Spelling Bee Word List-1999-20

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Academic Year 2022-2023

Spelling Bee Word List

1 accrue verb \ə-ˈkrü\

:to accumulate or be added periodically
Interest will accrue on a daily basis when your money is in the bank.

2 accumulate verb \ə-ˈkyü-m(y)ə-ˌlāt\

: to gather or pile up especially little by little
If you don’t keep your room clean, the clutter will accumulate.

3 accomplish verb [uh-kom-plish]

:to bring about (a result) by effort; to bring to completion
We can accomplish the job in an hour.

4 aggravate verb [ag-ruh-veyt]

: to make worse or more severe; to annoy; irritate
His questions aggravate her.

5 asphalt noun [as-fawlt]

:a mixture of such substances with gravel, crushed rock, or the like, used for paving.
The asphalt used to waterproof the concrete has also begun to deteriorate.

6 bankruptcy noun \ˈ aŋk-(ˌ)rəp(t)-sē\

: utter failure or impoverishment
The company is facing bankruptcy and will go out of business.

7 belligerence noun [buh-lij-er-uh ns]

:a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.
His belligerence did not take him very far.

8 besiege transitive verb \bi-ˈsēj ē-\

: to surround with armed forces
The army wanted to besiege the castle.

9 boulevard noun ˈ -lə-ˌvärd ˈ ü- also ˈbə-\

: a wide avenue often having grass strips with trees along its center or sides
The city is known for its broad, tree-lined boulevard.

10 bureaucracy noun -ˈrä-krə-sē ə-, byər-ˈä-\

: a body of government officials
She was fed up with all the red tape and bureaucracy.
11 camouflage noun \ˈka-mə-ˌfläzh, -ˌfläj\
: the disguising especially of military equipment or installations with paint, nets, or
The army tanks were painted green and brown for camouflage.

12 centripetal adjective [sen-trip-i-tl]

:directed toward the center
I was surprised when I saw that the water was not spilled when it was swung around
in a circle, but then I learned that centripetal force kept it inside.

13 chaperone noun \ˈsha-pə-ˌr n\

: an older person who accompanies young people at a social gathering to ensure
proper behavior
I was a chaperone on my son's school field trip.

14 chronicle noun [kron-i-kuhl]

:a chronological record of events; a history.
We read a chronicle of the American Civil War.

15 commencement noun [kuh-mens-muhnt]

:a graduation ceremony
The speeches at the commencement were very inspiring to the graduates.

16 conscientious adjective [kon-shee-en-shuhs]

:Always attempting to do the right thing.
Joe is a very conscientious person who always double-checks his work to ensure it is

17 deficiency noun [di-ˈfi-shən-sē]

:The state of being deficient; lack; incompleteness; insufficiency.
A deficiency of the vitamin is often marked by anemia resulting from the destruction of
red blood cells.

18 denominator noun \di-ˈnä-mə-ˌnā-tər\

: the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the
In this context, the community became the common denominator.

19 desecration noun \ˌde-si-ˈkrā-shən\

: an act or instance of desecrating : the state of being desecrated
The communicants were aghast at the desecration of the altar.

20 desperately adverb \ˈdes-p(ə-)rət-lē -pərt-\

: in a desperate manner
All of a sudden everything went desperately wrong.
21 demagogue noun [dem-uh-gog, -gawg]
:A person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by
arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
That politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people’s fears and prejudices.

22 didactic adjective [dahy-dak-tik]

:intended for instruction; instructive inclined to teach or lecture others too much
He was a boring, didactic speaker.

23 exacerbate transitive verb \ig-ˈza-sər-ˌ āt\

: to make more violent, bitter, or severe
The proposed factory shutdown would only exacerbate our unemployment problems.

24 enthusiasm noun [en-thoo-zee-az-uhm]

:great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause
Her enthusiasm for Harry Potter books was evident after she read the entire series in
one week!

25 entourage noun [ahn-too-rahzh]

:a group of attendants, associates or followers
The football team’s entourage included several trainers and a medical doctor.

26 epidermis noun [ep-i-dur-mis]

:the outer, nonvascular, non sensitive layer of the skin, covering the true skin or
corium. Retinol plumps skin, thickens the epidermis, improves texture and blood
circulation and repairs the signs of sun damage.

27 evanescent adjective [ev-uh-nes-uhnt]

:vanishing; fading away; fleeting.
Aphrodite's beauty was said to be greater than that of an evanescent sunset.

28 fictitious adjective [fik-tish-uhs]

:Characterized by fiction; imaginary
To protect his identity, he used a fictitious name.

29 foreigner noun [fawr-uh-ner]

: a person not native to or naturalized in the country under consideration; alien
He liked the new country he was living in even though he was a foreigner.

30 flamboyant adjective flam-ˈ i-ənt\

: marked by or given to elaborate or colorful display or behavior
The flamboyant gestures of the conductor impressed everyone.

31 frivolous adjective \ˈfri-və-ləs\

: of little weight or importance, lacking in seriousness
Judges are getting sick of people bringing frivolous lawsuits.
32 formidable adjective [fawr-mi-duh-buhl]
:Causing fear, dread, or apprehension
Heavy snowstorms create a formidable challenge for inexperienced drivers.

33 gregarious adjective [gri-gair-ee-uhs]

:sociable; liking to be with other people
The gregarious child made friends easily.

34 guarantee noun [gar-uhn-tee]

:a warranty, pledge or promise given by way of security
The watch manufacturer offers a 2-year guarantee against defects.

35 government noun, often attributive \ˈ ə-vər(n)-mənt

: the agency through which a political unit exercises authority
She works for the federal government.

36 geothermal adjective \-ˈthər-məl\

: of, relating to, or utilizing the heat of the earth's interior
My house is heated by a geothermal system.

37 grandiose adjective \ˈ ran-dē-ˌ s

: impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur
He was full of grandiose ideas.

38 hereditary adjective \hə-ˈre-də-ˌter-ē\

: genetically passed or capable of being passed from parent to offspring
He suffers from a rare hereditary condition.

39 hideous adjective [hid-ee-uh s]

: horrible or frightful to the senses; repulsive; very ugly
The hideous monster frightened her.

40 homogeneous adjective [hoh-muh-jee-nee-uhs]

:composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind
The group of marbles is very homogeneous in that it has all blue marbles of the same

41 hydraulic adjective [hahy-draw-lik, -drol-ik]

:Operated, moved or effected by means of water
A hydraulic lift was used to raise the car so that the mechanic could change the tires.

42 immobilize verb [ih-moh-buh-lahyz]

: to prevent the use, activity, or movement of
He used a cast to immobilize the broken arm.

43 incautious adjective [in-kaw-shuhs]

:not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless.
However, you should also keep in mind that even experienced students may be wounded or
offended by incautious remarks.

44 inconvenience noun [in-kuh n-veen-yuh ns]

: the quality or state of being inconvenient
It was an inconvenience to go to the store.

45 incoherently adjective \-ənt\

: not sticking closely or compactly together, not clearly or logically connected
He talked incoherently about the accident.

46 incorruptible adjective [in-kuh-ruhp-tuh-buhl]

:Incapable of corruption; honest; honorable
Although he was often offered bribes, the police chief was incorruptible.

47 judicious adjective \jü-ˈdi-shəs\

: having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment :
Judicious planning now can prevent problems later.

48 juggernaut noun [juhg-er-nawt,-not]

:any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, such as war, a giant battleship, or
a powerful football team.
There was no escaping the juggernaut of hype for the studio’s biggest summer

49 julienne transitive verb \ˌjü-lē-ˈen

: to slice into thin strips about the size of matchsticks
Wash and julienne the carrots.

50 jaundice noun ˈj n-dəs ˈjän-\

: yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition
of bile pigments
The jaundice in the eyes of the two feuding neighbors was enough to kill crabgrass.

51 kaleidoscope noun [khu-lahy-duh-skohp]

:an optical instrument in which bits of glass, held loosely at the end of a rotating tube,
are shown in continually changing symmetrical forms by reflection in two or more
mirrors set at angles to each other.
The landing was a kaleidoscope of changing colors.

52 kerosene noun \ˈker-ə-ˌsēn\

: a flammable hydrocarbon oil usually obtained by distillation of petroleum and used as
a fuel, solvent, and thinner
Many years ago kerosene lamps were often used for lighting.

53 karaoke noun [kar-ee-oh-kee]

:A music entertainment system providing pre-recorded accompaniment to popular
songs that a performer sings live, usually by following the words on a video screen.
Karaoke is very popular in bars in Asian countries such as Japan, China and Taiwan.
54 legislature noun [lej-is-ley-cher]
:a group of people who make laws
The state legislature passed many bills during their session last year.

55 laborious adjective lə-ˈ r-ē-əs\

: involving or characterized by hard or toilsome effort
The volunteers have been commendably laborious in their cleanup of the beach.

56 lieutenant noun \-ˈte-nənt\

: an official empowered to act for a higher official
He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

57 liquefy verb \ˈli-kwə-ˌfī\

: to reduce to a liquid state
The cook needed to liquefy the vegetable in a blender.

58 manuscript noun [man-yuh-skript]

:a book or article that is typewritten or in handwriting.
The manuscript you submitted to the book publisher is well-written and original.

59 metamorphosis noun [me-tə-ˈm r-fə-səs]

:a marked or complete change of character, appearance, condition, etc.
The butterfly kit allows a child to see the complete metamorphosis from larvae to
butterfly, both an exciting and wonderful learning experience.

60 maneuvering noun \mə-ˈnü-vər\

: a procedure or method of working usually involving expert physical movement
With some quick maneuvering, she avoided an accident.

61 millionaire noun \ˌmi(l)-yə-ˈner, ˈmi(l)-yə-ˌ\

: a person whose wealth is estimated at a million or more
I want to earn enough money to be a millionaire.

62 miscellaneous adjective [mi-sə-ˈlā-nē-əs, -nyəs]

:consisting of members or elements of different kinds; of mixed character:
He checked out a book from the library of miscellaneous essays on American history.

63 monotonous adjective \mə-ˈnä-tə-nəs

: uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and
The lecturer's monotonous delivery threatened to put us to sleep.

64 negotiator noun \ni-ˈ -shē-ˌāt-or\

: one who confers with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter
The customer wanted a negotiator to help with the dispute over the price.

65 nourishment noun \ˈnər-ish-mənt\

: the act of nourishing : the state of being nourished
These children are suffering because they lack proper nourishment.

66 neutralize verb [noo-truh-lahyz, nyoo- ]

:to counteract the activity or effect of; make ineffective
After Joe spilled bleach on carpet, he searched for ways he could neutralize the spill
before his mom noticed.

67 obviously adverb \ˈäb-vē-əs\ \-lē\

: in an obvious manner
She obviously enjoys her work.

68 olfactory adjective [ol-fak-tuh-ree]

: of or pertaining to the sense of smell
One olfactory organ is the nose.

69 obligation noun \ˌä-blə-ˈ ā-shən\

: the action of obligating oneself to a course of action
He argues that people in a community have a certain obligation to each other.

70 ostensible adjective [o-sten-suh-buhl]

: outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended
An ostensible cheerfulness concealed his sadness.

71 philanthropy noun [fi-lan-thruh-pee]

:altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by
donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions
of learning and hospitals, and by generosity of other socially useful purposes.
The family’s philanthropy made it possible to build the public library.

72 penicillin noun \ˌpe-nə-ˈsi-lən\

: a mixture of relatively nontoxic antibiotic acids produced especially by molds of the
genus Penicillium
The doctor gave my brother some penicillin to help him get better.

73 perseverance noun \ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\

: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition
His perseverance was rewarded: after many rejections, he finally found a job.

74 phenomenon noun [fi-nom-uh-non, -nuhn]

:a rare or significant fact or even; a remarkable development.
Glaciers are a unique and interesting natural phenomenon.

75 planetarium noun \ˌpla-nə-ˈter-ē-əm\

: a model or representation of the solar system
We went to the planetarium to observe the solar system.

76 pneumonia noun [noo-mohn-yuh]

: inflammation of the lungs with congestion
The doctor said that she had a severe case of pneumonia and had to stay in bed.

77 quandary noun \ˈkwän-d(ə-)rē\

: a state of perplexity or doubt
The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers.

78 questionnaire noun [kwes-chuh-nair]

:a list of questions, usually printed, submitted for replies that can be analyzed for
usable information: a questionnaire used in market research.
Thank you for completing the questionnaire.

79 quetzal noun [ket-sahl]

:A Central American bird
As we left the lodge, we saw a majestic male quetzal from the bus!

80 raucous adjective \ˈr -kəs\

: disagreeably harsh or strident
The loud neighbors kept up their raucous laughter half the night.

81 remembrance noun \ri-ˈmem-brən(t)s\

: the state of bearing in mind
A happy couple with a fond remembrance of when they first met.

82 rendezvous noun \ˈrän-di-ˌvü\

: a place appointed for assembling or meeting
The restaurant will be our rendezvous.

83 recipient noun \ri-ˈsi-pē-ənt\

: one that receives
I hope to be the recipient of the prize.

84 silhouette noun \ˌsi-lə-ˈwet\

: a likeness cut from dark material and mounted on a light ground or one sketched in
outline and solidly colored in
My piano teacher has a framed silhouette of Mozart on her wall.

85 spaghetti noun \spə-ˈge-tē\

: pasta made in thin solid strings
If you prefer you could use spaghetti or linguine.

86 stratosphere noun \ˈstra-tə-ˌsfir\e

: the part of the earth's atmosphere which extends from the top of the troposphere to
about 30 miles
Both rising co2 levels and stratospheric ozone depletion tend to cool the stratosphere.

87 sufficiently adjective [suh-fish-uhnt]

:Enough, adequate
Because the teacher did not sufficiently explain the homework assignment, the
students were confused.

88 susceptible adjective [suh-sep-tuh-buh]

: accessible or especially liable or subject to some influence, mood, agency, etc.
The statue was susceptible to rust.

89 tantalize verb [tan-tl-ahyz]

:to tease
Movie previews are used to tantalize moviegoers.

90 technician noun \tek-ˈni-shən\

: a specialist in the technical details of a subject or occupation
They hired a technician to help maintain the office's computers.

91 temporary adjective \ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē\

: lasting for a limited time
The settlers built temporary shelters.

92 unanimous adjective [yoo-nan-uh-muhs]

:Showing complete agreement with no one opposed
After a very busy school year, everyone in the family made the unanimous decision to
take a vacation.

93 unenforceable adjective
: not capable of being brought about by compulsion
Congress passed an unenforceable law according to the local police.

94 unnecessary adjective \ˌən-ˈne-sə-ˌser-ē\

: not necessary
In this city, owning a car is unnecessary.

95 vivacious adj \və-ˈvā-shəs\

: lively in temper, conduct, or spirit : sprightly
An outgoing, vivacious girl who became a successful sales rep.

96 vacillate verb \ vas-uh-leyt \

:to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute
His tendency to vacillate makes him a poor leader.

97 vegetarian noun \ˌve-jə-ˈter-ē-ən\

: one who believes in or practices vegetarianism
Vegetarian sausages are non-meat slices.

98 whimsical adjective \ˈhwim-zi-kəl, ˈwim-\

: full of, actuated by, or exhibiting whims
She has a whimsical sense of humor.

99 waspish adjective \ wos-pish \

:like or suggesting a wasp, esp. in behavior.
Extremely waspish, she uses her wit viciously when irritated.

100 yacht noun \ˈ/jɒt/ \

: a large usually motor-driven craft used for pleasure cruising
He purchased a yacht to sail across the sea in comfort.

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