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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


The changes in our daily lives, or, which have been called the

"new normal," have an implication in the shifting of tradition to

online business activities. The circumstances brought by the new

normal influences changes in purchasing a product virtually.

Numerous brands had already shifted to using online platforms in

selling their products. Digital marketing continues to be a popular

strategy in promoting products and brands of different businesses.

Many companies use different kinds of techniques such as search

engine marketing, digital content marketing, social media marketing,

influencer marketing, and email marketing. The importance of digital

marketing’s the access of individuals to certain information about

the products and brands. Filipino business owners have made the

most of their income from brick-and-mortar stores in the past years.

However, under the new normal, many MSMEs considered growing their

business through e-commerce because, after the extended home

quarantine, Filipinos were left with no choice but to buy products


In addition, in conducting this study, the global market

research firm Ipsos surveyed 500 Filipinos, and 94% of them

expressed extremely worried about contracting COVID19. This 94% of

Filipinos think it will take them some time to return to their pre-

COVID19 routines. Filipinos will continue to engage in online

shopping and deliveries rather than going to a physical store.

Moreover, restrictions in movement held by the government pave the

way in patronizing online activities.

Digital marketing in the Philippines is every business' most

rational course of action. No ifs or buts about it: it would be a

fool's errand even to consider overlooking the potential of

marketing to Philippine consumers online. It should be any company's

top marketing strategy, considering the country's strong digital

presence and the online savviness of its population.

There is a vast audience online for businesses embarking on

digital marketing in the Philippines. And so far, the response has

been more than promising, as digital marketing specialists can

launch their campaigns onto a massive pool of potential customers

and consumers of varying ages and backgrounds, all while being able

to gather information on them at the same time. If you've browsed

through the global trends now and again, and it feels as though the

Philippines seems to have quite a lot of weight to throw around

online, it's because it has a population that spends a good chunk

of its time on the internet.

There are plenty of reasons why digital marketing in the Philippines

is so successful, not the least of which is population. The numbers

say everything:

• 73.9 million of the Philippines' 110.3 million population are on

the internet as of January 2021. That is a commanding 67% of the

nation's population and a 6.1% increase from 2020 to 2021 alone.

• On social media platforms, 89 million users come from the

Philippines as of January 2021. That's 80.7% of the total population.

• On mobile platforms, 152.4 million mobile connections are tracked

back to Philippine users. There are more Philippine mobile

connections than there are people in the Philippines itself.

To understand how digital marketing in the Philippines has

grown (and continues to grow), it's critical to understand just how

many people live their lives heavily connected through the internet.

The internet penetration showed a 59.5% increase in the past five

years alone. In the Philippines, which is still primarily considered

a third-world country, there's no reason not to be online.

Filipinos spend nine hours and 45 minutes a day being online

on average. They spend an average of 3 hours and 53 minutes on

social media, with Facebook and Youtube taking up most of their

time at 96% and 95%, respectively. Instagram and Twitter follow at

64% and 56%. Communication gets done primarily online as well. FB

Messenger is most used at 89%, followed by Skype at 37% and Viber

at 34%.

Online shopping has also increased through the Philippines,

lending the image of sustained growth for the eCommerce sector. In

2017, the market already reached $7.0 billion, expecting it to get

as high as $10 billion by 2025. As a result, digital marketing in

the Philippines has gained more ground as specialists realized that

this substantial audience gave them a tremendous opportunity.

Creative and somewhat snarky social media posts are another

famous tactic for effective digital marketing in the Philippines.

With Filipinos' propensity for "alaskahan" or teasing, it's these

social media posts, images, and captions loaded with double-

entendres that are a source of entertainment.

Ligo Sardines Philippines, one of the biggest brands of canned

food in the country, essentially turned itself into a voice of the

people during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Their social

media posts directly allude to relatable political and societal

issues that trend as the country grappled with the pandemic. It

garnered plenty of brand equity among consumers and fellow creatives

in other digital marketing services in the Philippines, further

increasing trust and brand recall in their company.

Most people in the Philippines prefer the direction digital

marketing is going right now during the "new normal." With how

creative and informative campaigns are, people welcome getting

marketed to while being informed of what's going on around the

country. A study showed that 61% of Filipinos feel that brands

should maintain this trend of being informative in their campaigns,

especially around issues such as the COVID pandemic. In the same

study, 59% of Filipinos also liked funny, heartrending, or inspiring

ads the most. Emotions are a great tactic in digital marketing. The

Philippines enjoys online entertainment that provides a sense of

normalcy and evokes positive feelings.

The warm, inspiring content allows them to feel hopeful towards

the world around them and aids them in getting through day-to-day

challenges. This optimistic outlook, letting people feel heard or

understood, bodes well for brands that take up the tactic, such as

Ligo's example made in the previous section. A Global Web study

revealed that Filipinos have taken online shopping with enthusiasm

and are likely to continue doing so even after the pandemic ends.

Small businesses in the eCommerce industry planning to gain a

foothold in the market will benefit from opening online storefronts

and creating digital marketing campaigns. Some examples are social

media ads, using analytics to gather information about their target

customers and audiences, and developing campaigns that ride along

with the current online trends and issues.39% of Filipinos typically

check social media before they do anything online, which applies to

online shopping. This includes going to social media to seek out

the opinions and reviews of others before making a purchase.

This is precisely why digital marketing in the Philippines is

so firmly rooted in social media. eCommerce businesses will benefit

from creating a presence on visual-heavy social media platforms

such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Tumblr. They can

advertise their stores and promos there. Interacting with users and

potential customers is also best done on social media, as many

Filipinos use Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Instagram to

communicate with brands. Chatbots for Facebook Messenger help

facilitate customer service queries for growing brands and help

make discussions smoother. Social media managers can also answer

customer questions or complaints in the comments sections of their

brand posts. This makes customers feel heard and their concerns


Digital marketing in the Philippines continues to grow and is

projected to grow up to five years into the future. Micro, small,

and medium-sized enterprises, especially businesses in eCommerce,

within the Philippines stand to benefit significantly from digital

marketing and online advertising campaigns in social media. By

digital marketing to appeal to customers' emotions, catch their

attention with visually striking and informative campaigns, and

develop clear communication with consumers, there is every

opportunity for a business and a brand to grow.

The researchers wish to focus on the different digital

marketing strategies and how effective they are under the

environmental constraints due to the pandemic. Addressing this kind

of research will bring other lessons to different businesses; as

they say, awareness of changes can lead to various opportunities.

Determining the effectiveness of each digital marketing strategy on

MSMEs under the new normal will contribute mainly to different

businesses that are still operating or wish to run amid the pandemic.

The researchers aim for MSMEs business owners to identify the

effectiveness of practicing digital marketing strategieson

influencing consumers' purchase intention, leading to increased

sales.It is hoped that the findings of this study will justify the

significance and effectiveness of the digital marketing strategies

to the needs of the businesses and industries.

This study was conducted to explore the perception of the CBED

students on the utilization of digital marketing strategies in the

new normal.

Locale of the Study

Figure 1. Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Sipocot, Camarines Sur particularly

in Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College, San Juan Avenue, Barangay

South Centro. Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College (FAFC) is a co-

educational private and non-sectarian school in Sipocot, Camarines

Sur offering Preschool, Elementary, Junior High School, Senior High

School, and Tertiary Education specializing in Business, Teacher

Education, and Political Science.

The Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College popularly abbreviated

as “FAFC” is one of the premier academic institutions in Camarines

Sur, founded and established by a distinguished member of the

academe, a philanthropist and brilliant educator, Dr. Remedios R.

Alfelor - good behalf of the former Provincial Governor, Felix O.

Alfelor Sr. of Iriga City. The former St. John Academy, whose

existence of four decades reaped achievements and made outstanding

contributions to the community, paved way to offspring of FAFC which

was officially registered to the Security and Exchange Commission

on the 16th day of May 1986, thus giving it the corporate existence.

The founding member-incorporators include Remedios R. Alfelor,

Ciriaco R. Alfelor, Felix R. Alfelor, Jr., Filipinas R. Alfelor,

Eleanor R. Alfelor, Delicia R. Alfelor-Tibi, Emmanuel R. Alfelor,

Sr., Ariel R. Alfelor, Ruperto R. Alfelor, and Ma. Theresa R.

Alfelor. Emmanuel R. Alfelor, Sr. was installed as the first School


Three years later, the Department of Education, Culture, and

Sports (DECS) issued the school a government recognition for its

complete secondary education in July 3, 1991. Two years after, the

same government agency issued recognition to the school’s

undergraduate course on Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Bachelor

of Science in Education (later became Bachelor of Secondary

Education), Bachelor of Elementary Education (later became Bachelor

in Elementary Education), Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration, and the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. The

school was also granted permit to operate a two-year Junior

Secretarial course. The Elementary Department including the Pre-

School was opened on the subsequent years.

In 1992, the school started to construct a three-storey main

building (Emmanuel R. Alfelor, Sr. Building) to house the

administrative office, Pre-School, Elementary, Secondary and

Tertiary Departments and was realized before the collapse of the

old building in 2000.

Emmanuela I. Alfelor-Magdamit was chosen as the second School

President after the death of her father. During her time, another

building was constructed and named after her as President Emmanuela

Alfelor Magdamit (PEAM) building to cater the need for more

classrooms as a result of increasing enrolment. With passing into

law of the K-12 basic education curriculum, FAFC opened its Senior

High School in 2015.

Today, FAFC continues to become an excellent education provider,

making lives different for Bicolanos, and continue being the green

light towards a brighter future.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the perception of the CBED

students on the utilization of digital marketing strategies in the

new normal. Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. major/specialization
b. year level

2. What are the digital marketing strategies that the respondents

used to access products and services in the new normal in terms of:

a. significance

b. effectiveness

3. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies in the new


Objectives of the Study

The study will be guided by the following objectives:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of major/specialization and year level.

2. To determine the digital marketing strategies that the

respondents used to access products and services in the new normal

in terms of significance and effectiveness.

3. To identify the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies in the new


Significance of the Study

This study is deemed significant to the following beneficiaries

listed below:

Future Marketers. This will help them know, get ideas or additional

knowledge, and overcome problems/challenges that were identified in

this study in terms of developing and implementing digital marketing

strategies in the new normal.

Business Administration students. As students preparing to enter

the world of business, this study will help them understand the

reality of the path that they may take in the future and make this

as a guide if they are planning to operate a business or apply what

they have learned from this study about digital marketing strategies

if their family is already engaged in a business.

The College of Business Education faculty and staff will benefit

from the result of this study in the sense that they will know that

there are scholarly works like this which can be added to the fund

of knowledge which will lead them in inspiring more young

researchers to engage in a productive academic undertaking.

The Researchers. This study will help them discover and understand

the perception of their fellow students on the utilization of

digital marketing strategies amidst new normal.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a stepping stone for

those future researchers with some similar topics especially those

who want to continue finding out the extent of the probable effects

of digital marketing strategies to the business operations amidst

the new normal using other variables and other related future


Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this study primarily focused on determining the

perception of the CBED students on the utilization of digital

marketing strategies in the new normal. Their demographic profile

were determined. Those digital marketing strategies which were used

by the respondents in the new normal were also tackled here. At the

end, this study aimed to identify the problems encountered by the

respondents in developing and implementing digital marketing


In this study, the respondents were limited on the students

who were currently enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration program under the College of Business Education (CBED)

of Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College in Sipocot, Camarines Sur

only for this school year. Through this, it excludes other students

who wereattending FAFC but whose courses belong to non-business


This study was confined within the Municipality of Sipocot

where Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College is located. The factor

that served as a limitation or the perceived weakness of this study

was the number of respondents since it was small. With the limited

number of the respondents, they cannot guarantee that the gathered

data represent the entire population more than to generalize the

perception of the whole College of Business Education. The data

used in this study was limited only to the responses of the fifty-

seven participants. Another constraint is that they cannot guarantee

that the participants provided an honest response to the research


Definition of Terms

For the purpose and understanding of the discussions presented

in this study, the following terms were conceptually and

operationally defined:

Challenges. Conceptually, these mean matters or situations regarded

as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome

(Oxford Languages). Operationally, these mean the problems

encountered by the respondents of this study in line with developing

and implementing digital marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Strategies. In its conceptual definition, these

refer to a set of planned actions performed via the most suitable

online channels to increase revenue and improve relationships with

audience. In its operational definition, these refer to the

different means used by the respondents to access products and

services in the new normal such as search engine marketing, digital

content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing,

and email marketing.

Effectiveness. In its conceptual meaning, it refers to the degree

to which something is successful in producing a desired result. In

its operational meaning, it refers to the quality of digital

marketing strategies of being able to bring about an effect as

perceived by the CBED students.

New Normal. In its conceptual definition, this refers to a

previously unfamiliar or atypical situation that has become standard,

usual, or expected. In its operational definition as used in this

study, this refers to the period of post-COVID19 pandemic, the time

wherein the study was conducted.

Perception. To be defined conceptually, it would mean the act or

faculty of apprehending by means of senses or of the mind, cognition,

or understanding. As used in this study operationally, it would

mean the way a respondent of this study observes, understands,

interprets, and evaluates the use of digital marketing strategies

in the new normal.

Significance. In its conceptual meaning, it refers to the quality

of being worthy of attention or the importance of a subject matter.

In its operational meaning, it refers to the quality of digital

marketing strategies to be beneficial as perceived by the CBED


Student. In its conceptual definition, it denotes a person who is

formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school

or college in order to enter a particular profession. In its

operation definition, it denotes a learner who is in his or her 1st,

2nd, 3rd, or 4th year and is currently enrolled in the Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration program under the College of

Business Education of Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College (FAFC).

Utilization. To be defined conceptually, it would mean the action

of making practical and effective use of something. As used in this

study operationally, it would mean the subject of the perception

made by the respondents with respect to using digital marketing

strategies in the new normal.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of literature and studies

that are relevant to the present study about the perception of CBED

students on the utilization of digital marketing strategies in the

new normal. These related literatures and studies were taken from

published educational magazines, e-books,and research websites

while several studies were acquired from published articles and

journals from different online academic websites. This chapter also

included theories and conceptual framework that are relevant and

will complement to the present study.

To enrich and broaden the researchers' perception of the area

under study, and to successfully evaluate the study, the following

related literature and studies were reviewed:

Digital marketing is defined as any marketing attempt that

uses an electronic device or the Internet. Businesses use digital

channels to engage with present and prospective consumers, such as

search engines, social media, email, and websites. It is also known

as online marketing, internet marketing, or 'web marketing. The use

of many digital methods and platforms to interact with clients who

spend most of their time online is what digital marketing is all

about. From a company's website to its online branding assets-

digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and more -

"digital marketing" encompasses many approaches. (Dr. Mrs. Vaibhava

Desai). Digital marketing channels such as email marketing social

media, online advertising, and mobile services may improve the

consumer spending experience at the purchase level by making product

ordering, purchasing, and payment faster, saving customers time and

money (Qazzafi, 2019).

Online marketing is a valuable tool for small retail businesses

and consumers. Erdur (2016) posited online marketing could be

considered the foundation of the web economy. Rogers (2003)

identified the value of online marketing for small business retail

leaders aligns with the diffusion of innovations theory. In this

review, I related extant literature to the success of the innovation

process, productivity, advantages, and economic growth. To reach a

broader range of customers, business leaders should gain and use

knowledge with current technologies and concepts of online

advertising (Gaikwad & Kate, 2016).

Hoekstra & Leefang (2020) have mentioned the significant

challenges that marketing faces how do we get the products to buyers?

While taking into account that distribution is limited and many

retail stores are forced to close temporarily. Multichannel

companies are at an advantage because they are operating online and

offline. In this paper, the researchers will explore the different

marketing strategies that micro small and medium business owners

utilize to survive and the most effective strategies. It is crucial

to investigate related literature regarding digital marketing

strategies, the strategies, and how effective this is. Sources from

this study are easily available and readily gathered through the

internet alone, primarily published research papers

Search Engine Marketing

A search engine is a web-based tool that helps users find the

information they are looking for. According to Prajapati Kishan

(2020), Search engine marketing refers to any activity that

increases a user's website rank in any search engine. The two types

of search engine marketing are-paid search, which involves paying

to be visible within search engine results, and search engine

optimization, which consists in earning visibility within search

engine results.

According to Ankita Puri and Naveen Kumari (2020), in the

search engine marketing approach, marketers offer various keywords

that the users might look at for specific products or services on

the search engines that provide the chance to marketers to show up

their ads. They also added that search engine marketing is essential

as many consumers prefer to buy online shopping. It is a relatively

efficient and fastest method to drive traffic to a website

Digital Content Marketing

Digital Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy that

enables businesses to create valuable and relevant content to

attract potential customers and retain current customers. Dash and

Chakraborty (2021) observed that content marketing is more helpful

than traditional marketing because it creates customer purchase


Marketers and business owners impose adapting and expanding

online marketing strategies as consumers confine themselves at home

(Enberg (2020). According to Dias et al. (2020), brands are

challenged to rethink their strategies to remain relevant for their

consumers. In addition, influencers of certain products and brands

faced the challenge of creating organic and authentic content in

promoting their products (Enberg (2020).

Pinariya et al. (2020) suggested the creation of viral content

marketing. An example of this is their cartoon approach to

Indonesian heritage. Moreover, the essential thing in content

marketing is finding more attractive ways to make trends and

consider the targeted audience.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the ability to gain the trust and

connection that influencers have built with their followers.

Influencers are just ordinary people and not celebrities, who have

just gained many followers on their social media sites, Argyris et

al. (2020) This term also refers to people who promote products or

services through their online reviews and recommendations. It is

often associated with a certain type of person, such as influencers.

Vinerean (2017) mentioned that sharing online content is vital

for consumers' modern life. Furthermore, people tend to send news

and interesting articles, share YouTube videos, and read reviews.

Consumer-to-consumer interactions in both online and offline

environments result in an attitude, preferences, and people's buying

behaviour (Berger and Milkman (2012).

Email Marketing

According to Prajapati Kishan (2020), when a message is sent

through email about any product or service to any potential customer,

it is known as email marketing. It is a simple digital marketing

channel to understand. Email marketing sells a product using

discounts and event ads, increases brand awareness, and directs

people to their business websites.

As cited in Zhang Xi, Kumar V. Cosguner Koray (2017) study,

there are several reasons for email marketing's popularity. First,

email enables marketers to send messages to their customers at a

meager cost Second, email messaging requires less preparation and

execution time. Third, emails typically generate faster responses

and create opportunities for interactive communication with


Prajapati Kishan (2020) also added that the most significant

advantage of email marketing is that it is very cheap compared to

other marketing mediums. Email marketing is generally used to build

loyalty among existing customers rather than gaining new customers:

businesses and linking product images to the website.

Digital Marketing

According to Lodhi & Shoaib (2017), digital marketing can

attract many consumers, let businesses communicate effectively

online and guide them to purchase. Moreover, it also strengthens

the brand's value because it can eliminate misunderstandings by

exchanging information about the products and services from the

consumer (Tham et al, 2019).

Digital marketing comprises different strategies with a wide

range of interaction channels for closer communication with their

customers. Silva et al. (2019), as cited in Taiminen & Karjaluoto

(2015), Digital marketing is a tool to promote the company

efficiently and should be understood effectively to identify and

select efficient marketing tactics and strategies.

A white paper on the State of Digital Marketing in the

Philippines was presented by GetCRaft, Southeast Asia's premier

content marketing network last July 26 in Square One, Bonifacio

Technological Center, BGC. The market inquiry brings together data

and insights culled from a survey conducted in 2017 of marketers

across major cities in the Philippines, involving 150 respondents-

managers, directors, vice presidents and C-level marketers from

brands and agencies representing various industries. The report

seeks to deliver impartial digital and content marketing industry

snapshots and entreats ideas on pushing these findings forward. The

goal is to inform the readers about the current state of digital

and content marketing in the Philippines, identify pain points among

marketers, and explore solutions. Here are the highlights of the

study Market overview of the Philippines digital landscape. Total

Philippine population is 104 million, 69 million of whom are

internet users, and 69 million are active social media users. Mobile

subscriptions number 129.4 million, while active mobile social users

are 59 million. On devise usage: 88 percent use any type of mobile

phone; 61 percent utilize smart phone; 39 percent and 25 percent

avail of laptop or computer and tablet respectively. Average daily

use: 9 hours on the Internet via personal computer or tablet; 3

hours and 36 minutes on the Internet via mobile phone; 4 hours and

17 minutes on social media using any device; and 2 hours and 30

minutes on television. Social media continues to dominate, but

content marketing, influencer marketing, and sponsored content are

on the rise. Brands view social media-both paid and organic- as the

most effective digital channel for marketing, due to the high number

of active users, the enormous amount of time users spend using the

channel, and cost efficiency. Social media in the Philippines are

used for searching and purchasing products or services by nearly a

third of the population, with Facebook as the sor priority medium.

Shayne Garcia, managing Director of iProspect shares, "No one can

underestimate the power of social media in the Philippines; this is

where we interact with customers, respond to their inquiries and

even get real time feedback about product quality. As consumers are

deepening more and more their footprint on social, so should


Three channels - content marketing, influencer marketing,

sponsored content-are not far behind social media in marketers'

priority lists. Companies and brands who want to succeed in social

media marketing should understand that one of its critical pillars

is content. Pao Pena, the Chief Experience Officer at Dentsu Jayme

Syfu believes, "Many brands are jumping on influencers as source of

content primarily because we are selling them as paid media and

sometimes without proper guidance on whether they truly add value

to the marketing mix."

Globalization in the business industry has established various

challenges in the banking industry. It establishes criteria that

seek to develop the business sector to promote ease and convenience

for their clients and target audience. The banking industry in the

Philippines has made its swift transition to carbon and paper

transactions to paperless. It includes online transactions like

online inquiry, transfer of funds, and digital marketing. The vast

strategies in digital marketing have invited convenience and fast

banking transactions. This paper employed the quantitative research

and revealed that digital marketing in commercial banks have

extended their reach to their audience, which increased the number

of clients who can choose to buy various services and products of

these banks. However, digital marketing has also reached its limit

in terms of system failure and security issues. To resolve such

issues, the commercial banks have strengthened their ICT systems in

protection to their system and partners in the business.

Synthesis of the State of the Art

All related studies in this research provide direction to the

researchers in the conduct of the present study.

Digital marketing is arguably one of the preeminent marketing

strategies utilized by today's vast number of businesses and

companies. This strategy offers tools that enable them to promote

their products to a much larger audience as it encompasses

geographical boundaries. Also, it can build better relationships

with customers since the content is customized to their liking.

Related studies have revealed the following: Social Media has a

significant impact on Customer Engagement. Social media has a

significant impact on purchase intention. Email marketing has a

significant impact on customer engagement. Email marketing has a

significant impact on purchase intention. Customer Engagement has

a significant impact on purchase intention. It was found that

digital marketing strategies, specifically social media marketing

and email marketing, effectively generate purchase intention from

Filipino consumers. This is aided by the customer engagement

triggered by the advertisements presented on Facebook and their


The uniqueness of the present study is that it was conducted

using a small number of respondents of CBED students to determine

their perception with an equal consideration for the problems that

they encountered while undergoing development and implementation of

digital marketing strategies in this time of COVID-19 pandemic

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework will be consisting of Input, Process,

and Output.

The input of the study are the personal profile of the

graduates in terms of their: demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of major/specialization and year level; the digital

marketing strategies that the respondents used to access products

and services in the new normal in terms of significance and

effectiveness; and the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies in the new


The processes to be done in this study are the following:

preparation and validation of survey questionnaires, selection of

respondents through sampling technique, preparation, dissemination,

and collection of survey questionnaires, statistical treatment of

data, and content analysis.

The output of the study is the perception of CBED students on

the utilization of digital marketing strategies in the new normal.

Perception of CBED Students on the Utilization of Digital
Marketing Strategies in the New Normal

Input Process Output

1. What is the • Preparation and

demographic profile
validation of
of the respondents
in terms of: questionnaire
a. major/specializ • Selection of
b. year level
2. What are the sampling
digital marketing technique Perception of
strategies that the CBED Students
• Preparation,
respondents used to on the
access products and dissemination
Utilization of
services in the new , and
normal in terms of: collection of
a. significance Strategies in
b. effectiveness the New Normal
3. What are the • Statistical
challenges Treatment of
encountered by the
respondents in
developing and • Content
implementing digital Analysis
marketing strategies
in the new normal.


Figure 2 Conceptual Paradigm

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study presents theories which

supported this study about the perception of CBED students on the

utilization of digital marketing strategies in the new normal. It

is anchored on the theories McCarthy's 4Ps Marketing Theory (1960),

Laurent's 4C Theory(1990), Berry's Relationship Marketing Theory

(1983), and Forreter's 5Is Theory (1990).

4ps is a marketing nouns, in the 1960s, the United States

marketing scholar Professor McKinsey put forward four theories of

marketing strategy, the four combinations are: product, price, place,

promotion, because the first letter of these four word is P at the

beginning, so it is also known as 4p marketing theory.

1) Product Mainly include the product substantial object, after-

sales service, brand effect and appearance display. It is a specific

description of the goods and services provided by the business to

the end customer, including the product's functions, quality,

surface, style, brand, packaging and norms, also includes other

factors such as service and warranty. Other factors include the

system in which managers think, the company, and others. Because

although the products are constantly diversified, the combination

of functions is constantly approaching. Therefore, how to make

effective distinctions and unique displays from other factors, such

as the cooperation between products and systems, the company's

business philosophy and strategy, and even education training and

the successful model are all points that must be pondered today.

2) Price In addition to the basic price, also includes a variety of

payment methods and pricing techniques, such as commission discounts,

promotional prices, payment deadlines, commercial credit, as well

as the psychological implications when the customer purchase. It

refers to the economic returns pursued by companies for selling

their products. Another important aspect of product sales is the

added value of the follow-up industry chain. Marketing involves not

only the product itself, but also post-sale services, professional

advice on product use, and solutions to problems. From a strategic

point of view, how to improve and increase the overall value to

maintain customer loyalty is also the most important research

direction for companies and managers.

3) Place In fact, the word place is not very appropriate and should

include two factors, one is distribution, including the production

distribution of product categories, the choice of mode of transport

and the control of geographical stocks, and the other is the channel,

including sales methods, sales locations, as well as the choice and

cooperation of operators, which represent the various activities an

organization undertakes to bring its products in and reach its

target markets.

4) Promotion Promotional portfolio refers to the communication

activities of enterprises using various information carriers to

communicate with the target market, but in fact the word is not

very accurate because it is not a single sales activity, but

includes all means of communication strategies such as advertising,

staffing, sales promotion and public relations. Promotion can only

cover sales promotion and personal sales in communication strategies,

but cannot cover advertising and PR strategies.

4C Theory to build around the customer needs theory Mr. Laurent

in 1990 in the "advertising era" above, corresponding to the

traditional 4P put forward a new point of view: "marketing 4C." It

requires enterprises to design the product should first understand

the customer's purchase direction, and then capture the needs of

customers, and also reduce the cost of customer purchase costs,

product's functions and services to be based on the purchasing power

of customers targeted research and development, and then to the

effective distribution and adjustment of the channel to facilitate

the customer's purchase process, and finally to make effective

marketing communication with consumer, including consumer

recommendations at the time of purchase and sales advice after the

issue. 4C is:

1) Customer's needs and wants (what is the consumers want);

2) Cost and Value to satisfy consumer's needs and wants (How much

cost the consumers want pay for product);

3) Convenience to buy (make consumers easy for purchase);

4) Communication with consumer (Guide shopping and after-sales


Relationship marketing is a term introduced by Berry in an

attempt to create awareness among marketers that stepping away from

transactional marketing and building longer term relationships with

the customers may be of strategic advantage to an organization.

According to Lagrosen, the value of relations in marketing has been

highlighted by many marketing scholars, stressing that traditional

transactional marketing needs to be replaced or complemented with

new frameworks that focus on the value of relations and interaction.

"The customer is becoming the centre of the entire business

universe," Port (1999) as cited. Understanding and satisfying

customer needs should be an organization's top priority. Such goals

can be realized through providing Hi-Tech products and services.

Thanks to Internet, enterprise-consumer communication is now low

cost and efficient. Companies can take orders directly from

consumers through Internet, while consumers can personalize their

requirements; in response companies can personalize the products to

ensure the highest possible level of consumer satisfaction. This in

turn maximizes the profits of the companies. Moreover, analyzing

consumers' orders helps companies with understanding the market

needs and demands. Hence they can categorize and dominate the

markets. The result is to have minimized marketing costs and an

efficient reaction to the market.

The technique was first proposed by American marketing scholars

Berry (1983) and Jackson (1985). Berry (1983) argued in a conference

about the field of service marketing that relationship marketing is

a marketing activity for enterprises to obtain, maintain and promote

effective relationships with customers.

Forrester is a well-established market research company

focusing on business applications of digital technology and media

and over the years, the team from Forrester have developed a number

of models that we can apply to digital marketing. Occasionally they

extract insights from their research and share in the form of a

blog article. In 2007 they created a measure of engagement which

was termed the 51s although their focus was on 4 specific elements

beginning with the letter 'i'.

The 51s stand for the level of involvement, interaction,

intimacy, and influence an individual has with a brand over time.

The concept was based on research conducted by Forrester where they

concluded that the traditional marketing funnel was dead and they

proposed 'engagement' as a new metric. Engagement as a term had

been discussed by many scholars as far back as 1991 when a team

from Western Michigan University shared their research on 'the

experience of flow in computer-mediated and in face-to-face groups'.

In this instance, 'flow' is about being 'in the zone' or being very

involved with something. The 5 Is are still a very relevant measure

for digital behavior in 2020. For example, the 5 Is are often used

to describe behavior in Pinterest users, where they start seeking

a specific item and end up spending hours in the social media

network, as they delve deeper and deeper into shared items.

4P’s 4C Theory
Theory(McCar (Laurent,
thy, 1960) 1990)

Perception of CBED
Student on the
Utilization of
Digital Marketing
Strategies in the
New Normal

51s Theory Relationship

, 1983)

Figure1. Theoretical Paradigm

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the method used in this study. This

includes the research design, research respondents, sampling

techniques, research instrument, validity and reliability, data

gathering procedure, ethical consideration, and statistical


Research Design

This study utilized purely descriptive research design because

it describes a certain population and situation particularly the

CBED students of Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College in Sipocot,

Camarines Sur. Specifically, descriptive method was used in this

study because it determined the demographic profile of the

respondents; digital marketing strategies that the respondents used

to access products and services in the new normal in terms of

significance and effectiveness; and the challenges encountered by

the respondents in developing and implementing digital marketing

strategies in the new normal.

Respondents of the Study

Table 1. Respondents of the Study

Year Actual Desired Number of

Level Population Sample Size Respondents
Financial Financial
21 9
Management Management

Marketing Marketing
First 23 10
Management Management 23 40
Human Human
Resource 9 Resource 4
Management Management

Financial Financial
11 5
Management Management

Second Marketing Marketing

13 5 16 28
Year Management Management

Human Human
Resource 14 Resource 6
Management Management
Financial Financial
3 1
Management Management

Marketing Marketing
6 3
Third Management Management
Human Human 10 18
Resource 14 Resource 6
Management Management
Financial Financial
8 3
Management Management
Marketing Marketing
Fourth 7 3
Management Management 8 14
Human Human
Resource 4 Resource 2
Management Management
Total 133 57 57 100

The respondents of the study were randomly selected among 1st

year, 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year students who were enrolled

this First Semester of S/Y 2022-2023 at Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation

College. The total number of required respondents who participated

in the survey was determined through stratified random sampling

since this was the most appropriate technique for the study. The 57

students who were proportionately taken from each year level served

as the respondents for the study.

Sampling Technique

Stratified random sampling technique was used in this study.

It was done because of the requirement needed in identifying

respondents. Specific purpose and target were the basis for this

method wherein each member of population had an equal chance of

being selected taking also into consideration the number of

individuals per subgroup in the desired sample size who constituted

the sampling frame.


A modified research instrument was used in this study. The

researchers utilized questionnaire as survey tool. This structured

survey questionnaire was designed to answer the research problems.

Part I is the demographic profile of the respondents. Part II is

intended for the digital marketing strategies that the respondents

used to access products and services in the new normal in terms of

significance and effectiveness. And lastly, Part III provided

information on the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies in the new

normal. This survey questionnaire was also subjected to validity

and reliability tests. Rating scales were used in this study to

associate a qualitative measure with regards to the respondents'


Parameter Limits

Range Significant Effectiveness
1.00-1.80 Not Significant Not Effective Never
Slightly Slightly
1.81-2.60 Rarely
Significant Effective
Moderately Moderately
2.61-3.40 Sometimes
Significant Effective
3.41-4.20 Significant Effective Often
Highly Highly
4.21-5.00 Always
Significant Effective

Validation of Research Instrument

To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaires

to be disseminated to the respondents, the researchers sought first

the expertise of the research adviser and other experts to validate

the formulated questionnaire and gave some recommendations which

were compiled by the researchers for further efficiency of the


In validating the survey questionnaire, the first draft of the

questionnaire was referred to the research consultant and adviser

or persons in authority to check all items against the statement of

the problem. Comments and suggestions were considered to further

improve the said questionnaire.

The final draft was checked by the research consultant and

adviser to see to it that each statement or indicator was relevant

to specific problem. Again, corrections and suggestions were made

for the preparation of a clean final copy for approval of the

research consultant and adviser.

Data Gathering Procedure

After obtaining permission from the College Dean on the conduct

of the study, the researchers consulted the research adviser for

the construction of questionnaires. List of currently enrolled BSBA

graduates were requested from the School Registrar. From this list,

a stratified random sampling frame was made to specify the required

number of students to serve as respondents from each year level and

specialization. The questionnaires were distributed to the

respondents upon approval of the validation team. Retrieved survey

questionnaires were collected and analyzed.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration is a fundamental segment of the research

process. To ensure that the ethical consideration principle was

considered in the conduct of this research, the objectives of the

research were fully explained to the respondents. They were

requested to answer the survey questionnaire and they were not

forced in any ways. It is further explained that any responses

gathered from them were treated with utmost objectivity.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following descriptive statistical tools were utilized to

analyze and compute the data gathered in order to achieve the goal

of the study:

Frequency Counting and Percentage Technique. These were used

to establish the demographic profile of the respondents.

Ranking. This tool was used to determine the degree of order

of the data as perceived by the respondents.

Weighted Mean. This was used in determining the digital

marketing strategies uses by the respondents in accessing products

and services in the new normal and these also go with identifying

the problems encountered by the respondents in developing and

implementing digital marketing strategies in the new normal.

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the results, analysis, and

interpretation of data gathered in the study. The data were

presented and supplemented in table forms which were divided into

three parts namely: the demographic profile of the respondents; the

digital marketing strategies used by the respondents to access the

products and services in the new normal; and the challenges

encountered by the respondents in developing and implementing

digital marketing strategies in the new normal.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

This section covers the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of specialization and year level. To quantify the gathered

data, the researchers used frequency counting, percentage, and

ranking technique.

Table 2 Major/Specialization

Major Rank

F %

Financial Management 18 31 1.5

Marketing Management 21 37 3

Human Resource
18 31 1.5

TOTAL 57 100

Presented on Table 2 were responses from the 57 randomly

selected students of College of Business Education of Felix Alfelor

Sr. Foundation College in Sipocot, Camarines Sur for the School

Year 2022-2023 in terms of major/specialization of the respondents.

This shows that 21 out of 57 total respondents or 38% are students

enrolled in BSBA Major in Marketing Management; 18 out of 57 total

respondents or 31% are students enrolled in BSBA Major in Human

Resource Management; and the remaining 18 out of 57 total

respondents or another 31% are students enrolled in BSBA Major in

Financial Management.

Table 3 Year Level of the Respondents

Year Level Rank
F %

First Year 23 40 1

Second Year 16 28 2

Third Year 10 18 3

Fourth Year 8 14 4

TOTAL 57 100

Presented on Table 3 were the year level of the respondents.

This shows that 23 out of 57 or 40% are first year students; 16 out

of 57 or 28% are second year students; 10 out of 57 or 18% are third

year students; and the remaining 8 out of 57 or 14% are fourth year


Digital Marketing Strategies Utilized by the Respondents in the

New Normal

This section covers the digital marketing strategies used by

the respondents to access the products and services in the new

normal in terms of significance and effectiveness. To quantify the

gathered data, the researchers used weighted mean and ranking


Table 4 Significance of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank


Search Engine Highly

4.85 1
Marketing Significant

Content 4.08 Significant 2

3.96 Significant 3

Social Media Highly

4.38 4
Marketing Significant

3.63 Significant 5

4.18 Significant
Weighted Mean

4.21 – 5.00 Highly Significant
3.41 – 4.20 Significant
2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Significant
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly Significant
1.00 – 1.80 Insignificant

Table 4 presented the significant digital marketing strategies.

As perceived by the respondents, the top three strategies were:

search engine marketing (WM, 4.85) interpreted as highly significant;

social media marketing (WM, 4.38) interpreted as highly significant;

and digital content marketing (WM, 4.08) interpreted as significant.

Consequently, the least strategies were: influencer marketing

(WM, 3.96) interpreted as significant and email marketing (WM, 3.63)

interpreted as significant.

The average weighted mean was 4.18 interpreted as significant.

This implies that CBED Students perceived that search engine

marketing, digital content marketing, influencer marketing, social

media marketing, and email marketing were significant digital

marketing strategies under the new normal.

Table 5 Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies in New

Marketing Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank

Search Engine
4.10 Effective 3.5

Content 4.22 2

4.10 Effective 3.5

Social Media Highly

4.40 1
Marketing Effective

Email Moderately
3.38 5
Marketing Effective

4.04 Effective
Weighted Mean


4.21 – 5.00 Highly Effective
3.41 – 4.20 Effective
2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Effective
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly Effective
1.00 – 1.80 Not Effective

Table 5 presented the effective digital marketing strategies.

As perceived by the respondents, the top two strategies were:

social media marketing (WM, 4.40) interpreted as highly effective

and digital content marketing (WM, 4.22) interpreted as highly


Consequently, the less effective strategies were: search engine

marketing and influencer marketing both obtained (WM, 4.10)

interpreted as effective and email marketing (WM, 3.38)

interpreted as moderately effective.

The average weighted mean was 4.04 interpreted as effective.

This implies that CBED Students perceived that search engine

marketing, digital content marketing, influencer marketing, social

media marketing, and email marketing were effective digital

marketing strategies under the new normal.

Challenges Encountered by the Respondents

This section covers the challenges encountered by the

respondents in developing and implementing digital marketing

strategies in the new normal. To quantify the gathered data, the

researchers used weighted mean and ranking technique.

Table 6 Challenges Encountered by the Respondents in Development
and Implementation Digital Marketing Strategies

Indicator Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank

Learning about
4.56 Always 1
your customer

Qualified 4.03 Often 6

Managing Cash
4.43 Always 2

Engaging 3.39 Sometimes 10

Complying with
privacy and 4.19 Often 4
data sharing

Making Website
4.10 Often 5

4.01 Often 7
Mobile – First

an Omni 3.77 Often 8

Brand 4.28 Always 3
and Authority


Current with 3.75 Often 9

4.05 Often
Weighted Mean

4.21 – 5.00 Always
3.41 – 4.20 Often
2.61 – 3.40 Sometimes
1.81 – 2.60 Rarely
1.00 – 1.80 Never

As perceived by the respondents, the three most observed

challenges were: learning about your customer (WM, 4.56)

interpreted as always; managing cash flow (WM, 4.43) interpret as

always; and maintaining brand consistency and authority (WM, 4.28)

interpreted as always. These are followed by: complying with

privacy and data sharing regulation (WM, 4.19) interpreted as often;

making website accessible (WM, 4.10) interpreted as often;

generating qualified leads (WM, 4.03) interpreted as often; and

strategizing mobile first (WM, 4.01) interpreted as often.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter contains the summary of the findings,

conclusions, and recommendations of the study. The summary

includes the major findings upon which the conclusion was based.

The recommendations that have been formed from the conclusions are

also present in this chapter.


This study was conducted to determine the perception of the

CBED students on the utilization of digital marketing strategies

in the new normal.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following

questions: (1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of major/specialization and year level?; (2) What are the

digital marketing strategies that the respondents used to access

products and services in the new normal in terms of significance

and effectiveness; and (3) What are the challenges encountered by

the respondents in developing and implementing digital marketing

strategies in the new normal? The study is a quantitative research

that used descriptive method.

Frequency count, percentage, ranking technique, weighted mean,

and average weighted mean were used as statistical tools to analyze

the data.


Based on the statistical results of the study, the following

findings were observed:

1. Demographic profile of the respondents was derived from selected


a. Major/Specialization

The largest group of the respondents were enrolled in Bachelor

of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing

Management having thirty-eight percent (38%) with a frequency of

twenty-one (21).

b. Year Level

The highest number of respondents were first year students

having a frequency of twenty-three (23) or forty percent (40%) of

the total sample size.

2. The digital marketing strategies used by the respondents to

access products and services in the new normal were derived from

the variables:

a. Significance
In this variable, a weighted mean of 4.18 was obtained and it

was interpreted as significant.

b. Effectiveness

In this variable, a weighted mean of 4.04 was obtained and it

was interpreted as effective.

3. The challenges encountered by the respondents in developing and

implementing digital marketing strategies in the new normal

The grand mean of 4.05 was obtained and interpreted as often

for the challenges encountered by the respondents in developing

and implementing digital marketing strategies in the new normal.


Based from the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Majority of the respondents were enrolled in Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management program

under the College of Business Education in Felix Alfelor Sr.

Foundation College.

2. Majority of the respondents were first year students under

College of Business Education in Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation


3. CBED students perceived that search engine marketing, digital

content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing,

and email marketing were significant digital marketing strategies

under the new normal.

4. CBED Students perceived that search engine marketing, digital

content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing,

and email marketing were effective digital marketing strategies

under the new normal.

5. According to the perception of CBED students, they often

observed all the stated indicators as challenges in developing and

implementing digital marketing strategies in the new normal.


Out of the findings and conclusion derived from this study,

the researchers hereby recommend the following:

1. Although the respondents established a perception about digital

marketing strategies as significant in the new normal, they should

continue improving their practices on setting digital marketing

strategy goals and on creating strategies that can minimize risks.

2. Although the respondents established a perception about digital

marketing strategies as effective in the new normal, it is a must

that they continue to seek ways on how to explore new and

innovative methods, map out their strategy, execute best practices,

analyze, evaluate, and adjust.

3. As future marketing professionals, they should learn how to

overcome the challenges that may come along the way especially in

the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies.

They must pay attention to details to develop a strong brand or

content that the audience truly wants in order to generate sales.

They should also consider securing enough budget for marketing.

Understanding tools and technology is an edge in this dynamic and

advanced era. They also need to make their customers an essential

part of their content. And lastly, they may try to train their

teammates by giving them room for improvements.

4. Future Researches, Studies like this should be conducted every

other period covering wider scope in terms of other target

respondents of the study to establish more robust data that

reflects their perceptions. Other variables related to studying

digital marketing strategies may be explored like effects of these

strategies to business operations, other classification/types of

problems faced by the respondents, a change in time element to

conduct the study, among others.

Moreover, the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies in the

new normal the are to be further researched to validate the

findings of the study. More researches on the utilization of

digital marketing strategies must be undertaken.


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San Juan Avenue, South Centro, Sipocot

Camarines Sur

October 13, 2022

School Registrar
Felix Alfelor Sr. Foundation College
Sipocot, Camarines Sur

Dear Ms. Ostil:

We, the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

students taking up Business Research are presently conducting a

In order to achieve the goal of our study, we are asking your

permission if we may have the number of students per year level
and per major/specialization under the College of Business
Education for the First Semester, S/Y 2022-2023. We will be using
those figures as basis for computing the desired sample size to be
used as our respondents for this study.

Rest assured that all the information provided will be kept

confidential and would be utilized for academic purposes only.

Thank you in anticipation for your approval on this matter.

(Sgd.)Alarcon, Leo Jay Carlos P.
(Sgd.)Martos, Clarisse C.
(Sgd.)Martos, Digiluz N.

Business Research Instructor

School Registrar


San Juan Avenue, South Centro, Sipocot

Camarines Sur

October 14, 2022

Dear Respondent,


We, the 4th year Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration students of Felix O. Alfelor Sr. Foundation College

- Sipocot are presently conducting an undergraduate thesis

entitled “Perception of CBED Student on the Utilization of Digital

Marketing Strategies in the New Normal”.

In line with this, may we ask for your kind indulgence and

consideration by answering every question of the attached

questionnaire. Rest assured that every information you will give

us will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for sharing with us your precious time

and effort.

The Researchers


Perception of CBED Student on the Utilization of Digital

Marketing Strategies in the New Normal

Part 1. Personal profile

Instructions: Please provide the blank below with right


Name of Respondent (Optional): _____________________________

Year Level: __________

Major: ____________

Part 2. Survey Questionnaire

Instruction: Please answer the following using the scales provided

for each indicator below. Check (√) the appropriate box of you

selected choice.

1. What significance do the digital marketing strategies have to

business operation under the new normal?

Descriptive Rating

5 Highly Significant
4 Significant
1 Insignificant

Highly Slightly
Significa y Insignific
Significa Significa
Indicato nt Significa ant
nt nt
r (S) nt (IS)
(HS) (SS)

2. Which digital marketing strategy were perceived as effective

and valuable by CBED students in the new normal?

Scale Descriptive Rating

5 Highly Effective
4 Effective
2 Slightly Effective
1 Not Effective

Highly Moderatel Slightly Not

Effectiv y Effectiv Effectiv
Indicator e
e Effective e e


3. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents in

developing and implementing digital marketing strategies?

5 Always
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Rarely
1 Never

Indicators Always Often Rarely Never

about your


Managing Cash


with privacy
and data


Mobile –

an Omni
and Authority
Current with


Table 4

Search Engine Marketing



Digital Content Marketing




Influencer Marketing




Social Media Marketing




Email Marketing




Table 5

Search Engine Marketing




Digital Content Marketing




Influencer Marketing




Social Media Marketing




Email Marketing




Table 6

Learning About your Customer




Generating Qualified Leads




Managing Cash Flow




Creating Engaging Content




Complying with Privacy and Data Sharing Regulation




Making Website Accessible




Strategizing Mobile-First





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