Risk Assessment-Concrete Casting by Using Pumps
Risk Assessment-Concrete Casting by Using Pumps
Risk Assessment-Concrete Casting by Using Pumps
Activity/Task Concrete casting for Walls Risk Assessment No: 2 (Rev-03) Date: 25/05/2022
Activity Step Hazard/Risk (L) (S) (RR) Control Measures Check
1. Concrete casting Driver must have valid KSA driving license. Task Supervisor,
Unauthorized Drivers 2 2 Low Operator to be deployed shall be competent. Must have valid Driving CPO, HSE officer
a. Entry of Concrete mixer 4 licence,3rd party training and experience on the equipment he is operating. & Workers
and Pump to site Driver must have project access pass or temp: site access.
Drivers & Operator with temp: site access must be internally HSE inducted and
must aware of project traffic safety rules and regulations.
Mandatory PPE’s (Hard hat, safety goggles, Job specific hand gloves, safety
shoes, High visibility jackets) must be worn at all times.
Workers to keep safe distance from trucks being reversing and forwarding for Task Supervisor,
Vehicle Movement and 3 4 High positioning. CPO, HSE officer
reversing 12 Park the vehicle in designated parking area, do not obstruct gate, entrances, & Workers
Trained and competent Flagman need to be assigned to divert traffic to arrange
diversion signboards to alternative routes.
Proper exclusion zone shall be provided during loading/unloading materials at site.
Ensure placing the pump on a firm ground and barricade the area Task Supervisor ,
b. Concrete Casting by Unstable Ground 4 4 16 The outriggers pipe jack fully extended and must be kept safe distance from CPO, HSE officer
using pump. High excavation edges. & Workers
Outrigger fully extended and positioned in level surface and shall have
adequate size outriggers pads.
Keep the pump in a safe place away from traffic.
Operator and task foreman must ensure that the equipment is positioned on a
stable ground.
Periodic maintenance has to be performed and record must available Task Supervisor,
Malfunction of Concrete 3 3 Medium Equipment functional & visually verified by an authorized Third-party company CPO, HSE officer
Pump (Mechanical Failure) 9 and must have valid certificates. & Workers
Operator must carry out daily Pre-check and HSE officer or task supervisor
must verify the checklist and counter sign.
All hydraulic rams are fitted with lock valves to limit movement should failure
occur. All pumps undergo a boom test (which is certificated) and are also
inspected as part of the regular servicing schedule.
Crush Injury CPO to operate via remote control unit from a position of safety. Task Supervisor ,
3 4 High Hirer to ensure sufficient set up space and adequate light levels to ensure safe CPO, HSE officer
12 pump set up. & Workers
Ensure personnel remain clear of area and any operative controlling the
position of the placing hose should hold it at arm’s length.
Person shall be nominated to converse with and signal the for minor boom positioning.
Vehicle Movements Keep site personnel out of reversing area. Task Supervisor ,
(reversing) – crushing or 4 4 16 A competent Traffic Marshall should direct the moving vehicle and look out for CPO, HSE officer
trapping of persons when High anyone in the danger area. & Workers
moving pump to work in Vehicles fitted with reversing sirens and amber flashing lights should have
position these engaged. High visibility clothing must be worn and do not back truck on
out of view of mixer driver who will be reversing using mirrors.
Contact with pump moving 3 3 Medium All moving parts on the concrete pump are fully guarded, ensure the CPO has Task Supervisor ,
parts 9 carried out his required daily / weekly checks CPO, HSE officer
No personnel other than the CPO may operate the pump or climb onto the & Workers
pump deck
Working at height (upon 3 3 Medium Access shall be restricted to “short duration” unauthorized personnel shall be Task Supervisor ,
pump deck) 9 permitted to access the pump deck unless express permission is given by the CPO, HSE officer
CPO. & Workers
Skin burns or Eye irritation. 3 3 Medium Emergency Eye Wash Station shall be arranged near casting location. Task Supervisor ,
9 Disposal coverall must be worn by all personnel exposed to concrete. CPO, HSE officer
Eye protection is compulsory & Workers
Full sleeve rubber gloves along with steel toe gumboot must be worn by all
personnel exposed to concrete.
Proper Housekeeping and proper material stacking throughout the workplace. Site Engineer,
Slip/Trip/Fall. 3 3 Medium Vibrator hose must be properly coded and stored when not in use. Task Supervisor
9 All pneumatic hoses must have whiplash arrestor at both end. HSE officer &
All access/egress routes should be firm and level and free from any Workers
Trip hazards need to be identified and proper signages must be posted.
Access & Egress must be in safe condition with proper barrier and signages
(Pedestrian access, walk way etc)
Do not store any materials on the walkways.
Vibration Personnel handling vibrating tools must be trained and competent Task Supervisor
3 3 Medium Job rotation shall be implemented and supervisor must ensure. HSE officer &
9 Hold machine steady and avoid shaking of machine. Workers
Equipment and power tools shall be double insulated.
Vibration reducing device (shock absorbing handle/cushion) to be fitted with
power tool.
Environmental impact- Land (spillage area) shall be covered by plastic or polythene. Site Engineer,
Contaminated with water 3 3 Medium Waste materials (hazardous) should be isolate and dump on drip tray and Task Supervisor
and soil. 9 waste should be disposed designated waste skip. HSE officer &
Pump washing should be done at designated place only. Workers
Spilled concrete shall be removed immediately and disposed as per the project
Suspend the activity during adverse weather condition like fog, high wind, Task Supervisor
c. Emergency Situations High wind/ heavy poor visibility, heavy rain/storm etc. HSE officer, First
rain/storms Chemical Site emergency response procedure shall be followed. Aider, Workers &
Fire 2 3 6 Trained First aider shall be available at site. ERT Team.
Spills. Medium Periodic inspection and maintenance of plant and equipment.
Medical emergency. SDS of all chemicals shall be available and communicated with employees.
Awareness of chemical safety should be given to Operator.
Emergency contact number shall be posted in site areas. (Project Hotline
Number- 054-028-3292)
Training of Fire fighting equipment and emergency procedure provided.
Adequate and suitable Fire extinguishers must be provided.
First aid room and first aider shall be on site.
Site emergency number must be with all workforce.
All personnel arriving on site will attend the site induction, highlighting site
rules and emergency Procedures before working on site.
Approved By:
Prepared By: Reiviewed By: Approved By:
Name Position Signature Name Position Signature Name Position Signature
Mohsin Riaz Khan Alrajhi HSE Manager Himyanullah Alrajhi Construction Manager Hamdi Hamada Alrajhi Project Manager