Secret Server 10.8.0
Secret Server 10.8.0
Secret Server 10.8.0
Table of Contents
Introduction 35
Documentation 35
Primary Documentation 35
Getting Started 35
Best Practices 35
Security Whitepapers 35
Help 35 2
Step 6: Active Directory Integration 44
Setting up Active Directory 44
Enabling Active Directory Users 44
Managing Active Directory Users via a Distributed Engine 44
Step 7: Secret Server Framework 45
Step 8: Discovery 46
Step 9: Remote Password Changing 47
Enabling Remote Password Changing 47
Performing a Manual RPC 47
Common RPC Error Codes 47
Step 10: Heartbeats 48
Enabling Heartbeat 48
Running Heartbeat 48
Step 11: Audits and Reports 49
Step 12: Secret Access and Workflow 50
Step 13: Secret Launchers 51
Step 14: Recording Sessions 52
Step 15: Secret Server APIs and CLI 53
Step 16: Additional Resources for Secret Server 54
Help 55
Document Conventions 56
Capitalization 56
Code and Command Line Text 56
Keyboard Shortcuts 56
Notes 56
Other Special Text 56
Screen Components and Attentional Targets 56
Secret Server Glossary 58
Self-Help Resources 62
Forums 62
Thycotic Blog 62
Technical Support 63
Technical Support Coverage 63
Accessing Upgrades 63
Requesting New Features 63
Access Requests 64
Approving a Request 65
Duo Push Notifications 66
Prerequisites 66
Assigning the Duo Approval Permission 66
Requesting Access After Approval Is Granted 67
Setting up Access Requests for Secrets 68
Secret Server Administration 69
Administration Auditing 70 3
Audit Data Retention 71
In This Section 71
Overview 71
Data Retention Policies 71
Permissions 71
Procedures 71
Viewing the Status and History of Audit-Data Retention Policies 71
Editing Audit Data Policies 73
Running an Old Audit-Data Purge Right Now 74
Giving Application Pools Event Log Access 76
Overview 76
Required Registry Permissions 76
Applying Windows Event Log Permissions 76
Report Auditing 78
Secret Audit Log 79
Viewing a User Audit Report 80
Administration Page 81
Administration Configuration Tabs 86
Email Tab 86
Folders Tab 86
General Tab 86
HSM Tab 87
Local User Passwords Tab 87
Login Tab 88
Security Tab 88
SAML Tab 89
Session Recording Tab 89
Ticket System Tab 89
Application Dashboard 90
Dashboard Components 91
Home Tab 91
Dashboard Widgets 91
Widget Types 91
Managing Widgets 92
Overview Tab 92
Customized Tabs 92
Dashboard Tools and Help Menu 93
Tool Section 93
Help Section 93
Themes 94
Overview 94
Choosing Themes 94
Running Dashboard Bulk Operations 95
Encryption and Security 96 4
Advanced Encryption Standard 97
Restricting IP Addresses 98
Creating IP Address Ranges 98
Editing and Deleting IP Address Ranges 99
Assigning an IP Address Range 100
Security Compliance Standards 102
FIPS Compliance 102
PCI Datacenter Compliance 102
SSL Certificates 103
Maintenance Mode FAQ 104
What is Maintenance Mode? 104
Why do we need Maintenance Mode? 104
Can I still access my Secrets when Maintenance Mode is turned on? 104
How long does Maintenance Mode last? 104 5
MacOS x64 116
Linux x64 116
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 x64 116
Legacy Releases 116
SDK Client version 1.3.0 117
Release Notes 117
Downloads 117
SDK Client version 1.0.0 117
Release Notes 117
Downloads 117
SDK NuGet Packages (Optional) 117
Perl Example Code for SOAP 118
Overview 118
Code 118
PHP Example Code for SOAP 120
Overview 120
php.ini 120
Code 120
Secret and Authentication Example 120
Secret Folder Example 121
REST API Client Generation with OpenAPI Swagger 125
Generating Clients 125
C# Client Using NSwagStudio 125
C# or .NET Core Client Using OpenAPI Generator 125
Java Client Using OpenAPI Generator 127
PowerShell Using OpenAPI Generator 128
Postman Workspace 129
Insomnia Workspace 129
Getting OpenAPI Generator 129
Self-Signed or Other Invalid Certificates 129
Swagger 2.0 Notes 129
REST API PowerShell Script Examples 131
OAuth Authentication 131
Windows Authentication 132
Searching Secrets 132
Creating a Secret 133
Editing a Secret 134
Checking in a Secret 135
Deleting a Secret 136
Creating a User 136
Field Update, Get, File Upload, and Download 137
Expiring a Token 139
Managing Folders (Basic) 140
REST Web Services API Reference and Download 144 6
Overview 144
Accessing the Guides 144
Downloading the Guides 144
Current Version 144
Legacy Documentation 144
Downloading Example Scripts 144
Secret Server Software Development Kit for DevOps 145
Overview 145
How It Works 145
Configuration Overview 145
Required Roles and Permissions 146
Setup Procedure 146
Task 1: Configuring Secret Server 146
Task 2: Installing the SDK Client 150
Task 3: Connecting to Secret Server 151
Usage Examples 151
SDK Client Management 151
SDK Client Caching 152
Overview 152
Examples 152
SOAP API PowerShell Script Examples 153
Basic Authentication 153
Basic Two-Factor Authentication 153
Windows Authentication 153
Searching Secrets 153
Editing Secrets 155
Checking Secrets in and out 156
Creating an Active Directory Account 156
Setting Secret Permissions 158
SSH Terminal Administration 160
Introduction 160
Feature Summary 160
Requirements 160
System Requirements 160
Recommended 160
Secret Server Permission Requirements 160
Configuring SSH Terminal 160
Enabling SSH Terminal on Secret Server 161
Enabling Terminal on Secret Server Distributed Engine 162
Logging into the SSH Terminal 162
Increasing Maximum Concurrent Logins for Users 163
SSH Terminal Login with Two Factor Authentication 163
Escaping Special Characters 163
Terminal Commands 164 7
man 164
Syntax 164
Description 164
Examples 164
search 164
Syntax 164
Description 164
Parameters 164
Examples 165
cat 166
Syntax 166
Description 166
Parameters 166
Examples 166
launch 167
Syntax 167
Description 167
Parameters 167
Examples 167
Launching a Secret with the SSH Terminal 168
Launching a Secret on a Local Site 168
Launching a Secret on a Distributed Engine Site 169
Launching a Secret upon Terminal Connection 171
SSH Terminal Launching with a Custom SSH Command Whitelist 172
SSH Terminal Launching with Session Recording 174
Using Secret Fields in Scripts 176
Using Webservices with IWA via PowerShell 177
Overview 177
Procedure 177
Access Examples 177
SOAP 177
REST 177
Using Webservices with IWA via Perl 179
Overview 179
Procedure 179
Example 179
Overview 179
SecretServerGetSecret.ps1 179 180 180
Secret Server Authentication, Encryption, and Security 181
Configuring SAML Single Sign-on 182
SAML Overview 182
Prerequisites 182 8
Licensing and Version 182
.NET Framework 4.6.2+ 182
Administer Configuration SAML Role Permission 183
Setting up Secret Server 185
Setting up IDPs 187
Lockout Workaround 187
Enabling FIPS Compliance 189
Overview 189
Procedure 189
Task 1: Enable FIPS in Secret Server 189
Task 2: Enable FIPS in Windows 189
Task 3: Reset the IIS Server 189
Related Information 190
Installing a Self-Signed SSL Certificate 191
Overview 191
Obtaining an SSL Certificate 191
Installing a Self-Signed Certificate 191
Task One: Generate an IIS Self-Signed Certificate 191
Task Two: Bind the Self-Signed Certificate to the IIS Site 191
Task Three: Test the Self-Signed Certificate 191
Thycotic One and Secret Server 193
Overview 193
Cloud versus On-Premise 193
Procedures 193
Logging in with Thycotic One 193
Configuring Thycotic One 194
Secret Server Cloud 194
Secret Server On-Premise 195
Generating a Thycotic One Credential 196
X.509 Certificate Security Chain Options 198
Setting the Certificate Verification Policy 198
Certificate Validation Options 199
X509RevocationMode 199
X509RevocationFlag 199
X509VerificationFlags 199
Troubleshooting 200
Accessing MS SQL Server with IWA 201
Introduction 201
Creating a Domain Service Account 201
Granting Access to SQL Server database 201
Assigning Account as Identity of Application Pool 201
Configuring CredSSP for WinRM with PowerShell 202
Introduction 202
Enabling CredSSP for WinRM in Secret Server 202 9
Configuring CredSSP for WinRM on the Secret Server Machine 203
Configuring CredSSP for WinRM on a Distributed Engine 203
Enabling CredSSP on Secret Server Agents for PowerShell Script Dependencies 206
Integrated Windows Authentication 208
Enabling Integrated Windows Authentication 208
Configuring IIS 208
Logging on As a Local Account 208
Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication 209
Introduction 209
Setting Up Windows Authentication 209
Task 1: Configuring Secret Server 209
Task 2: Configuring IIS 212
Task 3: Configuring Secret Server Launchers 214
Task 5: Configuring Client Certificates 220
Troubleshooting 222
Error "403 Forbidden" Message Is Displayed When Logging in 222
AD User Prompted for Credentials Even Though IWA Is Active 222
Logging in as a Local Account Is Not Available 222
Installing Windows Authentication in Windows Server 2012 Manager 223
SAML 224
Secret-based Credentials for PowerShell Scripts 225
Overview 225
RunAs Secret Precedence 225
Remote Password Changing 225
Secret Dependencies 225
Checkout Hooks 225
Procedures 225
Setting the Default PowerShell Credential for a Site 225
Using the Site PowerShell Credentials for Discovery 225
Two-Factor Authentication 227
Duo Security Authentication 228
Task 1: Create a Duo Application Representing Your Secret Server (Admin) 228
Task 2: Configure Secret Server to Use Duo (Admin) 228
Task 3: Setting up Duo (User) 229
Email Two-Factor Authentication 230
FIDO2 (YubiKey) Two-Factor Authentication Configuration 231
FIDO2 231
YubiKey 231
Configuration 231
RADIUS User Authentication 232
Configuring RADIUS 232
Enabling RADIUS for a User 232
Enabling RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication 233
TOTP 234 10
Configuring TOTP for Users 235
Disabling TOTP for Users 236
Enabling TOTP for Secret Server Users 237
Enabling TOTPs for Launchers 238
Secret Template Setup 238
TOTP Secret Setup 238
Resetting TOTP for Secret Servere Users 241
Viewing a TOTP for a Web Secret 242 11
Scripting Dependencies 272
Scripting Tools and CLI 272
Overview 289
How Discovery Works 289
Automated Discovery 289
Automated Discovery Terms 289
Discovery Source 289
Discovery Scanner 289
Discovery Input Template 289
Discovery Output Template 289
Example Automated Discovery Process 290
Manual Discovery 290
Discovery and Sites—Where Does Secret Server Run Discovery Scans? 290 12
Discovery Performance 290
Extensible Discovery 291
Account Permissions for Discovery 292
Unix 292
ESXi 292
Local Windows Accounts 292
Windows Services, Scheduled Tasks, App Pools, and COM+ Applications 292
AWS Account Discovery 293
Enabling AWS Discovery 294
Password Management in AWS 295
Amazon IAM Keys 295
Amazon IAM Console Password 295
Permissions Required for Secret Key Changes 295
Permissions Required for Changing the Amazon IAM Console Password 295
Discovery Best Practices 297
Overview 297
Global Settings 297
Enabling Port Scanning 297
Introduction 297
Accessing Port Scanning 298
Additional Reasons to Consider Discovery Port Scanning 298
Lowering the Discovery Scanner Timeout May Cause Issues 298
Secrets with Multiple Dependencies May Create Especially Long Timeouts 298
When to Run Discovery 298
Discovery Settings 299
Environment-Specific Considerations 299
Discovery Scan Offset Hours 299
Advanced Settings 300
Run Secret Computer Matcher Once per Discovery 300
Limit the Network Traffic Caused by Nested Organizational Units 301
Engines and Engine Workers 301
Enabling Active Directory Domain Discovery 302
Enabling Secret Server Discovery 303
Enabling Specific OU Domain Discovery 304
Unix Account Discovery 305
VMware ESX/ESXi Account Discovery and RPC 306
Overview 306
Details 306
Download Locations 307
Troubleshooting and Issues 307
ESXi Certificate Settings 307 13
Main Components 309
Ports 310
Security 310
Engine Workflow 311
Configuring Distributed Engines 311
FAQ 311
Configuration and Sizing 313
Requirements 313
Windows Server 2012 313
Distributed Engine Offline and Online Events 314
Internal Site Connector 315
Security 316
Events and Alerts 317 14
Additional Tokens 329
Secret 329
Folder 330
Event User 330
Target User 330
Custom Task Variables 330
Global Variable 330
Item Variable 330
Target User 330
Triggers 330
Secret Triggers 331
User Triggers 331
Permissions 332
Procedures 332
Event Pipelines 332
Activating or Deactivating Event Pipelines 332
Creating New Event Pipelines 332
Step One: Create EP 332
Step Two: Add Triggers 332
Step Three: Add Filters 333
Step Four: Choose Tasks 333
Editing Existing Event Pipelines 333
Viewing Event Pipelines 333
Event Pipeline Policies 333
Activating or Deactivating Event Pipeline Policies 333
Adding an Existing Event Pipeline 334
Assigning Folders and Secret Policies to Event Policy Targets 334
Folders 334
Secret Policies 334
Creating, Importing, and Duplicating Event Pipeline Policies 334
Monitoring Event Pipeline Policies 334
Ordering Event Pipelines in Event Pipeline Policies 335
Removing Event Pipelines from Event Pipeline Policies 335
Infinite Loops 335
Configuring Advanced Settings 335
Event Subscription Page 337
Creating Event Subscriptions 338
Deleting a Subscription 339
Editing a Subscription 340
Event List 341
System Log 345
Viewing Event Subscription Logs 346 15
Overview 348
Procedure 348
Example 349
Secret Server Networking 350 16
Ticketing System Integration 362
Engine Worker Role Queues 362
Active Directory Synchronization 362
Discovery 362
RDP Proxy, SSH Proxy, and SSH Terminal 362
Syslog Integration 363
Heartbeat, Remote Password Change, and Dependency 363
Thycotic Privilege Behavior Analytics Integration 363
Distributed Engine Management 363
Session Recording Worker 364
Post Recording 364
Video Conversion 364
Post Recording (Legacy) 364
Management 364
RDP Proxy Configuration 365
Overview 365
Recommended Method 365
How It Works 365
Configuration 365
Configuration Settings 366
Alternative Method 366
How It Works 366
Configuration 367
Known Issues 367
"Could not load file or assembly..." Error 367
RDP Proxy Does Not Work with FIPS Validation 367
Secret Server Clustering 368
Overview 368
Clustering and Background Thread Changes in 10.7. 368
Clustering Overview 368
Nodes 368
Backbone Bus 368
Engine Response Bus 368
Worker Roles 368
Component Communication 368
Server Node Configurations 369
Scheduled Background Operations 370
Procedures 370
Markdig.Syntax.Inlines.EmphasisInline 370
Upgrading Secret Server in a Clustered Environment 372
Overview 372
Procedure 372
Upgrading Database Mirroring 373
Upgrading Disaster Recovery Installations 373 17
Load Balancing Secret Server Clusters 373
Custom URL Configuration 373
SSL Recommendations 374
Configuring Client's IP Address (X-Forwarded-For) 374
Clustering Errors 374
Secret Server Support for HTTP/2 376
SSH Proxy Configuration 377
Enabling Proxy 377
Web Application Proxy Performance 377
Minimum Hardware 377
Session Activity 377
Proxy Connections 377
SSH Proxy with Multiple Nodes 379
Ports Used by Secret Server 380
Overview 380
Port Listing 380
Related Articles and Resources 382 18
Source 395
Regex 395
SQL Server Connection Strings 395
Source 395
Regex 395
Oracle Connection Strings 395
Example One 396
Source 396
Regex 396
Example Two 396
Source 396
Regex 396
YAML 396
Source 396
Regex 396
Custom Password Changers 397
Changing Ports and Line Endings 398
Creating a Custom Password Changer 399
Deactivating Password Changers 400
Distributed Engines and RPC 401
Editing Custom Commands 402
RPC-Mapped Text-Entry Fields 402
Associated Reset Secrets 402
Check-Result Commands 402
Enabling RPC 404
Mapping Account Fields for RPC 405
Mapping an SSH Key or Private Key Passphrase for Authentication 406
Minimum Requirements for Windows Local Accounts 408
Modifying Password Changers 409
Password Changing Scripts 410
Creating Scripts 410
Testing Scripts 410
Using Scripts 410
Viewing Audits 410
Privileged Accounts and Reset Secrets 411
RPC Error Codes 412
RPC for Service Accounts and SSH Keys 413
Service Accounts 413
SSH Keys 413
RPC Logs 414
Running a Manual RPC 415
Treating Specific Heartbeat “Unknown Errors” as Connection Failures 416
Procedure 416
Triggering an RPC When Defined Errors Occur 419 19
Procedure 419
Password Changer List 422
Overview 422
List 422
PostgreSQL and ODBC Remote Password Changing 424
Overview 424
Create an ODBC Password Changer 424
Example Reset Commands 424
Adding Connection Strings 424
Adding Connection Strings to Password Changer Settings 424
Adding Connection Strings to Secrets 425
Troubleshooting 425
PostgreSQL with Distributed Engines 425
Remote Password Changing with PowerShell 426
Overview 426
Procedure 426
Task 1: Creating the Active Directory Verify Password Script 426
Task 2: Creating the Active Directory Change Script 426
Task 3: Testing the Scripts 426
Task 4: Configuring a Password Changer for Secret Server Version 10.0.000006 and Later 427
Task 5: Creating a Secret Template 428
Task 6a: Finishing the Secret Template Configuration for Secret Server 10.0.000006 and later 428
Task 6b: Finishing the Secret Template Configuration for Secret Server 8.8.000000 to 10.0.000000 428
Task 7: Creating Secrets Using PowerShell Remote Password Changing 429
Errors 429 Password Changer 431
Reports 432
Built-in Reports 434
Activity 434
Discovery Scan 434
Folders 434
Groups 434
Legacy Reports 434
Password Compliance 434
Report Schedules 435
Roles and Permissions 435
Secrets 435
Secret Policy 435
Users 435
Creating and Editing Reports 436
Creating a Custom Report 436
Editing Reports 439
Report SQL Scripts 440
Overview 440 20
Dynamic Parameters 440
Viewing Secret Server SQL Database Information 440
Database Paging 440
Deleting or Undeleting Reports 441
Modifying Report Categories 442
Report Page 443
Reports General Tab 443
Reports Security Hardening Tab 443
Configuration Section 443
Database Section 444
Environment Section 444
SSL Section 444
Reports User Audit Tab 445
Reporting and Dual Controls 446
Saving Reports to File 447
Scheduled Reports 450
Creating New Schedules for Reports 450
Viewing Existing Report Schedules 450
Editing Schedule Settings 450
Using Dynamic Parameters in Reports 451
Primary Parameters 451
#USER 451
#GROUP 452
Additional Parameters 452
Parameters 452
Example 453
Coloring Your Reports 453
Viewing Auditing for a Report 454
Viewing Reports 455
Roles 456
Assigning Roles to a User 457
Creating Roles 458
Editing Role Permissions 459
Secret Server Role Permissions List 460
Overview 460
Complete List 460 21
Checkout Hooks 471
Overview 471
Checkout User Variables for Scripts 471
Configuring a Secret for Checkout 472
Configuring Password Changing on Check-in 473
Exclusive Access 474 22
Importing Secrets with the Secret-Server Migration Tool 526
Importing Secrets with Advanced XML Importation 526
Importing Secrets with XML 528
Notes 528
Sample XML 528
Secret Launchers and Protocol Handlers 531
Built-In Launcher Types 532
Custom Launcher for SecureCRT (SSH) 533
Step 1: Creating the Custom Launcher 533
Step 2: Creating a Custom Secret Template (optional) 536
Step 3: Associating the Launcher with a Secret Template 536
Custom Launchers 537
Creating Custom Launchers 538
Custom Launcher Errors 542
Custom Launcher Process Arguments 543
Syntax 543
Examples 543
Enabling CAC/PIV Smart Cards for Secret Launchers 544
Overview 544
Enabling Globally with User Settings 544
Enabling on a Specific Secret 544
Enabling Launchers 545
Introduction 545
MSI Installer 545
Installing by Group Policy 546
Launcher Configuration and Support 547
Adding a Program Folder to the Windows PATH 548
Common Launcher Errors 549
Configuring Launchers on the Secret 550
Configuring SSH Proxies for Launchers 551
Default Launcher Requirements 555
Managing Superuser Privilege 556
Session Recording and Launchers 559
Launching Sessions 560
Limiting Launcher Domains 561
Remote Desktop Launchers 562
Adding Remote Desktop Launchers 563
Browser Configuration 564
Editing RD Launchers 565
Setting Up Secret Templates for RD Launchers 566
Web Launchers 567
Configuring Web Launchers for Secrets 568
Creating a Configuration 569
Launching to a Website 570 23
Secret Management 571
Procedures 572
Creating Secrets 573
Customizing the All-Secrets Page 576
Customizing Visible Columns 576
Filtering Search Results 576
Sizing Columns 576
Deleting and Undeleting Secrets 577
Duplicating Secrets 578
Editing Secrets 579
Overriding the Secret Template's Password Requirements 580
Setting Up Password Masking 581
Sharing Secrets 582
Permissions 582
Procedure 582
Viewing Secrets 584
Searching and Search Indexer 585
Searching for Secrets 585
Search Indexer 585
Secret Configuration Options 589
Common Configuration Options 589
Advanced Configuration Options 589
Secret Expiration 590
Forcing Expirations 591
Resetting Expired Secrets 592
Setting up Secret Templates for Secret Expiration 593
Setting up Secrets 594
Secret Tabs 595
Secret Dependencies Tab 596
Secret Expiration Tab 597
Secret Launcher Tab 598
Secret Personalize Tab 599
Secret RPC Tab 600
Secret Security Tab 601 24
Secret Server End User Guide 606 25
Task 4: Granting Folder Permissions 627
Task 5: Configuring User Rights 627
Option 1: Setting User Rights Assignment on the Domain 628
Option 2: Setting User Rights Assignment Locally 628
Advanced (Manual) Installation 629
Procedure 629
Step 1: Downloading the Secret Server Application Files 629
Step 2: Creating Folders and Extracting Contents 629
Step 3: Configuring IIS 629
Step 4a: Installing Secret Server as a Virtual Directory 629
Step 4b: Installing Secret Server as a Website 629
Step 5: Completing Secret Server Installation from the Website 630
Troubleshooting Notes 630
Basic (Automatic) Installation 631
Introduction 631
Secret Server Is an ASP.NET Website 631
SQL Server Is Usually Required 631
Administrative Access 631
Review the Prerequisites 631
System Requirements Overview 631
Additional Recommendations 631
Procedure 631
Step 1: Downloading the Latest Version of Secret Server 631
Step 2: Running the Installer 631
Welcome Page 631
Database Page 632
Pre-Requisites Page 632
Database Connection Page 632
Create User Page 632
Email Server Page 632
Review Page 632
Install Page 632
Step 3: Reviewing the Log Files (Optional) 632
Step 4: Opening Secret Server 632
Step 5: Learning Secret Server 632
Installing and Configuring SQL Server 633
Creating a SQL Account 633
SQL Authentication 633
Windows Authentication 633
Configuring Database Access in Secret Server 633
SQL Location 633
SQL Authentication 633
Installing RabbitMQ 634
Overview 634 26
What is RabbitMQ? 634
Why do you need to install it? 634
RabbitMQ and Encryption 634
Prerequisites 634
General 634
SSL Certificate 634
Installation 634
Task 1: Secret Server 634
Task 2: RabbitMQ Host 636
Troubleshooting 637
SQL Server 2014 Express Edition Installation 638
Overview 638
Procedures 638
Downloading SQL Server Express with Tools 638
Installing SQL Server Express 2014 639
Creating the SQL Server Database 646
Adding a SQL Server User 646
SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition Installation 648
Overview 648
Procedures 648
Installing SQL Server 2016 648
Installing SQL Server Management Studio 653
Creating the SQL Server Database 655
Adding a SQL Server User 655
Prerequisites 656
System Requirements 656
Hardware Requirements 656
Software Requirements 656
Checklist 656
SQL Server 656
Application Server 656
System Requirements for Secret Server 657
Minimum Requirements for Basic Deployments 657
Recommended Requirements for Basic Deployments 657
Minimum Requirements for Advanced Deployments 657
Recommended Requirements for Specific Features 658
Notes 658
Upgrading Secret Server Without Outbound Access 659
How Upgrades Work 659
Procedure 659
Step 1: Open the Upgrade Secret Server Wizard 659
Step 2: Get and Upload the Latest .zip File 660
Step 3: Upgrade Secret Server 660
Secret Templates 661 27
Managing Secret Templates 662
Activating and Deactivating Templates 663
Changing a Secret's Template 664
Configuring Secret Template Permissions 665
Creating or Editing Secret Templates 668
Secret Template Settings 672
Field Slug Names 673
Secret Template Field Types 674
Secret Template Text-Entry Field and Control Settings 675
SSH Authentication Templates 676
Template Character Sets 677
Template Naming Patterns 678
Template Password Requirements 679
Creating a Custom Password Requirement 680
Setting the Password Requirement for a Secret Template 684
Secret Workflow Templates 686
Multi-Level Workflow 686
Multiple Approvers to Advance 686
Approval Process Workflow 686
Workflow Versus Basic Access Requests 687
Accessing the Workflow Designer 688
Assigning Workflows to Secret Policies 690
Creating New Workflow Templates 693
Deleting Workflow Templates 696
Duplicating Workflow Templates 698
Editing Workflow Templates 701
Understanding Workflow Template Design Best Practices 702
Security and Hardening 703 28
Security Hardening Report 709
Configuration Section 710
Allow Approval for Access from Email 710
Browser AutoComplete 710
File Attachment Restrictions 710
Frame Blocking 710
Force Password Masking 710
Login Password Requirements 711
Maximum Login Failures 711
Remember Me 711
Secure Session and Forms Auth Cookies 711
Markdig.Syntax.Inlines.EmphasisInline 711
Zero Information Disclosure Error Message 712
Database Section 712
SQL Account Using Least Permissions 712
SQL Server Authentication Password Strength and Username 712
Windows Authentication to Database 712
Environment Section 712
Application Pool Identity 713
DPAPI or HSM Encryption of Encryption Key 713
SSL Section 713
Require SMTP SSL 713
Require SSL 713
SSL/TLS Hash 713
SSL/TLS Key 714
SSL/TLS Protocols 714
Using HTTP Strict Transport Security 714
Security Settings Not in the Hardening Report 714
Apply TLS Certificate Chain Policy and Error Auditing 714
Enable FIPS Compliance 715
Key Rotation 715
Two-Factor Authentication 715
SAML 715
Email 715
Soft Tokens 715
Duo Security 715
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication 716
Enabling for Users 716
Enabling per Domain 716
Roles 716
Controlling Access to Features Using Roles 716
Limiting Role Access to the Export Permission 716
Unlimited Administration Mode 716 29
Limiting Role Access to Secret Templates 716
Monitoring Roles with Event Subscriptions 716
Using Two Roles for Access to Unlimited Administration Mode 716
Encryption 717
DPAPI Encryption 717
Overview 717
Enabling and Disabling DPAPI 717
Using Clustering with DPAPI 717
Protecting Your Encryption Key Using EFS 718
SSL (TLS) and HSTS 718
SSH Key Validation 719
Mapping an SHA1 Digest to Secrets 719
Validating SHA1 Digests for Unix Account Discovery 719
Disabling IIS HTTP Headers 719
Introduction 719
Procedure 719
Additional Resources 720 30
Use Hardware Acceleration 731
Save Videos to 731
Archive Location Dependent on Site 731
Folder Path 731
Encrypt Archive on Disk 731
Enable Archiving to Disk 732
Enable Deleting 732
Setting Notes 732
Using Network Share Path 732
Session Recording Requirements 733
Advanced Session Recording 734
Basic Session Recording 735
Stability and Compatibility with Older ASRAs 736
Enabling Inactivity Timeout 737
Enabling On-Demand Video Processing 738
Record All Sessions 739
Recording Metadata 740
System Capacity Specifications 741
Thycotic Support 742
Step One: Gather Information You May Need 742
Step Two: Get a Mandatory Support PIN 742
Step Three: Choose a Support Method 742
Step Four: Contact Support 742
Phone Support 742
Email Support 743
Ticketing System Support 743
Ticketing System Integration 744
BMC Remedy Integration 745
Configurable Settings 746
Validating Ticket Status 746
View Ticket URL Template 746
Ticket Number Format Pattern (Regex) 746
Ticket Number Validation Error Message 746
Service Endpoint URL 746
System Credentials 746
Authentication 746
Add Comments to Ticket 746
Comment Work Type 747
Requirements 748
Testing Your Integration Setup 749
PowerShell Ticketing Integration 750
Configurable Settings 750
View Ticket URL Template 750
Ticket Number Validation Pattern (Regex) 750 31
Ticket Number Validation Error Message 750
The PowerShell RunAs Credentials 750
System Credentials 750
Validating Ticket Status 750
Overview 750
Sample Script 750
Adding Comments to Tickets 751
Adding Comments to a General Audit Log 751
ServiceNow Integration 752
Configurable Settings 753
View Ticket URL Template 753
Ticket Number Format Pattern (Regex) 753
Ticket Number Validation Error Message 753
Instance Name 753
System Credentials 753
Add Comments to Ticket 753
Requirements 754
Testing your Integration Setup 755
Ticket Number Validation 756
Ticket System Tab 757
Troubleshooting and Notices 758
Changing IIS to Not Stop Worker Process in IIS 7.0 and Later 759
Overview 759
Procedure 759
HTTP 404.2 Error ISAPI/CGI Restrictions Stopping .NET Framework 4.5.1 760
Error 760
Resolution 760
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found After Upgrading .NET Framework Version 761
Error 761
Resolution 761
Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 761
Load User Profile Setting Must Be Enabled for Application Pool 762
Notice: jQuery CVE-2019-11358 763
Relevance 763
Technical Issue 763
Resolution 763
Related Articles and Resources 763
Notice: jQuery CVE-2020-11022 764
Relevance 764
Technical Issue 764
Resolution 764
Related Articles and Resources 764
Troubleshooting Invalid Domain Errors 765
Troubleshooting Procedure 765 32
Configuring the DNS Record on Your Server 766
Resolving Other DNS Issues 766
Windows Local-Account Access-Denied Error Workaround PowerShell Scripts 767
Overview 767
Additional Requirements 767
Remediation Options 767
Option 3: Modifying the Default GPO 767
PowerShell Script Description 767
Download 767
Script Argument Help 767
Command Prompt Help 767
Parameters 768
-ComputerNames (string 768
-Username (string) 768
-GroupName (string) 768
-ForceGPUpdate 768
Examples 768
Related Articles and Resources 768
Option 4: Creating a Heartbeat GPO Workaround 768
User Groups 771
Users 799 33
User Owners 808
User Preferences 809
General Tab 809
Launcher Tab 809
User Restriction Settings 810
User Settings 811
Webservices 812 34
Secret Server Documentation
Thycotic Secret Server (SS) is an enterprise-grade, privileged access management solution that is quickly deployable and easily managed.
With SS, you can automatically discover and manage your privileged accounts through an intuitive interface, protecting against malicious
activity, enterprise-wide. This section of the Thycotic Document Portal (TDP) supports SS.
Note: Navigate using the dynamic table of contents on the left, the page contents on the right, or by entering a search term above.
Many pages in this documentation have sub-pages. The container (parent) pages can have introductory text or simply a heading
with no text. Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages it might have.
Primary Documentation
Thycotic Documentation Portal: You are at the home page of the current Thycotic Document Portal for Secret Server. It contains:
Converted knowledge base articles. These are marked as deprecated in the legacy knowledge base.
Links to legacy knowledge bases article that have yet to be converted or retired
Links to legacy PDF documentation
New material
Knowledge Base Articles: Use the Search text box at the top of the page. This is the legacy platform that we are replacing with the
Thycotic Documentation Portal (where you are right now). This portal does not yet contain all SS documentation. For now, there are many
locations here where this online documentation links to legacy documentation.
Important: The SS portion of the Thycotic Documentation Portal is in a transitional phase and does not yet contain all SS
documentation. For now, there are many locations here where the SS TDP links to legacy documentation. In addition, there are still
topics that are only on the Knowledge Base Articles (use the Search text box at the top of the page).
Getting Started
End User Guide (for non-technical users)
Getting Started Tutorial (for technical users)
Installation Guides
System Requirements
Best Practices
Best Practices
Discovery Best Practices
High Availability and Disaster Recovery
Secret Server Government Edition—Common Criteria Hardening Guide
Security Hardening Guide
Security Whitepapers
Distributed Engine Security
Launcher Security
Meltdown and Spectre Security Information
*nix Management
Security Model
Web Services Security
Document Conventions
Secret Server Glossary 35
Self-Help Resources
Technical Support
Integration Guides
Integration Guides
HP ArcSight
IBM Verify
OpenID Connect
SCIM Connector
Release Notes
Developer Resources
Developer Resources
Video Tutorials
Note: Many of these tutorials feature legacy versions of SS.
Video Tutorials 36
Getting Started Tutorial
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server (SS) is a powerful application with many facets. As such, approaching it for the first time can be daunting. To counter that, we
created this section, which is an introductory guided tutorial, for new users. The tutorial suggest an order to learn topics and points to specific
sections of documentation for details.
Important: This tutorial is oriented toward system administrators and other technical professionals. We recommend that non-
technical users start with our End User Guide. 37
Step 1: Trial Installation Prerequisites
Below are our suggested guidelines for preparing to run a trial or proof-of-concept (POC) of SS.
System Requirements
Please review the detailed System Requirements for Secret Server. The Minimum Requirements are for trial, sandbox, and POC environments.
The Recommended Requirements are for production deployments.
Hardware Requirements
If you would like to set up front-end (application) clustering, you need to have two or more servers available.
For testing of high availability for the SQL Server, you can use either existing Microsoft AlwaysOn infrastructure or database mirroring. If you
choose to test this, this is something your database team needs to prepare in advance.
Software Requirements
SQL Server
You can create the SQL database in an existing SQL instance, or a new installation of SQL Server. For high availability, this needs to be a paid
edition of SQL Server (not SQL Express). If you are using a new installation of SQL Server, please have this installed beforehand.
Detailed instructions for installation and configuration of SQL Server are included in one of the installation guides below (choose the guide
matching the OS that SQL server will be installed on).
Application Server
We recommend installing SS on Windows Server 2012 or greater. Include IIS, ASP.NET and .NET Framework. Refer to the System
Requirements KB above to view prerequisite details.
Application Configuration
Service Account
For detailed instructions on how to configure the permissions for the service account, see Running Secret Server IIS Application Pool with a
Service Account (KB). The installation guides iinclude instructions for assigning db_owner permission to the service account in SQL Server.
If you would like to test features that rely on Active Directory, such as AD group sync or discovery, you should also have accounts available
with the appropriate permissions (described below). One option is to use the same account for both features.
Active Directory group synchronization means that SS can automatically add users and enable or disable them to log into SS based off of their
Active Directory group membership. You can choose which groups to sync. When configuring AD group sync in SS, you are required to specify 38
an account that can read the properties of users and groups. See AD Synchronization Rights for Synchronization Account for a detailed list of
required permissions.
To test discovery, please have some machines available for SS to connect to for discovering accounts. An account is required to sync with AD
and also scan the machines found for Windows local account and service account discovery. Account Permissions for Discovery (KB)
describes the permissions required for an AD account to be used for discovery.
Test Accounts
We recommend having a few test accounts available to represent the types of accounts you want to manage using SS. These could be local
Windows accounts, service accounts running scheduled tasks or services, SQL server accounts, and others.
Email Notifications
To test email notifications, which can be used for event subscription notifications or requests for approval to passwords, you need configuration
information for the company SMTP server:
SSL Certificate
We recommend setting up SSL (or https) for access to SS. To do so, you will need an SSL certificate. You may use an existing wildcard
certificate, create your own domain certificate, or purchase a third-party SSL certificate for the SS.
SS must connect directly to a target system to change its password. For devices that are firewalled off from SS, remote agent can provide
connectivity to them, but they also require connectivity from them to the target systems for password changing.
Please see Ports Used by Secret Server (KB) for a list of ports needed by SS for password changing, discovery, and other features. 39
Step 2: Installation
Run the Installer: SS comes with an installer that walks you through the entire process from start to finish. Once you have the prerequisites
ready to go, download and run your installer, and the wizard will take you through the installation process. Please see our installation articles.
Licenses 40
Step 3: Secret Server Dashboard
The SS Dashboard is the main page for searching and viewing secrets. Nearly everything you do in SS starts with the Dashboard. See Secret
Server Dashboard for details. 41
Step 4: Security Best Practices
As you start using SS, we strongly recommend configuring the following security settings. While these are optional, setting them is a a best
Even if you plan to integrate with Active Directory to log into Secret Server, chances are you will need to use this account again. This is the first
account you created during the installation process. Keep this account secure and avoid being locked out of SS by following these
Store the credentials in a secure location that you can access if you lose all access to SS.
Enable the Allow Users to Reset Forgotten Passwords setting to provide a way of resetting the password if account is locked out or if
the password is forgotten:
Configure the other Local User Passwords settings to enforce your password requirements, expiration, password history, and other
password policies.
We recommend requiring SSL access to SS. This requires setting up an SSL certificate for the website, preferably with a domain certificate.
However, if you don’t have a certificate, see Installing a Self-Signed Certificate (KB). Once you have your certificate:
1. Configure the HTTPS binding for your SS website using the certificate you choose.
2. Ensure your certificate is trusted on the SS users' machines. See Trusting an SSL Certificate on a Client Machine (KB) for instructions.
3. Enable Force HTTPS/SSL on the Security tab of the Secret Server Configuration settings. 42
Step 5: Backups
Configure backups to avoid losing your data. SS provides the option to automatically take a backup on the interval you specify, sending the
backups to a local or network location. There are two components of an entire backup of Secret Server: the Web application files and the
database. Find these settings by selecting Backup from the Admin menu. See Backup and Disaster Recovery for more information.
To configure the backup paths, see Backup Configuration File Path Settings (KB).
Note The file paths configured on this page by default need to be either changed or created on each server that the SS application
and database reside on. 43
Step 6: Active Directory Integration
To allow users to log in with their Active Directory (AD) credentials, you can configure your AD domain settings in SS and then add users either
individually or by group. 44
Step 7: Secret Server Framework
To try out SS, you must have folders, roles, users, and secrets to operate on:
1. Setup some folders and roles: We encourage is for you to setup a folder structure and a few roles. The folder structure is how you will
keep your secrets organized, and provide access to shared secrets. Additionally, roles ensure you are able to control access to different
parts of SS and assign permissions to view certain folders and secrets. See Secret Folders and Roles.
2. Add users if you have not already from AD. See Creating Users and Creating User Groups.
3. Add an Active Directory or other secrets. If you plan on using discovery, the account will also need permissions to scan computers on the
network for accounts. See Managing Secrets. 45
Step 8: Discovery
SS has a discovery feature that can automatically find local Windows accounts, Active Directory service, Unix, VMware ESX/ESXi, and Active
Directory domain accounts. Account and dependency types not supported out-of-the-box in SS can still be discovered by writing PowerShell
scripts that can be run as custom scanners. This allows administrators to quickly import accounts found by SS on specified domains or IP
Note: Please see the Discovery Guide for a comprehensive guide to configuring and using discovery.
To run discovery on a domain, IP address range, or a custom source, you need to first enable the discovery feature for SS. Second, you must
enable discovery for each discovery source you would like to be scanned. 46
Step 9: Remote Password Changing
SS remote password changing (RPC) provides the ability to either start a password change manually or schedule automatic password
changes to occur at a regular interval. 47
Step 10: Heartbeats
Heartbeat allows you to determine from SS whether the credentials in a secret authenticate successfully with their target system. By default,
heartbeat is turned off in SS. See Heartbeats: Automatically Testing Secret Credentials for general information.
Enabling Heartbeat
Running Heartbeat 48
Step 11: Audits and Reports
Before running reports and audits, you must create something to report on—to that end:
This generates enough audit logs to provide meaningful outputs in your reports:
See List of Built-In Reports for the most up-to-date list of reports included. 49
Step 12: Secret Access and Workflow
Sometimes, depending on your scenario, you want to add extra protections to highly sensitive secrets. SS has a access request and workflow
features: 50
Step 13: Secret Launchers
A secret launcher opens a connection to the remote computer or device or logs into a website using the secret's credentials directly from the
Web page. While this provides a convenient method of opening RDP and PuTTy connections, it also circumvents users being required to know
their passwords. A user can still gain access to a needed machine, but it is not required to view or copy the password out of SS. A Web
launcher automatically logs into websites using the client's browser.
Remote Desktop: Launches a Windows Remote Desktop session and automatically authenticates the user to the machine.
PuTTy: Opens a PuTTy session and authenticates the user to a Unix system.
Web Password Filler: Uses a bookmarklet or a Chrome extension to automatically log the user into a website with secret credentials.
See our separate documentation for Web Password Filler.
Web Launcher: An alternative method to automatically log on websites. See Web Launcher. 51
Step 14: Recording Sessions
Session recording provides an additional level of security by recording a user's actions after a launcher is used. Session recording works for
any launcher, including PuTTY and SSH, Windows Remote Desktop, Microsoft SQL Management Studio, and custom executables. The
resulting movie is viewable from the secret audit. There are two types of session recording: 52
Step 15: Secret Server APIs and CLI
You can access SS without using the user interface for automation and integration purposes. Currently, there are two APIs:
An asynchronous REST (representational state transfer) API for Web services, which is based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
This is the preferred method. It is faster and easier to read than than the SOAP API and is still actively updated.
A synchronous SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) for Web services, which is based on XML. This method is deprecated, but we still
support it. It is based on an older technology, which has largely been replaced in recent years. There will be no enhancements to this API.
There are, however, a few, rarely used capabilities that only our SOAP API has.
We offer a software development kit (SDK) that contains a .NET framework and a command line interface (CLI) for accessing the REST API
with Windows applications or scripting languages.
GET Requests: Retrieve information from SS, including entire secrets, individual secret fields, and security tokens
Once-per-session permissions (tested once and then based on the IP address), administered with a SS rule
SDK Documentation:
REST Web Services API - Secret Server: Links to online reference guides (by SS release)
REST API PowerShell Scripts - Getting Started
REST API Perl Examples
REST API Java Examples: Downloadable Zip file
SOAP Web Services API - Secret Server: Reference guide in a downloadable PDF 53
Step 16: Additional Resources for Secret Server
You have finished this "Getting Started" introduction to SS. There is much more to explore within SS, such as scripting, third-party Integrations
(SIEM, CRM, HSM, and more), and connecting to Privilege Manager to monitor and protect endpoints. We look forward to working with you!
See Additional Resources to learn more about SS and other Thycotic products. 54
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 55
Document Conventions
Technical writing is typically so awash in capitalization that it often denotes nothing and harms legibility. To counter that, in general, this
document follows the IBM Style Guide rule:
"Do not capitalize the names of features and components unless they are sold separately or are trademarked."
Variable text in literal typed-in text and command-line parameters follow these industry-wide standards:
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard keys are bolded and surrounded with square brackets: [Enter]
Concurrent key presses are denoted with plus signs: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]
Sequential key presses are denoted by commas: [Page Down], [Enter]
Note: Regular notes have a title, either "Note" or something custom, which appears as a phrase followed by a colon at the
beginning of the note. A note contains tangential (an aside) or supplemental information (a tip or clarification).
Important: Important notes contain substantive information that should be heeded, or negative consequences can occur, involving
frustration, wasted time, or minor data loss.
Warning: Warning notes contain substantive information that should be heeded, or negative consequences can occur, involving
injury, major data loss, or equipment damage.
Email addresses and URLs are usually denoted by a colored underline:
When URLs are part of the instruction, as opposed to clickable link, they appear in monospaced text: Type or
Cross-references to headings are hyperlinks: See [Booting a Server][].
Document or article names (not sections) appear in italics: See the Server Administration Guide. They may or may not be hyperlinks.
All file and folder paths appear in monospaced text: app\bin\web_config.xml
File names by themselves do not appear in monospaced text: web_config.xml. If the file name contains spaces, the name is surrounded
by quotation marks: "web config.xml".
Note: Ending punctuation may be omitted for clarity when following typed-in text, including URLs. 56
Mouse-click, keyboard, and other attentional targets (anything a looks for) are denoted by bold type: OK button or Login link.
Attentional Targets and screen component names in system responses are not bolded: "The OK button appears" verses "Click the OK
Names of screen components, such as tabs, buttons, and text boxes, are corrected for spelling and capitalization. The component type
appears in lowercase. Example: SEARVER CONFIGURATION window becomes Server Configuration window. 57
Secret Server Glossary
Table: Terms and Definitions
Term Definition
AD Active Directory
Administrator is a default role that comes preconfigured with SS. Roles control access to features within SS. This role can be
customized to have different permissions. In this guide, administrator (lowercase) is used when referring to users who
Administrator manage the system and have control over global security and configuration settings. Note that administrators in SS do not
automatically have access to all data stored in the system—access to data is still controlled by explicit permissions on that
CHG Change 58
Term Definition
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
IP Internet Protocol
OS Operating System
OU Organizational Unit 59
Term Definition
RBS Role-Based-Security
RD Remote Desktop
Remote SS can automatically change passwords on remote devices and various platforms, including the following: Windows
Password accounts, database logins, Active Directory accounts, Unix and Unix-like accounts (including root passwords), network
Changing appliances or devices and more.
Role-based SS uses role-based access control, which provides the ability to set strict, granular permissions for each user. All features in
Security SS are available to users based on permissions, which collectively make up roles.
A piece of information that is stored and managed within SS is referred to as a secret. Secrets are derived from secret
templates. Typical secrets include, but are not limited to, privileged passwords on routers, servers, applications, and devices.
Files can also be stored in secrets, allowing for storage of private key files, SSL certificates, license keys, network
documentation, Microsoft Word or Excel documents and more.
Secret templates are used to create secrets and allow customization of the format and content of secrets to meet company
Secret needs and standards. Examples include: local administrator account, SQL Server account, Oracle account, credit card and
Template Web password. Templates can contain passwords, usernames, notes, uploaded files, and drop-down list values. New secret
templates can be created, and all existing templates can be modified.
SP Service Pack
SS Secret Server 60
Term Definition
UI User Interface
An emergency, break-the-glass mode that gives administrators access to all content within the system, regardless of explicit
permissions. Access to unlimited administration mode is controlled using role permissions.
VM Virtual Machine
WS Web Services 61
Self-Help Resources
Forums. Forums are oriented toward admins and other technical users.
Thycotic Blog
Thycotic Blog 62
Technical Support
To have access to Thycotic Technical Support, you must have an equal number of unexpired user and support licenses. All support licenses
expire 365 days after they are issued.
Note: Please see our Support Services Guide for details about our support policy. The link above is a high-level summary of
portions of that guide.
Accessing Upgrades
Supported customers have access to all new releases (both minor and major). See Secret Server Installation and Upgrade Guides.
We encourage customers with active support licensing to participate on where you can discuss and vote on new
features. 63
Access Requests
The access request feature allows a secret to require approval prior to accessing the secret. Note the following:
Establishing a workflow model, the user must request access from the approval group or groups.
An email is sent to everyone in the approval groups, notifying them of the request.
The request can be approved or denied by any members of the approval groups.
Access is granted for a set time period.
If Owners and Approvers also Require Approval is enabled, then even owners or those in an approval group needs to request
access. 64
Approving a Request
Once a request for access to a secret has been made, approvers receive an email.
The email contains one link to the secret Access Request Approval page for that request in SS, and five additional links to approve or deny
the request if the Allow Approval for Access from Email configuration setting is enabled.
The approver can either click one of the links contained in the email or navigate to the Notification Center in the user menu within SS.
If choosing the latter, in the displayed grid click the access request name. This takes you to the secret's Access Request Approval page.
From here, you can accept or deny the request as well as set an expiration date.
The requestor has access to the secret until the specified date.
Selecting the current date is the smallest window of time allowed and grants access to the end of the day.
With Allow Approval for Access from Email enabled, clicking one of the five additional links in the email allows access for 1, 2, 4, or 8 hours
or deny the request, per the link description in the email.
Note: The expiration date referred to in approval requests is not the same as secret expiration. 65
Duo Push Notifications
Users can now approve secret access requests and workflows using Duo push notifications. The push notification includes information,
displayed on the user's screen, that helps the approver make the access decision.
Duo user must be set up for Duo two-factor authentication. See Setting up Duo (User).
The permission "Approve via DUO" must be granted to a role that is assigned to a group that includes all who will be approving requests
via Duo. This allows enough flexibility so that those not wanting Duo push approvals can be configured to not receive them.
2. Click the Create New button to create a new role. Name it "Duo Push Approver" or another name of your choosing.
3. Assign the Approve Via DUO Push permission to the new role.
5. If you choose to create a separate group for approvers, do this by navigating to Admin > Groups.
Note: You can also assign users to the group later. This method is a shortcut when creating a group.
10. Click the Assign Roles button. The View Role Assignment page appears.
11. Click the Role dropdown list to select the role you created. Note that there are no groups or users.
12. Click the Edit button. The Role Assignment page appears.
13. Assign the Approve via DUO Push role to the Assigned list box.
Note: In addition to having the role you created, the user must be properly set up to receive Duo push notifications. See Setting up
Duo (User).
Note: Any notifications will all be sent out at the same time, and the first response (approve or deny) will be the determinant
response. A non-response will not result in either an approve or deny response. 66
Requesting Access After Approval Is Granted
To start the request process for access to a secret, the user must simply attempt to view the secret. The user is then sent to the Request page.
In there, the user can explain the reason for the request and then click Request Access to submit the request.
If a member of the Approval Group either approves or denies the request (see below for details), the requestor is sent an email with the details.
If approved, the requestor can access the secret via the link contained in the email. 67
Setting up Access Requests for Secrets
To enable Access Request for a secret, navigate to the Secret View page for the secret:
Note: Users need at least view access to the secret to be able to access the secret even with Access Request enabled. If the
users do not have view permission they are unable to find the secret with search or browse.
Note: The email configuration settings need setting up, including valid email addresses, for the users in the approval group for
emailing to work. 68
Secret Server Administration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS is highly customizable. Administrators can increase site security through various configuration settings such as force inactivity timeouts and
specifying a SMTP server. This level of configuration allows SS to be altered to meet the needed requirements for the instance. The settings
are explained in this section. 69
Administration Auditing
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server stores information about what users did what activites within the application. This section discusses how to administer these
audits. 70
Audit Data Retention
In This Section
Data Retention Policies
Viewing the Status and History of Audit-Data Retention Policies
Editing Audit Data Policies
Running an Old Audit-Data Purge Right Now
Secret Server can automatically delete older audit and audit-like information (both are called "audit data” here). By default, SS does not delete
any audit data.
Important: Do not configure automatic record deletion for compliance or other important data.
If enabled, old data deletion occurs automatically at 0200 EST every Sunday. Data deletion can be run immediately by clicking the "Run Now"
button. The maximum record age for each audit-data retention policy is configurable to any value greater than or equal to 30 days.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Tables containing identifiable user or organization data.
Database Size Management: Tables that are prone to grow large, which may affect SS performance.
Each policy has a title and description, which are displayed to users, as well as a defined set of SS audit tables it manages. There is some
overlap between the two policies’ table sets as some tables fall under both PII and size management.
When an audit-data retention policy runs, all records in each table for that policy that are older than the set maximum record age in days are
deleted from the database. This also includes all dependent records in other tables that would otherwise prevent deletion.
Access to the audit-data detention management pages in SS is limited to users with the roles “View Data Retention” and “Administer Data
Retention.” As the names imply, only the latter role can manage audit data retention, such as editing and running now.
Note: The “Unlimited Admin” role does not include audit data retention management at this time.
By default, these two audit-data retention roles are not assigned to users. An admin must first assign the roles to users requiring access.
Procedures 71
The Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) policy is displayed on the Data Retention tab. If you scroll down, you will see the Database Size policy: 72
The last time the policy finished running
All the audit data tables that the policy covers
3. To view a list of previous "runs,” click the Audit tab. You can also hover the mouse pointer over individual records to view details: 73
2. Click the Edit link on the Enabled row on the policy that you wish to edit. A popup appears (not shown).
5. Click the Edit link on the Max Record Age row on the policy that you wish to edit. A popup appears (not shown).
6. Type the number of days you want to retain the data (at least 30) in the Max Record Age text box. 74
2. Click the Run Now link on the Enabled row on the policy that you wish to edit. A popup appears (not shown).
3. Click the Run Now button. The popup disappears and the policy is run now.
Note: If a policy is currently running and you click the Run Now button. It will not work, and a popup will tell you so. There is a
built-in five-minute wait after a policy finishes before you can run it again.
4. The Last Start Time row changes to the current time, and a progress indicator appears.
5. When the run is complete, the Last Complete Time row changes to the current time. 75
Giving Application Pools Event Log Access
When the database becomes inaccessible, Secret Server will try to log errors to the Windows event log. By default, network service and
standard service accounts will not have permissions to the event log. Permissions must be added to specific event log registry keys.
The follow permissions are required for the identity configured on the SS application pool in IIS:
Read permissions:
Query Value
Enumerate Subkeys
Read Control
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog > Security
Read permissions:
Query Value
Enumerate Subkeys
Read Control
1. Log on SS.
3. Look for any of the Thread Identity labels. These contain the identity of SS (often NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE or IIS
APPPOOL\SecretServer or the service account set up for IWA. See Running the IIS Application Pool As a Service Account.
Note: You can also determine the identity by logging in and navigating to http://yoursecretserverurl/Installer.aspx. The first step
of this page will tells you the application pool identity.
2. Open the Windows registry editor on the machine running SS (regedit at the command prompt or Window search text box).
3. On the left, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog.
4. Right click the EventLog folder in your registry editor and select Permissions. A permissions dialog box appears.
6. On the Permissions tab, Click the Add button. A Permission Entry dialog appears.
7. Click the Select a principal link. The Select User, Computer… dialog box appears. 76
8. Find the account running SS, such as Thycotic_Service (
10. In the Basic Permissions section of the Permission Entry dialog, click to select the Read check box.
11. Click the Show advanced permissions link. The pane switches.
12. Click to select the Set Value and Create Subkey check boxes in the Advanced Permissions section.
13. Click OK buttons on the remaining dialogs to apply the permissions. You are returned to the main registry editor window.
14. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog > Security, right-click and select
15. Right click Security folder and select Permissions. A permissions dialog box appears.
19. Click to select the Read check box in the Allow column. 77
Report Auditing
In addition to the user audit and individual secret audit, the reporting feature provides a series of activity, user, and secret reports. See Built-in
Reports for the most up-to-date list of reports included.
Note: Users can also create their own, custom reports. See Creating and Editing Reports. 78
Secret Audit Log
The audit log for a secret can be accessed by clicking the View Audit button on the Secret View page or navigating from the User Audit report.
The log shows the date, the username, the action, and any other details about the event. Secret auditing provides a detailed view of each
change or view on a secret.
Note: Audit logs are visible to anyone with the “list” permission. Thus, anybody with that permission can view permission changes,
users whose permissions were changed, secret dependency information, and the machine.
Check out
Editing permissions
Forced expiration
For certain audit items, action notes are added providing additional details. For example, if permissions are edited, an audit record is generated
detailing which users or groups gained or lost permissions. Detailed audit records add accountability to sensitive secrets where auditors or
administrators need to know exactly what was modified.
Below the audit records is a Display Password Change Log check box. Clicking to select this check box displays logs for Heartbeat and
Remote Password Changing amongst the audit items 79
Viewing a User Audit Report
The audit search displays results for all the secrets the selected user has viewed or edited during the selected time period. The administrator
has the option of expiring all the viewed secrets, to notify users to change sensitive information, or to force password changing (if the RPC is
To get a full view of the actions taken on a secret, select that secret from the results list. The secret audit displays the specific user actions for a
secret. 80
Administration Page
The Admin Page is a control panel for administering SS. You access it by clicking the Admin button on the dashboard menu and selecting See
All from the list.
Note: The most commonly sought items appear in the same list, so you can go directly to them without having to go to the Admin
page. 81
With it, you can quickly and easily find administration controls in several ways: 82
Text Search: You can search for a concept, configuration, or component by typing a search term in the search text box. The text box
automatically suggests items as you type:
Once you see the item you desire, you simply click and you are brought to that page.
Topic button: You can click one of the large buttons to see a list of related items:
Once you see the item you desire, you simply click it, and you are brought to that page.
Views: You have three views to choose from, which you set by clicking the view link. The link text states the current view. The views are: 83
Category: A text list of the available items bunched by category: 84 85
Administration Configuration Tabs
Note: The Security Hardening Guide offers suggestion for many of the settings in this section.
Email Tab
Folders Tab
Enable Personal Folders: Each user has a personal folder created and assigned to them.
Personal Folder Name: The name of the root personal folder. Each user's personal folder is named based on the user.
Require View Permission on Specific Folder for Visibility: Users only see folders they have view permissions on.
Show user warning message: Enable warning message for users when creating secrets.
Warning Message Text: Warning message to display to the users, instructing them to store only work-related data in SS.
General Tab
Allow Approval for Access from Email: Adds links in request for approval emails allowing approvers to approve or deny access to a
secret without logging into SS. See Requires Approval for Access for details.
Allow Automatic Checks for Software Updates: Enable this option to be notified of a new SS release. If a new update is available,
displayed at the top of each SS page is a link to the latest update. This feature is only available to those with support licenses.
Allow Duplicate Secret Names: Allow users to create or rename secrets with the same name as existing secrets.
Allow Secret Server to Retrieve Website Content: Enables the Web launcher to retrieve the Web site content in order to parse the
form and find the login controls.
Allow Users to Select Classic Theme: Enable access to the classic user interface.
Allow Users to Select Themes: Allows users to customize the theme for SS. This selected theme would only apply to their login.
Allow View User To Retrieve Auto-Change Next Password: Allow view-only users to get the next automatically changed password.
Allow Web Launcher Mappings to be Downloaded: Enables a Web launcher configuration to download pre-approved website
launcher settings from
Allow Web Launcher Mappings to be Uploaded Off-site: Enables the user to upload successful Web launcher configurations to where they are approved and shared with other customers.
Application Language: The language that you want SS to default to.
Change Administration Mode: Enables or disable a button that takes you to a page where you can enable or disable Unlimited
Administration mode.
Check in Secret on Launcher Close: Enable if you want the related secret checked in when you close the launcher.
Click to Toggle Password Masking: Enable or disable being able to remove password masking.
Close Launcher on Check in Secret: Enable if you want the related launcher closed when you check in a secret.
Custom Logo (Collapsed): Select an image to use as your collapsed logo.
Custom Logo (Full Size): Select an image to use as your full-sized logo.
Default Date Format: Default time format used for all users. This setting can be overridden by each user. See User Preferences for 86
Default New User Role: Role to automatically apply to new users.
Default Theme: Select the default SS theme users see.
Default Time Format: Default date format used for all users. This setting can be overridden by each user. See User Preferences for
Default Secret Permissions: Set to determine how permissions are propagated from folders to new secrets. See Secret Folders for
more information.
Enable CredSSP Authentication for WinRM: Allow credential delegation for PowerShell scripts that may need to access resources
outside of the SS machine.
Enable Launcher: Enables Remote Desktop Launcher capabilities for SS. See the Launcher section for details.
Enable New User Interface: Enable access to the new SS user interface.
Enable New User Interface as Default for New Users: Force new users to use the new, as opposed to the classic, user interface.
Does not stop users from manually changing to the classic interface.
Enable Protocol Handler Auto-Update: Enable if you want launchers to automatically update.
Enable Refresh Tokens for Webservices: Whether or not to accept refresh tokens.
Enable Syslog/CEF Logging: Allow SS to export logs to a SIEM tool server.
Enable Webservices: Enable other applications to interact with SS (still requires them to login as a SS user).
Force Require Approval for Editors on Approval Secrets: Do not let approvals to be disabled for editors for secrets requiring
Force Require Approval for Owners on Approval Secrets: Do not let approvals to be disabled for owners for secrets requiring
Force Inactivity Timeout: Time out a user's login after inactivity for the specified time interval. See Configuring Users.
Force Password Masking: For more information, see Setting Up Password Masking.
Launcher Deployment Type: Select either Protocol Handler (default) or ClickOnce.
Maximum Time for Offline Access on Mobile Devices: Amount of time that a mobile device can be disconnected from the server
before it removes cached SS data from the device.
Prevent Application from Sleeping When Idle: Prevents the application pool that SS is running under from going to sleep.
Prevent Application from Sleeping When Idle: Prevents the application pool that SS is running under from going to sleep.
Require Folder for Secrets: Enable this setting to force users to select a folder to place a secret in when creating or moving a secret.
See Secret Folders for more information.
Secret Password History: Enforces whether a recent password can be set on a secret's password text-entry field based on the history.
Defaults to 1, which means the same password cannot be immediately re-used on a secret.
Secret View Interval Minutes: The number of minutes after which users must enter another comment when Require Comment is
Secret Server Custom URL: A URL to use for SS, other than the default one.
Send Anonymized System Metrics to Thycotic: Share anonymized data to help Thycotic improve SS.
Session Timeout for Webservices: Set a session time limit on use of the Web services API. Once the Web services session token
expires, the user must login again with their username and password.
Select Default Classic Theme: Select the default color theme for the classic interface.
Time Zone: Time zone that all dates are displayed in.
TMS Installation URL: URL for the Thycotic Management Server. TMS is a term that refers to several products within the Privilege
Manager toolkit.
UI Inactivity Timeout: Time in minutes before SS times out from user inactivity.
WinRM Endpoint URL: URL for WinRM, which is used for PowerShell hooks.
Note: No secret data is uploaded to—only the website URL and control names are sent.
From the Hardware Security Module (HSM) tab, you can enable or disable HSM for encryption. For more details about HSM configuration, see
our HSM Integration Guide (PDF).
Allow Users to Reset Forgotten Passwords: Allows users to reset their passwords in case they forget them.
Enable Local User Password Expiration: Local user's passwords expire after a specified interval.
Enable Local User Password History: Local users cannot change their password if it has been recently used.
Enable Minimum Local User Password Age: Local users cannot change their passwords until the password meets a minimum age. 87
Local User Password is valid for: Specifies the maximum time a local user can keep a password.
Lowercase Letters Required for Passwords: Force all local users to include lowercase letters within their login passwords.
Minimum Password Length: Require a minimum length on all local users' login passwords.
Numbers Required for Passwords: Force all local users to include numbers within their login passwords.
Symbols Required for Passwords: Force all local users to include special characters within their login passwords (%#@).
Uppercase Letters Required for Passwords: Force all local users to include uppercase letters within their login passwords.
User Lockout Time: Sets the time in minutes that users are locked out for too many failed log on attempts.
Login Tab
Allow AutoComplete: AutoComplete is a feature provided by most Web browsers to automatically remember and prefill forms for you.
This can be a great security concern since they typically do not save the data in a secure manner. You can enable or disable Web
browser prefill on the Login page by using this option.
Allow Remember Me: This option enables the Remember Me checkbox on the login page. When a user chooses to use "remember
me," an encrypted cookie is set in their browser. This enables users to revisit SS without the need to login. This cookie is no longer be
valid when the "remember me" period has expired, and users have to log in again.
Allow Two-Factor Remember Me: Allow users to elect to remember them on SS with two-factor authentication enabled. See “Allow
Remember Me.”
API Hostname: Duo API host.
Attempt User Password: SS normally passes the domain, username, and password to the RADIUS server. This setting ensures the
user is asked for their password instead.
Cache AD Credentials for When Engines Are Offline: Store Active Directory credentials in a local encrypted location.
Default Login Domain: Allows for the selection of a default domain for user login.
Disable Radius NAS-IP-Address Attribute: enabled, prevents NAS-Identifier from being sent with RADIUS requests.
Enable Domain Selector: All users to select a domain at login.
Enable Duo Integration: Enabling Duo integration allows users to use Duo two-factor authentication.
Enable Login Failure CAPTCHA: Enforces a CAPTCHA image if the user fails one or more logins to prevent brute force attacks of user
credentials or brute force lockouts.
Enable OpenID Connect Integration: Enable OpenID Connect.
Enable RADIUS Integration: Enabling RADIUS integration enables another form of two factor authentication for users.
Enable RADIUS NAS-Identifier: When enabled, sends NAS-Identifier with RADIUS requests.
Enable SAML Integration: Enabling SAML integration allows users to log-in to SS using your SAML identity provider.
Integration Key: Duo integration key.
Maximum Concurrent Logins per User: The number of times a user can be logged in at the same time.
Maximum Login Failures: Set the number of login attempts allowed before a user is locked out of their account. Once locked out, they
need a SS administrator to reset their password and enable their account.
RADIUS Client Port Range: Allowed computer ports for RADIUS.
RADIUS Login Explanation: Text that appears, explaining the RADIUS login.
RADIUS Default Username: The default username that appears at RADIUS login.
RADIUS Server Port: The default RADIUS port.
Require Two Factor for these Login Types: When enabled on a specific user logging into SS, you can choose from a list to enable it
for website, Web service, or both.
Time Out (seconds): RADIUS timeout in minutes.
Use RADIUS Username for Duo: Pass the RADIUS username to Duo.
Visual Encrypted Keyboard Enabled: Enables or disables the visual encrypted keyboard for logins.
Visual Encrypted Keyboard Required: Require the visual keyboard for logins.
Security Tab
Additional Certificate Chain Policy Options: Valid values for certificate chain policy options are any of the values in the Microsoft
enumerations listed here.
Allow HTTP Get: Allows the HTTP Get verb for Web services. This allows REST-style calls to many Web service methods but reduces
Apply TLS Certificate Chain Policy and Error Auditing: Add audits for TLS certificate validation. Auditing will apply to all Active
Directory domains using LDAPS and Syslog using TLS. The default policy is very strict.
Enable Database Integrity Monitoring: Database Integrity Monitoring is a SS tool for detecting changes made to primary database 88
tables outside SS’s user interface. It sends e-mails to configured addresses when it detects database changes made outside of SS.
Enable FIPS Compliance: See FIPS Compliance.
Enable File Restrictions: Allow administrators to configure what kind of file attachments can be uploaded to secrets. This helps protect
users from being tricked into downloading a malicious secret attachment. The file extension can be specified, such as: *.7z, *.bmp, *.ca-
bundle, *.cer, *.config, *.crt, *.csr, *.csv, *.dat, *.doc, *.docx, *.gif, *.gz, *.id-rsa, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.json, *.key, *.lic, *.p7b, *.pcf, *.pdf
Enable Frame Blocking: Allow SS to be opened in an <iframe> HTML tag on another, potentially malicious, site.
Enable HSTS: Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security. Not available if Force HTTPS/SSL is turned off.
Enable TLS Debugging and Connection Tracking: When enabled, SS sends information logs to your audit server about when TLS
connections are opened or closed.
Encrypt Key using DPAPI: This encrypts the SS AES 256 key using the machine key. It provides protection from admins copying SS
from the server to their own machine. Note that a backup of the encryption key should be made before using this option. Otherwise,
disaster recovery is impossible if the server dies. After encrypting the key, an administrator of SS can decrypt it.
Force HTTPS/SSL: Require HTTPS; users cannot access SS using HTTP.
Frame Blocking: Prevents users from accessing the SS site if it is embedded in an iFrame.
Hide Secret Server Version Numbers: Hide SS version numbers from users.
Ignore Certificate Revocation Failures: Ignore certificate revocation failures for syslog using TLS.
Last Secret Key Rotation: When the last rotation occurred.
Last Secret Key Rotation Status: What was the result when the last rotation occurred.
Rotate Secret Keys (button): Key rotation is the process by which the encryption key, used for securing Secret data, is changed and
Secret data is re-encrypted.
SAML Tab 89
Application Dashboard
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
The SS dashboard is the main page for searching and viewing secrets. 90
Dashboard Components
Home Tab
By default, it contains the Favorite Secrets, Recent Secrets, and + Add Widget widgets (function boxes). You can add these widgets:
Expired Secrets
Out-of-Sync Secrets
Request Management
Dashboard Widgets
Widget Types
Widget Description 91
Widget Description
Out-of-Sync Secrets Displays secrets that are out-of-sync—the heartbeat or RPC have failed.
Displays a report. Click the Report Category list to select a report from the drop-down menu. One report can be
displayed per widget. Click the title of the report to navigate to the Report View page.
Displays any requests pending for the logged in user.
When clicked, adds a widget that is not currently displayed to the Dashboard. This widget's function is duplicated
+ Add Widget
automatically when you add a new Dashboard tab. You cannot remove this widget.
Note: The Search and Browse widgets cannot be rearranged. They always remain in the top left region of the tab.
Managing Widgets
The following operations are available (by clicking the icon) for managing widgets:
Refresh: Update the information in the widget. This is not available for all widgets.
Overview Tab
The Overview tab provides several widgets for getting a quick understanding of your SS installation:
Active Monitoring Sessions: Your current monitored sessions. See Session Recording.
Approvals: Your current in-process approvals. See Secret Access Requests.
Heartbeat Status: A graphic of the current status of your heartbeats: success, pending, or failed. When you click on one of the statuses,
you are brought to a report page for that status. For example, Reports > Secrets Failing Heartbeat. When you click the Current link ,
you are brought to the Reports > Heartbeat Status by Day page. See Secret Heartbeats.
Most Used Secrets: A table of the most recently accessed secrets, listed by date and folder.
Password Rotation: The state of your current password rotations. When you click the Today link you are brought to the Reports >
RPC by Day report page. See Remote Password Changing.
Note: To see an overview of incoming system and subscription alerts, see the Alert Notification Center (Inbox).
Customized Tabs
Create: Click the + to the right of the tabs to create a new empty tab.
Delete: Click the icon on a tab and select Delete to delete a tab. You can cancel changes by clicking the Cancel button. A confirmation
pop up page appears.
Rename: Click the icon on a tab and select Rename to change the tab name. You can cancel changes by clicking the Cancel button.
Reorder: Click and drag a tab to the left or right of an existing tab. 92
Dashboard Tools and Help Menu
The Dashboard Tools Menus is available via the button on the Dashboard. It includes links to:
Tool Section
Connection Manager
Importing Secrets
Exporting Secrets
Manage Secret Access Request
Launcher Tools
Privilege Manager
Privilege Behavior Analytics
Help Section
Secret Server REST API Guide
User Guide 93
By default, SS is set to a default theme unless specified within the Configuration settings. SS comes with three other bundled themes: Blue,
Dark, and Green. The default theme can be set at Administration > Configuration on the general tab. Theming differences can be allowed by
individual users with the Allow User to Select Themes permission.
Choosing Themes
1. Click your user icon in the top right of the dashboard and select Account Settings.
2. Ensure the General tab is selected.
3. Click the Edit button.
4. Click the My Theme dropdown list to select the theme. Your choices are:
Secret Server Classic - Blue
Secret Server Classic - Dark
Secret Server Classic - Default
Secret Server Classic - Gray
Secret Server Classic - Green
Secret Server (New)
5. Click the Color Mode dropdown list to select the color mode (default, light, or dark) when My Theme is set to Secret Server (New).
Note: The color mode only applies to Secret Server (New). If you change it while in one of the classic themes, nothing seems to
happen; however, when you switch to Secret Server (New), the color mode you chose applies. 94
Running Dashboard Bulk Operations
You can perform bulk operations from the Dashboard on multiple secrets:
1. Click to select the secrets you wish to include. To check them all, check the check box in the column header row.
2. Click to select the bulk operation from the dropdown list below the list of secrets. Available bulk operations include:
Add share
Assign secret policy
Assign to site
Change password remotely
Change to inherit permissions
Convert secret template
Disable autochange
Disable check out
Disable comment on view
Disable heartbeat
Edit share
Enable autochange
Enable check out
Enable comment on view
Enable heartbeat
Hide launcher password
Move to folder
Run heartbeat
Set privileged account
Unhide launcher password 95
Encryption and Security
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
This section discusses built-in security features of the SS application, including encryption and compliance standards. 96
Advanced Encryption Standard
SS uses different types of encryption to ensure data security. Every text-entry field, except name, on a secret is encrypted at the database level
with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit algorithm. Database encryption prevents unauthorized access of sensitive data on the
The AES encryption algorithm provides a high security level for sensitive data. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and
National Security Agency (NSA) search for a replacement for the Data Encryption Standard (DES), which had numerous issues, namely small
key size and efficiency, and finally settled on AES.
Note: Encryption algorithms use keys to obfuscate the data. While DES only had a key size of 56 bits, AES can have a key size of
128, 192 or 256 bits. Larger keys provide more security as their size makes brute force attacks infeasible.
Note: To address concerns from the cryptographic community, NIST embarked on a transparent selection process. During the
selection process NIST solicited designs from the global cryptographic community and voted for a winner from within fifteen
finalists. The eventual winner was a team of Belgian cryptographers with their submission of the Rijndael encryption method, which
became AES. For more information about the technical specifications of AES, please see the official standard. 97
Restricting IP Addresses
IP address restrictions allow you to control which IP address ranges users can use to log in to SS.
1. Go to Admin > IP Addresses under Administration. The IP Address Management page appears:
2. Click the New IP Address button. The Add New IP Address Range popup page appears: 98
3. In the IP Address User/Network Name text box, type a descriptive name for your range.
4. In the IP Address Range text box, enter an IP Address or IP Address range. SS supports single IP Addresses (, a range
separated by a hyphen (, and CIDR notation (
5. Click the Save button. The new address or range appears in the IP Address Management table:
Note: You can show or hide columns in the table by clicking the button.
To edit an IP address range, go to the IP Address Management page, click on a range, and click Edit. To delete a range, click on the range 99
and click the Delete button.
1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Change IP Restrictions button. The Edit IP Address Restrictions Page appears:
1. Click to select or deselect check boxes next to the ranges to choose which IP Addresses a user can use to access SS. If no boxes are
checked, the user can access SS through any IP Address.
Note: Regardless of the restrictions, users can always log in when accessing SS on the server using a local IP address (
This prevents total lockout from SS. 100 101
Security Compliance Standards
FIPS Compliance
The Federal Information Processing Standard 140-1 (FIPS 140-1) and its successor (FIPS 140-2) are United States Government standards that
provide a benchmark for implementing cryptographic software. SS has been tested within environments that are FIPS compliant. For
instructions to enabling FIPS in SS, see the Enabling FIPS Compliance in Secret Server KB article.
Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access: SS helps you comply with Requirement 8 by providing a
secure repository for you to maintain an automated password changing schedule, forcing each user to have a unique, secured password.
SS's Web-based access makes it easy to access these passwords.
Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data: SS can monitor all access to network
resources. By employing remote password changing to force password changes, administrators can monitor and update network
resources on a customized scheduled. You can create a password changing schedule that best suits your environment.
Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security: You can optimize SS's software's global configuration and
template-driven data structure to fit the requirements of your current information security policy or assist in creating a policy based on SS.
Configuration options include:
Enabling launchers
Forcing HTTPS/SSL 102
SSL Certificates
SS can be configured to run using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. We strongly recommend that SS installations run using SSL. Not
using SSL significantly reduces the security of the contents of SS since browsers viewing the site are not using an encrypted connection. 103
Maintenance Mode FAQ
Maintenance mode prevents users from changing secrets or secret-related data such as dependencies, secret templates, and password
When secret key rotation takes place, or the HSM configuration is changed, SS needs to ensure that no data corruption occurs. To mitigate
this, these operations turn on maintenance mode, which puts Secret Server into read-only mode. We also recommend manually enabling
maintenance mode before performing upgrades.
Yes. Secrets will be read-only, but you can still view them, including secrets that are double-locked or protected by “require approval for
access.” You are unable to change the checkout status of a secret during maintenance mode. This means if the secret is currently checked-in,
you will be unable to check it out. If the secret is currently checked out, it cannot be checked in until the system leaves maintenance mode.
Maintenance mode lasts until the operation triggering it is completed. The time required will vary based on the operation and the number of
secrets in the system. Typically, maintenance mode lasts less than 30 minutes. 104
APIs and Scripting
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Note: This section contains general material on API access and scripting. Scripts and techniques may appear elsewhere in the
documentation for specific aspects of SS. 105
C# Example Code for SOAP
Secret Server webservices can be called using scripts. This example demonstrates how to authenticate and retrieve secrets and folders
programmatically in C# using SOAP. There are also Perl and PHP versions.
You can use your own account username, organization code (omit this if you are not using Secret Server Online Edition), and password to run
it. To use this code, a WebReference named SSWebService must be added to the Visual Studio project for
https://<Your_URL>/webservices/SSWebService.asmx. If connecting to an installed instance, change the web reference URL to match your site and
pass in an empty string for organizationCode.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SecretServerWebServices
class Program
public const string Username = "your username";
public const string Organization = "your org code";
public const string Password = "your password";
var folders = service.SearchFolders(token.Token, ""); //find all folders
foreach (var folder in folders.Folders)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", folder.Name, folder.Id);
Console.WriteLine("Folders Found");
} 106
Configuring WinRM for PowerShell
Secret Server relies on Windows Remote Management (WinRM) components to run PowerShell scripts. This requires configuration on the SS
Web server and any distributed engines. By default, SS uses http://localhost:5985/wsman as the WinRM endpoint. The endpoint URI can be seen
under Admin > Configuration or Admin > Distributed Engine > Manage Sites > Local if using distributed engines. At the moment, we only
support running PowerShell scripts on localhost. If you are new to PowerShell Remoting please review PowerShell Remoting Security
Registers the Microsoft.PowerShell and Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow session configurations, if it they are not already registered
Registers the Microsoft.PowerShell32 session configuration on 64-bit computers, if it is not already registered
Changes the security descriptor of all session configurations to allow remote access.
Verifying Listeners
The output should reflect the newly configured listener with Enabled : true
Additional Considerations
By default two BUILTIN groups are allowed to use PowerShell Remoting as of v4.0: Administrators and Remote Management Users. (Get-
PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell).Permission
Sessions are launched by SS under the user's context, which means all the same security controls and policies apply within the session.
See Investigating PowerShell Attacks by FireEye for additional security considerations.
Your environment may already be configured for WinRM. If your server is already configured for WinRM but it is not using the default
configuration, you can change the URI to use a custom port or URLPrefix.
Configuration (Standalone)
By default WinRM uses Kerberos for authentication. Since Kerberos is not available on machines that are not joined to the domain, HTTPS is
required for secured transport of the password. Only use this method if you are going to run scripts from a SS Web server or distributed engine 107
that is not joined to the domain.
Note: WinRM HTTPS requires a local computer "Server Authentication" certificate with a CN matching the hostname that is not
expired, revoked, or self-signed. A certificate would need to be installed on each endpoint SS or the engine manages. 108
Creating and Using PowerShell Scripts
You can use PowerShell scripts in Secret Server to automate specific tasks. These scripts are useful in several places in SS, such as in
creating custom remote password changers, custom dependency changers, discovery scanners, and custom ticket system integration.
Important: Do not edit the script with Windows Notepad. Instead, use Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom. Windows
Notepad can add invisible characters that can cause issues.
Note: Using PowerShell in SS involves passing a parameter string to the script. This string can contain literal values as well
as tokens that represent values on the object in SS that the script is attached to. For example, when creating a custom
password changer, you pass in values such as the user name, old password, and new password using tokens that represent
these values for whichever secret is running the password change script. Similarly, dependencies have a set of tokens that
represent values on the dependency and its associated secret. 109
Note: In some older versions of Secret Server, you can find the Scripts option under Remote Password Changing on the
Administration menu bar.
3. On the PowerShell tab, click +Create New. The New PowerShell Script popup appears: 110
4. Type the script name in the Name text box.
6. Click the Category dropdown list to select the type of script. This will determine where the script resides in SS and more. For instance,
the Dependency choice ensures that Remote Password Changing is turned on by enabling it on the Remote Password Changing page.
8. Click the OK button. The new script appears in the table on the Scripts page.
Best Practices
Scripts may contain debug lines to help you test the script. Debug statements use the Write-Debug command. For example: Write-Debug "The users
name is $Username"
Script Arguments
There are input boxes for specifying arguments in places where the PowerShell scripts are used. Argument values are specified on a single
line separated by a space. Values containing spaces should be enclosed in quotes. Parameters to PowerShell scripts are referenced through
the zero-based Args array. It is often beneficial to assign Args variables to other more-meaningful named variables. For example:
$greeting = $Args[0]
$name = $Args[1]
Write-Debug "$greeting $name" 111
In situations where the script should fail, given a specific set of conditions, an exception should be explicitly thrown. When an exception is
thrown, the script stops running and the failure is logged in the system log. The script is considered to have successfully run if no errors or
exceptions occur while processing. For example:
if ($meetsCondition -eq $false)
throw "Did not meet condition"
} 112
Dependency Token List
A list of all valid tokens that can be used in PowerShell, SSH, and SQL dependency script arguments.
PowerShell, SSH, and SQL dependencies can have script arguments that derive their values from values on the dependency, the secret it
belongs to, or any other secrets associated for remote password changing. Starting with Secret Server 10.0, tokens can also be used in ODBC
connection string arguments. Script arguments are defined on dependency changers in Secret Server 10.0 and above and on the dependency
in earlier versions of Secret Server. The following table lists the tokens available to dependency scripts.
Best Practices
When specifying PowerShell arguments, the $fieldname argument is replaced with the information in the field, and then the whole string is
passed to PowerShell. Thus, if the string returned has spaces, PowerShell parses the spaces as separate arguments, which causes errors.
Therefore, we recommend you wrap your fields in two quotation marks. For example: "$fieldname", which is then parsed by PowerShell as one
We recommend not using spaces within your field names. In many cases, that would not cause a problem, but if the first word in the field name
is also a reserved word, it will cause an error because the reserved word is parsed separately from the rest of the field name.
Because $machine is a reserved word, the parser would separate the reserved $machine value, followed by name as a separate argument.
Note: Surrounding the field name in quotation marks would not fix this—SS makes the substitution prior to PowerShell parsing the
Token List
Token Translates To
The value of the field on the secret with the same name. Examples: $DOMAIN matches the
${name of any field on secret} pre-10.0
secret's "Domain" field, and $NOTES matches the "Notes" field.
The username on the xth secret on the RPC tab for use in custom password changing
$[x]$USERNAME pre-10.0 commands and scripts. Example: $[1]$USERNAME is the username of the first associated
The password on the xth secret on the RPC tab for use in custom password changing
$[x]$PASSWORD pre-10.0
commands and scripts.
The value of the field with the same name on the xth secret on the RPC tab for use in
$[x]${name of any field on secret} pre-10.0
custom password changing commands and scripts. 113
Token Translates To
The value of the Database field from the dependency. Only valid for SQL dependencies
$DATABASE pre-10.0
unless added as a field by the scan item template (see below).
The value of the Port field from the dependency. Only valid for SQL and SSH
$PORT pre-10.0
dependencies unless added as a field by the scan item template (see below).
The value of the Service Name field on the dependency. Service Name may have a
$SERVICENAME 10.0 different name based on the dependency type, but it is always the first part of the
dependency title (<service name> on <machine>).
The value of the Machine Name field on the dependency. This is always the second part
of the dependency title (<service name> on <machine>).
The name of any scan item field (defined on the scan item template) that is visible in the
${scan item field name} 10.0 dependency edit dialog. If a scan item field is derived from a parent field, you may also
use the parent field name as a parameter that translates to this field's value.
The password currently on the secret (context-sensitive to whether script is run before or
after password change).
This is not available to the dependency at the time of the password change. It will no
longer be set as the NewPassword gets set to the Password.
In the context of a password change, this is the password at the beginning of the
password change. The password that was set on the secret before the current password
change. In the context of run dependency from the Dependency tab, this is the prior value
of the password before the last password change.
$PASSPHRASE 10.2 The passphrase used to encrypt the private key in a public/private key pair on this secret.
$PRIORPASSPHRASE 10.2 The passphrase that was set on the secret before the current passphrase rotation.
The public key currently on the secret (context-sensitive to whether script is run before or
after key rotation).
$NEWPUBLICKEY 10.2 The new public key that is being set on the secret.
$PRIORPUBLICKEY 10.2 The public key that was set on the secret before the current key rotation.
$DEPENDENCYPRIVILEGEDUSERNAME 10.3 The user name on the privileged account assigned to the dependency.
$DEPENDENCYPRIVILEGEDPASSWORD 10.3 The password on the privileged account assigned to the dependency.
$DEPENDENCYPRIVILEGEDPRIVATEKEY 10.3 The private key on the privileged account assigned to the dependency.
$DEPENDENCYPRIVILEGEDPASSPHRASE 10.3 The private key passphrase on the privileged account assigned to the dependency.
$DEPENDENCYSSHKEYPASSPHRASE 10.3 The new passphrase of the SSH key to be set on the dependency.
Note: Some of these tokens, such as $PASSWORD, $CURRENTPASSWORD, $NEWPASSWORD, and $PRIORPASSWORD, may seem to 114
duplicate each other, but they have distinctions based on the context as described above.
Note: In some cases, whether or not the dependency is being changed locally or through a distributed engine may have an impact
on what these tokens return. This is due to the asynchronous nature of distributed engines. The newer tokens, such as
$NEWPASSWORD and $PRIORPASSWORD, were created to address this issue. If you are using older tokens, such as $PASSWORD and
$CURRENTPASSWORD, and seeing unexpected results, try using $PRIORPASSWORD and $NEWPASSWORD. 115
Downloads for Secret Server Software Development Kit for DevOps
The Secret Server SDK replaces and improves upon the existing functionality of the Java API and .NET/Application API. Users can leverage
this SDK to tokenize credentials in scripts and configuration files for .NET web applications. The SDK can also call for a REST Web services
authentication token for added functionality. Finally, the SDK has a local encrypted cache for every location it is installed in to allow for quicker
transit times and resiliency in case communication with SS is lost.
To download the SDK command line tool, choose a version and OS platform below.
See the Secret Server Software Development Kit for DevOps topic for how to use the SDK.
Release Notes
New option to specify a configuration and cache directory other than the default
Updated the Nuget SDK packages to support customizing the key storage directory. They now check for a SecretServerSdkKeyDirectory
Updated the Nuget SDK packages to have a SecretServerClient GetAccessToken() and GetAccessTokenAsync() method, to get a REST or SOAP
API token. This is equivalent to the existing SDK CLI command token.
Windows x64
MacOS x64
Linux x64 (including RHEL 7+)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 x64
Windows x64
SHA256: E43A887B8F1B12A050F690955E656E1F4F354F778C51D29BBAFF976FEC1F8133
MacOS x64
SHA256: 24A3B34065F978F93FC3256324C73E3FD23BEB01B55D4CDEE9EA19EB18DB0D66
Linux x64
SHA256: ABD74DA5EF399FC5F6232FF72DC096938B3B7BE529E0A92D1B9FE28A83E1FC34
SHA256: 07DEFDB1F9FDB91F8795548B9A547DA68A488CC658D38D5860458E2B8CE1A55B
Legacy Releases 116
SDK Client version 1.3.0
Release Notes
Windows x64
MacOS x64
Linux x64 (including RHEL 7+)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 x64
Release Notes
Windows 10 x64
CentOS 7 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x64
Ubuntu 16.10 x64
MacOS 10.12 x64
To get the SDK NuGet packages, check out the documentation on our GitHub page This package is not required to use the SDK Client.
Note: The SDK Client and SDK NuGet packages are two separate projects with separate versioning. We actively work to maintain
feature parity between the two projects, but at times their features may differ. 117
Perl Example Code for SOAP
Secret Server webservices can be called using scripts. This example demonstrates how to authenticate and retrieve secrets programmatically
in Perl using SOAP. There are also PHP and C# versions.
This is a working example for Secret Server Online. A test user has been filled in and OrganizationCode passed in. The test user has been
restricted to only viewing secrets. If connecting to an installed instance, change the web reference URL to match your site and pass in an empty
string for organizationCode.
For instructions with using Perl and Integrated Windows Authentication see:
This example runs using standard Perl libraries. We used Strawberry Perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use XML::Parser;
# Update these values to match your user settings and instance URL. This example will work against Secret Server Online.
my $username = "ThycoticTest";
my $password= "passwordt";
my $organizationCode= "RT9R"; # Can be left blank for Secret Server Installed (on-premise) edition
my $domain = ""; # Only needed for AD login
my $WebServiceUrl = ""; # Or URL to your server and to the SSWebService.asmx file
# 1) Authentication Token
sub GetToken()
my($username, $password, $organizationCode, $domain) = @_;
my $url = $WebServiceUrl."/Authenticate?username=$username&password=$password&organization=$organizationCode&domain=$domain";
my $response = WSRequest($url);
my $token = "";
if ($response->is_success){
my $tokenXML = $response->content;
if ($tokenXML =~ m/<Token>(.+)<\/Token>/)
$ t o k e n = $ 1 ;
if($token eq "")
die "Login failed";
} else {
print $response->content;
return $token;
# 2) Load a Secret
# Note: The SecretId can be found by going to the SecretView page and in the QueryString will be SecretId=#
sub GetSecretLegacy()
my($token, $secretId) = @_;
my $url = $WebServiceUrl."/GetSecretLegacy?token=". $token . "&secretId=" . $secretId;
my $response = WSRequest($url);
my $secret;
if ($response->is_success){
$secret = $response->content;
return $secret;
} 118
sub WSRequest()
my($url) = @_;
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30);
my $header = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url, $header);
my $response = $agent->request($request);
return $response;
} 119
PHP Example Code for SOAP
Secret Server webservices can be called using scripts. This example demonstrates how to authenticate and retrieve secrets programmatically
in Perl using SOAP. There are also Perl and C# versions.
This is a working example for Secret Server Online. A test user has been filled in and OrganizationCode passed in. The test user has been
restricted to only viewing secrets. If connecting to an installed instance, change the web reference URL to match your site and pass in an empty
string for organizationCode.
$secretServerURL = """;
$username = "thycotictest";
$password = "password";
$organizationCode= "RT9R"; //only needed for Secret Server Online account
$secretId = 154178;
print $secretServerURL."\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
$params = array();
$params["username"] = $username;
$params["password"] = $password;
$params["organization"] = $organizationCode;
$authenticationResult = $soapClient->Authenticate($params);
$errors = (array) $authenticationResult->AuthenticateResult->Errors;
if(count($errors) > 0)
print "Login Error for user(".$username.") : ".$errors["string"]."\n";
} 120
$params = array();
$params["token"] = $token;
$params["secretId"] = $secretId;
$secretGetResult = $soapClient->GetSecret($params);
$errors = (array) $secretGetResult->GetSecretResult->Errors;
if(count($errors) > 0)
print "Error getting Secret Id (".$secretId.") : ".$errors["string"]."\n";
$secret = $secretGetResult->GetSecretResult->Secret;
$secretTemplateId = $secret->SecretTypeId;
$secretName = $secret->Name;
$secretItems = (array)$secret->Items->SecretItem;
print "\n\n";
$updatedSecret = $secret;
$timestamp = @date("M-d-Y h:i:s",time());
$updatedValue = "This value was updated through webservices at ".$timestamp;
$indexOfNotes = 3;
print "Updating the Field (".$updatedSecret->Items->SecretItem[$indexOfNotes]->FieldName.") to : \n'".$updatedValue."'\n\n";
$updatedSecret->Items->SecretItem[$indexOfNotes]->Value = $updatedValue;
$params = array();
$params["token"] = $token;
$params["secret"] = $updatedSecret;
$secretUpdateResult = $soapClient->UpdateSecret($params);
$errors = (array) $secretUpdateResult->UpdateSecretResult->Errors;
if(count($errors) > 0)
print "Error updating Secret Id (".$secretId.") : ".$errors["string"]."\n";
The following example finds a folder by name and return the information for each of the secrets within that folder.
$secretServerURL = """;
//$secretServerURL = "http://localhost/webservices/SSWebService.asmx?WSDL"";
$username = "thycotictest";
$password = "passwordt"; 121
$organizationCode= "RT9R"; //only needed for Secret Server Online account
$folderName = "MyFolderWithSecrets";
print $secretServerURL."\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
$version = $versionResult->VersionGetResult->Version;
print "\n";
print "\n";
$params = array();
$params["username"] = $username;
$params["password"] = $password;
$params["organization"] = $organizationCode;
$authenticationResult = $soapClient->Authenticate($params);
if(count($errors) > 0)
$token = $authenticationResult->AuthenticateResult->Token; 122
$params = array();
$params["token"] = $token;
$params["folderName"] = $folderName;
$folderGetResult = $soapClient->SearchFolders($params);
if(count($errors) > 0)
$count = 0;
$folders = $folderGetResult->SearchFoldersResult->Folders;
$folderName = $folder->Name;
$folderId = $folder->Id;
print "Folder Name: " .$folderName. "\nFolder Id: " .$folderId. "\n\n";
print "\n";
$secretListParams = array();
$secretListParams["token"] = $token;
$secretListParams["searchTerm"] = "";
$secretListParams["folderId"] = $folderId;
$secretListParams["includeSubFolders"] = false;
$secretListParams["includeDeleted"] = false;
$secretListParams["includeRestricted"] = false;
$secretsResult = $soapClient->SearchSecretsByFolder($secretListParams);
$isarray = is_array($secretsResult->SearchSecretsByFolderResult->SecretSummaries->SecretSummary);
$secrets = $secretsResult->SearchSecretsByFolderResult->SecretSummaries->SecretSummary;
$secrets = $secretsResult->SearchSecretsByFolderResult->SecretSummaries; 123
foreach($secrets as $secret){
$secretId = $secret->SecretId;
$secretParams = array();
$secretParams["token"] = $token;
$secretParams["secretId"] = $secretId;
$secretDetailsResult = $soapClient->GetSecretLegacy($secretParams);
$secretDetail = $secretDetailsResult->GetSecretLegacyResult->Secret;
$secretItems = $secretDetail->Items->SecretItem;
print "\n";
foreach($secretItems as $secretItem){
print "\n";
print "\n\n";
?> 124
REST API Client Generation with OpenAPI Swagger
Secret Server (SS) contains an OpenAPI Swagger specification file that describes the REST API endpoints. There are several Swagger-based
tools available to generate clients. This document describes using some popular ones to generate clients for different languages including C#,
Java, and PowerShell. The generated client facilitates calling the SS REST API and indicates API changes with new SS versions.
Note: Please use the article quick links on the right to jump to the section you are interested in.
Generating Clients
2. Copy and paste the swagger.json file for "Documentation for token authentication." This is located at: {Your SecretServer Base
3. Suggested settings:
Namespace: SecretServerAuthentication
Inject HttpClient via constructor
Generate default values for properties
4. Generate output.
6. Copy and paste the swagger.json for "Documentation for REST API using bearer token authentication." It is located at {Your SecretServer
Base Url}/Documents/restapi/TokenAuth/swagger.json.
7. Suggested Settings:
Namespace: SecretServerRestClient
Inject HttpClient via constructor
Generate default values for properties
8. Generate output.
Note: These client-generation instructions were written with OpenAPI Generator version 2.4.3, which was the latest version at the
time. Future versions may fix issues that necessitated some workarounds. If you are using a newer version, you may need to make
Note: These instructions assume that you have Java and .NET Core installed on your machine. They should work on all systems,
but the syntax will need to be tweaked for other shells. 125
2. Store the path to the relevant swagger.json files as variables. These variables can be either a local file path or a URL.
$oauthSwagger = 'OAuth/swagger.json'
$tokenAuthSwagger = 'TokenAuth/swagger.json'
3. Run the following commands to generate the necessary clients. You can run java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate to see advanced
options that you may wish to configure.
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $oauthSwagger -g csharp-netcore --skip-validate-spec --package-name SecretServerOAuth --remove-operation-id-prefix --
additional-properties=netCoreProjectFile=true -o oauth-csharp
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $tokenAuthSwagger -g csharp-netcore --skip-validate-spec --package-name SecretServerTokenAuth --remove-operation-id-prefix -
-additional-properties=netCoreProjectFile=true -o tokenauth-csharp
4. Edit several files to fix a bug in OpenAPI Generator. OpenAPI Generator generates code that uses the null-coalescing operator with non-
nullable enums, which is invalid C#.
For PowerShell:
(Get-Content -Path .\tokenauth-csharp\src\SecretServerTokenAuth\Model\WorkflowTemplateCreateArgs.cs) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace 'this\.WorkflowType = workflowType
\?\? throw new ArgumentNullException\("workflowType is a required property for WorkflowTemplateCreateArgs and cannot be null"\);;', 'this.WorkflowType = workflowType;'} |
Set-Content -Path .\tokenauth-csharp\src\SecretServerTokenAuth\Model\WorkflowTemplateCreateArgs.cs
(Get-Content -Path .\tokenauth-csharp\src\SecretServerTokenAuth\Model\Sort.cs) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace 'this\.Direction = direction \?\? throw new
ArgumentNullException\("direction is a required property for Sort and cannot be null"\);;', 'this.Direction = direction;'} | Set-Content -Path .\tokenauth-
6. Add the necessary .dll files to your project. The DLLs are located at the paths below:
// set to the root of the Secret Server instance with no trailing slash
const string basePath = "";
oauthConfig.BasePath = basePath;
tokenAuthConfig.BasePath = $"{basePath}/api/v1";
Console.WriteLine($"Token: {token.AccessToken}"); 126
var foldersApi = new FoldersApi(tokenAuthConfig);
var folder = await foldersApi.GetAsync(11);
Note: These client-generation instructions were written with OpenAPI Generator version 2.4.3, which was the latest version at the
time. Future versions may fix issues that necessitated some workarounds. If you are using a newer version, you may need to make
Note: These instructions assume that you have Java configured on your machine. JDK 8 or greater is required. These instructions
should work on all systems, but the syntax will need to be tweaked for other shells.
2. Store the path to the relevant swagger.json files as variables. These variables can be either a local file path or a URL.
$oauthSwagger = 'OAuth/swagger.json'
$tokenAuthSwagger = 'TokenAuth/swagger.json'
3. Run the following commands to generate the necessary clients. You can run java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate to see advanced
options that you may wish to configure.
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $oauthSwagger -g java --skip-validate-spec --invoker-package secretserver.oauth.client --api-package secretserver.oauth.api --
model-package secretserver.oauth.model --group-id secretserver --artifact-id secretserver.oauth --remove-operation-id-prefix -o oauth-java
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $tokenAuthSwagger -g
java --skip-validate-spec --invoker-package secretserver.tokenauth.client --api-package secretserver.tokenauth.api --model-package secretserver.tokenauth.model --group-id
secretserver --artifact-id secretserver.tokenauth --remove-operation-id-prefix -o tokenauth-java
4. Follow the instructions in oauth-java/ to include the package in your build process. Alternatively, follow the steps below to
generate JAR files and test.
cd oauth-java
mvn clean install -DskipTests # this step will throw errors about HTML documentation generation that can be ignored
cd ..\tokenauth-java
mvn clean install -DskipTests # this step will throw errors about HTML documentation generation that can be ignored
5. Include the following JARs in your project (replace version numbers as necessary):
// set to the root of the Secret Server instance with no trailing slash
String basePath = "";
tokenAuthClient.setBasePath(basePath + "/api/v1"); 127
Note: These client-generation instructions were written with OpenAPI Generator version 2.4.3, which was the latest version at the
time. Future versions may fix issues that necessitated some workarounds. If you are using a newer version, you may need to make
Note: These instructions assume that you have Java configured on your machine. JDK 8 or greater is required. Only Windows is
supported at this time, though PowerShell Core does work.
2. Store the path to the relevant swagger.json files as variables. These variables can be either a local file path or a URL.
$oauthSwagger = 'OAuth/swagger.json'
$tokenAuthSwagger = 'TokenAuth/swagger.json'
3. Run the following commands to generate the necessary clients. You can run java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate to see advanced
options that you may wish to configure.
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $oauthSwagger -g java --skip-validate-spec --invoker-package secretserver.oauth.client --api-package secretserver.oauth.api --
model-package secretserver.oauth.model --group-id secretserver --artifact-id secretserver.oauth --remove-operation-id-prefix -o oauth-java
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i $tokenAuthSwagger -g java --skip-validate-spec --invoker-package secretserver.tokenauth.client --api-package
secretserver.tokenauth.api --model-package secretserver.tokenauth.model --group-id secretserver --artifact-id secretserver.tokenauth --remove-operation-id-prefix -o
5. Edit one of the build files that will be used in the next step to significantly decrease build time:
Get-ChildItem .\tokenauth-ps\src\SecretServerTokenAuth\*.ps1 -rec | %{ $f=$_; (Get-Content $f.PSPath) | %{ $_ -replace '\[SecretServerTokenAuth.Model.System.Guid\]',
'[System.Guid]' } | %{ $_ -replace '\[System.Nullable\[String\]\]', '[byte[]]' } | Set-Content $f.PSPath }
6. Run the following commands to build the PowerShell modules. -Verbose can be specified if desired.
Import-Module .\oauth-ps\src\SecretServerOAuth
Import-Module .\tokenauth-ps\src\SecretServerTokenAuth
8. Set the base path of each module. Only edit the first line below. The value must be the full URL to the root of Secret Server with no
trailing slash, for example
$basePath = ''
[SecretServerOAuth.Client.Configuration]::Default.BasePath = $basePath
[SecretServerTokenAuth.Client.Configuration]::Default.BasePath = "$basePath/api/v1" 128
11. Set the TokenAuth module to use the token:
[SecretServerTokenAuth.Client.Configuration]::Default.AddApiKey('Authorization', "$($token.TokenType) $($token.AccessToken)")
12. Test the folder service Get endpoint (replace the ID as needed):
Invoke-FoldersApiGet -id 11
Note: The $token variable contains a property called ExpiresIn that gives the number of seconds in which the token will expire. The
endpoint must be called again to generate a new token.
Note: Steps 11 and 12 can be called repeatedly to generate a new token and set it on the auth module.
Postman Workspace
Postman is a REST client with a GUI to easily test API requests. To automatically generate a workspace with SS API calls, click the Import
button and choose whether to use a local file or a URL. Ensure the Generate a Postman Collection check box is selected. The program
appears to be doing nothing while importing, but will inform you of success shortly.
Insomnia Workspace
Insomnia is a REST client similar to Postman. To automatically generate a workspace with SS API calls, first click the arrow to open the
dropdown, then click Import/Export. Click Import Data, then From File or From URL as desired.
Note: These client-generation instructions were written with OpenAPI Generator version 4.3.0, which was the latest version at the
time. Future versions may fix issues that necessitated some workarounds. If you are using a newer version, you may need to make
Several sections above require OpenAPI Generator. You can download it manually from this link or use the commands below.
Note: OpenAPI Generator requires the Java SDK (8 or greater) to be installed and configured.
Mac or Linux:
wget -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
If you use an SSL certificate that is self-signed or otherwise not technically valid, OpenAPI Generator throws an error if you try to use a URL to
swagger.json instead of a local file (or when using the Java client). To fix this, you need to import the certificate into Java's certificate store. The
following example commands are for Windows, but the same concept applies to Mac and Linux as well.
Java 8 stores the cacerts keystore in JAVA_HOME unless it was explicitly changed. keytool should also be on your PATH if java itself is.
Some features in our REST API are not currently supported in Swagger 2.0. For example, the sort is an array of a complex objects. The actual
API will accept multiple sort levels by passing this query string, paging.sortBy[0].name=secretname&paging.sortBy[1].name=folderid. The auto-generated
client only allows you to specify the first sort by default. To specify multiple sorts, the serialization needs to be customized. We assumed that 129
multiple sorting levels is probably an advanced feature and or choice will work for most. 130
REST API PowerShell Script Examples
Note: The REST API is available as of SS 9.1.
Note: For a full reference of the REST endpoints and parameters, see the REST API Guide.
Note: When using the API to search secrets, the account used must have at least “view” permissions on the full folder path to find
the secret.
Note: Secret Server Cloud exclusively supports TLS 1.2. This version includes fixes for known vulnerabilities in older TLS versions
and will eventually be required for PCI compliance. The following will need to be added to the top of your scripts because
PowerShell defaults to TLS 1.0: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Note: Secret Server Cloud API users: If Thycotic One is enabled, and an API user logging on has an email address set in Secret
Server, the user must use the Thycotic One password, instead of the local SS password. Using a local account password will fail.
Use one of these workarounds:
OAuth Authentication
Note: If your account is secured with 2FA, use the -UseTwoFactor switch to be prompted to enter your two-factor OTP code.
Function Get-Token
[Switch] $UseTwoFactor
$creds = @{
username = $username
password = $password
grant_type = "password"
$headers = $null
If ($UseTwoFactor) {
$headers = @{
"OTP" = (Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your OTP for 2FA: ")
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "$application/oauth2/token" -Method Post -Body $creds -Headers $headers;
$token = $response.access_token;
return $token;
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream();
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result);
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "ERROR: $($responseBody.error)"
} 131
Windows Authentication
Searching Secrets
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = ""
#Write-Host $token
Write-Host "------------------------------"
Write-Host "----- Secret Search Values -----"
Write-Host "------------------------------"
Write-Host $result.filter.searchField
Write-Host $
foreach($secret1 in $result.records)
Write-Host $" - "$" - "$secret1.folderId - $secret1.lastHeartBeatStatus
Write-Host "------------------------------"
Write-Host "----- Secret Lookup Values -----"
Write-Host "------------------------------"
Write-Host $result.filter.searchField
Write-Host $
foreach($secret in $result.records)
Write-Host $" - "$secret.value
Write-Host "------------------------------"
catch [System.Net.WebException]
Write-Host "----- Exception -----"
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$reader.DiscardBufferedData() 132
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host $responseBody.errorCode " - " $responseBody.message
foreach($modelState in $responseBody.modelState)
Creating a Secret
$site = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$site/api/v1"
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = ""
Write-Host $token
$templateId = 6001
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/secrets/stub?filter.secrettemplateid=$templateId" -Headers $headers
$timestamp = Get-Date
$ = "$timestamp"
$secret.secretTemplateId = $templateId
$secret.AutoChangeEnabled = $true
$secret.autoChangeNextPassword = "NextpA$$w0rd"
$secret.SiteId = 1
$secret.IsDoubleLock = $true
foreach($item in $secret.items)
if($item.fieldName -eq "Domain")
$item.itemValue = "theDomain"
if($item.fieldName -eq "Username")
$item.itemValue = "myaccountname"
if($item.fieldName -eq "Password")
$item.itemValue = "!@#ssword1"
if($item.fieldName -eq "Notes")
$item.itemValue = "TheNotes"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "-----Create secret -----"
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/secrets/" -Method Post -Body $secretArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" 133
Write-Host $
catch [System.Net.WebException]
Write-Host "----- Exception -----"
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $responseBody
Editing a Secret
$site = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$site/api/v1"
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = ""
Write-Host $token
$secretId = 45
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/secrets/$secretId/" -Headers $headers
$timestamp = Get-Date
$secret.Active = $true
$secret.Name = "Updated Secret$timestamp.Ticks"
$secret.folderId = 1101
$secret.LauncherConnectAsSecretId = -1
$secret.AutoChangeEnabled = $false
$secret.RequiresComment = $false
$secret.CheckOutEnabled = $false
$secret.CheckOutIntervalMinutes = 17
$secret.CheckOutChangePasswordEnabled = $true
$secret.ProxyEnabled = $true
$secret.SessionRecordingEnabled = $true
$secret.PasswordTypeWebScriptId = -1
$secret.SiteId = 1
$secret.EnableInheritSecretPolicy = $false
$secret.SecretPolicyId = -1
$secret.AutoChangeNextPassword = "pass1232"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "-----Update secret -----"
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/secrets/$secretId" -Method Put -Body $secretArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" 134
Write-Host $secretUpdate
catch [System.Net.WebException]
Write-Host "----- Exception -----"
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $responseBody
Checking in a Secret
$site = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$site/api/v1"
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = ""
Write-Host $token
$secretId = 3803
#SecretArgs are only required as needed for the REST endpoint. ForceCheckIn may be relevant if the secret has been checked out by another user since you will need to
force checkin to use the secret. This removes the other user's checkin and rotates the password if the secret is configured to do so.
$secretArgs = @{
#Comment ="Passing a comment"
#ForceCheckIn = $false
}| ConvertTo-Json
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/secrets/$secretId/check-in" -Method Post -Body $secretArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Host $secret
Write-Host $secret[0].message
Write-Host $secret[0].code 135
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $responseBody
Deleting a Secret
$site = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$site/api/v1"
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = ""
Write-Host $token
$secretId = 11231
$timestamp = Get-Date
Creating a User
$site = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$site/api/v1"
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$token = "" 136
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "$site/oauth2/token" -Method Post -Body $creds
$token = $response.access_token;
Write-Host $token
# create user
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "----- Create a User -----"
$timestamp = Get-Date
$userCreateArgs = @{
userName = "newuser$timestamp"
password = "faW1fs@3S@"
DisplayName = "new user$timestamp"
enabled = $true
emailAddress = "newuser$"
twoFactor = $false
radiusUserName = "aRadiusName"
radiusTwoFactor = $false
DomainId = 1
isApplicationAccount = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json
$user = Invoke-RestMethod "$api/users" -Headers $headers -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $userCreateArgs
Write-Host "New User ID : " $
Write-Debug "----- Exception -----"
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host $responseBody.errorCode " - " $responseBody.message
foreach($modelState in $responseBody.modelState)
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$response = $null
$token = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$site/oauth2/token" -Body $creds 137
$token = $response.access_token;
echo $token
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$endpoint ="$site/api/v1/secrets/$secretId/fields/$fieldToUpdate"
$body = @{
value = "newhost"
}| ConvertTo-Json
echo $endpoint
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Updating Field $fieldToUpdate"
$response = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $endpoint -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body
echo $response;
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Getting value from $fieldToUpdate"
$response = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $endpoint -Headers $headers
echo $response;
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Uploading file from $fileFieldToUpdate"
$endpoint ="$site/api/v1/secrets/$fileSecretId/fields/$fileFieldToUpdate"
echo $endpoint
$secretArgs = @{
fileName = "test.pem"
fileAttachment = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\temp\test.pem")
} | ConvertTo-Json
$response = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $endpoint -Headers $headers -Body $secretArgs -ContentType "application/json"
echo $response
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Downloading file from $fileFieldToUpdate"
echo $endpoint
$response = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $endpoint -Headers $headers #-OutFile "c:\temp\outfile2.pem"
Write-Host $response.Length
Write-Host $response
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
catch [System.Net.WebException]
Write-Host "----- Exception -----"
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 138
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $responseBody.errorCode " - " $responseBody.message
foreach($modelState in $responseBody.modelState)
Expiring a Token
$creds = @{
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"
grant_type = "password"
$response = $null
$token = $null
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$site/oauth2/token" -Body $creds
$token = $response.access_token;
echo $token
$token = $response.access_token;
Write-Host $token
foreach($user in $pagedUsers.records)
Write-Host $user.userName
# expire token
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "----- Expire Token -----" 139
$token = ""
#echo "----------------"
#echo "--Authenticate--"
#echo "----------------"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/oauth2/token" -Method Post -Body $creds -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Host $responseBody
Write-Host "Start"
$adminUsername = '<username>'
$adminPassword = '<password>'
$adminDomain = $null
$uri = "https://<Secret Server URL>"
$api = "$uri/api/v1" 140
$timeStamp = Get-Date
$folderStub.folderName = "Rest Folder" + $timeStamp
$folderStub.folderTypeId = 1
$folderStub.inheritPermissions = $false
$folderStub.inheritSecretPolicy = $false
$folderAddResult = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/folders" -Method POST -Body $folderArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
$folderId = $
if($folderId-gt 1)
echo ""
echo "-----------------------"
echo "--Add Folder Successful--"
echo "-----------------------"
echo ""
echo $folderAddResult | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to Add a folder."
$timeStamp = Get-Date
$folderStub.folderName = "Rest Child Folder" + $timeStamp
$folderStub.folderTypeId = 1
$folderStub.inheritPermissions = $false
$folderStub.inheritSecretPolicy = $false
$folderStub.parentFolderId = $
$folderChildAddResult = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/folders" -Method POST -Body $folderArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
$childfolderId = $
if($childfolderId-gt 1)
echo ""
echo "-----------------------"
echo "--Add Child Folder Successful--"
echo "-----------------------"
echo ""
echo $folderChildAddResult | ConvertTo-Json 141
Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to Add a Child folder."
$childFolderId = $
$childFolderGetResult = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/folders/$childFolderId" -Method GET -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"
$foldername = "UpdatedFolderNAME"
$childFolderGetResult.folderName = $foldername
$childFolderGetResult.folderTypeId = 1
$childFolderGetResult.inheritPermissions = $true
$childFolderGetResult.inheritSecretPolicy = $false
$childFolderUpdateResult = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/folders/$childFolderId" -Method PUT -Body $childFolderUpdateArgs -Headers $headers -ContentType
$searchFilter ="?filter.searchText=UpdatedFolderNAME"
$name = "UpdatedFolderNAME"
if($ -gt 0 -and $folder.folderName -eq $name)
echo ""
echo "------------------------------"
echo "--Search Folder Successful--"
echo "------------------------------"
echo ""
echo $group
Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to Search Folders."
$lookupFilter = "?filter.searchText=Updated" 142
echo "--Lookup Folder Successful--"
echo "------------------------------"
echo ""
echo $folder
Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to Lookup Folders."
$permissionResults = Invoke-RestMethod $api"/folder-permissions" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body $permissionArgs -ContentType "application/json"
if($permissionResults.FolderId -eq $folderId)
echo ""
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "--Add Folder Permissions Successful--"
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo $permissionResults
Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to Add Folder Permissions."
$folderPermissionId = $ 143
REST Web Services API Reference and Download
The Secret Server (SS) REST API guides are version specific. In fact, they are automatically generated when a SS version is created. Thus, to
ensure you have the correct guides for your SS version, it is best (but not required) to access the documentation from that version of SS;
however there are many reasons why this might not be practical, so we provide download links below.
1. For SS versions 10.5.3 and later with the new user interface, click the icon in the top right of the dashboard and click Secret Server
REST API Guide. The Secret Server REST API Guide page appears.
2. On the Secret Server REST API page of your instance, click the link for one of the three guides:
Documentation for REST API using bearer token authentication: Hyperlinked documentation for REST API access using
token authentication.
Documentation for token authentication: Instructions for getting an authentication token.
Documentation for REST API using Windows integrated authentication: Hyperlinked documentation for REST API access
using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA).
Note: Only use the following links if you cannot easily access a guide from a version of SS. There is a possibility the guides below
are not the most current versions.
Current Version
Legacy Documentation
Example Scripts:
PowerShell Examples
Java Examples
Perl Examples
Note: For REST API Client Generation (Advanced), please see REST API Client Generation with OpenAPI Swagger 144
Secret Server Software Development Kit for DevOps
This Secret Server Software Development Kit (SDK) for DevOps tool, or simply SDK, was created for securing and streamlining DevOps
processes with regard to SS. The SDK for DevOps tool allows you to more efficiently engage SS via a Command Line Interface (CLI) without
compromising security. It allows you to securely retrieve credentials from and track access to a secure vault.
The SDK uses the SS REST API. The SDK is a .NET library (available via a NuGet package), which you can use in a custom application. The
SDK .NET library exposes a limited subset of the REST API.
Note: See the Thycotic SDK Integration Doc on GitHub for more information.
There is also a .NET Core CLI SDK Client that uses the SDK .NET library. The SDK Client was created to allow customers to write automation
scripts to access secrets without having to write code to directly access the REST API.
The .NET SDK library and the .NET Core CLI client both:
Automatically store the credentials and remote server in an encrypted file used to acquire an OAUTH token. The token is then used to
make subsequent API calls. OAUTH tokens have an expiration time, which is configurable in the UI on the configuration page via the
“Session Timeout for Webservices” value.
Get the contents of a secret.
Provide client-side caching (SDK client caching)
Secret Server has user and application accounts. Both types can access SS via the REST API. Application accounts are not counted for
licensing purposes. Application account can only access SS via the REST API. Both account types never expire.
Secret Server provides security for automated clients. SDK rules manage permissions. Client IDs are created when SecretServerClient.Configure() or
tss init is called. The client ID is used to reference SDK client instances.
Note: For REST API Client Generation (Advanced), please see REST API Client Generation with OpenAPI Swagger
Note: We have a Python SDK that is independent of the SDK .NET library. It allows a Python script to access secrets without
requiring REST knowledge. It has access to a small subset of the REST API.
How It Works
The SDK is a console application written in .NET Core that wires up its own credentials based on the machine it is installed on. Those
credentials, called "DevOps Users", do not have any rights in SS but can be assigned to other SS users or application user accounts,
mimicking permissions to access secrets.
This removes the widespread DevOps issues with hard coding credentials into scripts and configuration files. Instead, the target system is
registered via IP address that is white listed, which provides REST authentication without entering user credentials. You can use the SDK to
retrieve a REST user token for our REST API, or you can use the SDK to perform direct queries on SS.
In summary, the SDK establishes secure access points so that power users can employ the SS API directly from the CLI, without wasting time
entering privileged account passwords.
Configuration Overview
Secret Server exposes a REST API interface the is used by the SDK client. When the SDK sends a REST request, SS determines where the
request came from (via IP address) and what permissions it should be granted (via a rule set in SS). Thus, once the client is initialized with the
SS and the rule name, that configuration is stored and encrypted on the client, ready for subsequent calls.
token retrieval
secret retrieval
secret field retrieval
Note: We expect to expand the SDK’s capabilities over time to allow even greater access to the REST API. 145
The SDK requires setup in two areas: SS configuration and SDK installation on the DevOps system.
Administer Configuration: Allows a user to enable SDK functionality in SS, that is, to enable webservices and enable the SDK itself.
Administer Users: Allows a user to use the SDK to retrieve account credentials on client machines. Alternatively, you can be the owner
of the application account used by the SDK.
Administer Create Users: Allows a user to access the Admin > SDK Client Management page in SS.
Setup Procedure
4. Click to select the Enable Webservices check box in the Application Settings section.
6. Select and setup any application accounts that you want for use by SDK clients. Make sure these application accounts have appropriate
permissions to access any secrets or execute any operations the client host needs to perform. To create a new account with the needed
2. Click the Create New button. The Edit User page appears:
3. Type the account name in the User Name and Display Name text boxes.
4. Type a password in the Password and Confirm text boxes. Record the password for future use. 146
5. Click the Advanced link. The Advance section appears: 147
7. Create a new role:
2. Click the Create New button. The Role Edit page appears: 148
3. Type the new role name in the Role Name text box.
4. Assign the View Secret permission to that role. The permission appears in the Permissions Assigned text box. You can add
additional permissions later as needed.
5. Click the Save button. The new role appears in the Roles table.
10. Type SDK in the Search text box and select SDK Client Management. The SDK Client Management page appears: 149
6. Click the + Rule link. A new rule appears:
7. Type a short, unique name in the Rule Name text box. Clients must provide a valid rule name when connecting. For example:
8. Type an IPV 4 address or address range (in CIDR notation) in the Details text box. SS will only allow clients to use this rule if they
connect from a valid IP address. If not provided, SS will not enforce IP address restrictions on this rule. We strongly recommend using this
9. Click to select the application account you created earlier in the Assignment dropdown list. Clients are granted the same permissions as
this account within SS. If not provided, an account will be automatically created for clients, but will have no default permissions. You must
use an application account (the one you created) for a rule. Application accounts are restricted from logging into the system through the
normal user interface and do not count towards your license quota.
10. Click to select the Require this generated onboarding key check box. Clients must provide a generated additional key string when
authenticating. If not provided, SS allow any client to use the rule if its IP address is within the specified range. We strongly recommend
using this feature.
11. Click the Save button. The Show Key link appears.
12. Click the Show Key link to save the generated onboarding key (something like TFyORLL1teQmD8OAMstqKGWkJGksFRtaelY0b2NnhsM=) for
future use. It will not be visible again.
Note: If you cannot copy the key text after selecting it, you probably need to add the Secret Server Utilities extension for your
browser. For now, just manually copy it.
Note: This requires Secret Server version 10.4+ or Secret Server Cloud 150
Note: IWA is not supported by the SDK.
Note: You can use any any operating system supported by .NET Core 2.1. See .NET Core 2.1 - Supported OS Versions on GitHub.
4. On non-Windows systems, you must make the tss program executable by running chmod u+x tss.
6. To confirm the SDK client tool is installed and working, run the help:
Before the client can retrieve data from SS, it must be initialized to connect to the SS instance. This is a one-time operation on the client
Run tss init --url <url> -r <rule> -k <key> using the parameters you recorded earlier for your SS instance.
SS is hosted at https://myserver/SecretServer/
You created a rule named ProductionWebApp
Your onboarding key is CNrQwRBscnq4qAZ6v3EIAcE27vQuLlz6KSpfRJHryyA=
Note: You can also start the SDK client in interactive mode (tss -i) and follow the prompts to run the init command.
Secret Server will validate that the client-provided information is correct and that the IP address matches the configured restrictions. If
successful, the client and server have established the connection, and the client can now be used to retrieve SS data.
Usage Examples
Retrieving a secret by ID (returns a JSON structure describing the entire secret record): tss secret -s 4
Retrieving all secret field values for a secret by ID: tss secret -s 4 -ad
Retrieving only the value of a particular secret field by secret ID: tss secret -s 4 -f password
Writing a secret field value to a file: tss secret -s 4 -f password -o passwordfile.txt
Retrieving an access token for use in other REST API requests: tss token
The SDK client also includes an interactive mode (tss -i) that allows you to input multiple commands into a series of prompts. To exit interactive
mode, run the exit command.
To view and manage a list of connected SDK clients from within SS:
2. Type SDK in the Search text box and select SDK Client Management. The SDK Client Management page appears. 151
3. Click the Accounts tab. A list of connected SDK clients SDK appears. You can remove or rename them. You can use the
Enable/Disable button at the top of the page to disable and re-enable all SDK client activity.
Note: If you remove a connected client, it may be able to reconnect unless you alter or remove the rule that it used. You can
use the button above the grid to disable and re-enable all SDK client activity.
6. To remove the SS connection from a client machine, run the tss remove command. This deletes the connection, and the client can no
longer retrieve SS data without being re-initialized.
To increase performance and reliability, you can configure the SDK client to cache values retrieved from SS on the client machine. Cached
values are stored encrypted on disk. You can configure client caching in one of four ways:
Never (0): With this default setting, the client never caches SS data. All data requests result in a query directly against the SSS instance.
If the instance is unavailable, the requests fail.
Server Then Cache (1): With this setting, the client first attempts to retrieve the value from the server. If the server is unavailable, it
checks to see if the same value has been previously fetched within a given period, and if so, it will returns the cached value. Use this
setting to guard against losing the connection to SS.
Cache Then Server (2): With this setting, the client first checks to see if the same value has been previously fetched within a given
period. If so, it returns the value without consulting the server. If not, it fetches, caches, and returns the value from the server. Use this
setting for increased performance by reducing requests sent to SS.
Cache Then Server Fallback on Expired Cache (3): This strategy operates similarly to “Cache Then Server,” but if the server is
unavailable and an expired value exists in the cache, the client returns that value as a last resort. Use this strategy for increased
performance and reliability.
All these cache strategies have a configurable age, in minutes, after which the value is considered expired and not used (except in “Cache
Then Server Fallback” mode). Cache settings are set using the client application. See the examples below.
Turn on “Cache Then Server” setting with a cache age of five minutes: tss cache --strategy 2 --age 5
Important: Anytime you use a cached value, recent changes made to SS may not be applied, including changes to the value itself,
permissions, or other access control settings. Examine your organization’s security policies and application requirements to
determine the best cache settings to use. 152
SOAP API PowerShell Script Examples
Note: To use the SOAP API you first must enable Webservices. To do so, go to Admin > Configuration general tab. Enabling
Webservices simply makes the ASP.NET SOAP and REST Webservices built into Secret Server available.
Basic Authentication
echo $token
$otp = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your OTP for 2FA (displayed in your 2FA app): "
$tokenResult = $proxy.AuthenticateRADIUS($username, $password, '', $domain, $otp)
if($tokenResult.Errors.Count -gt 0)
echo "Authentication Error: " + $tokenResult.Errors[0]
$token = $tokenResult.Token
echo $token
Windows Authentication
Searching Secrets 153
$username = "ssadmin"
$password = "sspass1"
$domain = ""
echo $token
echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo "----- List Secrets in folder $folderId -----"
echo "--------------------------------------------"
foreach($secretSummary in $secretSummaries)
$msg = $secretSummary.SecretName + "(ID : " + $secretSummary.SecretId + ")"
echo $msg
# Load the secret
$secret = $proxy.GetSecret($token, $secretSummary.SecretId, $true, $null).Secret;
echo "--------------------------------------------"
Creating Secrets
# Helper Function
echo $token 154
# Define the Secret Template
$templateName = "Windows Account"
$template = $proxy.GetSecretTemplates($token).SecretTemplates | Where {$_.Name -eq $templateName}
if($ -eq $null)
echo "Error: Unable to find Secret Template " + $templateName
# Password is set to null so will generate a new one based on settings on template
$newPass = $null
if($newPass -eq $null)
echo "Generating New Password for account"
$secretFieldIdForPassword = (GetFieldId $template "Password")
$newPass = $proxy.GeneratePassword($token, $secretFieldIdForPassword).GeneratedPassword
# Define the username on the Secret and name of the Secret after $machine\
CreateNewSecret '<username for the Secret>’
Editing Secrets 155
$token = $tokenResult.Token
echo $token
# Retrieves the Secret to be editted, replace <Secret ID> with the appropriate number
$secretId = "1"
echo $token
$proxy.GetCheckOutStatus($token, $secretId)
# Check in Secret
$proxy.CheckIn($token, $secretId) 156
# Create the AD account
# Enter the Name, SamAccountName, DisplayName, and Password for the AD account and create it in AD
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$name = "< name >"
$samUsr = "< sam user name >"
$displayName = "< display name >"
$pwd = "< ad user password >"
New-ADUser `
-Name $name `
-Path "OU=Webservices Sandbox,OU=UNLOCKED,DC=thycotic,DC=unlocked" `
-SamAccountName $samUsr `
-DisplayName $displayName `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -Force) `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $true `
-Enabled $true
# Helper Function
function GetFieldId($template, [string]$name) {
echo $token
# Define the password on the Secret using the password you specified earlier when creating the AD account
$newPass = $pwd
if($newPass -eq $null)
echo "Generating New Password for account"
$secretFieldIdForPassword = (GetFieldId $template "Password") 157
$newPass = $proxy.GeneratePassword($token, $secretFieldIdForPassword).GeneratedPassword
# Define the Secret's name format ($domain(Line 58) and $accountUserName(Line 102)
$secretName = $domain + "\" + $accountUserName
# Define the username on the Secret and name of the Secret after $domain\
CreateNewSecret $samUsr
echo $token
# Get Secret
$secretId = "< your secret Id >"
# Apply the Group set beforehand with either View, Edit, or Owner permissions
echo "Update permision for secret $secretId" 158
$proxy.UpdateSecretPermission($token, $secretId, $group, $false, $true, $false) 159
SSH Terminal Administration
This document discusses using an SSH terminal with Thycotic Secret Server (SS).
Feature Summary
Connect using SSH to a terminal hostname and port to log in to terminal and run commands
Display available commands on successful login (display again with man command)
Can set an inactivity timeout. Can be set to disabled or with a two-minute minimum.
Use the SSH terminal interface to SS for viewing and launching secrets
System Requirements
Administer Configuration
Administer Proxying Configuration
View Configuration
View Proxying Configuration 160
Enabling SSH Terminal on Secret Server
1. Prerequisites:
Must meet Admin permission requirements (see Secret Server Permission Requirements)
Secret Server Professional or Platinum Edition license
2. Type your SSH proxy configuration settings (see "Configuring SSH Proxies for Launchers" in the Secret Server Administration Guide):
Note: To launch a secret via the terminal, the secret must have proxy enabled. Only SSH-based credentials can be launched in the
terminal. 161
1. Specify the IP address for nodes (and engines) that will run SSH proxy:
3. Set the SSH Public Host. This is the public hostname or IP that the client launcher connects to. In most cases, this is the same as the
SSH bind address; however, there are cases where the public IP or host differs from the private IP that SS should bind to, such as NAT or
Amazon EC2 instances.
4. Set the SSH Bind IP Address. This defaults to ( The IP Address of the network adapter that the SS SSH listener should bind to.
This should not be localhost or If you are not sure which bind IP address to use, you may use, which binds to all IPv4
interfaces on the machine.
SSH terminal can also run on each proxy-enabled distributed engine (DE) site.
Note: To launch secrets on non-local sites, users must connect to an SSH terminal over an engine on this site.
1. From any SSH terminal, connect to hostname or IP address and port, as specified in the SSH Proxy Configuration page. Use the DE
hostname or IP if connecting to an engine. Examples:
ssh -p 22
ssh user54@ -p 22
2. If not provided in the SSH connect command, enter your SS username and password at the Login as: prompt. 162
3. If successful, you will see the terminal banner displayed, along with a list of available commands.
Logging in to SSH terminal counts against the number of concurrent SS sessions a user is allowed. For example, if Maximum concurrent
logins per user is set to “1” and the user john.smith is logged into the SS Web user interface, then john.smith logs into SSH terminal, his first
Web session will end, and he will have to log in again to use the Web user interface.
SSH terminal is considered a Web service and can be used with two factor authentication (2FA). To enable 2FA for terminal:
1. Follow the steps in the Two-Factor Authentication section of the Secret Server Administration Guide to set up 2FA.
2. Go to Admin > Configuration > Login > Require Two Factor for these Login Types and select one of these:
3. Enable 2FA on the SS user by going to Admin > Users > Select a user > Edit > Two Factor and select the 2FA option.
4. From any SSH terminal, connect to hostname or IP address and port, as specified in the SSH Proxy Configuration page. Use the
distributed engine hostname or IP if connecting to an engine. Examples:
ssh -p 22
ssh username@ -p 22
5. If not provided in the SSH connect command, enter your SS username and password at the Login as: prompt.
6. You will be prompted for a PIN or custom challenge message by your 2FA provider. Example:
7. If successful, you will see the terminal banner displayed, along with a list of available commands.
When manipulating secrets containing special characters, such as single quotes and double quotes, you must escape those characters in the
Example: To search for an item with a space in the name, put the name in single or double quotes: 163
Example: To search for an item with a single quote embedded in the name, there are two options:
Example: Similarly, to search for an item with a double quote embedded in the name, there are two options:
Terminal Commands
Displays command help for specific or all commands. Man is short for manual.
search [-st] <search_text> [-f <folder_id>] [-fav] [-r] [-sf <search_field>] [-skip <skip_results>] [-s] [-t <secret_template_id>] [-take <max_results>]
Returns a list of SS secrets by keyword, which you can filter using several command-line switches.
-st <search_text>
Required. Text to search for. -st is optional. Returns 25 results by default. Use -take to change from the default.
-f <folder_id> 164
Only search "favorite" secrets.
Ignore restricted secrets in the search. Restricted secrets are included by default.
ID of the secret field to limit the search to. Potential fields, which vary by secret template, can include the following examples:
Contact Number
Email Address
First Name
Home Phone
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Skip this number of initial results. Useful for processing "pages" of results.
-t <secret_template_id>
Only search secrets based on the template with this template ID.
-take <max_results>
Take a total of only this number of results. Useful for processing "pages" of results. Defaults to 25 results.
Examples 165
Find a list of secrets matching "admin." Returns 25 results (the default).
search admin
Find a list of "favorite" secrets matching "jones" in any field Returns 25 results (the default).
search admin -take 50
Find a list of secrets with "Zardoz" in the "Secret Name" field. Return 50 results, starting with the 51st secret found.
search admin -skip 25 -r
Find a list of secrets matching “admin” in any field. Return 25 results, which is the default. Skip the first 25 results. Ignore restricted secrets.
Displays information on a secret. The available information depends on the secret's template. cat is short for concatenate.
Catches access errors, such as “comment required” or “requires approval”, and displays them on the terminal
Provides launch connection command instructions. Shows the correct launch parameter and a connection string (if the terminal
connection and the site on the secret do not match).
Note: If a required access element is not provided in the command, the terminal will respond with an error that should indicate what
is missing.
[-s|-id|-secret-id] <secret_id>
cat 24
Display the contents of the secret with the ID 24. Only works after access is approved. 166
cat -id 24
Alternate syntax. Display the contents of the secret with the ID 24.
cat -id 25 -comment “Viewing this secret”
Add a "view" comment to, and then display the contents of the secret with the ID 25.
cat -id 26 -comment “Requesting view access to install software” -ticket 123 -ticketsystemid 2
Add an "access request" comment to the secret with the ID 26. Assign the request the ticket number 123 and the ticket system ID of 2 to that
Note: The most common secret restrictions are “requires view comment” or “requires access request.” The -comment parameter takes
care of both of these because the underlying API call (SecretAccessCreateArgs) is agnostic.
Audits launches
[-s|-id|-secret-id] <secret_id>
Machine name for the launch. This may be required if a customized secret template does not contain a machine field or a launcher requires a
machine entry on launch.
[-t|-ticket <ticket_number>]
launch 24
Begins the SSH proxy session with the secret with the ID 24 and the specified credentials and machine. Only works after access is approved.
launch -id 24 167
Alternate syntax. Begins the SSH proxy session with the secret with the ID 24 and the specified credentials and machine. Only works after
access is approved.
launch -id 25 -comment “Launching this secret”
Submits a "view" comment to the secret with ID 25. Begins the SSH proxy session with secret credentials and machine.
launch -id 26 -machine XYZ -comment “Requesting view to launch temporary sudo account for the XYZ machine”
Submits an "access request" comment to the secret with ID 26 on the machine XYZ with the ticket number 123 and ticket system ID 2.
Enabled for proxy (SS > Secret > Security > Enable Proxy)
Shared with the terminal user
1. If the secret ID is unknown, search for the desired secret with the search command:
1. To view secret detail, get the secret ID from search results, and run
cat <secret_id> 168
5. To launch the secret, enter the launch command as specified in the last line of secret details:
launch <secret_id>
6. To exit the launch session and return to the terminal, type exit.
Enabled for proxy (SS > Secret > Security > Enable Proxy) 169
Shared with the terminal user
3. If secret ID is unknown, search for the desired secret with the search command:
4. To view secret detail, get the secret ID from search results, and run
cat <secret_id> 170
5. Note that the connection is not made, and instructions are displayed for logging into another distributed engine terminal to launch the
7. Type exit and press <Enter> to disconnect from the current session:
9. Enter the password to log in, and the secret should immediately launch.
Enabled for proxy (SS > Secret > Security > Enable Proxy)
Shared with the terminal user
2. If the secret ID and connection string is known, you can log in and immediately launch the secret with the following command: 171
ssh <secret_server_username>@<hostname_or_ip> -p <Port> -t launch <secre_id>
3. If you do not know that connection string, log into terminal and run:
cat <secret_id>
4. Look at the Launch Instructions at the end of secret details, and note the parameters.
SS terminal can launch secrets with custom SSH Command restrictions. For detailed instructions on SSH command menus, please consult the
Managing SuperUser Privilege section of the Secret Server Administration Guide.
Note: Custom SSH command menus require either the SS Platinum or Unix SUPM add on license.
2. Click the SSH Command Menus link. The SSH Command Menus page appears.
Once one or more command menus have ben created, access can be controlled to individual Unix SSH secrets.
5. On the Security tab of a secret that can use a proxied SSH session, proxy must be enabled, as well as command menu restrictions. If
Allow Owners Unrestricted SSH Commands is enabled, any user who is an owner of the secret has unrestricted use of the launched
session. That is, that user is able to type in commands as in a normal SSH session. Additionally, other groups can be assigned the
unrestricted role as well.
6. In the following example, the “admin” group is unrestricted, and everyone who is not in that admin group is restricted to only being able to
run the whitelisted commands that are specified in the user command menu created above. 172
When you click the Edit link: 173
1. A user who is subject to SSH command restrictions is presented with a screen similar to the following when launching this secret from SS
The user simply enters the number of the command menu to see available commands or types “?” to display the options again:
Only the commands listed can be run by this user. The user can either enter the number of the command to be run, or the name of the
command, which is the word to the left of the equal = sign. Other options are available (as shown) to navigate through the available command
menus, display help, or exit the session.
SS SSH terminal launches also support session recording for session client or server data. When a user launches a secret with session
recording enabled through SSH terminal, session data is available in the Secret Audit tab as session data. 174
Note: Session recording requires either SS Platinum or the Session Recording add on license.
Note: See the Session Recording section of the Secret Server Administration Guide. for more information.
1. Open a secret.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click the Edit link to the right of the Session Recording Enabled setting. The Edit Security popup page appears.
4. Click to select the Session Recording Enabled check box.
5. Click the Save button.
1. Open a secret.
2. Click the Audit tab.
3. Find the LAUNCH action in the table.
4. Click the View SSH Session Log link. 175
Using Secret Fields in Scripts
Secret Server supports using PowerShell, SSH, and SQL scripts as dependencies on a secret. These scripts can use information on the secret
through the field name prepended with a $. For example, $DOMAIN, $PASSWORD, or $USERNAME. Linked secrets are accessible by $[1]$FIELDNAME
for the first linked secret, $[2]$FIELDNAME for the second, and so on.
For a complete list of tokens that are available to script dependencies, see List of Dependency Tokens. 176
Using Webservices with IWA via PowerShell
You can enable webservices at Admin > Configuration on the General tab. Checking the Enable Webservices check box makes the
ASP.NET SOAP and REST webservices built into SS available for use. Additional steps are needed in IIS to ensure proper access.
Note: Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) does not work on Secret Server Cloud.
2. Expand the Sites node until you locate your Secret Server application or website
Note: If you are using IIS7 or greater and do not see this option, the option will need to be added through the server roles
(webserver). IIS may give an alert about using both challenge and redirect-based authentication, which you can ignore.)
10. Give read access to the winauthwebservices folder to the domain users and groups that will be using IWA to access the webservices.
Access Examples
The SOAP web service URL for IWA is <Secret Server URL>/winauthwebservices/sswinauthwebservice.asmx.
Example script:
# Sample Powershell Script
# demonstrating retrieval of a Secret from Secret Server
# via web service protected by IWA
$where = 'http://mysecretserver/winauthwebservices/sswinauthwebservice.asmx';
$secretId = 1
$ws = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $where -UseDefaultCredential
$wsResult = $ws.GetSecret($secretId, $false, $null)
if ($wsResult.Errors.length -gt 0){
REST web service references the same winauthwebservices folder as SOAP when doing IWA, but in code the URL endpoint does not need to 177
Example script:
# Sample Powershell Script
# demonstrating authentication via web service protected by IWA
$api = 'http://mysecretserver/winauthwebservices/api/v1';
$endpoint = $api'/secrets/3844'
$secret = Invoke-RestMethod $endpoint -UseDefaultCredentials 178
Using Webservices with IWA via Perl
You can enable webservices at Admin > Configuration on the General tab. Checking the Enable Webservices check box makes the
ASP.NET SOAP and REST webservices built into SS available for use. Additional steps are needed in IIS to ensure proper access.
Note: Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) does not work on Secret Server Cloud.
2. Expand the Sites node until you locate your Secret Server application or website
Note: If you are using IIS7 or greater and do not see this option, the option will need to be added through the server roles
(webserver). IIS may give an alert about using both challenge and redirect-based authentication, which you can ignore.)
10. Give read access to the winauthwebservices folder to the domain users and groups that will be using IWA to access the webservices.
The SOAP web service URL for IWA is <Secret Server URL>/winauthwebservices/sswinauthwebservice.asmx.
The method below uses the SecretServerGetSecret.ps1 PowerShell script to make the SecretGet WebService call, exposing it through the Perl package. The file uses the package to retrieve specific fields from the result.
SecretServerGetSecret.ps1 179
# returned as Xml
$where = $args[0]
$secretId = $args[1]
$ws = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $where -UseDefaultCredential
$wsResult = $ws.GetSecret($secretId)
$res = convertto-xml $wsResult.Secret -As string -Depth 20
package SecretServer;
use strict;
sub usage {
print "\nUsage: GetSecret [webservice url] [secretid]\n";
sub new {
my($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless({}, $class);
sub get_secret {
sub get_field_from_result {
# this is if you want to execute the Get Secret call manually from the command line
# if (@ARGV != 2)
# usage(); # Call subroutine usage()
# exit(); # When usage() has completed execution,
# # exit the program.
# my $url = $ARGV[0];
# my $secretid = $ARGV[1];
# my $result = `powershell.exe .\\SecretServerGetSecret.ps1 $url $secretid`;
# print $result;
my $x = SecretServer->new(); 180
Secret Server Authentication, Encryption, and Security
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server provides integration options for Windows authentication and SAML to automatically authenticate users to the application when
they browse to SS on their workstations. SS also allows you encrypt data at various locations. 181
Configuring SAML Single Sign-on
Important: This topic is for Secret Server v10.5 and later and assumes you have a running Identity Service Provider (IDP) with a
signed certificate.
Note: Secret Server does not support using SAML when Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled.
Note: This topic applies to Secret Server 10.5 and later. For earlier versions, please see Configuring SAML in Secret Server (KBA).
SAML Overview
Secret Server allows the use of SAML Identity Provider (IDP) authentication instead of the normal authentication process for single sign-on
(SSO). To do this, SS acts as a SAML Service Provider (SP) that can communicate with any configured SAML IDP.
In the diagram below, SS acts as the service provider. Any configured SAML IDP can be used for this process and there are several well tested
providers, including OKTA, OneLogin, Azure ADFS, and Microsoft ADFS.
Secret Server Professional Edition or higher, upgraded to version 10.5 or later. To install a new SAML license, go to Admin > Licenses >
Install New License.
To use SAML 2.0, you must install .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher on your Web server. This allows SS to use Microsoft’s “next generation” 182
CryptoNG API for signing SAML requests, instead of being limited to the much older CryptoAPI. This is often necessary to use modern SSL
certificates and is strongly recommended as a security best practice.
To download and install the latest version of .NET Framework: See Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 offline Installer for Windows for the latest
version as of when this topic was written. If you have already installed SS on the same Web server, you have already done this.
The “Administer Configuration SAML” role permission is required to use SAML to access SS. To grant a user this permission from an
administrator account:
2. Click the Create New button. The Role Edit page appears:
3. Type the name, such as SAML, in the Role Name text box.
5. Click Administer Configuration SAML in the right side Permissions Unassigned list box.
6. Click the < button to move the permission to the other side.
8. Click the Assign Roles link of the newly created role. The View Role Assignment page appears: 183
9. Click the Role dropdown list to select the role you just created.
10. Click the Edit button. The Role Assignment page appears: 184
11. Move the desired users to the Assigned list using the same method as before. 185
3. Click the Edit button in the SAML General Settings section.
6. Under General Settings, click Edit, then check the SAML Enabled checkbox. Save changes.
8. Type a name for your SS service provider, such as SecretServerServiceProvider, in the Name text box.
9. Click the Select Certificate link. The Upload Certificate popup appears: 186
10. Click the Upload Certificate button to upload the certificate used for SS's HTTPS configuration.
13. Type the access password for the private key of the certificate in the Password text box.
14. Click the OK button. The certificate is uploaded and tested, and the popup disappears. The certificate now appears in the SAML Service
Provider Settings section.
Note: If you have an outdated version .NET Framework (earlier than 4.6.2), you may see an error recommending you upgrade
to fix the error. Reload the certificate after you do so.
16. Click the Create New Identity Provider link. An Identity Provider popup appears.
18. Navigate to your SecretServerSAMLMetadata.xml file and select it. This is used for uploading into your IDP, which varies by provider. Follow
instructions in the following section..
Setting up IDPs
IDP setup varies by provider. Click one of the following links for instructions for your provider:
Note: The username returned from the IDP to SS within the SAML Response/Assertion's subject statement must match the desired
format. The format of the username passed depends upon how the user was created within SS.
Note: If AD Sync was used to create SS users, the username returned from the IDP must match this format:
SecretServerUsername@ADsyncDomain orADsyncDomain\SecretServerUsername. If using SLO, ensure that the NameID is set correctly in the
IDP as an outgoing claim for the Secret Server Service Provider. If a user has different sAMAccountName and userPrincipalName
in Active Directory, custom rules in the IDP can be created.
Lockout Workaround
Locked Out? Here’s how you get around SSO. If during the configuration process for SAML you lock yourself (as an administrator or a user) out
of SS, you can log on SS without using the SSO workflow by using this URL string:
The role permission needed for this is “Bypass SAML Login,” which admins have by default. 187 188
Enabling FIPS Compliance
The Federal Information Processing Standard 140-1 (FIPS 140-1) and its successor FIPS 140-2 are United States Government standards that
provide a benchmark for implementing cryptographic software. Secret Server (SS) was tested and operates correctly in FIPS-compliant
Note: The Microsoft .NET implementations of AES and SHA are not FIPS certified so Secret Server uses the Windows API
versions for encryption functionality which are FIPS certified.
See FIPS 140-2 Validation for the FIPS certificate numbers for the Windows operating systems, including the algorithm implementations that
we use. Supported operating systems include Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.
Important: Secret Server is unavailable and may give errors (such as "Parser Error Message: This implementation is not part
of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms") until all the steps are completed.
Important: During SS installation, if FIPS compliance for Windows has already been enabled 'InvalidOperationException'
error messages may result. To resolve the issue, please contact support for assistance.
Important: If FIPS is enabled as part of a domain group policy, it must be disabled before the option can be enabled in SS,
otherwise an error may occur. It can be re-enabled using group policy once the feature has been enabled in the application.
5. Click to enable the Enable FIPS Compliance check box in the FIPS Compliance section.
1. At the Windows command prompt, run secpol.msc. The Local Security Policy application appears.
2. In the left pane, drill down to Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
3. In the right pane double-click the System Cryptography: Use FIPS Compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing
policy. Its properties appear.
4. Click to enable the Enabled selection button on the Local Security Setting tab.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Close the Local Security Policy application.
Note: When using FIPS compliance mode in SS, we use the NIST-certified encryption algorithms within the Windows Operating
Note: There should be no need to enable FIPS on the database server operating system because the encryption applies between
the application and the database, not between the operating systems. Data is encrypted before it reaches the database. 189
Related Information 190
Installing a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate greatly enhances the security between the user’s browser and the server your SS is installed on. It
encrypts all data between the server and the client’s browser so if an attacker were to look at the data being transmitted between the two, they
would not be able to decipher it.
You can get a certificate from various companies such as Thawte or VeriSign. If you already obtained a certificate from one of them, please
follow their instructions for installing their certificates.
You can create your own certificate for trial or sandbox environments:
2. Click on the server node (one of the root nodes) in the left panel.
4. Click the Create Self-Signed Certificate link in the Actions panel. The Specify Friendly Name dialog box appears.
5. Type any name you desire in the Specify a Friendly name for the certificate text box.
6. Click the OK button. You now have an IIS self-signed certificate that is valid for one year. It appears under the Server Certificates panel.
The certificate common name (Issued To column) is the host name of the machine running the site.
1. In IIS Manager, click the server you want to bind to on the Connections panel tree.
3. Click the Bindings… link in the Actions panel. The Site Bindings dialog box appears.
4. Click the Add… button. The Edit Site Binding dialog box appears.
6. Click the SSL certificate dropdown list to select the certificate you just created.
7. Click the OK button. You return to the Site Bindings dialog box, where the HTTPS binding now appears.
1. In a browser, go to the Website using the certificate. You should see a warning that there is an issue with the site's security certificate—
specifically, the security certificate was issued for a different website's address. This occurs because IIS uses the server's name as the
common name when using a self-signed certificate, which usually does not match the hostname to access the site in your browser. 191
2. To access the website, click the "continue to the website" link or button. You will have to do this each time you access the site. Because
this is a test environment, this should not be an issue.
Note: It is possible to remove the warning by adding the self-signed certificate to the trusted root certificate authorities, but that is
beyond the scope of this instruction. 192
Thycotic One and Secret Server
Thycotic One is the single-sign-on provider for Thycotic applications. With Thycotic One, one user account can be granted access to multiple
Thycotic products, such as Secret Server (SS), Privilege Manager, DevOps Secrets Vault, and Account Lifecycle Manager.
Thycotic One enables login integration using the OpenID Connect protocol, an industry standard single-sign-on method.
This article describes the Thycotic One configuration options available in SS.
Thycotic One is the default identity provider in SS Cloud. When you set up the cloud instance, it will already be configured and ready to use
Thycotic One. The initial admin user will log in with their Thycotic One account, and optionally, all newly created SS accounts can be
synchronized with Thycotic One, so they can log in that way as well.
Thycotic One integration is off by default in the on-premise release of SS, but it is supported. You can turn on Thycotic One integration and
configure it. For example you might want to share an identity provider between your on-premise instance, and one or more other cloud
When Thycotic One integration is turned on, all SS users can log in either with their local passwords or with Thycotic One. All SS permissions
and configuration will apply to that user regardless of how they logged in.
However, the local username and password and the Thycotic One username and password are not necessarily the same thing. In Thycotic
One, you’ll log in with your email address rather than your username, and the password you use may very well be different from the SS
Clicking Local Login will bypass Thycotic One and allow the user to log in with their local SS password. Clicking Login with Thycotic One
will redirect the user to Thycotic One to authenticate. Once that is successfully done, the user will be redirected back to SS.
After clicking Login with Thycotic One, users will type their email address and password: 193
And then be redirected back to their dashboard in SS.
Thycotic One integration is configured on the Admin > Configuration page, under the Login tab. You can view the configuration there:
The Sync Now button provides a way for you to trigger a synchronization of your SS accounts with Thycotic One. In most cases, you will not
need to use this, as synchronization will happen on a schedule or whenever a relevant event happens, such as enabling a user or performing
an Active Directory synchronization. Only active user accounts with email addresses will be synchronized.
Click Edit at the bottom of the page to change the configuration. The available options are slightly different between the cloud and on-premise
versions of SS.
When editing the options in SS Cloud, you’ll see something like this: 194
Here are the available options:
Enable Thycotic One Integration: Turn on to enable Thycotic One functionality. Turn off to completely disable Thycotic One logins and
synchronization. Make sure you have an admin account with a working local password.
Secret Server Redirect URI: For informational purposes, this shows the page address to which you are redirected after you have
logged in with Thycotic One.
Thycotic One Server URL: The Thycotic One server you have connected to. There is one separate Thycotic One instance in each SS
Cloud region.
Client ID: The client ID portion of the Thycotic One server credentials.
Client Secret: Not shown, the client password portion of the credentials.
Add New Users to Thycotic One: When checked, SS accounts will be synchronized with Thycotic One. Adding a user will send them a
welcome email, where they can set up their Thycotic One account password and log into SS. When unchecked, users will not be
synchronized and no email will be sent. New users will not be able to log in with Thycotic One, unless you click Sync Now on the Admin
> Configuration > Login page, which will synchronize all active users.
Use Thycotic One authentication as the default: When checked, Thycotic One authentication is used for the REST and SOAP APIs
and mobile apps. Users who have logged in with Thycotic One use their Thycotic One account passwords for those activities, rather than
their local SS account passwords. When unchecked, they will use their local SS account passwords for those activities.
In Cloud, the server URL, client ID, and client secret cannot be edited—they are set up for you when the instance is provisioned and cannot be
When editing the options in SS on-premise, you’ll see something like this: 195
Unlike in Cloud, the server URL, client ID, and client secret can be edited in an on-premise instance. You can generate Thycotic One
credentials using Thycotic’s cloud management portal, Cloud Manager. Otherwise, the configuration options behave the same as in Cloud.
To generate a credential for use in an on-premise SS instance, follow the steps below:
1. From Cloud Manager, choose a Thycotic One region under Other Login Options.
2. Log into Thycotic One as a user that will be managing your organization’s credentials. Create an account if you have not yet done so.
4. Click Sign In. You are redirected to our tech support portal login.
5. Click the button for the Thycotic One region you chose. Since you are already logged in to Thycotic One, this will redirect you back to
Cloud Manager.
6. Next, choose a team: In the menu, go to Manage > Teams. You may already have one if you have an existing cloud product. If not,
create one. Each team can handle multiple Thycotic One credentials.
7. Having selected your team, go to Organizations. Again, if you already have an organization, you can use it; if not, you can create one.
An organization provides a way to manage the global login policies for all users. 196
9. The available fields are as follows:
Name: A description of the application using this credential, for informational purposes.
Post-Login Redirect URIs: A list of valid URIs that will be allowed to authenticate with this credential. The value of “Secret Server
Redirect URI” from your on-premise instance should go here. If users access your instance with more than one URI, you may want
to add all of them here by clicking the + button to create additional fields. Unless an application supplies a URI that is an exact
match to one of these, Thycotic One will not complete the authentication.
Post-Logout Redirect URIs: SS does not support this feature, so this may be left blank.
Credentials: The fields in this area contain the values you need to put into the Thycotic One configuration in SS. Copy and paste
them into the corresponding fields.
10. Once you capture all the values, click Save, and then save the configuration in SS as well. Your instance is now fully integrated with
Thycotic One. If you selected the synchronization option, SS will immediately sync your active users with Thycotic One, and they’ll
receive welcome emails describing how to continue the process. 197
X.509 Certificate Security Chain Options
Starting with version 10.4, Secret Server allows you to define a policy for validating X509 Certificates. This applies to all Active Directory
domains using LDAPS. It also applies to any connections to syslog servers over TLS. Certificates that do not meet the policies specified in SS
are rejected, denying connections to the server. All certificate validation failures are logged in the security audit log, which is available by going
to Admin > See All and then Security Audit Log.
4. Click to select the Apply TLS Certificate Chain Policy and Error Auditing check box. The TLS Auditing options appear: 198
5. To change the policy, type a semi-colon delimited list of policy options in the Additional Certificate Chain Policy Options text box. To
use a policy, enter the <full_enumeration_name>.<enumeration_item>. For example, to validate the entire certificate chain, add
X509RevocationFlag.EntireChain to the semi-colon delimited list of options. See Certificate Validation Options for details.
6. If you wish to ignore certificate revocation warnings and allow revoked certificates, click to select the Ignore Certificate Revocation
Failures check box.
The following Microsoft enumerations are the available certificate chain policy options. For detailed descriptions of each option, see the linked
Offline 2 A revocation check is made using a cached certificate revocation list (CRL).
Online 1 A revocation check is made using an online certificate revocation list (CRL).
Specifies which X.509 certificates in the chain should be checked for revocation.
ExcludeRoot 2 The entire chain, except the root certificate, is checked for revocation.
Specifies conditions under which verification of certificates in the X.509 chain should be conducted. These values can be bitwise combined to
indicate multiple flags.
AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority 16 Ignore that the chain cannot be verified due to an unknown certificate authority (CA). 199
Enumeration Item Value Description
Ignore that the certificate authority revocation is unknown when determining
IgnoreCertificateAuthorityRevocationUnknown 1024
certificate verification.
Ignore that the certificate trust list (CTL) is not valid, for reasons such as the CTL has
IgnoreCtlNotTimeValid 2
expired, when determining certificate verification.
Ignore that the certificate trust list (CTL) signer revocation is unknown when
IgnoreCtlSignerRevocationUnknown 512
determining certificate verification.
Ignore that the end certificate (the user certificate) revocation is unknown when
IgnoreEndRevocationUnknown 256
determining certificate verification.
Ignore that the basic constraints are not valid when determining certificate
IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints 8
Ignore that the certificate has an invalid name when determining certificate
IgnoreInvalidName 64
IgnoreInvalidPolicy 128 Ignore that the certificate has invalid policy when determining certificate verification.
Ignore that the CA (certificate authority) certificate and the issued certificate have
validity periods that are not nested when verifying the certificate. For example, the
IgnoreNotTimeNested 4
CA cert can be valid from January 1 to December 1 and the issued certificate from
January 2 to December 2, which would mean the validity periods are not nested.
Ignore certificates in the chain that are not valid either because they have expired or
IgnoreNotTimeValid 1
they are not yet in effect when determining certificate validity.
IgnoreRootRevocationUnknown 2048 Ignore that the root revocation is unknown when determining certificate verification.
Ignore that the certificate was not issued for the current use when determining
IgnoreWrongUsage 32
certificate verification.
If you enable certificate policy validation and logging, you may have server connections rejected due to certificates that violate the set policies.
These errors are recorded in the security audit log. If the information logged there is not enough to determine why a certificate was rejected, you
can get additional log details by enabling TLS Debugging. This adds detailed information to the logs about each certificate checked.
Due to the possibility of exposing sensitive information in the logs, TLS debugging requires two steps to enable:
1. Click to select the Enable TLS Debugging and Connection Tracking check box.
2. Change the global logging level to DEBUG. To do this, edit the web-log4net.config file in the root folder of your Web application. Follow the
comments in the file to comment out the current log level line (the default is INFO), and uncomment the line that sets the value to DEBUG.
Important: Only enable TLS debugging when you are actively troubleshooting a certificate validation issue. Disable this option
when you are not to prevent logging of certificate details. 200
Accessing MS SQL Server with IWA
Note: Please see the closely related article Using a Service Account to Run the IIS App Pool & Access the Thycotic SQL Database
– Best Practices (Advanced) for additional information.
Note: For instructions on Creating the SQL account or Installing SQL Server see Installing and Configuring SQL Server (KBA).
The account needs access to the application server and database server. Ensure password expiration is not enabled or the account could lock
you out of Secret Server. 201
Configuring CredSSP for WinRM with PowerShell
In some cases, a PowerShell script may need to access resources outside of a Secret Server (SS) machine. This requires that any credentials
are delegated to the target machine. SS runs PowerShell scripts using Windows Remote Management (WinRM), which does not allow
credential delegation by default. To allow credential delegation, the SS machine must have Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP)
enabled. CredSSP is a security support provider that allows a client to delegate credentials to a target server.
1. Go to Administration > Configuration. The General tab of the Configuration page appears: 202
Note: This is the global CredSSP settings and by default will configure CredSSP and connections to come from the Web server.
This is used when not using distributed engines.
Note: If you are using distributed engines and you enable CredSSP at the site-specific level, these settings take precedence over
this global CredSSP setting. Secrets will prioritize these site-specific settings. Therefore, if you plan on using CredSSP through a
distributed engine, you should consider disabling the global setting seen below and only configure it at the site-specific level.
For example:
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer <localhost>
Note: localhost is the actual string that SS uses to generate the PowerShell run space. Sometimes customers need both
localhost and FQDN entries. In theory, those entries should be the same, thus not needing a second one.
5. The Web server always uses a specified account to run the PowerShell scripts. Considerations:
Ensure that account is added to the “Remote Management Users” local group on each Web server.
For RPCs with custom password changers, this would be “Change Password Using,” and then select “Privileged Account.”
For PowerShell password changers in the classic UI, this would be “Run PowerShell Using” and can alternatively be configured as
the “Default Privileged Account” at the template level.
For custom dependencies using PowerShell scripts, this would be the “Run As” secret.
If you use any form of extensible discovery, this account needs to be the first secret that is linked to the scanner. Any additional
secrets linked to the scanner are typically associated with authentication to the destination system.
You can alternatively configure CredSSP and the credential delegation to occur from your distributed engines by changing this setting at the
site level:
1. Go to Admin > Distributed Engines. The Distribute Engine Configuration page appears: 203
2. Click the Manage Sites button. The Manage Sites page appears:
3. Click the Site Name link of the desired site. The Site View page for that site appears: 204
4. Click the Edit button. The Site Edit page appears:
5. Click to select the Enable CredSSP Authentication for WinRM check box. 205
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer <localhost>
Note: localhost is the actual string that the Distributed Engine is using to generate the run space. Some customers need to
have both the localhost and FQDN entry. In theory, both entries above should be the same, thus not needing a second entry.
11. The distribute engine will always use a specified account to run the PowerShell scripts. Considerations:
Ensure that account is added to the “Remote Management Users” local group on each engine where CredSSP is enabled.
For RPCs with custom password changers, this would be “Change Password Using,” and then select “Privileged Account”.
For PowerShell password changers in the classic UI, this would be “Run PowerShell Using” and can alternatively be configured as
the “Default Privileged Account” at the template level.
For custom dependencies using PowerShell scripts, this would be the “Run As” secret.
If you use any form of extensible discovery, this account needs to be the first secret that is linked to the scanner. Any additional
secrets linked to the scanner are typically associated with authentication to the destination system.
12. Ensure that the "Allow Delegating Fresh Credentials" group policy setting is enabled and is not disabled by a domain policy.
1. Open the gpedit.msc file on your SS machine or distributed engine, depending on where CredSSP is enabled
2. Navigate to Computer Settings > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials Delegation.
3. Edit the "Allow Delegating Fresh Credentials" setting.
4. Verify that it is Enabled.
5. Click "Show..."
6. Verify that the list contains an entry that begins with "wsman/" and ends with the fully qualified machine name of the SS machine or
distributed engine.
7. If destination systems are non-domain joined or on another domain without a trust, it may be required for you to add in an entry for
each destination system you wish to run the script or do discovery on (as examples). Consider collecting a list of all destination
FQDNs for your specific use case and adding them all in one go.
13. Depending on where CredSSP is configured (Web server or distributed engine), run the following commands:
14. On the destination system, if it is on a separate domain without a trust or non-domain joined, add the reverse WSman entries so the
destination system trusts either SS or your engines. Run one of the following commands:
Web server:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *-Value* <Web Server 1 FQDN>,[<Web Server 2 FQDN>]
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *-Value* <Distributed Engine 1 FQDN>, [<Distributed Engine 2 FQDN>]
Note: Remote agents were upgraded to distributed engines in SS version 8.9. This section only applies to SS versions 8.8.000020
and earlier.
Note: Remote Agents are only needed for networks that are not directly connected to the network that SS is installed on. If you are
not using remote agents, disregard this section.
By default, SS agents inherit the "Enable CredSSP Authentication for WinRM" setting from SS; however, you can override this in the agent
configuration file as follows: 206
1. On the machine running the agent, locate the the agent program files. By default, they are at C:\Program Files (x86)\Thycotic Software Ltd\Secret
Server Agent.
4. Add a new key to that section for EnableCredSSPForWinRM and set it to true. For example:
<add key="EnableCredSSPForWinRM" value="true" /> 207
Integrated Windows Authentication
Windows integrated authentication allows Active Directory users that are synced with SS to log into workstations and be automatically
authenticated to the application. A user's Active Directory credentials are automatically passed through to IIS, logging them into the site.
For further information, Microsoft has a knowledge base article troubleshooting some common client-side issues with integrated authentication.
Active Directory integration and synchronization must be enabled before configuring integrated Windows authentication:
2. Click Edit.
4. Click Save.
Configuring IIS
Open IIS and highlight your SS website or application. In the right pane, double-click Authentication. Enable Windows Authentication and
disable Anonymous Authentication.
Note: For additional information on requirements and troubleshooting, see our KB article on Integrated Windows Authentication.
After you have set up integrated Windows authentication, you may sometimes want to log in as a local admin account to configure SS, perform
an upgrade, or if AD is down.
1. Log on your computer as an Active Directory account that has read access to the SS application directory but is not enabled in SS.
3. Go to your SS website. You may be prompted for your AD credentials. If you are, log on as a user with read access to the SS application
directory that is not enabled in SS. You should then be redirected to the log on page of SS.
4. Select the "local" domain and enter your local account username and password. 208
Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication
Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) allows users to log into SS automatically if they are logged into a workstation with their Active
Directory credentials.
Note: When using IWA, see Using Mobile Devices with Windows Authentication Enabled to connect mobile applications to SS.
Note: Secure LDAP only works with Integrated Windows Authentication in Server 2008 R2 and later.
Important: Customers using the IWA need to perform a workaround when upgrading to SS 10.6 with a distributed engine. Please
see “Task 4: Configuring Distributed Engines.”
3. Click the Edit button. The Edit Active Directory Configuration page appears: 209
4. If necessary, click to select the following check boxes:
5. Select your desired option from the User Account Options dropdown list.
6. Type the in the Days, Hours, and Minutes text boxes to choose a synchronization interval, which is how often SS pulls in users from
7. Click the Save button. The Active Directory Configuration page reappears:
8. Click the Edit Domains button. The Active Directory Domains page appears: 210
9. Click the Create New button. The Active Directory Domain page appears:
10. Type the domain name for single-sign-on in the Fully Qualified Domain Name text box.
11. Type the human-friendly name in the Friendly Name text box.
12. Click the Save and Validate button. The Active Directory Configuration page reappears:
13. Click the Edit Synchronization button. The Synchronization Edit page appears:
14. Click the dropdown list to select the desired domain. The page changes to show the groups for that domain: 211
15. Use the Available Groups text box and Search button to locate your desired groups. The matching groups appear in the list:
16. Select the desired groups and click the << button to move them into the Synchronized Groups list.
17. Click the Save button. The Active Directory Configuration page reappears.
18. Click the Synchronize Now button in the Messages section. This pulls all the users of the specified groups into SS. 212
2. Navigate to and select your SS website in the Connections tree:
3. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane.
4. Enable the Windows Authentication parameter by right-clicking it and selecting Enable. For now, ignore the alert if it appears in the
Alert section.
Note: If Windows Authentication is not visible, ensure that the Windows Authentication Role service is enabled in Windows.
This is different than earlier versions.
6. Disable the Forms Authentication. The alert in the Alert section should disappear. 213
8. Restart your IIS server with an iisreset command.
9. On the SS folder, ensure users have read or higher permission, and ensure the security settings are set to be inherited by child objects.
Because SS impersonates those users, they require access to SS files.
By default, a launcher will not work when using IWA, resulting in an HTTP 401: Unauthorized error. If this is an issue, ensure SS is on
Windows Server 2008 or later and complete the following steps: 214
3. Click to select the launchers folder. The launchers Home panel appears:
4. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane.
7. Ensure all others are disabled. When you are finished, the settings should look like this:
9. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane. 215
10. Ensure the Anonymous Authentication is set to Enabled.
12. Ensure all others are disabled. When you are finished, the settings should look like this:
14. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane.
17. Ensure all others are disabled. When you are finished, the settings should look like this:
Similarly, SS with distributed engines will not work with IWA by default. If this is an issue, complete the following: 216
This folder is mapped to your SecretServer folder in your webserver: 217
6. Start IIS Manager: 218
7. Navigate the Connections tree back to integrations folder in the SecretServer node:
8. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane. 219
11. Ensure all others are disabled. When you are finished, the settings should look like this:
13. Double-click the Authentication icon in the IIS section to open the Authentication pane.
16. Ensure all others are disabled. When you are finished, the settings should look like this:
If you are using client certificates, configure the following in IIS for launchers to work:
1. Click to select the launchers folder. The launchers Home panel appears: 220
2. Double-click the SSL Settings icon. The settings panel appears:
Note: If you are not automatically logged in to SS after setting up IWA, IIS may not be handling the credentials correctly. To fix this,
recreate the web site in IIS.
Note: When testing IWA, keep in mind the requirements at Internet Explorer May Prompt You for a Password. 221
Note: You may not be able to log in using IWA on the server running SS for Server 2008 or later because of security settings.
See the KB article Integrated Windows Authentication Problem after Upgrading to Secret Server 10+.
A user is logged onto their machine with the same Active Directory credentials they can log into SS with, but the browser still prompts them for
their credentials to reach the site. Ensure your SS site is included in a security zone that allows for automatic logon:
In SS 10.0 and later, SS requires Integrated Mode in IIS. The Integrated Mode can only support either Window Authentication or Forms
Authentication (used for local account authentication), not both. Because of this limitation, Forms Authentication must be disabled for the site
when using Integrated Windows Authentication. Thus, logging in as SS local account is not available when IWA is enabled. 222
Installing Windows Authentication in Windows Server 2012 Manager
1. In Server Manager, click the Manage menu and select Add Roles and Features. The Add Roles and Features wizard appears.
2. Click the Next button. The Select installation type window appears.
7. Click to expand Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Security. 223
SS provides the option to integrate your SAML implementation to automatically authenticate users to the application:
To configure SAML for versions 10.5+, see the SAML 2.0 Configuration Guide.
To configure SAML for versions 10.2-10.4, see the SAML Configuration Guide for Secret Server 10.2-10.4. 224
Secret-based Credentials for PowerShell Scripts
You can specify a secret to provide the default credentials for running all PowerShell scripts on a site. This allows sites in different data centers
to have different default credentials. This applies to remote password changing, checkout hooks, and account discovery PowerShell scripts.
Note: If you want a specific secret checkout hook, secret password changer, or account discovery scanner to use different
credentials you can still provide credentials in those areas, which will take precedence over the one set on the site.
The precedence order for which RunAs secret to use for remote password changing is:
3. Secret
Secret Dependencies
The precedence order for which RunAs secret to use for PowerShell Secret dependencies is:
4. Secret
Checkout Hooks
The precedence order for which RunAs secret to use for checkout hooks is:
3. Secret
3. Click Edit.
4. Click the secret picker link on the Default PowerShell RunAs Secret field.
5. Click Save. 225
To use the site PowerShell credentials on a discovery scanner:
2. In the Edit dialog for the scanner, click to select the Use Site RunAs Secret checkbox.
3. Click Save.
Note: If no RunAs secret is set on the site, you will get an error message when you try to save. 226
Two-Factor Authentication
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server supports a second layer of authentication, called multi-factor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA), for added
security. This section discusses several options. 227
Duo Security Authentication
Note: Using this method of two-factor authentication requires that you have an active account for Duo Security.
Note: SS supports using Duo Security as a second factor of authentication. See below for setup instructions.
Note: For more information on Duo and Secret Server, see the Thycotic Secret Server and Duo page.
1. Sign up for a new Duo account, or log in to an existing one at Duo Security.
2. Under Applications, create a new application of the Thycotic Secret Server type. Name the application as you wish.
3. Record the API hostname, integration key, and secret key from the new Duo application you just created.
Note: Because Duo is a service, the SS instance must have outbound access (TCP port 443) to reach the API host to work. If there
is a firewall rule preventing access to Duo's servers, two factor authentication will not work.
1. Open SS.
5. Enter the API Hostname, Integration Key, and Secret Key values.
7. Go to Admin > Users to create a test user. The Users page appears.
8. Click the Create New button. The Edit User page appears: 228
10. Type or select the other parameters for the new user. See Users.
11. Log on as the test user. If there are multiple two-factor devices available, you will be prompted to select one. If you are un-enrolled you
will be given a link to perform self-enrollment. You are contacted via the Duo app, SMS, or a phone call for the second factor.
12. Add or configure actual users one at a time or by using bulk operations.
1. Log on to SS.
2. After successful authentication, a new screen appears with the option to select a method to authenticate with.
3. Select one of the options (Duo Push, Send SMS, or Phone), depending on your setup with Duo) and complete the selected
authentication process to log in. 229
Email Two-Factor Authentication
SS requires that a connection to a SMTP server be properly configured to send out confirmation code emails. Enter the SMTP server
information and an email address that is used to send notifications:
3. Verify SMTP server availability with telnet using the command telnet <your server name> 25.
Note: If virus protection is running, you may need to add a firewall rule to allow aspnet_wp.exe to send e-mails. 230
FIDO2 (YubiKey) Two-Factor Authentication Configuration
FIDO2 (Fast Identity Online, second edition) is an open authentication standard that uses physical devices for authentication. Thycotic uses it
for two factor authentication (2FA) with FIDO2 providing the second authentication after a normal password entry—any FIDO2-enabled user
attempting access to a SS account must have a FIDO2 device in hand. The device eliminates many password-related issues, such as
phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks. It also speeds up the long on process over callback or texting 2FA.
YubiKey is a FIDO2-compliant product series from Yubico, a commercial company. We recommend two of their devices--YubiKey 5 Series and
Security Key by Yubico.
Configuration 231
RADIUS User Authentication
SS allows the use of Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) two-factor authentication on top of the normal authentication
process for additional security needs. SS acts as a RADIUS client that can communicate with any server implementing the RADIUS protocol.
Configuring RADIUS
Set up RADIUS on the Login tab of the Configuration page. This requires enabling RADIUS Integration, specifying the server address, the
ports, and the RADIUS shared secret. The shared secret is a specific term for RADIUS clients and is not a reference to secrets in SS.
You can customize the RADIUS "Login Explanation" to give users detailed instructions for entering their RADIUS information.
Once enabled, the Test RADIUS Login button appears on the Login tab for testing the communication with the RADIUS Server. If you have a
failover RADIUS Server, you can specify it by clicking the Enable RADIUS Failover checkbox and entering the required information. If the
primary RADIUS server cannot be accessed, the failover server is be used.
After enabling RADIUS on your SS, you must enable RADIUS two-factor authentication for each user on a per-user basis. On the User Edit
page, type the RADIUS User Name for this user to match the RADIUS server. RADIUS can be enabled for new users by domain, see Adding
Domains. 232
Enabling RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication
Secret Server allows the use of RADIUS two-factor authentication on top of the normal authentication process for additional security.
1. Log on SS with an account with “Administer Configuration” and “Administer RADIUS” permissions.
Note: If your RADIUS server runs on the same machine as SS, the client and server ports must be different.
RADIUS Server Port (default 1812 for RSA and 1812 for AuthAnvil).
RADIUS Shared Secret, which must match chosen RADIUS shared secret on your RADIUS Server. (Shared Secret is a RADIUS
term and not related to any Secret Server secret.)
RADIUS Login Explanation (custom message or instruction). Defaults to “Please enter your RADIUS passcode.”
4. After enabling RADIUS on SS, you must enable RADIUS two-factor authentication for each user:
1. Sign into an account with “Administer Configuration” and “Administer RADIUS” permissions.
NOTE: Secret Server defaults this value to its username. If you wish to use this default name, it must match the
username on the RADIUS server.
8. Repeat these steps for each user that needs to use RADIUS. 233
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headings on this page.
SS supports using any type of soft token or mobile app authentication using the Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) RFC6238 algorithm.
TOTPs are usually generated by a mobile app using an algorithm that incorporates the current time to ensure that each one-time password
(OTP) is unique. This includes Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator. In addition, SS can be an OTP generator, allowing for TOTP
authentication for RPC and launchers. 234
Configuring TOTP for Users 235
Disabling TOTP for Users
To disable soft token two-factor authentication, follow almost the same process as enabling soft token two-factor authentication for a user,
select Disable TOTP Auth Two Factor from the bulk operation drop-down menu instead of Enable TOTP Auth Two Factor. 236
Enabling TOTP for Secret Server Users
2. Select the check box beside each user to enable two-factor authentication for.
3. From the < Select Bulk Operation > drop-down menu, select Enable TOTP Auth Two Factor.
5. The user(s) are now required to complete the soft token setup with a mobile device the next time they log into SS. See User Setup of
Soft Token Two-Factor Authentication for details on the account and mobile app setup that follow. 237
Enabling TOTPs for Launchers
Most commonly, time-sensitive one-time passwords (TOTPs) are generated by a mobile application, such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft
Authenticator. Additionally, SS can be used as the TOTP generator for RPC or launchers (for web password secrets only at this time). Both the
secret and the secret template require configuration for this use.
2. Select the desired template, and click the Edit button. The Secret Template Designer appears.
4. Click to select the One Time Password Enabled check box. This enables the option with default settings:
Note: These are the values that most one-time password instances, such as Google and Microsoft Authenticator, use today. If
you use these settings with another OTP provider and are unable to successfully use generated codes to authenticate, please
review their documentation and adjust these settings as required.
5. Save the secret template. Any web password secret based upon this template can now use TOTP.
Once a secret template is set up for TOTP, each secret based on that template also needs to be set up: 238
4. Click to select the Generate One-Time Passwords check box in the TOTP section. This exposes two text boxes:
5. Type the TOTP key in the TOTP Key text box. The TOTP Key is generated by the OTP-protected asset when you set up your account to
use TOTP. Usually, you are prompted with a QR bar code that you can scan with a mobile device, or you can expose the key that the QR
code represents. This text string is the value that is placed into the TOTP Key field.
Important: Treat the TOTP key and backup codes like you would any other password! If anyone obtains the key, it can be
used to set up a valid TOTP generator for that account on any device, allowing that person to bypass the protection. Similarly,
the backup codes allow users to temporarily bypass protection.
Note: If you have an account that has been TOTP protected and you did not save the TOTP key upon creation, you must
deactivate TOTP on that account and then reactivate it to retrieve the TOTP key to set up SS. 239
6. Type the TOTP backup codes in the TOTP Backup Codes text box. The TOTP Backup Codes are often presented to a user while
initially setting up an account for TOTP. These backup codes are single-use codes for use if a TOTP generator is not available or
working. Again, these codes will be valid and allow the holder to get past the two-factor authorization to access an account, so protect
them as you would a password! 240
Resetting TOTP for Secret Servere Users
2. Select the check box beside the user to reset two-factor authentication for.
3. Click select Reset TOTP Auth Two FactorFrom on the < Select Bulk Operation > drop-down menu.
5. The user is now required to complete the soft token setup with a mobile device the next time they log into SS. See User Setup of Soft
Token Two-Factor Authentication for further details on the account and mobile app setup that follow. 241
Viewing a TOTP for a Web Secret
3. Click the Generate One Time Password link next to the One Time Password setting. 242
2. Click the Close button.
Note: The “Generate One Time Password” link also appears on the preview pane when you click a secret on the All Secrets page. 243
Backup and Disaster Recovery
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS supports manual and scheduled database and IIS directory backups. The database access settings support SQL mirror and automatic
failover. As an additional disaster recovery measure, administrators can export secrets to a CSV spreadsheet. 244
Backing up Secret Server to a Network Share
Secret Server can be configured to backup to a network share instead of a local folder on the server. For example, you may want to do this such
as when the SS database (SQL) is located on a different server than the web application server (IIS).
To back up:
1. Ensure the SS IIS Application Pool is running as a service account if it is not already. See Running the IIS Application Pool As a Service
2. Grant access to the network share (using Windows ACLs) to the account running the SS IIS Application Pool (so that SS can backup the
application folder and zip it to the network share).
3. Grant access to the network share (using Windows ACLs) to the account running Microsoft SQL Server service. (so that Microsoft SQL
Server can backup the SS database to the network share). You can change the service account running Microsoft SQL Server by going to
SQL Server Configuration Manager.
4. Go to Admin > Backup. This may require you to go to Admin > All and search for Backup.
5. Note that the two file paths are from two different perspectives—Backup File Path is from the ASP.NET application server and Backup
Database Path is from the Microsoft SQL Server (these may be on the same box in your environment, or they might not be depending on 245
how you have configured SS).
7. Type the SS backup path, such as \\server01\backup\secretserver\, in the Backup File Path text box.
8. Type the database backup path in the Backup Database Path text box. 246
Backup Folder Permissions
From the Backup Administration page, specify the correct directory paths for the IIS SS file directory and the database backups to be stored.
The backup path must be local to the server where the SS database or file directory exists. The directories must also have the proper
permissions to allow SS to automatically store backups at those locations. The account that requires permission is displayed as an alert on the
Backup page. 247
Backup Settings
The following configuration options are available on the Tools > Backup page of SS:
Backup Database File Path: This folder must be accessible by the SQL server and stores the database.bak file. See File Path Settings.
Backup File Path: This directory must exist on the Web server and stores the zip file of the application directory. See File Path Settings.
Database Backup SQL Timeout (Minutes): Number of minutes that SS waits for the database backup to complete successfully before
timing out.
Enable Scheduled Backup: Enables automatic backups on a set schedule.
Keep Number of Backups: Number of previous backups to keep.
Notify Administrators on Backup Failure: Users with the Administer Backup role permission are notified if the backup fails.
Days to Keep Operational Logs: Sets the period to keep backup-related logs that might contain PII. SS automatically deletes logs
older than that (in days).
There are two file path settings on the Admin > Backup page (ConfigurationBackup.aspx). The "Backup File Path" setting corresponds to the
application backup. The "Backup Database Path" setting corresponds to the SQL server backup.
Generally, the "Backup File Path" setting can be set to a path local to the application server for backing up of application files. If SS is running
under an account that does not have permission to write to a local path, then a network share can be used. If the SQL server is located on the
same server as the Web application server, the "Backup Database File Path" setting can be set to a local path.
If the SQL server is not located on the same server as the Web application server then a network share should be used. The account under
which SQL server service is running either must have modify rights to that path or must be a member of a group with modify rights to that path.
You must use UNC (Universal Naming Convention) notation to write to a network path. For example: \\TESTVM0\c$\backupDirectory.
If you get an error stating "Cannot open backup device… Operating system error 3," this is often due to an invalid path value.
Note: For SS to delete old database backups, the backup database path must also be accessible by the SS Application Pool
account. 248
Common Backup Errors
Cannot open backup device… Operating system error 3
This is often due to an invalid path value for the "Backup Database File Path" setting. For more information on the proper values for this setting,
see File Path Settings.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
This is often due to an overly-large database. The SS database likely contains too many log entries. To clear these, within SS, select System
Log from the Administration menu. Click the "Clear" button below the data grid that contains the log entries. If the timeout occurs with the clear
as well, an upgrade to the latest version should resolve this. If the timeout issue persists with the backup, additional SQL database clean-up
may be necessary. Contact Thycotic Support for instructions on shrinking the reserve database size.
The process cannot access the file… because it is being used by another process
The cause of this message is typically multiple backup threads running simultaneously with all attempting to write to the same file. To fix this,
open IIS Manager and ensure the “Maximum Worker Processes” setting for SS's application pool is set to 1. If it is not, set the value to 1 and
then either recycle the application pool or perform an iisreset.
Unable to complete backup. The following exception occurred: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being
If this error message appears in combination with the application backup files not completed or the size of the file is unusually small, the
backup process may have been interrupted by anti-virus software. Disabling scanning of the backup folder should resolve the issue. 249
File Attachment Backups
Files uploaded to secrets can be backed up using the standard SS backup function. Upon backup completion, they retain their encrypted status
and are inside the application backup file (the .zip file). 250
Manually Backing up Secret Server
Note: You can also automate steps 2-4 using the command: osql -S myserver\SQLEXPRESS -E - Q "BACKUP DATABASE SECRETSERVER
TO DISK = 'c:\backup\ss.bak' . 251
RabbitMQ Durable Exchanges
As of SS 10.7.59, the SS MessageQueue Client attempts to create RabbitMQ durable exchanges, logging the activity. A durable exchange is
normally automatically re-created if RabbitMQ restarts for any reason. Any legacy non-durable exchanges disappear when RabbitMQ goes
down and can only be manually recreated.
If the MessageQueue client detects that creating a durable exchange failed, it will log an error and attempt to create a non-durable one.
Important: Any existing non-durable exchanges, from previous versions of SS, will also cause durable exchange creation to fail.
See Manually Creating Durable RabbitMQ Exchanges.
Non-durable RabbitMQ exchanges for SS would look similar to this, whether created by an earlier SS version or by a durable-version-creation
Note the absence of a 'D' in the Features column, meaning that exchange is not durable. Durable exchanges, created by the current SS version
(10.7.59+), look like this: 252
Earlier versions of SS (before 10.7.59) created non-durable RabbitMQ exchanges during a SS server or IIS restart. If the environment is
clustered, the same is true of every node in that cluster. The current durable exchanges persist during any IIS restart, eliminating the need to
restart SS or recreate the exchanges.
However, any existing non-durable exchanges prevent the creation of the newer durable ones. To remedy that, you need to restart all of the
RabbitMQ servers in the cluster at the same time or manually delete the non-durable exchanges.
To enjoy the benefits of the durable exchanges, you must first eliminate any legacy non-durable exchanges from your RabbitMQ server or
servers. There are two ways to do this:
Restart the RabbitMQ server or all of the RabbitMQ servers in the cluster at the same time. You can also stop the RabbitMQ service in
Note: Customers usually reset or turn off all servers via third party tools, but some prefer to shut off the service via services.msc
because of their system configuration.
powershell.exe -file exchangedurability.ps1 -username "guest" -password "guest" -computerName "localhost" -port "15672"
The user has access to the RabbitMQ admin interface. The computername and port is where the admin interface is located.
The script:
1. Removes all of the exchanges that are not durable and any that are not the thycotic-sr* ones for legacy ASRAs. 253
2. Kills all of the connections. This forces the distributed engines and SS to reconnect to the durable exchanges.
#LICENSE FOR LINKS - All the RabbitMQ PowerShell calls are based on this:
function Get-RabbitMQConnection
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='defaultLogin', SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='None')]
# Name of RabbitMQ Connection.
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Alias("Connection", "ConnectionName")]
[string[]]$Name = "",
$Credentials = NormaliseCredentials
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server $ComputerName", "Get connection(s): $(NamesToString $Name '(all)')"))
$result = GetItemsFromRabbitMQApi -ComputerName $ComputerName $Credentials "connections" 254
if (-not $UnEscapeDotsAndSlashes) { Set-Variable -Scope Script -name UnEscapeDotsAndSlashes -value 0x2000000 }
function GetUriParserFlags {
function SetUriParserFlags([int]$newValue) {
$getSyntax = [System.UriParser].GetMethod("GetSyntax", 40)
$flags = [System.UriParser].GetField("m_Flags", 36)
function PreventUnEscapeDotsAndSlashesOnUri {
if (-not $uriUnEscapesDotsAndSlashes) { return }
SetUriParserFlags $newValue
function RestoreUriParserFlags {
if (-not $uriUnEscapesDotsAndSlashes) { return }
try {
SetUriParserFlags $defaultUriParserFlagsValue
catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Error "Failed to restore UriParser flags. This may cause your scripts to behave unexpectedly. You can find more at get-help about_UnEsapingDotsAndSlashes."
function Invoke-RestMethod {
[CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
${UseDefaultCredentials}, 255
[ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
try {
$outBuffer = $null
if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
$PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
$wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Invoke-RestMethod',
[System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet) 256
catch {
process {
try {
# Disable UnEscapingDotsAndSlashes on UriParser when necessary
if ($requiresDisableUnEscapingDotsAndSlashes) {
finally {
# Restore UnEscapingDotsAndSlashes on UriParser when necessary
if ($requiresDisableUnEscapingDotsAndSlashes) {
end {
try {
catch {
.ForwardHelpTargetName Invoke-RestMethod
.ForwardHelpCategory Cmdlet
function GetRabbitMQCredentials {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
function NamesToString {
[string]$altText = ""
function ApplyFilter {
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
) 257
if (-not $name) { return $items }
function NormaliseCredentials() {
switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"defaultLogin" { return GetRabbitMqCredentials $defaultUserName $defaultPassword }
"login" { return GetRabbitMqCredentials $UserName $Password }
"cred" { return $Credentials }
function SendItemsToOutput {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
function GetItemsFromRabbitMQApi {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'login')]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'login', Position = 0)]
[string]$cn, 258
Write-Verbose "Invoking REST API: $url"
function Get-RabbitMQExchange {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'defaultLogin', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
# Name of RabbitMQ Exchange.
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Alias("ex", "Exchange", "ExchangeName")]
[string[]]$Name = "",
Begin {
$Credentials = NormaliseCredentials
Process {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server $ComputerName", "Get exchange(s): $(NamesToString $Name '(all)')")) {
$exchanges = GetItemsFromRabbitMQApi -ComputerName $ComputerName $Credentials "exchanges"
function Remove-RabbitMQExchange {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'defaultLogin', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
# Name of RabbitMQ Exchange.
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Alias("Exchange", "ExchangeName")]
[string[]]$Name, 259
[string]$ComputerName = $defaultComputerName,
Begin {
$Credentials = NormaliseCredentials
$cnt = 0
Process {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server: $ComputerName, vhost: $VirtualHost", "Remove exchange(s): $(NamesToString $Name '(all)')")) {
foreach ($n in $Name) {
$url = $defaultHttp +
Write-Output $url
$result = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Credential $Credentials -AllowEscapedDotsAndSlashes -DisableKeepAlive -ErrorAction Continue -Method Delete
function Add-RabbitMQExchange {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'defaultLogin', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
# Name of RabbitMQ Exchange.
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Alias("Exchange", "ExchangeName")]
# Determines whether the exchange will be deleted once all queues have finished using it.
[parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
# Allows to set alternate exchange to which all messages which cannot be routed will be send.
[parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[string]$AlternateExchange, 260
# Name of the computer hosting RabbitMQ server. Defalut value is localhost.
[parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Alias("HostName", "hn", "cn")]
[string]$ComputerName = $defaultComputerName,
Begin {
$Credentials = NormaliseCredentials
Process {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server: $ComputerName, vhost: $VirtualHost", "Add exchange(s): $(NamesToString $Name '(all)')")) {
$body = @{
type = "$Type"
$result = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Credential $Credentials -AllowEscapedDotsAndSlashes -DisableKeepAlive -ErrorAction Continue -Method Put -ContentType
"application/json" -Body $bodyJson 261
$url = $url.Replace("+", "%20")
Write-Output $url
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("X-Reason", "Removing To Create Durable Exchanges")
$result = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Credential $Credentials -Headers $headers -DisableKeepAlive:$InvokeRestMethodKeepAlive -ErrorAction Continue -Method Delete
Write-Output "$url closed."
function MakeExistingExchangesDurable() {
[string] $HostName = $defaultComputerName,
[string] $UserName = $defaultUserName,
[string] $Password = $defaultPassword,
[string] $VirtualHost = "/",
[bool] $IgnoreConfirms = $false
$exchanges = Get-RabbitMQExchange
$nondurableExchanges = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Foreach ($exchange in $exchanges) {
if ($ -and -not ($exchange.durable) -and -not $"thycotic-sr")) {
$nondurableExchanges.Add($exchange) > $null
if ($nondurableExchanges.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "All the exchanges are durable."
$confirmation = ''
if ($IgnoreConfirms -eq $false) {
$confirmation = Read-Host "Are you Sure You Want To Proceed [y/n]"
if ($confirmation -eq 'y' -or $IgnoreConfirms -eq $true) {
try {
Foreach ($nondurableExchange in $nondurableExchanges) {
Remove-RabbitMQExchange -Name $nondurableExchange.Name -VirtualHost $nondurableExchange.vhost -Confirm:$(-not $IgnoreConfirms)
Add-RabbitMQExchange -Name $nondurableExchange.Name -Durable:$true -Type $nondurableExchange.type -AutoDelete:$nondurableExchange.auto_delete -
Internal:$nondurableExchange.Internal -VirtualHost $nondurableExchange.vhost -Confirm:$(-not $IgnoreConfirms)
$connections = Get-RabbitMQConnection
Foreach ($connection in $connections) {
if ($connection.Name)
Remove-RabbitMQConnection $connection.Name
catch {
throw $_
Write-Output "Exchanges are now durable."
else {
Write-Output "Not going to make the exchanges durable."
} 262
Restoring Secret Server from a Backup
1. Extract your backup zip file of the SS application directory, or copy the files from your other backup location to the physical file path that
your virtual directory is pointing to.
2. If you have configured encryption of your encryption.config using EFS or DPAPI, you will need to replace the file from the backup with the
unencrypted one.
3. Check that FIPS mode is not enabled on the server to avoid an error during the process.
Scenario One: Database and Secret Server Are in the Same Location
3. In the To database text box, type the database name or select it from the drop down list.
6. In the Restore Database window Options section, ensure the Force Restore over Existing Database check box is checked.
8. If you get an error saying that Management Studio was unable to get exclusive access to the database:
9. Disable Force SSL if there is no certificate installed on the server you are restoring to.
10. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the databases and select the database for SS.
11. Select New Query at on the menu bar to open a query pane.
12. Copy the following command: UPDATE [dbo].[tbConfiguration] SET ForceHttps = 0 into the query pane
14. After the query executes successfully, restart Internet Information Server (IIS) by running iisreset from the command line.
Note: If you are prompted for database credentials when accessing SS and are unable to re-connect, you may need to remap
the user.
15. Expand the Security > Users folder under the SS database.
16. Remove the user that SS will use to access the database.
17. Expand the Security > Logins folder under the SQL Server root.
18. Right click on the log on corresponding to SS and select User Mappings. 263
19. Re-map the log on to the SS database.
Scenario Two: The Database and Secret Server Are in Different Locations
2. Restart Internet Information Server (IIS) by running iisreset from the command line.
3. Use your Web browser to navigate to the new instance of SS. This redirects you to the Web installer because the database.config file is
missing and it thinks you have not installed yet.
9. In the Restore Database window options make sure the Force Restore over Existing Database Check box is checked.
11. If you get an error saying that Management Studio was unable to get exclusive access to the database:
12. Disable Force SSL if there is no certificate installed on the server you are restoring to.
13. Copy the following command: UPDATE [dbo].[tbConfiguration] SET ForceHttps = 0 into the query pane
16. Type the new database credentials (new server location, username, and password).
17. If you are unable to re-connect you may need to remap the user.
Note: If you are prompted for database credentials when accessing SS and are unable to re-connect, you may need to remap
the user.
18. Expand the Security > Users folder under the SS database.
19. Remove the user that SS will use to access the database.
20. Expand the Security > Logins folder under the SQL Server root.
21. Right click on the log on corresponding to SS and select User Mappings.
23. Once past Step 3, you are finished. Go to the home.aspx page (click the Secret Server logo). There is no need to go any further with the
install because the database.config has been recreated with the new information. 264
Scheduled Backups
There are numerous options to consider when backing up SS. Backups can be scheduled to run on a specific time interval. To prevent the
directory from growing too large, the number of backups to keep can be defined as well. Depending on size constraints or preferences of the
DBA, the database backup can either truncate the transaction log or keep it intact. The additional schedule settings are available when "Enable
Schedule Backup" is enabled, and the view page indicates the time and date of the next scheduled backup. 265
Server Clustering
SS can run with multiple front-end Web servers. For a critical instance, clustering offers a redundant system to limit potential down time from a
single point of failure. Clustering also allows users to load balance for better performance. For instructions on enabling clustering in SS, see
Setting up Clustering. 266
SQL Server Mirroring
This topic describes the process of configuring Secret Server (SS) and SQL Server for a high-availability environment using Mirroring. The
contents of this paper include:
Configuring SQL Server 2016 for database mirroring with a failover partner and a witness
The encryption used between the primary database and the mirror database
Note: This topic uses SQL Server 2016, but it is very similar to earlier versions.
Three different SQL Server instances are required to implement this scenario:
In the setup described here, mirroring operates in synchronous mode, which means that a transaction does not commit on the primary database
until it has committed on the mirror.
Note: See Prerequisites, Restrictions, and Recommendations for Database Mirroring for more on synchronous mirroring:
To initiate database mirroring, the databases on the primary and secondary machines must have the same name. We recommend doing this
before installation. To initially set up mirroring, in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, take a full backup of the database on the primary
and then restore it onto the database on the secondary. When restoring the database, the "RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY" option must be
The three SQL Server instances should all be running under the same domain account. It is possible to run under different accounts but the
configuration is more complex and not supported by Thycotic technical support. Each SQL Server instance should be configured to listen on
Configuring Mirroring
To configure mirroring:
1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, drill down to the primary database in the Object Explorer.
2. Right click the primary database and select Properties. The Database Properties window appears.
3. Select the Mirror page.
4. Click on the Configure Security button. The Configure Database Mirroring Security Wizard appears on the introduction page.
5. Click the Next button. The Include Witness Server page appears.
6. Click to select the Yes selection button.
7. Click the Next button. The Choose Server to Configure page appears.
8. Click to select all three interface check boxes (principal, mirror, and witness servers).
9. Click the Next button. The Principal Server Instance page appears.
10. Click the Principal server instance dropdown list to select the current (primary) server.
11. Type a port number for connecting to the other servers in the Listener port text box. The port must be open for TCP communication on
the machine’s firewall and on any network devices that restrict access to this machine.
12. Click to select the Encrypt data sent through this endpoint check box. This enables RC4 encryption on data sent through this
13. Type Mirroring in the Endpoint name text box. The endpoint name is for referencing the endpoint later.
14. Click the Next button. The Mirror Server Instance page appears. 267
15. Repeat the exact same configuration you set for the primary server instance with only the server instance name different (choose the
mirror instance).
16. Click the Next button. The Witness Server Instance page appears.
17. Repeat the exact same configuration you set for the primary server instance with only the server instance name different (choose the
witness instance).
18. Click the Next button. The Service Accounts page appears.
19. Type the domain user that SQL Server runs under for each instance's Service Accounts text box. For example mydomain\sql_svc.
20. Click the Finish >> button. Logins are created for each account and are given CONNECT permission on each endpoint, if needed. The
Complete the Wizard page appears.
21. Click the Finish button
Note: The credentials used to access the primary database must also be valid on the mirror database for failover to work.
2. Type Database in the Search text box and select Database. The Database Configuration page appears: 268
5. Click the select the SSL Encryption check box.
6. Type the mirror server name in the Failover Partner text box.
Testing Mirroring
This procedure is necessary to verify that failover will function correctly in the event that the primary server is unavailable or inoperable:
4. Click the Failover Now button. This causes the database on primary to switch roles and become the mirror database. The mirror
database becomes the primary. Clients using the application should be able to continue as before.
Note: One request may fail before SS begins making requests to the new primary database.
Note: See Enable encrypted connections to the Database Engine for instruction on configuring SSL for SQL Server.
The certificate authority used for the SSL certificates must be trusted on all of the machines that are a part of SS's installation. The SQL Server
service account must be granted access to the certificate.
1. Open Microsoft Management Console by running mmc on the Windows command prompt.
2. Drill down to Console Root > Certificates > Personal > Certificates in the navigation tree.
3. Right click the certificate and select All Tasks > Manage Private Keys.
4. Grant the user account that SQL Server uses read permission.
5. Ensure SSL is enabled for both the primary and mirror database server. See Configuring Secret Server for Mirroring. It is not necessary to 269
configure SSL on the witness server. 270
Unlimited Administration Mode
Unlimited administration mode is a feature designed to allow an administrator access to all secrets and folders in their SS instance without
explicit permission. This can be used in the instance a company has an emergency where access to a secret is needed when no users who
have permission are available. Alternately, it can be used when company policies require administrators to have access to all information in the
Note: An alert visible to all users displays at the top of the Secret View page when unlimited administration mode is enabled.
For a user to be an unlimited administrator they must be assigned a role with the Unlimited Administrator permission and Unlimited
Administration Mode must be enabled in Configuration settings.
To navigate to the Unlimited Administration section, select Configuration from the Administration menu, and then click Change
Administration Mode. We recommend administrators have specific permissions to folders and secrets and this mode is only used temporarily
to assign the correct permissions.
Note: Changes to the administration mode are logged in an audit grid. The grid shows the user, time of the change, and any notes
made by the user. 271
Developer Resources
This topic is a one-stop resource for Secret Server developers. It points to TDP topics, as well as legacy knowledgebase articles. See the main
TDP API and Scripting section too.
Custom Reports
Custom Reports Gallery
General Scripting
Accessing Secret Server—PowerShell (KBA)
REST API PowerShell Script Examples
Scripting Dependencies
Change SQL service account without restarting the SQL service (KBA)
Understanding Dependency Script Errors for SSH, Powershell and SQL (KBA)
PowerShell Dependency to Update the Default Content Access Account for SharePoint (KBA)
SOAP Web Services API Guide (PDF) 273
Directory Services
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Directory (name) services, components of network operating systems, map the names of network resources to their network addresses. Their
shared information infrastructure locates, manages, and organizes network resources, which can include volumes, folders, files, users, groups,
devices, and much more. Active Directory is Secret Server's native directory service. 274
Active Directory
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server can integrate with Active Directory by allowing users to use their Active Directory credentials to log on Secret Server.
Note: Before synchronizing or creating users, you need to create a secret to be used as the "sync secret." This secret should
contain Domain Admin credentials (or an account with appropriate permissions to search and view the attributes to all your
organization's users and groups). 275
Active Directory Rights for Synchronization Account
Below is a listing of the Active Directory permissions required by the account used for synchronization.
Recommended Permissions
Object Tab
List contents
Read all properties
Note: These all require ADSI Edit - Allow (Active Directory Service Interfaces Editor) permission.
Object Tab
List contents
Properties Tab
Read objectClass
Read displayName
Read Distinguished Name
Read Group name (pre-Windows 2000)
Read groupAttributes
Read memberOf
Read Members
Read objectGUID 276
Configuration Parameters
Active Directory configuration can be enabled by a user with the Administer Active Directory role. To change these settings, select Active
Directory from the Administration menu and then click Edit.
Enable Active Directory Integration: Enable or disable the Active Directory Integration feature.
Enable Integrated Windows Authentication: Enable or disable the Windows integrated authentication feature.
Enable Synchronization of Active Directory: Enable or disable the automatic synchronization of the selected Synchronization Groups
from Active Directory. If you have manually added users and will not use the Synchronization group, do not enable this setting or manual
users can be locked out.
Synchronization Interval for Active Directory: Set the interval that SS synchronizes its users and groups with the Active Directory.
User Account Options:
Users are enabled by default (Manual): SS users are automatically be enabled when they are synced as new users from Active
Directory. If they were disabled explicitly in SS, they are not be automatically re-enabled. If creating a new user causes the user count to
exceed your license limit, the user is created as disabled.
Users are disabled by default (Manual): SS users are automatically disabled when they are pulled in as new users from Active
Directory. If they were enabled explicitly in SS, they are not automatically re-disabled.
User status mirrors Active Directory (Automatic): When a new user is pulled in from Active Directory, they are automatically enabled
if active on the domain. The exception is when this causes you to exceed your license count. For existing users, they are automatically be
disabled if they are removed from all synchronization groups, deleted in AD, or disabled in AD. They are automatically re-enabled when
they are part of a synchronization group and are active in AD. 277
Configuring Active Directory
To allow users to log in with their Active Directory (AD) credentials, you can configure your AD domain settings in SS and then add users either
individually or by group.
1. Select Admin > Active Directory. The Active Directory Integration page appears.
2. Click the Edit button. The Edit Active Directory Configuration page appears.
1. Select Admin > Active Directory. The Active Directory Integration page appears.
2. Click the Edit Domains button. The Active Directory Domains page appears.
4. Fill in the domain information and the username and password that will be used for connecting to the domain and synchronizing users
and groups.
5. If you wish to use Secure LDAP, enable the Use LDAPS checkbox under the Advanced section. For more information on Secure LDAP,
please see the Using Secure LDAP KB Article.
6. It is possible to set Automatically enable Two Factor Authentication for users synchronized from this domain. This option is also
available under the Advanced section.
Now you are ready to add individual users or groups of users for access to SS with AD credentials. See the relevant section below for
Once a domain has been added, the Synchronization Groups needs to be set by clicking the Edit Synchronization button on the Active
Directory Configuration page. The Available groups represent all accessible groups on the specified Active Directory domain. The user
membership can be previewed with the Group Preview control. Select the desired group from the available groups that contains the Active
Directory accounts for users you would like to create in SS. If the specific group does not exist, one can be created by your Active Directory
administrator. If you create domain users manually or converting local users to domain users, then see the corresponding sections below
before setting the synchronization group.
SS can sync with security groups from AD to automatically add, enable, and disable users. This can streamline the process of managing which
users are enabled.
1. From the Active Directory page, click the Edit button. The Edit Active Directory Configuration page appears.
2. Click to select the Enable Synchronization of Active Directory check box. Additional settings appear.
3. Choose how often you want Secret Server to sync with AD by configuring the Synchronization Interval. The default value is one day.
4. Click the User Account Options Dropdown list to select a default status for users. See below for a description of each option. We 278
recommend selecting Users are disabled by default (Manual) for initial testing. The options are:
Users are enabled by default (Manual): SS users are automatically enabled when they are synced as new users from AD. If they
were disabled explicitly in SS, they are not automatically re-enabled. If creating a new user will cause the user count to exceed your
license limit, the user created disabled.
Users are disabled by default (Manual): SS users are automatically disabled when they are pulled in as new users from AD. If
they were enabled explicitly in SS, they are not automatically re-disabled.
User status mirrors Active Directory (Automatic): When new users are pulled in from AD, they are automatically enabled if
active on the domain. The exception is when this will cause you to exceed your license count. For existing users, they are
automatically be disabled if they are removed from all synchronization groups, deleted in AD, or disabled in AD. They are
automatically re-enabled when they are part of a synchronization group and are active in AD. See Understanding Active Directory
Automatic User Management.
5. Change the Days to Keep Operational Logs text box to set the period to keep AD-related logs that might contain PII. SS automatically
deletes logs older than that (in days).
6. Click the Save button.
Choose the security groups from AD you want to sync with SS: 279
2. Click the Edit Synchronization button. The Synchronization Edit page appears:
3. Click the Select Domain dropdown list to choose your domain. More options appear: 280
5. Select the group(s) you would like to sync from the Available Groups list, then click the single left arrow < to add them to Synchronized
From the Active Directory page, click the Synchronize Now button to run a sync. As the sync progresses, you can click the Refresh button
to monitor the logs until you see the message Completed Domain synchronization for all domains. 281
Converting Local Users to Domain Users
Local users can be converted to a domain user in a one-way irreversible process. This feature helps existing customers with extensive groups
and permissions setup for a local user that they want to convert to an Active Directory user. The page can be accessed on the Administration
> Users page by clicking the Migrate to AD button. For the conversion to work, the domain user must not exist within SS. The username is
changed to match the domain user throughout the system. 282
Creating Active Directory Users
Active Directory users can be created manually by a user that has the Administer Users role. You can do this by going to Administration >
Users, then clicking the Create New button. See Creating a User. 283
Enabling and Disabling Active Directory Users
If you selected a manual setting for User Account Options, you can now enable or disable your AD users’ access to SS: 284
Syncing and Authenticating AD Users via a Distributed Engine
SS connects to the domain: from the Web server or routed through a distributed engine. If your Web server can reach your domain without
issue, then using the local site option is recommended. When a user authenticates or AD synchronization is run, the connection to the domain
is from the Web server. If your Web server cannot connect to the target domain, if it is a VM in a cloud environment for example, you can setup
an engine on-premises and assign it to the domain. When a user authenticates, SS routes the domain calls through the on-premises engine,
eliminating the need for site to site connections or persistent VPNs. Review the Distributed Engine guide for steps on setting up sites and
Note: The Active Directory secret is used to synchronize users and groups, it requires permission to search and view the attributes
of the users and groups. If you plan on using discovery, the account also needs permissions to scan computers on the network for
1. Create a synced secret. Before synchronizing or creating users, create a secret for use as the sync secret. This secret should contain
Domain Admin credentials (or an account with appropriate permissions for read access to all your organization’s AD objects).
1. Before synchronizing or creating users, you must first specify which domains SS can authenticate against. SS can synchronize with
any number of domains.
2. Go to Admin > Active Directory. The Active Directory Configuration page appears.
4. Click the Create New button. The Active Directory Domain page appears.
7. Click the Sync Secret list to select the AD secret you created earlier.
Note: If you do not have a secret setup yet, click the Create New Secret link to create your AD secret.
Note: The AD sync secret is used to synchronize users and groups. It requires permission to search and view the
attributes of the users and groups. If you plan on using SS discovery, the account will also need permissions to scan
computers on the network for accounts.
1. Once the domain has been added, go to Admin > Active Directory. The Active Directory Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Edit Synchronization button. The Synchronization Edit page appears. The Available Groups represent all accessible
groups on the specified AD domain. You can preview the user membership with the Group Preview control.
4. Select the desired group from the Available Groups that contains the AD accounts for users you would like to create in SS.
5. Configure AD:
1. Go to Admin > Active Directory. The Active Directory Configuration page appears.
2. Click on the Edit button. The Edit Active Directory Configuration page appears. 285
5. Click the Save button.
6. Turn on AD sync. 286
Understanding Active Directory Automatic User Management
When Active Directory (AD) Sync is run with the "User status mirrors Active Directory (Automatic)" option, it creates groups and users in SS to
mirror the organization's configured AD groups and users. A Secret Server user is created or enabled for every enabled AD user in the selected
Thus, every enabled AD user in every synched group consumes a SS license, whether or not they use Secret Server. As a result, an
organization can end up paying for far more SS licenses than they need.
AD Automatic User Management addresses this issue by automatically disabling the accounts of users who have not logged in to SS in a
specified number of months. This saves unnecessary licensing costs as inactive users do not count against the number of user licenses
required by SS.
You can configure the setting on the Edit Active Directory Configuration page. See Configuring Active Directory There is a checkbox to enable
or disable the feature and a textbox to set the number of months before a user is auto-disabled. The default is three, but you can set it from one
to 12.
Newly-added users remain enabled until the first synchronization after the configured number of months have passed. When a user whose
account has been disabled by this feature attempts to log in they automatically have their account enabled, provided there are licenses
Example One
Example Two
Example Three 287
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
LDAP is an open, industry-standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over IP
networks. 288
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Discovery is the process where SS scans an environment to find accounts and associated resources called dependencies. Once accounts are
found, they can be used to create new secrets in SS. Users with the “administer discovery” role permission can either manually import accounts
or can create an automated process, called a discovery rule, to do so. Using discovery does not stop users from manually creating their own
Some typical accounts that discovery can find include Windows local admin, Windows domain, and Unix non-daemon. Some typical
dependencies discovery can scan for include scheduled tasks running as a domain user, application pools running as a domain user, and
services running as a domain user.
Note: Account and dependency types not supported out-of-the-box in SS can still be discovered by writing PowerShell scripts that
can be run as custom scanners. See Extensible Discovery.
Automated Discovery
The following is a high-level overview of how the most common type of automated discovery works without customization. Discovery is
organized into an ordered set of discovery scans that pass information based on input and output templates. This is all configured by default.
You cannot alter the out-of-the-box discovery scanners, but you can copy them and then modify the copy.
Discovery Source
A named collective, ordered system that conducts discovery. There are four broad types: Active Directory, Amazon Web Services, Unix, and
VMware ESX\ESXi.
Configuring discovery is defining the parameters of the discovery source, once the general type is chosen.
Discovery Scanner
A discovery component that collects information during a discovery. There are four general types, called scan templates (in their sequential
running order): Find host ranges, Find machine, Find local accounts, and Find dependencies.
A discovery source consists of a ordered sequence of discovery scanners. Each scanner has a defined input and output. A discovery source
can have more than one scanner of a given type.
The defined input type for a discovery scanner. An instance of the template contains the data needed to conduct the scan. The input template is
often, but not always, an output template of the preceding scanner in the sequence. Some examples include Active Directory Domain, AWS
Discovery Source, Organizational Unit, and Windows Computer.
The defined output type for a discovery scanner. An instance of the template contains the data produced by the scan. The output template is
often, but not always, an input template of the next scanner in the chain. Other times, the output may be used by another non-adjacent scanner
in the discovery source. Some examples include: Active Directory Account, AWS Access Key, ESXi Local Account, Host Range,
Organizational Unit, and Windows Local Account. 289
Example Automated Discovery Process
A typical automated discovery process for Active Directory domains, running on an interval, looks like this:
Note: The majority of current discovery processes are for AD discovery source type. The others types differ by input and output but
follow a similar process.
Note: Even though automatic discoveries run on a set interval, you cannot schedule when those occur. The interval is from
whenever the discovery last ran.
1. Discovery matching runs. The discovery matcher creates a link between existing active secrets and any existing secrets in SS based on
their machine names, accounts and dependencies. The matcher is automatic. When matches are found, the corresponding existing
discovery results appear as “managed” in the discovery network view with a link to the existing secret or dependency.
2. Discovery rules run and attempt to match any unmanaged discovery results to the rule’s parameters. If a rule matches the results,
discovery automatically imports the results using the settings in the discovery rule. Once finished, discovery begins:
3. The Find Host Ranges scanner (using the Windows Discovery base scanner) runs with an Active Directory Domain input template. The
scanner determines which OUs are to be scanned and populates its Organizational Unit output template with a list of those OUs. The
output template will be used by the following Find Machine scanner and also by the Find Local Accounts scanner, which does not require
machine information.
4. The Find Machine scanner (using the Windows Discovery base scanner) examines OUs from its Organizational Unit input template via
LDAP and creates a list of machines with which it populates its Windows Computer output template. This is the list of computers to run a
dependency scan on. The Find Dependencies scanner uses this instance of the output template as its input template.
5. The Find Local Accounts scanner (using the File Load Discovery base scanner) examines OUs from its Organizational Unit input
template via LDAP and creates a list of all AD admin accounts with which it populates its Active Directory Account output template. This
is the list of discovered admin accounts.
6. The Find Dependencies scanner (using the Windows Discovery base scanner) examines a list of machines from its Windows Computer
input template using various technologies. For example, applications pools use Microsoft Web Administration (WMA) or, failing that,
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Services use WMI, and scheduled tasks use Windows’ task scheduler interfaces. The Find
Dependencies scanner can return any number of output templates as desired. These include: Com+ Application, Computer Dependency
(Basic), PS Dependency, Remote File, SQL Dependency (Basic), SSH Dependency (Basic), SSH Key Rotation Dependency, Windows
Application Pool, Windows Scheduled Task, and Windows Service.
The discovered dependencies for local accounts are displayed at Admin > Discovery > Discovery Network View > Local Accounts Tab.
Returned accounts for AD users are displayed at Admin > Discovery > Discovery Network View > Domain > Cloud Accounts.
Note: Any dependencies that were discovered in prior discovery runs that are no longer present are removed from the discovery
results, and their secret dependencies are deactivated.
Manual Discovery
You can also run discovery manually by going to Admin > Discovery and clicking “Run Now” button on the Discovery and Computer Scan tabs
on that page. We recommend that you wait for any automatic discovery to idle before starting another discovery run. When you click the “Run
Now” button on the Discovery tab, the first four of the automated steps above are run. When you click the “Run Now” button on the Scan
Computers tab, the last two are run. These steps are the most time intensive steps because many machines may be scanned.
Discovery Performance
Please see our Discovery Best Practices Guide to learn about optimizing discovery performance. 290
Extensible Discovery
You can customize discovery by changing parts of it to use PowerShell. The information a discovery scanner outputs is defined by its scanner
template. For standard templates, the input and output information types are fixed. Extensible discovery allows you to customize or replace the
unmanaged account, IP address and OU, account, and dependency discovery steps above. Extensible discovery does still have limitations on
what information is passed between discovery scanners. For more information, see the Extensible Discovery Overview (KBA). 291
Account Permissions for Discovery
The scanning account needs to be able to connect over SSH and read the contents of /etc/passwd. This includes the minimum permissions for
taking over accounts during import sudoer permissions then sudoer permissions on /etc/passwd
The scanning account needs “Shell Access” and the “Query VRM Policy” permission.
The scanning account needs the “Access This Computer From the Network” permission. To find this permission:
Note: For more information refer to Network access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM.
Note: There are special considerations for discovering service accounts running COM+ Applications, please see the following for
instructions: COM+ Dependency Scanner (KBA).
To scan for service accounts, the account entered must be a domain account that is in the Administrators group on the target machines. Follow
the instructions below in either case to ensure your account has the appropriate privileges to run a successful scan:
3. Right-click Local Users and groups and select New > Local Group.
7. Search for the account you will use for discovery scanning.
8. Click the OK button to save your changes. The next time the group policy updates across your environment, the discovery account will be
part of the local administrators group.
9. For strong security, configure the group policy to limit the logon privileges of that account: 292
AWS Account Discovery
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS can scan Amazon Web Services (AWS) for accounts that can access the cloud resource. Two types of secrets can be discovered and
managed through SS:
AWS Access Key: Keys used for programmatic integration with AWS.
AWS Console Account: User login accounts for AWS. 293
Enabling AWS Discovery
1. For SS to communicate with AWS, users with sufficient privileges need to create an access key for their account in AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM). The account used to do this requires the following permissions to discover users and access keys:
Note: These permissions are limited to the resources the user is allowed to access.
2. Once this access key is created, use the access key and secret key to create a secret in SS using the Amazon IAM key template.
3. Create a new AWS discovery source and use the Amazon IAM key as the credentials secret for the discovery source.
Note: AWS only allows programmatic integration through access keys. This type of secret is required for discovery to work.
Discovery must be enabled in SS for this feature to work. 294
Password Management in AWS
SS can manage password and access keys for AWS IAM accounts.
Password changing, privileged password changing, and running heartbeats are available for Amazon IAM key secrets. When an Amazon IAM
key has its password changed through SS, the new secret key is generated automatically and is not set by user input.
During password changing, you can disable or remove old keys through settings available in the advanced configuration:
Important: Altering advanced settings can significantly impact the performance and behavior of SS, so there is no direct link
anywhere in SS to the Advanced Settings page. If you need to change any advanced setting (as mentioned in this guide), please
contact Thycotic Technical Support.
Password changing, and privileged password changing are available for Amazon IAM console password secrets. Due to AWS IAM's
restrictions on programmatic integration, this secret type cannot use SS heart beat.
In addition, an Amazon IAM key secret must be associated with an Amazon IAM console password secret for password changing to occur. To
associate the two:
1. Create the Amazon IAM console password secret, and an Amazon IAM Key secret for an account that has the permissions to change the
console user's password. This can be the console account's own access keys, if the user has permission.
2. Navigate to the RPC tab of the Amazon IAM Console Password.
3. Under Change Password Using Privileged Account select Edit, and choose the IAM key secret created in the previous step. RPC
should now be possible on the console password secret.
Note: These permissions are at the most granular level. You can implement broader methods through wildcard resource
restrictions, permission policies, or groups.
Privileged Permissions: (those the AWS account needs to change another users' access keys):
Basic Permissions (those the AWS account needs to change its own access keys):
Note: These permissions are at the most granular level. You can implement broader methods through wildcard resource
restrictions, permission policies, or groups. 295 296
Discovery Best Practices
This document covers the most common settings to tune to make discovery more efficient. Environmental factors contribute to some these
Global Settings
The settings below might make discovery more efficient, regardless an organization’s size.
Port scanning is a scan that can be conducted before the regular discovery scan to potentially reduce discovery time—if specified ports are
unavailable on a given machine, the standard discovery scan will eventually timeout (the default is five minutes). Port scanning eliminates that
timing out process, which saves time. 297
Port Scan List: A comma-delimited list of ports to scan. These depend on the configuration of the systems you will scan. Defaults to
NetBIOS (135) and Active Directory services (445).
Examples of scanners that have a port-scanning timeout option for Active Directory include:
Simply go to Admin > Discovery Configuration > Edit Discovery Sources (button) > Configure Discovery Scanners (button) >
Accounts (tab), and then click the pencil icon for the desired scanner. If the configurations are on that page, that scanner supports port
scanning. See the previous figure.
If you lower the regular discovery scanner timeout, without port scanning enabled, you may kill a running scan. In addition, non-Active-Directory
discovery scanners, such as a custom PowerShell scanner, that are slow or prone to hanging may also be disrupted or even crash if the regular
discovery scanner timeout is set too low. As a best practice, we recommend enabling port scanning and not lowering the regular scanner
timeout, which defaults to five minutes, unless Thycotic Support asks you to. Do not lower the port scanning timeout below 15 seconds.
Without discovery port scanning enabled, discovery scanners rely on the standard timeout, which defaults to five minutes. If a secret has
multiple dependencies, the system may have a chain of discovery timeouts to process, one at a time. With the default five-minute timeout on all
the systems, timing out can take a long time, especially if you have a lot of machines turned off or unavailable. Discovery port scanning greatly
reduces that.
To calculate the maximum timeout for discovery use this formula (with all systems using the same timeout value and each secret having the
same number of dependencies):
(number of secrets) × (number of dependencies) × (timeout value) = (maximum minutes for discovery scans)
For example, using the default five-minute timeout value for 35 secrets, each with three dependencies:
35 × 3 × 5 = 525
Thus, 8.75 hours (525 ÷ 60) of timeout are possible and enabling discovery port scanning becomes a really good idea, especially if you have a
lot of machines down at any given time.
Note: We can ignore clustered objects as part of a discovery scan, but we cannot ignore disabled computer objects, so SS tries to
scan each object that exists within AD. If you have a centralized area for disabled computer objects, consider configuring discovery
to be OU specific and excluding your disabled computers OU to make discovery more efficient.
Currently, you cannot set when discovery runs via a control or setting. You can, however, approximately set when it runs by disabling and
enabling it at the desired time. It runs daily around the same time as when it was first enabled and then again according to whatever the
discovery scan offset hours interval was set to. If you are running discovery once per day, we suggest:
Choosing a start time outside your normal business hours, such as midnight.
First running several ad-hoc discoveries when your network traffic normally drops at the end of the day. Record how long each discovery
process takes. Remember, this can vary greatly if a lot of machines are down, which is why we suggest conducting more than one
Note: It might be fun to run one test with discovery port scanning disabled, just to see the difference. 298
Using the average time the test runs took, calculate when to start discovery at a time when no anticipated portion of the discovery period
is during your high-traffic times. We suggest having an end buffer as long as possible to account for variability, so if your average
discovery time is fairly long, it might be best to start discovery soon after your network traffic drops off for the evening. This is especially
true if your machine pool is growing.
For example, if your tested average discovery time was four hours and your network traffic is busy between 0600 and 1800, you should run
discovery between 1800 and 0200, the closer to 1800 the better.
Discovery Settings
Synchronization Interval for Discovery: How often you want the regular discover scan to occur.
Ignore Cluster Node Objects: A check box that tells SS to not run discovery on machines identified as “msclustervirtualserver.” Do not
change this setting.
Engine AD Discovery Batch Size: A legacy setting that should always be set to 1.
See Discovery Scan Offset Hours for a discussion of the last setting.
Note: There is another “Discovery Batch Size” setting on the Advance Settings page, which is usually only available to Thycotic
Customer Support. This setting, too, is legacy, and should not be set.
Environment-Specific Considerations
This section discusses a setting that allows you to quickly discover changes without greatly increasing traffic. 299
The “discovery scan offset hours” (DSOH) setting is for customers that need to detect new (to the network) systems quickly without excessive
network traffic during business hours. For example, you might need this feature if you have lots of server testing (systems are up and down) or
laptops (systems are connected or not). The trick is doing this while minimizing the networking load.
We accomplish this with discovery scan offsets. With these, you have multiple synchronization scans per day, rather than just one, where SS
attempts to scan each and every system, but first SS looks up each system to see if that system is flagged for scanning. The process goes like
1. Initially, SS scans each discovered system and resets its DSOH timer, which is set to the number of hours defined by the DSOH setting
value. SS has a separate timer for each scanned system.
2. Once set, each timer starts counting down. Until that timer runs out, SS ignores the scanned system if it runs a discovery scan.
3. When the timer is finished, the system is again flagged for scanning.
4. The next time SS does a discovery scan, it sees the flag is present and scans the system.
The period the “scan me” flag is down (the period the timer is running) is defined by the DSOH setting. Thus, DSOH essentially tells SS how
long before scanning that discovered system again.
For example, if you have a discovery scan offset of 12 hours and a discovery interval of four hours:
1. Start: The first time discovery runs, it scans every object because each one’s timer is zeroed out, which makes it flagged for scanning.
After scanning, each object’s timer starts to count down, which makes it unflagged for scanning.
2. At four-hours: The next time discovery runs , it ignores the objects that were scanned the first time (because their timer was set to 12
hours), but it does process any newly discovered objects.
3. At eight-hours: In four more hours the same happens—only new objects are processed.
4. At 12 Hours: In four more hours, the scan runs again. This time, the 12-hour scan offset has expired, and all the timers of the original
objects are zeroed out. The process begins anew—discovery scans every object because its timer is zeroed out, which makes it flagged
for scanning. After scanning, each object’s timer starts to count down, which makes it unflagged for scanning.
Advanced Settings
Note: These settings reside in the ConfigurationAdvanced.aspx file, which you should not edit unless Thycotic Support asks you to.
During the discovery process, secrets are matched with their machine. For smaller customers, this likely has little performance impact. For very
large customers, the performance impact is noteworthy. We recommend that large businesses enable this option to decrease matcher resource
use. 300
By default, the secret computer matcher runs once every five hours (this is non-configurable). This means the matcher runs four times per day,
and only one of those times could coincide with discovery running at four-hour intervals. The other three will not run in tandem with discovery
and thus will increase network traffic. If you enable this setting, the matcher will instead run after each discovery completes. If discovery only
runs once, the matcher only runs once too. This more efficient because discovery can take hours to run, and having the matcher run several
times during that period wastes processing.
If you configure discovery for Active Directory to scan by separate OUs and not by the entire domain, nested OUs can overwhelm your
message bus. This occurs because each OU generates its own message unless you enable this setting. So if your enterprise has a complex
tree of nested OUs, as many large businesses do, you could experience this issue. Smaller enterprises with single or a small number of nested
OUs can ignore it. If you change the configuration in the Advance Configuration page file, it will affect all discovery source settings (some
scanners have a similar configuration that only affects them). Alternatively, for more flexibility, you can configure this individually at the scanner
level by checking the Bypass Specific OU Scan check box on the Settings - Active Directory tab for the scanner:
The number of distributed engines and engine workers within your environment can affect how fast discovery completes. Increasing CPU
counts on your existing engines may help them to complete a diverse set of tasks more efficiently but might not have much effect on discovery
processing time. If an engine is doing discovery, only a subset of consumers run and they will run into a prefetch count limit (30 messages per
engine). Thus, increasing the number of engines and engine workers might decrease total discovery time by increasing that prefetch limit. 301
Enabling Active Directory Domain Discovery
1. On the Administration menu click Active Directory, and then click Edit Domains.
2. Click the domain value for the domain you would like to configure.. 302
Enabling Secret Server Discovery
1. On the Administration menu click Discovery, and then click Edit.
3. Fill in the Synchronization Interval for Discovery text-entry fields for days, hours, or minutes. This determines how often Discovery
Note: See the "Discovery Best Practices Guide" for details about the other controls.
4. Change the Days to Keep Operational Logs text box to set the period to keep discovery-related logs that might contain PII. SS
automatically deletes logs older than that (in days).
5. Click Save. 303
Enabling Specific OU Domain Discovery
1. On the Administration menu click Discovery, and then click Edit Domains.
5. If you are not already redirected there, click the Specific OUs tab.
6. Type an OU name in the Include box to add an OU to the list. If the OU is found, it auto-populates below the box. Click the name to add it
to the list. An included OU appears with an icon.
7. Type an OU name in the Exclude box to exclude it from Discovery. An OU is only available for exclusion if it is contained within an OU
that has already been included. An excluded OU appears with an icon.
8. To remove an OU from the list, click the to the right of the OU.
9. To set a specific site or secret to scan the computers in that OU with use the icon to the right of the OU.
Note: The ports required for Discovery are documented in Secret Server Ports (KB). 304
Unix Account Discovery
Please see the Discovery Guide for a comprehensive guide to configuring and using discovery. 305
VMware ESX/ESXi Account Discovery and RPC
Note: Please see the Discovery Topic for a comprehensive guide to configuring and using discovery.
Note: This topic is for Secret Server 10.6 and later. For earlier versions, see VMware ESX/ESXi Password Changing & Discovery
10.5 and prior (KBA).
The ESX/ESXi (API) password changer verifies (using heartbeat) and changes VMware ESX/ESXi passwords via the vSphere API. Password
changing and discovery for Secret Server 10.6 and later requires PowerCLI 6.5.1 or higher.
Either must be installed on the servers running discovery—your local SS machine or machines running distributed engine. Earlier versions of
the password changer are now deprecated.
Important: VMware PowerCLI 11.5 does not work due to VMware.Binding.WsTrust.dll file missing from the directory.
Secret Server searches the machine’s Windows path PATH for the VMWare SDK, therefore installing the correct version of it is all that is
needed. On the machine you install VMware PowerCLI, update the Windows "Path" environment variable to include the folder where the file
VMware.Vim.dll is located.
Note: After installing the VMware PowerCLI, the default installation path is: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Vim\
[version]\net45. The PowerCLI installation path must be in the system PATH variable.
1. Add C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Vim\[version]\net45 to the PATH using the system panel (sysdm.cpl).
4. Under the System Variables section, highlight Path then Edit. The Edit Environment Variable dialog box appears: 306
5. Click the New button
Download Locations
The error "The VMware VIM API is not installed or is the wrong version" indicates that PowerCLI needs to be installed.
We recommend not using an outdated SDK with an updated version of VMWare.
Secret Server’s VMWare password changer rejects self-signed SSL certificates. Make sure your VMWare servers have valid SSL
certificates (see below for settings).
The error "Exception: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure" indicates that vCenter server root certificates
needs to be installed. More info here.
For SS installed editions, you may need to restart the SS website after installing PowerCLI. Do this by recycling the SS application pool
or performing an IIS reset.
For distributed engines, the distributed engine service may need to be restarted after PowerCLI is installed.
Note: VMware recommends not including a CRL/CDP in certificate templates. To that end, we recommend adding the
X509RevocationMode.NoCheck option to the ESXi.CertificateChainPolicyOptions setting.
Thycotic added a configuration option for SS to allow ESXi TLS connections to ignore self-signed certificates, allow certificates from specific
issuers (even if issuer is not in trusted certificate lists), or completely skip certificate validation when using ESXi password changer, heartbeat,
or discovery. 307
Important: For security reasons, we do not encourage customers to use self-signed certificates. Therefore, the new configuration
settings listed below are not accessible through the UI. If you need to alter the default ESXi certificate validation settings, submit a
case through Thycotic's Support Portal for assistance.
ESXi.IgnoreSelfSignedCerts: If true, ignores any self-signed certs (subject = issuer) from ESXi hosts during heartbeat, RPC, and
ESXi.CertIssuersToIgnore: Semi-colon delimited list of issuer names (in format shown on certificate---such as "O=Issuer Name"). Ignores
partial chain errors due to certificate being issued by any issuer in this list when that issuer is not in the trusted root or intermediate CAs
lists on the server.
ESXi.IgnoreAllCertErrors: If true, certificate validation will not be performed. All certificate errors will be ignored.
ESXi.CertificateChainPolicyOptions: Identical to TLS Audit option, but specifically for ESXi. Allows setting X509 options to be applied to
certificate validation. This is a comma-delimited list of options. See TLS Auditing or the Details section for more information.
ESXi.ClientCertificateIds: identical to TLS Audit option, but specifically for ESXi. If ESXi host requires the client to present a valid
certificate, this is a semi-colon delimited list of client certificates on the server to try to present.
ESXi.AuditTlsErrorsDebug: Identical to TLS Audit option, but specifically for ESXi. If set to true and SS (or DE) auditing is set to DEBUG,
detailed debug messages about the certificate chain will be written to the log file.
ESXi.IgnoreDefaultHostCert: Sets all the TLS configuration options necessary to not fail due to a default ESXi host certificate and its
issuer not being in the trusted certificates lists. This is a combination of setting the issuer to ignore and not performing a revocation check.
Setting this to true should be the first change to make when attempting to resolve heartbeat, RPC, or discovery issues to ESXi hosts when
using PowerCLI versions later than 5.5.
Note: Issues with self-signed certificates previously implemented by customers were caused by a security update to the VMware
vSphere PowerCLI in versions after 5.5 that no longer permits the use of self-signed certificates. 308
Distributed Engines
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Out of the box, SS performs all functions from the Web server it is installed on; however, specific features can be routed through a distributed
engine for enhanced performance. For example, synchronize and authenticate AD users can be done in SS via your local site or from a
distributed engine (DE).
You can install a DE in a remote site and allow it to operate many functions. Communication with Secret Server Cloud also requires the
distributed engine to be installed.
Main Components
DEs support heartbeat, Remote Password Changing (RPC), and discovery. A DE is composed of site connectors, sites, and engines:
An engine is a Windows service that does the actual work, such as password changing, heartbeat, Discovery, and more. Each engine
belongs to a site.
A site can be thought of as a bucket of work items for a particular network area. Each engine is assigned to a single site, but each site
can include multiple engines, significantly increasing throughput.
A site connector is a Windows service that holds the work items for a number of sites. The site connector can be either RabbitMQ or
MemoryMQ (a built-in service developed by Thycotic). Each site can only be assigned to a single site connector, but you can have
multiple site connectors running on separate machines, each storing work items for multiple sites. Those sites, in turn, distribute the work
items among multiple engines. The ability to add new Site Connectors, Sites, and Engines as needed makes Distributed Engine a highly-
scalable solution.
Note: For the highest scalability and reliability, Thycotic recommends using RabbitMQ. MemoryMQ is an easier but less capable
alternative for customers who do not need many engines or sites. 309
Note: The above diagram is a simplified, conceptual one, not a network diagram. It does not show a callback port from the DE to
SS. DEs require either an HTTPS or TCP port to communicate with SS for initial activation, updates, and continuous periodic check
of site and site connector settings.
DEs have two configurable ports: one for connecting to the site connector, and one for the engine to retrieve configuration information from SS
at regular intervals. The callback port from an engine to SS can be configured to contact the website directly over HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP.
HTTP and HTTPS connections use the existing IIS port bindings. All connections are outbound—no inbound connections are made from SS or
the site connectors to the remote networks.
Note: If using Secret Server Cloud, port 9354 must also be opened for outbound messages.
Default ports:
Secret Server: existing IP address bindings or custom port over TCP. We reserve one port for legacy upgrades, usually port 9999.
Secret Server Cloud: 9354 (legacy port for NetMessaging in Azure Service Bus), used for outbound traffic for Engines to communicate
with Secret Server Cloud instances
Engines must be approved within SS before they will be given access to a site.
Work items are encrypted with a site-specific symmetric key prior to sending them to the site connector. 310
Communication to the site connector supports SSL and TLS.
For more information about DE security, see the Distributed Engine Security Guide.
Engine Workflow
2. The service receives configuration information for the site connector to connect to and what site to process work items for.
3. The service connects to the site connector and registers with the site for work item processing.
6. The service gives the site the result of the processing, such as heartbeat success or discovery results.
7. The service fetches another work item, and the process continues.
If you plan to use RabbitMQ (recommended), follow the instructions here. You can find general information on using RabbitMQ
Helper to install RabbitMQ can be found in Thycotic’s GitHub Repository
If you plan to use MemoryMQ, create the site connector record within SS then click the Download Site Connector Installer button
to get the MSI. Run the MSI on the desired host.
3. Setup sites.
4. Install engines.
5. Assign secrets to sites. Secrets can be assigned to a site through their Remote Password Changing tab or via a bulk operation on the SS
dashboard. Once assigned to a site, all heartbeat or password changing operations take place through that site.
6. Assign discovery sources to sites. To run discovery through a site, edit the discovery source and assign the site. Once assigned, all
discovery operations for that discovery source take place through that site.
What happens if SS sends work items to the site connector, but no engines are running to consume them?
Work items continue to build up in the site connector until a limit is reached. Heartbeat work items have a Time To Live (TTL) of 5 minutes,
Password Changing work items have a TTL of 20 minutes. Expired work items are thrown away and will not be processed. Once a heartbeat or
password changing work item is sent to the site connector, SS will not send the same work item to the queue until 5 minutes after the TTL is up
(10 and 25 minutes for heartbeat and password changing, respectively). This prevents multiple pending heartbeat or password changing work
items for the same secret at the same time. 311
Can I cluster Site Connectors?
Yes. You can have as many site connectors, of either type, installed as needed. Note that while you can have both RabbitMQ and MemoryMQ
installed on a single machine, you cannot have two RabbitMQ instances or two MemoryMQ instances on the same machine.
Yes. You can install the new site connector, swap the sites over to the new service, and then decommission the old site connector. 312
Configuration and Sizing
Starting in Secret Server version 8.9.000000, DEs require that one of following two server features be installed when the SS website is running
on a Windows Server 2012. This depends on which protocol is selected in the engine’s callback settings. If HTTPS is selected, the HTTP
activation is required. If TCP is selected, then TCP activation is required. This accomplished by going to one of the following in Windows
Server 2012:
.NET Framework 4.5 Features > WCF Services > HTTP Activation
.NET Framework 4.5 Features > WCF Services > TCP Activation
If the feature is not installed, there will be an error message in the DE logs: (405) Method Not Allowed. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server
returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed. 313
Distributed Engine Offline and Online Events
As of version 10.7.000059, Thycotic updated the definition of distributed engines' offline status to be the configured heartbeat interval times
three. For instance, if your heartbeat interval is configured at 5 minutes, the engine will report offline if SS and the engine do not successfully
communicate within a 15-minute time period. Engine online and offline states were also added to subscription actions to allow notification to
admins when engine states change. 314
Internal Site Connector
Starting in Secret Server 10.2 it became possible to change how Secret Server processes messages by navigating to:
<Your Secret Server URL>/AdminBackboneBusConfigurationView.aspx
These messages are generated and placed on the internal site connector, or backbone bus, every time a background operation is triggered
whether by a schedule or on-demand.
The internal site connector receives and processes messages as a result of numerous actions:
Bulk Operations
Generate Password
Secret Import (CSV and XML)
Run Heartbeat Now
Run Heartbeat (Scheduled)
Run Password Change Now
Run Password Change (Scheduled)
Run Discovery Now
Run Discovery (Scheduled)
Run AD Sync Now
Run AD Sync (Scheduled)
Elements of Session Recording
The internal site connector, using the internal hosted bus, is adequate for bulk operations, heartbeat, discovery, and the like, but some SS
features, such as a clustered Web server node configuration or session recording, require a scalable messaging solution to boost processing
performance. Our choice is RabbitMQ, which is an intermediary messaging broker that can handle large-scale message processing.
The following is a typical internal hosted bus operation (for a bulk operation):
While the internal hosted bus is something we will constantly strive to improve, we recommend using RabbitMQ for a performance boost for
those scalable operations. See Installing RabbitMQ for more information. 315
Security 316
Events and Alerts
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret Server records specific events and optionally sends you alerts when they happen. 317
Secure Syslog/CEF Logging
Secret Server can send a copy of important log messages to an external syslog server for added security using the following protocols:
Note: Common Event Format (CEF) is an industry-standard format on top of syslog messages that ensures event interoperability
between different platforms.
Least reliable. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic is fire-and-forget with no assurance messages are delivered
and no error checking.
More reliable. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ensures messages arrive in order, missing messages are resent,
and has built in error checking.
Establishes a secure connection — Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 or 1.2 only. Syslog Server’s certificate is
Yes validated by Windows to ensure it is trusted and not revoked. Can be used with or without client certificates
(configured in Configuration > Security tab > TLS Auditing > Advanced).
Due to the sensitive nature of SS logs, we strongly recommend using Secure TCP.
Any Audit server that accepts TLS encrypted messages using the BSD syslog protocol
5. Click to select the Enable Syslog/CEF Logging check box. A syslog/CEF section appears: 318
Note: syslog/CEF may require an additional license key. To install licenses, navigate to Admin > Licenses > Install New
License. Once installed, the license requires activation. Contact your Thycotic Sales Representative with any questions.
6. Type IP address or name for the IIS server hosting the syslog/CEF server in the Syslog/CEF Server text box.
7. Type the port number where the logging information will be passed (6514 is the default port for secure TCP syslog) in the Syslog/CEF
Port text box.
Note: SS requires outbound access to this server and port so communication can pass freely.
8. Click the Syslog/CEF Protocol dropdown list and select Secure TCP. Secure TCP means either TLS v1.2 or v1.1 because other
versions of SSL, such as SSL v3 and TLS v1.0, have known weaknesses.
9. Click to select Syslog/CEF Time Zone list box to UTC Time or Server Time, depending on your preference.
If the connection between the external syslog server and SS breaks once secure syslog logging is enabled in SS, syslog failure notification
messages is cached in the SS database and re-sent at regular intervals until the connection between the syslog server and SS is
To track problems with TLS connections (including whenever the connection fails), enable the TLS certificate chain policy and error auditing in
Note: If secure TCP is used for the syslog/CEF protocol and there are one or more client certificate thumbprints entered, SS checks
the local computer’s Web hosting and personal certificate store and uses the first one it finds. 319
Adding Client Certificate Thumbprints
5. Click the Advances (not required) link. A client certificate thumbprint section appears:
6. Copy and paste a list of SHA1 SSL certificate thumbprints into the Client Certificate Thumbprints(s) text box. Separate each thumbprint
(40 characters each) with a semicolon. Up to ten are allowed.
Note: SS's IIS application pool must be granted permission to use the client certificates, using the Windows HTTP Services
Certificate Configuration Tool (WinHttpCertCfg.exe). See Compatibility Notes for Client Certificates.
To view the logs for any TLS-Connection related errors, perform the following:
Note: For more detailed troubleshooting reporting, reference the logs on the SS Web server at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer\log).
View the SS.log, SS-BSSR.log (background scheduler), and SS-BSWR.log (background worker) for any errors.
SS's IIS application pool must be granted permission to use the client certificates, using the Windows HTTP Services Certificate Configuration
Tool (WinHttpCertCfg.exe). 320
Otherwise, if SS is configured to use a client certificate, and IIS does not have permission, errors like this may appear in the logs:
TLS Error Detected (Authentication Error connecting to IP:PORT) - The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized.
If you are using a client certificate, and a syslog-ng logging server, the following message may occasionally appear in the main syslog-NG log
TLS Error Detected (Authentication Error connecting to IP:PORT) - Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the
transport stream.
This is caused by Windows trying to cache secure connections when client certificates are used, but because syslog-ng has not configured the
OpenSSL “session id context”, OpenSSL displays this error when it tries to resume a previous session.
SS automatically reconnects and resends any missed messages, so the errors should not have an impact. However, you can disable Window’s
secure connection caching by adding the ClientCacheTime setting set to 0 in the Registry and then rebooting. This did not cause any
significant performance impact in internal testing.
Note: If changing back to a previous syslog IP address and port, you will receive a closed connection TLS error on the first
attempted syslog connection after making the change. A subsequent call will succeed as the first failure will clear the cached
connection on Windows. This is due to the issue with syslog-ng.
Note: If syslog-ng configures their OpenSSL session id context, this error message correction is no longer needed.
It is common for people to incorrectly use the client certificate thumbprints feature when setting up secure AlienVault for syslog. This can cause
SS to try to connect to LDAPS with the AlienVault certificate, which can break LDAPS. Users should not use the SS client certificates
thumbprint for specifying one certificate for syslog and another for LDAP. The certificate list is intended for each SS or DE to have its own,
unique certificate. 321
Alert Notification Center (Inbox)
The Alert Notification Center page shows event subscriptions, access requests, and other configuration alerts in a single interface. You can
access the alert notification center by clicking the Inbox button on the main menu.
Event subscriptions disappear from the notification center after you view them. System alerts and access requests stay active until resolved.
1. Access the alert notification center by clicking the Inbox button on the main menu. The Inbox appears: 322
2. Click the System Alerts button. The System Alerts page appears:
3. Click the Mark as Read button for the each alert you no longer wish to view. The alert disappears, but you can still see it if you click the
Include Read toggle button. 323
Event Pipelines
Event pipelines (EPs) are a named group of triggers, filters, and tasks to manage events and responses to them. Event pipelines themselves
can be grouped into EP policies. The SS EP system is essentially a flexible instruction set builder and manager for controlling events and
Event Pipelines
An EP is a single named group of triggers, filters, and tasks. The same EP can be in multiple EP policies. Changing an EP affects all EP
policies that EP is a part of. EPs do nothing if not assigned to an EP policy.
An EP policy is a named grouping of EPs. There are two types of policies: secret or user. Secret EP policies target secret policies or folders,
and User EP policies target users in Groups. EP policies have no effect if the EP policy has no target. Similarly, an EP policy with no assigned
EPs does nothing.
EP Filters are parameters that limit when an EP runs. All Filters have settings and can be added to an EP multiple times. The filters are:
Custom Variable
Day of Week
Event Time
Event User: Group
Event User: Has Two Factor
Event User: Role
Event User: Role Permission
Event User: Team
Event User: User Domain
Event User: User Last Login
Event User: User Setting
IP Address
Policy on a Secret
Role Permission
Secret Access Role Permission
Secret Field
Secret has Field
Secret has RPC enabled
Secret Name
Secret Setting
Secret Template
Target User: Two Factor Type
Two Factor Type 324
The current user policy filters:
Custom Variable
Day of Week
Event Time
Event User: Group
Event User: Has Two Factor
Event User: Role
Event User: Role Permission
Event User: Team
Event User: User Domain
Event User: User Last Login
Event User: User Setting
IP Address
Target User: Group
Target User: Has Two Factor
Target User: Multi-Group
Target User: Role
Target User: Role Permission
Target User: Team
Target User: Two Factor Type
Target User: User Domain
Target User: User Setting
Two Factor Type
Some filters prompt you for additional information when you select them.
EP policy targets are SS folders, secret policies, or user groups that are the subject and EP policy is applied to. For secret EP types, the secrets
inside the folders or secrets under the secret policies trigger the EPs in an EP policy. As targets, folders are not recursive—only the secrets
directly in the folder can trigger an EP. For user EP types, only users in the selected groups can trigger an EP.
Note: EP targets are not the receivers of task action. Those receivers are usually components of SS. The term target is instead
used for the subject of an EP policy—the policy targets the secret in the policy or folder to trigger the EPs to process.
Note: Event users are different than target users: The event user triggers the event. The target user is the recipient of the event.
EP tasks are actions, which are triggered in an EP, assuming any filtering conditions are met.
Note: EP targets are not the receivers of task action. Those receivers are usually components of SS. The term target is instead
used for the subject of an EP policy—the policy targets the secret in the policy or folder to trigger the EPs to process.
Note: To reference the additional secrets in the script's Args field for the update secret with a script task or run script, use $[ADD:1]
before the token. For example: $[ADD:1]$USERNAME to reference additional secret one and $[ADD:2]$USERNAME to reference additional
secret two.)
Secret Tasks 325
Change Secrets to not require Check Out
Change Secrets to require Check Out
Change Secrets to require Comment on View
Change to Inherit Permissions
Disable Auto Change
Disable Heartbeat
Edit Share
Enable Heartbeat
Expire Secrets
Fail with a message
Hide Launcher Password
Move to Folder
Post Slack Message (WebHook)
Retry with new random password
Run Heartbeat
Run Script
Schedule Pipeline
Secret: Add Custom Audit
Secret: Add Share
Secret: Assign Secret Policy
Secret: Assigning Site to Secret
Secret: Change Password Remotely
Secret: Change Secrets to not require a comment when viewed
Secret: Change Secrets to not require Check Out
Secret: Change Secrets to require Check Out
Secret: Change Secrets to require Comment on View
Secret: Change to Inherit Permissions
Secret: Delete
Secret: Disable Auto Change on Secret
Secret: Disable Heartbeat
Secret: Edit Share
Secret: Enable Auto Change on Secret
Secret: Enable Heartbeat
Secret: Expire Secrets
Secret: Fail with a message
Secret: Move to Folder
Secret: Retry with new random password
Secret: Run Heartbeat
Secret: Send Email to Owners
Secret: Set Privileged Account
Secret: Stop RPC
Secret: Undelete
Secret: Update Secret by field
Secret: Update Secret Name
Secret: Update Secret with a script
Secret: Viewing Password Does Not Require Edit
Secret: Viewing Password Requires Edit
Send Email to Event User
Send Email to Group
Send Email to List
Send Email to Owners
Set Custom Variable
Set Privileged Account
Stop RPC
Unhide Launcher Password
Update Secret by field
Update Secret Name
Update Secret with a script 326
Update Secrets to automatically change the password
User Tasks
Event Users
An event user is the user making the action. For example: Admin updated user Jane’s email. Admin is the event user.
Event Variables
These can be any secret field name in the tbSecretField table that is not a Password (IsPassword=0) or File (IsFile=0) type. For example, for an
Active Directory Account (SecretTypeID=6001), these tokens are available: $Username, $Domain, or $Notes. 327
Token Name Purpose Values
$EventAction Action that occurred on the event entity type. See list of triggers. Text
$EventDetails Event notes. For heartbeats and RPC, this contains the status and any error message. Text
Username for user that caused the event. If a domain account exists, then this appears as
$EventUserKnownAs Text
Auto change
$Secret.AutoChangeOnExpiration Boolean
on expiration
$Secret.ChangePasswordNow Boolean
password now
$Secret.CheckOutChangePassword change Boolean
$Secret.CheckOutEnabled Boolean
Enable inherit
$Secret.EnableInheritPermissions Boolean
Enable inherit
$Secret.EnableInheritSecretPolicy Boolean
secret policy
Hide launcher
$Secret.HideLauncherPassword Boolean
$Secret.IsSessionRecordingEnabled recording Boolean
SSH proxy
$Secret.IsSSHProxyEnabled Boolean
enabled 328
Token Name Purpose Values
$Secret.PasswordChangeFailed Bolean
change failed
$Secret.PasswordChangeOutOfSync change out of Boolean
$Secret.PasswordChangeStatus None; Pending; Processing
change status
$Secret.PasswordComplianceCode compliance Pending; Pass; Fail
$Secret.RequireApprovalForAccess approval for Boolean
approval for
$Secret.RequireApprovalForAccessForEditors Boolean
access for
approval for
$Secret.RequireApprovalForAccessForOwnersAndApprovers access for Boolean
owners and
Require view
$Secret.RequireViewComment Boolean
Restrict SSH
$Secret.RestrictSshCommands Boolean
RPC attempt
$Secret.RPCAttemptCount Boolean
Secret policy
$Secret.SecretPolicyId Text
$Secret.SecretTemplateName Text
template name
Additional Tokens
Secret 329
Event User
Target User
These are variables created with the EP task. There are two types, global and item, both of which are referenced in the same way.
Note: You must set a custom variable before using it. Thus, you cannot set a variable and use it in the same pipeline. The way
around this is to create two pipelines in a policy—the first pipeline sets the variable and the second one uses it.
Global Variable
This custom task variable is global, so there should only be one per variable name.
Item Variable
This variable is per SecretId (secret pipeline) or UserId (user pipeline).
Add note:
Target User
A target user is the affected user. Example: Admin updated user Jane’s email. Jane is the target user.
EP triggers are events in SS that cause the EP to begin processing. All triggers have no settings and can only be added to an EP once. The
triggers are: 330
Secret Triggers
Access Approved
Access Denied
Cache View
Check In
Check Out
Custom Audit
Custom Password Requirement Added To Field
Custom Password Requirement Removed From Field
Dependency Added
Dependency Deleted
Dependency Failure
Expired Today
Expires in 1 Day
Expires in 15 Days
Expires in 3 Days
Expires in 30 Days
Expires in 45 Days
Expires in 60 Days
Expires in 7 Days
File Save
Heartbeat Failure
Heartbeat Success
Hook Create
Hook Delete
Hook Edit
Hook Failure
Hook Success
Password Change
Password Change Failed
Password Change Maximum Attempts Reached
Password Displayed
Pre-Check Out
Secret Policy Change
Session Recording View
Viewed Secret Edit
Web Password Fill
User Triggers
Added to Group
Challenge Applied
Challenge Cleared
Login Failure
Owners Modified 331
Remove Personally Identifiable Information
Removed From Group
Two Factor Changed
Two Factor Reset Failure
Two Factor Reset Success
User: Create
User: Edit
User: Password Change
Administer Pipelines: Allows the user to create, edit, and remove EPs and EP policies.
Assign Pipelines: Allows the user to assign an EP policy to secret policies, or folders.
View Pipelines: Allows the user to view EP policies and policy activities.
Event Pipelines
To control if an EP is available to all EP policies, you can toggle the EP's active status:
Note: You can create EPs from the Event Pipelines list (shown below) or an EP policy's details view. With the former method, you
will have to add the EP to an EP policy separately. With the latter method, the EP is automatically added to the EP policy you are
viewing. You can later manually add additional EPs to the policy as desired.
1. In the Add Triggers section, click the + button next to the triggers you desire. You can also search for a trigger by typing in the search text
box. The selected triggers appear in the Selected Triggers list. Consider the following when selecting triggers:
Currently triggers are centralized around events that are linked to a secret.
You can add multiple triggers.
You can limit when the EP runs by adding filters.
Multiple triggers are logically ORed (not XORed) together. Each trigger is considered individually, and only one needs to apply for
the EP to run—if concurrent triggers do not apply, it does not matter. If multiple triggers do apply, the EP will only run once per EP
policy. 332
2. Click the Next button. The Choose Filters page of the wizard appears.
1. Use the exact same method to add filters to the EP. All filters present a popup page for you to provide additional information when you
click on them. Consider the following when selecting filters:
Whereas triggers focused on secrets, filters can access secret and user information.
Because the same filter can differ by its settings, you can add the same filter multiple times to an EP.
Filters are logically ANDed together—all filters apply at once and all matter.
2. Click the Next button. The Choose Tasks page of the wizard appears.
1. Use the exact same method to add tasks to the EP. Many tasks present a popup page for you to provide additional information when you
click on them.
2. Set the task order. Tasks run in order of their appearance in the Task tab of the Event Pipeline page. To change the task running order,
hover the mouse pointer over the one you want to move, and use the anchor on the left of its card to drag the task to the order you wish it
to run. If a Task fails, then the following tasks will not run.
Warning: Tasks are very powerful and thus can be dangerous. You can alter SS in dramatic, sometimes irreversible ways.
We strongly recommend testing EPs in a safe sandbox environment before applying them to production SS servers.
3. Click the Next button. The Name Pipeline page of the wizard appears.
To create an EP:
Because EPs are not directly tied to a single EP policy, they can be viewed through an EP policy or directly from the EP list. The EP list is a tab
on the main Event Pipeline Policy page directly after navigating from the Admin page. After selecting an EP policy, its associated EPs are
displayed in cards.
To control if an EP policies is available, you can toggle the EP policy's active status: 333
Note: The EPs belonging to the EP policy remain available to other EP policies.
Note: Adding Existing Pipeline enables the pipeline to be used in other policies. Only pipelines of the same type (Secret or User) can be
added. Note: This does not create a copy of the existing pipeline, it creates a link. Thus, any changes to the pipeline will affect the other
policies that use it.
1. Go to the Event Pipelines page.
2. If necessary, click the Policies tab.
3. Select the EP policy you want to add a pipeline to.
4. Click the Add Pipeline button.
5. Click the Add Existing Pipeline dropdown list and select the pipeline (only pipelines of the same type will show).
6. Click the Create button.
Secret Policies
1. Click Admin > Secret Policies. The Secret Policy page appears.
2. Click the desired secret policy's name in the list. The Secret Policy page for that policy appears.
3. Click the Edit button. The list becomes editable.
4. Click the Event Pipeline Policy dropdown list in the Security Setting section and select Enforced.
5. Click the Save button. All secrets under that secret policy are now affected by the EP policy.
3. If you plan to duplicate an existing EP policy, click the card for that policy in the Event Pipeline Policies list.
4. Click the Add Policy button, and you will be presented with the following options:
Create New Policy: Click the selection button, and type a name in the Policy Name text box, and optionally type a description in
the Policy Description text box.
Import Policy: Import an exported EP policy in JSON format. This can be a policy exported from a separate SS instance. Click the
selection button, and paste the JSON payload in the Add Policy text box, click the Create button.
Duplicate Selected Policy: Copy an existing EP policy. Click the selection button, and then click the Create button.
Audit: Shows changes to EP policies, targets, and EPs. Click the Audits tab on the Event Pipeline Policies page. 334
Activity: Shows the actions each EP policy or single EP took each time it is triggered. This includes failures, skips, and successes. Click
the card for the desired EP policy, and then click the View Policy Activity button on the right. Alternatively, you can click the title on the
card. When the page for the EP policy appears, click the Activity tab.
Event Pipelines run in order they appear in the EP policy. Since EPs can be in multiple EP policies, the order is unique to each policy. To
change the EP order in the EP policy:
Note: If an error occurs in a policy's EP, then the following EP still runs.
Note: The button removes the EP from the EP policy, but it does not remove it from SS. Other EP policies using the EP still have
access to it.
Infinite Loops
It is possible for EPs to trigger each other over and over in an endless loop. For example:
Fortunately, SS detects these loops and automatically deactivates the involved EPs. So, if you have EPs that seem to be deactivating
themselves, look for circular logic paths involving the EPs.
Note: By default, pipelines are configured to consider any event that executes five tasks within five minutes from the same trigger as
an infinite loop. For example, "secret edit" is selected as a pipeline trigger, and "remote password change" is selected as the task.
After the first edit is made on a secret, an RPC is triggered. Every time the RPC completes, a new edit is triggered, which, in turn,
triggers another RPC. If this happens five times within five minutes, then an infinite loop is declared. If the RPC is slow, taking more
than five minutes for five password changes to occur, then an infinite loop is not declared. In this case, use the "configuration
advanced" page to change "event pipelines infinite loop time (minutes)" to a longer time.
There are a few new Advanced Setting that can be used with EP polices.
Event Pipeline Activity Log entries removed after (days): The EP activity log entries stay in the log for this many days. Default value:
Event Pipelines: Allow Confidential Secret Fields to be used in Scripts: Allows confidential secret fields to be used in EP script,
such as $password. Default value: False.
Event Pipelines Infinite Loop Time (Minutes): If an EP executes the number of times specified in the infinite loop threshold during the
Infinite Loop Time period, it is marked as an infinite loop. Default Value: 5 (on premises), 20 (cloud).
Event Pipelines Infinite Loop Threshold: Number of times that an EP can execute within the infinite loop time on an individual item
before it is considered to be an infinite loop. Default Value: 5. 335
Event Pipelines Log Skipped Policies: If true, the the pipeline activity log will log filtered policies runs. Default value: False.
Event Pipelines Maximum Script Run Time (Minutes): Scripts ran by EP tasks are stopped after this many minutes. Default Value: 5
minutes. 336
Event Subscription Page
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see the sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Additional Email Recipients: List of additional email addresses to send the email to.
Note: These entries are meant to be outside of the users' email addresses as known to SS. One of these might be, for example, the
user's home email address.
Send Email Alerts: Sends an email to both users and all the users contained in the groups for this subscription. It also sends an email to
all email addresses in the Additional Email Recipients list (see below).
Send Email with High Priority: Sends the email for this subscription with high priority set.
Subscribed Events: List of the events that are contained in this subscription.
Subscribed Users: List of the SS users and groups subscribed to this event.
Subscription Name: Name for the subscription. 337
Creating Event Subscriptions
2. Click New.
3. In the Subscription Name text box, enter a name for this new event subscription.
4. Add users and groups to this subscription by selecting them from the Add New list. They are added to the Subscribed Users list above
the Add New list.
5. Add events to this subscription by adding rows to the Subscribed Events data grid. To do this, select an entity type from the list in the
Entity column of the first row.
6. After an entity is chosen, you can now select an action, such as Create, Delete, or Edit Permissions.
7. After an action is selected, a condition may be available. Select the condition you wish to implement.
8. To add this event to the subscription, click the button. This must be done before the Save button at the bottom of the page is clicked in
order to add this event to the subscription. 338
Deleting a Subscription 339
Editing a Subscription
1. Navigate to Administration > Event Subscriptions, click the subscription name, and then Edit.
2. To remove a subscribed user, group, or event, click the button next to the entry in the appropriate list. 340
Event List
Event Scope
Event Scope
Custom Password Requirement Added to Field All, For this Secret, In this Folder
Custom Password Requirement Removed from Field All, For this Secret, In this Folder 341
Event Scope
Password Change Maximum Attempts Reached All, For this Secret, In this Folder
Event Scope 342
Added to Group All, For this User, For this Group
Create -
Removed From Group All, For this User, For this Group
Entity Event
Configuration Edit
HSM Disable, HSM Enable, Rotate Secret Keys, Rotate Secret Keys Cancel Requested, Rotate Secret Keys
Failure, Rotate Secret Keys Success
IP Address Range Create, Delete, Group Assigned, Group Unassigned, Edit, User Assigned, User Unassigned
Role Assigned User or Group, Create, Edit, Role Disabled, Role Enabled, Unassigned User or Group 343
Entity Event
Role Permission Added to Role, Removed From Role
Secret Template Create, Create Secret Access Changed, Edit, Field Encrypted, Field Exposed, Owners Modified, Copy
Privileged Behavior
Analytics Configuration
Engine Added, Domain Assigned to Site, Create, Disable, Edit, Enable, Engine Downloaded, Engine Offline,
Engine Online, Domain Removed from Site, Engine Removed 344
System Log
The System Log is used to communicate the different events that are occurring while SS is executing. It can be helpful in troubleshooting
unexpected behavior. The system log can be enabled by clicking Edit and checking the Enable System Log check box on the
Administration > System Log page.
Maximum Log Length: This is the maximum number of rows to keep in the system log table in the SQL database. When it reaches that
amount, it is reduced by 25%.
Notify Administrators when System Log is Shrunk: This setting is used to send an email to all system log administrators when the
system log has been truncated. A system log administrator is any user in a role with the Administer System Log permission included. 345
Viewing Event Subscription Logs
To view the events that have been triggered in a subscription, navigate to Administration > Event Subscriptions and click View Audit. In
the Event Subscription Activity list, the most recent events to have been triggered are on top of the list. To select a specific time frame, click the
... buttons and select start and end dates at the top of the page. Click Update Report to return the corresponding log entries.
Note: It may take a few seconds for the events to make it into the log. 346
Mobile Computing
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
This section addresses issues related to Secret Server’s interaction with mobile devices, such as smart phones. 347
Setting Maximum Time for Offline Caching
The Maximum Time for Offline Access on Mobile Devices setting in Secret Server determines how long to cache secret data on the mobile
device. Once the device is not in contact with the server for longer than the specified amount of time, the device removes its cache of the stored
secrets. The only way to view secrets on the device once the cache is cleared is to connect to SS again so that the secrets can be re-
downloaded and cached.
1. In Secret Server dashboard, click Admin > Configuration. The Edit Configuration page appears:
2. On the General tab, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.
3. Click to select the Enable Webservices check box in the Application Settings section: 348
4. Type your preferred interval in the Days and Hours text boxes in the Maximum Time for Offline Access on Mobile Devices section.
Note: Setting the Maximum Time Offline to less then hour prevent the device from caching as the cache window is too small.
Note: Because caching all secrets creates an audit record in the database for each secret, we recommend not setting the
window too short so that users constantly need to cache all secrets.
If Maximum Offline Time is set to 7 days, a iPhone user can cache secrets. If the iPhone has connectivity every hour the iPhone is used, it will
check in with the server. Each time the iPhone checks in the 7 days, the cache window is extended. Thus, if the user uses the app once every 7
days, the app cache will remain. If the user does not have connectivity (such as in Airplane Mode) or does not turn on the app for longer than 7
days, then the next time the app is used the cache will be cleared because the maximum allowed time offline has been surpassed. 349
Secret Server Networking
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 350
Changing SQL Server Connection Parameters
Note: This is for Secret Server version 7.1 and later.
Once Secret Server is installed, it may be necessary to change the connection string that SS uses to connect to its database. You must be
authenticated to access SS and have the Administer Configuration role permission.
2. Type Database in the search text box and select Database in the dropdown list. The Database Configuration page appears: 351
4. Edit the parameters as desired.
5. Click the Save Database Connection Settings button. A confirmation message appears. SS recycles its application pool (needed to
clear the connection string cache), and then returns you to the SS dashboard. 352
RabbitMQ Naming Conventions for Queues
This document addresses RabbitMQ naming conventions for its queues. These queues are useful for application troubleshooting and proactive
application monitoring.
Secret Server is an asynchronous message-based system where operational instructions and data are passed back and forth between various
components running in Web nodes or distributed Engines. A GUI interaction to perform an action, such as heartbeat, remote password change,
or bulk operations publishes a message and then returns control back to the user. RabbitMQ is the message bus or broker that facilitates the
message traffic.
Note: All SS messages are encrypted on the bus, so you cannot peek into the message contents during transit.
Note: Messages have a lifetime, and consumers discard expired messages. Therefore, any accumulation or backup of messages in
any queue is abnormal and indicative of an application problem.
Secret Server divides its functionality by named and unnamed roles, and only named roles are configurable in a Web node via the GUI.
Background Background work initiated by a task, schedule or UI interaction. Final action of the work might be done in the
Worker current Web node, another Web node or sent to a distributed Eengine to complete.
Processes work related to but not limited to: Active Directory synchronization, discovery, heartbeat, and remote
Engine Unnamed
password change.
Engine Worker Named Processes the response sent back from an engine.
Recording Named Background work dedicated to session recording processing.
Queue Names
A queue name is divided into three major sections with a colon (:) delimiter between each section:
Section1 represents a RabbitMQ exchange name. There are three predetermined exchange names, two legacy predetermined exchange
names, and then a variable number of exchanges determined by the number of SS sites. 353
Role Type Component Comment
thycotic-ss Predetermined Web Node
Web Node or The out-of-the-box local site can be configured for either a Web node or a
Engine Site Name Variable Distributed distributed engine. Any other site name is processed by a distributed
Engine engine.
engine- Predetermined Web Node
Recording Predetermined Web Node
Recording thycotic-sr Web Node Legacy: background work dedicated to session recording processing.
Session thycotic-sr-
Recording agent- Web Node Legacy: processes data sent by an advanced session recoding agent.
Worker response
Variable site exchanges: If the SS site is called local, then local: will also be the exchange name. If the Site is called Mars, then Mars: will be the
exchange name.
Section2 typically has a name which represents a functional area in SS code that is a consumer of the message.
This section of the message associates roles with queues and breaks the down by product functionality. Functionality can span multiple roles,
for example, discovery is done by background worker, engine and engine worker roles while event pipelines is only done by a background
worker role.
onization.Request.SynchronizationMessage 354
Bulk Operation
ConnectWise Integration
Duo Integration
Email Processing
Event Pipelines
PoliciesProcessMessage 355
thycotic- 356
Password Generation
Run Now
ss:Thycotic.ihawu.Business.Logic.Areas.RunOnceTasks.RunNowProcessSecretPolicyChangesConsumer:Thycotic.ihawu.Business.Messages.Areas.RunOnceTasks. 357
Scheduled Tasks
IndexRequest 358
SSH Terminal
Thycotic Telemetry
SyncUserMessage 359
List of queues for engines’ functional areas.
Note: In the example listed below, the SS site name is called “Gamma-Engines”.
Engines:Thycotic.DE.Feature.SS.PasswordChanging.Areas.Heartbeat.SecretHeartbeatConsumer:Thycotic.Messages.DE.Engine.Areas.Heartbeat.Request.SecretHear 360
retChangeDependencyMessage Gamma-
Syslog Integration
Gamma-Engines:Thycotic.SecurityAnalytics.DataUploader.Consumers.HealthCheckConsumer:Thycotic.Messages.SA.Areas.Status.Request.SAHealthCheckMessage 361
xySessionMessage 362
Syslog Integration
response:Thycotic.MessageQueue.Common.Consumers.AutomaticSink.CreateAutomaticSinkConsumer:Thycotic.MessageQueue.Common.Messages.AutomaticSink. 363
Post Recording
Video Conversion
k.Request.CreateAutomaticSinkMessage 364
RDP Proxy Configuration
The RDP Proxying feature allows RDP connections, established using a launcher, to be routed through SS. You can set it up one of two ways:
Recommended method: The launcher connects to the newer RDP proxy with temporary credentials, and the RDP proxy connects to the
remote server using the protected credentials from the secret. This method is preferred because it prevents the secret credentials from
reaching the client machine. For this method, you simply configure the RDP proxy.
Alternative method: The launcher uses an SSH proxy to tunnel a local RDP connection to a remote server. This method does not protect
the credential from reaching the client machine. For this method you configure the SSH proxy and enable SSH tunneling.
Note: We provide the alternate method to support legacy installations and troubleshooting (it can potentially be more stable when
the RDP proxy does not work).
These two approaches to RDP proxying are not compatible—you may use one or the other but not both. We performance tested both methods.
Either can support 100 concurrent connections.
Recommended Method
How It Works
3. The launcher establishes a connection to the RDP Proxy using credentials generated for the session. These credentials are short lived
and can only be used once.
4. Once the launcher has successfully authenticated with the RDP proxy, the RDP proxy looks up the credentials and target hostname to
connect to.
Note: The secret credentials do not get served to the client machine in this flow, which improves credential security.
5. The RDP proxy connects to the desired remote host with the secret credentials.
7. RDP traffic is sent back and forth over the RDP proxy, session keystrokes are monitored if session recording is enabled.
Configuration 365
2. If necessary, enable the RDP proxy.
3. Click the Endpoints tab to ensure that your server nodes, sites, and engines are properly configured.
4. Proxied RDP secrets now launch into the RDP proxy using short-lived credentials, protecting the secret credentials from the client
Configuration Settings
Enable RDP Proxy: This setting determines whether or not the RDP proxy is enabled
RDP Proxy Port: This setting is the port that the RDP proxy runs on (defaulting to 3390). You usually cannot set this to 3389 as that port
is already occupied by default by the Windows operating system.
Validate Remote Certificates: Thycotic recommends that you operate in an environment where RDP server certificates are created by
a controlled CA and are trusted by machines in the domain. If that is not possible, you can disable remote certificate validation to allow
connection to machines that do not serve trusted certificates.
Allow AD site selection: This setting allows you to select any configured sites when using the RDP launcher on an Active Directory
secret. This allows a secret credential to access machines that may exist in different network boundaries.
Proxy New Secrets By Default: This setting determines if SSH and RDP secrets are created with "Proxy Enabled" set by default. This
setting is shared with the SSH proxy configuration.
Days To Keep Operational Logs: This setting determines how long, in days, the operational logs for the RDP proxy are kept.
RDP Server Certificate: This setting is the certificate that is served to the clients who connect to the RDP proxy. You can generate a
certificate for a given DNS name, or you can upload your own.
Alternative Method
Note: This approach is not recommended as it exposes the secret credentials to the client machine.
How It Works
3. The launcher establishes a connection to the SSH proxy to begin port forwarding. 366
4. The launcher authenticates with the SSH Proxy.
6. The launcher listens for a connection on an available ephemeral port (the forwarding port) on the client's machine.
7. RDP launches on the client machine using the secret credentials and connects locally to the forwarding port.
8. All RDP traffic for this session is routed through the SSH tunnel to SS, then forwarded to the target machine.
Known Issues
Error appears in SS.log or DE.log. Install the most recent version of the .NET Framework to correct it.
RDP proxy does not work on machines the have the FIPS validation security policy active. No fix is currently available. 367
Secret Server Clustering
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
This document is a guide to Thycotic's Secret Server (SS) clusters for administrators and advanced users. SS can run with multiple front-end
Web servers. For a critical instance, clustering offers a redundant system to limit potential down time from a single point of failure. Clustering
also allows users to load balance for better performance.
Note: The first change is obvious in the SS user interface, and the second is hidden but very important to those supporting SS.
Primary Node: We eliminated "primary nodes." Previously, some important background operations, such as password changing and
heartbeat, would only run from the primary node. Now they run from all nodes. Given that, there is no longer a “Make Primary” button, and
the ValidPrimaryNode setting no longer applies.
Background Operations: There are no longer background threads for scheduled operations. Instead, operations are scheduled by
Clustering Overview
With SS clustering, you can easily scale SS for redundancy and performance. Basic SS clustering is simple—you install SS and then copy the
installation to to another machine. SS clustering has four core concepts or components:
Each machine with SS installed on it, pointing to the same database, is a node. All nodes respond to Web requests and thus are Web servers.
Backbone Bus
The backbone bus Internally handles all communication between the roles. In a clustered environment, the backbone bus should always be an
installed RabbitMq messaging queue. This allows every node in the cluster to help with the workload. If the backbone bus is set to “internal,”
then each node is using its own internal backbone bus.
The engine response bus facilitates communication from SS to distributed engines and back.
Worker Roles
Each node can optionally run one or more worker roles: background Worker, engine worker, and session recording worker. Though they may
run on the same machine, the roles do not directly communicate with each other.
Each node that is set to run the background worker role automatically runs the scheduler role as well. The scheduler role is responsible for
running the vast majority of SS background operations. It uses Quartz to run “trigger jobs” that send a message on the backbone bus for each
scheduled operation. One or more background worker roles then processes those messages.
Note: See the article Troubleshooting Quartz Trigger Jobs for more information about Quartz.
Component Communication 368
Messages are placed on the backbone bus by the Scheduler role and the website. Messages are retrieved from the backbone bus.
The work an individual node handles depends entirely on which boxes are checked on the Server Nodes page (in edit mode):
In Cluster is a toggle that turns a server node on or off. If enabled this node can process Web requests, and (if configured) will run the
background, engine, and session recording roles. If disabled, the node is just a backup—it cannot run any roles, and trying to access the
website on the node will redirect to the server nodes page. 369
Background Worker is a toggle for all background operations, such as password changing, heartbeat, and discovery. When it is set to
false, only the bulk operations, password generation, email, and secret import operations run on the node. See the list of background
operations below.
The Background Worker, Engine Worker, and Session Recording Worker check boxes enable the corresponding roles for that
Engine Worker enables or disables the engine worker role, which processes responses from distributed engines.
Session Recording Worker enables or disables the session recording role, which encodes session videos.
Maintenance Mode enables or disables a read-only mode where the node cannot change secrets or related data.
Bulk Operations When triggered by user
Local Heartbeat Trigger Job
Local Password Change Trigger Job
Process Field Encryption Changes Task
To see the current state of these jobs, such as the last time they ran and how long until they run again, go to Admin > Diagnostics.
Note: Clustering requires a Secret Server Premium add-on or Enterprise Plus edition license. 370
1. In SS, click Admin > See All. The Administration page appears:
2. Click the Server Nodes button in the Setup section. The Server Nodes page appears:
3. Copy the entire SS application folder (typically c:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer) from the existing node to the secondary node.
4. Follow the steps in the Installation Guide for setting up the application pool and virtual directory in IIS. 371
Note: If you use DPAPI encryption for your encryption.config file, you need to transfer the non-DPAPI-encrypted version of the
file to the secondary node. You can turn on DPAPI encryption from that server node locally after SS is running. This setting
can be found at ADMIN > Configuration on the Security tab.
5. If running SS 8.9.300000 or later, ensure that both servers are using the same date and time.
6. Once the secondary server is running, navigate to its SS using a Web browser.
8. Activate licenses for the new node. You can do this on either server once the database connection is established on the secondary node.
9. Configure your load balancer for the two sites to have "sticky sessions" to prevent a user from bouncing between server on each request.
Each server node can optionally run the background worker, engine worker, and session recording worker roles.
At least one instance of each type of those roles must be active in the cluster for the clustered SS application to function.
You may run more than one instance of each role as desired to improve the performance of the clustered SS application.
Note: For more information on what the various roles do, please see the Worker Roles section.
SS has a built-in Web installer. That installer is a series of pages inside SS for downloading and updating SS. SS is accessible by users for
most of the upgrade process. You can stop outside access to the site if you want to prevent users from making changes during the upgrade.
Preventing user access will make restoring the database and site backups simpler if you decide to roll back the upgrade immediately afterward.
Warning: Before upgrading, backup your SS folder and database. See Upgrading Secret Server - Single Instance and
Web Clustering for important steps for ensuring your data is backed up.
Important: If upgrading to SS version 8.5.000000+, there are changes in the required .NET Framework that may require additional
steps in the upgrade process. For more information, see Secret Server Moving to .NET Framework 4.5.1.
Important: Upgrading to SS 10.0.000000 and above requires configuring integrated pipeline mode on the SS application pool.
Please see Configuring IIS for Installing or Upgrading to Secret Server 10 for details.
Important: If using Integrated Windows authentication you will also need to update IIS authentication settings as detailed in Setting
Up Integrated Windows Authentication in Secret Server 10.0+. If you are at version 9.1.000000 and below, you will need to first
upgrade to 9.1.000001 before you can upgrade to 10.0.000000+.
Ensure that you have account credentials information and access for the server hosting SS and the SQL Server instance hosting
your SS database.
Have a recent backup of the application files and database available.
Stop the application pools on all of the servers except the one that you have chosen to upgrade. 372
5. Perform the upgrade using the same procedure as a single instance.
6. Once SS is upgraded and working, copy the Web application folder (without the database.config or encryption.config files) to all other
Note: Both encryption.config and database.config are automatically propagated to the new servers from the original. If you
need to copy those files because of database configuration changes and are using DPAPI, disable DPAPI encryption in SS
by going to Admin > Configuration on the Security tab. and clicking Decrypt Key to not use DPAPI before copying those
files to secondary servers.
Note: EFS encryption is tied to the user account running the SS application pool, so it is not machine-specific. Thus, it is not
necessary to copy EFS encrypted files between SS instances, but it is allowed.
7. If Thycotic management server (TMS) is installed and clustered, copy the TMS directory to the secondary servers as well. The TMS
directory is included by default for new installs of SS 10.2+. TMS is used by advanced session recording and Privilege Manager. If the
TMS folder and site does not exist in IIS, then no additional actions are needed.
1. If there is more than one Web server running SS, ensure all instances are pointing to their primary database.
2. Select one server to perform the upgrade on, stop all other web servers.
4. Once upgraded and working, copy the Web application folder to all other Web servers.
7. Ensure that the primary database changes have been replicated to the mirror database.
8. If one of the servers was pointing originally to the secondary database, adjust it to point there again.
3. Copy the database backup to the remote DR instance and restore the database.
4. Once the database is upgraded and working, copy the web application folder (but not the database.config or encryption.config files) to the
remote DR instance, overwriting the existing files.
5. Restart IIS or recycle the application pool running SS on the remote DR instance.
In a clustered Secret Server environment set up behind a load balancer, the accessible outside URL may be something other than the server
name. 373
In SS 8.5 and later, the Custom URL setting can be configured to ensure that links and resources are resolved correctly and are not based
upon the server name:
5. Type the desired URL in the Secret Server Custom URL text box.
SSL Recommendations
For the best security, we recommend placing the SSL certificate on each of the Web servers. This ensures the traffic leaving the server is
encrypted by SSL. Optionally, the load balancer would need the certificates as well for adding the client's IP address.
If the connection between the load balancer and the server is isolated in a security zone, you could leave HTTP between the load balancer and
the server and have the SSL on the load balancer.
Routing traffic through a load balancer will cause SS to audit the IP address of the load balancer instead of the end user. To avoid this:
First, configure the load balancer to pass along the client's IP address in the header.
Then add the appSettings key IpAddressHeader with the value of the name of the header field containing the client's IP address. This setting must be
added to all SS Web servers. Depending on your SS version, do this in one of two ways:
1. Go to https://<SecretServerAddress>/ConfigurationAdvanced.aspx.
Note: The SSL certificate needs to exist on the load balancer and the Web server to ensure it has access to add the client IP
address header.
Clustering Errors
Encryption configurations do not match: See the Encryption Key Does Not Match Error knowledge base article.
Server dates do not match: If the Web server dates do not match, the audit records could be bad. The fix is to set the servers to the same
time. 374
SS version does not match: If some of the cluster nodes have been upgraded and others have not, their versions will conflict, producing
this error. Nodes which have the wrong (older) version will not function correctly. To fix this issue, ensure that all the nodes in your cluster
are upgraded. For nodes that are having this issue, you can copy the application folder (minus the database.config file) to replace the
server files with the correct version. 375
Secret Server Support for HTTP/2
HTTP/2 is supported in IIS 10. HTTP/2 is handled within IIS, so this is primarily a Microsoft question in regards to compatibility. Please see
HTTP/2 on IIS. At the end of this article, it clarifies when HTTP/2 is not supported
Secret Server does support Windows Integrated Authentication where a user’s windows session is passed through for authentication to SS.
That is, there is no log on page for SS. The majority of our customers are (and the default configuration for SS is) using forms-based
authentication with a log on page. Only the latter is HTTP/2 compliant.
HTTP/2 is only compatible with HTTPS protocol. SS can also be configured to operate only on HTTPS (Admin > Configuration > Security >
Force HTTPS/SSL), which we strongly recommend. 376
SSH Proxy Configuration
The Secret Server proxy routes SSH and RDP sessions and helps protect the endpoint credentials. There are two configuration options for
Note: To learn more about RDP Proxying, please see RDP Proxy Configuration.
Enabling Proxy
Minimum Hardware
Session Activity
We tested sessions with standard usage, such as opening and modifying files and navigating the file system on Linux. On Windows, the activity
was opening MMC snap-ins, editing files, and copying files through the RDP session. If you have constant large file transfers across multiple
concurrent sessions or otherwise transferring large amounts of data (such as streaming a video through an RDP session), the maximum
concurrent sessions will be significantly reduced.
SSH 300
RDP 100
Proxy Connections
Connections from the user to the proxy are over SSH, and you can configure the port. The user's machine will connect to either an sngine SSH
proxy or the SS Web application SSH proxy. 377
Figure: Proxy through a Distributed Engine (example) 378
SSH Proxy with Multiple Nodes
If you are using clustering with SS, you can pick exactly which of your nodes act as a SSH proxy by going to the Admin > SSH Proxy page
and scrolling down to the Nodes section. For each node you wish to be a proxy, configure the SSH Public Host (must be an IP address, not a
DNS name) and the SSH Bind IP Address (use to easily bind to all IPv4 Ps on a server). There is no need to configure all nodes if you
do not want them all to be proxies.
As soon as the IPs are saved for each node, the node should start listening on the SSH proxy port. You can verify that with netstat. If you do not
see the node listening on your chosen port, perform an IIS reset and hit its SS website. It should be listening once SS starts up again. For
C:\Users\Administrator>netstat -ano | find ":22"
Now, when a user connects to the SS Web page, if the node they are hitting is setup to be a SSH proxy, they will connect to that node's SSH
public host IP. If the node they are connected to is not setup to be a SSH proxy, then users will round robin between the other nodes that are
SSH proxies and connect to their SSH public host IP. 379
Ports Used by Secret Server
This article lists ports typically used in Secret Server. Please note the following:
The RPC Dynamic Port ranges are a range of ports utilized by Microsoft’s Remote Procedure Call (RPC) functionality. This port range
varies by operating system. For Windows Server 2008 or greater, this port range is 49152 to 65535 and this entire port range must be
open for RPC technology to work. The RPC range is needed to perform Remote Password Changing since Secret Server will need to
connect to the computer using DCOM protocol.
The range can vary separately for Exchange servers. For more information about changing the RPC port range, see the related
Microsoft’s Knowledge Base article on how to configure RPC dynamic port allocation to work with firewalls.
To see your ipv4 dynamic range on a given machine, type netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp in the command line.
To specify a specific port on your environment that Secret Server will communicate to, see the related article on enabling WMI ports on
Windows client machines
Port Listing
Telnet TCP/23 380
Type of Traffic Port Number
SMTP TCP/25 381
Type of Traffic Port Number
EPMD TCP/4369 382
Remote Password Changing
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Remote Password Changing (RPC) allows secrets to automatically update a corresponding remote account. Secrets can be set for automatic
expiration, followed by automatic new password generation. SS automatically generates a new strong password and changes the remote
password to keep all accounts synchronized with SS.
RPC allows SS to rotate passwords to meet domain password policy requirements. In most cases, RPC is configured with the secret "auto
change" setting set to true. This causes the secret to rotate the password as soon as it expires. The "auto change schedule" setting changes
the password on a set schedule, rather than when it expires. This provides the ability to change passwords when network activity is lower. You
have a choice of changing the password as soon as the schedule interval arrives or only after the secret expires and the interval arrives. It is
important to choose a large enough interval to complete all your password changes, otherwise any excess changes will have to wait for the
next interval. Because the smallest interval is one day, this is only relevant if you have thousands of changes. If SS fails to change a remote
password, an alert states there are secrets out of sync.
You can pair secrets with SS checkout, which is Thycotic's one-time password functionality (not the same as TOTP). This allows you to rotate
the password on a particular expiration schedule and limit the password to a single user for a set time period, after which it is changed. This is
for situations where you need the password to change after every use, such as vendors who need temporary access to a server or system. For
additional security on sensitive systems, approval workflow or session recording can be paired with checkout to add layers of authentication to
gain access to the secret and track how that secret is used.
Regardless of the timing of password change, you may want to rotate dependent resources (dependencies) right after you rotate the password
on a secret. For example, a Windows domain account could be a service account that starts many windows services. In the event that you
rotate that password, you would need to also rotate the password for this account on the services which start using that account. If you do not,
starting those services will fail the next time they are restarted, which could cause other components to fail too. You can create dependencies
on a secret for scheduled tasks, application pools, or services (with or without using PowerShell to undertake tasks at rotation time).
We have a large number of out-of-the-box RPC changers, which are expandable by writing your own SSH, SQL or PowerShell scripts to do
RPC, which can get information from the secret. See Configuring Secret Dependencies for RPC and the Password Changer List.
Note: You can configure event pipelines and notifications to track whether an RPC has failed. Heartbeats allow you to check
whether a password is incorrect and the machine is online. 383
Automatic Remote Password Changing
The Remote Password Changing tab contains the settings for configuring RPC on an individual secret. Enabling RPC auto change on a secret
allows SS to remotely change the password when it expires. The user must have owner permission on the secret to enable auto change.
Note: If the password change fails, SS flags the secret as out of sync and continue to retry until it is successful. If the secret cannot
be corrected or brought In sync, manually disabling auto change stops the secret from being retried.
The Auto Change Schedule button is visible on the secret View RPC tab when RPC and autochange is enabled on a secret.
The Auto Change Schedule section, which appears when you set the Auto Change Schedule list box to other than “When password expires,”
allows you to specify an interval (daily, weekly, or monthly), start date, start time, and time frame (interval count) for when the password can be
This setting is useful for having the RPC occur during off-hours in order to prevent disruptions. By default, this setting is "When password
expires,” which allows the secret to be changed immediately upon expiration. 384
Note: There is a check box in the auto change schedule settings labeled "Only change password if the secret is expired.” When it is
enabled, auto change will not change the password until after the secret expires. The auto change occurs on the first scheduled
time after the secret expires. If the box is unchecked, auto change occurs on the defined schedule, whether or not the secret has
Note: While the password change is waiting for this next scheduled time, the RPC Log (visible by navigating to Configuration >
Remote Password Changing) reports the secret could not be changed because of a time schedule. The secret also remains
expired until this auto change schedule is reached, even if the secret was forced to expire. 385
Understanding Expiration, Auto Change and Auto Change Schedules
What is the difference between expiration, auto change and auto change schedules?
Expiration: sets whether or not a secret in SS is marked as expired and the period SS counts down before marking the secret as expired.
Auto Change: sets SS to automatically initiate a password change after a secret expires.
Auto Change Schedule: sets the day and time to initiate the password change after the secret has expired. This cannot be configured
without also enabling Auto Change.
Scenario One: Expiration with Auto Change and No Auto Change Schedule
A Secret has an expiration period of 30 days, and auto change is enabled. No auto change Schedule has been set.
At the end of the 30-day expiration period, the secret will expire.
Immediately after the secret expires, it will be queued for a password change.
Once the password has been changed, the secret is no longer marked as expired and expiration is reset to count down again from 30
A secret has an expiration period of 30 days, auto change is enabled, and an auto change schedule is configured for Weekly, recurring
once a week on on Tuesday, changing at 0300.
At the end of the 30-day expiration period, the secret will expire.
Immediately after the secret expires, SS will comply with the auto change schedule to determine when a password change occurs.
The secret is queued for a password change as soon as it becomes 0300 on a Tuesday.
Once the password is changed, the secret is no longer marked as expired. Expiration is reset to count down again from 30 days.
A Secret has an expiration period of 30 days, and auto change is not enabled.
At the end of the 30-day expiration period, the secret expires.
The secret remains expired until the field it applies to (usually the password field) is updated on the secret. This happens by manually
updating the field or by using the "Change Password Remotely" button on the Remote Password Changing tab of the secret.
Once the password is changed, the secret is no longer be marked expired, and expiration is reset to count down again from 30 days.
If you want to rely strictly on expiration for password changing, enable auto change but set the schedule to none. Leave “Only change
password when Secret is expired” checked.
If you want to set an auto change schedule to run daily at a specific time, the change will only happen at maximum once per day at that
given time. If a change happens already within that same day for the same secret, you cannot adjust the auto change schedule to run later
within the same day and then have a password change occur again within that same 24-hour period. For example, if the password was
already changed earlier in the day. The schedule is then adjusted to run a few minutes later within the same day. In that case, another
password change will not occur until 24 hours has passed since the last change.
If you set the auto-change schedule to run once per week, for example, on a Thursday, and “Only change password when secret is
expired” is checked. Even if the secret expires on a Monday, a password change would not occur until the secret has expired and the
scheduled time on Thursday has passed. 386
If you set the auto change schedule to run once per week on a Thursday and “only change password when Secret is expired” is not
checked, the password would be changed every Thursday, regardless of the secret’s expiration status.
If a secret has an expiration period but auto change is not enabled, no password change occurs automatically. The expiration would only
update when the password is manually updated or a remote password change is manually triggered through SS.
If you want to change a password more frequently than once per day, we recommend using some of the advanced security features at the
secret level or controlling the change through a secret policy. Use the check out feature combined with “Change Password on Check In”
on the Security tab of a Secret. You can specify a custom interval to check out the secret. After the password check out interval expires or
a user manually checks in the secret, the password is automatically changed.
Important: For the configuration above, ensure that these accounts have a password-related group policy in Active Directory that
specifies that the “Minimum Password Age” is set to 0. We recommend creating fine-grained password policies to achieve this. Add
all the accounts that need rotation more frequently than once per day to an AD security group assigned to the fine-grained password
policy. See Step-by-Step: Enabling and Using Fine-Grained Password Policies in AD for more information. 387
Configuring Secret Dependencies for RPC
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret dependencies are items that rely on the username, password, or SSH private key stored in the secret. By adding them to the
Dependencies tab, they are automatically updated when the secret's password is changed, ensuring they are up to date with the account on
which they depend.
Adding a custom dependency template may require additional settings (these settings are described in the following section): 388
Creating Custom Dependencies
If there are different dependency types that you want to manage that are not supported out of the box, new ones can be created based on a
script. A custom dependency consists of two components:
Dependency Template: The dependency template defines how a dependency is matched to discovered accounts and how it updates
the target after a password change occurs on the account. to create a new dependency template, go to Admin > Secret Templates and
click the Dependency Templates button.
Dependency Changer: A dependency changer is a script and the associated parameters to be passed into the script. Dependency
changers can be created and modified by going to Admin > Remote Password Changing > Configure Dependency Changers.
Note: Please see the Secret Server Discovery Guide for a comprehensive guide to configuring and using dependency changers
and dependency templates. 389
Dependency Groups
By default, all dependencies are updated in the order listed. There are cases where you may want to split out different sets of dependencies
into separate groups. Typically, this is because a single service account may run services across different segregated networks that can
communicate with the domain but not each other and have different distributed engine sites assigned. In this case you can create two
dependency groups and assign them to different distributed engine sites to solve connectivity issues. 390
Dependency Settings and Information
Change Fail Script: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, this is the built-in script that determines if
SS was unable to update the public key on the dependency.
Change Script: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, this is the built-in script that updates the public
key on the dependency.
Change Success Script: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, this is the built-in script that
determines if SS was able to update the public key on the dependency.
Database: For SQL script dependency types, the database name for the script.
Dependency Group: Name of the group to run the dependency update in.
Enabled: Whether SS attempts to update the dependency. A disabled dependency is ignored by SS.
File Path: For Remote File Dependency types, this is the UNC file path on the remote server where the embedded password exists.
Port: For SQL and SSH script dependency types, the port name for the script.
Privileged Account: The account SS authenticates as when changing the dependency's credentials, so it must have privileges on the
remote machine to edit the dependency.
Public Key: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, this text-entry field holds the value of the public
key stored on the dependency.
Regex: For Remote File Dependency types, the regular expression used to locate the password embedded in the configuration file.
Restart: Determines if the dependency is restarted once the account has been updated.
Run Condition: Allows the dependency to run conditionally depending on the outcome of the dependencies above it.
Script: Name of the PowerShell script, SSH script, or SQL script in the scripts repository configured on the Dependency Template. The
actual script selected can be previewed by clicking the eye icon.
Server Key Digest: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, a text-entry field that serves as a security
control for specifying the SHA1 hash of the SSH host key on the remote server.
Server Name: For SQL script dependency types, the server name for the script.
SSH Key Secret: An account with SSH Key that SS uses to authenticate when executing the SSH Script or SSH Key rotation
dependency types.
Template: Whether the dependency is an IIS application pool, Scheduled Task, windows service, remote file, COM+ application. Custom
dependencies can also be created using a SQL, SSH, or PowerShell script.
Verification Script: For SSH key rotation and SSH key rotation privileged dependency types, this is the built-in script that verifies that
the new public key on the dependency matches the private key on the secret.
Example values for a Windows service dependency on a remote computer might be:, Windows Service, aspnet_state, or DOMAIN\admin. 391
The following operations can be performed in the Dependency grid:
Edit: Click the icon to edit dependency text boxes. Cancel changes by pressing the Cancel button.
Run Dependency: Click the second arrow icon to run the script on the selected dependency and set the password on the selected
dependency to the current password for the secret
Test Connection: Click the return arrow icon to test the dependency connection, the tests results are displayed afterward.
View Dependency History: Click the icon to view the activity logs for the dependency.
Note: Due to security constraints, scheduled tasks require an Active Directory domain user as the privileged account. 392
Manually Adding Dependencies
1. Click on the plus icon next to Create New Dependency on the Dependencies tab.
3. Fill in the dependency name, machine name, and other information depending on the dependency type.
4. To choose the account used to change the dependency password, click on the link next to the Privileged Account label. If the privileged
account is blank, the current secret's credentials are used. 393
Using Regex with Dependencies
In release version 7.8.00010 and later, SS allows a secret to have file dependencies. File dependencies allow text files with embedded
credentials to be changed via Regex.
A Regular Expression (Regex) is a phrase in a language for matching text. For details on the .NET Regex language, see .NET Framework
Regular Expressions.
Secret Server replaces the contents of the first group (within parentheses) within the Regex.
File Path: This is the file path on the remote server where the remote password exists. UNC paths do not work here. See UNC Names.
Regex: This regular expression to be used to locate the password embedded in the configuration file.
Machine Name: Computer name or IP address where the dependency is located.
Privileged Account: The account SS will authenticate as when changing the dependency. It must have privileges on the remote
UNC Names
\\BARAKA\SHARE\test.txt or
do not work in the file path. You can, however, put the machine name or IP address in the Machine Name text box, and put the rest of the path
in the file path. For example:
\SHARE\test.txt or
SHARE\test.text or
Examples 394
The following are some examples of using Regex within file dependencies:
Example One
Example Two
<User name="Bob" password="Password1" />
<User name="John" password="Password1" />
name=John Doe
organization=Acme Widgets Inc.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial
Password=([^;]+) 395
Example One
User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Example Two
Data Source=username/password@//myserver:1521/[](;
date: 2007-08-06
name: Dorothy
password: Password1
name:\s*Dorothy\s*password:\s*([^\r\n]+) 396
Custom Password Changers
The Password Changers Configuration page can be accessed by navigating to Admin > Remote Password Changing > Configure
Password Changers.
There are a few password changing types that allow the user to enter in specific commands that are sent to the computer where the password
is changing. This enables the system to accommodate for differences in the standard password change procedure. For example: The Unix
system that is being changed prompts for the current password twice instead of only once before asking for the new password. 397
Changing Ports and Line Endings
To change the port or line ending used on a password changer, click the password changer on the Configure Password Changers page
and then click Edit. There, you can choose the line ending and port used by the device. By default, line endings are set to New Line (\n),
however some devices and applications (such as HP iLO) use a different line ending system. The port defaults to 22 for SSH connections and
23 for Telnet connections.
For the built in Windows password changer there is a ports text-entry field available that can be filled in to help ensure a computer is listening.
This can be used if DNS returns multiple IP addresses for a single box and only one is valid. For example, a laptop might get two IP addresses
for an Ethernet and wireless connection, but if it is unplugged the Ethernet IP is invalid. In this case, SS can do a reverse lookup and test each
IP until it is able to connect on one of the specified ports. When it gets a response, it uses that IP for the password change. 398
Creating a Custom Password Changer
2. Select a base password changer. We recommend you select the option that most closely matches the type of password changer you are
creating, as this determines which customizable parameters and test actions are available to you.
3. On the next page, make any customizations you would like. To save a new command, click the + icon at the end of the row. The
command can be edited once more by clicking the edit button, which is labeled with a small pencil icon at the end of the row.
4. To access the test actions for your new password changer, click Back to return to the overview screen.
5. To edit additional parameters (if applicable), click Edit from the password changer overview to change settings such as the name, line
ending, and custom port.
Note: For more information about creating a custom PowerShell password changer, see PowerShell Remote Password Changing
(KB). 399
Deactivating Password Changers
To make a password changer unavailable for use and to hide it from view in your list of password changers, you must mark it inactive:
1. From the Password Changers Configuration page, click the password type name of the password changer you would like to make
2. Click Edit.
4. Click Save.
To view inactive password changers, check the Show Inactive box at the bottom of the list of password changers. The Active column in the
table indicates the status of the password changer. 400
Distributed Engines and RPC
Distributed Engines allow RPC, heartbeat and discovery to occur on networks that are not directly connected to the network that SS is installed
on. See the linked KB and its associated white paper for details on configuration and functionality.
Note: Distributed Engines were released in version 8.9.000000 and replaced remote agents. 401
Editing Custom Commands
The SSH type changers use the SSH protocol to access the machine. This type contains custom commands for password reset and can
contain commands for the verify password functionality but most SSH type changers simply verify that a connection can be established with the
username and password. The Telnet type changers use the Telnet protocol in order to access the machine and contain custom commands for
both the password reset and the verify password functionality. The verify functionality is used in the heartbeat, as well as verifying that the
password was changed successfully.
SSH key rotation type changers also include post-reset success and failure custom commands. These extra command sets are run after both
the reset and verify functions are run and are used to either finalize the key rotation and password change (success) or clean up after a failure.
If both the reset and verify functions are successful, the post-reset success command set is run. If either the reset or the verify fail, the post-reset
failure command set is run.
To edit the custom commands, click on the Edit Commands button. This sets the command grids into Edit mode where you can add, update, or
delete the commands in order to suit their purpose.
Any secret text-entry field value can be substituted by prefacing the text-entry field name with a $. For example, to echo the notes value for a
secret, the user would enter: echo $Notes as a command. Along with these secret field values, the following variables are available in custom
$USERNAME The username text-entry field mapped in RPC on the secret template.
$CURRENTPASSWORD The password text-entry field mapped in RPC on the secret template.
PRIVATEKEY The private key text-entry field mapped in RPC on the secret template.
$NEWPRIVATEKEY The next private key (filled in Next Private Key text box or auto-generated).
$CURRENTPUBLICKEY The public key text-entry field mapped in RPC on the secret template.
$NEWPUBLICKEY The next public key (generated from the next private key).
$PASSPHRASE The passphrase text-entry field mapped in RPC on the secret template.
$NEWPASSPHRASE The next passphrase (filled in Next Private Key Passphrase text box or auto-generated).
$[1] Adding this prefix to any text-entry field targets the associated reset secret with order 1.
$[1]$USERNAME The mapped username of the associated secret, identified by order. Can also reference any other property on the
associated secret. Common examples include:
$[SID:105] Adding this prefix to any text-entry field targets the associated reset secret with a secret Id of 105.
$[SID:105]$USERNAME The mapped username of the associated secret, identified by secret id. Like referencing an associated secret by
order, referencing by secret id can also access any text-entry field on the secret by name.
Note: Both the mapped text-entry fields and secret text-entry field names can be used.
Check-Result Commands 402
$$CHECKCONTAINS <text> Checks that the response from last command contains <text>.
$$CHECKFOR <text> Checks that the response from the last command equals <text>.
$$CHECKNOTCONTAINS <text> Checks that the response from last command does not contain <text>.
Note: If these conditions are not met the process fails and immediately returns a result.
If you want to exit out of the command set early without triggering a failure, echo an "OK" on the line immediately preceding the exit 0; statement.
"OK" must be the only text in the response from the server for this to work.
You can test out your password reset and verify password command sets by clicking on the Test Action buttons next to the relevant sections.
All communication between SS and the target machine is displayed when using these test buttons. 403
Enabling RPC
RPC is enabled under the Administration, Remote Password Changing page. Click Edit to enable RPC, secret heartbeat, and secret checkout.
Once enabled, all secret templates with RPC configured are available to use with RPC. 404
Mapping Account Fields for RPC
All the secret templates with the prefix RPC have RPC configured by default. For creating a custom template that uses RPC it can be
configured from the Secret Template Designer. Enable Remote Password Changing must be turned on for secrets created from the
template to make use of this feature. Select the password type for the account and map the text-entry fields to be used for authenticating to the
remote server. The secret fields must be mapped to the corresponding required text-entry fields based on the password change type. Do that in
the Secret Template Edit Password Changing page for the secret template:
The Retry Interval text box is the amount of time that a secret waits before once again attempting to change a password after a password
change is unable to succeed.
The Default Privileged Account text box is the secret that is set as the privileged account for all new secrets that are created with this secret
template. Changing this does not affect any existing secrets. 405
Mapping an SSH Key or Private Key Passphrase for Authentication
Some password changers may be customized to use SSH key authentication. SS needs to know which text-entry fields contain the key and the
passphrase. These text-entry fields can be specified after clicking Edit from the password changer page.
The key and passphrase must be identified by a $ sign and the secret text-entry field name, which can be obtained from the secret template.
To set which text-entry fields are your key and passphrase, go to the extended mappings for a secret template by clicking Extended
Mappings from the Secret Template Edit page. Select the text-entry fields that correspond to the SSH private key and passphrase if
applicable. No matter what you name your key text-entry field, SS knows what it is. This is set up by default, so you should not need to do this
unless you've created custom Unix templates you want to use keys with.
Once SS knows which text-entry fields contain the private key and private key passphrases, it can automatically use them as a part of
launchers. 406 407
Minimum Requirements for Windows Local Accounts
Due to a security issue (MS KB3178465), we do not allow Windows local accounts to change their own passwords. Instead, we recommend
using the discovery privileged account to change them. Each privileged account should meet the following requirements:
Must be a member of the local administrator group on all target end points
Note: The discovery account for SS can also be used for RPC. 408
Modifying Password Changers
To modify a password changer, click the password changer name under Admin > Remote Password Changing > Configure Password
Changers and then use the Edit or Edit Commands buttons to make changes. For more information about editing the custom PowerShell
password changer, see PowerShell Remote Password Changing (KB).
Note: You can find the full, up-to-date list of password changers included with SS by default in List of Built-In Password Changers
(KB). 409
Password Changing Scripts
PowerShell scripts, SSH scripts, and SQL scripts for password changing, dependencies, and discovery custom actions can be created by
administrators with the role permission called Administer Scripts. The scripts can be accessed by going to Administration > Remote
Password Changing > Scripts.
Note: SS requires that WinRM is configured on the Web server. For instructions please see Configuring WinRM for PowerShell.
Creating Scripts
On the Scripts screen, select desired script tab and click Create New to enter the name of the script, a description, and the commands to run,
then click OK. The script now shows up in the grid. Scripts can be deactivated and reactivated from the grid.
Testing Scripts
All scripts run from the machine that SS is installed on, or the site assigned to the secret. To test a script, click the Test button on the grid next to
the corresponding script.
PowerShell scripts run as the identity of the secret, so enter in an Active Directory credential to run the script as or select a secret to pre-fill the
run-as credentials. Then enter in any command line arguments that the script requires. The output of the script is displayed above the grid for
debugging purposes. To test the script over an engine, select a site from the Site list. This helps in diagnosing server specific issues where
engines are installed.
Using Scripts
To use a script as a password changer or Dependency, it must be wired up to the appropriate action under Admin > Remote Password
Changing on the password changer or dependency changer.
Discovery scripting is done under Admin > Discovery > Extensible Discovery. For more information on configuring extensible discovery
see the Extensible Discovery Overview.
Viewing Audits
A full history of each PowerShell script is kept and can be downloaded from the audit trail. Click View Audit to view the audit trail for
PowerShell. Each time a script is updated, the previous one can be downloaded from the corresponding audit record.
Note: For additional information on setting up PowerShell scripts, please read the following KB article: Creating and Using
PowerShell Scripts. 410
Privileged Accounts and Reset Secrets
By default, RPC uses the credentials on secret option, using the credentials stored in the secret to invoke a password change. For Windows
and Active Directory accounts, a privileged account can be used instead by selecting the Privileged Account Credentials option and selecting
an Active Directory secret with permission to change the account's password.
For secret templates with a custom commands password type, any number of associated reset secrets can assign for use in the custom
commands. See Custom Command Sets (Professional or Premium Edition) for details on resetting secrets in custom commands.
When a secret is wired up with a privileged account or reset secrets, the ability to edit the username, host, domain, or machine is restricted if the
user does not have access to those associated secrets. On the RPC tab, the user sees "You do not have access to View this secret" for the
secret name and on the Edit page all text-entry fields mapped for RPC except the password is disabled. This added security prevents the user
from changing the username and resetting another account's password.
Note: If the user does not have access to the privileged account or reset secrets, the ability to edit all secret text-entry fields mapped
for RPC except the password text-entry field is restricted to prevent changing the password on another account. 411
RPC Error Codes
NERR_PasswordPolicySettings: The password SS attempted to set is a repeating password or one that does not meet domain
password policy standards. A common reason is minimum password age, which is often defaulted to 24 hours.
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: The user account's "Not Able to Change Password" setting could not be set or logon was denied.
ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD: Either the user does not exist (ensure the usernames match) or the password is not correct.
For more information about common error messages for Remote Password Changing, see Remote Password Changing Errors (KB). 412
RPC for Service Accounts and SSH Keys
Service Accounts
RPC can be performed on service accounts where the dependent services is automatically updated and restarted as the service account
password is changed. Administrators are notified if a dependency fails to restart. The supported dependency types are IIS application pools, IIS
application pool recycle, scheduled tasks, windows services, passwords embedded in .ini, .config, and other text files. Custom dependencies
can be created using SSH, PowerShell, or SQL scripts. The application pool recycle only recycles the specified application pool, it does not
update the password of the service account running the application pool. SS attempts to unlock the service account should the account
become locked during the dependency password change if there is a privileged account assigned to the secret.
SSH Keys
RPC can be performed on multiple public keys referencing the same private key in SS. The dependency types for this situation are SSH key
rotation and SSH key rotation privileged. 413
RPC Logs
The RPC logs for a specific secret can be accessed by clicking the View Audit button on Secret View page and ticking the check box at the
bottom of the page for display password changing Log. The RPC logs for all secrets can be accessed by navigating to Admin > Remote
Password Changing.
You can change the Days to Keep Operational Logs text box to set the period to keep RPC-related logs that might contain PII. SS
automatically deletes logs older than that (in days). 414
Running a Manual RPC
On the RPC tab there is a button called Change Password Remotely button that allows the use to change the password immediately instead of
waiting for it to expire. When this button is clicked the user is taken to the Change Password Remotely page where they can enter in or
generate the new password for the account. When the user clicks the Change button the secret enters the queue for having its password
changed. The RPC Log found on the Remote Password Changing page details the results of the password change attempts and can be used
for debugging.
If the secret is a Unix or Linux account and uses a password changer that supports SSH key rotation, the user can change the account's
password, public and private keypair, and the private key passphrase. The user can enter or generate any of these items.
Note: If the password change fails, SS continues to retry until it is successful, or the change is canceled by the user. To manually
cancel the change, click Cancel Password Change on the RPC tab.
1. From Dashboard, click its check box to select secret you want to test.
2. Click the Change Password Remotely button. The Change Password popup page appears:
3. Click to select the Next Password dropdown list and select Manual or Randomly Generated. If you chose manual:
Otherwise, click the Change Password button. The password change is now queued.
4. You can verify that the password change completed either by unmasking the password on this screen (click the lock icon beside the
password field) or by looking at the Remote Password Changing log. You can find the Remote Password Changing log by going to
Admin > Remote Password Changing. 415
Treating Specific Heartbeat “Unknown Errors” as Connection Failures
Note: This setting was previously called “Password Change Error Code Translation (regex).”
The SS “Heartbeat Unknown Error to Unable to Connect Translation (regex)” setting can translate UnknownError heartbeat errors into
connection errors based on text, such as the error code, in the error message. Using a regular expression, which you define, SS scans
heartbeat UnknownError messages for specific text strings. When there is a match, SS changes the UnknownError to an “Unable to Connect”
heartbeat error. This setting is useful if a custom command error is interpreted as UnknownError but the message indicates it actually was
unable to connect. The translated connection error will cause SS to attempt another heartbeat.
Note: The UnknownError error is very common when running scripts and commands, making the regex discrimination desirable.
(RPC UnknownError) AND (Regex match in error message) => RPC status changed to “Unable to Connect”
.*error code is 10060.* (any error with the code 10060 changes the RPC status to “Unable to Connect”)
1. Go to Admin > Remote Password Changing. The Remote Password Changing Configuration page appears: 416
2. Click the Configure Password Changers button. The Password Changers Configuration page appears: 417
3. Click the link for the desired password type. Its Account page appears:
5. Click the pencil icon next to Heartbeat Unknown Error to Unable to Connect Translation (regex). The Value text box appears. 418
Triggering an RPC When Defined Errors Occur
When the “Attempt Password Change with new password when error contains (regex)” setting is enabled, SS generates a new password to
use during the next RPC attempt when the defined error is returned. Using a regular expression, which you define, SS scans the error message
for specific text strings. When there is a match, SS generates and sets a new next password for the secret that will be used in the next RPC
attempt, which will occur based on the templates RPC interval. To keep this process from generating too many next passwords, it is restricted
to five attempts while failing RPC.
Note: Only the password field is updated. Passcodes and SSH keys are left alone.
Figure: Attempt Password Change with new password when error contains (regex) setting
(RPC Error) AND (one or more regex matches) AND (five or fewer attempts) => New password generated
.* (any error)
1. Go to Admin > Remote Password Changing. The Remote Password Changing Configuration page appears: 419
1. Click the Configure Password Changers button. The Password Changers Configuration page appears: 420
1. Click the link for the desired password type. Its Account page appears:
2. Click the pencil icon next to Attempt Password Change with new password when error contains (regex). The Value text box
appears. 421
Password Changer List
Secret Server includes many pre-configured password changers that are used by Remote Password Changing (RPC). The following are
commonly used password changers, and the list is always growing.
Note: To see the latest list, go to Admin > RPC > Configure RPC.
Note: Secret Server can use scripted password changers for devices that support SSH or Telnet (this allows for flexibility in
changing passwords on less common devices). You can also run custom RPC PowerShell scripts to conduct password changes to
other platforms.
MySQL Account
Office365 *
Oracle Account 422
PostgreSQL Account (x64)
PowerShell Script **
SAP Account **
Sybase Account
Windows Account
z/OS Mainframe
* Does not require an Advanced Scripting Add-On License. Will require PowerShell installation. ** Professional Edition add-on/Platinum
Edition only
Linux / Mac
Check Point
Dell DRAC 423
PostgreSQL and ODBC Remote Password Changing
You can create custom SQL password changers based on an ODBC driver. The Secret Server machine must have the corresponding ODBC
driver installed. These can be downloaded from the corresponding database vendor sites.
ODBC connection strings vary depending on product. See Example Connection Strings below for sample ODBC connection strings for
Microsoft SQL server and PostgreSQL.
2. Click Configure Password Changers, and then scroll to the bottom of the page.
4. Select Generic ODBC (DataSource) in the Base Password Changer dropdown list.
6. Under Password Reset Commands, type a command to reset a password (see below).
Note: Secret field variables can be used in a way similar to how they are used in a Linux or UNIX password changer, with the
exception that they can be specified as ODBC parameters, assuming the command allows it. To parameterize a secret field
variable, prefix it with the @ symbol instead of a $.
Note: If the command does not support using parameters, the secret field values can be substituted into the command.
Each ODBC password changer requires a connection string. This can be specified within the password changer settings or in the secret itself.
5. Type your database ODBC connection string in the Connection String text box. 424
Adding Connection Strings to Secrets
The Connection String can also be specified on the secret by adding a new field to the template and mapping it to the Data Source property
on the template's Remote Password Changing configuration. Otherwise, that mapping field can be left blank.
Note: See Creating or Editing Secret Templates for more information about adding fields to secret templates.
SQL 2012:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=$SERVER;Database=master;Uid=$USERNAME;Pwd=$PASSWORD;
PostgreSQL (x64):
Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI(x64)};Server=$SERVER;Port=$PORT;Database=$DATABASE;Uid=$USERNAME;Pwd=$PASSWORD;
A common problem experienced with ODBC drivers is they require the IIS application pool to be set to either 32-bit or 64-bit mode to match the
specified ODBC driver. When not set correctly, you will see an error in the system log when running heartbeat for a secret using that password
PostgreSQL with 64-bit drivers will throw the following error if the IIS application pool is in 32-bit mode:
ExpiredSecretMonitor - System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException (0x80131937): ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default
driver specified]
A machine with a distributed engine installed requires the corresponding ODBC driver. In some cases, additional configuration may be
necessary. For example, PostgreSQL requires adding an additional host entry:
2. Modify the pg_hba.conf (for example: /PostreSql/9.3/pg_hba.conf) file to have a host entry for the agent computer IP address. For example,
where is the IP address of the distributed engine:
host all all md5 425
Remote Password Changing with PowerShell
As of version 8.8, Secret Server supports running PowerShell scripts for Remote Password Changing (RPC) and heartbeat. Below are the
steps for creating an Active Directory (AD) password changer that uses PowerShell scripts. The example is meant as a simple guide for how to
wire-up the template to scripts as a proof of concept. Your actual PowerShell password changer scripts may be more complex depending on
your environment and needs.
Important: Before you begin, please ensure password changing and heartbeat are enabled in Admin > Remote Password
Changing and review the information on Configuring CredSSP for use with WinRM/PowerShell, which will be necessary for most
PowerShell password changing tasks.
The PowerShell scripts are created and accessed through the Admin > Scripts page. To create a PowerShell password changer, you need to
create two scripts. The first script verifies the account's current password. The second script changes the account's password. These two
scripts are linked to a new secret template. 426
3. Type the arguments (separated by spaces) in the Arguments text box: domain name (for you), username (yours), password (yours). For
example: ssadmin FD#@789Uik4$
4. Type your domain name for the script-running account in the Domain text box.
5. Type the username in the Username text box for account that can run PowerShell scripts on the domain.
6. Type that user’s password in the Password text box.
7. Click the OK button to test your script the with provided parameters.
2. Click the Run Script arrow icon on the AD change script. The Test Script popup appears.
3. Type the arguments (separated by spaces) in the Arguments text box: domain name (for you), username (yours), new password (yours),
domain admin username, domain admin password. For example: ssuser 08sSKthsoidPW ssadmin FD#@789Uik4$
4. Type your domain name for the script-running account in the Domain text box.
5. Type the username in the Username text box for account that can run PowerShell scripts on the domain.
7. Click the OK button to test your script the with provided parameters.
Note: If successful, this will change the password on the account that is used for testing.
The remaining steps depend on the version of SS you are using. In Secret Server 10.0.000006 we introduced the ability to create multiple
PowerShell password changers, each with their own set of password change and verify scripts. These password changers can be assigned to
different scan templates to automatically assign different PowerShell password changer scripts to different types of local accounts when
creating local account import rules in discovery. For more information about how scan templates and password changers are used in discovery
and local account import rules, see our Discovery Guide. Prior to 10.0.000006, there was only one PowerShell password changer and the
scripts were assigned on the secret template.
Task 4: Configuring a Password Changer for Secret Server Version 10.0.000006 and Later
In Secret Server versions 10.0.000006 and later, after the scripts are tested and working correctly, the next step is to create a PowerShell
password changer.
6. Click the Save button. On the next page you will select the scripts to use for password changing and verification (heartbeat).
Note: When SS runs the script, it replaces the fields with the matching secret field values. $NEWPASSWORD is a special case for 427
the new password that is generated by SS or specified by the user when performing a password change. For more information see
Using Secret Fields in Scripts.
Important: You must specify scripts for both sections and you must click the Save button next to each one for both to save.
7. Click to select the Enable Remote Password Changing and Enable Heartbeat checkboxes.
Task 6a: Finishing the Secret Template Configuration for Secret Server 10.0.000006 and later
1. Select the password changer created in the previous section from the Password Type to use dropdown list.
2. Click to select Domain next to the Domain field.
3. Click to select Username next to the User Name field.
4. Click to select Password next to the Password field.
5. Click the Save button to save the mapping.
Task 6b: Finishing the Secret Template Configuration for Secret Server 8.8.000000 to 10.0.000000
5. Click to select Active Directory Change next to the Remote Password Change Script field.
6. Enter the following to the Remote Password Change Args field: $DOMAIN $USERNAME $NEWPASSWORD $[1]$USERNAME $[1]$PASSWORD.
7. Click to select Active Directory Verify next to the Heartbeat Script field.
8. Type the following next to the Heartbeat Args field: $DOMAIN $USERNAME $PASSWORD.
Note: When SS runs the script, it replaces the fields with the matching secret field values. $NEWPASSWORD is a special
case for the new password that is generated by SS or specified by the user when performing a password change. 428
9. Click the Save button to save the mapping.
One that is an Active Directory Account that has the necessary rights to run PowerShell on your domain
One that is an Active Directory Account that has the necessary rights to run a password change on your domain
One that is based on the new PowerShell Active Directory Template.
3. On the dashboard, use the dropdown on the Create Secret widget and select Active Directory Account. Use the following
4. Click the Save button to save your secret and verify that it passes heartbeat.
1. On the dashboard, use the dropdown on the Create Secret widget and select Active Directory Account. Use the following
Secret Name: Password changing Admin
Domain: Domain that the account exists on
Username: Account name that can change passwords in the domain
Password: Password for the account
2. Click the Save button to save your secret and verify that it passes heartbeat.
3. Click the Home button to return to the dashboard.
1. On the dashboard, use the dropdown on the Create Secret widget and select PowerShell Active Directory Account. Use the
following parameters:
Secret Name: PowerShell AD user
Domain: Domain that the account exists on
Username: samAccountName of the account to be managed
Password: Password for the account
2. Click the Save button to save your secret and verify that it passes heartbeat.
3. Click the Remote Password Changing tab for the secret.
4. Click the Edit button.
5. Click to select Privileged Account Credentials in Execute PowerShell. The Privileged Account selector appears.
6. Click the No Selected Secret link.
7. Locate click on the PowerShell Admin secret.
8. Click the Home button to return to the dashboard.
9. In the The following Secrets are available to be used in Custom Password Changing Commands and Scripts section:
1. Click the No Selected Secret link.
2. Select your AD account secret for password changing.
3. Click on the Save button.
Everything should now be configured for heartbeat and RPC on the Secret. Run Heartbeat (from the General tab in the Secret) to confirm that
it works and run an RPC ** (from the Remote Password Changing tab of the secret) to confirm that it also works.
Errors 429
If you receive the “The term 'Set-ADAccountPassword' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again." error, install the AD-Domain-Services in
Powershell. To do this start PowerShell as an administrator then run the following command:
Install-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services –IncludeManagementTools
Additionally you may need to install the Remote Server Administration Tools for your version of Windows and then in PowerShell run:
Import-Module Servermanager 430 Password Changer
As of version 8.6, Secret Server (SS) supports password changing for accounts.
The password changer can be enabled on secrets that were created using the default Web Password Secret template or any custom template
that is configured to use the Web User Account Password type.
The SS Web server's outbound IP Address must be added to the IP Address white list for your organization. Please refer to the documentation for instructions on how to set this up. See Restricting Login IP Ranges for Your Organization.
In cases where this is not set up correctly, you may see the follow error in the Remote Password Changing logs:
Login failed: LOGIN_MUST_USE_SECURITY_TOKEN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Please note:
Secret Server can only communicate to the following Salesforce default Login URLs: and
Having the domain URL in the secret will not work and will throw this exception: Login failed: INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security
token; or user locked out. Only those two URLs work.
There are three required Salesforce configurations:
Go to Setup > Administration > Users > Profile. Choose the user profile. Make sure that Enabled API is checked. This option is
not available in all versions of Salesforce. Other versions will not have this enabled by default. Please see this "Enable API" not
available article. If this setting is not enabled in salesforce you will get one of these errors: ERROR: Secret 'Salesforce Test' (Id = 1063) on
Site 'EARTH' returned (LoginFailed). Exception: Login failed: API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: API is not enabled for this Organization or
Partner,System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner.
Configure network access and whitelist the distribute engine or SS IP address. If this is internal, use the public IP address.
Go to Setup > Company Settings > My Domain. Edit my domain settings and make sure that Prevent login from is unchecked. 431
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
The reporting interface comes with a set of standard reports. These reports include a variety of 2D and 3D charting and graphing components
and a full grid of data. Some of the reports are purely data detailed and have no charts. You can also create your own reports based on any SS
data, such as user, audit, permissions, and folders. You can create report categories to aid in the organization of your reports. Reports can be
arranged to provide access to auditors and meet compliance requirements. These reports can be accessed in the General tab on the Reports
page. 432
The Security Hardening Report checks aspects of SS to ensure security best practices are being implemented. While SS runs with all the items
failing, administrators should be aware of possible security issues within an installation. For details on this, see Reports Security Hardening
The User Audit Report shows all secrets accessed by a user during a specified period. 433
Built-in Reports
Secret Server includes many pre-configured reports that you can run or use as templates for creating custom reports. Below are the reports
shipped with current release of SS:
Note: Unless otherwise designated, reports listed are available in all editions. However, older releases may not include all reports
listed here.
Discovery Scan
Note: These are available in Professional edition. In prior versions they are available only in Enterprise Plus.
Group Membership
Group Membership By Group
Legacy Reports
Password Compliance 434
What Secrets Do Not Meet Password Requirements?
Secret Password Compliance Statuses
Report Schedules
Secret Policy
Note: You can find additional reports in the Custom Report Gallery. 435
Creating and Editing Reports
There are two ways to create a Report. From the Reports Edit page, click the Add New link at the bottom of a Report Category. Or alternatively,
from the Reports View page, click the Create it link at the bottom of that page.
1. Click the + icon on the right side of the Reports menu item. The Report Edit page appears:
2. Type the report name in the Report Name text box. This is the name that is displayed on the Reports page as a link underneath its
containing category.
3. Type a description in the Report Description text box. This is displayed in the Report View page. It is also used as the Tooltip for the
Report name on the Reports page.
4. Click the Report Category dropdown list to select the category the report will appear in on the Reports page. 436
5. Click the Chart Type dropdown list to select the type of chart to use for displaying the results. If set to None, a grid displays.
6. Click the Page Size dropdown list to select the page size limit for the data displayed in the grid.
7. Click to select the Use Database Paging check box if desired. See Database Paging.
8. Paste your script in the Report SQL text box. See Report SQL Scripts. Our completed report looks like this:
9. (optional) Click the Preview button to see your report before creating it. Our preview looks like this: 437
10. Click the Report Definition tab to return to your editing.
11. Click the Save button. The new report’s page appears: 438
12. The new report now appears on the Reports page:
Editing Reports
To edit a report:
1. Click the Reports menu item. The Reports page appears, listing all the reports.
2. Click the name of the report, which is a link. That report’s page appears.
3. Click the Edit button. The Report Edit page appears. See Creating a Custom Report for details about the parameters. 439
Note: The SQL script text cannot be edited for non-custom (built-in) reports.
The best way to create SQL scripts is to view existing ones and the SS database structure. Click any existing report’s link to arrive at its page.
Then click the Edit button. The SQL appears in the Report SQL text box.
Note: Even though you are pressing the Edit button, you cannot edit non-custom reports. You can view their parameters, including
their SQL script.
Dynamic Parameters
Reports support the embedding of certain parameters into the SQL so you can dynamically change the resulting data set. Another option
available for custom reports is to apply a different color to returned rows dependent on certain conditions. For more information as well as
examples, see the Using Dynamic Parameters in Reports topic.
You can show SS's SQL database information to assist with creating custom reports. By selecting the SQL Table from the list, the details of the
table's columns display in a grid. Click the Show SS SQL database information link to see the SQL Table list and SQL Table Columns grid.
The link is also available on the Report Edit page.
You can click Preview button at the bottom of the page to see a preview of the chart. The resulting chart displays in the Report Preview section
at the bottom of the page.
Database Paging
Database paging allows the database to load large reports more quickly. We recommend database paging if the query is expected to pull large
amounts of data for the report. Implementing database paging may not work if the SQL query uses some keywords, including TOP, OPTION,
INSERT, UNION, WITH, or aliases containing the word FROM.
Example queries:
Works using database paging: SELECT * FROM tbSecret WHERE NAME LIKE 'Test%'
Does not work using database paging: SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tbSecret WHERE SecretName LIKE 'Test%' 440
Deleting or Undeleting Reports
Undelete: To undelete a report, you must navigate to the Reports Edit page as deleted reports are not visible on the Reports View page.
On the Reports Edit page, click the Show Deleted button. This displays a Deleted Report category, which contains all the deleted
reports. Either drag the report to a report category that is not deleted or click the report name to go into its Report View page. In there, click
the Undelete button. 441
Modifying Report Categories
For details on the Show Deleted button, see Deleting and Undeleting Reports.
Rearrange: Any item with the icon can be dragged and dropped to a new location. Report categories can be moved anywhere within the
page. Reports can be moved from one report category to another.
Create New: Click Create Report Category and specify a category name and description on the following page. Note that the Report
Category Description is used as the tooltip for the report category on the Reports View page.
Delete: Click the icon next to the report category name. This deletes all the reports in the category. To undelete the reports, see Deleting
and Undeleting Reports.
Edit: Click the icon next to the report category name to change the name or description of the category. 442
Report Page
See Built-In Reports for the most up-to-date list of reports included.
The reports are listed under the report categories. To view a report, click on its name. This takes you to the Report View page.
You can view a record of all the actions performed on reports by clicking on the View Audit button. For more information on this, see
Administration Auditing.
For details on the Edit button, see Creating and Editing Reports.
You can adjust the look of the Reports View page. The report categories as well as the reports can be rearranged on the page. To do this, click
Edit on the Reports page.
The Security Hardening Tab configures aspects of SS to ensure security best practices are being implemented. While SS runs with all the
items failing, administrators should be aware of possible security issues within an installation. Below is an explanation of the different features:
Configuration Section
Allow Approval for Access from Email: This is a convenience option that allows users to approve or deny a secret access request by
clicking a link in the request email sent by SS. Allow Approval From Email does not require a user to authenticate with SS when
approving access to a secret. This can be a security concern if the approver's email account becomes compromised. Turn Allow Approval
From Email off to get a pass result.
Browser AutoComplete: Browser AutoComplete allows Web browsers to save the login credentials for the SS login screen. These
credentials are often kept by the Web browser in an insecure manner on the user's workstation. Allowing AutoComplete also interferes
with the security policy of your SS by not requiring the user to re-enter their login credentials on your desired schedule. To prevent the
AutoComplete feature, disable the Allow AutoComplete option on the Configuration page.
File Attachment Restrictions: File attachment restrictions allows administrators to configure what kind of file attachments can be
uploaded to secrets. This helps protect users from being tricked into downloading a malicious secret attachment. The file extension and
maximum file size can be specified, such as:
*.7z, *.bmp, *.ca-bundle, *.cer, *.config, *.crt, *.csr, *.csv, *.dat, *.doc, *.docx, *.gif, *.gz, *.id-rsa, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.json, *.key, *.lic, *.p7b, *.pcf, *.pdf, *.pem, *.pfx,
*.pkey, *.png, *.ppk, *.pub, *.tar, *.tif, *.tiff, *.tpm, *.txt, *.vdx, *.vsd, *.vsdx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xml, *.zip
This security check will fail if the file attachment restrictions is not enabled. This check will return warnings if a potentially dangerous file
extension is allowed, maximum file size is not specified, or maximum file size is greater than 30 MB.
Force Password Masking: Password masking prevents over-the-shoulder viewing of your passwords by a casual observer (when
masked, passwords show as *). To activate this option, click to select the Force Password Masking option on the Configuration page.
Frame Blocking: Frame blocking prevents the SS site from being placed in an iFrame. This is to prevent clickjacking attacks. There may
be legitimate reasons for placing SS in a frame, such as embedding the UI in another site. To turn frame blocking on, enable the setting
under the Security tab in Configuration.
Login Password Requirements: Login passwords can be strengthened by requiring a minimum length and the use of various
character sets. A minimum password length of 8 characters or longer is recommended. In addition, all character sets (lowercase,
uppercase, numbers and symbols) are required to get a pass result. Turn on these login password settings on the Configuration page.
Maximum Login Failures: The maximum number of login failures is the number of attempts that can be made to login to SS as a user
before that user's account is locked. A user with user administration permissions is then required to unlock the user's account. The
maximum failures allowed should be set to 5 or less to get a pass result. Change the "Maximum Login Failures" settings on the
Configuration page.
Remember Me: Remember Me is a convenience option that allows users to remain logged in for up to a specific period. This setting can 443
be a security concern as it does not require re-entry of credentials to gain access to SS. Turn Remember Me off on the Configuration page
to get a pass result. It must be set to be valid for 1 day or less to not get a fail result.
Secure Session and Forms Auth Cookies: Cookies contain potentially sensitive information that can allow users to log onto
application. By default, cookies are not marked with the secure attribute. That is, they are transmitted unencrypted when a user
accesses SS through HTTP instead of HTTPS.
For more information about how to secure your cookies, see Secure ASP Session and Forms Authentication Cookies (KB).
Web Service HTTP Gets Allowed: Web service HTTP get requests are allowed. Allowing HTTP GET requests allows REST-style calls
to many SS Web service methods. This can be a security concern because simply clicking a link to the Web service, created by a
malicious user, would cause it to be executed.
Zero Information Disclosure Error Message: Replace all error messages with a custom “contact your admin” message. Error
messages can be very helpful when diagnosing installation and configuration issues. However, having errors displayed to a potential
attacker can provide him or her with the critical information they need to perform a successful attack.
Database Section
SQL Account Using Least Permissions: Use the fewest SS permissions as possible in the SQL Account used to access the
database. We recommend using a least permission approach where the account only has dbOwner. See Installing and Configuring SQL
SQL Server Authentication Password Strength: SQL Server authentication requires a username and password. The password must
be a strong password to get a pass result. Strong passwords are 8 characters or longer and contain lowercase and uppercase letters,
numbers and symbols. The SQL Server authentication credentials in use can be changed by going to the installer (installer.aspx) and
changing them on Step 3. A pass result is also given if Windows authentication is used to authenticate to SQL Server.
SQL Server Authentication Username: The SQL Server authentication username should not be obvious. The use of "sa", "ss" or
"secretserver" triggers a fail result. The SQL Server authentication credentials in use can be changed by going to the installer
(installer.aspx) and changing them on Step 3. A pass result is also given if Windows authentication is used to authenticate to SQL Server.
Windows Authentication to Database: Windows authentication takes advantage of Windows security to provide secure authentication
to SQL Server. The SQL Server authentication options can be changed by going to the installer (installer.aspx) and changing them on
Step 3. Please see the Installation Guide for instructions on configuring Windows authentication to SQL Server.
Environment Section
Application Pool Identity: The Application Pool identity GAMMA\ss_iis_svc appears to be a member of the administrators group on the
system. This puts the system at risk by giving more access than necessary.
DPAPI or HSM Encryption of Encryption Key: Encrypt your SS encryption key, and limit decryption to that same server. Data
Protection API (DPAPI) is an encryption library that is built into Windows operating systems. It allows encryption of data and configuration
files based on the machine key. Enabling DPAPI Encryption in SS protects the SS encryption key by using DPAPI, so even getting
access to the SS encryption key is not enough to be useful—the machine key is required. If you enable this option, back up your
encryption key first, as a DPAPI encrypted file can only be used by the machine it was encrypted on.
SSL Section
Note: SSL needs to be running with at least a 128-bit key size to get a pass result. A warning result indicates your key size is less
than 128 bits. A fail result indicates you are not using SSL.
Require SMTP SSL: SMTP SSL is required to ensure that all communication between SS and the email server is encrypted. Enable the
"Use SSL" option in Secret Server to get a pass result.
Require SSL: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is required to ensure that all communication between the Web browser and SS is encrypted
and secure. Once the SSL certificate is installed, Force HTTPS/SSL in Configuration to get a pass result. Please see the Installing a Self-
Signed SSL/HTTPS Certificate Knowledge Base article for instructions.
SSL/TLS Hash: Check the digest algorithm of the certificate. If the algorithm is SHA1, this check returns a warning because SHA1 is
being phased out. If the digest algorithm is MD2, MD4, or MD5, the check will fail because they are not secure. SHA256, SHA384, and
SHA512 will pass. This check fails if SS cannot be loaded over HTTPS.
SSL/TLS Key: Check the key size of the HTTPS certificate used. If it is RSA or DSA, the key must be at least 2048-bit to pass. If the
signature algorithm of the certificate is ECDSA, the key size must be at least 256-bit to pass. If the algorithm of the certificate is unknown,
the result shows “unknown. This check fails if SS cannot be loaded over HTTPS.
SSL/TLS Protocols: Check for legacy SSL or TLS protocols, which should not be used in a secure environment. If the server accepts
SSLv2 or SSLv3 connections, this check will fail. SSLv2 is not considered secure for data transport, and SSLv3 is vulnerable to the 444
POODLE attack. If this server does not support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2, this check will give a warning because they are recommended. The
SSL certificate used may affect what protocols can be used, even if they are enabled. This check will fail if SS cannot be loaded over
Using HTTP Strict Transport Security: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an additional security layer for SSL. HSTS allows SS,
Password Reset Server, or Group Management Server to inform browsers that it should only be accessible over HTTPS. With this setting
enabled, visitors are automatically are redirected by their browser to the HTTPS-enabled site.
User Audit Reports show all secrets accessed by a user during a specified period. For a more detailed explanation, see User Audit Report. 445
Reporting and Dual Controls
If there are requirements around protecting potentially personally identifying information when running reports or viewing recorded sessions,
you can enforce that another user has authorized you by enabling dual control for a secret or Report. You can configure Dual Controls by
clicking Admin and then Dual Controls.
Note: Dual Controls is not in the Admin dropdown and must be accessed from the full administration menu.
When enabled a user in the approver group must enter in their credentials before a report or session can be viewed:
Once the approver has entered their credentials, the resource can be accessed. The following resources can have dual control applied.
Access Report: Protects any report from the General tab of the Reports view.
Access User Audit Report: Protects the user audit report for any user.
Create Report: Requires dual control for anytime a user creates a custom report.
Secret Session Access: Requires dual control for any recorded or live sessions for a secret 446
Saving Reports to File
2. Click the link for the desired report. Its page appears: 447
3. Click the button in the top right of the page and select Export. The Export page appears: 448
4. Click the No Selected Folder link to choose a folder.
6. Click the Export with Folder Path check box to recreate the secret folder hierarchy in the OS folder.
7. Similarly, click the Export Child Folders check box to include any child folders.
8. Click the Export Format option button to select an output folder type. 449
Scheduled Reports
1. To create a schedule for a report, click Schedule on the Report View page. The Custom Report Schedules page appears.
1. To view existing schedules for a report, click Schedule on the Report View screen. A list of existing schedules for the report appear in
the grid.
2. To view the details of a schedule, click the schedule name in the grid.
3. (Optional) Deleted schedules can be made visible by checking the Show Deleted box at the bottom of the grid.
4. Click the View link in the History column of the grid to view the history of all generated reports for that schedule.
When viewing a report, click Schedule and then the name of the report schedule to modify it. The following configuration options are available:
Schedule Name: This is the name of the schedule for the report. This name must be unique to the SS installation.
Health Check: This sends an email notification only when the report contains data.
Recurrence Schedule: This specifies the schedule runs every X number of days, weeks, or months, with the option to specify days of
the week or month as well. The date and time that the report schedule is effective can be specified in this section as well.
Save Generated Reports: This saves the history of generated reports in the database for later viewing. Enabling this setting also
allows you to specify the number of generated reports to save.
Send Email: SS sends an email containing the generated report every time the schedule runs. Enabling this setting also allows you to
specify whether the email is sent with the high priority flag and a list of SS users or groups that receive the generated report email. Add
additional email recipients in the text box below the subscribers, separating recipients with a semi-colon.
The following configuration options appear if the report being scheduled contains at least one dynamic parameter in the SQL of the report:
User Parameter Value: Value of the #USER parameter to set in the report when it is generated.
Group Parameter Value: Value of the #GROUP parameter to set in the report when it is generated.
Start Date Parameter Value: Value of the #STARTDATE parameter to set in the report when it is generated.
End Date Parameter Value: Value of the #ENDDATE parameter to set in the report when it is generated. 450
Using Dynamic Parameters in Reports
Note: As version 7.0, Secret Server allows creation of Reports using custom SQL.
Reporting supports embedding certain parameters into the SQL to give the viewer controls to dynamically change the report. The supported
parameters are:
Primary Parameters
This displays a calendar picker on view and returns a date. This defaults to beginning of the year and truncates the hours and minutes to 12:00
Example: display all users who have logged in after a certain date:
FROM tbUser
LEFT JOIN tbDomain ON tbUser.DomainId = tbDomain.DomainId
LastLogin > #STARTDATE
This displays a calendar picker on view and returns a date. This defaults the current day and truncates the hours and minutes to 11:59 PM.
This displays a user dropdown list with all active users on view and returns an user id. This defaults to the current logged in user.
This is an internal parameter used for determining the current instance's organization code. This is only useful for Secret Server Cloud. There is
no need to use this parameter in your reports for on-premises edition. 451
Displays a group dropdown list with all active groups on view and returns a group id. This defaults to the Everyone group.
Displays a folder picker that shows all Folders and returns a folder id.
Displays a folder picker that shows all folders and returns the path of the folder.
Example: display folders that are child folders of the selected path:
FROM tbFolder f
WHERE FolderPath LIKE '%' + #FOLDERPATH + '%'
Displays a text input where a user can put in arbitrary free text for searching.
Example: display secrets that have names that contain the text input:
FROM tbFolder f
WHERE FolderPath LIKE '%' + #CUSTOMTEXT + '%'
Additional Parameters
The following additional parameters can be used to make your report more dynamic:
Parameters 452
Parameter Name Description
For example, the following script would give you a list of all users who have logged on during the last calendar month:
FROM tbUser
LEFT JOIN tbDomain ON tbUser.DomainId = tbDomain.DomainId
Note: As of Secret Server 7.8.000048, the #STARTWEEK and #ENDWEEK parameters are available.
Another option when creating reports is to include a Column in your SQL query called "Color" this will give the row that particular color. See
HTML Color Names.
For example, to show users who haven't logged in within 90 days in Red:
SELECT DisplayName
WHEN LastLogin < GetDate() - 90 THEN 'Red'
ELSE 'White'
END AS Color
FROM tbUser 453
Viewing Auditing for a Report
You can view a record of all the actions performed on a report by clicking on the View Audit button. For more information, see Administration
Auditing. 454
Viewing Reports
On this page you see the graph, chart, grid, etc. for the report. To see a grid representation of the report, click the Show Data link to expand
that area. If there is no data, then no graph is visible and the text "There are no items" displays in the Show Data section.
Some reports use dynamic values like user, start date, and end date. Adjust these values to generate the report you need. Click the Update
Report button to generate the new report.
The Edit button allows you to alter the report to fit your requirements. See the Creating and Editing a Report section below for details. 455
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Modeled after the role-based access control (RBAC) mechanism, role-based security (RBS) is SS's method of regulating permission to system
access. Each user and group must be assigned to a role. SS ships with three roles: Administrator, User, and Read-Only User. Each role
contains various permissions to match the job function of the user. With RBS, strict granular access to SS is ensured. A list of role permissions
and their descriptions can be found in the Secret Server Role Permissions List.
You can assign multiple permissions to a role. For example, you could assign Administer Users, Edit Secret, Own Secret, and View Active
Directory permissions to a role. That role can then be assigned to a user or group.
Note: The Unlimited Administrator permission allows the user to have unlimited administrator rights when Unlimited Administrator
is enabled in the configuration. By default, it is disabled.
Note: to see the built-in roles and what permissions they possess, click the desired role link on the Admin > Roles page. 456
Assigning Roles to a User
To assign roles to a user, click the Assign Roles button on the main Roles page. Depending on which tab is selected, this page allows you
either view the roles that are assigned to users or view the users that are assigned to roles. To change these settings, click the Edit button.
Now select a role from the list and assign or unassign users to the role. In the By User or Group tab, you can select a user or group from the
list and assign or unassign roles to them in the selectable list boxes. 457
Creating Roles
You can create roles from the Roles page. To get to the Roles page, navigate to Administration > Roles. Click the Create New button to add
the role. 458
Editing Role Permissions
To add or remove permissions to an existing role, click the role name of the role you wish to edit.
On this Role View page, permissions can be added and removed from the role by clicking the Edit button. Use the arrow buttons to move
permissions into and out of the current role. If needed, a role can also be enabled or disabled from this page. If you have finished with your
changes, you must click the Save button to have the changes take effect. 459
Secret Server Role Permissions List
Secret Server uses role-based access control (RBAC) to regulate permissions. The roles are assigned to users or groups. A complete list of the
permissions available to roles appears below:
Note: to see the built-in roles and what permissions they possess, click the desired role link on the Admin > Roles page.
Complete List
Allows a user to cache their Secrets in the Secret Server mobile application for offline use. This permission does not automatically come with
the Administrator role.
Add Secret
Allows a user to create new Secrets. The Add permission no longer include the role permission View Secret.
Allows a user to make a custom audit entry when accessing a Secret using the web services API.
Allows a user to view domains, edit existing domains, delete domains, and add new domains. Also allows a user to force synchronization or set
the synchronization interval.
Administer Backup
Allows a user to view and configure automated backups for Secret Server. Users with this role permission can change the backup path, disable
backups, and set the backup schedule.
Administer Configuration
Allows a user to view and edit general configuration options. For example, a user with this role permission can turn on "Force HTTPS/SSL"
and disable "Allow Remember Me".
Allows a user to view and edit SAML integration settings on the Login tab of Configuration settings.
Formerly "Administer Security Configuration," allows a user to view and edit security configuration options in Secret Server. Currently, these
include enabling FIPS compliance mode and protecting the encryption key.
Allows a user to view and edit session recording settings on the Session Recording tab of Configuration settings.
Allows a user to change the configuration settings of the two factor authentication that are available for users logging into Secret Server.
Formerly "Administer Unlimited Admin Configuration," allows a user to turn on Unlimited Admin Mode. When this mode is enabled, users with 460
the "Unlimited Administrator" role permission can view and edit all Secrets in the system, regardless of permissions. Note that you can assign
"Administer Unlimited Admin Configuration" to one user and "Unlimited Administrator" to another user. This would require one user to turn on
the mode and another user to view and edit secrets.
Allows a user to view and edit configuration options for synchronizing with ConnectWise. This can be accessed through the "Folder
Synchronization" link on the Administration page. Note that you need at least view access on the sync folder in order to set up or edit the
ConnectWise integration.
Formerly "Create Application Account", allows a user to create application user accounts to be used exclusively for accessing Secret Server
via the API.
Allows a user to create new local users in Secret Server, but not edit them once created.
Allows a user to view and edit custom password requirements that can be configured under the Security tab for individual Secrets.
Administer Data Retention Can manage audit data retention, such as editing and running now. This permission does not automatically come
with the Administrator role.
Administer Discovery
Allows a user to view and import computers and accounts that are found by Discovery.
Allows a user to view, edit, create, and disable DoubleLock keys. A DoubleLock key acts as a separate encryption key to protect your most
sensitive secrets. This option allows users to access and use the "DoubleLocks" link on the Administration page.
Allows a user to view, edit, create, and disable Dual Control settings for reports and recorded sessions.
Administer Export
Allows a user to view the export log. Also allows users to export Secrets to which they have access to a clear text, CSV file.
Administer Folders
Allows a user to view, edit, create, move, and delete folders. Users still need the relevant view, edit, and owner permissions on the folders to
perform these tasks.
Administer Groups
Allows a user to view, edit, create, and disable groups. Also allows users to assign users to groups and remove users from groups.
Administer HSM
Allows a user to change configuration or disable the use of a Hardware Security Module (HSM).
Administer IP Addresses 461
Allows a user to create, edit, and delete IP Address Ranges. These ranges are used to restrict certain users to specific IP Addresses.
Allows a user to enable, change, or disable the Key Management (Secret Server Cloud only).
Administer Languages
Administer Licenses
Administer Nodes
Allows a user to view and edit server nodes and clustering settings.
Allows a user to view and edit character sets and password requirements.
Administer Pipelines
Allows a user to create, edit, and remove event pipelines and event pipeline policies.
Allows a user to turn Heartbeat and Remote Password Changing on and off globally. Also allows users to create new password changers and
install password changing agents on remote machines.
Administer Reports
Allows a user to view, edit, delete, and create reports. Also allows users to customize report categories.
Allows a user to view which users and groups are assigned to which roles. Also allows users to assign users and groups to different roles.
Allows a user to view, edit, create and delete roles. Also allows users to assign different permissions to each role.
Administer Scripts
Allows a user to view, edit, and add PowerShell, SQL, and SSH scripts on the Scripts Administration page.
Allows a user to view and edit search indexer options. These options control how searching in Secret Server works. For example, a user with
this role permission could enable search indexing, which allows users to search on fields within a secret. 462
Administer Security Analytics
Allows a user to view and edit the settings for Privilege Behavior Analytics.
Allows a user to edit and create SSH Menus, used in whitelisting commands that can be used on a SSH session.
Allows users to view and clear the System Log, which shows general diagnostics information for Secret Server.
Administer Teams
Allows a user to enable the "Expose for Display" setting of a Secret template field to make it available for use in Dashboard custom columns.
Administer Users
Administer Workflows
Advanced Import
Allows a user to import Secrets from an XML file. Users with the this permission can import groups, folders, site connectors, sites, and secret
templates, without having to create a secret. Users must have the Secret Server permissions needed for the objects listed in the XML.
Allows a user be challenged by Privileged Behavior Analytics if their behavior deviates from their normal behavior and meets certain
requirements set by Privileged Behavior Analytics. Administrators do not have this permission by default.
Allow a user to approve access requests via Duo push notifications. Administrators do not have this permission by default.
Assign Pipelines
Allows the user to assign an event pipeline policy to secret policies, or folders.
Copy Secret
Allows a user to copy secrets when that user also has Own Secret role permission.
Allows a user to create new folders at the root level of the folder structure. 463
Delete Secret
Edit Secret
Allows a user to edit secrets. Note that they still require the "Edit" or "Owner" permissions on the individual secrets they are editing.
Force Check In
Allows a user to force a Secret that is checked out by another user to be checked in.
Own Group
Allows a user to be an owner of a group. This permission is in the default Group Owner role, which is automatically assigned when that user is
set as owner of a group.
Own Secret
Formerly "Share Secret", allows a user to share secrets with other users. Also allows users to perform more advanced tasks on secrets of
which they are "Owners", such as configuring expiration schedules, configuring the web launcher, converting secret template, and copying
secrets (when a user also have the Copy Secret role permission.)
Own User
Allows the user to become a user owner, used to configure specific users without the Administer Users permission.
Personal Folders
Allows a user to have personal folder when the global personal folders configuration options is enabled.
Allows the user to have the "Administrator" role for Privilege Manager, giving full access to the system.
Allows the user to have the "Help Desk" role for Privilege Manager, giving full access to approve or deny escalation requests.
Allows the user to have the MacOS "Administrator" role for Privilege Manager, giving full access to the system.
Allows the user to have the Windows "Administrator" role for Privilege Manager, giving full access to the system.
Allows the user to have the "User" role for Privilege Manager, giving read and write permissions to most items, but not rights to modify security
permissions. Administrators do not have this permission by default.
Allows a user to start a process that rotates the Secret encryption keys. 464
Grants access to the session recording of a secret to a user with at least "List Access" permission on the secret. Administrators do not have this
permission by default.
Unlimited Administrator
Allows a user to view and edit all secrets in the system, regardless of permissions, when Unlimited Admin Mode is on. Note that another user
with the "Administer Unlimited Admin Configuration" role permission would still need to turn this mode on.
Unrestricted by Teams
Users can view all users, groups, and sites, regardless of team affiliation. Essentially, teams do not exist for the users with this permission, and
the Teams page is not available to them. The default user role has this permission.
Allows a user to view the "User Audit" report, which shows all secrets that have been accessed by a particular user in a specified date range.
Also allows the user to force expiration on all these secrets, which would make Secret Server automatically change the password.
View About
Allows a user to view the "About" page from the Help menu, which links to external resources such as Technical Support and the Thycotic
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the Active Directory settings in the system.
Allows a user to view advanced dashboard. Without this permission, users will only be able to view basic dashboard.
Allows a user to view the Remote Password Changing, Security, and Dependency tabs on a Secret they have access to.
View Backup
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the automated backup settings.
View Configuration
Allows a user to view SAML integration settings on the Login tab of Configuration settings.
Formerly "View Security Configuration," allows a user to view the security configuration of Secret Server.
Allows a user to view session recording settings on the Session Recording tab of Configuration settings.
Allows a user to view the configuration settings of the two factor authentication that are available for users logging into Secret Server. 465
Formerly "View Unlimited Admin Configuration," allows a user to view the Unlimited Admin Mode configuration. Also allows a user to view the
Unlimited Admin Mode audit log.
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the ConnectWise integration settings.
Can view retained audit data. This permission does not automatically come with the Administrator role.
Allows a user to view Secrets that have been deleted in the system.
View Discovery
Allows a user to view, but not edit, computers and accounts that are found by Discovery.
Allows a user to view configured Dual Control settings for reports and Secret sessions.
View Export
Allows a user to view the export log of the system to see when users exported secrets. Does not allow a user to export.
View Folders
Allows a user to see which groups and users are assigned to which roles. Does not allow a user to change these assignments.
View Groups
Allows a user to see which groups exist in the system. Also allows a user to see which users belong to each group.
View HSM
Allows a user to view the Hardware Security Module (HSM) configuration settings.
View IP Addresses
Allows a user to view IP Address Ranges that have been created to restrict access. Does not allow a user to edit these ranges.
Allows a user to view the Key Management settings (Secret Server Cloud only). 466
Allows a user to unmask the password on the view screen of secrets with a launcher. Typically, this includes Web Passwords, Active Directory
accounts, Local Windows accounts, and Linux accounts.
View Licenses
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the licenses in the system.
View Nodes
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the Secret Server web server nodes.
View Pipelines
Allows a user to view, but not edit, Heartbeat and Remote Password Changing settings.
View Reports
View Roles
Allows a user to view roles in the system. Also allows a user to see which groups are assigned to which roles.
View Scripts
Allows a user to view PowerShell, SQL, and SSH scripts on the Scripts Administration page.
View Secret
Allows a user to view, but not edit, settings for Privilege Behavior Analytics. 467
Allows a user to view the Security Hardening Report.
Allows a user to view existing SSH Menus, used in whitelisting commands that can be used on a SSH session.
Allows a user to only view the System Log, which shows general diagnostics information for Secret Server.
View Teams
Users can view all teams. This is essentially a read-only Administer Teams.
Allows a user to view, but not edit, the User Audit Report.
View Users
Allows a user to send an approval request to act as another user within their organization when accessing Secret Server programmatically.
Administrators do not have this permission by default. 468
Secret Checkout
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
The SS checkout feature forces accountability on secrets by granting exclusive access to a single user. If a secret is configured for check out, a
user can then access it. If Change Password on Check In is turned on, after check in, SS automatically forces a password change on the
remote machine. No other user can access a secret while it is checked out, except unlimited administrators. This guarantees that if the remote
machine is accessed using the secret, the user who had it checked out was the only one with proper credentials at that time.
Note: The exception to the exclusive access rule is unlimited administrators. If Unlimited Administration is enabled, users with
Unlimited Administrator role permission can access checked out secrets. 469
Checking Out Secrets
Each secret must be individually set to require check out:
1. From the Secret View page, open the Security tab to modify a secret's Check Out setting.
2. You must configure RPC before Change Password on Check in can be set.
3. Enable Require Check Out to force users to check out the secret before gaining access.
4. Enable Change Password on Check In to have the password change after the secret is checked in. 470
Checkout Hooks
In addition to changing the password on check in, secret owners can also specify administrator-created PowerShell scripts, called hooks, to run
before or after checkout and check in. These are accessed from the Hooks tab of the secret, which only shows if checkout is enabled and
PowerShell scripts have been created by an admin.
To specify a before- or after-checkout hook, click Create New Hook and specify the following settings:
Before/After: Whether the PowerShell script should run before or after the event action.
Event Action: The hook runs at either check in or checkout.
Name: A descriptive name for the hook.
Description: An extended description for the purpose of the hook.
PowerShell Script: Administrator-created PowerShell script to run.
Arguments: Any command line arguments to pass to the PowerShell script.
Stop on Failure: If enabled, SS prevents the event action if the script returns an error. For example, if "Stop on Failure" is selected for a
checkout action, then SS prevents the user from checking out the secret if the script fails.
Privileged Account: If needed, the script can run as another secret's identity.
Checkout user variables for scripts are special code variables that return information about the user or automated task making the checkout
request, rather than system or secret information. For example, the $USERNAME variable returns one or more user IDs related to a specific
secret, whereas the $SECRETSERVERUSERID checkout user variable returns the user ID of the logged-on user or automated task.
Note: You can find the regular “system” variables in the Editing Custom Commands subsection of the Custom Password Changers
section. 471
Configuring a Secret for Checkout
Enable “Require Check Out” for the secret—users are then prompted for check out when attempting to view that secret. 472
Configuring Password Changing on Check-in
To configure password checking on check in, navigate to the Remote Password Changing Administration page and set Enable
Password Changing on Check In. If RPC is turned off, enable it before configuring checkout. Once RPC and checkout are enabled, secrets
can be configured for interval that specifies how long a user has exclusive secret access. 473
Exclusive Access
Any user attempting to view a checked-out secret is directed to a notification dialog informing them when the secret is available. SS
automatically checks in secrets after either 30 minutes or the interval specified on the secret. Users can check in the secret earlier from the
secret's page. 474
Secret DoubleLocks
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS's doublelock is a feature that provides an additional security layer by encrypting secret data with a supplemental custom encryption key that
is only accessible with an additional password, regardless of regular permissions, SS login access, or physical access to the machine running
SS. Doublelock uses private and public key encryption technology to securely share access to doublelock.
A shortcut way of thinking about doublelocks is as a special extra password for secrets that is held by a set group of users. In addition, both the
password and the group of users are reusable for other secrets. 475
Assigning a DoubleLock to a Secret
1. Navigate to the secret you wish to doublelock by clicking Secrets on the main menu.
2. Either drill down to the desired secret in the folders on the main menu, or click the secret in the All Secrets table to arrive at the secret's
page: 476
4. Click the Edit link for the Other Security section. The section becomes editable:
5. Click to select the Enable DoubleLock check box. The DoubleLock dropdown list appears.
Important: Enabling doublelock on this secret only grants users access if they have access to to the doublelock and enter
their doublelock password. Enabling doublelock disables the RPC features for the secret.
7. Click the Save button. The doublelock is now enforced for the secret. 477
Assigning a User a DoubleLock Password
1. Click the icon at the top right of SS. Your My Profile page appears:
2. Click the Change DoubleLock Password button. The Change DoubleLock Password page appears: 478
3. Type your current doublelock password in the Current Password text box.
Note: You cannot create a doublelock password until you are associated with a doublelock. When you access your first
doublelock, you are prompted to create a password.
4. Type your desired doublelock password in the Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
Important: It is critical that you remember or securely store this password. It cannot be recovered. 479
Assigning Users to Existing DoubleLocks
1. Navigate to Admin > See All. The Administration page appears: 480
2. Type and then click DoubleLock in the search text box. The DoubleLock Management page appears: 481
3. Click the desired doublelock. Its page appears: 482
4. Click the Add or Remove link in the Assign Users section. An Add Users to DoubleLock section appears:
5. (Optional) Click the dropdown list to limit the user search to a specific domain.
6. Type the user’s name in the search text box. The matching users appear below the search text box:
7. Click to select the check box next to the desired user. The users that appear do not already have a doublelock assigned to them. 483
Creating a DoubleLock and a DoubleLock Password 484
2. Type and then click DoubleLock in the search text box. The DoubleLock Management page appears: 485
3. Click the Create New DoubleLock button. If you have never created a doublelock before, you will have to create a doublelock password
Important: It is critical that you remember or securely store this password. It cannot be recovered.
Type the doublelock password in the Password and Confirm text boxes, and then click the Verify Password button.
Otherwise, you go directly to the Create New DoubleLock popup page because you already have a doublelock password in the system: 486
Note: Because it is a secondary password, your doublelock password does not have to (but can) meet the same strong
requirements as regular SS passwords (as defined by your admin). Think of it as more of a PIN than a password.
Note: A new doublelock and doublelock password are created together. In fact, it is impossible to create a doublelock
password without immediately assigning it to a doublelock. For an existing doublelock, you are assigned access to it by its
creator. Upon first accessing it, you must create your doublelock password for it. At least one other user will already have
created their password for the same doublelock—the creator plus anybody else they granted access to. 487
Important: It is critical that you remember or securely store this password. It cannot be recovered.
6. Click the Create Password button. The password is created, and the DoubleLocks page reappears.
Note: The newly created doublelock does not appear on the page.
Note: A new doublelock and doublelock password are created at the same time. In fact, it is impossible to create a doublelock
password without immediately assigning it to a doublelock. For an existing doublelock, you are assigned access to it. Upon
first access, you must create a doublelock password if you do not already have one. 488
DoubleLock Objects and Relationships
The doublelock system is a group of interrelated objects (see the following diagram):
Doublelock object: A named object that is associated with one or more secrets and one or more users (via password objects).
Doublelock objects, or simply doublelocks, point to secrets (what can be accessed) and doublelock password objects (who can access
Doublelock password object: An encrypted password that is associated with one user. The same doublelock password object, or
simply doublelock password, is used for all doublelocks to which a user has access. Once a user is assigned to a doublelock, that user
has access to any secret using that doublelock, using a single password. A doublelock password has nothing to do with the user's SS
access password.
Secret: A secret that has a single doublelock assigned to it. Multiple secrets can have the same doublelock assigned to them.
User: A SS user, which can have a single doublelock password assigned to it. 489
Password Loss and Assignment
Because users with access to a given doublelock each have their own separate password. Users that forget their doublelock password cannot
simply ask another person using that doublelock for the password. Instead, one of the other users must reassign that forgetful user to the
doublelock, and the user must choose a new password. This must occur for every doublelock the user was associated with. If no other
doublelock users are available for the assignment to a given secret (there is only one associated doublelock password), the forgetful user is out
of luck, and the secret will be destroyed when the user receives a new doublelock password. 490
Resetting a DoubleLock Password
When users forget their doublelock passwords, there are multiple steps and considerations. Data loss may or may not result from resetting:
1. When you forget your doublelock password, you typically come to that realization when attempting to access a secret protected by that
2. Click the Forgot DoubleLock Password? link. The Reset DoubleLock Password page appears:
You are the only one with access to the doublelocked secret: When you reset the doublelock password, the secret and its data is
deleted. This is permanent.
Others have access to the secret via that doublelock: You can reset the doublelock, and you lose access to the secret, but it is not
deleted. You must ask one of those others to re-assign you to the doublelock after you reset it.
5. Click the Reset DoubleLock Password button. The password is reset, and if you are the only one with access to it, the secret is 491
6. (Optional) Ask one of the others with the doublelock password to re-assign you to the doublelock. 492
Using a DoubleLock
As an admin, to use doublelocks on a secret, you must first create complete these steps for a new doublelock:
1. One time: Create a doublelock password (one time per user). This is automatically required of you when you create a doublelock or
access a secret with an existing one (that somebody else assigned to you). You can also create one manually ahead of time.
2. One time: Create a doublelock, which can be used on multiple secrets by multiple users.
3. One or more times: Assign the doublelock to a secret or secret template.
4. One time per user: Assign the user to that doublelock. Users without an existing doublelock password are required to create one.
5. Unlimited times: A user unlocks the doublelock with his doublelock password, which in turn gives the user access to the secret
associated with the doublelock (every time the user wants access to the secret). 493
Secret Folders
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Folders allow you to create containers of secrets based on your needs. They help organize your customers, computers, regions, and branch
offices, to name a few. Folders can be nested within other folders to create sub-categories for each set of classifications. Secrets can be
assigned to these folders and sub-folders. Folders allow you to customize permissions at the folder level, and all secrets within can inherit the
folder's permissions. Setting permissions at the folder level ensures future secrets placed in that folder have the same permissions, simplifying
management across users and groups.
Note: You can "favorite" a folder in the main menu by right clicking it. 494
Folder Permissions
If the new folder is a subfolder, you can have it use the sharing settings of its parent folder by enabling the Inherit Permissions from Parent
setting for the folder.
Folders can apply one the following permissions to users or groups in the folder's Permissions table:
View: Allows the user to see the folder and secrets in that folder that are inheriting permissions from their folder.
Edit: Allows the user to create new folders in that folder, which forces the "Inherit Permissions from Parent" permission on the new folder,
move secrets into that folder, and add new secrets into that folder.
Add Secret: Allows the user to add a secret in that folder. Does not grant access to the added secret.
Owner: Allows the user to create new folders in that folder without forcing inheritance, move the folder, delete the folder, rename the
folder, and change the permissions and inheritance settings on the folder.
Depending on your configuration, these settings could affect the permissions of subfolders and secrets contained in this folder. Folders are not
visible to users that do not have at least View permission. This allows users to create and manage their own folders without making them
visible to all users.
Personal Folders
In SS, a personal folder is a folder that one (and only one) individual has owner access to. No user can modify sharing permissions on these
folders. A user cannot add subfolders to their personal folder. The purpose of this folder is to allow a user to securely store work-related secrets
that other users do not require access to. Note that when in break-the-glass mode, an unlimited admin can access a user's personal folder in
order to recover secrets if needed.
The Administer Folders role permission allows a user to create new folders and manage folders, but specific folder permissions still
Any user with the Administer Folders role permission can create new folders; however, to create folders at the root level, the user also
needs the Create Root Folders permission. They also can add new folders to any folders where they have Edit or Owner permission on
that folder.
Users can also move folders where they have Owner permission on the source folder and Edit or Owner permission on the target folder
(where they are moving it). The folder automatically inherits Permissions from its parent when it is moved, which is the same as when
secrets are moved. 495
Folder Synchronization
To setup this feature, navigate to Administration > Folder Synchronization. To edit the settings, you must have a role assignment with
Administer ConnectWise Integration permissions.
Enabling folder synchronization requires specifying the synchronization interval in days, hours, and minutes. The "Folder to Synchronize" is the
parent folder where you create the folder structure. There are two methods of Folder Synchronization, through the ConnectWise API or through
a database view.
The ConnectWise API is the recommended way to sync folders from ConnectWise. To sync:
Note: The Integrator account must have access to the Company API in ConnectWise and access to all records 496
Folder structure defines how folders are named under the client's folder. By default, $TYPE\$STATUS creates sub-folders based on the customer
type in ConnectWise, then further sorted by the active status in ConnectWise. For example, the active prospect "Acme Inc" in ConnectWise
would get the following folder created: Clients\Prospects\Active\Acme Inc
$COMPANYINITIAL: First letter of company name. Use to organize companies into subfolders of A, B, C, and the like.
$TYPE: Company type, such as competition, customer, partner, prospect, suspect, or vendor.
When configured, save and scroll down to the bottom and click Synchronize Now to run the synchronization
Note: See the How to create a custom view for ConnectWise synchronization KB article for more advanced technical information on 497
setting up the SQL View.
The database synchronization method queries an on-premises database for a custom view and parse company information out of it.
Enter the SQL Server location, SQL database name, and the credential information for accessing the reference database, for example, to your
ConnectWise instance. The SQL view defaults to a standard ConnectWise customer layout but can be customized to meet the desired folder
“Days to Keep Operational Logs” sets the period to keep folder-synchronization-related logs that might contain PII. SS automatically deletes
logs older than that (in days). 498
Managing Folders
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 499
Adding and Moving Secrets Between Folders
To add or move a secret to a folder, you must have Edit permission on that folder (either direct or through inheritance).
To move a secret from a folder, you must have Edit permission on that secret. If the secret has the "Inherit Permissions from folder"
setting enabled, then you must have Owner permission to move that secret to a new folder.
When a secret is moved to a folder, it automatically gets the "Inherit Permissions from folder" setting even if it had specific
permissions before the move.
2. Navigate to the folder containing the secret or secrets you want to move.
1. Hover the mouse pointer over the secret. A check box appears on the left end.
3. Click the Move to Folder icon. The move Secrets pop-up page appears:
4. Navigate to and select the target folder for the secret or secrets.
5. Click the Move Secrets button. The Bulk Progress popup appears: 500
1. The secret moves to the selected folder. 501
Assigning Secret Policies to Folders
1. Navigate to the folder containing the secret you want to assign a policy to.
2. Hover the mouse pointer over the secret. A check box appears on the left end.
4. Click the Assign Secret Policy icon. The Assign Secret Policy pop-up page appears: 502
Creating Folders
To create a folder:
Note: To create folders, you must have a role with the Administer Folder permission. You also must have Edit or Owner permission
for the parent folder.
1. Click the parent folder for the new folder in the folder tree in the main menu. If you do not select one, the root is assumed.
2. Click the icon and select New Folder. The Create New Folder pop-up page appears:
3. Type the folder name in the New Folder Name text box.
4. Click the Create New Folder button. The new folder appears in the folder tree under its parent folder.
5. Proceed to Editing Folder Permissions to customize permissions for the new folder. 503
Editing Folder Permissions
3. Click the folder's name. The folder is bolded, which indicates it is selected, as does the appearance of several new buttons:
4. Click the Edit button. The unlabeled folder details and permissions page appears: 504
5. To edit the folder name, click the Edit link next to Folder Name.
1. Click the Edit link next to Secret Policy. The Edit Folder popup appears:
2. Click the Secret Policy dropdown list to select the desired policy.
1. Click the Edit link next to Folder Permissions. The Folder Permissions section becomes editable. It is currently set to the default,
which is Inherit Permissions, so the Inherit Permissions check box is selected and the selected groups are not editable: 505
2. Click to deselect the Inherit Permissions checkbox. The permissions section becomes editable:
3. In the Selected Groups section, click the Folder Permission dropdown list for the desired user of group to select the desired
maximum permission available to them for the folder: View (folder), Add Secret (to folder), Edit (folder), or Owner (of folder).
4. In the Selected Groups section, click the Secret Permission dropdown list for the desired user of group to select the desired
maximum permission available to them for secrets in the folder: List (secrets in folder), View (secrets in folder), Edit (secrets in
folder), or Owner (of secrets in folder).
1. (optional) Click to select the dropdown list in the Edit section to filter the available list.
2. (optional) Type a desired user or group name in the Search text box.
3. Click the desired user or group in the Edit list that you want to add to the Selected Groups list. The user or group appears in
the section.
6. To delete an entry in the Selected Groups section, click the Remove link next to the entry. 506
Note: It is possible to setup an automatically replicated folder structure from an external database, such as ConnectWise or
other CRM systems. This topic is discussed later in Folder Synchronization. 507
Enabling Personal Folders 508
5. (Optional) Type a new folder name in the Personal Folder name text box to customize the root-level folder that contains all personal
6. (Optional) If you want to display a warning message to users when placing secrets in their personal folders:
7. Click the Save button. A personal folder for each user is now created in a root-level folder with the personal folder name specified.
Note: When personal folders are enabled, a user requires the Personal Folders role permission in their role to be able to view and
use their own personal folder. 509
Modifying Folders with Secret Policies
You can configure secret policies to apply RPC and security settings to an entire folder of secrets.
2. Click the Create New button. The (new) Secret Policy page appears: 510
3. Type a name for the new secret policy in the Secret Policy Name text box.
4. Click the Setting dropdown list, and choose the policy's settings for each relevant section. Aside from < Not Set >, which means that the
setting is not applied, there are two options:
Default: The policy is applied to all secrets in the folder initially, but it is possible to manually change the applied secret settings as
Enforced: The policy is applied to all secrets in the folder initially, and it is not possible to change those applied settings on
secrets in that folder.
5. Click to select the Value check box in that row to apply the setting. Applying the setting may enable configuration of related settings in the
grid. For example, enabling Auto Change causes the Auto Change Schedule to be available for configuration:
6. Click the Save button to make the policy available for assignment to folders.
Note: To deactivate a policy that you no longer want, edit the policy and deselect the Active check box. For information about
applying a secret policy to a folder, see Editing Folder Permissions. 511
Moving Folders
There are two ways to move folders. The easiest way is to drag a folder over another and drop it. The other way is as follows:
1. Ensure that you have edit permission for both the source and destination folders.
2. Right click the folder in the navigation pane and select Move Folder. The Move Folder page appears:
1568051612480 512
Secret Heartbeats
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS's heartbeat feature allows secrets to have their entered credentials automatically tested for accuracy at a given interval. Using heartbeat on
secrets ensures those credentials are up-to-date and can alert administrators if the credentials are changed outside of SS. Heartbeat helps
manage secrets and prevent them from being out of sync. 513
Alerts on Heartbeat Failure
On the Preferences page, the Send Email Alerts when Heartbeat Fails for Secrets setting can be enabled to email the user when
heartbeat fails for any secret the user has view access to. 514
Configuring Heartbeat
Heartbeat is configured from the secret template designer. The heartbeat interval determines how often the secret credentials are tested. 515
Enabling Heartbeat in RPC
To enable heartbeat, ensure it is enabled on the Remote Password Changing Configuration page:
Note: Heartbeat must also be enabled on the secret template by setting the Enable Remote Password Changing Heartbeat
setting. 516
Heartbeat Logs
The heartbeat logs for a specific secret can be accessed by clicking the View Audit button on the Secret View page and clicking to enable the
Display Password Changing Log check box. The heartbeat logs for all secrets can be accessed by navigating to Administration >
Remote Password Changing and scrolling down to the second set of logs. 517
Heartbeat Status Codes
Success: The credentials in the secret authenticated successfully with the target system.
Failed: The credentials in the secret failed authentication with the target system.
UnableToConnect: SS was unable to contact the target system. Ensure that the domain, IP address, or hostname is correct and
resolvable from the server that SS is installed on.
IncompatibleHost: The most common reason for this code is an attempt to verify an account on the same server that SS is installed on.
If this is not the case, ensure that the domain, IP address, or hostname is correct and resolvable from the server that SS is installed on.
UnknownError: Check the Heartbeat log on the Remote Password Changing page for details, and contact Support for assistance 518
Remote Accounts Supported
For the most up-to-date list of account types supported by RPC, see this KB article. 519
Running Heartbeat for a Secret
Heartbeat runs in a background thread to check each secret where it is enabled. If the credential test fails, the secret is flagged as heartbeat
failed and out of sync. To avoid locking out the account, heartbeat no longer run on that secret until the secret items are edited by the user. If the
machine is determined to be unavailable, the secret is flagged as heartbeat unable to connect and the secret continues to be checked on the
heartbeat interval.
To manually use heartbeat to check the credentials, the Secret View page has a Heartbeat Now button. The button marks the password as
heartbeat pending. The background thread processes the secret in the next 10 seconds, and when the page is refreshed the heartbeat status is
Note: Heartbeat does not work on Windows accounts on the server that is running SS. These accounts are flagged with an
"Incompatible Host" status.
If you receive any Heartbeat status code aside from Success, you can check the Heartbeat log for details. To view the entry, Go to Admin >
Remote Password Changing and then search for the secret name in the Search field of the Heartbeat Log. 520
Secret Import and Export
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
You can export your data as XML by going to Admin > All and typing export in the search text box. Once on the Export page, click to select XML
on the Export Format selection button.
You can import your data to another SS server as XML by going to Admin > All and typing import secrets in the search text box. Once on the
Choose Secret Template page, click the Upload XML File link in the Additional Options section.
Important: Do not edit the XML file with Windows Notepad. Instead, use Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom to make your
edits. Windows Notepad can add invisible characters that can prevent importation.
The XML export does not include users, groups, launchers, configuration, and others.
Note: Folders and secret templates are only exportable from SS 10.0 and later.
To ensure permissions are applied correctly, you must recreate your users and groups on the target SS before importing.
The following secret template settings are transferred with the XML export or import:
Edit Requires
Field slug Names
Hide on View
Is Required?
Keep Secret Name History
One-time password settings
Secret template icons
Type descriptions
Validate password requirements on create or edit
Associated secrets
Launcher settings
Password changing settings
Session recording enabled
Note: You can use this XML import and export to transfer between on-premises and cloud editions.
If you use XML to migrate from SS on-premises to cloud, the major release version (x.x) must be the same. Otherwise, you need to upgrade
before you can migrate. Additionally, the Allow Duplicate Secret Names check box on the General tab of the Admin Configuration page
should be disabled in Secret Server Cloud before importing. 521
Exporting Secrets
From within the Administration > Export page, select the folder that needs to be exported. By default, all secrets are exported if a folder is not
selected. If no folder is selected, all secrets are exported by default. The administrative password must be entered, as it is a security measure to
verify the permission of the user performing the export.
Note: Only the secrets the user has view access to are exported.
Exports can be configured further with options to "Export with Folder Path" and "Export Child Folders." Export with Folder Path adds the full
folder path to the export. Folder paths in the export file provide organizational structure if secrets need to be imported later.
By default, the option to "Export Child Folders" is active. While this option is enabled, any export of a specified folder also exports content
located in folders beneath the initial selection. 522
Import and Export File Format
Secrets are exported as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file or as XML. The CSV file can be easily handled in Excel or other spreadsheet
applications. The file is grouped by secret template and each cluster of secrets has a header row that contains the template text-entry field
names followed by all exported secrets based on that template.
The XML file follows the exact structure of the advanced xml import. As such, this can be useful with migrating data from one SS installation to
Secrets are exported in the exact structure as a secret Import. If exports are maintained, an installation of SS can be completely reproduced on
a separate instance by applying the exported file. 523
Import and Export Secret Template Settings
Is Required?
Edit Requires
Hide on View
Type Description
Launcher settings
Associated secrets
See the Can I import/export data between Secret Servers? (KB) for more information. 524
Importing Secrets
SS's importation feature simplifies integration with legacy systems and allows users to easily add large numbers of secrets from an Excel or
comma-separated values (CSV) file. Secrets are batch imported by template, so multiple types of input data need to be imported in several
batches. The Password Migration Tool supports easy addition of existing secrets from other third-party password-storing applications.
1. Click the button on the Dashboard and select Import Secrets. The Choose Secret Template page appears:
2. Click the What type of Secret… list box to select the type of secrets you intend to import.
4. Paste the secrets for importation from MS Excel or a CSV file directly into the text box in the Import Secrets page. The order of the
imported fields is based on the template selected. Consider the following: 525
Do not include a header line. The field names are determined by the order, not a header line.
The fields must be in this order: Secret Name, AccessKey, SecretKey, Username, SecretId, and Trigger.
Secret names must be included, but other text-entry fields can be blank unless the secret template indicates that the text-entry field
is required
Fields containing commas or tabs must be surrounded with double quotation marks
If you have to include double quotation marks inside your data, escape all of them with a \ character so the importer does not get
5. Click to select the Allow Duplicate Secrets check box if you wish to import a secret with the same name as an existing one.
6. Click to select the Import with Folder check box if you included an additional field in the importation text with a fully qualified folder name
for the secret to be created in.
8. If you are happy with what you see, click the Yes, Import these Secrets button.
SS offers a migration utility for users wishing to import secrets from other applications. Currently, the migration tool supports to following
Password Corral
Password Safe
Note: This is done with another exportation tool that creates a single XML file. Please contact Thycotic Support for details. 526
Advanced importation adds folders, secret templates, and secrets based on an XML file. Permissions can be specified on the folders and
secrets or the default is to inherit permissions. This import can only be done by administrators with proper role permissions.
Note: For details on the XML file, see Advanced Import with XML. 527
Importing Secrets with XML
The XML file should look like the example below, the comments are for explanation reasons only and may be removed before importing, if
Leaving the <Permissions> tag empty for a folder will cause that folder to inherit permissions from its parent folder.
Leaving the <Permissions> tag empty for a secret will cause it to inherit permissions from its folder.
To add a line-break within a Notes field use ##BR##.
Note: Please do not edit the XML file with Windows Notepad. Use Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom to make your edits.
Using Notepad increases you chances of importation failure.
Sample XML
<ImportFile xmlns:xsi="["](
<!-- Either UserName or GroupName is required in permissions -->
<FolderName>Customer A</FolderName>
<FolderPath>Customers\Customer A</FolderPath>
<Permissions />
<!-- Empty Permissions will cause folder to inherit from parent -->
<!-- Groups are optional -->
<GroupName>Other Administrators</GroupName>
<GroupName>Domain Administrators</GroupName>
<Domain></Domain> 528
<!-- You can have multiple secrettype entries -->
<name>Windows Account</name>
<field isexpirationfield="false">
<name>Resource URL</name>
<field isexpirationfield="false">
<field isexpirationfield="false">
<!-- Use this number for 'All' history -->
<field isexpirationfield="false">
<SecretName>Test Secret</SecretName>
<SecretTemplateName>Windows Account</SecretTemplateName>
<FolderPath>Customers\Customer A</FolderPath>
<GroupName>IT Admins</GroupName>
<UserName>admin</UserName> 529
<FieldName>Resource URL</FieldName>
<Value>Just some notes##BR##...and some more notes on a new line. </Value>
<SecretName>Another Test Secret</SecretName>
<SecretTemplateName>Windows Account</SecretTemplateName>
<FolderPath>Customers\Customer A</FolderPath>
<!-- Empty Permissions causes secret to inherit from folder -->
<Permissions />
<FieldName>Resource URL</FieldName>
<Value>This line has an empty line##BR####BR##in between this line.</Value>
<!-- Secret dependencies are optional, and there can be multiple ones -->
<Description>Some Dependency</Description>
<DependencyName>Some Service</DependencyName>
<Type>Windows Service</Type>
<!-- Leave this blank to not use a PrivilegedAccount -->
<PrivilegedAccount>Some Account</PrivilegedAccount>
</ImportFile> 530
Secret Launchers and Protocol Handlers
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
A secret launcher launches applications on end-user machines and automatically logs on using credentials stored in SS. In general, there are
three types of launchers: RDP, SSH, and Custom. This provides a convenient method to open RDP and PuTTy connections, but it also
circumvents users needing to know their passwords—a user can still gain access to a needed machine but it is not required to view or copy the
password out of SS. A Web launcher automatically logs into websites using the client's browser.
A protocol handler is an application on an end-user's machine. It enables communication between SS and that client machine. It also provides
the files needed by launchers. When a SS user starts a launcher: 531
Built-In Launcher Types
SS launchers, supported by protocol handlers, come in three primary types:
Remote Desktop: Launches a Windows Remote Desktop session and automatically authenticates the user to the machine.
PuTTy: Opens a PuTTy session and authenticates the user to a Unix system.
Web Password Filler: Uses a bookmarklet or a Chrome extension to automatically log the user into a website with secret credentials.
Web Launcher: An alternative method to automatically log on websites. See Web Launchers. 532
Custom Launcher for SecureCRT (SSH)
The following instructions describe how to set up a custom launcher using SecureCRT: 533 534
4. Click the Launcher Type list box and select one of the following:
Process: If you would like to use secret credentials to connect directly to the remote host.
Proxied SSH Process: If you have SSH Proxy enabled. This will prevent Secret credentials from being passed to the client by
connecting to Secret Server's proxy to interact with the remote host.
5. Type the name Secure CRT Proxied Process in the Launcher Name text box.
6. Type the location and filename of the executable (C:\program files\acme software\clients\securecrt.exe) in the Process Name text box in the
Windows section. The location must be on the client machine (the machine that will run the launcher).
7. Type the following custom command-line parameters in the Process Arguments text box:
/ssh2 /AUTH keyboard-interactive /PASSWORD $PASSWORD /P $PORT /L $USERNAME $HOST 535
Step 2: Creating a Custom Secret Template (optional)
See Creating and Editing Secret Templates for details on creating a custom secret template.
4. Click Configure Launcher. The Secret Template Edit Launcher Configuration page appears.
8. For Password and Username, select Password and Username, respectively. The result should look like this:
9. Click the Save button. You can now launch SecureCRT whenever you use the launcher for secrets based off of this template. 536
Custom Launchers
In addition to the built in PuTTY and Remote Desktop launchers, Secret Server supports custom launchers. You can customize these process
launchers to work with any application that can be started by command-line. Custom launchers pass values to the command-line from the
secret text fields. For process launchers to work, the client machine needs to have the program installed and typically needs the program folder
in the PATH environment variable.
Note: For more information on launcher arguments see Custom Launcher Process Arguments.
Like the built in launchers, custom launchers run on the users machine not on the web server. Launcher Processes can be set to run either
using the credentials of the logged in user or the credentials of the secret. The "Run Process as Secret Credentials" check box is used to
switch between theses two options.
Process: Launch a process on the client machine that connects directly to the target system from the client.
Proxied SSH Process: Launch a process on the client machine that proxies its connection to the target system through SS. This
applies to an SSH client other than PuTTY (which is a built-in launcher), for example, SecureCRT.
Batch File: Launch a batch file from the client machine that uses SS information. 537
Creating Custom Launchers
1. Select Secret Templates from the Admin main menu item. The Manage Secret Templates page appears:
2. Click the Configure Launchers button. The Launcher Types page appears: 538
3. Click the New button. The Launcher page appears: 539
The following settings are available in the General Settings section:
Note: Not all of the following are available for all types of launchers. 540
Process Name: Name of the process that is launched. Example: powershell
Batch File: As an alternative to opening a process, upload a .bat file that is downloaded and executed on the client when the user runs a
launcher. The file is deleted from the client after execution.
Process Arguments: Process arguments depend on the process that is being launched. View the built-in SQL Server launcher for
examples on how the text-entry fields are substituted. For greater flexibility, other secrets can be linked on the Launcher tab on the secret.
The text-entry field values from those secrets can also be used in the process arguments using the same prefix $[1][FieldName] syntax as
the SSH custom commands. There is a launcher specific token $SESSIONKEY that can be passed to the command line. This passes an
identifier to the customer launcher that can be used to anonymously check in the secret using the CheckInSecretByKey Web service
method. Example: -user $USERNAME -pwd $PASSWORD -f. See Configuring Custom Launcher Process Arguments (KB) for details.
Run Process as Secret Credentials: The process authenticates with the secret credentials (username, domain, and password)
instead of the client user that is using the launcher. This can be overridden at the secret level to use a privileged account to run the
Use Operating System Shell: Use the OS shell for the launcher. Useful for processes requiring UAC confirmation.
The following settings are available in the Advanced Windows Settings section, which is accessible by clicking the Advanced link:
Escape Character: The character to use as an escape character in passwords. Escape characters are required to allow the use of
characters that are otherwise not allowed in passwords because they have special meaning to the launcher's target application.
Characters to Escape: The characters that require escaping for the target application. 541
Custom Launcher Errors
The application has not been installed on the machine. If the application was installed, the program folder will need to be added to the path.
The process is set to launch as the credentials of the secret but the username or domain is not correct on the secret or the client machine
cannot find the user or domain credentials specified.
When using "Run process as Secret credentials," even though the credentials have admin privileges, the process cannot be run with elevated
privileges from the command prompt using runas. Instead, configure the process launcher as follows (substituting your .exe for program.exe): 542
Custom Launcher Process Arguments
Parameters are prefixed with a dollar sign $. To obtain a value from the secret being launched, use $FieldName. To obtain a value from a prompt,
use $PromptName. To obtain a value from a linked secret being launched, use $[n]$FieldName (where n represents the nth linked secret). Linked
secrets can be configured in the Launcher tab.
Examples 543
Enabling CAC/PIV Smart Cards for Secret Launchers
A Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) smart card is a physical card with an embedded electronic chip that uses
a certificate-key pair to authenticate users. The certificate is issued by an authorized organization. The user has a PIN that should be known
only to that user, which serves a second factor for two-factor authentication—access requires physical possession of the card, as well as the
PIN. The user inserts the card into a card reader, which prompts for the PIN.
SS launchers can pass smart card credentials through Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions. This is useful when a user needs to
authenticate through an RDP session to a resource that requires smart card authentication, for example, a secured network drive that the user
attempts to open while using the RDP session.
Currently, you can enable this either globally, via user settings, or per secret:
1. In SS, click the user icon and select User Preferences. The User Preferences page appears.
2. Click the Settings tab.
3. In the Launcher Settings section, click to enable the Allow Access to Smart Cards toggle. The change is automatically saved. 544
Enabling Launchers
By default, the launcher is enabled by the Enable Launcher setting under Admin > Configuration.
The launcher (protocol handler) can be deployed in two ways—with the ClickOnce (the default) or MSI-installable applications. This can also
be set in the configuration settings. The latter method allows the launcher to be used in virtualized environments or any environment in which
the user does not have access to a Windows Temp directory. The Protocol Handler can be downloaded by clicking the button on the
Dashboard and selecting Launcher Tools:
Note: A ClickOnce application is any Windows Presentation Foundation (.xbap), Windows Forms (.exe), console application (.exe),
or Office solution (.dll) installed with ClickOnce technology in one of three ways: from a Web page, from a network file share, or from
media. See ClickOnce Security and Deployment for details.
MSI Installer 545
To use the MSI installer (protocol handler installer) following steps below:
Note: The session is kept in check for security reasons with the session process pinging back to SS to ensure it is still valid. This
checks secret settings, such as checkout and secret access. If that check fails or the callback times out, SS errs on the side of
security and kills the sessions, ensuring access is not allowed.
The Protocol Handler application runs without requiring any input from the user. The installation may be pushed to your network without any
special configuration. For details, see Installing Protocol Handler through Group Policy (KBA). 546
Launcher Configuration and Support
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 547
Adding a Program Folder to the Windows PATH
If a launcher does not automatically add the program's folder to the Windows PATH:
5. Click Edit then at the very end of the text box, paste the full path to the folder where the program file is located, but make sure not to
replace any existing entries. The list is semi-colon separated. 548
Common Launcher Errors
The process (process name) was not found: The application has not been installed on the machine. If the application was installed,
the program folder needs to be added to the path.
The stub received bad data (1783): The process is set to launch as the credentials of the secret but the username or domain is not
correct on the secret or the client machine cannot find the user or domain credentials specified. 549
Configuring Launchers on the Secret
Custom and SSH launchers provide additional settings on the Launcher tab of the secret for customizing authentication to the target.
Run Launcher using SSH Key: If there is an SSH key set on the secret, it is used by default for authenticating to the target.
Alternatively, you can specify a key from a different secret.
Connect As: When an SSH secret is proxied, you can choose to connect as another user and then do an su to the current secret's user.
This is a common practice for connecting with a lower privileged account and then switching to the root user. 550
Configuring SSH Proxies for Launchers
Launchers using an SSH connection can alternatively use SS as a proxy rather than the launcher connecting directly to the target system from
the machine it is being launched from. When proxying is enabled, all RD sessions are routed through SS. In SS Cloud, the Distributed Engine
service also supports acting as a proxy for session launchers for greater network flexibility and offloading connections from the SS instance.
To configure this:
2. Scroll down and click the Edit button to enter your SSH proxy configuration settings. The SSH Proxy Configuration page appears: 551
The SSH Proxy Settings are: 552
SSH Proxy Port: The default port to apply to all connections, unless another port is assigned to a specific connection.
SSH Banner: Users connecting through SS see this text banner on the SSH client.
SSH Proxy Private Key: The SS SSH private key, this can be generated using the Generate New SSH Key button.
Enable Inactivity Timeout: Enable or disable closing the session if there is inactivity for a defined number of seconds. When
enabled, a Timeout (seconds) text box appears.
Days to Keep Operational Logs: Sets the period to keep SSH-proxy-related logs that might contain PII. SS automatically deletes logs
older than that (in days).
Enable Inactivity Timeout: Enable or disable closing the SSH terminal session if there is inactivity for a defined number of
seconds. When enabled, a Timeout (seconds) text box appears.
SSH Terminal Banner: The text banner you want displayed when somebody opens an SSH terminal session.
Note: For details about connecting to SS with an SSH terminal, see the SSH Terminal Administration Guide.
Note: To manipulate a secret via an SSH terminal, the secret’s proxy setting must be enabled, and the secret must be shared
with the authenticated terminal user.
1. Click the edit icon next to one of the machines in the Nodes section.
SSH Public IP Address of Nodes: The public IP that the client launcher connects to. In most cases, this can be the same as the
SSH bind address; however, there may be cases where the public IP or host differs from the private IP that SS should bind to, such
as NAT or an Amazon EC2 instance.
2. To enable secrets assigned to a site, edit the corresponding site and check the Proxy Enabled check box and optionally specify a
custom SSH port.
3. The Distributed Engines on that site now appear in the Engines section, and you can configure the Hostname/IP Address and SSH
Bind Address text boxes on each one. The default values are the FQDN of the machine and which should work for many internal
connections but may need to be edited depending on how users are connecting to them.
Note: The flow for when a user proxies through a Distributed Engine, rather than SS, is the same, except that rather than the
user's session launcher connecting to the public host on the node, it connects to the public host of an engine that is part of a
site the secret is assigned to. 553
4. Once SSH Proxy has been configured, secrets using an SSH launcher have a Show Proxy Credentials button available. Click it to
display credentials that can be used to connect through SS to the target system, that is, where a user would like to start an SSH session
manually. 554
Default Launcher Requirements
SQL Server Launcher: Requires SQL Server Management Studio to be installed. When installed, the program is automatically added to
the PATH.
PowerShell Launcher: Requires PowerShell to be installed. When installed, the program is automatically added to the PATH. 555
Managing Superuser Privilege
Administrators can create command menus for use with a proxied SSH connection to restrict what commands can be run by users or groups on
the connected server. This feature requires an additional license. To add a command menu:
Once one or more command menus have been created, access can be controlled to individual Unix SSH secrets.
On the Security tab of a secret that can use a proxied PuTTY session, proxy must be enabled as well as command menu restrictions. If Allow
Owners Unrestricted SSH Commands is enabled, any user who is an owner of the secret has unrestricted use of the PuTTY session, that
is, that user is able to type in commands as in a normal session. Additionally, other groups can be assigned the Unrestricted role as well.
In the following example, the "admin" group is unrestricted, while everyone who is not in the admin group is restricted to only being able to run
the commands that are enumerated in the user command menu, created above. 556
A user who is subject to SSH Command Restrictions are presented with a screen similar to the following when connecting to an SSH session:
The user simply enters the number of the command menu to see available commands, or types "?" to display the options again. 557
Only the commands listed can be run by this user. The user can either enter the number of the command to be run, or the name of the
command, which is the word to the left of the equal (=) sign. Other options are available (as shown) to navigate through the available command
menus, display help, or exit the session. 558
Session Recording and Launchers
Session recording provides an additional level of security by recording a user's actions after a launcher is used. Session recording works for
any launcher, including PuTTY and SSH, Windows Remote Desktop, Microsoft SQL Management Studio, and custom executables. The
resulting movie is viewable from the secret audit. Session recording can be toggled on or off globally on the Configuration page and set for
individual secrets on the Security tab. Detailed information on supported codecs can be found in Session Recording. When a user launches a
session with session recording enabled, a brief message is displayed to inform the user that their actions are recorded.
Note: When multiple Launchers are enabled for a secret template, enabling session recording for a secret applies the setting to all
launchers for that secret. 559
Launching Sessions
On the Secret View page, clicking the Launcher icon launches the Remote Desktop, PuTTy, or custom session directly from the browser or log
into the website. The mapped text fields are passed to the launcher for automatic authentication.
If the machine is set for Remote Desktop, the console launches and allows the machine to be specified from the RDP dialog.
If the Host is set to <user>, a prompt asks for the specific machine before launching the PuTTy session.
For some browser security levels, you might need to click Allow for the launcher application to open.
Note: The View Launcher Password permission can be removed to prevent users from viewing the credentials but can still use the
authentication session to access the computer.
The settings under the Launcher tab are used for secrets that are enabled for SSH and custom launchers. 560
Limiting Launcher Domains
You can limit the domains that a launcher connects to. If this is not set, then nothing changes—the launcher can connect to any domain. If it is
set, however, Secret Server refuses to connect to any domains that are not explicitly allowed.
This setting is done via a Windows Group Policy Object (GPO) administrative template XML file (.admx). The file specifies the registry key that
are changed when the GPO is edited. Download that file here:
For details on using these files, see How to create and manage the Central Store for Group Policy Administrative Templates in Windows on the
Microsoft site. The settings are present in both user and machine configurations in the group policy editor. If both are specified, then only the
machine configuration is used (the user configuration is completely ignored). This is because the user configuration is stored in part of the
registry that does not require administrator access to edit, so the machine configuration should be used in most cases.
The Group Policy valid values are just domain names, like, or IP addresses, like No port should be specified, and no
scheme. A value like is not valid, because it has https:// in the front. Ports are also invalid, so will not match.
The correct value would simply be Wildcards are not supported, but subdomains matter, so a value of will not match 561
Remote Desktop Launchers
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 562
Adding Remote Desktop Launchers 563
Browser Configuration
Firefox Configuration: Firefox requires a helper add-on application to run the RD and PuTTy launchers. The Microsoft .Net Framework
Assistant add-on and .NET framework version 4.5.1 SP1 needs to be installed.
Chrome Configuration: If using ClickOnce, Chrome requires a Helper Add-on application to run the RDP and PuTTy Launcher. The
ClickOnce add-on for Google Chrome Add-on needs to be installed. The launcher requires .NET framework version 4.5.1 SP1 as well.
SSL Certificates: SSL must be set up properly for the RD launcher to work correctly. If SS is using SSL certificates, they must be trusted
at the user's computer. This is only an issue with self-created certificates. 564
Editing RD Launchers
Click Edit to modify the settings for a launcher that has already been added to the template. For a launcher to work properly, SS requires
credentials to be taken from secret text-entry fields. Fields must be assigned their corresponding credentials from the list. In addition to the
secret fields, the domain can be mapped to <blank>, which passes an empty string to be used with local accounts, and the machine or host can
be mapped to <user input>, which prompts the user for a specific machine to be used with domain accounts.
In cases where there are multiple endpoints to connect to, such as with a domain account, the machines can be restricted to a set list. Under
the Advanced section of the secret template launcher configuration, enable Restrict User Input. When that option is on, the launcher shows
a drop down of machines to connect to, based on a comma-separated list in the specified secret field. 565
Setting Up Secret Templates for RD Launchers
Launchers can be accessed from any secret created from a properly configured template.
By default, the templates Windows Account, Active Directory Account, Cisco Account (SSH), HP iLO Account (SSH), Unix Account (SSH),
Web Password, and SQL Server Account have the launcher configured.
Secrets can be configured for the launcher from within the Secret Template Designer page. 566
Web Launchers
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Web launchers are a separate login method from the Web password filler and provide a convenient click to automatically log on simpler
websites. Web launchers do not work on complex login pages that rely on JavaScript. For those login pages, use the bookmarklet or browser
extension for the Web password filler. By default, Web launchers are enabled on the Web Password Secret template, but they can be enabled
on custom templates as well, as described in Enabling Launchers. 567
Configuring Web Launchers for Secrets
Once enabled on the template, a Web launcher needs to be configured for the secret. Each website login is unique and requires the secret text-
entry fields to be mapped to the form controls. For a new secret the Launcher icon appears and clicking on it takes the user to a configuration
screen. The user can also view and access the configuration screen from the Launcher tab. Depending on whether other secrets with the same
website have been configured, the user has different options.
Note: Configuring the Secret for use with the Web Launcher requires the user to have Owner permission on the Secret.
First, there is the option of downloading the setting from When the Configure Web Launcher page is loaded, SS checks online at for pre-approved matching websites. If any are found, they are downloaded and made available to pick from in the dropdown list.
The list displays all downloaded configurations and other secrets' configuration for the same domain that the user has permission to view.
Select one from the list and click Next to create a copy of the settings for the secret.
There is also an option to create a configuration that allows the Web launcher to be used on most websites and not rely on published
configuration settings. To use this, select the last item in the dropdown list and click Next. The next section discusses the create process. 568
Creating a Configuration
Entering the Login URL: SS needs to know the exact URL used to login to be able to figure out the controls and perform the automatic
login. Some example login URLs:
Note: The Login URL is typically a secure site with a prefix of https://. If allowed to access the site, SS automatically detects if https
should be used to ensure the credentials are passed securely.
Providing the Page Source: If SS is not allowed access to sites, or the login URL is not accessible by an external site, the page source
needs to be provided for the Web launcher controls to be obtained. Ensure the login URL is correct when the page source is taken. If the
site can be accessed by SS the page source is automatically obtained and this step is not present.
Choosing the Form: The page is read, and the exact login form needs to be identified. The page forms are listed in the list with the most
likely selected. If no forms or no likely forms are found, the user needs to update the URL or page source, as configuration must have at
least one textbox and one password box.
Wiring Up the Fields to Controls: In most cases, SS automatically wires up the Username and Password text fields to the correct page
controls. If not, the user completes the control mapping on the Launcher tab. 569
Launching to a Website
The Web launcher can be used by clicking the Launcher icon on the Secret View page. The Web launcher opens a new window in the
browser, which attempts to login to the site using the credentials on the secret. The launcher can also be used with the Test Launcher button on
the Launcher tab. Testing the Launcher creates a dialog to offer troubleshooting help and means to upload the configuration to
The uploaded configuration is reviewed and published by Thycotic for all SS customers to use with the check online feature. No secret or
identifiable information is uploaded to Only the website URL and control names are sent. 570
Secret Management
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secrets are individually named sets of sensitive information. Secrets address a broad spectrum of secure data, each type represented and
created by a secret template. You can centrally manage secret security through sharing settings for each secret. Additionally, using folder
structure, you can allow one or more secrets to inherit permissions from their parent folder. All secret text-entry field information is securely
encrypted before being stored in the database, including a detailed audit trail for access and history.
Note: You can "favorite" a secret in the main menu by right clicking it. 571
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 572
Creating Secrets
To create a secret:
or click the icon and select New Secret. The Create New Secret page appears:
2. Click the Choose a Secret Template list to choose a template from which to create the secret .
Note: If you do not find a suitable template available, you can create a custom template.
3. Click the Create Secret button. A Create New Secret page appears.
Note: These pages differ significantly, based on the secret template you chose. For this instruction, we chose the frequently
used Web Password template. 573
4. Complete the text boxes and selection controls on the page.
Note: The password generator is governed by a password requirement, which is usually set via the secret template. However,
you can override the template for this secret and set the requirement to something different in the Password Requirements
section of the Security tab, after you create the secret.
5. Click the Generate button to create a strong password that meets the requirements for that type of secret. You can also add your own. If
you do, the password box will remain red until you enter a password that meets the requirements.
The bar below the text box indicates the strength of the password you enter: 574
If you want to see what requirements are governing the password, hover the mouse over the password strength bar:
6. Click the Sites list to select a site the secret belongs to.
7. (Optional) Click to select the Auto Change Enabled check box to enable automatic remote password changing (RPC) for the secret. 575
Customizing the All-Secrets Page
On the main menu, there is a Secrets folder tree. When you click on the root or any subfolder, you see a list of all the secrets in that folder with
multiple columns. You can customize what you see in one of three ways:
You can display additional columns on the grid by clicking the icon. This data can be either secret metadata or template text-entry fields
that have been set to be available for viewing. To select additional columns to display, click the Advanced link and then the Column
Selection link. You can display the following metadata fields:
You can filter secret search results by selecting a folder on the left, either by clicking it or using the search text-entry field above the folder tree.
On the right side of the widget, secrets can be filtered further by specifying search criteria in the top text box. The Advanced section allows
filtering by secret template and status, as well as the option to include secrets contained in subfolders. Advanced criteria only remain in effect
while those options are expanded (visible).
Sizing Columns
You can resize any of the columns by hovering the cursor over the border between them till it turns into a double arrow: 576
Deleting and Undeleting Secrets
To delete a secret:
1. Navigate to the secret View page by searching or drilling down the folder tree.
2. Click the Options dropdown list and select Delete. A confirmation appears.
4. The secret is logically deleted and hidden from users who do not have a role containing the View Deleted Secrets permission.
SS uses these "soft deletes" to maintain the audit history for all data. However, deleted secrets are still accessible by
administrators (like a permanent Recycle Bin) to ensure that audit history is maintained and to support recovery. A user must
have the View Deleted Secrets permission in addition to Owner permission on a secret to access the secret View page for a
deleted secret. For more information about these permissions, see Roles and Sharing a Secret.
To undelete a secret, navigate to the secret View page and click Undelete.
Note: Secrets can also be deleted in bulk. See Running Dashboard Bulk Operations. 577
Duplicating Secrets
The secret duplication function allows for easier, automatic secret duplication. Any user with the Owner Secret permission on a secret can click
to select Duplicate in the Options dropdown list to create a new secret with information based on the original secret. Secret text-entry field
information, launcher settings, secret settings, double locks, email settings, and permissions are copied over. Audit records are written to the
source secret and target secret to indicate that a copy operation took place. Currently, file attachments are not copied. 578
Editing Secrets
To edit a secret:
1. Navigate to the secret's View page by searching or drilling down the folder tree.
3. Click the Edit All Fields link. All text-entry fields become editable.
Note: The password generator is governed by a password requirement, which is usually set via the secret template. However,
you can override the template for this secret and set the requirement to something different in the Password Requirements
section of the Security tab after you create the secret.
4. For passwords, you can create a random password with the Generate button (on the General tab). This generates a password according
to the rules set at the template level (see secret templates for more information about password requirements). 579
Overriding the Secret Template's Password Requirements
All secrets inherit a set of password requirements (see Template Password Requirements) from their parent secret template. After you create a
secret, you can choose to use a different password requirement for this one secret, which leaves other secrets based on the template as they
were. To choose a different password requirement for the secret:
1. Navigate to the secret View page by searching or drilling down the folder tree.
4. Click the Edit Link in the Password Requirements subsection in the Other Security section. The Edit Password popup appears.
5. Click the Password Requirement dropdown list to select the password requirement you desire. 580
Setting Up Password Masking
Password masking prevents over-the-shoulder viewing of your passwords by a casual observer (passwords show as *********). For security, the
number of asterisks does not relate to the length of the password.
As an administrator, you can force all the secret password text-entry fields in the system when viewed to be masked. To do this, enable the
Force Password Masking setting in the Configuration settings. Only secret text-entry fields marked as a password text-entry field on the
secret template is masked.
There is also a user preference setting that forces password masking on all secret password text-entry fields viewed by the user. This Mask
passwords when viewing secrets setting is found in the Profile > Preference section for each user. If the configuration setting discussed
above is enabled, this user preference setting is overridden and cannot be disabled. 581
Sharing Secrets
Sharing passwords is crucial for information technology teams. Due to the sensitive nature of sharing secure information, SS ensures shared
passwords are tracked and guarded.
There are three permission levels to choose from when sharing secrets with another user or group:
View: User may see all secret data, such as username and password, and metadata, such as permissions, auditing, history, and security
Edit: User may edit the secret data. Also allows users to move the secret to another folder unless the Inherit Permissions from Folder
setting is turned on, in which case the user needs Owner permissions to move the secret.
List: User may see the secret in a list, such as a list returned by running a search, but not to view any more details about a secret or edit it.
Note: Password text-entry fields are not visible if a secret has a launcher and the Hide Launcher Password setting is on or the user
does not have the View Launcher Password role permission.
Secrets can be shared with either groups or individual users. The Secret Sharing section allows secrets to be configured for access.
Note: To simplify the sharing process, new secrets automatically inherit the settings from the folder they are stored in. That is, we
enable the Inherit Permissions from Folder check box on the Sharing Edit page by default, so secrets inherit all the parent
folders' sharing settings. As long as this check box is selected, you cannot set the permissions for the secret. For more on folder
security, see the Folders section. 582
4. Click the Remove link next to any share you want to delete.
5. Type any user or group you want to share with in the Add Groups / Users search text box.
6. When the user or group appears in the dropdown list, click to select it. The user or group appears in the Shared with table.
7. Click the unlabeled permission dropdown list box to select the desired permission.
You can also modify sharing settings for users or groups that already have sharing enabled for the secret. If a user or group is not displayed,
they do not have access to the secret. 583
Viewing Secrets
On the main menu, drill down the folders tree to select the secret.
Click the Secret menu item on the main menu and find the secret in the All Secrets table. You can filter the list or click the
magnifying glass icon to search for the secret.
2. Click on the secret's name link. The secret's view page opens to the General tab.
3. Click the desired tab to view specific information. For example, click the General tab and go to the Expiration and Heartbeat section to
see if the secret’s password has expired and what its expiration interval is. You can check the history of the secret by clicking the Audit
tab. 584
Searching and Search Indexer
1. Click the Secrets menu item in the main menu. The All Secrets page appears:
2. Type the secret name or other text in the unlabeled search text box at the top of the page.
3. Click the button. The All Secrets table only displays matching secrets. Searches search for all text-entry fields that are configured as
searchable on the secret's template if the extended search indexer is enabled.
Important: If the search indexer is not enabled, searches are only performed on the Secret Name text field.
Search Indexer
The search indexer allows searching on all text-entry fields set to searchable on the template. To enable and configure the search indexer:
1. Click the Admin button on the main menu and select See All. The Administration page appears: 585
2. Type and then click Search Indexer in the Search text box. The Indexing Service page appears: 586
3. Click the Edit button. The page becomes editable: 587
4. Ensure the Enabled check box is selected.
Standard search mode is the default and searches on whole words in a field value. For example, a field value of "My AWS Secret"
would match when you search for My AWS Secret, My, or Secret.
Extended search mode searches for whole words or a partial words by up to twelve characters. For example, a field value of "My
AWS Secret" would match when you search for My AWS Secret, My, Secret, WS, or ecret. This is more useful, but may impact
search performance and creates a larger index table.
Note: Indexing separators are used to split the text text-entry fields into search terms. By default, the separators are semi-
colon, space, forward slash, back slash, tab (\t), new-line (\n), return (\r), and comma. Changes to the indexing separators
require a full rebuild of the search index.
6. Change the Days to Keep Operational Logs text box to set the period to keep indexing-related logs that might contain PII. SS
automatically deletes logs older than that (in days).
7. Click the Save button. The Indexing Service page reappears, and the indexing begins in the background. Depending on the size of the
SS installation, it may take awhile. Progress is shown on the Progress bar.
8. If you changed the indexing separators, click the Rebuild Index button. 588
Secret Configuration Options
These are the configuration options that are common to every secret:
Convert Template: Change which template is being used to store and display information in this Secret.
Copy Secret: Create a duplicate copy of the secret, which may also be renamed and modified.
Favorite: Click the star from the Dashboard or check this box on the Secret View page to mark the Secret as a favorite. It then displays in
the Favorite Secrets widget.
Folder: Folder location of the secret. The secret inherits permissions of this folder, depending on the Default Secret Permissions setting
in the SS Configuration options.
View Audit: View the secret audit log to see which users have accessed the secret and the actions that have been performed.
These are the buttons, fields, and icons that are available for more advanced secrets:
RDP Launcher Icon: Click to open the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Launcher. See further details in the Launcher section.
Run Heartbeat: Initiate heartbeat, which attempts to verify that the secret credentials can authenticate.
Site: Edit the secret to set the distributed engine site. This determines where password changing, heartbeat, and proxied sessions run
from. 589
Secret Expiration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret expiration is a core SS feature. Any template can be set to expire within a fixed time interval. For a secret to expire, a text field must be
selected as the target of the expiration. For example, a secret template for Active Directory accounts might require a change on the password
text field every 90 days. If the password remains unchanged past the length of time specified, that secret has expired and appears in the
Expired Secrets panel on either the Dashboard's Expired secrets widget or the Home page.
Secret expiration provides additional security by reminding users when sensitive data requires review. This assists in meeting compliance
requirements that mandate certain passwords be regularly changed. When expiration is combined with RPC, SS can completely automate the
process of regularly changing entire sets of passwords to meet security needs. 590
Forcing Expirations
To force expiration:
2. Click the Expire Now button. This forces the secret to expire immediately regardless of the interval setting. The expiration date displays
"Expiration Forced." 591
Resetting Expired Secrets
To reset an expired secret, you must change the text field that has expired and is required to change. For example, if the text field set to expire
is the password text field and the current password is "asdf," then a change to "jklh" resets the expiration interval and thus removes the
expiration text on the Secret View page. 592
Setting up Secret Templates for Secret Expiration
To set up expiration on a secret, you must first enable expiration on the template from which the secret is created.
Note: You can override the interval setting for individual secrets.
Note: Enabling expiration for a template enables expiration for all the secrets that were created using that template. 593
Setting up Secrets
Once you enable expiration for the template, expiration is also enabled for secrets that were created using that template as well as secrets
created in the future. The Expiration tab appears on the Secret View page and requires the user to have Owner permission on the secret.
To set a custom expiration at the secret level, you adjust the expiration interval for the secret by clicking the Expiration tab in the Secret View
page. There, you can set the secret to expire using the template settings (default), a custom interval, or a specific date in the future. 594
Secret Tabs
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 595
Secret Dependencies Tab
The settings inside the Dependencies tab are used for secrets that have RPC enabled. 596
Secret Expiration Tab
Inside the Expiration tab, the expiration period can be modified. The following options are available:
Template Interval: Default expiration period configured for new secrets based on the current template. 597
Secret Launcher Tab
The Launcher tab appears for secrets that use either a custom launcher or Web launcher.
If a custom launcher is associated with a secret template, a secret owner can configure associated secrets or a privileged secret to run the
launcher process. The associated secret can be tied in to the command line parameters on the custom launcher, and the privileged secret is
the identity that kicks off the launcher process.
If a Web launcher is associated with a secret template, the launcher tab displays how the Web launcher is configured for that secret. The
following options are available:
Edit Fields: Modify which secret text-entry fields are mapped to the HTML input controls on the target website.
Use Web Password Filler: Use the Web password filler rather than the Web launcher. 598
Secret Personalize Tab
These settings only apply to the user who is editing the settings. They do not apply to the other users who have View, Edit, or Owner
permission to the secret.
To use the settings in the Email Notifications section, you must have email configured correctly in your configuration settings. You also need a
valid email address entered for each user account to use these settings. This can be set in the Administration > Users section.
Send Email When Changed: Email the user when the secret is edited by any user.
Send Email When Heartbeat Fails: Email the user when a heartbeat function fails for the secret. The email contains the secret name,
error code and details.
Send Email When Viewed: Email the user when the secret is viewed by any user.
The Personalize tab also contains settings that pertain to the type of launcher configured for a secret. If the launcher type is Remote Desktop
Protocol (RDP), the following settings are available:
Connect to Console: Remote Desktop (RD) may connect to the console session.
Allow Access to Drives: RD may access drives connected to the local machine.
Allow Access to Clipboard: RD may access the clipboard of the local machine.
Use Custom Window Size: Users may specify custom window height and width. Use Preferences refer to the user's settings under
Profile > Preferences in the Launcher tab.
Users may enable or disable these settings or to defer to what is configured in their user settings by selecting Use Preferences. 599
Secret RPC Tab
The settings inside the Remote Password Changing tab are used for secrets that are Remote Password Changing (RPC) enabled: 600
Secret Security Tab
The Security tab contains settings that can be enabled to increase security for a secret. The settings listed below may or may not be visible,
depending on your configuration settings:
Require Check Out: Only one user at a time has access to a secret. See Secret Checkout for details.
Enable DoubleLock: User must enter a doubleLock password to decrypt and view a secret.
Enable Requires Approval for Access: Users must request access to view a secret.
Require Comment: Users must enter a comment before being granted access to view the secret. The comment is stored in the audit log
for that secret.
Enable Session Recording: Record the Launcher session. This applies to secrets with a launcher associated with the secret template.
See Session Recording.
Hide Launcher Password: Restrict users with View permission from copying passwords to the clipboard or unmasking the password
text-entry field of the secret. This applies to secrets with a launcher associated with the secret template.
Customize Password Requirement: Specify a password requirement for each password text-entry field. 601
Secret Server Cloud
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 602
Secret Server Cloud Architecture
Details 603
1: Service Buses
IP Address whitelisting is not necessary unless outbound firewall rules are in place. If IP whitelisting is necessary, Azure data center public IPs
can be downloaded here:
If you wish to restrict outbound traffic, Thycotic Support can provide you with your customer-specific service bus hostnames.
IP Address whitelisting is not necessary unless outbound firewall rules are in place. Public IP is based on geographical location.
IP addresses for all regions:,,,,,
IP Address whitelisting is not necessary unless outbound firewall rules are in place. Public IP is based on geographical location.
Inbound whitelisting is necessary if RADIUS authentication is configured. Port 1812 needs to be open for inbound connection on the RADIUS
server. The RADIUS server could either be publicly accessible or have port forwarding configured for Secret Server Cloud to be able to reach
it. IP addresses:
If external clients must be able to connect to internal SSH or RDP endpoints, an SSH proxy can be configured on the DE. Additionally, TCP
port 22 needs to be open for inbound connections on the DE server, as well as appropriate configuration to allow inbound connections from the
public Internet.
6: Certificate CRLs
Whitelisting is not necessary unless outbound firewall rules are in place. If whitelisting is necessary, access to CRL distribution points is
necessary. 604 605
Secret Server End User Guide
This guide is for regular, non-administrative, users of Secret Server (SS). It is mostly a set of links to a subset of the greater corpus of SS
Getting Help
Technical Support: Please contact your organization's help desk.
Self-Help Resources
Document Conventions
Important: When using this User Guide, it is easy to get lost in the ocean of SS documentation. To avoid that, we recommend using
<Ctrl > + click to access the links here. That way, the page you are going to will open to a new browser window, leaving this one as
is, making it much easier to get back to. You can also simply use the browser back button to return, but that can get tiresome
because many pages link to others.
Depending on how your administrators configured SS, you can log on with either your Active Directory account or a local account. 606
2. On the login screen, enter your:
Active Directory username (or local one if you do not have one)
Active Directory password (or local one if you do not have one)
3. Select the your domain from the Domain dropdown list. If you do not have an AD domain, select Local instead.
4. (optional) Click to select the Remember Me on This Computer check box if you want to retain your username and domain on this
5. Click the Login button. If you have Duo two-factor authentication, this appears:
Your cell phone receives a notification you have to approve to access SS.
Note: SS also supports other two-factor authentication methods (depending on what your organization configured), such as
text or email codes that SS prompts you for.
Note: After you log on with your local account for the first time, you are immediately prompted to change your password . 607
Secrets are individually named packets of sensitive information, such as passwords. Secrets address a broad spectrum of secure data, each
type represented and created by a secret template that defines the parameters of all secrets based on it. Secrets are very powerful and provide
many ways of controlling and protecting their data, such as:
Relieving users of having to remember numerous complex passwords or when to change them. You only need to remember your
password to access SS. All of your secret passwords are managed for you.
All secret text-entry field information is securely encrypted before being stored in the database, including a detailed audit trail for access and
Creating Secrets
Editing Secrets (includes manually changing passwords, instead of waiting for expiration)
Secret Folders
Secret folders allow you to create containers of secrets based on your needs. They help organize your customers, computers, regions, and
branch offices, to name a few. Folders can be nested within other folders to create sub-categories for each set of classifications. Secrets can be
assigned to these folders and sub-folders. Folders allow you to customize permissions at the folder level, and all secrets within can inherit the
folder's permissions. Setting permissions at the folder level ensures future secrets placed in that folder have the same permissions, simplifying
management across users and groups.
Creating Folders
The SS check-out feature grants exclusive access to a single user. If a secret is configured for check out, a user can then access it. No other 608
user can access a secret while it is checked out, except unlimited administrators. This guarantees that if the remote machine is accessed using
the secret, the user who had it checked out was the only one with proper credentials at that time. See Secret Checkout for details.
Secret Server records specific events, including expired secrets, and optionally sends you alerts when they happen. See the Alert Notification
Center and Creating Event Subscriptions for details. 609
Secret Server Setup
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
This section contains information about installation and upgrading SS and its components.
Components Installation
Protocol Handler
Launcher plugins
Distributed Engines
SDK Client 610
Understanding Licenses
SS's licensing model allows for scalability and enhanced core functionality in the form of edition enhancements (Professional, Premium
Edition) and user packs. Licenses can be purchased for these items as follows:
Users: SS ships with one free single user. Additional user licenses can be purchased through to expand an
Support: Support licenses allow installed instances of SS to receive all software updates. The number of support licenses and user
licenses must be equivalent in order to be eligible for upgrades.
Note: Users must be supported in order to receive technical assistance from the SS support team.
After installation, the first thing we recommend doing is entering your licenses. You can do this in the Getting Started Wizard or from the
Licenses Administration page (instructions below). This not only allows you to add more users but also enables additional features in SS.
For the Express edition, you have one license to enter. For Professional edition and higher, you have, at minimum:
An edition license
A user license
A support license.
If you purchased additional licenses for sites or distributed engines, you may have more licenses to add.
Note: You will not have a support license if you have purchased the installed edition of SS but did not purchase support or upgrade
Activating Licenses
All non-evaluation licenses require activation after install. Activation is per license and Web server combination. Therefore, if you bring up a
new Web server, it needs activation, even if your previous Web server was already activated. After installing each license, you are prompted to
activate. Follow the on-screen prompts for online or offline activation. The activation process gathers the name, email, and phone number of the
individual activating for internal purposes only. No other personal information is be sent to Thycotic.
To activate licenses:
Note: For more information about license activation, see the License Activation FAQ.
Once a license is obtained, it can be installed by copying the license name and code into the corresponding text-entry fields to a new license
page. To access this page:
If you previously had evaluation licenses and recently purchased SS, you need to remove all evaluation licenses and install your purchased 611
licenses. Normal trial licenses expire one month after issue. If the new licenses are not installed, users see "License has expired" error
If you fail to activate, your system is be placed in limited mode, which prevents the following actions:
AD sync
Importing secrets
Manual RPC 612
License Activation FAQ
What happens if we find that we had more named users than licenses after activation? Will the account lock us out? The user
licenses are per named individual. You can simply disable any excess users so you are within your license count—these users can be re-
enabled at a later time and all audit log information is kept.
Activation of license keys is standard practice in the software industry. We try to focus exclusively on implementing customer requests but
occasionally we have to spend time on licensing especially as Secret Server goes into new geographical markets.
Existing customers have 30 days to activate their licenses after upgrading. New licenses have to be activated immediately on adding them to
Secret Server. Evaluation licenses do not require activation.
Secret Server will go into Limited Mode if you don’t activate your licenses. Limited Mode allows you to view passwords but many other features
are disabled such as creating Secrets, editing Secrets, changing permissions and using web services. Simply activate your licenses to get out
of Limited Mode.
We have several license keys. Do we need to activate each license key individually?
No, the license activation process will activate all license keys that are currently added to your Secret Server. However, additional license key
for Distributed Engine may need to be activated individually if you receive the key after the other licenses.
What if we have been using our license keys on more than one instance of Secret Server?
Secret Server software licenses (user licenses, Professional or Enterprise or Enterprise Plus edition licenses) may only be used on a single
production instance of Secret Server. You may use your same licenses for a single testing (non-production) environment. If you have used
your licenses on multiple production instances of Secret Server, please contact us.
License Activation is required for each web server that will be running Secret Server. The request and the response to/from are
encrypted for added security.
This information is one way hashed before it is sent so it does not reveal any identifiable hardware information.
This does not include any secret data or the encryption.config file.
The data is gathered for the purpose of contact if there is a licensing issue and Thycotic will not sell or distribute the information provided
during activation. The only information available to Thycotic staff is the contact information solely for the purposes of technical support
and customer service.
Our Secret Server does not have outbound access to the Web site. Can activation be done while offline? 613
Yes, there is an offline option for activating licenses. (See the Demo movie above for the offline process - also note the offline=true option
described below if you have trouble activating offline)
To activate your Secret Server licenses when your server does not have internet access, perform the following steps:
Your activation is complete. If you received an error message, please take note of the error code and call the phone number contained in the
Secret Server may be activated on an Airgap Network for both Trials and Licensed products. Please let your Account Manager know you will
be using Secret Server on an Airgap network for more information.
1. Please watch the demo at the top of this page to review how the process is supposed to work.
2. If your Secret Server is currently supported, that is, there is a current support license for each user license, our technical support team will
be able to help you. Please contact us.
3. If an error message persists after successful activation, remove expired/invalid licenses from Secret Server by clicking the license name
and then Delete (the license information will remain available to you from your account at
4. My Server is a VM that moves to different hardware often. Will this cause me to need to reactivate over and over?
As of version 7.8.000000, you will not need to reactivate over and over. When you activate, you will be able to use Secret Server for a year
without needing to reactivate regardless VM hardware changes. However, if your machine name changes as well as your hardware, you will
need to reactivate. If you are using a version older than 7.8.000000, you will need to reactivate when the VM moves. 614
To upgrade SS, you need valid support licenses. To renew your support, please use our online Web form or contact sales. Once you have valid
support licenses, follow the steps in this KB article to upgrade. 615
Upgrading Secret Server with Web Clustering
Secret Server (SS) has a built-in Web installer. The Web installer is a series of pages inside SS that allow you to download and run updates.
SS is accessible by users for most of the upgrade process. You can bring down outside access to the site if you want to prevent users from
making changes during the upgrade. Preventing user access makes restoring the database and site backups simpler if you decide to roll back
the upgrade immediately afterward.
Important: Back up your SS folder and database before performing the upgrade.
Important: Upgrading to SS version 10.7.000000 and above, requires SQL Server 2012 or later as the database for SS. For more
information, see the Release Notes.
Important: Upgrading to SS version 10.0.000000 and requires configuring integrated pipeline mode on the SS Application Pool.
Please see Configuring IIS for installing or upgrading to Secret Server 10 (KBA) for details on configuring integrated pipeline mode
in IIS. If using Integrated Windows Authentication, you will also need to update IIS authentication settings as detailed in Integrated
Windows Authentication (KBA). If you are at version 9.1.000000 and below, you need to first upgrade to 9.1.000001 before you can
upgrade to 10.0.000000 and above.
Important: Upgrading to SS version 8.9.000000 and above requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.
Important: Upgrading to SS version 8.5.000000 and above, there are changes in the .NET Framework version you will need to be
aware of along with some additional steps in the upgrade process. For more information, see Secret Server Moving to .NET
Framework 4.5.1.
Before Beginning
1. Ensure that you have account credentials information and access for the server hosting SS and the SQL Server instance hosting your SS
2. Have a recent backup of the application files and database available.
3. If you use clustering, stop the application pools on all of the servers, except the one that is currently the primary.
1. Follow the instructions in Upgrading Secret Server (KBA) or Upgrading Secret Server Without Outbound Access as applicable to upgrade
your primary server.
2. Once upgraded and working, copy the Web application folder (without the database.config or the encryption.config files) to all secondary
servers, and replace the content of the existing Web application folder with the new.
3. If Thycotic Management Server (TMS) is installed and clustered, you need to copy the TMS directory to the secondary servers as well.
The TMS directory is included by default for new installs of SS 10.2 and above. TMS is used by advanced session recording and
Privilege Manager. If the TMS folder and site does not exist in IIS, then no additional actions are needed beyond copying the SS
When upgrading, after the initial cluster configuration, you do not need to copy the database.config or encryption.config files to the other servers. If
you need to copy those files because the database configuration changed and are using DPAPI, disable DPAPI encryption in SS by going to
Admin > Configuration and click Decrypt Key to not use DPAPI on the Security tab before copying those files to secondary servers.
Note: EFS encryption is tied to the user account running the SS application pool, so it is not machine specific. Copying EFS
encrypted files between SS instances will not result in errors, but is not needed. 616
Upgrading Database Mirroring
1. If there is more than one Web server running SS, ensure all instances are pointing to the primary database.
2. Stop all but the Primary web server.
3. Perform the upgrade on that single instance.
4. Once upgraded and working, copy the Web application folder to all secondary servers.
5. Start the secondary servers, and confirm they work.
6. Ensure all instances are properly activated.
7. Ensure that the primary database changes have been replicated to the mirror database.
8. If the secondary Web server was pointing originally to the secondary database, adjust it to point back to the secondary database.
5. Once the primary instance is upgraded and working, copy the Web application folder (but not the database.config or encryption.config files) to
the remote DR instance (overwriting the existing files).
6. Restart IIS or recycle the application pool running SS on the remote DR instance.
Error Conditions
Encryption configs don't match: See Encryption key doesn't match error (KBA).
Version does not match: If a secondary node is not properly updated from the primary node after an upgrade, that node will not run
because the application version does not match the database. The solution is to copy the application folder (minus the database.config or
encryption.config files) to replace the files on the secondary server. 617
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Please review our prerequisites and then select either our basic (automatic) or advanced (manual) installation. 618
Enabling SQL Server Encryption
Administrators can enable end-to-end encryption with the SQL database by using an Encrypted connection. This is a feature that is built into
Microsoft SQL Server and Secret Server supports. To enable encryption:
2. Type Database in the Search text box and select Database. The Database Configuration page appears: 619
5. Click to select the SSL Encryption check box.
Note: SQL Server must be pre-configured to support encryption. This Microsoft TechNet article explains how to configure the SQL
Server environment for encryption. The SSL encryption used for communicating with SQL Server is either 40 or 128 bit, depending
on the Windows operating system used.
Note: Using this setting can adversely affect performance (KBA). See this TechNet article for additional information. 620
Manual IIS Installation
IIS is an internal part of the Windows operating system, and only needs to be enabled. If IIS is not found, the Thycotic Installer will install it for
you. If you would prefer to install IIS manually, please refer to the instructions listed below for example steps in the Windows Server 2016
Operating System. For the most up-to-date setup instructions, see Microsoft's Technical Documentation. Navigate to Docs > Internet
Information Services > Install.
Thycotic products recommend the following roles and features to be installed on the SS IIS Server for maximum security and functionality
Default Document
Directory Browsing
HTTP Errors
Static Content
HTTP Redirection
HTTP Logging
Request Filtering
Windows Authentication
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Features 621
.NET Framework 4.x Features
WCF Services
HTTP Activation
TCP Activation
To install Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on Windows Server 2016, you will need to give your server the Web Server (IIS) role
using the following procedure:
Note: If this is not the first time you have run the wizard (that is, when first installing IIS), the Web Server Role (IIS) and Role
Services windows will not appear, and the wizard order changes a bit. Instead, role services are selectable in the Server Roles
1. Click the Server Manager button on your server. The Server Manager Dashboard appears.
2. Click the Add Roles and Features button. The Add Roles and Features Wizard on the Before You Begin window appears.
3. Click the Next button. The Select Installation Type window appears.
5. Click the Next button. The Select Destination Server window appears.
6. Ensure the Select a Server from the Server Pool selection button is selected.
8. Click the Next button. The Select Server Roles window appears.
10. Click the Next button. The Select Features window appears.
11. In the Features list, Click to select the following checkboxes (If necessary, click the Add Features button when prompted):
.NET Framework 4.x Features > WCF Services > HTTP Activation
.NET Framework 4.x Features > WCF Services > TCP Activation
12. Click the Next button. The Web Server Role (IIS) window appears.
13. Click the Next button. The Select Role Services Window appears.
14. In the Roles list, click to select the following check boxes:
Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Common HTTP Features > HTTP Redirection
Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Performance > Dynamic Content Compression 622
Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Security > Windows Authentication
17. Click the Install button. Wait for the installation to complete. The Results window appears.
18. Click the Close button. An IIS tile should now appear on your server.
Note: We recommend you run Windows Update to install the latest security patches for IIS once you have IIS installed.
2. Open Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager: On the taskbar, click Server Manager > Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS)
4. Click on the Application Pools node. The Application Pools window appears.
5. Click the Add Application Pool link. The Add Application Pool dialog box appears.
9. Click the OK button to save the new application pool. The dialog box closes.
1. Right click the new application pool and select Advance Settings…
2. Click the Identity setting in the Process Model section to select the desired account. Using this, you can, for example, set SS to
use IWA to connect to SQL.
13. In the Actions pane, click Bindings to set your desired website. The Edit Bindings dialog box appears.
14. Edit or add bindings as desired. We recommend using HTTPS with a real SSL certificate.
17. Either, If you see the default folder, SecretServer, which you created earlier:
1. Right click the SecretServer folder and select Convert to Application. The Add Application dialog box appears.
2. Click the Select… button to choose the pool you created earlier for SS.
1. right click the Default Website. The Add Application dialog box appears. 623
3. Click Select… and pick the app pool created for SS.
4. Type the path where you extracted the SS files in the Physical Path text box.
Step Three: Ensure IIS Does Not Stop the Worker Process
When using IIS version 7.0 and above, by default, the worker process terminates after an inactive period. If SS is in its own application pool,
that application pool will stop after a period of no requests. To ensure this does not happen, perform the following procedure. Additionally, by
default, IIS launches a worker process when the first request for the Web application is received, so if the SS application takes a long time to
start, issues can result. Thus, we recommend launching the SS application pool worker process as soon as IIS starts by setting the start mode
to "AlwaysRunning."
If you are using Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2: On the taskbar, click Server Manager > Tools > Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
If you are using Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2: On the taskbar, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
4. Click Basic Settings on the right panel. This indicates SS's application pool.
5. Right-click the application pool and select Advanced Settings… The Advance Settings dialog appears.
9. In the Recycling section, click the > next to Specific Times to ensure there are no times set. If there are, click the … to clear them.
As of version 10.2, SS requires its application pool "Load User Profile" setting enabled. Otherwise, SS reports a critical alert to system admins.
Note: Even without the setting enabled, SS loads to give access to secrets but many internal operations may malfunction, so we
recommend resolving this issue as soon as possible.
1. Right-click the SS application pool in IIS Manager and select Advanced Settings… The Advance Settings dialog appears. 624
3. Set Load User Profile to True. 625
Running the IIS Application Pool As a Service Account
We recommend setting up a domain service account that can both access the Thycotic product’s SQL database and run the IIS Application
Pool(s) dedicated to your Thycotic product.
Note: The service account created in this KB should not be the same account that is created during the installation of SQL and
used to manage SQL as a whole.
1. Create a service account in Active Directory that will be dedicated to your Thycotic product (domain).
2. Granting the service account access to the SQL Server database.
3. Assign the service account as the identity of the application pool or pools in IIS.
4. Grant folder permissions for the service account on two folders.
5. Configure User Rights Assignment to the service account.
Note: You must have IIS installed on your Web server before completing these steps.
Note: You must have SQL installed on your database server before completing these steps.
Grant access: 626
3. Click to select the db_owner check box in the Database role membership… list.
13. Or, if you have not yet created the database:
1. Click Server Roles in the Select a page list box.
2. Click to select the db_creator check box.
14. Click the OK button.
1.Click the Applications node under the server name in the Connections tree.
2.Right-click the node and select Advanced Settings... The Advance Settings dialog box appears.
3.Click the … button for the Identity entry in the Process Model section. The Application Pool Identity dialog box appears.
4.Click to select the Custom Account selection button.
5.Click the Set… button. The Set Credentials dialog box appears.
6.Type your service account’s name, such as test and password.
7.Click the OK button. The dialog box closes.
8.Open the command console as an Admin.
9.Change the directory to your .NET framework installation directory using the “cd" command, for example,
10. Type .\aspnet_regiis -ga <domain name>\<username>, replacing <domain name> and <username> with your information. For local accounts omit the
domain name parameter.
Note: You must have the Thycotic product application files installed (on your Web server) before completing this section.
Following the steps below, you give the service account "Modify" access to two folders:
The folder where your Thycotic product’s application files are located, such as C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer
Note: If a Windows Security pop-up appears, click the Yes button. The service account will now be able to access this folder.
Note: The application folder only needs “Write” and “Modify” permissions during the installation or during an upgrade. You can
remove these once the installation process is complete.
The following settings are required for Thycotic Secret Server to function: 627
You can adjust these settings either at the Domain level using group policy or locally on your IIS Web server using the Local Security Policy
Console. See User Rights Assignment to learn more.
Note: This is an example of how to create a Group Policy Object (GPO), we recommend consulting with your organizational group
policy administrator to create this policy.
Note: This overwrites any configuration in the local security policy. The local security policy is a safer option if you are not sure
about usage across your domain.
1. On the Web server hosting IIS and your Thycotic Application files, open the “Local Security Policy Console” as an administrator (Run as
2. On the Local Policies node, click to expand Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
3. Click to select the **User Rights Assignment **folder.
4. Repeat the following procedure for the “Log on as a batch job” and “Impersonate a client after authentication” permissions (for this
instruction we show the former):
1. Right-click on Log on as a batch job in the list on the right and select Properties > Add User or Group.
2. Click to select your Thycotic service account.
3. Click the OK button.
Note: If you get a "Service Unavailable" error after applying "Log on as a batch job" permissions, try updating your group policy
settings: Open the Command Console, type in gpupdate /force**, and restart the Windows Process Activation Service. 628
Advanced (Manual) Installation
Important: Ensure you have the IIS, .NET Framework, and SQL Server prerequisites installed before following the steps below.
Go to the download page to get a .zip file that contains both Secret Server and Privilege Manager files in the manual installation section. Use
this .zip file for the instructions below.
1. Extract the contents of the .zip file downloaded above (Right-click, Extract All...). The original file is named with the latest version number
for SS.
2. Extracting this file reveals a nugetCache folder, as well as another zipped folder named ss\_update. For a SS-only install, you will not need
the contents of the nugetCache folder.
3. Create a folder called SecretServer in the location C:\inetpub\wwwroot\.
4. Extract the contents of the ss\ file (Right-click, Extract All...) to C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\SecretServer.
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager* and create a new application pool:
Note: Our IIS installation sets the .NET trust level to “Full (internal), which may affect other applications on the server.
Note: The SS installer sets the application pool to default to the system Network Service account. Follow these instructions if
you selected Windows Authentication Mode during the SQL Installation process. To use Windows Authentication you must
use an Active Directory service account to run the application pool in IIS. We recommend this as a security best practice.
6. Follow these instructions to set the Idle Timeout and Regular Timeout settings to 0 for the application pool in IIS.
2. Select an alias for your Secret Server. The alias is appended to the website, and it is best to name it the name of your earlier unzipped
folder. For example, SecretServer becomes https://myserver/SecretServer.
3. Select the physical directory for where you unzipped SS, for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer.
5. In the tree, right-click the new virtual directory and select Convert to Application.
6. Set the Application Pool to the same one you created in the Manual Installation section, for instance, SecretServerAppPool. Secret
Server is now ready for installation. Skip to Step 5. 629
1. In IIS, right-click Sites and select Add Website...
2. Type a site name.
3. Click Select... and choose the application pool you created in the Manual Installation section.
4. Click the OK button.
5. Click the ... button beside the Physical path field and select the directory containing the unzipped SS files, for example
6. Click the OK button.
7. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Add Website window to save your settings. Secret Server is now ready for installation.
1. Open a browser and navigate to where your Secret Server is located, such as http://localhost/secretserver. You should arrive at a page that
says "Secret Server (Not Installed or Unable to Access the Database)."
3. On the SQL Server Location page, specify the server name of your SQL Database Server, DatabaseMachineName)\InstanceName and then
the database name that you created in SQL for SS.
4. If you are using Windows authentication mode to access SQL (recommended), ensure the correct service account is listed.
5. If you selected mixed mode during the SQL install, select SQL Server Authentication and enter the SQL username and password you
created for the SQL account. For information about adding a SQL Server user, see the Adding a SQL Server User (KB).
6. Click the Install Secret Server button. Secret Server verifies it is able to successfully create the SS database. If an error occurs no
database changes will be made.
Note: Secret Server attempts to download and install the latest version from the Internet. If you do not have an active Internet
connection on your Web server, SS will continue to install the version from your downloaded application files.
7. The install may take a few minutes to complete. Once successful, click the Return to Home button.
8. Create a username and password for the administrator account for SS and store these credentials in a safe location.
9. Click the Create User button and log on after entering the username and password.
10. Once logged on SS, you are prompted with the Getting Started wizard. The wizard guides you through adding your Licenses, setting up
an email server, and creating your first group.
Note: If you skipped the wizard and would like to return, go to HELP > Getting Started from the top menu.
SS is now installed. See our Getting Started Tutorial or contact Thycotic Support about training.
Troubleshooting Notes
If the database name you provide does not yet exist in the specified instance of SQL Server, SS attempts to create the database using the
SQL or Windows account you have specified. For that account to create a database, it needs to have the dbcreator server role in SQL
If using Windows authentication mode (recommended) you need to use a service account to run SS's application pools with appropriate
permissions. See this article if you have not already done so. 630
Basic (Automatic) Installation
This is the installation guide for Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10. For other operating system installation guides, contact Thycotic
Secret Server is installed as an ASP.NET website. The setup.exe file sets up the website with the correct permissions and creates the settings
in IIS.
Secret Server requires an instance of SQL Server for the database backend and is installed by the setup.exe file, if missing. The SQL Server
database will require a SQL account with db_owner permission to complete the installation.
Administrative Access
Throughout the installation, you will be required to be an administrator to perform most of these actions. Please ensure that you are logged onto
your system with a Windows account that has administrative rights.
Important: Except for the operating system, the following prerequisites are installed automatically by our installer. If you already
have some of them installed or wish to install them yourself, the installer will skip over them.
If this is the first time you are installing Secret Server, please take the time to review the full list of system requirements and recommendations.
Note: Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 come with the .NET Framework 4.6 already installed.
Additional Recommendations
We suggest you:
The latest version of SS is available for download. A setup.exe file is downloaded to your machine. We recommend running setup.exe as an
Welcome Page
The first installer page you are presented is the Welcome Page. The installer should detect whether the machine has SS or Privilege Manager 631
for Windows and will declare which of those products it will install.
Database Page
The Database page allows you to choose to install SQL Express or connect to an existing SQL Server. If you select SQL Express, the installer
requires Internet access to download the installation for SQL Server Express.
If Internet access is not available, a link to download SQL Server Express is presented. You are expected to install SQL Server Express and
then restart the installer.
Pre-Requisites Page
The Pre-Requisites page ensures everything that is required to install SS is setup correctly. Everything on this page can be installed outside of
the installer. If not, the installer installs and configures them for you. This page is primarily for third party server configuration. If there are issues,
please refer to support for the specific non-Thycotic vendors.
The Database Connection page contains the connection information that Secret Server (and Privilege Manager) uses. You must click the Test
Connection button and have a successful result before installation can continue.
The Create User page is where you enter the information for the initial SS user.
Enter connection information for the email server on this page. This is also optional and you can skip it and set it up later in SS. This page will
configures email for both Secret Server and Privilege Manager for Windows.
Review Page
Review the, mostly default, settings on the Review page, and change them is needed. Some of the settings are validated before the install can
Install Page
The Install page shows the status from log files as both Secret Server and Privilege Manager are installed.
After the applications are installed, the installer opens a Web browser to the Secret Server log on page. At this point, everything is installed to
start using both Secret and Privilege Manager. If the installation failed or you wish you view the logs from the installation, click the View Log
Files button.
If the setup.exe did not automatically open a browser, navigate to where SS is located, for example: http://localhost/secretserver.
See our Getting Started Tutorial or contact Thycotic Support about training. 632
Installing and Configuring SQL Server
For step-by-step instructions on how to install SQL 2016, see our example SQL 2016 Installation guide here.
Secret Server requires Microsoft SQL Server as the back-end database. All editions including the Express version of 2012–2017 are
Note: If you are using SQL Express make sure to get the edition with tools that will include SQL Management Studio. Follow the
link in the KB article Download SQL Express with Tools.
SQL Authentication
The fastest method to get started with Secret Server is to create a SQL Authentication account. Follow the instructions in the Database section
of the Installation Guide.
For troubleshooting and configuring SQL installation on a different server that the application server see SQL Authentication Configuration
Windows Authentication
A more advanced way to have Secret Server access the SQL server would be through a service account and using Windows Authentication.
Because of the requirement of a service account and added IIS settings, we only recommend this for non-evaluation setups. See instructions in
Accessing MS SQL Server with IWA.
Once the account has been created and SQL server installed with the MSI. The third step of the Web installer will ask for database access
SQL Location
Server Name or IP: If it is a local machine the server name will be (local) or localhost for the default instance, or if a named instance
such as SQL Express it would be localhost\SQLExpress. If you are unsure, copy the value from the "Server name" text box when connecting
through SQL Management Studio.
Database Name: If you have created a database, enter the name. If you have given the SQL account dbCreator permission, enter a
database name for Secret Server to create.
SQL Authentication
SQL Server Authentication: Implies a SQL account has been created that exists only with SQL Server. The account will need to be
dbOwner on the database or need dbOwner permission to create the database. This is recommended for quickest setup. For more
detailed information and troubleshooting see SQL Authentication Configuration article.
Windows Authentication: The identity of the application pool will access the database. This requires a domain Service account that
has been granted access to run ASP.Net and the database. This is an advanced setting that is not recommended for evaluations. Follow
the instructions on using a service account in Accessing MS SQL Server with IWA. 633
Installing RabbitMQ
What is RabbitMQ?
RabbitMQ is a robust message queuing software package that Secret Server uses to communicate with its distributed engines. For detailed
information about RabbitMQ go to
RabbitMQ is an enterprise-ready alternative to MemoryMQ. While MemoryMQ is sufficient for basic and prototyping installations, RabbitMQ is
the preferred messaging framework when the need for greater reliability and clustering arises.
All data sent from or read by Secret Server from RabbitMQ is encrypted. If you would like to add SSL despite the data already being encrypted,
please follow the "Advanced installation of RabbitMQwith TLS" use case. Please note that Thycotic Support can help with non-SSL
installations. For SSL installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and RabbitMQ clustering, please contact Thycotic Professional Services
to learn more about our Professional Services rates.
RabbitMQ requires:
SSL Certificate
A server certificate PFX type and a root certificate authority certificate CER type.
The PFX certificate should have:
A name that matches the RabbitMQ Fully qualified machine name
If you plan on making a RabbitMQ cluster, add DNS names (SANs) to your certificate
Your certificate must be an RSA certificate. CNG is not supported and will cause the installation to fail.
If you do not have an internal PKI and prefer not to use a public certificate, you can use a self-signed certificate.
Note: Thycotic will not assist with creating or troubleshooting self-signed certificates.
In Secret Server UI
2. Click the Manage Site Connectors button. The Manage Site Connectors page appears: 634
3. Click the + New Site Connector button. The Site Connector Details page appears:
5. Type a name for your new site connector in the Name text box.
7. Type the host name of the machine where you plan to install RabbitMQ in the Host Name text box.
Note: The Engines need to be able to resolve this host name or the connection will fail. Also, inbound firewall rules must be
created on the machine that is hosting the connector.
8. Type either port 5672 (non-SSL) or 5671 (SSL) in the Port text box.
10. After the site connector is created, click the site connector’s link. The Site Connector Details page appears: 635
11. Click the View Credentials button to retrieve the automatically generated credentials. The Site Connector Credentials popup appears.
You can ignore the informational message that the connectivity has not been validated for now as you will be doing so after you install
RabbitMQ on the host you have selected.
12. Click the copy icons to copy both the User Name and Password, and store them for use in the next section. 636
12. If you see "Validation Failed," do the following:
1. Ensure the RabbitMQ Windows service is running.
2. Check the logs found under C:\Program Files\Thycotic Software Ltd\RabbitMq Site Connector\log.
3. Check the SS system log for a full error report.
Troubleshooting 637
SQL Server 2014 Express Edition Installation
Important: Thycotic recommends using SQL Express in sandbox or trial environments only due to size and performance
SQL Express is a free edition of SQL and is available for use with Thycotic products. The following steps walk you through setup and
configuration for SQL Server 2014 Express Edition as an example. For the most up to date resources on installing SQL see Microsoft SQL
Technical Documentation for more information.
Installed a basic stand-alone instance of SQL Server 2014 Express with the minimum features necessary for SQL Server. This includes
SQL Server Management Studio and other tools.
Created a database in SQL for your Thycotic product
Created a new SQL Server user login for your SQL database
Note: This document uses Thycotic's Secret Server product as example in the instructions, but the same steps apply for Privilege
Manager advanced installs.
If you plan to use SQL Server Express, we strongly recommend downloading the package that includes Tools. This also installs SQL Server
Management Studio that allows you to connect to the database directly and gives access to server settings.
Procedure: 638
4. Click to select the following check boxes (you may need to scroll down):
ExpressAndTools 64BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe
MgmtStudio 64BIT\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe
5. Click the Next button. SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe and SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe* download to your computer.
1. If necessary, download and install the latest version of .NET Framework. See Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 offline Installer for Windows
for the latest version as of when this topic was written. If you have already installed Secret Server, you have already done this.
2. Double click the SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe you downloaded to run it. The User Account Control appears.
3. Click the Yes button. The Choose Directory… dialog box appears:
4. Click the OK button. The files are extracted to that location, and the SQL Server Installation Center appears: 639
5. Click the New SQL Server stand-alone… link. The License Terms wizard page appears: 640
6. Click to select the I accept the license terms check box.
7. Click the Next > button. The installation processes four pages with no input from you and stops on the Feature Selection page: 641
8. Ensure that the Database Engine Services and Management Tools – Basic check boxes are selected. Leave the others as is.
Note: A SQL Server instance is isolated from other SQL Server instances. SQL Server instances can operate side-by-side on
the same computer.
Note: Management tools include Management Studio support for the database engine and SQL Server Express, SQL Server
CLI (SQLCMD), SQL Server PowerShell provider, and the distributed replay administration tool.
9. Click the Next > button. The installation processes one page with no input from you and stops on the Instance Configuration page: 642
10. Ether click to select the Default instance selection button, which uses an already present instance called SQLEXPRESS.
11. Or type your desired name in the Named instance text box.
12. Type your instance ID in the Instance ID text box. We chose MySQLInstance. The instance ID will become part of the installation path.
13. Click the Next > button. The Server Configuration page appears: 643
14. Leave the page as is, and click the Next > button. The Database Engine Configuration page appears: 644
15. You have the choice to select either Windows Authentication Mode or Mixed Mode. Click to select the option that works best for your
Mixed Mode (for easiest configuration): This mode is required if you intend on using a SQL Server account to authenticate
Secret Server to your SQL Server instance. We recommend using mixed mode if you are setting up a test or demo
environment. Selecting this option will also require you to set a password for the SQL Server system administrator (sa) account.
See Adding a SQL Server User (section below) for instructions on adding more users.
Windows Mode (recommended for best security): This mode prevents SQL Server account authentication. We recommend
using Windows mode for production environments. Whatever user or group assigned will have administrative access to your SQL
instance. According to best security practices, limit this number to as few users as possible. Only choose this if you have experience
and require this for a specific issue—we do not recommend SQL Server Express for production accounts.
Note: If choosing Windows Mode you will also need to run the IIS application pool as a service account later in the
installation process.
16. If you selected mixed mode, which you almost certainly did, type your SQL Server system administrator (sa) account password in the
Enter password and Confirm password text boxes. The password must meet Microsoft’s definition of a strong password. Click the
Help button and search for “Database Engine Configuration - Account Provisioning” if you what to find out what that is. A 16 character
mixture of lower and uppercase letters and numerals works fine.
17. Your user account should already be shown in the Specify SQL Server administrators text box. If not, click the Add Current User
18. Click the Next > button. The Installation Progress page appears and SQL Server Express is installed. This can take awhile. Eventually,
the Complete page appears: 645
19. Click the Close button.
To install SS, the Thycotic installer creates the SQL database for you if it does not exist and if the user account has permission to create a new
database, which requires the dbcreator server role.
If not using the Thycotic Installer, use the following steps to create a database manually through SQL Server Management Studio:
According to security best practices, limit the number of users with access to your SQL database as much as possible. Use the following
instructions to add a SQL Server account for SS to use to access the SQL database: 646
5. Select a method of authentication:
SQL Server Authentication: Use this option to create a new SQL Server account (this requires mixed mode to be enabled). To
create the account, enter a new username and password and then deselect the Enforce Password Policy check box to prevent
the account from expiring.
Windows Authentication: Use this option to add access to SQL Server for an existing Windows account. To add the account,
enter the login name or click Search to find the account. It is recommended to use a domain account rather than a local Windows
8. In the Database Role Membership window, click to select the db_owner check box. 647
SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition Installation
The following steps walk you through setup and configuration for SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition as an example. For the most up to date
resources on installing SQL see Microsoft SQL Technical Documentation for more information.
Installed a basic stand-alone instance of SQL Server 2016 Standard with the minimum features necessary for SQL Server.
Installed SQL Server Management Studio for managing the local database.
Created a database in SQL for your Thycotic product
Created a new SQL Server user login for your SQL database
Note: This document uses Thycotic's Secret Server product as example in the instructions, but the same steps apply for Privilege
Manager advanced installs.
1. Launch the SQL Server installer from CD or file download. The SQL Server Installation Center opens to the Planning window:
2. Click the System Configuration Checker link. This runs a tool that checks for conditions on your server that could prevent SQL Server
from installing.
3. When the tool launches, click the Show details button. A successful scan should look like the one shown below. If you encounter any
issues, look at the detailed report, resolve the reported issues, and rerun the scan. 648
4. Click the OK button when done to return to the “SQL Server Installation Center” window.
5. In the SQL Server Installation Center window, click the Installation link. The Installation Window appears:
6. Click New SQL Server stand-alone installation… link. The Product Key page appears: 649
7. Click to select the Enter the Product Key selection button.
8. Type your product key in the the Enter the Product Key text box.
9. Click the Next > button. The License Terms page appears:
10. Click to select the I accept the license terms. check box.
11. Click the Next > button. The Global Rules page appears (not shown) after the rule check runs.
12. Click the Next > button. The Microsoft Update page appears: 650
13. Click to select the Use Microsoft Update… check box to check for updates (recommended), unless your software update process does
not use automatic updates from Microsoft
14. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Product Updates page. The Install Setup Files page appears.
17. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Install Rules page. The Feature Selection page appears:
18. Ensure the Database Engine Services check box is selected. This is the only feature necessary for Secret Server. Unless you are
using Geo-Replication, you can leave everything else unchecked. Leave the directory locations unchanged.
19. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Feature Rules page. The Instance Configuration page appears: 651
20. Ensure the Default Instance selection button is selected.
21. Type a name for your SQL Instance in the Instance ID text box.
22. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Server Configuration page. The Database Engine Configuration page appears:
23. You have the choice to select either Windows Authentication Mode or Mixed Mode. Select the option that will work best for your
Mixed Mode (for easiest configuration): This mode is required if you intend on using a SQL Server account to authenticate
Secret Server to your SQL Server instance. We recommend using mixed mode if you are setting up a test or demo environment.
Selecting this option will also require you to set a password for the SQL Server system administrator (sa) account. See Adding a
SQL Server User (section below) for instructions on adding more users.
Windows Mode (recommended for best security): This mode prevents SQL Server account authentication. We recommend
using Windows mode for production environments. Whatever user or group assigned will have administrative access to your SQL 652
instance. According to best security practices, limit this number to as few users as possible.
Note: If choosing Windows Mode you will also need to run the IIS application pool as a service account later in the
installation process.
24. You can leave the options in the remaining tabs at their default values or change the file locations in the Data Directories and TempDB
tabs if you wish to store the database and log data in a different drive or directory.
25. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Feature Configuration Rules page. The Ready to Install page appears:
27. Wait for installation to complete. This may take several minutes.
1. In the “SQL Server Installation Center” window, click the Installation menu item. The Installation page appears: 653
2. Click the Install SQL Server Management Tools link.
3. Wait for the Web page to load then click the Download SQL Server Management Studio… link. A file downloads.
4. Run the downloaded file (varies by browser). The SQL Server Management Studio installer starts.
6. Wait for the installer to complete. This may take several minutes.
7. Click the Restart button if prompted. Otherwise, click the Close button. 654
Creating the SQL Server Database
To install SS, the Thycotic installer creates the SQL database for you if it does not exist and if the user account has permission to create a new
database, which requires the dbcreator server role.
If not using the Thycotic Installer, use the following steps to create a database manually through SQL Server Management Studio:
According to security best practices, limit the number of users with access to your SQL database as much as possible. Use the following
instructions to add a SQL Server account for SS to use to access the SQL database:
SQL Server Authentication: Use this option to create a new SQL Server account (this requires mixed mode to be enabled). To
create the account, enter a new username and password and then deselect the Enforce Password Policy check box to prevent
the account from expiring.
Windows Authentication: Use this option to add access to SQL Server for an existing Windows account. To add the account,
enter the login name or click Search to find the account. It is recommended to use a domain account rather than a local Windows
8. In the Database Role Membership window, click to select the db_owner check box. 655
System Requirements
Please review the detailed System and Memory Requirements for Secret Server. The Minimum Requirements are for trial, sandbox, and POC
environments. The Recommended Requirements are for production deployments.
Hardware Requirements
If you would like to set up front-end (application) clustering, you need to have two or more servers available.
For testing of high availability for the SQL Server, you can use either existing Microsoft AlwaysOn infrastructure or database mirroring. If you
choose to test this, this is something your database team needs to prepare in advance.
Software Requirements
SQL Server
You can create the SQL database in an existing SQL instance, or a new installation of SQL Server. For high availability, this needs to be a paid
edition of SQL Server (not SQL Express). If you are using a new installation of SQL Server, please have this installed beforehand.
Detailed instructions for installation and configuration of SQL Server are included in one of the installation guides below (choose the guide
matching the OS that SQL server will be installed on).
Application Server
We recommend installing SS on Windows Server 2012 or greater. Include IIS, ASP.NET and .NET Framework. Refer to the System
Requirements KB above to view prerequisite details. 656
System Requirements for Secret Server
Important: Please read the notes at the bottom of this article.
Note: Environments budgeting for over 10,000 secrets require a scoping call with a Thycotic engineer
Recommended for organizations deploying discovery, session recording,or increased numbers of distributed engines:
16 GB RAM 16 GB RAM 657
Web Server Database Server
IIS 7 or newer (64-bit applications only) SQL Server 2012-2019
Note: Further adjustments to system requirements for both RabbitMQ and distributed engines are at the discretion of Thycotic
Professional Services engineers.
Secret Server requires Microsoft SQL Server and its database be set to the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. See Microsoft
SQL collation requirements and check your server collation settings before upgrading.
System Requirements apply to both physical and virtual machines.
For best performance, we recommend using dedicated (clean) servers for hosting Thycotic products.
If .NET or IIS features are not already installed on the web server, the Thycotic Installer will add and configure them automatically.
If SQL is not already installed on a database server, the Thycotic installer can setup SQL Express on the web server; however, SQL
Express is intended for trials and sandbox environments only. Though Thycotic will support SQL Express, users will likely experience
performance issues due to the memory and product limitations. If experiencing performance issues while using SQL Express, we highly
recommend upgrading to SQL Server prior to contacting Thycotic Support.
A link to Microsoft documentation on the use and limitations of SQL Express can be found at:
Installing Secret Server with Azure SQL: Currently, we do not recommend using SS with Azure SQL when the Web host and the
Azure SQL instance are in different datacenters. According to Microsoft, applications, such as SS, that use frequent, high-volume, ad hoc
queries use substantial response time on network communication between the application and Azure SQL database tiers. Thus, network
latency with many data access operations across datacenters can become an issue.
Unsupported Web Servers: Small Business Server (SBS), The Essentials Edition, Any client OS, domain controllers, SharePoint
Secret Server Cloud requires an on-premise machine to use a distributed engine.
SQL launchers do not support SSMS 18.0 or higher.
Discovery scanning for Windows Server 2016 scheduled tasks requires that either the SS node or the distributed engine that is executing
the scan must run on Windows Server 2016 or later. This is due to changes in Windows Server 2016 API used for scheduled task
dependency scans.
AWS RDS: Currently, we do not recommend using SS with AWS Relational Database Service when the Web host and the SQL instance
are in different datacenters. Applications, such as SS, that use frequent, high-volume, ad hoc queries depend on fast network
communication response time between the application and SQL database. Thus, network latency with many data access operations
across datacenters can become an issue.
Secret Server (SS) requires the application pool to have the “load user profile” setting enabled. Secret Server will report a critical alert to
notify admins if this setting is not enabled. 658
Upgrading Secret Server Without Outbound Access
Important: Upgrading to Secret Server version 8.9.000000 and above will require Windows Server 2008 R2 or greater.
Important: Upgrading to Secret Server version 8.5.000000 and above, there are changes in the .NET Framework version you will
need to be aware of along with some additional steps in the upgrade process. For more information, see Secret Server Moving to
.NET Framework 4.5.1.
Important: Upgrading to Secret Server version 10.0.000000 and above will require configuring integrated pipeline mode on the
Secret Server Application Pool. Please see this KB for details on configuring integrated pipeline mode in IIS. If using Integrated
Windows Authentication you will also need to update IIS authentication settings as detailed in this KB. If you are at version
9.1.000000 and below, you will need to first upgrade to 9.1.000001 before you can upgrade to 10.0.000000 and above.
Secret Server periodically polls our update server to detect updates. If your Secret Server is on an internal network that has no outbound
access or goes through a proxy, Secret Server will not be able to perform updates automatically, therefore, outbound access to the below
connections on your firewall is needed if you want to perform updates automatically:
The steps below can be used to perform an upgrade for versions 7.1.000015 and higher. If you have an older version of Secret Server, please
contact Thycotic technical support for assistance.
1. From a computer that does have outbound network access and Secret Server access, go to the Secret Server Upgrade page by browsing
to: http://<yourinstance>/Installer.aspx?patch=true (filling in your Secret Server URL for <yourinstance>). The wizard appears:
2. Backup your Secret Server application folder and your Secret Server database.
3. Click to select the The Secret Server database… check box on the page. 659
Step 2: Get and Upload the Latest .zip File
1. Download the latest version .zip file by clicking the Download Latest Version button on the installer page. The file name will appear
something like Note where you save it.
Note: You also can find the downloadable update files in our Secret Server Offline Update File KB here (KBA).
2. Click the Choose File button to select the Secret Server .zip file you just downloaded.
Note: You can verify the file hashes for the latest version using the posted hash values (KBA).
Note: You should not use the fresh install or setup.exe that is first downloaded from Only use
the Get Latest Version link—there is a difference between the upgrade file and fresh install zip.
3. Click the Upload Upgrade File button. You see a message confirming the file was successfully uploaded, and the Install This Version
button appears.
4. Click the Install this Version button. The Upgrade Secret Server page appears (not shown).
1. Click the Upgrade button. The upgrade automatically processes and once it has finished you will see a confirmation page.
2. Click Return to Home to return to the dashboard. 660
Secret Templates
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Secret templates are used to create secrets and allow customization of the format and content of secrets to meet company needs and
standards. Examples include: Local Administrator Account, SQL Server Account, Oracle Account, Credit Card and Web Password. Templates
can contain passwords, usernames, notes, uploaded files, and drop-down list values. New Secret templates can be created, and all existing
templates can be modified. 661
Managing Secret Templates
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 662
Activating and Deactivating Templates
If a template is no longer relevant or outdated, it can be inactivated. This can be done from the specific template's Secret Template Edit page.
Templates can also be inactivated in bulk from the Manage Secret Templates page. Click the Active Templates button to navigate to the Set
Active Secret Templates page. This screen displays all the secret templates in SS. Each secret template can be set as active or inactive. Once
the secret templates are chosen as active or inactive, then saving changes brings the secret templates into effect immediately. Inactivating a
secret template does not inactivate any secrets using that secret template—those secrets still exist, but users are not able to create new secrets
using an inactivated secret template. 663
Changing a Secret's Template
2. Click to select the target template from the Secret Template list.
1. Go through each list and select the target text-entry field for each source text-entry field on your secret.
2. If you want to remove the value for a text-entry field instead of converting it, then select the <Remove> option on the list for that text-
entry field.
4. Click Save.
The Convert Template button is only available to users and groups with the "Owner" permission to the secret.
Note: To preserve audit data, when a secret is converted from one type to another, the old secret is deleted, and a new secret is
created. An admin can view old secret by searching for deleted secrets on the dashboard. A user needs "Add Secret," "Edit Secret,"
"Delete Secret," and "Own Secret" role permissions in order to convert a secret to a new template. 664
Configuring Secret Template Permissions
As of SS 10.3 it is possible to assign users and groups to specific secret templates so they can either manage or create secrets based on those
templates. This allows you to have more granular control over what secret templates are seen by users and groups when they are managing
the templates or creating secrets. To configure permissions:
1. Select Admin > Secret Templates. The Manage Secret Templates page appears:
2. Click the Configure Secret Template Permissions button. The Secret Template Permissions page appears: 665
3. Select a group or user by typing in the Group/User text box. The page changes:
4. Click the desired user or group in the Group/User dropdown list that appeared.
6. Click to select a secret template you wish to assign them to. You may either assign "Template Create secret" or "Template Owner" to a
user or group.
Template Create secret allows a user or group to create secrets based on the selected secret template. 666
Template Owner allows a user or group to edit a secret template and create secrets based on the selected secret template. By
default, the Everyone group that targets all users of SS can create secrets based on any secret template.
Note: Users' secret Template permissions are based on the permissions directly assigned to them, as well as the permissions
assigned to all of the groups they are a member of. If a user or group does not have Template Create secret or Template
Owner permissions, they are unable to create a secret based on that secret template or see that it exists in SS. 667
Creating or Editing Secret Templates
Select Admin > Secret Templates. The Manage Secret Templates page appears:
1. Click to select that template in the unlabeled secret template dropdown list.
2. Click the Edit button. The Secret Template Designer page appears (see below).
1. Click the Create New button. The Create New Secret Template pop-up page appears:
3. Click the Create button. The Secret Template Designer page appears: 668
The Secret Template Designer page provides all the options for configuring a secret template, as well as which text-entry fields appear on
any secret created from that template.
Click the Edit button to customize the template general settings. The Secret Template Designer appears: 669
These settings are available:
Click the Save button. The Secret Template Designer page reappears. 670
Edit Passwords Button: Only visible for templates that contain a text-entry field that is of the password type. It is used to alter the
minimum password length, as well as the character set used, for the auto-generation of the secret's password. See Creating Secrets for
further details on password auto-generation.
Configure Password Changing Button: Used to enable RPC on these secrets. For details, see Remote Password Changing.
Configure Launcher Button: Used to enable Remote Desktop or PuTTy Launcher or custom launchers on these secrets. For details,
see Secret Launchers.
Configure Extended Mappings Button: Extended Mappings allows you to tie a text-entry field value to a SS defined system type for
additional functionality. For example, you may have a generic password secret template that has a username and password text-entry
field. For purposes of looking up credentials, such as a ticket system authentication secret, SS needs to know that actual type of the text-
entry fields since the text-entry field name can be custom. Extended mappings available are:
SSH Private Key: Defines which text-entry fields make up the SSH Key components of Private Key, Private Key Passphrase, and Public
Username and Password: Defines which text-entry fields contain the username and password.
Remote Server SSH Key for Validation: Ensures the machine SHA1 digest for validating the machine connected to is correct.
OATH Secret Key: For password changing on the Amazon Root Account using the Web Password Changer. If you enter the OATH
secret for two factor, SS generates the one-time password (OTP) automatically for password changing and heartbeat, allowing you to
automate that while enforcing two-factor authentication on the AWS root credential. 671
Secret Template Settings
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
The secret template designer provides several settings to customize secret template text-entry fields:
To add a secret text-entry field, fill out the values and click the + button.
To delete a text-entry field, click the icon. There is a confirmation dialog box before deletion takes place.
To edit a text-entry field, click the icon. Click either the icon to save or the X icon to discard the changes. 672
Field Slug Names
A field slug name in SS is a unique human-readable identifier for a data field in a SS template. The field slug name is available for integrating
with third-party applications via API calls. Slug names are programmatically available for API calls but are not visible to users of the template
(those creating secrets) but are display in the secret templates for references.
Note: If you are not planning to access SS with an API, slug field names are not for you—leave the suggested name as is.
Field slug names are automatically generated, based on the field name, when the field is created. For example, “User Name” became “user-
name.” Characters that are potentially problematic for programming, such as spaces, are swapped out. The automatically generated name is
unchangeable by human users, unlike the field name. If API calls were based on the field name, human users with access to the template could
break those calls, simply by changing the name.
With SS 10.7.X+, The generated field slug names are now user-definable. You can edit the generated names to:
The only requirement is that each slug field name is unique to that template.
Note: If you are wondering how SS internally uniquely identifies fields, there is an internal ID that is not accessible by users or
APIs. It is not available read-only (for API use) because we want to futureproof integrations from internal changes to SS.
Note: The user-definable field slug names are also automatically generated when you upgrade from a version of SS that did not
have user-defined field slug names. If there are two fields with the same field name, the second (and later) generated field slug
name has an incremented number appended to it. 673
Secret Template Field Types
Template text-entry fields can be specified as one of several different types to enhance customization:
File: File attachment link. File attachments are stored in the Microsoft SQL Server database. 674
Secret Template Text-Entry Field and Control Settings
Field Name: Name of the text-entry field. This name is used for the Create New drop-down list on either the Dashboard's Create Secret
Widget or Home page.
Field Type: Type of the text-entry field. See below for a description of the different text-entry fields.
Is Required: Whether the text-entry field should require a value. These check boxes are checked for correct content when the user
attempts to create this secret. A validation error is displayed if not entered correctly.
Searchable: Whether that text-entry field should be indexed for searching. By default, passwords are not indexed. File attachments and
history cannot be indexed for searching.
Edit Requires: Minimum permissions on the secret needed in order to edit the value on the secret. The options are Edit, Owner and Not
Editable. This enables the secret text-entry field to be locked down at a more granular level than other text-entry fields on the template.
Hide on View: If checked, this text-entry field is not displayed to users when viewing the secret. The text-entry field is only be displayed
when the secret is in Edit mode.
Expose for Display: If checked, this text-entry field is available to be displayed as a Custom Column on the SS Dashboard.
Note: All text-entry fields that are set to "Expose for Display" are not encrypted in the database. Only check this value if the secret
text-entry field data is not considered privileged information.
The order of the text-entry fields in the Template Designer grid is the same as those that appear when the user views or edits a secret created
from the template. The order can be modified through the up and down arrows on the grid.
Default values can be specified on each text-entry field by clicking the edit defaults button . These added values appear as a list on any
secret created from this template. 675
SSH Authentication Templates
With this SS feature, admins can use private SSH keys for PuTTY launcher sessions as well as for RPC tasks (configurable through password
changer settings) and Unix and Linux discovery. Passphrases can additionally be stored, if necessary, to decrypt the private keys for additional
security. The Unix Account (SSH) secret template includes text-entry fields for the private key and passphrase by default:
The SSH Key template is included by default and can be used to store SSH keys that can later be selected for use in RPC, discovery or
launcher authentication for other secrets:
Note: Starting with version 10.1.000000, SS also supports SSH key rotation on secrets.
The Unix Account (SSH Key Rotation) and Unix Privileged Account (SSH Key Rotation) secret templates use password changers that
change the public key in the account's authorized_keys file as well as change the password on the account. SS ships with a password changer
and custom command sets that allow an account to change its own public key and password, and a password changer and custom command
sets that changes a user's public key and password using a privileged account. These scripts can be customized for different Unix
For more information about SSH Key Rotation, see the SSH Key Rotation (KBA) and SSH Key Rotation Quick Start (KBA). 676
Template Character Sets
Character sets are a collection of distinct characters that are used in password requirements and password rules. Custom sets can be created,
and both ASCII and Unicode are supported. For more information on setting up compliance checks and password generation standards, see
Password Requirements. The five standard character sets are:
To manage character sets, click the Character Sets button on the Administration > Secret Templates page. Only character sets which are
not currently used by a password requirement can be deleted. 677
Template Naming Patterns
SS supports naming patterns for secret templates. Naming patterns are a way for administrators to maintain consistency for secret names and
can help ease both browsing and grouping secrets by name. Patterns are created using regular expressions. Regular expressions are a formal
set of symbols commonly used to match text to patterns. For example, the regular expression ^\w+\\\w+$, allows NTDOMAIN01\USER3454 but not
Note: Regular expressions are beyond the scope of this document. They are very powerful and can get quite complex—books have
been written on the topic. Microsoft offers a good overview at their Regular Expression Language Quick Reference Web page. 678
Template Password Requirements
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Set requirements on a password text-entry field to validate user-entered passwords or make auto-generated passwords conform to set
A password requirement is made up of a minimum and maximum length, a set of characters, and optional rules such as "At least three upper-
case characters" or "The first character must be lower-case". The default password requirement is 12 characters from the default character set,
with at least one upper-case, lower-case, numeric, and symbol character.
Create or edit password requirements by clicking the Password Requirements button on the Administration > Secret Templates page.
Click the Character Sets button next to the Password Requirements button to create or delete character sets. 679
Creating a Custom Password Requirement
1. Go to Admin > Secret Templates. The Manage Secret Templates page appears:
2. Click the Password Requirements button. The Password Requirements page appears: 680
3. Click the Create New button. 681
4. Type the name and description.
5. If you want the requirement to become the new default, click to select the Is Default check box.
6. Set the general options for the requirement in the Generate Password section.
Note: You can also create a custom character set by clicking the Character Set link.
1. Click to select the type of rule in the first dropdown list in the Password Rules section.
2. Set that type’s parameter in the following text box.
3. Click to select the character set from the “from” dropdown list.
4. Click the + icon to save the rule. 682
8. Click the Save button.
Note: To set a custom password requirement for a specific secret, use the “Customize Password Requirement” in the Security tab
of a secret.
Note: You can enable or disable the validation of manually entered passwords at the secret template level via the "Validate
Password Requirements on Create" and "Validate Password Requirements on Edit" settings.
Note: The "What Secrets Do Not Meet Password Requirements" report shows secrets containing a password that does not meet
the password requirements set for its secret template.
Note: Password requirements cannot include rules with overlapping character sets. For example, if an attempt is made to add both
a "Minimum of 1 upper-case" rule and a "Minimum of 3 Default" rule to a new password requirement, an error displays. 683
Setting the Password Requirement for a Secret Template
To set the password requirement for a text-entry field for a secret template:
1. Go to Admin > Secret Templates. The Manage Secret Templates page appears:
3. Click the Edit button. The Secret Template Designer page appears: 684
4. Click the Assign Password Requirement button. The Secret Template Passwords page for that template appears:
5. Click the pencil edit icon for the field you desire. The password requirement turns into a dropdown list. 685
Secret Workflow Templates
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Starting in 10.6, SS introduced access-request workflow templates. These allow users to build more complex interactions based on events
within SS than currently possible. The first release of workflows offers access requests. Workflow templates define the series of steps and
reviewers required for an access request. You can assign workflow templates to secrets or secret policies.
Require multiple workflow steps, each with different reviewers and number of required approvers, if desired.
Note: Access Requests already existed in SS, but with 10.6 they become much more powerful. Previously, if access requests
enabled on a secret, requests were granted after a single reviewer approved the request. Now, approval workflows can require
multiple approvers, and multiple approval levels.
Multi-Level Workflow
The original access requests are one level or step—anyone approving approves the request—no other input is required. Workflows allow up to
15 approval steps where approval by reviews in step 1 moves the request to step 2, approval at step 2 moves it to step 3 and so forth. Denial at
any step denies the request.
The new workflow feature can be configured where one approver at a given step is not enough. In effect, approvers in each step can "vote" for
approval—you stipulate how many approvers at a step must approve for the approval to move on to the next step. 686
Workflow Versus Basic Access Requests
In general, "simple access requests," the only type available to older versions of SS, are the same as a one-step stepped approval. The major
exception is that with stepped requests, once a workflow access request has been approved, denied, or canceled, its status cannot be
changed. In contrast, simple, non-workflow, access requests retain the original behavior of allowing a request to be approved after it has been
denied or denied after it has been approved. 687
Accessing the Workflow Designer
2. (Optional) Click to enable the Show Inactive toggle button, under the Create Workflow Template button, to show both active and
inactive templates. When the toggle button is disabled, it only shows active workflow templates.
3. Click any workflow template in the list to go to the designer page for that workflow: 688 689
Assigning Workflows to Secret Policies
1. Click Admin > Secret Policy. The Secret Policy page appears:
3. Click the + Create New button. Another Secret Policy page appears:
4. Type the new policy name in the Secret Policy Name text box. 690
6. Click the Enable Requires Approval for Access list and select Enforced.
7. Click to select the check box next to the list. The Assign Approvers popup page appears:
8. Click the Cancel button. The other access approval setting become enabled:
Note: You cannot set approvers and use a workflow at the same time. The intent of the next few instructions is avoid
attempting to do so, which causes an error.
9. Click the Request Access Approvers list and select Not Set.
10. Click the Request Access Workflow list and select Enforced. A new list appears alongside. 691
11. Click the new unlabeled list and select the access template workflow to associate with the policy.
12. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The policy is now available for assignment to secrets and folders, just like any other
policy. 692
Creating New Workflow Templates
2. Type the workflow template's name and descriptions in their text boxes. Once you type the name, the Create Workflow Template button
becomes enabled.
3. Click the Create Workflow Template button. The Edit page for the new workflow template appears. 693
Task 2: Set up the first step:
1. (Optional) Type a name for the first step in the Step 1 text box, such as "Line Managers."
3. Type the name of the user or group you desire as approvers, options appear in the dropdown.
5. Repeat as desired.
6. (Optional) To automatically include the owner of the secrete the template is assigned to, click to select the Include owners as
reviewers check box.
7. (Optional) If you wish to have multiple approvers required on the step, type the minimum required in the Needs at least... text box.
1. Click the Add a Step button. A new step appears below the first one:
4. Click the Save button to create the access-request workflow template. The template exits editable mode: 694
5. Click the Workflow Templates link on the top of the page to return to the table. 695
Deleting Workflow Templates
To delete a workflow template:
2. Click the workflow template you want to copy in the Workflow Templates table. That template appears: 696
3. Click the Delete button. A confirmation popup page appears.
Note: Because workflows based on the template may still be in play, the template is not completely deleted. Instead, it is
inactivated. You can reactivate the template later. See Accessing the Workflow Designer." 697
Duplicating Workflow Templates
If you need to create a new workflow template that is like one your already have, you can save time by copying the similar template and then
making the any changes:
2. Click the workflow template you want to copy in the Workflow Templates table. That template appears: 698
3. Click the Duplicate button. The new template appears, filled in the same as the original, including the name: 699
4. Change the name and edit as desired. 700
Editing Workflow Templates
To edit the template:
1. Click the blue Edit button. The Workflow Designer page becomes editable:
2. At this stage the process is nearly identical to creating a new workflow template. The only difference is many of the parameters and
additional steps are already completed. Change them as desired. If you want to eliminate an entire step, click the Delete This Step link
for that step.
Note: You cannot make any changes to the behavior of a workflow template if there are active requests using that template without
cancelling those requests. An active request is any unexpired request that has not been approved, denied, or canceled by the user.
If you do make an alteration, any requests are canceled and those affected are notified by email so they can resubmit their requests.
Any user editing the template is notified when he or she tries to save changes on the canceled request. 701
Understanding Workflow Template Design Best Practices
Use multiple-step approval workflows when you need to have different people (such as different departments) sign off on an approval
We do not recommend assigning equally important approvers or groups to multiple steps. Having a single step with multiple approvers
works better. Remember, steps are best used for hierarchal approval--an approval chain.
A reviewer can only respond to a request once. If you have the same user as a reviewer in multiple steps, that approver cannot respond if
he or she already responded on an earlier step. In addition, the reviewer's earlier approval does not count towards the number of
approvals required in later steps. Thus, if you want to assign the same user as a reviewer in multiple steps, make sure that you have
enough reviewers in each step to approve without that user.
A well-crafted workflow template design ensures there are enough approvers in a group to satisfy the multiple approver (x of n reviewers
must approve) requirement, but group membership can change after the workflow is created. Thus, if you remove members from groups
used by workflows, ensure there are still enough members in those groups to approve requests. 702
Security and Hardening
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 703
Secret Server Telemetry
The software checks for available updates and sends the following information to Thycotic’s update server:
Product version
Checking for updates and sending this information will only occur if both of the following are true:
The server has outbound network access, which you can block at a firewall.
The "Allow Automatic Checks for Software Updates" check box is enabled at Admin > Configuration (see below).
No sensitive data is sent during the check. Its only purpose is to alert administrators if a software update is available. The queried website is
also used to download new software versions during the upgrade process. If you wish to whitelist the specific servers involved, they are:
License Activation
The software also sends contact and license-key information, provided by the administrator, to Thycotic during online license activation. The
same information is sent via another computer for offline activation.
Note: This section only applies to Secret Server and Secret Server Cloud versions 10.6 and above.
Thycotic collects anonymized usage data to help guide future research and development plans so that product improvements can provide the
greatest benefit to customers.
A unique identifier number that allows Thycotic to correlate metrics from the same server over time but does not contain any information
that identifies the customer.
License information, including edition information and the number of licensed users but not license keys or other identifying data. 704
Product configuration and usage, such as number of secrets stored and product feature status, not including any identifying data.
Product environment, including host operating system and SQL server version, not including any identifying data.
The server has outbound network access (you can block your server at a firewall if desired)
The "Send Anonymized System Metrics to Thycotic" setting under Admin > Configuration is enabled (see below).
You can allow for the metrics reporting on your firewall by whitelisting:
1. Click Admin > Configuration. The Configuration page on the General tab appears:
2. (Optional) To view the JSON file for the possible sent metrics, click the View Metric Data link. The file appears: 705
3. Scroll down and click the Edit button. The tab changes to edit mode:
4. Click to select or deselect the Send Anonymized System Metrics to Thycotic check box. 706
Securing ASP Cookies
To secure your ASP session and forms authentication cookies, perform the following steps:
11. Set requireSSL to true . If the attribute does not exist, add it to the forms tag.
Important: If you later migrate Secret Server to a new server, SSL must be configured on the new server before you can log in due
to these settings. If you want to log in prior to configuring SSL, reverse steps 8 through 13 and recycle the application pool. 707
Security Hardening Guide
This document outlines security hardening for securing your Secret Server (SS) instance, whether it be installed on a single server or in a multi-
clustered environment.
Note: Throughout this guide, many references are made to "configuration" settings. Unless otherwise specified, this refers to the
settings found by selecting Configuration from the Admin menu in SS.
It is critical to secure your SS implementation. That needs to include a layered approach to security (defense in depth), including the operating
system, software updates, physical access, protocols, system settings, backups, and personnel procedures. This section of the guide links to
other sections and knowledge base articles (KBAs) containing more details.
Best Practices
Keep Windows up-to-date: Microsoft regularly releases security patches that resolve vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems.
Backup at least daily: Consider your disaster recovery plan. Review the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning KBA for
more information.
Review system log for errors: Periodically check the system log (Admin > System Log) for recurring errors. Also do so after any
Whole-disk encryption: Use whole disk encryption, such as BitLocker, with a trusted platform module (TPM) to prevent those with
physical access from removing disks to gain access to your SS application by circumventing OS and application authentication.
Security Hardening Standards: Consider security hardening standards that apply to either the operating system or applications, such
as IIS or Microsoft SQL. Our application does not currently have full compatibility with third party standards such as CIS Level 1 hardening
or the Microsoft Published Security Baselines. We are compatible with CIS Level 2 hardening and have STIG compatibility.
Active Directory
On Active Directory domain controllers, there is a set of unsafe default configurations for LDAP channel binding that allow LDAP clients to
communicate with them without ensuring LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing. This can open the controllers to privilege vulnerabilities.
See 2020 LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing requirements for Windows for details.
Limit access to your Secret Server database: When you create your SS database, limit access to as few users as possible. We
recommend you disable the "sa" account in the SQL instance that contains SS.
Limit access to other databases: When you create a database account for SS, you should ensure it only has access to the SS
Use Windows Authentication for database access: Windows authentication is much more secure than SQL authentication. See
Choose an Authentication Mode (TechNet article) for details. To use Windows authentication in SS, you need to create a service account.
See the Using Windows Authentication to access SQL Server KBA for details.
Limit access to your database backups: Database backups are critical for disaster recovery, but they also carry a risk if someone
gains access. The SS database is encrypted, but you should still limit access to ensure maximum security. Limit access to database
backups to as few users as possible.
Don't share a SQL instance with less secure databases: Putting the database on a server with less-secure database instances can
expose vulnerabilities. For example, an attacker could use SQL injection on another application to access your private SS database. If
you intend to put SS on a shared SQL instance, ensure that the other databases are classified internally as sensitive as SS and have
similar security controls in place.
Review Microsoft's recommendations for SQL security: See the Securing SQL Server article in Microsoft's documentation. 708
Note: SS also supports SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for further protection of the database files. This can have a
slight performance impact on the environment and can increase the complexity of the database configuration. Please review this
page for more information: Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Application Server
Use SSL (HTTPS): We require using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure that all communication between the Web browser
and SS is secure. We recommend you install a third-party certificate, domain certificate, or self-signed certificate on your website. For
information on creating and installing a self-signed certificate, please see the Installing a Self-Signed SSL/HTTPS Certificate KBA.
Force SSL (HTTPS): Even after you install an SSL certificate, users may still be able to access SS through regular HTTP. To that,
enable the "Force HTTPS/SSL" option in SS at Admin > Configuration on the Security tab.
Limit access to your Secret Server directory. This contains the SS encryption key, as well as the database connection information
(these values are encrypted but remember "defense in depth." Try to grant access to as few users as possible).
Limit logon rights to the application server. Administrators accessing the Application Server directly could attempt to monitor memory
in use on the server. SS does several things to protect application memory but the best safeguard is to limit access to the Application
Server to as few users as possible.
Protect your encryption key. The encryption key for SS is contained in the encryption.config file, which resides in your SS directory.
This file is obfuscated and encrypted, but "defense in depth" would require limiting access to the file. Using DPAPI to encrypt your
encryption.config file is one option. This will use machine-specific encryption to encrypt the file. Make sure you back up the original file
before enabling this option. To further protect the file, you can enable EFS encryption. EFS (Encrypting File System) is a Microsoft
technology that allows a user or service account to encrypt files with login passwords. For more details, read Protecting Your Encryption
Key Using EFS in this same article. The most secure option is to use a Hardware Security Module (HSM) to protect the SS encryption
key. For more information see the HSM Integration Guide.
Application Settings
Use doublelock for your most sensitive secrets: DoubleLock is a feature in SS that allows secrets to be protected with additional
AES256 encryption keys. Each user gets their own public and private key set when using doublelock. Their private key is protected by an
additional password (user-specific, not a shared password) that each user must enter when using doublelock. DoubleLock protects from
situations where you accidentally assign someone to the wrong AD group or an attacker gains full access to both your database and Web
server - they still will not be able to access doublelocked secrets. For more information, refer to Using DoubleLock (KB).
Secure the local admin account: When you create the first user in SS, it is a privileged admin account that you can use when your
domain is down. We recommend that you choose a non-obvious name for this account and protect it with a very strong password. This
password should be stored in a physical safe with limited access (there is no need to use this account except in emergencies where other
accounts are not working if AD is down or some other reason).
Review activity reports: It is a good practice to regularly review the activity and permissions reports. This can help find anomalies in
secret permissions and login failures.
Use event subscriptions or SIEM to notify of any security anomalies: Use event subscriptions to send email alerts on various
events in the system, and syslog can send events to a SIEM tool for correlation. For example, this could be used to notify administrators if
there are failed login attempts or if certain secrets are viewed.
SS contains a built-in security hardening report to provide a basic checklist of recommendations that can improve the security of SS and the
data it houses. The items in this report range from common tasks, such as ensuring SSL is configured, to more advanced options like DPAPI
encryption of the encryption key. To find this report, click the Reports on the dashboard,and then select the Security Hardening tab.
An X denotes a failure, and a checkmark denotes a pass. An exclamation point is a warning. Typically, SS could not detect a setting or all
aspects of a check were not completed. For example, TLS 1.0 was disabled but TLS 1.1 was not. 709
Note: The individual items below are in alphabetical order, not the order they are in the Hardening Report. The sections are in the
same order as the report. This was because the report name does not always match the name of the corresponding label on the
configuration UI control. In addition, the controls are not in the same order in the UI as their equivalents in the report.
Configuration Section
Recommendation: Off
Allow Approval For Access from Email is a convenience option that allows users to approve or deny a secret access request by clicking a link
in the request email sent by SS. Allow Approval From Email does not require a user to authenticate with SS when approving access to a
secret. This can be a security concern if the approver's email account becomes compromised, which could allow an attacker to mitigate MFA in
some cases to complete an approval. Turn Allow Approval From Email off to get a pass result.
To disable this setting, find the Permission Options section of the Configuration Settings page and disable Allow Approval for Access
from Email.
Browser AutoComplete
Recommendation: Off
Browser autocomplete allows Web browsers to save the login credentials for the SS login screen. These credentials are often kept by the Web
browser in an insecure manner on the user's workstation. Allowing Autocomplete also interferes with the security policy of your SS by not
requiring the user to re-enter their login credentials on your desired schedule.
To prevent the autocomplete feature, navigate to the Configuration Settings page and disable the Allow AutoComplete option on the Login
Recommendation: On
File attachment restrictions allows administrators to configure what kind of file attachments can be uploaded to secrets. This helps protect users
from being tricked into downloading a malicious secret attachment. The file extension and maximum file size can be specified, such as:
*.7z, *.bmp, *.ca-bundle, *.cer, *.config, *.crt, *.csr, *.csv, *.dat, *.doc, *.docx, *.gif, *.gz, *.id-rsa, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.json, *.key, *.lic, *.p7b, *.pcf, *.pdf, *.pem, *.pfx, *.pkey,
*.png, *.ppk, *.pub, *.tar, *.tif, *.tiff, *.tpm, *.txt, *.vdx, *.vsd, *.vsdx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xml, *.zip
This security check will fail if the file attachment restrictions is not enabled. This check will return warnings if a potentially dangerous file
extension is allowed, maximum file size is not specified, or maximum file size is greater than 30 MB.
Go to Admin > Configuration > Security tab > File Restrictions section to change these settings.
Frame Blocking
Recommendation: On
Do not allow SS to be opened in a <iframe> HTML tag on another, potentially malicious, site. This adds the HTTP header X-Frame-Options: DENY.
This deters clickjacking and spreading potential XSS vulnerabilities.
Go to Admin > Configuration > Security tab > Frame Blocking section to change this setting.
Recommendation: On 710
Setting: Same
Password masking prevents over the shoulder viewing of your passwords by a casual observer (passwords show as *******). Note the number
of asterisks does not relate to the length of the password for added security.
As an administrator, you can force all the secret password fields in the system to be masked when viewed. To do this, enable Force
Password Masking on the Configuration Settings page. Only secret fields marked as a password type field on the secret template will be
masked. There is also a user preference setting which will force password masking on all secret password fields viewed by the user.
This Mask passwords when viewing Secrets setting is found in the Tools > Preferences section for each user.
Note: If the "Force Password Masking" configuration setting discussed above is enabled, this user preference setting will be
overridden and cannot be disabled.
Passwords used by local users to log onto SS can be strengthened by requiring a minimum length and using a variety of character sets. We
recommend a minimum password length of eight characters. In addition, all character sets (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols) are
required to get a pass result.
Turn on these login password settings on the Local User Passwords tab of the Configuration Settings page.
Recommendation: Reference the lockout policy for your organization. Most often, this setting will mirror the AD GPO lockout policy.
The maximum number of login failures is the number of attempts that can be made to log into SS as a user before that user's account is locked.
A user with the administer users role permission will then be required to unlock the user's account. The maximum failures allowed should be
set to five or less to get a pass result.
Change the Maximum Login Failures setting on the Login tab of the Configuration settings.
Remember Me
Recommendation: Off
"Remember Me" is a convenience option that allows users to remain logged onto SS for up for a specific period. This setting can be a security
concern because it does not require re-entry of credentials to gain access to SS.
Disable Allow Remember Me on the Login tab of the Configuration page to get a pass result. It must be set to be valid for 1 day or less to not
get a fail result.
Note: Closing a browser completely (all tabs) will log the user out of SS, regardless of this setting.
Cookies contain potentially sensitive information that can allow users to log onto application. By default, cookies are not marked with the
secure attribute. That is, they are transmitted unencrypted when a user accesses SS through HTTP instead of HTTPS.
For more information about how to secure your cookies, see Secure ASP Session and Forms Authentication Cookies (KBA).
Markdig.Syntax.Inlines.EmphasisInline 711
Recommendation: Off
Web service HTTP get requests are allowed. Allowing HTTP GET requests allows REST-style calls to many SS Web service methods. This
can be a security concern because simply clicking a link to the Web service, created by a malicious user, would cause it to be executed.
Disable Allow HTTP Get under the Security tab of the Configuration settings to pass.
Recommendation: On
Replace all error messages with a custom "contact your admin" message. Error messages can be very helpful when diagnosing installation
and configuration issues. However, having errors displayed to a potential attacker can provide him or her with the critical information they need
to perform a successful attack.
To hide error messages from the end user, add the ZeroInformationDisclosureMessage application setting to the web-appSettings.config file. This file is
located in directory containing the SS application files. Add the key below to this file in between the <appSettings> tags. The contents of that tag
is displayed as a message that appears to the user whenever an error occurs in the system. For example:
`<add key="ZeroInformationDisclosureMessage" value="An error occurred in the application. Please contact your administrator." />`
Database Section
Use the fewest SS permissions as possible in the SQL Account used to access the database. We recommend using a least permission
approach where the account only has dbOwner. See Installing and Configuring SQL Server.
Note: This section addresses two separate but closely related settings: "SQL Server Authentication Password Strength" and "SQL
Server Authentication Username."
SQL Server authentication requires a username and a strong password. Strong passwords are eight characters or longer and contain
lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. In addition, the SQL Server authentication username should not be obvious. Using
"sa", "ss" or "secretserver" is not accepted.
You can change the credentials of a local SQL account through SQL Server Management Studio, where the SS database is located. The SQL
Server authentication credentials used by the application can then be changed by going to the installer installer.aspx page and changing them on
step three. Using Windows authentication to authenticate to SQL Server is allowed.
For details about creating or modifying a SQL account for SS, see the Installation Guide.
Recommendation: Configure
Note: If the SQL instance is solely using Windows authentication, this check will pass. If using mixed mode, it will fail—even you
you are using both Windows authentication plus SQL authentication.
Windows authentication takes advantage of Windows security to provide secure authentication to SQL Server. The SQL Server authentication
options can be changed by going to the installer (installer.aspx) and changing them.
Note: See the Installation Guide for instructions on configuring Windows authentication to SQL Server.
Environment Section 712
Application Pool Identity
The Application Pool identity appears to be a member of the administrators group on the system. This puts the system at risk by giving more
access than necessary.
Check the identity of the application pool used by SS in IIS. The Application Pool should be configured to use a service account and not be
given unrestricted access to the server or domain.
Recommendation: On
Encrypt your SS encryption key, and limit decryption to that same server. Data Protection API (DPAPI) is an encryption library that is built into
Windows operating systems. It allows encryption of data and configuration files based on the machine key. Enabling DPAPI Encryption in SS
protects the SS encryption key by using DPAPI, so even getting access to the SS encryption key is not enough to be useful—the machine key
is required. If you enable this option, back up your encryption key first, as a DPAPI encrypted file can only be used by the machine it was
encrypted on.
To enable DPAPI encryption, to to Admin > Configuration > Security tab and click the Encrypt Key Using DPAPI button.
Note: This check also passes if Hardware Security Module (HSM) integration is enabled.
SSL Section
Recommendation: On
Note: Labeled Use SSL (on the Email tab) in the UI.
SMTP SSL is required to ensure that all communication between SS and the email server is encrypted. Enable the "Use SSL" option in Secret
Server to get a pass result.
Go to Admin > Configuration > Email tab > Use SSL to enable the setting.
Require SSL
Recommendation: On
Only use SSL (HTTPS) for SS access. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is required to ensure that all communication between the Web browser
and SS is encrypted. To do so, you need an SSL certificate. You may use an existing wildcard certificate, create your own domain certificate, or
purchase a third-party SSL certificate for the SS website. For testing, you can use a self-signed certificate. See Installing a Self-Signed
SSL/HTTPS Certificate (KB) for more information.
Once the SSL certificate is installed, enable Force HTTPS/SSL on the Security tab of the Configuration page to force users to only access
SS over HTTPS and to receive a pass in the report.
Check the digest algorithm of the certificate. If the algorithm is SHA1, this check returns a warning because SHA1 is being phased out. If the
digest algorithm is MD2, MD4, or MD5, the check will fail because they are not secure. SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 will pass. This check 713
fails if SS cannot be loaded over HTTPS.
Example warning:
"The digest algorithm is sha1RSA, which is considered weak. The algorithm is being phased out and should be replaced with a better
algorithm when it comes time to renew the SSL certificate."
Go to the browser's certificate information when logged onto SS. This is usually a button next to the URL text box.
Check the key size of the HTTPS certificate used. If it is RSA or DSA, the key must be at least 2048-bit to pass. If the signature algorithm of the
certificate is ECDSA, the key size must be at least 256-bit to pass. If the algorithm of the certificate is unknown, the result shows "unknown.
This check fails if SS cannot be loaded over HTTPS.
Go to the browser's certificate information when logged onto SS. This is usually a button next to the URL text box.
SSL/TLS Protocols
Check for legacy SSL or TLS protocols, which should not be used in a secure environment. If the server accepts SSLv2 or SSLv3 connections,
this check will fail. SSLv2 is not considered secure for data transport, and SSLv3 is vulnerable to the POODLE attack. If this server does not
support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2, this check will give a warning because they are recommended. The SSL certificate used may affect what
protocols can be used, even if they are enabled. This check will fail if SS cannot be loaded over HTTPS.
Note: You can check and modify these settings in the Window registry. See Transport Layer Security (TLS) Registry Settings in
Microsoft's documentation.
Example warning:
"The server supports the accepts SSLv2 or SSLv3 connections protocol, which are weak. Consider disabling these protocols."
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an additional security layer for SSL. HSTS allows SS, Password Reset Server, or Group
Management Server to inform browsers that it should only be accessible over HTTPS. With this setting enabled, visitors are automatically are
redirected by their browser to the HTTPS-enabled site.
When the Force HTTPS/SSL option in enabled on the Security tab of the Configuration page, the Enable HSTS check box will be
displayed. After the option is turned on, you can click Advanced to specify the maximum age in seconds for how long the policy should be in
effect before re-evaluating. The default value is 25200 seconds (7 hours). We recommend setting this as high as possible, up to a year, if the
site, should never be accessed without TLS or SSL.
For details about this, see Securing with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) (KB).
Add audits for TLS certificate validation. Auditing will apply to all Active Directory domains using LDAPS and Syslog using TLS. Certificate
policy options, including ignoring certificate revocation failures, apply to syslog using TLS only. The default is the most strict so the certificate
chain policy may need to be updated. TLS errors will be logged to Security Audit Log found on the Administration page.
Disable the Admin >Configuration > Security tab > Apply TLS Certificate Chain Policy and Error Auditing setting. 714
TLS errors are logged to the Security Audit log at Admin > See All > Security Audit Log.
Recommendation: Off
Only allow FIPS-compliant encryption schemes. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is a set of standards for government entities.
It covers many things, including encryption. For businesses, FIPS can be counter productive because it restricts them from using newer or
improved existing encryption methods. In addition to enabling this setting, several other tasks are required to meet this standard, including
enabling it for Windows itself. For more information, see Enabling FIPS Compliance in Secret Server (KBA) for details.
Go to Admin > Configuration > Security tab > FIPS Compliance to change this setting.
Key Rotation
Note: Key rotation is not a setting but an activity. It is included here for completeness (the entire Configuration Security tab)
Secret key rotation changes out the encryption key for secret data and re-encrypts that data with a new key. This helps you to meet compliance
requirements mandating that encryption keys are changed on a regular basis. See Secret Key Rotation (KBA) for details.
Two-Factor Authentication
Users must authenticate to SS at least once using either local SS credentials or their Active Directory credentials. In addition, you can protect
SS by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA is an additional security layer, such as a text message PIN code sent to your smart phone.
The following options are supported by SS for 2FA:
SS supports the Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML), which provides a more centralized method of adding 2FA to the SS log on.
Please see the Secret Server SAML Configuration Guide.
Using email for 2FA means that after authenticating with their password, the user receives an email containing a one-time PIN code to enter.
For this to work, an SMTP server must be configured in SS and each user must have a valid email address associated with their account. For
Active Directory users, the email address will be synced automatically from their domain account.
Soft Tokens
Soft tokens using the Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) algorithm, such as Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator, are
supported by SS 2FA. Users are prompted to enter a token displayed on their mobile device each time they log onto SS. The time-based token
changes on a regular interval (such as 30 seconds).
One option is to use a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)-compliant device, such as an RSA or CryptoCard token, as the
second form of authentication. The user is prompted to enter his or her RADIUS password after initial authentication is done with their SS or AD
To set this up, you first need to configure SS to integrate with your RADIUS server, and then you can enable it for individual users or for by
Duo Security 715
Using this method requires that you have an active account for Duo Security. Duo Security provides several options for 2FA. The API
hostname, integration key, and secret key values are required for SS to authenticate Duo users.
To enable two-factor authentication for a user or several users at once, select Users from the Admin menu and then select the users in the
grid. Use the bulk operation drop-down menu to choose the type of authentication to enable.
Note: If prerequisite settings are not configured, the 2FA option may be disabled or will not appear as an option. See the
descriptions above for information about prerequisites for each type of two-factor authentication.
Two-factor authentication can also be enabled per domain if you are syncing users from Active Directory. To do so, select Active Directory
from the Admin menu and then click Edit Domains. Click the domain name and then click Advanced (not required) to reveal the Auto-
Enable Two Factor for New Users setting. Select this checkbox and click Save and Validate.
SS uses role-based access control, which allows administrative and user capabilities to be partitioned by role. This can allow for granular
control over which areas of the application a user has access to, for example, allowing someone the rights to manage licenses and view reports
in SS but nothing else.
Exporting secrets from your SS as text is very helpful for meeting regulations in certain industries (secrets can then be printed to paper and
locked in a physical safe). It can also be used as another disaster recovery option, but access to exporting data from the SS should be tightly
controlled. You could create a separate role with just the export permission for anyone needing to export secrets.
Unlimited administration mode allows any role with the "unlimited administrator permission" to see all secrets in the SS. This mode is very
helpful for recovering passwords in emergencies or when staff are terminated. You can tightly control access to this feature by splitting out the
role permissions for "administer configuration unlimited admin" and "unlimited administrator" into two different roles. This allows you to create
the "two-key effect" for access to the mode. See Using Two Roles for Access to Unlimited Administration
Mode(#Using_Two_Roles_for_Access_to Unlimited_Administration_Mode), below, for details.
Anyone with access to modify your secret templates can change the definitions of the data being stored, and this access should be tightly
controlled. Your secret templates are unlikely to need changing once you have defined them, so limiting access to a select number of
individuals is typically sufficient.
Another option when protecting roles is to configure event subscriptions to notify appropriate staff in the event that Roles are changed or
assigned. Event subscriptions are email alerts that can be sent to users, groups or specific email addresses, based on different events in SS.
There are also events available around the "unlimited administrator" role to further protect it from misuse.
We recommend determining which role permissions should or should not be combined for users before assigning roles and allowing users 716
access to the application. Part of that is planning access to the "unlimited administration" mode. Users with the "administer configuration
unlimited admin" role permission can enable that mode. Once the system is in the mode, users with the "unlimited administrator" role
permission can view all secrets in SS and access all configuration settings. So a user with both permissions can enable the "unlimited
administration" mode and then view all the secrets or make any configuration change.
To prevent a single person from having that much access, the two role permissions should be given to two different roles and only those roles,
and nobody should have access to both of the roles. That enforces accountability and requires the cooperation of two people to enter "unlimited
administration" mode.
A solution is to create the two roles, each containing one of the permissions, and then take those two permissions out of the day-to-day
administrator role and any other roles besides the two. You can then assign either one of those roles to trusted people with no single person
having both roles.
1. User A with the role with the "administer configuration unlimited admin" permission puts the system into "unlimited administration" mode.
Not having the correct role, user A cannot make any changes requiring the "unlimited administrator" permission.
2. User B with the role with the "unlimited administrator" permission performs any configuration or accesses secrets only available to that
3. When User B is finished, user A takes the system out of "unlimited administration" mode.
4. User B can no longer make any changes requiring the "unlimited administrator" permission because roles with that permission can only
be accessed in "unlimited administration" mode. User A cannot make any changes either because User A does not a the role with the
"unlimited administrator" permission.
Enabling or disabling "unlimited administration" mode is audited, and a comment should be provided each time it is enabled.
When "unlimited administration" mode is enabled, a banner appears at the top of every SS page notifying users that their secrets can
currently be viewed by an unlimited administrator.
Event subscription notifications should be set up to send an email to a specified user, group of users, or other email address whenever
"unlimited administration" mode is enabled or disabled.
All actions that are normally audited, such as secret views, edits, or permissions changes, are still audited while "unlimited
administration" mode is enabled.
DPAPI Encryption
The Data Protection API (DPAPI) is an option that provides an additional layer of security for the SS encryption key. The SS encryption key is
contained within a file that is decrypted and used by the application to encrypt or decrypt the sensitive data that is stored in the SS database.
Using the DPAPI option in SS ensures that the encryption key file is also encrypted with a key that only Windows knows and is only be usable
on same server it was encrypted on. Anybody trying to configure SS on another server using that DPAPI-encrypted key is blocked from doing
Important: The encryption key file, encryption.config, should be backed up and stored in a secure location before turning on DPAPI
encryption. This allows you to restore a backup of the application on another server in a DR scenario. The file is in the SS
application directory.
To turn on DPAPI encryption of the file, select Configuration from the Admin menu. Select the Security tab, click Encrypt Key Using
DPAPI, and then type your password and acknowledge the warning before clicking Confirm. To decrypt the key, navigate to the same tab and
click Decrypt Key to not Use DPAPI. 717
You can use DPAPI while clustering is enabled for SS, however there are a few things to take into consideration:
Backup the encryption key before using this option, otherwise disaster recovery could prove impossible, should the server fail.
You must initially transfer the un-encrypted key that DPAPI will encrypt to each SS node.
You must enable DPAPI for SS by accessing each server locally (browse to SS while on the server it is installed on, and then enable
DPAPI encryption).
During upgrades, to avoid turning off DPAPI, you can copy all files over to secondary nodes except for database.config and encryption.config.
For more information about clustering SS, see Setting up Clustering (KBA).
Encrypting File System (EFS) is a Microsoft technology that allows a user to encrypt files with their password. This means that only the user
who encrypted the file will be able to access it, even if it is assigned to other users. If an administrator resets the password on this account and
the account does not change its own password, then the file is not recoverable.
You can use EFS to protect your SS encryption key. This allows only a single service account to access the file, and no other user can read the
key unless they know the service account password. Below are the steps for encrypting your encryption.config and database.config files with EFS:
1. Backup your encryption.config and database.config files to a secure location. This is very important for DR recovery purposes.
Important: This step is critical—If you lose access to your service account or the server fails, you will be unable to recover
your secrets without these backup files.
2. Create a new service account or select an existing one. The service account should initially have privileges to log on a computer.
3. If you have already installed SS and are using Windows authentication for database access, make sure the service account has access
to the database.
4. Run the SS application pool as this service account. See Running the IIS Application Pool As a Service Account .
5. Give the service account full access to your SS directory through Windows Explorer if it does not have it already.
7. For both the encryption.config and database.config files (this instruction uses the former):
9. Confirm that the application still works by performing an IIS Reset (IISReset command at the command prompt) or recycling the application
10. Ensure you you can still log in and view your secrets.
We strongly recommend employing SSL (TLS) for SS. Taking SSL a step further, SS also supports HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
HSTS is supported by modern browsers and tells the browser that a site is only accessible by SSL with a valid certificate, period. Even if there
is a man-in-the-middle attack with a trusted, but different, SSL certificate, the browser will reject the SSL certificate. Consequently, this setting is
very useful for protecting against forged SSL certificates or man-in-the-middle attacks.
For more information about configuring SSL certificates, see Creating 2048-bit Domain SSL Certificate (KB) and the Installation Guide. You
can view additional information about HSTS in Securing with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) (KBA). 718
SSH Key Validation
Host SSH Key verification is supported for use with heartbeat, proxied launchers, password changers, and discovery. Host SSH key
verification can help ensure that the machine you are connecting to is a trusted host. Host SSH key verification will not pass credentials to the
target machine unless the public key digest matches the SHA1 digest that SS has on file. This helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
To validate SHA1 server digests for Unix account discovery, create a file named KeyDigests.txt in the root of the SS website. Each line should
contain an IP address or other computer identifier, a comma, and the SHA1 digest, for example:,7E:24:0D:E7:4F:B1:ED:08:FA:08:D3:80:63:F6:A6:A9:14:62:A8:15
When the file exists and has data, all scanned machines must match one of the SHA1 hashes in the file before scanning. Any computers that
do not match will still show up on the "Discovery Network View" page, but authenticated scanning will not take place. That is, no credentials
will be passed to the machine, and accounts will not be retrieved from the machine.
This section describes plugging some potential, minor but significant, information leaks by the Secret Server (SS) Web server. Web
applications, such as SS, may unintentionally disclose information about their underlying technologies through headers, error messages,
version numbers, or other identifying information. An attacker can use that information to research vulnerabilities in those technologies to attack
the application to breach the system.
First, hide the IIS version. The HTTP header "X-Powered-By" reveals the version of IIS used on the server. To stop this, remove the header:
Second, hide the ASP.NET version. The HTTP header "X-ASPNET-VERSION" reveals the version of ASP.NET being used by the SS
application pool. To stop this, remove the header:
1. Open the web.config file for SS, which is located in the root directory for the website.
2. Inside the <system.web> tag, add the tag <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false"/>.
3. Save the file.
Third, hide the server type. The header line Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 is added to the header by the .NET framework. To remove that
information, you must update the Windows Registry:
Important: Do not simply remove the Server header variable—it will cause parts of SS to malfunction. 719
2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters.
3. Change the DisableServerHeader (REG_DWORD type) registry key from 0 to 1.
Note: There are other ways to hide the server type. We strongly recommend this one.
Additional Resources 720
Session Recording
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Note: macOS Catalina requires additional configuration to use basic session recording. See macOS Catalina Security.
Basic session recording is a licensed feature in SS. It relies on the protocol handler configured on client machines through SS's launcher.
Using the launcher, SS captures second-by-second screenshots on the client machine during a user's recorded session. These images of the
user's screen are compiled into a video that can be downloaded and played back for auditing and security purposes. Activity recorded in the
session is based on screen changes only.
Session monitoring allows administrators with the Session Monitoring permission to view all active launched sessions within SS. If session
recording is enabled on the secret, an administrator can watch the user's session in real time.
Admins can search through active and ended sessions. To review and search through sessions go to Admin > Session Monitoring.
Searching across sessions can search the following data. To select what data is searched across check the options on the search filters on the
left-hand side. 721
Some search filters require additional components to be installed or configured:
Proxy Session Client Data: Search within keystroke data of proxied SSH sessions. Requires that the SSH proxy is enabled and SSH
sessions are using it.
RDP Keystroke Data: Requires the RDP Session Monitoring Agent be installed on the target.
RDP Application Name: Requires the additional RDP Session Monitoring Agent be installed on the target.
To view a recording, click the camera icon on the session. The Watch Session Recording page appears: 722
If there is logged session activity, such as keystroke or application data from the RDP agent or SSH proxy then you can search through session
activity and jump to points within the video playback. The playback also displays an activity map to show points of high activity, such as screen
changes, keystrokes, and processes started and stopped.
Selecting an activity in the grid also shows additional details below such as the full folder path where the application started and the user that
performed the operation.
Note: SSH Keystroke data is shown in one-minute segments. In a short session of less than minute, the "jump to" only goes to the
beginning of the video.
For active sessions, there are two actions that can be taken:
Watch Live: When session recording is turned on for the secret and admin can view and replay the user's activity.
Terminate: Sends a message to the end user or terminates their session. The end user sees an alert dialog pop up on their machine with
the message. Session recording does not need to be enabled for this to work. For ended sessions admins can watch the recorded video
and view the SSH log if session recording was turned on for the secret.
Advanced Session Recording (ASR) is a licensed feature of SS that adds capabilities to those offered by basic session recording. You install
the Advanced Session Recording Agent (ASRA), which uses the Remote Desktop Protocol, on any client machine where you want more
information from the sessions recorded.
Note: Older ASRAs (earlier than 7.7) only work if a distributed engine configuration is enabled with RabbitMQ or MemoryMQ
ASR enhances the launcher sessions, which typically only include screenshots, keystrokes, and process activity. ASR features include:
Screen Capture: The SS launcher records second-by-second screen images compiled into a playback video of the user's session. This is
essentially the same as basic session recording.
Logged Processes: The ASRA logs all processes started and stopped during a user's session. 723
Recorded Key Strokes: The ASRA records all user keystrokes during the session, which can be disabled.
Searchable Video: You can search video activity to find locations where specific activities, such as specific keystrokes or ran processes.
Enhanced Playback: Sessions recorded using ASR display additional data on playback, such as the current active window, the used
processes, and keystrokes in the session.
On-demand video processing
Recording all sessions
Inactivity timeout
Maximum session-length protection
Note: The Windows protocol handler encodes your session in WEBM format in real time and sends the recording to SS. There is
now an "Enable On-Demand Video Processing" option in SS which leaves the recordings in WEBM format, which Chrome and
Firefox can playback without any further processing, saving server processing time. If an on-demand recording is viewed with
Internet Explorer or Edge (which do not support WEBM playback), you can click a "Request Video Processing" button and the video
will be converted to H.264/MP4, which they can then play. If "Enable On-Demand Video Processing" is not checked, then all
sessions recorded by the Windows protocol handler will be automatically converted to H.264/MP4.
Note: The Mac protocol handler does not yet support this feature, so any recordings created with it are converted to the chosen
legacy video codec format. We recommend H.264/MP4. You can set the advanced session recording agent to "Record All
Sessions." If someone logs into a server directly without launching from SS, or even logs in at the console, the full session is
recorded, including metadata.
Note: See Secret Server Advanced Session-Recording Agent Installation (KBA) for details.
Enable Deleting: After the "Days Until Deleting" value, SS deletes the videos from disk.
Enable Moving to Disk: After the "Days Until Moved to Disk" value, SS can move videos from the database to an archive path on disk.
Save Videos To: By default, videos are stored in the database, SS can also store them directly to a network share. This network share
must be accessible from all Web servers that SS is installed on.
Video Code: Specify the codec to use to create the videos from the launcher screenshots. This codec must be installed on the Web
server (or servers if clustering is enabled) that SS is installed on.
Note: The Microsoft Video 1 codec is for testing only and does not support in browser playback. Sessions encoded with Microsoft
Video 1 can still be downloaded for review.
For details on the settings in the Login and "Local User Passwords" tab, see Configuring Users. 724
Caveats and Recommendations
Any Client OS
Domain Controllers
SharePoint Servers
For best performance, we recommend using dedicated (clean) servers for hosting Thycotic products.
If .NET and IIS features are not already installed on the Web server, the Thycotic Installer adds and configure them automatically.
Database disk storage depends directly on how many recorded videos are stored to disk. For active users, we recommend you use a 1
TB shared or local drive for archival or storage space. For light users, we recommend beginning with 300 GB. Monitor your disk
space usage closely, and tailor it for best results.
Carefully consider how quickly your allotted storage might be exhausted. Once again, it is highly variable, but you might expect
around 15 hours of recording per GB of storage. Using the example of encoding capacity used in the Session Recording section, if you
wanted to record one year of usage by your 60 8-hour users, you would need around 11 TBs of storage (given vacations and holidays).
Our recommended 1 TB would last nearly a month in that scenario. A session retention policy using the automatic deletion feature is
likely your best option.
If MS SQL Server is not already installed on your database server, the Thycotic Installer can setup SQL Express on the Web server;
however, SQL Express is only for trials and sandbox environments. Though Thycotic supports SQL Express, your users will likely
experience performance issues due to memory and product limitations. If experiencing performance issues while using SQL Express, we
highly recommended upgrading to MS SQL Server prior to contacting Thycotic Support.
For SS 10.6 ASR requires around 300 Kbps. Older versions of Session Recording require 1-3 Mbps.
Session recording bandwidth requirements vary widely based on monitor resolution and image complexity--higher resolutions and more
complex images (simpler screen images compress better) use more bandwidth. For example, with a 1024×768 screen resolution, the
required network bandwidth is typically between 0.1 Mbps and 1 Mbps.
If your connection cannot support the needed bandwidth, the session data is still transmitted, but it takes longer to process each session.
If a user tries to cancel the transmission, this activity appears in the audit record for the Session Recording Secret.
Note: Before SS 10.6, session recordings 1080p or higher were not supported due to a limitation in Microsoft IIS. The session video
would be recorded but may have been corrupted. 725
Session Recording
Server hosting session recording requires fixed RAM and disk space. We strongly recommend that you do not apply dynamic
Do not record more sessions than you can encode. If more concurrent sessions are recorded than the system can process, the
sessions wait in a queue and are processed when enough server resources become available, which could be in a very long time or
perhaps never if your storage is overwhelmed.
The frame rate we can encode varies dramatically based on many factors, so testing what encoding rate your session recording
configuration can sustain is a must. From there, you can get an idea of what is possible. For example, let us say you found that we
can process 20 FPS on average on your Xeon processors. Given that rate, we could encode around 1 minute of a session recording in 3
seconds, or 1 hour in 3 minutes, or 1 day in 72 minutes--giving you perhaps 480 session hours per day. You could then parse that figure
based on your typical usage to arrive at a maximum potential usage, for example, 60 people doing 8-hours of session recording.
Typically, you can record up to one hundred sessions at a time per web node, load balanced, which should handle large use
CPU usage during video processing varies depending on concurrent users and recording length. We recommend that you closely
monitor CPU percentages on your web server during video processing, as well on your client machines during recording, to
increase CPU count for machines, if needed.
We recommend that you set up RabbitMQ as the backbone service bus in session recording environments. To setup RabbitMQ.
See: Secret Server: How to install RabbitMQ (KBA).
macOS Catalina enforces security policy around screen recording. To use the session recording feature of the Thycotic launcher on MacOS
Catalina, you must first:
1. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Screen Recording on your Mac. 726 727
Configuring Session Recording
Session recording allows you to record an RDP or PuTTY session, with optional metadata, and play it back in Secret Server (SS).
The Windows protocol handler encodes your session in WebM format in real time and sends the recording to SS. There is an "Enable On-
Demand Video Processing" option in SS which leaves the recordings in WebM format, which Chrome and Firefox can playback without any
further processing, saving server processing time. If an on-demand recording is viewed with Internet Explorer or Edge (which do not support
WebM playback), you can click the "Request Video Processing" button and the video is converted to H.264/MP4, which they can then play. If
"Enable On-Demand Video Processing" is not checked, then all sessions recorded by the Windows protocol handler are automatically
converted to H.264/MP4.
Note: The Mac protocol handler does not yet support this feature, so any recordings created with it are converted to the chosen
legacy video codec format. We recommend H.264/MP4.
You can set the advanced session recording agent to "Record All Sessions." If someone logs into a server directly without launching from SS,
or even logs in at the console, the full session is recorded, including metadata.
Note: For testing and proof of concept deployments, SS's Unexpected Link Text is sufficient for session recording. For production
deployments we strongly recommend RabbitMQ for a more-robust message queue.
You can select a legacy video, but it will only apply to sessions recorded by the Mac protocol handler. Thycotic recommends the H.264 codec,
which was available starting in SS 10.5.000003 because it produces the highest quality videos and requires no additional installation. If you
want a different legacy codec, ensure that the codec you select is correctly installed on the same machine as SS. It does not need installation
on any client machines, where the session recording is occurring.
Note: On Windows Server 2008 and above, you can install Window Media Player by adding "Desktop Experience" from the
features of Server Manager.
Microsoft Video 1 (testing only): Microsoft Video 1 is deprecated in favor of Microsoft Video 9 and should not be used for production.
Microsoft Video 1 does not support browser-based playback of sessions.
Microsoft Video 9: High compression level and quality. Requires Windows Media Player. This option produces comparable video sizes to
Xvid for moderate activity in an RDP session.
VP8: High compression level and quality. VP8 is bundled with SS. This option produces comparable sized video to Xvid for moderate
activity in an RDP session.
Xvid: Provides similar quality and compression to DivX and is freely available. This option produces approximately 20 MBs of video for 1
hour of moderate activity in an RDP session. See
You must enable session recording on the Security tab for each secret. Once session recording is enabled, SS records that session when the
launcher is used.
To view the recorded session after it is completed, click the View Audit button on the secret screen and then the View Session Recording
link in the Details column. 728
You can also search recordings from the Session Monitoring page under Admin > Session Monitoring.
The Session Monitoring page lets users search and filter sessions based on session data, secrets, users, groups, launcher type, date, and
folders. This page is also where any recordings appear when using the Record All Sessions option (see below), because such recordings are
not tied to a specific secret.
Note: Browser playback is only supported in SS 10.2 and higher. Older versions of SS prompt the user to download the recording.
To view a session, click the camera icon to the right of it. This takes you to the Web playback interface. The video playback shows an activity
map to quickly skip to sections of higher usage.
As noted above, if using the "On-Demand Video Processing" option, Chrome and Firefox can play the video. If you try to view an on-demand
video using Internet Explorer or Edge, a warning message appears.
If you click the Request Video Processing button, the recording is converted from WebM to H.264 as soon as possible, allowing IE/Edge to
play it back.
You can configure SS with custom launchers to run arbitrary programs, which can then be recorded by session recording. To do so:
1. Go to Admin > Secret Templates > Configure Launchers. The Manage Launcher Types page appears.
4. Type a name for the custom launcher in the Launcher Name text box.
If this option is not checked, only the main window of the main launcher process will be recorded (this was always the behavior prior to Secret
Server 10.8). If it is checked, multiple windows as well as child processes are recorded.
Without this enabled, the main window of the main process sometimes does not show anything useful, depending on the application, resulting
in a blank recording. With this enabled, recordings are generally more accurate. This also applies to applications that can open or undock
separate windows or those that launch additional processes, such as an application launching PowerShell and then launching other
applications from the command prompt. 729
Here you can type an optional comma-separated list of processes to record if found, running under your same user account, that are not started
or terminated by the custom launcher. "Record Multiple Windows" must be enabled for this option to be available.
In the example above of launching PowerShell and then opening Notepad, if "Record Multiple Windows" is enabled, both PowerShell and
Notepad would be recorded automatically, because the OS can tell that Notepad is a child process of PowerShell. This even works multiple
levels deep—for example, launching PowerShell, then the command prompt, and then launching in PowerShell again, finally followed by
In some cases, though, you may wish to record an additional process that was already running before the custom launcher was launched or
may want to start running one later. To this end, any process names specified in this option are checked for periodically, and recording is
attempted on them as well.
If you wanted to run an X11 server such as Xming and then PuTTY with X11 forwarding, you could configure a custom lauchcher with these
Process Name: C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe Process Arguments: -X -ssh $MACHINE -l $USERNAME -pw $PASSWORD Record Additional Processes:
In this case, Xming should already be running before the launcher was used and would remain running after the session hased ended. It would
have no parent/child relationship with PuTTY at all. However, while the launcher session was active, any windows it spawns would still be
recorded, allowing the X11-forwarded applications to be recorded, not only the PuTTY window.
Metadata Recording
By default, session recording creates videos of the launched session. SS supports logging additional metadata, such as keystrokes for RDP
and SSH sessions. When these options are enabled, users can search for keystrokes or applications across sessions, and the session
playback interface shows additional activity information.
Remote Desktop session metadata requires SS 10.6 and the advanced session recording feature, which in turn requires an installation of an
advanced session recording agent (ASRA) on the target servers. See Advanced Session Recording Agent.
SSH keystroke data relies on the Secret Server SSH Proxy. This can be enabled under Admin >SSH Proxy. See SSH Proxy Configuration
(KBA) for more information. Once proxying is enabled recorded SSH sessions will log SSH traffic which can be searched and is displayed in
the session playback interface.
As of SS 10.6.26, you can configure the ASRA to record all sessions. This causes it to record video and metadata for anyone logging into the
server, even when not using SS, including logging into the console. Since these recordings are not tied to any specific secret, you must go to
the Admin > Session Monitoring page to view them.
Under Admin > Configuration > Session Recording there are several settings for configuring how SS handles session recordings:
When viewing a secret, the launcher icon normally indicates if the session will be recorded or not via the recording icon. When launched into, a
notification window also informs the user that their session is being recorded. If "Hide Recording Indicator" is checked, users cannot tell which
secrets have recording enabled based on the icons, and if they launch a recorded session, they will not be warned that their session is being
The Windows protocol handler encodes the recording on the fly in WebM format and streams the video to SS. Once the session has ended, SS
reconstructs the video and leaves it in WebM format, which Chrome and Firefox can natively play back. 730
Note: WebM is an audiovisual media file format that is a royalty-free alternative to HTML5 audio and video.
Internet Explorer and Edge currently have issues playing back WebM videos, so if you are using those browsers and try to view an on-demand
recording, you are presented with a "Request Video Processing" button, which converts the video to H.264/MP4, as soon as possible, which IE
or Edge can then play back.
If this option is not checked, all sessions recorded by the Windows protocol handler are converted to H.264/MP4 automatically. If you have
many IE or Edge users, Thycotic recommends leaving this option unchecked, but this will increase the processing time of videos and increase
the load on your SS servers that have the Session Recording role enabled.
This setting has no effect on sessions recorded with the Mac protocol handler, which is always encoded using your legacy video codec choice.
If enabled, if a session appears idle, users are given a five-minute warning that they will be disconnected. A prompt appears that lets them
choose to disconnect immediately or to continue the session. If no response is received, the session is disconnected five minutes later.
Note: This feature was added in SS 10.6.26 and is currently only supported in the Windows protocol handler (not Mac).
This sets a hard limit to how long a recorded session may last. This includes both launched from SS, as well as recorded sessions if using
ASRA and the "Record All Sessions" option. This option helps prevent accidental recordings over the weekend, or even longer, if someone
forgets to disconnect their session.
Note: This feature was added in SS 10.6.26 and is supported by both the Windows and Mac protocol handlers.
If enabled, when processing H.264/MP4 files, this setting makes SS attempt to use hardware acceleration for video processing if possible
(GPU or CPU). Thycotic recommends this setting is always enabled because SS will fall back to not using hardware acceleration if necessary.
Save Videos to
Database: Stores the information from a recorded session as encrypted data to your database.
Disk: Stores the recorded session as a video file directly to the specified folder path.
If you save recordings to disk, enabling this option lets you pick a separate path for each of your sites. This is useful in large environments that
need many recordings spread out across multiple devices and locations.
Note: See below for a note about using network shares for storage.
Folder Path
If you save recordings to disk, this is where they are saved. If you use the "Archive Location Dependent on Site" option, this is the default
storage location for newly added sites, until you customize their folder path to something else.
Note: See below for a note about using network shares for storage. 731
This setting encrypts the session videos when stored on disk. Videos stored on disk are played back through the SS UI but cannot be viewed
directly from the file system.
After the specified number of days have passed, all recorded session information in your database is transferred to the specified folder path as
video files and cleared from the database.
Enable Deleting
After the specified number of days have passed, all recorded videos in your database will be cleared and video files in your archive path will be
Setting Notes
To use "Save Videos to Disk" or "Archive to Disk," the Application Pool service account must have write permission to the specified file
To delete videos from the archive path, the Application Pool service account must have "modify" permissions.
After saving a change to Configuration > Session Recording, the configurations for "Save Videos To Disk" and "Enable Deleting" will
immediately be applied to all existing session recordings.
In a clustered environment SS needs to use a network path when saving the files to disk. All nodes need access to the path to read the videos
back to the user.
To archive or save to a file path that is a network share, instead of a local folder:
The SServer IIS application pool must be running as a service account. See Running Secret Server IIS Application Pool with a Service
Account .
You must grant access to the network share (using Windows ACLs) to the account running the SS IIS application pool.
' 732
Session Recording Requirements
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 733
Advanced Session Recording
Note: This applies to ASRA and SS. See below for additional details.
Web Server (Secret Server) Database Server (SQL Server) ASRA (Client Machines)
Windows Server 2012 or newer Windows Server 2012 or newer Windows XP (>5.1) or newer MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or newer 734
Basic Session Recording
16 GB RAM 16 GB RAM 735
Stability and Compatibility with Older ASRAs
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
The latest ASRAs use more-reliable durable message exchanges, which are not compatible with earlier (already deployed) ASRAs. Version
7.7+ of the ASRA only requires HTTP connectivity to SS—the distributed engine response-bus site connector is no longer required.
To prevent this from breaking older ASRS, exchanges remain permanently transient. Newer ASRAs use HTTP uploads, which do not use the
message queue. Thus, older versions of ASRAs continue to function as they have, and newer ASRA versions do not use the message queue
and will have "durable" behavior over HTTP. We recommend updating your ASRA to version 7.7 or later as soon as feasible. 736
Enabling Inactivity Timeout
If enabled, if a session appears idle, users are given a five-minute warning that they will be disconnected. A prompt appears that lets them
choose to disconnect immediately or to continue the session. If no response is received, the session is disconnected five minutes later.
Note: This feature was added in SS SP2 and is currently only supported in the Windows protocol handler (not Mac). 737
Enabling On-Demand Video Processing
As described above, this feature was added in SS 10.6.24 to greatly improve session recording performance.
The Windows protocol handler now encodes the recording on the fly in WEBM format and streams the video to SS. Once the session has
ended, SS reconstructs the video and leaves it in WEBM format, which Chrome and Firefox can natively play back.
Internet Explorer and Edge currently have issues playing back WEBM videos, so if you are using those browsers and try to view an on-demand
recording, you are presented with a “Request Video Processing” button, which converts the video to H.264/MP4, as soon as possible, which IE
or Edge can then play back.
If this option is not checked, all sessions recorded by the Windows protocol handler are converted to H.264/MP4 automatically. If you have
many IE or Edge users, Thycotic recommends leaving this option unchecked, but this will increase the processing time of videos and increase
the load on your SS servers that have the Session Recording role enabled.
This setting has no effect on sessions recorded with the Mac protocol handler, which is always encoded using your legacy video codec choice. 738
Record All Sessions
As of SS SP2, you can configure the ASRA to record all sessions. This causes it to record video and metadata for anyone logging into the
server, even when not using SS, including logging into the console. Since these recordings are not tied to any specific secret, you must go to
the Admin > Session Monitoring page to view them. 739
Recording Metadata
By default, session recording creates videos of the launched session. SS supports logging additional metadata, such as keystrokes for RDP
and SSH sessions. When these options are enabled, users can search for keystrokes or applications across sessions, and the session
playback interface shows additional activity information. Remote Desktop session metadata requires SS 10.6 and the advanced session
recording feature, which in turn requires an installation of an advanced session recording agent (ASRA) on the target servers. See Secret
Server Advanced Session-Recording Agent Installation (KBA). SSH keystroke data relies on the Secret Server SSH Proxy. This can be
enabled under Admin >SSH Proxy. See the SSH Proxy configuration KB article for more information. Once proxying is enabled recorded SSH
sessions will log SSH traffic which can be searched and is displayed in the session playback interface. 740
System Capacity Specifications
Note: This applies to both ASR and basic session recording. See below for details.
Note: The "Maximum Concurrent Session Conversions per Node" setting can be increased. See 741
Thycotic Support
Important: Please see our Support Services Guide for details about our support policy. This page is a high-level summary of
portions of that guide.
1. Get the log on credentials you received when you became a Thycotic customer.
2. Log on the Support Portal using your credentials.
3. On the main page, click the large blue PIN bar to get your PIN.
4. Record your PIN.
5. If you want to use our ticketing system for support, leave the browser tab open, and return for step four.
Thycotic customers have access to support by phone, email, and our support ticketing system (best for issue tracking). In all cases, you must
first obtain a support PIN.
Important: For Severity 1 issues you must use phone support. Otherwise, use the method you prefer. Severity 1 means a critical
problem that has caused complete loss of service and work cannot reasonably continue at your worksite.
Phone Support
Thycotic delivers support by phone worldwide. Select the applicable number from this list: 742
Region Country Support Number
Email Support
Send your email to with the PIN number as part of the subject line of your email. For example: PIN 345 Workflow
Stopped Unexpectedly. Include all the information listed in step one.
Important: You must send your email using an email address already noted in your account with Thycotic. Otherwise, it might
delay our response.
Visit the Support Portal Login Page using the credentials you received when you became a customer.
After logging on, click the Cases tab, and then click Create a Case.
Follow the instructions to complete your case. 743
Ticketing System Integration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS can allow users to enter a ticket number when viewing a secret. This number can be validated through a regular expression, and can also
be marked as required, if needed. SS can integrate with third party ticket systems. For more information on the ticket system integration, see
Ticket System Integration with SS (KBA). 744
BMC Remedy Integration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS can integrate with BMC Remedy's Incident and Change Management. This integration includes validating ticket numbers, their status, and
adding work detail items to the request.
The integration with BMC Remedy leverages the out-of-the-box, SOAP-based Web services that are installed with the ITSM product
installation. These services must be installed on your mid-tier BMC Remedy server to allow for this integration if they are not already installed
and configured. 745
Configurable Settings
When a BMC Remedy request number is entered into SS, the status of that request is retrieved to ensure that it is an open state. For example, if
an incident number is entered that is in the "Closed" state, the user is informed that the ticket is closed.
Incident Management: Service Incident request cannot be closed or canceled. Change Management: Change management requests cannot be
complete, closed, or canceled.
The format of the URL to be used for viewing the ticket. This is placed in the audit log so you can easily view the corresponding ticket from SS.
For details on this format, see View Ticket URL Template Format (KBA). Depending on your version of BMC Remedy, the URL to link directly
to a request may be slightly different.
Incident management:
https://<midtier_server>//arsys/forms/<servername>/SHR%3ALandingConsole/Default+AdmSearchTicketWithQual&F304255610='Incident Number'%3D%22$TICKETID%22
Change management:
https://<midtier_server>//arsys/forms/<servername>/SHR%3ALandingConsole/Default+AdmSearchTicketWithQual&F304255610='Change Number'%3D%22$TICKETID%22
Before even making a call to the BMC Remedy Web service, you can have SS validate that the number matches a pattern. For example, your
incident numbers might all be prefixed with "INC" and you want to ensure users enter the prefix. Some sample expressions to validate the ticket
number are listed below:
The error message to display to the user when their entered ticket number fails the validation pattern regex.
This is the URL for the SOAP-based Web services. Below are some samples for what is expected. You can find the actual endpoint using BMC
Remedy Developer Studio and accessing the correct application from the AR System Navigator and viewing the Web services section of the
System Credentials
Select or create a secret that contains the username and password for a user that has access to execute the SOAP Web services. The
username and password are added to the authentication header for the SOAP request.
If your installation of BMC Remedy uses an authentication server, enter it in this text-entry field. Most installations allow this text-entry field to be
Check this box if you want the comment that a user enters to be added to the request in BMC Remedy. This adds information such as the secret 746
for which access is requested, who requested access, and the requester's comments.
When a comment is added to a request as a work item, the Work Item type is required. "General Information" is selected by default, but all
default Work Type options are supported. 747
A username and password that has access to execute the Web services. This can be set up in the developer studio by accessing the
application in the navigator and viewing Permissions for the CHG_ChangeInterface_WS or HPD_IncidentInterface_WS. This user should also have
access to query requests and add work items to requests for the appropriate module.
SS environment needs to be able to connect to the BMC Remedy Web services via port 80 or 443. SSL is highly recommended because
the SOAP messages contain a username and password. 748
Testing Your Integration Setup
After configuring the ticket system (see configurable settings below), use the Test Validation button to verify that SS can successfully access
BMC Remedy. This button opens a dialog in which you can enter a ticket number from BMC Remedy. This validation process returns success
or an error code. BMC Remedy may not return much detail in the error message so you need to look at the BMC Remedy API log to see a
detailed error message, see BMC Remedy Error Messages (KBA). 749
PowerShell Ticketing Integration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS can integrate with your ticketing system via PowerShell. This integration includes validating ticket numbers, their status, and adding
comments. In our example we are connecting to a ServiceNow instance.
Configurable Settings
You can configure the view ticket URL if you have a web based ticketing system to allow easy access to link to your ticketing system from
Secret Server.
Before making a call to the PowerShell script you can have Secret Server validate the number matches a pattern. For example, your incident
numbers might all be prefixed with “INC” and you want to ensure they enter this prefix. See Regex KB.
The error message to display to the user when their entered ticket number fails the validation pattern Regex.
In Secret Sever a domain credential is required to execute the PowerShell script. This is a required field.
System Credentials
The system credentials are specific to your ticketing system. Any secret using the Username and Password extending mapping can be used as
your system credential. Additional arguments can be populated from field on this secret and reference in your script.
To validate tickets you will need to create a PowerShell script to retrieve and validate the ticket. The integration will use arguments to pass
custom values to your script. By default we will map certain fields to the first set of arguments. The ticket number will be collected by user input
and assigned to the first parameter. When you have your ticketing system credentials mapped to a secret and assigned to the "System
Credentials" field in the ticketing system setup, SS inserts UserName and Password as the second and third parameters.
Therefore, for the sample script below, the Ticket Status Script Arguments text box should be only contain$url (, as $ticket, $user and $password are supplied automatically by the system.
Sample Script
$ticket = $args[0]
$user = $args[1]
$password = $args[2]
$url = $args[3]
$validStatus = "2"
$fields = "state"
$p = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($user,$p)
$getStatusMethod = "$url/api/now/table/incident?sysparm_limit=10&sysparm_query=number=$ticket&sysparm_display_value=&sysparm_fields=$fields"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod $getStatusMethod -Method Get -ContentType 'application/json' -Credential $credentials
if($response.result.state -ne $validStatus)
throw "Invalid State" 750
In addition to adding comments to specific tickets, you may want general audit entries made in your ticket system. The arguments are passed in
the following order.
$comment = $args[1]
$user = $args[2]
$password = $args[3] 751
ServiceNow Integration
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS can integrate with ServiceNow's Incident and Change Management service. This integration includes validating ticket numbers, their status,
and adding Work Detail items to the request. The integration with ServiceNow leverages the out-of-the-box REST-based Web services. 752
Configurable Settings
The format of the URL to be used for viewing the ticket. This appears in the audit log so you can easily view the corresponding ticket from SS.
For details on this format, see View Ticket URL Template Format (KBA).
Before even making a call to the ServiceNow Web service you can have SS validate the number matches a pattern. For example, your incident
numbers might all be prefixed with "INC" and you want to ensure they enter this prefix. Some sample expressions to validate the ticket number
are listed below:
The error message to display to the user when their entered ticket number fails the validation pattern regex.
Instance Name
System Credentials
Select or create a secret that contains the username and password for a user that has access to execute the REST Web services. SS uses
these credentials to authenticate to ServiceNow.
Check this box if you want the comment that a user enters to be added to the request in ServiceNow. This adds information such as the Secret
to which access is requested, who requested access, and their comments. The comment is added as a work note in the activity section of the
request. 753
ServiceNow instance running the Eureka version or later with REST services enabled.
A username and password that has access to execute the REST services, specifically GET and MODIFY on the following tables: Change
Request and Incident.
The SS environment needs to be able to connect to the ServiceNow Web services via port 80 or 443. SSL is highly recommended
because the REST messages authenticate with a username and password. 754
Testing your Integration Setup
After configuring the ticket system (see configurable settings below), use the Test Validation button to verify SS can successfully access
ServiceNow. This button opens a dialog in which you can enter a ticket number from ServiceNow. This validation process either succeeds or
shows an error code. 755
Ticket Number Validation
SS can require users to enter a ticket number when viewing a secret. Admins can track access to secrets based on an external ticket system.
On the Ticket System tab of the Configuration page, an administrator can enter the settings to match the ticket system.
After the ticket system is enabled in SS, a user can enter a ticket number on the Comment screen or the Request Access screen.
The secret needs to have Require Comment or Requires Approval for Access enabled to allow the user to enter a ticket number. When a ticket
number is required, this secret setting is displayed as "Require Comment/Ticket Number" on the Security tab.
Configurable settings:
Auditing: The ticket number appears in the audit log and can be queried in reports. If the View Ticket URL has been set, the log shows
the ticket number as a hyperlink linking to the external ticket system. Information on setting the URL can be found in View Ticket URL
Template Format (KB).
View Ticket URL Template: The format of the URL to be used for viewing the ticket. This is placed in the audit log so you can easily view
the corresponding ticket from SS. For details on this format, see View Ticket URL Template Format (KB).
Ticket Number and Reason Options: This option allows fine-grained control of what the user must enter when Require Comment is
enabled and ticket system integration is turned on.
Ticket Number or Reason Required: Either ticket number or reason must be entered.
Ticket Number Format Pattern (Regex): A regular expression to use for validating the ticket number entered. This can help prevent
typos in the number. For details on creating this expression, see the Setting a Ticket Pattern Regex (KB).
Ticket Number Label: The text that displays next to the Ticket Number box on the Comment or Request Access page.
Ticket Number Validation Error Message: The error message to display to the user when their entered ticket number fails the
validation pattern regex. 756
Ticket System Tab
You can add multiple ticket systems from the Ticket System tab. To add a new system, click New Ticket System.
You can make a select ticket system be SS's default ticketing system by clicking on the link of the desired system, then clicking Set as
Default. 757
Troubleshooting and Notices
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
This section contains common troubleshooting issues, workarounds, and technical notices.
Note: This section is a work in progress. It does not contain a complete set of SS troubleshooting and workaround articles. 758
Changing IIS to Not Stop Worker Process in IIS 7.0 and Later
When using IIS version 7.0 and above, by default, the worker process terminates after a period of inactivity. If SS is in its own application pool,
the application pool will stop after a period of no requests. To make sure that the application pool associated with SS does not stop when idle:
Additionally, by default, IIS launches a worker process when the first request for the Web application is received. So if the SS application takes
a long time to start, we recommend launching the worker process as soon as IIS is started by setting the start mode to AlwaysRunning to
launch the worker process for the SS application pool as soon as IIS is started.
1. Open Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager: On the taskbar, click Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
1. Expand Sites at the left, then find the website SS is running on.
2. Click on the SS website or virtual directory (if it is running on one).
3. Click Basic Settings on the right panel. This indicates Secret Server's application pool.
5. Right-click the application pool, and select Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings panel appears.
13. Either click the > expander arrow to see if there is time specified below. Or click the ... to see if there are any values in the TimeSpan
Collection Editor dialog box. If so, clear it out. 759
HTTP 404.2 Error ISAPI/CGI Restrictions Stopping .NET Framework 4.5.1
An HTTP 404.2 error code is received when ISAPI/CGI Restrictions are preventing the.NET Framework 4.5.1 from running.
Resolution 760
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found After Upgrading .NET Framework Version
After upgrading Secret Server (SS) and changing the CLR version, when attempting to load SS, you receive the following error in Internet
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler
This error can be caused by ASP.NET 4.5 not being correctly registered on the server. To correct this: 761
Load User Profile Setting Must Be Enabled for Application Pool
Secret Server (SS) requires the application pool to have the “load user profile” setting enabled. Secret Server will report a critical alert to notify
admins if this setting is not enabled.
Note: The site will load to give access to secrets but many internal operations will not function correctly so we recommend fixing the
issue as soon as possible.
1. On each Web server that is running Secret Sever, open IIS Manager.
2. Under the Application Pool node on the left, select Secret Server.
3. On the right-hand panel, select Advanced Settings to get to the full properties.
4. Scroll to the Load User Profile setting in the Process Model section.
5. Set Load User Profile to True.
6. Click the OK button.
7. Preform an iisreset on the server:
1. Open a Windows command prompt as an administrator.
2. Type iisreset.
3. Press the <Enter> key. 762
Notice: jQuery CVE-2019-11358
Technical Issue
Secret Server 10.7 uses jQuery 3.2.1, which is listed as vulnerable to the jQuery CVE-2019-11358 security issue on the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list.
Thycotic removed the jQuery vulnerability from Secret Server’s copy of jQuery v3.2.1 by applying a patch (see Related Articles and
1. Navigate to https://<your_secret_server_URL>/assets/libs/jquery-3.2.1.js
Note: The commit shows two files, the top file is the security fix, and the bottom file is a unit test for the fix. Secret Server does not
ship with any jQuery unit tests as found in that second file. 763
Notice: jQuery CVE-2020-11022
Technical Issue
Secret Server 10.8.000004 uses jQuery 3.2.1, which is listed as vulnerable to the jQuery CVE-2020-11022 security issue on the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list.
Thycotic removed the jQuery vulnerability from Secret Server’s copy of jQuery v3.2.1 by applying a patch (see Related Articles and
1. Navigate to https://<your_secret_server_URL>/assets/libs/jquery-3.2.1.js
Note: The commit shows multiple files, the top file is the security fix, and the bottom files are unit tests for the fix. Secret Server does
not ship with any jQuery unit tests. 764
Troubleshooting Invalid Domain Errors
This topic discusses resolving the "The specified domain is not a valid domain" error.
Troubleshooting Procedure
1. Verify that you are entering the fully qualified domain name in the domain field and that the domain username and password fields are
2. Ensure that the ports used for LDAP (389) or LDAPS (636) are open. For more information about the ports used by Secret Server, see
Ports Used by Secret Server.
1. Open the command console as an administrator (Start > Run > cmd).
3. Press <Enter>.
4. Find your primary ethernet adapter and look in the DNS Servers section. Verify that the DNS server is correct.
4. If the DNS server is incorrect, then follow these steps to configure the DNS server:
6. Click Properties.
7. Click to select the Use the following DNS server addresses selection button.
Important: Both DNS servers must contain the SRV record for your domain controller.
2. Type nslookup.
3. Press <Enter>.
5. Press <Enter>.
6. Type _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.<Fully_Qualified_Active_Directory_Domain_Name>.
7. Press <Enter>. 765
Then you are retrieving the DNS record correctly. Otherwise, your DNS records are not correctly configured.
1. If you are not using a Windows DNS server, contact your vendor to ask how to add SRV records. You will need to add a SRV record
pointing _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.<Fully_Qualified_Active_Directory_Domain_Name> to your primary DNS server.
3. Open the DNS control panel (Start >Administrative Tools > DNS).
10. Right click on the new _msdcs node, and select New Domain...
12. Right click on the new dc node and select Other New Records...
18. Type the fully qualified host name of your DC or the IP address in the Host offering this service: text box.
21. Open up the services console (Start > Run > services.msc)
22. Right click on the DNS Server service and select Restart. Your domain DNS record should now be set up.
Secret Server requires that the DNS is correctly configured to add a domain. For additional tips on tracking down DNS Issues, see this
Troubleshooting Active Directory Installation Wizard Problems.
Also ensure the domain controller is using the appropriate DNS. The ipconfig /registerdns command (as per the link above) is frequently helpful for
entering the correct DNS entries in for a given domain. 766
Windows Local-Account Access-Denied Error Workaround PowerShell Scripts
Beginning with Windows 10 version 1607 (Creator’s Update) and Windows Server 2016, the default GPO security descriptor denies users
remote access to Security Account Manager (SAM) with non-domain credentials, and therefore prevents remote heartbeat and password
changes made by otherwise-authenticated local user accounts. Affected Windows local account secrets return “Access Denied” on a heartbeat
or remote password change.
This article provides a script and instructions to address these "access denied" errors. The script modifies the default local group policy remote
SAM access security descriptor to allow all local users on a specified machine remote SAM access after authentication. This script requires
elevated PowerShell permissions.
Note: Adding an account to the local computer's Administrators group does not solve the problem.
On most systems, the Administrators group on the local machine is part of the “Network Access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to
SAM” security policy setting. Through testing, we determined that Windows currently treats this group as only the built-in administrator account
for this configuration. Therefore, if you add another user to the Administrators group on the machine, that user will be unable to heartbeat since
it is not the built-in administrator account. In addition, the built-in object, “Local account and a member of Administrators” does not allow a local
account that is a member of Administrators to heartbeat for any account other than the built-in administrator account.
Additional Requirements
For heartbeat to work correctly, make sure that the local or authenticated users are:
Not in the "Deny access to this computer from the network" security policy
In the "Access this computer from the network" security policy
Remediation Options
Option 1: Creating a custom group and adding users to it (this is what the script does for users on the endpoint) then adding that group to the
security setting to allow the user to heartbeat successfully. New local users need to be added to the custom group if they are created in the
Option 2: Adding a user individually to the security setting to allow the user to heartbeat successfully.
Option 3: Modifying the Default GPO: Adding “allow authenticated or local users” to the security setting. This allows all local users or all users
who are authenticated to the machine to bypass this setting. This does requires the PowerShell Script below. The drawback is that this allows
all users to remotely access SAM, so long as they are authenticated.
Option 4: Create a heartbeat workaround for GPO “Network Access: Restrict Clients Allowed to Make Remote Calls to SAM.” This is
addressed in the last section. This is for situations where the GPO needs to be completely bypassed.
This script adds a local non-privileged user group to the machine (a custom group name can be specified with the -GroupName parameter), adds
all local users to the group, and then adds this group to the "Network Access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM" local group
policy. This allows all local users within the group remote access to SAM after authentication, which is required for SS heartbeat and password
Download 767
For full help text, run:
> Get-Help C:\Script\Win10-HbFix.ps1 -Examples
-ComputerNames (string
Specifies the computers on which the script runs (comma separated). If unspecified, the default is the local computer.
-Username (string)
Specifies a username of an account that has administrative permissions on the computer to add a local user group and modify the local group
policy. You will be prompted for a password. Examples: Administrator or TestDomain\AdminUser.
-GroupName (string)
Specifies a name for the SAM access local user group. If unspecified, the default group name is "Secret Server Remote SAM Access"
Specifies whether a group policy update should be forced for immediate effect following the script. (Otherwise Group Policy changes may take
up to 120 minutes to take effect by default).
This example gives remote SAM access to all local users on the current machine. The current PowerShell credentials
> C:\Script\Win10-HbFix.ps1
would be used for authentication.
> C:\Script\Win10-HbFix.ps1 -LogDir "D:\Win10-HbFix\log" This example changes the default output log path to D:\Win10-HbFix\log (default is [user temp
This example gives remote SAM access to all local users on the remote computers listed in D:\Win10MachineList.txt (one machine per line).
The domain user "TestDomain\Administrator" credentials will be used. You would be prompted for a password.
> C:\Script\Win10-HbFix.ps1 -ComputerNames "WINSERVER" -GroupName "Secret Server Group"
This example gives remote SAM access to all local users on the WINSERVER remote computer. The local group created will be named
"Secret Server Group". Current PowerShell credentials would be used for authentication.
This example gives remote SAM access to all local users on the
> C:\Script\Win10-HbFix.ps1 -ComputerNames "WINSERVER" -ForceGPUpdate -Verbose
WINSERVER remote computer, with verbose output. The current PowerShell credentials will be used for authentication. Group policy update
will be forced on WINSERVER for immediate effect.
1. Make sure that Admin > Scripts is functional. Once you have it working, download, unzip, and run this script 768
3. Add the HBWorkAroundScript and the HBWorkAroundPasswordChange scripts.
4. Test the first script. Add the appropriate args[] as needed. Add arguments 0-4 with no quotes or commas. Spaces are the argument
separator and are required.
7. Click the Configure Password Changers button. The Password Changers Configuration page appears.
9. Click the Base Password Changer dropdown list to select PowerShell Script as your password changer.
11. Click the Save button. The password change command page appears:
12. Click the PowerShell Script dropdown list in the Password Change Commands section to select the script you ran earlier.
13. Add the appropriate tokens in the Script Args text box.
12. Click the Save button. Your configuration should look like this: 769
13. Go to Admin > Secret Templates.
19. Click the Password Type to Use dropdown list to select the password change you created earlier.
21. Once it is created, add your privileged and associated secret to the RPC tab as seen below. In that example we use the same one for the
privileged and associated secret. 770
User Groups
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS allows administrators to manage users through user groups. Users can belong to different groups and receive the sharing permissions, as
well as roles, attributed to those groups. This setup simplifies the management of the permissions and roles that can be assigned to a user.
Additionally, groups can be synchronized with Active Directory to further simplify management. 771
Assigning Group Owners
Group Administrators can also set another group or user as the group owners for a SS local group. Group owners can manage membership just
for that group. To assign the group owner:
2. Click the desired group in the list. The Group’s page appears: 772
3. Click the Edit button. The Group Edit page appears: 773
4. Click the Managed By dropdown list to select the owner.
Note: Very commonly, the group owner is managed by Active Directory, not SS: 774 775
Assigning Users to Groups
On the Group Assignment page, users can be added and removed from the group.
2. Click the View Group Assignment button. The Group Assignment page appears: 776
3. Use the arrow buttons to move users into and out of the current group. When you have finished with your changes, click the Save
Changes button and your new group members are added.
Alternatively, you can click the By User tab and manage the groups for a single user: 777
Note: If the group was created using Active Directory synchronization, this group is not be editable. See Active Directory
Synchronization. 778
Creating User Groups
You can create and edit groups from the Groups page. You can get to the Groups page by navigating to Admin > Groups
By either selecting an already existing group from the list, or clicking Create Group, you can modify or add the group.
Note: To add groups and the users inside them from your Active Directory setup, you can use Active Directory synchronization (see
Active Directory Synchronization). 779
User Teams
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
Note: Teams are designed for shared secrets and do not apply to SS administration as a whole.
Note: Users without any team-related permissions are subject to team restrictions. The Unrestricted by Teams permission must be
present to remove them. That is why the User role comes with that permission by default. See Team-Related Permissions.
Note: Team restrictions are designed for regular users so granting additional administrative permissions can override the
restriction. This applies to group owners, so if a user is assigned as a group owner, that user will be able to see all users when
assigning members.
Team-Related Permissions
Team visibility and management are controlled by user roles. Those roles, and by extension users, are governed by the following team-related
role permissions:
Administer Teams: Users can create, edit, and view all teams.
No Teams-related Permissions: Users can only view other users within their team.
Unrestricted by Teams: Users can view all users, groups, and sites, regardless of Team affiliation. Essentially, teams do not exist for
the users with this permission, and the Teams page is not available to them. The default user role has this permission.
View Teams: Users can view all teams. This is essentially a read-only Administer Teams. 780
Configuring Teams Management
To set up SS to use the team management feature:
2. Assign all permissions of the standard user role except Unrestricted by Teams.
Note: If you want all new users restricted by team, you can configure SS to assign the Team Limited User role as the default upon
creation of a new user. 781
Creating Teams 782
2. Type and then click Teams in the list. The Teams page appears: 783
3. Click the Create Team button. The Create Team popup page appears:
4. Type the name for the new team in the Team Name text box.
6. Click the Create Team button. The new team appears on the Teams page:
7. Click the table row for the newly created team. That team's page appears: 784
8. Click the Sites button on the left. The Sites page appears:
10. Click to select the Should Restrict Sites check box. A Site dropdown list appears: 785
11. Click the Site list to select a site to restrict the team to. The selected site appears in the Site table:
13. Click the Members button on the left. The Members page appears:
15. Type the name of the desired user or group to add in the Add Groups / User search box. When you begin typing, a list of available
groups and users appear below. Select one. The user or group appears in the Users and Groups table: 786
16. Click the Save button. The member appears on the Members page: 787
Deactivating Teams
Note: You cannot delete teams because of auditing restrictions.
1. In SS, click the Admin menu item. The Administration page appears.
2. Click the Teams button in the list. The Teams page appears:
3. Click the table row for the desired team. That team's page appears:
4. On the General page, click the Edit button. The tab becomes editable: 788
5. Click the Active check box to deselect it. 789
Editing Teams
1. In SS, click the Admin menu item. The Administration page appears.
2. Type and then click Teams in the list. The Teams page appears:
3. Click the table row for the desired team. That team's page appears:
6. Click the Sites button on the left. The Sites page appears 790
7. Click the Edit button. The page becomes editable:
8. Click to select or deselect the Should Restrict Sites check box. If you enabled it, a Site dropdown list appears:
9. Click the Site list to select a site to restrict the team to. The selected site appears in the Site table: 791
10. Click the Save button.
1. Click the Members button on the left. The Members page appears:
3. Type the name of the desired user or group to add in the Add Groups / User search box. When you begin typing, a list of available
groups and users appear below. Select one. The user or group appears in the Users and Groups table: 792
4. Click the Save button. The member appears on the Members page:
12. View events for the team using its audit trail:
1. Click the Audit button on the left. The Audit page appears: 793
Sites tab: restrictions are added, removed, or changed
Members: users or groups are added or removed 794
Troubleshooting Teams
Users can view other users not in their teams if that user already had a connection, such as a shared secret, with the other user prior to setting
up the team restrictions.
The API does not restrict who can be assigned if they use the known group ID of a user or group not in their team. This is designed so secret
permissions can be saved across teams without removing the permissions of another team. 795
Viewing a User's Teams 796
2. Type and then click Users in the search text box. The View User page appears: 797
You can see if the user belongs to a team, and if so, what teams the user belongs to. If the Restricted by Team line says No, it means the
user has been granted the Unrestricted by Teams permission, which means the user can view all users, groups, and sites. 798
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page. 799
Bulk Operations on Users
Bulk operations on users can also be performed from the Users page. Select one or more users using the check boxes beside the User Name
column, or select all or none by toggling the check box in the header row. Once the appropriate users have been selected, use the Bulk
Operation list at the bottom of the grid to select an action. Bulk operations on users currently include enabling or disabling user access, as well
as configuring users for email or RADIUS two-factor authentication. 800
Configuring Users
User settings can be modified by clicking the username in the User Name column on the Users page. Search for users using the search bar at
the top of the grid. To show users that are marked inactive, check the Show Inactive Users box below the grid. 801
Creating Users
To manually create a single user, navigate to Administration > Users and click the Create New button. On the subsequent page, you can
enter the relevant information for a user.
Note: To add many users from your Active Directory setup, you can use Active Directory synchronization (see Active Directory
Synchronization). 802
Deleting Users
You cannot delete users per se because of auditing requirements; however, deactivating the user from the User Settings page accomplishes
the same thing. See Removing Deactivated User PII for eliminating all traces of a deactivated user. 803
Password Settings
The following settings are found in the Administration > Configuration page, inside the Local User Passwords tab. These settings apply
to users that were created manually, not users brought into SS through Active Directory synchronization:
Allow Users to Reset Forgotten Passwords: If enabled, the "Forgot your password?" link appears on all users' login screens.
Clicking on this link prompts the user to enter the email address that is associated with the user's SS account. If the email address is
found, then an email containing a link for password reset is sent. Note that this only works for local user accounts and not for Active
Directory accounts.
Enable Local User Password Expiration: When enabled, SS forces a password change for a user after a set interval. After the interval
time has elapsed, the next time the user attempts to log in, they are prompted for the old password, a new password, and a confirmation of
the new password. The new password is validated against all the password requirements. Newly created local users are also be
prompted to change their password upon logging into SS for the first time when this setting is enabled.
Enable Local User Password History: If enabled, this prevents a user from reusing a password. For example, if set to "20 Passwords",
this would prevent the user from using a password they have used the previous 20 times. This in conjunction with "Enable Minimum
Local Password Age" helps ensure that users are using a new and unique password frequently rather than recycling old passwords.
Enable Minimum Local User Password Age: If enabled, the value for this setting reflects the minimum amount of time that needs to
elapse before a password can be changed. This prevents a user from changing their password too frequently, which allows them to
quickly re-use old passwords.
Local User Password is valid for: If enabled, this is the interval that a local user password is valid before it must be changed (see
"Enable Local User Password Expiration" setting for details). If this setting is disabled, the entered value displays as "Unlimited".
Lowercase Letters Required for Passwords: Force all user SS login passwords to contain at least one lowercase letter.
Minimum Password Length: Force all user SS login passwords to contain a set minimum number of characters.
Numbers Required for Passwords: Force all user SS login passwords to contain at least one number.
Symbols Required for Passwords: Force all user SS login passwords to contain at least one symbol, such as !@#$%^&*.
Uppercase Letters Required for Passwords: Force all user SS login passwords to contain at least one uppercase letter. 804
Removing Deactivated User PII
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adherence raises the possibility that SS users may make a data removal claim against a SS
administrator. This requires removing any personally identifiable information (PII) in SS for that individual.
To address this, SS has a button that automatically removes most PII for any deactivated user.
1. Remove the user from Active Directory (AD). See Active Directory Considerations below.
3. Click the user name link for the desired user. The View User Page appears.
4. Click the Remove Personally Identifiable Information button. A confirmation dialog box appears.
Important: Once you confirm, the user cannot log on to SS. Click the Cancel button if you are not positive this is what you
want to do.
Display name
Personal folder name
Personal group name
RADIUS username
In addition:
5. Click the OK button. The removal begins. Once complete, the Remove PII button disappears for that user.
6. (Optional) Run a query that scans the entire SS database for the removed strings. You may want to do this because the process cannot
find all potential instances of USER PII throughout SS, such as that in secret names or notes.
Note: You can create an Event Subscription to "remove user PII" events.
We recommend removing the user from AD before removing the PII. If you remove the PII without first removing the user from AD, the user is
reintroduced into SS on subsequent AD synchs. This creates a new user account in SS, which might require you to to disable this new user
account and remove its PII too (after removing the AD user). 805
Unlocking Local Accounts
If a user fails their login too many times (specified in the Local User Passwords section of the configuration page), their account is locked out
and they are not be able to log in.
1. Log on as an administrator.
2. Click on Admin > Users.
3. Click on the user who is locked out.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click to deselect the Locked out check box.
6. Click Save. 806
User Login Settings
SS users can be set up with many different login requirements. For example, you can force strong Login passwords by requiring a minimum
length and the use of various character sets.
The following settings are available under the Administration > Configuration page, inside the Login tab:
Allow AutoComplete: AutoComplete is a feature provided by most Web browsers to automatically remember and pre-fill-in forms for
you. This can be a great security concern since they typically do not save the data in a secure manner. You can enable or disable Web
browser pre-fill on the login screen by using this option.
Allow Remember Me: This option enables the Remember Me checkbox on the Login screen. When a user chooses to use remember
me, an encrypted cookie is set in their browser. This enables the user to revisit SS without the need to log in. This cookie is no longer be
valid when the remember me period has expired. They then have to enter their login information again. This option allows users to remain
logged in for up to a specific period (specified in the "Remember Me Is Valid for" setting mentioned below). This option can be a security
concern as it does not require re-entry of credentials to gain access to SS.
Note: "Remember me" is only visible if the "Allow Remember Me" setting is enabled. This is the period that the remember me
cookie mentioned above is valid. For example: if set to one day, then users taking advantage of "remember me" have to log in at
least once a day. To set a time value (minutes, hours, or days), uncheck the Unlimited checkbox.
Enable RADIUS Integration: Allow for RADIUS server integration with your user login authentication. Other RADIUS settings appear
upon enabling this option. These settings are discussed in RADIUS Authentication.
Maximum Concurrent Logins Per User: This setting allows a user to log into SS from multiple locations at once without logging out
their sessions at other locations.
Maximum Login Failures: Set the number of login attempts allowed before a user is locked out of their account. Once locked out, they
need a SS administrator to reset their password and enable their account. For details on how to reset a locked account, see Creating
Require Two Factor for these Login Types: This setting specifies which types of login require two-factor authentication:
Visual Encrypted Keyboard Enabled: This setting enables a visual keyboard for logins.
Visual Encrypted Keyboard Required: This setting requires a visual keyboard for logins. 807
User Owners
User Administrators can also set another group or user as the user owner for a SS local user. User owners can manage and edit just that user.
For example, a developer might need to unlock or reset the password for an application account but should not have access to all users. Set
Managed by to User Owners on a user and then select Groups or Users. Note that Unlimited Administrator mode can still be used to
manage groups with user owners assigned. 808
User Preferences
Note: Users can set their preferences by hovering on their profile icon in the top right and selecting preferences.
General Tab
The following configuration settings are available for users under the General tab:
Date Format and Time Format: Date and time format displayed for a user in SS.
Language and My Theme: Customize the look of SS on a per user basis. For details, see Themes.
Mask passwords when viewing Secrets: When enabled, this masks the Password text box for a secret. There is a configuration
setting that forces this to be enabled for all users. For details on password masking, see Setting Up Password Masking.
Send email alerts when dependencies fail to update: Enables emails to be sent when dependencies fail to update.
Send email alerts when Heartbeat fails for Secrets: When enabled, the user is emailed when a heartbeat fails for any secret the user
has view permission to.
Send email alerts when Secrets are changed: Enables emails to be sent on all changes of any secret that the user has view
permission. There is a limit of one mail per five minutes per edit of the same user. For example, if user "User1" edits the secret twice
within this grace period, only one email is sent.
Send email alerts when Secrets are viewed: Enables emails to be sent on all views of any secret that the user has view permission.
There is a limit of one email per five minutes per view of the same user. For example, if user "User1" views the secret twice within this
grace period, only one email is sent.
Show the full folder path on search results: Enables the full path to be displayed in the Folder column on the Home page.
Use the TreeView control for search on the home screen: Enables the TreeView control for the Search tab on the Legacy Home
screen. This option does not apply to the Dashboard.
Launcher Tab
The following configuration settings are available to users on the Launcher tab:
Allow Access to Printers, Allow Access to Drives, Allow Access to Clipboard: Allow access to various items when using the
Connect to Console: Allows you to connect to remote machines using the Remote Desktop launcher and connects as an administrator.
This is the equivalent of using the /admin or /console switch when launching Remote Desktop.
Use Custom Window Size: Checking this box displays Width and Height text boxes for the user to specify a custom window size for an
RDP launcher. 809
User Restriction Settings
Enable Login Policy: If enabled, this simply displays the policy. To force the acceptance of the policy.
Force Inactivity Timeout: This setting is the time limit on idle SS sessions. Once a session expires, the user must login again with their
username and password.
Force Login Policy: This setting forces the checking of the "I accept these terms" checkbox before allowing the user to login to SS.
IP Restrictions: This setting can be entered by going to Administration > IP Addresses. In there, you can enter the IP ranges you
wish your users to use. To configure a user to use the ranges, navigate to the User View page and click the Change IP Restrictions
button. In the subsequent page, you can add all the ranges you want your user to use.
Login Policy Agreement: The Login Policy Agreement is displayed on the login screen. You can change the contents of the Login
Policy Statement by editing the file policy.txt. By default, this is not enabled. The settings to enable this are accessed by first navigating to
Administration > Configuration and going into the Login tab. Then click the Login Policy Agreement button. 810
User Settings
Display Name: Text that is used throughout the user interface, such as in audits.
Domain: If a drop-down list is visible, selecting a domain from the list is one way to set the expected domain of the user. However, a
more dynamic way to have this text-entry field (and all the other text-entry fields) set is through Active Directory synchronization.
Email Address: Email address used for Request Access, email two-factor authentication, and the like.
Email Two-Factor Authentication: On a login attempt, the user has an email sent to the email address entered above. This email
contains a pin code that the user needs to log into the account. See Email Two-Factor Authentication for details.
Enabled: Disabling this control removes the user from the system. Effectively, this is the way to delete a user. SS does not allow
complete deletion of users due to auditing requirements. To re-enable a user, navigate to the Administration > Users page, check the
Show Inactive Users checkbox just under the Users grid, and edit the user to mark them enabled (see Configuring Users).
Locked Out: If checked, then this user has been locked out of the system due to too many login failures. To remove the lock, uncheck the
check box. For more details on locking out users, see Maximum Login Failures setting described in the Login Settings section.
Password: Login password for the user. For the various login settings, see Login Settings section.
RADIUS Two-Factor Authentication: This text-entry field only appears if RADIUS authentication is enabled in the configuration. On a
login attempt, the user must enter the RADIUS token sent from the RADIUS server. See RADIUS Authentication.
RADIUS User Name: This text-entry field only appears if the above RADIUS Two Factor Authentication setting is enabled. This is the
username the RADIUS server is expecting. See RADIUS Authentication.
Note: A new user is assigned the User role by default. For more information on roles, see "Roles." 811
Note: Please click the table of contents on the left to see any sub-pages to this one. Click the table of contents on the right to see
headings on this page.
SS provides a suite of webservices which can be used to retrieve and update secrets, and folders. The webservices allow SS to be accessed
using the mobile apps as well as custom built integrations. The webservices are secure and require authentication in the same manner as
regular access to SS. All actions that involve data are also logged, such as secret views, updates, and adds. 812
Enabling Webservices
Webservices can be enabled at the Administration > Configuration general tab. Enabling webservices simply makes the ASP.NET
webservices built into SS available. They are found under /webservices/sswebservice.asm in your SS directory. They run on the same port as the
Web application. You can view them with a browser to see the functionality that is offered. Specific webservice functionality is documented in
the SS Webservice API guide. 813
Integrated Windows Authentication Webservice
SS also provides a webservice that uses integrated Windows authentication instead of a username and password. This webservice can be
used in an application or script to access SS and retrieve secrets with storing the login credentials in the application or configuration file.
Note: See the Windows Integrated Authentication Webservice (KBA) article for more advanced technical information on using this
webservice. 814
Using the Java Console API to Access Secret Values
SS can set up a Java Console API to retrieve values from SS without embedding a password. This allows scripts to retrieve passwords from
SS while keeping both the password and credentials to SS secure. The SS Java Console is setup using a user in SS, but the password is
changed and hardware-specific, so copying the jar file to other machines does not allow it to access SS. As a user in SS, an admin can share
only specific secrets with the account running the Java Console. As a Java implementation, this can be used on any OS including Windows,
Mac, Linux and Unix. For installation instructions and examples see the Application API Guide. 815
Secret Server Release Notes
Note: As of Secret Server 10.8, Secret Server Cloud release notes are included in the main release notes.
Documentation Releases
Documentation Changelog 816