SITXINV002 Student Assessment Task 1 1

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Assessment Details

Qualification Code/Title Commercial cookery certificate 4

Assessment Type Assessment Task 1 Time allowed 1 week
Due Date 31st March 2022 Location SCCM Term / Year T1 2022

Unit of Competency
National Code/Title SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items

Student Details
Student Name Diwash Timsina Student ID MCS00001ZP
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my Signature: ______diwash _______
own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or Date: _30_/_03/_2022___
Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name Milan mehta
Feedback to student:

*If Student is Not Satisfactory Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a
Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
No and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Comment: Signature: ________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Instructions to the Candidates
 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
 Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge.
You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
 If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform
the assessor immediately.
 Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
 To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment
along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
 This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by
your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference
these appropriately
 Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12,
line spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name
and Page Number. Document must be printed double sided.
 This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard copy of
the Assessments to your Trainer/ Assessor.
 Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark
of Not Satisfactory. SCCM uses Safe Assign Plagiarism Checker to check the originality of the student
assessment. Student must be aware of and understand the SCCM’s policy on plagiarism and certify that this
assignment is their own work, except where indicated by referencing, and that student have followed the good
academic practices noted above.

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Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items. These
tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the
advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important
information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to maintain the quality of perishable supplies for food and beverage, commercial cookery
or catering operations. It requires the ability to store perishable supplies in optimum conditions to minimise
wastage and avoid food contamination.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:
 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.
 Assessment Task 2: Observation – You must demonstrate your skills and knowledge by maintaining the
quality of perishable items. You will need to complete a range of workplace documentation that
demonstrates you have conducted temperature and quality checks on delivered food, and will be
observed storing perishable items and checking them for spoilage or contamination.

Preparing for assessment

Please read through all of the assessment tasks and related documents carefully before you get started.
Ensure that you have everything that you need and seek clarification from your trainer, assessor or workplace
supervisor if you have any questions.
Once you have read through the assessment tasks and are satisfied that you are clear on the requirements
and submission dates, complete and sign a Student Assessment Agreement. Your assessor will countersign
the agreement and keep it on file. You will find a Student Assessment Agreement in Appendix B of your
Hospitality Works Student User Guide or your RTO will provide you with one.
Remember to check your Hospitality Works Student User Guide for information about:

 submitting assessments
 assessment appeals
 re-assessment guidelines
 responding to written questions.

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the
learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:
 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works Student
User Guide
 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 submit a completed cover sheet with your work
 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information
 where this task should be completed
 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
 whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Assessment Task 1

Provide answers to all the questions below:

1. Provide a definition of the term ‘wastage’ in the context of a commercial kitchen. In your response, explain why
waste should be avoided.
In the commercial kitchen the term wastage means the leftover food or the food that was wasted by the
customers, all the foods in the kitchen that no longer can be used in other form like the left-over chicken in
some of the kitchen are mixed with the salad next day. As we are employee of the company so must look
after the business which is called duty of care of the business which helps to avoid loss of the company
and can increase the profit margin.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


2. Provide a definition of each of the following.

Contaminant Contamination is the presence of a constituent, impurity or some other
undesirable element that spoils, corrupts, infects, makes unfit, or makes
inferior a material, physical body, natural environment, workplace.

Contamination The act of contaminating or of making something impure or unsuitable by

contact with something unclean, bad etc. the act of contaminating or of
rendering something harmful or unusable by the addition of radioactive
material. The contamination of food following a nuclear attack.

Potentially hazardous foods Potentially Hazardous Food is a term used by food safety organisations to
classify foods that require time-temperature control to keep them safe for
human consumption.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


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3. List three reasons why it is important to protect food from contamination.
 To ensure that consumers are protected from food poisoning as well as foodborne diseases.
 To avoid food wastage as well losses which result after food become contaminated and need to be
 It is a requirement by the food safety standard and a breach of the act will result ion serious legal

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


4. Provide a definition of each of the following.

Physical contamination Physical contamination occurs when a physical object enters food at some
stage of production or preparation process. Physical objects in food can be a
choking hazard and often introduce biological contaminants as well.

Chemical contamination Chemical contaminants are chemicals toxic to plants and animals in
waterways. The phrase ‘chemical contamination’ is used to indicate situations
where chemicals are either present where they should not be, or are at higher
concentrations that they would naturally have occurred.

Microbiological contamination Microbiological contamination refers to the non-intended or accidental

introduction of infectious material like bacteria, yeast, mound, fungi, virus,
prions or their toxins and by products.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


5. Explain the processes that can be taken to reject contaminated food that has been delivered to your workplace.

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First, take into consideration the food’s appearance, aroma and texture. Return it to the delivery company if
it is not how it expected it to be or as you were told it would arrive. That is, if you suspect or know that food
delivered to your premises is tainted, you should return it to the supplier or with supplier’s permission
destroy it. If the wrapping around the food is broken or torn, for example, you may suspect contamination.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


6. Identify two reasons why food that has been delivered may have become contaminated.
 The temperature requirement in the vehicle may not meet the criteria.
 Make the while loading the food not stacked properly which damaged the packaging of the product.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


7. Identify two reasons why chilled and frozen food that has been delivered may have reached a dangerous
temperature zone or thawed.
 The food are placed outside for longer time than it should be
 The food was not cared or handled properly which loading and delivering the food.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


8. Identify two reasons why food that has been delivered may have become exposed due to damage to the

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 Due to use of poor packaging materials
 The food was not stacked properly in truck which damaged the packaging of food.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


9. Describe the FIFO method.

First in First Out is the method of using the food in proper order or in a systematic way. Selling or using the
food which was made or place at the first in order.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


10. Personal belongings and clothing (i.e. your ‘streetwear’ or soiled clothing) can be a source of food
contamination. Explain how they should be stored so that contamination cannot occur.

 Protect and store uncooked foods on shelves under cooked or ready to eat foods in the refrigerator.
 Utilizing a variety of cooking tools and equipment to produce a variety of foods.
 Prior moving from raw food to ready to eat food preparation stations, unclean kitchen attire must be

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


11. Explain how chemicals and cleaning products should be stored so that they do not become a source of food

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Chemical and cleaning product need to be placed in room temperature with light and ventilator and also
need to be far from the food area which help to cross contamination.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


12. Provide an example of each of the following types of spoilage and contamination.
Degradation of flavour, aroma, Meat stored in incorrect information, bruised fruits and vegetables.
colour and texture

Enzymic browning Carrot, lettuce

Drying and hardening When the pasta and sauce are left with no lid on it.

Crystallisation When we take meat out from the freezer

Infestation of animal and pest Small insect on the floor


Mould Yogurt left for long time unused in room temperature

Odour Rotten lettuce, rotten tomatoes

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


13. List three requirements for storing food safely in containers.

 Need to make sure the container is clean and hygiene

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 Use the habit of making colour container for eating items
 Always need to be sealed with the proper lid on.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


14. List three requirements related to food labelling and coding.

 Mentioned the name of the food in bold hand
 Mention the best before date and time
 Mention the use me tag for using FIFO method.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


15. List the cleaning and sanitising procedures for storage areas.
Pull all the items that are on the shelves in store areas and clean the shelves with soapy water and sanitise
it in a required way and place the items back to the shelves and
Broom the floor and mop the floor at the end of the task and let it dry.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


16. Complete the table below by identifying the correct storage temperatures for each of the food types.
Item Temperature ( In degrees)

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Beverages 0-5 or room temperature
Hard cheese 0-5
Ice cream Below -18
Eggs 0-5
Butter 0-5
Portioned meat (not frozen) 0-5
Minced meat/processed meat (not 0-5
Frozen meat Below -18
Fresh poultry 0-5
Frozen poultry Below -18
Fresh seafood 0-5
Frozen seafood Below -18
Vegetables (tinned) Reem temperature
Strawberries 0-5
Oranges 0-5
Lettuce 0-5
Cauliflower 0-5
Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


17. Explain how the following are used as a guide to checking the quality of food.

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Best before or use by dates Quality will be fading away from the start date of the manufactured and we will
not be able to use the product by after used by dates.

Freshness With green vegetables it needs to be proper green with shiny. With the fish its
eye need to be clear to know about the freshness.

Size In some point the radish looks big but it may be hollow from inside so the size
does not matters. But with watermelons its away sweet even it big or small

Weight If the size is big and the weight is low than we might be sure than there is
quality issues with the items for example if radish is big but he weigh it low
means there is hollow which decrees the quality of the food.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


18. Explain how to dispose of kitchen waste in a manner that is in line with food safety standards and also
environmentally sound.
Separation of waste is required. Determine whether the garbage is biodegradable, recyclable or non-
biodegradable. Make sure the waste does not come into contact with the food and has its own area before
placing it outside the bins. Ensure that dangerous chemicals are properly disposed of. To prevent the
spread of infection, make sure infected products are kept separate from other foods.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


19. Explain how to dispose of chemicals in an environmentally safe manner.

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There is a specific allocated container for chemical disposal for the environment safe manner.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


20. Explain how each of the following can impact in maintaining quality of food that is kept in dry stores,
refrigerators/cool rooms and freezers.
Inadequate ventilation in the It can create humid or increase humid which can create mould in the food.
kitchen area

Correct air conditioning and Food are going to be fresh and hot for longer time if there is proper air
heating conditioning and heating.

Humidity It can contaminate the food due to moulds are created with humidity.

Damage through people traffic/ People can mix up the food when there is people traffic which can contaminate
handling the food.

Environmental heat and light When the environmental heat and light are high it can damage the food faster.

Incorrect temperatures in Bacteria are developed in two time in between the temperature of 5-60
refrigerators/cool rooms and degree Celsius and frozen foods are not good to keep in freezer after
freezers once its defrosted.

Temperature of dry stores We cannot control the temperature of dry store.

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Outcome ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory


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Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name: Diwash Timsina

Did the student provide a sufficient Completed successfully? Comments

and clear answer which met the
requirements of the assessor Yes No
marking guide?

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

Question 18

Question 19

Question 20

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Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name: Milan Mehta


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