Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances Part 2-29: Particular Requirements For Battery Chargers
Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances Part 2-29: Particular Requirements For Battery Chargers
Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances Part 2-29: Particular Requirements For Battery Chargers
TRF Template 2017-05-17
Test Report issued under the responsibility of:
IEC 60335-2-29
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers
Summary of testing:
The test results presented in this report relate only to the item tested. The results indicates that the
specimen complies with standard “IEC 60335-2-29:2016 for use in conjunction IEC 60335-1:2010
COR1, COR2, AMD1:2013, COR1, AMD2:2016, COR1”.
Tests performed (name of test and test clause): Testing location:
Marking Durability Test 7.14 Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North),
Protection against Access to Live 8.1.1 & Shanghai 200233, China
Parts 8.1.2
User Accessible Voltage and Current 8.1.4&
Test, Working voltage test 22.42
Power Input/Output Current 10.1,10.2
Heating Test 11.8
Leakage Current Test 13.2
Electric Strength Test 13.3
Humidity Test 15.3
Leakage Current Test 16.2
Electric Strength Test 16.3
Abnormal Operation –Fault Conditions 19.11&
of Electronic Circuit 19.12
Mechanical Strength 21.1
Strength of Accessible Parts of Solid 21.2
Undue Strain Test on Socket-Outlet 22.3
Plug Discharge Test 22.5
Creepage Distance and Clearance 29
Ball Pressure Test 30.1
Glow Wire Test 30.2.1 &
Summary of compliance with National Differences (List of countries addressed):
General remarks:
"(See Enclosure #)" refers to additional information appended to the report.
"(See appended table)" refers to a table appended to the report.
When differences exist; they shall be identified in the General product information section.
Name and address of factory (ies) .......................... : 1. GlobTek ( Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Building 4, No. 76 JinLing East Road, Suzhou
Industrial Park, Suzhou, JiangSu, 215021, China
2. GlobTek, Inc.
186 Veterans Dr. Northvale, NJ 07647 USA
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- the battery terminal not connected to the chassis Not for automobile battery N/A
has to be connected first. The other connection is to
be made to the chassis, remote from the battery and
fuel line. The battery charger is then to be connected
to the supply mains
- after charging, disconnect the battery charger from N/A
the supply mains. Then remove the chassis
connection and then the battery connection
7.12.1 Sufficient details for installation supplied No requirement for installation N/A
For an appliance intended to be permanently N/A
connected to the water mains and not connected by a
hose-set, this is stated
If different rated voltages or different rated N/A
frequencies are marked, the instructions state what
action to be taken to adjust the appliance
The instructions for battery chargers for installation in N/A
caravans and similar vehicles shall state that the
connection to the supply mains is to be in accordance
with the national wiring rules
7.12.2 Stationary appliances not fitted with means for Portable appliances N/A
disconnection from the supply mains having a contact
separation in all poles that provide full disconnection
under overvoltage category III, the instructions state
that means for disconnection must be incorporated in
the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules
7.12.3 Insulation of the fixed wiring in contact with parts Not for fixed wiring N/A
exceeding 50 K during clause 11; instructions state
that the fixed wiring must be protected
7.12.4 Instructions for built-in appliances: N/A
- dimensions of space Not for built-in use N/A
- dimensions and position of supporting and fixing N/A
- minimum distances between parts and surrounding N/A
- minimum dimensions of ventilating openings and N/A
- connection to supply mains and interconnection of N/A
separate components
- allow disconnection of the appliance after N/A
installation, by accessible plug or a switch in the fixed
wiring, unless
a switch complying with 24.3 N/A
7.12.5 Replacement cord instructions, type X attachment No supply cord provided N/A
with a specially prepared cord
Replacement cord instructions, type Y attachment N/A
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For portable appliances, cover can be removed or No removable cover without N/A
opened without a tool tools
For stationary appliances, name, trademark or Portable appliances N/A
identification mark and model or type reference visible
after installation
For fixed appliances, name, trademark or Portable appliances N/A
identification mark and model or type reference visible
after installation according to the instructions
Indications for switches and controls placed on or No switches and controls N/A
near the components. Marking not on parts which can
be positioned or repositioned in such a way that the
marking is misleading
The symbol IEC 60417-5018 placed next to the P
symbol IEC 60417-5172 or IEC 60417-5180
7.16 Marking of a possible replaceable thermal link or fuse No replaceable thermal link or N/A
link clearly visible with regard to replacing the link fuse link
7.101 D.C. distribution boards marked with (IEC 60335-2-29): N/A
- maximum output current (A) for each output circuit : No d.c. distribution board N/A
- types of any additional power supply which can be N/A
8.1 Adequate protection against accidental contact with P
live parts
During insertion or removal of batteries having a N/A
battery voltage exceeding 42,4 V, protection against
contact with live parts of the battery or of the battery
charger ensured (IEC 60335-2-29)
8.1.1 Requirement applies for all positions, detachable P
parts removed
Lamps behind a detachable cover not removed, if No removable lamps N/A
conditions met
Insertion or removal of lamps, protection against N/A
contact with live parts of the lamp cap
Use of test probe B of IEC 61032, with a force not P
exceeding 1 N: no contact with live parts
Use of test probe B of IEC 61032 through openings, P
with a force of 20N: no contact with live parts
8.1.2 Use of test probe 13 of IEC 61032, with a force not Class I N/A
exceeding 1 N, through openings in class 0
appliances and class II appliances/constructions: no
contact with live parts
Test probe 13 also applied through openings in N/A
earthed metal enclosures having a non-conductive
coating: no contact with live parts
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8.1.3 For appliances other than class II, use of test probe Class I P
41 of IEC 61032, with a force not exceeding 1 N: no
contact with live parts of visible glowing heating
elements or supporting parts
For a single switching action obtained by a switching No switching device N/A
device, requirements as specified
For appliances with a supply cord and without a No supply cord employed, N/A
switching device, the single switching action may be only appliance inlet provided.
obtained by the withdrawal of the plug
8.1.4 Accessible part not considered live if: P
- safety extra-low a.c. voltage: peak value not N/A
exceeding 42.4 V
- safety extra-low d.c. voltage: not exceeding 42.4 V Max output voltage: 12.6 VDC P
- or separated from live parts by protective impedance P
If protective impedance: d.c. current not exceeding 2 N/A
mA, and
a.c. peak value not exceeding 0.7 mA Max. 0.220mA P
- for peak values over 42.4 V up to and including 450 0.0011F P
V, capacitance not exceeding 0,1 F
- for peak values over 450 V up to and including 15 N/A
kV, discharge not exceeding 45 C
- for peak values over 15kV, the energy in the N/A
discharge not exceeding 350 mJ
8.1.5 Live parts protected at least by basic insulation before installation or assembly: N/A
- built-in appliances No installation or assembly N/A
- fixed appliances N/A
- appliances delivered in separate units N/A
8.2 Class II appliances and constructions constructed so Class I N/A
that there is adequate protection against accidental
contact with basic insulation and metal parts
separated from live parts by basic insulation only
Only possible to touch parts separated from live parts N/A
by double or reinforced insulation
Requirements and tests are specified in part 2 when Battery charger N/A
10.1 Power input at normal operating temperature, rated (see appended table) N/A
voltage and normal operation not deviating from rated
power input by more than shown in table 1 ............... :
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19.5 Test of 19.4 repeated on Class 0I and I appliances No such component N/A
with tubular sheathed or embedded heating elements.
No short-circuiting, but one end of the element
connected to the sheath
The test repeated with reversed polarity and the other N/A
end of the heating element connected to the sheath
The test is not carried out on appliances intended to N/A
be permanently connected to fixed wiring and on
appliances where an all-pole disconnection occurs
during the test of 19.4
19.6 Appliances with PTC heating elements tested at rated No PTC heating elements N/A
voltage, establishing steady conditions
The working voltage of the PTC heating element is N/A
increased by 5% and the appliance is operated until
steady conditions are re-established. The voltage is
then increased in similar steps until 1.5 times working
voltage or until the PTC heating element ruptures (V):
19.7 Stalling test by locking the rotor if the locked rotor No rotor N/A
torque is smaller than the full load torque, or
locking moving parts of other appliances N/A
Locked rotor, capacitors open-circuited one at a time N/A
Test repeated with capacitors short-circuited one at a N/A
time, unless
the capacitor is of class S2 or S3 of IEC 60252-1 N/A
Appliances with timer or programmer supplied with N/A
rated voltage for each of the tests, for a period equal
to the maximum period allowed ................................ :
An electronic timer or programmer that operates to N/A
ensure compliance with the test before the maximum
period under the conditions of Clause 11 is reached,
is a protective electronic circuit
Other appliances supplied with rated voltage for a N/A
period as specified .................................................... :
Winding temperatures not exceeding values specified (see appended table) N/A
in table 8 .................................................................... :
19.8 Multi-phase motors operated at rated voltage with one No motor N/A
phase disconnected
19.9 Running overload test on appliances incorporating No motor N/A
motors intended to be remotely or automatically
controlled or liable to be operated continuously
Motor-operated and combined appliances for which N/A
30.2.3 is applicable and that use overload protective
devices relying on electronic circuits to protect the
motor windings, are also subjected to the test
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Temperature rises not exceeding the values shown in Battery charger tested as N/A
table 9 ........................................................................ : motor-operated appliance,
and thermoplastic material
used as supplementary and
reinforced insulation
During the tests, the values of Table 8 apply P
(IEC 60335-2-29)
Compliance with clause 8 not impaired P
No rupture of the battery (IEC 60335-2-29) P
If the appliance can still be operated it complies with N/A
Insulation, other than of class III appliances or class III constructions that do not P
contain live parts, withstands the electric strength test of 16.3, the test voltage as
specified in table 4:
- basic insulation (V) .................................................. : 1000V P
- supplementary insulation (V)................................... : 1750V P
- reinforced insulation (V) .......................................... : 3000V P
After operation or interruption of a control, clearances P
and creepage distances across the functional
insulation withstand the electric strength test of 16.3,
the test voltage being twice the working voltage
The appliance does not undergo a dangerous P
malfunction, and
no failure of protective electronic circuits, if the P
appliance is still operable
Appliances tested with an electronic switch in the off position, or in the stand-by N/A
- do not become operational, or No electronic switch N/A
- if they become operational, do not result in a N/A
dangerous malfunction during or after the tests of
If the appliance contains lids or doors that are controlled by one or more interlocks, N/A
one of the interlocks may be released provided that:
- the lid or door does not move automatically to an N/A
open position when the interlock is released, and
- the appliance does not start after the cycle in which N/A
the interlock was released
19.14 Appliances operated under the conditions of clause No contact or relay. N/A
11, any contactor or relay contact operating under the
conditions of clause 11 being short-circuited
For a relay or contactor with more than one contact, N/A
all contacts are short-circuited at the same time
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22.9 Insulation, internal wiring, windings, commutators and No such substances used N/A
slip rings not exposed to oil, grease or similar
substances, unless
the substance has adequate insulating properties N/A
22.10 Not possible to reset voltage-maintained non-self- No thermal cut-outs N/A
resetting thermal cut-outs by the operation of an
automatic switching device incorporated within the
appliance, if:
- a non-self-resetting thermal cut-out is required by N/A
the standard, and
- a voltage maintained non-self-resetting thermal cut- N/A
out is used to meet it
Non-self-resetting thermal motor protectors have a N/A
trip-free action, unless
they are voltage maintained N/A
Reset buttons of non-self-resetting controls so located N/A
or protected that accidental resetting is unlikely
22.11 Reliable fixing of non-detachable parts that provide P
the necessary degree of protection against electric
shock, moisture or contact with moving parts
Obvious locked position of snap-in devices used for N/A
fixing such parts
No deterioration of the fixing properties of snap-in N/A
devices used in parts that are likely to be removed
during installation or servicing
Tests as described N/A
22.12 Handles, knobs etc. fixed in a reliable manner, if No handles and knobs N/A
loosening result in a hazard
Removing or fixing in wrong position of handles, N/A
knobs etc. indicating position of switches or similar
components not possible, if resulting in a hazard
A choking hazard does not apply to appliances for N/A
commercial use
Axial force 15 N applied to parts, the shape being so N/A
that an axial pull is unlikely to be applied
Axial force 30 N applied to parts, the shape being so N/A
that an axial pull is likely to be applied
If the part is removed and can be contained within the N/A
small parts cylinder, it is considered to be a choking
22.13 Unlikely that handles, when gripped as in normal use, No handles N/A
make the operator’s hand touch parts having a
temperature rise exceeding the value specified for
handles which are held for short periods only
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22.36 For appliances other than class III, handles No handles N/A
continuously held in the hand in normal use so
constructed that when gripped as in normal use, the
operators hand is not likely to touch metal parts,
they are separated from live parts by double or N/A
reinforced insulation
22.37 Capacitors in Class II appliances not connected to No such capacitor N/A
accessible metal parts and their casings, if of metal,
separated from accessible metal parts by
supplementary insulation, unless
the capacitors comply with 22.42 N/A
22.38 Capacitors not connected between the contacts of a No thermal cut-out N/A
thermal cut-out
22.39 Lamp holders used only for the connection of lamps N/A
22.40 Motor-operated appliances and combined appliances N/A
intended to be moved while in operation, or having
accessible moving parts, fitted with a switch to control
the motor. The actuating member of the switch being
easily visible and accessible
If the appliance cannot operate continuously, Not for remote operation N/A
automatically or remotely without giving rise to a
hazard, appliances for remote operation being fitted
with a switch for stopping the operation. The actuating
member of the switch being easily visible and
22.41 No components, other than lamps, containing P
22.42 Protective impedance consisting of at least two Two Y-capacitors connected P
separate components in series
Values specified in 8.1.4 not exceeded if any one of One Y-capacitor short- P
the components are short-circuited or open-circuited circuited: max 0.296mA peak
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22.46 For programmable protective electronic circuits used No programmable protective N/A
to ensure compliance with the standard, the software electronic circuits
contains measures to control the fault/error conditions
in table R.1
Software that contains measures to control the N/A
fault/error conditions specified in table R.2 is to be
specified in parts 2 for particular constructions or to
address specific hazards
These requirements are not applicable to software N/A
used for functional purpose or compliance with clause
22.47 Appliances connected to the water mains withstand Not for connecting to the N/A
the water pressure expected in normal use water mains
No leakage from any part, including any inlet water N/A
22.48 Appliances connected to the water mains constructed Not for connecting to the N/A
to prevent backsiphonage of non-potable water water mains
22.49 For remote operation, the duration of operation is to No remote operation function N/A
be set before the appliance can be started, unless
the appliance switches off automatically or can N/A
operate continuously without hazard
22.50 Controls incorporated in the appliance take priority No remote operation function N/A
over controls actuated by remote operation
22.51 There is a control on the appliance manually adjusted No remote operation function N/A
to the setting for remote operation before the
appliance can be operated in this mode
There is a visual indication showing that the appliance N/A
is adjusted for remote operation
These requirements not necessary on appliances that can operate as follows, without N/A
giving rise to a hazard:
- continuously, or N/A
- automatically, or N/A
- remotely N/A
22.52 Socket-outlets on appliances accessible to the user in No socket-outlet on the N/A
accordance with the socket-outlet system used in the appliance
country in which the appliance is sold
22.53 Class II appliances and class III appliances that Class I N/A
incorporate functionally earthed parts have at least
double insulation or reinforced insulation between live
parts and the functionally earthed parts
22.54 Button cells and batteries designated R1 not No battery N/A
accessible without the aid of a tool, unless
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23.8 Aluminium wires not used for internal wiring No aluminium wires P
23.9 Stranded conductors not consolidated by soldering No stranded conductors N/A
where they are subjected to contact pressure, unless
the contact pressure is provided by spring terminals N/A
23.10 The insulation and sheath of internal wiring, N/A
incorporated in external hoses for the connection of
an appliance to the water mains, at least equivalent to
that of light polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cord
(60227 IEC 52)
24.1 Components comply with safety requirements in P
relevant IEC standards
List of components .................................................... : (see appended table) P
Motors not required to comply with IEC 60034-1, they No motor N/A
are tested as part of the appliance
Relays tested as part of the appliance, or No relay N/A
alternatively acc. to IEC 60730-1, and meeting the N/A
additional requirements in IEC 60335-1
The requirements of Clause 29 apply between live P
parts of components and accessible parts of the
Components can comply with the requirements for N/A
clearances and creepage distances for functional
insulation in the relevant component standard
30.2 of this standard apply to parts of non-metallic Bobbin of transformer P
material in components including parts of non-metallic
material supporting current-carrying connections
Components that have not been previously tested to Bobbin P
comply with the IEC standard for the relevant
component are tested according to the requirements
of 30.2
Components that have been previously tested to PCB P
comply with the resistance to fire requirements in the
IEC standard for the relevant component need not be
retested provided the specified conditions are met
If these conditions are not satisfied, the component is P
tested as part of the appliance.
Power electronic converter circuits not required to P
comply with IEC 62477-1, they are tested as part of
the appliance
If components have not been tested and found to N/A
comply with relevant IEC standard for the number of
cycles specified, they are tested in accordance with
24.1.1 to 24.1.9
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25.20 The conductors of the supply cord for type Y and Z N/A
attachment insulated from accessible metal parts
25.21 Space for supply cord for type X attachment or for connection of fixed wiring N/A
- to permit checking of conductors with respect to N/A
correct positioning and connection before fitting any
- so there is no risk of damage to the conductors or N/A
their insulation when fitting the cover
- for portable appliances, so that the uninsulated end N/A
of a conductor, if it becomes free from the terminal,
prevented from contact with accessible metal parts
2 N test to the conductor for portable appliances; no N/A
contact with accessible metal parts
25.22 Appliance inlets: P
- live parts not accessible during insertion or removal Approved appliance inlet P
Requirement not applicable to appliance inlets P
complying with IEC 60320-1
- connector can be inserted without difficulty P
- the appliance is not supported by the connector P
- not for cold conditions if temp. rise of external metal N/A
parts exceeds 75 K during clause 11, unless
the supply cord is unlikely to touch such metal parts N/A
25.23 Interconnection cords comply with the requirements for the supply cord, except that: N/A
- the cross-sectional area of the conductors is N/A
determined on the basis of the maximum current
during clause 11
- the thickness of the insulation may be reduced N/A
- for class I or class II appliance with class III N/A
construction, the cross sectional areas of the
conductors need not comply with 25.8 if specified
conditions are met
If necessary, electric strength test of 16.3 N/A
25.24 Interconnection cords not detachable without the aid N/A
of a tool if compliance with this standard is impaired
when they are disconnected
25.25 Dimensions of pins that are inserted into socket- N/A
outlets compatible with the dimensions of the relevant
Dimensions of pins and engagement face in N/A
accordance with the dimensions of the relevant plug
in IEC/TR 60083
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29.1.5 Appliances having higher working voltages than rated voltage, clearances for basic P
insulation are the largest values determined from:
- table 16 based on the rated impulse voltage .......... : (see appended table) P
- table F.7a in IEC 60664-1, frequency not exceeding N/A
30 kHz
- clause 4 of IEC 60664-4, frequency exceeding 30 65.6KHz P
If clearances for basic insulation are selected from P
Table F.7a of IEC 60664-1 or Clause 4 of IEC 60664-
4, the clearances of supplementary insulation are not
less than those specified for basic insulation
If clearances for basic insulation are selected from N/A
Table F.7a of IEC 60664-1, the clearances of
reinforced insulation dimensioned as specified in
Table F.7a are to withstand 160% of the withstand
voltage required for basic insulation
If clearances for basic insulation are selected from N/A
Clause 4 of IEC 60664-4, the clearances of reinforced
insulation are twice the value required for basic
If the secondary winding of a step-down transformer N/A
is earthed, or if there is an earthed screen between
the primary and secondary windings, clearances of
basic insulation on the secondary side not less than
those specified in table 16, but using the next lower
step for rated impulse voltage
Circuits supplied with a voltage lower than rated N/A
voltage, clearances of functional insulation are based
on the working voltage used as the rated voltage in
table 15
29.2 Creepage distances not less than those appropriate (see appended table) P
for the working voltage, taking into account the
material group and the pollution degree .................... :
Pollution degree 2 applies, unless P
- precautions taken to protect the insulation; pollution N/A
degree 1
- insulation subjected to conductive pollution; pollution N/A
degree 3
- battery chargers for outdoor use, the For indoor use only N/A
microenvironment is pollution degree 3 unless the
insulation is enclosed or located so that it is unlikely to
be exposed to pollution during normal use of the
appliance (IEC 60335-2-29)
A force of 2 N is applied to bare conductors, other P
than heating elements
A force of 30 N is applied to accessible surfaces P
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subjected to the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 with (see appended table 30.2) N/A
appropriate severity level:
- 750 C, for connections carrying a current exceeding N/A
0,5 A during normal operation
- 650 C, for other connections N/A
Glow-wire applied to an interposed shielding material, N/A
if relevant
The glow-wire test not carried out on parts of material classified as having a glow-wire N/A
flammability index according to IEC 60695-2-12 of at least:
- 750 C, for connections carrying a current exceeding N/A
0,5 A during normal operation
- 650 C, for other connections N/A
The glow-wire test is also not carried out on small parts. These parts are to: N/A
- comprise material having a glow-wire flammability N/A
index of at least 750 C, or 650 C as appropriate, or
- comply with the needle-flame test of Annex E, or (see appended table N/A
- comprise material classified as V-0 or V-1 according N/A
to IEC 60695-11-10 ................................................... :
Glow-wire test not applicable to conditions as N/A
30.2.3 Appliances operated while unattended, tested as P
specified in and
The tests are not applicable to conditions as Connections on small P
specified: components on printed circuit
boards Parts of non-metallic material supporting connections Appliance inlet, appliance P
carrying a current exceeding 0,2 A during normal outlet, bobbin
operation, and
parts of non-metallic material, other than small parts, P
within a distance of 3 mm,
subjected to the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 with Appliance inlet, appliance P
a test severity of 850 °C outlet and bobbin: 850 °C: no
(see appended table 30.2)
Glow-wire applied to an interposed shielding material, P
if relevant
The glow-wire test is not carried out on parts of P
material classified as having a glow-wire flammability
index according to IEC 60695-2-12 of at least 850 °C Parts of non-metallic material supporting connections, Appliance inlet, appliance P
and outlet, bobbin
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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b, c
Component Fault/error Acceptable measures Definitions Document Document Verdict
reference reference
for applied for applied
measure test
Registers Stuck at Functional test, or H.2.16.5
periodic self-test using H.2.16.6
either: H.2.19.6
- static memory H.
test, or
- word protection
with single bit
1.2 VOID N/A
1.3 Stuck at Functional test, or H.2.16.5 N/A
Programme Periodic self-test, or H.2.16.6
Independent time-slot H.
monitoring, or
Logical monitoring of the H.
programme sequence
2 No interrupt or Functional test, or H.2.16.5 N/A
Interrupt too frequent time-slot monitoring H.
handling interrupt
3 Wrong Frequency monitoring, or H. N/A
Clock frequency (for time slot monitoring H.
4. Memory N/A
4.1 All single bit Periodic modified H.
Invariable faults checksum, or H.
memory multiple checksum, or H.
word protection with
single bit redundancy
4.2 DC fault Periodic static memory H.2.19.6 N/A
Variable test, or H.
memory word protection with
single bit redundancy
b, c
Component Fault/error Acceptable measures Definitions Document Document Verdict
reference reference
for applied for applied
measure test
4.3 Stuck at Word protection with H. N/A
Addressing single bit redundancy
(relevant to including the address
variable and
5 Stuck at Word protection with H. N/A
Internal data single bit redundancy
5.1 VOID N/A
5.2 Wrong Word protection with H. N/A
Addressing address single bit redundancy
including the address
6 Hamming Word protection with H. N/A
External distance 3 multi-bit redundancy, or
communicat CRC – single work, or H.
Transfer redundancy, or H.
Protocol test H.2.18.14
6.1 VOID N/A
6.2 VOID N/A
6.3 Wrong point Time-slot monitoring, or H. N/A
Timing in time scheduled transmission H.2.18.18
Time-slot and logical H.
monitoring, or
comparison of redundant
communication channels
by either:
- reciprocal H.2.18.15
comparison H.2.18.3
- independent
Wrong hardware
sequence H.
Logical monitoring, or
time-slot monitoring, or
Scheduled transmission
7 Fault Plausibility check H.2.18.13 N/A
Input/output conditions
periphery specified in
7.1 VOID N/A
b, c
Component Fault/error Acceptable measures Definitions Document Document Verdict
reference reference
for applied for applied
measure test
7.2 N/A
Analog I/O
7.2.1 Fault Plausibility check H.2.18.13
A/D and conditions
D/A- specified in
converter 19.11.2
7.2.2 Wrong Plausibility check H.2.18.13 N/A
Analog addressing
9 Any output Periodic self-test H.2.16.6 N/A
Custom outside the
chips e.g. static and
ASIC, GAL, dynamic
gate array functional
NOTE A Stuck-at fault model denotes a fault model representing an open circuit or a non-varying signal
level. A DC fault model denotes a stuck-at fault model incorporating short circuit between signal lines.
For fault/error assessment, some components are divided into their sub-functions.
For each sub-function in the table, the Table R.2 measure will cover the software fault/error.
Where more than one measure is given for a sub-function, these are alternatives.
To be divided as necessary by the manufacturer into sub-functions.
Table R.1 is applied according to the requirements of R.1 to R.2.2.9 inclusive.
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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8.1.1 Use of test probe B of IEC 61032: no contact with live N/A
parts or metal parts separated from live parts by basic
insulation only, even after use of a tool to remove
parts of enclosure
10.101 The output voltage not exceed 42,4 V peak N/A
11.8 Temperature rises of parts that can be touched by (see appended table) N/A
test probe 18 of IEC 61032
- 25 K, if of metal N/A
- 35 K, if of other material N/A
Temperature rises of parts that can be touched by (see appended table) N/A
test probe 18 of IEC 61032
- 45 K, if of metal N/A
- 55 K, if of other material N/A
19.13 Temperature rises of parts that can be touched by (see appended table) N/A
test probe 18 of IEC 61032
- 45 K, if of metal N/A
- 55 K, if of other material N/A
21.201 Impact test Eha of IEC 60068-2-75, with impact N/A
energy of 2 J
For rectangular shaped battery chargers, the four N/A
sides and four edges are subjected to an impact
For other battery chargers, the enclosure is subjected N/A
to eight impacts equally spaced over the periphery
Free fall test Ed, Procedure 1 of IEC 60068-2-32, N/A
from the height of 500 mm
Battery charger not damaged to such extend that N/A
compliance is impaired, live parts shall not become
22.201 Battery charger with only one rated voltage or rated N/A
voltage range
Battery charger not incorporate means for manually N/A
adjusting output voltage
22.202 Battery chargers constructed so that reverse charging N/A
is prevented, regardless of the state of charge of the
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Supplementary information:
-63.0 / -
GT-93600SHG3050 1.5 0.555 / 0.291 +20 -
Supplementary information: Figures shown above are corresponding to rated supply voltage of 100 Va.c.
and 240 Va.c. respectively.
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Supplementary information:
IEC 60335-2-29
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Supplementary information: Protective impedance and radio interference filters are disconnected before
carrying out the tests.
IEC 60335-2-29
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Supplementary information:
Supplementary information:
Supplementary information:
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
Fuse (F1) Conquer MST series T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Electronics Co., Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40017118
Ltd. capacity 100A.
Alt. use Dongguan Better 334 - Serie(s) T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Electronics Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40025428
Technology Co., capacity 50A.
Alt. use Conquer PTU T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Electronics Co., Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40001462
Ltd. capacity 50A.
Alt. use Ever Island 2010 T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Electric Co., Ltd. Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40018781
And Walter capacity 130A.
Alt. use Bel Fuse Ltd. RST-Serie(s) T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40011144
capacity 100A.
Alt. use Cooper Bussmann SS-5 T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
LLC Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40015513
capacity 35A.
Alt. use Walter Electronic ICP-Series T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Co. Ltd. Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40012824
capacity 50A.
Alt. use Dongguan Better 932 T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40033369
capacity 100A.
Alt. use Hollyland 5ET T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40015669
capacity 50A.
Alt. use Hollyland 32S-020H T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40011830
capacity 50A.
Alt. use Conquer MET series T3.15A, 250V, IEC 60127-1 VDE
Electronics Co., Rated breaking IEC 60127-3 40017157
Ltd. capacity 50A.
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Alt. use Rich Bay Co., Ltd. R-301SN 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 VDE
Alt. use Sun Fair Electric S-03 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 VDE
Wire & Cable 40034447
(HK)Co. Ltd.
Alt. use TECX-UNIONS TU-301-S, 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 ENEC 00647
Technology TU-301-SP
Alt. use Rong Feng SS-120 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 VDE
Industrial Co., Ltd. 40028101
Alt. use Zhe Jiang Bei Er ST-A01-003J 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 VDE
jia 40013388
Appliance outlet Rich Bay Co., Ltd. R-302A2 10A, 250Vac IEC/EN 60320-1 VDE
IEC/EN 60320-2- 40029318
Earthing wire KUNSHAN NEW 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ZHICHENG 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
Alt. use ZHUANG SHAN 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
CHUAN 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
Alt. use DONGGUAN 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
CHUANTAI WIRE 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
LTD (UL E315628)
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
Alt. use DONGGUAN 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
GUNEETAL WIRE 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
(UL E204204)
Alt. use SHENG YU 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ENTERPRISE CO 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
LTD 80°C
(UL E219726)
Alt. use KUNSHAN 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
XINGHONGMEN 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
CO LTD (UL E315421)
Alt. use SUZHOU YEMAO 1015, 1007, Min. 20 AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRONIC CO 1185 Min. 300V, Min. 29 appliance
LTD 80°C
(UL E353532)
Internal input SUZHOU YEMAO 1007 Min. 18AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
cord ELECTRONIC CO (UL E353532) min. 300Vac, 29 appliance
LTD min. 80°C UL 758
Alt. use Interchangeable Interchangeab Min. 18AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- UL approved
le min. 300Vac, 29
min. 80°C UL 758
Internal AC SUZHOU SVT Min. 18AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
connection cord DIOUDE (UL E336192) min. 300Vac, 29 appliance
CO LTD Jacketed cord
Internal SUZHOU YEMAO 1007 Min. 24AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
secondary wire ELECTRONIC CO (UL E353532) min. 300Vac, 29 appliance
LTD min. 80°C UL 758
Alt. use Interchangeable Interchangeab Min. 24AWG, IEC/EN 60335-2- UL approved
le min. 300Vac, 29
min. 80°C UL 758
Heat-shrinkable SHENZHEN RSFR, RSFR- 600V, 125 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
tubing (Around WOER HEAT- H, RSFR-HPF 29 appliance
C14) SHRINKABLE (UL E203950)
Alt. use QIFURUI QFR-h 600V, 125°C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRONICS (UL E225897) 29 appliance
IEC 60335-2-29
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Alt. use CHANGYUAN CB-HFT Min. 300V, 125°C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRONICS (UL E180908) 29 appliance
Transformer GlobTek / TF062 Class B, with IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
(T1) BOAM / critical 29 appliance
HAOPUWEI component listed
- Insulation GlobTek GTX-130-TM Class 130 (B) IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
system used 29 appliance
in T1
Alt. use Haopuwei GTX-130-TM Class 130 (B) IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
29 appliance
Alt. use BOAM BOAM-01, Class 130 (B) IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
B01 29 appliance
- Magnet wire PACIFIC UEWN/U MW28-C, 130 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRIC WIRE (UL E201757) 29 appliance
-Alt. use ZHENG YI xUEW, QA- MW75-C, 130 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRICAL x/130 29 appliance
-Alt. use BOLUO COUNTY 2UEW –F MW 79-C, 155 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
XIN LONG (UL E229423) 29 appliance
-Alt. use PACIFIC UEWS/U MW75-C, 130 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
ELECTRIC WIRE (UL E201757) 29 appliance
-Alt. use JUNG SHING UEW-4 MW75C, 130 C IEC/EN 60335-2- Tested with
WIRE CO LTD (UL E174837) 29 appliance
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Reinforced insulation:
Live parts to accessible parts: Min. 8.2mm;
Primary circuits trace to secondary circuits trace: Min. 8.5mm; Primary winding to secondary
winding: Min. 8.8mm; Core (Covered by insulation tape) to secondary parts: > 6.2mm;
Primary capacitor to secondary capacitor: 6.2mm; Primary heatsink to secondary heatsink: 8.0mm;
Primary circuits to secondary heatsink: Min. 6.2mm.
Basic insulation:
Two pins trace under CY1A: 4.0mm. Primary heatsink to two Y-capacitors middle pin: 4.0mm.
Supplementary insulation:
Two pins trace under CY1B: 4.0mm.
1): For the equipment intended to be used in a level above to 5000m, multiplication factor (1.48) for clearance
described in IEC 60664-1 table A.2 considered.
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Supplementary information:
- 550 °C GWT not relevant (or applicable) to parts of material classified at least HB40 or if relevant HBF
- The GWIT pre-selection option, the 850 °C GWFI pre-selection option, and the 850 °C GWT are not
relevant (or applicable) for attended appliances
- NI means no ignition.
Supplementary information:
- NFT not relevant (or applicable) for Parts of material classified as V-0 or V-1
- NFT not relevant (or applicable) for Base material of PCBs classified as V-0 or if relevant VTM-0
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Components that have been previously tested and shown to comply with the —
resistance to fire requirements in the standard for the relevant component need not
be retested provided that:
- the severity specified in the component standard PCB P
is not less than the severity specified in 30.2, and
- the test report for the component states whether it P
complied with the standard for the relevant
component with or without flame, flames not
exceeding 2 s during the test are ignored
Unless components have been previously tested Transformer is tested P
and found to comply with the relevant standard for according to annex G
the number of cycles specified, they are tested in
accordance with 24.1.1 to 24.1.9
For components mentioned in 24.1.1 to 24.1.9, no P
additional tests specified in the relevant standard
for the component are necessary other than those
specified in 24.1.1 to 24.1.9
Components that have not been separately tested P
and found to comply with the relevant standard,
components that are not marked or not used in P
accordance with their marking,
are tested in accordance with the conditions P
occurring in the appliance, the number of samples
being that required by the relevant standard
Lamp holders and starter holders that have not No lampholder or starterholder N/A
been previously tested and found to comply with
the relevant standard are tested as a part of the
appliance and additionally comply with the gauging
and interchangeability requirements of the relevant
standard under the conditions occurring in the
Where the relevant standard specifies these P
gauging and interchangeability requirements at
elevated temperatures, the temperatures measured
during the tests of Clause 11 are used
Plugs and socket-outlets and other connecting P
devices of interconnection cords are not
interchangeable with plugs and socket-outlets listed
in IEC/TR 60083 or IEC 60906-1, or
with connectors and appliance inlets complying with P
the standard sheets of IEC 60320-1,
if direct supply to these parts from the supply mains P
gives rise to a hazard
IEC 60335-2-29
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24.1.7 If the remote operation of the appliance is via a Not for remote operation N/A
telecommunication network, the relevant standard
for the telecommunication interface circuitry in the
appliance is EN 41003
Compliance with Clause 8 of this standard is not N/A
impaired by connecting the appliance to a device
covered by EN 41003
24.Z1 For motor running capacitors (IEC 60252-1 type No motor running capacitor N/A
P2) with a metallic enclosure having an
overpressure fuse the flame testing of internal
plastic parts supporting current carrying
connections as required in 30.2.2 and is
not necessary
25.6 Supply cords of single-phase portable appliances having a rated current not —
exceeding 16 A, fitted with a plug complying with the following standard sheets of
IEC/TR 60083:
- for Class I appliances: No supply cord N/A
standard sheet C2b, C3b or C4 ............................
- for Class II appliances: N/A
standard sheet C5 or C6 .......................................
25.7 Rubber sheathed cords (60245 IEC 53) are not N/A
suitable for appliances intended to be used
outdoors or when they are liable to be exposed to
significant amount of ultraviolet radiation
Halogen-free thermoplastic compound sheathed supply cords have properties at —
least those of:
halogen-free thermoplastic compound N/A
sheathed cords (H03Z1Z1H2-F or
H03Z1Z1-F), for appliances having a mass
not exceeding 3 kg
halogen-free thermoplastic compound N/A
sheathed cords (H05Z1Z1H2-F or
H05Z1Z1-F), for other appliances
Cross-linked halogen-free compound sheathed N/A
supply cords have properties at least those of
cross-linked halogen-free compound sheathed
cords (H07ZZ-F)
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
Norway —
19.5 The test is also applicable to appliances intended N/A
to be permanently connected to fixed wiring
Norway —
22.2 The second paragraph of this subclause, dealing N/A
with single-phase, permanently connected class I
appliances having heating elements, is not
applicable due to the supply system
All CENELEC countries —
25.6 and Information concerning National plug and socket- P
25.25 outlets is available from the CENELEC website.
Normative national requirements concerning plug
and socket-outlets are shown in the relevant
National standard
Ireland and United Kingdom N/A
25.8 In the table, the lines for 10 A and 16 A are replaced by: N/A
> 10 and ≤ 13 1,25 N/A
> 13 and ≤ 16 1,5 N/A
Ireland —
25.6 These regulations apply to all plugs for domestic N/A
use at a voltage of not less than 200 V and in
general allow only plugs complying with I.S.
401:1997, or equivalent, to be fitted to domestic
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
United Kingdom —
25.6 These regulations apply to all plugs for domestic N/A
use at a voltage of not less than 200 V and in
general allow only plugs to BS 1363 to be fitted to
domestic appliances. It also allows plugs to BS
4573 and EN 50075 to be fitted to shavers and
A list of referenced documents in this standard P
A table with IEC and CENELEC code designations Direct plug-in type N/A
for flexible cords
7.1 Business name and full address of the N/A
manufacturer and, where applicable, his authorized
representative ....................................................... :
Model or type reference ........................................ : N/A
Serial number, if any ............................................. : N/A
Production year N/A
Designation of the appliance ................................. : N/A
7.12 Instructions provided with the appliance so that the N/A
appliance can be used safely
The instructions contain at least the following information: N/A
- the business name and full address of the N/A
manufacturer and, where applicable, his authorized
- model or type reference of the appliance as N/A
marked on the appliance itself, except for the serial
- the designation of the appliance together with its N/A
explanation in case it is given by a combination of
letters and/or numbers
- the general description of the appliance, when N/A
needed due to the complexity of the appliance
- specific precautions if required during installation, N/A
operation, adjusting, user maintenance, cleaning,
repairing or moving
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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on airborne noise emissions, determined and declared in accordance with the N/A
relevant Part 2, which includes:
- the A-weighted emission sound pressure N/A
level at workstations, where this exceeds
dB(A) ......................................................... ;
- where this level does not exceed 70 N/A
dB(A),this fact is indicated
- the peak C-weighted instantaneous sound N/A
pressure value at workstations, where this
exceeds 63 Pa (130 dB in relation to 20
μPa) ........................................................... :
- the A-weighted sound power level emitted N/A
by the machinery, where the A-weighted
emission sound pressure level at
workstations exceeds 80 dB(A) ................ :
7.12.ZE2 The instructions includes a warning to disconnect N/A
the appliance from its power source during service
and when replacing parts
If the removal of the plug is foreseen, it is clearly N/A
indicated that the removal of the plug has to be
such that an operator can check from any of the
points to which he has access that the plug
remains removed
If this is not possible, due to the construction of the N/A
appliance or its installation, a disconnection with a
locking system in the isolated position is provided The appliance continues to operate, without N/A
causing any hazard to the user, from the same
point in its operating cycle at which the voltage
fluctuation occurred, or
a manual operation is required to restart it N/A
20.1 Appliances and their components and fittings have N/A
adequate mechanical stability during
transportation, assembly, dismantling and any
other action involving the appliance
20.2 Dangerous moving transmission parts safeguarded N/A
either by design or guards
When guards are used, they are fixed guards, N/A
interlocking movable guards or protective devices
Moving parts directly involved in the function of the appliance which cannot be N/A
made completely inaccessible fitted with:
- fixed guards or interlocking movable guards N/A
preventing access to those sections of the parts
that are not used in the work, and
IEC 60335-2-29
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Annex EN 60335-1:2012/A11:2014
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IEC 60335-2-29
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Clause 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, Electric shock hazard P
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 / prevented
2 a) persons and domestic animals are adequately
protected against the danger of physical injury or
other harm which might be caused by direct or
indirect contact;
Clause 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, Operation temperatures are P
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 / limited in a safety range
2 b) temperatures, arcs or radiation which would
cause a danger, are not produced;
Clause 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, All other hazards specified in P
30, 32 / standard are considered
2 c) persons, domestic animals and property are
adequately protected against non-electrical
dangers caused by the electrical equipment which
are revealed by experience;
3 Protection against hazards which may be caused P
by external influences on the electrical equipment
Technical measures shall be laid down in P
accordance with point 1, in order to ensure that the
electrical equipment:
Clause 6, 7, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 / Mechanical hazards P
3 a) meets the expected mechanical requirements considered
in such a way that persons, domestic animals and
property are not endangered;
Clause 7, 11, 15, 19, 22, 25, 32 / Non-mechanical influences P
3 b) is resistant to non-mechanical influences in considered
expected environmental conditions, in such a way
that persons, domestic animals and property are
not endangered;
Clause 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 / Overload was considered P
3 c) does not endanger persons, domestic animals
and property in foreseeable conditions of overload.
Annex ZZB Relationship between this European standard and N/A
(informativ the essential requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC
e) aimed to be covered
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
BB Annex BB P
Particular requirements for associated transformers for switch mode P
power supplies with internal frequencies > 500 Hz
BB.8.2 Marking for transformers IP00 or for associated N/A
transformers: type and trademark, instruction
BB.8.11 Correct symbols: N/A
Volts V N/A
Amperes A (mA) N/A
Volt amperes (or volt-amperes reactive for VA or (VAR) N/A
Watts W N/A
Hertz Hz N/A
Input PRI N/A
Output SEC N/A
Direct current d.c. (DC) or N/A
Neutral N N/A
Single-phase a.c. N/A
Three-phase a.c. 3 N/A
Three-phase and neutral a.c. 3N N/A
Power factor cos N/A
Class II construction N/A
Fuse-link N/A
Rated max. ambient temperature ta N/A
Frame or core terminal N/A
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
BB.14.2 Application of 14.1 or 14.3 according to the Tested together with power P
insulation system supply
BB.14.2.1 Class of isolating system (classified materials Class B P
according to IEC 60 085 and IEC 60 216)
BB.14.2.2 No classified material, or system but the N/A
measured temperature does not exceed the
value of Class A
BB.14.2.3 No classified material or system but the N/A
measured temperature exceeds the value for
Class A, the live parts of the transformers are
submitted to the test of 14.3
BB.14.3 Accelerated ageing test for undeclared class of N/A
isolating system
Cycling test (10 cycles): N/A
– measuring of the no-load input current (mA) N/A
BB.14.3.1 – heat run (temperature in table 2) N/A
BB.14.3.2 – vibration test: 30 min; amplitude 0,35 mm; N/A
frequency range: 10 Hz, 55 Hz, 10 Hz
BB.14.3.3 – moisture treatment (48 h, 17.2) N/A
BB.14.3.4 Measurements and tests at the beginning and N/A
after each test:
– deviation of the no-load input current, N/A
measured at the beginning of the test is
– insulation resistance acc. cl.18.1 and 18.2 N/A
– electric strength, no breakdown (18.3); N/A
2 min; test voltage 35% of specified value
(table VI)
– Transformers (50 or 60 Hz version) are N/A
tested after the dielectric strength test as
under no load; duration: 5 min;
Upri(V):1,2 times rated supply voltage;
frequency (Hz): 2 times rated frequency
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
BB.19.1 Separation of input and output circuits P
BB.19.1.1 SMPS incorporating auto-transformers N/A
(IEC 61558-2-16:2009)
BB.19.1.2 SMPS incorporating separating transformers N/A
(IEC 61558-2-16:2009)
BB. Input and output circuits electrically separated. N/A
(IEC 61558-2-16:09)
BB. The insulation between input and output N/A
winding(s) consist of basic insulation
(IEC 61558-2-16:09)
Class I SMPS N/A
– Insulation between input windings and body N/A
consist of basic insulation
– Insulation between output windings and N/A
body consist of basic insulation
Class II SMPS (IEC 61558-2-16:09) N/A
– Insulation between input windings and body N/A
consist of double or reinforced insulation
– Insulation between output windings and N/A
body consist of double or reinforced
BB. The insulation between input windings and N/A
intermediate conductive parts and the output
windings and intermediate part consist of basic
insulation (IEC 61558-2-16:09)
For class I SMPS the insulation between input N/A
and output windings via the intermediate
conductive parts consist of basic insulation
(IEC 61558-2-16:09)
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
Test A N/A
– thermal class N/A
– working voltage N/A
– Test with three specially specimens, with (see appended table) N/A
uninsulated wires, without impregnation or
Two of the three specimens are subjected to: N/A
– the relevant humidity treatment N/A
according to 17.2 (48 h)
– the relevant dielectric strength test of N/A
18.3 multiplied with factor 1,35
– One of the three specimens is subjected N/A
to the relevant dielectric strength test of
18.3 multiplied by the factor 1,35
immediately at the end of the last cycle
with high temperature
Impulse dielectric test according to N/A
of IEC 60 664-1 (1,2 / 50 –
see Annex R of IEC 61558-1
BB.26.2.4 Enclosed parts, by impregnation or potting N/A
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
(mm) ....................................................... :
7. Distance through insulation: N/A
a) measu N/A
(mm) ................................................. :
b) N/A
(mm) ................................................. :
c) N/A
(mm) ................................................. :
BB.26.102 Values of IEC 61558-2-16 applicable for Measured: 65.6KHz P
frequency up to 3 MHz (EN 61558-2-16:09)
For frequency above 3 MHz clause 7 of N/A
IEC 60664-4 is applicable (high frequency
BB.26.103 Clearance (EN 61558-2-16:09) P
a.) Clearance for frequency > 30 kHz according P
figure 101 two determinations are necessary:
– determination based on peak working P
voltage according Table 104 :
Peak working voltage 500V peak max. P
Basic insulation: required / measured N/A
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
IEC 60335-2-29
Clause Requirement + Test Result - Remark Verdict
Supplementary information:
Overall view
Overall view
AC inlet
Overall view
AC outlet
Internal view
Internal view
Internal view
Internal view
Internal view
Internal view
Internal view
Earthing symbol
Internal view
Earthing symbol