site , laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared surface and compacting
8 12 with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as Cum 4455.00 1984.00 8,838,720.00
per MoRT&H specification.406 (5th revision) for finished item of work.
Providing and applying prime coat with bitumen emulsion (SS1) Bulk using emulsion pressure
distributor on prepared surface of granular base including clearing of road surface and spraying
emulsion at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using emulsion pressure distributor for finished item of work etc.,
9 13 complete as per MoRT&H Specification 502 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge Sqm 17641.00 27.60 486,892.00
Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared Granular surface treated with primer with bitumen
VG-10 (Bulk) using Bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kgs per sqm cleaned with mechanical
broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed by the
10 14 Engineer-in-Charge. Sqm 17641.00 10.50 185,231.00
Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared bituminous surface with bitumen VG-10 (Bulk) using
Bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kgs per sqm cleaned with mechanical broom for
11 15 finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in- Sqm 26985.00 8.80 237,468.00
Providing and laying of Bituminous Macadam with 100 -120 TPH hot mix plant producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of Grading - I as per table
500-7 of MoRT&H specificaion 504 (5th Revision) premixed with bituminous binder of VG-30 grade @
3.4 % by weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with
Hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as
12 16 per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by Cum 23.00 5646.00 129,858.00
the Engineer-in- Charge including hire and opeational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges
necessary , complete and as per MoRTH specification No. 504 (5th Revision) .
Providing and laying of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with 100 - 120 TPH batch type hot mix
plant producing an average output of 75 tones per hour using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates
of Grading - II as per table 500-10 of MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th revision) premixed with
bituminous binder of VG 30 grade @ 4.50% of weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a
previously prepared surface with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment and rolled as per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for
finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including hire and operational charges all
13 18 T&P and all other contingent charges necessary including cost of (excluding seigniorage) charges of all Cum 1121.20 6598.00 7,397,678.00
materials etc., complete in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H
specification No. 505 (5th Revision)
Providing and laying of Bituminous Concrete with 100 - 120 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an
average output of 75 tones per hour using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of Grading – II as per
Table 500-17 of specification 507 of MoRT&H (5th revision), premixed with Bituminous binder of VG 30
Grade @ 5.4 % of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with hydrostatic sensor
paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and
14 20 tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRT&H Specification 507 (5th revision) Cum 666.00 7353.00 4,897,098.00
complete for finished item of work in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
B Culverts -
Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per
drawing and technical specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the
extent required etc., complete for finished item of work, excluding seigniorage charges, as per
15 25 MoRT&H specification 304 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge Cum 80.00 94.00 7,520.00
Sand filling at Bad soil Locations including cost and conveyence of all materials to site and watering,
tamping etc., complete for finshed item of work as per MoRT&H specification
304 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer - in - Charge.
16 29 Cum 28.00 773.00 21,644.00
Providing Levelling course with M10 grade using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost, (excluding seigniorage) conveyance of
all materials to site and labour charges, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including all other
incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
17 30 specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Levelling Cum 5.00 3776.00 18,880.00
PCC M 15 using batching plant for Foundation: Vibrated cement concrete M-15 Grade using 40 mm, 20
mm and 10 mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and
fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H) including cost and conveyance of all materials to
site and all labour charges for machine mixing , laying in position, compacting, Vibrating and curing
18 31 including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per Cum 25.00 3643.00 91,075.00
MoRT&H (5th Revision) Section Nos 1500, 1700, 2100 for Foundations.
RCC M25 using batching plant for Foundation :Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using
20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour
charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and
19 35 operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but Cum 5.00 4373.00 21,865.00
excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification
1500,1600,1700 & 2100 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations
HYSD in Foundation: Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of
all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of
reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc.,
complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational
charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for finished
20 38 item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MT 0.25 50770.00 12,693.00
MoRT&H specification 1600 & 2100 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for foundations of
R.C.C items.
Providing, laying Reinforced cement concrete Hume pipes, NP-4 class for pipe culverts including cost
and conveyance of Pipes etc., complete and Labour charges for laying, jointing of R.C.C Hume pipes in
position including lifting, aligning, lowering and hoisting etc., as per drawing and as per MoRT&H
21 41.5 Specification 2900, 2905 and 2906 (5th Revision) and IRC Special Publication No: 13 and as directed by Rmt 27.50 5090.00 139,975.00
the Engineer-in-Charge for finished item of work. -500MM dia
Construction of flexible apron comprising of loose stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg as per
22 46 MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specification claue No. 2507.2 and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge Cum 4.00 1385.00 5,540.00
Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered
concrete surfaces as directed by the Engineer in charge
23 53 Sqm 2.00 79.00 158.00
Dismantling of existing structures like Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar by mechanical means including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable
materials and stacking the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000
24 58 m as per MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 III (B) (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge Cum 11.00 653.00 7,183.00
Dismantling of existing hume pipes and stacking the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000 m as per
25 62 MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 IX (A) (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge Rmt 12.00 348.00 4,176.00
Providing SS Revetment 225 mm thick including cost and conveyance of materials to site and including
labour charges for packing the stones for revetment etc., complete for finished item of work as per
27 43 MoRT&H specification 2504 ( 5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for Pitching of Cum 978.00 1301.00 1,272,378.00
Providing and laying filter material with Gravel underneath pitching in slopes including cost and
28 42 conveyance of materials to site including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work as per Cum 652.00 1119.00 729,588.00
MoRT&H Specification 2504 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Providing weep holes in VCC Abutments, Return walls and wing walls with 100mm Diameter AC pipe
extending through the full width of the structure at 1.00m C/C in both horizontal and vertical direction
so that the weep holes in each horizontal direction is staggered from the weep holes laying above and
below lines as shown in drawing including cost and conveyance of the A.C pipes and labour charges for
cutting to required length, placing the pipe with a slope of about 1V : 20H towards stream side face etc.,
29 54 complete for finished item of work for weep holes as per MoRT&H specification 2706 & 2200 (5th Rmt 1235.00 263.00 324,805.00
Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (5th Revision)
Providing and laying of filter media using 50% of 150 mm IRC soling stone and 50 % of 40 mm HBG
metal satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of MoRT&H specifications to athickness
of not less than 600mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided
over the entire surface behind the abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a
firm condition including cost and conveyance and all labour charges as directed by the departmental
30 106 officers as per drawing and Technical specifications as per clause 710.1.1 of IRC:78 and Clause 2200 of Cum 1000.00 1426.00 1,426,000.00
MoRT&H (5th Revision) for finished item of work - Behind Drain
Levelling course for Drain: Providing Levelling course with M10 grade using 40mm size HBG crushed
stone aggregate and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost, (excluding
seigniorage) conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, machine mixing, laying, vibrating,
curing etc., including all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished
32 152 item of work as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Cum 231.00 3776.00 872,256.00
Engineer-in-Charge for Levelling course.
M15 using batching plant for Drain Raft and walls:Providing drain Raft and walls with Vibrated cement
concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate
(Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including
cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing,laying in position,
Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P
33 153 required etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed Cum 311.00 3643.00 1,132,973.00
by the Engineer-in-Charge
RCC M25 using batching plant for Foundation :Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using
20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour
charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and
Non BOQ operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding
34 cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & Cum 1121.00 4373.00 4,902,133.00
2100 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations
HYSD Reinforcement for Drain:Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-500 ) of different diameters, wrought and put
up bars of all diameters including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for
fabrication of reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in
position etc., complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and
operational charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items
36 156 for finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and MT 80.00 50770.00 4,061,600.00
as per MoRT&H specification 1600 & 2200 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for Foundation of
R.C.C items and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Galvanised gratings:
Non BOQ Providing Galvanised gratings on the slab for draining of water into the drain as per standard drawings,
37 Item as per the directions of the Engineer-in- Charge No 192.00 551.25 105,840.00
Providing and fixing 20mm thick Compressible Fiber board joint filler in expansion joint and in between
38 Non BOQ side wall complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Section 2604 (5th Revision) as directed Rmt 116.00 147.00 17,052.00
by the Engineer in Charge
Road Marking:Supplying of hot applied thermoplastic road marking compound, 2.5mm thick including
reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface at 250 gms
per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass bead as per IRC: 35, the material
should be of BERGER Company/ BERGER Equivalent/ Equivalent brand and must comply with the
following: a) White index for the product should be in the range of 60-70 when measured against
standard reference. The applied panel 7/8 number must be submitted for checking up the white index in
the department lab. In case the department approves the white index of any vendor, the department
engineer may carryout random checking of the applied products at site against the approved panel. In
39 158 case of any major deviation, beyond acceptance limit, department reserve the right to cancel or reject Sqm 765.00 560.00 428,400.00
the total supplied consignment of the said material and will compell the vendor has to replace the full
consignment by the desired material as per approved panel at his own cost and additional demurrages
may be claimed due to loss of man days (as per the rules of the department). b) Luminance factor of the
material should be in the range of 80-85% at 45 degree centigrade as per AASTHOM 249. c) Crack
resistance: The applied panel cured for 7 days under ambient condition and then should be tested as per
BS3262, Part-1, 1989 and should pass at the range of '0' degree centigrade to '- 10' degree centigrade D)
Adhesion : Strong E) Softening point: 102 degree centigrade F) Dried film finish : Smooth and uniform G)
Night Vision: High as directed by the Engineer- in-Charge and confirming to IS: 164-1961 (1st revision
reaffirmed in 1986) and clause conforming to IRC 35-2015
Non BOQ Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered
41 Item concrete surfaces as directed by the Engineer in charge Sqm 494.00 79.00 39,026.00
Dadooing to walls with natural granite stone 200 x 100 x 10 mm 1st quality set over base coat of CM
Non BOQ (1:3) 12 mm thick with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm
42 Item and jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost Sqm 1410.00 1020.00 1,438,200.00
of all materials like tiles, cement, sand and water etc., complete including seigniorage charges, etc.,
Providing topping with Granite stone of 600mm x 300mm x 50mm thick one face offround set over
Non BOQ base coat of CM (1:6), 12 mm thick wall over median wall including need cement slurry of honey like
43 Item consistency spread at 3.3 kgs per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste mixed with pigment Sqm 705.00 2252.00 1,587,660.00
of matching shade to full depth including cost of all materials etc., complete finished item of work.
Providing and fixing 3.2 metres high GI barbed wire fencing with 3.8 m angle iron posts 50 mm x 50
mm x 6 mm placed every 3 metres center to center founded in M15 grade cement concrete, 0.6 metre
below ground level, every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both
Non BOQ sides and end post on one side only and provided with 12 horizontal lines and 2 diagonals interwoven
44 Item Rmt 300.00 794.00 238,200.00
with horizontal wires, fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc complete as per clause 807
Non BOQ Providing and fixing PCC/RCC hectometre, kilometre and 5th kilometre stones including cost of
48 Item reinforcement complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 804. - Ordinary Kilometre Stone No 1.00 1953.00 1,953.00
Non BOQ Providing and fixing PCC/RCC hectometre, kilometre and 5th kilometre stones including cost of
49 Item reinforcement complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 804. - Hectometer Stone No 5.00 556.00 2,780.00
Providing, laying of 300 mm dia Reinforced cement concrete pipes across the road (Rigid pavement) for
utility crossings , extending from drain to drain , NP-4 class for pipes including cost and conveyance of
Pipes etc., complete and Labour charges for laying, jointing of R.C.C Hume pipes in position including
51 163 lifting, aligning, lowering and hoisting etc., as per drawing and as per MoRT&H Specification 2900, 2905 Rmt 38.75 1080.00 41,850.00
and 2906 (5th Revision) and IRC Special Publication No: 13 and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for
finished item of work.
Supplying and installation of Hazard Markers/Delinators using M.S. angle of size 55x55x6 mm and
120cm high above ground level painted with two coats of black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first
quality synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand,colour, with
30cm x 90cm Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting of Yellow
colour and confirming to IRC 67:2012 fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material having minimum
0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with standard supports consisting of alternately black and
52 164 Yellow with black stripes in screen printing sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees towards the side No 14.00 3514.00 49,196.00
of the obstruction on which the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x
30cm and 50cm depth filled with CC M-20 including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment,
machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading and un-loading charges necessary for successfull
completion of the work on any road in division as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and conforming to IRC
67-2012 &MORT&H specification No.805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of
Supplying and installation of Chevron Boards using M.S. angle of size 55x55x6 mm and 120cm high
above ground level painted with two coats of black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first quality
synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand,colour, with 50cm x
60cm Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting of Yellow colour
and confirming to IRC 67:2012 fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material having minimum 0.30
mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with standard supports consistingof alternately black and Yellow
with black stripes in screen printing sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees towards the side of the
obstruction on which the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x 30cm
Non BOQ and 50cm depth filled with CC M-20 including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment,
53 Item No 2.00 1827.00 3,654.00
machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading and un-loading charges necessary for successfull
completion of the work on any road in division as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and conforming to IRC
67-2012 &MORT&H specification No.805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of
Providing and fixing Mandatory sign boards made out of Type – IV of ASTMD D4956-09 High Intensity
Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour
and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and
fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material ( ACM ) sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick
Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of
Non BOQ M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm andmounted on a MS angle post of size
54 Item 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The No 6.00 2171.00 13,026.00
signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black
and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and
conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading changes
necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.Stop -900mm
Providing and fixing Mandatory / Regulatory sign boards size 600 mm circular made out of Type – IV of
ASTMD D 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for
full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by
screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 3mm Alluminium Composite Material ( ACM ) sheet having
minimum 0.30 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over
back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and mounted on a
MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the
55 166 No 3.00 4873.00 14,619.00
bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of
synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be
firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M15 Concrete foundation of size
450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with
all leads and lift, loading changes necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by
Engineer -
Providing and fixing Cautionary / Warning sign boards size 600 mm equilateral triangle made out of
Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC
67:2012 for full background of White colour and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour,
boarders by screen printing in Red colour and fixed over 4MM Aluminium Composite Material sheet
having minimum 0.5 mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and
fixed over back support frame of M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm and
mounted on a MS angle post of size 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the
ground level to the bottom of the board. The signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide
56 167 paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The No 18.00 3928.00 70,704.00
signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle 35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M-15 Concrete
foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and conveyance of all materials ,equipment,
machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading chages necessary for satisfactory completion of the
work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.
Above rates are excluding GST, NAC, Price Adjustment and Seigniorage
We undersigned Contractor have given careful consideration to the change proposed are hereby agree to provide all equipment, all materials and perform all services necessary
for the satisfactory completion of the works specified herein. We will accept as full payment excluding GST, NAC, Price Adjustment and Seigniorage thereof the prices shown
By the Contractor
Signature Name
Date Designation
Signature Name
Date Designation
Signature Name
Date Designation
Signature Name
Date Designation
Signature Name
Date Designation
By the Employer
Signature Name
Date Designation
● Detailed Description
Execution of the missing reach of the Road Ravendrapadu to Seethanagaram from Km.7.600 to Km.8.835
● Quantity Justification
● Under the circumstances explained by the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Admn & NDB, Vijayawada vide Lr.No.NDB/GNT-
Genral/DCE(RR)/EE-1 /DEE-1 / AE-2/2020 dated 16.09.2021 and 26.10.2021, the Government have accorded in principle
approval vide reference 2nd cited to take up the missing stretch of Revendrapadu- seethanagaram from Km 7 .400 to
8.835 from the over all savings amount.
● Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Admn & NDB, Vijayawada vide Lr.No.NDB/RS Road-Missing Stretch/DCE(RR)/EE-1 /DEE-1 / AE-
2/2020 dated 06.12.2021, has submitted the estimate of above subject work and requested the Government for
Administration Sanction / Finacial Approval for an amount of Rs.10.40 Crores.
● The Project Manager vide letter dated 29.07.2021, has instructed the Contractor to take up the missing reach for the
stretch from Km. Km.7.600 to Km.8.835.
Contractual Implication
● The Variation is new item to the BOQ, therefore variation proposal to be sumitted to the Emplyer as per clause 40 of
General Conditions of the Contract Agreement
● Variation approval is within the powerof the Employer as per Clasue no.38,39&40 of General Conditions of the Contract
Name of Contract: (R&B) Department – NDB Phase-I- Guntur District – (R&B) Circle, Guntur Package No: GNT/APMCRCIP/1 -Widening and Strengthening of 13 roads in Guntur District”
Estimate Contract Value 1,216,808,641
Abstract for Variation Order No-06
A Anticipated Quantity
1 2 3=1*2 4 5 6=4*5 7=4-1 8=7*5 9=7/1*100 10=(8/ Contract Variation approval within the Powers of Board
value )*100
A Road Work
Scarifying the existing B.T surface to a depth of 50 mm by Mechanical means and disposal of
2 1.f scarified material with all leads and lifts upto 1000 Mtrs as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specn. Sqm 935.000 7.700 7,200.00 17300.000 7.700 133,210.00 16,365.00 126,011.00 0.010%
Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means including trimming bottom and side
slopes in accordance with requirements of lines , grades and cross sections etc., complete for
3 3.K finished item of work for trench cutting as per MoRT&H specification 301(5th Revision) and as Cum 3751.000 54.700 205,180.00 24512.527 54.700 1,340,835.00 20,761.53 1,135,656.00 0.093%
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Forming embankment with borrowed useful earth from outside road boundary by mechanical
means upto SDR with all leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of
top soil, excavation of soils at borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the
4 4.e embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Cum 23694.000 423.000 10,022,562.00 5379.850 423.000 2,275,677.00 (18,314.15) (7,746,885.00) -0.637%
Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including
all hire and operational charges of T&P , complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
specification 305 (5th revision) (Payment will be made based on level for finished item of work).
Forming embankment with Excavated earth obtained from trench cutting by mechanical means
upto SDR including pre-watering of soil, removal of top soil, excavation of soils , depositing the
soils on the embankment, spreading soil, breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation
5 5.k with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of Cum 4216.000 110.000 463,760.00 12414.670 110.000 1,365,614.00 8,198.67 901,854.00 0.074%
MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges of T&P and seigniorage charges, complete
for finished item of work as per MoRT&H specification 305 (5th Revision) (Payment will be made
based on level for finished item of work). (excluding seigniorage charges)
Forming Subgrade with borrowed useful selected soils having MDD of not less than 1.75 gm/cc
and CBR not less than 10%, from outside road boundary by mechanical means up to SDR with all
leads and lifts including pre-watering of soil at borrow area, removal of top soil, excavation of
6 New soils at borrowed area, conveyance of soil, depositing the soil on the embankment, spreading soil, Cum - 447.000 - 27621.000 447.000 12,346,587.00 27,621.00 12,346,587.00 1.015%
breaking clods, sectioning, grading and consolidation with 8 to 10 Tonnes Vibratory Road Roller @
OMC to meet requirement of table 300-2 of MoRT&H, including all hire and operational charges
of T&P, complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specification Clause No.
Providing, Laying, Spreading and compacting graded HBG crushed stone aggregate to Wet Mix
macadam specification ( 5th Revision) as per Table 400-13, including cost of all materials and
including premixing the material with water at OMC in Mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed
8 12.k material by tipper to site , laying in uniform layers with paver in base courses on well prepared Cum 3653.000 1784.000 6,516,952.00 3362.885 1784.000 5,999,387.00 (290.12) (517,565.00) -0.043%
surface and compacting with Vibratory roller to acheive the desired density etc., as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification.406 (5th revision) for finished item of
Providing and applying prime coat with bitumen emulsion (SS1) Bulk using emulsion pressure
distributor on prepared surface of granular base including clearing of road surface and spraying
9 13.k emulsion at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using emulsion pressure distributor for finished item of work Cum 12392.000 2024.000 25,081,408.00 7643.483 2024.000 15,470,410.00 (4,748.52) (9,610,998.00) -0.790%
etc., complete as per MoRT&H Specification 502 (5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared Granular surface treated with primer with
bitumen VG-10 (Bulk) using Bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kgs per sqm cleaned
10 14.k with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) Cum 51207.000 27.600 1,413,313.00 37873.000 27.600 1,045,295.00 (13,334.00) (368,018.00) -0.030%
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared bituminous surface with bitumen VG-10 (Bulk)
11 15.k using Bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kgs per sqm cleaned with mechanical Cum 50778.000 10.500 533,169.00 37200.000 10.500 390,600.00 (13,578.00) (142,569.00) -0.012%
broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (5th revision) and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing and laying of Bituminous Macadam with 100 -120 TPH hot mix plant producing an
average output of 75 tonnes per hour using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates of Grading -
I as per table 500-7 of MoRT&H specificaion 504 (5th Revision) premixed with bituminous binder
of VG-30 grade @ 3.4 % by weight of total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously
12 16.i prepared surface with Hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level Cum 45363.000 8.800 399,194.00 44367.000 8.800 390,430.00 (996.00) (8,765.00) -0.001%
and alignment and rolled as per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for
finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge including hire and opeational charges
all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary , complete and as per MoRTH specification
No. 504 (5th Revision) .
Providing and laying of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam with 100 - 120 TPH batch type hot
mix plant producing an average output of 75 tones per hour using hard blasted granite crushed
aggregates of Grading - II as per table 500-10 of MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th revision)
premixed with bituminous binder of VG 30 grade @ 4.50% of weight of total mixture, transported
to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor
13 18.j control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to Cum 137.000 5691.000 779,667.00 84.761 5691.000 482,375.00 (52.24) (297,292.00) -0.024%
achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
including hire and operational charges all T&P and all other contingent charges necessary
including cost of (excluding seigniorage) charges of all materials etc., complete in all respects as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification No. 505 (5th Revision)
Providing and laying of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam Overlay with 100 - 120 TPH batch
type hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tones per hour using hard blasted granite
crushed aggregates of Grading - I/II as per table 500-10 of MoRT&H Specification 505 (5th
revision) premixed with bituminous binder of VG 30 grade @ 4.0% (Gr-I) / 4.5% (Gr-II) of weight of
total mixture, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with a hydrostatic paver
14 19.i finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per Clauses Cum 2045.000 6645.000 13,589,025.00 2121.093 6645.000 14,094,663.00 76.09 505,638.00 0.042%
501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction for finished item of work as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge including hire and operational charges all T&P and all other contingent
charges necessary including cost of (excluding seigniorage) charges of all materials etc., complete
in all respects as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and as per MoRT&H specification No. 505 (5th
A Anticipated Quantity
Providing and laying of Bituminous Concrete with 100 - 120 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tones per hour using hard blasted granite crushed aggregates
of Grading – II as per Table 500-17 of specification 507 of MoRT&H (5th revision), premixed with
15 20.k Bituminous binder of VG 30 Grade @ 5.4 % of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, Cum 1216.000 7401.000 8,999,616.00 1215.680 7401.000 8,997,248.00 (0.32) (2,368.00) 0.000%
laying with hydrostatic sensor paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling
with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per
MoRT&H Specification 507 (5th revision) complete for finished item of work in all respects as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge
Providing B.T. patch work for pot holes using 20 mm HBG machine crushed metal with required
quantity of 10 to 12mm size HBG key chips and 80/100 grade bitumen at 72 Kgs / 1 cum of work
for filling the pot holes including removal of loose material in the pot holes, trimming the edges
16 21.f to provide form vertical faces, cleaning, applying tack coat, filling the pot holes compacting with Cum 4.000 5800.000 23,200.00 4.000 5800.000 23,200.00 - - 0.000%
power Road roller of 8 to 10 T and finishing including cost and conveyance of materials T&P
charges and all labour charges for all operations etc., complete for finished item of work as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge in the following reaches.
Providing BT Patch work using 40 mm HBG metal with required quantity of 10-12 mm size HBG
Machine crushed key chips and VG 10 grade Bitumen including removal material in the pot holes
trimming the edges to provide vertical faces , cleaning applying tack coat , filling the pot holes
17 22.f Cum 44.000 4343.000 191,092.00 44.000 4343.000 191,092.00 - - 0.000%
compacting with power Road Roller of 8 to 10 Tonnes finishing and blinding the surface using
stone dust/ sand , including cot of all materials T&P , and labour charges for all operations etc. at
site of complete
Providing Dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine
aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate
cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1,
cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined
18 23.g during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in Cum 756.000 2788.000 2,107,728.00 718.000 2788.000 2,001,784.00 (38.00) (105,944.00) -0.009%
a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-
10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing complete for finished item of work as per MoRT&H
(5th Revision) specification 1500,1700 & 601 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge for base course below CC Pavement.
Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared
sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate confirming to IS 383,
maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm and confirming to clause 602.2.6.4,
mixed in mixing using Concrete Batching Plant using Concrete Batching Plant as per approved mix
19 24.g design, laid with a fixed form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation Cum 1343.000 4551.000 6,111,993.00 1360.000 4551.000 6,189,360.00 17.00 77,367.00 0.006%
including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler,
seperation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades etc., as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specification No. 602
read with Specification No. 1500 of Standard Data of Rural Roads.
20 Culverts
Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per
drawing and technical specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing,
21 25.j removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing sides of bottom, back filling the Cum 79.000 94.000 7,426.00 312.000 94.000 29,328.00 233.00 21,902.00 0.002%
excavation earth to the extent required etc., complete for finished item of work, excluding
seigniorage charges, as per MoRT&H specification 304 (5th Revision) and as directed by the
Providing first class bedding with Granular material below the pipes of Hume pipe culverts
22 26.g suitably compacted / rammed including cost and conveyance of materials to site etc., complete Cum 24.000 852.000 20,448.00 45.000 852.000 38,340.00 21.00 17,892.00 0.001%
as per drawing and MoRT&H Specification 2900 ( 5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-
A Anticipated Quantity
Providing Levelling course with M10 grade using 40mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate and
fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H including cost, (excluding seigniorage)
23 30.j conveyance of all materials to site and labour charges, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing Cum 4.000 3833.000 15,332.00 22.000 3833.000 84,326.00 18.00 68,994.00 0.006%
etc., including all other incidental and operational charges of all T&P etc., complete for finished
item of work as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge for Levelling course.
PCC M 15 using batching plant for Headwalls: Vibrated cement concrete M-15 Grade using 40
mm, 20 mm and 10 mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table
1000-1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2 of MoRT&H) including cost and conveyance
24 32.h of all materials to site and all labour charges for machine mixing , laying in position, compacting, Cum 36.000 3915.000 140,940.00 68.000 3915.000 266,220.00 32.00 125,280.00 0.010%
Vibrating and curing including all other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P
required etc., complete as per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Section Nos 1500, 1700, 2100 for
Providing, laying Reinforced cement concrete Hume pipes, NP-4 class for pipe culverts including
cost and conveyance of Pipes etc., complete and Labour charges for laying, jointing of R.C.C
25 41 Hume pipes in position including lifting, aligning, lowering and hoisting etc., as per drawing and as
per MoRT&H Specification 2900, 2905 and 2906 (5th Revision) and IRC Special Publication No: 13
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for finished item of work.
i) New 600mm Dia Rm 0.000 0.000 - 6.500 3018.000 19,617.00 6.50 19,617.00 0.002%
ii) 41.5.f.d 800mm Dia Rm 22.500 5124.000 115,290.00 32.500 5124.000 166,530.00 10.00 51,240.00 0.004%
iii) 41.8.h.j 1000mm Dia Rm 18.750 8663.000 162,431.00 18.750 8663.000 162,431.00 - - 0.000%
iv) New 1200mm Dia Rm 0.000 0.000 - 12.500 11704.000 146,300.00 12.50 146,300.00 0.012%
Providing and laying filter material with Gravel underneath pitching in slopes including cost and
26 42.h conveyance of materials to site including labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work Cum 1.560 1119.000 1,746.00 6.640 1119.000 7,430.00 5.08 5,685.00 0.000%
as per MoRT&H Specification 2504 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Providing SS Revetment 225 mm thick including cost and conveyance of materials to site and
including labour charges for packing the stones for revetment etc., complete for finished item of
27 43.h work as per MoRT&H specification 2504 ( 5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge Cum 2.980 1338.000 3,987.00 11.140 1338.000 14,905.00 8.16 10,918.00 0.001%
for Pitching of slopes
Construction of flexible apron comprising of loose stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg as
28 46.j per MoRT&H (5th Revision) Specification claue No. 2507.2 and as directed by the Engineer-in- Cum 6.000 1442.000 8,652.00 15.000 1442.000 21,630.00 9.00 12,978.00 0.001%
29 53.i Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new Sqm 2.000 79.400 159.00 5.000 79.400 397.00 3.00 238.00 0.000%
plastered concrete surfaces as directed by the Engineer in charge
30 L.S Providing Marker Post for buried culverts including synthetic enamel painting with necessary No's 3,804.00 3,804.00 - 0.000%
details as per IRC: 7 and direction of Engineer.
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts , bridges, retaining walls and other structures
comprising of masonry, cement, concrete, wood work , steel work, including T&P and scaffolding
31 57.j wherever necessary sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable materials and Cum 16.00 653.00 10,448.00 5.000 653.000 3,265.00 (11.00) (7,183.00) -0.001%
stacking the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000 m ( By Mechanical means in Cement concrete
grade M-15 & M-20) as per MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 II (A) (5th revision) and as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge
Dismantling of existing hume pipes upto 600mm dia and stacking the materials with all lifts and
32 lead of 1000 m as per MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 IX (A) (5th revision) and as directed by the Rmt` 12.00 257.00 3,084.00 0.000 257.000 - (12.00) (3,084.00) 0.000%
Engineer-in-Charge Up to 600mm Dia
RCC M25 using batching plant for Foundation :Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade
using 20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-
1 and fine aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to
33 New site and labour charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other Cum - - - 2.000 4373.000 8,746.00 2.00 8,746.00 0.001%
incidental hire and operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed
during execution but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per
MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & 2100 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge for foundations
Dismantling of PCC :Dismantling of existing structures like culverts , bridges, retaining walls and
other structures comprising of masonry, cement, concrete, wood work , steel work, including T&P
34 New and scaffolding wherever necessary sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum - - - 37.000 653.000 24,161.00 37.00 24,161.00 0.002%
materials and stacking the materials with all lifts and lead of 1000 m ( By Mechanical means in
Cement concrete grade M-15 & M-20) as per MoRTH specification 202 , 2.4 II (A) (5th revision)
HYSD in Sub-structure:
Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-415 ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters
including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of
reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc.,
41 New complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational MT - - - 0.610 50975.000 31,095.00 0.61 31,095.00 0.003%
charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for
finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge
and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 & 2100 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for
foundations of R.C.C items.
HYSD in Super-structure:
Providing HYSD bars ( Fe-415 ) of different diameters, wrought and put up bars of all diameters
including cost and conveyance of steel to site and all labour charges for fabrication of
reinforcement including cutting, bending, binding rods, tying grills, placing them in position etc.,
42 New complete including cost and conveyance of binding wire and all handling charges and operational MT - - - 0.800 52422.000 41,938.00 0.80 41,938.00 0.003%
charges etc., and including over lapping welding if required etc., complete for all R.C.C items for
finished item of work as per standard drawings, as per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge
and as per MoRT&H specification 1600 & 2100 (5th revision) and as per I.S.1786 of 1985 for
foundations of R.C.C items.
A Anticipated Quantity
Weep Holes:
Providing weep holes in VCC Abutments, Return walls and wing walls with 100mm Diameter AC
pipe extending through the full width of the structure at 1.00m C/C in both horizontal and
47 New vertical direction so that the weep holes in each horizontal direction is staggered from the weep Rm - - - 17.000 241.000 4,097.00 17.00 4,097.00 0.000%
holes laying above and below lines as shown in drawing including cost and conveyance of the A.C
pipes and labour charges for cutting to required length, placing the pipe with a slope of about 1V :
20H towards stream side face etc., complete for finished item of work for weep holes as per
MoRT&H specification 2706 & 2200 (5th Revision)
Drainage Spouts:
48 New Supplying and fixing of CI Drainage spouts complete as per MoRT&H specification No. 2705 (5th No's - - - 2.000 1324.000 2,648.00 2.00 2,648.00 0.000%
Revision) and as per drawing Sd/205
Total for Drainage and Protection works - - 6,244,812.00 0.000 0.000 6,244,812.00 - - 0.000%
Total for Traffic Signs, Marking and Road Appurtenances - - 2,886,443.00 0.000 0.000 2,886,443.00 - - 0.000%
Contractor Assistant Executive Engineer Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer
(R&B) Section, Mangalagiri (R&B) Sub-Division, Tadikonda (R&B) Division, Guntur (R&B) Circle, Guntur
Name of the Work :- (GTMD-185) Widening and Strengthening of Revendrapadu to Sithanagaram Road from Km 0+000 to Km 6+780 in Guntur District
Annexure - I
Comparitive Statement
As per estimate As per Execution
S.No Description of item Per More Less Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road Works:-
1 Dismantling of flexible Pavements Cum 4058 333.00 1,351,314.00 723.796 333.00 241,024.00 0.00 -1,110,290.00 PMC
2 Scarifying the Existing BT Surface Sqm 935 7.70 7,200.00 17300.00 7.70 133,210.00 126,010.00 0.00 PMC
3 Earth Work Excavation Cum 3751 54.70 205,180.00 24512.53 54.70 1,340,835.00 1,135,655.00 0.00 BVSR
4 Forming of Embankment with Borrow Cum 23694 423.00 10,022,562.00 5379.85 423.00 2,275,677.00 0.00 -7,746,885.00 BVSR
5 Forming of Embankment with Excavated earth Cum 4216 110.00 463,760.00 12414.67 110.00 1,365,614.00 901,854.00 0.00
6 Forming Subgrade with Barrow Cum 0 447.00 0.00 27621 447.00 12,346,587.00 12,346,587.00 0.00 BVSR
7 Forming Shoulders with barrow Cum 3493 413.00 1,442,609.00 3501 413.00 1,445,913.00 3,304.00 0.00 PMC
8 Granular sub base Cum 3653 1784.00 6,516,952.00 3362.89 1784.00 5,999,387.00 0.00 -517,565.00 PMC
9 Wet mix macadam Cum 12392 2024.00 25,081,408.00 7643.48 2024.00 15,470,410.00 0.00 -9,610,998.00 PMC
10 Prime Coat Sqm 51207 27.60 1,413,313.00 37873.00 27.60 1,045,295.00 0.00 -368,018.00 PMC
11 Tack Coat on the Granular Surface Sqm 50778 10.50 533,169.00 37200.00 10.50 390,600.00 0.00 -142,569.00 PMC
12 Tack Coat on the Bituminous Surface Sqm 45363 8.80 399,194.00 44367.00 8.80 390,430.00 0.00 -8,764.00 PMC
13 Bituminous Mecadam Cum 137 5691.00 779,667.00 84.76 5691.00 482,375.00 0.00 -297,292.00 PMC
14 Dense Graded Bituminous Mecadam Cum 2045 6645.00 13,589,025.00 2121.09 6645.00 14,094,663.00 505,638.00 0.00 PMC
15 Bituminous Concrete Cum 1216 7401.00 8,999,616.00 1215.68 7401.00 8,997,248.00 0.00 -2,368.00 PMC
16 BT Patch Work 20mm HBG Cum 4 5800.00 23,200.00 4.00 5800.00 23,200.00 0.00 0.00 As per Tender
17 BT Patch Work 40mm HBG Cum 44 4343.00 191,092.00 44.00 4343.00 191,092.00 0.00 0.00 As per Tender
18 Dry Lean Cement Concrete Cum 756 2788.00 2,107,728.00 718.00 2788.00 2,001,784.00 0.00 -105,944.00 PMC
19 PQC Cum 1343 4551.00 6,111,993.00 1360.00 4551.00 6,189,360.00 77,367.00 0.00 PMC
Culverts:- 0 0
20 Excavation for Structures Cum 79.00 94.00 7,426.00 312.00 94.00 29,328.00 21,902.00 0.00 BVSR
21 Granular bedding below Pipes Cum 24.00 852.00 20,448.00 45.00 852.00 38,340.00 17,892.00 0.00 BVSR
22 Providing Levelling Course M10 Cum 4.00 3833.00 15,332.00 22.00 3833.00 84,326.00 68,994.00 0.00 BVSR
23 PCC M15 using Batching plant for Head Walls Cum 36.00 3915.00 140,940.00 68.00 3915.00 266,220.00 125,280.00 0.00 BVSR
Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete
24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BVSR
Hume Pipes
i) 600mm Dia Rm 0.00 6.50 3018.00 19,617.00 19,617.00 0.00 BVSR
ii) 800mm Dia Rm 22.50 5124.00 115,290.00 32.50 5124.00 166,530.00 51,240.00 0.00 BVSR
iii) 1000mm Dia Rm 18.75 8663.00 162,431.00 18.75 8663.00 162,431.25 0.25 0.00 BVSR
As per estimate As per Execution
S.No Description of item Per More Less Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
iv) 1200mm Dia Rm 0.00 12.50 11704.00 146,300.00 146,300.00 0.00 BVSR
25 Providing and Laying Filter material Cum 1.56 1119.00 1,746.00 6.64 1119.00 7,430.16 5,684.16 0.00 BVSR
26 Providing SS Revitment 225 mm thick Cum 2.98 1338.00 3,987.00 11.14 1338.00 14,905.32 10,918.32 0.00 BVSR
27 Constructuion of flexible appron Cum 6.00 1442.00 8,652.00 15.00 1442.00 21,630.00 12,978.00 0.00 BVSR
28 Painting two Coats Sqm 2.00 79.40 159.00 5.00 79.40 397.00 238.00 0.00 BVSR
29 Providing Marker Post for buried Culverts L.S 3,804.00 0.00 3,804.00 0.00 0.00 BVSR
30 Dismantling of Existing Structures Cum 16.00 653.00 10,448.00 5.00 653.00 3,265.00 0.00 -7,183.00 BVSR
31 Dismantling of Existing hume Pipes Rmt 12.00 257.00 3,084.00 257.00 0.00 -3,084.00 BVSR
32 RCC M25 Foundation Cum 0.00 2.00 4373.00 8,746.00 8,746.00 0.00 BVSR
33 Dismantling of PCC Cum 0.00 37.00 653.00 24,161.00 24,161.00 0.00 BVSR
34 Backfilling Behind the Abutments Cum 0.00 23.00 852.00 19,596.00 19,596.00 0.00 BVSR
35 Filtermedia Behind the Abutments Cum 0.00 24.00 1426.00 34,224.00 34,224.00 0.00 BVSR
36 PCC M20 for Foundation Cum 0.00 49.00 4742.00 232,358.00 232,358.00 0.00 BVSR
37 PCC M20 for Sub-Structure Cum 0.00 39.00 5015.00 195,585.00 195,585.00 0.00 BVSR
38 RCC M25 for Bed Block Cum 0.00 6.00 4637.00 27,822.00 27,822.00 0.00 BVSR
39 RCC M25 for Super Structure Cum 0.00 6.00 5042.00 30,252.00 30,252.00 0.00 BVSR
40 HYSD in Sub Structure MT 0.00 0.61 50975.00 31,094.75 31,094.75 0.00 BVSR
41 HYSD in Super Structure MT 0.00 0.80 52422.00 41,937.60 41,937.60 0.00 BVSR
42 M30 Approach Slab Cum 0.00 13.00 6935.00 90,155.00 90,155.00 0.00 BVSR
43 M40 Crash Barrier Rm 0.00 9.50 2751.00 26,134.50 26,134.50 0.00 BVSR
44 M15 Grade for Cutoff Wall & Toe Wall Cum 0.00 6.00 3700.00 22,200.00 22,200.00 0.00 BVSR
45 Compressible Fibre Board Rm 0.00 11.00 147.00 1,617.00 1,617.00 0.00 BVSR
46 Weep Holes in VCC Abutments, Return Walls Rm 0.00 17.00 241.00 4,097.00 4,097.00 0.00 BVSR
47 Drainage Spouts Nos 0.00 2.00 1324.00 2,648.00 2,648.00 0.00 BVSR
48 Dismantling of Stone Pitching/Reinforcement Cum 0.00 5.00 259.00 1,295.00 1,295.00 0.00 BVSR
As per estimate As per Execution
S.No Description of item Per More Less Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Variation Amount = -3,549,578
Name of work: (R&B) Department – NDB Phase-I- Guntur District – (R&B) Circle, Guntur Package No: GNT/APMCRCIP/1 -Widening and Strengthening of 13 roads in Guntur District”
Construction of median and Island above road level with approved material brought from borrow pits,
spread, sloped and compacted as per clause 407 (Payment will be made based on levels for finished
Non BOQ item of work)
6 Item Cum 741.00 741.00 739.67 548,095.00
Furnishing and laying of the live sods of perennial turf forming grass on embankment slope, verges or
other locations shown on the drawing or as directed by the engineer including preparation of ground,
Non BOQ fetching of sods and watering as per Technical specification clause 307 and as directed by the Engineer-
26 Item Sqm 300.00 71.00 70.87 21,261.00
RCC M25 using batching plant for Foundation :Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M 25 grade using
20mm & 10mm HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost, conveyance of all materials to site and labour
charges, centering, machine mixing, laying, vibrating, curing etc., including other incidental hire and
Non BOQ operational charges of all T&P as per approved drawings and as directed during execution but excluding
34 cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item as per MoRT&H specification 1500,1600,1700 & Cum 1121.00 4373.00 4365.14 4,893,322.00
2100 (5th revision ) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for foundations
Galvanised gratings:
Providing Galvanised gratings on the slab for draining of water into the drain as per standard drawings,
Non BOQ as per the directions of the Engineer-in- Charge
37 Item No 192.00 551.25 550.26 105,650.00
Providing and fixing 20mm thick Compressible Fiber board joint filler in expansion joint and in between
side wall complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Section 2604 (5th Revision) as directed
38 Non BOQ by the Engineer in Charge Rmt 116.00 147.00 146.74 17,022.00
M15 using Batchmix Plant Kerb:
Providing drain Raft and walls with Vibrated cement concrete M 15 Grade Concrete using 40mm , 20mm
and 10mm size HBG crushed stone aggregate (Coarse aggregate conforming to table 1000-1 and fine
aggregate conforming to table 1000-2) including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all
labour charges for machine mixing,laying in position, Compacting , Vibrating and curing including all
Non BOQ other incidental and all other operational charges of T&P required etc., complete as per MoRT&H
40 Item Cum 580.00 3643.00 3636.45 2,109,141.00
Specification 1500,1700, 2100 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
41 Non BOQ Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered Sqm 494.00 79.00 78.86 38,957.00
Item concrete surfaces as directed by the Engineer in charge
Dadooing to walls with natural granite stone 200 x 100 x 10 mm 1st quality set over base coat of CM
(1:3) 12 mm thick with cement slurry of honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm
42 Non BOQ and jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost Sqm 1410.00 1020.00 1018.17 1,435,620.00
Item of all materials like tiles, cement, sand and water etc., complete including seigniorage charges, etc.,
Providing topping with Granite stone of 600mm x 300mm x 50mm thick one face offround set over
43 Non BOQ base coat of CM (1:6), 12 mm thick wall over median wall including need cement slurry of honey like Sqm 705.00 2252.00 2247.95 1,584,805.00
Item consistency spread at 3.3 kgs per sqm and jointed neatly with white cement paste mixed with pigment
of matching shade to full depth including cost of all materials etc., complete finished item of work.
Providing and fixing 3.2 metres high GI barbed wire fencing with 3.8 m angle iron posts 50 mm x 50
mm x 6 mm placed every 3 metres center to center founded in M15 grade cement concrete, 0.6 metre
44 Non BOQ below ground level, every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both Rmt 300.00 794.00 792.57 237,771.00
Item sides and end post on one side only and provided with 12 horizontal lines and 2 diagonals interwoven
with horizontal wires, fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc complete as per clause 807
Excavation for Fencing Poles:
Earthwork excavation in soils upto SDR by mechanical means for foundations of structures as per
Non BOQ drawing and technical specification including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
45 stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing sides of bottom, back filling the excavation earth to the Cum 3.00 94.00 93.83 281.00
Item extent required etc., complete for finished item of work, excluding seigniorage charges, as per MoRT&H
specification 304 (5th Revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
Non BOQ Providing and fixing PCC/RCC hectometre, kilometre and 5th kilometre stones including cost of
49 No 5.00 556.00 555.00 2,775.00
Item reinforcement complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 804. - Hectometer Stone
Supplying and installation of Chevron Boards using M.S. angle of size 55x55x6 mm and 120cm high
above ground level painted with two coats of black & white stripes of 15cm wide with first quality
synthetic enamel paint over one coat of appropriate primer of approved brand,colour, with 50cm x
60cm Type – IV of ASTMD 4956-09 High Intensity Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting of Yellow colour
and confirming to IRC 67:2012 fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material having minimum 0.30
mm thick Aluminium skin on both sides with standard supports consistingof alternately black and Yellow
with black stripes in screen printing sloping downward at an angle of 45 degrees towards the side of the
obstruction on which the traffic is to pass and buried into the ground in a trench of size 30cm x 30cm
Non BOQ and 50cm depth filled with CC M-20 including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment,
53 Item machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading and un-loading charges necessary for successfull No 2.00 1827.00 1823.72 3,647.00
completion of the work on any road in division as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and conforming to IRC
67-2012 &MORT&H specification No.805 and approved drawings etc., complete for finished item of
Providing and fixing Mandatory sign boards made out of Type – IV of ASTMD D4956-09 High Intensity
Prismatic Retro reflective sheeting and confirming to IRC 67:2012 for full background of White colour
and letters/logos done by screen printing in Black colour, boarders by screen printing in Red colour and
fixed over 3MM Alluminium Composite Material ( ACM ) sheet having minimum 0.30 mm thick
Aluminium skin on both sides with back side painted grey colour and fixed over back support frame of
Non BOQ M.S angle 25x25x3mm all round and fixing with 35x35x4mm andmounted on a MS angle post of size
54 Item 75x75x6mm with clear height of not less than 2.1 m from the ground level the bottom of the board. The No 6.00 2171.00 2167.10 13,003.00
signpost should be painted with one coat of red oxide paint and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint Black
and White colour with bands of 30cm of height. The signpost shall be firmly fixed with MS base angle
35x35x4 mm in to the ground by M15 Concrete foundation of size 450x450x600mm including cost and
conveyance of all materials ,equipment, machinery and labour with all leads and lift, loading changes
necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by Engineer -in-Charge.Stop -900mm
Radial Road No:16
Percentage of Cumulative of
VO Additional Cumulative of Scope of
BOQ No Subject Unit contract value contract value Remarks/Reference
No value(INR) contract value approval
(%) (%)
% of variation Limit
% increase w.r.t BOQ quantity is 5.01 (a) 1541.40% 25%
% increase w.r.t Project Cost is 0.05% 1%
1 % of the Project Cost is Rs.3,23,96,763/-.
Percentage of Cumulative of
VO Additional Cumulative of Scope of
BOQ No Subject Unit contract value contract value Remarks
No value(INR) contract value approval
(%) (%)
1 Extra Item Shifting of Utilities (33 KV, 11 KV, LT Lines & DTRs) 41,609,980.00 1.28 3,281,286,274.00 101.28 approval by
Total 3091.39
Total Quantity in BOQ 128.00
Anticipated Quantity 2963.39
Quantity Calculations 1.02(b)(i) Concrete
Quantity Calculations 1.02(b)(i) Concrete