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Genetic Sensorineural 148 

Hearing Loss
Seiji B. Shibata | A. Eliot Shearer | Richard J.H. Smith

Key Points
■ In developed countries, more than 50% of congenital hearing impairments have a genetic origin.
■ Hearing loss can be defined by numerous clinical criteria that include causality, time of onset, age of
onset, clinical presentation, anatomic defect, severity, and frequency of loss.
■ The worldwide rate of profound hearing loss is 4 in every 10,000 infants born.
■ The basic forms of inheritance can be mendelian (single-gene inheritance—autosomal or X-linked),
mitochondrial, or complex (multifactorial inheritance).
■ Nonsyndromic hearing impairment in the absence of other phenotypic manifestations accounts for
70% of hereditary hearing losses.
■ Mutations in GJB2 account for 50% of severe-to-profound autosomal-recessive nonsyndromic
deafness in several world populations.
■ Syndromic hearing impairment refers to deafness that cosegregates with other features and results in
a recognizable constellation of findings known as a syndrome. Sensorineural deafness has been
associated with more than 400 syndromes.
■ The most common syndromic form of hereditary sensorineural hearing loss, Pendred syndrome, is
inherited in an autosomal-recessive fashion; affected individuals also have goiter.
■ After a well-performed patient history, physical examination, and audiologic evaluation, genetic
testing should be the next test ordered in the evaluation of a patient with hearing loss.
■ Prenatal diagnosis of some forms of hereditary hearing loss is technically possible by analysis of
DNA extracted from fetal cells.
■ Cochlear implantation is becoming an increasingly important option for individuals with severe to
profound deafness; in many cases, cochlear implantation can be predicted by genetic testing.

I t was famously put by Terry Savage that “A child will hear his  loss  has  mandated  a  basic  understanding  of  genetics.  This 

mother’s voice for the rest of his life.” However, many children  chapter  provides  an  introduction  to  the  genetics  of  hearing 
never hear their mother’s voice, and others do not hear it well  loss.  An  overview  of  hearing  loss  is  followed  by  discussion  of 
throughout their lives. In fact, hearing loss is the most common  the fundamentals of genetics and a synopsis of syndromic and 
human  sensory  disorder.  Congenital  hearing  impairment  nonsyndromic deafness. The final section focuses on the clini-
affects at least 1 child in every 500 born and impacts 360 million  cal  approach  to  a  child  with  suspected  genetic  deafness  and 
people worldwide.1,2  Hearing  impairment  commonly  involves  includes  new  advances  in  genetic  testing  and  potential  thera-
dysfunction  of  the  inner  ear  or  auditory  nerve,  a  condition  pies for genetic hearing loss.
known  as  a  sensorineural hearing loss  (SNHL).  Individuals  with 
SNHL are often referred to as deaf (lowercase “d”) by the com-
munity. The term Deafness (capital “D”) is used to describe an  BACKGROUND
individual with SNHL who is part of a cultural group based on  CLASSIFICATION OF
their use of sign language for communication. Members of this 
group tend to be the offspring of Deaf parents and generally  HEARING IMPAIRMENT
have congenital  SNHL.  In  contrast,  individuals  who  acquire  A hearing loss can be defined by numerous clinical criteria that 
SNHL  later  in  childhood  or  adulthood  often  do  not  use  sign  include causality, time of onset, age of onset, clinical presenta-
language and persist with oral communication. These individu- tion,  anatomic  defect,  severity,  and  frequency  loss  (Table 
als are usually not part of the Deaf community. 148-1). Etiologically based classifications can be broadly divided 
In  developed  countries,  over  50%  of  congenital  hearing  into  genetic  versus  nongenetic  factors.  This  distinction  is 
impairment has a genetic origin.1,2 Late-onset hearing loss can  important,  because  hereditary  deafness  does  not  imply  con-
also  be  caused  by  genetic  defects.  As  understanding  of  the  genital deafness; the latter describes a condition present from 
genetics of deafness increases, the role of the otolaryngologist  birth  regardless  of  causality,  whereas  hereditary  deafness  may 
in  the  diagnosis,  interpretation,  and  management  of  hearing  be present at birth or may develop at any time thereafter.


TABLE 148-1.  Hearing Loss Classification and Features DIAGNOSIS OF HEARING IMPAIRMENT

Criteria Classification Comment The primary diagnosis of hearing loss is by auditory testing to 
Causality Genetic Hereditary detect loss in hearing acuity. Hearing function is measured in 
Environmental Nonhereditary decibels  and  is  considered  to  be  normal  if  the  lowest  level 
Multifactorial (threshold) at which a sound can be perceived is between 0 and 
Time of onset Congenital At birth 20 dB. The value of 0 dB is defined as the intensity at which a 
Acquired Develops any time   tone  burst  of  a  given  frequency  is  perceived  50%  of  the  time 
after birth by  a  young  adult.  The  severity  and  frequency  loss  sustained 
Age of onset Prelingual Before speech  during  a  hearing  impairment  are  given  in  Tables  148-1  and 
development 148-2. Hearing acuity can be measured quantitatively and objec-
Postlingual After speech  tively by numerous physiologic tests that include auditory brain-
development stem  response  (ABR)  measurements,  auditory  steady-state 
Clinical  Nonsyndromic Hearing loss only  response  evaluation,  impedance  testing  (tympanometry),  and 
presentation symptom otoacoustic emission testing. For all these auditory tests except 
Syndromic Hearing loss and other  tympanometry,  normal  middle  ear  function  is  required  for  a 
symptoms normal response to be generated.
Anatomic  Conductive Dysfunction of outer or  ABR testing records the electrophysiologic response of the
defect middle ear auditory  nerve  (eighth  cranial  nerve)  and  brainstem  to  tone 
Sensorineural Dysfunction of inner ear  bursts, sound wave “trains” that consist of several cycles of the 
Mixed or auditory nerve same  frequency,  or  clicks,  unidirectional  rectangular  voltage 
Severity Mild 20 to 40  dB pushes, applied to the outer ear.1,4 The waveform patterns are 
Moderate 41 to 55  dB detected  by  electrodes  connected  to  the  skin,  with  maximal 
Moderately severe 56 to 70  dB obtainable values at 94 to 100 dB sound-pressure level, which 
Severe 71 to 90  dB refers to the ratio of the pressure of a sound wave to the stan-
Profound >90  dB dard air-pressure level. Otoacoustic emissions are distinct from 
Frequency loss Low frequency <500  Hz ABRs in that they are sounds generated only from the cochlea, 
Mid frequency 501 to 2000  Hz and they represent the activity of outer hair cells in response to 
High frequency >2000  Hz transient  or  continuous  stimulation.  The  emissions are  mea-
Ears affected Unilateral One ear affected sured in the external auditory canal and are usually absent in 
Bilateral Both ears affected individuals with hearing loss greater than 40 to 50 dB.1
Symmetric Both ears affected equally The audiometry steady-state response has some similarity to 
Asymmetric Both ears not   the  ABR,  but  the  stimulus  is  continuous.  A  continuous  tonal 
affected equally stimulus generates a higher sound-pressure level than is possi-
Prognosis Stable Severity remains  ble with click stimuli, and it allows a better estimation of hearing 
unchanged acuity in profoundly deaf individuals.1 Impedance audiometry 
Progressive Severity increases   is used in conjunction with ABR, otoacoustic emissions, or audi-
over time tory steady-state response testing, because it does not measure 
hearing. This technique is used routinely to determine middle 
ear pressure, movement of the tympanic membrane and middle 
It  is  well  known  that  heritable  and  environmental  factors  ear ossicles, and eustachian tube activity.1
make strong contributions to hearing loss. Three types of ana-
tomic defects are noted—conductive, sensorineural, or a com- EPIDEMIOLOGY OF
bination  of  both  (mixed)—and  these  defects  may  arise  from 
syndromic  or  nonsyndromic  conditions.  Generally,  when  dis-
cussing hereditary deafness, a clinically based classification that  Hearing  loss  is  a  prevalent  human  sensory  defect.  The  World 
reflects  the  presence  or  absence  of  coinherited  anomalies— Health Organization has estimated that worldwide, 360 million 
that  is,  syndromic  or  nonsyndromic  deafness—is  most  useful.  people are affected by a significant hearing loss. Other estimates 
Syndromic and nonsyndromic conditions can be subclassified  of the worldwide rate of profound hearing loss have found that 
by  inheritance  pattern  as  autosomal  dominant,  autosomal  it  affects  4  in  every  10,000  infants  born.5,6  The  rate  of  SNHL 
recessive,  X-linked,  mitochondrial,  or  complex.  Hearing  loss  determined in universal newborn screening programs in devel-
can  also  be  distinguished  by  differences  in  severity  and  fre- oped countries, 2 to 4 children per 1000 born, compares favor-
quency  loss.  Additional  features  of  a  hearing  loss  that  are  ably  with  this  figure.7,8  The  incidence  of  congenital  SNHL  in 
assessed include whether one or both ears are affected and the  developing  countries  is  likely  to  be  much  higher,9,10  although 
prognosis for the condition (see Table 148-1). more data are required to conclude this. The implications are 
Although these classifications assist clinicians in their assess- significant  for  the  communicative,  cognitive,  scholastic,  and 
ment of patients and lead to better clinical outcomes, they do  social development of children with early-onset hearing loss.
not adequately represent the complex interactions that under-
lie most forms of hearing loss. This limitation is exemplified in  TABLE 148-2.  Quantification of Hearing Impairment
hearing  loss  that  is  attributable  to  exposure  to  the  ototoxic 
aminoglycoside  antibiotics.  Although  at  high  concentration  Impairment Pure Tone Average Residual Hearing
(%) (dB)* (%)
these antibiotics do interfere with the normal function of the 
cochlea,  individuals  with  an  A1555G  mutation  in  their  mito- 100 91 0
chondrial 12S rRNA gene are more susceptible to the ototoxic  80 78 20
effect  of  these  drugs  even  at  normally  appropriate  dosing  60 65 40
levels.3 In some cases, hearing loss is attributable to genetic and 
environmental factors, and this dual causality can make classify- 30 45 70
ing hearing loss less informative. *Pure tone average of 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz.


Mendel is considered the father of modern genetics. His work 
formulating the fundamentals of heredity by experimenting on 
the garden pea is well known. From this research, he postulated 
the principles of segregation and independent assortment, pub-
lishing these concepts in 1865. In the early 1900s, the impact 
of  these  ideas  was  recognized.  Johannsen  described  the  basic 
unit  of  heredity  as  the  gene  in  1909,  and  Avery  showed  that  A
genes are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in 1944. 
In 1953, Watson and Crick described the physical structure of 
DNA, and 3 years later, the correct number of human chromo-
somes was confirmed to be 46. Sequencing these chromosomes 
was the goal of the Human Genome Project, initiated in 1991 
and completed with first-pass data in 2001. The impact of this 
project  on  medicine  has  been  tremendous,  with  the  field  of 
genetic deafness being just one of many areas of medical science 
to have flourished. A list of the current known deafness genes  B
can be found on the Hereditary Hearing Loss Homepage.11

Each person has 46 chromosomes—22 pairs of autosomes and 
one pair of sex chromosomes (XY in males or XX in females). 
According  to  Mendel’s  principle  of  segregation,  in  sexually 
reproducing  organisms,  each  partner  contributes  only  one 
member  of  each  chromosome  pair  to  an  offspring.  This  fact  C
means  that  each  individual  has  inherited  one  copy  of  each 
chromosome from each parent. Carried on these chromosomes 
are  genes,  estimated  to  number  approximately  30,000.  Varia-
tions  in  these  genes  impart  uniqueness  to  each  individual. 
These variations, termed alleles, can sometimes be deleterious.
If a mutation changes the normal or wild-type sequence of 
a gene expressed in the inner ear, and if the protein translated 
from  this  new  allele  variant  does  not  function  as  well  as  the 
normal protein, deafness may result. However, if the remaining  D
normal protein (recall that each gene is represented in dupli-
FIGURE  148-1. Inheritance patterns. A, Pedigree illustrating autosomal-
cate) is able to replace or compensate for the defective mutant 
dominant inheritance. The inheritance pattern shows vertical transmission of
protein, deafness will manifest only in individuals who carry two  the affected phenotype, including father-to-son transmission. No generations
copies  of  the  abnormal  gene.  This  scenario  is  an  example  of  are skipped. B, Pedigree of autosomal-recessive inheritance. Note the
autosomal-recessive inheritance. However, if the abnormal protein  disease phenotype is not usually seen in the parents or other ancestors.
interferes with normal protein function, deafness will manifest  Likelihood of affected males to females is equal. (Refer to the Punnett square
in an individual who carries a single abnormal gene. This sce- in Figure 148-2 for estimating risks for recessive inheritance in heterozygous
nario is an example of autosomal-dominant inheritance. parents.) C, Pedigree of X-linked–recessive inheritance. The disease pheno-
In describing these inheritance patterns, we are describing  type is present with one disease allele in the male but requires a homozygous
a person’s genotype or genetic makeup. The term homozygosity genotype to be expressed in the female. D, Pedigree illustrating mitochon-
drial inheritance. Note the maternal transmission of the affected phenotype.
means  that  a  person  carries  two  identical  alleles  of  a  gene; 
There is no paternal transmission.
heterozygosity represents the state in which a person carries two 
different variants of a given gene. The observable consequence 
that derives from an individual’s genotype is his or her pheno- of  inheritance,  we  recommend  more  appropriate  texts.12,13
type.  Individuals  who  carry  identical  genetic  mutations  often  Punnett squares are used to show inheritance patterns by dis-
exhibit  a  spectrum  of  phenotypic  features.  For  instance,  not  playing the outcomes of crosses with both parents and allowing 
every person with Waardenburg syndrome type 1 has synoph- probability estimates for the offspring (Fig. 148-2).
rys, premature graying of the hair, or heterochromia irides, a 
phenomenon called variable expressivity. In some cases, the phe- Autosomal Dominant
notype can be so subtle as to be entirely absent, and the caus- In  autosomal-dominant  diseases,  heterozygotes  express  the 
ative genetic mutation is said to exhibit incomplete penetrance or  disease phenotype. The affected parent can pass either a disease 
to be nonpenetrant. This occurrence can give the impression that  allele or a normal allele to offspring, with the likelihood of each 
a disease “skips” generations. event  being  0.5,  or  50%.  This  means  that  50%  of  offspring 
inherit the normal allele and 50% inherit the disease allele. In 
the  case  of  dominant  diseases,  50%  of  offspring  express  the 
The basic forms of inheritance can be mendelian (single-gene  Autosomal-dominant  transmission  implies  several  things.
inheritance, autosomal or X-linked), mitochondrial, or complex  First,  no  sexual  predilection  exists  for  the  disease  phenotype; 
(chromosomal  and  multifactorial  inheritance).  Pedigrees  for  males and females are equally likely to be affected and to trans-
these inheritance patterns are shown in Figure 148-1. Mende- mit  the  disease  allele  to  their  offspring.  Second,  unless  the 
lian  and  mitochondrial  forms  of  inheritance  are  discussed  in  disease gene is nonpenetrant, the disease does not skip genera-
this chapter; for the reader who is interested in complex forms  tions.  This  type  of  transmission  is  called  vertical transmission.

process is not random, and inactivation of the mutated X chro-
Male heterozygous carrier mosome  is  usually  much  higher  than  is  inactivation  of  the 
normal  X  chromosome.  Males  have  only  a  single  X  chromo-
A a some and always express the disease phenotype.
In a pedigree showing X-linked–recessive inheritance, the trait 
is seen more frequently in males; there is no father-son trans-
mission; affected fathers transmit the disease allele to all female 
Aa offspring, who may have affected males (“skipped generation”); 
Female heterozygous carrier

and heterozygous females transmit the disease allele to half of 
Not affected
Carrier all  sons,  who  manifest  the  disease,  and  half  of  all  daughters, 
not affected who are heterozygous and phenotypically normal. In X-linked–
dominant inheritance, affected fathers transmit the disease allele 
to all daughters who exhibit the disease phenotype with com-
plete penetrance; there is no father-son transmission. Hetero-
zygous females are affected and transmit the trait to half of all 
sons and half of all daughters.
a Mitochondrial Inheritance
Affected The  “powerhouses”  of  the  human  cell,  mitochondria  are  the 
not affected
sites of oxidative phosphorylation, the process that leads to the 
production  of  adenosine  triphosphate.  Mitochondria  possess 
their own intrinsic DNA, with several copies of the mitochon-
FIGURE 148-2. Punnett squares are used to estimate inheritance probabili- drial  genome  in  each  mitochondrion.  The  mitochondrial 
ties for mendelian inheritance patterns. This Punnett square illustrates the genome  is  a  16,569  base  pair  circular  molecule  that  encodes 
mating of two individuals who are heterozygous carriers of an autosomal- two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and 13 polypeptides.14
recessive gene; the genotypes of all potential offspring show a 25% chance The  remaining  mitochondrial  proteins  required  for  oxidative 
of having a child with the recessive phenotype (aa), a 50% chance of having phosphorylation are encoded by the nuclear genome.
a child who carries the recessive allele but is not affected (Aa), and a 25% Mitochondrial  DNA  (mtDNA)  is  inherited  solely  through 
chance of having a child who does not carry the recessive allele (AA). the maternal lineage, reflecting the presence of large amounts 
of  mtDNA  in  the  cytoplasm  of  the  egg.  Therefore,  maternal 
transmission of the affected phenotype occurs, but no paternal 
transmission takes place (see Fig. 148-1, D). If all of the mtDNA 
Third,  male-to-male  (father-son)  transmission  is  seen.  This  molecules are abnormal, a condition known as homoplasmy, all 
observation in a pedigree rules out mitochondrial or X-linked  progeny  cells  contain  abnormal  mitochondria.  If  normal  and 
inheritance. abnormal mtDNA molecules coexist, a condition known as het-
eroplasmy, a wide range of expression of the mutant phenotype 
Autosomal Recessive is seen, which reflects the random distribution of mitochondria 
In contrast to autosomal-dominant inheritance, in autosomal- to  progeny  cells.  Because  mitochondria  lack  a  DNA  repair 
recessive inheritance, two mutant copies of a gene are necessary  mechanism,  mtDNA  accumulates  mutations  at  a  higher  rate 
for  expression  of  the  disease  phenotype.  An  affected  parent  than nuclear DNA.
transmits a disease allele to all offspring, but offspring do not 
show the disease phenotype unless the other parent carries at 
least  one  mutant  copy  of  the  same  gene.  Most  frequently,  GENETIC HEARING IMPAIRMENT
however,  neither  parent  is  affected,  but  both  carry  a  single 
mutant gene, and by chance, each passes this mutant copy on  NONSYNDROMIC HEARING IMPAIRMENT
to  the  affected  offspring.  In  this  scenario,  25%  of  offspring  Genetic  hearing  loss  is  common  in  humans.  Nonsyndromic 
carry  two  mutant  copies  of  the  gene  and  express  the  disease  hearing impairment in the absence of other phenotypic mani-
phenotype;  50%  of  offspring  are  carriers  of  a  mutant  copy,  festations accounts for 70% of hereditary hearing loss.15 More 
similar to the parents; and 25% of offspring have two wild-type  than half  of  SNHL  that  occurs  in  neonates  is  attributable  to 
copies of the gene. As with autosomal-dominant diseases, there  simple  mendelian  inherited  traits  (Fig.  148-3).  In  most  cases, 
is no sexual predilection; males and females are equally likely  the inheritance pattern is recessive (75% to 80% of cases), and 
to be affected, but vertical transmission is rarely seen. Recessive  consequently, the parents of affected children generally do not 
diseases tend to be generation specific. If the disease is excep- exhibit  the  phenotype.  Congenital  nonsyndromic  hearing 
tionally  rare,  the  likelihood  of  parental  consanguinity,  albeit  loss  is  inherited  in  an  autosomal-dominant  (~20%),  X-linked 
distant, is high. (2% to 5%), or mitochondrial (~1%) mode. Nomenclature is 
based on the prefix “DFN” to designate nonsyndromic DeaFNess.
X-Linked Inheritance DFN  followed  by  an  A  implies  dominant  inheritance,  whereas 
X-linked  inheritance  may  be  either  recessive  or  dominant.  In  B implies recessive inheritance and X implies X-linked inheri-
recessive  X-linked  inheritance,  females  are  unlikely  to  be  tance. The integer suffix denotes the order of gene locus dis-
affected, because two mutant copies of the gene are needed for  covery. DFNA1 and DFNB1 were the first autosomal-dominant 
the  disease  phenotype  to  manifest.  However,  heterozygous  and recessive nonsyndromic deafness gene loci to be identified. 
females  do  occasionally  exhibit  subtle  aspects  of  the  disease  As  is  described  in  the  following  sections,  great  progress  has 
phenotype because of the randomness of X-chromosome inac- been  made  in  the  scientific  study  of  genetic  nonsyndromic 
tivation  (the  Lyon  hypothesis).  In  females,  in  each  cell,  only  hearing  loss  (NSHL)  since  the  discovery  of  the  first  deafness 
one of the two X chromosomes is active, and when X chromo- gene in 1993. These discoveries have improved our understand-
some inactivation is entirely random, 50% of cells in a hetero- ing  of  the  molecular  physiology  of  hearing  and  deafness  and 
zygous female will express the disease-carrying X chromosome.  have laid the groundwork for clinical genetic testing for deaf-
Through  mechanisms  that  are  not  clearly  understood,  this  ness, as described under Diagnosis.

75%-80% Autosomal recessive

70% Nonsyndromic 20% Autosomal dominant

50% Genetic
2%-5% X-linked, <1% mitochodrial

hearing loss 30% Syndromic

50% Environmental

FIGURE 148-3. Incidence of different forms of congenital hearing loss.

Autosomal-Recessive Nonsyndromic DFNB1. In  1994,  Guilford  and  coworkers17  mapped  the  first 
Hearing Impairment autosomal-recessive  nonsyndromic  deafness  locus  to  13q12-13 
Autosomal-recessive  nonsyndromic  hearing  impairment  is  and called it DFNB1. Three years later, Kelsell and colleagues18
usually  prelingual  and  severe  to  profound  across  all  frequen- identified the DFNB1 gene as a gap junction gene called GJB2.
cies.16  To  date,  95  loci  have  been  mapped,  and  41  causative  The  encoded  protein,  connexin  26,  oligomerizes  with  five 
genes have been cloned (Table 148-3).11 Expression patterns of  other connexin proteins to form a connexon; the docking of two 
autosomal-recessive  nonsyndromic  deafness-related  genes  in  connexons  in  neighboring  cells  results  in  a  gap junction  (see 
the cochlea are demonstrated in Figure 148-4. Fig. 148-4, B). These gap junctions are thought to be conduits 

TABLE 148-3.  Autosomal-Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Locus Name Location Gene Symbol Phenotype*
DFNB1A 13q11q12 GJB2 Prelingual† SNHL that remains stable17,18
DFNB1B 13q12.11 GJB6 Prelingual† SNHL and vestibular dysfunction in some patients166,167
DFNB2 11q13.5 MYO7A Prelingual or postlingual SNHL of an unspecified type168,169
DFNB3 17p11.2 MYO15A Prelingual SNHL that remains stable170,171
DFNB4 7q22.3 SLC26A4 Prelingual or postlingual SNHL that may be stable or progressive; may also be associated 
with dilation of vestibular aqueduct104,105,172
DFNB6 3p21.31 TMIE Prelingual SNHL that remains stable173,174
DFNB7/11 9q21.13 TMC1 Prelingual SNHL that remains stable175,176
DFNB8/10 21q22.3 TMPRSS3 Postlingual (DFNB8)‡ or prelingual (DFNB10) SNHL that may be progressive or 
DFNB9 2p23.3 OTOF Prelingual SNHL that remains stable179,180
DFNB12 10q21,1 CDH23 Prelingual SNHL that remains stable39,181
DFNB15/72/95 19p13.3 GIPC3 Prelingual SNHL that remains stable182-184
DFNB16 15q15.3 STRC Prelingual SNHL that remains stable and is more pronounced in higher frequencies185
DFNB18 11p15.1 USH1C Prelingual SNHL that remains stable186,187
DFNB21 11q22-q24 TECTA Prelingual severe to profound isolated SNHL41
DFNB22 16p12.2 OTOA Prelingual moderate to severe SNHL188
DFNB23 10q21.1 PCDH15 Prelingual severe to profound SNHL47
DFNB24 11q22.3 RDX Prelingual profound SNHL189
DFNB25 4q13 GRXCR1 Prelingual severe to profound SNHL190
DFNB28 22q13.1 TRIOBP Prelingual severe to profound SNHL191,192
DFNB29 21q22.3 CLDN14 Prelingual profound SNHL193
DFNB30 10p11.1 MYO3A Progressive SNHL that first affects high frequencies and begins in the second decade; 
severe in high and middle frequencies, moderate at low frequencies by age 50 years194
DFNB31 9q32-q34 WHRN Prelingual profound SNHL195,196
DFNB35 14q24.3 ESRRB Prelingual profound SNHL197
DFNB36 1p36.31 ESPN Prelingual SNHL of unspecified or unknown type198
DFNB37 6q13 MYO6 Prelingual SNHL of unspecified or unknown type199
DFNB39 7q21.11 HGF Prelingual severe to profound SNHL200


TABLE 148-3.  Autosomal-Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss—Cont’d

Locus Name Location Gene Symbol Phenotype*
DFNB42 3q13.33 ILDR1 Prelingual mid to high-frequency SNHL201
DFNB49 5q13.2 MARVELD2 Prelingual moderate to profound SNHL202
DFNB53 6p21.32 COL11A2 Postlingual (second decade) midfrequency SNHL203
DFNB59 7q22.1 PJVK Prelingual severe to profound auditory neuropathy204
DFNB61 7q22.1 SLC26A5 Prelingual severe to profound SNHL205
DFNB63 11q13.4 LRTOMT/COMT2 Prelingual profound SNHL206,207
DFNB66/67 6p21.3 LHFPL5 Prelingual profound SNHL208-210
DFNB74 12q14.3 MSRB3 Prelingual profound SNHL211,212
DFNB77 18q21.1 LOXHD1 Prelingual mid to high-frequency progressive SNHL213
DFNB79 9q34.3 TPRN Prelingual severe to profound SNHL214,215
DFNB82 1p13.3 GPSM2 Prelingual stable profound SNHL216
DFNB84 12q21.31 PTPRQ Prelingual severe to profound SNHL217
DFNB91 6p25.2 GJB3/SERPINB6 Postlingual (second decade) progressive moderate to severe SNHL218,219
SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss.
*Most important references are cited.
†Prelingual deafness also includes congenital deafness.
‡The onset of DFNB8 hearing loss is postlingual (10 to 12 years old), whereas the onset of DFNB10 hearing loss is prelingual (congenital). This 
phenotypic difference reflects a genotypic difference; the DFNB8-causing mutation is a splice-site mutation. This suggests that inefficient splicing 
is associated with a reduced amount of normal protein, which is sufficient to prevent prelingual deafness but insufficient to prevent eventual 
hearing loss.
Modified from Van Camp G, Smith RJ: Hereditary Hearing Loss. Available at

through which potassium ions are recycled from the outer hair 
cells back through the supporting cells and spiral ligament to 
Autosomal-Dominant Nonsyndromic
the stria vascularis.19 The ions are pumped into the endolymph  Hearing Impairment
to  perpetuate  the  mechanosensory  transduction  of  hair  cells.  To date, 64 loci for autosomal-dominant nonsyndromic deafness 
Mutations in GJB2 may disrupt this recycling process and may  have been mapped, and 27 causative genes have been cloned 
prevent  normal  mechanosensory  transduction.18  This  role  is  (Table 148-4).11 Generally, the onset of deafness is postlingual, 
consistent  with  the  expression  of  GJB2  in  the  stria  vascularis,  progressive,  and  milder  than  recessive  forms,  and  several  loci 
nonsensory  epithelial  cells,  spiral  ligament,  and  spiral  limbus  have characteristic  audioprofiles.28,29  Several  common  forms 
of the inner ear.18 of dominant hearing impairment have unique or characteristic 
Mutations  in  GJB2  are  found  in  50%  of  people  with  audioprofiles.  One  of  the  most  common  types  of  autosomal-
severe  to  profound  congenital  autosomal-recessive  nonsyn- dominant  nonsyndromic  deafness  is  high-frequency  hearing 
dromic deafness in many world populations.20 More than 100  loss as a result of KCNQ4 mutations at the DFNA2 locus.30 Expres-
different deafness-causing mutations are described, and several  sion patterns of autosomal-dominant nonsyndromic deafness–
are  common  in  specific  ethnic  groups.21  For  example,  the  related genes in the cochlea are demonstrated in Figure 148-4.
35delG  mutation  predominates  in  populations  of  European 
descent22; this mutation has a carrier frequency in the Midwest- DFNA2 (High-Frequency Hearing Loss). Autosomal-dominant 
ern United States of 2.5%.23 For comparison, in the Ashkenazi  high-frequency hearing loss can be the consequence of muta-
Jewish population, the most common mutation is the 167delT;  tions in a variety of genes that include KCNQ4 (DFNA2), DFNA5
its carrier frequency is approximately 4%.24 In Japanese popula- (DFNA5), COCH (DFNA9), and POU4F3 (DFNA15). Mutations 
tions,  the  235delC  mutation  is  the  most  common  deafness- in  many  of  these  genes  cause  autosomal-dominant  deafness 
causing allele variant of GJB2.25 through  a  dominant-negative  mechanism  of  action.30-32  One 
The DFNB1 auditory phenotype is varied, although homo- example  is  deafness  at  the  DFNA2  locus,  which  is  caused  by 
zygosity for protein-truncating mutations is generally associated  dominant-negative  mutations  in  KCNQ4.30,31  KCNQ4  is  orga-
with impaired gap junction activity and moderate to profound  nized into 14 exons that encode a protein with six transmem-
deafness.21-26  With  missense  mutations,  the  degree  of  residual  brane domains and a P-loop to confer Κ+ ion selectivity to the 
hearing can be substantially greater.21 Most frequently, the loss  channel pore.31 A voltage sensor in the fourth transmembrane 
is symmetric between ears and does not progress over the long  domain drives a conformational change that leads to channel 
term.  Temporal  bone  anomalies  are  not  part  of  the  DFNB1  opening. KCNQ4 subunits are typically organized into homotet-
phenotype, which obviates the need for routine temporal bone  ramers to form functional channels.31
imaging. The G285S allele was the first DFNA2 mutation identified,
Genetic  testing  is  available  to  diagnose  GJB2-related  deaf- and a mouse model carrying the orthologous mutation (equiva-
ness and is warranted, because the relative contribution of this  lent to the human G285S allele variant) has been generated.33
gene to the total genetic deafness mutation load is high. Muta- The substitution of a serine for a glycine affects the first highly 
tion screening facilitates genetic counseling and prediction of  conserved glycine in a GYG signature sequence of the P-loop of 
the chance of recurrence. It also provides prognostic informa- the channel pore, and it abolishes channel function by prevent-
tion, because several studies have shown that cochlear implant  ing correct subunit assembly. Impaired KCNQ4 function in the 
recipients with GJB2-related deafness do very well.27 inner  ear  affects  Κ+  ion  recycling.  Normally,  mechanosensory 

FIGURE  148-4. Schematic illustration of cochlear duct cross-section includes an enlarged representation of two important cochlear structures (A and B)
and shows the cochlear expression pattern of genes related to deafness. A, Inset illustrates the stereocilia tip link, mechanotransduction channel, and interac-
tion between anchoring proteins Harmonin-b, MYO1C, CDH23, and PCDH15. B, The gap junction and its constituents. Three-dimensional view of a connexon
hexamer composed of six connexin monomers; each connexin encoded by GJB2 is also known as a connexin 26 molecule, one of which is highlighted. Gap
junctions are composed of two connexons in adjacent cells. Small molecules can pass through the gap junction pore from one cytoplasm to another without
having to cross two cell membranes. 1, Inner hair cells: ACTG1, CDH23, CLDN14, GJA1, GIPC3, ILDR1, KCNQ4, LOXHD1, MYH14, MYO3A, MYO6, MYO7A,
MYO15A, PCDH15, POU4F3, PTPRQ, OTOF, RDX, SERPINB6, STRC, TFCP2L3, TJP2, TMC1, TMHS, TRIOBP, USH1C, and WFS1. 2,  Outer  hair  cells: ACTG1,
RDX, STRC, SLC26A5, TFCP2L3, TJP2, TMC1, TMHS, TRIOBP, USH1C, and WFS1. 3, Supporting cells: CLDN14, ESRRB, GJA1, GJB2, GJB6, MYH14, PCDH15,
SLC26A4, TFCP2L3, TMPRSS3, and WFS1. 4,  Stereocilia: CDH23, DFNB18, ESPN, PCDH15, STRC, TMIE, and WHRN. 5,  Interdental  cells: ATP6B1, GJA1,
GJB2, TFCP2L3, and WFS1. 6, Spiral limbus: COCH, COL9A1, CRYM, ESRRB, GJB2, GJB3, and GJB6. 7, Tectorial membrane: COL11A2 OTOA, OTOG, and
TECTA. 8, Cochlear nerve: CCDC50, ESRRB, and GJB3. 9, Spiral ganglion: ESRRB, GIPC3, GJB1, KCNQ4, MPZ, NDP, NDRG1, OTOF, PCDH15, PJVK, PMP22,
SBF2, SLC26A4, TMPRSS3, and WFS1. 10,  Reissner's  membrane: ESRRB, MYH9, MYH14, POU3F4A, TFCP2L3, and WFS1. 11,  Stria  vascularis: ATP6B1,
and KCNQ1. 13, Spiral prominence: ESRRB, MYH14, SLC26A4, and WFS1. 14, Spiral ligament: COCH, COL9A1, CRYM, ESRRB, GJB2, GJB3, GJB6, MYH9,
MYH14, POU3F4, and WFS1. (Modified from Morton CC, Nance WE: Newborn hearing screening: a silent revolution. N Engl J Med 2006;354:2154-64. A, Modified
from Muller U: Harmonin mutations cause mechanotransduction defects in cochlear hair cells. Neuron 2009;62:375-387. B, Modified from Smith RJH: Sensorineural
hearing loss in children. Lancet 2005;365:879-890.)

transduction  leads  to  an  increase  in  cytosolic  Κ+  in  the  outer  DFNA8/12 and DFNA13 (Midfrequency Hearing Loss). Identi-
hair cells of the cochlea, the major site of KCNQ4 expression.  fication  of  phenotype-genotype  correlations  is  crucial  in 
KCNQ4 channels expressed in the base of these cells transport  determining  the  etiology  of  autosomal-dominant  SNHL,34
Κ+ extracellularly, where the ion is taken up by supporting cells  and  it  has  implications  for  prognostic  and  therapeutic  out-
and is cycled back into the scala media.30 The consequence of  comes. Some  correlations  are  very  robust,  such  as  the  low-
abnormal KCNQ4 function is apoptosis of the outer hair cells,  frequency  audioprofile  associated  with  WFS1-related  hearing 
and the clinical manifestation of this damage is hearing loss that  loss  (DFNA6/14/38)35  and  the  “cookie-bite”  (midfrequency) 
is progressive and biased to the high frequencies.30 audioprofile  associated  with  TECTA-related  hearing  loss 

TABLE 148-4.  Autosomal-Dominant Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Locus Name Location Gene Symbol Phenotype*
DFNA1 5q31 DIAPH1 Postlingual low-frequency SNHL (first decade)220,221
DFNA2A 1p34 KCNQ4 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL (second decade)30,31
DFNA2B 1p35.1 GJB3 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL (first decade)222
DFNA3A† 13q11-q12 GJB2 Prelingual high-frequency SNHL18,223
DFNA3B 13q12 GJB6 Unknown224
DFNA4 19q13 MYH14 Postlingual SNHL with a flat or gently downsloping audioprofile225,226
CEACAM16 Unknown227
DFNA5 7p15 DFNA5 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL (first decade)228,229
DFNA6/14/38‡ 4p16.1 WFS1 Prelingual low-frequency SNHL230-232
DFNA8/12† 11q22-24 TECTA Prelingual midfrequency SNHL36
DFNA9 14q12-q13 COCH Postlingual high-frequency SNHL (second decade)233,234
DFNA10 6q22-23 EYA4 Postlingual SNHL with a flat or gently downsloping audioprofile 
(third or fourth decade)235,236
DFNA11 11q12.3-q21 MYO7A Postlingual SNHL (first decade)169,237
DFNA13 6p21 COL11A2 Postlingual midfrequency SNHL (second decade)238,239
DFNA15 5q31 POU4F3 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL240-244
DFNA17 22q MYH9
DFNA20/26 17q25 ACTG1
DFNA22 6q13 MYO6
DFNA25 12q21-24 SLC17A8 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL245,246
DFNA28 8q22 GRHL2 Postlingual SNHL with a flat or gently downsloping audioprofile175,247
DFNA36 9q13-q21 TMC1
DFNA39 4q21.3 DSPP Postlingual high-frequency SNHL248
DFNA44 3q28 CCDC50 Postlingual SNHL that is moderate in all frequencies249
DFNA48 12q13-q14 MYO1A Postlingual SNHL250,251
DFNA50 7q32.2 MIRN96 Postlingual, mild to profound, progressive SNHL252,253
DFNA51 9q21 TJP2 Postlingual high-frequency SNHL254
DFNA64 12q24.31-32 SMAC/DIABLO Postlingual moderate to severe SNHL255
SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss.
*Most important references are cited.
†Most autosomal-dominant loci cause postlingual hearing impairment. Some exceptions are DFNA3, DFNA8, and DFNA12.
‡DFNA6/14 is noteworthy because the hearing loss primarily affects the low frequencies.
Modified from Van Camp G, Smith RJ: Hereditary Hearing Loss. Available at

(DFNA8/12),36  whereas  other  correlations,  such  as  high- DFNA13 families and were predicted to affect the triple helical 

frequency  hearing  loss,  are  more  difficult  to  define.  Hearing  domain of the collagen protein.43,44 A Col11a2−/− mouse model 
loss at the DFNA8/12 locus is unusual among dominant forms,  displayed  moderate  to  severe  hearing  loss  and  an  enlarged 
because midfrequencies are predominantly affected, it is con- tectorial  membrane  attributable  to  disorganized  and  widely 
genital,  and  it  is  nonprogressive.37  The  causative  gene  at  this  spaced collagen fibrils.44 Defects in genes that encode compo-
locus, α-tectorin (TECTA), was identified in Austrian DFNA837 nents  of  the  collagenous  and  noncollagenous  regions  of  the 
and  Belgian  DFNA1236  families.  In  both  families,  missense  tectorial  membrane  can  induce  autosomal-dominant  midfre-
mutations were identified that are thought to have a dominant- quency hearing impairment.
negative effect that leads to disruption of the structure of the 
tectorial membrane.36,39 DFNA6/14/38 (Low-Frequency Hearing Loss). Mutations in the 
α-Tectorin  is  the  major  noncollagenous  component  of  the  Wolfram  syndrome  1  gene  (WFS1)  at  the  DFNA6/14/38 
tectorial  membrane  of  the  inner  ear.  A  mouse  mutant  gener- locus  are  a  common  cause  of  low-frequency  SNHL.  WFS1
ated with a TECTA missense mutation showed elevated neural  was  originally  identified  in  human  disease  as  a  cause  of  Wol-
thresholds, broadened neural tuning, and decreased sensitivity  fram  syndrome, an autosomal-recessive neurodegenerative dis-
of the tip of the neural tuning curve, indicating that the tecto- order  comprising  diabetes  mellitus,  optic  atrophy,  and  often 
rial membrane enables the motion of the basilar membrane to  deafness.45 Later, WFS1 was implicated in autosomal-dominant 
optimally  drive  the  inner  hair  cells  at  their  best  frequency.40 NSHL  at  the  DFNA6/14  locus  in  six  families,  segregating 
TECTA  has  also  been  implicated  in  recessive  deafness  at  the  delayed-onset, slowly progressive, low-frequency SNHL.45 These 
DFNB21 locus.41,42 Hearing loss in these families was also con- families  all  carried  missense  mutations  located  in  a  region  of 
genital,  but  it  was  severe  to  profound  across  all  frequencies  exon  8  that  encodes  the  C-terminal  domain.46  Although  the 
rather than restricted to the midfrequencies. protein  is  known  to  contain  nine  putative  transmembrane 
DFNA13 is a related form of dominant hearing impairment domains, its function and role in causing low-frequency SNHL 
also characterized by initial midfrequency loss and disruption  remain unclear. One of the original WFS1 mutations, V779M, 
of  the  tectorial  membrane.  In  this  case,  missense  mutations  was identified in 1 of 336 control individuals.47 This frequency 
were identified in the COL11A2 gene of American and Dutch  is  comparable  to  that  of  heterozygous  carriers  of  Wolfram 

TABLE 148-5.  X-Linked Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Locus Name Location Gene Symbol Phenotype*
DFNX1 Xq22.3 PRPS1 Prelingual profound SNHL in all frequencies256
DFNX2 Xq21.1 POU3F4 Mixed variable prelingual hearing loss that progresses 
to profound hearing loss in all frequencies53
DFNX4 Xp22.12 SMPX Prelingual progressive, severe SNHL in all frequencies257
SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss.
*Most important references are cited.
Modified from Van Camp G, Smith RJ: Hereditary Hearing Loss. Available at

syndrome,  which  has  been  estimated  to  be  0.3%  to  1%.48 SYNDROMIC HEARING 
Because an increased risk of SNHL had been reported for these 
carriers,48  it  was  predicted  that  WFS1  was  a  common  cause  of 
low-frequency SNHL. This assumption has been supported by  Syndromic  forms  of  hereditary  SNHL  (Table  148-7)  are  less 
the subsequent discovery of frequent WFS1 mutations in fami- common  than  nonsyndromic  forms.  Syndromic hearing impair-
lies with low-frequency SNHL from different populations.49,50 ment refers to deafness that cosegregates with other features to 
form  a  recognizable  constellation  of  findings  known  as  a  syn-
X-Linked Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment drome.  Sensorineural  deafness  has  been  associated  with  more 
X-linked  nonsyndromic  hearing  impairment  accounts  for  less  than 400 syndromes. A discussion of a few of the more common 
than 2%  of  NSHL.51  Five  loci  and  three  causative  genes  have  syndromes follows.
been  identified  (Table  148-5).  Reexamination  of  the  original 
family used to map DFN1 has revealed other cosegregating fea-
tures,  including  mental  retardation.  This  type  of  deafness  is  AUTOSOMAL-DOMINANT SYNDROMIC
now recognized as a form of X-linked syndromic hearing loss.52 HEARING IMPAIRMENT
Of the remaining DFN loci, DFN3 is most common and is due 
to mutations in a transcription factor called POU3F453; it mani- Branchio-oto-renal Syndrome
fests as congenital stapes fixation with radiologic findings that  Melnick  coined  the  term  branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome  in 
include widening of the lateral internal auditory canal and dila- 1975 to describe the cosegregation of branchial, otic, and renal 
tion of the vestibule.54 Hearing loss is usually mixed, and stape- anomalies in deaf individuals.63 Inheritance is autosomal domi-
dectomy  is  typically  attended  by  a  perilymph  gusher.55  The  nant, penetrance is nearly 100%, and prevalence is estimated at 
hearing impairment associated with the other loci is variable.56,57 1  in  40,000  newborns.64  BOR  affects  2%  of  profoundly  deaf 
children.64 Otologic findings can involve the external, middle, 
Mitochondrial Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment or inner ear. External ear anomalies include preauricular pits 
Mitochondrial nonsyndromic deafness can be caused by various  (82%)  or  tags,  auricular  malformations  (32%),  microtia,  and 
mtDNA mutations, although the 1555 A-to-G mtDNA has been  external  auditory  canal  narrowing65,66;  middle  ear  anomalies 
characterized  best  (Table  148-6).  As  mentioned  earlier,  this  include ossicular malformation (fusion, displacement, underde-
mutation is also associated with aminoglycoside ototoxicity. As  velopment), facial nerve dehiscence, absence of the oval window, 
a cause of nonsyndromic deafness, the phenotype is similar to  and  reduction  in  the  size  of  the  middle  ear  cleft65;  and  inner 
aminoglycoside ototoxicity with a mild, high-frequency loss that  ear  anomalies  include  cochlear  hypoplasia  and  dysplasia.67
shows progression.58 The loss is generally of later onset in indi- Enlargement  of  the  cochlear  or  vestibular  aqueducts  may  be 
viduals who have not been exposed to aminoglycosides.3 seen66 as may hypoplasia of the lateral semicircular canal.67
Presbycusis,  or  age-related  hearing  loss,  also  may  have  a Hearing  impairment  is  the  most  common  feature  of  BOR
mitochondrial basis.59-62 Because mtDNA mutations accumulate  syndrome and is reported in almost 90% of affected individu-
at several times the rate of nuclear DNA mutations, mitochon- als.64 The loss can be conductive (30%) or sensorineural (20%) 
drial  function  ultimately  may  be  impaired,  resulting  in  age- but is most often mixed (50%). It is severe in one third of indi-
related cochlear dysfunction.60 In support of this hypothesis, an  viduals and is progressive in one quarter.64 Branchial anomalies 
increase in the mtDNA mutation load has been shown in aged  occur  in  the  form  of  laterocervical  fistulas,  sinuses,  and  cysts; 
cochlea.62 renal anomalies range from agenesis to dysplasia and are found 

TABLE 148-6.  Mitochondrial Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Gene Symbol Mutation Phenotype*
MTRNR1 961 (different Aminoglycoside induced/worsened
mutations) Often secondary to aminoglycoside use with variable severity and 
highly variable penetrance141,258
MTRNR1 c.1494 C>T Aminoglycoside induced/worsened
MTRNR1 c.1555 A>G Aminoglycoside induced/worsened
MTTS1 c.7445 A>G Palmoplantar keratoderma
Variably severe hearing loss with highly variable penetrance259-262
MTTS1 c.7472 ins C Neurologic dysfunction includes ataxia, dysarthria, and myoclonus
MTTS1 c.7510 T>C No additional symptoms reported
MTTS1 c.7511 T>C No additional symptoms reported
*Most important references are cited.

TABLE 148-7.  Syndromic Forms of Hearing Loss

Syndrome or Disease/ Syndrome or Disease/
Locus Name Location Gene* Locus Name Location Gene*
Autosomal Dominant Usher syndrome
Branchio-oto-renal    USH1A 14q32 Unknown270,271
  USHIB 11q13.5 MYO7A118
  BOR1 8q13.3 EYA168
  USH1C 11p15.1 USH1C272-274
  BOR2 19q13.3 SIX569
  USH1D 10q22.1 CDH2339,275,276
1q31 Unknown263
  USH1E 21q21 Unknown277
  BOR3 14q21.3-q24.3 SIX170,264
  USH1F 10q21-q22 PCDH1547,278
syndrome   USH1G 17q24-q25 SANS279,280
  WS1 2q35 PAX388   USH1H 15q22-q23 Unknown281
  WS2† 3p14.1-p12.3 MITF 89
  USH2A 1q41 USH2A119,282
SNAI290   USH2B 3p23-p24.2 Unknown283
  WS3 (Klein- 2q35 PAX391   USH2C 5q14.3-q21.3 VLGR1284,285
syndrome)   USH2D 9q32 WHRN286
  WS4† 13q22 EDNRB 92   USH3 3q21-q25 USH3A287,288
10q24.31 PDZD7289
Shah-Waardenburg or  20q13.2-q13.3 EDN3
Waardenburg  Jervell and Lange-
syndrome– Nielsen syndrome
Hirschsprung disease   JLNS1 11p15.5 KCNQ1108,109
22q13 SOX1093
  JLNS2 21q22.1-q22.2 KCNE1110
Stickler syndrome
Biotinidase deficiency 3p25 BTD290
  SS1 12q13.11-q13.2 COL2A179
Refsum disease 10pter-p11.2 PAHX291
  SS2 1p21 COL11A180 6q22-q24 PEX7122
  SS3 6p21.3 COL11A281 Alport syndrome 2q36-2q37 COL4A3/
6q13 COL9A182 COL4A4292
1p34.2 COL9A2266
Alport syndrome Xq22 COL4A5126
  NF2 22q12 NF2267
Mohr-Tranebjaerg  Xq22 TIMM8A293
Treacher Collins  syndrome
Norrie disease Xp11.3 NDP294,295
  TCOF1 5q32-q33.1 TCOF1268
Autosomal Recessive
  MELAS and MIDD mtDNA MTTL1296,297
Pendred syndrome
  MERRF mtDNA MTTK298-300
  PDS 7q21-q34 SLC26A4/PDS98
  Kearns-Sayre  mtDNA Several large 
  PDS 5q35.1 FOXI1106 syndrome deletions136
  PDS 1q23.2 KCNJ10269   MIDD mtDNA Several large 
*Most important references are cited.
†Although Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is usually inherited in an autosomal-dominant manner, sometimes WS2 can be inherited in an autosomal-
recessive manner. WS4 is always inherited in an autosomal-recessive manner.
MELAS, mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and strokelike episodes; MERRF, myoclonic epilepsy with red ragged fibers; MIDD, mater-
nally inherited diabetes and deafness; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA.

in  25%  of  individuals.64  Less  common  phenotypic  findings  Neurofibromatosis Type 2
include lacrimal duct aplasia, short palate, and retrognathia.64 Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is characterized by the devel-
One causative gene is EYA1, the human homologue of the  opment of bilateral vestibular schwannomas and other intracra-
Drosophila eyes absent gene.68 The gene contains 16 exons that  nial and spinal tumors that include schwannomas, meningiomas, 
encode  for  559  amino  acids.68  EYA1  mutations  are  found  in  gliomas,  and  ependymomas.  In  addition,  patients  may  have 
approximately 25% of patients with a BOR phenotype, and this  posterior  subcapsular  lenticular  opacities.  Diagnostic  criteria 
phenotype is hypothesized to reflect a reduction in the amount  include 1) bilateral vestibular schwannomas that usually develop 
of  the  EYA1  protein.  Mutations  in  two  additional  genes,  SIX1 by the second decade of life, or 2) a family history of NF2 in 
and  SIX5,  also  have  been  shown  more  recently  to  cause  BOR  a  first-degree  relative,  plus  one  of  the  following:  unilateral 
syndrome.69,70 Both genes act within the genetic network of the  vestibular schwannomas before age 30 or any two of meningi-
EYA and PAX genes to regulate organogenesis. oma,  glioma,  schwannoma,  or  juvenile  posterior  subcapsular 

lenticular  opacities/juvenile  cortical  cataract.  The  causative 

gene is a 17-exon gene that codes for a 595–amino acid protein  Waardenburg Syndrome
named merlin on chromosome 22q12.71 Merlin is a tumor sup- In  1951,  Waardenburg  published  an  article  that  defined  an 
pressor  that  regulates  the  actin  cytoskeleton.72,73  Although  its  auditory-pigmentary disease.86 Now known as Waardenburg syn-
mechanism of action is not completely understood, microarray  drome (WS), it is classified under four types and has an aggre-
analysis  has  identified  numerous  other  genes  that  become  gate  incidence  of  1  per  10,000  to  1  per  20,000  population.87
deregulated during tumorigenesis.74 WS1 is recognized by SNHL; white forelock; pigmentary distur-
The incidence of NF2 is 1 per 40,000 to 90,000 population.73 bances of the iris; and dystopia canthorum, a specific displace-
Hearing  loss  is  usually  high  frequency  and  sensorineural;  ment of the inner canthi and lacrimal puncti.86 Other features 
vertigo,  tinnitus,  and  facial  nerve  paralysis  may  be  associated  include  synophrys,  broad  nasal  root,  hypoplasia  of  the  alae 
findings. The diagnosis rests on the clinical and family history,  nasi, patent metopic suture, and a square jaw. WS1 is caused by 
physical  examination,  and  imaging  studies  (magnetic  reso- mutations in PAX3, a DNA-binding transcription factor homol-
nance  imaging).  Treatment  of  the  vestibular  schwannomas  ogous  to  mouse  Pax-3,  the  gene  implicated  in  the  Splotch 
usually  consists  of  surgery,  although  Gamma  Knife  surgery  is  mouse mutant.88 PAX3 is expressed in neural crest cells in early 
considered  in  selected  cases.75  Auditory  brainstem  implants  development,  and  strial  melanocytes  are  absent  in  affected 
have been  used  with  success  in  patients  with  vestibular  individuals.88
schwannomas, although their use is limited if the patient has a  WS2 is distinguished from WS1 by the absence of dystopia 
history of Gamma Knife treatment.75,76 canthorum.  Approximately  15%  of  WS2  cases  are  caused  by 
mutations in MITF, a transcription factor also involved in mela-
Stickler Syndrome nocyte  development.89  Mutations  in  SNAI2,  a  zinc-finger  tran-
In 1965, Stickler described a family followed at the Mayo Clinic  scription factor expressed in migratory neural crest cells, have 
for  five  generations  that  segregated  syndromic  features  that  also  been  shown  to  cause  WS2.90  WS3  is  also  called  Klein-
included myopia, clefting, and hearing loss.77 The disease, now  Waardenburg syndrome,  and  it  is  characterized  by  WS1  features 
known eponymously as Stickler syndrome (SS), has an incidence  with  the  addition  of  hypoplasia  or  contracture  of  the  upper 
of  1  per  10,00078  and  is  caused  by  mutations  in  the  COL2A1, limbs. PAX3 is the causative gene.91 WS4 is also known as Shah-
COL11A2,  or  CO11A1  genes  that  encode  for  the  constituent  Waardenburg  syndrome,  and  it  involves  the  association  of  WS 
proteins  of  type  II  and  type  XI  collagen.79-82  On  the  basis  of  with Hirschsprung disease. Three genes have been implicated: 
criteria  set  forth  by  Snead  and  Yates,83  the  diagnosis  of  SS  endothelin  3  (EDN3),  endothelin  receptor  B  gene  (EDNRB), 
requires 1) a congenital vitreous anomaly, and 2) any three of  and  SOX10.92,93  Although  WS  types  1  through  3  are  inherited 
the following: myopia with onset before age 6 years, rhegmatog- as dominant diseases, WS of the fourth type is autosomal reces-
enous  retinal  detachment  or  paravascular  pigmented  lattice  sive (see Table 148-7).
degeneration,  joint  hypermobility  with  abnormal  Beighton  The  hearing  loss  in  WS  shows  considerable  variability 
score, SNHL (audiometric confirmation), or midline clefting.  between and within families. Congenital hearing impairment is 
Other  manifestations  include  craniofacial  anomalies  such  as  present in 36% to 66.7% of cases of WS1 versus 57% to 85% of 
midfacial flattening, mandibular hypoplasia, a short upturned  cases of WS2.87 Most commonly, the loss affects individuals with 
nose, or a long philtrum. Micrognathia is common; if severe, it  more  than  one  pigmentation  abnormality  and  is  profound, 
leads to the Robin sequence with cleft palate (28% to 65%).84 bilateral, and stable over time. Audiogram configuration varies, 
Clefting may be complete, with a U-shaped cleft palate second- and low-frequency loss is more common. Nadol and Merchant94
ary  to  Robin  sequence,  but  it  is  more  commonly  limited  to  a  examined the inner ear of a 76-year-old woman with WS1 and 
submucous cleft.85 found intact neurosensory structures only in the basal turn of 
SS1  is  caused  by  mutations  in  COL2A1.79  This  phenotype the  cochlea.  Temporal  bone  imaging  is  typically  normal, 
includes the classic ocular findings with a “membranous” vitre- although cochlear hypoplasia and malformation of the semicir-
ous. SS2 is due to missense or in-frame deletion mutations in  cular  canals  can  be  found.95  Risk  chance  prediction  of  the 
COL11A2,81  and  it  is  unique  in  that  no  ocular  abnormalities  findings associated with WS is difficult because of variability in 
are present, because COL11A2 is not expressed in the vitreous.  disease expression.
SS3  is  caused  by  mutations  in  COL11A2, COL9A1,  and 
COL9A2.81,82,266 The vitreous in these patients shows irregularly  Treacher Collins Syndrome
thickened  fiber  bundles  that  may  be  visualized  on  slit-lamp  Treacher  Collins  syndrome  is  an  autosomal-dominant  syn-
examination.80,83 drome characterized by abnormalities of craniofacial develop-
The hearing loss associated with SS can be conductive, sen- ment. The phenotype includes maldevelopment of the maxilla 
sorineural, or mixed. If it is conductive, the loss typically reflects  and mandible with abnormal canthi placement, ocular colobo-
the  eustachian  tube  dysfunction  that  commonly  occurs  with  mas, choanal atresia, and conductive hearing loss secondary to 
palatal  clefts.  The  incidence  of  SNHL  increases  with  age.  Its  ossicular fixation.96 The causative gene is TCOF, which encodes 
pathogenesis is incompletely understood, but possible mecha- for the protein treacle.96
nisms include primary neurosensory deficits because of altera-
tions  in  the  pigmented  epithelium  of  the  inner  ear  or  AUTOSOMAL-RECESSIVE SYNDROMIC
abnormalities of inner ear collagen (see Fig. 148-4).84 Computed  HEARING IMPAIRMENT
tomography  has  not  shown  gross  structural  abnormalities. 
Patients  with  SS3  tend  to  have  moderate  to  severe  hearing  Pendred Syndrome
loss, whereas patients with SS1 have either normal hearing or  The  most  common  syndromic  form  of  hereditary  SNHL, 
only  a  mild  impairment;  patients  with  SS2  fall  in  between.78 Pendred syndrome (PS), was described by Pendred in 1896.97
The  ocular  findings  in  SS  are  the  most  prevalent  feature  The condition is autosomal recessive, and affected individuals 
and warrant special discussion.85 Most affected individuals are  also  have  goiter.98  The  prevalence  of  PS  is  estimated  at  7.5  to 
myopic,83  but  they  may  also  have  vitreoretinal  degeneration,  10 per 100,000 individuals, suggesting that the syndrome may 
retinal  detachment,  cataract,  and  blindness.77  Retinal  detach- account  for  10%  of  hereditary  deafness.98  The  hearing  loss  is 
ment leading to blindness is the most severe ocular complication  usually congenital and severe to profound, although progressive 
and affects approximately 50% of individuals with SS.84 Detach- mild to moderate SNHL is sometimes seen.98 Bilateral dilation 
ment typically occurs in adolescence or early adulthood. of the vestibular aqueduct is common and may be accompanied 

by cochlear hypoplasia. Most cases of PS result from mutations  vestibular dysfunction, and retinal degeneration that begins in 
in the SLC26A4 gene that encodes an anion transporter known  the third to fourth decade; and type 3 is characterized by pro-
as pendrin, which is expressed in the inner ear (see Fig. 148-4),  gressive hearing loss, variable vestibular dysfunction, and vari-
thyroid, and kidney.99 Expression of SLC26A4 has been shown  able onset of retinitis pigmentosa. Within each subtype, genetic 
throughout the endolymphatic duct and sac, in distinct areas of  heterogeneity is found, and numerous subtypes are recognized, 
the utricle and saccule, and in the external sulcus region within  although  the  two  most  common  forms  are  Usher  syndrome 
the developing cochlea.100 Pendrin is thought to be involved in  type  1B  (USH1B)  and  Usher  syndrome  type  2A  (USH2A), 
chloride and iodide transport and not sulfate transport.101 which  account  for  75%  to  80%  of  the  Usher  syndromes.117
Affected individuals develop goiter in their second decade,  USH1B accounts for 75% of Usher syndrome type 1 cases and 
although they usually remain euthyroid.99 Thyroid dysfunction  is  caused  by  mutations  in  an  unconventional  myosin  called 
can be shown with a perchlorate discharge test, in which radio- MYO7A.118 USH2A is the most common form, and the causative 
active  iodide  and  perchlorate  are  administered.  Mutations  in  gene  encodes  a  1551–amino  acid  protein  named  usherin,  a 
SLC26A4 prevent rapid movement of iodide from the thyrocyte  putative  extracellular  matrix  molecule.119  Numerous  other 
to the colloid, and perchlorate blocks the Na/I symporter that  genes have been implicated in Usher syndrome subtypes, and 
moves iodide from the bloodstream into the thyrocyte. The net  these are listed in Table 148-7. Cochlear expression patterns of 
effect is that iodide in the thyrocyte washes back into the blood- Usher syndrome–related genes are shown in Figure 148-4.
stream  in  affected  individuals,  with  a  release  of  greater  than 
10% radioactivity considered diagnostic for PS.97,102 The sensi- Biotinidase Deficiency
tivity  of  this  test  is  low,  which  makes  genetic  testing  the  pre- Biotinidase deficiency is secondary to an absence of the water-
ferred diagnostic method.97 The hearing impairment is usually  soluble  B-complex  vitamin  biotin.  Biotin  covalently  binds  to 
prelingual, bilateral, and profound, although it can be progres- four  carboxylases  that  are  essential  for  gluconeogenesis,  fatty 
sive.97 Radiologic studies always show a temporal bone anomaly,  acid synthesis, and catabolism of several branched-chain amino 
either dilated vestibular aqueducts or Mondini dysplasia.97,103 acids. If biotinidase deficiency is not recognized and corrected 
Mutations  in  SLC26A4  also  cause  a  type  of  nonsyndromic  by  daily  addition  of  biotin  to  the  diet,  affected  individuals 
autosomal-recessive  deafness  called  DFNB4.104,105  Whether  the  develop neurologic features such as seizures, hypertonia, devel-
phenotype  is  syndromic  or  nonsyndromic  may  reflect  the  opmental delay, ataxia, and visual problems. In at least 75% of 
degree of  residual  function  in  the  abnormal  protein.  PS  and  children who become symptomatic, SNHL develops and can be 
DFNB4 can be diagnosed by screening this gene for mutations.  profound  and  persistent  even  after  treatment  is  initiated.120
More recently, mutations in the transcription factor FOXI1 have  Cutaneous  features  are  also  present  and  include  a  skin  rash, 
also  been  shown  to  cause  PS  in  patients  heterozygous  for  a  alopecia,  and  conjunctivitis.  With  treatment  that  consists  of 
mutation in SLC26A4.106 biotin  replacement,  the  neurologic  and  cutaneous  manifesta-
tions resolve; however, the hearing loss and optic atrophy are 
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome usually  irreversible.  If  a  child  is  brought  to  medical  attention 
In 1957, Jervell and Lange-Nielsen described a syndrome char- with episodic or progressive ataxia and progressive sensorineu-
acterized  by  congenital  deafness,  prolonged  QT  interval,  and  ral  deafness,  with  or  without  neurologic  or  cutaneous  symp-
syncopal attacks.107 Long QT syndrome itself can be dominantly  toms, biotinidase deficiency should be considered. To prevent 
or recessively inherited. The dominant disease is called Romano- metabolic coma, diet and treatment should be initiated as soon 
Ward syndrome.  It  is  more  common  and  does  not  include  the  as possible.120,121 If untreated, 75% of affected infants develop 
deafness phenotype.107 The recessive disease is known as Jervell hearing  loss  that  can  be  profound,  and  it  persists  despite  the 
and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS). subsequent initiation of treatment.120
JLNS is genetically heterogeneous, and mutations in KVLQT1
and KCNE1 cause this phenotype.108-110 These genes encode for  Refsum Disease
subunits  of  a  potassium  channel  expressed  in  the  heart  and  Refsum disease is a postlingual, severe, progressive SNHL asso-
inner ear. Hearing impairment is due to changes in endolymph  ciated  with  retinitis  pigmentosa,  peripheral  neuropathy,  cere-
homeostasis  caused  by malfunction  of  this  channel,  and  it  is  bellar  ataxia,  and  elevated  protein  levels  in  the  cerebrospinal 
congenital,  bilateral,  and  severe  to  profound.108-110  Although  fluid without an increase in the number of cells.122 It is caused 
the prevalence of JLNS among children with congenital deaf- by  defective  phytanic  acid  metabolism,  and  the  diagnosis  is 
ness  is  only  0.21%,111  it  is  an  important  diagnosis  to  consider  established  by  determining  the  serum  concentration  of  phy-
because of its cardiac manifestations. The prolonged QT inter- tanic acid. Two genes, PHYH and PEX7, have been implicated 
val can lead to ventricular arrhythmias, syncopal episodes, and  in most cases of Refsum disease, although a few patients exist 
death  in  childhood.111  Effective  treatment  with  β-adrenergic  in whom mutations have not been found.122 Although Refsum 
blockers reduces mortality rate from 71% to 6%.111 disease is extremely rare, it is important that it be considered 
in  the  evaluation  of  a  deaf  person  because  it  can  be  easily 
Usher Syndromes treated with dietary modification and plasmapheresis.
The Usher syndromes are a genetically and clinically heteroge-
neous  group  of  diseases  characterized  by  SNHL,  retinitis  pig- X-LINKED SYNDROMES
mentosa, and often vestibular dysfunction.112 The incidence is 
estimated at 4.4 per 100,000 population in the United States,  Alport Syndrome
and 3% to 6% of congenitally deaf individuals carry this diag- Alport syndrome is a disease of type IV collagen that is mani-
nosis.113  This  estimate  has  recently  been  revised  upward  to  1  fested by hematuric nephritis, hearing impairment, and ocular 
per  6000  in  the  United  States,114  where  it  causes  50%  of  con- changes.  The  inheritance  pattern,  although  predominantly 
comitant deafness and blindness.113 X-linked  (~80%),  can  be  autosomal  recessive  or  dominant.123
Three  clinical  variants  of  Usher  syndrome  are  recog- Prevalence is estimated at 1 per 5000 in the United States, and 
nized.115,116  Type 1  is  phenotypically  distinguished  by  the  pres- a significant proportion of renal transplant patients have Alport 
ence of severe to profound congenital hearing loss, vestibular  syndrome.124  Diagnostic  criteria  include  at  least  three  of  the 
dysfunction,  and  retinitis  pigmentosa  that  develops  in  child- following  four  characteristics:  1)  positive  family  history  of 
hood; type 2 is distinguished by moderate to severe congenital  hematuria with or without chronic renal failure, 2) progressive 
hearing  loss,  with  uncertainty  related  to  progression,  no  high-tone sensorineural deafness, 3) typical eye lesion (anterior 

lenticonus  and/or  macular  flecks),  and  4)  histologic  changes  involves progressive external ophthalmoplegia, atypical retinal 

of the glomerular basement membrane of the kidney.125 pigmentation,  and  heart  block  that  typically  starts  before  age 
Mutations in COL4A5 are the cause of X-linked Alport syn- 20.137,138 SNHL is present in 50% of patients with KSS,60,134 and 
drome.126  Type  IV  collagen  is  the  major  component  of  base- temporal bone histopathologic findings show cochleosaccular 
ment membranes and is formed by the trimerization of various  degeneration.136
combinations of six type IV collagen genes. Deficiency of this  MIDD  is  another  syndromic  mitochondrial  disease  that 
protein results in complete or partial deficiency of the trimer- affects  an  estimated  0.5%  to  2.8%  of  diabetic  patients.139  The 
ized 3-4-5 complex in the basement membranes of the kidney,  hearing loss occurs late and is progressive, bilateral, and high 
cochlea,  and  eye.126  More  than  300  disease-causing  mutations  frequency;  its  presence  is  correlated  with  the  level  of  hetero-
of  COL4A5  have  been  identified,  and  9.5%  to  18%  arise  de  plasmy for the 3243 A-to-G mtDNA mutation.60,133,140
novo.124,127 Susceptibility  to  aminoglycoside  ototoxicity  is  also  mater-
The  disease  phenotype  is  more  pronounced  in  males,  as nally  inherited.  It  is  caused  by  the  1555  A-to-G  mtDNA  muta-
would be expected for X-linked diseases. Gross or microscopic  tion, a nucleotide change found in 17% to 33% of individuals 
hematuria is the hallmark of disease, and all males ultimately  with  aminoglycoside-induced  hearing  loss.141,142  This  mutation 
have end-stage renal disease, although the rate of progression  changes  the  12S  rRNA  gene,  altering  its  structure  to  make 
depends on the underlying mutation.128 Ocular manifestations  it more similar to bacterial rRNA, the natural target of amino-
are  present  in  one  third  of  patients  and  are  characterized  by  glycosides.141,142  Hearing  loss  develops  even  when  aminoglyco-
anterior  lenticonus,  an  anomaly  in  which  the  central  portion  sides are administered at normal doses, and residual thresholds 
of  the  lens  protrudes  into  the  anterior  chamber  of  the  eye,  vary  widely  among  individuals.  Hearing  losses  can  be  seen 
causing myopia.128 End-stage renal disease develops before age  months after aminoglycoside exposure. Outer hair cells in the 
30  in  patients  with  anterior  lenticonus.124  Maculopathy  and  basal turn of the cochlea are affected first, but damage eventu-
corneal lesions may also be found in patients with Alport syn- ally  extends  to  include  apical  outer  hair  cells  and  inner  hair 
drome. Diffuse esophageal leiomyomatosis has been associated  cells.143  The  same  mutation  causes  nonsyndromic  mitochon-
with deletion mutations of COL4A5 and COL4A6.125,128 drial hearing loss.3
Hearing impairment is common in Alport syndrome and is
usually a symmetric, high-frequency sensorineural loss that can 
be detected by late childhood and that progresses to involve all  PATIENT MANAGEMENT
frequencies.128 Pathogenesis is thought to be related to the loss 
of the 3-4-5 network, which is important for radial tension on  DIAGNOSIS
the  basilar  membrane.  Diagnosis  currently  relies  on  clinical  The  evaluation  of  a  deaf  patient  should  involve  a  team  of 
and histopathologic confirmation, although genetic confirma- health care professionals that includes an audiologist, clinical 
tion can allow the stratification and prediction of severity of the  genet icist,  ophthalmologist,  and  otolaryngologist,  with  the 
disease phenotype. otolaryngologist  most  frequently  coordinating  overall  care.  A 
well-performed  history,  physical  examination,  and  audiologic 
Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome evaluation  are  keys  to  assessing  the  cause  of  hearing  loss.144
Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome was first described in a large Nor- Broadly speaking, the goal in the evaluation of individuals with 
wegian  family  with  apparent  progressive  postlingual  nonsyn- hearing  loss  is  to  determine  whether  the  hearing  loss  is  envi-
dromic  hearing  impairment  and  classified  as  DFN1.129 ronmental (acquired) or genetic and, if genetic, whether it is 
Reevaluation  of  this  family  revealed  additional  findings,  nonsyndromic  or  syndromic  hearing  loss;  these  answers  will 
however,  including  visual  disability,  dystonia,  fractures,  and  guide further workup and counseling.
mental  retardation—an  indication  that  this  form  of  hearing  The  American  College  of  Medical  Genetics  has  released 
impairment  is  syndromic  rather  than  nonsyndromic.52  The  genetic  evaluation  guidelines  for  the  diagnosis  of  congenital 
gene for this syndrome, TIMM8A, is involved in the transloca- hearing loss.145 Specific details of the family history that should 
tion of proteins from the cytosol across the inner mitochondrial  be covered include a pedigree with attention to consanguinity 
membrane system and into the mitochondrial matrix.130,131 and hearing status of first-degree relatives. Ethnicity, inheritance 
patterns,  audiometric  characteristics,  and  an  inquiry  into  syn-
dromic versus nonsyndromic features are necessary.145 To assess 
MITOCHONDRIAL SYNDROMES for the presence of a syndrome-related to hearing loss, questions 
Mitochondrial  diseases  typically  cause  a  phenotype  in  tissues  and  physical  examination  regarding  endocrine  abnormalities 
with high energy demands, such as muscle, retina, brainstem,  (diabetes, thyroid nodules), pigmentary anomalies (white fore-
pancreas, and cochlea.58,60 The process by which mitochondrial  lock, heterochromic irides), visual anomalies (retinitis pigmen-
diseases  lead  to  SNHL  is  debated  and  is  confounded  by  the  tosa,  retinal  detachment),  craniofacial  anomalies  (dystopia 
demonstration that nuclear modifier genes have an impact on  canthorum,  aural  atresia,  cleft  palate,  branchial  anomalies), 
the  outcome.132  Syndromic  mitochondrial  diseases are usually  cardiac  manifestations  (syncope,  arrhythmias,  sudden  death), 
multisystemic, and hearing loss is present in 70% of affected indi- and  renal  anomalies.145,146  The  patient  history  and  physical 
viduals.60  Examples  include  MELAS  (mitochondrial  enceph- examination also should include a search for acquired causes 
alopathy,  lactic  acidosis,  and  strokelike  episodes)  syndrome,  of  hearing  loss,  such  as  intrauterine  infections,  meningitis, 
MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with red ragged fibers) syndrome,  hypoxia,  and  ototoxic  drugs.  The  most  frequent  intrauterine 
Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS), and maternally inherited diabe- infection causing deafness is cytomegalovirus infection, a diag-
tes and deafness (MIDD; see Table 148-7). nosis that can be made definitively only in the neonatal period 
In MELAS syndrome, hearing loss is sensorineural, progres- before postnatally acquired CMV, which can confound the diag-
sive,  and  bilateral  and  more  severely  affects  the  higher  nosis of a congenital infection.147
frequencies133-135; temporal bone histopathologic findings show  The  audiologic  evaluation  is  a  crucial  part  of  the  initial
severe  atrophy  of  the  stria  vascularis.94  MERRF  syndrome  is  diagnostic workup. In infants, behavioral testing is often impos-
characterized  by  hearing  loss,  ataxia,  dementia,  optic  nerve  sible.  Electrophysiologic  tests  such  as  ABR  and  otoacoustic 
atrophy, and short stature. In contrast to MELAS and MERRF,  emissions provide a means of objectively documenting hearing 
which are caused by point mutations in mtDNA, KSS is caused  impairment and can be used to provide information regarding 
by  several  large  deletions.136  First  described  in  1958,  KSS  auditory thresholds. Behavioral tests can be used when infants 

reach  6  months  of  age.  A trained  pediatric  audiologist  can  adoption  of  new  genomic  sequencing  technologies  has  been 
measure hearing losses of 20 dB in the better-hearing ear. The  especially rapid for genetic hearing loss, because the need has 
frequency of testing is usually decided on a case-by-case basis,  been  great.  Interested  readers  are  referred  elsewhere  for  a 
although  Tomaski  and  Grundfast148  recommend  a  more  rigid  more in-depth review of these genomic technologies and their 
schedule in cases of confirmed SNHL in children. They recom- impact on genetic testing for hearing loss.153
mend testing every 3 months in the first year of life, followed  Several recent studies have shown the effectiveness of com-
by every 6 months during the preschool years and once a year  prehensive, multigene  panels  for  diagnosis  of  NSHL  using 
while in school. various  different  MPS  technologies.154-157  This  research  has 
To determine the cause of hearing loss, past recommenda- rapidly been translated into clinical diagnostic tests. In general, 
tions included a battery of tests such as thyroid function studies,  multigene  panels  sequence  the  more  than  60  known  NSHL 
urinalysis,  electrocardiogram,  ophthalmologic  consultation,  genes and often include genes that cause Usher and Pendred 
and  temporal  bone  imaging.  Today,  however,  genetic  testing  syndromes.  Besides  the  technology  used,  differences  among 
should  be  ordered  instead.  Indeed,  after  a  detailed  history,  these panels typically include the number of genes offered and 
physical examination, and audiometric analysis, genetic testing  the turnaround time. A listing of clinical laboratories that offer 
should  be  the  next  test  ordered  in  the  evaluation  of  an  indi- these tests is available on the Genetic Testing Registry (http://
vidual with apparent NSHL. This approach limits unnecessary
costly  and  time-consuming  tests  and  makes  focused  and  Another  method  for  sequencing  all  known  deafness  genes 
directed  testing  possible.  Apparent  syndromic cases  can  be  is whole-exome sequencing, whereby the exons of all 20,000 or so 
evaluated with tests relevant to the syndrome on the differen- genes  in  the  human  genome  are  sequenced  simultaneously, 
tial  diagnosis.  A  notable  exception  to  this  is  cases  of  Usher  and analysis is focused on known deafness genes. This method 
syndrome, which commonly manifest as a nonsyndromic mimic  has been effectively used for diagnosis of NSHL.158 These new 
prior  to  progression  of  retinopathy.  For  this  reason,  several  diagnostic methods have already improved the diagnostic rate 
NSHL  screening  panels  include  the  genes  that  cause  Usher  for NSHL, and it will only improve further as the methods are 
syndrome. refined.
Whole-exome  and  multigene  MPS  panels  are  alike  in  that 
Genetic Testing they  use  similar  technology  and  in  both  cases  uncover  many 
In  the  United  States,  congenital  SNHL  occurs  about  three  possible  causative  mutations.  This  makes  interpretation  of 
times  more  frequently  than  Down  syndrome,  six  times  more  the  variants  to  determine  the  causative  mutation  paramount. 
frequently  than  spina  bifida,  and  more  than  50  times  more  However,  two  key  differences  exist  between  multigene  panel 
frequently than phenylketonuria, making it the most frequently  testing and whole-exome sequencing: 1) cost will be highest for 
occurring  birth  defect.149  An  estimated  4000  infants  are  born  whole-exome sequencing, and multigene panels are less expen-
each  year  with  severe  to  profound  bilateral  hearing  loss,150,151 sive, although this difference will be erased or reduced in the 
and another 8000 are born with unilateral or mild to moderate  next  several  years;  and  2)  secondary  genomic  findings—for 
bilateral SNHL.5 At least 50% of congenital hearing loss cases  instance, genetic risk factors for other diseases—are more of a 
have an underlying genetic cause; this is a compelling reason  concern  as  more  genes  of  the  genome  are  sequenced,  which 
to  provide  genetic  testing  services  to  all  children  diagnosed  raises ethical concerns that are reduced or mitigated with more 
with congenital hearing loss. The implementation of the Early  focused genetic tests such as multigene panels.
Hearing  Detection  and  Intervention  (EHDI)  program  in  the  Based on these advances in genetic testing technologies, the 
United States and similar universal hearing screening programs  current  approach  to  evaluation  of  an  individual  with  NSHL 
around  the  world  has  facilitated  increased  detection,  genetic  should  proceed  as  follows:  history,  physical  examination,  and 
diagnosis,  and  intervention  for  these  children.152  In  addition,  audiometry are  followed  by  genetic  testing  using  a  multigene 
advances  in  genetic  technologies  have  led  to  an  increase  in  panel  or  whole-exome  sequencing.  In  cases  of  apparent  syn-
the  availability  of  genetic  diagnostic  services  for  infants  with  dromic  hearing  loss,  pertinent  clinical  examination  findings 
hearing loss.152 and tests will guide genetic screening, typically by single genes, 
Genetic testing has undergone rapid change since the com- to arrive at a diagnosis.
pletion of the Human Genome Project, which took 11 years to 
sequence  the  entire  genome  of  a  single  person—at  a  cost  of 
roughly  $3  billion  and  with  the  coordination  of  several  large 
sequencing centers. Today, the same sequence can be generated  Prenatal diagnosis for some forms of hereditary hearing loss is 
in 24 hours for several thousand dollars because of the advent of  technically  possible  by  analysis  of  DNA  extracted  from  fetal 
new genomic sequencing technologies called massively parallel cells. Fetal material can be obtained by amniocentesis at 15 to 
sequencing (MPS). These advances are especially applicable to a  18 weeks’ gestation or by chorionic villus sampling at 10 to 12 
genetic  disorder  with  extreme  genetic  heterogeneity,  such  as  weeks’  gestation.  Gestational  age  is  expressed  as  menstrual 
hearing  loss.  As  could  be  expected,  similarly  vast  changes  in  weeks calculated from the first day of the last normal menstrual 
scale have also occurred in the clinical genetic testing arena: the  period  or  by  ultrasound  measurements.  The  deafness-causing 
first genetic tests for deafness that became available in the 1990s  allele of a deaf family member must be identified before pre-
focused on detecting a single mutation; in the late 1990s and  natal testing can be performed.
early  2000s,  sequencing  of  a  single  exon  or  whole  gene  was  Requests for prenatal testing for conditions such as hearing
made  available;  and  in  the  last  5  years,  multigene  screening  loss are uncommon. Differences in perspective may exist among 
panels, and now whole-exome (every exon of the genome) and  medical professionals and within families regarding the use of 
whole-genome sequencing, have become available on a clinical  prenatal testing, particularly if the testing is being considered 
basis. for  the  purpose  of  pregnancy  termination  rather  than  early 
As described above, more than 60 different genes with more diagnosis.  Although  most  centers  would  consider  decisions 
than a thousand reported mutations are known to cause NSHL.  about prenatal testing to be the choice of the parents, careful 
The  previous  status  quo,  searching  for  the  genetic  cause  of  discussion  of  these  issues  is  appropriate.  Preimplantation 
deafness in an individual by assaying for a single causative muta- genetic  diagnosis  may  be  available  for  families  in  which  the 
tion  or  by  sequencing  a  single  hearing  loss  gene,  was  under- deafness-causing mutation has been identified in a deaf family 
standably  a  low-yield  endeavor.  It  is  for  this  reason  that  the  member.


When  a  diagnosis  is  made,  directed  treatment  is  possible.  Having  discussed  the  management  of  a  patient  with  hearing 
Appropriate  consultation  and  management  of  the  associated  loss, a mention of the Deaf (written with a capital “D”) culture 
conditions  should  be  considered.  A  diagnosis  of  Jervell  and  is  necessary.  Individuals  who  identify  with  the  Deaf  culture 
Lange-Nielsen syndrome may necessitate therapy with β-blockers  consider themselves as culturally Deaf and understandably wish 
to reduce the chance of life-threatening arrhythmias. If Usher  to preserve their culture. Generally, members of the Deaf com-
syndrome  is  considered,  close  ophthalmologic  follow-up  is  munity look on genetics negatively.164,165 A study by Middleton 
mandatory.  In  contrast,  a  genetic  diagnosis  of  GJB2-related  and  colleagues165  found  that  55%  of  deaf  respondents  at  a 
deafness requires no other consultation, because no comorbid- conference  on  the  “Deaf  Nation”  thought  genetics  would  do 
ity is associated. more harm than good, and 46% thought that the use of genet-
Genetic counseling should be offered to patients and their  ics  may  devalue  deaf  people.  This  response  may  represent 
families  by  a  professional  trained  in  clinical  genetics.  Most  sample bias, however, because a study by Stern and associates164
otolaryngologists  do  not  have  an  adequate  understanding  of  found that most deaf individuals have a positive view of the field 
recurrence  chances  to  provide  accurate  data.159  Green  and  of genetics. These studies highlight an important point—that 
coworkers23 have estimated the recurrence chance for a normal- attitudes about hearing loss, or more specifically deafness, are 
hearing couple with a deaf child to have a second deaf child at  culturally  dependent.  The  medical  community  must  under-
17.5%, much higher than earlier estimates of 9.8%. Factors that  stand  and  appreciate  this  perspective  and  must  try  to  offer 
explain  this  increase  include  an  improved  ability  to  identify  advances in diagnosis, counseling, and treatment in a nonjudg-
syndromic  forms  of  deafness  and  a  decrease  in  congenitally  mental manner.
acquired deafness.23 A well-trained genetic counselor can also 
help to interpret medical data and potential treatment options. 
Counseling  sessions  should  occur  before  and  after  genetic 
testing has been done. We thank Katy Nash Krahn, MS, CGC, at the University of Iowa 
Management  of  hearing  loss  should  be  directed  at  provid- Hospitals and Clinics Department of Pediatrics for her help in 
ing appropriate amplification as soon as possible. Hearing aids  preparing the pedigrees of the various forms of hearing impair-
provide significant benefits to individuals with mild to moder- ment. We also thank Hiu Tung Wong for help in preparing the 
ate  hearing  loss.  Cochlear  implantation  is  becoming  an  figures. This work was supported in part by National Institutes 
increasingly  important  option  for  individuals  with  severe  to  of Health grants DC02842 and DC03544 (R.J.H.S.).
profound deafness.27 The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 
recommends that diagnosis and rehabilitation be instituted by 
6  months  of  age  to  minimize  delays  in  communicative  lan- For a complete list of references, see
guage development. Coupled with this recommendation, uni-
versal  screening  is  becoming  a  reality  throughout  the  United  SUGGESTED READINGS
States.  For  the  detection  of  congenital  hearing  loss,  the  U.S. 
government has facilitated the creation of EHDI programs for  Abdelhak  S,  Kalatzis  V,  Heilig  R,  et  al:  A  human  homologue  of 
the Drosophila eyes absent gene underlies branchio-oto-renal (BOR) 
early  newborn  hearing  screening  (http://www.infanthearing syndrome and identifies a novel gene family. Nat Genet 15:157–164, 
.org). EHDI programs aim to screen neonates for hearing loss  1997.
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Otologic Manifestations 149 
of Systemic Disease
Saumil N. Merchant† | Joseph B. Nadol Jr

Key Points
■ A wide variety of systemic diseases can affect the temporal bone, including granulomatous and
infectious diseases, neoplasms, disorders of bone, storage and metabolic diseases, and autoimmune
and immunodeficiency disorders.
■ Otologic manifestations of a particular systemic disease are determined by location and extent of
involvement within the temporal bone and the nature of the disease. Any part of the temporal
bone may be affected, and the clinical features may include conductive or sensorineural hearing
loss, vestibular manifestations, otalgia, and facial nerve paralysis.
■ Systemic disease may mimic more common otologic disorders, such as acute or chronic otitis
media, sudden idiopathic deafness, and Bell palsy.
■ Otologic manifestations may constitute a small part of a wider constellation of symptoms and signs,
or they may be the sole and initial presenting feature of a systemic disease.
■ Diagnosis may be challenging, and it requires a high level of suspicion and use of ancillary tests such
as laboratory studies, radiographic evaluation, and biopsy.
■ Management of otologic symptoms must be individualized and often requires coordinated care
across multiple disciplines.

S ystemic diseases that may involve the ear include granuloma- well as the prognosis and treatment, differ greatly. Histopatho-
tous and infectious processes, tumors, bone disorders, storage  logically, the primary lesion of LCH is formed by collections of 
diseases,  collagen  vascular  and  autoimmune  diseases,  and  pathologic  Langerhans  cells  with  variable  numbers  of  eosino-
immunodeficiency disorders (Box 149-1). In some of these dis- phils,  macrophages,  and  lymphocytes.  Diagnostic  characteris-
eases, the initial clinical symptoms may occur in the temporal  tics  of  the  pathologic  Langerhans  cells  include  nuclei  that 
bone and may be confused with other diseases limited to the ear. appear  deeply  indented  and  elongated  on  light  microscopy, 
cytoplasm that is pale and abundant, Birbeck granules on elec-
GRANULOMATOUS AND tron  microscopy,  expression  of  CD1  on  the  cell  surface,  and 
positive immunostaining for S100 protein and for the langerin 
INFECTIOUS DISEASES protein.2,3  The  etiology  and  pathogenesis  of  LCH  remain 
Chronic otitis media with otorrhea, inflammation, and granula- unknown,  although  more  recent  research  has  begun  to  shed 
tion of the middle ear and mastoid is one of the most common  some  light  on  these.2,4,5  Current  thinking  favors  the  notion 
entities treated by otolaryngologists. Several more generalized  that LCH results from immunologic dysfunction that leads to 
disease entities—such as Langerhans cell histiocytosis, tubercu- unchecked proliferation of pathologic Langerhans cells.5
losis,  Wegener  granulomatosis,  and  mycotic  diseases—may  Unifocal eosinophilic granuloma, which occurs in children 
closely mimic the symptoms of chronic suppurative otitis media,  and  young  adults,  shows  a  male  predominance  and  appears 
whereas  others,  such  as  Lyme  disease  and  sarcoidosis,  may  as  a  solitary  osteolytic  lesion  in  the  femora,  pelvis,  scapulae, 
mimic idiopathic cranial neuropathy. vertebrae, ribs, mandible, maxilla, or skull, which includes the 
temporal  bone.  The  lesion  may  be  asymptomatic,  or  it  may 
cause pain, local swelling, or pathologic fracture. No systemic 
LANGERHANS CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS manifestations  have  been  reported.  The  clinical  course  is 
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), formerly called histiocytosis X, typically  benign,  the  prognosis  is  excellent,  and  spontaneous 
refers to a group of disorders characterized by a proliferation  regression may occur. Local curettage with or without low-dose 
of  cytologically  benign  histiocytes.  The  term histiocytosis X  was  irradiation (approximately 60 Gy)6 is usually curative, although 
proposed by Lichtenstein,1 who considered eosinophilic granu- temporary  splinting  or  casting  may  be  necessary  for  weight-
loma,  Hand-Schüller-Christian  disease,  and  Letterer-Siwe  bearing bones. Follow-up examination with a radiographic skel-
disease to be related disorders because of the similarity of their  etal survey should be performed to detect lesions at other sites; 
pathologic  lesions.  However,  the  severity  of  these  diseases,  as  such lesions are almost always found within 1 year.
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease may be best understood as
a multifocal form of LCH. It usually occurs in children younger 

Deceased. than 5  years  of  age,  and  it  is  characterized  by  multifocal 


marrow transplantation or hematopoietic stem cell transplanta-
tion  has  been  reported  to  be  successful  in  a  few  advanced 
Granulomatous and Infectious Diseases refractory cases of LCH.8
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Tuberculosis Otologic Manifestations
Wegener granulomatosis The mastoid is a common site of involvement in LCH. When 
Sarcoidosis small, the lesion is asymptomatic. As it expands, it may manifest 
Syphilis in several ways: by erosion of the posterior bony canal wall; by 
Lyme disease
erosion through the cortex of the mastoid, zygomatic, or squa-
Mycotic diseases
Cytomegalic inclusion disease mous portions; or by secondary infection.9 The otic capsule and 
facial  nerve  are  relatively  resistant.  Although  sensorineural 
Neoplastic Diseases
hearing  loss  (SNHL),  vertigo,  and  facial  nerve  paralysis  can 
Multiple myeloma occur, they are infrequent. Similarly, extension beyond the tem-
poral bone to the jugular fossa and skull base is rare.
Metastatic neoplasms The  reported  incidence  of  otologic  manifestations  in 
patients  with  LCH  is  15%  to  61%,7  and  they  may  be  the  first 
Diseases of Bone
sign  of  the  disease.  The  most  common  symptom  is  otorrhea, 
Paget disease (osteitis deformans) followed by postauricular swelling, hearing loss, and vertigo.10,11
Osteogenesis imperfecta
The  most  common  sign  is  granulation  tissue  or  aural  polyps 
Fibrous dysplasia
Osteopetroses in the external auditory canal. The disease may manifest with 
Osteitis fibrosa cystica perforation  of  the  tympanic  membrane,  otitis  media,  otitis 
externa, fistula between the mastoid and the external canal, or 
Storage and Metabolic Diseases
nontender postauricular swelling. Occasionally, inner ear symp-
toms and a positive fistula test are found in the presence of an 
Ochronosis intact tympanic membrane. The disease often mimics chronic 
otitis  media,  and  mastoid  surgery  is  frequently  performed 
Collagen Vascular and Autoimmune Diseases
before the diagnosis is made.9
Multiple sclerosis Diagnosis of LCH is suggested by 1) an inflammatory disor-
Susac disease
der  of  the  middle  ear  and  mastoid  that  does  not  respond  to 
Immunodeficiency Disorders routine antibiotic therapy, 2) bilateral destructive ear disease, 
Primary or Congenital 3)  an  elevated  erythrocyte  sedimentation  rate  (ESR)  in  the 
Humoral immunodeficiency disorders absence  of  acute  infection,  4)  exuberant  granulation  tissue 
Cellular immunodeficiency disorders after mastoid surgery with a persistently draining cavity, and 5) 
Disorders of phagocyte function associated skin and systemic lesions. Radiographs show destruc-
Complement system defects tive lesions in the mastoid and temporal bones (Figs. 149-1 and 
Acquired 149-2).9,10,12 The diagnosis is established by biopsy; because the 
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome surface of the granulation tissue often shows infection, necro-
Other sis, and fibrosis, tissue should be acquired from deeper parts of 
Genetically determined defects the lesion.13 Microscopic findings include sheets of histiocytes 

osteolytic lesions with limited extraskeletal involvement of skin, 
lymph nodes, and viscera. Multiple lesions are evident at diag-
nosis or develop within 6 months after a unifocal lesion appears. 
Systemic  manifestations  include  fever,  anorexia,  recurrent 
upper  respiratory  infections,  anterior  cervical  lymphadenopa-
thy, otitis media, and hepatosplenomegaly. The classic triad of 
osteolytic skull lesions, exophthalmos as a result of orbital bone 
involvement,  and  diabetes  insipidus  secondary  to  pituitary 
disease  may  be  seen  in  25%  of  patients.7  Chest  radiograph 
may  show  diffuse  pulmonary  infiltration,  particularly  in 
central  and  perihilar  areas.  Hilar  lymphadenopathy  is  rare. 
Diagnosis requires biopsy of an accessible lesion. Spontaneous 
regression may occur, but the disease is typically chronic, and 
low-dose  chemotherapy  may  be  required  to  control  systemic 
Letterer-Siwe disease is a disseminated form of LCH that occurs 
in  children  younger  than  3  years  old  and  manifests  with  the 
diffuse involvement of multiple organs. Manifestations include 
fever,  seborrheic  or  eczema-like  rash,  oral  lesions,  lymphade-
nopathy,  hepatosplenomegaly,  multiple  bony  lesions,  diffuse 
replacement  of  marrow  with  resulting  blood  dyscrasias,  and 
pulmonary  infiltration  with  respiratory  failure.  The  disease  is 
virulent, with a poor prognosis and a high mortality rate. Treat-
ment  consists  of  varying  combinations  of  corticosteroids  and 
cytotoxic drugs such as methotrexate, mercaptopurine, vincris- FIGURE 149-1. Multiple eosinophilic granulomas in a 32-year-old woman.
tine, vinblastine, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, and etopo- Two lytic lesions of the skull show beveled edges (arrows) and nonsclerotic
side. High-dose chemotherapy and radiation followed by bone  margins, which are typical of this disease.

FIGURE 149-4. A higher-powered view of part of the middle ear area

shown in Figure 149-3. The infiltrate consists of histiocytes, eosinophils, and
FIGURE 149-2. Irregular lytic lesion in the mastoid bone (arrows) of a multinucleated cells. The incus (arrow) has been partially resorbed (×45).
13-year-old boy with unifocal eosinophilic granuloma.

inoculation through a perforation of the tympanic membrane 
with  a  variable  number  of  eosinophils,  plasma  cells,  polymor- is also possible. Middle ear involvement in the absence of active 
phonuclear  leukocytes,  and  multinucleated  cells  (Figs.  149-3  pulmonary disease is rare but may occur.
through 149-5). Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis are common.  During  the  early  stages  of  tuberculous  otitis  media,  the
A  definitive  diagnosis  of  LCH  is  usually  made  on  the  basis  of  tympanic membrane  becomes  thickened,  and  the  otoscopic 
immunohistochemistry and electron microscopic studies.2,4 landmarks become obliterated. Conductive hearing loss results 
from  middle  ear  effusion,  thickening  of  the  tympanic  mem-
brane and middle ear mucosa, and destruction of the ossicles 
TUBERCULOSIS (Figs. 149-6 and 149-7). No characteristic pain or tenderness is 
The  incidence  of  tuberculous  otitis  media  has  decreased  dra- evident, but lymphadenopathy in the high jugular chain occurs 
matically. During the early part of the twentieth century, 1.3%  early.  Multiple  small  perforations  of  the  tympanic  membrane 
to  18.6%  of  all  cases  of  chronic  otitis  media  were  reportedly  may  occur,  with  seropurulent  drainage.  The  perforations 
caused  by  tuberculosis,  whereas  more  recent  studies  report  quickly coalesce to cause loss of the tympanic membrane. Like-
tuberculous otitis media rates of 0.05% to 0.9%.14 The last 20  wise, a myringotomy site in an intact tympanic membrane may 
years have witnessed an increase in incidence of tuberculosis,  enlarge quickly. The middle ear mucosa appears to be hyper-
however, caused in part by the aggressive nature of tuberculosis  emic with polypoid granulation. Osseous involvement results in 
in  individuals  infected  with  human  immunodeficiency  virus  the sequestration of bone and the destruction of the inner ear, 
(HIV)  and  by  an  emerging  resistance  to  antituberculosis  the  facial  nerve,  or  both.  Destruction  of  the  mastoid  tip  may 
drugs.15  Mycobacterium tuberculosis  is  the  infective  organism  in  result in an asymptomatic, nontender Bezold abscess (a “cold” 
most cases; occasionally, atypical mycobacteria (e.g., M. avium abscess).  Rarely,  tuberculosis  can  also  manifest  as  primary 
and M. fortuitum) are responsible.16 tuberculous petrositis17 or as SNHL caused by chronic labyrin-
Tuberculosis of the middle ear and mastoid may occur as a thitis and tuberculous meningitis.18
result of hematogeneous or lymphatic spread or by extension 
to  the  middle  ear  cleft  through  the  eustachian  tube.  Direct 




FIGURE 149-3. Granulation tissue typical of histiocytosis is seen in lytic FIGURE 149-5. Eosinophilic granuloma of the external ear canal with
lesions within the mastoid (M), middle ear (ME), and petrous apex (PA) of a plasma cells (P), eosinophils, and histiocytes (H), which show “folded” nuclei,
4-year old boy with Letterer-Siwe disease of the temporal bone (×4). a morphology peculiar to the histiocytoses (×640).

Multiple  perforations  of  the  tympanic  membrane,  exuber-

TM ant polypoid granulation within the middle ear, and early loss 
of inner ear function also are seen in Wegener granulomatosis 
(WG). These two diseases are distinguished on the basis of skin 
tests  for  tuberculosis,  histologic  demonstration  of  acid-fast 
M organisms of tuberculosis in granulation tissue, cultures of the 
middle  ear,  the  presence  of  antineutrophil  cytoplasmic  anti-
bodies  (ANCAs)  in  WG,  and  the  systemic  manifestations  of 
each process.
The mainstay of management of tuberculosis of the middle 
ear and mastoid is the systemic use of standard antituberculous 
chemotherapy.14  Mastoid  surgery  may  be  required  to  remove 
FN sequestrated  bone.  Reconstructive  surgery  of  the  ossicles  and 
tympanic membrane  is  feasible  after  the  infection  has  been 

FIGURE 149-6. Tuberculous granulation tissue filled the middle ear of a WEGENER GRANULOMATOSIS
57-year-old man who died of miliary tuberculosis (×12.35). FN, facial nerve; Wegener  granulomatosis  is  a  granulomatous  inflammatory 
I, incus; M, malleus; MA, mastoid; TM, tympanic membrane.
process with necrotizing vasculitis. It primarily affects the upper 
and  lower  respiratory  tracts  and  kidneys,  but  it  can  involve 
essentially  any  organ  in  the  body.  The  disease  occurs  equally 
The diagnosis of tuberculous involvement of the middle ear  in  men  and  women,  and  the  mean  age  of  onset  is  40  years. 
is  usually  delayed.  The  characteristic  signs  and  symptoms  Common presenting symptoms include headache, sinusitis, rhi-
include  1)  multiple  perforations  of  the  tympanic  membrane  norrhea,  otitis  media,  fever,  and  arthralgia.20,21  Upper  airway 
that  quickly  coalesce  to  form  total  tympanic  membrane  loss,  and sinus involvement occurs in 75% to 90% of cases. Pulmo-
2)  nontender  cervical  lymphadenopathy,  3)  intractable  otitis  nary manifestations include cough, pleuritic chest pain, hemop-
media  with  polypoid  granulation,  and  4)  bony  sequestration.  tysis, and  nodular  or  cavitary  infiltrates  on  chest  radiography. 
These should alert the physician to this possible diagnosis. Otic  Pulmonary manifestations occur in 65% to 85% of cases. Other 
capsule involvement with resultant loss of auditory and vestibu- manifestations  include  glomerulonephritis  (60%  to  75%  of 
lar function may be the first symptom and indicates a process  cases); eye involvement in the form of conjunctivitis, iritis, scle-
that differs from the more typical chronic otitis media. Defini- ritis,  or  proptosis  (15%  to  50%  of  cases);  and  dermatologic 
tive diagnosis is made by histopathologic examination of tissue  findings of necrotic ulcerations, vesicles, or petechiae.
from the middle ear or mastoid, which shows a granulomatous  Laboratory findings in WG may include normochromic nor-
process with multinucleated giant cells (Langerhans cells; see  mocytic  anemia;  thrombocytosis;  positive  rheumatoid  factor; 
Figs. 149-6 and 149-7) and histologic demonstration of acid-fast  and hyperglobulinemia, particularly of IgA. The ESR is almost 
organisms  of  tuberculosis.  The  accurate  identification  of  the  always  elevated.  The  discovery  in  1985  of  autoantibodies 
mycobacterial  species  and  drug-resistant  isolates  by  culture  is  directed  against  the  cytoplasmic  constituents  of  neutrophils 
still the gold standard, although culture is time consuming and  (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody [ANCA] and cytoplasmic 
takes  several  weeks.  The  process  is  facilitated  by  the  use  of  ANCA [c-ANCA]) in patients with WG was a major advance in 
several  different  types  of  nucleic  acid  amplification  tests  that  the diagnosis and understanding of WG.22 A positive ANCA test, 
have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration  especially proteinase 3–specific c-ANCA, is very helpful in estab-
for rapid identification of M. tuberculosis.15,19 lishing or supporting a diagnosis of WG. The specificity of posi-
tive c-ANCA testing in WG is greater than 95%; the sensitivity 
is variable and depends on the phase and type of WG. In more 
than 90% of patients with systemic and active WG, c-ANCA is 
positive;  whereas  in  limited  WG  (e.g.,  ear  or  head  and  neck 
only or inactive disease), the sensitivity of c-ANCA is only 65% 
to 70%. In addition, the antibody titer parallels the activity of 
the disease, although data conflict about the value in using the 
titer as a guide for immunosuppressive therapy.
The diagnosis of WG is made histologically by the presence 
of necrosis, granulomatous inflammation with multinucleated 
TM giant cells, vasculitis, and microabscess formation (Figs. 149-8 
and  149-9).  Small  biopsy  specimens,  however,  such  as  those 
obtained  from  the  ear  or  upper  airway,  may  lack  all  of  the 
various  diagnostic  features.  In  such  cases,  a  diagnosis  of  WG 
can  be  made  on  the  basis  of  the  clinical  presentation,  ANCA 
G testing,  and  repeat  biopsy  specimens  taken  from  the  same or 
related sites.
The etiology and pathogenesis of WG are unknown. Infec-
tious,  genetic,  and  environmental  risk  factors  and  combina-
tions  thereof  have  been  proposed.  The  evidence  to  date 
suggests that WG is a complex, immune-mediated disorder in 
FIGURE 149-7. A magnified view of the tympanic membrane (TM) seen in which  tissue  injury  results  from  the  interplay  of  an  initiating 
Figure 149-6. The TM is intact but greatly thickened by tuberculous granula- inflammatory  event  and  a  highly  specific  immune  response.23
tion tissue that contains the typical epithelioid, round, and multinucleated Part  of  this  response  consists  of  the  production  of  ANCA, 
giant (G) cells (×100). directed against antigens present within the primary granules 




FIGURE 149-10. Bilateral hilar adenopathy and linear parenchymal densi-
FIGURE 149-8. Wegener granulomatosis causing blockage of the eusta- ties in a 56-year-old woman with pulmonary sarcoidosis.
chian tube (ET) and infiltration of the middle ear (ME) in a 41-year-old man
(×10). CO, cochlea; EAC, external auditory canal; IAC, internal auditory
canal; TT, tensor tympani. (Courtesy Leslie Michaels, MD, Institute of Laryngol-
ogy and Otology, London, United Kingdom.) others  may  have  frank  granulomatous  involvement  of  the 
middle ear and mastoid. The process can extend to involve the 
facial nerve and inner ear, and this usually manifests as rapidly 
progressive  SNHL  and  loss  of  vestibular  function.  Otologic 
of neutrophils and monocytes; these antibodies produce tissue  disease may be the sole and initial presenting feature in some 
damage by interacting with primed neutrophils and endothe- patients with WG.
lial cells.
The  prognosis  of  WG  has  dramatically  improved  from  a 
mortality  rate  of  82%  before  the  era  of  immunosuppressive 
therapy to the current remission rate of more than 75% with  Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disorder of unknown etiol-
appropriate medical therapy.24 Induction of remission is usually  ogy characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas. 
achieved with high doses of corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide,  It  most  frequently affects  the  lungs,  although  almost  all  body 
or methotrexate given for 3 to 6 months. Maintenance of remis- parts can be affected. The disease shows a female predominance 
sion  is  achieved  with  lower  doses  of  corticosteroids  and  less  and  is  10  times  more  common  in  blacks  than  in  whites.  The 
toxic  alternatives  to  cyclophosphamide,  such  as  azathioprine,  onset of disease is usually during the third to fourth decade of 
methotrexate,  trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,  or  other  drug  life. Common presenting manifestations include bilateral hilar 
combinations.  Other  therapies  that  have  been  used  include  adenopathy on chest radiography, cough, and granulomatous 
leflunomide,  mycophenolate  mofetil,  and  the  tumor  necrosis  skin rash. Other manifestations include iridocyclitis, keratocon-
factor inhibitors etanercept and infliximab. junctivitis,  peripheral  lymphadenopathy,  hepatosplenomegaly, 
cardiac failure, myalgia, and arthralgia. Neurologic involvement 
Otologic Manifestations includes central and peripheral manifestations, and the facial 
The middle ear and mastoid are the most common sites within  and optic nerves are the most commonly affected cranial nerves. 
the  temporal  bone  that  are  involved  in  patients  with  WG,20,25 Either  peripheral  mononeuritis  or  polyneuritis  may  be  seen. 
and  WG  may  cause  obstruction  of  the  eustachian  tube  with  Laboratory  findings  may  include  hilar  adenopathy  on  chest 
resultant serous otitis media and conductive hearing loss (see  radiography (Fig. 149-10), hypercalcemia, and elevated serum 
Fig. 149-8). Some patients also have purulent otitis media, and  angiotensin-converting enzyme. The histopathologic feature of 



FIGURE 149-9. Wegener granulomatosis in lung biopsy specimen. A, Arteriole shows necrotizing vasculitis with obliteration of the lumen (L) and infiltration
of the vessel wall with polymorphonuclear leukocytes (elastic stain; ×256). B, Vessel wall shows fibrin deposit (F), giant cells (G), and granuloma (GR) (hema-
toxylin and eosin stain; ×256).

FIGURE 149-11. Sarcoidosis in a lymph node specimen. Noncaseating

granulomas with giant cells (G), histiocytes (H), and lymphocytes (L) are
shown (×79).

the  sarcoid  lesion  is  noncaseating  epithelioid  granulomas 

(Fig. 149-11).
The etiology and pathogenesis of sarcoidosis are unknown. 
The  initial  pulmonary  lesion  is  an  alveolitis  characterized  by 
the accumulation of CD4+ T cells; this is followed by develop-
ment of noncaseating granulomas. The antigenic stimulus that  FIGURE 149-12. Section of the incus in a patient with acquired syphilis. An
initiates  the  disease  process  remains  elusive.  Several  possible  active round cell osteitis (O) with involvement of the periosteum is shown
associations have been investigated that include mycobacteria,  (×120).
certain human leukocyte antigen complexes, abnormalities of 
T  cells  and  the  T-cell  antigen  receptor,  and  involvement  of 
several different cytokines.26 necrosis.  A  gumma  of  the  ear  canal  or  middle  ear  may  result 
Spontaneous  resolution  occurs  in  many  patients.  Cortico- in  perforation  of  the  tympanic  membrane  and  a  granuloma-
steroids  are  beneficial  for  patients  with  progressive  symptoms  tous appearance of the middle ear mucosa. Definitive diagnosis 
or  with  ocular,  cardiac,  or  central  nervous  system  (CNS)  of  syphilis  of  the  middle  ear  requires  a  positive  serologic  test 
involvement.  For  patients  who  cannot  tolerate  or  do  not  and a histologic demonstration of Treponema pallidum. Syphilitic 
respond  to  corticosteroids,  alternative  drugs  include  metho- involvement  of  the  tympanic  membrane  and  middle  ear  may 
trexate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, chlorambucil, cyclo- mimic  tuberculosis,  and  superinfection  may  result  in  chronic 
sporine, chloroquine, pentoxifylline, and antagonists of human  otitis media.
tumor  necrosis  factor-α,  such  as  etanercept  and  infliximab.27 Inner ear involvement may occur in the absence of macro-
scopic changes in the tympanic membrane or middle ear. The 
Otologic Manifestations
Otologic manifestations of sarcoidosis include SNHL, vestibu-
lar dysfunction, facial nerve paralysis, and occasionally granu-
lomatous disease of the external or middle ear and mastoid.28-31
The facial nerve is the most commonly affected cranial nerve 
and  is  usually  involved  as  part  of  the  symptom  complex  of 
uveoparotid fever (Heerfordt syndrome) characterized by par-
otitis, uveitis, facial nerve paralysis, and mild pyrexia. The facial 
paralysis  may  be  sudden  in  onset,  is  often  bilateral,  and  may 
resolve spontaneously. Histopathology of the temporal bone in 
sarcoidosis has been reported in only one case; the main find-
ings were perivascular lymphocytic infiltration and granuloma-
tous  inflammation  that  involved  the  cochlear,  vestibular,  and 
facial nerves within the internal auditory canal.32

Congenital and acquired syphilis may affect the middle ear in 
the  late  latent  and  tertiary  forms.  In  the  late  latent  form,  the 
middle ear and mastoid may be affected by a rarefying osteitis 
with  leukocytic  infiltration  of  the  ossicles  and  mastoid  bone  FIGURE 149-13. Area of active bone resorption in a 43-year-old patient
(Figs. 149-12 and 149-13). A similar but larger lesion of tertiary  with congenital syphilis. The inflammatory infiltrate includes lymphocytes,
syphilis,  the  gumma,  shows  obliterative  arteritis  and  central  plasma cells, and multinucleated giant cells (×396).

Hennebert sign, which is the induction of ocular deviation with  a specific antibody to B. burgdorferi by enzyme-linked immuno-

positive or negative pressure in the external auditory canal, was  sorbent  assay  and  Western  blotting.35  The  antibody  test  must 
believed to indicate a true fistula between the middle and inner  be  interpreted  properly  using  the  criteria  of  the  Centers  for 
ear as a result of rarefying osteitis of the otic capsule. The more  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  because  false-negative  and 
probable  cause  is  fibrous  adhesions,  however,  between  the  false-positive  results  can  occur.  In  addition,  B. burgdorferi  may 
stapes  footplate  and  the  membranous  labyrinth  as  a  result  of  cause  asymptomatic  infection,  in  which  case  the  symptoms 
endolymphatic hydrops.33 Combined antibiotic and corticoste- caused by another disease may be wrongly attributed to Lyme 
roid therapy is beneficial for the management of SNHL.34 borreliosis.
The  spirochete  is  highly  sensitive to  doxycycline  but  only
moderately so to penicillin. Other effective antibiotics include 
LYME DISEASE amoxicillin,  erythromycin,  cefuroxime,  ceftriaxone,  and.  Ste-
Lyme disease is a multisystem inflammatory disorder that pri- roids  have  been  used  for  severe  carditis  and  arthritis.  Among 
marily  affects  the  skin,  nervous  system,  heart,  and  joints.  It  is  patients managed early in the course of the disease, the specific 
caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmit- antibody  response  usually  disappears  within  months,  and 
ted to humans by certain Ixodes ticks that are part of the Ixodes patients may become reinfected in the future. Among patients 
ricinus  complex.  The  known  primary  reservoirs  of  the  disease  with  late  manifestations,  such  as  arthritis,  titers  decline  after 
are  white-footed  mice  and  white-tailed  deer.  The  disease  was  successful  management,  but  patients  remain  seropositive. 
initially recognized in 1975 because of a clustering of patients  Although two vaccines were developed and found to be effec-
with  arthritis  in  Lyme,  Connecticut,  but  it  is  now  known  that  tive in clinical trials, they are not currently being marketed.37
Lyme disease has been present for several decades in Europe, 
where it is called Bannwarth syndrome. Otologic Manifestations
Infection is usually acquired in the summer, and individuals Facial nerve paralysis is the most common otologic manifesta-
of all ages and both sexes can be affected. Three clinical stages  tion,  with  a  reported  incidence  of  3%  to  11%38,39;  it  may  be 
similar to the stages seen with cases of syphilis are recognized.35 bilateral  in  25%  of  cases.  This  type  of  paralysis  is  seen  in  the 
The  first  stage,  early  localized  infection,  begins  3  to  33  days  second  stage  of  the  disease,  and  it  affects  patients  of  all  ages 
after  a  tick  bite  with  a  characteristic  skin  lesion  (erythema  and both sexes. The onset is acute, the duration is weeks to a 
migrans).  This  lesion  occurs  in  60%  to  80%  of  patients  and  few months, and the return of function is spontaneous and is 
may  be  accompanied  by  minor  constitutional  symptoms.  The  usually complete. There may be a history of preceding otalgia, 
second stage, early disseminated infection, occurs within days  ipsilateral facial pain, or paresthesias.40 Although other neuro-
or  weeks  after  inoculation  and  begins  with  hematogeneous  logic  features  of  the  second  stage  may  be  seen,  facial  nerve 
dissemination  of  the  organism  from  the  site  of  inoculation.  paralysis can occur as the sole neurologic abnormality.
The  symptoms,  which  mimic  a  systemic  viral  illness,  include  Antibiotics and steroids do not seem to influence the dura-
fever,  migratory  arthralgia,  myalgia,  headache,  meningismus,  tion or outcome of facial paralysis,38 but they are recommended 
generalized lymphadenopathy, malaise, fatigue, and secondary  to treat concurrent symptoms and to prevent the more serious 
annular skin lesions. late  complications.  There  is  no  role  for  surgery.  The  precise 
After hematogenous spread, B. burgdorferi seems to be able  cause  and  histopathology  of  facial  nerve  palsy  have  not  been 
to  sequester  itself  in  certain  niches  and  can  cause  localized  elucidated.  Histology  from  other  involved  peripheral  nerves 
inflammation  in  the  nervous  system,  heart,  or  joints.  Neuro- shows  perineural  and  perivascular  infiltration  by  lymphocytes 
logic  involvement  is  manifested  by  meningitis,  encephalitis,  and plasma cells. In chronic and severe neuropathies, demye-
cerebrospinal  fluid  lymphocytosis,  peripheral  neuropathy,  lination and loss of nerve fibers similar to wallerian degenera-
myelitis, or cranial neuropathy that includes facial nerve paraly- tion  occur.36  It  is  unclear  whether  neural  lesions  result  from 
sis.  Cardiac  manifestations  include  atrioventricular  block  or  an  inflammatory  response  to  the  spirochete  or  represent  an 
other  arrhythmias,  myocarditis,  and  pericarditis.  Joint  disease  immune-mediated epiphenomenon.
manifests as brief attacks of asymmetric oligoarticular arthritis,  A  well-documented  otologic  manifestation  is  an  unusual 
primarily  in  large  joints  and  especially  the  knee.  The  third  skin  lesion  called  a  lymphocytoma,  in  which  intensely  red  and 
stage,  late  or  persistent  infection,  occurs  more  than  1  year  violet nodules occur on the earlobe during the second stage of 
after  onset  and  can  result  in  chronic,  prolonged  arthritis;  disease.35  The  lesion  consists  of  benign  but  hyperplastic  lym-
chronic  encephalomyelitis;  chronic  axonal  peripheral  polyra- phocytic follicles in the dermis.36
diculopathy; keratitis, similar to syphilis; acrodermatitis chron- Auditory  and  vestibular  manifestations  such  as  SNHL, 
ica  atrophicans;  and  localized  scleroderma-like  lesions.  A  sudden hearing loss, positional vertigo, and Meniere-like symp-
patient may experience one or all of the stages, and the infec- toms have been described.41-44 More clinical data and temporal 
tion  may  not  become  symptomatic  until  the  second  or  third  bone  studies  are  needed  to  substantiate  these  preliminary 
stage.  Affected  tissues  show  infiltration  by  lymphocytes  and  observations.
plasma  cells.  Mild  vasculitis  and  hypercellular  vascular  occlu-
sion can occur, but tissue necrosis generally does not. Granu-
lomas,  gummas,  multinucleated  giant  cells,  and  fibrinoid 
necrosis have not been observed, in contrast to the findings in  Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment and are of low intrin-
patients with syphilis.36 sic  virulence.  Systemic  invasive  clinical  disease  reflects  some 
In recent years, the complete genome of the spirochete has defect  in  host  defenses,  such  as  diabetic  ketoacidosis,  chemo-
been sequenced, and animal models have been developed for  therapy  for  malignancy,  corticosteroid  therapy,  or  acquired 
studying  the  pathogenesis  of  Lyme  disease  using  mice  and  immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Aspergillosis, mucormy-
primates.  The  animal  models  have  shown  that  inflammatory  cosis, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, and his-
innate immune responses are critical in the pathogenesis of the  toplasmosis  are  systemic  mycoses  that  can  cause  disseminated 
disease and that genetic factors may be important in determin- disease and may involve the temporal bone. Diagnosis is made 
ing the severity of some of the manifestations. by  biopsy  and  culture,  and  treatment  consists  of  control  of  
The diagnosis of Lyme disease is usually based on the rec- the  underlying  predisposing  condition,  surgical  debridement 
ognition of the characteristic clinical features, a history of expo- of  necrotic  tissues,  and  systemic  chemotherapy,  usually  with 
sure in an area where the disease is endemic, and detection of  amphotericin B.

Otologic Manifestations 1.0 mm

The  middle  ear  and  mastoid  can  be  involved  as  a  result  of 
ascending  infection  along  the  eustachian  tube  and  tensor 
tympani,  which  is  often  seen  in  mucormycosis  (Fig.  149-14),  Cytomegalovirus
or  through  superinfection  of  existing  chronic  otitis  media.45 inclusions
Destruction of the middle ear cleft ensues, often with extension 
to the surrounding structures, including thrombosis or rupture  Crista lateral
of the internal carotid artery.46 Other routes of infection include  semicircular
hematogeneous  embolic  dissemination,  which  can  result  in  canal
multiple  granulomas  throughout  the  temporal  bone,  and 
through cryptococcal involvement of the CNS, which can cause 
invasion and degeneration of the nerve trunks in the internal 
auditory canal.47


Cytomegalic  inclusion  disease  is  caused  by  infection  by  the  A
cytomegalovirus (CMV).  Cochlear  involvement  may  be  con-
genital or reactivated from a latent state, particularly in immu-
nocompromised  patients.  In  the  congenital  form,  infection 
may  result  in  hepatic  injury,  brain  injury,  mental  retardation, 
blindness,  and  deafness.  The  hearing  loss  caused  by  cytome-
galic  inclusion  disease  is  variable  and  may  be  progressive  or 
sudden in onset.48,49
Temporal  bone  histopathology  of  cytomegalic  inclusion
disease  shows  characteristic  inclusions  within  the  middle  and 
inner  ears  that  includes  the  nonsensory  elements  of  both 
cochlear and vestibular systems (Fig. 149-15).

Although neoplasms of the temporal bone are discussed else-
where (see Chapters 176 and 177), three neoplasms—multiple  Cytomegalovirus
myeloma, leukemia, and metastatic tumors—warrant mention  inclusions
here,  because  temporal  bone  manifestations  can  occur  with 
these diseases. 200 µm
MULTIPLE MYELOMA FIGURE 149-15. Cytology of the temporal bone of a full-term male infant
Multiple myeloma is a malignancy of plasma cells derived from  who died in the first day after birth of disseminated cytomegalic inclusion
disease and necrotizing enterocolitis. Although the right temporal bone was
B  lymphocytes,  and  its  major  feature  is  the  demonstration  of  normal, numerous cytomegalic inclusions were apparent within the vestibu-
an  abnormal  monoclonal  protein  (M  component)  in  blood,  lar labyrinth on the left side, here in the lateral semicircular canal. In this case,
urine, or both. There is a slight male predominance, and the  no inclusions were found within the cochlea on either side.
median age of onset is 60 years. Clinical manifestations are the 

result of multiple plasma cell tumors and consist of severe bone 
pain,  pathologic  fractures,  failure  of  the  bone  marrow,  renal 
EAC failure, hypercalcemia, and recurrent infections.
Laboratory  findings  include  the  demonstration  of  the  M 
component on serum or urine electrophoresis, normochromic 
normocytic  anemia,  hypercalcemia,  and  elevated  blood  urea 
nitrogen levels. Typical radiographic findings include punched-
out osteolytic lesions, which are particularly well seen on lateral 
skull  radiography.  Bone  marrow  aspirates  show  infiltration  by 
plasma cells. For decades, the mainstay of therapy has been the 
use of alkylating agents, such as melphalan and corticosteroids; 
with this regimen, the median survival is approximately 3 years. 
TT Important advances have been made more recently that have 
substantially altered therapy for patients with myeloma. These 
FN advances include the use of hematopoietic cell transplantation; 
improved supportive care measures, such as the use of bisphos-
phonates and erythropoietin; and novel agents such as thalido-
mide, lenalidomide, and bortezomib.50,51
FIGURE 149-14. Mucormycosis in a 37-year-old man with diabetes. Inflam- Occasionally, only one plasma cell tumor (without marrow 
matory cells have invaded and destroyed the tensor tympani muscle (TT), plasmacytosis) can be found. These lesions can occur in bone 
and a hemorrhagic effusion (EF) is apparent in the mesotympanum (×12.35). (solitary  bone  plasmacytoma)  or  soft  tissue  (extramedullary 
EAC, external auditory canal; FN, facial nerve. plasmacytoma), including the temporal bone. Both lesions can 


FIGURE 149-18. One of several osteolytic lesions of the temporal bone of

a 69-year-old woman with multiple myeloma. The lesion shows sharp bony
margins and consists of immature plasma cells (×39.6).

FIGURE 149-16. Coronal computed tomography scan shows a large, microscopic level, the marrow spaces of the petrous bone are 

destructive lytic lesion (arrows) of the clivus (CL), petrous temporal bone, commonly replaced by myeloma cells, and discrete lytic bone 
middle ear, and jugular foramen area caused by multiple myeloma in a lesions  may  be  seen  in  the  otic  capsule  (Fig.  149-18).52  Symp-
72-year-old man. The presenting symptoms were facial nerve paralysis and toms referable to temporal bone involvement are usually over-
shadowed  by  manifestations  of  diffuse  disease.  Occasionally, 
these  symptoms  may  be  the  presenting  feature  of  myeloma,53
affect younger individuals, are associated with an M component  or they may be the only evidence of disease (plasmacytoma of 
in less than 30% of the cases, and have an indolent course with  the  temporal  bone).54  Symptoms  are  nonspecific  and  include 
survival rates of 10 years or more. Local radiotherapy (40 Gy)  hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, otalgia, and facial paralysis.55
is usually sufficient management. Periodic evaluation of serum 
and urine globulins and a skeletal radiographic survey should 
be performed to detect conversion to multiple myeloma.
Leukemic infiltrates may occur in the temporal bone. They are 
Otologic Manifestations common  in  the  submucosa  of  the  pneumatized  areas  of  the 
The temporal bone is frequently involved in cases of multiple  middle  ear  and  mastoid,  including  the  tympanic  membrane 
myeloma. Radiography may show rounded lytic lesions of the  (Fig. 149-19), and in the bone marrow of the petrous apex (Fig. 
calvaria  and  temporal  bone  (Figs.  149-16  and  149-17).  At  a  149-20).56,57 Secondary bacterial infection of the middle ear and 
mastoid often results from an immunocompromised state that 
is a result of either the disease itself or chemotherapy. Hemor-
rhage commonly occurs in association with infiltrates and can 



FIGURE 149-19. Acute lymphocytic leukemia in a 9-year-old boy. Ten days

FIGURE 149-17. Coronal computed tomography scan with contrast before his death, the patient reported ear pain. Otoscopic examination
enhancement and a soft tissue technique in the same patient from Figure revealed a hyperemic tympanic membrane (TM). The TM and mucosa of the
149-16 shows a slightly enhancing mass that has destroyed the mastoid bone middle ear are infiltrated by tumor cells (T), and the middle ear space con-
and extends to the posterior fossa (PF) and upper neck (UN). tains a purulent exudate (×12.35).

1.0 mm



FIGURE 149-20. Acute myelogenous leukemia in a 38-year-old man. Leu-

kemic infiltrates (T) are seen in the tympanic membrane (TM), middle ear
(ME), and marrow spaces of the petrous apex (PA; ×6.7). A
1.0 mm
occur in the middle ear, mastoid, or inner ear. Clinical mani-
festations include middle ear effusion, acute and chronic sup-
puration  in  the  middle  ear  and  mastoid,  thickening  of  the  HLI
tympanic membrane,  conductive  hearing  loss,  SNHL  (includ-
ing sudden SNHL), vertigo, facial paralysis, and skin lesions in 
the auricle or external auditory canal.58,59
Granulocytic sarcoma, or chloroma, is a localized extramed-
ullary tumor composed of immature myeloid cells. It is related 
to acute or chronic myelogenous leukemia, and its appearance 
may precede, coincide with, or follow the diagnosis of leukemia. 
Such a lesion can occur in the temporal bone,60-62 and otologic 
manifestations can constitute the initial presentation. Manage-
ment is by local irradiation and systemic chemotherapy.

Similar to leukemic infiltrates in the inner ear, both Hodgkin  B
and  non-Hodgkin  lymphomas  may  result  in  hearing  loss  by 
either  hemorrhagic  or  malignant  infiltrative  lesions  of  the  FIGURE 149-21. A, Cytology from a 58-year old man who died of non-
middle and inner ear (Fig. 149-21).63 Hodgkin follicular lymphoma diagnosed at age 52. He was treated with radia-
tion and chemotherapy. At age 58, he developed sudden total hearing loss
in the left ear, a rapidly progressive loss in the right ear, and vertigo. Audi-
METASTATIC NEOPLASMS ometry demonstrated profound loss on the left and a severe to profound
loss on the right. Hemorrhagic and lymphatic infiltration (HLI) was apparent
Secondary malignant tumors usually involve the temporal bone  in the perilymphatic scalae of the cochleae. B, HLI of the perilymphatic space
through  hematogeneous  dissemination.  The  most  common  of the lateral semicircular canal.
sites of origin, in order of decreasing frequency, are the breast, 
lung,  prostate,  and  skin.64  The  lesions  are  usually  destructive 
and  osteolytic  (Fig.  149-22);  however,  some  lesions,  such  as 
those  from  the  prostate  or  breast,  may  be  osteoblastic.  The 
petrous  apex  and  internal  auditory  canal  seem  to  be  sites  of 
predilection for metastases, although any part of the temporal 
bone may be involved (Fig. 149-23). The otic capsule seems to 
be resistant to neoplastic invasion.65
Although  otologic  manifestations  infrequently  are  the  first 
evidence  of  malignant  disease,  more  often  they  are  preceded 
by other systemic symptoms. Involvement of the external canal, 
middle  ear  cleft,  or  eustachian  tube  may  cause  conductive 
hearing  loss  and  pain;  involvement  of  the  otic  capsule  may 
produce  SNHL,  vertigo,  and  facial  nerve  paralysis.  In  menin-
geal  carcinomatosis,  rapidly  progressive  unilateral  or  bilateral 
SNHL  is  a  common  presenting  symptom.66  Unilateral  SNHL 
may mimic a cerebellopontine angle tumor, and bilateral SNHL 
may  mimic  immune-mediated  inner  ear  disease.  Diagnosis  is 
made by cytology of the cerebrospinal fluid.


FIGURE 149-22. Axial computed tomography scan of an 82-year-old
Several  generalized  bone  diseases  affect  the  middle  ear  and  woman with metastatic breast adenocarcinoma showing a large lytic lesion
temporal  bone,  and  occasionally  the  initial  symptoms  of  the  (arrows) destroying the mastoid, squamosa, otic capsule, and labyrinth.




FIGURE 149-23. Metastatic breast adenocarcinoma in a 75-year-old

woman involving the nerve trunks in the internal auditory canal (IAC), FIGURE 149-24. Lateral skull radiograph of a patient with Paget disease.
petrous apex (PA), subcutaneous tissues of the external auditory canal (EAC), Findings include thickening of the skull table, multiple patchy densities, and
facial canal (FC), middle ear (ME), and mastoid (MA; ×4.5). platybasia.

disease occur in the temporal bone. Paget disease, osteogenesis  decade;  greater  SNHL,  with  a  descending  pattern;  enlarged 

imperfecta, and osteopetrosis can sometimes mimic the clinical  calvaria; enlargement and tortuosity of the superficial temporal 
features of otosclerosis. artery and its anterior branches70; elevated serum alkaline phos-
phatase level; and radiographic evidence of pagetic changes in 
the temporal bones.
PAGET DISEASE None of the many published clinical and histologic reports
Paget  disease  of  bone  (osteitis  deformans)  is  a  chronic  and  have clearly  identified  a  consistent  pathologic  basis  for  these 
sometimes progressive disease of unknown etiology character- hearing  losses72;  specifically,  the  apparent  conductive  hearing 
ized  by  osteolytic  and  osteoblastic  changes  that  mainly  affect  loss is not caused by ossicular fixation, and SNHL is not caused 
the axial skeleton. Genetic factors play a role in the pathogen- by  the  compression  of  cochlear  nerve  fibers.  Attempts  at  the 
esis of Paget disease, which may be inherited in an autosomal- surgical correction of conductive loss are generally not consid-
dominant manner with high penetrance. Four susceptibility loci  ered worthwhile. Monsell and colleagues73,74 reported a statisti-
have been identified, one on chromosome 18, one on chromo- cally significant correlation between the bone mineral density 
some 6, and two on chromosome 5.67 Mutations in the SQSTM1 of the cochlear capsule (measured in vivo by quantitative com-
gene that encodes the sequestosome 1 protein have been found  puted  tomography)  and  the  high-frequency  pure  tone  air-
in some individuals. Viral infection also seems to play a role in  conduction thresholds  and  the  air-bone  gap  in  patients  with 
the etiology of Paget disease, based on electron microscopy and  Paget disease of the skull. It is unclear whether this finding is 
immunohistochemical studies.68,69 It is possible that the disease  only a marker of disease effect or a phenomenon closely related 
develops from a slow virus infection in susceptible individuals  to the mechanism of hearing loss.
who have an underlying genetic predisposition.
Paget disease affects 3% of the population aged 40 years and
older  and  11%  of  the  population  aged  80  years  and  older.70
Men are affected more commonly than women. The onset of 
clinical manifestations is usually in the sixth decade of life and 
includes enlarging skull; progressive kyphosis; and deformities 
of  the  pelvis,  femur,  and  tibia.  Radiographic  findings  (Figs. 
149-24 and 149-25) include a thickened skull table; patchy, ill-
defined densities of the skull; and poor definition of the corti-
cal  margins  of  the  inner  ear  and  internal  auditory  canal, 
particularly in the lytic phase of the disease. The bisphospho-
nates,  which  inhibit  the  resorption  of  bone,  constitute  the 
mainstay  of  medical  therapy  for  symptomatic  Paget  disease.71
Other antipagetic drugs include calcitonin, mithramycin, ipri-
flavone, and gallium nitrate.
Otologic Manifestations
Clinical  manifestations  of  Paget  disease  include  hearing  loss, 
tinnitus,  and  mild  vestibular  dysfunction.  The  facial  nerve  is 
spared. Hearing loss occurs in 5% to 44% of patients70 and may 
be sensorineural, mixed, or, rarely, conductive only. Most often, 
the loss is mixed, with a descending pattern for bone conduc-
tion  and  relatively  flat  air-conduction  thresholds.  Hearing 
losses are progressive and are greater than those of age-matched 
healthy  subjects.  Distinguishing  features  of  Paget  disease— FIGURE 149-25. Axial computed tomography scan of a 75-year-old man
compared with otosclerosis, which is the most common differ- with Paget disease. Diffuse expansion of the skull table and involvement of
ential  diagnosis—include  a  later  age  of  onset,  in  the  sixth  both temporal bones with patchy demineralization is apparent.


FIGURE 149-26. Pagetic involvement of the temporal bone in a 70-year-old

man. The pagetic bone encroaches on the posterior margin (arrow) of the
internal auditory canal (IAC). The mastoid is largely replaced by pagetic bone

FIGURE 149-27. Lateral radiograph of the skull in a patient with osteogen-

The histopathologic appearance of pagetic bone is variable  esis imperfecta. Wormian bone is seen, particularly in the posterior table.
and depends on the relative osteoclastic and osteoblastic activ-
ity. Typical findings include osteoclastic resorption of marrow-
containing bone with an increase in vascularity and formation 
of  fibrous  tissue.  New  bone  formation  occurs  in  an  irregular  (normal).  Hearing  loss  is  less  common  than  it  is  with  type  1 
manner and produces its typical mosaic pattern as a result of  and occurs in 10% to 30% of cases.75,76
irregular and curved cement lines (Fig. 149-26). Pagetic bone  Management  consists  of  the  treatment  of  fractures,  ortho-
changes occur in three phases: 1) an initial osteolytic phase, 2)  pedic  surgery  to  correct  deformities,  use  of  orthotic  devices, 
a mixed or combined phase, and 3) an osteoblastic or “burnt- and physical and occupational therapy. Bisphosphonate therapy 
out” phase. In the temporal bone, a fourth phase can be identi- is  being  increasingly  used,  because  these drugs  are  potent 
fied,  which  is  the  remodeling  of  inactive  pagetic  bone  into  inhibitors of bone resorption and bone turnover.77 Other thera-
normal-appearing  lamellar  bone.72  The  disease  usually  begins  pies  under  investigation  include  use  of  growth  hormone  and 
in periosteal bone and extends to involve enchondral and end- allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
osteal bone.
Otologic Manifestations
Conductive hearing loss and SNHL occur in patients with OI. 
OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA Severe  SNHL  has  been  estimated  to  occur  in  approximately 
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as van der Hoeve–de 40% of patients and has a high correlation with gray or white 
Kleyn syndrome,  is  a  genetically  determined  disorder  of  the  sclerae.  Conductive  hearing  loss  usually  accompanies  blue 
connective tissue characterized clinically by fragile bones that  sclerae, which first becomes apparent by 20 to 25 years of age 
break  with  minor  trauma.  Approximately  80%  to  90%  of  and then becomes severe enough to cause the patient to seek 
patients with OI have mutations of one of the two type 1 col- medical  attention  15  to  20  years  later.78  No  relationship  has 
lagen genes, COL1A1 and COL1A2. Many hundreds of unique  been found between hearing loss and frequency or severity of 
mutations of these two genes have been identified in individu- fractures.76 Some patients with mild OI come to medical atten-
als with OI. The older terms osteogenesis imperfecta congenita and  tion with conductive hearing loss similar to that seen with oto-
osteogenesis imperfecta tarda have been replaced by a classification  sclerosis.  Early  age  of  onset  of  hearing  loss,  high  compliance 
system that defines four types of OI based on clinical features,  values  on  tympanometry,  a  history  of  fractures  after  minor 
radiologic criteria, and mode of inheritance.
OI type 1 has an autosomal-dominant mode of inheritance. 
It is the mildest form and is associated with blue sclerae, non-
deforming  fractures,  and  normal  stature.  Hearing  loss  is 
common  and  occurs  in  30%  to  50%  of  cases.  OI type 2  is  the 
most  severe  form,  in  which  multiple  fractures  occur  in  utero 
and  often  result  in  stillbirth.  This  type  either  is  acquired  as  a 
sporadic new mutation or is inherited in an autosomal-recessive 
manner.  OI type 3  is  characterized  by  multiple  fractures,  pro-
gressive  bone  deformity  during  childhood  and  adolescence, 
and  sclerae  that  are  bluish  at  birth  but  white  later  in  life. 
Hearing  loss  occurs  in  about  50%  of  individuals.  The  long 
bones  may  be  slender  and  bowed  with  abrupt  widening  near 
the  epiphyses.  Kyphoscoliosis,  pectus  excavatum,  weak  joints, 
dental abnormalities, and wormian bone in the skull table are 
common (Figs. 149-27 and 149-28). The mode of inheritance 
varies; it may be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or  FIGURE 149-28. Radiograph of the arm of a patient with osteogenesis
the result of a new mutation. OI type 4 is a dominantly inherited  imperfecta. A pathologic fracture, demineralization of the humerus, and gross
form; it is similar to OI type 1 except that the sclerae are white  abnormalities of the elbow joint are evident.

otic capsule (see Fig. 149-29) and may result in the fixation of 
M the stapes footplate.

Fibrous dysplasia is a benign, chronic, slowly progressive bone 
disorder of unknown etiology characterized by the replacement 
of  normal  bone  with  a  variable  amount  of  fibrous  tissue  and 
woven  bone.  It  may  occur  as  part  of  Albright  syndrome—
characterized  by  multiple  bony  lesions,  abnormal  pigmenta-
tion,  endocrine  dysfunction,  and  precocious  puberty  in 
girls—or  it  may  exist  alone  in  the  monostotic  or  polyostotic 
form. The monostotic form is more common and usually occurs 
in  the  skull,  ribs,  proximal  femur,  or  tibia.  In  the  polyostotic 
form, skull lesions are seen in more than 50% of patients.
Clinical  manifestations  of  fibrous  dysplasia  include  bony 
deformity,  pathologic  fracture,  and  cranial  nerve  palsies.  The 
disease starts early in life, usually in childhood; the monostotic 
FIGURE 149-29. Osteogenesis imperfecta in a 15-year-old girl. The osteo-
genesis has replaced the enchondral and periosteal layers of the otic capsule. form may become quiescent at puberty, whereas the polyostotic 
The neck of the malleus (M) is also involved (×8.5). form  can  continue  to  progress.  Sarcomatous  transformation 
can  occur,  and  incidence  is  estimated  at  0.4%.88  Laboratory 
findings include an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level 
trauma in childhood that ceased after puberty, a family history  in  30%  of  patients  with  polyostotic  fibrous  dysplasia,  with 
of OI, and blue sclerae are helpful diagnostic clues. usually  normal  serum  calcium  and  phosphorus  levels.  The 
The  conductive  loss  reflects  structural  changes  in  the  ossi- typical radiographic findings include a radiolucent area with a 
cles.  Microfractures  of  the  manubrium,79  fragility  of  the  long  well-defined  smooth  or  scalloped  edge  and  a  ground-glass 
process of the incus, and fracture or resorption of the crura of  appearance. Areas of increased radiodensity may also be seen 
the stapes have been reported.78,80,81 The stapedial footplate is  (Figs.  149-31  and  149-32).  The  histopathology  of  fibrous  dys-
typically  described  as  thick,  soft,  and  chalklike  or  granular,  plasia  consists  of  the  replacement  of  normal  cancellous  bone 
and it is usually fixed.82 Rehabilitation can be accomplished by  by a fibrous stroma arranged in a whorled pattern. A variable 
amplification  or  surgery.83-85  A  stapedectomy  can  give  results  amount  of  irregularly  arranged  spicules  of  woven  bone  cause 
similar  to  those  seen  with  otosclerosis,  but  the  procedure  is  the ground-glass radiographic changes (Fig. 149-33).
extremely  delicate.  Crimping  the  prosthesis  around  the  incus  Advances have been made toward understanding the cellu-
may cause a pathologic fracture, and a platinum ribbon is pre- lar and molecular basis of fibrous dysplasia. The lesion is com-
ferred to stainless steel wire.78 posed  of  immature  mesenchymal  osteoblastic  precursor  cells. 
Histopathology  of  the  temporal  bone  (Figs.  149-29  and  An activating mutation is present in the gene that encodes the 
149-30)  in  cases  of  OI  type  2  has  shown  deficient  ossification  α-subunit  of  stimulatory  G  protein.89  Elevated  levels  of  cyclic 
of  the  endochondral  layer  of  the  otic  capsule,  which  shows 
increased  amounts  of  fibrous  tissue  with  numerous  blood 
vessels. The periosteal layer is often thin and deficient (see Fig. 
149-30),  and  the  stapes  crura  are  often  thin  and  incomplete. 
The  otopathology  in  cases  of  OI  type  2  is  very  similar  if  not 
identical to that seen in cases of otosclerosis.86,87 The abnormal 
bone  involves  the  periosteal  and  endochondral  layers  of  the 



FIGURE 149-30. Osteogenesis imperfecta involving the otic capsule of a

newborn boy. The enchondral (EC) and periosteal (P) layers have been FIGURE 149-31. Lateral radiograph of the skull of a patient with fibrous
replaced by finely trabeculated bone with an increase in fibrous tissue and dysplasia showing lytic (L) and fibrous (F) phases of disease. Spicules of new
vascular spaces. The endosteal layer (ED) is normal (×60). bone are responsible for the ground-glass appearance of the fibrous phase.

deficits.  Stenosis  of  the  external  canal  often  requires  surgical 

removal with canalplasty and meatoplasty. Restenosis as a result 
of  regrowth  of  fibrous  dysplasia  occurs,  and  multiple  proce-
dures  are  sometimes  needed.  Compared  with  simple  canal-
plasty,  a  postauricular  canal-wall-down  mastoidectomy  with 
wide canalplasty and skin grafting gives better results, with long-
term canal patency. Radiotherapy is contraindicated because of 
R L an  increased  rate  of  malignant  degeneration.88  Long-term 
follow-up is indicated because of the potential for facial nerve 
FIGURE 149-32. Coronal tomographic radiograph of a patient with fibrous involvement and for the progression of conductive hearing loss 
dysplasia. New bone formation causes a dense appearance of the involved to profound SNHL.90
left temporal bone.
adenosine monophosphate result that affect the transcription  Osteopetroses  are  rare  genetic  disorders  characterized  by 
and expression of multiple downstream genes, which ultimately  greatly  increased  bone  density.95-97  Osteopetroses  result  from 
result in the pathologic lesion.90 Treatment consists of bisphos- the  defective  function  of  osteoclasts,  which  leads  to  a  failure 
phonate  therapy  and  orthopedic  surgery  for  correction  of  of  normal  bone  resorption,  while  normal  bone  formation  by 
deformities and treatment of pathologic fractures.91 osteoblasts continues with deposition of excessive mineralized 
osteoid  and  cartilage.  Four  types  of  osteopetrosis  have  been 
Otologic Manifestations defined, although patients with atypical symptoms are numer-
The  temporal  bone  occasionally  may  be  involved  in  cases  of  ous, which suggests that additional types likely exist.
fibrous dysplasia, with about 100 cases reported to date.92-94 Of  Malignant osteopetrosis  is  an  autosomal-recessive  form  that 
these,  the  monostotic  form  occurred  in  70%,  the  polyostotic  manifests in infancy, is rapidly progressive, and has a high mor-
form occurred in 23%, and Albright syndrome occurred in 7%.  tality rate. Many cases have been shown to be due to mutations 
All parts of the temporal bone can be involved, but the process  in the gene that encodes for the TCIRG1 subunit of the vacu-
generally  begins  as  a  painless,  slowly  progressive  swelling  that  olar proton pump within osteoclasts. The disease is character-
involves the mastoid or squama. Progressive narrowing of the  ized by the encroachment of bone marrow that leads to anemia, 
external auditory canal with conductive hearing loss is the most  thrombocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, increased susceptibil-
common manifestation and occurs in about 80% of cases. This  ity  to  infection,  and  encroachment  of  the  neural  foramina, 
narrowing may be mistaken for exostoses, but fibrous dysplasia  which causes neural degeneration. Optic atrophy, facial paraly-
is  encountered  during  the  second  or  third  decade  of  life;  at  sis, SNHL, hydrocephalus, and mental retardation are common, 
surgery, it is vascular with a characteristic soft, spongy, and gritty  and death usually occurs during the first or second decade of 
consistency. Entrapment of keratin debris medial to a stenotic  life. The only effective treatment is bone marrow transplanta-
canal can cause an external canal cholesteatoma. Involvement  tion. Another type of autosomal-recessive osteopetrosis is due 
of the middle ear and ossicles or obstruction of the eustachian  to a mutation in the gene for cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase 
tube also can cause conductive hearing loss. Erosion of the fal- II.  This  type  is  very  rare  (approximately  50  cases  have  been 
lopian  canal  with  facial  nerve  paralysis  or  erosion  of  the  otic  reported),  and  it  is  associated  with  distal  renal  tubular 
capsule with SNHL and vertigo is seen occasionally. An isolated  acidosis.
lesion  of  the  mesotympanic  bone  can  simulate  a  glomus  tym- Autosomal-dominant type 2 osteopetrosis,  also  known  as  Albers-
panicum  tumor  that  can  manifest  as  a  reddish  mass  behind  Schönberg disease  and  marble bone disease,  is  the  most  frequent 
an intact tympanic membrane, with pulsatile tinnitus and hear- type.  It  is  associated  with  normal  life  expectancy  and  may  be 
ing loss. asymptomatic.  Many  cases  have  been  shown  to  result  from 
Management of fibrous dysplasia is symptomatic. Operative mutations  in  the  CLCN7  chloride-channel  gene.95  Clinical 
procedures should be limited to biopsy and relief of functional  manifestations  include  an  increased  incidence  of  fractures 
(osteopetrotic  bone  is  fragile  despite  its  solid  appearance); 
osteomyelitis  of  the  mandible  from  dental  infection;  progres-
sive  enlargement  of  the  head  and  mandible;  clubbing  of  the 
long bones; and cranial neuropathies such as progressive optic 
atrophy, trigeminal hypesthesia, recurrent facial paralysis, and 
SNHL. Patients may have syndactyly of the fingers or toes and 
abnormal fingernails; these abnormalities can aid the physician 
in  making  the  clinical  diagnosis.  Radiographic  evaluation 
reveals a great increase in the density of all bones.
Autosomal-dominant osteopetrosis type 1  is  an  extremely  rare 
type reported in only three families, and it seems to be linked 
to  a  locus  on  chromosome  11q12-13.97  Patients  with  this  type 
of  osteopetrosis  are  often  asymptomatic,  but  some  have  pain 
and  hearing  loss.  This  is  the  only  type  of  osteopetrosis  not 
associated with an increased rate of fractures.
Otologic Manifestations
The endochondral layer of the otic capsule and ossicles in the 
temporal  bones  of  infants  and  children  with  the  malignant 
recessive form of osteopetrosis consist mainly of dense calcified 
cartilage.98  The  mastoid  is  not  pneumatized,  and  the  stapes 
FIGURE 149-33. Fibrous dysplasia. The irregularly arranged spicules of persists in fetal form (Figs. 149-34 and 149-35). The inner ears 
woven bone in a fibrovascular stroma show a whorled pattern (×64). appear  normal.  Dehiscence  of  the  tympanic  segment  of  the 



FIGURE 149-34. Recessive osteopetrosis of the temporal bone of a

15-month-old boy. The endochondral layer of the otic capsule and stapes is FIGURE 149-36. Osteopetrosis in a 30-year-old man shows overgrowth of
composed of calcified cartilage (×12.3). dense lamellar bone around the epitympanum with jamming of the malleus
(M) and incus (I). The facial nerve canal (FC) is narrowed (×9). A, antrum;
LSCC, lateral semicircular canal.

facial  nerve,  often  with  herniation  of  the  nerve  into  the  oval 
window niche, has been a consistent finding.98-100 However, no  should be performed in any child or young adult with recurrent 
observable nerve compression is evident. These children often  facial nerve paralysis to determine the possibility of osteopetro-
have recurrent  episodes  of  acute  otitis  media,  serous  otitis  sis. Total decompression of the facial nerve has been advocated 
media,  stenosis  of  the  external  auditory  canal,  conductive  to ameliorate recurrent palsies.104,105
hearing  loss  or  SNHL,  and  unilateral  or  bilateral  facial  nerve 
In the more benign adult form (autosomal-dominant type 2
osteopetrosis),  the  temporal  bone  is  markedly  sclerotic  with  Osteitis fibrosa cystica, also known as von Recklinghausen disease,
obliteration  of  the  mastoid  air  cells  and  a  narrowing  of  the  is a bone lesion caused by excess parathyroid hormone, and it 
eustachian tube and the external and internal auditory canals.  is characterized in classic cases by osteoclastic bone resorption, 
Exostotic overgrowth  of  the  periosteal  bone  surrounding  the  marrow fibrosis, bone cysts, bone pain, and fractures. In most 
tympanic cavity  can  occur  (Fig.  149-36),  with  ankylosis  of  the  cases,  it  is  caused  by  primary  hyperparathyroidism,  usually 
ossicles and obliteration of the oval and round window niches  because of an adenoma. Other manifestations relate to hyper-
(Fig.  149-37).  These  changes  explain  the  common  finding  of  calcemia and hypercalciuria. Although the temporal bone can 
conductive hearing loss. SNHL also occurs, but the inner ears  be affected in this disorder,106,107 it is very rare in clinical prac-
appear normal. Narrowing of the eustachian tube predisposes  tice. The otic capsule is replaced by abnormal bone composed 
a patient to serous otitis media.103 Recurrent acute facial nerve  of loosely arranged trabeculae of varying sizes and shapes inter-
paralysis that is similar to Bell palsy, involving one or both sides,  spersed with marrow spaces that contain fibrous tissue. SNHL 
is a frequent manifestation. The tendency is toward progressive  has been attributed to osteitis fibrosa that involves the temporal 
residual  weakness  with  each  episode.  Radiographic  studies  bone.



FIGURE 149-35. Higher magnification of the temporal bone shown in FIGURE 149-37. Osseous obliteration of the round window niche (RWN)
Figure 149-34. The calcified cartilage (CC) of endochondral bone appears as of the patient shown in Figure 149-36. Fluid is apparent in the niche adjacent
densely staining, round-to-ovoid profiles (×396). to the round window membrane (RWM; ×18).


The  mucopolysaccharidoses  (MPS)  are  a  group  of  diseases 
caused  by  an  inherited  deficiency  of  one  of  several  lysosomal 
enzymes that degrade mucopolysaccharides. As a result, under- EF
graded mucopolysaccharides accumulate intracellularly, which  SM
gives rise to large cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. Ten enzyme 
deficiencies have been identified to date and are classified into 
seven  types  or  syndromes.  All  are  transmitted  as  autosomal-
recessive traits except for Hunter syndrome (MPS 2), which is 
X-linked recessive. Diagnosis is made either by an assay of the 
specific enzyme in plasma or serum or by tissue culture using 
fibroblasts or leukocytes. Management is mainly supportive and 
symptomatic;  however,  mucopolysaccharidoses  are  potentially 
amenable  to  enzyme  replacement  therapy  and  to  procedures  FIGURE 149-38. Hunter syndrome in a 24-year-old man. The middle ear
such as bone marrow transplantation or gene transfer.108 contains an effusion (EF) as a result of eustachian tube dysfunction. The
Hurler  syndrome  (MPS  1)  is  caused  by  a  deficiency  of  submucosa (SM) is thickened, and the posterior mesotympanum (PM) con-
l-iduronidase that leads to the accumulation of heparan sulfate  tains unresorbed mesenchymal tissue (×11).
and dermatan sulfate. Clinical manifestations include corneal 
clouding,  abnormal  facies,  hepatosplenomegaly,  mental  retar-
dation, dysostosis multiplex, joint stiffness, and hernias. Radio-
graphic  features  include  a  broadening  and  shortening  of 
long bones; hypoplasia and fractures of the lumbar vertebrae,  include alcohol use, exposure to lead, use of diuretics, hyper-
causing kyphosis; and enlargement of the sella turcica. Death  tension, and renal insufficiency.
usually occurs during the first decade of life. The  clinical  manifestations  of  gout  include  acute  gouty
Hunter  syndrome  (MPS  2)  results  from  a  deficiency  of arthritis, aggregates of crystal in connective tissue (tophi), urate 
iduronate-2-sulfatase,  which  leads  to  an  accumulation  of  urolithiasis, and, rarely, gouty nephropathy. Laboratory abnor-
heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. The syndrome is similar  malities  include  hyperuricemia,  leukocytosis,  and  an  elevated 
to Hurler syndrome, but corneal clouding is not seen. Survival  ESR.  The  diagnosis  of  gout  depends  on  the  identification  of 
to adulthood may occur. urate crystals within joint fluid or within tophi under polarized 
Morquio  syndrome  (MPS  4)  is  attributable  to  a  deficiency light.  The  treatment  of  acute  gouty  arthritis  includes  bed 
of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase or of β-galactosidase, which  rest, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, and colchicine. Uri-
results in excessive urinary excretion of keratan sulfate. Clinical  cosuric  drugs  such  as  probenecid  are  useful  for  patients  with 
manifestations  include  spondyloepiphyseal  dysplasia.  Spinal  hyperuricemia  as  a  result  of  the  decreased  renal  clearance  of 
cord compression caused by hypoplasia of the odontoid process  uric acid. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors such as allopurinol are 
and cervical dislocation are common and may be the cause of  useful  if  excess  production  of  uric  acid  is  the  basis  of  the 
death. hyperuricemia.
Otologic Manifestations
OTOLOGIC Tophaceous  deposits  can  occur  in  multiple  areas  in  the  head 
and neck.114 The helical rim of the pinna is the classic site of 
Manifestations involvement. Such tophi are usually asymptomatic and do not 
Hearing  loss  in  MPS  is  usually  conductive  and  sensorineural.  require any treatment.
The  conductive  component  is  attributable  to  serous  otitis 
media  as  a  result  of  dysfunction  of  the  eustachian  tube  and 
chronic  thickening  of  the  mucosa  of  the  middle  ear  (Fig. 
149-38).  Unresorbed  mesenchyme  has  been  described  in  the  Ochronosis  is  a  rare  disease  caused  by  an  inherited  lack  of  the 
middle ear and mastoid in Hurler syndrome,109 and large cells  enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase. The presence of homogen-
with vacuolated cytoplasm have been described in the middle  tisic acid in urine is called alkaptonuria. The result of this inborn 
ear  mucosa  in  both  Hunter110  and  Hurler  syndromes.111  The  error  of  metabolism  is  the  deposition  of  a  dark  pigment  in 
cause of SNHL is unknown, but it has been attributed to abnor- tissues that are rich in collagen. Patients often come to medical 
mal metabolism within neural elements.110-113 attention with symptoms and signs during the third decade of 
life. Manifestations include ochronotic arthropathy, ocular and 
Gout cutaneous pigmentation, obstruction of the genitourinary tract 
Gout is a metabolic disease that results from the deposition of  by  ochronotic  calculi,  and  cardiovascular  manifestations  as  a 
crystals  of  monosodium  urate  within  joint  spaces  and  cutane- result  of  ochronosis  that  affects  the  aortic  valve.  There  is  no 
ous  structures.114,115  The  crystals  stimulate  production  of  effective management or cure for the condition, and treatment 
interleukin-1  and  other  cytokines  by  monocytes  and  macro- is based on symptomatic therapy.117
phages,  which  leads  to  inflammation  and  tissue  damage. 
Patients with gout invariably have hyperuricemia (serum urate  Otologic Manifestations
level >7 mg/dL). Genetic factors influence the renal clearance  Ochronosis has manifestations in the external ear, and cartilage 
of  uric  acid  and  may  be  involved  in  the  familial  incidence  of  is  a  site  of  predilection  for  the  deposition  of  the  pigment  of 
hyperuricemia and gout. More recent studies have implicated  ochronosis. Blue or mottled-brown macules can appear on the 
loci  on  the  X  chromosome  and  on  chromosome  16  in  the  pinna and in other areas of the head and neck, including the 
pathogenesis  of  hyperuricemia.116  Other  risk  factors  for  gout  nose, buccal mucosa, tonsils, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus.


Infections of the middle ear and mastoid can occur as part of 
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES the clinical spectrum of congenital and acquired immunodefi-
The ear may be a target organ in several systemic (non–organ- ciency  disorders.  Occasionally,  otologic  manifestations  may 
specific)  diseases  thought  to  be  autoimmune  in  nature  (e.g.,  constitute the presenting feature of the disease.
polyarteritis  nodosa,  relapsing  polychondritis,  Cogan  syn-
drome),  or  it  may  be  the  sole  target  of  an  immune-mediated 
(organ-specific)  inner  ear  process  that  causes  progressive  PRIMARY OR CONGENITAL
SNHL  with  or  without  vestibular  dysfunction.  The  latter  was 
described  by  McCabe,118  although  the  theoretic  concept  was 
proposed by Lehnhardt in 1958.119 Histopathologic findings in  Primary  or  congenital  immunodeficiency  disorders  constitute 
the temporal bone in both groups of disorders are similar and  a diverse group of conditions that can be subdivided into four 
include destruction and degeneration of the inner ear tissues;  broad  categories.  Humoral immunodeficiency disorders  are  char-
scattered  infiltrates  of  lymphocytes,  plasma  cells,  and  macro- acterized  by  the  inability  to  produce  antigen-specific  antibod-
phages; focal or diffuse proliferation of fibrous tissue and bone;  ies. Patients commonly have recurrent and chronic respiratory 
and  a  variable  degree  of  endolymphatic  hydrops.120  The  oto- tract  infections  owing  to  high-grade  extracellular  bacteria, 
logic  manifestations  of  these  diseases  have  been  discussed  in  such as  Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae,  and 
published reviews.121-123 S. pyogenes. Diagnosis is based on the analysis of immunoglob-
ulin subtypes and the assessment of specific antibody produc-
tion. Management is symptomatic with appropriate antibiotics 
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and  replacement  therapy  with  immune  human  serum  globu-
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the brain  lin.  Individual  syndromes  within  the  group  are  classified 
and  spinal  cord.  Most  investigators  believe  that  MS  is  an  according to the type of immunoglobulin (Ig) deficiency, the 
immune-mediated  disorder.  The  incidence  of  MS  is  2  to  150  mode  of  genetic  transmission,  and  the  specific  clinical  fea-
per 100,000 population with a female predominance. Although  tures,  including  X-linked  infantile  agammaglobulinemia 
the  constellation  of  symptoms  is  vast,  the  principal  effects  (Bruton), autosomal-recessive agammaglobulinemia, acquired 
related  to  the  ear  are  hearing  loss,  particularly  loss  of  word  agammaglobulinemia  (common  variable  immunodeficiency), 
recognition  ability,  and  vestibular  symptoms.  It  is  not  clear  X-linked immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM, and selective IgA 
whether  these  symptoms  can  be  attributed  to  peripheral  or  deficiency.
central  auditory  and  vestibular  neural  pathways.124  The  Cellular immunodeficiency disorders  exhibit  partial  or  severe 
studies  of  Hausler  and  Levine125  describe  abnormal  auditory  deficiencies  in  the  function  of  T  lymphocytes.  Patients  with 
brainstem  potentials  in  MS  that  imply  interference  with  the  these  disorders  typically  have  recurrent  infections  owing  to 
ability to make intraaural time discriminations within the audi- intracellular,  low-grade,  opportunistic  pathogens  that  include 
tory CNS.125 viruses, fungi, protozoa, and some bacteria. Diagnosis is based 
Ward and colleagues126 presented a case report of a 48-year  on quantitative and qualitative tests of T-cell function, and an 
old  woman  with  MS  in  which  the  temporal  bones  and  CNS  associated deficiency of antibody production is often present. 
pathology  were  available  for  study.  Although  the  patient  had  Syndromes  include  thymic  hypoplasia  (DiGeorge  syndrome), 
no  documented  auditory  symptoms,  she  did  have  a  well- Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, ataxia-telangiectasia, chronic muco-
documented history of vertigo. The inner ear structures, both  cutaneous candidiasis, hyperimmunoglobulinemia E ( Job syn-
auditory and vestibular, were normal, and the vestibular symp- drome), and severe combined immunodeficiency.
tomatology was attributed to plaques within the vestibular path- Disorders of phagocyte function are primarily disorders of neu-
ways in the CNS. trophils that leave patients vulnerable to pyogenic bacterial or 
fungal infections of varying severity and chronicity. This group 
includes  neutropenia,  which  may  be  inherited  or  acquired;  if 
SUSAC SYNDROME severe, it can cause fulminant sepsis, chemotactic defects that 
Susac  syndrome  is  considered  to  be  a  microangiopathy  that  result in pyogenic respiratory infections, and microbicidal dis-
affects  the  brain,  retina,  and  cochlea.127  Symptoms  include  orders  such  as  chronic  granulomatous  disease  and  Chédiak-
encephalopathy,  visual  defects  as  a  result  of  branch  retinal  Higashi  syndrome.  Therapy  includes  antibiotics,  neutrophil 
artery  occlusion,  and  SNHL.  The  pattern  of  hearing  loss  transfusions, and bone marrow transplantation.
varies considerably and may be rapid or progressive; a low-tone  Complement system defects include deficiencies of the individ-
audiometric  predominance  is  common.  Magnetic  resonance  ual components or of the regulatory proteins, and all comple-
imaging  shows  supratentorial  lesions  of  the  white  matter  ment  defects  are  inherited  (generally  autosomal  recessive). 
and  involvement  of  the  corpus  callosum.  Treatment  includes  Clinical features vary with the type of defect and include recur-
immunosuppressive  therapy  and,  if  indicated,  cochlear  rent Neisseria infections (C5, C6, C7, and C9 deficiency), recur-
implantation.128 rent  staphylococcal  infections  (C3b  inactivator  deficiency), 
Temporal  bone  findings  in  a  case  of  Susac  syndrome  have  lupuslike  syndromes  (C1,  C4,  and  C2  deficiency),  and  angio-
recently been published.129 The patient in this report, a 51-year- edema (C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency). Management of these 
old  woman,  had  bilateral  low-frequency  SNHL.  Findings  on  is symptomatic and supportive.
magnetic  resonance  imaging  were  consistent  with  Susac  syn- Major advances have been made in the understanding of the 
drome. Temporal bone histopathology consisted of widespread  genetic basis and molecular mechanisms of immunodeficiency 
degeneration  within  the  apical  portion  of  both  cochleae  and  disorders.130,131 As a result, most of the more than 100 primary 
included the inner and outer hair cells, tectorial membranes,  immunodeficiency  diseases  can  be  diagnosed  by  molecular 
stria  vascularis,  spiral  ligament,  and  spiral  limbus.  Capillary  techniques. These molecular approaches have also resulted in 
occlusion  within  the  stria  vascularis  was  also  evident,  and  in  significant insight into the pathophysiology of the various con-
contrast, the cochlear neurons were normal in appearance. No  ditions, which has permitted early diagnosis of many of these 
evidence of endolymphatic hydrops was found, and the vestibu- conditions by neonatal screening of umbilical cord blood. The 
lar end organs were normal. immunodeficiency syndromes have also played a major role in 

the development of human gene therapy, which is being actively  of  cases,  severe  otitis  media  in  20%,  CMV  inclusion-bearing 
pursued in many centers. cells in the inner and middle ears in 24%, labyrinthine crypto-
coccosis  in  8%,  and  Kaposi  sarcoma  deposits  in  the  eighth 
Otologic Manifestations cranial  nerve  in  4%.  They  concluded  that  the  ear  is  no  less 
Otologic  disease  has  been  described  in  all  four  categories  of  susceptible  to  AIDS-associated  diseases  than  any  other  organ 
immunodeficiency disorders. Humoral immune defects result  and  that  it  is  particularly  prone  to  CMV  infection.  The  spec-
in  recurrent  and  persistent  acute  and  serous  otitis  media.  trum  of  otologic  manifestations  and  their  pathophysiologic 
Chronic  suppurative  otitis  media  and  its  attendant  complica- mechanisms in AIDS is most likely to expand as more clinical 
tions may develop and is often refractory to medical and surgi- and histopathologic data accrue.
cal therapy.132,133 A subgroup consists of children with selective 
IgG subclass 2 deficiency, who have been shown to be suscep-
tible  to  recurrent  episodes  of  otitis  media.134  DiGeorge  syn- GENETICALLY DETERMINED
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and inner ears with conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing  Numerous  syndromic  disorders  secondary  to  genetic  defects 
losses135;  a  high  incidence  of  Mondini  dysplasia  is  also  seen  may have otologic manifestations that consist of hearing loss or 
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defects,136  microbicidal  disorders  (chronic  granulomatous  mutations in mitochondrial genes, or chromosomal abnormali-
disease),137 and complement system defects.138 ties. Such disorders are beyond the scope of this chapter, and 
the reader is referred to Chapter 147 or other sources.147
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Sensorineural Hearing 150 
Loss in Adults
H. Alexander Arts

Key Points
■ Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is one of the most common clinical disorders and is associated
with a multitude of etiologies.
■ Because of the wide range of genetic, infectious, vascular, neoplastic, traumatic, toxic, iatrogenic,
degenerative, and immunologic and inflammatory pathologies that can affect the cochlea, a
systematic approach to assessment is crucial to identification of the responsible etiology.
Audiologic, serologic, radiologic, and blood chemistry testing can be used strategically for a
cost-effective approach to diagnosis of SNHL.
■ SNHL results from cochlear hair cell or auditory nerve dysfunction. Psychophysical abnormalities
that result from impaired auditory physiology combine to challenge effective listening.
■ Sudden SNHL is a clinical syndrome with a lengthy differential diagnosis. Prompt assessment and
management of sudden SNHL may offer the opportunity to reverse or ameliorate the hearing loss
using more recently developed therapeutic protocols.

S ensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is an extremely common  for  associated  symptoms  such  as  tinnitus,  vertigo,  dysequilib-

disorder,  and  it  has  a  spectrum  of  effect  that  ranges  from  an  rium,  otalgia,  otorrhea,  or  headache,  and  ophthalmologic  or 
almost undetectable degree of disability to a profound altera- neurologic complaints should be sought. A sensation of aural 
tion  in  the  ability  to  function  in  society.  Because  its  onset  is  fullness or pressure may be present and may be the patient’s only 
often  insidious,  and  because  it  is  frequently  accompanied  by  complaint.
subtle compensatory strategies, hearing loss is often overlooked  A thorough medical history should be obtained with particu-
by physicians and patients. The auditory system is complex, and  lar attention to cardiovascular, rheumatologic, endocrine, neu-
it depends on the performance of many different systems for  rologic, and renal disorders and to any exposure to potentially 
its  continued  function.  Normal  hearing  function  depends  on  ototoxic  drugs.  Surgical  history  should  be  evaluated,  and  a 
the  mechanical  integrity  of  the  middle  ear  mechanism  and  history  of  skull  trauma,  penetrating  trauma  to  the  ear  canal, 
cochlear  duct,  micromechanical  and  cellular  integrity  of  the  and compressive force applied to the ear canal (e.g., slap injury) 
organ of Corti, homeostasis of the inner ear biochemical and  should be queried. The patient’s history of exposure to noise, 
bioelectric environment, and adequate function of the central  occupational  and  otherwise,  should  be  specifically  addressed. 
nervous system (CNS) pathways and nuclei. These depend on  The type of noise, its estimated level, duration of exposure, and 
normal vascular, hematologic, metabolic, and endocrine func- use of hearing protection should be documented; patients and 
tion.  As  a  result,  disease  of  almost  any  human  physiologic  physicians  often  underestimate  the  importance  of  a  patient’s 
system has the potential to affect auditory function. occupational  noise  exposure  and  avocational  exposures,  such 
This  chapter  addresses  the  clinical  evaluation,  differential  as hunting and power tool use. Finally, family history with regard 
diagnosis, natural history, and pathogenesis of SNHL in adults,  to hearing loss is particularly important and often overlooked.
and it provides a systematic review of the broad array of etiolo-
gies  of  SNHL.  Inevitably,  some  overlap  will  occur  with  other 
chapters in this text, and in these cases, the reader is referred 
elsewhere for a more detailed discussion. Physical examination of the ears in patients with SNHL is often 
unrevealing.  The  whisper  test  and  tuning  fork  testing  can  be 
used to estimate the degree of hearing loss and to determine 
CLINICAL EVALUATION OF THE whether the loss is predominantly conductive or sensorineural. 
PATIENT WITH HEARING LOSS With the exception of these findings, no abnormality generally 
is  seen  in  patients  with  SNHL.  Otoscopic  examination  of  the 
HISTORY ears  should  exclude  the  possibility  of  acute  or  chronic  otitis 
Evaluation of patients with sudden SNHL begins with a careful  media  (OM).  Neoplasm  within  the  middle  ear  may  rarely  be 
history. The degree of loss from the patient’s perspective should  noted. Pulsatile tinnitus may be heard by the examiner with a 
be assessed, which includes its laterality (unilateral or bilateral)  standard  or  Toynbee  stethoscope.  Other  cranial  nerve  abnor-
and  chronicity  (sudden  onset,  rapidly  progressive,  slowly  pro- malities and stigmata of associated systemic disease or heredi-
gressive, fluctuating, or stable). Patients should be questioned  tary abnormalities should be specifically sought. The nonotologic 


portion  of  the  physical  examination  is  more  likely  to  reveal  emission. If the stimulus consists of continuous pure tones of 
positive findings. two separate frequencies (F1 and F2), the resulting emission is a 
continuous  tone  of  frequency  (2F1-F2)  and  is  termed  a 
distortion product otoacoustic emission. OAEs are clearly generated 
AUDIOMETRIC TESTING within  the  cochlea  and  are  believed  to  be  a  byproduct  of  the 
Only a brief discussion of audiometric testing is presented here.  “cochlear amplifier,” which is dependent on outer hair cell func-
Conventional audiometric testing is discussed more thoroughly  tion. They depend highly on the physiologic state of the cochlea 
in Chapter 133, and electrophysiologic testing is addressed in  and,  if  present,  suggest  normal  cochlear  function.  OAEs  are 
Chapter 134. rarely  present  with  hearing  thresholds  greater  than  30 dB 
Audiometric testing serves to verify and quantify the degree  hearing loss regardless of etiology. In addition, for an OAE to be 
of hearing loss. Air conduction, bone conduction, and speech  present, the middle ear mechanism must be functioning nor-
audiometry and  tympanometry  measurements  constitute  the  mally, because the stimulus and the response must traverse the 
minimum test battery in patients with suspected SNHL. Bone- middle ear. The presence of an OAE in an ear with SNHL sug-
conduction and air-conduction pure tone audiometry helps to  gests  a  retrocochlear  etiology  or  possible  pseudohypacusis. 
determine the type of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural,  Because these etiologies are extremely rare in neonates, OAEs 
or mixed. Speech audiometry verifies the pure tone audiomet- also have been useful in neonatal hearing screening programs.
ric  results.  Speech  discrimination  testing  with  assessment  of 
the performance-intensity function helps to define further the 
nature  of  the  SNHL  (cochlear  vs.  retrocochlear)  and  pro-
vides  essential prognostic information regarding the potential  Vestibular testing can be a useful adjunct in the evaluation of 
benefits  of  amplification.  Tympanometry  with  acoustic  reflex  SNHL  in  selected  patients.  Evidence  of  ipsilateral  peripheral 
testing  verifies  the  conductive  or  sensorineural  nature  of  the  vestibular hypofunction in a patient with unilateral progressive 
hearing  loss  and  provides  additional  clues  regarding  etiology.  SNHL suggests the presence of a retrocochlear lesion.
Tympanometry can be especially helpful in excluding the pos-
sibility  of  a  conductive  component  in  patients  with  profound 
losses or bilateral losses in the presence of a masking dilemma.
Basic  audiologic  tests  also  can  provide  essential  diagnostic  Laboratory  testing  rarely  proves  to  be  helpful  in  determining 
clues  as  to  whether  SNHL  is  cochlear  or  retrocochlear  in  the etiology of SNHL. In most patients, either the fluorescent 
origin. By retrocochlear, we mean a lesion proximal to the cochlea,  treponemal antibody absorption test or the microhemaggluti-
the  most  common  retrocochlear  lesion  being  vestibular  nation test for Treponema pallidum should be obtained, because 
schwannoma.  The  examiner  should  have  a  high  degree  of  the  prevalence  of  syphilis  is  relatively  high,  it  is  frequently 
suspicion  for  retrocochlear  etiologies  when  loss  is  asymmet- asymptomatic, it is important to manage, and it is a potentially 
ric,  speech discrimination is abnormally reduced or asymmet- treatable cause of SNHL. The Venereal Disease Research Labo-
ric, performance-intensity relationships (“rollover”) on speech  ratory  test  is  not  helpful  in  this  regard,  because  it  frequently 
discrimination testing is abnormal, or abnormalities in acous- becomes  negative  with  inadequate  management  in  the  latent 
tic reflex  are  apparent.  Other  cranial  nerve  findings,  asym- phase  of  the  disease  or  in  neurosyphilis.  Routinely  obtaining 
metric  tinnitus, or vestibular complaints—even if mild—should  hematologic, metabolic, and endocrine studies does not seem 
increase the level of suspicion. to be necessary or cost-effective. Similarly, routine screening for 
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing is useful in eval- autoimmune  disorders  does  not  seem  warranted.  If  these  dis-
uating the possibility of a retrocochlear etiology and for estab- orders are clinically significant, they typically are apparent from 
lishing  thresholds  in  difficult-to-test  patients  (young  children  the  history  and  physical  examination.  In  addition,  no  clear 
or malingerers). In the past, the ABR was believed to be a highly  relationship is apparent between the results of any of these tests 
sensitive test for the presence of a retrocochlear lesion. It is less  and the presence of autoimmune hearing loss.
commonly used in this role today because of reduced sensitivity 
in patients with small vestibular schwannomas, tumors readily 
detected with the high accuracy offered by magnetic resonance 
imaging (MRI).1-3 New modifications of the ABR may increase  Radiographic  imaging  is  warranted  in  selected  patients  with 
this study’s sensitivity.4 SNHL.  MRI  with  gadolinium  enhancement  is  currently  the 
Electrocochleography  differs  from  ABR  testing  in  that  the gold  standard  in  evaluating  potential  retrocochlear  hearing 
reference electrode is placed closer to the cochlea (on or close  losses.  The  role  of  MRI  versus  ABR  testing  in  this  regard  is 
to the tympanic membrane or promontory). This allows mea- controversial. It is clear, however, that MRI with gadolinium is 
surement of the cochlear microphonic potential, the summat- much more sensitive than ABR for diagnosis of small lesions.1-3
ing potential, and the auditory nerve action potential. Wave I  Selective  T2-weighted  fast  spin-echo  MRI  may  be  almost  as 
of  the  ABR  corresponds  to  the  action  potential  of  electroco- sensitive  as  gadolinium-enhanced  standard  MRI  and  is  less 
chleography. Approximately two thirds of patients with classic  expensive.7  Computed  tomography  (CT)  is  useful  in  patients 
Meniere disease have an elevated summating potential/action  with suspected labyrinthine anomalies, such as large vestibular 
potential  ratio.  It  is  believed  that  such  a  finding  suggests  the  aqueduct  syndrome  or  Mondini  dysplasia.  CT  may  also  be 
presence  of  endolymphatic  hydrops.5,6  Electrocochleography  useful in patients with suspected labyrinthine fistula or tempo-
can  also  be  useful  in  patients  in  whom  wave  I  of  the  ABR  is  ral bone fractures. High-resolution CT with reformatted images 
weak  or  not  present,  because  the  location  of  the  reference  in the plane of, and perpendicular to, the semicircular canals 
electrode inherently enlarges wave I. is the study of choice for showing semicircular canal dehiscence 
Otoacoustic  emissions  (OAEs)  consist  of  acoustic  energy  syndrome.8
generated by the cochlea and recorded with a microphone in 
the external auditory canal. These emissions can be spontane- ETIOLOGY OF SENSORINEURAL
ous  in  onset  or,  more  commonly,  they  can  be  evoked  by  an 
acoustic  stimulus  delivered  to  the  ear  canal.  If  the  acoustic 
stimulus consists of a transient sound (a click or tone pip), the  SNHL  is  a  common  clinical  disorder  associated  with  a  multi-
resulting  emission  is  termed  a  transient-evoked  otoacoustic  tude  of  etiologies.  Because  of  the  wide  range  of  genetic, 

deficits.  Three  distinct  groups  have  been  defined:  Type 1

accounts for 85% of all cases and is characterized by profound 
congenital  hearing  loss,  absent  vestibular  response,  and  the 
development of retinitis pigmentosa by the age of 10 years. Type
2 accounts for 10% of cases and is characterized by congenital, 
moderate-to-severe  stable  hearing  loss,  normal  vestibular 
responses,  and  onset  of  retinitis  pigmentosa  in  patients  17  to 
23 years old. Type 3 is typified by progressive hearing loss with 
FIGURE 150-1. Ocular findings in Waardenberg syndrome. Note the dys-
topia canthorum, broad nasal root, confluence of the eyebrows, and hetero-
onset  in  childhood  or  late  adolescence  and  variable  onset  of 
chromia iridis. retinitis pigmentosa. Approximately 5% of patients have type 3 
disease.  The  disease  is  transmitted  in  an  autosomal-recessive 
fashion, and it is estimated that 1 of 100 people is a carrier of 
the trait.
infectious,  vascular,  neoplastic,  traumatic,  toxic,  iatrogenic, 
degenerative, and immunologic and inflammatory pathologies  Inner Ear Anomalies
that can affect the cochlea, a systematic approach to assessment  Many patterns of dysplasia of the inner ear have been described, 
is crucial to identification of the responsible etiology. and  most  have  been  associated  with  SNHL.  These  dysplastic 
patterns  of  development  may  be  inherited,  sporadic,  or  the 
result of chromosomal abnormalities. Commonly used descrip-
DEVELOPMENTAL AND tive terms for these dysplasias include Scheibe dysplasia (cochleo-
HEREDITARY DISORDERS saccular  dysplasia  that  involves  membranous  labyrinth  only), 
Hereditary Disorders of Adult Onset Mondini dysplasia  (dysplasia  of  bony  and  membranous  laby-
rinth), and common cavity deformity (otocystlike labyrinth with no 
The  discussion  of  hereditary  causes  of  hearing  loss  in  this  cochlea  or  clear  vestibular  organs).  Patterns  of  labyrinthine 
chapter  is  limited  to  the  more  common  etiologies  primarily  dysplasias form a spectrum with all manner of anomalies and 
seen in adulthood. Hereditary factors frequently play a role in  patterns of hearing loss.15
SNHL,  and  research  in  this  area  is  expanding  rapidly.  For  a 
complete  categorization  and  review  of  these  disorders,  the  Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome. One form of inner ear 
reader  is  referred  to  the  excellent  and  encyclopedic  work  by  dysplasia is unique, because it has been associated with delayed 
Toriello and colleagues.9 onset of SNHL. An enlarged vestibular aqueduct is commonly 
seen in combination with other inner ear dysplasias, but more 
Nonsyndromic Hereditary Hearing Loss. Most  hereditary  recently, it has been noted as an isolated finding in many ears. 
SNHL  is  not  associated  with  other  hereditary  abnormalities.  These patients may have any level of hearing, from normal to 
Hereditary  hearing  loss  without  associated  abnormalities  is  a  profound  loss.  Frequently,  both  ears  are  affected,  and  the 
much  more  common  than  is  generally  appreciated  and  fre- losses are asymmetric. Fluctuation of hearing is common and 
quently is overlooked. It is likely that genetic factors play a role  usually affects one ear at a time; this may manifest as anacusis 
in  presbycusis  and  in  susceptibility  to  noise-induced  hearing  in one ear with fluctuation in the other. A conductive compo-
loss  (NIHL).10-13  Distinct  patterns  of  hereditary  hearing  loss  nent  to  the  low-frequency  hearing  loss  is  often  evident.  In 
transmitted  in  autosomal-dominant,  autosomal-recessive,  and  patients who have been followed over time, a progressive step-
X-linked fashion have been well described. Recessive or domi- wise  loss  has  been  noted  in  many.15  This  syndrome  has  been 
nant isolated SNHL can be progressive or static, and it may be  found to be familial in some cases, and it probably occurs much 
congenital, with symptoms present at birth, manifest in child- more commonly than generally appreciated.16 It is seen in isola-
hood, or manifest in adulthood. Approximately 90% of inher- tion, as part of the Mondini malformation, and in patients with 
ited SNHL is recessive. branchio-oto-renal  syndrome17  and  Pendred  syndrome.18  It  is 
well  shown  on  high-resolution  CT  imaging  of  the  temporal 
Waardenburg Syndrome. Waardenburg  syndrome  is  transmit- bone (Fig. 150-2).
ted in an autosomal-dominant fashion and consists of a constel-
lation of findings that include 1) dystopia canthorum, or lateral 
displacement  of  the  medial  canthi;  2)  broad  nasal  root;  3) 
confluence of the medial portions of the eyebrows; 4) partial 
or total heterochromia iridis; 5) a white forelock; and 6) SNHL 
(Fig. 150-1). Extreme variability is seen in the expression of this 
disorder, and the hearing loss can vary from profound to none 
at  all.  The  hearing  loss  can  be  unilateral  or  bilateral  and  can 
be associated with vestibular abnormalities.

Alport Syndrome. Alport syndrome is characterized by intersti-

tial  nephritis,  SNHL,  and,  much  less  commonly,  ocular  mani-
festations.14 This disease is unique, because it is more common 
in women but typically is much more severe in men. In the past, 
it has been thought to be transmitted in an autosomal-dominant 
fashion. However, it is now clear that genetic heterogeneity is 
significant.  Hearing  loss  is  progressive  and  variable,  usually 
beginning in the second decade of life. By age 20 to 40 years, 
50% to 75% of men develop end-stage renal failure.
FIGURE 150-2. Computed tomography scan of temporal bone shows large
Usher Syndrome. Usher syndrome consists of the combination  vestibular aqueduct syndrome. Arrow indicates the enlarged vestibular
of  retinitis  pigmentosa  and  SNHL,  with  or  without  vestibular  aqueduct.

healthy  children  or  sudden  deafness  in  adults  may  be  caused 
INFECTIOUS DISORDERS by subclinical mumps infection in individuals without previous 
Infectious disease is a leading cause of SNHL in children and  immunity.
less so in adults. Infectious etiologies that cause SNHL primarily  Cytomegalovirus  (CMV)  infection  is  thought  by  some
in adults are discussed. authors  to  be  a  common  cause  of  congenital  and  progressive 
hearing loss in children.24-27 It has also been proposed to be a 
Labyrinthitis cause of sudden SNHL in adults.28 Hearing loss associated with 
An infectious or inflammatory process within the labyrinth can  acquired  immunodeficiency  syndrome  (AIDS)  may  represent 
take two forms pathologically: serous, sometimes referred to as  reactivation of latent CMV infections.29
toxic, or suppurative. Serous labyrinthitis is defined as an abnor-
mal process within the labyrinth caused by the degradation of  Syphilis
the  tissue-fluid  environment  within  the  inner  ear.19  It  may  be  Congenital or acquired syphilis has been well established as a 
caused by bacterial toxins or contamination of perilymph with  cause  of  SNHL.  Although  hearing  loss  is  not  associated  with 
blood,  products  of  tissue  injury,  or  air  at  surgery.  Bacterial  primary acquired syphilis, its incidence has been estimated to 
toxins  may  enter  the  inner  ear  during  the  course  of  acute  or  be  80%  in  patients  with  symptomatic  neurosyphilis,  29%  in 
chronic OM, presumably through either the oval or the round  patients with asymptomatic neurosyphilis, 25% in patients with 
window membranes. Because both acute and chronic suppura- late latent syphilis, and 17% in patients with congenital syphi-
tive OM are common, and because SNHL associated with either  lis.19  The  mechanism  of  hearing  loss  in  syphilis  is  either  a 
condition is rare, these membranes seem to provide an excel- meningolabyrinthitis, as seen in neurosyphilis, or an osteitis of 
lent barrier to prevent transmission of bacteria or their toxins  the  temporal  bone  with  secondary  involvement  of  the  laby-
to  the  inner  ear.  The  principal  abnormal  finding  in  patients  rinth, as seen in late congenital, late latent, or tertiary syphilis.30
with  serous  labyrinthitis  is  endolymphatic  hydrops,  and  the  Pathologically, a resorptive osteitis is seen in the temporal bone, 
hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction associated with this state  and  progressive  endolymphatic  hydrops  is  noted  within  the 
can be permanent or transient. labyrinth. Clinically, the presentation of syphilitic hearing loss 
Commonly, a clinical diagnosis of labyrinthitis is made when  often is indistinguishable from Meniere disease, with fluctuat-
patients come to medical attention with sudden onset of SNHL  ing hearing loss, tinnitus, aural fullness, and episodic vertigo. 
and  acute  vertigo.  The  exact  etiology  in  cases  such  as  this  is  Hennebert sign, a positive fistula test without middle ear disease, 
uncertain, but it is probably identical or similar to the etiology  and  the  Tullio phenomenon,  which  is  vertigo  or  nystagmus  on 
of  sudden  SNHL.  The  evidence  tends  to  support  the  theory  exposure to high-intensity sound, have been strongly associated 
that this is most commonly caused by a viral labyrinthitis.20,21 with otosyphilis.19 The generally recommended treatment con-
Suppurative labyrinthitis is caused by bacterial invasion of the  sists  of  an  antibiotic  protocol  adequate  for  neurosyphilis  with 
inner  ear,  and  it  is  manifested  by  profound  hearing  loss  and  the addition of systemic corticosteroids.31
acute  vertigo.  The  route  of  invasion  can  be  otogenic,  from 
acute  or  chronic  OM,  most  commonly  caused  by  a  fistula  Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
between  the  middle  ear  and  the  labyrinth.  Alternatively,  the  Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a tick-borne infection caused 
route of invasion can be meningogenic, through the cochlear  by Rickettsia rickettsii. Headache, fever, myalgias, and an expand-
aqueduct or internal auditory canal. This is the most common  ing petechial rash follow the tick bite by approximately 1 week. 
etiology of deafness associated with meningitis. The disease results in systemic vasculitis that leads to encepha-
litis,  nephritis,  and  hepatitis.  Rapidly  progressive  SNHL  has 
Otitis Media been associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever and may be 
SNHL  is  rarely  associated  with  acute  OM,  and  no  study  has  transient.32,33  Vasculitis  that  involves  the  auditory  system  has 
shown  a  relationship  between  SNHL  and  frequency  of  acute  been postulated to be the etiology of the hearing loss. Diagnosis 
OM.22 Patients with long-standing chronic OM commonly have  is made primarily by clinical presentation and is confirmed by 
a  mixed  hearing  loss.  Whether  the  sensorineural  component  serologic titers. Treatment is with broad-spectrum antibiotics.
of this loss is a result of the infectious process itself or a result 
of  other  factors,  such  as  surgery  or  chronic  use  of  ototoxic  Lyme Disease
topical antibiotics, has been a long-standing controversy. When  Lyme  disease  is  a  tick-borne  spirochetal  illness  caused  by  Bor-
controlled for sensorineural losses associated with surgery, no  relia burgdorferi. Although the most well-known otolaryngologic 
increase in SNHL in patients with chronic OM is apparent.23 manifestation  of  the  disease  is  facial  paralysis,  some  evidence 
suggests that the disease can be a cause of SNHL.34-37 Although 
Viral Infections its  true  significance  remains  unclear,  Lyme  disease  should  be 
Herpes  zoster  oticus  is  a  varicella-zoster  virus  infection  most  considered a possible etiology of SNHL in endemic areas.
commonly  associated  with  facial  paralysis  and  a  herpetic  skin 
eruption over the auricle or within the external auditory canal. 
Although facial paralysis is the most frequent finding, hearing  PHARMACOLOGIC TOXICITY
loss and vertigo can occur singly or in combination.
Measles is now rare in the developed world because of wide- Aminoglycosides
spread  vaccination.  In  the  past,  measles  was  a  common  cause  At least 96 different pharmacologic agents have potential oto-
of deafness in children. The hearing loss usually is bilateral and  toxic side effects.38,39 Among these, aminoglycoside antibiotics 
moderate to profound in degree, and vestibular function can  are perhaps the most common offending agents. This group of 
be similarly affected. antibiotics  includes  streptomycin,  dihydrostreptomycin,  kana-
Similar to measles, mumps is uncommon in the developed  mycin, neomycin, amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin, and netilm-
world  because  of  widespread  vaccination.  Mumps  is  a  para- icin. Ototoxic drugs are often also nephrotoxic and vice versa 
myxovirus  infection  that  causes  parotitis.  Complications  of  (aminoglycosides, loop diuretics, potassium bromates, and non-
mumps include orchitis, pancreatitis, SNHL, prostatitis, nephri- steroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]). Alport syndrome, 
tis,  myocarditis,  and  meningoencephalitis.  SNHL  resulting  described  earlier,  is  a  hereditary  disorder  that  affects  the 
from  mumps  is  unique,  because  it  is  almost  always  unilateral.  kidneys and the inner ear, and associated developmental disor-
Bilateral involvement is rare. Unilateral deafness in otherwise  ders  result  in  renal  and  inner  ear  abnormalities.  The  strong 

association between pathology of the renal and auditory systems  was available.51 Other ingredients of older ototopical prepara-
has not been well explained. tions also have ototoxic potential (e.g., polymyxin B, propylene 
Aminoglycosides target the hair cells and enter the hair cell  glycol, acetic acid, and antifungal agents).52,53 It seems prudent 
in an energy-dependent process. The end result is death of the  to use only agents specifically designed and approved for use in 
hair  cell.  The  reader  is  referred  to  excellent  reviews  of  the  the middle ear for treatment of chronic otitis.
current  understanding  of  the  mechanism  of  aminoglycoside 
ototoxicity  (see  Chapter  154).40-42  The  final  common  pathway  Loop Diuretics
of hair cell damage consists of the generation of reactive oxygen  The loop diuretics ethacrynic acid, bumetanide, and furosemide 
species. Different aminoglycosides have affinities for differing  exert their diuretic effect by blocking sodium and water reab-
groups of  hair  cells,  which  result  in  different  patterns  of  oto- sorption in the proximal portion of the loop of Henle. The use 
toxicity  with  different  aminoglycosides.  Kanamycin,  tobramy- of these drugs has been associated with a reversible SNHL and 
cin,  amikacin,  neomycin,  and  dihydrostreptomycin  are  more  with the potentiation of aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. 
cochleotoxic than vestibulotoxic. Others, such as streptomycin  The loss typically is bilateral and symmetric and may be sudden 
and  gentamicin,  are  more  vestibulotoxic  than  cochleotoxic.  in onset.54,55 These drugs seem to alter metabolism in the stria 
In  addition,  the  time  course  of  the  toxicity  can  vary.39  Neo- vascularis, which results in alteration of endolymphatic ion con-
mycin  toxicity  is  typically  rapid  and  profound,  whereas  a  centration and endocochlear potential.56 Risk factors for loop 
significant delayed effect has been noted for systemically admin- diuretic–induced  ototoxicity  include  renal  failure,  rapid  infu-
istered streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, tobramycin, amika- sion, and concomitant aminoglycoside administration.57
cin, and netilmicin and for gentamicin administered through 
the middle ear.43 Antimalarials
The hearing loss may be unilateral or asymmetric and can  Quinine has long been known to be associated with the devel-
progress during or after cessation of therapy. Some degree of  opment of tinnitus, SNHL, and visual disturbances.58 The drug, 
reversibility of  the  hearing  loss  sometimes  is  noted  weeks  to  derived  from  the  bark  of  the  cinchona  tree,  has  a  colorful 
months after treatment.39 Protective agents, including antioxi- history  as  an  antipyretic.  It  was  dispensed  by  quacks  and  in 
dants,  show  promise  for  preventing  or  reducing  aminoglyco- secret  remedies  in  the  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  centuries. 
side  toxicity.  More  recently,  the  use  of  salicylates  has  been  The  syndrome  of  tinnitus,  headache,  nausea,  and  disturbed 
proposed.44  A  placebo-controlled  clinical  trial  in  China  has  vision  is  termed  cinchonism.  Larger  doses  may  cause  a  more 
shown a beneficial effect from the use of aspirin during amino- severe form of the syndrome, which also includes gastrointesti-
glycoside administration.45 nal,  CNS,  cardiovascular,  and  dermatologic  manifestations. 
Well-defined risk factors for aminoglycoside-induced ototox- Quinine is used as an adjunct in the treatment of malaria and 
icity  have  been  established  and  include  1)  presence  of  renal  nocturnal leg cramps.59 The ototoxic effect of quinine seems to 
disease;  2)  longer  duration  of  therapy;  3)  increased  serum  be  primarily  on  hearing  and  usually  is  transient.  Permanent 
levels (either peak or trough levels); 4) advanced age; and 5)  hearing loss may occur with large doses or in sensitive patients. 
concomitant  administration  of  other  ototoxic  drugs,  particu- Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are currently used anti-
larly  loop  diuretics.  Peak  and  trough  serum  levels  should  be  malarial  drugs  structurally  related  to  quinine.  They  have  also 
routinely  monitored  when  these  drugs  are  being  used,  and  been  associated  with  ototoxicity  and  retinopathy.  Ototoxicity 
particular  attention  should  be  paid  to  avoidance  of  dosing  with these drugs seems to be rare and possibly reversible.60,61
intervals that are too short. With the more recent increased use 
of prolonged home-based intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy,  Salicylates
an increase in ototoxic complications has been noted, possibly  Aspirin and other salicylates are strongly associated with tinni-
a  result  of  reduced  attentiveness  to  serum  levels  and  dosing  tus and reversible SNHL. The hearing loss is dose dependent 
intervals. and  can  be  in  the  moderate-to-severe  range.  On  discontinua-
tion of the drug, hearing returns to normal within 72 hours.58 
Ototopical Preparations. Topical  preparations  that  contain  Tinnitus consistently occurs at a dose of 6 to 8 g/day of aspirin 
neomycin,  gentamicin,  and  tobramycin  have  long  been  used  and at lower doses in some patients.62,63 Caloric responses also 
directly in the ear for treatment of otitis externa and chronic  can be reduced by salicylates.64 The site of the ototoxic effect 
OM. Placement of aminoglycosides within a healthy middle ear  seems  to  be  at  the  level  of  basic  cochlear  mechanics,  as  evi-
space frequently results in cochlear or vestibular ototoxicity as  denced by SNHL, loss of OAEs, reduced cochlear action poten-
shown  in  experimental  animals  and  in  patients.  This  effect  is  tials, and alteration of the “tips” of auditory nerve fiber tuning 
now  used  to  perform  a  titrated  chemical  labyrinthectomy  for  curves.65 These effects may be a result of alteration in turgidity 
patients with Meniere disease.46,47 These same drugs have been  and motility of outer hair cells.66
used  extensively  over  the  years  in  countless  ears  with  chronic 
OM,  with  little  to  no  apparent  clinically  significant  effect  on  Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs
hearing or vestibular function.48,49 Reduced permeability of the  NSAIDs share many of the therapeutic actions and side effects 
inflamed round and oval window membranes, dilution of the  of  salicylates.  Although  there  are  isolated  reports  of  hearing 
toxic  drugs  by  purulent  fluids,  and  increased  absorption  into  loss caused by naproxen,67 ketorolac,68 and piroxicam,69 ototox-
the vascular system by the hyperemic mucosa probably account  icity as a result of NSAID use is generally rare compared with 
for this decreased toxicity in the presence of OM. ototoxicity of salicylates.58,70 Similar to salicylates, animal models 
It is clear, however, that use of aminoglycosides in the middle  of NSAID ototoxicity show only reversible physiologic changes 
ear does cause significant and predictable cochlear and vestibu- without major morphologic changes. Two large epidemiologic 
lar toxicity in animals.50 Based on this toxicity, and on the now  studies have shown an increased risk of hearing loss related to 
widespread effective use of aminoglycosides to create a chemical  acetaminophen and ibuprofen use in both men and women.71,72 
labyrinthectomy, it is now generally regarded as unwise to use  The  increased  risk  appears  to  be  both  dose  and  duration 
topical aminoglycoside antibiotics for treatment of OM. In 2004,  dependent and is greater in younger subjects.
the  American  Academy  of  Otolaryngology–Head  and  Neck 
Surgery convened a consensus panel, which after careful review  Analgesics and Analgesic/Narcotic Compounds
of the literature recommended against the use of aminoglyco- The  first  report  of  SNHL  associated  with  analgesic  abuse  was 
sides  in  topical  form  in  the  middle  ear  unless  no  alternative  with  propoxyphene  in  1978.73  Subsequently,  acetaminophen/

hydrocodone abuse was found to be associated with SNHL in  histologic data suggest that the lesion site in erythromycin tox-
2000.74,75  The  hearing  loss  was  severe  to  profound  in  the  vast  icity is the stria vascularis.94
majority of patients. All of the patients were using large amounts 
of the drug, but the duration and frequency was quite variable.  Cisplatin and Carboplatin
In the majority of the reports, the progression of hearing loss  Cisplatin  (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum)  is  a  cell  cycle–
was  usually  rapid  and usually,  but  not  universally,  bilateral.  nonspecific cancer  chemotherapeutic  agent  that  produces 
These patients have generally responded very well to cochlear  dose-limiting  SNHL  and  peripheral  neuropathy  and  a  dose-
implantation, which suggests a cochlear etiology of the hearing  related cumulative renal toxicity, hematologic toxicity, and gas-
loss. Since then, a number of reports have been published of  trointestinal  toxicity.95  The  incidence  of  hearing  loss  varies  in 
SNHL associated with various narcotic-analgesic compounds as  adults  (25%  to  86%)  and  children  (84%  to  100%),  and  chil-
well  as  street  narcotics.76-81  The  mechanism  of  SNHL  in  these  dren seem to be significantly more susceptible to ototoxicity.96
patients  is  unclear,  but  it  is  likely  multifactorial.  One  study  The  hearing  loss  initially  is  worse  at  high  frequencies  and  is 
points  to  acetominophen  as  the  probable  ototoxic  agent  in  bilateral and irreversible. It occasionally is accompanied by tin-
acetaminophen/hydrocodone–associated hearing loss.82 nitus or vertigo. The degree of hearing loss is dose related, but 
variability is considerable. Occasionally, severe hearing loss can 
Phospodiesterase-5 Inhibitors occur  after  a  single  dose.97  If  ultra–high-frequency  hearing  is 
The  phosphodiesterase-5  (PDE-5)  inhibitors  sildenafil,  varde- tested, 100% of patients show a loss. Many factors influence this 
nafil, and tadalafil are widely used agents for the treatment of  variability, including mode of drug administration, tumor site, 
erectile  dysfunction.  More  recently,  they  have  also  shown  age,  renal  function,  diet,  cranial  irradiation,  interaction  with 
some utility in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. These  aminoglycosides  and  loop  diuretics,  preexisting  hearing  loss, 
drugs  block  the  degradative  action  of  PDE-5  on  nitric  oxide– cumulative dose, and total dose per treatment.95,98,99
activated  cyclic  gaunosine  monophosphate  in  the  smooth  Carboplatin is a cisplatin analogue with a similar spectrum 
muscle cells of the vasculature of the corpus cavernosum. Mild  of antineoplastic activity. Carboplatin is less nephrotoxic than 
side effects are common and include flushing, headache, nasal  cisplatin.  Myelosuppression  is  the  dose-limiting  toxicity  with 
congestion, and visual disturbances. In 2007, a case of bilateral,  carboplatin.  It  was  initially  thought  that  carboplatin  was  less 
sudden, severe SNHL was reported in a man after daily use of  ototoxic  than  cisplatin,  although  more  recent  studies  have 
sildenafil for 15 days.83 Following this report, a U.S. Food and  shown higher rates of ototoxicity than initially appreciated. In 
Drug  Administration  investigation  discovered  29  reports  of  a series of children, high-dose carboplatin therapy was associ-
sudden  hearing  loss  in  patients  taking  PDE-5  inhibitors.  ated with a very high rate of ototoxicity.100
Maddox and colleagues84 reviewed these cases and added two  Cisplatin and carboplatin ototoxicity seems to be due to the 
additional cases. The loss was usually unilateral and partial, and  creation  of  reactive  oxygen  species  within  the  inner  ear  that 
complete recovery was seen in one third of patients. A second  target  the  hair  cells.  Cisplatin  results  in  greater  outer  than 
study that reviewed worldwide databases came to approximately  inner hair cell damage, whereas carboplatin seems to affect the 
the  same  conclusions.85  Although  plausible  causative  mecha- inner hair cells preferentially.101
nisms  have  been  postulated,  whether  a  causative  relationship 
exists between PDE-5 inhibitor use and sudden SNHL is impos- Nitrogen Mustards
sible to know with certainty, given the presently available data. Nitrogen mustards are antineoplastic agents that include mech-
lorethamine,  chlorambucil,  cyclophosphamide,  melphalan, 
Vancomycin and ifosfamide. Of these drugs, only mechlorethamine has oto-
Vancomycin generally is believed to be ototoxic, but the avail- toxicity as a serious adverse effect, and it has limited usefulness 
able data are difficult to evaluate.86 In clinical reports of vanco- today  because  of  its  severe  toxic  profile.  Animal  and  human 
mycin  ototoxicity,  patients  almost  always  also  received  loop  studies with mechlorethamine ototoxicity have revealed severe 
diuretics or aminoglycosides. Vancomycin has been associated  loss  of  outer  hair  cells.70  Other  studies  have  shown  shrinkage 
with ototoxicity when administered intravenously but not when  of the organ of Corti and loss of inner and outer hair cells.102
given  orally.  Auditory  impairment  has  been  reported  to  be 
transient or permanent and is extremely unusual if serum con- Vincristine and Vinblastine
centrations  are  less  than  30 mg/mL.  In  animals,  vancomycin  The vinca alkaloids vincristine and, to a lesser extent, vinblas-
ototoxicity  does  not  occur,  unless  toxic  levels  are  adminis- tine are notable for their potent neurotoxicity. Peripheral neu-
tered.87  Vancomycin  is  nephrotoxic  and  is  excreted  by  the  ropathy  is  common,  and  cranial  neuropathies,  ataxia,  and 
kidneys; therefore renal failure can prolong vancomycin half- hearing  loss  have  been  reported.  Vincristine  has  been  shown 
life and can increase the likelihood of ototoxicity. Ototoxicity  in  animals  to  cause  loss  of  hair  cells  and  primary  auditory 
and nephrotoxicity are reputed to be less common with newer,  neurons, whereas vinblastine has been shown to result in only 
more purified formulations of vancomycin.88 When given orally  hair cell loss.95
or  in  appropriate  IV  doses,  vancomycin  ototoxicity  seems  to 
be  very  rare,  but  vancomycin  may  potentiate  other  ototoxic  Eflornithine
drugs.89,90  One  case  of  severe,  irreversible  hearing  loss  associ- Eflornithine (difluoromethylornithine) is a potent inhibitor of 
ated  with  intrathecal  administration  of  vancomycin  has  been  ornithine decarboxylase and is very effective in the treatment 
reported.91 of trypanosomiasis. It also has proven useful in some patients 
with  Pneumocystis carinii  pneumonia,  cryptosporidiosis,  leish-
Erythromycin maniasis, and malaria. And although it has shown potential as 
Numerous case reports document SNHL associated with eryth- an  antineoplastic  agent,  eflornithine  has  been  reported  to 
romycin  administration.92  In  almost  all  reports,  the  drug  was  cause major and dose-related SNHL.103
given intravenously rather than orally. The hearing loss seems 
to be uncommon, and in most cases the patient recovers within  Deferoxamine
1 to 3 weeks after the drug is stopped. The risk of erythromycin  Deferoxamine is an iron-chelating agent used in some patients 
ototoxicity seems to be greater in patients with renal or hepatic  with  chronic  iron  overload  or  acute,  severe  iron  intoxication. 
insufficiency. Ototoxicity associated with the newer macrolide  However, auditory and visual neurotoxicity have been reported 
antibiotic  azithromycin  has  also  been  reported.93  Limited  with its use, particularly with larger doses in younger patients. 

SNHL  is  reversible  in  some  patients  when  the  dosage  is  10
Lipid-Lowering Drugs 10 50 {
Although  optic  and  vestibulocochlear  nerve  degeneration 

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI, 1989)

(wallerian-like  degeneration)  have  been  seen  in  dogs  given  20 Years of
high doses  of  3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme  A  (HMG- 95 { Exposure
CoA)  reductase  inhibitors,  no  clinically  significant  effect  on  20
vision or hearing has been found. 40
Numerous  genetic  causes  of  SNHL  are  associated  with  renal 
70 90 dBA
abnormalities,  and  Alport  syndrome  is  the  most  well  recog-
nized.9  Acquired  renal  disorders  have  an  unclear  association  80 20
with  SNHL.  Chronic  renal  failure,  especially  when  managed 
with  hemodialysis  or  renal  transplantation,  has  been  associ- 90
ated  with progressive, fluctuating, or sudden SNHL. Oda and  100
coworkers105  found  that  15%  of  290  hemodialysis  and  renal 
transplantation patients developed SNHL. The etiology of the  110
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
SNHL is difficult to determine precisely and probably is multi-
Frequency (Hz)
factorial.  In  addition  to  the  electrolyte  and  metabolic  abnor-
malities caused by the renal failure and subsequent hemodialysis,  FIGURE 150-3. Predicted hearing thresholds (median and extreme values)
these patients typically receive frequent doses of loop diuretics,  after 20 years and 40 years of occupational noise exposure at 90 dBA. ANSI,
aminoglycoside  antibiotics,  and  vancomycin.  Because  of  the  American National Standards Institute. (From Dobie RA. Medical-legal evalua-
tion of hearing loss. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1993.)
altered  pharmacodynamics  of  these  drugs  caused  by  renal 
failure, their ototoxic potential is increased.

TRAUMA produces a temporary SNHL that recovers over the next 24 to 
48 hours. This reversible loss is termed a temporary threshold shift
Head Injury (TTS). If the noise is of high enough intensity or is repeated 
Blows to the head can cause labyrinthine injury and resultant  often  enough,  a  permanent  loss  of  hearing  results,  which  is 
SNHL,  either  directly,  through  fracture  of  the  labyrinth  as  a  referred to as a permanent threshold shift (PTS). Two distinct types 
result of temporal bone fracture, or indirectly, through labyrin- of hearing loss are caused by excessive noise exposure: NIHL 
thine  concussion.  The  most  common  type  of  temporal  bone  and acoustic trauma. NIHL is caused by repeated exposures to 
fracture, longitudinal fracture, uncommonly extends through  sound that is too intense or too long in duration. Each expo-
the  labyrinth.  The  hearing  loss  associated  with  longitudinal  sure is followed by a TTS, which recovers, but eventually a PTS 
fractures  typically  is  similar  to  that  of  acoustic  trauma  (i.e.,  develops.  Acoustic  trauma  consists  of  a  single  exposure  to  a 
limited to the high frequencies and worse at 4 kHz). Similarly,  hazardous level of noise that results in a PTS without an inter-
blunt head injury alone, without temporal bone fracture, can  current TTS.
result in concussive injury of the labyrinth, which can result in  NIHL almost always results in a symmetric, bilateral hearing
SNHL. Transverse fractures almost always traverse the labyrinth  loss;  it  almost  never  results  in  a  profound  loss.  Early  in  the 
and result in complete loss of auditory and vestibular function.  course of NIHL, the loss usually is limited to the 3, 4, and 6 kHz 
Penetrating  injuries  to  the  inner  ear  are  rare,  but  they  most  range.  The  greatest  loss  usually  occurs  at  4 kHz.  As  the  loss 
commonly involve subluxation of the stapes into the vestibule  progresses, lower frequencies become involved, but the loss at 
with resultant profound SNHL. 3 to 6 kHz is always far worse. The loss progresses most rapidly 
during the first 10 to 15 years of exposure and thereafter grows 
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Acoustic Trauma at a much-reduced rate. Figure 150-3 shows the 50% and 95% 
The fact that excessive noise exposure could cause hearing loss  confidence  limits  for  20-  and  40-year  exposures  to  90 dBA 
was  first  recognized  in  the  eighteenth  century.  In  the  early  sound  (decibel  with  “A”  weighting  that  fully  weights  700  to 
twentieth  century,  noise-induced  hearing  loss  (NIHL)  was  9000 Hz).  Figure  150-4  shows  an  example  of the  rate  of  pro-
termed  “boilermaker’s  deafness.”  Careful  descriptions  of  the  gression  of  NIHL  over  time.  The  International  Organization 
hearing loss sustained in industry would await development of  for Standardization has established standards for determining 
the audiometer and were first published in the 1930s.106 NIHL  and  quantifying  occupational  hearing  loss  and  noise-induced 
is now recognized as one of the most common occupationally  hearing impairment.108
induced disabilities, and noise exposure is now regulated by the  Although other patterns also are seen, the hearing loss from
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).107 acoustic trauma is similar to that from NIHL (i.e., worse at high 
Noise can be defined loosely as “unwanted sound,” and it can  frequencies  with  a  4-kHz  “notch”).  The  other,  most  common 
be subdivided by intensity, time course (continuous, fluctuating,  patterns include flat and downsloping losses. Acoustic trauma 
intermittent, impact, impulse), and spectral content (pure tone,  frequently  is  unilateral  or  asymmetric,  and  considerable  vari-
narrow band, broad band). Impact noise is noise caused by col- ability  is  found  in  hearing  loss  among  subjects  with  identical 
lision of two objects and is common in industry. Impulse noise is  exposure.  Age,  gender,  race,  and  coexisting  vascular  disease 
that resulting from a sudden release of energy, such as an explo- have been  carefully  studied,  and  when  adequately  controlled 
sion or weapon fire. for  other  factors,  they  have  not  been  shown  to  correlate  with 
Hearing  loss  caused  by  noise  is  sensorineural  in  nature. susceptibility  to  NIHL.  An  attractive  theory  suggests  that 
Rarely, extremely intense impulse exposures can result in tym- patients who are more susceptible to TTS would be more sus-
panic  membrane  perforations,  which  adds  a  conductive  com- ceptible to PTS and NIHL, although this has not been shown 
ponent  to  the  hearing  loss.  Most  hazardous  noise  exposure  to  be  the  case.  At  present,  there  is  no  known  way  to  predict 

25 Acquired  perilymphatic  fistulae  can  result  from  barotrau-

Lex (dBA)
mas  or  direct  or  indirect  trauma  to  the  temporal  bone,  or  it 
may arise as a complication of stapedectomy surgery. A typical 
history attributed to perilymphatic fistula consists of the sudden 
20 development  of  SNHL  and  vertigo  after  a  head  injury,  baro-
trauma,  or  heavy  lifting  or  straining.  The  event  is  sometimes 
0.5–1–2–3 kHz NIPTS (dB)

associated with an audible “pop.” Patients may have a positive 
Hennebert  sign  and  positional  nystagmus  when  the  involved 
ear is placed in a dependent position.115 Some authors believe 
that perilymphatic fistulae develop spontaneously.116,117
Diagnosis is made by middle ear exploration. Visualization 
95 of fluid in the region of the oval or round windows is not defini-
tive  evidence  of  a  fistula,  because  serous  fluid  can  ooze  from 
the middle ear mucosa, or lidocaine from the local anesthetic 
can  collect  in  the  vicinity.118,119  Treatment  consists  of  packing 
90 the area in question with tissue. Because of the lack of a defini-
tive  diagnostic  test  for  the  presence  of  a  fistula,  and  because 
85 even surgical exploration does not reliably diagnose or exclude 
the possibility of a fistula, considerable controversy exists with 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
regard to the management of this entity.109,116,120,121 In the 1980s 
and  early  1990s,  it  was  commonly  believed  that  spontaneous 
Duration (years)
perilymphatic fistulae were a common cause of otherwise unex-
FIGURE 150-4. Speech frequency average noise-induced permanent plained hearing loss and vertigo. Many surgical fistula repairs 
threshold shift (NIPTS) as a function of duration and level of exposure (Lex) were performed as a result of this belief. It has since become 
in dBA time-weighted average (TWA). (From Dobie RA. Medical-legal evalua- clear  that  spontaneous  perilymphatic  fistula  is  rare,122  but  no 
tion of hearing loss. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1993.) clear consensus exists regarding diagnosis or management.
Finally, labyrinthine fistula can result from erosion by cho-
lesteatoma, or it may develop spontaneously, as in the superior 
semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome. The reader is referred 
susceptibility  to  NIHL—with  three  exceptions:  1)  conductive  to Chapters 140 and 165 of this book for detailed descriptions 
hearing losses are clearly protective for NIHL in the same way  of these entities.
that earplugs or earmuffs would be; 2) the lack of an acoustic 
reflex  has  been  shown  to  predispose  patients  to  NIHL  (the  Irradiation
protective  effect  of  the  acoustic  reflex  is  primarily  ≤2 kHz)19; The cochlea seems to be resistant to radiation injury at doses 
and 3) patients with an unusually large PTS already should be  less  than  45 Gy.  At  doses  greater  than  45 Gy,  a  clear,  dose-
considered to be more susceptible. TTS and PTS are commonly  dependent  toxicity  manifests  as  hearing  loss.123-125  Radiation 
accompanied  by  tinnitus,  and  tinnitus  after  a  noise  exposure  also seems to cause a dose-dependent toxicity to the auditory 
should be considered a warning sign. nerve  and  brainstem.126  The  latency  period  from  radiation 
A  clinician  can  do  little  in  the  management  of  NIHL  or exposure  to  clinical  hearing  loss  can  be  12  months  or  more. 
acoustic  trauma.  The  primary  role  of  otolaryngologists  and  One  report  notes  that  early-onset  SNHL  after  radiation  can 
audiologists is in prevention and early identification; however,  recover  to  some  degree.127  Fractionated  irradiation  has  been 
many hazardous noise exposures are not occupational in origin,  used  to  a  limited  extent  in  the  past  to  treat  vestibular 
and many employers are either unable or unwilling to provide  schwannoma. Whether it has had an effect on hearing in these 
hearing conservation programs. patients  is  difficult  to  determine  because  of  the  limited  data 
available.128 More recently, the experience with stereotactic irra-
Barotrauma and Perilymphatic Fistula diation  (radiosurgery)  for  vestibular  schwannoma  has  been 
Otitic barotrauma consists of traumatic injury of the tympanic  much more extensive; this modality seems to be associated with 
membrane  and  middle  ear  caused  by  unequalized  pressure  substantial risk of SNHL, at least as high as that with microsurgi-
differentials between the middle and external ears. The injury  cal removal.129
typically occurs during flying or underwater diving and consists  A  relative  paucity  of  published  literature  exists  to  describe 
of pain, hyperemia, possible perforation of the tympanic mem- the experimental effects of radiation on hearing. In a histologic 
brane, and edema and ecchymosis of the middle ear mucosa.  study in chinchillas sacrificed 2 years after fractionated irradia-
These  symptoms  can  be  followed  by  the  development  of  a  tion  of  the  cochlea,  Bohne  and  coworkers130  showed  a  dose-
hemotympanum  or  a  transudative  middle  ear  effusion,  and  dependent  loss  of  inner  and  outer  hair  cells.  Early  studies  of 
conductive hearing loss may result. Any abnormality that results  the  effects  of  radiotherapy  involving  the  cochlea  on  human 
in  compromised  eustachian  tube  function  may  predispose  to  hearing were flawed because of a lack of controls, inadequate 
barotrauma. follow-up, and the retrospective nature of the studies. However, 
A perilymphatic fistula consists of a pathologic communica- many well-designed studies have now shown that radiotherapy 
tion  between  the  perilymphatic  space  of  the  inner  ear  and  involving the cochlea causes SNHL in 50% of patients.123-125,131-133 
middle ear. Perilymphatic fistulae can be congenital or acquired  The  hearing  loss  occurs  in  a  dose-dependent  fashion,  and  it 
and can occur at either the round or the oval window.109 seems  to  increase  significantly  at  doses  greater  than  45 Gy. 
Congenital  defects  can  occur  in  the  stapes  footplate  in Advanced age, preexisting hearing loss, and adjuvant ototoxic 
patients  with  labyrinthine  anomalies  such  as  Mondini  dyspla- chemotherapeutic  agents  are  likely  to  amplify  the  effects  of 
sia.110,111 These fistulae can communicate with the subarachnoid  radiation.  The  hearing  loss  occurs  with  a  latency  of  0.5  to  
space and result in cerebrospinal fluid leak and possible men- 2  years  after  treatment  and  is  probably  progressive.127  This 
ingitis. Typically, these ears have a profound hearing loss. This  delayed  onset,  and  the  fact  that  many  patients  do  not  survive 
phenomenon  should  be  a  consideration  in  the  differential  for  sufficient  follow-up,  results  in  underestimation  of  the  fre-
diagnosis of patients with recurrent meningitis.112-114 quency  and  severity  of  this  complication.  Dose-dependent 

injury to the auditory nerve and brainstem also occurs; however,  understood. The most common presenting symptoms are head-
the frequency in the absence of other neurologic complications  ache  and  visual  blurring,  although  pulsatile  tinnitus,  SNHL, 
is difficult to determine.126 and vertigo also may be present. It is more commonly seen in 
An understanding of the effects of radiation on hearing has  obese women.154,155
become much more clinically relevant more recently because  The pulsatile tinnitus is usually objective and is eliminated 
of the popularity of stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment  by jugular venous compression.156,157 SNHL typically is a fluctu-
of vestibular schwannoma and other similar lesions. Although  ating, low-frequency loss that is unilateral or bilateral. Vertigo 
many  reports  suggest  that  the  risk  of  hearing  loss  is  minimal,  and aural fullness also may be present. The most serious mani-
these studies are limited by 1) their retrospective design, 2) lack  festation  of  the  disorder  is  progressive  visual  loss  caused  by 
of  long-term  follow-up,  and  3)  incomplete  audiologic  charac- optic  atrophy.  The  disease  is  characterized  by  remissions  and 
terization. In addition, it is difficult to compare the studies that  relapses, and diagnosis is confirmed by documentation of pap-
are  available  because  of  differences  in  tumor  size,  radiation  illedema on funduscopy or cerebrospinal fluid pressure greater 
dose,  radiation  field,  technique  of  radiation  administration,  than 200 mm  H2O.  ABR  and  electrocochleography  abnor-
and  follow-up.  A  wealth  of  literature  is  available  on  the  treat- malities can also be seen. Management consists of weight loss, 
ment outcomes after stereotactic radiotherapy; however, almost  acetazolamide, furosemide, and occasionally lumbar-peritoneal 
all  of  them  are  limited  by  one  of  the  above-mentioned  short- shunting.157,158
comings.  More  recent  studies  report  hearing-preservation 
rates,  defined  in  different  ways  and  with  different  follow-up 
periods,  between  36%  and  61%.134-137  The  time  course  of  VASCULAR AND HEMATOLOGIC
hearing loss after stereotactic radiotherapy is poorly character- DISORDERS
ized; however, available data would suggest that the loss is pro-
gressive and that early results may not predict later outcomes. Migraine
Migraine is a common disorder, usually restricted to headache 
NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS and sometimes the neurologic symptoms of an aura. Numerous 
subtypes  of  migraine  are  associated  with  different  neurologic 
Multiple Sclerosis deficits.  Basilar  migraine  has  been  associated  with  numerous 
Multiple  sclerosis  (MS)  is  a  chronic  disease  characterized  auditory  and  vestibular  symptoms  and  signs  that  include  epi-
pathologically by multiple areas of CNS demyelination, inflam- sodic  vertigo,  SNHL,  tinnitus,  aural  fullness,  distortion,  and 
mation,  and  glial  scarring.  The  clinical  course  is  variable  and  recruitment.  Fairly  complex  and  specific  diagnostic  criteria 
ranges from a benign, almost symptom-free disease to a rapidly  have been  established  for  basilar  migraine.159  In  a  series  of 
progressive, disabling disorder. Early in the patient’s course, the  50 patients who met the criteria for basilar migraine, 46% had 
disease is characterized by remissions and relapses. The disease  bilateral low-frequency SNHL, and an additional 34% had uni-
is said to result in dissemination of neurologic lesions in time  lateral  low-frequency  SNHL.160  The  hearing  loss  often  fluctu-
(remissions and relapses) and in space (variability of multiple  ated  and  occasionally  was  severe.  Basilar  migraine  has  been 
deficits). The age at onset is typically between 20 and 30 years,  implicated  as  an  occasional  cause  of  SNHL.  Because  of  their 
and it rarely occurs before age 10 years or after age 60 years.  similarity, considerable speculation is found in the literature of 
MS  is  more  common  in  women  than  in  men.  The  racial  and  an etiologic association between basilar migraine and Meniere 
geographic  differences  in  prevalence  are  striking,  with  the  disease.
disease being most common in whites and in individuals living  Migraine headache can be managed with β-blockers, calcium 
at  higher  latitudes.  The  cause  is  unknown  but  seems  to  be  channel  blockers,  acetazolamide,  NSAIDs,  and  antiserotonin 
related to genetic factors, autoimmune mechanisms, and viral  agents. No systematic study to evaluate the use of these drugs 
infection. in  patients  with  basilar  migraine  is  currently  available.  The 
SNHL develops in 4% to 10% of patients with MS.138,139 The  reader  is  referred  to  the  excellent  reviews  of  Olsson160  and 
hearing loss can be progressive or sudden in onset and can be  Harker161 and to Chapter 165 for a more detailed discussion.
bilateral, unilateral, symmetric, or asymmetric.140-143 Frequently, 
the loss is sudden and unilateral, and it can recover after days  Vertebrobasilar Arterial Occlusion
or  weeks.57,144  Audiometrically,  speech  discrimination  can  be  Several  eponyms  have  been  applied  to  brainstem  syndromes, 
normal or reduced out of proportion to the increase of pure  but  all  apply  to  neoplasms  with  the  exception  of  Wallenberg 
tone thresholds. Abnormal patterns of acoustic reflexes can be  syndrome  (lateral  medullary  syndrome).  Classic  brainstem 
seen  in  some  patients.141,145,146  Abnormalities  of  the  ABR  fre- infarction  patterns  are  seen  less  often  than  incomplete  or 
quently are seen and are a diagnostic criterion for MS. Patterns  mixed clinical pictures. To result in SNHL, the occlusion gener-
of abnormality vary and include latency prolongation of wave  ally has to involve the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). 
I or the later waves, absence or poor morphology of waveforms,  Occlusion  of  the  AICA  results  in  ischemic  infarction  of  the 
and waveform abnormalities with increased stimulus presenta- regions of the brainstem supplied by this artery. The occlusion 
tion  rate.140,143,145,147-149  MRI  is  often  abnormal  in  MS  and  typi- typically results from thrombosis or embolism and, rarely, from 
cally reveals periventricular white matter plaques on T2-weighted  other vascular disorders or surgical occlusion of the vessel. The 
images. Plaques can be seen in the cochlear nucleus or inferior  area infarcted includes the inferior pons, and many of the find-
colliculus in patients with SNHL.150-153 ings are similar to those of Wallenberg syndrome. In addition, 
the AICA usually gives rise to the internal auditory artery, which 
Benign Intracranial Hypertension is the principal blood supply to the labyrinth. The findings in 
Benign intracranial hypertension, also known as pseudotumor cerebri, patients with acute AICA infarction include acute vertigo with 
probably  is  better  termed  idiopathic intracranial hypertension, associated  nausea  and  vomiting,  facial  paralysis,  SNHL,  tinni-
because it is not always benign in nature. The disorder consists  tus,  ipsilateral  gaze  paralysis,  ipsilateral  loss  of  pain  and  tem-
of  increased  intracranial  pressure  without  evidence  of  mass  perature sensation on the face, contralateral partial loss of pain 
lesion,  obstructive  hydrocephalus,  intracranial  infection,  or  and temperature sensation on the trunk and extremities, and 
hypertensive  encephalopathy.  It  is  associated  with  a  long  list  ipsilateral Horner syndrome. The vertigo and hearing loss are 
of  medical  disorders  but  frequently  manifests  as  an  isolated  caused by ischemic injury of the cochlear and vestibular nuclei 
phenomenon.  The  underlying  pathophysiology  is  poorly  in the brainstem and in the labyrinth itself.19 Isolated cerebellar 

infarction  can  result  in  hearing  loss,  vertigo,  facial  pain  or  Polyarteritis Nodosa. Polyarteritis  nodosa  consists  of  a  nec-
numbness, headache, and ataxia.162 rotizing  vasculitis  of  small-sized  and  medium-sized  arteries.  It 
can  manifest  with  myriad  findings  that  include  weight  loss, 
Rheologic Disorders and Blood Dyscrasias fatigue,  fever,  anorexia,  arthritis,  neuropathy,  hypertension, 
Waldenström  macroglobulinemia  is  a  plasma  cell  disorder  in  renal failure, abdominal pain, and SNHL. Diagnosis is made by 
which abnormally large amounts of immunoglobulin M (IgM)  demonstration  of  the  necrotizing  vasculitis  on  a  biopsy  speci-
are  synthesized  and  circulate  in  the  plasma.  The  result  is  men  of  involved  tissue.  SNHL  may  precede  the  development 
increased blood viscosity and subsequent ischemic lesions. Pro- of  systemic  symptoms,  or  it  may  occur  late  in  the  disease. 
gressive and sudden hearing losses caused by this disorder have  Hearing loss may be unilateral or bilateral and is either rapidly 
been reported, and some patients with SNHL have responded  or slowly progressive. Facial paralysis also may be seen. Aggres-
to treatment with alkylating agents or plasmapheresis.163 sive doses of steroids and immunosuppressive drugs are given 
Cryoglobulinemia results from immune-complex disease, in for management.181,182
which  the  resulting  immune  complexes  are  soluble  at  body 
temperature and precipitate at lower temperatures. The depo- Relapsing Polychondritis. Relapsing polychondritis consists of 
sition of these complexes results in glomerulonephritis, vascu- an  inflammatory  reaction  in  multiple  cartilages.  The  auricles 
litis,  and  arthritis.  The  disorder  can  be  associated  with  usually are the first cartilages to be affected, although arthritis 
progressive or sudden SNHL.164 and  eye  findings  are  commonly  present.  The  disorder  fre-
Sickle cell disease is associated with an increased incidence  quently is seen in conjunction with other autoimmune diseases. 
of SNHL,165-167 and it has been estimated that SNHL is present  The  associated  hearing  loss  may  be  conductive,  sensorineu-
in 22% of patients with sickle cell disease.168 The hearing loss  ral,  or  mixed.  SNHL  can  be  sudden  or  progressive  in  onset 
may be progressive or sudden and may be associated with sickle  and  may  be  associated  with  vestibular  disturbances.  Therapy 
cell crises.169-171 Leukemias and lymphomas also have been asso- includes steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or dapsone.183,184
ciated with SNHL caused by either leukemic infiltrates or hem-
orrhage  within  the  inner  ear  or  by  vascular  occlusion  and  Wegener Granulomatosis. Wegener  granulomatosis  is  a  syn-
resulting labyrinthine ischemia.19 drome of necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis that principally 
Cardiopulmonary bypass has been associated with a slightly  involves the lungs, airway, and kidneys. Hearing loss usually is 
increased risk of SNHL.172-174 The loss most often is sudden, but  conductive  because  of  involvement  of  the  eustachian  tube  or 
one  study  suggests  an  increased  incidence  of  bilateral  high- middle ear. SNHL may be present if the granulomatous disease 
frequency  loss  postoperatively.175  The  etiology  would  seem  to  or secondary infection extends into the inner ear.185-187
relate to either an embolic phenomenon or to reduced perfu-
sion of the inner ear. Other Autoimmune Disorders. Other  systemic  autoimmune 
Vascular loops within the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) or  disorders less commonly associated with SNHL include sclero-
internal  auditory  canal  have  been  proposed  to  be  a  cause  derma,188  temporal  arteritis,189  systemic  lupus  erythemato-
not  only  of  SNHL  but  also  of  tinnitus,  vertigo,  and  Meniere  sus,190,191 sarcoidosis,192,193 and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.
disease.176-179 Although the concept of vascular compression of 
cranial nerves causing intermittent neurologic dysfunction has  Primary Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
been  reasonably  well  accepted  in  trigeminal  neuralgia  and  McCabe194  first  described  patients  with  bilateral  SNHL  who 
hemifacial  spasm,  it  has  achieved  far  less  support  in  auditory  were responsive to immunosuppressive drugs. The loss can be 
and  vestibular  dysfunction.  Vessel  loops  are  found  in  contact  sudden or progressive in onset and usually involves both ears, 
with  these  nerves  routinely  during  CPA  surgery  for  other  either simultaneously or alternately. The hearing loss frequently 
reasons,  and  these  patients  seem  to  be  suffering  no  ill  effects  is associated with vestibular symptoms and can strongly mimic 
as a result. The entire CNS is subjected to such pulsation con- Meniere disease. Myriad nonspecific tests of humoral autoim-
tinuously. To date, nothing other than anecdotal evidence has  munity  may  be  abnormal.  The  hallmark  of  the  disease  is  the 
been published in support of this theory. responsiveness of the hearing loss to steroids or cytotoxic drugs. 
In  some  patients,  a  course  of  drug  treatment  can  produce  a 
IMMUNE DISORDERS long-lasting improvement in hearing, and in others, the hearing 
improvement depends on continued use of the medications.195
Systemic Autoimmune Disorders In  these  patients,  methotrexate  is  sometimes  used  to  reduce 
Various  systemic  (non–organ-specific)  autoimmune  disorders  the need for continued high-dose steroids and their resultant 
have been associated with SNHL. side effects.196 In still others, SNHL progresses despite aggres-
sive treatment.
Cogan Syndrome. Cogan  syndrome  is  perhaps  the  prototypic  Sera of many of these patients have been shown to contain
autoimmune  disorder  to  affect  the  inner  ear.  It  consists  of  an antibody to a 68-kD protein of bovine or guinea pig inner 
attacks  of  acute  nonsyphilitic  interstial  keratitis together  with  ear extracts. The responsiveness of SNHL to steroid treatment 
auditory and vestibular dysfunction. The ocular inflammation  correlates  with  the  presence  of  this  antibody.197-200  This  68-kD 
may be limited to interstial keratitis but may also include scle- protein  has  been  shown  to  be  a  member  of  the  heat  shock 
ritis  and/or  uveitis.  Cogan  syndrome  can  be  associated  with  protein  70  (HSP70)  family.201,202  A  significant  percentage  of 
systemic vasculitis, especially of the medium and large vessels,  patients  with  Meniere  disease  show  similar  reactivity,  which 
and aortic involvement is seen in 10% of patients. SNHL may  suggests that autoimmunity may play a role in at least a subset 
be unilateral or bilateral, and it can be associated with severe  of  patients  with  Meniere  disease.203,204  Chapter  149  contains  a 
vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus. If treated early enough,  full discussion of autoimmune inner ear disease.
SNHL is often responsive to aggressive treatment with steroids 
and/or  other  immunosuppressive  medications.  If  untreated,  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
the hearing loss frequently progresses to a profound loss over  SNHL  is  among  the  numerous  neurologic  manifestations  of 
months. The cochlear inflammatory response can lead to oblit- AIDS.  The  hearing  loss  may  be  a  result  of  an  infectious  com-
eration and ossification of the cochlear lumen; therefore early  plication of AIDS, particularly cryptococcal meningitis or syphi-
cochlear  implantation  should  be  considered  in  cases  that  do  lis,  or  it  may  be  a  primary  neurologic  manifestation  of  the 
not respond to immunosuppressive agents.180 disease.  Human  immunodeficiency  virus  (HIV)  should  be  a 

consideration  in  patients  with  otherwise  unexplained  SNHL 

when risk factors are present.205-212

Neurologic  paraneoplastic  syndromes  consist  of  neurologic 
abnormalities  associated  with  malignant  neoplasms  not  meta-
static to the nervous system. Rarely, the abnormality may involve 
the auditory or vestibular system.213

Otosclerosis primarily causes a conductive hearing loss, but it 
is  commonly  associated  with  a  progressive  SNHL,  especially 
later  in  the  course  of  the  disease.  The  precise  mechanism 
remains  unclear.  CT  images  of  the  cochlea  in  these  patients 
often  reveal  a  radiolucent  area  immediately  surrounding  the 
cochlea.  Histologically,  otosclerotic  bone  frequently  involves 
the endosteum, but the degree of endosteal involvement does 
not clearly correlate with the degree of SNHL.214 It is doubtful 
that  isolated  cochlear  otosclerosis  without  stapedial  involve-
ment (and conductive hearing loss) occurs with any clinically 
significant  frequency.215  Treatment  with  sodium  fluoride  has  FIGURE 150-5. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance image shows a
been  reported  to  retard  the  progression  of  hearing  loss  in  medium-sized vestibular schwannoma.
these  patients,215-218  although  the  efficacy  of  this  treatment 
remains controversial.219-222 Patients with very advanced otoscle-
rosis can have a bilateral profound mixed hearing loss that can  reduced out of proportion to the pure tone thresholds. Acoustic 
be  audiometrically  indistinguishable  from  a  profound  SNHL.  neuroma  can  manifest  as  a  sudden  loss  in  10%  of  patients, 
In  these  patients,  stapedectomy  can  result  in  useful  hearing  although  most  sudden  losses  are  not  a  result  of  acoustic 
improvement.30,223,224 neuroma.230 Unilateral or asymmetric tinnitus, with or without 
hearing  loss,  also  is  a  common  manifestation  of  acoustic 
Paget Disease neuroma. Patients may have mild or severe vestibular symptoms, 
Paget  disease  (osteitis  deformans)  is  a  common  but  poorly  or they may have no symptoms. Bilateral acoustic neuromas are 
understood disorder of bone. It is most common in older indi- pathognomonic for neurofibromatosis type 2 (Fig. 150-6).
viduals,  with  an  estimated  incidence  that  ranges  from  1%  in 
individuals  40  to  49  years  old  to  19%  in  individuals  80  to  89 
years  old.  Approximately  50%  of  patients  with  Paget  disease 
manifest hearing loss. The loss can be conductive, sensorineu-
ral, or mixed. The stapes footplate is rarely fixed, and surgical 
ossicular chain reconstruction is rarely beneficial.225 The treat-
ment of Paget disease consists of calcitonin or etidronate diso-
dium.  Some  evidence  indicates  that  medical  treatment  may 
stabilize or reverse SNHL.226,227

When patients are initially seen with unilateral or asymmetric 
SNHL,  particularly  when  the  presentation  is  not  typical  for 
Meniere  disease,  neoplasm  should  be  a  principal  diagnostic 
consideration.  All  patients  with  asymmetric  or  progressive 
SNHL should be evaluated for a neoplastic etiology. Lesions that 
result in SNHL usually are located within the internal auditory 
canal or CPA, but tumors located anywhere in the skull base or 
temporal bone can result in SNHL if the labyrinth is invaded.
Vestibular schwannoma is the most common neoplasm that 
results  in  SNHL  (Fig.  150-5).  Best  known  as  acoustic neuroma,
vestibular  schwannomas  originate  from  the  vestibular  nerves 
within the CPA or the internal auditory canal. Acoustic neuroma 
is common and constitutes 6% of all intracranial neoplasms.228
It  has  been  estimated  that  2500  new  acoustic  neuromas  are 
diagnosed in the United States annually,229 and acoustic neuro-
mas  account  for  approximately  80%  of  all  CPA  neoplasms.228
The most common presenting feature of acoustic neuroma is 
progressive  unilateral  SNHL.  Any  pattern  of  hearing  loss  can  FIGURE 150-6. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance image shows
occur, but most frequently the loss initially involves principally  bilateral vestibular schwannomas pathognomonic for neurofibromatosis
the  high  frequencies.  Commonly,  speech  discrimination  is  type 2.

found  between  the  presence  of  diabetes  and  SNHL  when 

adjusted for expected hearing loss as a result of age.231
Although there is a definite association between SNHL and
congenital  hypothyroidism,  little  to  no  evidence  suggests  that 
adult-onset acquired hypothyroidism can result in SNHL.232-235
Similarly,  reports  have  suggested  that  an  association  exists 
between hypoparathyroidism and hyperlipidemia, although no 
convincing studies have shown either association.236-238

Pseudohypacusis  is  simply  a  factitious  or  exaggerated  hearing 
loss  and  is  common,  especially  in  situations  in  which  there  is 
secondary gain to patients. Pseudohypacusis should be consid-
ered  whenever  the  pattern  of  loss  does  not  fit  the  clinical 
picture. Discordance between the speech reception threshold 
and the pure tone average is a strong indicator of a factitious 
loss. Other audiometric studies—such as the Stenger test, ABR, 
and OAEs—are helpful in clarifying such situations.


FIGURE 150-7. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance image shows a
large cerebellopontine angle meningioma. This patient had tinnitus and
normal hearing after surgical removal of the lesion. SNHL  associated  with  the  aging  process  is  termed  presbycusis.
In  the  strictest  sense,  only  SNHL  specifically  caused  by  the 
aging process—and not by genetic factors, accumulated noise 
Meningiomas account for approximately 15% of CPA neo- injury,  vascular  and  metabolic  factors,  and  so  on—should  be 
plasms,  and  the  manifestation  of  CPA  meningiomas  is  very  attributed  to  presbycusis.  Because  of  the  limitations  of  con-
similar  to  that  of  acoustic  neuromas.  For  reasons  that  are  trolled studies in such a situation, it is difficult, if not impossi-
unclear, meningiomas generally have less effect on hearing for  ble, to establish absolutely the existence of presbycusis. A better 
a  given  size  than  do  acoustic  neuromas  (Fig.  150-7). The  term for such a loss is age-related hearing loss, and this applies to 
remaining 5% of CPA lesions include dermoid cysts (congenital  any  loss  associated  with  age  without  other  apparent  etiology. 
cholesteatoma), lipomas, arachnoid cysts, cholesterol granulo- Age-related hearing loss is a major public health issue. Actual 
mas, and hemangiomas. Metastatic lesions, particularly adeno- prevalence of age-related hearing loss depends on its definition 
carcinoma,  also  can  occur  in  the  internal  auditory  canal.  and is difficult to determine. It has been difficult in large epi-
Tumors  that  occur  elsewhere  in  the  skull  base  that  can  cause  demiologic  studies  to  exclude  NIHL  from  study  groups. 
SNHL by involvement of the labyrinth include paragangliomas,  Approximately 30% of individuals older than 65 years admit to 
chondrosarcoma, hemangioma, middle ear adenoma, rhabdo- a hearing loss.107 Because at least 12% of the population is older 
myosarcoma, lymphoma, and leukemia.19 than 65 years, more than 9 million people in the United States 
probably have age-related hearing loss.
ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC Age-related hearing loss typically is worse for high frequen-
cies and is more severe in men.239 The rate of loss accelerates 
DISORDERS with time; so the older patient is, the greater the threshold shift 
It  would  seem  logical  that  the  diffuse  large  and  small  vessel  that  can  be  expected  in  the  future.  Many  large  studies  docu-
atherosclerotic disease that results from diabetes would be asso- ment  the  degree  and  prevalence  of  age-related  hearing  loss. 
ciated with an increased incidence of SNHL; however, this has  Figure 150-8 shows the median pure tone thresholds of a group 
not proven to be the case. No significant association has been  highly screened to exclude noise exposure.
Age-related permanent threshold shift (dB)

0 0

10 10

20 20

Females Males
30 30
Age (years)

Age (years)

30 30
40 40
50 50 FIGURE 150-8. Median audiograms
40 40
60 60 for patients with little to no noise
exposure as a function of gender, fre-
quency, and age. (From Dobie RA.
50 50
0.5 1 2 3 4 6 0.5 1 2 3 4 6 Medical-legal evaluation of hearing loss.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold;
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) 1993.)

Schuknecht19 has defined four separate types of presbycusis  hypertension. This regimen of sodium restriction and diuretics 
on the basis of pathologic findings in human temporal bones.  was  first  proposed  by  Furstenberg  and  has  since  gained  wide 
In sensory presbycusis, hair cells are progressively lost beginning  acceptance.245,246 Despite this wide acceptance, few studies have 
at the base of the cochlea. Patients with this abnormal pattern  been able to show definitively any beneficial therapeutic effect 
tend to  have  steeply  sloping  high-frequency  hearing  losses.  with regard to improvement or preservation of hearing.247-249
Neural presbycusis  implies  a  loss  of  auditory  nerve  fibers;  these  The  creation  of  an  intralabyrinthine  shunt  (cochleosaccu-
patients  tend  to  have  reduced  speech  discrimination  out  of  lotomy)  has  been  proposed  as  a  mechanism  to  control  the 
proportion to their pure tone thresholds. Atrophy of the stria  hydrops and prevent the recurrent membrane ruptures thought 
vascularis was seen in strial presbycusis, and these patients have  to  traumatize  the  organ  of  Corti.  This  procedure  has  been 
relatively  flat  audiograms.  Finally,  Schuknecht19  described  a  shown  to  be  beneficial  in  controlling  vertigo  but  has  been 
fourth type of presbycusis termed cochlear conductive or mechani- associated  with  an  unacceptably  high  incidence  of  severe 
cal presbycusis.  No  light-microscopic  abnormalities  are  seen  in  hearing  loss.250,251  Surgical  decompression  of  the  endolym-
these specimens, and Schuknecht theorized that an age-related  phatic sac, with or without shunting of the sac into the mastoid 
change in the stiffness of the basilar membrane resulted in the  or  the  subarachnoid  space,  has  been  proposed  as  a  way  to 
hearing loss. These patients have gradually descending (approx- correct the presumed defective sac physiology. Although excel-
imately  25 dB/octave)  pure  tone  thresholds.19  These  patterns  lent  results  have  been  reported,  double-blind  randomized 
are not useful clinically because of the variability of audiometric  studies to compare endolymphatic sac with mastoid shunt pro-
shape and severity in individuals with age-related hearing loss,  cedures  with  mastoidectomy  alone  have  failed  to  show  any 
and  clinically  the  losses  do  not  fall  naturally  into  these  significant difference in maintenance of hearing or control of 
patterns.240 vertigo.252-256 The unpredictable, fluctuating nature of Meniere 
disease,  the  lack  of  an  objective  diagnostic  test,  and  the  high 
Meniere Disease and Endolymphatic Hydrops incidence  of  spontaneous  resolution  of  symptoms  make  it 
Meniere disease is a common disorder that consists of fluctuat- extremely difficult to come to valid statistical conclusions with 
ing  SNHL,  tinnitus,  episodic  vertigo,  and  aural  fullness.  The  regard to therapeutic efficacy in Meniere disease.
hearing loss typically begins as a fluctuating low-frequency loss  Meniere disease may be considered to be idiopathic endo-
that progresses, gradually or quickly, to a permanent loss that  lymphatic  hydrops.  Although  it  is  the  most  common  cause  of 
can  involve  any  or  all  frequencies.  The  tinnitus  is  most  com- endolymphatic  hydrops,  many  other  entities  result  in  similar 
monly described as “buzzing” or “roaring,” and it can fluctuate  clinical  presentations  and  pathologic  findings.  The  syndrome 
in  loudness  and  character.  The  aural  fullness  perhaps  is  the  of delayed endolymphatic hydrops consists of the initial devel-
most consistent and stable complaint, but it also typically fluctu- opment of a profound SNHL in one ear, followed by develop-
ates. The vertigo of Meniere disease is the most disabling aspect  ment  of  symptoms  of  endolymphatic  hydrops  years  later  in 
of the disorder. either  the  ipsilateral  ear  (ipsilateral  delayed  endolymphatic 
The  typical  presentation  consists  of  episodic,  spontaneous  hydrops) or the contralateral ear (contralateral delayed endo-
attacks  of  severe,  spinning  vertigo  that  lasts  for  several  hours.  lymphatic  hydrops).257  Other  pathologic  processes  have  been 
The  attacks  frequently  are  associated  with  nausea,  vomiting,  associated with development of endolymphatic hydrops, includ-
and diaphoresis. After the attacks, patients usually are fatigued  ing syphilis, temporal bone trauma, serous labyrinthitis, stape-
for 24 hours or more. The attacks of vertigo may be associated  dectomy, and autoimmune disease.19 The reader is referred to 
with  a  concomitant  or  preceding  change  in  hearing  loss,  tin- Chapter 165 for a more extensive discussion of Meniere disease.
nitus, or aural fullness. Many patients also have various combi-
nations of dysequilibrium or motion-provoked vertigo between 
the  classic  attacks.  Subtypes  of  Meniere  disease  are  described  SUDDEN SENSORINEURAL
that have only vestibular symptoms (vestibular Meniere disease) 
or auditory symptoms (cochlear Meniere disease).
The hallmark of Meniere disease is variability and unpredict- A subset of patients with SNHL develops hearing loss rapidly, 
ability, and this holds true for the hearing loss associated with  awakening with it in the morning or developing a progressive 
the  disease.  The  hearing  loss  may  fluctuate  wildly  or  may  be  loss over 12 hours or less. This commonly is a frightening expe-
quite stable over many years. It also may manifest as a sudden,  rience  for  the  patient,  who  might  assume  that  this  is  a  life-
permanent  loss.  Although  most  patients  progress  over  the  threatening  disorder  or  that  it  will  lead  to  profound  bilateral 
years to a moderate to severe loss, many do not, and progres- deafness. Neither scenario typically is the case. The etiology and 
sion to a profound loss is rare. The low frequencies are more  appropriate evaluation and management of this common syn-
commonly  involved  than  are  the  middle  or  high  frequencies,  drome  have  been  the  subject  of  much  debate  over  the  years, 
especially  in  the  early  stages  of  the  disease,  but  variability  illustrated by the fact that more than 100 etiologies have been 
is  considerable.  The  disease  is  bilateral  in  perhaps  30%  of  proposed for this disorder.258
cases.241-244  Patients  who  have  bilateral  disease  usually  develop 
bilaterality  early  in  the  course  of  the  disease.  Patients  who 
maintain  hearing  loss  in  only  one  ear  for  the  first  few  years  PREVALENCE, NATURAL HISTORY,
rarely develop it in the contralateral ear. This finding supports 
the idea that the syndrome we have labeled as Meniere disease 
is actually the manifestation of several different pathologies. Sudden  SNHL  is  a  syndrome  and  not  a  diagnosis.  Most  com-
Although vestibular destructive therapy (chemical or surgical  monly, the syndrome has been referred to as sudden deafness or 
labyrinthectomy, vestibular nerve section) is effective in control- sudden sensorineural hearing loss, and it has many possible etiolo-
ling  the  episodic  vertigo  associated  with  Meniere  disease,  no  gies. In most patients, the cause is idiopathic. Among patients 
therapy to date has been proven to be effective in the treatment  who  reveal  no  identifiable  etiology,  several  different  pathoge-
of the hearing loss. The most widely accepted medical therapy  netic  mechanisms  seem  to  be  responsible.  In  reviewing  the 
for  Meniere  disease,  a  sodium-restricted  diet  and  diuretic  natural history of the disorder, it should be kept in mind that 
administration,  is  based  on  the  hypothesis  that  the  hydropic  the described natural history is most likely the sum of the his-
distension  of  the  membranous  labyrinth  can  be  reduced  by  tories of patients with differing abnormalities. Because of this, 
altering  body  water  distribution,  as  in  the  management  of  and because of the difficulty of studying such an entity, either 

in  clinical  trials  or  in  animal  models,  much  remains  to  be  hearing  loss.260,264  With  the  possible  exception  of  mumps  par-
learned about sudden SNHL. otitis and herpes zoster infections, however, the clinical diagno-
A universal definition of sudden SNHL does not exist, and  sis of  viral  infections  is  unreliable.  Azimi  and  colleagues265
the rate of progression of SNHL can vary from seconds to days.  reported  that  53%  of  mumps  meningoencephalitis  occurs 
For purposes of this discussion, sudden SNHL develops over 12  without parotitis. Other evidence for a viral etiology for sudden 
hours or less. This rate of progression can sometimes be unclear  SNHL includes studies that document increased viral titers in 
in the history, because some patients notice their loss only when  such patients,264 pathology consistent with viral infection,266-269
using  a  telephone.  In  other  patients,  sensation  of  fullness  or  and  viral  seroconversion  studies.270-273  These  seroconversion 
tinnitus  is  the  patient’s  primary  initial  complaint.  The  inci- studies  showed  a  mixture  of  viruses  that  included  herpes 
dence of sudden SNHL has been estimated to range from 5 to  simplex, herpes zoster, CMV, influenza, parainfluenza, mumps, 
20 per 100,000 persons per year.259 In a typical otologic practice,  measles, and adenovirus. The studies failed to show a relation-
this may account for 2% to 3% of unselected outpatient visits.  ship  between  titer  results  and  severity  of  hearing  loss  or  fre-
Any age group can be affected, but the peak incidence seems  quency of recovery.
to  be  in  the  sixth  decade.  The  male/female  distribution  is  For some viruses, the evidence of a causative relationship is 
essentially equal.260 Bilateral involvement is rare, and simultane- more convincing. The mumps virus has been isolated from the 
ous bilateral involvement is very rare.261 perilymph of patients with sudden SNHL,274 and experimental 
The most common presentation is a patient noticing a uni- mumps labyrinthitis has been reproduced in hamsters by inocu-
lateral  hearing  loss  on  awakening.  Others  notice  a  sudden,  lation of the subarachnoid space with mumps virus.274,275 Lassa 
stable  hearing  loss  or  a  rapidly  progressive  loss.  Occasionally,  fever, an arenavirus infection endemic in West Africa, has been 
patients note a fluctuating hearing loss, but most patients have  shown  to  be  associated  with  sudden  SNHL  in  approximately 
a stable loss. A sensation of aural fullness in the affected ear is  two  thirds  of  the  patients.276  The  time  course,  the  results  of 
common  and  frequently  is  the  only  complaint.  Tinnitus  is  audiometric testing, and the patterns of recovery in Lassa fever 
present  in  the  ear  to  a  variable  degree,  and  the  hearing  loss  are very similar to that in idiopathic sudden SNHL.277 Measles 
sometimes is preceded by the onset of tinnitus. Vertigo or dys- and rubella also are well-documented causes of labyrinthitis,268 
equilibrium  is  present  to  a  variable  degree  in  approximately  but these cases rarely manifest in a manner typical of sudden 
40% of patients.262 SNHL.  Herpes  zoster  oticus  also  can  cause  sudden  SNHL, 
Four  variables  seem  to  affect  the  prognosis  of  untreated  although it is a clinical entity distinct from idiopathic sudden 
idiopathic  sudden  SNHL:  1)  severity  of  loss,  2)  audiogram  SNHL. The evidence that herpes zoster may be associated with 
shape, 3) presence of vertigo, and 4) age. The more severe the  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL  is  limited  to  viral  seroconversion 
loss, the lower the prognosis for recovery, and profound losses  studies. Sudden hearing loss associated with infectious mono-
have an exceptionally poor prognosis. Upsloping and midfre- nucleosis  is  rare  but  has  been  reported.278  For  a  few  viruses, 
quency  losses  recover  more  frequently  than  downsloping  and  strong  evidence  suggests  they  may  be  an  occasional  cause  of 
flat losses. The presence of vertigo, particularly with a downslop- idiopathic sudden SNHL. For most other viruses, an association 
ing loss, is a poor prognostic indicator, although not all studies  with  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL  is  found,  although  convincing 
concur on this point. Reduced speech discrimination carries a  evidence of a causal relationship is lacking.
poor  prognosis.  Finally,  most  studies  show  that  children  and 
adults  older  than  40  years  have  a  poorer  prognosis  than  Meningitis. Meningitis is a well-recognized and common etiol-
others.259,260,262,263 Most recovery occurs within the first 2 weeks  ogy  of  acquired  severe  to  profound  SNHL.  It  is  possible  that 
after onset; as a corollary, the prognosis for recovery decreases  rare  cases  of  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL  may  be  caused  by  sub-
the  longer  the  loss  persists.  Without  treatment  of  any  kind,  a  clinical meningoencephalitis.
significant  proportion  (30%  to  65%)  of  patients  experience 
complete or partial recovery.262,263 Syphilis. It has been estimated that the incidence of syphilis in 
patients with sudden SNHL is 2% or less. Syphilitic hearing loss 
may manifest at any stage of the disease, and it may be associ-
ETIOLOGY OF SUDDEN SENSORINEURAL ated with other manifestations of syphilis, with vestibular symp-
toms, or alone. It may also manifest with unilateral or bilateral 
HEARING LOSS sudden SNHL. More typical presentations of syphilitic hearing 
The  management  of  sudden  SNHL  should  be  focused  on  loss are discussed in other sections of this chapter. It is impor-
excluding known causes of the syndrome, especially conditions  tant  to  consider  the  possibility  of  reactivation  of  syphilis  in 
that require treatment. Similar to causes of SNHL in general,  patients with HIV infection.209,211
these  disorders  can  be  conveniently  broken  down  into  infec-
tious,  neoplastic,  traumatic,  ototoxic,  immunologic,  vascular,  Lyme Disease. Lyme  disease  is  a  well-established  etiology  of 
developmental, psychogenic, and idiopathic etiologies. Despite  acute  facial  paralysis,  and  it  would  not  be  unreasonable  to 
a  thorough  search  for  an  etiology,  most  cases  remain  idio- assume  that  it  could  also  cause  SNHL.  Hearing  loss  has  not 
pathic.  Considerable  debate  continues  as  to  the  pathogenesis  been strongly associated with Lyme disease, however. The litera-
of the disease in these patients. Principal theories include viral  ture contains several descriptions of associations between posi-
infection, vascular occlusion, intracochlear membrane breaks,  tive  Lyme  titers  and  acute  or  chronic  SNHL,  but  a  causal 
and autoimmunity. relationship  seems  doubtful.  In  one  large  study,  Lyme  titers 
were found in 21% of patients with sudden SNHL, and despite 
Infectious Disorders antibiotic  treatment  of  all  seropositive  patients,  no  difference 
Viral Infection. Viral  neuritis  or  cochleitis  has  long  been  was  reported  in  outcome  between  patients  with  positive  titers 
thought  to  be  the  most  common  cause  of  sudden  SNHL,  and  those  without.279  Reports  of  hearing  loss  in  patients  with 
although much of the evidence for this is circumstantial. SNHL  Lyme disease with improved hearing after antibiotic treatment 
can  complicate  clinically  evident  infections  with  mumps,  are limited to a few case reports.35,280
measles, herpes zoster, and infectious mononucleosis and with 
congenital rubella and CMV. Of patients who come to medical  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. At  autopsy,  88%  of 
attention  with  sudden  SNHL,  28%  report  a  viral-like  upper  HIV-positive patients have evidence of CNS involvement,281 and 
respiratory infection within 1 month before the onset of their  approximately  10%  of  patients  with  AIDS  come  to  medical 

attention because of neurologic symptoms.205 It is not surpris- the presence of such a fistula, and even surgical exploration is 
ing  that  sudden  SNHL  may  be  associated  with  HIV  infection;  subject  to  error.295  Except  in  poststapedectomy  patients,  it  is 
it is not a common manifestation of AIDS, but it has been well  doubtful that perilymph fistula is a significant cause of SNHL.
documented in the literature.206-209,212,282 In the presence of HIV 
infection,  sudden  SNHL  may  occur  with  or  without  the  pres- Intracochlear Membrane Breaks. Intracochlear  membrane 
ence of opportunistic infection, and it may occur without clini- ruptures and fistulae have been documented pathologically in 
cal evidence of AIDS. Sudden SNHL caused by reactivation of  patients with endolymphatic hydrops.19 Such breaks have been 
latent syphilis may complicate any stage of HIV infection.208,209,211 proposed  to  be  an  etiology  of  SNHL.296  Schuknecht  and 
As  previously  mentioned,  some  cases  of  sudden  SNHL  associ- Donovan268  found  no  evidence  of  such  breaks  in  a  series  of 
ated with AIDS may be the result of reactivation of latent CMV  temporal  bones  from  patients  with  sudden  SNHL;  however, 
infection. Gussen297-299  found  evidence  to  support  the  membrane  break 
theory in a few temporal bones.
Acoustic Neuroma. It is common for sudden SNHL to be the  Pharmacologic Toxicity
initial  manifestation  of  a  vestibular  schwannoma  (acoustic  Toxicity from any of the drugs discussed in the previous section 
neuroma).  According  to  Moffat  and  associates,230  10.2%  of  on ototoxic causes of SNHL may result in the relatively sudden 
acoustic  neuromas  initially  manifest  with  sudden  SNHL.  The  onset  of  hearing  loss.  In  addition  to  these  drugs,  others  have 
prevalence  of  acoustic  neuroma  among  patients  with  sudden  been associated with sudden SNHL. Interferon has been associ-
SNHL  is  less  clear,  although  estimates  range  from  0.8%261  to  ated with SNHL that has been reversible in most patients.300,301
3%.283,284 No clear criteria suggest that sudden SNHL may be a  The insecticides malathion and methoxychlor have been associ-
result of an acoustic neuroma. The presence of tinnitus in the  ated with bilateral SNHL.302
ipsilateral ear before sudden SNHL is suggestive, but it is not 
present  in  most  cases.284  In  addition,  midfrequency and high- Immunologic Disorders
frequency  hearing  loss  are  more commonly  associated  with  The  finding  that  many  patients  with  SNHL  seem  to  benefit 
acoustic  neuroma  than  are  low-frequency  losses,  and  electro- from glucocorticoid therapy and the finding of cross-reacting 
nystagmography abnormalities are more common with acoustic  circulating antibodies in many patients with sudden and rapidly 
neuroma.284 progressive SNHL suggest that at least a subset of SNHL cases 
Responsiveness of the hearing loss to treatment with steroids  are  caused  by  inner  ear  autoimmunity.200  In  addition,  many 
is  not  a  reliable  indicator  that  a  retrocochlear  lesion  can  be  well-known  autoimmune  diseases  have  been  associated  with 
ruled out. Many cases have been reported of steroid-responsive  SNHL, including Cogan syndrome,303,304 systemic lupus erythe-
SNHL  and  SNHL  with  spontaneous  recovery  that  have  been  matosus,190 temporal arteritis, and polyarteritis nodosa.
found  to  be  caused  by  acoustic  neuroma.284,285  The  clinician 
should have a high level of suspicion for acoustic neuroma in  Vascular Disorders
any  patient  with  SNHL.  Most  investigators  recommend  that  Sudden hearing loss can occur with occlusion of the cochlear 
ABR or gadolinium-enhanced MRI be obtained in patients with  blood supply. Because of the abruptness of onset of SNHL and 
sudden  SNHL,286  although  no  relationship  has  been  found  the fact that the cochlea depends on a single terminal branch 
between  tumor  size  and  SNHL.284  Because  of  this  and  the  of  the  posterior  cerebral  circulation,  vascular  occlusion  has 
numerous  more  recent  reports  of  false-negative  ABR  tests  in  been  thought  by  some  authors  to  be  an  attractive  hypothetic 
patients with small acoustic neuromas,3,287-289 it seems warranted  etiology  for  idiopathic  sudden  hearing  losses.  Other  aspects 
to  evaluate  all  patients  with  sudden  SNHL  with  gadolinium- that argue against a circulatory etiology include high incidence 
enhanced MRI. of  spontaneous  recovery,  significant  incidence  in  young 
patients, lack of an apparent increased incidence in diabetics, 
Other Neoplasms. Neoplasms of the CPA or internal auditory  the fact that the loss frequently is limited to just a few frequen-
canal other than acoustic neuromas have also been associated  cies, and the fact that most patients do not have vertigo. Similar 
with  SNHL.  These  include  meningioma,290  cholesteatoma,  to  viral  etiologies,  a  few  cases  of  SNHL  are  clearly  a  result  of 
hemangioma,291  arachnoid  cyst,  and  metastatic  neoplasms.  In  vascular occlusion, but most cases remain idiopathic. Temporal 
addition,  skull  base  neoplasms  that  erode  into  the  inner  ear  bone studies have not found evidence of vascular occlusion in 
can rarely manifest with SNHL. cases  of  idiopathic  SNHL.19  Series  of  patients  with  idiopathic 
SNHL  have  been  evaluated  for  hemostatic  abnormalities,  but 
Trauma and Membrane Ruptures no significant association has been found.305 The role of vascu-
Head Injury. Sensorineural  hearing  loss  of  any  degree  can  lar occlusion versus viral infection in these idiopathic cases has 
occur  after  closed  or  open  head  injury.  The  mechanism  of  been  the  subject  of  extensive  debate  over  the  years.  At  this 
injury  in  such  patients  has  been  shown  pathologically  to  vary  point, it seems doubtful that a significant proportion of cases 
from  mild  loss  of  outer  or  inner  hair  cells  or  cochlear  mem- of idiopathic sudden SNHL have a vascular etiology.
brane  breaks  to  fracture  across  the  labyrinth  or  intralabyrin- Migraine,160,306,307 hemoglobin sickle cell disease,166,168-171 and 
thine hemorrhage.19 Many of these injuries are pathologically  macroglobulinemia163,164  have  been  documented  to  be  associ-
indistinguishable  from  injuries  of  acoustic  trauma.292  Some  ated with sudden SNHL. Rare cases of thromboangiitis obliter-
patients  experience  a  variable  degree  of  recovery  from  head  ans  (Buerger  disease)  have  been  associated  with  sudden 
injury–induced  hearing  loss,  a  process probably  equivalent  to  SNHL.308 Small cerebellar infarctions may mimic labyrinthine 
the temporary threshold shift seen with acoustic trauma. lesions,  including  sudden  onset  of  hearing  loss.309  Cardiopul-
monary bypass173,174 and noncardiac surgery172 have been associ-
Perilymphatic Fistula. Round or oval window fistulae can occur  ated  with  an  increased  risk  of  sudden  SNHL.  Sudden  SNHL 
congenitally, after stapedectomy, or after barotrauma. SNHL is  has also been reported after spinal manipulation with probable 
well  described  after  events  that  cause  barotrauma.293,294  Some  injury to the vertebrobasilar arterial system.310
investigators theorize that these fistulae can occur after heavy  It has long been believed that patients with diabetes have a
lifting  or  straining  or  even  spontaneously.  Patients  with  such  higher  incidence  of  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL  than  people 
fistulae  can  have  sudden  or  fluctuating  SNHL  and  varying  without  diabetes.  This  belief  has  been  based  on  the  higher 
degrees of vestibular symptoms. No test is reliable for detecting  incidence  of  other  acute  cranial  neuropathies  and  on  the 

diffuse vascular abnormalities found in patients with diabetes.  at  tapering  doses.  They  found  that  all  patients  (n  =  14)  with 
Histologic studies of human temporal bones from patients with  midfrequency  losses  (loss  at  4 kHz  better  than  8 kHz)  had  a 
diabetes  mellitus  have  not  consistently  found  any  abnormal  complete  recovery  regardless  of  treatment.  They  noted  that 
alterations.19,311  In  a  careful  study  of  the  relationship  of  idio- among  patients  with  losses  greater  than  90 dB  HL  at  all  fre-
pathic sudden SNHL to diabetes, Wilson28 found that diabetic  quencies, no difference in recovery was reported between the 
patients with idiopathic sudden SNHL were less likely to recover  steroid-treated  versus  placebo-treated  groups.  Among  the 
hearing  at  higher  frequencies.  No  significant  difference  was  remaining patients (nonprofound losses with hearing at 4 kHz 
reported in audiologic patterns between diabetic and nondia- better  than  at  8 kHz),  a  significant  increase  in  recovery  was 
betic  patients  with  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL.  An  attempt  to  reported in the steroid-treated group. Of patients in the steroid-
compare the incidence of diabetes in patients with idiopathic  treated group, 78% experienced complete or partial recovery 
sudden SNHL with a control population was inconclusive. compared with 38% in the placebo-treated group.
In a similar study, Moskowitz and colleagues315 confirmed a 
Developmental Abnormalities significantly improved recovery rate in a steroid-treated group 
Large  vestibular  aqueduct  syndrome  is  associated with  SNHL  compared with a nontreated control group. Direct steroid treat-
and  frequently  occurs  in  a  stepwise  fashion  associated  with  ment  to  the  inner  ear  via  middle  ear  instillation  or  round 
minor head trauma. It seems plausible that other, as yet unde- window  microcatheter  has  seen  increasing  use  on  an  empiric 
fined developmental abnormalities may predispose individuals  basis. This treatment has the potential advantage of very high 
to  sudden  SNHL,  either  spontaneously  or  after  minor  head  steroid concentrations within the inner ear without the associ-
trauma. ated systemic side effects. Anecdotal reports indicate that this 
treatment may be more effective than orally administered ste-
Idiopathic Disorders roids  and  that  local  complications  are  infrequent.316  Refer  to 
Meniere Disease. Some  patients  seen  with  typical  sudden  Chapter 155 for a more complete discussion.
SNHL  ultimately  may  develop  a  history  more  suggestive  of  An  alternative  management  regimen  proposed  by  some 
endolymphatic  hydrops  or  even  frank  Meniere  disease;  this  investigators  involves  attempts  to  improve  blood  flow  or  oxy-
probably constitutes only 5% of all patients with sudden SNHL.  genation to the inner ear. Vasodilators have been used exten-
In a review of 1270 patients with Meniere disease, Hallberg312 sively  in  the  treatment  of  sudden  SNHL.  Any  proposed 
found  that  only  4.4%  had  initially  been  seen  with  sudden  vasodilator  would  have  to  cross  the  blood-brain  barrier  and 
SNHL.  A  subset  of  these  patients  very  likely  had  an  autoim- have  an  effect  on  intracranial  circulation.  IV  histamine  infu-
mune etiology of their hearing loss. sion,  oral  papaverine,  and  oral  nicotinic  acid  have  been  used 
most  frequently.  Fisch  and  Nagahara  others317,318  have  shown 
Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a demyelinating disorder of the CNS  that breathing a gas mixture with increased partial pressures of 
manifested by differing neurologic lesions separated by space  oxygen  and  carbon  dioxide  (carbogen)  results  in  increased 
and  time.  Sudden  SNHL  is  a  rare  initial  manifestation  of  perilymph oxygen tension in cats and humans.
MS.140,152,313  Among  patients  with  MS,  auditory  abnormalities  Other  agents  proposed  to  improve  cochlear  blood  flow 
are common.142,145 include  low-molecular-weight  dextran,  mannitol,  pentoxifyl-
line,  and  heparin.  In  addition,  the  iodinated  radiographic  
Sarcoidosis. CNS manifestations are rare (incidence of 1% to  contrast  agent  diatrizoate  was  serendipitously  noted  during  a 
5%),  although  among  patients  with  neurosarcoidosis,  20%  vertebral angiogram to improve hearing in patients with sudden 
have eighth  cranial  nerve  findings.  This  eighth  cranial  nerve  SNHL. Morimitsu and coworkers319 showed in the same report 
involvement  may  manifest  as  sudden  SNHL,  although  it  only  that in a small series, 54% of patients treated with diatrizoate 
rarely is an isolated finding.193 had  a  complete  recovery  compared  with  19%  of  a  control 
group treated with vasodilators. It was later shown that triiodin-
Psychogenic Disorders ated benzoic acid derivatives such as diatrizoate have a specific 
Pseudohypacusis frequently manifests as a sudden loss. In most  effect  on  the  stria  vascularis,  protecting  the  endocochlear 
patients, malingering is readily apparent after initial audiologic  potential from furosemide-induced depression.320
studies. Clinical  studies  that  used  the  previously  mentioned  agents 
have  shown  poor  to  mixed  results.  The  varying  definition  of 
recovery used by different authors complicates the interpretation 
TREATMENT of  these  results.  No  controlled  study  has  shown  a  beneficial 
Treatment  of  sudden  SNHL  should  be  based  on  its  etiology.  effect from papaverine, nicotinic acid, or pentoxifylline. Don-
If  an  etiology  is  apparent,  the  appropriate  treatment  should  aldson321  found  no  improvement  with  aggressive  heparin 
follow:  antibiotics  for  infectious  causes,  withdrawal  of  the  therapy  in  a  series  of  patients.  In  a  prospective,  randomized 
offending drug for ototoxicity, and so on. Most cases are idio- double-blind  study,  Probst  and  colleagues322  found  no  differ-
pathic,  and  treatment  decisions  should  be  made  on  the  basis  ence  in  outcome  between  placebo  and  treatment  with  low-
of  empiric  guidelines.  Because  of  the  poor  understanding  of  molecular-weight  dextran,  pentoxifylline,  or  both.  In  a 
idiopathic sudden SNHL, controversy surrounds its treatment.  randomized  prospective  trial  that  compared  papaverine/
Because of the dictum, “first, do no harm,” new or unconven- dextran infusion treatment with inhaled carbogen, the average 
tional  treatment  protocols  should  be  well  reasoned  and  care- hearing  improvement  in  the  carbogen  group  was  better, 
fully applied. It seems prudent to avoid the use of potentially  although no significant difference in hearing recovery was seen 
harmful  treatment  protocols  outside  of  controlled  clinical  between the two groups after 5 days of treatment.317 After 1 year 
trials,  because  serious  complications  and  deaths  have  been  of treatment, a statistically significant improvement in hearing 
reported after treatment of idiopathic sudden SNHL.314 was reported in the carbogen-treated group.323
Steroids  in  moderate  doses  have  become  the  most  widely Redleaf and coworkers324 reviewed their 10-year experience 
accepted treatment option for idiopathic sudden SNHL. Wilson  with  diatrizoate  and  dextran  and  noted  that  74%  of  their  36 
and associates263 performed a double-blind randomized trial of  patients  showed  audiometric  improvement  with  treatment. 
steroids  versus  placebo  for  idiopathic  sudden  SNHL.  Their  Only 36% improved to 50% of their premorbid hearing levels, 
active drug group was treated with either a 10- or 12-day course  which was very close to the 32% recovery noted in the placebo 
of orally administered dexamethasone or methylprednisolone  group  of  the  Wilson  study.263  Another,  even  more  empiric 

treatment protocol is the so-called shotgun regimen, which uses  For a complete list of references, see

most of the proposed agents in hopes that one or more will be 
beneficial. Wilkins and associates325 reviewed their results with  SUGGESTED READINGS
a protocol of dextran, histamine, diatrizoate, diuretics, steroids, 
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Some authors have advocated aggressive management with very  JAMA 272:611, 1994.
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151  Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
Carol A. Bauer

Key Points
■ Tinnitus is a common condition that affects 30% of people older than age 55; the 5-year incidence
is 5%.
■ Disturbing tinnitus that impairs daily life activity affects 1% to 5% of those who have tinnitus.
■ Auditory deprivation from hearing loss induces central neural changes that result in tinnitus.
Mechanisms responsible for tinnitus involve peripheral triggers and central plasticity.
■ Sound therapy is an effective form of tinnitus treatment that benefits most patients when combined
with education and adjunct treatments directed toward factors that exacerbate tinnitus.
■ Tinnitus that can be modulated with somatic manipulation may respond to therapy that targets
temporomandibular joint and cervical spine disorders.
■ Medications are helpful for specific forms of tinnitus.
■ Associated comorbidities of anxiety and depression warrant referral for professional evaluation and
treatment with counseling and behavioral therapy.
■ Clinicians knowledgeable in auditory function and head and neck physiology are well equipped to
provide most tinnitus patients with effective treatment, which includes education, rehabilitation of
hearing loss, and identification and treatment of exacerbating factors.

annoying  tinnitus  was  reported  in  50%  of  respondents,  and 

TINNITUS extremely annoying tinnitus was reported in 16%. Nondahl and 
Tinnitus is the perception of sound that does not arise from an  colleagues1  reported  a  5-year  incidence  of  tinnitus  of  5.7% 
external source. Although 30 million Americans are estimated  (95% confidence interval, 4.8 to 6.6), notably without an asso-
to have chronic tinnitus, for most it is not a problem sufficient  ciation with either age or gender. Strong associations have been 
for  them  to  seek  treatment.  Tinnitus  is  a  chronic  sensation  reported  between  cardiovascular  disease,  total  serum  choles-
virtually all would prefer not to experience, but for most, it is  terol,  and  the  prevalence  and  incidence  of  tinnitus.  Notably, 
not disabling. Severe or disturbing tinnitus occurs in 1% to 5%  this large longitudinal study reported that nearly 40% of adults 
of individuals with tinnitus.1,2 Until recently, treatments for dis-
turbing tinnitus were limited. Significant advances in auditory 
neuroscience have advanced the treatment of tinnitus beyond  Box 151-1. OBJECTIVE TINNITUS SUBTYPES
the  traditional  recommendation  to  instruct  patients  to  “learn  Pulsatile
to live with it.” This chapter reviews current theories and mech- Synchronous with Pulse
anisms of idiopathic subjective tinnitus. It also outlines a clini- Arterial etiologies
cal  strategy  for  evaluating  tinnitus  and  determining  tinnitus  Arteriovenous fistula or malformation
subtypes, and it reviews current management strategies. Paraganglioma (glomus tympanicum or jugulare)
Tinnitus can be classified as objective or subjective. Objective Carotid artery stenosis
tinnitus can be detected by an observer using a stethoscope or  Other atherosclerotic disease (subclavian, external carotid)
ear canal microphone. These somatosounds reflect the percep- Arterial dissection (carotid, vertebral)
tion of internally generated sounds from joints, muscles, turbu- Persistent stapedial artery
lent  blood  flow,  or,  rarely,  otoacoustic  emissions.  Objective  Intratympanic carotid artery
tinnitus  usually  has  a  pulsatile  or  rhythmic  quality.  Box  151-1  Vascular compression of cranial nerve VIII
Increased cardiac output (pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis)
lists  common  causes  of  objective  tinnitus.  Because  excellent  Intraosseous (Paget disease, otosclerosis)
reviews of treatments for objective tinnitus are available in the  Venous etiologies
literature, this uncommon form is not addressed further.3 Pseudotumor cerebri
In  contrast  to  objective  tinnitus,  subjective tinnitus  is  not  Venous hum
audible  to  an  observer.  Estimates  of  subjective  tinnitus  preva- Sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb anomalies
lence  range  from  8%  to  30%  and  depend  on  the  definition  Asynchronous with Pulse
of  tinnitus,  tinnitus  severity,  the  population  sampled,  and  the  Palatal myoclonus
assessment methodology.1,4,5 In a large population-based study  Tensor tympani or stapedius muscle myoclonus
of  participants  55  to  99  years  old  that  combined  detailed  tin- Nonpulsatile
nitus questionnaires with audiologic assessment, 30% reported 
Spontaneous otoacoustic emission
experiencing tinnitus, and prevalence was found to be related  Patulous eustachian tube
to  audiometric  threshold  but  not  to  age  or  gender.5  Mildly 


with mild tinnitus in the initial survey had no tinnitus on 5-year  to prevent the onset or progression of NIHL and may possibly 
follow-up,  and  only  20%  reported  progression  to  moderate  limit the incidence of tinnitus. Intense sound exposure triggers 
or severe tinnitus. Forty-five percent of participants with tinni- a reduction of blood flow and a cascade of metabolic events in 
tus  rated  as  “significant”  at  baseline  reported  no  tinnitus  at  the  cochlea,  with  formation  of  reactive  oxygen  and  nitrogen 
follow-up  (43%)  or  reported  improvement  to  mild  tinnitus  species  that  damage  cellular  lipids,  proteins,  and  DNA  and 
(57%). This rate of spontaneous improvement in tinnitus has  culminate  in  increased  cell  death.11  Interventions  that  target 
significant implications for designing clinical trials to assess the  these  molecular  mechanisms  of  NIHL  include  antioxidant 
efficacy of tinnitus interventions. therapy such as with vitamin E, salicylate, and N-acetylcysteine.12,13
Ginkgo biloba  extract  contains  multiple  compounds  with  vaso-
tropic,  potential  neuroprotective,  and  antioxidant  effects. 
SUBJECTIVE TINNITUS Although  uncontrolled  trials  and  anecdotal  reports  have  sug-
Subjective tinnitus is the most common form that affects adults,  gested the efficacy of ginkgo, results from a meta-analysis and 
and  it  is  the  focus  of  this  chapter.  Subjective  tinnitus  is  most  randomized controlled trials do not support its use.14,15
commonly related to sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) from  Presbycusis is SNHL related to aging. Most cases of presby-
acoustic  trauma  and  presbycusis,  and  it  is  less  commonly  the  cusis cannot be strictly and solely attributed to aging but rather 
result of conductive hearing loss, endolymphatic hydrops, and  involve  some  combination  of  cochlear  injury  from  additional 
cerebellopontine  angle  neoplasms.  Subjective  tinnitus  can  be  sources, such as cumulative noise injury, metabolic or vascular 
subtyped  based  on  etiology,  the  pattern  of  associated  hearing  dysfunction,  and  genetic  predisposition.  For  example,  elderly 
loss, psychoacoustic features, exacerbating factors, psychologic  patients  with  diabetes  have  significantly  higher  pure  tone 
comorbidities,  and  the  presence  of  somatic  modulators.  Tin- thresholds,  lower  otoacoustic  emission  amplitude,  and  lower 
nitus  subtype  classification  schemes  can  be  useful  to  identify  speech recognition  in  noise16  than  age-matched  individuals 
forms of tinnitus that are responsive to specific targeted treat- without diabetes.17 Interactions between age and other factors 
ment programs. Box 151-2 lists some useful features for subtyp- that affect the cochlea and auditory pathway challenge the iden-
ing tinnitus. tification of a single mechanism for presbycusis-associated tin-
nitus and development of an effective targeted intervention.
Hearing Loss Subtypes
The  two  most  common  types  of  hearing  loss  associated  with  Somatic Tinnitus Subtype
tinnitus are noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and presbycu- Somatic tinnitus is a unique form of tinnitus in which the loud-
sis. NIHL is a significant and growing health problem. Although  ness, laterality, or tonality of the tinnitus can by modulated by 
reduction  of  exposure  to  occupational  noise  has  been  effec- somatic  modulation.  This  form  of  tinnitus  was  originally 
tive  in  the  last  several  decades,  a  notable  increase  has  been  observed in a small group of patients after surgical removal of 
reported in the incidence of NIHL from recreational and leisure  large vestibular schwannomas.18,19 Postoperatively, these patients 
activity in children and adolescents and from military combat– had the ability to modulate their chronic tinnitus by exagger-
related  noise  exposure  in  young  adults.6-8  Acute  transient  tin- ated eye movements, leg motion, or cutaneous stimulation of 
nitus is nearly universal immediately after unprotected exposure  the  hands  or  face.20  The  presumed  mechanism  of  action  for 
to  damaging  acoustic  stimuli,  such  as  gunfire  and  amplified  this  unusual  form  of  tinnitus  is  neural  sprouting  or  aberrant 
music. A Web-based survey of 9693 adolescents determined that  reinnervation  after  auditory  deafferentation.  Subsequent  to 
61%  of  respondents  experienced  hearing  loss  and  temporary  these  observations,  a  more  general  form  of  somatosensory 
tinnitus  after  attending  concerts.9  The  prevalence  of  chronic  modulation of tinnitus has been recognized, in which tinnitus 
tinnitus associated with NIHL is 50% to 70%.10 Chronic tinnitus  can be modulated by maneuvers or stimulation of the head and 
induced by acoustic trauma occurs at a younger age than tin- neck region. It has been reported that forceful isometric con-
nitus associated with other types of hearing loss. Consequently,  traction of the head and neck muscles can modify the loudness 
acoustic  trauma–induced  tinnitus  is  experienced  for  a  longer  and pitch of tinnitus in 65% to 80% of patients with idiopathic 
portion of the life span than other forms of tinnitus. tinnitus.21,22  Furthermore,  tinnitus  can  be  induced  by  strong 
NIHL and associated tinnitus are preventable. In addition to contractions of muscles in the jaw, head, or neck in 15% to 58% 
obvious proactive methods, such as wearing ear-protective hard- of subjects without a history of tinnitus.22,23
ware, intervention in the periexposure period may prove useful  The association between tinnitus and somatic pathology of 
the head and neck is underscored by the reported higher inci-
dence of tinnitus in individuals with temporomandibular joint 
(TMJ)  dysfunction  and  normal  audiometric  thresholds  com-
pared with controls.24 One third of patients with symptoms of 
TMJ  dysfunction  reported  modulation  of  tinnitus  with  jaw 
Pattern of hearing loss movement  or  pressure  applied  to  the  TMJ.25  When  tinnitus 
Noise-induced hearing loss occurs  in  association  with  disorders  of  the  head  and  neck—
Presbycusis such as  TMJ  dysfunction,  unilateral  facial  pain,  otalgia,  and 
Unilateral occipital or temporal headache—successful tinnitus alleviation 
High-frequency hearing loss may  be  possible  using  interventions  that  target  the  somatic 
Outer hair cell dysfunction
Somatic tinnitus
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction Levine and colleagues26 systematically reviewed the efficacy 
Cervical dysfunction of treatments that target somatosensory systems. They defined 
Gaze evoked somatic tinnitus syndrome  as  tinnitus  that  is  1)  perceived  in  the 
Cutaneous evoked ear, 2) ipsilateral to the somatic trigger, and 3) not associated 
General somatosensory modulated with any new hearing complaints. Tinnitus that is strongly lat-
Typewriter tinnitus eralized  to  one  ear  in  the  presence  of  symmetric  hearing, 
Exacerbated by sleep or rest including  symmetric  hearing  loss,  would  theoretically  have  a 
Musical/complex somatic  etiologic  component  by  the  definition  of  Levine  and 
Associated affective disorder
Intrusive (versus habituated)
colleagues. The review by these authors presents evidence that 
somatic  tinnitus  is  often  responsive  to  acupuncture,  electric 

stimulation  of  the  scalp  and  auricle,  trigger-point  treatment,  the perceived intensity and intrusiveness of the tinnitus.35 Func-

and treatment of TMJ dysfunction. tional imaging studies in humans have suggested that expanded 
representation of frequency regions in the auditory cortex may 
Typewriter Tinnitus Subtype underpin tinnitus.36-38
Typewriter tinnitus is defined, as its name implies, by the charac- Animal  models  have  been  important  in  studying  the  deaf-
teristic sensation of a staccato quality to the tinnitus, similar to  ferentation hypothesis of tinnitus and have been used to evalu-
a typewriter tapping, popcorn popping, or Morse code signal- ate sound therapy for reversal of pathologic neural plasticity. A 
ing. Its presence is intermittent and chronic, and the sound is  key  study  by  Norena  and  Eggermont39  illustrates  the  effect  of 
often  triggered  by  specific  head  movements  or  sounds.  This  noise trauma and therapeutic sound stimulation on receptive 
type of tinnitus may be confused with tinnitus that arises from  fields of primary and secondary auditory cortex. Cats exposed 
a  muscular  source,  such  as  spasm  of  the  tensor  tympani  or  to a traumatizing noise were evaluated for changes in the loca-
stapedius muscles, or palatal myoclonus. Typewriter tinnitus is  tion and responsiveness of auditory cortex neurons to acoustic 
distinct from these somatic sources, as illustrated by a patient  stimuli. The frequency tuning of cortical neurons was altered 
with typewriter tinnitus that failed to respond to tensor tympani  after the trauma, and this distorted the overall representation 
and  stapedius  resection.  The  patient  was  successfully  treated,  of sound and overrepresented the frequencies that surrounded 
however, with carbamazepine.27 This case illustrates the impor- the  exposure  sound.  A  second  cohort  of  cats  exposed  to  the 
tance  of  accurate  recognition  and  diagnosis  of  typewriter  tin- same  traumatizing  sound  was  subsequently  reared  in  an 
nitus.  Two  small  case  series  report  successful  treatment  with  enriched  acoustic  environment  for  several  weeks  before 
carbamazepine, which suggests that typewriter tinnitus may be  mapping  the  auditory  cortex.  The  enriched  environment  was 
caused by vascular compression of the auditory nerve ipsilateral  spectrally  composed  to  compensate  for  the  anticipated  fre-
to the tinnitus.28,29 quency  distortions  induced  by  hearing  loss.  Two  important 
outcomes  were  observed  in  the  cats  raised  in  the  enriched 
TINNITUS TREATMENT STRATEGIES environment:  1)  their  hearing  loss  was  significantly  reduced 
compared with the cats with similar sound exposure raised in 
Auditory Deprivation and Neural Plasticity a  quiet  environment,  and  2)  no  plastic  reorganization  of  the 
Acoustic  stimulation  as  a  tinnitus  treatment  encompasses  a  auditory cortex was evident. The tonotopic organization of the 
range of sounds and delivery systems. The rationale for using  exposed  and  treated  cats  was  similar  to  that  of  unexposed 
external sound to treat tinnitus derives from the hypothesis that  control  cats.  These  results  suggest  that  tinnitus  may  be  partly 
deafferentation (hearing loss) leads to pathologic reorganiza- the  result  of  abnormal  reorganization  of  the  auditory  cortex, 
tion of the auditory pathway. Hearing loss decreases the affer- and  this  shows  that  therapeutic  acoustic  intervention  may  be 
ent stream of neural activity from the cochlea to the auditory  effective in reducing or eliminating the abnormal cortical orga-
cortex.  Chronic  deafferentation  alters  activity  in  the  auditory  nization associated with, and potentially responsible for, tinni-
brainstem and midbrain, which alters the tonotopic organiza- tus. The implications for tinnitus treatment using sound therapy 
tion of the auditory cortex. Brainstem spontaneous activity may  are obvious.
increase,  and  midbrain  patterns  may  change  (e.g.,  with  aber-
rant  synchronization  or  bursting)  because  of  compensatory 
downregulation  of  inhibition.  Altered  activity  in  the  auditory 
Using Sound to Decrease Loudness and
pathway may be responsible for the tinnitus percept. Stimulus  Annoyance of Tinnitus
interventions that restore afferent input to more normal levels  Acoustic stimulation is an important component of successful 
may  act  through  improved  inhibition.  They  may  also  restore  management of tinnitus in many patients. A wide range of acous-
cortical  tonotopic  organization  to  normative  levels  and  may  tic delivery strategies are currently available. Most patients with 
reduce tinnitus. tinnitus can benefit from acoustic stimulation, including those 
Phantom limb  pain  is a  phenomenon  similar  to  tinnitus with minimal threshold shift on standard audiometric testing. 
that  illustrates  the  concept  and  treatment  of  deafferentation- Patients with severe to profound hearing loss that is not ame-
induced cortical plasticity. The phantom limb syndrome is the  nable to conventional amplification can achieve tinnitus relief 
sensation of a distorted and painful limb after amputation, an  from  other  modes  of  auditory  pathway  stimulation,  such  as 
extreme form of deafferentation. The parallels between tinni- cochlear implantation. Appropriate patient education is crucial 
tus  and  phantom  limb  pain  in  onset  rate,  persistence,  and  to  successful  treatment,  and  treatment  failures  occur  because 
affected ages are striking. Greater than 90% of amputees expe- patients  erroneously  expect  complete  elimination  of  tinnitus 
rience  a  vivid  limb  phantom  immediately  after  amputation.30 after a few days to weeks of treatment. Patients must be coun-
Phantoms are more likely to occur in adults than in children.31 seled about the time course of improvement, and they must be 
In many cases, the phantom sensation fades after days or weeks,  encouraged to have realistic expectations about the benefits of 
but it persists chronically for decades in 30% of patients.30 sound therapy. Sound therapy can decrease the subjective loud-
It is well known that both the adult and the immature brain  ness of tinnitus, which can significantly decrease the annoyance, 
can undergo plastic change. Neural plasticity is the ability of a  but this may require weeks to months of daily application.
neuron or neural network to change its function, organization, 
and  connectivity  through  long-term  alterations  in  synaptic  Ambient Stimulation. The simplest method of increasing affer-
efficiency.32  Neurons  can  significantly  alter  their  response  to  ent input to reverse putative central reorganization and tinnitus 
inputs,  and  receptive  field  sizes  change,  as  a  consequence  of  is environmental sound enrichment. Use of supplemental envi-
either  decreased  or  increased  input  and  training  procedures,  ronmental sound to treat tinnitus has been recommended for 
and  these  changes  can  be  extensive.33  Magnetoencephalo- over 50 years.40 Enrichment can be achieved using background 
graphic studies have shown that stimulation of intact body areas  music, audio relaxation programs, tabletop devices that gener-
distant from the amputation site is perceived, with correspond- ate  nature  sounds,  or  waterfalls  or  fountains.  Patients  are 
ing central neural activity, at the cortical site of the amputated  instructed  to  use  a  source  of  constant  background  sound  to 
limb.34 Similar changes of auditory cortical representation may  decrease  attention  to  their  tinnitus.  Sound enrichment  is  not 
underlie  tinnitus.  Primary  auditory  cortex  steady-state  evoked  intended  to  mask  the  tinnitus  in  the  conventional  sense  of 
magnetic  fields  were  enhanced  in  tinnitus  patients  compared  completely eliminating the tinnitus percept. Rather by elevating 
with controls, and the degree of enhancement correlated with  the  level  of  ambient  sound  using  a  constant,  spectrally  rich 

stimulus, the tinnitus sensation becomes less noticeable. Patients  may  be  fruitful  in  optimizing  sound  stimulation  parameters 

show clear preferences for particular sounds that improve sleep  that provide effective tinnitus relief.
quality  with  some  evidence  that  the  choices  are  driven  by  Benefits from masking therapy have been shown in a large,
emotion and cognitive factors rather than acoustic masking.41 prospective  controlled  study  of  chronic  significant  tinnitus  in 
Effective use of sound stimulation for managing tinnitus in U.S.  veterans.52  Validated  standardized  tinnitus  severity  ques-
hearing-impaired  patients  is  achieved  when  combined  with  tionnaires  were  used  to  screen  and  enroll  123  subjects  with 
appropriate  amplification.  Typically,  amplification  is  achieved  clinically  significant  tinnitus.  Subjects  were  quasi-randomly 
with  hearing  aids.  Even  without  supplemental  sound,  the  assigned to either the total masking group or a tinnitus retrain-
therapeutic  effect  of  hearing  aids  for  tinnitus  patients  is  ing therapy (TRT) group. Subjects in the total masking group 
well  documented.42-44  Hearing  aids  reduce  the  awareness  of  received  hearing  aids,  maskers,  or  combination  instruments, 
tinnitus  through  amplification  of  ambient  sound,  and  they  and  all  received  information  counseling  over  an  18-month 
reduce the perception that tinnitus masks hearing and impedes  follow-up period. Subjects in the TRT group received standard-
communication. ized TRT treatment. All subjects were evaluated for response to 
Surr  and  coworkers45  reviewed  the  initial  effect  of  hearing  treatment at 6, 12, and 18 months, and subjects in both treat-
aid use on tinnitus in 124 patients. Approximately one half of  ment  groups  showed  improvement  on  multiple  measures  of 
patients reported that the hearing aid reduced (26%) or elimi- tinnitus  over  the  course  of  the  study.  Subjects  in  the  total-
nated (29%) the tinnitus. Folmer and Carroll46 reviewed their  masking  group  who  rated  their  tinnitus  as  a  “moderate” 
clinical  experience  with  50  patients  with  mild  to  moderate  problem had effect sizes between 0.27 and 0.48 compared with 
SNHL  fitted  with  hearing  aids  for  tinnitus  management.  effect sizes for the TRT group of 0.77 and 1.26 at 18 months. 
Patients  were  reevaluated  6  to  48  months  after  initial  fitting  Mean effect sizes in subjects with tinnitus rated as a “very big 
(mean 18 months), and 70% reported significant improvement  problem” were 0.64 in the total masking group and 1.08 in the 
in their tinnitus. Similar results were obtained in a larger study  TRT group. Although both therapies resulted in clinically sig-
of 1440 patients fitted with hearing aids for unilateral or bilat- nificant improvement in tinnitus with medium (>0.5) to large 
eral hearing loss.47 In this study, digital hearing aids provided  (>0.8) effect sizes, optimal outcomes were obtained with long-
significantly greater tinnitus relief than analog hearing aids. Of  term TRT treatment.
patients  fitted  with  digital  hearing  aids  for  unilateral  hearing 
loss, 65% reported greater than 50% improvement in tinnitus  Acoustic Stimulation Combined with Education and Counsel-
compared with 39% who reported a similar degree of improve- ing. TRT combines sound therapy with a formalized program 
ment after fitting with an analog aid. An even greater therapeu- of directive counseling to achieve habituation to tinnitus. TRT 
tic effect was obtained with bilateral digital hearing aids: 85%  is  based  on  the  assumption  that  tinnitus  distress  derives  from 
of patients reported greater than 50% improvement in tinnitus  activation of an emotional and an autonomic response to tin-
compared with 30% of those fitted with bilateral analog aids. nitus.53 Within this theoretic framework, tinnitus emerges as a 
result  of  damage  or  dysfunction  within  the  auditory  pathway, 
Personal Listening Devices. Tinnitus management with supple- and it is detected at subcortical levels of the brain. The critical 
mental acoustic stimulation can be implemented through the  event that leads to clinically significant tinnitus is not its sensory 
use of personal listening devices. Miniaturization, data storage,  features  but  rather  the  perception  and  evaluation  of  the 
and digital software have greatly expanded the available tools  tinnitus-related neural activity that occurs in the auditory cortex 
that  clinicians  and  patients  can use  to  produce  a  customized  and subsequent cortical interaction with the limbic system, pre-
sound  library.  Inexpensive  online  sources  are  also  available  frontal  cortex,  and  cortical  association  areas.  According  to  
for  downloading  digital  sound  specifically  developed  for  tin- Jastreboff  and  Hazell,53  tinnitus  becomes  clinically  significant 
nitus  therapy  (e.g.,  Patients  when  a  negative  affective  response  to  the  tinnitus  has  been 
can  build  and  use  a  small  library  of  sounds  that  may  include  established.
music to their liking, nature sounds, and noise bands of differ- The  goals  of  TRT  are  to  remove,  decrease,  or  change  the 
ent spectral composition. Important key features of any regimen  perception  of  tinnitus  by  promoting  habituation  of  the  reac-
of amplified sound therapy are 1) use of open-fit, nonoccluding  tions to the tinnitus sensation. Habituation of the reaction to 
ear-level  amplifiers;  2)  long-term  exposure  to  the  sounds;  3)  tinnitus  would  reduce  the  derived  annoyance,  anxiety,  and 
sound  spectral  composition  that  is  reasonably  broad;  and  4)  stress.  A  key  feature  of  TRT  involves  behavioral  retraining  of 
sound levels below that of the perceived tinnitus. the associations induced by the tinnitus sensation. TRT uses five 
distinct  levels  of  therapy  aimed  at  stratified  patient  groups. 
Total Masking Therapy. Total  masking  therapy  is  the  use  of  Stratification  is  based  on  tinnitus  distress,  associated  hearing 
sound  with  spectral  characteristics  and  sufficient  volume  to  impairment,  presence  of  sound-induced  exacerbation  of  tin-
render the tinnitus inaudible. This form of sound therapy has  nitus,  and  comorbid  hyperacusis  (see  later).  The  five  strata 
likely been used for centuries and derives from empiric experi- include  patients  with  1)  tinnitus  that  causes  minimal  distress 
ence  that  certain  environmental  sounds  are  efficient  tinnitus  (category  0);  2)  tinnitus  that  causes  distress  (category  1);  3) 
maskers. A formal masking therapy program was first proposed  distressing tinnitus and hearing loss (category 2); 4) distressing 
by  Vernon  and  Schleuning.48  Patients  are  fitted  with  ear-level  tinnitus, normal hearing, and hyperacusis (category 3); and 5) 
devices  that  generate  sound,  and  the  devices  can  be  adjusted  distressing  tinnitus,  normal  hearing,  hyperacusis,  and  pro-
to have outputs with different frequency spectra and levels. No  longed  sound-induced  exacerbation  of  tinnitus  (category  4). 
codified  scheme  exists  for  selecting  effective  masking  charac- Treatment is specific for each patient category and uses direc-
teristics;  the  general  fitting  principle  is  to  determine  the  tive counseling, auditory enrichment, hearing aids, and sound 
minimum  level  of  broadband  noise  that  masks  the  tinnitus  generators.
without interfering with communication. The fitting is empiric,  Retrospective  clinical  trials  to  evaluate  the  efficacy  of  TRT 
because there is a wide range of patient preference in the type  have  generally  been  positive,  and  the  consensus  is  that  TRT 
and level of sound that masks the tinnitus and is not perceived  reduces  the  annoyance  and  impact  of  tinnitus  within  a  time 
as annoying.49,50 Recent work using amplitude-modulated high- frame  of  12  to  18  months.54,55  However,  controlled  trials  to 
frequency carrier tones within the range of the tinnitus pitch  compare TRT with other standard treatments, such as cognitive 
was successful in significantly to completely suppressing tinni- behavioral therapy or general counseling, showed comparable 
tus in a moderate portion of people.51 Further work in this area  improvement in tinnitus severity and distress.56,57

Acoustic Desensitization Protocol. The  Acoustic  Desensitiza- training, and selective attention distraction to induce habitua-

tion Protocol (Neuromonics, Bethlehem, PA) is a proprietary  tion to tinnitus. It may be that defusing the emotional compo-
tinnitus  treatment  program  that  combines  features  of  sound  nent  of  tinnitus,  as  suggested  by  some,  with  or  without 
therapy,  systematic  desensitization,  directive  counseling,  and  concomitant  changes  in  tinnitus  loudness  is  sufficient  for 
supportive  intervention  for  stress  management,  sleep  disrup- improving patient outlook and perception.64
tion, and coping strategies. Systematic desensitization is a psy- A  review  of  CBT  as  a  tinnitus  treatment  by  the  Cochrane
chologic  technique  originally developed  for  the  treatment  of  Collaboration  evaluated  six  trials  that  comprised  285  partici-
phobias. Progressive gradual controlled exposure to the phobic  pants.65 The primary outcome measure was subjective tinnitus 
stimulus  within  the  context  of  a  deeply  relaxed  state  of  mind  loudness, and the secondary outcome measures were improve-
results in a gradual desensitization of the phobic response to the  ment  in  symptoms  of  mood  disturbance  and  quality-of-life 
stimulus.58 This technique has been adapted to the treatment of  evaluation. The pooled results for the five trials that reported 
tinnitus by targeting the individual’s tinnitus as the stimulus that  subjective loudness before and after treatment showed no sig-
provokes the phobic, or at least negative, emotional response. nificant  difference  between  treatment  with  CBT  and  either  a 
Patients listen to their tinnitus in gradual, progressive incre- waiting-list  control  or  an  alternative  treatment.  In  addition, 
ments within a background context of pleasant, relaxing thera- no  significant  treatment  effect  was  found  for  the  secondary 
peutic  sound.  The  therapeutic  sound  has  three  key  features  outcome  measures  of  depression  and  mood  disturbance. 
that are fundamental to the protocol: 1) it is music spectrally  However, a significant improvement was seen in the quality of 
modified in accord with the patient’s hearing loss; 2) loudness  life  of  CBT  participants,  as  measured  by  a  global  decrease  in 
levels are enhanced for those frequencies at which hearing loss  tinnitus  severity  with  a  standardized  mean  difference  of  0.70 
is pronounced; and 3) it reestablishes stimulation of the audi- (95%  confidence  interval,  0.33  to  1.08).  The  reviewers  con-
tory pathway over a wide frequency range. Music that is nonin- clude  that  CBT  has  a  significant  impact  on  the  qualitative 
trusive  and  has  a  slow  rhythm  is  used  to  maximize  relaxation  aspects of tinnitus and that it contributes positively to the man-
during  treatment.  The  music  has  a  dynamic  component  that  agement of tinnitus. A larger meta-analysis of randomized con-
permits  intermittent  tinnitus  perception  alternating  with  tin- trolled  trials  of  CBT  included  15  trials,  10  with  long-term 
nitus  masking.  This  gradual  exposure  to  therapeutic  music  is  follow-up; these researchers concluded that CBT is effective in 
achieved using a staged treatment program. In the initial stage,  reducing  the  annoyance  and  distress  associated  with  tinnitus, 
the spectrally modified music is embedded within a background  and  a  larger  treatment  effect  was  seen  in  response  to  CBT, 
sound of high-frequency noise that masks the tinnitus. In the  compared  with  both  waiting-list  controls  and  active  control 
second  stage,  the  masking  noise  is  removed,  and  the  tinnitus  groups given only education.66
percept becomes gradually and progressively more audible. Nevertheless,  controversy  continues  regarding  the  relative
Evidence for improved tinnitus severity after 6 to 12 months  benefits  of  CBT  and  sound  stimulation  in  promoting  psycho-
of therapy has been demonstrated in several small, uncontrolled  logic and physiologic habituation in patients who have chronic 
trials  and  in  Neuromonics-sponsored  outcome  studies.59-61  In  tinnitus. Hiller and Haerkotter67 followed 124 outpatients with 
the latter, 35 patients with moderate to severe tinnitus received  chronic tinnitus randomly assigned to either CBT alone or CBT 
Neuromonics tinnitus treatment and were tested for subjective  combined  with  sound  stimulation  using  noise  generators. 
(distress,  awareness)  and  objective  (minimum  masking  levels,  Tinnitus-related distress and psychosocial functioning were sig-
loudness  discomfort  levels)  changes  at  four  time  points  after  nificantly  improved  in  both  groups,  with  no  additive  benefit 
therapy, including at 1 year. Within the first 6 months of treat- observed in the sound-stimulation group.
ment, 91% of participants reported an improvement in tinnitus 
distress,  which  reflected  a  mean  improvement  of  65%  in  the  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Tinnitus  Reaction  Questionnaire.  The  reported  “percent  of  Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has opened a novel 
time aware of tinnitus” before therapy was 90%, which was sig- avenue for investigating the causal and associational aspects of 
nificantly reduced to 30% after 12 months of therapy. A retro- tinnitus-related cortical activity, and it may provide an effective 
spective  assessment  showed  equivalent  outcomes  in  tinnitus  tinnitus therapy for some patients. TMS applies a brief, intense 
improvement when comparing a tinnitus habituation protocol  current to the scalp using a surface coil that induces a magnetic 
using ear-level sound generators with the Neuromonics Acoustic  field  in  the  underlying  brain.  The  magnetic  pulse  induces  a 
Desensitization Protocol.62 temporary focal disruption of neural activity in a discrete area 
of cortex. Currently, depth of penetration of the magnetic field 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus is  limited  to  less  than  2 cm.68  This  “virtual  lesion”  briefly  and 
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-established form  reversibly disrupts cortical activity and allows the investigator to 
of  psychotherapy  based  on  identification  and  modification  determine  whether  the  cortical  region  of  interest  contributes 
of  maladaptive  behaviors  using  therapist-mediated  cognitive  to  a  specific  behavior  or  perception.69  The  effect  of  a  single 
restructuring techniques. This approach has been successfully  pulse-induced  magnetic  field  is  short  lived,  on  the  order  of 
applied  to  tinnitus  for  many  years  and  forms  the  basis  of  milliseconds.  Repetitive  TMS  over  seconds to  minutes  causes 
another type of habituation therapy for tinnitus.63 CBT for tin- neuronal depolarization  within  the  superficial  cortex.  Low-
nitus  is  based  on  the  concept  that  the  normal  response  to  frequency  (<1 Hz)  repetitive  TMS  decreases  cortical  excit-
meaningless stimuli is habituation, and tinnitus distress results  ability,70  whereas  high-frequency  (5  to  20 Hz)  repetitive  TMS 
from a failure to habituate. Jakes and associates64 summarized  increases  cortical  excitability.71  All  repetitive  TMS  frequency 
the causes of habituation failure to include emotional responses,  parameters  can  induce  long-term  plastic  changes  in  cortical 
orientation to stimuli, arousal, and unfavorable signal-to-noise  function that reportedly outlast the stimulation period by hours 
ratio. When an individual is repeatedly presented with a mean- to days.72
ingless or neutral stimulus, responses to the stimulus—such as  Early  work  was  directed  toward  using  functional  imaging 
orientation, attention, and cognitive processing—soon habitu- techniques  to  locate  regions  of  interest  for  TMS  application 
ate  (i.e.,  the  responses  drop  out).  When  the  same  person  is  and  to  examine  the  effect  of  cortical  stimulation  on  distant 
presented repeatedly with a noxious stimulus (e.g., the cry of  structures.  Theoretically,  TMS  applied  to  accessible  regions, 
a baby), sensitization occurs (i.e., the response to the stimulus  such as auditory cortex, would modulate tinnitus either through 
becomes  more  pronounced  and  may  have  an  emotional   direct disruption of pathologic cortical activity or indirectly via 
component).  CBT  uses  techniques  of  reassurance,  relaxation  corticofugal  neural  networks  relevant  to  tinnitus.  However, 

recent imaging work suggests that at least in people with non- inaudible,  transdermal  electric  current  to  the  mastoid  emi-

bothersome  tinnitus,  abnormal  functional  connectivity  that  nence. Caffier and colleagues84 showed complete tinnitus sup-
links  auditory,  visual,  attentional,  and  cognitive  brain  areas  is  pression in one of five patients treated with TENS. In a larger, 
not evident.73 double-blind  crossover  study,  20  patients  were  treated  first 
The functional relevance of temporoparietal cortex activity  using the active device followed by a placebo device in which 
to  tinnitus  was  first  suggested  by  studies  that  examined  the  the  internal  circuitry  was  deactivated.  Four  patients  (20%) 
effect  of  repetitive  TMS  (rTMS)  on  auditory  hallucinations.  reported  reduction  with  the  placebo,  whereas  two  patients 
Three patients with schizophrenia and persistent auditory hal- (10%) reported tinnitus reduction with the active device. One 
lucinations  were  studied  in  a  double-blind  crossover  design  of the responders was examined further with random trials of 
using  low-frequency  (1 Hz)  rTMS  to  the  left  temporoparietal  either  active  or  placebo  stimulation  and  reported  a  median 
cortex versus sham stimulation. All three subjects reported sig- 70%  tinnitus  decrease  during  active  stimulation  and  a  16% 
nificant improvement in severity of hallucinations after active  decrease  during  placebo  stimulation.85  A  subsequent  single-
treatment compared with sham stimulation. Two subjects had  blind crossover study of 30 patients showed a similar proportion 
near-complete  cessation  of  hallucinations  for  2  weeks  after  of patients that responded to stimulation.86 Levine and cowork-
treatment.74  Meta-analysis  of  the  effect  of  rTMS  on  auditory  ers34  reviewed  the  characteristics  of  tinnitus  patients  who 
hallucinations  in  schizophrenic  patients  has  supported  these  respond  to  TENS  and  concluded  that  the  common  finding 
early results and shows a significant positive effect.75 present  in  all  cases  is  tinnitus  with  features  of  somatic 
Mennemeier and colleagues76 reported the effect on tinni- modulation.
tus of targeted rTMS to either the left or right temporal hemi- Folmer and Griest87 prospectively studied the effect of TENS 
sphere,  as  directed  by  functional  imaging using  positron  in  26  patients  with  tinnitus  categorized  as  somatically  modu-
emission tomography (PET). Tinnitus loudness measured with  lated.  Although  the  trial  lacked  a  placebo  control,  a  striking 
a visual analog scale was reduced in 43% of subjects, without a  effect was obtained in this sample from a selected population, 
concomitant reduction in tinnitus severity ratings on standard- with tinnitus elimination in 23% and tinnitus improvement in 
ized questionnaires. No evidence was found that PET was effec- 23%.  Further  analysis  by  tinnitus  type  showed  that  the  group 
tive  in  guiding  effective  treatment,  nor  was  any  treatment  most  responsive  to  TENS  treatment  had  typewriter  tinnitus, 
advantage  gained  in  stimulating  one  hemisphere  over  the  and 88% experienced improved or eliminated tinnitus.
other. Other studies have failed to show any effect of rTMS on 
subjective  loudness  ratings  or  severity  ratings  using  similar  Cochlear Implants. Suppression  of  tinnitus  as  a  secondary 
stimulation parameters in blinded trials.77,78 benefit of cochlear implantation was noted in the early days of 
If  TMS  is  effective  in  reversing  neurogenic  pathology,  its  cochlear  implant  development.88  Although  a  large  variability 
mechanism of  action  remains  unclear.  High-frequency  rTMS  exists in the methods of assessing and reporting tinnitus, most 
can  result  in  long-lasting  clinical  improvement  in  cases  of  studies report a consistent and clinically significant beneficial 
chronic neurogenic pain, which suggests that the therapeutic  effect  of  cochlear  implantation  on  tinnitus  suppression.74  A 
effect may not be related to a reduction in cortical excitability  significant proportion of patients (38% to 85%) report either 
but rather may occur through reversal of chronic maladaptive  a  decrease  or  complete  suppression  of  tinnitus  after  intraco-
plastic changes.79 The long-term effect of different rTMS stimu- chlear electrode insertion before initial stimulation.75 Although 
lation  rates  delivered  to  the  left  temporoparietal  cortex  was  studies  have  not  been  extensive,  there  does  not  seem  to  be  a 
assessed in 39 subjects with chronic tinnitus (duration 6 months  significant difference in effective tinnitus suppression with dif-
to 25 years).80 Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four  ferent  device  manufacturers.  Cochlear  stimulation  has  been 
stimulation groups—1, 10, or 25 Hz or sham stimulation—and  reported to reduce tinnitus intensity perceived in the ear con-
underwent five sessions over a 2-week period. All subjects in the  tralateral and ipsilateral to the implant.75 This is not paradoxic, 
active rTMS groups reported significant improvement (P < .05)  because the brainstem cochlear nuclei have contralateral con-
in  tinnitus  severity  on  the  standardized  Tinnitus  Handicap  nections, and bilateral elevation of spontaneous activity in the 
Inventory  (THI)  questionnaire  at  4  months  after  completing  dorsal cochlear nucleus has been shown in animals with tinni-
treatment compared with the sham treatment group. Tinnitus  tus induced by unilateral acoustic trauma.89
improvement occurred regardless of stimulation rate for active  The effectiveness of cochlear stimulation on decreasing tin-
rTMS. A greater proportion of subjects experienced an 80% or  nitus loudness increases over time. Tinnitus was suppressed in 
greater improvement in THI score after treatment with 10 Hz  65%  of  patients  on  initial  stimulation,  but  after  a  2-month 
(29%)  and  25 Hz  (35%),  however,  than  after  1 Hz  (6%).  As  period, stimulation suppressed the tinnitus in 93% of patients.90
reported  in  other  studies,  a  negative  correlation  was  found  These observations suggest that the mechanism responsible for 
between tinnitus duration and percent improvement 4 months  tinnitus suppression by cochlear implants may relate to reversal 
after treatment. of maladaptive central plastic changes associated with auditory 
deprivation. Multiple factors may contribute to the efficacy of 
Electric Stimulation tinnitus suppression after cochlear implantation; these include 
Electric  stimulation  has  been  used  to  treat  tinnitus  since  the  etiology, duration, and extent of hearing loss and also stimula-
advent  of  Volta’s  battery  in  the  early  nineteenth  century.81 tion strategy. Much remains to be learned about tinnitus mech-
Although  anodal  direct  current  has  been  used  by  multiple  anisms  from  patients  with  cochlear  implants;  however,  few 
investigators  to  suppress  tinnitus,  practical  use  is  limited  by  studies  have  systematically  investigated  the  impact  of  these 
tissue  damage  induced  by  chronic  stimulation  with  direct  factors.
current.82,83  Nondestructive  methods  of  delivering  electric 
current  required  the  development  of  improved  noninvasive  Pharmacologic Tinnitus Treatments
techniques,  such  as  transcutaneous  electric  nerve  stimulation  Ancient  written  accounts  (2660  to  2160  bce)  indicate  that 
(TENS), and surgically implanted devices that use alternating  medical treatment of tinnitus dates back to the Egyptians.91 An 
current, such as cochlear implants and cortical stimulators. ear  that  was  “bewitched”  or  humming  would  be  infused  with 
oil, frankincense, tree sap, herbs, and soil. Mesopotamian writ-
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation. Initial  systematic  ings considered the psychologic aspects of tinnitus, possibly the 
attempts to decrease tinnitus using TENS used the Theraband  earliest recognition that stress and emotional factors are signifi-
headset  (Audimax,  Allesandria,  Italy),  a  device  that  delivers  cant comorbidities of tinnitus dysfunction.

Until more recently, most pharmacologic interventions for  neurotransmitters may be important in the distress associated 
tinnitus  were  empirically  determined.  Anecdotal experience  with tinnitus.
and fortuitous observations of tinnitus relief were the primary  Treatment  with  sertraline,  a  SSRI,  improved  tinnitus  loud-
sources  of  innovation.  Over  the  past  50  years,  pharmacologic  ness  (P  =  .014)  and  severity  (P  =  .024)  in  a  group  of  tinnitus 
treatment  of  tinnitus  has  become  more  rational.  Anesthetics  patients  with  an  associated  depressive  or  anxiety  disorder.103
(lidocaine, tocainide, mexiletine), anticonvulsants (carbamaze- Despite this positive evidence, it is unclear whether SSRI treat-
pine,  gabapentin),  and  tranquilizers  (diazepam,  clonazepam,  ment  improved  tinnitus  directly  or  indirectly  through  allevia-
oxazepam) have been investigated as tinnitus treatments. They  tion  of  mood  disorder.  A  placebo-controlled  trial  of  the  SSRI 
have in  common  the  general  property  of  facilitating  neural  paroxetine in a group of subjects without coexisting mood or 
inhibition. Antidepressants such as trimipramine, nortriptyline,  anxiety disorder did not produce improvement in any tinnitus 
amitriptyline,  and  selective  serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  measure over placebo.104
(SSRIs)  have  been  tested  for  their  ability  to  ameliorate  the 
comorbid mood disturbance associated with tinnitus. Consider-
ing only well-controlled trials, mixed results have been obtained 
for all drugs tested to date. Clinical treatment of a patient with tinnitus should begin with 
The hypothesis that tinnitus emerges from increased central  a  general  medical  evaluation  followed  by  a  complete  head 
neural  activity  after  loss  of  inhibition  can  be  used  to  guide  and neck examination. Objectives of the evaluation include a 
pharmacologic  intervention  and  is  supported  by  work  with  descriptive  characterization  of  the  tinnitus  (psychoacoustic 
animal models,92-94 and it provides a rational basis for numerous  properties, impact on daily life, reactive components); determi-
pharmacologic  interventions  that  include  lidocaine,  carbam- nation of etiology; and identification of factors that exacerbate, 
azepine,  alprazolam,  and  gabapentin.  Despite  the  increase  in  ameliorate, or trigger the tinnitus. At a minimum, the results 
targeted  tinnitus  drug  trials,  use  of  a  single  agent  to  treat  a  of the examination educate the patient about the tinnitus, and 
heterogeneous large sample of subjects has been for the most  patient education is a powerful therapeutic component of the 
part  unsuccessful.  Several  reasons,  none  mutually  exclusive,  clinical  process  that  should  not  be  undervalued  or  underesti-
may account for this lack of success. Most tinnitus clinical trials  mated. A thorough examination also facilitates development of 
randomly  select  and  assign  participants  to  treatment  groups.  a directed individual treatment plan.
However, evidence is emerging that tinnitus is a heterogeneous  Tinnitus  can  be  described  in  terms  of  its  psychoacoustic 
disorder  with  variable  pathologic  features.34,95,96  Testing  drugs  properties and in terms of the affective or reactive responses to 
with a single mechanism of action is unlikely to succeed when  the tinnitus. The affective or reactive components include the 
using randomly determined heterogeneous sample groups. For  comorbid  problems  of  depression,  sleep  disruption,  difficulty 
the same reason, trials that use small dose ranges may also fail. with  concentration,  sadness,  anxiety,  and  fear.  The  reactive 
Studies  that  enroll  subjects  with  a  single  tinnitus  etiology components of tinnitus are highly individual and are significant 
may  be  more  likely  to  identify  successful  treatments.  A  study  factors in tinnitus disability. Careful evaluation of both compo-
that examined the effect of gabapentin on tinnitus in two spe- nents  is  important  for  the  clinician  to  appreciate  fully  the 
cific  patient  subpopulations  obtained  positive  results.97  The  impact  of  the  tinnitus  on  the  individual  and  to  formulate  a 
study was designed to test the hypothesis that acoustic trauma  directed treatment plan.
leads to a loss of inhibition in the auditory pathway mediated  The  qualitative  features  of  tinnitus  can  be  assessed  using
by the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).  standardized  questionnaires  and  psychophysical  measure-
The hypothesis was advanced after an animal experiment that  ments.  Relevant  information  includes  localization  (left,  right, 
showed gabapentin, a GABA analogue, to be effective in reduc- in the head, outside of the head), constancy (episodic, fluctuat-
ing the loudness of tinnitus in rats.93 This study used a very wide  ing,  constant,  pulsatile),  pitch,  loudness,  and  sound  quality 
dose range and tested one group of patients with objective and  (tonal,  hissing,  buzzing,  clicking,  ringing).  This  information 
historic  evidence  of  traumatic  sound  exposure  and  a  second  can  be  useful  in  determining  etiology:  pulsatile  tinnitus  can 
group without such evidence. Gabapentin was found to reduce  imply  a  vascular  source,  whereas  fluctuating  tinnitus  may  be 
tinnitus annoyance significantly in the trauma group at a daily  linked  to  specific  triggers  such  as  foods,  illnesses,  stress,  or 
dose level of 1800 to 2400 mg. In contrast, a subsequent clinical  acoustic  trauma.  Episodic  tinnitus  may  relate  to  unstable 
trial  to  study  the  effect  of  only  a  single  dose  in  a  randomly  hearing  thresholds  that  derive  from  cochlear  dysfunctions, 
selected group of patients did not obtain a significant effect.98 such as hydrops or perilymph fistulae. Clicking or tapping tin-
The therapeutic effect was likely missed because only a single  nitus may occur with mechanical disorders that affect either the 
dose level was used, and the treatment group included various  middle ear muscles (stapedial or tensor tympani spasm) or the 
tinnitus etiologies. Drugs with a specific mechanism of action  auditory nerve (vascular loop or demyelination). Identification 
are unlikely to be effective in all subjects characterized by such  of  tinnitus  with  specific  characteristics  such  as  these  is  very 
heterogeneity. Stratified study designs with segregation of tin- useful and can lead to a directed course of therapy.
nitus  types,  etiologies,  and  hearing  characteristics  should  be 
more successful in identifying effective drug therapies. Standardized Outcome Measures
The most extensively used drugs for tinnitus treatment are Numerous  standardized  questionnaires  are  available  for  mea-
antidepressants.  Attempting  to  treat  tinnitus  with  antidepres- suring  tinnitus  severity  and  perceived  disability.  Standardized 
sants is sensible for two reasons: first, the association between  assessment  is  useful  for  documenting  clinical  outcomes  and 
severe tinnitus and mood disorders is well recognized; second,  reporting  the  results  of  clinical  trials.  Standardized  measures 
the  pharmacologic  mechanism  of  action  of  many  antidepres- are  also  crucial  for  determining  the  subjective  impact  of  tin-
sants  involves  receptors  and  neurotransmitters  located  in  the  nitus. Finally, standardized questionnaires are useful for stratify-
auditory  pathway.99  Although  GABA  deficiency  seems  to  con- ing  patients  according  to  the  severity  and  impact  of  their 
tribute  to  tinnitus  pathology,97,100-102  the  role  of  other  neu- tinnitus,  which  facilitates  identification  of  specific  problems 
rotransmitter  systems  in  triggering  or  maintaining  tinnitus  is  and  serves  to  triage  patient  care  from  minimal  counseling  to 
currently unknown. Serotonin is known to function as a modu- intensive rehabilitation.
lator  of  sensory  systems,  learning,  and  memory.  Along  with  The THI is a widely used self-assessment tool.105 This 25-item 
acetylcholine, serotonin  can  affect  behavioral  conditioning  questionnaire has good construct validity, strong internal con-
and  associated  plastic  changes  in  auditory  cortex.  Both  sistency, and good test-retest reliability. The THI yields a total 

score and three subscale scores; the subscales encompass func- migraine,95 Lyme disease,96 benzodiazepine withdrawal,97 or as 
tional  limitations  in  mental  (e.g.,  difficulty  concentrating),  part  of  a  syndrome.98  Patients  with  tinnitus  and  hyperacusis 
social,  occupational,  and  physical  domains  (e.g.,  difficulty  frequently  have  loudness  discomfort  levels  that  are  lower 
sleeping); emotional responses to tinnitus (e.g., anger, depres- than those  of  individuals  with  similar  levels  of  SNHL,  again 
sion, anxiety); and catastrophic reactions to tinnitus (e.g., des- indicating that these phenomena are distinctly different from 
peration,  loss  of  control,  failure  to  cope).  In  addition  to  its  recruitment.99
good internal consistency and test-retest reliability, the THI has  Andersson  and  associates100  assessed  the  prevalence  of 
high convergent  validity  with  the  27-item  Tinnitus  Handicap  hyperacusis  in  the  general  population  in  two  surveys  of  the 
Questionnaire and the 52-item Tinnitus Questionnaire.106 The  adult Swedish population. The point prevalence of hyperacusis 
95%  confidence  interval  for  the  THI  is  20  points,  which  sug- was  5.9%  (postal  survey)  and  7.7%  (Internet  survey).  Partici-
gests that a difference in scores of 20 points or greater repre- pants  who  reported  hearing  impairment  were  excluded  from 
sents a statistically and clinically significant change. the prevalence calculations, which minimized the inclusion of 
patients with cochlear damage and reduced dynamic range in 
Tinnitus Comorbidities the sample. Other surveys of hyperacusis report a higher preva-
Severe, debilitating tinnitus is frequently associated with depres- lence  in  the  general  population  (22%).101  The  prevalence  of 
sion,  anxiety,  and  other  mood  disorders.79,107  Comorbid  emo- hyperacusis  within  the  tinnitus  population  is  unknown, 
tional disturbance is not unique to tinnitus and has been shown  although estimates range from 40% to 80%, but no systematic 
to accompany many chronic illnesses.83,108 It is well recognized  survey has been conducted for accurate estimation.102,103 In the 
that  coexisting  mood  disorders  hamper  improvement  and  general  population  and  the  tinnitus  population,  the  varied 
interfere with treatment of conditions such as chronic pain and  prevalence estimates likely reflect the adopted operational defi-
tinnitus. The identification and treatment of comorbid condi- nition of hyperacusis.
tions in tinnitus patients is an important aspect of the clinical  Objective tests of loudness discomfort or sound intolerance 
evaluation. In an outpatient setting, several tools are available  in  patients  with  hyperacusis  have  been  adapted  from  proce-
to  screen  for  mood  disorders,  such  as  the  Beck  Depression  dures  developed  for  assessing  recruitment.104,112  Several  varia-
Inventory and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. An important thera- tions exist on the technique for measuring loudness discomfort 
peutic adjunct is teaching coping skills through behavior modi- levels,  but  no  consensus  or  standardization  has  been  estab-
fication and cognitive therapy.84 lished. In addition, issues of intersubject and intrasubject vari-
ability,113  test-retest  reliability,114  operator  dependency,  and 
Tinnitus and Insomnia poor face validity for test stimuli all limit the utility of adapting 
Patients  commonly  report  that  tinnitus  interferes  with  their  measures of loudness intolerance to patients with hyperacusis.
ability to fall asleep, and sleep disruption is a significant comor- Very  few  validated,  well-established  self-report  question-
bid  condition  in  adults  and  children.85,86  A  robust  correlation  naires  specifically  assess  hyperacusis.  Dauman  and  Bouscau-
has been shown between the reported loudness and severity of  Faure103 developed a scale for assessing hyperacusis in patients 
tinnitus and degree of sleep disruption.87,109 A positive feedback  with  tinnitus  called  the  Multiple-Activity Scale for Hyperacusis, 
loop may exist in which tinnitus leads to sleep deprivation, and  which  uses  a  structured  interview  for  rating  the  annoyance 
the sleep deprivation exacerbates somatic complaints, tinnitus  induced by sound exposure from different physical and social 
among them. Depression and anxiety exacerbated by sleep loss  activities.  They  reported  hyperacusis  in  197  of  249  clinical 
may significantly interact with and compound the cycle of tin- patients  (79%)  screened  with  the  instrument  and  reported 
nitus and poor quality sleep. Coping ability may also deteriorate  substantial  to  severe  annoyance  from  hyperacusis  present  in 
as a result of sleep deprivation or lack of restorative sleep. Sleep  42%. No correlation was found between the severity of hyper-
difficulties  include  insufficient  sleep,  poor  quality  sleep,  and  acusis, as indicated by the Multiple-Activity Scale for Hyperacu-
nonrestorative  sleep.  Altered  sleep  architecture reflected  in  a  sis,  and  audiometric  threshold  shift,  which  again  indicates  
significant decrease in time spent in stage 3 and 4 REM sleep  that  hyperacusis  is  a  phenomenon  distinct  from  loudness 
was  demonstrated  in  subjects  with  chronic  tinnitus  compared  recruitment. The Hyperacusis Questionnaire is a 14-item instru-
with matched controls.110 Psychologic and behavioral manage- ment, in which hyperacusis is assessed using a four-alternative 
ment of sleep disturbance is an effective treatment modality for  Likert scale.115
chronic  insomnia  and  may  provide  benefit  for  patients  with  The  impact  of  hypersensitivity  to  sound  can  range  from 
tinnitus and concomitant sleep disturbance.111 general  avoidance  of  social  situations,  such  as  concerts  and 
Pharmacologic sleep aids such as melatonin can reduce tin- restaurants,  to  specific  sound  aversions:  vacuum  cleaners, 
nitus  severity,  particularly  in  patients  with  pronounced  sleep  traffic, clinking dishes, children playing, and so on. In extreme 
difficulties.91,92 Bedside sound generators have also been shown  cases, patients with severe hypersensitivity become housebound 
to  improve  sleep  quality  significantly  and to  lessen  tinnitus  in  an  effort  to  control  acoustic  exposure,  and  they  wear  ear 
distress. The bedside sounds most frequently chosen are often  plugs and ear muffs for extended periods. In all cases of sound 
selected for their perceived positive emotional effect.41 hypersensitivity, it is important to address the physiologic com-
ponent of loudness discomfort and reduced dynamic range and 
also  the  psychologic  component  of  fear,  anxiety,  social  with-
HYPERACUSIS drawal,  and  maladaptation  that  accompanies  the  condition. 
Hyperacusis  has  been  defined  as  noise  intolerance,  annoyance  The cognitive influence on sound sensitivity is illustrated by the 
caused by ordinary sounds, and abnormal discomfort for supra- high correlation of loudness tolerance with anxiety.116 A survey 
threshold  sound.93  These  definitions  distinguish  hyperacusis, of 62 Swedish patients with hyperacusis showed that nearly half 
considered by many to be a central phenomenon, from recruit- had  a  concomitant  psychiatric  disorder  with  a  predominance 
ment,  the  rapid  growth  of  perceived  loudness  with  increasing  of anxiety-related personality traits.117
stimulus level observed in association with cochlear hearing loss  The  efficacy  of  sound  therapy  for  treating  hyperacusis  has 
and  outer  cell  dysfunction.  Hyperacusis  frequently  occurs  in  had mixed results. Dauman and Bouscau-Faure103 reported that 
association with tinnitus, but it can be present without tinnitus  TRT was more effective in improving hyperacusis (63%) than 
or any associated hearing loss. Hyperacusis can occur after the  tinnitus  (47%)  in  32  patients  evaluated  at  three  time  points 
loss  of  the  stapedial  reflex  in  association  with  acute  facial  after therapy. They reported that hyperacusis remains a problem 
paralysis94  and  in  association  with  general  conditions  such  as  for a significant proportion of patients treated with TRT. Gold 

and associates118 reported a retrospective study on the effect of  relaxation  training  and  distraction  on  chronic  tinnitus  sufferers. 

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Noise-Induced Hearing Loss 152 
Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin | Glen K. Martin

Key Points
■ Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is second only to age-related hearing loss as the most prevalent
form of hearing loss.
■ NIHL that results from relatively brief noise exposures can be reversible, as happens with exposure
that occurs at an evening spent in a loud entertainment venue.
■ Permanent NIHL is caused by either an acoustic trauma from a brief exposure to a very intense
blast of sound or chronic long-term exposure to loud sounds, such as those associated with a noisy
■ An accelerating incidence of high-frequency hearing loss in younger individuals points to early,
chronic noise exposure, possibly from personal entertainment devices.
■ NIHL is a complex condition influenced by environmental and genetic factors.
■ NIHL is associated not only with cochlear injury but also with upstream damage to the auditory
■ Genetic association studies have identified genetic factors primarily related to oxidative stress that
influence an individual’s susceptibility to NIHL.
■ Current research on the administration of certain antioxidants or dietary supplements before or
after noise exposure shows promise for developing a pharmacologic treatment for NIHL in the
near future.
■ NIHL is a preventable condition, and the otolaryngologist plays a critical role in educating patients
about protecting their ears from the adverse effects of noise overexposure.

O ne  of  the  most  common  causes  of  permanent  hearing  MEASUREMENT OF NOISE
impairment is exposure to excessive sounds. Hundreds of mil- The term noise is commonly used to designate an undesirable 
lions of individuals worldwide have noise-induced hearing loss  sound. In the scientific and clinical fields that deal with hearing, 
(NIHL),  which  results  in  a  reduced  quality  of  life  because  of  this term has come to mean any excessively loud sound that has 
social  isolation  and  possible  relentless  tinnitus  in  addition  to  the potential to harm hearing. The temporal patterns of envi-
impairment  in  communication  with  family  members,  cowork- ronmental noise are typically described as continuous, fluctuat-
ers, and friends. In the United States alone, approximately 30  ing, intermittent, or impulsive.3 Continuous noise, or steady-state 
million  workers  are  exposed  to  hazardous  job-related  noises.  noise,  remains  relatively  constant,  whereas  fluctuating noise
The costs are immense: almost $250 million is spent per year  increases and decreases in level over time, and intermittent noise
in  terms  of  compensation  and  early  retirement  payments  for  is  interrupted  for  varying  time  periods.  Impulsive noise,  or 
work-related NIHL.1 Moreover, disability compensation associ- impact noise caused by explosive or metal-on-metal mechanical 
ated  with  occupational  hearing  loss  linked  to  military  service  events,  have  rapidly  changing  pressure  characteristics  that 
represents an even greater cost to our society. In a recent report  consist  of  intense,  brief  (i.e.,  milliseconds)  wave  fronts,  fol-
for fiscal year 2009, the U.S. Government Accountability Office  lowed  by  much  smaller  reverberations  and  echoes  that  occur 
reported  to  Congress  that  some  of  the  most  common impair- over  many  seconds.  The  amount  of  noise,  usually  referred  to 
ments for veterans who receive disability benefits were hearing  as the sound-pressure level (SPL), is conventionally measured by 
related and that annual payments for such conditions exceeded  a  sound-level  meter  in  decibel  (dB)  units  using  a  frequency-
$1.1 billion.2 weighting  formula  called  the  A-scale.  The  dBA-scale  metric  of 
This chapter presents and discusses recent perspectives on  sound level essentially mimics the threshold-sensitivity curve for 
the effects of excessive noise on hearing that address the scien- the human ear, so the low-frequency and high-frequency com-
tific and practical aspects of NIHL. Although NIHL has been  ponents are given less emphasis as auditory hazards. Standard 
studied experimentally for more than a century, only in the last  sound-level  meters  have  electronic  networks  designed  to 
few decades have some major breakthroughs occurred in our  measure  noise  magnitude  automatically  in  dBA,  whereas  to 
basic understanding of the ear’s reaction to damaging sounds,  measure impulse or impact noise, a more intricate peak-reading 
along  with  a  better  understanding  of  the  environmental  and  sound-level meter is needed that is capable of accurately mea-
genetic  factors  that  contribute  to  NIHL.  This  steady  progres- suring sounds with essentially instantaneous onset times.
sion in the knowledge base about NIHL promises to improve  The  personal  noise  dosimeter  is  typically  used  to  measure
significantly the detection and treatment of this disorder over  noise  exposure  in  the  workplace.  This  instrument  provides  a 
the coming years. readout of the noise dose or the percent exposure experienced 


by  a  single  worker,  typically  over  a  specific  shift.  The  logging  than is known about NIHL. Consequently, it is well established 
dosimeter  integrates  a  function  of  sound  pressure  over  time  that  a  single  exposure  to  a  severe  sound  that  causes  violent 
and  calculates  the  daily  (8-hour)  dose  with  respect  to  the  changes in air pressure can produce direct mechanical damage 
current  permissible  noise  level  for  a  continuous  noise  of  less  to  the  delicate  tissues  of  the  peripheral  auditory  apparatus, 
than 90 dBA  lasting  8  hours.  More  recently,  personal  noise  which includes components of the middle ear (tympanic mem-
dosimeters  have  been  offered  to  the  consumer  as  a  portable,  brane,  ossicles)  and  inner  ear  (organ  of  Corti).  In  contrast, 
compact,  and  affordable  device  that  can  be  used  to  protect  regular exposure to less intense but still noisy sounds involves 
hearing. The instrument measures and displays noise dose con- the insidious destruction of cochlear components that eventu-
tinuously  for  16  hours,  and  the  dosimeter  provides  an  early  ally and unavoidably leads to an elevation in hearing thresholds, 
warning that the user is approaching overexposure and should  along with other common symptoms of hearing impairment.
use hearing protection. A particular noise—such as from power  Acoustic  trauma  was  previously  a  relatively  rare  event  typi-
tools, music concerts, or sporting events—can also be measured  cally associated with accidental explosions in industrial settings. 
for 2 minutes, and then the estimated dose per hour is calcu- However,  military  servicemen  and  servicewomen  caught  in 
lated and displayed to determine whether permissible exposure  roadside  home-made  bomb  or  improvised  explosive  device 
levels would be exceeded. By putting valuable health informa- blasts  in  recent  armed  conflicts  are  returning  home  in  epi-
tion into the hands of consumers, such easy-to-use, inexpensive  demic numbers with tinnitus and profound, permanent hearing 
(<$100)  dosimeters  empower  individuals  to  take  appropriate  losses.5 Among the blast-related comorbidities is mild traumatic 
steps to prevent NIHL. brain  injury  associated  with  central  auditory  processing  com-
plaints.6  Overall,  then,  acoustic  trauma  is  a  hearing  problem 
that is increasing, at least in combat troops. Because many of 
NATURE OF THE HEARING LOSS these  postdeployment  cases  are  being  treated  in  the  private 
Depending on the level of the sound exposure, either revers- sector, otolaryngologists may see acoustic trauma in increasing 
ible or permanent damage can occur to the peripheral auditory  numbers.
end organ. The reversible loss, typically referred to as a tempo- Irreversible NIHL is a specific pathologic state that exhibits
rary threshold shift (TTS), results from exposures to moderately  a  recognized  set  of  symptoms  and  objective  findings.7  NIHL 
intense sounds, such as might be encountered at a live music  includes  1)  a  permanent  sensorineural  hearing  loss  with 
event or by using noisy power tools. Hearing problems associ- damage  principally  to  cochlear  hair  cells,  primarily  to  OHCs; 
ated with TTS include elevated thresholds, particularly for the  2)  a  history  of  long-term  exposure  to  dangerous  noise  levels 
higher midfrequency region that includes the 3- to 6-kHz fre- (i.e., >85 dBA for 8 hours/day) sufficient to cause the degree 
quencies.  The  TTS  condition  is  often  accompanied  by  many  and  pattern  of  hearing  loss  described  by  audiologic  findings; 
other common symptoms of hearing impairment that include  3) a gradual loss of hearing over the first 5 to 10 years of expo-
tinnitus, loudness recruitment, muffled sounds, and diplacusis.  sure; 4) hearing loss that involves initially the higher frequen-
Depending  on  the  duration  of  the  exposure,  recovery  from  cies, from 3 to 8 kHz, before including frequencies of 2 kHz or 
TTS can occur over periods that range from minutes to hours  less; 5) speech-recognition scores consistent with the audiomet-
or days. ric loss; and 6) hearing loss that stabilizes after the noise expo-
After  exposure,  if  TTS  does  not  recover  before  the  ear  is sure is terminated.
reexposed to excessive sound, a permanent change in hearing  A patient with NIHL commonly consults a physician because
can occur that is referred to as a permanent threshold shift (PTS).  of  difficulties  in  hearing  and  understanding  ordinary  speech, 
In  PTS,  the  elevation  in  hearing  thresholds  is  irreversible,  especially in the presence of background noise. Many variations 
because  lasting  structural  damage  occurs  to  the  critical  ele- can  be  found  in  the  detailed  configuration  of  the  audiogram 
ments  of  the  cochlea.  The  precise  relationship  between  the  of a noise-damaged ear, depending on the temporal and spec-
TTS and PTS stages of hearing loss caused by noise exposure  tral  distribution  of  the  noise  stimulus  and  on  the  stage  of 
is unknown. Although it seems logical to assume that repeated  hearing loss. The pattern of hearing loss most commonly associ-
episodes  of  TTS  would  eventually  lead  to  PTS,  experimental  ated  with  the  earlier  stages  of  NIHL  is  illustrated  in  Figure 
evidence suggests that the fundamental processes that underlie  152-1,  A.  The  beginning  region  of  impairment  involves  the 
the  development  of  reversible  versus  permanent  NIHL  are  sensitive  midfrequency  range,  primarily  3  to  6 kHz,  and  the 
unrelated. Nordmann and colleagues4 used a survival fixation  corresponding hearing loss is classically described as the “4-kHz 
approach  to  show  that  the  histopathologic  manifestations  of  notch.” This pattern of maximal hearing loss, with little or no 
TTS and PTS noise damage to the chinchilla cochlea are dis- loss  below  2 kHz,  typically  occurs  regardless  of  the  noise-
tinct.  Specifically,  TTS  was  correlated  with  a  buckling  of  the  exposure environment. The audiogram results in Figure 152-1, 
supporting  pillar  cell  bodies  in  the  frequency  region  of  the  A, also show the sensorineural aspect of NIHL in that thresh-
maximal exposure effect. The morphologic abnormality consis- olds for bone-conducted stimuli are essentially identical to the 
tently  correlated  with  PTS  was  a  focal  loss  of  hair  cells  and  a  thresholds  for  air  conduction.  The  profile  of  noise-induced 
complete  degeneration  of  the  corresponding  population  of  threshold  hearing  is  usually  symmetric  for  both  ears,  particu-
nerve  fiber  endings.  Because  PTS  eventually  develops  from  larly for individuals who have been working in noisy industrial 
repeated exposures to stimuli that initially produce only TTS,  settings in which “surround” sounds are present.
it is likely that the latter condition is also associated with subtle  Commonly,  other  forms  of  noxious  sound,  such  as  the 
changes to the sensitive outer hair cell (OHC) system that go  gunfire  associated  with  sport  shooting,  cause  an  asymmetric 
undetected by conventional light microscopy. pattern of hearing loss similar to the one illustrated in Figure 
Traditionally,  PTS  caused  by  acoustic  overstimulation  has 152-1, B. In this case, the ear pointed toward the source of noise 
been separated into two distinct classes. One type, called acoustic (gun barrel)—which is the right ear of the left-handed shooter 
trauma, is caused by a single, brief exposure to a very intense  depicted  in  Figure  152-1,  B—would  have  worse  hearing  than 
sound  (e.g.,  an  explosive  blast),  and  it  results  in  a  sudden,  the ear directed away from the source (in this example, the left 
usually painful loss of hearing. The other type of hearing loss  or  protected  ear)  by  15  to  30 dB  or  more  and  particularly  at 
is commonly referred to as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and  higher  frequencies  because  of  the  absence  of  the  protective 
results from chronic exposure to less intense levels of sound. A  head shadow effect.
great  deal  more  is  known  about  the  anatomic  processes  that  The development of a hearing loss caused by habitual expo-
underlie  the  symptoms  of  and  recovery  from  acoustic  trauma  sure  to  moderately  intense  levels  of  noise  typically  consists  of 

–10 –10
0 0
10 10
FIGURE 152-1. Audiometric patterns of <

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)
20 20
hearing levels from patients in begin-
ning stages of noise-induced hearing loss. 30 30
A, Symmetric “4-kHz notch” pattern for a 40 40
44-year-old factory worker. Thresholds for 50 50
bone-conducted stimuli (arrowheads) were
similar to those determined with routine 60 < 60
air-conduction methods. B, Asymmetric 70 70
pattern for a 45-year-old a recreational rifle 80 80
shooter. For this left-handed man, greater
90 90
impairment is seen in the right ear (yellow
circles), compared with the left (red circles), 100 100
because of a protective head shadow effect. 110 110
Arrowheads, unmasked right ear. Shaded
120 120
areas represent air-conduction thresholds 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
for normal-hearing individuals. ANSI, Amer-
ican National Standards Institute. A Frequency (Hz) B Frequency (Hz)

two stages. Initially, the middle to high frequencies exhibit the  loss worsened at the higher frequencies and spread to the lower 
resulting hearing loss. As the length of time of exposure to loud  frequencies.  In  addition,  for  average  exposure  times  of  less 
noise  increases,  hearing  loss  becomes  greater  and  begins  to  than 10 years, hearing levels for the press and hammer opera-
affect adjacent higher and lower frequencies. In a classic cross- tors who were exposed to mean levels of 108 and 99 dB SPL, 
sectional  study  of  occupational  NIHL,  Taylor  and  colleagues8 respectively, deteriorated similarly. For long-term exposures of 
showed the gradual loss of hearing sensitivity in workers caused  10 years or more, the results of Taylor and colleagues8 indicated 
by  habitual  exposure  to  the  intense  sounds  of  drop-forging  that  hearing  losses  that  resulted  from  the  hammer-induced 
tools commonly used in foundries. Figure 152-2 illustrates the  impact  noise  were  greater  than  those  that  resulted  from  the 
progressive effects of exposure to the wideband noise depicted  more continuous noise of the press equipment. Finally, a char-
in  Figure  152-2,  A,  of  two  types  of  forging  tools,  presses  and  acteristic feature of NIHL clearly documented in Figure 152-2, 
hammers,  on  the  magnitude  of  hearing  loss  as  the  length  of  B and C, is that hearing levels are rarely increased beyond about 
exposure increased. For the operators of the press and hammer  70  to  90 dB  of  hearing  loss  on  average  even  after  more  than 
equipment (see Fig. 152-2, B and C, respectively), the approxi- 30 years of continuous noise exposure.
mate  10-  to  20-dB  threshold  shifts,  typically  observed  at  the 
higher  frequencies  during  the  first  1  to  2  years  of  exposure, 
grew to be a 20-dB or greater loss, from 3 to 6 kHz, after a 3-year 
exposure. After an 8-year exposure, a 40-dB or greater thresh- The  primary  site  of  anatomic  damage  is  at  the  level  of  the 
old shift was apparent. mechanosensory receptors of the auditory system’s end organ. 
Detailed comparisons of the NIHL growth curves of Figure  Loud sound damages the inner hair cells (IHCs) and OHCs of 
152-2, B and C, reveal that with continuing exposure, hearing  the organ of Corti, and the OHCs in particular are most affected 

Noise spectrum Press operators Hammer operators

Threshold (dB HL re: ISO 1975)

Threshold (dB HL re: ISO 1975)

120 10 10
Sound pressure level (dB)

0 0
110 –10 –10
–20 –20
100 –30 –30
–40 –40
90 –50 –50
–60 –60
80 –70 –70
Hammer –80 –80
70 –90 –90
.063 .125 .25 .5 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A One-third octave band center B Frequency (kHz) C Frequency (kHz)
frequency (kHz)
Control 1–2 yr 2–3 yr 4–7 yr

8–15 yr 16–31 yr >31 yr

FIGURE 152-2. Development of the audiometric pattern of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) as a function of years of exposure to constant occupational
noises. A, Spectra of noise produced by hammer (red circles) and press (yellow circles) equipment, with maximal energy centered in 0.2- to 1-kHz and 0.125-
to 0.5-kHz regions, respectively. Resulting hearing losses are shown for press (B) and hammer (C) operators. NIHL occurred at frequencies above peak energy
in the exposure noise. Geometric symbols represent experimental subjects according to years of noise exposure. Shaded areas indicate effects of aging on
hearing levels in control subjects of similar age (i.e., 23 to 54 years old) who worked in nonnoisy parts of the same drop-forging plants. (Modified from Taylor
W, Lempert B, Pelmear P, Hemstock I, Kershaw J. Noise levels and hearing thresholds in the drop-forging industry. J Acoust Soc Am 1984;76:807-819.)

in the initial stages. In instances that involve very intense acous- of IHCs and OHCs), with its dense network of nerve fibers, to 
tic  stimulation,  supporting-cell  elements  also  can  be  directly  the  complete  absence  of  hair  cells  and  their  corresponding 
affected. Depending on the physical attributes of the exposure  nerve  fibers  (the  much  lighter  adjacent  area)  can  be  noted. 
stimulus—such as time-varying characteristics or the intensity,  Figure  152-3,  B,  graphically  reconstructs  the  histopathologic 
frequency, spectral content, duration, or schedule—noise can  features of this cochlea as a cytocochleogram by depicting the 
cause  damage  to  hair  cells  that  ranges  from  total destruction  number  of  remaining  hair  cells,  in  the  form  of  percentages, 
to effects evident only in the ultrastructure of specialized sub- averaged  over  1-mm  sections.  A  typical  finding  in  individuals 
cellular  regions  (e.g.,  the  fusing  or  bending  of  the  individual  exposed  to  the  occupational  noise  exemplified  in  this  case  is 
cilia that make up the stereociliary bundle). Whenever degen- the almost symmetric pattern of degeneration observed for the 
erative  processes  or  structural  modifications  to  the  cochlea  two  ears.  The  inset  at  the  top  right  of  the  cytocochleogram 
reach  a  significant  level,  an  associated  reduction  in  hearing  shows the patient’s audiogram obtained about 1 year before his 
capability can be detected. death,  which  shows  the  severity  of  the  anatomic  damage  in 
Johnsson and Hawkins9 were among the first investigators to  functional  terms  by  revealing  an  abrupt  hearing  loss  for  test 
describe the typical patterns of cochlear injury for humans with  frequencies below 2 kHz.
chronic exposure to different types of loud sound. The photo- Examination of human temporal bone specimens by other 
micrograph  of  the  cochlear  tissue  in  Figure  152-3,  A,  depicts  laboratories10  has  yielded  documentation  of  the  progressive 
some  common  histopathologic  consequences  of  NIHL  for  a  stages of noise damage as depicted by epidemiologic data such 
patient with a lengthy history of industrial noise exposure. The  as those of Figure 152-2. First, in the predictable sequence of 
authors reported that the 50-year-old patient had worked inter- events, a small region of hair cell and nerve fiber degeneration 
mittently  over  a  5-  to  6-year  period  in  an  automotive  body- appears bilaterally at a cochlear region that corresponds to the 
stamping plant  and  that  he  had  a  long  history  of  using  4-kHz notch. Typically, these discrete lesions gradually grow in 
recreational  firearms.  The  sharp  transition  in  the  basal  end  a basilar direction (i.e., toward the high-frequency extent of the 
(following the uncoiling to the right) from the normal-looking  cochlea)  to  involve  a  greater  portion  of  the  organ  of  Corti. 
organ of Corti (a darkish stripe that corresponds to the region  Finally, as exposure to noise continues over years, the remain-
ing sensory and neural elements in the basal end of the cochlea 
are destroyed, which results in an abrupt loss of mid- to high-
frequency hearing, such as that depicted by the clinical audio-
gram inset shown in Figure 152-3, B.

Scientific  interest  in  the  damaging  effects  of  excessive  sound 
on hearing has a long history for many reasons. First, the exper-
imental  strategy  of  exposing  animals  to  noise  and  examining 
their ears for the sites of the resulting acoustic injury was used 
in the past as the independent variable in establishing some of 
our  basic  knowledge  about  hearing.  Particularly,  with  the  use 
of intense tones as the damaging agent, frequency information 
that relates physical distance along the basilar membrane to the 
A “best” frequency of the injured region provided an initial basis 
for  understanding  the  tonotopicity  of  the  cochlea  and  the 
100 central  projections  of  such  frequency-related  information.11
% Hair cells remaining

0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8
0 Additionally,  noise-damage  strategies  have  been  used  to  con-
tribute to our understanding of the function of IHCs and OHCs 

60 60
by  permitting  differences  in  their  central  terminations  in  the 
50 100
ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei to be distinguished.12
30 Although  useful  as  an  analytic  strategy,  the  major  impetus 
20 behind the more contemporary interest in the effects of noise 
Nerve fibers
on hearing originates from a desire to understand the funda-
mental  processes  by  which  exposure  to  loud  sound  leads  to 
Apex 30 25 20 15 10 5 Base acoustic injury. The reward of achieving an appreciation of the 
B Length of basilar membrane from basal end (mm) basic processes that underlie NIHL lies in the ability to prevent, 
FIGURE 152-3. A, Low-power photomicrograph of a soft surface prepara-
or  at  least  predict,  an  individual’s  susceptibility  to  PTS  or 
tion of organ of Corti from the left cochlea of a 50-year-old man exposed perhaps even to initiate regeneration of damaged or lost critical 
extensively to occupational noise shows a pattern of abrupt degeneration of cellular components, which would eventually lead to the recov-
the basal region. A small patch of organ of Corti (arrow) remains near the ery of hearing.
basal end. B, Modified cytocochleograms for two ears, along with an inset The  research  literature  on  the  effects  of  noise  on  hearing 
audiogram measured 1 year earlier, shows nerve fiber degeneration and a and on the anatomic elements of the ear is voluminous. Early 
sharp pattern of hair cell degeneration expressed as percentage remaining experiments performed more than 70 years ago were straight-
per millimeter of length of basilar membrane measured from the basal end. forward  anatomic  studies  based  on  the  strategy  of  exposing 
Note relative symmetry of corresponding abrupt, high-frequency loss of various animal models to intense noises, followed by a general 
cochlear elements. Separate curves represent inner hair cells (solid lines) and
outer hair cells (dashed lines) averaged over three rows of outer hair cells
description of the resulting histopathology at the cellular level. 
for left (X) and right (O) ears. Yellow horizontal line along the abscissa indicates More modern noise studies in animal models have attempted 
presence of nerve fibers in osseous spiral lamina. (Modified from Johnsson LG, to  establish  a  structure/function  relationship  between  noise-
Hawkins JE. Degeneration patterns in human ears exposed to noise. Ann Otol induced morphologic damage and the inability to detect acous-
Rhinol Laryngol 1976;85:725-739.) tic signals.

In  this  extensive  literature,  a  great  disparity  in  the  experi- loss of hair cells through oncosis or apoptosis sometimes occurs 
mental findings to relate the effects of missing hair cells to the  in  noise-injured  ears.  However,  a  newly  defined  third  death 
corresponding hearing sensitivity is frequently apparent. Such  pathway—associated with the lack of a basolateral plasma mem-
contrasting  findings  and  the  confusion  they  have  caused  are  brane, cellular debris arranged in the shape of an intact OHC, 
related  to  numerous  confounding  variables,  which  include  and  a  nucleus  deficient  in  nucleoplasm—is  more  commonly 
poor analysis of the problem (e.g., different durations or recov- observed in noise-damaged OHCs.22
ery  intervals,  exposure  frequencies,  or  bandwidths);  lack  of 
understanding of the limitations of applied functional methods,  NEW KNOWLEDGE ABOUT
such as  auditory  evoked  potential  or  psychoacoustic  hearing 
tests, and anatomic techniques; and use of animals of unrelated  CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR
ages with unknown histories, which could include animals with  MECHANISMS OF NOISE-INDUCED
prior exposure to intense sound and/or ototoxic medications. 
Also,  such  disparate  studies  typically  exposed  animal  subjects 
to a single noise at levels much greater than 100 dB SPL in an  It has long been known that NIHL is associated with cochlear 
attempt to mimic, within a relatively brief study interval, damage  damage that initially involves the loss of sensory OHCs. Never-
patterns that develop in humans from intermittent exposure to  theless, recently it has been shown that moderate sound over-
much  less  intense  noises  over  many  years.  Consequently,  stimulation  can  also  produce  a  more  proximal  injury  that 
although early noise studies showed that the longer an animal  involves  a  rapid  and  irreversible  loss  of  cochlear  nerve  termi-
was exposed to extreme levels of sound, the greater the result- nals on IHCs, which is followed by a subsequent gradual degen-
ing  cochlear  injury,  they  contributed  little  to  our  knowledge  eration of spiral ganglion cells in the presence of a full recovery 
concerning how NIHL develops in humans who work for long  of  cochlear  thresholds  and  no  permanent  loss  of  IHCs  and 
periods in noisy work settings. OHCs.23,24 Although these new histopathologic findings about 
In  contrast,  research  conducted  over  the  past  few  decades  the noise-damaged inner ear are ground breaking, the research 
has  made  use  of  more  realistic  experimental  protocols  that  frontiers  that  currently  promise  to  provide  fresh  insights  into 
incorporate  intermittent  exposure  stimuli  of  intensities  and  the fundamental basis of NIHL, and eventually into the devel-
durations  designed  to  approximate  the  effects  of  a  working  opment of a cure for this disorder, consist of hair cell regenera-
lifetime  of  exposure  to  occupational  noise.  Additionally,  in  tion  and/or  repair,  “training”  protocols  that  target  the 
general, more recent studies have been developed sequentially  cochlear-efferent system to make hair cells more resistant, the 
within a program of research so that a thorough understanding  use  of  protective  agents  and  strategies  before  and  after  noise 
of a particular effect is achieved. exposure, and understanding the genetic basis of sus ceptibility 
and resistance to the adverse effects of sound overexposure.


UNDERLIE NOISE DAMAGE In the late 1980s, several seminal reports on hair cell regenera-
Experimental  studies  have  led  to  an  increased  understanding  tion in avian species established that hair cells in neonatal and 
of  some  major  features  of  NIHL.  It  is  well-accepted  that  the  adult birds regenerate after exposure to either damaging levels 
origin of the 4-kHz notch in the NIHL audiogram is related to  of  sound25,26  or  ototoxic  antibiotics.27  Additionally,  follow-up 
the  resonator  function  of  the  external  auditory  ear  canal,13 studies showed that recovery of cochlear function accompanied 
rather than to indeterminable innate properties of the cochlea,  the cellular recovery process.28,29 In the best-studied model for 
such as  a  reduced  vascular  supply  to  this  region  of  the  organ  hair  cell  regeneration,  the  neonatal  chick,  it  was  shown  that 
of  Corti.14  The  primary  research  interest  has  always  been,  new hair cells arose as progeny from an otherwise nondividing 
however, in the fundamental mechanism by which the sensory  supporting-cell  population  that  was  induced  to  proliferate  by 
cell  degenerates  or  is  damaged  after  exposure.  Numerous  the damaging insult.30
mechanisms15  have  been  proposed  that  include  mechanical  Generally,  noise-induced  hair  cell  loss  in  the  mammalian 
injury caused by severe motion of the basilar membrane, meta- cochlea is irreversible. However, experimental findings from a 
bolic exhaustion of activated cells, activity-induced vascular nar- study  that  used  in  vitro  cultures  of  neonatal  mouse  cochleae 
rowing that  causes  ischemia,  and  ionic  poisoning  from  showed  that  overexpression  of  mammalian  atonal  homolog  1 
interruption of the normal chemical gradients of the cochlea  (Atoh1)—formerly  known  as  Math1,  a  basic  helix-loop-helix 
owing to minuscule disruptions in the organization of sensory  transcription factor known to be necessary for hair cell differ-
and supporting cells. entiation during development—leads to an increase in the pro-
Although the many years of experimental research have not  duction  of  extranumerary  hair  cells.31  Consequently,  it  seems 
yet  produced  a  thorough  understanding  of  damage  mecha- that certain cells in the mammalian organ of Corti, at least in 
nisms, the current and most convincing morphologic evidence  young animals, can be redirected toward a hair cell fate by the 
supports  a  combination  of  the  mechanochemical  theories.  overexpression  of  Atoh1.32  In  addition,  Kawamoto  and  col-
First,  at  the  ultrastructural  level,  it  is  likely  that  alterations  in  leagues33  discovered  that  new  hair  cells  can  be  grown  in  a 
the stereocilia in the form of shortened or broken rootlets are  mature mammalian ear by injecting an adenovirus that carries 
involved  in  the  initial  pathologic  processes  that  lead  to  TTS  the Atoh1 gene directly into the endolymph of mature guinea 
and,  if  such  injuries  are  not  repaired,  PTS  ensues.16-18  More  pigs. Most  importantly,  more  recent  studies  showed  that  not 
recent findings showed that hair bundles are capable of rebuild- only did Atoh1 induce repair/regeneration of damaged or lost 
ing their ultrastructure from top to bottom over a 24- to 48-hour  stereocilia and hair cells in the deafened adult guinea pig, but 
period,  depending  on  their  length.19,20  If  damage  is  so  severe  substantially  improved  hearing  thresholds  were  also  mea-
that it overwhelms this self-repair mechanism as exposure con- sured.34 These findings that Atoh1 can direct hair cell differen-
tinues, a discrete but direct mechanical disruption likely results  tiation and induce hearing function in mature nonsensory cells 
in a toxic mixing of endolymph and perilymph through micro- support  the  notion  that  viral  vector  gene  therapy  based  on 
breaks in the structural framework of the cochlear duct,21 which  expressing crucial developmental genes for cellular and func-
leads to secondary effects that include loss of hair cells and their  tional  restoration  in  damaged  auditory  epithelium  may  lead 
corresponding nerve fibers. Based on morphologic criteria, the  some day to a new treatment for NIHL.

PROTECTION FROM CONDITIONING Some studies44 that simply relate the presence or absence of 

the  contralateral  acoustic  stimulation-induced  reduction  of 
THE COCHLEAR EFFERENT SYSTEM OAEs  in  human  ears  have  reported  that  such  suppression  is 
The  outcomes  of  other  experiments  indicate  that  the  mam- absent in most industrial workers who otherwise have normal 
malian cochlea may be capable of actively adapting to certain  OAEs. One implication of such an observation is that a lack of 
high-level  sounds  by  undergoing  “exposure  experience.”  The  efferent-related activity may be an early indication of cochlear 
notion that the cochlea can become resistant over time to the  damage from exposure to noise. Experimental studies such as 
consequences  of  excessive  sound  was  reported  initially  by  these will eventually determine whether inherent efferent pro-
noting “conditioning” effects in several animal models.35,36 The  cesses  can  account  for  and  predict  the  remarkable  individual 
typical conditioning paradigm consists of providing a preexpo- variation in susceptibility to NIHL. The use of efferent-induced 
sure training experience using a moderate-level stimulus that,  suppression  of  evoked  OAEs  in  predicting  susceptibility  to 
at a more intense level, becomes the subsequent overexposure  NIHL, or in monitoring of noise effects in hearing-conservation 
stimulus. Together, the findings in animal models suggest that  programs, represents a promising line of future investigation.
the mammalian cochlea might be capable under certain condi-
tions of dynamically adapting to excessive sound.
For  humans,  the  practical  implications  of  the  capacity  to PHARMACOLOGIC AND DIETARY
develop a “resistance” to loud sounds are obvious. A follow-up  PROTECTION FROM NOISE-INDUCED
study in teenagers used a TTS-type paradigm to show the rel-
evance of resistance training to humans. In this experiment,37
the  investigators  provided  a  preexposure  training  period  in  It has long been recognized that hypoxia is a major pathogenic 
which the young subjects were exposed to 6 hours of pop/rock  factor in NIHL. Based on the assumption that oxidative stress 
music  at  around  70 dBA.  Threshold  shifts  in  response  to  a  plays a substantial role in the genesis of noise-induced cochlear 
10-minute  exposure  to  a  105-dB  SPL,  one  third  octave-band  injuries that lead to permanent hearing loss, numerous phar-
noise centered at 1 kHz were compared for pretraining versus  macologic strategies have been developed, primarily in animal 
posttraining intervals. The major result was that the “trained”  models,  to  enhance  the  intrinsic  defense  mechanisms  of  the 
ears exhibited significant decreases in TTS compared with their  cochlea against this condition.45 Kopke and colleagues46 postu-
baseline values, showing that the so-called conditioning effect,  lated  several  causes  of  noise-induced  oxidative  stress,  all  of 
or  the  development  of  “resistance,”  can  be  shown  in  human  which are amenable to pharmacologic treatments. Specifically, 
subjects, at least under brief TTS-exposure conditions. these investigators proposed that noise-induced oxidative stress 
More recent research into the protective role of the cochlear  that leads to cochlear injury is related to 1) impaired mitochon-
efferent system in NIHL has depended more on the benefits of  drial  function  with  respect  to  bioenergetics  and  biogenesis; 
diagnostic testing with evoked otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)38 2)  excitotoxicity  induced  by  gluatamate,  the  main  excitatory 
to  predict  potential  susceptibility  to  the  aftereffects  of  noise  neurotransmitter  in  the  peripheral  and  central  auditory 
exposure. This simple, noninvasive, and objective procedure is  systems; and 3) depletion of glutathione (GSH), an antioxidant 
based  on  the  systematic  measurement  of  a  class  of  cochlear  that protects cells from toxins such as free radicals.
responses (i.e., the OAEs) that are primarily generated by the  Related experimental work showed a reduction in NIHL and
OHCs.39 Not only are OHCs exquisitely sensitive to the initial  hair cell loss in the chinchilla model after application of phar-
effects of acoustic overstimulation, which makes them excellent  macologic agents specific to these oxidative stress–related states. 
indicators  of  sound-induced  ultrastructural  damage,  but  also  Acetyl-L-carnitine,  an  endogenous  mitochondrial  membrane 
the final common pathway of the descending auditory-efferent  compound  that  helps  maintain  mitochondrial  bioenergetics 
system preferentially innervates the OHCs. and biogenesis in the face of oxidative stress; carbamathione, 
To take advantage of the ability of OAEs to measure efferent which acts as a glutamate antagonist for cochlear N-methyl-D-
activity, several experimental paradigms were developed, which  aspartate receptors; and the GSH-repletion drug, D-methionine 
includes a common one40 that uses contralateral acoustic stim- (D-met),  all  improved  hearing  in  noise-exposed  animals  as 
ulation  to  elicit  medial  olivocochlear-induced  reductions  of  indexed  by  auditory  brainstem  responses;  in  addition,  reduc-
transient evoked OAEs (TEOAEs) from the ipsilateral test ear.  tions  were  noted  in  IHC  and  OHC  loss  compared  with  coun-
The  other  procedure41  is  based  on  measurements  of  another  terpart measures  in  saline-treated  control  subjects.47  Bielefeld 
subtype of evoked emissions represented by distortion product  and colleagues48 showed too that the GSH precursor, N-acetyl-
OAEs (DPOAEs) at the 2f1-f2 frequency. In this strategy, long- L-cysteine,  protected  the  hearing  of  the  chinchilla  animal 
lasting  f1  and  f2  primary  tones  of  approximately  1  second  are  model from the adverse effects of noise overexposure.
applied  binaurally  to  elicit  an  efferent-based  fast  adaptation  Based  on  the  assumption  that  a  potential  mechanism  of
response  that  tests  the  ability  of  the  combined  medial  and  NIHL is the generation of damaging free radicals through the 
lateral  cochlear-efferent  systems  to  suppress  DPOAEs  in  the  activation  of  reactive  oxygen  species  such  as  hydrogen  perox-
test ear. ide, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide, many other studies have 
Experiments  in  guinea  pigs  documented  the  ability  of  the tested the influence of antioxidants and related compounds on 
fast-adaptive DPOAE response to predict vulnerability to acous- noise-induced  cochlear  dysfunction  and  organ  of  Corti  mor-
tic  injury  based  on  the  robustness  of  efferent  activity.42  The  phology.  Together,  all  these  findings  support  the  notion  that 
robustness  of  the  olivocochlear  efferents  was  inversely  corre- combating cellular oxidative stress, principally with prophylac-
lated  with  the  degree  of  cochlear  dysfunction  after  a  subse- tic administration of antioxidant compounds, eliminates noise-
quent  noise  exposure,  in  that  animals  that  exhibited  large  induced  cochlear  injury  in  animal  models.  However,  more 
adaptive effects showed smaller postexposure losses than those  recently, a clinical open trial by some of these investigators49 in 
that  displayed  small  amounts  of  efferent-induced  adaptation.  normal-hearing  individuals  exposed  to  loud  live  music  in  a 
More recent experiments replicated the earlier results by estab- nightclub  did  not  confirm  that  N-acetyl-L-cysteine  protected 
lishing  that  the  relationship  of  the  strength  of  the  adaptive  humans against TTS.
activity to reducing noise-exposure aftereffects was even stron- The positive results for D-met,50 which appears to work pri-
ger  in  awake  than  in  anesthetized  subjects.43  It  is  clear  from  marily as an antioxidant, as an otoprotective agent for NIHL in 
these latter findings that a modification of this assay could easily  animal  studies  have  led  to  a  promising  clinical  trials  study.  A 
be applied to human populations to screen for individuals most  phase  3  clinical  trial  that  is  prospective,  randomized,  double-
at risk in noisy environments. blind (subject, caregiver, investigator, outcomes assessor), and 

placebo-controlled, named D-Methionine to Reduce Noise-Induced as hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes, or car-

Hearing Loss (NIHL), is in progress in a cohort study population  diovascular  disease  represented  by  hypertension.  Although 
of  drill-sergeant  instructor  trainees  at  a  U.S.  Department  of  many  pertinent  factors  have  been  uncovered,  most  data  are 
Defense  weapons  training  center.51  Thus,  it  is  likely  that  this  inconclusive.  In  addition,  although  a  few  factors,  such  as  pig-
potential  otoprotective  agent  will  at  least  complete  the  U.S.  mentation,55  seem  to  have  some  relationship  to  potentiating 
Food and Drug Administration clinical trials process within the  noise  damage,  others,  such  as  age, simply  produce  additive 
next  few  years.  At  this  rate  of  development,  oral  medications  effects,56  although  this  latter  relationship  remains  controver-
that prevent NIHL should be available soon. sial.57 Possibly, as McFadden and Wightman58 suggested in their 
Another strategy toward developing a successful therapeutic  review of the contribution of the psychoacoustic method toward 
approach to noise-induced cochlear damage has been to supply  understanding the symptoms of clinical hearing disorders, the 
antioxidants from dietary sources. Using several animal models  orthogonally based research approach, which assumes a causal 
maintained  on  a  combination  of  nutrients  that  produced  relationship  between  factors,  will  not  reveal  meaningful  rela-
increased  levels  in  plasma  concentrations  of  vitamins  C  and  tionships. Perhaps the uncovering of interrelationships among 
E  and  magnesium,  Le  Prell  and  colleagues52,53  effectively  myriad  individual  differences  by  application  of  a  multivariate 
reduced  both  PTS  and  TTS  in  CBA/J  mice  and  guinea  pigs,  test  battery  would  be  more  successful  in  identifying  the  basic 
respectively. These results suggest that antioxidative nutraceuti- factors that predict susceptibility to NIHL.
cal  compounds  can  be  effective  in  preventing  both  TTS  and  One  of  the  most  exciting  areas  in  current  experimental 
PTS.  Together,  the  success  of  these  pharmacologic/dietary  research is aimed at examining the genetic origin of differences 
approaches essentially ensures the near-future development of  in  susceptibility  to  noise  damage  using  the  mouse  model.  A 
a therapeutic intervention that reduces NIHL clinically. clear  benefit  of  the  mouse  as  an  experimental  animal  is  the 
essentially  complete  knowledge  that  exists  about  the  mouse 
genome.  Additionally,  mice  from  the  same  inbred  strain  are 
SUSCEPTIBILITY AND GENETIC FACTORS considered to be genetically identical. Consequently, assessing 
A long-standing observation in NIHL has been that some ears  individual variability to noise damage in subjects that are homo-
are  more  easily  damaged  by  noise  than  others.  Individually  zygous at all chromosomal loci offers a unique opportunity to 
varying  susceptibilities  to  noise-induced  hearing  impairment  isolate  genetic  factors  responsible  for  susceptibility  to  NIHL. 
have been found in humans and research animals. Because of  For  example,  it  is  known  that  the  inbred,  mutant  C57BL/6J 
the widespread interest in NIHL and its prevention, it is impor- (C57) mouse strain, often used as a model of early age-related 
tant  to  develop  valid  and  reliable  indices  to  predict  human  hearing  loss,  is  more  susceptible  to  noise  damage  than  the 
susceptibility  to  various  noise  levels.  It  is  commonly  assumed  CBA/CaJ (CBA) strain, which is frequently used as a model of 
that  such  variability  in  susceptibility  is  a  manifestation  of  bio- normal hearing.59 Other observations that support the poten-
logic factors unique to each subject. A genetically based imper- tiation  of  noise  damage  by  the  age-related  hearing  loss  gene, 
fection  in  the  physical  characteristics  of  the  cochlea  (e.g.,  cadherin  23  (Cdh23,  formerly  Ahl),  relate  to  the  finding  that 
stiffness  of  the  cochlear  partition)  and  variability  in  cochlear  when C57 (B6) mice are backcrossed with a mouse strain that 
ultrastructure (e.g., density of hair cells) have been proposed  exhibits  normal  aging  (e.g.,  CAST/Ei),  the  progeny  display 
as contributing to susceptibility.54 neither age-related hearing loss nor susceptibility to noise expo-
Identifying  individual  differences  among  various  factors sure aftereffects.60
has  long  been  a  focus  of  research  interest.  Numerous  poten- Just  as  susceptible  mutant  mouse  strains  are  readily  avail-
tially important variables that have been investigated in the past  able, strains with normal cochlear function also exist that are 
and continue to be examined include age, gender, race, previ- exceptionally resistant to acoustic overstimulation, such as wild-
ous  damage  to  the  cochlea,  efficiency  of  the  acoustic  reflex,  type  inbred  MOLF/Ei  (MOLF)  mice.  Figure  152-4  compares 
smoking habits, and the influence of certain disease states such  the effects of an intense noise exposure (8 hours of 105-dB SPL 

CBA 65/65 MOLF 65/65

10 10

0 0
DPOAE level (dB SPL)

DPOAE level (dB SPL)

–10 –10

–20 –20

–30 –30

–40 –40

–50 –50
5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 50 5 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 50
A Frequency (kHz) B Frequency (kHz)
FIGURE 152-4. A and B, Mean difference distortion product graph—that is, preexposure distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) levels minus
postexposure DPOAE levels—for 65-dB sound-pressure level (SPL) primary tones that compare effects of an extreme 8-hour exposure with a 10-kHz octave
band of noise (shaded region from approximately 7 to 14 kHz) at 105 dB SPL for 2-month-old CBA mice (A) compared with 2-month-old MOLF mice (B).
Bold horizontal dotted line at 0 indicates no change between preexposure baseline DPOAE levels and postexposure counterparts measured at 2 days (red
circles), 1 week (open yellow circles), and 2 weeks (×) after overexposure. Note the only minor recovery of DPOAEs for CBA mice between 2 days and 2
weeks after exposure, especially for frequencies below 30 kHz. In contrast, DPOAEs for MOLF mice essentially returned to baseline values. Although not
shown here, immediately after exposure, both strains exhibited essentially no DPOAEs greater than approximately 10 kHz. Noise-floor differences (dashed
lines without symbols in lower portion of plots) represent preexposure DPOAEs subtracted from postexposure noise floors to indicate maximum possible
DPOAE loss. Vertical bars represent ±1 standard deviation for 2 days after exposure. CBA, n = 10, 19 ears; MOLF, n = 8, 15 ears.

octave-band  noise  centered  at  10 kHz)  on  control  CBA  and  determine effective health criteria for controlling such noises. 
MOLF mice at 2 months of age.61 Although CBA mice showed  Most notably, a great disadvantage in gaining a more complete 
only an expected minor recovery of DPOAEs to baseline levels  understanding  of  NIHL  in  humans  is  that  no  more  recent 
at  2  days  and  1  and  2  weeks  postexposure,  MOLF  DPOAEs  studies have been done of the hearing status of contemporary 
essentially returned to their preexposure levels by 1 to 2 weeks  workers,  at  least  not  in  the  countries  of  North  America  and 
after  exposure.  In  combination,  findings  in  inbred  mouse  Europe. Reliance on data collected 30 or more years ago, such 
models of NIHL provide the basis for applying suitable molecu- as those illustrated in Figure 152-2,8 has likely resulted in under-
lar  techniques  that  permit  the  mapping  of  an  NIHL  gene  to  estimates of the amount of hearing loss that is due to occupa-
specific  chromosomal  loci  (e.g.,  identifying  differentially  tional  noise,  especially  for  individuals  with  intermittent  or 
expressed genes using DNA microarrays or suppressive subtrac- impulsive noise exposures.
tive  hybridization).  Successful  identification  of  this  gene,  and 
perhaps  its  related  modifier  genes,  would  have  great  implica-
tions for developing a diagnostic indicator of the susceptibility  EARLY DETECTION OF
of  a  particular  human  ear  to  the  adverse  effects  of  sound 
Genetic  association  studies  on  oxidative  stress  genes  have  One  aspect  of  NIHL  that  has  not  received  a  great  deal  of 
identified  the  first  heritable  factors  that  likely  influence  an  research  attention  is  the  development  of  more  sensitive  mea-
individual’s  susceptibility  to  NIHL.  Konings  and  coworkers62 sures capable of detecting small, acoustically induced injuries 
investigated whether variations in the form of single nucleotide  to  the  organ  of  Corti  (i.e.,  the  beginning  stages  of  NIHL)  so 
polymorphisms (SNPs) of the catalase gene (CAT), one of the  that individuals vulnerable to the long-term damage caused by 
genes involved in oxidative stress, influenced noise susceptibil- continuous  exposure  can  be  identified.  In  recent  years,  evi-
ity. By comparing audiometric data and DNA samples from the  dence  has  been  accumulating  that  the  routine  audiometric 
10%  most  susceptible  and  10%  most  resistant  Swedish  and  testing of behavioral thresholds to pure tones at octave intervals 
Polish  noise-exposed  workers,  significant  interactions  were  does not  meet  this  need,  because  by  the  time  such  a  loss  is 
observed  between  noise-exposure  levels  and  several  SNPs  in  identified using methods that test behavioral hearing sensitivity, 
both  populations.  These  findings  indicate  that  CAT  is  poten- permanent  cochlear  damage  has  already  occurred.  Many 
tially  a  noise  susceptibility  gene.  Further  research  by  these  threshold  and  suprathreshold  psychoacoustic  tests  to  detect 
investigators identified hundreds of common point mutations  subtle deteriorations in hearing acuity, including psychophysi-
in the genome as susceptibility alleles for genes known to play  cal  tuning  curves  and  frequency  discrimination  tasks,  either 
functional and/or morphologic roles in the cochlea. To date,  have not proved to be of general usefulness or have proved to 
the most promising results were obtained for genes involved in  be too cumbersome methodologically to implement in a clini-
potassium  recycling,63  heat  shock  protein  70,64  protocadherin  cal  or  workplace  setting  because  of  the  limitations  associated 
15,  and  myosin  14.65  With  further  development  of  high- with the necessarily brief evaluation periods.
throughput  genotyping  methods  and  expansion  of  SNP  data- The  diagnostic  technique  that  incorporates  OAEs  is  ideal 
bases, the identification of NIHL susceptibility genes promises  for assessing the normality of cochlear processing in ears sus-
to  lead  to  genetic  tests  that  identify  at-risk  individuals  and  pected of being overstimulated by loud sound because of their 
permit personalized gene therapy if necessary. well-recognized  sensitivity  to  the  OHC  class  of  receptor  cell, 
Although the findings of the more recent studies in particu- which  is  primarily  involved  in  the  initial  stages  of  NIHL.  The 
lar have resulted in advancing our scientific knowledge of the  functional status of OHCs in established instances of NIHL has 
sound-damage  process,  many  major  empiric  issues  remain  to  been well described in many more recent studies of the practi-
be satisfied. These issues include development of low-cost tech- cal applicability of evoked OAE testing in the audiology clinic.66
nical methods for controlling noise at the source, physical pro- Numerous reports in the literature have shown that in groups 
tection of individuals from excessive exposure, identification of  of  noise-exposed  humans  who  have  been  followed  serially, 
individuals who are in the early stages of NIHL, prediction of  reductions  in  OAE  levels  are  more  sensitive  than  pure  tone 
the degree of risk from potentially hazardous noises, and deter- audiometric thresholds in detecting the early states of perma-
mination  of  whether  particular  individuals  or  ears  already  nent  noise-induced  cochlear  damage.67-69  In  these  studies, 
damaged by noise are more susceptible to injury. decreases  in  emission  magnitudes  were  measured  in  the 
Ethical  issues  prevent  the  deliberate  exposure  of  human  absence  of  any  change  in  the  corresponding  audiometric 
subjects  to  extreme  noises  as  a  means  of  studying  NIHL  threshold frequencies.
experimentally.  However,  the  complexity  of  measurements  Figure 152-5 illustrates the ability of the two major types of
demanded  by  the  alternate  cross-sectional  study  design  that  evoked OAEs—the DPOAE, in its graphic, DP-gram form that 
describes the  hearing  of  humans  exposed  occupationally  is  depicts  emission  level  as  a  function  of  the  f2  test  frequency 
considerable. These difficulties include differences inherent in  (lower left in Fig. 152-5), and the TEOAE, elicited by clicks, in 
the  population  (e.g.,  race,  gender,  presence  of  ear  disease);  its  spectral  form  (right  plots  in  Fig.  152-5)—to  describe  the 
problems involved in controlling concomitant exposure to non-  configuration  of  a  developing  NIHL.  The  43-year-old  woman 
occupational  noise  or  past  exposure  history;  and  technical  in this example had participated in recreational rifle shooting 
problems  with  the  descriptive  techniques  themselves,  which  for 3 years before OAE testing, and she claimed to have worn 
range from variability in audiometric measures to difficulties in  protective headphone devices continuously during this period. 
performing  valid  measurements  of  the  noise  environment  This right-shouldered shooter came to the otology clinic with 
itself.  Because  of  the  complicated  experimental  designs  complaints of hearing loss, tinnitus, muffled hearing, and dif-
demanded by all of these controls, few faultless clinical, epide- ficulty in understanding speech in background noise. It is clear 
miologic, or experimental studies can be found of the effects  from the test results that the magnitude and frequency extents 
of excessive noise on hearing in humans. of  the  TEOAEs  reflected  the  pattern  of  normal  hearing  illus-
The  importance  of  performing  longitudinal  field  studies  trated by the clinical audiogram at the top left of Figure 152-5. 
of  communities  or  particular  population  segments—such  as  The  DP-gram  at  lower  left  clearly  shows  abnormal  activity: 
elderly  individuals,  children,  and  chronically  ill  individuals— the  right  ear  (yellow  circles)  shows  below-average  response 
who  have  been  habitually  exposed  to  loud  environmental  levels,  and  the  left  ear  (red  circles)  exhibits  a  significant 
noises  produced  by  road  traffic  or  aircraft  is  obvious  to  reduction  in  emitted  responses  for  frequencies  above  3 kHz. 

–10 20
0 15 Repro by frequency

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)

10 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

20 10 97 93 0 0 0 (%)
30 5
40 0
60 Right ear
70 Left ear –10
80 –15
90 –20
110 –25
120 –30
250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (kHz)

20 20
Repro by frequency
15 15
1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)
DPOAE level (dB SPL)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

10 10 98 91 82 0 0 (%)
5 5
0 0
–5 –5
–10 –10
–15 –15
–20 –20
–25 –25
–30 –30
0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f2 frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 152-5. Early detection of noise-induced hearing loss in a 43-year-old rifle shooter who complained of muffled hearing, tinnitus, and difficulty hearing
speech in background noise. Note normal pure tone audiogram bilaterally (top left). In corresponding distortion product (DP) graphs (lower left), greater
functional loss seen in the left ear (red circles) compared with the right ear (yellow circles), particularly for frequencies above 3 kHz, which was due to protec-
tive head shadow effect for this right-handed woman. Emission levels for 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) are plotted in the bottom
left in response to 75-dB sound pressure level primary tones as a function of the f2 eliciting primary tone. Spectral plots shown on the right are for the transient
(click) evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAEs). Emitted response (open area) for the better functioning right (R) ear was more prominently distributed above
the related noise floor (shaded area) than were emissions for the left (L) ear for frequencies above 3 kHz. In addition, higher reproducibility (repro) values
for the right ear (top right of each plot) reflected its more robust activity levels. In the DPOAE plot, variability of emission level (± 1 standard deviation) in
normal-hearing ears is represented by the bold dashed lines in the top portion. Similar variability of the related noise floor is indicated by pair of dashed lines
along the bottom of the plot. ANSI, American National Standards Institute.

True to classic principles, the left ear, which was exposed more  surviving OHCs in an impaired ear based on tests of OAEs, and 
to  the  muzzle  end  of  the  gun,  went  unprotected  by  the  head  particularly  the  DP-gram,  can  assist  the  clinician  in  achieving 
shadow effect. This example of the ability of evoked OAEs to  an optimal match between the patterns of hearing-aid amplifi-
detect cochlear pathology caused by noise exposure attests to  cation and an NIHL.
the  potential  usefulness  of  OAE  procedures  in  identifying  Also,  especially  important  to  hearing  conservation  is  the 
the  primary  site  of  pathology  associated  with  hearing  com- correct identification of individuals who exhibit pseudohypacu-
plaints secondary to a sensorineural loss and in monitoring the  sis and  seek  monetary  compensation  for  a  purported  work-
development  of  potential  hearing  impairments  in  hearing- related hearing impairment. An example of this application is 
conservation programs. illustrated  in  Figure  152-8  for  a  42-year-old  man  who  was 
Other evidence that supports the usefulness of evoked OAEs  referred to the audiology clinic for assessment by a local work-
in examining patients with noise damage is illustrated in Figures  er’s compensation committee. In this case, the patient claimed 
152-6 and 152-7. In Figure 152-6, the results of OAE testing in  to have poor hearing caused by on-the-job exposure to intense 
a  21-year-old  man  who  had  just  completed  3  years  of  military  noise to the extent that he could not hear frequencies greater 
service in the infantry show the precision of DPOAEs in particu- than about  4 kHz.  According  to  the  OAE  findings,  it  is  likely 
lar in tracking the asymmetric pattern of hearing loss for this  that  the  patient,  a  wood-lathe  operator,  had  an  asymmetric 
left-handed shooter. Additionally, the OAE findings presented  noise-related  hearing  loss  that  was  worse  in  the  ear  that  was 
in Figure 152-7 show the ability of evoked emissions to reflect  more exposed to the tool; in this case, the right ear. However, 
accurately  the  magnitude  and  frequency  extent  of  the  more  based  on  the  type  of  hearing-loss  data  presented  in  Figure 
severe but essentially symmetric hearing loss experienced by a  152-1, A, for an industrial worker, it is unlikely that lathe-related 
49-year-old man who had been working for more than 20 years  noises  could  cause  such  a  profound  deafness  for  frequencies 
in a fish cannery. above  4 kHz.  Additionally,  the  normal  levels  of  DPOAEs  and 
Both examples attest to several other benefits of OAE testing TEOAEs  for  frequencies  below  2 kHz  do  not  support  the 
in NIHL patients, including hearing aid fitting and identifying  patient’s  claim  that  the  elevated  audiometric  hearing  levels 
nonorganic hearing loss. A significant advantage of the digital  over  the  low-frequency  to  midfrequency  regions  were  due  to 
hearing aid over the older analog models is its ability to provide  noise overexposure. Findings such as these support the use of 
frequency-specific amplification based on the configuration of  objective tests of evoked OAEs in determining the authenticity 
a particular patient’s hearing loss. Knowledge of the pattern of  of compensation claims for work-related hearing problems.
–10 20
0 15 Repro by frequency

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)

10 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

20 10 90 0 0 0 0 (%)
30 5
40 0
60 Right ear
70 Left ear –10
80 –15
90 –20
110 –25
120 –30
250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (kHz)

20 20
15 15 Repro by frequency
1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)
DPOAE level (dB SPL)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

10 95 53 0 0 0 (%)
5 5
–20 –15
–25 –20
–30 –25
–35 –30
0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f2 frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 152-6. Early stages of noise-induced hearing loss in a 21-year-old veteran who had just completed a 3-year tour of duty. For this left-handed infan-
tryman, greater hearing loss is evident from approximately 3 to 4 kHz for the right ear (yellow circles) depicted in the audiogram (top left). In the corresponding
distortion production (DP) graph (bottom left), abnormally low levels of distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) activity are apparent for frequencies
greater than 1.5 kHz, which were poorer for the right ear. Transient (click) evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) spectra on the right also show poorer
emitted responses from 1 to 2 kHz and show lower reproducibility (repro) values for the right (R) ear. Above 2 kHz, no emitted response is seen for either
ear. In the DPOAE plot, variability of emission level (± 1 standard deviation) in normal-hearing ears is represented by the bold dashed lines in the top portion.
Similar variability of the related noise floor is indicated by pair of dashed lines along the bottom of the plot. ANSI, American National Standards Institute.

–10 20
0 15 Repro by frequency
Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)

10 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)
TEOAE level (dB SPL)

20 10 99 93 0 0 0 (%)
30 5
40 0
60 Right ear
70 Left ear –10
80 –15
90 –20
110 –25
120 –30
250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

20 20
15 15 Repro by frequency
1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)
DPOAE level (dB SPL)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

10 96 88 0 0 0 (%)
5 5
–20 –15
–25 –20
–30 –25
–35 –30
0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f2 frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 152-7. More advanced stage of noise-induced hearing loss in a 49-year-old man who had worked for more than 20 years in a fish cannery. Audio-
grams at top left exhibit symmetric hearing loss for frequencies above 2 kHz. Distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) plots indicate a symmetric
pattern of dysfunction in a similar manner. Transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) spectra on the right also show a lack of emitted responses for
frequencies above 2 kHz. In the DPOAE plot, variability of emission level (± 1 standard deviation) in normal-hearing ears is represented by the bold dashed
lines in the top portion. Similar variability of the related noise floor is indicated by pair of dashed lines along the bottom of the plot. ANSI, American National
Standards Institute; repro, reproducibility.

–10 20
0 15 Repro by frequency

Hearing level (dB) (ANSI 69)

10 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

20 10 96 87 0 0 0 (%)
30 5
40 0
60 Right ear
70 Left ear –10
80 –15
90 –20
110 –25
120 –30
250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (kHz)

20 20
Repro by frequency
15 15
1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k (Hz)
DPOAE level (dB SPL)

TEOAE level (dB SPL)

10 10 84 87 0 91 0 (%)
5 5
0 0
–5 –5
–10 –10
–15 –15
–20 –20
–25 –25
–30 –30
0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f2 frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)

FIGURE 152-8. A possible case of pseudohypacusis in a 42-year-old factory worker who operated a wood lathe. Audiograms at top left show a relatively
flat hearing loss up to approximately 4 kHz. For frequencies above 4 kHz, the patient claimed that test tones were inaudible. Distortion product otoacoustic
emission (DPOAE) graphs show normal-appearing function up to approximately 3 to 4 kHz, when reductions in distortion product otoacoustic emission
(DPOAE) levels are evident; this occurs initially for the right ear (yellow circles), which was more exposed to the lathe. Transient evoked otoacoustic emission
(TEOAE) spectral plots on the right also show poorer click-evoked OAEs for the right ear. Together, normal levels of evoked emissions for frequencies below
3 kHz and an asymmetric pattern of reduction in OAEs suggest that both exposure to noise and aging contributed to decreased levels of activity for frequen-
cies above 3 kHz. In the DPOAE plot, variability of emission level (± 1 standard deviation) in normal-hearing ears is represented by the bold dashed lines in
the top portion. Similar variability of the related noise floor is indicated by pair of dashed lines along the bottom of the plot. ANSI, American National Standards
Institute; repro, reproducibility.

reported. In a series of experimental studies in the rat model, 
INTERACTIVE EFFECTS Fechter  and  colleagues78  discovered  that  the  simultaneous 
It  is  well  established  that  noise  in  combination  with  certain  exposure to  noise  and  the  environmental  pollutants  carbon 
chemical agents produces stronger reactions than each stimu- monoxide  or  hydrogen  cyanide  produced  more  permanent 
lus applied singly. The four major categories of ototoxic drugs  hearing loss at the high frequencies than the sum of the losses 
are 1) aminoglycoside antibiotics, 2) platinum derivative anti- produced  by  each  agent  administered  alone.  Various  other 
tumor  agents,  3)  loop  diuretics,  and  4)  salicylates.  The  latter  chemicals present in the environment as commercial products 
two  drug  classes  cause  reversible  effects,  whereas  aminoglyco- or  chemical  intermediaries  and  contaminants—such  as  the 
sides and platinum derivatives cause permanent damage to the  organic  solvents  toluene  and  hexane,  the  pollutants  methyl 
inner  ear  and  to  hearing.  Many  laboratories  have  established  mercury and lead acetate, and the organic compounds trimeth-
in  animal  models  that  kanamycin,  neomycin,  or  amikacin  yltin chloride and styrene, used in the manufacture of plastics 
applied in combination with different types of noise produces  and  polyurethane  foam  and  rubber—have  been  identified  as 
a marked potentiating interaction.70,71 Other studies of the tem- potent  ototoxic  agents  that  can  interact  synergistically  with 
poral aspects of interactive effects indicate that the degree of  excessive noise. The ototoxicity of environmental agents such 
potentiating interaction is the same, whether the drug is given  as metals, solvents, and asphyxiants and their interaction with 
concurrently with the noise exposure or several months later.72 noise are issues that have received a great deal of attention in 
Other evidence from humans73 and from controlled laboratory  the  literature.79  Although  many  of  these  environmental  toxi-
research  in  a  rat  model74  indicates  that  additional  loss  may  cants have been associated with direct injury to inner ear struc-
occur  when  subjects  are  treated  with  aspirin  and  exposed  to  tures,  possible  additional  anatomic  damage  to  more  central 
noise  concomitantly,  although  other  findings  infer  that  the  auditory pathways is also very likely.
combination of salicylate plus noise does not produce greater 
effects  than  noise  alone.75  Finally,  experimental  evidence  in  OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS
several animal models showed that the heavy-metal antineoplas-
tic agent cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, commonly known as 
cisplatin,  significantly  increased  the  amount  of  hearing  and  Damage  to  the  vestibular  system  is  a  potential  problem  with 
sensory cell losses from exposure to noise.76,77 noise,  because  balance  receptors  are  coupled  physically  with 
In recent years, the interactive effects of noise with chemical  the  auditory  receptors;  that  is,  they  share  the  membranous 
agents  common  to  industry  and  the  environment  have  been  labyrinth.  In  addition  to  the  anatomic  proximity  of  the 

vestibular labyrinth to the acoustic-energy delivery system, the  helped attenuate the noise sufficiently to prevent TTS in most 
great  similarity  in  cochlear  and  vestibular  hair  cell  ultrastruc- patients  undergoing  MRI  evaluation.  The  use  of  the  higher 
ture, and the common arterial blood supply of the cochlea and  gradient  fields  that  are  applied  at  faster  slew  rates,  which  are 
vestibular end organs via the same end artery support the pos- used  in  current  functional  MRI,  demands  increased  hearing-
sibility  of  vestibular  damage  associated  with  NIHL.  Theoreti- protection systems to minimize the risk of noise trauma.91
cally,  the  limiting  membrane,  the  membranous  partition  that  Other  nonauditory  problems  concern  the  general  bother-
separates  the  utricle  and  semicircular  canals  from  the  rest  of  some or fatiguing effects of noise, which may lead to nonspe-
the  vestibule,  protects  most  vestibular  sensory  cells  from  the  cific health disorders because of interference with the restorative 
adverse effects of intensive stapes vibration. processes  associated  with  rest  and  sleep.  In  conditions  of 
Nevertheless, some studies of industrial workers and military  chronic  exposure,  noise  is  considered  to  act  as  a  biologic 
personnel have reported a high occurrence of vestibular symp- stressor that can lead to prolonged activation of the autonomic 
toms and signs and complaints of dysequilibrium.80 Such simple  nervous  system  and  the  pituitary-adrenal  complex,  which 
correlations  between  noise  exposure  and  vestibular  distur- results  in  general  health  impairment.92  Noise  has  also  been 
bances are highly controversial because of the typical low inci- related to disorders that involve gastrointestinal motility, such 
dence of clinical vestibular symptoms associated with gradually  as peptic ulcers,93 and, as noted earlier, to circulatory problems 
developing NIHL.81 A study of military personnel with mild to  such as hypertension.94 Certain types of noise can be annoying 
severe NIHL using sophisticated vestibular testing in the form  and  can  lead  to  emotional  unrest.95  Finally,  noise  can  have  a 
of a computerized rotatory-chair system along with routine elec- deleterious  effect  on  task  performance,  especially  if  speech 
tronystagmographic  measures  of  caloric  responses  showed  understanding is involved.96 Generally, data relevant to the non-
more  direct  correlations  between  hearing  loss  and  vestibular  auditory  effects  of  noise  tend  to  be  inconclusive,  because  the 
upset.82 In combination, the results showed a symmetric, cen- variables are difficult to identify and isolate for objective study.
trally  compensated  decrease  in  the  response  of  the  vestibular 
end  organ  associated  with  a  symmetric  hearing  loss.  A  more 
recent  study83  that  combined  caloric  testing  with  vestibular-
evoked  myogenic  potentials  in  patients  with  chronic  NIHL  One practical issue that the lawmakers of industrialized societ-
showed absent or delayed electrophysiologic potentials, which  ies have had to consider concerns the balancing of two conflict-
indicates that the vestibular system, especially the sacculocollic  ing  goals:  How  can  laborers  be  protected  against  the  hazards 
reflex pathway, was damaged in addition to the cochlear portion  of the workplace without placing an enormous financial burden 
of the inner ear. on society, either by satisfying compensatory obligations or by 
Together  these  findings  imply  that  a  subclinical,  well- preventing  such  work-related  effects  through  costly  engineer-
compensated malfunction of the vestibular system is associated  ing  modifications  of  the  industrial  process?  Over  the  years, 
with NIHL. Beyond the medicolegal implications is the daunt- concerns about protecting the public and the work force from 
ing  possibility  that  a  currently  asymptomatic  vestibulopathy  environmental  insults  such  as  noise  have  been  written  into  a 
produced  by  noise  exposure  might  progress  to  a  disturbing  combination  of  law  and  governmental  regulations.  Federal, 
vertigo under certain environmental conditions.84 state, and community legislative and regulatory actions are con-
Considerable interest has been shown recently in the inter- tinually being reviewed and altered. Although the purpose of 
action of vibration and noise, which are common cofactors in  this review is not to detail such legal controls, regarding their 
the  workplace.  Although  most  research  shows  that  vibration  historic  development  or  current  status,  a  brief  discussion  is 
alone  does  not  affect  hearing,  the  results  of  epidemiologic  appropriate.  For  a  lucid  analysis  of  governmental  statutes 
studies in humans and controlled laboratory studies in animal  and regulations pertaining to noise control, see the review by 
models indicate a synergistic interaction of concomitant vibra- Dobie.7
tion (either whole body or hand-arm vibration) and noise that  The major difficulty encountered in composing regulatory
results in an increase in the degree of NIHL.85 control has been in defining in practical terms what constitutes 
Exposure  to  infrafrequency  and  ultrafrequency  sounds a  hazardous  noise.  One  popular  approach  toward  expressing 
outside  of  the  human  hearing  range  has  also  been  studied.  the danger of a particular noise by a simple number is embod-
Infrasonic or vibratory stimuli are defined as sounds in the range  ied in the equal-energy principle,97 which assumes that perma-
of  0.1  to  20 Hz,  and  there  are  no  known  instances  in  which  nent  damage  to  hearing  is  related  to  total  sound  energy,  a 
infrasound  alone  clearly  caused  permanent  damage  to  the  product of the noise level in dBA and the duration of exposure. 
human  cochlea.  However,  studies  in  the  chinchilla  model  One  tenet  of  this  postulate  is  that  an  equal  amount  of  noise 
showed  that  the  presence  of  intense  sounds  in  the  audible  energy causes an equal amount of hearing loss.
frequency range along with simultaneous infrasound increases  Burns and Robinson,98 who investigated the hearing loss of 
cochlear damage.86 thousands  of  industrial  workers,  concluded  that  the  equal-
In  contrast,  earlier  reports  have  shown  detrimental  effects energy principle could be applied to determine daily exposure 
of  microwaves  on  hearing.87  The  thermal  properties  of  ultra- doses, because hearing loss caused by work-related noise expo-
high-frequency sound waves in the gigahertz range, rather than  sure seemed to be a simple function of noise energy. Atherley 
mechanical energy,  seem  to  have  produced  these  adverse  and Martin99 extended the concept to impulse noise by applica-
experimental  effects.  Overall,  it  is  probably  safe  to  conclude  tion of the equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) principle. 
that  the  auditory  system’s  built-in  middle  ear  filter  limits  the  The  Leq  is  defined  as  the  A-weighted  level  of  a  continuous, 
extreme  frequencies  of  sound  that  are  hazardous  to  the  steady sound that produces, in a specified interval, an exposure 
inner ear.88 that has the same total acoustic energy as that of an actual time-
Magnetic  resonance  imaging  (MRI)  systems  have  acoustic  varying sound over the identical interval.100 In other words, if 
noise  associated  with  their  clinical  scanning  actions.  For  spe- one  sound  contains  twice  as  much  energy  as  a  second  sound 
cific  protocols  that  incorporate  faster  and  noisier  sequences,  but  lasts  half  as  long,  both  sounds  would  be  characterized  by 
peaks  of  120  to  130 dBA  have  been  measured,  particularly  the  same  equivalent  sound  level.  The  Leq  concept  holds  that 
during high-speed echoplanar imaging.89 Early on, Brummett  these two exposures produce the same damage to the ear.
and associates90 showed that sounds generated by MRI are suf- Although  notions  such  as  the  equal-energy  principle  have
ficiently intense to cause some TTS in a significant number of  proved  useful  in  the  practical  definition  of  noise-control  vari-
patients.  However,  their  results  also  showed  that  earplugs  ables,  their  validity  has  been  more  difficult  to  establish.  Over 

the  years,  experimental  evidence  has  been  conflicting  in  that  sure to overly intense sounds, particularly with respect to chil-
it has tended to be either for or against the equal-energy rule.  dren and adolescents.
Generally,  it  seems  that  the  principle  cannot  be  generalized  Although a known prevention exists, for fiscal and technical 
indiscriminantly  to  stimuli  throughout  the  range  of  noise  reasons, it is unlikely that the general loud sound levels of our 
parameters, because exposure to impulse or intermittent noises  environment  will  be  reduced.  As  previously  noted,  whereas 
may  lead  to  more  or  less  degeneration  in  the  organ  of  Corti  clinical  trials  on  the  safety  and  efficacy  of  certain  antioxidant 
than would be expected according to the equal-energy princi- compounds to prevent or reverse NIHL are currently in prog-
ple.  However,  some  aspect  of  the  equal-energy  concept  has  ress,  to  date  no  proven  treatment  or  cure  for  noise  damage 
been  adopted  by  most  industrialized  nations,  including  the  exists.  Consequently,  detecting  the  early  stages  of  NIHL  is 
United States, as a means of measuring the potential hazard of  important to prevent further injury to the crucial sensory-cell 
a  particular  noise  exposure.  Present  regulations  use  a  5-dB  receptors of the organ of Corti.
exchange rate, along with a 90-dBA time-weighted average, to  The role of the otolaryngologist is first to identify the cause
define the permissible exposure limit over an 8-hour workday.  and  extent  of  a  reported  hearing  loss  through  systematic 
Consequently, exposure to 90 dBA for 8 hours is equivalent in  medical  and  audiometric  evaluation.  As  part  of  the  course  of 
sound-energy  terms  to  an  exposure  of  95 dBA  for  half  that  otologic  management,  the  patient  should  be  educated  about 
time.  For  more  complete  particulars,  see  Table  G-16  at  www the hazards of noise and about preventive measures to preserve, which details the permissible noise exposures devel- remaining hearing. The physician should make basic decisions 
oped by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administra- about  the  appropriate  aural  rehabilitative  course  of  action. 
tion (OSHA).101 Finally,  the  otolaryngologist  should  be  sensitive  to  any  emo-
Currently, industries that employ laborers who work where  tional  problems  the  patient  may  have  in  accepting  a  hearing 
noise  levels  are  greater than  85 dBA—except  for  farming  impairment, which may be dealt with by counseling or special 
and  construction  workers,  who  work  in  hard-to-control  provisions.
environments—implement  a  hearing-conservation  program  Although NIHL is not medically or surgically treatable, it is
that  consists  of  several  components  as  dictated  by  OSHA.101 almost entirely preventable. Its prevention requires education, 
First,  preemployment  audiometric  assessment  and  annual  engineering, and administrative controls and the proper use of 
audiometric  monitoring  are  required  so  that  noise-induced  hearing protection. One of the otolaryngologist’s most impor-
cochlear  impairment  can  be  detected  before  it  becomes  too  tant  contributions  is  in  teaching  the  patient  to  guard  against 
severe.  When  a  hearing  loss  is  identified,  the  worker  must  be  further  losses.106  When  recommending  the  use  of  personal 
notified  of  the  disorder  and  counseled  about  the  use  of  per- hearing  protectors  or  reinforcing  compliance  with  ongoing 
sonal hearing protectors. The second portion of the conserva- hearing-protection  measures,  the  physician  should  be  aware 
tion program requires workers in areas of high noise levels (≥ that  the  commonly  used  personal  protectors  in  the  form  of 
85 dBA)  to  wear  ear  protectors  and  to  participate  in  a  noise  inserted earplugs or earmuffs vary considerably in effectiveness 
education program that informs the employee of the hazardous  and  produce  an  attenuation  that  is  highly  frequency  depen-
effects and the correct fitting of personal protectors. An impor- dent.107  When  sealed  correctly  into  the  ear  canal,  earplugs 
tant part of hearing conservation is the otologic referral, which  reduce the noise that reaches the middle ear by 15 to 30 dB, 
is essential when in-plant audiometry has detected a substantial  and they work best for the mid to higher frequency range (i.e., 
hearing loss. 2 to 5 kHz). Earmuffs are more effective protectors, especially 
for  frequencies  between  500 Hz  and  1 kHz,  in  which  noise  is 
attenuated by 30 to 40 dB.108 In areas with extremely high noise 
ROLE OF THE levels,  earplugs  do  not  afford  sufficient  protection,  and  indi-
viduals should be advised to wear both earplugs and earmuffs. 
OTOLARYNGOLOGIST Also, sound energy associated with high noise levels may reach 
Patients  with  NIHL  constitute  a  notable  portion  of  an  otolar- the  inner  ear  by  passing  through  vibrating  bone  and  tissues 
yngologist’s  patient  population,  particularly  for  otolaryngolo- adjacent  to  the  ear.  Bone-conduction  and  tissue-conduction 
gists  who  are  in  private  practice.  With  the  increase  in  the  thresholds set a practical limit to the possible attenuation pro-
population older than 65 years, the psychologic, economic, and  vided by hearing-protection devices.
social impact of NIHL is still growing. Modern stereo systems  A  final  point  concerning  the  use  of  hearing  protectors
in  the  form  of  personal  music  players  or  personal  listening  should be impressed on the patient. When data are considered 
devices  (PLDs)  such  as  the  MP3  and  iPod  systems  have  suffi- that relate the maximal protection in dBA to the percentage of 
cient noise levels and listening durations to put consumers at  time that the devices are worn, it is clear that hearing protectors 
risk  for  developing  NIHL.102  Because  the  number  of  young  should  be  worn  all  the  time,  because  if  they  are  removed  for 
people subject  to  social  noise  exposure  has  tripled  since  the  even a few minutes, their effective cumulative attenuation capa-
early 1980s,103 the widespread use of these devices among chil- bility is severely reduced. Removing hearing protection for only 
dren and adolescents is a growing worry. Such concern is sup- 15 minutes of an 8-hour shift can cut protection efficacy in half. 
ported by the finding uncovered in the audiometric database  Similarly,  a  poorly  fitting  hearing  protector  does  not  prevent 
of a large-scale national cross-sectional survey of an accelerating  hearing loss.1
prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss in young adults 20 to  In  many  states,  compensation  is  available  for  occupational 
29  years  old.104  This  growing  prevalence  of  high-frequency  NIHL, and physicians are sometimes required to serve as expert 
hearing loss in young adults may relate to an increase in PLD  witnesses as to the probable cause of a claimant’s hearing loss. 
use. However, the outcome of at least one relevant experimen- Such medicolegal testimony requires that the patient undergo 
tal study that used similarly aged subjects, who were systemati- careful otologic and audiometric evaluation to exclude hearing 
cally exposed to music from an MP3 player at their preferred  losses  caused  by  unrelated  ear  disorders  such  as  cerumen 
listening  levels,  does  not  agree  with  this  explanation.105  It  is  impaction, middle ear effusion, aging, genetic deficits, otoscle-
clear that to demonstrate whether exposure to PLDs as teenag- rosis, and an array of other ear diseases (e.g., Meniere disease, 
ers  influences  hearing  loss  in  old  age,  long-term  longitudinal  acoustic neuroma). To permit the reversible effects (i.e., TTS) 
cohort  studies  are  needed.103  In  any  case,  otolaryngologists  to recover, most states require a recovery time that ranges from 
are expected to continue to be prominently involved with the  14 “quiet” hours to 24 weeks away from the occupational noise 
problem of NIHL and leisure-time activities that involve expo- source  before  audiometric  assessment.  By  ruling  out  organic 

disease, giving careful attention to the history of job-related and  also  know  how  much  more  we  need  to  learn  about  basic  ear 
recreation-related noise exposure, and documenting the extent  processes before such damage can be corrected. As our under-
and degree of involvement of both ears, an informed decision  standing  of  the  fundamental  mechanisms  involved  in  the 
concerning any causal relationship between the noted disability  process of NIHL progresses, developing a medical intervention 
and the work environment can be made. to minimize permanent injury seems achievable. In the mean-
Hearing impairment is the medical term used to refer to the  time, we know what needs to be done to prevent or check the 
hearing level at which individuals begin to experience difficul- damage  process.  In  light  of  the  economic  impracticability  of 
ties in everyday life. Hearing impairment manifests in practical  noise control at the engineering or administrative level, espe-
terms, such as in a difficulty understanding speech. By the time  cially  in  industry,  it  seems  that  education  of  the  public  about 
an individual becomes aware of decreased speech intelligibility,  the potential hazards of excessive sound and the beneficial use 
considerable damage to the organ of Corti likely has occurred,  of protective devices will be the major weapons against NIHL. 
because speech reception is not altered greatly until a hearing  Consequently, the educational role of otolaryngologists is para-
loss is more than 40 dB. The amount of loss at frequencies most  mount for the conservation of hearing threatened by habitual 
important to speech—at 2, 3, and 4 kHz—is used by OSHA101 as  noise exposure.
a basis for calculating amounts of compensation, because NIHL 
occurs initially at frequencies of 2 kHz or greater. The measure 
of hearing impairment is called the hearing handicap, which is 
always  based  on  the  functional  state  of  both  ears.  An  official  The authors acknowledge the long-time support of the National 
guide  devised  by  the  American  Academy  of  Otolaryngology– Institutes of  Health  (DC00613,  DC03114)  and  the  Veterans 
Head  and  Neck  Surgery109  provides  a  detailed  explanation  Administration (VA/RRD C7107R, C6212L) for their programs 
and formula for evaluating and calculating an NIHL handicap.  of research and Barden B. Stagner for conducting data analysis 
Generally,  the  disability  benefits  of  the  U.S.  Social  Security  and assisting with assembling the illustrations used here.
Administration110 are less generous than those for either mili-
tary veterans or typical worker’s compensation programs. For a complete list of references, see
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ability  that  many  individuals  will  unwittingly  sustain  hearing 
losses because of exposure to loud sounds at home, on the job,  SUGGESTED READINGS
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laryngologists  and  other  health  care  professionals  who  deal  functions of drug combinations against noise-induced hearing loss. 
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Infections of the Labyrinth 153 
John C. Goddard | William H. Slattery III

Key Points
■ Cytomegalovirus is the most common cause of nongenetic hearing loss in the United States.
■ The use of antiviral medications in the treatment of children with congenital cytomegalovirus
infection may help minimize deterioration in hearing.
■ Congenital rubella remains an important cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) worldwide.
■ Prevention of congenital rubella through routine vaccination is the best method of avoiding SNHL
and other sequelae.
■ Early identification and treatment of children with congenital syphilis will often help avoid late
complications associated with labyrinthine involvement.
■ Measles and mumps infections remain important causes of childhood hearing loss in countries that
lack routine vaccination programs.
■ Suppurative labyrinthitis may develop as a sequela of bacterial and nonbacterial meningitis as well
as from infectious conditions that affect the middle ear, mastoid, and temporal bone.
■ Routine vaccination against common bacterial pathogens, widespread use of antibiotic therapy, and
early identification of infection have all led to the reduction in the number of meningogenic and
otogenic cases of suppurative labyrinthitis.
■ Idiopathic disorders such as sudden SNHL, vestibular neuritis, and labyrinthitis have not
conclusively been linked to an infectious etiologic agent.

I nfections of the labyrinth may arise from direct invasion by  a noninvasive manner that avoids loss of cochlear and/or ves-
bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses as well as from toxic sub- tibular  function.9  Although  sampling  of  perilymph  may  be 
stances  associated  with  an  adjacent  infectious  process.  In  the  achieved  during  cochlear  implant  surgery  and  from  labyrin-
preantibiotic era, suppurative (bacterial) labyrinthitis was a fre- thine tissue collected during surgeries that sacrifice the inner 
quent sequela of acute pyogenic otitis media and often increased  ear (i.e., labyrinthectomy), patients who undergo these proce-
the likelihood of associated meningitis and subsequent death.1 dures do not always have a history of labyrinthine infection.10
In  developed  countries,  routine  use  of  antibiotic  therapy  has  Moreover,  the  time  interval  between  a  suspected  labyrinthine 
significantly reduced the rate of otitis media–related complica- infection and subsequent surgical intervention may be signifi-
tions,  and  suppurative  labyrinthitis  occurs  only  rarely.2  Syphi- cantly delayed, which makes meaningful analysis difficult. Alter-
litic  (luetic)  involvement  of  the  labyrinth  has  been  well  natively,  postmortem  temporal  bone  histopathologic  analysis 
documented histopathologically and was a frequently observed 
clinical picture during the 1900s.3 As the rates of syphilis have 
fallen significantly within the United States, so too have cases 
of  luetic-induced  sensorineural  hearing  loss  (SNHL)  and  ves-
tibular  dysfunction.4  Measles,  mumps,  and  rubella  (MMR) 
infections have been a significant source of morbidity and mor- 1. Clinical association of infectious agent with a specific cochlear or
tality worldwide, with associated hearing loss in certain cases.5-7 vestibular syndrome
The development of MMR vaccines in the 1960s, however, led  a. Epidemiologic studies of infectious agent and syndrome
to  a  dramatic  decline  in  the  incidence  of  these  viral  diseases,  b. Clinical studies of syndrome and isolation of infectious agent at
other sites or serologic antibody titer rise
with  a  concomitant  decrease  in  the  number  of  cases  with 
2. Clear evidence of infectious agent presence within inner ear tissue
hearing loss.8 Whereas the United States and other developed  a. Isolation of infectious agent vRNA or mRNA, excluding mRNA
countries have seen a decline in the overall number of labyrin- latency-associated transcripts, in inner ear tissue
thine  infections  associated  with  the  above-named  conditions,  b. Histologic demonstration in inner ear tissue by electron
the  incidence  of  these  conditions  in  developing  countries  microscopy of infectious agent or by light microscopy finding of
remains  significant.  Consequently,  it  is  imperative  that  otolar- inclusion bodies or characteristic cell morphology plus isolation of
yngologists  remain  knowledgeable  about  all  of  the  potential  infectious agent at other body sites
causes of labyrinthine infections. 3. In experimental animals, demonstration that suspect infectious agent
Identification  and  isolation  of  a  specific  causative  agent  in can cause similar auditory or vestibular signs and inner ear pathology
suspected cases of labyrinthine infection remains elusive (Box  Modified from Davis LE. Neurovirology of deafness, labyrinthitis and Bell’s
153-1). Much of the difficulty in determining causation stems  palsy. In Johnson RT, ed: Neurovirology. Minneapolis: American Academy of
from an inability to obtain tissue samples from the inner ear in  Neurology; 2002.


remains  an  invaluable  tool  for  examining  the  architecture  of  chamber filled with sodium-rich perilymph. The membranous 
the labyrinth, particularly in patients with known clinical histo- labyrinth is a completely separate system suspended within this 
ries. However, the physical and chemical processing of tempo- perilymph-filled  chamber  and  is  composed  of  potassium-rich 
ral  bone  specimens  limits  the  ability  to  use  certain  analytic  endolymph.  The  membranous  utricular  and  saccular  ducts 
techniques,  such  as  the  polymerase  chain  reaction  (PCR),  to  connect  their  respective  end  organs  with  the  endolymphatic 
identify viral or other infectious agents.9,11 It is hoped that con- duct,  which  travels  within  the  bony  vestibular  aqueduct  and 
tinued  refinement  of  microbiologic,  viral,  and  genetic  tech- terminates  as  the  endolymphatic  sac  along  the  posterior  face 
niques  along  with  the  development  of  novel  approaches  to  of the petrous bone.
safely sample the inner ear will allow for more consistent and  The vasculature of the inner ear will not be reviewed here,
reliable identification of the sources of labyrinthine infections  but  its  importance  as  a  potential  route  of  (hematogenous) 
in the future. spread  of  infection  to  the  inner  ear  must  be  remembered. 
Specific anatomic aspects of the labyrinth provide the remain-
ing routes for spread of infection to the inner ear; these include 
BACKGROUND ANATOMY the cochlear aqueduct, internal auditory canal (IAC), and oval 
and round windows. The cochlear aqueduct is a bony channel that 
AND PHYSIOLOGY contains  subarachnoid-like  tissue  known  as  the  periotic duct.12
The  inner  ear  has  been  dubbed  the  labyrinth,  owing  to  the  Although it is believed that the cochlear aqueduct is not respon-
complexity  of  its  anatomic  design.  Although  it  is  beyond  the  sible for the transmission of high pressure levels of cerebrospi-
scope of this chapter to review the anatomy and physiology of  nal fluid (CSF) to the inner ear seen in perilymphatic gushers, 
the labyrinth in its entirety, a basic understanding is a prereq- it may serve as a conduit for the spread of infection to and from 
uisite to a discussion of infections of the labyrinth. Functionally  the intracranial cavity.13-15 The cochlear aqueduct traverses the 
characterized by six different sensory end organs—the cochlear  inferior petrous bone from the subarachnoid space of the pos-
organ of Corti, the three ampullae of the semicircular canals,  terior  fossa  to  the  basal  aspect  of  the  cochlea  and  opens  into 
and the utricular and saccular maculae—the labyrinth is more  the medial aspect of the scala tympani. Some histologic studies 
broadly characterized as a bony outer shell and a membranous  of  the  cochlear  aqueduct  suggest  higher  patency  in  children, 
internal compartment (Fig. 153-1). The shell of the labyrinth  whereas others demonstrate patency along the entire length of 
comprises  otic  capsule  bone,  which  defines  the  shape  of  the  the aqueduct in 34% of specimens.13-15 The cribrose area at the 
semicircular  canals,  vestibule,  and  cochlea  and  encloses  a  fundus of the IAC serves as the point of entry of the cochlear 

Crus commune Horizontal semicircular duct

Superior Posterior semicircular duct

semicircular duct




Stapes in
Endolymphatic oval window

Saccule Vestibular

Round window


Cochlear duct

Scala tympani Perilymphatic duct

Scala vestubuli Ductus reuniens

Figure 153-1. The membranous labyrinth.

nerve fibers into the modiolus. In cases of congenital deficiency  likely  to  have  a  child  with  a  significant  CMV  infection  than 
of  the  cribrose  area,  CSF  pressure  may  be  transmitted  more  women infected during pregnancy.21,23 However, reactivation of 
completely to the perilymph.16 This location may also serve as  a latent CMV infection (i.e., secondary CMV infection) remains 
a route for spread of infection between the intracranial cavity  a potential means of maternal-fetal transmission.
and the inner ear. The final potential anatomic routes of spread  The  current  gold  standard  for  the  diagnosis  of  congenital
are from the oval and round windows, which provide the most  CMV infection is isolation of the virus from urine, saliva, blood, 
direct  interface  between  the  middle  ear  and  the  labyrinth.  or other body fluids within the first 2 to 3 weeks of life.21,23 PCR 
Although  the  stapes  footplate  serves  as  a  bony  barrier  at  the  analysis of CMV DNA has now become the preferred technique 
level of the oval window, the round window membrane is three  for  viral  isolation  and  has  replaced  viral  culture  methods  of 
to  four  cell  layers  thick  and  may  offer  less  resistance  to  the  detection.24,25  Although  interest  has  been  shown  in  using  the 
spread of various molecules.17 dried  blood  samples  routinely  obtained  for  genetic  screening 
purposes  at  birth  as  a  means  of  identifying  CMV  DNA,  the 
sensitivity of this method has been poor when compared with 
PERINATAL LABYRINTHINE PCR testing of saliva.10,25-27 Peripheral blood antibody detection 
is also not useful for diagnosing congenital CMV. Finally, testing 
INFECTIONS performed  more  than  3  weeks  after  birth  is  not  considered 
A number of infections may affect a pregnancy and jeopardize  adequate for a diagnosis of congenital CMV because of the high 
the  health  of  the  developing  fetus  or  newborn  baby.  These  frequency of asymptomatic CMV infection among infants aged 
perinatal infections are typically viral and may impact a variety  3 weeks and older.
of organ systems, including the inner ear. The most common  The  majority  of  children  born  with  congenital  CMV  are 
perinatal viral infections that affect the labyrinth are cytomega- asymptomatic,  and  80%  never  develop  any  significant  symp-
lovirus  (CMV)  and  rubella,  although  herpes  simplex  virus  toms or disabilities.21 Occurring rarely, the most severe form of 
(HSV) and other viruses may affect the inner ear as well. Non- congenital  CMV,  termed  cytomegalic inclusion disease  (CID), 
viral perinatal infections may affect the labyrinth and include  affects multiple organ systems and is associated with significant, 
toxoplasmosis  (parasitic)  and  syphilis  (bacterial),  among  permanent  disabilities.21,23  In  patients  with  this  severe  pheno-
others. type, SNHL, microcephaly, and learning difficulties are seen in 
nearly  50%  of  cases.28  Hepatosplenomegaly,  jaundice,  blue-
berry muffin rash, and computed tomography (CT) evidence 
PERINATAL VIRAL LABYRINTHINE of intracerebral calcifications are also typical of CID.23 Whereas 
the implications for those with CID are fairly clear, the prepon-
INFECTIONS derance of newborns with congenital CMV infection are asymp-
Viruses  have  been  implicated  in  the  development  of  labyrin- tomatic and have an unpredictable course. Early longitudinal 
thine infections for decades. However, as mentioned above, the  studies that examined the percentage of asymptomatic cases of 
ability  to  identify  and  isolate  a  causative  organism  in  cases  of  congenital  CMV  with  SNHL  reported  rates  that  ranged  from 
labyrinthine  infection  remains  challenging.  Although  strong  7% to 15%.29-33 Among these patients, SNHL was often bilateral 
clinical  evidence  supports  a  causative  relationship  between  and  ranged  from  mild  to  profound,  although  unilateral,  pro-
many viral infections and the development of cochleovestibular  gressive, and delayed-onset losses were also noted.29-33 Addition-
symptoms, CMV is the only perinatal viral infection that affects  ally,  newborn  screening  was  normal  in  up  to  50%  of  cases.30
the labyrinth that has actually been isolated from perilymph or  More recent studies that examined the rates and characteristics 
detected within inner ear tissue.18-20 Other congenital viruses—  of  hearing  loss  among  asymptomatic  patients  with  congenital 
such as  rubella,  HSV,  and  human immunodeficiency  virus  CMV infection found rates of SNHL to be as high as 23%.26,34-36
(HIV)—have  not  yet  been  identified  within  similar  inner  ear  Examination of peripheral blood viral load levels suggests the 
samples. risk  of  SNHL  may  actually  be  lower  in  patients  with  reduced 
viral loads.37 However, specific factors that influence the pattern 
Congenital CMV and severity of SNHL in asymptomatic cases of congenital CMV 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  remain unclear. The data concerning vestibular abnormalities 
(CDC),  CMV  is  the  most  common  congenital  viral  infection  among  patients  with  congenital  CMV  are  more  limited,  but 
and the most common cause of nongenetic hearing loss in the  reports do suggest that patients who are symptomatic at birth 
United States.21 Approximately 1 in 150 children is born with  can develop vestibular deficits over time.38
congenital  CMV  infection,  which  translates  into  30,000  chil- The clinical evidence that validates congenital CMV-related 
dren  per  year  in  the  United  States  alone.  Clinical  symptoms  labyrinthine infections has been strengthened by the ability of 
and permanent disabilities will occur in up to 15% to 20% of  researchers  and  clinicians  to  isolate  CMV  viral  particles  from 
cases  of  congenital  CMV,  including  the  possible  development  inner ear tissue.18-20,39-42 In the 1970s, Davis and colleagues9,42,43
of SNHL.21-23 The nature of the hearing loss in these children  cultured CMV from perilymph at autopsy from an infant with 
is quite variable, and it may be delayed, progressive, bilateral,  CID  and  subsequently  identified  CMV  antigen  in  cells  of  the 
or  even  fluctuating.23  Because  of  the  potentially  delayed  pre- membranous labyrinth and intracellular inclusions within the 
sentation of CMV-related hearing loss, newborn hearing screen- inner  ear  (Fig.  153-2).  Prior  descriptions  of  temporal  bone 
ing may be normal.23-25 histopathologic findings observed in infants dying of symptom-
Congenital CMV infections occur primarily via transmission atic  congenital  CMV  suggest  significant  changes  within  the 
in  utero,  although  they  may  occur  at  the  time  of  delivery  or  entire endolymphatic system but little histologic damage to the 
postnatally. Whereas mothers are the source of transmission to  auditory  and  vestibular  nerves,  along  with  the  spiral  and  ves-
their  offspring,  pregnant  women  often  become  infected  tibular  ganglia.41-45  Hydrops  of  the  cochlea  and  saccule  and 
through  sexual  contact  with  a  partner  or  spouse  or  through  collapse of the Reissner membrane have also been observed.9
contact with the saliva or urine of an infected child.21 Maternal  Teissier  and  colleagues39  more  recently  examined  six  CMV-
CMV  infection  can  occur  at  any  time  before  or  during  preg- infected  fetuses  that  ranged  in  age  from  19  to  35  weeks  post-
nancy and is typically asymptomatic, although mononucleosis- conception. Cytomegalic cells with inclusion bodies were noted 
like  symptoms  may  develop.21  Women  who  are  infected  6  within the marginal cells of the stria vascularis and nonsensory 
months  or  more  prior  to  becoming  pregnant  are  much  less  epithelium of the vestibular apparatus.39 Extensive involvement 

minimizing  clinical  symptoms,  in  CMV-infected  individuals. 

Experimental  CMV  vaccines  that  use  DNA,  protein,  and  viral 
vectors  have  been  under  development  for  several  years  and 
have shown  promise  with  early  testing.47-50  Treatment  of  preg-
nant women with primary CMV infection has included passive 
immunization  with  CMV  γ-globulin  as  well  as  oral  antiviral 
therapy. Studies have shown that CMV γ-globulin treatment of 
pregnant women with primary CMV infection results in a sig-
nificant reduction in the number of symptomatic CMV-infected 
infants at 2 years of age, whereas oral valacyclovir can achieve 
therapeutic  levels  in  maternal  and  fetal  blood  such  that  fetal 
viral loads are reduced.51,52 However, in the trial that examined 
oral  acyclovir,  a  less  than  50%  survival  rate  was  noted  among 
(severely)  affected  fetuses  of  CMV-infected  mothers.52  Treat-
ment of newborns with symptomatic congenital CMV has con-
sisted primarily of intravenous (IV) ganciclovir,23,53 which works 
by inhibiting viral DNA polymerase with resultant inhibition of 
CMV  replication.54  Its  administration  requires  a  peripherally 
inserted  indwelling  catheter,  and  the  drug  itself  carries  a  sig-
nificant risk of neutropenia. In the only randomized controlled 
trial to examine outcomes of ganciclovir treatment, infants with 
symptomatic congenital CMV treated within the first month of 
life had no hearing deterioration at 6 months and after 1 year.53
10 µM
A Presently,  ganciclovir  efficacy  has  only  been  demonstrated  in 
symptomatic  newborns  with  central  nervous  system  (CNS) 
disease and is not recommended for use in asymptomatic cases 
or  in  symptomatic  newborns  without  CNS  disease.23  Valganci-
clovir,  an  oral  prodrug  of  ganciclovir,  has  been  studied  over 
the last several years as an alternative to ganciclovir. In a ran-
domized  study  that  compared  ganciclovir  and  valganciclovir 
treatments  among  symptomatic  neonates,  similar  outcomes 
between  the  two  regimens  were  found.54  Two  recent  studies 
have also  demonstrated  improvement  in  hearing  levels  with 
valganciclovir treatment.55,56 However, a more robust, random-
B ized placebo-controlled study is currently underway that should 
help clarify the role of valganciclovir in patients with congenital 
Figure 153-2. Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in a 1-month-
CMV infection.23
old infant. A, Scanning electron micrograph shows large, osmophilic, CMV
inclusion-bearing cells lining the membranous wall of the utricle. B, Transmis- In terms of SNHL management, the observed variability in 
sion electron micrograph shows CMV particles with dense cores forming hearing  outcomes  among  asymptomatic  congenital  CMV 
aggregates in the cytoplasm of utricular epithelium (×34,500). (From Davis patients requires regular hearing assessment, preferably every 
LE, Johnsson L-G, Kornfeld M. Cytomegalovirus labyrinthitis in an infant: mor- 3  to  6  months  for  the  first  3  years  then  annually  thereafter. 
phological, virological, and immunofluorescent studies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol Amplification  should  be  instituted  as  soon  as  SNHL  is  identi-
1981;40:9.) fied, and cochlear implantation should be considered for cases 
of  severe  to  profound  SNHL.  Children  with  severe  forms  of 
congenital  CMV  may  suffer  from  mental  disabilities,  offering 
of the semicircular canal and otolith epithelia was observed and  challenges  to  cochlear  implantation  that  are  encountered 
included CMV infection within the endolymph-secreting dark  when treating developmentally abnormal patients. However, in 
cells.  These  data,  combined  with  the  findings  from  earlier  children with congenital CMV and SNHL who undergo cochlear 
studies, suggest that CMV involvement of (potassium-regulating)  implantation,  outcomes  have  been  similar  to  children  with 
endolymphatic  structures  may  be  responsible  for  the  SNHL  SNHL as a result of other etiologies.57,58
observed in these patients.39-45
In  the  last  several  years,  CMV  has  been  detected  by  PCR Congenital Rubella Syndrome
analysis of perilymph obtained at the time of cochlear implant  Congenital rubella syndrome,  also  known  as  German measles,  was 
placement in children with known congenital CMV and also in  initially described following the Australian epidemic in 1941.59
individuals  with  SNHL  of  unknown  cause  or  documented  Caused  by  the  rubella  virus,  congenital  rubella  syndrome 
acquired  CMV  infection.10,18,40,46  Given  that  cochlear  implant  includes  such  clinical  findings  as  microcephaly,  heart  defects, 
surgery often occurs months to years after birth, these findings  hearing loss, and cataracts.60 Additional clinical findings were 
demonstrate the ability of CMV viral DNA to persist within the  described following the global rubella pandemic of the 1960s, 
inner ear. Whether persistent CMV within the inner ear affects  when 20,000 infants in the United States were born with con-
hearing outcomes of individuals with congenital CMV remains  genital  rubella  syndrome.61,62  Since  the  introduction  of  the 
unknown,  but  the  ability  to  sample  the  inner  ear  and  isolate  rubella  vaccine  in  1969,  the  number  of  cases  in  developed 
viral  DNA  during  cochlear  implant  surgery  has  important  countries  has  dramatically  decreased;  in  the  United  States, 
implications.  More  specifically,  as  the  number  of  cochlear  endemic rubella was eliminated in 2004.63 However, the World 
implants  performed  worldwide  increases,  future  PCR  analysis  Health Organization  estimates  that  worldwide,  more  than 
of  perilymph  (or  endolymph)  samples  may  prove  to  be  an  100,000  infants  are  born  each  year  with  congenital  rubella 
important tool for understanding a variety of causes of SNHL. syndrome, and up to 50% have hearing impairment.64,65
Current CMV treatment efforts are focused on minimizing  Given  the  large  number  of  worldwide  cases  of  congenital 
seroconversion of women and reducing viral load, and thereby  rubella  syndrome,  it  is  imperative  that  otolaryngologists  

consider  this  condition  as  a  source  of  unexplained  SNHL, 

particularly  among  children.  Rubella  is  transmitted  in  utero  NONVIRAL PERINATAL
through  a  transplacental  route.  Maternal  rubella  infection  LABYRINTHINE INFECTIONS
during  the  first  trimester,  as  opposed  to  the  second  or  third 
trimester,  places  the  fetus  at  the  highest  risk  of  congenital  Congenital Syphilis
infection  and  subsequent  hearing  loss.  Infants  infected  with  Congenital syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema palli-
rubella during the second and third trimesters are often born  dum and results from vertical transmission from mother to fetus 
with  asymptomatic  rubella  infection  and  appear  healthy  at  either  in  utero,  at  the  time  of  vaginal  delivery,  or  postnatally. 
birth.  However,  10%  to  20%  of  these  children  will  likely  The CDC estimated the rate of congenital syphilis to be 8 cases 
develop  SNHL.66  Congenital  rubella  infection  that  involves  per 100,000 live births in the United States in 2011, a decline 
the  inner  ear  often  results  in  bilateral  SNHL,  which  typically  from  4  years  prior.77  Early,  or  infantile,  congenital  syphilis  is 
affects  the  mid  frequencies  more  than  the  low  and  high  fre- often  severe  and  is  characterized  by  hepatosplenomegaly, 
quencies.59 The resultant “cookie-bite” deformity may make it  papular  rash,  nasal  discharge,  and  pseudoparalysis  of  an 
difficult  to  distinguish  between  this  and  other  genetic  etiolo- extremity.12,77  Whereas  hearing  loss  and  vestibular  symptoms 
gies  of  SNHL.  In  a  large  series  of  children  with  hearing  loss  may occur in these infants, these symptoms may be overlooked 
secondary to congenital rubella syndrome, 55% had profound  because  of  the  severity  of  other  symptoms.  Late  congenital 
hearing loss, 30% had severe hearing loss, and 15% had mild  syphilis  is  also  possible  and  may  present  in  late  childhood, 
to  moderate  hearing  loss.61  Children  with  congenital  rubella  adolescence,  or  adulthood.  Lesions  typical  of  late  congenital 
syndrome  may  have  poor  speech  discrimination  and  may  syphilis  include  saddle  nose  deformity,  saber  shins,  keratitis, 
experience  progressive  hearing  loss.  Interestingly,  individuals  Hutchinson  teeth,  hearing  loss,  and  vestibular  complaints.12,77
who  experience  rubella  infection  as  an  adult  rarely  develop  Hearing loss has been reported to occur in as many as 38% of 
hearing loss.67 Studies that have examined vestibular function  congenital  syphilis  cases,  although  more  recent  studies  are 
in  children  with  congenital  rubella  syndrome  demonstrate  lacking.78-80 Great variability is reported in the presentation of 
caloric  hypofunction  in  up  to  20%  of  cases  with  a  lack  of  individuals  with  late  congenital  syphilis.  Hearing  loss  may  be 
correlation  between  the  degree  of  SNHL  and  vestibular  sudden, bilateral, and severe in children. In adults, hearing loss 
dysfunction.68,69 may be progressive, asymmetric, and associated with poor dis-
Congenital rubella syndrome may be diagnosed by 1) isola- crimination  scores,  and  symptoms  similar  to  Meniere  disease 
tion of rubella or detection of rubella-specific ribonucleic acid  may occur with fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and vestibular 
(RNA) from urine or throat cultures during the first weeks of  attacks.12
life,  2)  identification  of  immunoglobulin  M  (IgM)  antibodies  The CDC has extensive recommendations in regard to the
against rubella in serum from the neonate, and/or 3) increased  diagnostic evaluation of infants with suspected congenital syph-
antibody titer to rubella in an infant during the first few months  ilis.77  Infants  born  to  mothers  with  reactive  treponemal  tests 
of life who did not receive the rubella vaccine. Real-time reverse  (FTA-ABS) should undergo a quantitative nontreponemal sero-
transcriptase  polymerase  chain  reaction  (RT-PCR)  and  stan- logic test (RPR or VDRL) and careful physical examination at 
dard RT-PCR techniques are used to identify viral RNA, whereas  birth.  The  placenta  and  umbilical  cord  should  also  be  exam-
enzyme immunoassays are commonly used for identification of  ined with dark-field microscopy if possible.77 Titers of the quan-
IgM and IgG antibodies against rubella.59,62 titative  nontreponemal  test  in  neonates  with  suspected 
Histopathologic  changes  seen  in  the  temporal  bones  of  congenital  syphilis  are  important,  because  levels  more  than 
patients with congenital rubella syndrome and associated deaf- fourfold  higher  than  the  mother’s  titer  suggests  more  severe 
ness  do  show  characteristic  changes;  however,  these  changes  disease and requires CSF analysis. The CDC also recommends 
are  not  specific  for  a  rubella  infection.  The  predominant  a full evaluation and testing for HIV in cases of known congeni-
abnormality is cochleosaccular degeneration and strial atrophy  tal syphilis.77
of varying degrees, and the Reissner membrane and the wall of  The pathology in cases of early congenital syphilitic hearing
the saccule may sag and even collapse; the tectorial membrane  loss  is  primarily  that  of  a  “meningo-neuro-labyrinthitis”  as 
is frequently abnormal and is often displaced from the organ  described  by  Schuknecht12  and  Goodhill.81  This  is  character-
of  Corti  toward  the  limbus.12,70-72  The  stria  vascularis  shows  ized, as are all early syphilitic lesions, by a leukocytic infiltration 
varying degrees of atrophy, whereas the vestibular neuroepithe- with endarteritis and fibrosis, and degenerative changes of both 
lia and their nerves usually appear healthy. sensory and neural elements within the labyrinth are character-
Treatment of congenital rubella syndrome is currently sup- istic.12 Spirochetes have been demonstrated using a silver stain 
portive, because no antiviral medications have been designed  in postmortem temporal bone specimens of patients with syphi-
specifically for the rubella virus. As with other causes of SNHL,  lis.82 In late congenital syphilis, an osteitis of the otic capsule is 
amplification should be initiated as early as possible. Depend- seen  along  with  secondary  involvement  of  the  membranous 
ing upon the general health of the individual, in cases of severe  labyrinth.83  The  end  result  of  late  congenital  syphilis  in  the 
to  profound  hearing  loss,  cochlear  implantation  should  be  temporal bone is typically endolymphatic hydrops, which is also 
considered. seen in tertiary forms of acquired syphilis (Fig. 153-3).12,83
The  CDC  recommends  10  days  of  IV  aqueous  crystalline
Congenital Herpes Simplex Virus penicillin  G  in  neonates  with  congenital  syphilis.77  Therapy  is 
Neonatal  HSV  infection  is  rare  and  occurs  in  1  in  3,000  to  aimed at halting disease progression and is thought to be highly 
20,000 live births.73 Whereas infection may occur in utero, it is  effective if instituted early.84 Data are lacking, however, on the 
more  commonly  transmitted  at  the time  of  vaginal  delivery.  long-term  benefit  of  treatment  of  congenital  syphilis  with 
Consequently, cesarean section is often used in cases of known,  regard to hearing outcomes.84
active genital HSV infections. In neonates, HSV infection often 
occurs in a disseminated form, and patients may display HSV  Congenital Toxoplasmosis
encephalitis.  The  incidence  of  SNHL  in  congenital  HSV  is  Toxoplasma gondii  is  a  protozoan  parasite  that  typically  affects 
approximately  10%,  although  data  are  limited.74-76  Screening  immunocompromised individuals and neonates. It is transmit-
for HSV in cases of idiopathic neonatal SNHL is not currently  ted  through  oral  ingestion  of  material,  such  as  raw  or  under-
recommended because of the rarity of asymptomatic congeni- cooked  meat,  that  contains  infectious  parasitic  oocysts. 
tal HSV infections.76 Domestic  cats  that  eat  potential  hosts  of  T. gondii,  such  as 

and histopathologic studies. Rates of hearing loss after menin-
gitis may approach 35%, and severe to profound hearing loss 
and  labyrinthine  ossification  occurs  in  a  number  of  cases.92-97
The spread of bacterial infection from the subarachnoid space 
to the labyrinth most likely occurs via the cochlear aqueduct or 
the cribrose area of the fundus of the IAC.12,91,92,98-101 However, 
vascular routes, abnormal traumatic or congenital bony dehis-
cences between the labyrinth and subarachnoid space, and the 
endolymphatic sac may also be involved in transmitting these 
Diagnosis  of  meningogenic  labyrinthitis  relies  on  clinical
history  and  supportive  audiometric  data.  Clinical  findings  in 
adults may include lethargy, fever, neck stiffness, photophobia, 
and headache. In infants and young children, the initial symp-
toms may be more variable. The onset of hearing loss and/or 
vestibular  deficits  may  not  be  readily  identifiable,  particularly 
in  infants  with  meningitis.  However,  audiometric  documenta-
tion of SNHL in patients with a recent history of meningitis is 
suggestive  of  labyrinthine  involvement.  Further  support  for 
Figure 153-3. Endolymphatic hydrops as a result of syphilis. Arrows depict meningogenic  causes  of  SNHL  are  provided  in  cases  where 
abnormal position of Reissner membrane (hematoxylin & eosin stain, ×20). normal hearing was documented prior to the meningitic event. 
(Courtesy Dr. Fred Linthicum, Eccles Temporal Bone Laboratory, House Research Ototoxicity from IV antibiotic therapy used to treat meningitis 
Institute, Los Angeles.) must also be considered as a possible etiology of SNHL, espe-
cially  in  locales  where  gentamycin  and  other  aminoglycoside 
rodents  or  birds,  will  have  contaminated  feces.  Consequently,  antibiotics are commonly used. Standard pure tone audiometry 
people may transmit the cysts to themselves or others via hand  with word-recognition testing should be performed as soon as 
to oral contact after the handling of litter box materials. Con- a suspicion of meningogenic labyrinthine involvement is enter-
genital toxoplasmosis is relatively uncommon and occurs in an  tained. However, such testing is not always practical, and alter-
estimated  1  in  10,000  newborns.85  The  majority  of  newborns  natively, otoacoustic emission and auditory brainstem response 
with  congenital  toxoplasmosis  are  asymptomatic,  although  testing,  which  do  not  require  voluntary  participation,  may  be 
involvement of the CNS, visual, and other systems is possible.86 used.90  Whereas  normal  auditory  brainstem  response  results 
In a recent systematic review, the prevalence of toxoplasmosis- early in the course of meningitis may be encouraging, follow-up 
associated  hearing  loss  in  infected  newborns  was  found  to  behavioral audiometry is imperative.102 CT imaging of the post-
range  from  0%  to  26%.87  Determination  of  antibodies  (IgM  meningitic  patient  may  also  support  a  diagnosis  of  meningo-
and  IgG)  against  T. gondii  in  the  hearing-impaired  newborn  genic labyrinthine involvement when ossification of labyrinthine 
should  be  performed  in  suspected  cases  to  aid  in  diagnosis.  structures is noted. A lack of middle ear or mastoid infection 
Treatment  consists  of  12  months  of  antiparasitic  medication,  at  the  time  of  clinical  meningitis  is  also  important  in  distin-
and  evidence  suggests  a  reduction  in  SNHL  rates  among  guishing meningogenic from otogenic labyrinthitis. Timing of 
patients with high compliance and early treatment initiation.87 the occurrence of labyrinthine ossification following meningitis 
No known reports of temporal bone histopathology in patients  is  variable,  although  animal  models  suggest  that  ossification 
with congenital toxoplasmosis exist in the literature. following S. pneumoniae meningitis occurs as early as 3 days to 
3  weeks  after  inoculation.103,104  The  incidence  of  labyrinthine 
ossification  following  meningitis  is  also  not  known,  although 
ACQUIRED LABYRINTHINE INFECTIONS studies  of  children  with  SNHL  following  meningitis  demon-
Acquired labyrinthine infections may be a result of a variety of  strate  some  degree  of  ossification  in  up  to  70%  of  cases.105,106
bacterial,  viral,  or  parasitic  pathogens.  Some  of  the  more  Although it does appear that S. pneumoniae meningitis is associ-
common causes of infection are discussed here. ated with a higher incidence of SNHL, there does not appear 
to  be  a  significant  difference  in  the  development  of  labyrin-
Meningogenic Labyrinthine Infections thine  ossification  among  S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis,  and 
Bacterial Meningogenic Labyrinthine Infections. Meningitis  HIB.107
may result from bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, or toxic inva- Temporal  bone  findings  in  cases  of  meningogenic  labyrin-
sion  of  the  subarachnoid  space.  In  the  United  States  alone,  thitis  have  been  fairly  well  documented.12,92,98-101  Schuknecht12
4100  cases  of  bacterial  meningitis,  with  nearly  500  associated  distinguishes between terminal meningogenic labyrinthitis and 
deaths, occur annually.88 Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria men- a more standard form of meningogenic labyrinthitis. In terminal
ingitidis, and Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB) are the most  meningogenic labyrinthitis, suppuration of the labyrinth is thought 
common  causes  of  meningitis  in  children;  whereas  Escherichia to  be  a  terminal  event  in  a  patient  who  is  moribund  and  in 
coli,  Group  B  Streptococcus,  and  Listeria monocytogenes  are  often  whom cochleovestibular symptoms are not present. In nonter-
implicated  in  newborns.  Adolescents  and  adults  are  usually  minal  meningogenic  labyrinthitis,  studies  of  temporal  bones 
infected by N. meningitides and S. pneumoniae.89 Introduction of  reveal fibrosis and ossification within the labyrinth, particularly 
the  HIB  vaccine  in  the  United  States  pediatric  population  in  within  the  basal  portions  of  the  cochlea.12,98-101  In  the  most 
the 1990s led to a significant reduction in the number of cases  recent review of a series of temporal bone specimens with sup-
of HIB meningitis.90 purative  labyrinthitis  secondary  to  meningitis,  inflammatory 
Proper  recognition  of  the  link  between  labyrinthine  infec- cells  were  commonly  found  within  both  the  vestibular  and 
tions and meningitis was first recognized in the late 1800s.91 In  cochlear perilymphatic spaces.92 Sensory and neural structures 
the preantibiotic era, meningitis was suspected to account for  were often intact, although loss of spiral ganglion neurons was 
as many as 20% of cases of SNHL in children.91 Since that time,  seen in 10% to 15% of cases.92
our  understanding  of  meningogenic  labyrinthine  infections  Adherence to childhood and adult vaccination schedules is 
has increased greatly through a combination of epidemiologic  an  important  means  of  meningitis  prevention,  particularly  in 

Figure 153-4. Cryptococcal labyrinthine involvement. A, Arrow depicts eighth nerve infiltration by Cryptococcus in the fundus of the internal auditory canal
(hematoxylin & eosin [H&E] stain, ×100). B, High-power view demonstrates cryptococcal spores (H&E stain, ×400). (Courtesy Dr. Fred Linthicum, Eccles
Temporal Bone Laboratory, House Research Institute, Los Angeles.)

regard  to  HIB,  pneumococcal,  and  meningococcal  meningi- cases of various viral forms of meningitis leading to the develop-

tis.89  When  bacterial  meningitis  does  occur,  initial  treatment  ment of SNHL have been reported.114 Fungal organisms are an 
consists  of  culture-directed  IV  antibiotic  therapy.  Broad- infrequent  cause  of  meningitis,  although  immunocompro-
spectrum,  CSF-penetrating  antibiotics  are  often  used  initially,  mised patients are at higher risk for invasive fungal infections 
with  tailoring  of  the  regimen  following  identification  of  the  and account for the majority of such cases. Cryptococcal men-
causative  organism  through  CSF  analysis.  Early  initiation  of  ingitis, caused by Cryptococcus neoformans, is the most common 
treatment is important in the prevention of long-term sequelae  cause of fungal meningitis in immunocompromised individuals 
associated  with  meningitis,  although  the  exact  effect  of  treat- and has been associated with SNHL in up to 30% of infected 
ment timing on rates of SNHL are not known.108 Recent animal  patients.115,116  Histopathologic  studies  demonstrate  cryptococ-
studies  suggest  free  radicals  may  be  responsible  for  cochlear  cal involvement within the IAC and base of the modiolus (Fig. 
damage and that antioxidants may play a role in halting menin- 153-4).116 Parasitic meningitis, referred to as primary amebic menin-
gogenic hearing loss, although clinical studies are lacking.109 A  goencephalitis, is extremely rare and usually fatal. Finally, nonin-
significant number of studies have examined the role of corti- fectious forms of meningitis may occur as a result of malignancy, 
costeroids in treating meningitis-associated SNHL, particularly  certain drugs, and head injury. To date, there has been a lack 
in children. A meta-analysis of these studies was performed in  of data on the incidence of SNHL associated with noninfectious 
2006  and  concluded  that  the  evidence  supporting  the  use  of  forms of meningitis.
corticosteroids  in  preventing  SNHL  remained  unclear.110
However, Hartnick and colleagues111 found that the administra- Otogenic Labyrinthine Infections
tion  of  steroids  at  the  time  of  diagnosis  was  associated  with  a  Suppurative labyrinthitis may occur as a complication of acute 
significantly lower rate of labyrinthitis ossificans. These findings  or  chronic  otitis  media,  chronic  tympanomastoiditis,  and 
highlight the potential benefits of steroid use and require that  petrous apicitis.12,100 The majority of cases are bacterial in origin, 
further studies be conducted on this subject. although  fungal  invasion  of  the  labyrinth  may  occur,  particu-
SNHL  that  results  from  meningogenic  labyrinthitis  should  larly in immunocompromised hosts. Common bacterial patho-
be  treated  with  early  amplification.  In  cases  of  severe  to  pro- gens include S. pneumoniae, nontypable H. influenzae, Moraxella
found  deafness,  cochlear  implantation  should  be  offered.  catarrhalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus,  and 
Because  of  the  possibility  of  early  labyrinthine  ossification,  various aerobic and anaerobic organisms.2 In cases of bacterial 
cochlear  implant  evaluations  should  be  performed  expedi- infection limited to the middle ear space, suppurative labyrin-
tiously following diagnosis. Bilateral simultaneous implantation  thitis  occurs  via  bacterial  spread  through  the  oval  and  round 
may be offered to improve the chances of successful implanta- windows.12 In chronic tympanomastoiditis and apicitis, spread 
tion  in  these  patients.112  High-resolution  computed  tomogra- of infection to the labyrinth may occur via the oval and round 
phy (HRCT) of the temporal bone is useful for identification  windows or via irregular dehiscences in the bony labyrinth.12 In 
of  ossification  within  the  labyrinth.  However,  magnetic  reso- the preantibiotic era, rates of suppurative labyrinthitis among 
nance  imaging  (MRI)  with  heavily  T2-weighted  sequences  is  patients undergoing mastoidectomy approached 5%.1 Over the 
often preferable, because this modality can better identify fibro- last century, the use of antibiotics combined with earlier diag-
sis within the labyrinth, which is not seen on HRCT.113 nosis  and  treatment  and  improvement  in  surgical  techniques 
has led to rates of suppurative labyrinthitis that approach 0.1% 
Nonbacterial Meningogenic Labyrinthine Infections. Viral,  in many countries.2,117-119
fungal, parasitic, and toxic forms of meningitis may occur. Viral Otogenic suppurative labyrinthitis is defined by vertigo and 
meningitis, often termed aseptic meningitis, has not been strongly  SNHL  in  the  setting  of  acute  or  chronic  middle  ear  and/or 
associated with hearing loss based on early reports.93 However,  mastoid  disease.2  Hearing  loss  is  typically  severe  to  profound 

and permanent. Cholesteatomatous or iatrogenic fistulae of the  vertigo is considered uncommon.9,12,124 Mumps virus is one of 

inner  ear  may  predispose  individuals  with  chronic  tympano- only  two  viruses  that  has  been  isolated  from  the  inner  ear.125
mastoiditis and otitis media to suppurative labyrinthitis by pro- Histopathologic  changes  in  the  labyrinth  in  cases  of  mumps-
viding  a  direct  route  for  bacterial  invasion.  HRCT  of  the  related  deafness  consist  of  atrophy  of  the  stria  vascularis  and 
temporal bone may provide evidence for labyrinthine erosion,  organ of Corti as well as collapse of the Reissner membrane.126
although  opacification  of  the  middle  ear  and/or  coalescent  The  introduction  of  the  mumps  vaccine  in  1967  led  to  a
mastoiditis  may  be  the  only  finding  in  these  cases.  Symptoms  significant  decline  in  the  number  of  mumps  cases  within  the 
of meningitis may occur secondarily, because suppurative laby- United  States  and  other  countries  with  routine  vaccination 
rinthitis of otogenic origin may continue to spread toward the  schedules.123 However, because many countries still do not have 
subarachnoid space via the cochlear aqueduct or cribrose area  access  to  routine  vaccination,  otolaryngologists  must  include 
of the fundus through the modiolus.12 mumps  deafness  on  their  differential  diagnosis  when  evaluat-
Temporal  bone  histopathologic  findings  of  otogenic  sup- ing individuals with SNHL. Treatment of mumps-related SNHL 
purative labyrinthitis are similar to those seen in meningogenic  should include appropriate amplification with devices used in 
labyrinthitis.12,100,120-122 The initial stages of suppurative labyrin- single-sided  deafness,  and  cochlear  implantation  should  be 
thitis  are  characterized  by  infiltration  of  the  perilymphatic  considered if bilateral involvement occurs.
spaces by polymorphonuclear leukocytes.12,100,120-122 Subsequent 
erosion and necrosis of the membranous labyrinth may ensue,  Measles Labyrinthitis. Measles, also known as rubeola, is a viral 
with  possible  spread  to  the  subarachnoid  space  (Fig.  153-5).  illness  characterized  by  fever,  cough,  coryza,  conjunctivitis, 
The  end  stage  of  suppurative  labyrinthitis  is  characterized  by  descending  rash,  and  oral  lesions  known  as  Koplik spots.127
fibrosis  and  subsequent  new  bone  formation  (labyrinthitis  Measles  is  a  paramyxovirus,  similar  to  mumps  virus,  and  is 
ossificans).12,100,120-122 extremely contagious, spreading in the air via respiratory drop-
Treatment  of  otogenic  suppurative  labyrinthitis  often lets. Throughout the world, approximately 20 million cases of 
requires early surgical intervention in combination with culture- measles  occur  each  year.  However,  in  the  United  States  and 
directed  antibiotics.  Myringotomy  and  tympanostomy  tube  other  countries  with  routine  vaccination  schedules,  endemic 
placement  may  be  adequate  for  cases  of  acute  otitis  media  measles has become extremely rare. Potential complications of 
without involvement of the mastoid or obvious bone or labyrin- measles include pneumonia, middle ear infection, and enceph-
thine erosion. In cases of acute or chronic tympanomastoiditis,  alitis. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a rare, progressive 
mastoidectomy  is  often  indicated  to  clear  the  infection  and  neurologic disorder that occurs months to years after measles 
possibly remove or exteriorize any cholesteatomatous disease. infection and often results in death.127
Prior to the development of the measles vaccine, nearly all 
Viral Labyrinthine Infections children were affected before reaching adolescence. SNHL sec-
Mumps Labyrinthitis. Mumps is a viral illness characterized by  ondary  to  measles  has  accounted  for  up  to  10%  of  cases  of 
unilateral or bilateral parotid gland swelling. It is caused by a  childhood deafness in selected studies from the early twentieth 
paramyxovirus and spread by respiratory droplets. Severe com- century,  although  the  incidence  of  SNHL  in  measles  is  esti-
plications are rare but include encephalitis, orchitis, and SNHL.  mated at 0.1%.128,129 SNHL is typically bilateral and severe, with 
The estimated incidence of SNHL as a result of mumps is one  unilateral and more moderate losses also possible.9,12 Vestibular 
in 20,000 cases.123 Mumps is often a clinical diagnosis, although  function may be impaired in some individuals.
serologic  detection  of  specific  IgM  antibodies  and  viral  isola- Although measles virus has not been isolated from the inner 
tion (via oral swab) through RT-PCR are needed to confirm the  ear, histopathologic changes in the labyrinth have been docu-
diagnosis.123 mented in cases of known measles infection. Severe degenera-
SNHL as a result of mumps virus is often unilateral and may  tion of the organ of Corti, stria vascularis, and spiral ganglion 
range from mild high-frequency to profound SNHL.9,12 Vestibu- neurons  has  been  noted.130,131  The  vestibular  end  organs  also 
lar involvement has been reported in the past, although severe  demonstrate atrophy of their sensory epithelia.130,131 SNHL sec-
ondary  to  measles  infection  should  be  treated  with  amplifica-
tion or with cochlear implantation if the loss is severe.

Varicella-Zoster Virus Labyrinthitis (Ramsay Hunt Syndrome).

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the Herpesviridae 
family  and  is  responsible  for  chickenpox.132  VZV  is  also  the 
cause  of  shingles,  or  herpes  zoster,  as  well  as  Ramsay  Hunt 
syndrome,  herpes  zoster  oticus.  Shingles  occurs  mainly  in 
adults and is characterized by painful vesicular outbreaks, typi-
cally  in  the  distribution  of  sensory  nerves  on  the  face  or 
thorax.132 It is felt to be a reactivation of VZV, which lies dormant 
in the body after the initial (chickenpox) infection.132 Ramsay 
Hunt syndrome is similar in this regard, except VZV reactiva-
tion affects sensory and motor cranial nerves, typically causing 
a  peripheral  facial  palsy  that  resembles  Bell  palsy.  The  inci-
dence of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is quite variable, and recent 
reports suggest a range between 0.3 and 18%.133
Clinical  characteristics  of  Ramsay  Hunt  syndrome  include 
pain  in  and  around the  ear,  vesicular  eruption  that  involves 
the  pinna  and  external  auditory  canal,  and  facial  paralysis. 
SNHL,  tinnitus,  and  vestibular  symptoms  are  not  infrequent 
Figure 153-5. Otogenic suppurative labyrinthitis. Purulent material is seen and  occur  in  up  to  50%  of  patients  according  to  recent 
within the cochlea, vestibule, middle ear, and internal auditory canal (hema- reports.134-138 Additional cranial nerve involvement (i.e., cranial 
toxylin & eosin stain, ×10). (Courtesy Dr. Fred Linthicum, Eccles Temporal Bone nerves V and IX through XII) may also occur.134 Ramsay Hunt 
Laboratory, House Research Institute, Los Angeles.) syndrome  is  typically  a  clinical  diagnosis,  although  it  can  be 

confirmed by isolation and culture of VZV from vesicular fluid  such as hearing loss or dizziness.12,77 In secondary syphilis, patients 

or by detection of viral DNA by PCR analysis.139-141 MRI assess- may have rash, fever, and lymphadenopathy, although menin-
ment of patients with Ramsay Hunt syndrome and facial paraly- gitis and other organ involvement may also occur. Tertiary syphi-
sis often reveals enhancement along the intratemporal portions  lis develops many years after the initial infection and includes 
of the facial nerve.142 such  manifestations  as  neurosyphilis  and  cardiovascular 
Histopathologic changes in the labyrinth have been observed  involvement.
in  patients  with  auditory  and  vestibular  symptoms  associated  Hearing loss and vestibular symptoms are common in both 
with  Ramsay  Hunt  syndrome.  Inflammatory  cells  within  the  congenital and acquired forms of tertiary syphilis. In symptom-
auditory  nerve  and  modiolus  and  degeneration  of  the  spiral  atic  neurosyphilis,  rates  of  hearing  loss  approach  80%.162 
ganglion neurons, stria vascularis, organ of Corti, and semicir- Hearing loss is usually sensorineural in nature, although middle 
cular  canals  have  all  been  observed.12,143  Interestingly,  several  ear  involvement  has  been  reported.163  As  with  late  forms  of 
pathologic  studies  have  failed  to  show  significant  changes  congenital syphilis, SNHL is progressive, with fluctuation, asym-
within the geniculate ganglion in these cases, although atrophy  metry,  bilaterality,  and  associated  vertigo  attacks  not  infre-
and  degeneration  of  the  labyrinthine  and  tympanic  segments  quently observed.164
have been noted.143,144 Temporal bone findings of late acquired syphilis are charac-
Based on several retrospective studies, treatment of Ramsay  terized  by  a  resorptive  osteitis  with  round  cell  infiltration, 
Hunt syndrome has primarily consisted of oral corticosteroids  destruction  of  the  bony  labyrinth,  and  associated  endolym-
and  oral  antiviral  medication.145-149  Several  randomized  con- phatic hydrops.12,81 Fibrous proliferation may ensue adjacent to 
trolled  trials  have  examined  the  use  of  corticosteroids,  and  a  the areas of osteitis, and studies suggest resultant blockage of 
recent Cochrane review affirmed their utility in cases of Ramsay  the  endolymphatic  duct  may  be  the  cause  of  the  observed 
Hunt syndrome.150 However, a similar review of antiviral therapy  endolymphatic hydrops (Fig. 153-6).165 Treatment of otosyphilis 
suggests adequate data are lacking to recommend routine use  consists  of  intramuscular  penicillin  G  and  prednisone,  and 
of antiviral medications in Ramsay Hunt syndrome.151 In 2006,  prior  reports  suggest  that  aggressive  treatment  may  slow  the 
an adult VZV vaccine was introduced to help reduce the risk of  progression of SNHL and audiovestibular symptoms.166-168
shingles in adults over age 60. Whereas a significant reduction 
in the number of cases of shingles has been observed among 
vaccine recipients, the effect of the vaccine on the number of 
cases of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is as yet unknown.152 For cases  Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), vestibular neuri-
in  which  permanent  SNHL  occurs,  appropriate  amplification  tis, and labyrinthitis represent a clinical spectrum of inner ear 
should be considered. disorders.  Whereas  SSNHL  may  have  a  known  cause  in  some 
instances  (i.e.,  trauma,  ototoxicity,  cerebrovascular  accident), 
Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Related Labyrinthine in  the  majority  of  cases,  it  is  idiopathic.  Idiopathic SSNHL 
Infections. HIV is a retrovirus that attacks CD4 cells within the  (ISSNHL)  has  been  defined  as  the  loss  of  30  dB  across  three 
human immune system, and it is responsible for the develop- consecutive  frequencies  in  72  hours  or  less  in  an  otherwise 
ment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Several  healthy  person.  However,  this  does  not  consider  word-
studies  have  examined  otologic  findings  in  patients  with  HIV  recognition  scores,  and  consequently,  alternative  definitions 
and  have  found  rates  of  SNHL  near  30%,  and  complaints  of  are  commonly  used  in  clinical  practice.  Vestibular  symptoms 
dizziness,  tinnitus,  and  ear  fullness  were  routinely  noted.153-155 are not uncommon but are usually minor in cases of ISSNHL. 
A  recent  report  suggests  that  sudden  SNHL  occurs  with  a  Vestibular neuritis is most often idiopathic and consists of the 
twofold  greater  frequency  in  HIV  patients  compared  with  sudden onset of severe vertigo lasting several days.169 If SNHL 
normal controls.156 accompanies an episode similar to that described for vestibular 
HIV isolation from inner ear tissue has not been achieved,  neuritis, the condition is often termed labyrinthitis.
although  HIV-like  particles  and  cytoplasmic  inclusions  have 
been observed in the cochlear and vestibular sensory organs in 
temporal bone specimens of patients with HIV.157,158 Other viral 
pathogens have been recovered from perilymph at autopsy of 
patients with AIDS, but associated inflammatory changes were 
not  observed  within  the  temporal  bones.159  It  is  possible  that 
the limited immune response in patients with advanced forms 
of  AIDS  may  account  for  the  lack  of  histopathologic  findings 
in  these  cases.  Patients  with  AIDS  are  susceptible  to  various 
opportunistic  infections  that  include  Pneumocystis jiroveci  (for-
merly P. carinii), Candida, and other fungal and bacterial patho-
gens that may lead to otologic manifestations.160 HIV treatment 
consists of antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis against oppor-
tunistic  infections.  Amplification  and  cochlear  implantation 
are  potential  treatment  options  for  patients  with  HIV  and 

As  with  congenital  syphilis,  acquired  syphilis  results  from  the 
spirochete Treponema pallidum. Primary, secondary, and tertiary  Figure 153-6. Syphilitic osteitis. Infiltration of the endolymphatic duct (large
forms of syphilis describe the different clinical features of this  arrow) with lymphocytic cells and destruction of adjacent bone (small arrow)
multisystem disease.12,77 Primary syphilis is defined by a chancre  are shown (hematoxylin & eosin stain, ×100). (Courtesy Dr. Fred Linthicum,
at the site of inoculation, and it lacks inner ear symptomatology  Eccles Temporal Bone Laboratory, House Research Institute, Los Angeles.)

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