Tuli Campuran
Tuli Campuran
Tuli Campuran
Sarah Dina Tanjung
a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. This is caused by
problems in the inner, outer or middle ear.
• result of complications, where initially there is a disturbance in the outer or
middle ear which then spreads to the inner ear.
• the emergence of two different diseases simultaneously where one disease
causes conductive deafness and the other disease causes sensorineural
Risk Factor
1. Hereditary or genetic factors.
2. The aging process which results in changes to the structure of the inner ear.
3. Exposure to loud sounds.
4. Having an infection during pregnancy, for example TORCH infection which increases
the risk of birth defects including hearing loss in newborns.
5. Suffering from certain diseases, for example hypertension, diabetes, heart problems,
brain injury, tumors and stroke.
Conductive Deafness
Conductive deafness is a sound
conduction disorder caused by an Sensorineural Deafness
abnormality or disease in the outer
there is a disturbance or abnormality in
ear or middle ear
the inner ear, nervus VIII
(vestibulocochlear), or in the hearing
center. Examples of conditions that cause
sensorineural deafness are Meniere's
Middle ear disorders that cause
disease, exposure to noise, exposure to
conductive deafness include
ototoxic substances, and presbycusis.
blockage of the eustachian tube,
otitis media, otosclerosis,
tympanosclerosis, hemotympanum,
and dislocation of the auditory
Sensorineural Conductive
unclear hearing, tinnitus, difficulty
easier to hear on one side of the ear, ear
hearing (in noisy, quiet, loud
pain, sensation of fullness, fluid coming
environments), feeling of imbalance or
out of the ear
floating, loud sounds sound muffled
1 2
examination of ears, nose, throat. Identify
conductive hearing loss and look for causes.
audiological examination to check for nerve
deafness and determine hearing aids if
Treatment for conductive deafness is medication, removing blocked earwax, and
1 surgery. Treatment conductive components first because the use of hearing aids will
be better if the deafness-conducive aspect has been handled.
Hearing aids helps people with hearing loss to hear better and improves
2 perception of speech and other sounds. However, this tool does not
restore normal hearing.
3 This therapeutic cochlear implant has only been used for severe neural
deafness that does not improve with the use of hearing aids
Complication Deafness has been shown to negatively impact a
person's quality of life and mental status. A person with
hearing loss will have difficulty understanding other
people, which can increase anxiety or cause depression.