Avian Influenza Case Study
Avian Influenza Case Study
Avian Influenza Case Study
Background: With an increased incidence of viral zoonoses, there is an impetus to strengthen collaborations
between public health, agricultural and environmental departments. This interdisciplinary cooperation, also known
as the ‘One Health’ approach, has received significant support from various stakeholders. However, current efforts
and policies still fall short of those needed for an effective One Health approach towards disease control and
prevention. The avian-origin H7N9 influenza A virus outbreak in China serves as an ideal case study to emphasise
this point.
Discussion: Here, we present the features and epidemiology of human infections with H7N9 influenza virus. At the
early stages of the H7N9 epidemic, there was limited virus surveillance and limited prevention measures implemented
in live poultry markets. As a result, zoonotic infections with H7N9 influenza viruses continued to enlarge in both
numbers and geographic distribution. It was only after the number of human infections with H7N9 influenza virus
spiked in the 5th wave of the epidemic that inter-departmental alliances were formed. This resulted in the rapid control
of the number of human infections. We therefore further discuss the barriers that prevented the implementation of
an effective One Health approach in China and what this means for other emerging, zoonotic viral diseases.
Summary: Effective implementation of evidence-based disease management approaches in China will result in
substantial health and economic gains. The continual threat of avian influenza, as well as other emerging zoonotic viral
infections, emphasizes the need to remove the barriers that prevent the effective implementation of One Health
policies in disease management.
Keywords: H7N9, One health, Zoonosis, Influenza virus, Disease management
H7N9 infection [6, 7]. These events prompted the Chin- of implementing a rapid and comprehensive One
ese Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) to issue an emergency Health approach for emerging zoonotic infections.
notice, asking to strengthen national H7N9 prevention
and controls [8, 9]. This cross-disciplinary effort from Discussion
numerous government department led to a rapid de- Influenza H7N9 virology
cline in the number of human H7N9 influenza virus Influenza A virus H7N9 is a negative sense RNA virus
infections and only 3 cases have been reported since with two key surface glycoproteins, the haemagglutinin
July 2017 [1]. The comparison between former four (HA) and the neuraminidase (NA). It is capable of
epidemic waves and wave fifth in both human and undergoing both antigenic drift (driven by point muta-
poultry are shown in Fig. 1. tions) and antigenic shift (as a result of co-infection and
Cross-species transmission and the evolution of the genome reassortment). The NA of H7N9 influenza vi-
H7N9 virus from a low pathogenic to high pathogenic ruses isolated from human cases most closely resembles
phenotype emphasizes the importance of One Health that found in migrating birds from South Korea [10]. In
– which is based upon the premise that there is an contrast, the HA of human H7N9 influenza viruses can
intimate relationship between human, animal and be traced back to the HA of an H7N3 influenza virus
environmental health. Only when we maintain this from domestic ducks [11]. Typically, the HA of avian in-
broader perspective can we hope to prevent the next fluenza viruses shows a strong preference to bind to
endemic/pandemic with an HxNy influenza virus. In α-2,3 linked sialic acids whilst the HA of human influ-
this article, we will use the outbreak of H7N9 influ- enza viruses typically binds to α-2,6 linked sialic acid
enza viruses in humans as an example of the benefits [12]. Since the upper respiratory tract of humans is rich
Fig. 1 Number of reported human cases and positive virological samples from birds or the environment, by province and origin as of March 2018.
Data include both high and low pathogenic H7N9 viruses. The yellow charts indicate the number of positive virological samples from birds or the
environment of the total of the first four waves. The orange charts indicate that of the five waves. The shallow green charts stand for the number of
the total reported human cases of the first four waves and the deep green ones stand for that of the five waves. The five waves almost count the sum
up of the first four waves both in human and animal. Poultry data comes from FAO [53]. Human data comes from WHO [1]
Zheng et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:138 Page 3 of 8
in α-2,6 receptors, human influenza viruses are well provinces [4]. Three distinct stages were noted during
adapted for efficient human-to-human transmission [13]. the H7N9 influenza virus epidemic. The first stage was
However, via the introduction of point mutations in viral characterized by sporadic human infections with the
HA (Q226L/I, G186 V), the avian H7N9 influenza virus virus (waves one to four of the epidemic). However,
increased its avidity to human receptors [13]. Thus, it since October 2017, once the virus became established
breached the species barrier and was able to spread from in poultry populations across China, the number of hu-
poultry to humans [14–16]. By retaining its ability to man H7N9 influenza virus cases surged. This second
bind to α-2,3 linked sialic acid, the virus predominately stage was associated with a reduction in the mean pa-
replicated in the lower respiratory tract, limiting the effi- tient age, suggesting that a larger proportion of the
cacy of person-to-person spread [17]. This dual receptor population was at risk [25–27]. Fortunately, following a
specificity allowed the virus to continue to circulate in joint effort by animal and public health authorities, both
poultry, including chickens and quails [18, 19]. human and poultry infections were controlled, and the
In the first four waves of the H7N9 outbreak, the cleav- number of human cases remains limited (Fig. 2).
age site of the viral HA possessed only a single amino acid Among all human H7N9 influenza virus infections re-
R (arginine), indicating a low pathogenic phenotype in corded to date, almost 50% of cases have occurred in in-
poultry [11, 20]. However, in viruses isolated from live dividuals over the age of 60. It is also striking to note
poultry markets (LPM) in Guangdong province during the that the majority of infections have occurred in males.
fifth wave, researchers found four amino acids (RKRT) Retired individuals are likely to have a higher risk of
inserted into the HA cleavage site (4 of 69 strains). This virus exposure, as the elderly frequently visit LPMs. In-
insertion was associated with the conversion of the virus deed, approximately 80% of patients exposed to poultry
from a low to high pathogenic phenotype in poultry [21]. did so at a LPM, whilst occupational exposure only
Moreover, an increased number of virus strains with a accounted for approximately 10% of patients [3, 28, 29].
588 V mutation in the PB2 were detected [22]. The 588 V The role of LPMs in the zoonotic spread of H7N9 influ-
mutation has previously been associated with enhanced enza viruses is further supported by the fact that positive
viral pathogenesis in mammalian species [22, 23]. Indeed, viral samples are most commonly isolated from chickens
there were at least 23 different genotypes of H7N9 influ- sold in LPMs [30]. Moreover, sequence analysis of H7N9
enza viruses detected by the end of December 2017. viruses isolated from LPMs suggests that poultry are the
Among those, seven genotypes were genetically distinct, most likely source of human infections [11]. This is con-
whilst 16 were found to have evolved from the 2013 sistent with experimental studies showing that H7N9
H7N9 influenza viruses [21]. Although the HPAI virus virus titers are higher in quails and chickens (when com-
H7N9 was first isolated from LPMs in Guangdong, it is pared to other poultry), and only these two species can
believed that the HPAI virus H7N9 originated from the efficiently transmit the virus through direct contact [31].
Yangtze river delta and spread to the southeast coast via In contrast, pigs are unable to sufficiently transmit the
live poultry transactions [24]. The HPAI virus H7N9 then H7N9 influenza virus after experimental infection [18].
evolved into multiple genotypes via reassortment with Poultry appeared to have played a particularly significant
H9N2 influenza viruses and local low pathogenic H7N9 role in the H7N9 epidemic outbreak as they surpassed
viruses [24]. As of July 2017, the HPAI H7N9 influenza human-source predictors to be the dominant factor in
virus has spread to more than 12 different provinces in disease outbreaks [23].
China [24].
H7N9 prevention and control measures in China
Epidemiology of human infections with H7N9 influenza During the first four waves of the epidemic, the H7N9
viruses virus was classified as a LPAI virus and caused no overt
Since February 2013, six waves of human H7N9 influ- clinical symptoms in poultry. This impeded attempts to
enza virus infections have occurred in China. The total develop accurate viral surveillance [32]. Moreover, in
number of human infections has varied dramatically be- light of the associated economic losses, some agricul-
tween waves, ranging from 134 cases in the first wave to tural authorities and members of the poultry industry
781 cases in the fifth wave. Only 3 cases have been re- contested the conclusion that poultry were the source of
ported since October 2017 to present day (i.e during the human infections [33]. These individuals emphasized
sixth wave). Like other influenza virus strains, the H7N9 that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the
influenza virus showed increased circulation amongst poultry were the original source of the virus [34]. It was
both poultry and humans in winter and spring months, further argued that the H7N9 influenza virus should nei-
in particular from December to April. In China, more ther be named as avian influenza nor should the govern-
than half of the reported cases have been concentrated ment report every human infection to the general public
in Zhejiang (310), Guangdong (258) and Jiangsu (251) [34, 35]. This dissent represented a significant obstacle
Zheng et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:138 Page 4 of 8
Fig. 2 H7N9 virus origin and its development. a illustrates the current H7N9 epidemic. Sequencing analyses revealed that the human
infections with H7N9 virus came from three avian origins, with six internal genes from avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses in domestic
poultries, the hemagglutinin (HA) gene from AI H7N3 in domestic ducks and the neuraminidase (NA) gene mutate from AI H7N9 in
migrating birds reservoir [11]. After they recombined and mutated into the novel LPAI H7N9 virus that can infect poultry with little to
no disease in poultry, it came into the human-animal interface and then gained the power to cross the species barrier. Causing four
epidemic waves in human and poultry, the H7N9 transmit wider in the chicken reservoir, adding the opportunities to mutate and
recombine. With genetic mutation, H7N9 virus amplify among both poultry and human population in the five wave. b illustrates the
control benefits we would gain if implement One Health policy
for information transparency and inter-departmental virus from patients and tested aerosol samples from
collaboration. LPMs [39, 40]. The control strategies used at LPMs
When human infections with the H7N9 influenza during this time included flushing once per day, steriliz-
virus were first identified, control strategies focused on ing once per week and closing once per month so that a
patient isolation and health education [36]. As more thorough disinfection process could be carried out [41].
information became available about the transmission of LPMs were also closed when human and/or poultry
the H7N9 virus, disease control departments focused on cases were reported. After the HPAI virus H7N9 was
strengthening disease prevention and surveillance identified and caused significant poultry morbidity and
amongst poultry industry workers, enhancing the sanita- mortality, animal and public health authorities organized
tion of LPMs and improving hygiene during poultry various conferences to bring together veterinary,
slaughter and transactions [37, 38]. Simultaneously, the epidemiology and virology experts. These conferences
MoA established active surveillance in animals and the helped establish strong inter-departmental collaborations
environment at multiple sites whilst the Chinese Centers to prevent and control the spread of H7N9 influenza vi-
of Disease Control (CDC) isolated and identified the ruses [42]. This approach proved to be highly successful
Zheng et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:138 Page 5 of 8
and only 3 cases of human infection with H7N9 influ- serology samples is much higher in LPMs than farms,
enza virus were reported in the last wave (Fig. 3). agricultural departments may neglect this dual transmis-
sion pattern, resulting in continued infections [30] (Fig. 4).
The one health approach Another impediment to controlling the H7N9 influenza
Today, due to the the increasingly blurry human-animal virus outbreak is the protection of sectional interests.
interface, zoonotic infections are increasing at an un- Eliminating avian influenza in poultry represents a signifi-
precedented rate [43]. This interdependence between cant economic loss for the poultry industry. Initially,
human health, animal health, and environmental health farmers and local authorities were reluctant to report
gave rise to the concept of “One Health”, which means avian influenza outbreaks, in particular, the asymptomatic
solving the growing problem of infectious disease via LPAI virus H7N9 cases. Some farmers and small compan-
cooperation between experts in different disciplines [44]. ies even transported infected poultry away from their
As the world’s biggest agricultural country, with a large premises once a viral infection had been identified, further
human-animal interface, China experiences a large facilitating the spread of the virus [49]. The difficulties as-
number of emerging infectious zoonotic diseases, [45, 46]. sociated with monitoring/preventing short distance, live
This feature makes China the ideal setting for the imple- poultry transportations potentially contributed to the re-
mentation of a One Health policy and to effectively ad- peated waves of H7N9 influenza virus outbreaks in China.
dress these health challenges. To a certain extent, closing LPMs after the start of an
avian influenza virus epidemic can reduce the risk of
Current impediments human zoonotic infections [50]. However, such an ap-
China plays a vital role in the international poultry trade proach should only be viewed as a temporary measure
[47]. However, 30% of the poultry raised in China are as it does not eliminate the source of the infection.
raised in backyard conditions without any biosecurity [48]. Moreover, LPMs form an integral part of some people’s
This widespread use of backyard farms makes it challen- livelihood and it would be unrealistic to permanently
ging for the MoA to conduct routine avian diseases sur- close LPMs. Moreover, even if the government banned
veillance. Furthermore, the unique trade model used in live poultry transactions in markets (and only permitted
China, “Company + peasant household”, creates oppor- the sale of frozen chickens) many people would simply
tunities for H7N9 influenza viruses to transmit from sell and buy live poultry on an individual basis. This
poultry farms to wholesale markets, where different would make it even harder to establish a consolidated
genotypes avian influenza viruses can reassort. There is disease control management program and it would
also a risk of reverse virus transmission from LPMs to significantly hamper any efforts to investigate poultry
farms [15, 31]. However, because the rate of positive exposure history [42].
Fig. 3 Government measures time-line. Agricultural departments and public health departments turn from reserved collaboration to
reinforced collaboration
Zheng et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:138 Page 6 of 8
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