Analysis of Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Contents in Va
Analysis of Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Contents in Va
Analysis of Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Contents in Va
4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Khan on 25 July 2014.
Department of Chemistry, Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet - 3114,
Bangladesh. Email :
Vitamin C is one of the most important vita- (ascorbic acid) is an essential micronutrient
min for human nutrition that is supplied by required for normal metabolic function of
fruits and vegetables. L-Ascorbic acid (AA) the body ( Jaffe, 1984). Vitamin C is easily
is the main biologically active form of vita- oxidized, and the majority of its functions in
min C. Ascorbic acid is reversibly oxidized vivo rely on this property. The human body
to form L-dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), cannot produce ascorbic acid, and so it must
which also exhibits biological activity. be obtained entirely through one's diet. A
Since DHA can be easily converted into AA vitamin C deficiency in humans results in
in the human body it is important to the disease called scurvey, whose symptoms
measure both A and DHA in fruits and include hemorrhaging, joint pain and
vegetables to know vitamin C activity (Lee exhaustion (Brody, 1994 and Pauling,
and Kader, 2000). Among the vitamins, 1976). A very small daily intake of vitamin
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) C (10-
*Author to whom correspondence should be made,
418 Analysis of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 42(4) 2007
15 mg/day for an adult) is required to avoid ascorbic acid in plants varies greatly,
deficiency and stave off scurvey (Kallner, depending on such factors as the variety,
1986). weather and maturity (Chaney et al., 1979).
Vitamin C content of some fruits and
Vitamin C is the major water-soluble vegeta- bles available in Bangladesh, has
antiox- idant within the body (Sies, et al., been reported by Biswas et al. (Biswas and
1995; Levine, 1986; Levine, 1995). It Mannan 1996). There are many citrus fruits
lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels and vegetables such as Helencha, Pudina
( Rath, 1993). Numerious analysis have leaf, Punonnoma etc available in different
shown that an ade- quate intake of vitamin region of Bangladesh and vitamin C content
C is effective in low- ering the risk of of these fruits and vegetables are not known
developing cancers of the breast, cervix, as per our knowledge. Recently we have
colon, rectum, lung, mouth, prostate and reported the estimation of vitamin C content
stomach (Levine, 1996; Block, 1992; Block, of locally available some citrous fruits by
1991). Vitamin C is generally non-toxic. For 2,4-DNPH method (Rahman et al. 2005;
maintaining a good and sound health and for Khan et al. 2006). As a part of our ongoing
prevention from common cold, human body study on vitamin C estimation we have col-
should be kept saturated with vitamin C. lected more fruits and vegetables from dif-
Keeping in view its impor- tance, the ferent district of Banglsdesh and estimate
estimation of Vitamin C contain- ing this their vitamin C content. In this paper we
vitamin assumes significance. would like to describe the results of these
An accurate and specific determination of
the nutrients content of fruits is extremely Materials and Methods
important to understand the relationship of
dietary intake and human health. A wide Several analytical methods have been
variety of food exists that contains vitamin report- ed for the determination of vitamin C
C. Fruits, vegetables, and organ meats are such as titrimetry (Kabasakalis, 2000),
generally the best sources of ascorbic acid; biological, electrochemical, and
muscle, meats and most seeds do not chromatographic method (Arya, et al.,1998;
contain significant amounts of ascorbic acid East et al., 2002; Geigertj et al., 1981;
(Combs, 1992). For better utilization of Veasey et al., 1980). All the method has
fruits and vegetables as a human food, clear great limitation in use for dif- ferent
understanding of their nutrition value as purpose. It is very difficult to choose a
well as the content of vitamin C estimation unique method for determining the content
is essential. A variety of citrus fruits are of total vitamin C in food products, biologi-
avail- able in tropical Bangladesh. The cal samples and pharmaceuticals. Because
amount of
Rahman, Khan and Hosain 419
each sample has its own specific Chemical and Reagent required
characteris- tics and properties in terms of
extraction, purification, interference of other 5% Metaphosphoric acid-10% acetic acid
com- pounds (such as color, presence of
15g of solid metaphosphoric acid (E.
oxidizing and reducing components etc).
Merck) were dissolved in a mixture of 40 ml
Although some methods are available for of gla- cial acetic acid (BDH) and 450 ml of
determination of ascorbic acid but very few dis- tilled water in a 500 ml volumetric
methods are employed for the determination flask. The solution was filtered and
of both forms (ascorbic acid and dehy- collected.
droascorbic acid) of ascorbic acid. This is
10% Thiourea solution, 2,4-Dinitrophenyl-
because two forms of the vitamin C,
hydrazine solution, 85% Sulphuric acid
ascorbic acid and its oxidized form
dehydroascorbic acid possess the different Standard vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) solution
chemical, optical and electrochemical
properties. For example, the AOAC's Stock standard solution containing 0.5
official method (Kabasakalis, 2000) based mg/ml of ascorbic was prepared in water by
on the titration of AA with 2,6- dissolving 0.05 g of AA in 100 ml of water
dichloroindophenol in acidic solution is not and stored in a glass stoppered bottle.
applicable in all the matrices. Substances Solutions of variable concentrations were
naturally present in fruits such as tannins, prepared by diluting the stock solution in
betannins, Cu(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) are oxi- water.
dized by dye. Moreover, the method is
Sample preparation
appli- cable only when the concentration of
DHA is low. 10 g blended sample was homogenized
with about 50 ml of 5% metaphosphoric
To determine the content of total vitamin C
in food samples, here a well-established acid- 10% acetic acid solution. Then it was
chemical method was used (Riemschneider quan- titatively transferred into a 100 ml
et al., 1976) as a simplified method for the volumet- ric flask and was shaken gently
simultaneous determination of the total vita- until a homo- geneous dispersion was
min C. obtained. Then it was diluted up to the mark
by the 5% metaphosphoric aceid-10% acetic
Instrument acid solu- tion. Then the solution was
A Shimadzu spectrophotometer (model UV- filtered and the clear filtrate was collected
1601) with a pair of 1 cm quartz cells was for the determina- tion of vitamin C in that
used. sample.
420 Analysis of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 42(4) 2007
Generally all the parts of a fruit and all Shaluk, Chinichampa and vegetables such
fruits have not equal amounts of edible part. as Punonnoma shak, Helencha shak, sweet
In the comparative study of the vitamin C potato leaf, Pudina leaf etc has been deter-
content in various fruits and vegetables, the mined. Results are summarized in Table I.
percent of edible parts of those must also be
consid- ered. Fruits such as orange, lemon The ascorbic acid concentration vary with
etc con- tain high amount of vitamin C and conditions such as temperature and the stor-
vegeta- bles such as Cabbage, Green pepper, age period on peservation. Therefore,
Red pepper also have relatively high amount changes of ascorbic acid content at one
(7 mg/100g to163 mg/100g) vitamin C.23 In selected vegetables such as Helencha shak
mg/100gm and Sofeda contain 21.72 during frozen storage at different conditions
mg/100gm of vitamin C. By the similar (two months storage at different tempera-
methods vitamin C content of the fruits ture) were also studied. It is observed that
vitamin C content slowly decreases with
temperature and storage period of vegeta-
bles ( Table II). The initial concentration of tions and it was found to be varied within
ascorbic acid was 31mg/100g and decreased the range from 0.08 % to 3.24 % (Table I).
by 76% at 5OC and 64% at -10OC during The reliability of this method is also
two months storage time. Boil at higher confirmed from the consideration of the
temper- ature and frying drastically reduce following expected interferences.
the ascor- bic acid. The results are shown in
Table II. i) Interferences due to diketogulonic acid
Due to the destructive oxidation hydrolysis
The reliability of this method is justified by at higher pH results the opening of the
the calculation of the % of standard devia-
Tabel II. Effect of preservation and cooking of Helencha shak (Enhydra fluctuans)
lactone ring of the ascorbic acid and loose From the spectrum it is evident that there is
the vitamin activity. These processes are no absorption peak around the interested
nat- urally occurred in fruits and some peak at 521 nm.
amounts of diketogulonic acid is present in
the fruits. (Kabasakalis et al., 2000). As the
diketogu- lonic acid has keto group, it The locally available some fruits and
should give the osazone with DNPH as that vegeta- bles are a valuable and natural
of ascorbic acid and should give the colored sources of vitamin C. The method is simple
complex on treatment with 85% H2SO4. and offers an excellent method for the
Thus there is chance of error in this method. determination of total vitamin C in fruits
But actually this cannot interfere with the and vegetables.
ascorbic acid.
Here diketogulonic acid was prepared by the
We are grateful to the Department of
acid hydrolysis (dilute HNO 3) of ascorbic
Chemistry, Shah Jalal University of Science
acid. The spectrum shows that there is no
& Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh for
considerable absorption peak near the 521
giving necessary facilities.
nm (the absorption maxima of DNPH com-
plex of ascorbic acid). References
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