Emc Lesson Plan For 9-22-22
Emc Lesson Plan For 9-22-22
Emc Lesson Plan For 9-22-22
Lesson Students will review a PowerPoint including the words they have
Overview learned and reviewed in class. This P.P. will provide examples of relevant
SAT/ACT questions that may include these words. This P.P. will also
include examples of how to use these words in everyday life. Along with
this, students will then be briefed on how to execute our review game to
prepare for our vocab quiz tomorrow. Students will be broken up into
groups (in my fourth hour, there will be 5 groups with approx. 3 students
per group) and they will be given a set of words and a set of definitions.
Their job is to match these words up, like the game Memory, and match
the card with their vocab word to the vocab definition.
After the review game, we will review and run through the literary
elements learned in class, as well as the in-text examples that they have
seen within Sniper.
● Due to timing and planned activities/different class structures, I
am unsure whether we will have finished Sniper at this point. If we
HAVE NOT, we will plan to continue and finish sniper (read out-
loud to the class) and fill in the remaining examples of literary
elements within the short story.
● If we HAVE finished, we will plan to review the elements using
examples from the story and we will begin to introduce the next
short story we will cover. (The Most Dangerous Game)
Lesson Goal Be able to accurately describe vocab definitions and provide examples.
This will prepare students for their vocab quiz the following day.
Learning Goal Be able to use these words effectively and correctly within the world
and help expand their vocabulary
Standards Met ● Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in
the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze
the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and
tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place;
how it sets a formal or informal tone).
● Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail
its development over the course of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an
objective summary of the text
Launch Students will review a PowerPoint including the words they have
learned and reviewed in class. This P.P. will provide examples of relevant
SAT/ACT questions that may include these words. This P.P. will also
include examples of how to use these words in everyday life.
Analogies During the memory game, there are no examples of analogies. While
reading the sniper, we may make connections between elements within
the novel, (ex: video games), to help students better understand the
Conclusion ● Fill out Facing Monsters worksheet with examples from the text
“The Sniper” and put them in their corresponding sections
● Review definitions/examples of literary terms used for far within
the short story to ensure understanding
● Introduce journal prompt “What is a game that you played when
you were a kid” to begin the introduction to the next short story in
the unit “Most Dangerous Game”
Materials PowerPoint:
Memory Game: