1. The document defines various terms related to irrigation and drainage engineering, including types of aquifers, wells, dams, weirs, and irrigation concepts.
2. Key terms defined include confined and unconfined aquifers, pumping tests, check dams, diversion dams, embankments, freeboard, storage ratio, and basin irrigation.
3. The document provides 36 definitions to support understanding different components, structures, and concepts within irrigation and drainage engineering.
1. The document defines various terms related to irrigation and drainage engineering, including types of aquifers, wells, dams, weirs, and irrigation concepts.
2. Key terms defined include confined and unconfined aquifers, pumping tests, check dams, diversion dams, embankments, freeboard, storage ratio, and basin irrigation.
3. The document provides 36 definitions to support understanding different components, structures, and concepts within irrigation and drainage engineering.
1. The document defines various terms related to irrigation and drainage engineering, including types of aquifers, wells, dams, weirs, and irrigation concepts.
2. Key terms defined include confined and unconfined aquifers, pumping tests, check dams, diversion dams, embankments, freeboard, storage ratio, and basin irrigation.
3. The document provides 36 definitions to support understanding different components, structures, and concepts within irrigation and drainage engineering.
1. The document defines various terms related to irrigation and drainage engineering, including types of aquifers, wells, dams, weirs, and irrigation concepts.
2. Key terms defined include confined and unconfined aquifers, pumping tests, check dams, diversion dams, embankments, freeboard, storage ratio, and basin irrigation.
3. The document provides 36 definitions to support understanding different components, structures, and concepts within irrigation and drainage engineering.
PAES VOL XI ASSESSMENT Aquifer 10 geologic formation which contains water and
transmits it at a rate sufficient to be economically
(IRRIGATION and DRAINAGE ENGINEERING) developed for pumping with a well Confined aquifer 11 aquifer where groundwater is confined or overlain by Wastewater 1 waste in liquid state containing pollutants a relatively impermeable layer Waste 2 any material either solid, liquid, semi-solid, contained Effective size 12 particle diameter corresponding to a 10% sieve gas or other forms resulting from industrial, passing commercial, mining, or agricultural operations, or Pumping test 13 pumping of water from a fully developed well at a from community and household activities that is controlled rate and observing, with respect to time, devoid of usage and discarded the drawdown in two or more observation wells, in Setback 3 distance from the perimeter of the irrigation area to order to determine the aquifer hydrologic properties the community or area of concern that is sensitive to Shallow tubewell 14 tube or shaft vertically set into the ground at a depth contamination that is usually less than 15 m for the purpose of Re-use 4 taking wastewater from one industry or process, bringing groundwater into the soil surface with the treating it and then using it in another process or use of suction lift pumps industry such as for irrigation, as liquid fertilizer and Unconfined aquifer 15 aquifer which has water table serving as upper for aquaculture surface of the zone of saturation Restricted areas 5 areas with limited entry such as freeway landscape, Dug well 16 A type of shallow tube well used in unconsolidated highway medians and other similar areas formations with large diameters which permit Loading limit 6 allowable pollutant-loading limit per unit of time, considerable water storage. which the wastewater generator is permitted to Bored Well 17 A type of shallow tube well used in formations with discharge into any receiving body of water or land. very shallow water depths Effluent 7 discharges from known sources which is passed into Check dam 18 small barrier built across the direction of water flow a body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of on shallow rivers and streams intended to convey a manufacturing plant, industrial plant including runoff during peak flow and to slow and hold surface domestic, commercial and recreational facilities water long enough for the water to deposit sediment Contamination 8 introduction of substances not found in the natural it is carrying; facilitates irrigation by using the composition of water that make the water less upstream bay of the dam as pump sump desirable or unfit for intended use Gabion 19 stones wrapped in wire fence meshes for added Algal bloom 9 overgrowths of algae in water producing dangerous stability and strength toxins in fresh or marine water Q 20 maximum discharge of the catchment area at the Corewall 28 used to stabilize the river bed for intake type proposed check dam point, m3/s diversion structures or to gain a limited amount of Afflux elevation 21 rise in maximum flood level from the original diversion head unobstructed flood level which result after an obstruction to the flow such as a dam, has been Piping 29 internal erosion induced by regressive erosion of introduced particles from downstream and along the upstream Diversion dam 22 structure or weir provided across the river or creek to line towards an outside environment raise its water level and divert the water into the Rockfill dam 30 dam that relies on rock, either dumped in lifts or main canal to facilitate irrigation by gravity. compacted in layers, as a major structural element Hydraulic jump 23 occurs when a thin sheet of incoming flow moving at where an impervious membrane is used as the water high velocity strikes water of sufficient depth barrier and can be placed either within the Ogee 24 a weir wherein the upper curve of the ogee is made embankment or on the upstream slope to conform to the shape of the lower nappe of a Bearing capacity 31 maximum average contact pressure between the ventilated sheet of water falling from a sharp-crested foundation and the soil which should not produce weir shear failure in the soil Design irrigable area 32 maximum area which an irrigation project can serve Glacis 25 a weir with a surface that slopes gently downward considering the extent of arable lands and the from the crest to the downstream apron where only available water supply the horizontal component of the overflow jet takes Potential irrigable 33 area capable of being irrigated, principally as regards part in the impact with the tailwater while the area to availability of water, suitable soils, and topography vertical component is unaffected of land Freeboard 34 additional height of the dam provided as a safety Gated 26 a weir where the larger part of the ponding is factor to prevent overtopping by wave action or accomplished by the solid obstruction or the main other causes body of the weir Storage ratio 35 ratio of the storage capacity to the total earth volume required for embankment construction which Trapezoidal 27 weir with sloping upstream and downstream slopes indicates the relative cost of the different types of which allow boulders and debris roll over and hot the reservoir downstream apron with less impact 36 What are the four main components of a small farm reservoir? 1. catchment area 2. reservoir Basin 46 field that is level in all directions, encompassed by a 3. embankment dike to prevent runoff, and provides an undirected 4. service area flow of water onto the field Dam 37 any barrier constructed to store water Basin irrigation 47 type of surface irrigation where water is applied to Drip irrigation 38 involves dripping water onto the soil at very low rates the basin through a gap in the perimeter dike or (2-20 L/h) from the emitters where water is applied adjacent ditch close to plants so that only part of the soil in which Border irrigation 48 method of irrigation which makes use of parallel the roots grow is wetted border strips where the water flows down the slope emitters 39 applicator used in drip, subsurface, or bubbler at a nearly uniform depth irrigation designed to dissipate pressure and to Border strip 49 area of land bounded by two border ridges or dikes discharge a small uniform flow or trickle of water at a that guide the irrigation stream from the inlet point constant rate that does not vary significantly because of application to the ends of the strip of minor differences in pressure furrows 50 small parallel channels, made to carry water in order Emitter spacing 40 spacing between emitters or emission points along a to irrigate the crop lateral line Furrow irrigation 51 method of irrigation where water runs through small Lateral spacing 41 spacing between irrigation laterals parallel channels as it moves down the slope of the 42 pressure required to overcome the elevation field difference between the water source and the Critical depth 52 depth of water flow where the energy content is at sprinkler nozzle, to counteract friction losses and to minimum hence, no other backwater forces are provide adequate pressure at the nozzle for good involved water distribution Elevated flume 53 water conveying conduit or trough which is Distribution 43 numerical value on the uniformity of application for supported on abutments by piers uniformity agricultural irrigation systems Inverted siphon 54 closed conduit designed to convey canal water in full Irrigation period 44 time required to cover an area with one application and under pressure running condition, to convey of water canal water by gravity under roadways, railways, Sprinkler irrigation 45 method of applying irrigation water similar to natural drainage channels and local depressions rainfall where water is distributed through a system Conveyance loss 55 loss of water from a channel during transport due to of pipes by pumping and then sprayed into the air seepage and percolation through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small Water balance 56 accounting of water inflows, such as irrigation and water drops which fall to the ground rainfall, and outflows, such as evaporation, seepage and percolation Weir 57 an overflow structure built perpendicular to an open Wetted perimeter 68 portion of the perimeter of the canal that is in channel axis to measure the rate of flow of water contact with the flowing water Flume 58 in-line structure with a geometrically specified Actual crop 69 rate of evapotranspiration equal to or smaller than constriction built in an open channel such that the evapotranspiration predicted ETcrop as affected by the level of available center line coincides with the center line of the soil water, salinity, field size or other causes channel in which the flow is to be measured Application efficiency 70 ratio of the average depth of irrigation water Orifice 59 measuring device with a well-defined, sharp-edged infiltrated and stored in the root zone to the average opening in a wall through which flow occurs such that depth of irrigation water applied the upstream water level is always well above the top Conveyance efficiency 71 ratio between water received at the inlet for a block of this opening of fields to that released at the project’s headwork Current meter 60 velocity measuring device used in a sample point Crop coefficient 72 ratio of the actual crop evpotranspiration to its through which partial discharge can be obtained potential evapotranspiration Farm ditch 61 channel which conveys irrigation water from the Cropping pattern 73 sequence of different crops grown in regular order turnout to the paddy field on any particular field or fields percolation 62 downward movement of water below ground surface Crop water 74 amount of water used in producing crops which is the pond sealed section formed between earth embankments requirement sum of evapotranspiration or consumptive use plus where combined seepage and percolation will be seepage and percolation losses measured Diversion water 75 the total quantity of water diverted from a stream, seepage 63 lateral movement of water below ground surface requirement lake, or reservoir, or removed from the ground in Channel bed slope 64 inclination or elevation drop per unit length of the order to irrigate a crop channel bottom Effective rainfall 76 amount of rainwater that falls directly on the field Normal depth 65 constant flow depth along a longitudinal section of a and is used by the crop for growth and development channel under a uniform flow condition excluding deep percolation, surface runoff and Open channel flow 66 water flow that is conveyed in such a manner that interception top surface is exposed to the atmosphere such as Effective rooting 77 soil depth from which the bulk of the roots of the flow in canals, ditches, drainage channels, culverts, depth crop extracts most of the water needed for and pipes under partially full flow conditions evapotranspiration Uniform flow 67 occurs when flow has a constant water area, depth, evapotranspiration 78 combination of water transpired from vegetation and discharge, and average velocity through a reach of evaporated from the soil, water, and plant surfaces. channel Farm water 79 amount of water to replenish the crop water requirement requirement and losses less the effective rainfall