B747-400 Oral Prep

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include understanding the electrical, hydraulic and landing gear systems of the Boeing 747 aircraft.

The main components of the electrical system include buses, generators, batteries and transformers. The buses power critical flight instruments, communications equipment and other aircraft systems.

The main components of the hydraulic system include reservoirs, pumps and actuators. The hydraulic system powers flight controls, landing gear, thrust reversers, speedbrakes and other systems requiring mechanical force.


Items on the Exterior Safety inspection?

Chocks / Ldg Gear (door pos) / APU Fire Control Handle / Flt Control surfaces /
APU exhaust area (unless APU running)

Electrical Power Up procedure?

BAT Switch ON / STBY PWR selector AUTO / HYD DEM Pump selectors OFF /
Windshield Wiper selectors OFF / ALT Flap selector OFF / Ldg Gear Lever down /
Flap Position & Indicator

EECs do what?
 Command Fuel Metering Unit to adjust Fuel Flow
 Command App Idle when: NAI ON / Flaps in Ldg position / CONT Ignition ON
 Set Thrust by controlling N1 based on Thrust Lever position
 Keeps Thrust constant independent of Outside Air Temp & Press
 Adjusts for changes in NAI, WAI & airplane Bleed requirements
(this allows a FIXED Thrust Lever position throughout Climb)
 Overboost protection
Name some important items on the Main Hot Battery Bus:
 Spar Valves
 APU & Lower Cargo Fire Extinguishers
 Engine Fire Extinguishers
 Fire unlock switches
When I place the BAT switch to ON, what busses are powered? (DARK airplane)
 2 HOT BAT Buses (Main & APU)
 2 BAT Buses (Main & APU)
When I place the STBY PWR selector to AUTO, what Buses are powered & how?
Main & APU Stby Buses, through the Invertors from the Main & APU Buses
What items are on the MAIN Stby Bus?
Primary EICAS / Left FMS-CDU / Left EIU / Left ILS / Left VOR
What items are on the APU Stby Bus?
Left PFD / Left ND / Left FMC
What powers the MAIN Stby Bus during normal operations?
AC Bus 3
What powers the APU Stby Bus during normal operations?
CA Xfer Bus
What is the source of power to the BAT Chargers?
Ground Service Bus
What is the main power source to the Grd Service Bus?
 AC Bus 1
What is the purpose of the “Ground Service” switch located next to the L1 Door?
When AC Bus 1 is not powered, the Grd Serv Bus can be powered from
the same source as the Grd Handling Bus by pushing the switch
What is the main source of power for the CA Xfer Bus? Backup?
 AC Bus 3
 AC Bus 1
What is the main source of power for the FO Xfer Bus? Backup?
 AC Bus 2
 AC Bus 1
When is the Ground Handling Bus powered?
On the ground, anytime APU 1 or EXT 1 is AVAIL or ON
What are some of the items on the Ground Handling Bus?
 Lower Cargo Handling and Lights
 Fueling system
 AUX Hyd Demand Pump #4
When is the Main Deck Cargo handling Bus powered?
On the ground, anytime APU 2 or EXT 2 is AVAIL
What happens when you push a BTB switch?
 Push OFF: opens the BTB & respective DCIR and resets Fault Logic circuitry
 Push AUTO: arms the automatic AC bus tie circuitry & closes DCIR
What items are powered in flight with loss of all Normal AC Power (Loss of all Gens)?
 Left FMC  Left VHF Comm  NAI
 Left PFD  Primary EICAS  Dome Lights
 Left ND  CA Pitot Heat  L & R interphone panels
Can I fly an ILS with loss of all Normal AC Power?
Yes, BUT no FD or A/P
Can I trim with loss of all Normal AC Power?
Yes, using Alternate switches (through a separate control channel)
Can I get the Gear & Flaps down with loss of all Normal AC Power?
Yes, the Gear through its normal Hydraulic mode and the TE Flaps
through the Primary mode. The LE Flaps will NOT extend prompting
a Flaps Drive message (25 Kt additive to VREF – QRH)
What about Reverse, Speedbrakes & Anti-Skid with loss of all Normal AC Power?
No Reverse, No Auto Speedbrakes (manual OK), and no Anti-Skid
B744 APU
Where does the APU get its fuel?
 AC available: Main Tank 2 / Pump 2 AFT
 AC NOT available: Main Tank 2 / DC Pump
How can I tell if the APU is running?
 EICAS Status message “APU running”
 APU Gens “AVAIL” light
 STAT page: line of APU info
What does APU Gen “AVAIL” light indicate?
APU Gen power acceptable
Can I start the APU in flight?
Can the APU be operated in flight?
Can I use the APU Gens in flight?
With an APU fire light, what will automatically occur if the airplane is on the ground?
APU automatically shuts down and the APU extinguisher automatically discharges
What are the main items powered by HYD SYS 1?
 Nose & Body Gear steering & actuation
 Inboard TE Flaps
 Left Outboard Elevator
 Alternate Brakes
 Center A/P
What are the main items powered by HYD SYS 2?
 Stabilizer Trim
 Elevator Feel
 Alternate Brakes
 Right A/P
What are the main items powered by HYD SYS 3?
 Stabilizer Trim
 Elevator Feel
 Left A/P
What are the main items powered by HYD SYS 4?
 Wing Gear actuation
 Outboard TE Flaps
 Primary Brakes
 Right Outboard Elevator
What powers #1 Demand Pump?
Air (faster)
What powers #2 Demand Pump?
Elec (more torque)
Is there a shutoff valve for the Demand Pump?
NO; a switch but no valve
When do Demand Pumps 1 & 4 automatically operate?
Flaps in Transit or out of UP / respective Eng Driven pump output pressure low /
respective Fuel Control switch in CUTOFF
What will cause the HYD SYS Fault light to illuminate?
 Low Hyd system pressure
 Low Hyd reservoir qty
 Excessive Hyd fluid temperature
What will cause the Demand pump low PRESS light to illuminate?
 Demand pump selector to OFF or AUX
 Output pressure is low with pump operating
 Demand pump fails to operate
With loss of HYD SYS 4, how do you lower the Ldg Gear & Flaps?
ALTN Gear extend switches / Secondary mode (electrically)
With the loss of HYD SYS 4 do you have Autobrakes? Anti-Skid?
NO / YES (in pairs only)
What may cause the nose to pitch up on landing with loss of HYD SYS 4?
Rapid extension of Spoilers; Spoiler panels 5,6,7, & 8 (4 inboards)
will not deploy on touchdown
What is the difference between Normal & Alternate brake systems?
 Normal brakes: Autobrakes available & individual wheel Antiskid protection
 Alternate brakes: No Autobrakes & lateral wheel pairs Antiskid protection
Indications of an engine fire?
 Both Master Warning Lights
 Engine Fire Light
 Fuel Control switch Light
What will unlock a Fire switch?
 Fire Warning
 Fuel Control switch in CUTOFF
 Override switch/button
What happens when I pull a Fire switch?
 Closes Engine & Spar fuel valves
 Closes Engine Bleed valve
 Trips Gen field
 Shuts off HYD to EDP
 Depressurizes the Demand pump
 Arms both Fire extinguishers on the related wing
How many Fire bottles are available to an engine?
Two on each wing
What type of Fire detection do the engines have?
Dual loop (“and” system)
Will I get a Fire warning for an Engine Overheat?
No, that would be an Overheat warning
What type of detection do I have for a cargo fire?
Dual loops (“and” system); 4 loops in each Lower compartment, 16
in the Main (uses sample air from the center bleed duct)
What happens when I push the MAIN DECK cargo fire ARM switch?
 Enables Main Deck fire suppression
 Turns off 2 Packs
 Turns off all airflow to the Main Deck
 Turns off all airflow & heat into the Lower Cargo compartments
 Closes the master Trim Air Valve
 Configures Equip Cooling to closed loop
What happens when I push the FWD or AFT cargo fire ARM switch?
 Turns off 2 Packs
 Arms respective Lower Cargo compartment fire extinguishers
 Turns off all airflow & heat into the Lower Cargo compartments
 Closes the master Trim Air Valve
 Configures Equip Cooling to override
What happens when I push the cargo fire DEPRESS/DISCH switch if the MAIN
DECK cargo fire arm switch is armed?
Initiates airplane depressurization to a cabin altitude of 25,000’
What happens when I push the cargo fire DEPRESS/DISCH switch if the FWD or
AFT cargo fire arm switch is armed?
Initiates extinguisher discharge sequence to provide effective agent
concentration for 334 minutes (2 bottles discharge immediately and
the other 4 discharge after a brief delay or upon touchdown)
When is automatic CONT ignition provided?
 Start with N2 < 50%
 TE Flaps out of Up
 Engine flameout
When must I use CONT ignition?
 Heavy rain
 Severe turbulence
 Volcanic Ash
 Icing conditions (if NAI or its auto feature is INOP)
What is displayed on the Secondary EICAS display?
 N2 rpm
 Fuel Flow
 Oil Pressure
 Oil Temperature
 Oil Quantity
 Vibration
Where would I read “X-BLD” indication if it is recommended for inflight start?
On the N2
What protection does AUTO START provide?
 Hot start
 Hung Start
 No EGT
What does AUTO START not protect?
 No Oil pressure
 No N1 rotation
With AUTO START armed, what happens when I pull the start switch?
 Arms the Start Valve
 Opens the Engine (pylon) Bleed Air Valve
What does the NORM selection mean on the STBY Ignition Selector?
 Normal AC supplies power to the selected igniter
 Stby Pwr supplies power to both igniters if AC power is lost
What does 1 or 2 mean on Stby Ignition?
Stby Pwr system supplies power continuously to the respective igniter
Pressing the CONT Ignition switch to ON does what?
 Selected igniter operates continuously
 Approach Idle minimum is commanded
When does the selected engine igniter operate?
 Start switch out
 Flameout detected
What is the total fuel capacity?
163,042 Kgs
What is the fuel capacity of the Reserve Tanks 1 & 4?
8,036 Kgs
What is the fuel capacity of the Main Tanks 1 & 4?
26,576 Kgs
What is the fuel capacity of the Main Tanks 2 & 3?
76,263 Kgs
What is the fuel capacity of the Center Tanks?
52,167 Kgs
Where is fuel temperature measured?
Main Tank 1
In flt fuel tank temps must be maintained at least how many degrees above
fuel freezing point? 3°C
How is the fuel system affected when the flaps are set to T/O position on the ground?
FSMCs close Xfeed Valves 2 & 3
With a full load of fuel, what tanks feed the engines during T/O?
Center Tank feeds Engs 1 & 4 and Main Tanks 2 & 3 feed their respective Engine
Why would we wait until we get a Fuel Imbalance EICAS message before balancing fuel?
Because the first step in a Fuel Imbalance checklist is to determine if a fuel leak exists
When would we ever select the Fuel Xfer 1 & 4 switch?
During certain NNCs (Ex: EICAS message FUEL PRESS ENG 1 or FUEL PRESS ENG 2, in
wich both Main pumps in Tank 1 or 4 are INOP

Describe the Anti-Ice system:

When selected, NAI uses Engine Bleed Air as long as the PRV is open
When is NAI required?
When Icing conditions exist (OAT 10°C or below & visible moisture, or dew
point spread < 3°C, contaminated taxiways & runways) and during descent
even with SAT < -40°C ( Engine Flameout Mitigation SP, per bulletin)
When is an Engine runup require prior to T/O? What is the procedure?
 When NAI is required and OAT < 3°
 Min 60% N1, approx 30 sec at intervals no more than 30 mins
How can I tell NAI is ON?
Green NAI indication by respective N1 on primary EICAS
Does WAI operate on the ground?
Does WAI operate in flt with Flaps extended?
YES, but ineffective
When are the Pitot Static & AOA probes heated?
When any Engine is running
When does the Supernumerary O2 system operate if the switch is in Normal?
When the Cabin Alt. reaches 14,000’
When can this system be reset?
When the Cabin Alt. reaches 12,000’


During preflight, how long will the Yaw Damper INOP lights stay illuminated?
Until the first IRS is aligned
What are the HYD power sources to the Yaw Dampers?
HYD SYS 2 & 3
What happens when system logic detects a faulty Yaw Damper?
Hydraulic Power is removed and INOP light comes on
What happens when I press the Yaw Damper switch to OFF?
Hydraulic Power is removed, Yaw Damper is Inop & INOP light comes on
Do Yaw Damper inputs move the rudder pedals?
What happens to the Outflow Valves upon Touchdown?
They go full open
If one Outflow Valve is in MAN, will the other Outflow Valve operate in AUTO?
Where/When can I observe Cabin Alt & Rate, Landing Alt?
Primary EICAS Display when:
 Landing Alt in Manual
 Cabin Alt in Caution or Warning
 Cabin Differential Press in Caution or Warning
ECS or ENG selected on Secondary EICAS
Is there auto switching of Cabin Altitude controllers if one should fail?
When does the Cabin ALT warning siren sound?
Cabin Altitude excessive (>10,000’)
What is the max allowable cabin differential pressure for T/O & Landing?
.11 psi
What is the max differential pressure (relief valves)?
9.4 psi

How many positive pressure relief valves are there & where are they located?
 2
 E & E compartment, left front compartment
Where are the negative pressure relief valves located?
Cargo doors (side, fwd & aft)
What is the Temp° range for the Flt Deck?
18°-29°C (65°-85°F)
What does the Manual position of the Temp° controllers do?
Sets the Trim air valves manually
What will cause a Zone Sys Fault light to illuminate?
 Temp° Zone duct overheat
 Zone Temp° Controller fault
 Master Trim air valve closed
 Trim air switch OFF
 Master Trim air valve closed & pack air still flowing
What will cause a Pack Sys Fault light to illuminate?
 Pack Overheat or other Sys fault
 May illuminate briefly while switching between controller (Auto or Manual)
What happens when I press the Trim Air switch to OFF?
 Master Trim Air valve closes
 Pack output temp° in backup mode (18°-29°C) as selected by Flt Deck selector
 No control of Flt Deck, Upper Deck or main Deck
 Pack controller A only
On the ground, engines not running, where is Equip Cooling exhaust air routed?
 Into the Lower Fwd Cargo compartment when temp° < 7°C
 Overboard when temp° > 7°C
What happens to the Equip Cooling system on the grd when engines are running?
Configures for Flt closing the outboard exhaust valve, venting air into the
Lower Fwd Cargo compartment
What does the STBY position of the Equip Cooling system do?
Manually reconfigures the aircraft for flight doing the same as above
What does the OVRD position of the Equip Cooling system do?
The fans are deactivated and the air is vented overboard using cabin
differential pressure
What items are provided air from the center Duct?
 Master Trim Air
 Aft Cargo heat
 Cargo Smoke detection
 Potable Water pressurization
 Lower Lobe Cargo air conditioning Trim Air
What would cause a Fault light to illuminate?
 Bleed Air overheat
 Bleed Air overpressure
 HP Bleed or PRV valves Open when commanded Closed
When I place the Engine Bleed Air switch to OFF, what 3 valves close?
 Engine Bleed Air valve
 HP Bleed Air valve
Do I still have NAI & Thrust reversing with the Engine Bleed Air switch OFF?
Yes, unless the PRV is commanded Closed by Start Valve Open, Bleed
Air overheat, or HP valve failed Open
Bleed Duct Leak L: how many switches will be involved?
5 or 6;
 Left Isolation Valve
 Engine Bleed switches 1 & 2
 #1 Pack Control Selector
 #1 Demand Pump switch
 WAI switch (if in use)
Bleed Duct Leak L: what should be considered when configuring the airplane?
Left LE will operate in Secondary mode )Primary Flaps EICAS message
 Slight asymmetry
Bleed Duct Leak L: what should be considered if the aircraft has to be towed in?
Do not shutdown Eng #1 during tow in for Hydraulics (steering)
B744 MCP / PFD / ND / FMC
Do you have A/Ts with a dual FMC failure?
Do you have A/Ts with more than one engine INOP?
Between what A/S and altitude will the A/Ts not activate?
 > 50 kts until > 400’ RA on TO roll
 2 secs after < 5’ RA on landing
 3 secs after > 5’ RA on a rejected/missed approach
How could you re-engage the A/Ts if you had disconnected them in flight?
First check FMA pitch mode:
 If ALT, V/S or G/S  press the SPD switch
 Any other pitch mode  recycle A/T arm switch
 Select another Pitch mode
When would you use the THR switch?
 To select CLB after TO or GA
 To select CON after TO or GA
What Hyd Sys powers the A/P L/C/R?
In which pitch mode do you NOT have speed protection?
B744 MCP / PFD / ND / FMC
What PFD indications would cause you to select the ADC Source Select Switch to
another ADC?
 Airspeed/Mach failure Flags
 PFD current Airspeed Box amber
 Blank Airspeed displays
 Difference between CA & FO Airspeed displays
 Amber line through the PFD FMAs
 Numerous EICAS messages such as Rudder Ratio, Heat, and Airspeed
Low messages
What is the purpose of the EIUs (EFIS/EICAS Interface Units?
 They supply information to the Flight Crew on 6 display units
 They provide information to the PFD, ND and EICAS systems
How many EIUs do we have?
What is the procedure for EFIS/EICAS screens blank?
NNC “EFIS/EICAS screens blank”  reset EIU L & C circuit breakers on P7 panel
With a dual FMC failure, what pages are available on the FMS-CDU?
B744 MCP / PFD / ND / FMC
With a dual FMC failure, is LNAV available?
With a dual FMC failure, do the CDUs communicate with each other?
With a dual FMC failure, do the A/Ps work?
With a dual FMC failure, how would you get Flaps speeds?
Performance Inflight (PI section)
When does the FMC transition to “approach phase”?
 A published Instrument Approach has been selected and
incorporated into the active Flight Plan and the airplane has
sequenced the first waypoint on the published approach
 A Visual Approach has been created and the airplane has sequenced
the FA XXX OR the airplane is enroute to a Direct To or Intercept To
the RWY YYY and the airplane is within 25 nm of the rwy threshold
When do you set the Missed App Alt during a VNAV approach?
 At least 300’ < the Missed App Alt
 Prior to the MDA + 50’ or DA
When do you set the Missed App Alt during an ILS approach?
At G/S capture
How many Flap Control Units (FCU) are there and what are their purpose?
 3
 Sequencing and monitoring of Flap operation
 Primary control, Secondary control indication & annunciation
 TE Flap Asymmetry protection in Primary & Secondary modes
 Flap Load Relief on Primary mode only
 Flap position information to EICAS and other systems
Where do I read the Flap display?
Primary EICAS
How do the Flaps extend in Primary mode?
Hydraulically for TE Flaps & pneumatically for LE Flaps
How do the Flaps extend in Secondary mode?
Electric motors for all TE & LE Flaps
What EICAS message would indicate that the FCUs are inoperative, requiring the use of
ALT Flaps?
What is the difference between the ALT Flap mode of extension and the Secondary Flap
mode of extension?
While Elec motors are used in both modes, the sequencing is different:
 In the ALT mode, LE & TE extend together
 In the Secondary mode, Inbd & Midspan LE extend when the Flap lever is set
at Flaps 1 and the Outbd LE extend when the Flap Lever is set at Flaps 5
How does ALT gear extension work?
The doors and uplocks are released electrically, allowing airflow
and gravity to extend the gear
When does Body Gear steering activate & deactivate?
 Active < 20 kts > 20° Nose Wheel steering on Taxi (deactivates > 20 kts)
 Activates < 15 kts > 20° Nose Wheel steering after landing & decelerating
How many degrees of travel does rudder pedal steering provide?

What would cause the Gear Lever not to come up?
 Gear NOT Tilted
 Body Gear NOT Centered
What is the Primary brake source? What is the Secondary Brake source?
 Hyd Sys 4
 Hyd Sys 1 & 2
Do you have Autobrakes or Anti-Skid with loss of Hyd Sys 4? Hyd Sys 1?
 No Autobrakes & Anti-Skid in pairs (loss of Sys 4)
 Autobrakes & Anti-Skid in pairs (loss of Sys 1)
If selected, when does RTO activate?
 Aircraft on the ground
 GS > 85 kts
 All Thrust Levers closed
If armed, what causes the Speed Brake to automatically raise Up?
After landing when #1 & 3 Thrust Levers retarded
During an RTO (ie. not armed), under what conditions would the Speed
Brake handle to move UP?
#2 OR #4 Reverse Thrust Lever moved to Idle detent AND
#1 & 3 Thrust levers retarded

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