Nervous System ANAPHY Notes
Nervous System ANAPHY Notes
Nervous System ANAPHY Notes
1. Sensory input:
Sensory receptors respond to stimuli
2. Integration:
Brain and spinal cord process stimuli
3. Control of muscles and glands Myelin Sheath
4. Mental activity:
Brain What is it?
5. Homeostasis - fatty, protective wrapping around
Main divisions of Nervous System - excellent insulator
Types of Neuroglia
- star-shaped
Gray Matter:
- center of spinal cord
Components of Reflex Arc - looks like letter H or butterfly
White Matter:
1. Sensory receptors: - outside of spinal cord
- pick up stimulus - contains myelinated fibers
- in skin
2. Sensory (afferent) neurons:
Send stimulus to interneurons in spinal
3. Interneurons (association) neuron:
- located in CNS and connect to motor
- process stimulus
4. Efferent (motor) neurons:
Send response to effector
5. Effector:
- Muscle, gland, organ
Innervates muscles attached to hyoid
bone and neck
Contains phrenic nerve which
innervates diaphragm
Spinal Nerves
Reticular Formation:
- Location: scattered throughout
- Function: regulates cyclical motor
function, respiration, walking,
chewing, arousing and maintaining
consciousness, regulates sleep-wake
Diencephalon Components
- Location: above thalamus
- Function: emotional and visceral
response to odors
Sulci: shallow indentations
Fissure: deep indentations
Left Hemisphere:
- controls right side of body
- responsible for math, analytic
Right Hemisphere:
- controls left side of the body
- responsible for music, art, abstract
Corpus Callosum:
Connection between 2 hemisphere
Frontal Lobe:
- Location: front
- Function: controls voluntary motor
functions, aggression, moods, smell
Parietal Lobe:
- Location: top
Largest portion of brain
- Function: evaluates sensory input
such as touch, pain, pressure, temp.,
- right hemisphere
- left hemisphere separated by
longitudinal fissure
Occipital Lobe:
Lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital,
- Location: back
- Function: vision
Cerebrum Components
Temporal Lobe:
- Location: sides
Cerebral Cortex surface
- Function: hearing, smell, memory
- Location: surface of cerebrum,
composed of gray matter
- Function: controls thinking,
communicating, remembering,
Location: below cerebrum
understanding, and initiates
involuntary movements
- means little brain
- cortex is composed of gyri, sulci,
gray matter
Functions: controls balance, muscle
Located between the brainstem and
tone, coordination of fine motor
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
Sensory Functions
Gyri: folds on cerebral cortex that
CNS constantly receives sensory input
increase surface area
We are unaware of most sensory input
Sensory input is vital of our survival Descending Tracts
and normal functions
Project from upper motor neurons in
Ascending Tracts cerebral cortex to lower motor neurons
in spinal cord and brainstem
What are they? Control different types of movements
- pathways in brain and spinal cord
- transmit info. via action potentials
from periphery to brain Speech
- each tract has limited type of sensory
input (temp, touch, pain, etc.) Mainly in left hemisphere
- tracts are named that indicated origin
and termination Sensory Speech (Wernicke’s area):
- made of 2-3 neurons in sequence - parietal lobe
- where words are heard and
Motor Speech (Broca’s area):
- frontal lobe
- where words are formulated
Epidural space:
- in vertebral column between dura and
- injection site for epidural anesthesia
2. Somatic:
- response is voluntary
- controls skeletal muscles
Divisions of Automatic
1. Sympathetic:
- activated during times of stress
- part of fight or flight response
- prepares you for physical activity by:
- ↑ HR heart rate
- ↑ BP blood pressure
- ↑ BR respiratory rate
- sending more blood to skeletal
- inhibiting digestive tract
2. Parasympathetic:
- “housekeeper” rest + digest
- activated under normal conditions
- involved in digestion, urine production,
and dilation/constriction of pupils, etc.