Tumblehome: SWL Safe Working Load
Tumblehome: SWL Safe Working Load
Tumblehome: SWL Safe Working Load
Percentage of a compartment below the margin line which can be occupied by water
SCANTLING DRAFT: a term used for the maximum draft which meets the ship’s strength requirements.
The maximum load draft (for assigned freeboards) must be less than scantling draft.
The distance a vessel will continue to travel forwards after the main
engines have been stopped is the headreach.
This is the curvature of the deck in the fore and aft direction, measured as
the height of the deck at various points above the height of the deck at the
midships point (Figure 1.2).
purpose of sheer
-adds reserve buoyancy to the ends
-allow vessel to ride waves with drier decks
The inward curvature of the ship's side shell plating above the summer
From dj house
The load itself would be based on the maximum load that the equipment can lift safely. SWL must be
marked on appliance.
----( The safe working load (SWL) of a lifting appliance is the maximum mass which may be lifted
vertically by this appliance at the hanging point of the load (hook or lifting ring) and which may be
moved in operation.----
SWL and test loads of lifting appliances and loose gear are expressed in tones (t). Breaking loads are
also expressed in t (1 t = 1 000 kg).
The safe working force (SWF) of a lifting appliance is the static force corresponding to its SWL---
Breaking strength – defined by the stress necessary to break a material in tension
or compression. The stress factor is usually obtained by testing a sample
to destruction.
Proof load – that tonnage value that a derrick or crane is tested to.
The value is equal to the SWL of the derrick/crane _ an additional percentage weight
allowance, e.g. derricks less than 20-tonne SWL proof load is 25% in excess;
derricks 20–50-tonne SWL proof load equals _5 tonnes in excess of SWL;
derricks over 50-tonne SWL proof load equals 10% in excess of SWL.
Proof Load
It is the excessive load applied on lifting appliance during testing, without exceeding its elastic limit,
in presence of competent authority.
MSL stands for maximum securing load. It is a term used to define the allowable load capacity for a
device used to secure cargo to a ship. SWL is the safe working load and may be substituted for
MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by MSL.
Maximum Securing Load (MSL) is a term used to define the allowable load capacity for a device used
to secure cargo to a ship. Safe Working Load (SWL) may be substituted for MSL for securing
purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by MSL.
The MSLs for different securing devices are given in table 1.
The MSL of timber should be taken as 0.3 kN/cm2 normal to the grain.
Following table shows determination of MSL from breaking strength
Material MSL
shackles, rings, deckeyes, 50% of breaking
turnbuckles of mild steel strength
33% of breaking
fibre rope
50% of breaking
web lashing
80% of breaking
wire rope (single use)
30% of breaking
wire rope (re-useable)
70% of breaking
steel band (single use)
50% of breaking
For particular securing devices (e.g. fibre straps with tensioners or special equipment for securing
containers), a permissible working load may be prescribed and marked by authority. This should be
taken as the MSL.
When the components of a lashing device are connected in series (for example, a wire to a shackle to
a deckeye), the minimum MSL in the series shall apply to that device.
Angle of repose
Maximum slope angle of a non cohesive granular material measured from the horizontal plane.
With this type of joining shackle open links are not required at the ends of the lengths of the cable;
the joining shackles will connect direct to the common links (studded). These shackles are made
from non-corrosive nickel steel but should be coated with special grease supplied by the
manufacturer before they are assembled to try and ensure they don’t become frozen.
To disconnect: Suitably support and secure the shackle. Knock out spile pin with supplied punch
and handle and 71b hammer. Knocked stud clear. Separate two sides of shackle using special punch
called “top swage”.
Use of the swage avoids damage to the accurately machined surfaces, and so enables them to be
fitted together again easily. If a spile punch is not available, a maul (hammer with one pointed end)
and a 71b hammer may be used. If a swage is not available a piece of wood may be used.
Spares: At least 4 joining shackles with box of spile pins and pellets.
The maximum length of the vessel measured from the extreme for'd point
of the vessel to the extreme after point (Figure 1.2).
Load Deadweight
Deadweight is defined by the difference in tonnes between the displacement
of a ship in water of a specific gravity of 1.025 at the load waterline corresponding
to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship.
It consists of the total weight of cargo, cargo gear stores, bunkers etc., when the
vessel is at her summer loadline.
Lightship Displacement
Lightship is defined as the extreme displacement of a ship, when fully
equipped and ready for sea but without cargo, crew, passengers, fuel, ballast
water, fresh water and, consumable stores. The boilers are filled with water
to their working level.
NB. Displacement of a vessel can be expressed as a volume, in cubic metres or as a weight
determined by the Volume • Density of the water displaced. In sea water the density constant
is taken as 1025 kg/m3.
Weight of an empty vessel including equipment and outfit, spare parts required by the regulatory
bodies, machinery in working condition and liquids in the systems, but excluding liquids in the
storage tanks, stores and crew.
The displacement of a vessel is the weight of water it displaces, i.e. the
weight of the vessel and all it contains. It is the immersed volume of the
ship in cubic metres • density of the water, expressed in tonnes per cu. m.
It is normal practice to regard the ship's displacement as being that displacement
when at her load draught (load displacement).
Bale space capacity bale capacity – is that cubic capacity of a cargo space when the breadth
is measured from the inside of the cargo battens (spar ceiling) and the
measured depth is from the wood tank top ceiling to the underside of the
deck beams. The length is measured from the inside of the fore and aft
bulkhead stiffeners.
Stowage factor – this is defined as that volume occupied by unit weight of cargo. Usually expressed as
cubic metres per tonne (m3/tonnes) or cubic feet per tonne (ft3/tonne). It does not take account of
any space which may
be lost due to ‘broken stowage’. A representative list of stowage factors is provided at the end of this
SF = BS – 1/RD
Grain capacity – is that cubic capacity of a cargo space when the length,
breadth and depth are measured from the inside of the ship’s shell plating, all
allowances being made for the volume occupied by frames and beams.
Look up formulas
NT = K2 V c [4d/3D]2
Vc = total volume of cargo spaces in cubic metres.
d = moulded draught at midships in metres (Summer loadline draught
or deepest subdivision load line in passenger vessels)
D = Moulded depth in metres amidships.
K 2 = 0.2 + 0.02 logl0V c
(GT + 10,000)
K3 = 1.25
N1 = Number of passengers in cabins with not more than 8 berths.
N2 = Number of other passengers.
NT is not to be taken as less than 0.30 GT. The factor [4d/3D] 2 is not
taken to be greater than unity.
The expression K2V C [4d/3D] 2 is not to be taken as less than 0.25 GT
Stress is defined as a force (or forces) acting on a solid structure that causes a deformation, known as
strain. Stresses are defined by how forces act on any material:
Tensile stress
Caused by forces that tend to pull the material in parallel but opposite directions away from the
centre, increasing the tension and the length of the material before breaking it in two.
Compression Stress
Caused by forces that tend to push the material in parallel but opposite directions towards the
centre, causing the material to buckle or crush and decreasing its length until the force exerted
becomes equal to the strength of the material.
Caused by non-parallel forces that tend to pull the material in opposite directions away from the
centre, causing the material to shear under the influence of the exerted force.
Caused by forces acting in opposite directions, causing a twisting moment in the material. In other
words, if a shear stress occurs in a transverse direction, it is referred to as torsional stress
This is the effect of a force applied around any pivot point on a structure, causing it to turn around
that point. For example, if a force `F' is applied at a distance `d' from a pivot point, the moment `M'
can be given by the formula M = F x d.
The bending moment is the amount of bending caused to the ship's hull by external forces. For
example, the bending moment is the highest in the midship section when the ship's ends are
supported by crests of a wave , known as `sagging' or `positive bending'. When the ship is riding the
crest of a wave at its midships, the bending moment is known as `hogging' or `negative bending'.
Bending moments are measured in tonne- metres.
When two external parallel forces act in opposite directions on any part of a structure to break it
apart or shear it, the forces are known as shearing forces and are measured in tonnes. Shearing
stress is, therefore, the stress that may break or shear the structure apart.
For ships, this force is considered by taking the difference between the buoyancy and the weight
force acting on it. According to Archimedes' principle, for a ship to float the weight force must be
balanced by the buoyancy force. Wherever one of these forces exceeds the other, shearing stresses
are likely to occur.
The most likely areas for shearing stresses are at about 25% of the ship's length from stem or stern,
particularly at the transverse watertight divisions at this length. For bulk carriers, it has been found
that the highest shearing stresses occur at the boundary of the accommodation and the last cargo
Shearing stress = F/A where F is shear foce and A is area of cross section
The Chief Officer must plan the stowage to ensure that loads are distributed evenly within the ship at
all stages. Structural members that increase a vessel's resistance to shearing forces are the centre
girder, intercostal side girders, deck and side plating and longitudinal frames where fitted. They
should be given particular attention during inspections to detect any signs of damage to the
Since shear forces are greatest at the bulkheads, this is compensated for by placing angle brackets at
each side of the bulkheads.
These result from differences in the weights loaded/ discharged or moved within a ship. They tend to
act constantly and continuously as long as the source of stress is not moved, eg by a change in load
distribution on the ship. These stresses can be caused by any load, from the weight of the ship itself,
its structure, equipment, machinery, cargo, bunkers, stores or the constant pressure of seawater on
the hull.
These result from the movement of the ship at sea, the varying effects of sea and swell, and the
motion of the ship through the water. The ship may also be subjected to internal dynamic stresses
caused by the movement of liquids within holds or tanks.
These include all stresses not classified as static or dynamic stresses. They tend to change with the
operation, eg using a crane causes vibration and point load stresses.
Advance - distance gained towards the direction of the original course after the rudder is put over
Transfer distance gained perpendicular to the original course after the rudder is put over
When taking over as Chief Officer I would anticipate being supplied with the following: All ship’s
plans, inclusive of the Docking Plan, Plug Plan, General Arrangement, Shell Expansion, Fire
Arrangement Plan, CO2 Plan, Load Density Plans and the Rigging Plan. All the stability criteria,
inclusive of the ship’s general particulars, deadweight (dwt) scale, cross curves of stability (KN and
KG), statical stability information, tank capacities, ballast, fresh water and fuel arrangements.
Damage stability information, together with any computer loading/discharging programmes. All
relevant working certificates such as Safety Equipment Certificate, Safety Radio Certificate, Load Line
Certificate, Liferaft Certificates, Safety Ship Construction Certificate, De-Rat Exemption or De-Rat
Note: The dates of validity would normally be noted to ensure that survey dates are not allowed to
All cargo documentation including the cargo plan, cargo manifest, the Register of Cargo Handling and
Lifting Appliances, The Cargo Securing Manual together with, Mates Receipts, and any Bills of Lading
would also be handed over. Information on special cargoes, heavy lifts, or hazardous cargo parcels
may have specific carriage or stowage instructions to consider. Miscellaneous documents like the Log
Books, tank-sounding records, Crew List, Planned maintenance Schedule, etc. would normally be
noted during any such handover period.
- briefed by company, obtain hand over notes beforehand.
Nature of cargo
Mooring lines
- boarding
-On board
-deck office
Familiarise with muster list duties, muster location and emergency signals
Docs – cargo plan, cargo manifest, the Register of Cargo Handling and Lifting Appliances, The Cargo
Securing Manual together with, Mates Receipts, and any Bills of Lading would also be handed over.
Information on special cargoes, heavy lifts, or hazardous cargo parcels may have specific carriage or
stowage instructions to consider.
Cursory examination of ship stability booklet, g.a plan, capacity plan, hydrostatic, lashing plan cargo
securing manual, and also the damage stability booklet
Special requirements with regard to cargo being loaded (eg. IMDG, reefers, OOG), including their
. For DG I will check the DOC to ensure the classes of DG which can be carried
Ballast/ deballast
Check the ballast water management plan that it has been updated as per present condition.
Enquire about any specific requirements with regard to the present port and other ports
Present status of ballast n deballast operations and hormonisation with cargo operations
Present stability condition of the \vessel with particular attention to GM, SF, BM, TS, lashing forces
and trim. VISIBILITY critieria complied with
Inspect vessels loadicator, operation and peculiarities if any, class approved, loadicator certificate
test sample with stability booklet and check if any alarms in the present loading plan.
Current status.
Pending jobs
Docking Plan, Plug Plan, General Arrangement, Shell Expansion, tank arrangement
Fire Arrangement Plan, CO2 Plan, Load Density Plans and the Rigging Plan, repair list,
Upcoming and pending Audits and surveys, if any/ deficiencies
Stock counting and inventory of stores and spares and paint scheme, chain register
Contact list, cso, ships security arrangements, location of security equipment and controls, key logs
Dec of security, security levels of other ports, upcoming ssas test ship shore security checklist
GMP on board
Familiarity with bridge equipment and gmdss checklist, location of files, logbooks, publications n
round of deck
status of deck, hatch covers, stores , mooring areas , pilot ladder, steering gear flat, sopep locker,
paint stores lsa ffa
Miscellaneous documents like the Log Books, tank-sounding records, Crew List, Planned
maintenance Schedule, etc. would normally be noted during any such handover period.
Gas detectors
IMO – PRIMARY purpose is to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for
Dew point – temperature to which a parcel of air must be cooled for it to be saturated
There is also a very simple approximation that allows conversion between the dew point,
temperature and relative humidity. This approach is accurate to within about ±1°C as long as the
relative humidity is above 50%:
For every 1°C difference in the dew point and dry bulb temperatures, the relative humidity decreases by
5%, starting with RH = 100% when the dew point equals the dry bulb temperature
The three-degree rule:172 says that a hygroscopic cargo should be ventilated when the temperature
of the outside air is at least 3°C below that of the cargo temperature taken at loading. This rule
avoids the need to take readings in the holds after the voyage has commenced and relies on the fact
that the temperature of hygroscopic cargoes, except at their boundaries, changes very slowly during
a voyage
Dew Point Rule: Ventilate when the dew point temperature of the outside air is lower than the dew
point of the air in the hold and do not ventilate when the dew point temperature of the outside air is
higher than the dew point of the air in the hold.
COEFFICIENT - a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an
algebraic expression (e.g. 4 in 4x y).
The space in between the two bottoms is often used as storage tanks for fuel or ballast water, though
fuel storage in the double bottom is not allowed for newbuilt ships since 2007 , due to MARPOL
The Brussels Regime is a set of rules regulating which courts have jurisdiction in legal disputes of a
civil or commercial nature between individuals resident in different member states of the European
Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
MRC - Within shipping, ships usually operates at the nominal continuous rating (NCR) which is 85%
of the 90% of MCR. The 90% MCR is usually the contractual output for which the propeller is
designed. Thus, the usual output at which ships are operated is around 75% to 77% of MCR. [14]
Track Reach is defined as a distance along the vessel’s track that the vessel covers from the
moment that the “full astern” command is given until ahead speed changes sign. See Section 2,
Figure 4. (15 to 20 ships lengths)
• Head Reach is defined as a distance along the direction of the course at the moment when the
“full astern” command was given. The distance is measured from the moment when the “full
astern” command is given until the vessel is stopped dead in the water. See Section 2, Figure 4.
How to contact P AND I clubs
Gross Registered tonnage is the entire volume of the ship including machinery and crew living
spaces, etc.
Net Registered tonnage is the space in the ship that can be used for its 'mission'- for example, in a
bulk carrier it is the amount of space to be used for carrying bulk- most likely the cargo holds. For a
passenger ship, it is the amount of space designated for passenger use- cabins, pools, theaters,
restaurants, etc. For a research ship, it would be labs, scientist accommodations, and space for
stroing ROV's and other equipment.
"The register ton is a unit of volume used for the cargo capacity of a ship, defined as 100 cubic feet
(roughly 2.83 cubic metres)"
Alternative tonnage. A vessel may sometimes load a full cargo, which takes it down to the normal
load line marks. At other times it may load a full cargo of low-density, light commodities. The
shipowner can request modified tonnage in addition to the normal (e.g., British) gross and registered
tonnage. A special certificate is issued, showing both tonnages. When the details of the vessel are
included in publications, e.g., in the “Register” published by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, both
tonnages will also be shown.
A modified tonnage may apply to a vessel as an alternative to its normal tonnage. The same criteria
for modified tonnage would apply. Once again, a tonnage mark would be used but in this case it is
placed at a distance below the line of the second deck from above. This distance depends on the
length and depth of the vessel. It is common for the tonnage mark to be closer to the keel than the
deepest load line.
In this situation the tonnage mark is not like a “badge”. If the tonnage mark is not submerged, the
modified (lower) tonnage applies for various purposes, such as harbour and pilotage dues. If it is
submerged, because of the loading of the vessel, the normal gross and net tonnages will determine
the various charges on the vessel. Port authorities react unfavourably even to this system, their
revenue depending on the submersion of a mark. The submersion was variable and unpredictable
yet the vessel’s earning capacity was not affected if the cargo was light and bulky so that the normal
load lines were not submerged nor was the tonnage mark.
Weather tight – in any sea condition water will not penetrate into the ship
Water tight – able to withstand a head of pressure that the compartment could be required to
withstand in service
Grain code
GRAIN CODE - PART B calculation of assumed heeling moment and general assumptions
A ship without such a document shall not load grain until the master satisfies the Administration, or
the Contracting Government of the port of loading on behalf of the Administration, that the ship will
comply with the requirements of the International Grain Code in its proposed loaded condition.
One of the main aims of IMO is to ensure co-operation among maritime governments of the world. It
also uses a number of instruments to implement and maintain the highest standards in areas of
maritime safety, prevention of marine pollution, and shipping navigation and trade.
In this article, we will learn about 5 important instruments which IMO uses to ensure smooth
operations at the sea, backed by highest standards of maritime safety.
Conventions (multilateral treaty documents which regulate safety aspects of maritime affairs.)
A convention is a written agreement with several parts. Conventions form a major part of maritime
affairs governed by the IMO. Some of the major conventions by IMO are Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
1974 convention and International convention for prevention of pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
It is to note that conventions generally have several sub-parts, which would describe in details
various aspects of the subject defined by that particular convention. For e.g. MARPOL convention has
six parts which are known as annexes. Each of this annexe deals with different aspect of marine
It is also possible that details given within a convention are put under an associated code, which
provides further technical details of that aspect; for e.g. the Life saving appliances (LSA) code gives
details for minimum requirements for safety equipment used on board ships.
Each member state must accept the details mentioned in conventions put forth by the IMO and agree
to international supervision required under such conventions.
Thus, conventions act as a treaty between the IMO and member states. It is imperative that every
member state abides by the rules and regulations put forth by the IMO.
Protocol is an important instrument used by the IMO to introduce changes to conventions, which are
already adopted but not yet entered into force.
For e.g. SOLAS convention 1973 was amended twice using protocols – by 1978 SOLAS protocol which
entered into force in 1st May 1981 and by 1988 SOLAS protocol which entered into force on 3 rd Feb
2000. Both the protocols are now known as SOLAS 74/78 and SOLAS 74/88.
As mentioned above, amendments are major changes that are brought into action using protocols.
Amendments are the reforms that are needed in a convention and are backed by the protocols.
For e.g. Because of several accidents at sea, there was an urgent need to change the MARPOL 1973
convention in 1970s. These changes or amendments were brought into action by the combined
convention-protocol instrument called MARPOL 73/78 on 2nd October 1983.
Recommendations are mainly guidelines which are not legally accepted. They are not formal
documents like convention or protocol but are a list of recommended practices that are closely
linked to conventions. For e.g. timber deck cargo code
Recommendations can also be guidelines which are waiting to be accepted by the IMO.
However, it is to note that though recommendations are not legally binding, some governments
might apply them in whole or in part.
Codes and guidelines can be both mandatory and non mandatory. Codes such as ISM and IBC codes
are mandatory and are a part of a parent convention or protocol.
Resolutions are the finalized documents which are accepted by the IMO or any of the main body
under IMO. They generally result from an agreement on a recommendation or amendment.
Where, A = assembly; 586 = serial number of resolution; and XIV = Made by the 14 th session of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the
Protocol of 1978 relating thereto and by the Protocol of 1997( MARPOL)
Other conventions relating to maritime safety and security and ship/port interface
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA),
1988, and Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed
Platforms located on the Continental Shelf (and the 2005 Protocols)
International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972
Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO C), 1976
The Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels (SFV),
1977, superseded by the The 1993 Torremolinos Protocol; Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the
Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International
Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels
International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution
Casualties (INTERVENTION), 1969
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (LC),
1972 (and the 1996 London Protocol)
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), 1990
Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to pollution Incidents by Hazardous and
Noxious Substances, 2000 (OPRC-HNS Protocol)
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (AFS), 2001
International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments,
The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC), 1969
1992 Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for
Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (FUND 1992)
Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
(NUCLEAR), 1971
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea (PAL), 1974
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC), 1976
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage
of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS), 1996 (and its 2010 Protocol)
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001
Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007
Other subjects
Structure of IMO
The Organization consists of an Assembly, a Council and five main Committees: the Maritime
Safety Committee; the Marine Environment Protection Committee; the Legal Committee; the
Technical Co-operation Committee and the Facilitation Committee and a number of Sub-
Committees support the work of the main technical committees.
This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States and it meets
once every two years in regular sessions, but may also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary.
The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, voting the budget and determining
the financial arrangements of the Organization. The Assembly also elects the Council.
The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning after each regular session of the
The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising
the work of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly the Council performs all the
functions of the Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments on
maritime safety and pollution prevention which is reserved for the Assembly by Article 15(j) of the
(b) consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and submit
them to the Assembly;
(c) receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs and submit them to the
Assembly and Member States, with comments and recommendations as appropriate;
(e) enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of the Organization with
other organizations, subject to approval by the Assembly.
The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States. The
functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to “consider any matter within the scope of the
Organization concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning
from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes,
maritime safety procedures and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and
navigational records, marine casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters
directly affecting maritime safety”.
The Committee is also required to provide machinery for performing any duties assigned to it by the
IMO Convention or any duty within its cope of work which may be assigned to it by or under any
international instrument and accepted by the Organization. It also has the responsibility for
considering and submitting recommendations and guidelines on safety for possible adoption by the
The expanded MSC adopts amendments to conventions such as SOLAS and includes all Member
States as well as those countries which are Party to conventions such as SOLAS even if they are not
IMO Member States.
The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to consider any matter within the
scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and control of pollution from ships. In
particular it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other regulations
and measures to ensure their enforcement.
The MEPC was first established as a subsidiary body of the Assembly and raised to full constitutional
status in 1985.
Legal Committee
The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within the scope of the
Organization. The Committee consists of all Member States of IMO. It was established in 1967 as a
subsidiary body to deal with legal questions which arose in the aftermath of the Torrey Canyon
The Legal Committee is also empowered to perform any duties within its scope which may be
assigned by or under any other international instrument and accepted by the Organization.
Technical Co-operation Committee
The Technical Co-operation Committee is required to consider any matter within the scope of the
Organization concerned with the implementation of technical co-operation projects for which the
Organization acts as the executing or co-operating agency and any other matters related to the
Organization’s activities in the technical co-operation field.
The Technical Co-operation Committee consists of all Member States of IMO, was established in 1969
as a subsidiary body of the Council, and was institutionalized by means of an amendment to the IMO
Convention which entered into force in 1984.
Facilitation Committee
The Facilitation Committee was established as a subsidiary body of the Council in May 1972, and
became fully institutionalised in December 2008 as a result of an amendment to the IMO
Convention. It consists of all the Member States of the Organization and deals with IMO’s work in
eliminating unnecessary formalities and “red tape” in international shipping by implementing all
aspects of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 1965 and any matter
within the scope of the Organization concerned with the faciliation of international maritime traffic.
In particular in recent years the Committee's work, in accordance with the wishes of the Assembly,
has been to ensure that the right balance is struck between maritime security and the facilitation of
international maritime trade.
Flow moisture point – is that percentage of moisture content, when a flow state develops.
Moisture content – is that percentage proportion of the total mass which is water, ice or other liquid.
Transportable moisture limit – the maximum moisture content of a cargo that may liquefy at a level
which is considered safe for carriage in ships other than those ships which, because of design
features of specialized fittings, may carry cargo with a moisture content over and above this limit.
Flow state – is a state which occurs when a mass of granular material is saturated with liquid to such
an extent that it loses its internal shear strength and behaves as if the whole mass was in liquid form.
the lowest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapor in air capable of producing a flash of fire in
presence of an ignition source (arc, flame, heat). The term is considered by many safety professionals
to be the same as the lower flammable limit
Upper explosive limit (UEL): Highest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapor in air capable
of producing a flash of fire in presence of an ignition source (arc, flame, heat). Concentrations higher
than UFL or UEL are "too rich" to burn.
All anchors are designed to take hold as quickly as possible after they hit bottom. They take hold in
one of two ways: either by hooking into the ground with one or both of their sharp flukes or by
burying themselves completely. When an anchor is let go in fairly deep water, it strikes the bottom
crown first. From this position, any drag on the chain causes the flukes, if properly set, to dig into
the bottom. As the drag continues, the fluke is forced further into the bottom. If the proper scope of
chain is used, the heavier the drag, the deeper the fluke will dig in, developing the full holding power
of the anchor.
Chain, wire rope cables, or cable composed of both chain and wire rope for use with ships' anchors is
a part of the ship's ground tackle. Ground tackle is the collective term applied to all equipment
used in anchoring. It includes the anchors, their chain or cables, connecting fittings, and all
associated equipment used in anchoring, mooring with anchors, buoy mooring, being towed, or
securing or letting go anchors in or from their hawsepipes.
All links are studded; that is, a piece of steel is placed in the center of the links. Studs prevent the
chain from kinking and the links from pounding on adjacent links. An anchor chain is made up of
many parts besides common links and requires a variety of equipment and fittings to use and
maintain the chain. The following descriptions will acquaint you with the details of anchor chain and
some of the equipment associated with using and maintaining the chain.
Standard Shot The lengths of chain that are connected to make up the ship's anchor chain are called
shots and are made up with an odd number of links. A standard shot is 15 fathoms (90 feet) long. At
the time of its manufacture, each shot of the chain usually bears a serial number stamped, cut, or cast
on the inner side of the end links of each shot. If an end link is lost or removed from a shot, this
identification should be cut or stamped on the inside of the new end link of the altered shot.
Detachable Links Shots of anchor chain are joined by a detachable link, shown in figure 4-2. The
Navy-type detachable link consists of a C-shaped link with two coupling plates that form one side
and stud of the link A taper pin holds the parts together and is locked in place at the large end by a
lead plug. Detachable link parts are not interchangeable, so matching numbers are stamped on the C-
link and on each coupling plate to ensure its identification and proper assembly. You will save time
and trouble trying to match these parts if you disassemble only one link at a time and clean, slush,
and reassemble it before disassembling another. Other slush mixtures are being investigated to
replace the white lead. When you re-assemble a detachable link, make sure the taper pin is seated
securely. This is done by driving it in with a punch and a hammer before inserting the lead plug over
the large end of the pin.
Chain swivels (fig. 4-3) are furnished as part of the outboard swivel shot. They reduce kinking or
twisting of the anchor chain.
Bending Shackles Bending shackles (fig. 4-4) are used to attach the anchor to the chain.
Standard and alternate outboard swivel shots also called “bending shots,” consist of common links
and fittings as shown in figure 5-4. They are fitted to attach the 15 fathom shots of anchor chain to
the anchor. They also make it possible to stop off the anchor outboard of the swivel and break the
chain at the detachable link inboard of the swivel. This allows the anchor chain to be used as part of
the towing gear. Outboard swivel shots vary in length, but they usually do not exceed 5 fathoms. The
taper pins in the detachable links in the outboard swivel shot are additionally secured with a U-
shaped, stainless steel wire-locking clip (sometimes called a hairpin). This hairpin, inserted in holes
drilled through the coupling plates, engages a keyway or groove on the taper pin and is mandatory.
Riding and housing chain stoppers consist of a turnbuckle inserted in a couple of links of chain. A
pelican hook is attached to one end of the chain; a shackle is attached at the other end. The housing
stopper is nearest the hawsepipe and must be installed outboard of the swivel; the riding stopper is
farther inboard. These stoppers are secured by the shackles to permanent pad eyes on the ship's
deck Chain stoppers
The detachable links of anchor chains are painted red, white, or blue as follows: red for 15 fathoms,
white for 30 fathoms, blue for 45 fathoms, red for 60 fathoms, white for 75 fathoms, and so on. At the
15-fathom mark, one link on each side of the detachable link is painted white, and one turn of wire is
wrapped securely around each stud. At the 30-fathom mark, two links on each side of the detachable
link are painted white, and two turns of wire are wrapped around each of the last white studs. At 45
fathoms, three links on each side of the detachable link are painted white, and three turns of wire are
wrapped around each of the last white studs.
At 60 fathoms, four links on each side of the detachable link are painted white, and four turns of wire
are wrapped around each of the last white studs; and so on for each shot. Each link of the entire next-
to-last shot is painted yellow. The last shot is entirely red. These last two shots give warning and
danger signals of the approach of the bitter end of the anchor chain.
Windlasses are installed on board ships primarily for handling and securing the anchor and chain
used for anchoring the ship and for handling anchor chain used for towing the ship. Most windlasses
have capstans or gypsy heads for handling line in mooring and warping operations. Windlasses can
be located on the stern of the ship for stern anchoring, but are usually located in the bow of the ship
for handling bower anchors. These classes are electrohydraulic drive and electric drive. The essential
parts of a typical windlass, regardless of its type and class, are the drive motor, wildcat, locking head,
hand brake, capstan or gypsy head, and control. Horizontal shaft windlasses are usually made as a
self-contained unit with the windlass and drive motor mounted on the same bedplate. Vertical shaft
windlasses have their power source located below deck with only the wildcats and capstans
mounted above deck. The windlass wildcat is a special type of drum or sprocket constructed to
handle the anchor chain links. The outer surface has flats (or pockets) which engage chain links. At
each end of the pockets, lugs (known as whelps) are provided, which contact the end of the flat link.
A central groove in the outer surface accommodates the vertical links which are not in contact with
the wildcat at any point. Windlass wildcats have a locking head for disengaging the wildcat from its
power source. The locking head permits free rotation of the wildcat when you are “paying out” the
chain. This brake may be used to hold the anchor and chain and to control the speed of descent when
the anchor and chain are payed out. Capstan and gypsy heads fitted on windlasses are keyed to the
drive shaft and rotate when the windlass power source is turning. When using the heads, apply the
wildcat hand brake, then disengage the wildcat lock-ing head. The heads will now operate
independently of the wildcats. When the wildcats are used, however, the capstan heads will always
Letting Go
When anchoring and weighing anchor, The Boatswain’s Mate in charge of the anchor detail musters
the detail and makes sure all necessary gear is ready and available for use. The exact procedure may
vary for making the anchor ready for letting go, but the following tasks must be performed.
The windlass is tested, the anchor in the hawse is freed, the anchor is walked out if anchoring is in
deep water or if the bottom is rocky; the brake is set; and the wildcat is disengaged. All but one
stopper is taken off and the anchor buoy line is shackled to the chafing chain or pendant.
The chain locker is checked for loose gear that may become wedged in the chain pipes or come flying
out, endangering personnel on deck. An order then is given to stand clear of the chain. For obvious
reasons, it is urgent that all hands obey this order! At the command “STAND BY” the brake is released
and two Seamen-one with a sledgehammer or maul-take stations at the stopper outboard side of the
When the command “LET GO” is given, one Seaman pulls the pin from the stopper tongue. The
Seaman with the maul knocks the bail off the tongue of the pelican hook and steps clear. As soon as
the Seaman is clear, the brake is fully released. If for some reason the stopper does not fall clear, the
chain can still be controlled by the brake.
The Seaman tending the anchor buoy tosses it over the side and the jack is two-blocked (hoisted all
the way up). On the signal bridge, the anchor ball is hoisted. The anchor buoy indicates the actual
position of the anchor to which it is attached by floating above it.
The buoys are painted a distinctive color; green for the starboard anchor, red for the port anchor,
and white for the stern anchor. If an anchor buoy floats on the surface, it is said to be “watching.” An
anchor buoy may fail to watch be- cause its line is too short or the line is fouled in the chain.
Before anchoring, the line attaching the buoy to the anchor should be adjusted to a length that is a
couple of fathoms greater than the depth of the water at anchorage. This extra length allows for
slight fouling, tide variations, or the sinking of the anchor in mud, which might cause the actual depth
to be greater than that shown on the navigational chart being used.
The anchor buoy and line must be laid up along, and outboard of, the lifelines. It should be put
overboard, well clear of the ship the instant the anchor is let go.
On ships with power assist hand brakes, the power assist mechanism must be adjusted so when the
brake is applied, the chain will not jump off the wildcat when it comes to a stop. An anchor buoy is a
valuable time-saver in locating an anchor lost in weighing or one that is slipped in an emergency.
Slipping an anchor happens when un- expected circumstances do not permit time to weigh anchor.
As soon as the anchor hits bottom the brake is set so the chain will not pile on it. As the ship gains
sternway, the brake is released to lay the chain out evenly on the bottom and to control any running
movement of the chain.
As each chain marking passes the wildcat, the report “(Number) SHACKLE ON DECK’ is made to the
conning officer on the bridge. The direction the chain is tending is indicated by pointing the arm
and/or reporting “CHAIN TENDING (number) O'CLOCK.” .
If the chain tends around the stem, the situation is reported to the bridge. The chain must be allowed
to run freely or the sharp bend around the stem may damage a link. Detachable links are particularly
susceptible to damage in this regard. If the anchor chain starts to get near the sonar dome, this
situation is reported to the bridge, because anchor chain rubbing against the sonar dome can cause
serious damage to it.
When the desired scope of chain is out, the conning officer gives the order “PASS THE STOPPERS.”
The brake is set and the stoppers are applied and evened up, the brake is taken off, and the chain is
slacked between the windlass and stopper. The brake is set, and the wildcat is left disengaged. Before
securing, all gear is picked up and stowed.
Weighing Anchor
When you are weighing anchor, the same gear must be available on the forecastle as for anchoring. A
hose is rigged to wash mud from the anchor and the chain. The windlass is energized and tested, and
then the wildcat is engaged. The brake is then released and the wildcat is tested.
The brake is set, and all stoppers but one are cast off. When ready, the report “READY TO HEAVE IN”
is made to the bridge. On the command “HEAVE AROUND,” the brake is taken off and the chain is
heaved in enough to take the strain off the stopper.
The stopper is then cast off and heaving is resumed. Reports are made to the bridge periodically on
the direction the chain is tending, the amount of chain remaining out, and the degree of strain on the
If the command were “HEAVE AROUND TO SHORT STAY” the chain would be heaved in just short of
breaking out the anchor (pulling the anchor loose from the bottom). When the chain is at short stay,
it is reported to the bridge. On the command “HEAVE AROUND AND UP,” start heaving.
When the flukes have broken out, and the crown still rests on the bottom, the report “ANCHOR IS UP
AND DOWN” is made. When the anchor is free of the bottom, it is said to be “AWEIGH” and is so
reported. At this time the jack and anchor ball are hauled down and the ship is legally underway.
When the anchor comes into view and its condition can be noted, the report “ANCHOR IN SIGHT,
CLEAR (or FOUL) ANCHOR” is made. The anchor is reported as housed when the shank is in the
hawse pipe and the flukes are against the ship's side.
The anchor buoy is recovered as soon as possible, and a report is made to the bridge when the
anchor buoy is on board. The anchor again is made ready for letting go and kept that way until the
anchor detail is told to secure it after the ship is outside the harbor or channel. To secure the anchor
for sea, set the brake, then pass the stoppers and even them. Take the brake off, then slacken the
chain between the wildcat and the stopper. The brake is set and the wildcat is disengaged. To
prevent water from entering the chain locker, secure buckler plates over the chain pipes for those
ships with open decks.
Stowing Chain
As the chain comes aboard, it passes along the deck, on metal flash plates, around the wildcat, and
down into the chain locker. The chain goes into a locker as shown in figure 4-12. The bitter end is
secured to a pad eye (ring) on the bulkhead of the chain locker. All chain lockers on Navy ships are of
the self- stowing type. However, when working small chain, at least two Seaman will be assigned to
guard against any possible pileup in the chain locker.
A stockless type anchor is housed in the hawsepipe is secured by passing the stoppers. The anchor
must be drawn taut in the hawse- pipe by the outboard stopper to prevent the flukes from banging
the sides. Stoppers are attached to the chain by straddling a link with the tongue and strong back of
the pelican hook. The bail is then closed on the pelican hook. The toggle that keeps the pelican hook
closed must then be inserted in the tongue of the pelican hook and the lanyard secured around the
bail to prevent the toggle pin from coming out. The turn buckles must be adjusted so each stopper
will take an equal strain.
Capstans are mounted on deck to ease the handling of large, heavy mooring lines and wires. These
capstans may be separate machinery units or part of the anchor windlass. The capstan's spool-
shaped drum keeps the lines from slipping, especially when wet. Most capstans are electrically
driven. Depending on the class of ship and its size, capstans may be located any place on the deck,
but they are usually found on the forecastle and fantail.
A vessel can be made fast to any variety of shore fixtures from trees and rocks to specially
constructed areas such as piers and quays. The word pier is used in the following explanation in a
generic sense. Mooring is often accomplished using thick ropes called mooring lines or hawsers.
The lines are fixed to deck fittings on the vessel at one end, and fittings on the shore, such as bollards,
rings, or cleats, on the other end.
Mooring requires cooperation between people on the pier and on a vessel. For larger vessels, heavy
mooring lines are often passed to the people on the shore by use of smaller, weighted heaving lines.
Once the mooring line is attached to the bollard, it is pulled tight. On large ships, this tightening can
be accomplished with the help of heavy machinery called mooring winches or capstans.
For the heaviest cargo ships, more than a dozen mooring lines can be required. Small vessels
generally take 4 to 6 mooring lines.
Mooring lines are usually made out of synthetic materials such as nylon. Nylon is easy to work with
and lasts for years, but has a property of very great elasticity. This elasticity has its advantages and
disadvantages. The main advantage is that during an event, such as a high wind or the close passing
of another ship, excess stress can be spread among several lines On the other hand, if a
highlystressed nylon line does break, or part, it causes a very dangerous phenomenon called
"snapback" which can cause fatal injuries. Snapback is analogous to stretching a rubber band to its
breaking point between the hands, and then suffering a stinging blow from the retracting loose ends
of the band - in the case of a heavy mooring line this blow carries much more force and can inflict
severe injuries or sever limbs. Mooring lines made from materials such as Dyneema and Kevlar have
much less elasticity and therefore much safer to use, but the lines do not float on the water, and tend
to sink, are costly, so they are used less frequently. Manila rope is preferred. Some ships use wire
rope for one or more of their mooring lines. Wire rope is hard to handle and maintain. There is also a
risk of using wire rope on a ship's stern in the vicinity of its propeller.
Combination mooring lines made of both wire rope and synthetic line can also be used. This results
in a hawser. This is more elastic and easier to handle than a wire rope, but not as elastic as a pure
synthetic line. Special safety precautions must be followed when constructing a combination
mooring line.
The two-headed mooring bitt is a fitting often-used in mooring. The rope is hauled over the bitt,
pulling the vessel toward the bitt. In the second step, the rope is tied to the bitt, as shown. This tie
can be put and released very quickly. In quiet conditions, such as on a lake, one person can moor a
260-tonne ship in just a few minutes.
Each arm is mounted on rollers which run on an inclined trackway that is mounted on the deck. The
incline on the trackway(s) is sufficient for gravity to cause the boat and arm(s) to move down the
track- way(s) from the inboard position to the outboard position so the boat may be lowered into the
Double Break Feature
Electrical contacts subjected to momentary jogging service are prone to sticking or welding. This can
cause uncontrolled operation of the winch. The double break feature is the arrangement of two
independent contactors in the supply leads to protect against this danger. When the motor power
supply is interrupted by the master switch the supply leads are opened in two places by contactors
which are not interlocked.
A device consisting of a double-ended pair of projecting horns used for belaying a line or wire.
Bitts are heavy vertical cylinders, usually arranged in pairs, used for making fast lines that have been
led through chocks. The upper end of a bitt is either larger than the lower end or is fitted with a lip to
keep lines from slipping off accidentally. As bitts are required to take very heavy loads, extra frames
are worked into their foundations to distribute the strain. Usually there is a set of bitts forward and
aft of each chock When constructed in pairs, each bitt is sometimes called a barrel.
A chock is a heavy fitting with smooth surfaces through which mooring lines are led. Mooring lines
are run from bitts on deck through chocks to bollards on a pier when the ship is moored. There are
three types of chocks: An open chock is a mooring chock that is open at the top. A closed chock is a
mooring chock, closed by an arch of metal across the top. A roller chock is a mooring chock that
contains a roller for reducing friction.
A pad eye is a plate with an eye attached, welded to the deck to distribute the strain over a large area
and to which a block can be hooked or shackled. A pad eye is also used in towing operations.
A bollard is a strong cylindrical upright on a pier, over which the eye (or bight) of a ship’s mooring
line is placed.
Ships are fitted with accommodation ladders that can be rigged and lowered over the side. These
ladders provide a convenient means for boarding or leaving an anchored vessel. Some
accommodation ladders can be modified for use on a pier or barge. Large. If more than one ladder is
rigged, the forward accommodation ladder is the quarterdeck and reserved for officers and
ceremonies. The after ladder is used by work details and crew liberty parties. The accommodation
ladder, figure 4-18, has an upper and lower platform that is connected by the ladder and supported
by either a chain or wire bridle and bail hanging by a pendant. Another method is the use of a metal
bail shaped like an elongated upside down letter U which holds the ladder by a pendant rigged to the
side of the ship or from a J-Bar davit. The lower platform of the accommodation ladder has additional
parts that must be rigged. An H-Frame equipped with fenders is rigged to the outboard side of the
lower platform. This H-Frame is where boats can come alongside to pick up or discharge passengers.
The inboard side of the lower platform is fitted with ports called shoes, that when rigged hold the
ladder in the proper position off the side of the ship. The shoes have pads attached to their ends to
help prevent damage to the ship or the ladder. The lower platform also has turnbuckles, and in
some cases, pendants to restrict the fore and aft movement of the ladder. The upper platform is
supported by a brace known as a wishbone. A single-sheave block is attached to the underside of the
forward outboard comer of the upper platform. A line is rigged through this block which acts as a sea
painter to keep a boat alongside in position with the accommodation ladder. A toggle between the
strands of the line prevents the line from running up into the block and becoming inaccessible to a
boat. There may be some accommodation ladders made of steel still in service, but for ease of
handling, it has changed to aluminum. When an accommodation ladder is secured for sea,
everything is rigged in, disassembled in most cases, and stowed in brackets either on the rail or along
a section of the superstructure.
The next step is to rig the upper platform. Remember to be careful in lining up the brackets when
you are engaging the bolts. Once the upper platform is in place, the next step is to secure the ladder
to it. This is an area where the ship's plans and design must be followed. Some ships have the ladder
stowed against the rail. To attach this type ladder, you use a series of outriggers (arms swung out
from the ship) to lay the ladder on and seat the ladder to the upper and lower platforms. On ships
that do not have outriggers, the J-Bar davit can be used to support the ladder over the side to attach
it to the upper platform. Depending on the type and class of the ship, rigging procedures will vary.
Again, the ship's rigging plans must be used. Now that the ladder is attached to the upper
platform, the lower platform and the H-Frame must be rigged. It is easier if the H-Frame is rigged to
the lower platform while it is still on deck. Once the H-Frame and the lower platform are rigged on
deck they must be worked over the side to attach to the ladder. The ladder is now taking shape and
nearly ready to lower.
Winches designed for handling cargo consist of a bedplate and side frames upon which are mounted
a horizontal drum shaft, drum and/or gypsy head(s), reduction gearing, and usually the motor that
drives the winch. Drum winches are those with drums on which the rope is wound for raising,
lowering, or pulling the loads. Gypsy winches have one or two horizontally mounted gypsy heads
around which turns of line can be taken. Combination winches are drum winches with shafts
extended to take gypsy heads on either side or on both sides. Preceding every winch operation,
operators should review all general operating and safety instructions, among which are the
1. Always inspect the area around the winch, and make sure there is a dry, safe place for the winch
operator to stand.
2. Inspect the rigging, making certain that the standing rigging is taut and that the running rigging is
not fouled.
3. Inspect the equipment, making sure the clutch levers are locked in place. Although the
engineering department is responsible for maintaining winches, the winch operator and the Chief
officer in charge must make certain that the required maintenance is actually performed.
Coordination is essential for good winch operation. After sufficient practice, winch operators should
be able to pick a draft from the hold and deposit it on the pier in one smooth, constant motion.
When cargo is being hoisted or lowered, swinging should be avoided if possible. A wildly swinging
draft often results in damaged cargo and endangers the lives of personnel working in the hold, on
deck, or on the pier. Swinging can usually be prevented in the hold or on the pier by dragging or
touching the draft until it is directly under the head of the boom before hoisting. Occasionally, a
draft will start to swing athwartships while being carried across the deck This swinging must be
stopped before the load can be landed. It can be done easily with a little practice.
Figure 4-31.–Rigging for self-lowering. jackets. Except for personnel in boats, personnel working
over the side must be equipped with a parachute-type safety harness with safety lines tended
from the deck above. All personnel should be instructed in all applicable safety regulations
before they are permitted to work over the side of the ship on scaffolding, stages, or in boatswain's
chairs. A competent officer must constantly supervise personnel working on scaffolding, stages,
and in boatswain's chairs, and personnel must be assigned to tend the safety lines. When personnel
are doing hot-work such as welding or cutting while working over-the-side or aloft, fiber lines
could burn and cause a serious mishap. To prevent this, replace all personnel safety lines and the
fiber lines on the staging and boatswain chairs with wire rope.
All tools, buckets, paint pots, and brushes used by personnel working over the side of the ship should
be secured by lanyards to prevent their loss overboard or injury to personnel below. STAGE The
stage is a stout plank to the underside of which two short wooden horns are attached athwartships,
either by nailing or bolting on, a foot or two from either end. When the stage is rigged properly, all
the weight comes on the plank. The chief purpose of the horns is to hold the plank off the side. The
gantlines on your stage may be rigged in one of two ways. The first is by an eye splice in the end of
the 4-39
Be sure to pass the part between the half hitches under the plank. If you pass it over, there will be
nothing holding you up but the horns. The second method of rigging the stage is by the stage hitch.
This method is the better of the two because there are two parts of the gantline under the plank
instead of one, and there is no need to eye splice the end.
Type of seizings
- round
- rose
- flat
- rack
1. overhand knot
- strength reduced by 45% / basis of other knots/ gives grip/ to secure end of the rope
3. figure of 8
- reduces strength by 50 % / prevents line from unreaving when rove through a block
4. bowline
- reduces strength by 40 % / temporary eye at the end of a line/ neither slips nor jams/ heaving line
to hawser
5. running bowline
6. half hitch
- should not be used by itself because themselves because they will work out
7. timber hitch
- 70 % of line’s capacity / used on logs, spars, planks or other comparatively rough surfaced material
8. rolling hitch
- The Rolling Hitch is useful to take the strain off a rope with a foul turn on a winch.
9. clove hitch
- two lines or unequal size together or to tie a line to an eye, strength of 55 % of lines capacity
- secure knot, used for tying together two hawsers, unties readily after a heavy strain cos it never
draws tight if the ends are seized. However it will draw if the ends are not seized.
14. sheepshank
- to shorten a line
Soundings (measuring the depth of water) are taken when the ship is going into or out of port or
approaching an anchorage. The hand lead is the most accurate means for obtaining soundings. It is
used in shallow water and when the speed of the ship is slow. Even though ships today have modem
depth-sounding equipment, lead- lines are a mandatory piece of equipment and are routinely
inspected during inspections and refresher training periods.
The leadline or hand lead consists of a narrow block of lead weighing from 7 to 14 pounds, which is
attached to a marked line. With the ship making 12 knots, a good leadsman can get reliable
soundings down to 7 fathoms. At slower speeds, of course, the lead has time to sink even deeper
before the ship moves up to it. The leadline may also be used for determining the direction in which a
ship, practically dead in the water, is moving. Direction of movement is found by placing the lead on
the bottom, directly below the leadsman, and noting the direction of the motion of the ship as shown
by the change of direction of the leadline from the up and down. Before heaving, the leadsman takes
station in the chains, which usually are platforms projecting over each side at the after end of the
forecastle. The lead is then lowered over the side and is supported in the heaving hand by a wooden
toggle, inserted in the lead line about 2 fathoms from the lead. The spare line is coiled in the other
hand, free for running. To make the heave, start by calling out “WATCH- ON-WATCH” then swing
the lead in a fore-and-aft direction outboard of the chains to gain momentum. Then swing the lead in
a complete circle. When the force is great enough, let go the lead as it swings for- ward at a point
about level with the deck. As the ship moves ahead, heave in the spare line rapidly. The marker
should be read when the lead is on the bottom and the line hauled just taut, up and down. The ability
to heave the lead can be acquired only by practice. It is necessary to practice with both hands
because the right hand is used for heaving from the starboard chain; the left hand for heaving
from the port chain. A good heave has no value unless the depth can be read correctly and quickly.
Leadlines often are marked at each half fathom over the range of depth used most and may even
have foot markings around the more important depths.
From Structural Steel Designer's HandBook: AISC, AASHTO, AISI, ASTM, AREMA, and ASCE-07
Design Standards, Fourth Edition
Two simply supported, welded, deck plate girders carry the four lanes of a highway bridge on a
137.5-ft span. The girders are spaced 35 ft c to c. Loads are distributed to the girders by longitudinal
stringers and floorbeams (Fig. 12.22). The typical cross section in Fig. 12.23 shows a 48-ft roadway
flanked by 3-ft-wide safety walks. Grade 50 steel is to be used for the girders and Grade 36 for
stringers, floorbeams, and other components. Concrete to be used for the deck is class A, with 28-day
strength = 4000 psi and allowable compressive stress f c = 1400 psi. Appropriate design criteria
given in Chap. 10 will be used for this structure.
31 . Lightening hole
Definitions of hull elements
Keel: The keel is a member, or series of members, running longitudinally that forms the
structural base of a ship. The keel always corresponds to a ship's centreline. It is a major
component in providing longitudinal strength and efficiently distributes local stresses when
the ship is dry docked. There are two types of keels used to build ships of a certain size, the
flat keel and the duct keel.
Flat keel
Duct keel
Girders: A girder is a longitudinal member used in the construction of the bottom of a ship.
They can be solid or not and can be placed above the keel (centre girder) or spaced equal
distances from it (side girders). They can be continuous or divided by floor sections
(intercostal side girders). The centre girder is always one continuous piece and must be
fastened to the keel with a continuous weld. Girders must extend as far as possible from the
forward to the aft end of a ship.
Floors: These are made up of cross members that are mounted perpendicular to the keel and
girders. There are three main types of floor: solid, plate and bracket.
Plate floor
d floor
Frames: These are vertical members that make up the framing of the vertical part of the hull.
Frame type and spacing vary considerably depending on the ship's construction.
Shell framing
Deck beams: These are transverse members that connect the top ends of the frames, forming
the transverse framing for the deck.
Deck girders: These are longitudinal members that combine with the beams to form the
longitudinal framing of the deck.
Longitudinals: A very general term to identify any small longitudinal member that can be used
for several purposes. This term is used more specifically in longitudinal framing.
Web frames: Oversized members that replace a frame at certain locations on a ship.
Bracket: A general term that identifies any part used to connect two members.
Beam knee: Bracket located at the end of deck beams that connect the beam and frame to the
shell plating.
Pillar: Vertical member inside a ship that connects the deck to the ship's bottom, where it is
installed between two tweendecks, especially around hatches. They are quite bulky and
complicate cargo handling inside holds.
Plating: The plating of a hull is the series of plates that form the watertight shell of the hull.
There is bottom plating, deck plating and side shell plating.
Bilge plating: Longitudinal plating that connects the side shell plating to the bottom plating.
Tank top: Watertight series of plates attached to a ship's bottom framework.
Double bottom: The double bottom is the watertight space between the bottom plating and
the tank top. Its height varies according to the size and type of ship, but it is generally
between 0.75 and 1.5 metres. A double bottom is divided into several watertight
compartments by watertight floors and girders. These compartments can be used to store
fuel, oil and ballast water. They are often used to adjust a ship's list and trim.
A double bottom maintains a ship's watertight integrity when the bottom is damaged. The tank top
greatly increases a ship's longitudinal strength and forms a platform to carry the ship's cargo and
Transverse framing
Transverse framing is used primarily for ships less than 120 metres in length. The floors, frames and
beams form rings spaced closely together. Longitudinal strength is provided by the keel, centre
girder, side girders, deck girders, the entire bottom, deck and side shell plating, and the tank top.
Transverse framing ensures good cross sectional strength to handle overall stresses, vertical loads,
rolling and dry docking. However, on very long ships, sheer stresses can cause deformations between
the rings.
Longitudinal framing
Longitudinal framing is mandatory for very large ships, oil tankers and bulk-ore carriers. The rings
are formed of floors, deck beams and web frames that replace the frames. These rings are farther
apart than in transverse framing. The longitudinal reinforcement members are deck girders, girders,
the keel and a large number of deck, bottom and side longitudinals. The longitudinals are slender but
there are very many of them.
Mixed framing
Mixed framing combines longitudinal and transverse framing. One type of framing is used in one part
of the ship and the other type is used in another part. The most common combination is longitudinal
framing for the bottoms and the deck, and transverse framing for the sides.
The present invention relates to a rebuilt double hull tanker and a method of rebuilding an existing
single hull tanker into a rebuilt double hull tanker. The rebuilt double hull tanker includes a rebuilt
double hull comprising a new double bottom hull and new double side hulls. The internally rebuilt
double bottom hull includes the existing outer bottom hull and a new inner bottom hull that is
disposed internal and spaced apart from the existing outer bottom hull. The externally rebuilt double
side hulls (e.g., port and starboard) include the existing inner side hulls and new outer side hulls
disposed external and spaced apart from the existing inner side hull. The rebuilt double bottom hull
is connected at each end (e.g., at the turn of the bilge) to the rebuilt double side hulls. The method
includes forming the new double hull, including a new double bottom hull and new double side hulls,
over at least the cargo carrying portion of the tanker by installing the new inner bottom hull
internally over the existing outer bottom hull through access holes cut into the sides of the tanker
and installing the new double side hulls externally over the existing inner side hulls.
Shearing Force
The shearing force (SF) at any section of a beam represents the tendency for the portion of the beam
on one side of the section to slide or shear laterally relative to the other portion.
The shearing force at any section of a beam is the algebraic sum of the lateral components of the forces
acting on either side of the section.
Where forces are neither in the lateral or axial direction they must be resolved in the usual way and
only the lateral components are used to calculate the shear force.
Bending Moments
In a similar manner it can be seen that if the Bending moments (BM) of the forces to the left of AA are
clockwise, then the bending moment of the forces to the right of AA must be anticlockwise.
Bending Moment at AA is defined as the algebraic sum of the moments about the section of all forces
acting on either side of the section.
Bending moments are considered positive when the moment on the left portion is clockwise and on the
right anticlockwise. This is referred to as a sagging bending moment as it tends to make the beam
concave upwards at AA. A negative bending moment is termed hogging.
Floor – vertical athwartship member in way of the double bottom. Runs from centre girder to margin
plate on either side
The centre girder is always one continuous piece and must be fastened to the keel with a
continuous weld. Girders must extend as far as possible from the forward to the aft end of a ship.
Margin plate fore and aft plate sited at the turn of the bilge to ensure watertightness between tank
top and the shell
Oxter plate a shell plate made of double curve plate which are fitted where the stern frame meet the
overhand of stern. It is sited above the propeller towards the gunwale.
Fish plate/ curtain plate narrow plate which runs fore and aft along the head of stanchions
supporting a boat deck. Sheer strake is supported to boat deck. Might be described as a kind of sheer
strake fitted at the boat deck.
Fashion plate extension of side plating of superstructure. Usually curved. Tapered off into the sheer
strake or bulkhead. Used to collect oil and drain it down into the slop tank to prevent pollution.
Face bar flat narrow bar welded along the free edges of girders, or the inner edges of holes in plating
etc. to strengthen them.
Boss plate a shell plate parallel to the stern tube at the level of the propeller boss.
Coffin plate the aftermost plate of the keel. Dish shaped to fit the stern frame.
Shoe plate joins the keel to the stem bar. Last plate of the plate keel
Gusset plate triangular plate used for joining side girders to transverse beams particularly beneath
hatch openings
Jogged plate type of shell plating with an in/out design at its edge
Keel plate centreline plate passing from the stern to stern frame
Wash plate prevent damage to internal tank plating that may be caused by wave action within the
tank. Does not reduce free surface effect.
Stealer plate at the bow of the vessel to combine two strakes as the strakes’ width decrease
Continuous centre girder
Couplings enable the rudder to be inspected from the pintles for inspection and service.
Rudder pintles point about which the rudder turns. Ships can have one or more (upper/lower)
Rudder bearing weight of rudder carried partly by lower pintles, partly by rudder bearer within the
ROPE: A woven, flexible tension member with no internal conductors. It may be made from natural
fibers, synthetic fibers, or metal.
CABLE: A woven, flexible tension member with internal conductors or other means of transmitting
data such as glass fiber.
TENSION MEMBER: Generic name used to describe a rope or cable in service for over the side work.
ELASTIC LIMIT: The elastic limit or yield point of a material is the stress at which a material begins
to deform plastically. Prior to the yield point the material will deform elastically and will return to its
original shape when the applied stress is removed. Once the yield point is passed some fraction of
the deformation will be permanent and non-reversible. For rope or cable this is the load that causes
permanent set, or deformation, of the wires.
TRANSIENT LOADS: Loads induced which are temporary by nature, including the weight of
entrained mud, weight of entrained water, pull out loads, drag due to package characteristics and/or
winch speed, etc.
DYNAMIC LOADS: Loads induced due to vessel motion (heave, roll, pitch, etc.)
TESTED BREAKING LOAD (TBL): The actual load required to pull a tension member to destruction
as determined by testing. Depending on the intended use of the tension member testing may need to
be done under fixed end and free to rotate conditions.
ASSIGNED BREAKING LOAD (ABL): Will be the lowest of the Nominal Breaking Load and Tested
Breaking Load. In practice ABL will be equal to NBL used unless testing shows TBL to be less than
NBL. An ABL that is greater than the NBL may never be used. Depending on the intended use of the
tension member there may be two ABLs for fixed end and free to rotate conditions.
SAFE WORKING LOAD (SWL): The maximum tension that is allowed to be applied to the tension
member during normal operation.
FACTOR OF SAFETY (FS): For the purpose of this document defined as Assigned Breaking Load /
Safe Working Load.
For the purposes of this standard, FS shall be considered the value selected by the operator. Because
there may be two different ABLs (fixed end & free to rotate) there may be two SWLs. Section 6.0
defines the minimum standards that must be met to select specific FS values.
Cable paths and fairlead arrangements vary widely from ship to ship and change over both the short
term (from cruise to cruise) and the life of the vessel. It is impossible to develop a set of standards,
which tries to quantify the precise effects on breaking strength, or tension member life, as a result of
system design. Instead, each vessel must have a testing program in place, which suits how their
tension members are used, and routinely evaluates the status of each. The assumption is that the
results of testing will indicate the effect of both the loading and system design on the breaking
strength of the tension member.
The testing program followed shall be based on the FS selected by the Owner, which is in turn based
on use and the particulars of the handling system employed. The Owner shall have documentation in
place specifying the FS for each tension member in use.
Tension member test samples shall be a clean, “representative” length from the end that will be put
into future use, not simply the end immediately adjacent to the existing termination. Although this
may not be the location of maximum loading during operations, this represents a practical means of
determining ABL from an operational standpoint.
The initial ABL shall be assigned through testing by the UNOLS Wire Pool before distribution to the
fleet. If the initial test results in an ABL less than the NBL, the Wire Pool shall reject the tension
If subsequent testing results in a TBL that is greater than or equal to the initial ABL, the initial ABL
shall be used by the Vessel Operation for the purposes of this standard.
The Vessel Operator shall also provide a copy of the wire history or wire log information with the
sample and, as a minimum, this should include the following:
•UNOLS wire identifier, as described in Chapter 7 UNOLS Winch and Wire Handbook, Third Edition
•Winch and system manufacturer.
•Number and/or duration of deployments since last test.
•Maximum tension of each deployment.
•Maximum payout of each deployment.
•Description of wire train: the number of sheaves between winch and water. Sheave material and
values of “D” and “w” for each sheave.
These stresses are measured when the ship is not under way. They are often caused by a poor
longitudinal distribution of mass. Even if the ship's total weight is balanced by the total force of
buoyancy, these forces may not be distributed evenly along the full length of the ship.
Hogging: If the forces of buoyancy are concentrated around the section amidships and the ends are
loaded, the ship will tend to move downwards at the bow and stern while the section amidships will
tend to move upwards. In this situation, the deck's structural members are being subjected to tensile
stress while the bottom structure is under compressive stress. This phenomenon can be compared to
a beam supported in the centre and loaded with weights on the ends.
Sagging: If the forces of buoyancy are concentrated under the bow and stern of the ship and the
section amidships is loaded, the ship will tend to move upwards at the ends and trough amidships. In
this situation, the deck's structural members are under compressive stress while the bottom
structure is being subjected to tensile stress. This phenomenon can be compared to a beam that is
supported at both ends and loaded with weights in the middle.
Hogging and sagging can be amplified by the movement of waves passing along the hull. A crest of
waves at each end of a ship combined with a trough amidships will amplify sagging, while a crest
amidships combined with a trough at both ends will amplify hogging.
The stresses caused by these situations can be calculated using the load curves table, the stress and
sheer curves table, and the bending moments table. Manual or electronic calculators also exist to find
the value of the stresses on the hull. The maximum permissible stress values can be found in the
ship's stability book.
When a ship is under way, some situations create additional stresses. They are caused primarily by
the effect of waves on the hull in rough seas. Two of these are pounding and panting.
Pounding: When a ship sails in heavy seas, it pitches. It can happen that the bow rises over
the crest of a wave and emerges completely out of the water. When the bow comes back down
on the water, it can be subjected to a major impact, which is pounding. The hull plating at the
bow end of the ship must be reinforced to avoid bending of the plating. This stress can also
occur at the ship's stern, but to a lesser degree.
Panting: When waves hit the bow and stern of a ship, they create variations in pressure that
tend to push the plating in and out. This is panting. The framing at the ship's ends must be
reinforced to prevent exaggerated movement of the hull plating.
Watertight bulkheads :
A watertight bulkhead is a transverse bulkhead mounted on the tank top and it must extend right to
the uppermost continuous deck.
Divide the ship into watertight compartments and thereby limit flooding if the hull plating is
Improve the transverse strength of the structure;
Prevent distortion of the hull plating;
Support the deck girders and longitudinals;
Rigidly attach the tank top to the upper deck;
Greatly slow the spread of fire.
The number and location of watertight bulkheads on a ship depend on the length and type of ship
and the location of the machinery space. The SOLAS Convention determines the number and location
of these bulkheads. But in general, there is a watertight bulkhead (collision bulkhead) at the bow that
should be located between 0.05L and 0.075L (L = length between perpendiculars of a ship), a
watertight bulkhead at the stern that should form a watertight aft compartment (after peak) that
encloses the stern tube, and a watertight bulkhead at each end of the machinery space (where the aft
bulkhead may be the after-peak bulkhead).
All members that pass through a watertight bulkhead, such as ventilation ducts, piping and electric
wiring, must be mounted so as to maintain the watertight integrity of the bulkhead. That is why
remote controlled stopcocks are generally found on certain pipes that pass through watertight
Watertight doors:
In some situations, it is necessary to pierce bulkheads to allow crew or passengers through. In this
case, a sliding watertight door is installed. An example of this situation is the watertight door that is
found on some ships between the machinery space and the shaft tunnel. Liners have many of these
doors that allow passengers to go between the different sections of the ship. These watertight doors
are usually hydraulically activated. Local control stations must be located on either side of the door.
In addition, a remote control station (generally located in the wheelhouse) must be placed outside
both compartments separated by the watertight bulkhead.
Chapter II-1, Regulation 15 of the SOLAS Convention governs the installation and operating
requirements for these doors.
7.1.6: [A watertight door] shall be provided with an audible alarm, distinct from any other alarm in
the area, which will sound whenever the door is closed remotely by power and which shall sound for
at least 5 s but no more than 10 s before the door begins to move and shall continue sounding until
the door is completely closed. In the case of remote hand operation it is sufficient for the audible
alarm to sound only when the door is moving. Additionally, in passenger areas and areas of high
ambient noise the Administration may require the audible alarm to be supplemented by an
intermittent visual signal at the door; and
7.1.7: shall have an approximately uniform rate of closure under power. The closure time, from the
time the door begins to move to the time it reaches the completely closed position, shall in no case be
less than 20 s or more than 40 s with the ship in the upright position.
Watertight bulkhead
All ships must be issued with a load line certificate. The form of the certificate willdepend upon the
Assigning Authority as follows:* If the certificate is an “International Load Line Certificate”
it shall be in the form prescribed by the 1966 Convention which is detailed in the IMO publication
‘Load Lines – 2002 Edition’ M. S. (Load Line) Regulations1998
it shall be in the form prescribed in Schedule 8 of MSN 1752(M).
Annual survey : within 3 months either way of the anniversary date of the load line certificate. The
surveyor will endorse the load line certificate on satisfactory completion of the annual survey. The
period of validity of the load line certificate may be extended for a period not exceeding 5 months if:
(a) the load line certificate is still in force
(b) the ship has been subjected to a renewal survey and complies with the requirements of the
M.S. (Load Line) Regulations 1998, and
(c) it is not reasonably practicable to issue a new certificate before the expiry date of the current
Survey preparation
The preparation for a load line survey will involve ensuring that the hull is watertight below the
freeboard deck and weather tight above it (cargo tank lids on tankers must be watertight).
Different parts of the world and different seasons are considered to vary in their degree of danger
and so vary in the amount of freeboard necessary for safety. International convention has divided
the world into zones, the least dangerous of which is titled 'Tropical' zone and the most dangerous
is 'Winter, North Atlantic'. Furthermore, salt water provides more buoyancy to a ship than fresh
water, so that if the ship loads in fresh water she may be loaded to a deeper draft as she will rise up
to the correct draft when reaching the ocean.
Loadline marks
F= Fresh Water
Points to remember:
1) AOF should occur after maximum GZ, preferable to be after 30 degrees AOH but should not
be before 25 degrees angle of heel.
2) Initial GM to occur at 57.3 degrees
Righting moment :
When a ship is inclined, these two forces are no longer on the same vertical axis and a righting
moment is created. The righting moment tends to bring the ship back to an upright position. This
moment is equal to a force multiplied by a distance. The value of the force is the same for the
upwards and downwards vectors, and is equal to the ship's displacement.
Righting lever (GZ)
The distance between the two vectors is called GZ and represents the righting lever. The larger the
righting lever, the higher the righting moment. The size of the righting lever increases with the ship's
inclination. In other words, up to a certain angle of inclination (usually between 40° and 60°), the
more the ship lists, the greater its tendency to return to an upright position. If the maximum righting
angle is exceeded, the righting lever decreases and the ship's ability to right itself also decreases until
it reaches an angle where the righting lever is zero and the ship is in serious danger of capsizing.
Inversely, if G is located high on the centreline, the righting lever will be smaller so the righting
moment will be weaker. The ship will right itself more slowly.
The value of the righting moment (also called the moment of statistical stability, MSS) is calculated
by the formula
To find the value of GZ at small angles of inclination, the following trigonometric equation is used:
GZ = GM sinΘ.
Θ being the ship's angle of inclination.
Metacentre (M)
Looking at the inclination diagram, you can see that a point M has appeared. Point M is located at the
intersection of the buoyancy vector and the centreline and is called the metacentre. For small angles
of inclination (less than 15°), M is considered to be fixed. The presence of M allows us to introduce a
new concept that actually controls stability at small angles of inclination.
This is the distance between G and M, which is identified as distance GM, also called the metacentric
As the ship is inclined, the center of buoyancy moves in an arc as it continues to seek the geometric
center of the underwater hull body. This arc describes the metacentric radius.
The position of G in relation to M is crucial in a ship's ability to right itself. Under normal conditions,
G should always be below M. The GM is then said to be positive. The greater the distance between
these two points, the higher the positive GM. As stated in the previous paragraph, the larger the GM,
the larger the righting lever. If G approaches M, the righting lever decreases and the righting moment
is weak.
If GM is zero, meaning that G coincides with M, the righting lever is non-existent. If an external force
then makes the ship heel to a small angle, the ship will remain heeled at this angle because there is
no righting moment.
If GM is negative, meaning that G is above M, not only is the righting lever non-existent, but it also
becomes a capsizing moment. If the ship is then subjected to a light external force, it will incline
sharply and, depending on the shape of the hull, may even capsize completely. In any case, a negative
GM is a situation that must absolutely be avoided.
Abrupt shifting of G
Two situations have a radical effect on the position of G. In both situations, an abrupt rise in G occurs,
which in some extreme cases can lead to a situation where GM becomes negative. Both situations are
a result of the free surface effect and the effect of suspended weight.
Suspended weight
When cargo is handled using cranes or cargo booms mounted on a ship, the centre of gravity of the
mass being handled is considered to be at the point of suspension, which is the end of the crane arm
or cargo boom. For example, if a crane lifts a mass of 5 tonnes from the bottom of a hold, as soon as
the mass leaves the surface it was resting on, the centre of gravity of these 5 tonnes is instantly
transferred from the bottom of the hold to the head of the crane arm. This causes an instant and
sometimes significant rise in the ship's G. If the GM was already small, this change in position can
result in a negative GM.
The other situation is the occurrence of the free surface effect. If a ship's tank is partially filled and
the ship rolls, the mass of liquid in the tank moves uncontrollably. The centre of gravity of the liquid
mass shifts from side to side, and the change in "shape" of the liquid can also cause the G of the
moving mass to rise radically. In addition, the inertia of the liquid mass moving around affects the
ship's transverse stability and the position of its G. The effect of the inertia of the moving liquid is
applied by making a virtual change to the position of G. This change in the height of G of the liquid
mass can have a radical effect on the ship's height of G, which can result in a negative GM. To reduce
the free surface effect, anti-rolling devices are placed in the tanks.
A combination of these two situations can occur when a ship is loading or unloading. Cargo handling
is often combined with ballast handling. While in port, fuel or storage transfers can be done. Free
surfaces can appear in ballast as well as fuel tanks. When this situation occurs during cargo handling
with cranes or cargo booms, a negative GM can easily be created.
As an engineer, in some situations during a layover in port, you must check with the officer in charge
of the ship's stability before transferring liquid masses.
All the values for the above terms for a ship can be found in the ship's stability book.
All the concepts covered in this chapter make it possible to maintain a ship's intact stability.
A ship's intact stability is defined as the stability of an undamaged ship that meets IMO requirements
as set out in the Code on Intact Stability for all Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments.
Deadweight scale
From this will be seen that for every state of the ship's draft
there is a corresponding total deadweight. The scale is such
that if the ship knows that it can increase its draft by a
certain amount, it is possible to give a close approximation
of the amount of cargo required.
There is another important reason for knowing the measurement of the interior of the ship apart
from Gross and Net Tonnage. Some cargoes are far bulkier than they are heavy. Visualise the
difference in the space that would be occupied by a ton of feathers compared to a ton of steel. It
would be pointless arranging for a quantity of cargo equivalent to the ship's DWCC if there was
simply insufficient room in which to stow it.
Draft marks:
A mark on the side of a ship’s hull which indicates a certain level of loading and, therefore, draft.
For some bulk cargoes, the taking of a draft reading before commencement of loading, and then again
when loading is finished, gives a good check on the weight of cargo that has been loaded. This is
called a 'draft survey' and when it is of critical importance it is usually carried out either jointly by
personnel from the ship and from the terminal, or by an independent surveyor.
Density is the mass of a substance (expressed in kg) per unit of volume. The standardized unit of
volume is the cubic metre (m3). The density unit is therefore kg/m3. Density is a property that is
unique to each type of matter. Liquids, solids and gases all have their own density. A few examples of
Pure water has a density of 1,000 kg/m3. This means that one cubic metre of pure water has a mass
of 1,000 kg.
Saltwater has a mean density considered to be 1,025 kg/m3.
Steel has a density (depending on its composition) of about 7,430 kg/m 3. If one metric tonne
represents 1,000 kg, then 1 cubic metre of steel has a mass of 7.43 metric tonnes.
The density of wood turpentine can be 650 kg/m3.
Bodies with a density lower than that of water will float, whereas the others will sink. Density is
expressed by the Greek letter ρ (rho)
Displacement: Mass of the volume of water that a ship displaces. This mass is equal to the
ship's mass. Displacement is expressed in tonnes. Symbol: Δ
Displacement volume or underwater volume: Volume of the underwater part of a ship. It is
expressed in m3. Symbol:
Draft: Depth of the underwater part of a ship. There is forward draft, aft draft and mean draft.
It is expressed in metres or centimetres. Symbol: d
Deadweight: The mass that a ship can carry. This mass represents the cargo, fuel, water and
everything required for proper operation of the ship. Specifically, cargo deadweight
represents the mass of the cargo that can be loaded.
Lightship displacement: Mass of a ship in light condition.
Loaded displacement: Mass of a fully loaded ship ready for sea. Loaded displacement equals
lightship displacement plus deadweight.
Waterplane area: Area at the intersection of the surface of the water and the waterline of a
ship. It can vary according to the ship's draft. Symbol: A w.
Amidships: Amidships is the midship section of a ship taken at its widest breadth. This is the
reference for transverse stability calculations. It also allows you to visualize the transverse
structural members of the hull.
Deadweight is the total mass of goods that a ship can carry at its maximum permissible draft
(including fuel, fresh water, gear, provisions, etc.)
Block coefficient (Cb): Coefficient (variable according to the ship's draft) that represents the ratio of
the underwater volume of a ship to a rectangular block having the same length, breadth and depth.
Block coefficient = Cb = ÷ (L×B×d) Mean of Cb = 0.75 Fast ships = 0.50 Slow ships = 0.80
Block coefficient
Tonnes per centimetre
Tonnes per centimetre (TPC): This is the mass required to increase or decrease a ship's mean draft
by 1 cm. This value varies only according to the waterplane area (Aw), and the waterplane area can
vary according to the ship's draft. Therefore, the TPC can vary according to the ship's draft.
FWA: Inversely, a ship that loads in fresh water can load up to its "F" line, so that when it is in salt
water it will float at its regular marks.
The FWA is therefore the change in draft when a ship goes from salt water to fresh water.
Cubic capacities:
For this reason it is vital to know the stowage factor of the cargo,
that is the number of cubic metres or cubic feet to the tonne, and
to know the cubic capacity of the ship.
The other figure, the smaller of the two, is the bale cubic that
measures around rather than in and out of all the beams and
girders in the hold. This, as the name implies, imagines the way
bales of materials could not occupy the awkward corners.
The difference between the two will vary according to the construction of the ship but, in older
vessels, the bale cubic is very roughly ten % lower than the grain cubic. More modern ships have an
inner skin over the side beams so that the bale and grain cubic are much closer. The designed cubic
capacity of a ship will depend upon the trade for which it is intended. If its life is to be exclusively in
the iron ore trade it will not need to have so much space as if for example, it were intended for
Tween deckers
The above sketch shows a typical general purpose tramp of the 1970's and, with so much emphasis
today on specialised carriers, one is inclined to overlook the fact that there is a substantial
proportion of the world's trade still being carried in such ships.
To allow for the variation in stowage factors, many multi-purpose ships also have moveable
bulkheads that can be adjusted to prevent cargo shift or to allow separation.
The number of holds will vary between two and five and folding MacGregor hatches are the norm.
Ships with a low number of holds often include a very long hold that can accommodate cargoes of
exceptional length that needs under deck stowage.
Tween decks add to a ship's versatility because apart from the obvious need to have a simple way
of separating consignments, there is a limit to how many bags, drums, crates etc one can place one
on top of another before the bottom tiers collapse under the weight of those above.
Container Ships
A means whereby cargo may be loaded in and discharged from a ship has to be available. With
highly specialised ships like the larger bulk carriers and container ships, this process is carried out
by appliances on the shore, as the greater space and lack of need to worry about weight enables
shore gear to be faster and have a great capacity.
Tankers, of course, depend upon pumps - shore pumps to put the cargo in and shipboard pumps to
discharge it (its has to be this way because pumps can push very efficiently but only 'suck' rather
The 2010 FTP Code, along with relevant SOLAS amendments to make it mandatory, was adopted,
with an expected entry into force date of 1 July 2012.
The 2010 FTP Code provides the international requirements for laboratory testing, type-approval
and fire test procedures for products referenced under SOLAS chapter II-2. It comprehensively
revises and updates the current Code, adopted by the MSC in 1996.
The 2010 FTP Code includes the following: test for non-combustibility; test for smoke and toxicity;
test for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions; test for fire door control systems; test for surface
flammability (surface materials and primary deck coverings); test for vertically supported textiles
and films; test for upholstered furniture; test for bedding components; test for fire-restricting
materials for high-speed craft; and test for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft.
It also includes annexes on Products which may be installed without testing and/or approval and on
Fire protection materials and required approval test methods.
There are two significant recent developments in fire test standards for commercial ships:
1) the IMO’s Fire Test Procedures Code3, and
2) the IMO’s “Standard for Qualifying Marine Materials for High Speed Craft as Fire-Restricting
Materials”, Resolution MSC.40(654).
The FTP Code is significant in that it makes the use of the IMO fire test procedures mandatory for
showing compliance with the SOLAS regulations (including the HSC Code). The FTP Code goes into
effect in July 1998. The significance of this is that prior to this point, each Administration
(government or other specified regulatory authority) enforcing SOLAS could use any fire test
standard they wished. Many of them used their own domestic standards. Some of them use the IMO’s
“recommended” fire test procedures. The IMO’s standard for fire-restricting materials5 is significant
because it is the first marine fire test standard to specify the ISO 9705 6 “room/corner test” and the
ISO 5660 7 cone calorimeter test methods, both of which are based on measuring heat release rate of
construction products.
This is significant because:
1) it specifies a full-scale fire test to evaluate the contribution to fire growth
provide by the surface product in the shipboard compartments,
2) it is a departure from the traditional approach of requiring non-combustible structure, and
3) it incorporates two of the most modern of fire test methods at a time when many ship and
building codes are still employing 30 and 40 year old flammability standards. Table 1 lists the
fire test standards required for some marine materials.
One project is intended to identify an alternative test method for ensuring adequate structural
integrity of fiberglass (or other composite) bulkheads and decks in fire. Performance criteria include
a limiting deflection or axial contraction and limiting rates of deflection or axial contraction (in
addition to the performance criteria specified in the fire resistance standard Resolution A.754(18)).
Flammability, heat release rate, and smoke production -
The second project addresses the flammability, potential contribution to fire growth in a
compartment, and toxic smoke production of composite materials. Fire-restricting materials for
bulkhead, wall and ceiling linings are qualified via the ISO 9705 room/corner test6, as specified in
the IMO’s standard for qualifying fire-restricting materials (Res. MSC.40(64)).5 Qualification
(pass/fail) criteria for surface materials or linings are listed in Resolution MSC.40(64). They include
a maximum heat release rate, smoke production rate, extent of flame spread, and criteria for no
flaming drops or debris.
Fires are classified into five (5) classes. They are described below:
Class A
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "A" is for use on Class A fires.
Class A fires are fires that involve ordinary combustible materials
such as cloth, wood, paper, rubber, and many plastics.
Class B
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "B" is for use on Class B fires.
Class B fires are fires that involve flammable and combustible liquids
such as gasoline, alcohol, diesel oil, oil-based paints, lacquers, etc., and
flammable gases.
Class C
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "C" is for use on Class C fires.
Class C fires are fires that involve energized electrical equipment.
Class D
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "D" is for use on Class D fires.
Class D fires are fires that involve combustible metals such as
magnesium, titanium and sodium.
Class K
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "K" is for use on Class K fires.
Class K fires are fires that involve vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats in
cooking appliances. This is for commercial kitchens, including those
found in restaurants, cafeterias, and caterers.
Class A
Class A fire extinguishers are the most common type of fire extinguisher for home use. Class A fire
extinguishers are appropriate for use on ordinary fires such as wood, cloth, rubber, plastic or paper.
Class A fire extinguishers are not appropriate for use on electrical fires or grease fires. Class A fire
extinguishers may be marked with a black capital letter "A" inside a green triangle. Newer fire
extinguishers may be marked with symbols representing a trashcan and wood fire to indicate what
type of fires the extinguisher may be used on.
Class B
Class B fire extinguishers are suitable for use on gasoline, grease, oil or other flammable liquids. Class
B fire extinguishers usually carry a numerical rating that indicates the number of square feet of
flammable liquid the extinguisher can treat when used by a non-expert. Class B fire extinguishers are
identified by a black capital letter "B" inside a red square. Newer fire extinguishers may be marked
with symbols representing a gasoline can with a puddle and fire to indicate what type of fires the
extinguisher may be used on.
Class C
Class C fire extinguishers are designed to be used on electrical fires because the substance used to
extinguish the fire is not conductive. Class C fire extinguishers are identified by a black capital letter
"C" inside a blue circle. Newer fire extinguishers may be marked with symbols representing an
electrical outlet and plug with flames.
Class D
Class D fire extinguishers are designed to be used on combustible metals. These are specialty units
that are not common for household use. Class D fire extinguishers are identified by a black capital
letter "D" inside a yellow five-pointed star. There are no pictographic symbols for Type D fire
Some fire extinguishers are appropriate for use on different kinds of fires. These fire extinguishers
are referred to a multi-class fire extinguishers. These units will be marked with the types of fires they
are suitable for use upon. If these units include a pictographic label, the images representing the
types of fires they are not appropriate for will have a slash across them.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
Adoption: 1973 (Convention), 1978 (1978 Protocol), 1997 (Protocol - Annex VI); Entry into force: 2
October 1983 (Annexes I and II).
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main
international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from
operational or accidental causes.
The MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. The Protocol of 1978 was
adopted in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. As the 1973 MARPOL Convention
had not yet entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. The
combined instrument entered into force on 2 October 1983. In 1997, a Protocol was adopted to
amend the Convention and a new Annex VI was added which entered into force on 19 May 2005.
MARPOL has been updated by amendments through the years.
The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both
accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes.
Special Areas with strict controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes.
Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil (entered into force 2 October 1983)
Covers prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental
discharges; the 1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil tankers to have double
hulls and brought in a phase-in schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls, which was
subsequently revised in 2001 and 2003.
Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered
into force 2 October 1983)
Details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances
carried in bulk; some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list appended to the
Convention; the discharge of their residues is allowed only to reception facilities until certain
concentrations and conditions (which vary with the category of substances) are complied with. In
any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious substances is permitted within 12 miles of the
nearest land.
Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form (entered
into force 1 July 1992)
Contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing, marking, labelling,
documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and notifications.
For the purpose of this Annex, “harmful substances” are those substances which are identified as
marine pollutants in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) or which meet
the criteria in the Appendix of Annex III.
Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (entered into force 27 Sept 2003)
Contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage into the sea
is prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant or when
the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system at a distance
of more than three nautical miles from the nearest land; sewage which is not comminuted or
disinfected has to be discharged at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land.
In July 2011, IMO adopted the most recent amendments to MARPOL Annex IV which are expected to
enter into force on 1 January 2013. The amendments introduce the Baltic Sea as a special area under
Annex IV and add new discharge requirements for passenger ships while in a special area.
Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships (entered into force 31 December 1988)
Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the manner in which
they may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the complete ban imposed on
the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics.
In July 2011, IMO adopted extensive amendments to Annex V which are expected to enter into force
on 1 January 2013. The revised Annex V prohibits the discharge of all garbage into the sea, except as
provided otherwise, under specific circumstances.
Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005)
Sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits
deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances; designated emission control areas set more
stringent standards for SOx, NOx and particulate matter.
In 2011, after extensive work and debate, IMO adopted ground breaking mandatory technical and
operational energy efficiency measures which will significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas
emissions from ships; these measures were included in Annex VI and are expected to enter into force
on 1 January 2013.
Entry into force on 1-January-2013 of the MARPOL Annex VI Energy Efficiency Regulations
Applicability: Every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and every fixed floating drilling rig and
other platforms
Update on the requirements of the Energy Efficiency regulations contained in Chapter 4 of MARPOL
Annex VI, which enters into force on 1 January, 2013. This follows amendments made at recent IMO
MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) meetings.
The three key requirements of the regulations are:
o Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
o Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
o International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC).
The EEDI reflects the amount of CO2 generated per tonne-mile (cargo carrying capacity). It
constitutes a uniform approach to calculation of a ship’s energy efficiency during the design and
build of new ships and will be used to control CO 2 levels emitted by future new ships by encouraging
improvements in ship design. The calculation and verification of EEDI is covered by IMO
Resolutions MEPC.212(63) and MEPC.214(63) respectively.
The SEEMP is an operational measure that establishes a mechanism to improve the energy efficiency
of a vessel in a cost-effective manner. It incorporates best practices for fuel efficient vessel operation,
and urges the owner/operator at each stage of the plan to consider new technologies and practices
when seeking to optimise the performance of a vessel. IMO guidelines on developing a SEEMP are
contained in Resolution MEPC.213(63).
The IEEC is a statutory certificate covering both the SEEMP and EEDI. The certificate is valid for the
life of the ship unless it undergoes major conversion, a change of flag or withdrawal from service.
How the regulations will apply
The energy efficiency regulations will enter into force on 1-January-2013. The SEEMP will apply to
all ships of 400 gt and above while the EEDI will only apply to new ships, excluding those with diesel-
electric, steam turbine or hybrid propulsion systems.
The initial implementation phase of the EEDI (phase 0) will apply to each new ship:
o For which the building contract is placed on or after 1-January-2013; or
o In the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
construction, on or after 1-July-2013; or
o The delivery of which is on or after 1-July-2015.
Flag administrations may waive the requirements for up to four years from these dates. The
application dates of further phases of the EEDI for new ships will be implemented according to
Unified Interpretations to MARPOL Annex VI (see MEPC.1/Circ.795).
The regulation relating to the reduction of EEDI for specific new ship types applies as shown in Table
1 below and will require these ships to have an ‘attained EEDI’ (i.e., actual verifiable values) equal to
or less than the ‘required EEDI’ values (i.e., determined using reference lines) for each EEDI
implementation phase. The EEDI will need to be calculated for passenger ships and ro-ro ships
(cargo, passenger and vehicle carriers) but will not initially be subject to regulatory limits. The
regulation will only apply to other ship types and sizes when the technical methods for calculating
their EEDI have been developed.
These are the bulkheads constructed on some ships for avoiding the frames. these have stool spaces
and shedder plates within them. sounding plates and hold ladder pass through them
Both swedged and corrugated plating can be used to advantage in the construction
of deep tanks since, without the conventional stiffening, tanks are more easily
cleaned. However, the use of corrugations does cause problems in ship construction.
With conventional welded stiffening it may be convenient to arrange the stiffeners
outside the tank so that the boundary bulkhead has a plain inside for ease of cleaning.
i) Plain bulkhead
Plain Bulkhead
Plain bulkheads consist of plates stiffened by rolled sections such as bulb plates and angles
spaced approximately 760mm apart.
The thickness of the plates are generally thickest at the bottom because of the maximum
hydrostatic pressure experienced there, and thinnest at the top and generally not less than 6.5
mm thick. The plates of the bulkhead are laid in a horizontal direction.
Where the depth of the bulkhead is great, horizontal stringers or girders are fitted as well as
vertical girders with face plate and tripping brackets.
Corrugated bulkheads
A corrugated plate is stronger than a flat plate if subject to a bending moment or pillar load
along the corrugations.
Corrugations (or swedges) are formed on a corrugated bulkhead to eliminate the need to fit
the vertical stiffener, as in those of the plain bulkhead.
A corrugated plate is stronger than a flat plate without stiffening if subject to bending moment
or a pillar load along the corrugations.
The elimination of vertical stiffeners also results in saving in steel weight and cost of
The troughs are vertical on transverse bulkheads but must be horizontal on continuous
longitudinal bulkheads, which form part of the longitudinal strength of the ship.
Diaphragm plates or horizontal stringers are fitted on the bulkhead to keep the corrugation in
Stability booklet:
Each ship is to be provided with a stability booklet, approved by the Society, which contains
sufficient information to enable the Master to operate the ship in compliance with the applicable
requirements contained in this Section.
Where any alterations are made to a ship so as to materially affect the stability information supplied
to the Master, amended stability information is to be provided. If necessary the ship is to be re-
inclined. Stability data and associated plans are to be drawn up in the official language or languages
of the issuing country. If the languages used are neither English nor French the text is to include a
translation into one of these languages. The format of the trim and stability booklet and the
information included are specified in Ch 3, App 2.
Loading instrument:
As a supplement to the approved stability booklet, a loading instrument, approved by the Society,
may be used to facilitate the stability calculations mentioned in Ch 3, App 2.
A simple and straightforward instruction manual is to be provided.
In order to validate the proper functioning of the computer hardware and software, pre-defined
loading conditions are to be run in the loading instrument periodically, at least at every periodical
class survey, and the print-out is to be maintained on board as check conditions for future reference
in addition to the approved test conditions booklet.
The procedure to be followed, as well as the list of technical details to be sent in order to obtain
loading instrument approval, are given in Ch 11, Sec 2, [4].
GZ curve area
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) is to be not less than 0,055 m.rad up to q = 30°
angle of heel and not less than 0,09 m.rad up to q = 40° or the angle of down flooding qf if this angle
is less than 40°. Additionally, the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the angles
of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30°and qf, if this angle is less than 40°, is to be not less than 0,03
Note 1 : if is an angle of heel at which openings in the hull, superstructures or deckhouses which
cannot be closed weather tight submerge. In applying this criterion, small openings through which
progressive flooding cannot take place need not be considered as open. This interpretation is not
intended to be applied to existing ships.
The means of closing air pipes are to be weather tight and of an automatic type if the openings of the
air pipes to which the devices are fitted would be submerged at an angle of less than 40 degrees (or
any lesser angle which may be needed to suit stability requirements) when the ship is floating at its
summer load line draught. Pressure/vacuum valves (P.V. valves) may be accepted on tankers.
Wooden plugs and trailing canvas hoses may not be accepted in positions 1 and 2 as defined in Ch 1,
Sec 2, [3.19].
In determining the correction to the initial metacentric height, the transverse moments of inertia of
the tanks are to be calculated at 0 degrees angle of heel according to the categories indicated in
The righting lever curve may be corrected by any of the following methods:
Correction based on the actual moment of fluid transfer for each angle of heel calculated; corrections
may be calculated according to the categories indicated in [4.3.1]
Correction based on the moment of inertia, calculated at 0 degrees angle of heel, modified at each
angle of heel calculated; corrections may be calculated according to the categories indicated.
Correction based on the summation of Mfs values for all tanks taken into consideration, as specified
Whichever method is selected for correcting the righting lever curve, only that method is to be
presented in the ship's trim and stability booklet. However, where an alternative method is
described for use in manually calculated loading conditions, an explanation of the differences which
may be found in the results, as well as an example correction for each alternative, are to be included.
The covers in positions 1 and 2 comply with the provisions of [4.3] and have strength complying
with Ch 9, Sec 7, special care being given to their sealing and securing arrangements.
A-Class division:
Suitably stiffened.
Insulated with approved non-combustible materials such as
The average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 140ºC above the original
The temperature at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 180ºC above the original
Within the time period:
Class A-60 60 min
Class A-30 30 min
Class A-15 15 min
Class A-0 0 min.
Constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of the one hour
standard fire test.
A test is required as per FTP code.
Machinery casings:
Machinery casings on Type A ships are to be protected by an enclosed poop or bridge of at least
standard height, or by a deckhouse of equal height and equivalent strength, provided that machinery
casings may be exposed if there are no openings giving direct access from the freeboard deck to the
machinery space. A door complying with the requirements of [4.4] may, however, be permitted in the
machinery casing, provided that it leads to a space or passageway which is as strongly constructed as
the casing and is separated from the stairway to the engine room by a second weather tight door of
steel or other equivalent material.
Gangway and access:
An efficiently constructed fore and aft permanent gangway of sufficient strength is to be fitted on
Type A ships at the level of the superstructure deck between the poop and the midship bridge or
deckhouse where fitted, or equivalent means of access is to be provided to carry out the purpose of
the gangway, such as passages below deck. Elsewhere, and on Type A ships without a midship
bridge, arrangements to the satisfaction of the Society are to be provided to safeguard the crew in
reaching all parts used in the necessary work of the ship.
Safe and satisfactory access from the gangway level is to be available between separate crew
accommodation spaces and also between crew accommodation spaces and the machinery space.
Freeing arrangements:
Type A ships with bulwarks are to be provided with open rails fitted for at least half the length of the
exposed parts of the weather deck or other effective freeing arrangements. The upper edge of the
sheer strake is to be kept as low as practicable.
Where superstructures are connected by trunks, open rails are to be fitted for the whole length of the
exposed parts of the freeboard deck.
Hatchways closed by weathertight covers of steel or other equivalent material fitted with gaskets
and clamping devices
At positions 1 and 2 the height above the deck of hatchway coamings fitted with weathertight hatch
covers of steel or other equivalent material fitted with gaskets and clamping devices is to be:
600 millimetres if in position 1
450 millimetres if in position 2.
The height of these coamings may be reduced, or the coamings omitted entirely, upon proper
justification. Where coamings are provided they are to be of substantial construction.
Where weathertight covers are of mild steel the strength is to be calculated with assumed loads not
less than those specified in Ch 9, Sec 7.
The strength and stiffness of covers made of materials other than mild steel are to be equivalent to
those of mild steel to the satisfaction of the Society.
The means for securing and maintaining weathertightness are to be to the satisfaction of the Society.
The arrangements are to ensure that the tightness can be maintained in any sea conditions, and for
this purpose tests for tightness are required at the initial survey, and may be required at periodical
surveys and at annual inspections or at more frequent intervals.
4.4 Doors
4.4.1 All access openings in bulkheads at ends of enclosed superstructures are to be fitted with doors
of steel or other equivalent material, permanently and strongly attached to the bulkhead, and
framed, stiffened and fitted so that the whole structure is of equivalent strength to the unpierced
bulkhead and weathertight when closed. The means for securing these doors weathertight are to
consist of gaskets and clamping devices or other equivalent means and are to be permanently
attached to the bulkhead or to the doors themselves, and the doors are to be so arranged that they
can be operated from both sides of the bulkhead.
4.4.2 Except as otherwise provided, the height of the sills of access openings in bulkheads at ends of
enclosed superstructures is to be at least 380 millimetres above the deck.
Downflood Height
Downflood height is the height above baseline of the lowest downflood point for a given condition of
trim and heel. This may alternatively be given as the height above the waterline to the downflood
Downflood Angle
Downflood angle is the minimum angle (the lesser to port or to starboard) at which a downflood
point meets the waterline for a given condition of load (displacement and draught).
• Using the hydrostatic particulars provided on page MM, for zero trim, interpolate for the
Displacement of the loading condition above and obtain values for Draught, LCB, LCF, MCT
and KMT.
• Trim is calculated from the stated formula: If the LCB is forward of the LCG the trim is by the stern
and if the LCB is aft of the LCG the trim is by the head (bow). It is to be noted that the trim so
calculated is for the length used in the formulation of the hydrostatics – usually Length
between perpendiculars (LBP) and will need to be corrected for the positions of the draught
marks if significantly different.
• Stability compliance
• The Free Surface Correction (FSC) is obtained by dividing column 8 of the Displacement row by the
Displacement (column 3 of the same row).
• The KG liquid (KGL) is obtained by adding the FSC to the VCG in column 6 in the Displacement
row. (The effect of free surface is a virtual rise in the vertical centre of gravity)
• The KG liquid (KGL) is compared with the KGmax obtained from page [NN]. If the KGL is less than
KGmax the loading condition complies with the stability criteria.
Hydrostatic Particulars
Tabular output showing Displacement, Draught, LCB, LCF, TPC, KMT and MCT across the range of
operational draughts/displacements and trims.
Tabular output showing KN values across the range of operational draughts/displacements and
Provided a tank is completely filled with liquid no movement of the liquid is possible and the effect
on the ship’s stability is precisely the same as if the tank contained solid material. Immediately a
quantity of liquid is withdrawn from the tank the situation changes completely and the stability of
the ship is adversely affected by what is known as the ‘free surface effect’. This adverse effect on the
stability is referred to as a ‘loss in GM’ or as a ‘virtual rise in VCG’ and is calculated as follows:
When preparing loading conditions, it is to be noted that free surface effects must be allowed for the
maximum number of tanks which are slack or shortly to become slack in that given loading
condition. [This will mean that, for departure conditions all main fuel tanks as well as fresh water tanks
are considered to be slack.]
The number of slack tanks should be kept to a minimum. [Where port and starboard tanks are cross
coupled, such connection should be closed at sea to minimise the reduction in stability.] Where ballast
tanks are used they should be ‘pressed full’ or ‘empty’ as far as possible. Dirty water in the bilges
must be kept to a minimum.
Pseudorange :
The distance between a satellite and a navigation satellite receiver (see GNSS positioning calculation)
—for instance Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers.
To determine its position, a satellite navigation receiver will determine the ranges to (at least) four
satellites as well as their positions at time of transmitting. Knowing the satellites' orbital parameters,
these positions can be calculated for any point in time. The pseudoranges of each satellite are
obtained by multiplying the speed of light by the time the signal has taken from the satellite to the
receiver. As there are accuracy errors in the time measured, the term pseudo-ranges is used rather
than ranges for such distances.
Typically a quartz oscillator is used in the receiver to do the timing. The accuracy of quartz clocks in
general is worse (i.e. more) than one part in a million; if the clock hasn't been corrected for a week,
the distance will put you not on the Earth but outside the Moon's orbit. Even if the clock is corrected,
a second later the clock is not usable anymore for positional calculation, because after a second the
error will be hundreds of meters for a typical quartz clock. But in a GPS receiver the clock's time is
used to measure the ranges to different satellites at almost the same time, meaning all the measured
ranges have the same error. Ranges with the same error are called pseudoranges. By finding the
pseudo-range of an additional fourth satellite for precisely position calculation, the time error can
also be estimated. Therefore, by having the pseudoranges and the locations of four satellites, the
actual receiver's position along the x, y, z axes and the time error can be computed accurately.
The reason we speak of pseudo-ranges rather than ranges, is precisely this "contamination" with
unknown receiver clock offset. GPS positioning is sometimes referred to as trilateration, but would
be more accurately referred to as pseudo-trilateration.
Following the laws of error propagation, neither the receiver position nor the clock offset are
computed exactly, but rather estimated through a least squares adjustment procedure known from
geodesy. To describe this imprecision, so-called GDOP quantities have been defined: geometric
dilution of precision (x,y,z,t).
Pseudorange calculations therefore use the signals of four satellites to compute the receiver's
location and the clock error. A clock with an accuracy of one in a million will introduce an error of
one millionth of a second each second. This error multiplied by the speed of light gives an error of
300 meters. For a typical satellite constellation this error will increase by about (less if satellites
are close together, more if satellites are all near the horizon). If positional calculation was done using
this clock and only using three satellites, just standing still the GPS would indicate that you are
traveling at a speed in excess of 300 meters per second, (over 1000 km/hour or 600 miles an hour).
With only signals from three satellites the GPS receiver would not be able to determine whether the
300m/s was due to clock error or actual movement of the GPS receiver.
If the satellites being used are scattered throughout the sky, then the value of geometric dilution of
precision (GDOP) is low while if satellites are clustered near each other from the receiver's vantage
point the GDOP values are higher. The lower the value of GDOP then the better the ratio of position
error to range error computing will be, so GDOP plays an important role in calculating the receiver's
position on the surface of the earth using pseudoranges. The larger the number of satellites, the
better the value of GDOP will be
Collision avoidance:
AIS was developed to avoid collisions among large vessels at sea that are not within range of shore-
based systems. Due to the limitations of VHF radio communications, and because not all vessels are
equipped with AIS, the system is meant to be used primarily as a means of lookout and to determine
the risk of collision rather than as an automatic collision avoidance system, in accordance with the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
When a ship is navigating at sea, information about the movement and identity of other ships in the
vicinity is critical for navigators to make decisions to avoid collision with other ships and dangers
(shoal or rocks). Visual observation (e.g., unaided, binoculars, and night vision), audio exchanges
(e.g., whistle, horns, and VHF radio), and radar or Automatic Radar Plotting Aid are historically used
for this purpose. These preventative mechanisms, however, sometimes fail due to time delays, radar
limitations, miscalculations, and display malfunctions and can result in a collision.
While requirements of AIS are to display only very basic text information, the data obtained can be
integrated with a graphical electronic chart or a radar display, providing consolidated navigational
information on a single display.
In busy waters and harbors, a local vessel traffic service (VTS) may exist to manage ship traffic. Here,
AIS provides additional traffic awareness and information about the configuration and movements of
Maritime Security
AIS enables authorities to identify specific vessels and their activity within or near a nation's
Exclusive Economic Zone. When AIS data is fused with existing radar systems, authorities are able to
differentiate between vessels more easily. AIS improves maritime domain awareness and allows for
heightened security and control.
Aids to navigation
AIS was developed with the ability to broadcast the positions and names of objects other than
vessels, such as navigational aid and marker positions and dynamic data reflecting the marker's
environment (e.g., currents and climatic conditions). These aids can be located on shore, such as in a
lighthouse, or on water, platforms, or buoys. The U.S. Coast Guard has suggested that AIS might
replace racon (radar beacons) currently used for electronic navigation aids.
The ability to broadcast navigational aid positions has also created the concepts of Synthetic AIS and
Virtual AIS. In the first case, an AIS transmission describes the position of a physical marker but the
signal itself originates from a transmitter located elsewhere. For example, an on-shore base station
might broadcast the position of ten floating channel markers, each of which is too small to contain a
transmitter itself. In the second case, it can mean AIS transmissions that indicate a marker which
does not exist physically, or a concern which is not visible such as submerged rocks or a shipwreck.
Although such virtual aids would only be visible to AIS-equipped ships, the low cost of maintaining
them could lead to their usage when physical markers are unavailable.
For coordinating on-scene resources of a marine search and rescue (SAR) operation, it is imperative
to have data on the position and navigation status of other ships in the vicinity. In such cases, AIS can
provide additional information and enhance awareness of available resources, even if the AIS range
is limited to VHF radio range. The AIS standard also envisioned the possible use on SAR aircraft, and
included a message (AIS Message 9) for aircraft to report their position. Recent regulations have
mandated the installation of AIS systems on all Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) vessels and vessels over
300 tons.
Accident investigation
AIS information received by VTS is important for accident investigation since it provides accurate
data on time, identity, GPS-based position, compass heading, course over ground, speed (by
log/SOG), and rates of turn, rather than the less accurate information provided by radar.
A more complete picture of the events could be obtained by Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) data if
available and maintained on board for details of the movement of the ship, voice communication and
radar pictures during the accidents. However, VDR data are not maintained due to the limited twelve
hours storage by IMO requirement.
Binary messages
AIS messages 6, 8, 25, and 26 provide "Application Specific Messages" (ASM), that allow "competent
authorities" to define additional AIS message subtypes. There are both "addressed" (ABM) and
"broadcast" (BBM) variants of the message. Addressed messages, while containing a destination
MMSI, are not private and may be decoded by any receiver.
Computer AIS monitoring programs, by definition do not possess AIS transponders. Most AIS
physical devices (like USB VHF radio dongles) do not contain AIS transponders. With these
monitoring systems your position (or your vessel's position) will not be transmitted. However, these
devices may be used as an inexpensive alternative to AIS devices for smaller vessels if no other viable
alternative can be found. Ship enthusiasts also use such systems to track and find vessels to add to
their photo collections.
AIS is a technology which has been developed under the auspices of the IMO by its technical
committees. The technical committees have developed and published a series of AIS product
specifications. Each specification defines a specific AIS product which has carefully created to work
in a precise way with all the other defined AIS devices, thus ensuring AIS system interoperability
worldwide. Maintenance of the specification integrity is deemed critical for the performance of the
AIS system and the safety of vessels and authorities using the technology. As such most countries
require that AIS products are independently tested and certified to comply with a specific published
specification. Products that have not been tested and certified by a competent authority, may not
conform to the required AIS published specification and therefore may not operate as expected in the
Specialist AIS device created as an emergency distress beacon which operates using pre-announce
time-division multiple-access (PATDMA), or sometimes called a "modified SOTDMA". The device
randomly selects a slot to transmit and will transmit a burst of eight messages per minute to
maximize the probability of successful transmission. A SART is required to transmit up to a
maximum of five miles and transmits a special message format recognized by other AIS devices. The
device is designed for periodic use and only in emergencies due to its PATDMA-type operation which
places stress on the slot map.
AIS receivers are not specified in the AIS standards, because they do not transmit. The main threat to
the integrity of any AIS system are non-compliant AIS transmissions, hence careful specifications of
all transmitting AIS devices. However, it is well to note that AIS transceivers all transmit on multiple
channels as required by the AIS standards. As such single-channel, or multiplexed, receivers will not
receive all AIS messages. Only dual-channel receivers will receive all AIS messages.
Message types
There are 27 different types of top level messages defined in ITU 1371-4 (out of a possibility of 64)
that can be sent by AIS transceivers.[19][20]
Each AIS transponder consists of one VHF transmitter, two VHF TDMA receivers, one VHF Digital
Selective Calling (DSC) receiver, and links to shipboard display and sensor systems via standard
marine electronic communications (such as NMEA 0183, also known as IEC 61162). Timing is vital to
the proper synchronization and slot mapping (transmission scheduling) for a Class A unit. Therefore,
every unit is required to have an internal time base, synchronized to a global navigation satellite
system (e.g. GPS) receiver. This internal receiver may also be used for position information.
However, position is typically provided by an external receiver such as GPS, LORAN or an inertial
navigation system and the internal receiver is only used as a backup for position information. Other
information broadcast by the AIS, if available, is electronically obtained from shipboard equipment
through standard marine data connections. Heading information, position (latitude and longitude),
"speed over ground", and rate of turn are normally provided by all ships equipped with AIS. Other
information, such as angle of heel, pitch and roll, destination, and ETA may also be provided.
An AIS transponder normally works in an autonomous and continuous mode, regardless of whether
it is operating in the open seas or coastal or inland areas. AIS transponders use two different
frequencies, VHF maritime channels 87B (161.975 MHz) and 88B (162.025 MHz), and use 9.6 kbit/s
Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) modulation over 25 or 12.5 kHz channels using the High-
level Data Link Control (HDLC) packet protocol. Although only one radio channel is necessary, each
station transmits and receives over two radio channels to avoid interference problems, and to allow
channels to be shifted without communications loss from other ships. The system provides for
automatic contention resolution between itself and other stations, and communications integrity is
maintained even in overload situations.
In order to make the most efficient use of the bandwidth available, vessels that are anchored or
moving slowly transmit less frequently than those that are moving faster or are maneuvering. The
update rate ranges from 3 minutes for anchored or moored vessels, to 2 seconds for fast moving or
maneuvering vessels, the latter being similar to that of conventional marine radar.
Each AIS station determines its own transmission schedule (slot), based upon data link traffic history
and an awareness of probable future actions by other stations. A position report from one station fits
into one of 2,250 time slots established every 60 seconds on each frequency. AIS stations
continuously synchronize themselves to each other, to avoid overlap of slot transmissions. Slot
selection by an AIS station is randomized within a defined interval and tagged with a random
timeout of between 0 and 8 frames. When a station changes its slot assignment, it announces both
the new location and the timeout for that location. In this way new stations, including those stations
which suddenly come within radio range close to other vessels, will always be received by those
The required ship reporting capacity according to the IMO performance standard is a minimum of
2,000 time slots per minute, though the system provides 4,500 time slots per minute. The SOTDMA
broadcast mode allows the system to be overloaded by 400 to 500% through sharing of slots, and
still provides nearly 100% throughput for ships closer than 8 to 10 nmi to each other in a ship to ship
mode. In the event of system overload, only targets further away will be subject to drop-out, in order
to give preference to nearer targets, which are of greater concern to ship operators. In practice, the
capacity of the system is nearly unlimited, allowing for a great number of ships to be accommodated
at the same time.
The system coverage range is similar to other VHF applications. The range of any VHF radio is
determined by multiple factors, the primary factors are: the height and quality of the transmitting
antenna and the height and quality of the receiving antenna. Its propagation is better than that of
radar, due to the longer wavelength, so it is possible to reach around bends and behind islands if the
land masses are not too high. The look-ahead distance at sea is nominally 20 nmi (37 km). With the
help of repeater stations, the coverage for both ship and VTS stations can be improved considerably.
The system is backward compatible with digital selective calling systems, allowing shore-based
GMDSS systems to inexpensively establish AIS operating channels and identify and track AIS-
equipped vessels, and is intended to fully replace existing DSC-based transponder systems.
Bore Tides:
The bore tide is a rush of seawater that returns to a shallow and narrowing inlet from a broad bay.
Bore tides come in after extreme minus low tides created by the full or new moon.
Bore tides occur all over the world—there are around 60 of them—but only a few are large enough
to make a name for themselves. One in China, for example, stretches almost 30 feet tall and travels
more than 20 miles per hour. Alaska’s most famous bore tide occurs in Turnagain Arm, just outside
Anchorage. It climbs up to 6 – 10 feet tall and can reach speeds of 10 to 15 miles per hour. It takes
not just a low tide but also about a 27-foot tidal differential (between high and low tide) for a bore to
form in Turnagain Arm. bore tide is a wave (or waves) of water formed by an incoming tide.
Bore tides occur in narrow bays and rivers where they move against the current of the water.
Bore tides can be as large as 30 feet high and travel at speeds up to 25 mph; these statistics are for
the largest known tidal bore, which occurs in the Qiantang River in China.
Bore tides occur when water has withdrawn to its lowest level, after extremely low tides have been
formed by a full or new moon.
Bore tides exist in only 60 locations throughout the world. The Turnagain Arm and the Knik Arm in
Alaska are the only two locations in the United States where bore tides occur. Other locations with
bore tides include the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada, and the Amazon River in Brazil.
Semidiurnal means twice-daily. In relation to tides, this means that there are two tidal cycles per
day. In other words, during a typical day the tides reach their highest point lowest point twice each
day. Some locations only have once daily tide changes, or diurnal tides.
The basic cause of tides is gravity. As the the sun and moon pull at the Earth, the tides bulge in that
direction. As we rotate, that location of pull is released, causing a tide.
Tidal changes are the net result of multiple influences that act over varying periods. These influence
s are called tidal constituents. The primary constituents are the Earth's rotation, the positions
of the Moon and the Sun relative to Earth, the Moon's altitude (elevation) above the Earth's equator,
and bathymetry.
Variations with periods of less than half a day are called harmonic constituents. Conversely, cycles of
days, months, or years are referred to as long period constituents.
The tidal forces affect the entire earth, but the movement of the solid Earth is only centimeters. The
atmosphere is much more fluid and compressible so its surface moves kilometers, in the sense of the
contour level of a particular low pressure in the outer atmosphere.
In most locations, the largest constituent is the "principal lunar semi-diurnal", also known as the M2
(or M2) tidal constituent. Its period is about 12 hours and 25.2 minutes, exactly half a tidal lunar day,
which is the average time separating one lunar zenith from the next, and thus is the time required for
the Earth to rotate once relative to the Moon. Simple tide clocks track this constituent. The lunar day
is longer than the Earth day because the Moon orbits in the same direction the Earth spins. This is
analogous to the minute hand on a watch crossing the hour hand at 12:00 and then again at about
1:05½ (not at 1:00).
The Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth rotates on its axis, so it takes slightly
more than a day—about 24 hours and 50 minutes—for the Moon to return to the same location in
the sky. During this time, it has passed overhead (culmination) once and underfoot once (at an hour
angle of 00:00 and 12:00 respectively), so in many places the period of strongest tidal forcing is the
above mentioned, about 12 hours and 25 minutes. The moment of highest tide is not necessarily
when the Moon is nearest to zenith or nadir, but the period of the forcing still determines the time
between high tides.
Because the gravitational field created by the Moon weakens with distance from the Moon, it exerts a
slightly stronger than average force on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, and a slightly weaker
force on the opposite side. The Moon thus tends to "stretch" the Earth slightly along the line
connecting the two bodies. The solid Earth deforms a bit, but ocean water, being fluid, is free to move
much more in response to the tidal force, particularly horizontally. As the Earth rotates, the
magnitude and direction of the tidal force at any particular point on the Earth's surface change
constantly; although the ocean never reaches equilibrium—there is never time for the fluid to "catch
up" to the state it would eventually reach if the tidal force were constant—the changing tidal force
nonetheless causes rhythmic changes in sea surface height.
When there are two high tides each day with different heights (and two low tides also of different
heights), the pattern is called a mixed semi-diurnal tide.
The semi-diurnal range (the difference in height between high and low waters over about half a day)
varies in a two-week cycle. Approximately twice a month, around new moon and full moon when the
Sun, Moon and Earth form a line (a condition known as syzygy) the tidal force due to the sun
reinforces that due to the Moon. The tide's range is then at its maximum: this is called the spring tide,
or just springs. It is not named after the season but, like that word, derives from the meaning "jump,
burst forth, rise", as in a natural spring.
When the Moon is at first quarter or third quarter, the sun and Moon are separated by 90° when
viewed from the Earth, and the solar tidal force partially cancels the Moon's. At these points in the
lunar cycle, the tide's range is at its minimum: this is called the neap tide, or neaps (a word of
uncertain origin).
Spring tides result in high waters that are higher than average, low waters that are lower than
average, 'slack water' time that is shorter than average and stronger tidal currents than average.
Neaps result in less extreme tidal conditions. There is about a seven-day interval between springs
and neaps.
At the surface of the earth, the earth's force of gravitational attraction acts in a direction inward
toward its center of mass, and thus holds the ocean water confined to this surface. However, the
gravitational forces of the moon and sun also act externally upon the earth's ocean waters. These
external forces are exerted as tide-producing, or so-called "tractive" forces. Their effects are
superimposed upon the earth's gravitational force and act to draw the ocean waters to positions on
the earth's surface directly beneath these respective celestial bodies (i.e., towards the "sublunar" and
"subsolar" points).
High tides are produced in the ocean waters by the "heaping" action resulting from the horizontal
flow of water toward two regions of the earth representing positions of maximum attraction of
combined lunar and solar gravitational forces. Low tides are created by a compensating maximum
withdrawal of water from regions around the earth midway between these two humps. The
alternation of high and low tides is caused by the daily (or diurnal) rotation of the earth with respect
to these two tidal humps and two tidal depressions. The changing arrival time of any two successive
high or low tides at any one location is the result of numerous factors later to be discussed.
To all outward appearances, the moon revolves around the earth, but in actuality, the moon and
earth revolve together around their common center of mass, or gravity. The two astronomical bodies
are held together by gravitational attraction, but are simultaneously kept apart by an equal and
opposite centrifugal force produced by their individual revolutions around the center-of-mass of the
earth-moon system. This balance of forces in orbital revolution applies to the center-of-mass of the
individual bodies only. At the earth's surface, an imbalance between these two forces results in the
fact that there exists, on the hemisphere of the earth turned toward the moon, a net (or differential)
tide-producing force which acts in the direction of the moon's gravitational attraction, or toward the
center of the moon. On the side of the earth directly opposite the moon, the net tide-producing force
is in the direction of the greater centrifugal force, or away from the moon.
Similar differential forces exist as the result of the revolution of the center-of-mass of the earth
around the center-of-mass of the earth-sun system.
The tide-raising forces at the earth's surface thus result from a combination of basic forces: (1) the
force of gravitation exerted by the moon (and sun) upon the earth; and (2) centrifugal forces
produced by the revolutions of the earth and moon (and earth and sun) around their common
center-of-gravity (mass) or barycenter. The effects of those forces acting in the earth-moon system
will here be discussed, with the recognition that a similar force complex exists in the earth-sun
With respect to the center of mass of the earth or the center of mass of the moon, the above two
forces always remain in balance (i.e., equal and opposite). In consequence, the moon revolves in a
closed orbit around the earth, without either escaping from, or falling into the earth - and the earth
likewise does not collide with the moon. However, at local points on, above, or within the earth, these
two forces are not in equilibrium, and oceanic, atmospheric, and earth tides are the result.
A sea-
(or onshore breeze) is a wind from the sea that develops over land near coasts. It is formed by
increasing temperature differences between the land and water; these create a pressure minimum
over the land due to its relative warmth, and forces higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to move
inland. Generally, air temperature gets cooler relative to nearby locations as one moves closer to a
large body of water.[1] The sea has a greater heat capacity than land and can therefore absorb more
heat than the land, so the surface of the sea warms up more slowly than the land's surface.[2] As the
temperature of the surface of the land rises, the land heats the air above it. The warm air is less dense
and so it rises. This rising air over the land lowers the sea level pressure by about 0.2%. The cooler
air above the sea, now with higher sea level pressure, flows towards the land into the lower pressure,
creating a cooler breeze near the coast. The strength of the sea breeze is directly proportional to the
temperature difference between the land and the sea. If the environmental wind field is greater than
8 knots and opposing the direction of a possible sea breeze, the sea breeze is not likely to develop.[3]
A land breeze:
Type of wind that blows from the land to the ocean. When there is a temperature difference between
the land surface and the ocean, winds will move offshore. Although commonly associated with ocean
shorelines, land breezes can also be experienced near any large body of water such as a lake.
Land breezes usually occur at night. During the day, the sun will heat land surfaces, but only to a
depth of a few inches. At night, water will retain more of its heat than land surfaces. Water has a high
heat capacity which is one reason hurricane season officially extends through the chilly November
months. At night, the temperature of the land cools quickly without the insolation from the sun. Heat
is rapidly re-radiated back to the surrounding air. The water along the shore will then be warmer
than the coastal land creating a net movement of air from the land surfaces towards the ocean.
Why? The movement of the wind is a result of differences in air pressure over the land and the ocean.
Warm air is less dense and rises. Cool air is more dense and sinks. As the temperature of the land
surfaces cool, the warm air rises and creates a small area of high pressure near the land surface.
Since winds blow from areas of high to low pressure, the net movement of wind is from the shore to
the water.
3.Cool air collects forming a high pressure zone above the surface of the ocean.
4.A low pressure zone forms above the land surface from the rapid loss of heat.
5.A high pressure zone forms as the cooler land cools the air immediately above the surface.
7.Winds at the surface flow from high to low pressure creating a land breeze.
A katabatic wind originates from radiational cooling of air atop a plateau, a mountain, glacier, or
even a hill. Since the density of air is inversely proportional to temperature, the air will flow
downwards, warming adiabatically as it descends. The temperature of the wind depends on the
temperature in the source region and the amount of descent. In the case of the Santa Ana, for
example, the wind can (but does not always) become hot by the time it reaches sea level. In the case
of Antarctica, by contrast, the wind is still intensely cold.
The entire near-surface wind field over Antarctica is largely determined by the katabatic winds,
particularly outside the summer season, except in coastal regions when storms may impose their
own windfield.
Katabatic winds are most commonly found blowing out from the large and elevated ice sheets of
Antarctica and Greenland. The buildup of high density cold air over the ice sheets and the elevation
of the ice sheets brings into play enormous gravitational energy. Where these winds are
concentrated into restricted areas in the coastal valleys, the winds blow well over hurricane force. In
a few regions of continental Antarctica the snow is scoured away by the force of the katabatic winds,
leading to "dry valleys".Since the katabatic winds are descending, they tend to have a low relative
humidity which desiccates the region. Other regions may have a similar but lesser effect, leading to
"blue ice" areas where the snow is removed and the surface ice evaporates, but is replenished by
glacier flow from upstream.
Winds can reach force 7 or more. They are a menace to small crafts and vessels at anchor
An anabatic wind,
from the Greek anabatos, verbal of anabainein meaning moving upward, is a warm wind which blows
up a steep slope or mountain side, driven by heating of the slope through insolation.[1][2] It is also
known as an upslope flow. These winds typically occur during the daytime in calm sunny weather. A
hill or mountain top will be radiatively warmed by the Sun which in turn heats the air just above it.
Air at a similar altitude over an adjacent valley or plain does not get warmed so much because of the
greater distance to the ground below it. The effect may be enhanced if the lower lying ground is
shaded by the mountain and so receives less heat.
The air over the hill top is now warmer than the air at a similar altitude around it and will rise
through convection. This creates a lower pressure region into which the air at the bottom of the
slope flows, causing the wind. It is common for the air rising from the tops of large mountains to
reach a height where it cools adiabatically to below its dew point and forms cumulus clouds. These
can then produce rain or even thunderstorms.
Anabatic winds are particularly useful to soaring glider pilots who can use them to increase the
aircraft's altitude (this necessitates flying through cloud which in some countries such as Australia is
illegal). Anabatic winds can be detrimental to the maximum downhill speed of cyclists.
Conversely, katabatic winds are down-slope winds, frequently produced at night by the opposite
effect, the air near to the ground losing heat to it faster than air at a similar altitude over adjacent
low-lying land.
Pilot transfer arrangements – revised requirements enter into force on 01 st July 2012
This newsletter outlines revised requirements as to pilot ladder arrangements which enter into force
on 1 July 2012. A key issue is the interpretation of the installation date for such arrangements in
order to identify whether the revised requirements apply. DNV’s practice of applying the installation
date for this equipment, based on the latest instructions given by IMO, is stated below.
On DNV.com: Pilot transfer arrangements – revised requirements enter into force on 1 July 2012
In December 2010, IMO MSC 88 adopted MSC.308(88), which contains amendments to SOLAS
regulation V/23 on pilot transfer arrangements in order to update and improve safety aspects
relating to pilot transfers. Briefly, this means:
found in A.1045(27) from November 2011 and MSC.308(88) from December 2010, versus the old
SOLAS regulation V/23:
Vessels in operation
The following summarises the implications for vessels in operation:
Approval/Certification of the pilot ladder
New pilot ladders shall be approved or certified according to that stated below:
For ships flying an EU flag, the pilot ladder is required to be MED approved according to item
A.1/4.49 of the MED Directive 96/98/EC as amended.
For ships not flying an EU flag, the pilot ladder shall be certified by the manufacturer as stipulated
by MSC.308(88) V/23.2.3.
Installation date
An interpretation of the installation date is given by IMO in MSC/Circ.1375 (December 2010). This
interpretation was amended at MSC 90 (May 2012) and a revision MSC/Circ.1375/Rev.1 is to be
published by IMO in the near future with the following wording:
(note: only 1.2 is amended)
1.1, for ships for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2012, or in the absence of the
contract, constructed on or after 1 July 2012, “installed on or after 1 July 2012” means any installation
on the ship; and
1.2, for ships other than those ships prescribed in .1 above, “installed on or after 1 July 2012” means a
contractual delivery date for the system, in its entirety or for individual components of the system, as
relevant, to the ship on or after 1 July 2012 or, in the absence of a contractual delivery date, the actual
delivery of the system, in its entirety or for individual components, to the ship on or after 1 July 2012.
This does not apply to equipment and arrangements covered by paragraph 1.4 of regulation V/23.
Large roll angle quickly generated in head/stern or near head/stern sea conditions. Period is about
half the natural roll period, occurs in phase with large pitch angle. There are two pitch cycles for each
roll cycle and maximum roll always occurs when the ship is pitched down. Quite unexpectedly, the
roll angle can increase from a few degrees to over 30 degrees in only a few cycles. On container ships,
the violent motions could introduce extreme loads on containers and their securing systems,
resulting failures and lost of containers overboard. in real-life, these ships have sustained one of the
largest casualties in history with hundreds of containers damaged or lost overboard.
Today's Post-Panamax container ship designs feature wide beam and large bow flares in order to
carry more containers on deck while still minimize the resistance with the stream lined underwater
hull. As wave travels down along the hull, the stability (as indicated by GM) varies as the wave crests
travel along the hull. When the bow is down due to moderate pitching couple with slight roll, the
large flare suddenly immersed in the wave crest. The restoring buoyancy force plus the wave
excitation force would "push" the ship to the other side. Similar action will happen on the other side
as the bow pitch down in the next cycle. This coupled, synchronous motions could lead to large roll
angles with sort period in few cycles even with moderately high waves.
Due to the unexpected nature of the motion as compared with synchronous roll in following or beam
seas on smaller and finer ships, parametric roll is quite dangerous. Unfortunately, it is a phenomenon
can be duplicated in controlled model test environment and with time-domain computer
simulations, but unpredictable in real seas when multiple seas and swells coming from different
directions. From the research studies carried out so far, the following have been observed:
1. Parametric roll occurs when natural roll period is between 1.8 to 2.1 times the encounter
period (normally associated with the pitching period)
2. Larger flare the more likely is the parametric roll angle and wider range of resonance.
3. It requires a group of waves above a threshold or critical height for parametric roll to be
initiated and sustained. The threshold depends on size and shape of the hull.
The frequency domain linear ship motion prediction tools cannot predict such occurrence and it is
impractical to run the computer intensive time-domain simulations for all types of wave conditions
and varying ship loading conditions.
First stay calm. When detecting the short roll period close to the pitching period, it is a warning of
the parametric roll inception. Change heading to beam seas is the fastest way of getting rid of it. Then
slowly come back to the original heading if necessary.
Nature has its way of taking care of things. For ship's loading condition with high GMs, i.e. shorter
natural roll period say around 10 second, the waves that could cause the pitching period around 5
seconds are usually not very high and therefore unlikely to initiate parametric rolling in head/stern
seas. However, the synchronous roll may occur in beam seas. So the way to reduce the roll is by
heading into the sea.
For ship's loading conditions with low GMs, i.e. long natural roll periods, parametric roll in
head/stern seas of moderately high seastate is likely. But synchronous roll in beam seas is unlikely.
It is hoped that with future R&D, we will be able to correlate the parametric roll with predictive
events such as large relative bow motions and bow submergence (indicating flare immersion),
thereby alert the master in the route planning stage or change loading conditions (GMs) before
Metacentre has a direct relationship with a ship's rolling period. A ship with a small GM will be
"tender" - have a long roll period. An excessively low or negative GM increases the risk of a ship
capsizing in rough weather. It also puts the vessel at risk of potential for large angles of heel if the
cargo or ballast shifts, such as with the Cougar Ace. A ship with low GM is less safe if damaged and
partially flooded because the lower metacentric height leaves less safety margin. For this reason,
maritime regulatory agencies such as the International Maritime Organization specify minimum
safety margins for sea-going vessels. A larger metacentric height on the other hand can cause a vessel
to be too "stiff"; excessive stability is uncomfortable for passengers and crew. This is because the stiff
vessel quickly responds to the sea as it attempts to assume the slope of the wave. An overly stiff
vessel rolls with a short period and high amplitude which results in high angular acceleration. This
increases the risk of damage to the ship and to cargo and may cause excessive roll in special
circumstances where eigenperiod of wave coincide with eigenperiod of ship roll. Roll damping by
bilge keels of sufficient size will reduce the hazard. Criteria for this dynamic stability effect remains
to be developed. In contrast a "tender" ship lags behind the motion of the waves and tends to roll at
lesser amplitudes. A passenger ship will typically have a long rolling period for comfort, perhaps 12
seconds while a tanker or freighter might have a rolling period of 6 to 8 seconds.
The period of roll can be estimated from the following equation, where g is the gravitational
constant, k is the radius of gyration about the longitudinal axis through the centre of gravity and is
the stability index.
Damaged stability
If a ship floods, the loss of stability is caused by the increase in B, the centre of buoyancy, and the loss
of waterplane area - thus a loss of the waterplane moment of inertia - which decreases the
metacentric height. This additional mass will also reduce freeboard (distance from water to the
deck) and the ship's angle of down flooding (minimum angle of heel at which water will be able to
flow into the hull). The range of positive stability will be reduced to the angle of down flooding
resulting in a reduced righting lever. When the vessel is inclined, the fluid in the flooded volume will
move to the lower side, shifting its centre of gravity toward the list, further extending the heeling
force. This is known as the free surface effect.
Angle of flooding
Angle of heel at which openings in the hull, superstructures or deckhouses that cannot be closed
weather tight immerse. Small openings through which progressive flooding cannot take place need
not be considered.
Progressive flooding is the additional flooding of spaces which were not previously assumed to be
damaged. (water floods in through weathertight openings which are submerged)
Centre of gravity
Point through which the force of gravity may be considered to act vertically downwards with a force
equal to the weight of the ship.
Centre of buoyancy
Point through which the force of buoyance may be considered to act vertically upwards with a force
equal to weight of water displaced by the ship. It is the geometric centre of the under water volume
of the ship.
Transverse metacentre
The point of intersection of the vertical through the center of buoyancy of a ship in the position of
equilibrium with the vertical through the new center of buoyancy when the ship is slightly heeled
Metacentric height
It is calculated as the vertical distance between the centre of gravity of a ship and its metacentre
Righting lever
GZ = GM sin Ɵ for small angles
GZ = (GM + 1/2x BM tan²Ɵ) sin Ɵ
GZ is referred to as the righting lever and is the perpendicular distance between the centre of gravity
and the vertical through the new centre of buoyancy.
Righting moment
RM = W x GZ t-m
The moment of this couple is the tendency of the vessel to return to upright and hence it is called the
righting moment or moment of statical stability
1) It is defined as the ability of a ship to regain its upright equilibrium position, after the removal of
external factor which caused the vessel to heel at an angle.
2) It gives the stability information of a vessel under the condition that the outside water is static.
3) It is expressed in terms of metacentric height. i.e. GM ( for angle of heel up to 10 degree) and
righting lever GZ ( for angle of heel above 10 degree)
4) It’s unit is meter
5) Static stability at two different angle of heel can be the same.
Angle of contraflexure
When the curve changes from concave to convex
Range of stability
Range of angles when ship has positive GZ
Angle of vanishing stability
Angle at which GZ changes from positive to zero
Angle of loll
is angle at which GZ changes from negative to zero
area under the gz curve indicates the amount of righting moment required to bring the vessel
upright at different angles of heel.
How to increase angle of contraflexure or deck edge immersion
Deballast or lighten the ship by removing or jettisoning cargo
What is stability
Act of keeping vessel stable
Tendency to return to original equilibrium position after being disturbed by an external force
1. Identification
2. Composition
3. Hazards identification
4. First aid measures
5. Fire fighting measures
6. Accidental release measures
7. Handling and storage
8. Exposure controls/ personal protection
9. Physical and chemical properties
10. Stability and reactivity
11. Toxicological information
12. Ecological information
13. Disposal considerations
14. Transport information
15. Regulatory information
16. Other information
safety data sheet (SDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is an important component of product
stewardship and Occupational safety and health. It is intended to provide workers and emergency
personnel with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner, and
includes information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity,
health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling
procedures. MSDS formats can vary from source to source within a country depending on national
SDSs are a widely used system for cataloging information on chemicals, chemical compounds, and
chemical mixtures. SDS information may include instructions for the safe use and potential hazards
associated with a particular material or product. These data sheets can be found anywhere where
chemicals are being used. There is also a duty to properly label substances on the basis of physico-
chemical, health and/or environmental risk. Labels can include hazard symbols such as the European
Union standard black diagonal cross on an orange background, used to denote a harmful substance.
An SDS for a substance is not primarily intended for use by the general consumer, focusing instead
on the hazards of working with the material in an occupational setting. In some jurisdictions, the SDS
is required to state the chemical's risks, safety, and effect on the environment.
It is important to use an SDS specific to both country and supplier, as the same product (e.g. paints
sold under identical brand names by the same company) can have different formulations in different
countries. The formulation and hazard of a product using a generic name (e.g. sugar soap) may vary
between manufacturers in the same country.
Angle of loll:
Angle of loll is a term used to describe the state of a ship which is unstable when upright (ie: has a
negative metacentric height, GM) and therefore takes on an angle of heel to either port or starboard.
When a vessel has negative GM i.e., is in unstable equilibrium, any external force, if applied the
vessel, will cause it to start heeling. As the heels, its underwater volume increases, which increases
the vessel's BM (distance from the center of buoyancy to the metacenter). Since there is no change in
KB (distance from the keel to the center of buoyancy) of the vessel, the KM (distance from keel to the
metacenter) of the vessel increases.
At some angle of heel (say 10°), KM will increase sufficiently equal to KG (distance from the keel to
the center of gravity), thus making GM of vessel equal to zero. When this occurs, the vessel goes to
neutral equalibrium, and the angle of heel at which it happens is called angle of loll, In other words,
when an unstable vessel heels over towards a progressively increasing angle of heel, at a certain
angle of heel, the center of buoyancy (B) may fall vertically below the center of gravity (G). Note that
Angle of List should not be confused with angle of loll. Angle of List is caused by unequal loading on
either side of center line of vessel.
Although vessel at angle of loll does display features of stable equilibrium, it is an extremely
dangerous situation, timely remedial action is required to prevent the vessel from capsizing.
It is often caused by the influence of a large free surface or the loss of stability due to damaged
compartments. It is different from list in that the vessel is not induced to heel to one side or the other
by the distribution of weight, it is merely incapable of maintaining a zero heel attitude.
(a) This is the maximum angle you can have the grain at. Check out the stability book to make sure
you can safely take this amount of grain onboard. Make sure the ship is fumigated before the grain is
taken aboard (it can be oxygen deficient or have flammable gases in it)
When a ship is fumigated, the detailed recommendations contained in the Recommendations on the
Safe Use of Pesticides in Ships" should be followed. Spaces adjacent to fumigated spaces should be
treated as if fumigated.
Failure to observe simple procedures can lead to people being unexpectedly overcome when
entering enclosed spaces. Observance of the principals outlined above will form a reliable basis for
assessing risks in such spaces and for taking necessary precautions
Find out the type of grain carried and see what (if any) gases it gives off
Find out what draft and freeboard you have before loading and after loading
Make sure that the grain cannot shift by taking precautions using boards transversely and athwart
ships to minimize F.S.E. (Free Surface Effect)
Watch for overheating (sweating though Cargo sweat or Ships sweat) both are dangerous and can
ignite and explode by itself
MLC 2010 and the seafarer onboard a ship - some new bits . . .
Many shipowners and seafarers do not realise it as yet, but the Maritime Labour Convention 2010
(MLC 2010) which is going to come into force next year (2011), will be implemented by Port State
Control. So it does not matter if your Flag State has ratified or signed on to the convention or not - if
the Port State has signed on, then compliance by owners, operators, Master and seafarers will be
Ofcourse, the above is still evolving, and there may be variations as and when the MLC 2010 comes
into force in your Flag State. But expect the Port State Control to implement their version of MLC
2010 with vigour, and soon.
- Personnel designated to safety and security related matters - Able seafarer deck & engine
- New guidance for crew on offshore support vessels and ships in polar waters
- For all officers substantial new requirements on leadership, teamwork and managerial skills -
Assertiveness training will be required for all seafarers
- All deck and engine rating trainees will have to demonstrate competence through onboard
- New security familiarization and training requirements for all grades of shipboard personnel -
Seafarers may already comply through seagoing service or previous training
- New and comprehensive tables for training in oil, chemical and gas tanker operation at both
Medical Standards
- Electro-Technical Officer
- Electro-Technical Rating
Refresher Training
- All seafarers are required to provide evidence of competence in basic safety training
- Much of the refresher training can be conducted onboard, but some will require training ashore
- Seafarers holding certificates of proficiency for survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats or
advanced firefighting must show maintenance of these competencies every 5 years
- New limits:
- Minimum 77 hours in any 7 day period
- The rest hours are applicable to all seafarers on board, including Masters
- From January 1st 2012 seafarers will have to review and sign their record of hours of rest
- It is expected that Port State Control will pay increasing attention to Hours of Rest!
Seafarers holding certificates issued prior to January 1st 2012 have to meet new requirements in
order for certificates to be revalidated beyond January 1st 2017
From January 1st 2014 all seafarers will have to be trained and certified in security matters
From 2017 all medical certificates must be issued in accordance with the 2010 amendments
Rest hours
Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which
shall be at least six hours in length, and the interval between consecutive periods of rest
shall not exceed 14 hours.
- All seafarers shall be trained or certified as competent or otherwise qualified to perform their
duties under MLC (those not covered by STCW)
- All seafarers shall have successfully completed training for personal safety
Medical certificates
- Joint Working Group (JWG) between IMO and ILO to align medical certification of seafarers as well
as harmonizing requirements for ships’ medicine chest On-going.
New rest hours for seafarers
New grades of certificates of competence for Able seaman in both deck and engine
New and updated training, refreshing requirements
Mandatory security training
Additional medical standards
Specific Alcohol limits in blood or breath.
The bearing of a great circle projected through two known points and the observer. It is a line drawn
on a chart through two features observed to be in line (i.e., in transit) and which passes through the
aircraft’s position at the time of the sighting. This line, a true bearing, is also a position line.
Double Bottom:
Double Bottom is a construction method used in the construction of a ship. The double
bottom space is formed by fitting of additional plating above the bottom plating, extending
from side to side and over most of the length of the vessel. The inner bottom plating is
called the Tank Top is constructed to provide a watertight space below it. This watertight
space is called a double bottom tank. Most dry cargo ships and bulk carriers are fitted with
double bottoms. Many tankers are also being constructed with these structural
Typically, double bottom depths vary from 1-1.5m. the following are some of the
advantages of double bottomed ships:
1. Provide double protection to the hull in case of grounding or bottom damage. Helps to
prevent pollution in case of tankers.
2. Provides great longitudinal strength to the bottom of the ship where there is most
required. As the mass of the cargo acts on the bottom, this area needs to be the strongest
especially when carrying high-density cargoes.
4. Because of their location, Double Bottoms help to maintain safe levels of stability (GM)
during ballast passages while providing the required draughts and trim.
5. Since most of the Double Bottoms are longitudinally divided, from surface effects due to
slack tanks are reduced to negligible levels.
1. A water tight centre girder divides the compartment into two separate tanks, port and
star board. Side girders will also be fitted on either side of the center girder. These are not
usually watertight and are provided with lightening holes for air, liquid flow and access.
The girders extend the full depth of the double bottom tank.
2. Transversely, three types of floors are fitted in Double Bottom, namely watertight floor-
these are solid plates extending the full depth of the Double Bottom and the entire breadth
of the tank. They are fitted underneath the watertight bulkhead and provided water
tightness between tanks in the longitudinal direction. These are the strongest floor.
Plate Floor
These are plates very similar to the water tight floors, but having lightening holes cut in
them, so that they are not water tight. Air holes, drain holes are also provided.
Bracket Floor
Fitted between plate floors to provide support for the tank top. The main part of the plate is
omitted and only a bar is fitted. On each side of the center girder and at the side, flanged
brackets are found.
1. Bottom longitudinals are fitted both on the bottom plating as well as under the tank top.
Centre and side girders as in the transversely framed Double Bottom above.
2. Floor arrangement is similar to the transversely framed Double Bottom, except that in
the case of the bracket, the bar is omitted.
Pellorus, compass card, Binacle, magnets, heeling error bucket, sphere, needle, Flinder bars Sprit
Speed and distance run indicated on a large illuminated LCD display. Compact display unit and
transducer. High accuracy by utilizing the Doppler principle, paired beam eliminating effect of
pitching, and velocity correction for change of water temperature. Easy speed correction at mile post
run. Speed output to ARPA, radar, ECDIS, AIS, VDR, GMDSS equipment, etc.
Complies with IMO standards MSC.96(72), A.824(19), A.694(17), IEC 61023 and other related
standards. Fully meets SOLAS carriage requirement for ships over 300GT. Fits to the hull either
directly or with a gate valve.
An Electromagnetic Log, sometimes called an "EM Log", measures the speed of a vessel through
water. It operates on the principle that:
when a conductor (such as water) passes through an electromagnetic field, a voltage is created and
the amount of voltage created increases as the speed of the conductor increases.
The process is the EM Log creates an electromagnetic field. a voltage is induced in the water; the
magnitude of the voltage varies depending upon the speed of the water flow past the sensor. the EM
Log measures the voltage created and translates this into the vessel's speed through water.
Measurements affected by boundary layer, (water speed slowed down close to the hull by friction).
Galvanic series
Metals can be arranged in a galvanic series representing the potential they develop in a given
electrolyte against a standard reference electrode. The relative position of two metals on such a
series gives a good indication of which metal is more likely to corrode more quickly. However, other
factors such as water aeration and flow rate can influence the process markedly.
Galvanic corrosion is of major interest to the marine industry. Galvanic series tables for seawater are
commonplace due to the extensive use of metal in shipbuilding. It is possible that corrosion of silver
brazing in a salt water pipe caused a failure that led to the USS Thresher sinking with all men lost.
The common technique of cleaning silver by immersion of the silver and a piece of alluminium in an
electrolytic bath (usually sodium bicarbonate) is an example of galvanic corrosion. (Care should be
exercised for reasons such as this will strip silver oxide from the silver which may be there for
decoration. Use on plated silver is inadvisable as this may introduce unwanted galvanic corrosion
with the base metal.)
Preventing galvanic corrosion:
There are several ways of reducing and preventing this form of corrosion. One way is to electrically
insulate the two metals from each other. Unless they are in electrical contact, there can be no
galvanic couple set up. This can be done using plastic or another insulator to separate steel water
pipes from copper-based fittings or by using a coat of grease to separate aluminium and steel parts.
Use of absorbent washers that may retain fluid is often counter-productive. Piping can be isolated
with a spool of pipe made of plastic materials or made of metal material internally coated or lined. It
is important that the spool has a minimum length of approx 500 mm to be effective.
Another way is to keep the metals dry or shielded from ionic compounds (salts, acids, bases), for
example by painting or encasing the protected metal in plastic or epoxy, and allowing them to dry.
Coating the two materials or if it is not possible to coat both, the coating shall be applied to the more
noble, the material with higher potential. This is necessary because if the coating is applied only on
the more active material, in case of damage of the coating there will be a large cathode area and a
very small anode area, and for the area effect the corrosion rate will be very high.
It is also possible to choose metals that have similar potentials. The more closely matched the
individual potentials, the lesser the potential difference and hence the lesser the galvanic current.
Using the same metal for all construction is the most precise way of matching potentials.
Finally, an electrical power supply may be connected to oppose the corrosive galvanic current.
Cathodic protection on ships is often implemented by galvanic anodes attached to the hull, rather
than using ICCP. Since ships are regularly removed from the water for inspections and maintenance,
it is a simple task to replace the galvanic anodes.
Galvanic anodes are generally shaped to reduced drag in the water and fitted flush to the hull to also
try to minimize drag. Smaller vessels, with non-metallic hulls, such as yachts, will also use galvanic
anodes to protect areas such as the rudder, but depend on an electrical connection between the
anode and the item to be protected.
ICCP on ships:
DC power supply is provided within the ship and the anodes mounted on the outside of the hull. The
anode cables are introduced into the ship via a compression seal fitting and routed to the DC power
source. The negative cable from the power supply is simply attached to the hull to complete the
circuit. Ship ICCP anodes are flush-mounted, minimizing the effects of drag on the ship, and located a
minimum 5 ft below the light load line in an area to avoid mechanical damage. The current density
required for protection is a function of velocity and considered when selecting the current capacity
and location of anode placement on the hull.
Some ships may require specialist treatment, for example aluminium hulls with steel fixtures will
create an electrochemical cell where the aluminum hull can act as a galvanic anode and corrosion is
enhanced. In cases like this, aluminium or zinc galvanic anodes can be used to offset the potential
difference between the aluminium hull and the steel fixture. If the steel fixtures are large, several
galvanic anodes may be required, or even a small ICCP system.
For example, consider a system is composed of 316 SS (a 300 series stainless steel; it is a very noble
alloy meaning it is quite resistant to corrosion and has a high potential) and a mild steel (a very
active metal with lower potential). The mild steel will corrode in the presence of an electrolyte such
as salt water. If a sacrificial anode is used (such as a zinc alloy, aluminium alloy, or magnesium),
these anodes will corrode, protecting the other metals. This is a common practice in the marine
industry to protect ship equipment. Boats and vessels that are in salt water use either zinc alloy or
aluminum alloy. If boats are only in fresh water, a magnesium alloy is used. Magnesium has one of
the highest galvanic potentials of any metal. If it is used in a salt water application on a steel or
aluminum hull boat, hydrogen bubbles will form under the paint, causing blistering and peeling.
Usually, atoms have the same number of electrons and protons. Then the atom has no charge, it is
"neutral." But if you rub things together, electrons can move from one atom to another. Some atoms
get extra electrons. They have a negative charge. Other atoms lose electrons. They have a positive
charge. When charges are separated like this, it is called static electricity.
If two things have different charges, they attract, or pull towards each other. If two things have the
same charge, they repel, or push away from each other.
So, why does your hair stand up after you take your hat off? When you pull your hat off, it rubs
against your hair. Electrons move from your hair to the hat. Now each of the hairs has the same
positive charge. Things with the same charge repel each other. So the hairs try to move away from
each other. The farthest they can get is to stand up and away from all the other hairs.
If you walk across a carpet, electrons move from the rug to you. Now you have extra electrons. Touch
a door knob and ZAP! The electrons move from you to the knob. You get a shock.
It was a long time coming. What some are hailing as landmark international regulations
to reduce air pollution from ships in North American waters took effect this month.
It’s called an Emission Control Area, or ECA, and it is now in place a mere two years after
the International Maritime Organization approved an application from the U.S. and
Canada to create this “lower pollution zone.”
The ECA’s provisions are designed to prevent tons of harmful pollutants from entering
the atmosphere from ships’ smokestacks. Many of these air pollutants, such as nitrogen
oxides, sulfur oxides and particulate matter, significantly impact the health of coastal
communities and can travel hundreds of miles inland as well.
The EPA, which will oversee the program in the U.S., estimates that implementing the
ECA will prevent between 12,000 and 31,000 premature deaths each year across the U.S.
and save billions of dollars in health care costs by 2030.
Under the ECA, ships coming within 200 nautical miles of the U.S. and Canada are
required to burn cleaner fuels. And those standards will become even more stringent by
2015 – bringing Canada and the U.S. in line with similar European restrictions.
Most large vessels, including cargo, container and cruise ships, burn bunker fuel, one of
the dirtiest fuels on the planet. It is thousands of times dirtier than diesel truck fuel,
according to the EPA. In addition to its air-polluting qualities, when bunker fuel is spilled
it is almost impossible to clean up and is extremely destructive to oceans, coastal waters
and the marine life living in those waters.
Well, perhaps not entirely broad or bi-partisan. The cruise industry is working hard to
water down the ECA, lobbying Congress and the Obama administration to put in place
measures that would allow it to bypass the ECA’s rules. The cruise industry claims that it
will have to avoid North American waters if the ECA’s standards go into effect, citing
increasing costs due to switching to less polluting fuel and replacing ship equipment to
accommodate that fuel. The industry’s recent efforts include attempts to amend the ECA
to exempt cruise ships from the cleaner fuel requirements in less populated areas like
Alaska and Hawaii.
The ECA is also part of a growing trend to reduce shipping emissions. More than 50 ports
across are already reducing their carbon emissions as part of the World Ports Climate
Adoption, entry into force & date of taking effect of Special Areas
Annex I: Oil
"Gulfs" area 2 Nov 1973 2 Oct 1983 1 Aug 2008
North West European Waters 25 Sept 1997 1 Feb 1999 1 Aug 1999
Southern South African waters 13 Oct 2006 1 Mar 2008 1 Aug 2008
Annex V: Garbage
Antarctic area (south of latitude 60 degrees south) 16 Nov 1990 17 Mar 1992 17 Mar
Wider Caribbean region including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea
Annex VI: Prevention of air pollution by ships (Emission Control Areas)
(SOx, and NOx and PM) 26 Mar 2010 1 Aug 2011 1 Aug 2012
CaribbeanSeaECA (SOx, NOx and PM) 26 Jul 2011 1 Jan 2013 1 Jan 2014
of a commercial vessel is the state under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed.
The flag state has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels
registered under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification, and
issuance of safety and pollution prevention documents. As a ship operates under the
laws of its flag state, these laws are used if the ship is involved in an admiralty case.
The term "flag of convenience" describes the business practice of registering a merchant
ship in a sovereign state different from that of the ship's owners, and flying that state's
civil ensign on the ship. Ships are registered under flags of convenience to reduce
operating costs or avoid the regulations of the owner's country. Panama is currently the
world's largest flag state, with almost a quarter of the world's ocean-going tonnage
registered there.
Classification society:
To avoid liability, they explicitly take no responsibility for the safety, fitness for purpose,
or seaworthiness of the ship.
Classification societies set technical rules, confirm that designs and calculations meet
these rules, survey ships and structures during the process of construction and
commissioning, and periodically survey vessels to ensure that they continue to meet the
rules. Classification societies are also responsible for classing oil platforms, other
offshore structures, and submarines. This survey process covers diesel engines,
important shipboard pumps and other vital machinery.
Classification surveyors inspect ships to make sure that the ship, its components and
machinery are built and maintained according to the standards required for their class.
The objective of ship classification is to verify the structural strength and integrity of
essential parts of the ship’s hull and its appendages, and the reliability and function of
the propulsion and steering systems, power generation and those other features and
auxiliary systems which have been built into the ship in order to maintain essential
services on board. Classification Societies aim to achieve this objective through the
development and application of their own Rules and by verifying compliance with
international and/or national statutory regulations on behalf of flag Administrations.
Maritime labour convention
International tonnage convention
International load line convention
International convention on the control of harmful anti fouling system on
(PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in other national ports by PSC officers
(inspectors) for the purpose of verifying that the
- ship, equipment, crew does not correspond with the requirement of relevant
- master or crew not familiar with the essential ship board procedures relating to
the safety of ship or pollution prevention
- ship’s certificates are not valid
- documents required by convention are not maintained
- crew members cannot communicate effectively with one another
- serious deficiencies in safety, pollution prevention and navigational equipment
Under Port State Control (PSC), inspection of ships in port would be taken by Port State Control
Officer (PSCO). Detention of the ship is the last course of action that a PSCO would take upon finding
deficiencies aboard the vessel.
Courses of action a PSCO may impose on a ship with deficiencies (in order of ascending gravity):
The main criteria for detention is that the ship is deemed unsafe to proceed to sea and that the
deficiencies on a ship are considered serious by the inspector. These deficiencies must be rectified
before the ship may sail again. In the annual report of Paris MOU, it stated that the major deficiencies
1. Certification of crew
2. Safety
3. Maritime Security
4. Marine Pollution and Environment
5. Working and Living Condition
6. Operational
7. Management
These deficiencies are the most common concern of a PSCO. When these deficiencies are clearly
hazardous to safety, health, or the environment, the PSCO would require the hazard to be rectified
before the ship can sail or detain the vessel or even issue a formal prohibition of the ship to operate.
As these deficiencies are self-induced by the ship operator or the ship owner, detention under PSC
for the reasons listed above is not able to reach a frustration to discharge the contract on the vessel.
The contract cannot be discharged by frustration if the time under detention is not long enough to
provoked the frustration doctrine.
The PSC require a ship being detained to remedy the deficiencies, which caused the detention. If the
deficiencies cannot be remedied in the port of inspection, the port state would allow the ship to
proceed to another port under special condition. The ship become free of detention only when all the
fee induced by the inspection and detention is paid by the ship-owner.
Rationally, both the port state and the ship-owner do not want the ship to be detained for a long
time. For the port state, the hazard of the ship might affect the condition of the port, and the ship-
owner understand the vessel can only make money when it is sailing. Neither party would have the
intention to keep the vessel being detained for an extremely long period of time. Therefore, the time
of detention is normally not long enough to provoke the detention doctrine to discharge a contract.
The development of the IMDG Code dates back to the 1960 Safety of Life
at Sea Conference, which recommended that Governments should adopt
a uniform international code for the transport of dangerous goods by
sea to supplement the regulations contained in the 1960 International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
A resolution adopted by the 1960 Conference said the proposed code should cover such matters as
packing, container traffic and stowage, with particular reference to the segregation of incompatible
A working group of IMO's Maritime Safety Committee began preparing the Code in 1961, in close
co-operation with the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods,
which in a 1956 report had established minimum requirements for the transport of dangerous goods
by all modes of transport.
Since its adoption by the fourth IMO Assembly in 1965, the IMDG Code has undergone many changes,
both in appearance and content to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of industry. Amendments
which do not affect the principles upon which the Code is based may be adopted by the MSC,
allowing IMO to respond to transport developments in reasonable time.
Amendments to the IMDG Code originate from two sources; proposals submitted directly to IMO by
Member States and amendments required to take account of changes to the United Nations
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods which sets the basic requirements for all
the transport modes.
Amendments to the provisions of the United Nations Recommendations are made on a two-yearly
cycle and approximately two years after their adoption, they are adopted by the authorities
responsible for regulating the various transport modes. In that way a basic set of requirements
applicable to all modes of transport is established and implemented, thus ensuring that difficulties
are not encountered at inter-modal interfaces.
SOLAS - 12
5 years
2- Certificate of approval for FFE, DOC
3- Certificate of approval for LSA
4- nil
5- MINIMUM SAFE MANNING document/certificate of approval for navigational aids
6- DOA
7- nil
8- nil
11- ISSC
International tonnage certificate
International loadline certificate
International antifouling system certificate
Certificates for officers and crew
Certificate of approval for navigation lights
Certificate of class
order of druggist – 12 months
IMDG Code classes
For the purposes of this Code, dangerous goods are classified in different classes, to subdivide a
number of these classes and to define and describe characteristics and properties of the substances,
material and articles which would fall within each class or division. General provisons for each class
or division are given. Individual dangerous goods are listed in the Dangerous Goods List, with the
class and any specific requirements.
In accordance with the criteria for the selection of marine pollutants for the purposes of Annex III of
the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the
Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), a number of dangerous substances in the various
classes have also been identified as substances harmful to the marine environment (MARINE
The classification shall be made by the shipper/consignor or by the appropriate competent authority
where specified in this Code.
Substances (including mixtures and solutions) and articles subject to the provisions of this Code are
assigned to one of the classes 1-9 according to the hazard or the most predominant of the hazards
they present. Some of these classes are subdivided into divisions. These classes or divisions are as
listed below:
Class 1: Explosives
Division 1.1: substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.2: substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.3: substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a
minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.5: very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.6: extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard
Class 2: Gases
Class 4.3: substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
The numerical order of the classes and divisions is not that of the degree of danger.
Many of the substances assigned to classes 1 to 9 are deemed as being marine pollutants. Certain
marine pollutants have an extreme pollution potential and are identified as severe marine pollutants.
Amendments to SOLAS chapter VII (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) adopted in May 2002 make the
IMDG Code mandatory from 1 Janaury 2004.
Also in May 2002, IMO adopted adopted the IMDG Code in a mandatory form - known as Amendment
However, the provisions of the following parts of the Code will remain recommendatory:
· chapter 1.3 (Training);
· chapter 2.1 (Explosives, Introductory Notes 1 to 4 only);
· chapter 2.3, section 2.3.3 (Determination of flashpoint only);
· chapter 3.2 (columns 15 and 17 of the Dangerous Goods List only);
· chapter 3.5 (Transport schedule for Class 7 radioactive material only),
· chapter 5.4, section 5.4.5 (Multimodal dangerous goods form), insofar as layout of the form is
· chapter 7.3 (Special requirements in the event of an incident and fire precautions involving
dangerous goods only).
In practice, this means that from the legal point of view, the whole of the IMDG Code is made
mandatory, but provisions of recommendatory nature are editorially expressed in the Code (e.g.
using the word "should" instead of "shall") to clarify their status.
The mandatory IMDG Code incorporates certain changes relating to specific products, as well as
relevant elements of the amendments to the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods, Model Regulations adopted by the UN Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods at its twenty-first session in Geneva from 4 to 13 December 2000.
The amendments making the IMDG Code mandatory entered into force on 1 January 2004.
What's in it
The Code lays down basic principles; detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials
and articles, and a number of recommendations for good operational practice including advice on
terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling, and emergency response action.
The two-volume Code is divided into seven parts:
Volume 2 contains:
the Dangerous Goods List (equivalent to the schedules in previous editions of the Code), presented in
tabular format
The Supplement contains the following texts related to the IMDG Code:
EMS Guide
Medical First Aid Guide
Reporting Procedures
Packing Cargo Transport Units
Safe Use of Pesticides
INF Code
Limited Quantity
Marine Pollutant
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, requires flag States
to ensure that their ships comply with minimum safety standards in construction, equipment
and operation. It includes articles setting out general obligations, etcetera, followed by an
annex divided into twelve chapters. Of these, chapter five (often called 'SOLAS V') is the only
one that applies to all vessels on the sea, including private yachts and small craft on local trips
as well as to commercial vessels on international passages. Many countries have turned these
international requirements into national laws so that anybody on the sea who is in breach of
SOLAS V requirements may find themselves subject to legal proceedings.
Chapter I – General Provisions
Surveying the various types of ships and certifying that they meet the requirements of the
Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations
The subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments so that after damage to its
hull, a vessel will remain afloat and stable.
Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction
Fire safety provisions for all ships with detailed measures for passenger ships, cargo ships
and tankers.
Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements
Life-saving appliances and arrangements, including requirements for life boats, rescue boats
and life jackets according to type of ship.
Chapter IV – Radio communications
The Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) requires passenger and cargo ships on
international voyages to carry radio equipment, including satellite Emergency Position
Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs).
Chapter V – Safety of navigation
This chapter requires governments to ensure that all vessels are sufficiently and efficiently
manned from a safety point of view. It places requirements on all vessels regarding voyage
and passage planning, expecting a careful assessment of any proposed voyages by all who put
to sea. Every mariner must take account of all potential dangers to navigation, weather
forecasts, tidal predictions, the competence of the crew, and all other relevant factors. It also
adds an obligation for all vessels' masters to offer assistance to those in distress and controls
the use of lifesaving signals with specific requirements regarding danger and distress
messages. It is different to the other chapters, which apply to certain classes of commercial
shipping, in that these requirements apply to all vessels and their crews, including yachts and
private craft, on all voyages and trips including local ones.
Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes
Requirements for the stowage and securing of all types of cargo and cargo containers except
liquids and gases in bulk.
Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods
Requires the carriage of all kinds of dangerous goods to be in compliance with the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).
Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships
Nuclear powered ships are required, particularly concerning radiation hazards, to conform to
the Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships.
Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
Requires every shipowner and any person or company that has assumed responsibility for a
ship to comply with the International Safety Management Code (ISM).
Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft
Makes mandatory the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code).
Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety
Requirements relating to organizations responsible for carrying out surveys and inspections,
enhanced surveys, the ship identification number scheme, and operational requirements.
Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security
Includes the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). Confirms that the
role of the Master in maintaining the security of the ship is not, and cannot be, constrained by
the Company, the charterer or any other person. Port facilities must carry out security
assessments and develop, implement and review port facility security plans. Controls the
delay, detention, restriction, or expulsion of a ship from a port. Requires that ships must have
a ship security alert system, as well as detailing other measures and requirements.
Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
Specific structural requirements for bulk carriers over 150 meters in length.
It is important to realize that Regulation 44 of the International Convention of Load Lines 1966, still
applies to the 1991 IMO timber deck cargo Code, but the spacing of the trans- verse lashings within
the Code, although still determined by height, does not permit an interpolation between cargo
heights of 4m and 6m. The straightforward interpretation of such spacing applies to a compact stow
of square-ended bundles (flush at both ends) or near square-ended bundles – in the following
• Each package (along the sides, that is) shall be secured by at least two transverse lashings spaced
3m apart for heights not exceeding 4m above the weather-deck at sides.
• For heights above 4m the spacing shall be 1.5m above the weather-deck at sides.
• When timber in the outboard stow is in lengths less than 3.6m the spacing of the lashings shall be
reduced as necessary (to comply with the requirement for each package to be secured by at least two
transverse lashings).
• The stowage of timber deck cargo should be tight and compact. Where packages are involved, they
should be square-ended (flush) at both ends so far as this is possible. Broken stowage and unused
spaces should be avoided. There is no absolute requirement for uprights to be used for packaged
timber cargo although some national administrations may insist on their use when lashing
arrangements are not otherwise fully satisfactory. Bundles of regular form when stowed in ‘stepped-
in’ truncated, pyramid fashion will not benefit from uprights, even if they are fitted. The IMO Code
does not allow uprights to be used instead of lashings. Where uprights are used they are in addition
to the full number of lashings properly pitched and of full strength.
• The use of uprights when carrying logs on deck is a necessary requirement, and it is most
important always to rig and attach hog wires between such uprights. The uprights’ strength relies
upon the weight of logs above the hog wires. This rule applies whenever hog wires are rigged – even
with packaged timber. Never use uprights without rigging hog wires.
6 The
lashings should be in accordance with chapter 4 of the Code and may comprise the following types:
1. Hog lashings are normally used over the second and third tiers and may be set "hand tight"
between stanchions. The weight of the upper tiers when loaded on top of these wires will
further tighten them.
2. Wire rope lashings are used in addition to chain lashings. Each of these may pass over the
stow from side to side and loop completely around the uppermost tier. Turnbuckles are fitted
in each lashing to provide means for tightening the lashing at sea.
3. Wiggle wires which are fitted in manner of a shoelace to tighten the stow. These wires are
passed over the stow and continuously through a series of snatch blocks, held in place by foot
wires. Turnbuckles are fitted from the top of the footwire into the wiggle wire in order to
keep the lashings tight at sea.
4. Chain lashings which are passed over the top of the stow and secured to substantial padeyes
or other securing points at the outboard extremities of the cargo. Turnbuckles are fitted in
each lashing to provide means for tightening the lashing at sea.
What is woodpulp?
There are various types of wood pulp. It is called “mechanical” when wood is reduced to small fibres
in a mechanical grinding process. A variation of this is “thermo-mechanical” whereby the wood is
first softened in a steaming process. These types of pulp are mainly used for newsprint and other so-
called “wood containing” papers.
“Chemical” pulp is obtained when cellulose fibres are separated from wood fibres in various types of
cooking processes. Pure cellulose makes 40-45% of the dry weight of wood.
Chemical pulp is stronger than mechanical pulp. The strength is also determined by the type of wood.
Softwood, like spruce and pine, give 3-4 mm long fires, whereas hardwood fibres (birch, aspen, etc)
are 1-1,5 mm long. Paper made from mechanical pulp is “yellowing’ very quickly like unpainted
wood. Cellulose based paper does not fade.
When these items are stowed in the manner described below, good compaction of the deck cargo can
be obtained. In the deck area clear of the line of hatches, the cargo should be stowed in the
athwartship direction, canted inboard by some cargo laid fore and aft in the scuppers. At the centre
of the stow, along the line of hatches, the cargo should be laid in the fore and aft direction when the
wing cargo has reached hatch height. At the completion of loading, the cargo should have a level
surface with a slight crown towards the centre.
To prevent the cargo from being washed out from below its lashings, it is recommended that nets or
tarpaulins be used as follows:
The ends of each continuous section of deck cargo, if not stowed flush with the superstructure
bulkhead, may be fitted with a net or tarpaulin stretched and secured over the athwartship vertical
surface; over the forward end of each continuous section of deck cargo and in the waist of the ship
the top surface may be fitted with a net or tarpaulin stretched and secured across the breadth of the
cargo and brought down the outboard vertical sides to securing points at deck level.
A cofferdam
Cofferdams, which may be formed with two
adjacent oiltight transverse bulkheads at least 760 mm apart, are required at the ends of the cargo
space. However, in many cases a pump room is fitted at the after end of the cargo space (also
forward on some products carriers) and a ballast tank is fitted at the forward end, each of these
compartments being accepted in lieu of a cofferdam. A cofferdam is also provided between any
accommodation and oil cargo tanks.
The cofferdam is also used on occasion in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry, when it is not
practical to put a ship in drydock for repair or alteration. An example of such an application is certain
ship lengthening operations. In some cases a ship is actually cut in two while still in the water, and a
new section of ship is floated in to lengthen the ship. Torch cutting of the hull is done inside a
cofferdam attached directly to the hull of the ship, and is then detached before the hull sections are
floated apart. The cofferdam is later replaced while the hull sections are welded together again. As
expensive as this may be to accomplish, use of a drydock may be even more expensive.
Shifting Board
Longitudinal divisions (called shifting board), which must be grain tight may be fitted in both "filled"
and "partly filled compartments".
In "filled compartments, they must extend downwards from the underside of the deck or
hatchcovers, to a distance below the deckline of at least one-eighth the breadth of the compartment,
or at least 0.6m below the surface of the grain after it has been assumed to shift through an angle of
15o. In a "partly filled compartment', the division, should extend both above and below the level of
grain, to a distance of one-eighth the breadth of the compartment.
For the purpose of reducing the heeling moment a saucer may be used in place of a longitudinal
division in way of a hatch opening only in a filled, trimmed, compartment as defined in A 2.2, except
in the case of linseed and other seeds having similar properties, where a saucer may not be
substituted for a longitudinal division. If a longitudinal division is provided, it shall meet the
requirements of A 10.9. The depth of the saucer, measured from the bottom of the saucer to the deck
line, shall be as follows:
1. For ships with a moulded breadth of up to 9.1 m, not less than 1.2 m.
2. For ships with a moulded breadth of 18.3 m or more, not less than 1.8 m.
3. For ships with a moulded breadth between 9.1 m and 18.3 m, the minimum depth of the saucer
shall be calculated by interpolation.
The top (mouth) of the saucer shall be formed by the underdeck structure in way of the hatchway, i.e.
hatch side girders or coamings and hatch end beams. The saucer and hatchway above shall be
completely filled with bagged grain or other suitable cargo laid down on a separation cloth or its
equivalent and stowed tightly against adjacent structure so as to have a bearing contact with such
structure to a depth equal to or greater than one half of the depth specified in A 14.2. If hull structure
to provide such bearing surface is not available, the saucer shall be fixed in position by steel wire
rope, chain, or double steel strapping as specified in A 17.1.4 and spaced not more than 2.4 m apart.
As an alternative to filling the saucer in a filled, trimmed, compartment with bagged grain or other
suitable cargo a bundle of bulk grain may be used provided that:
1.The dimensions and means for securing the bundle in place are the same as specified for a
saucer in A 14.2 and A 14.3.
2. The saucer is lined with a material acceptable to the Administration having a tensile
strength of not less than 2,687 N per 5 cm strip and which is provided with suitable means for
securing at the top.
Athwartship lashings acceptable to the Administration shall be placed inside the saucer
formed in the bulk grain at intervals of not more than 2.4 m. These lashings shall be of sufficient
length to permit being drawn up tight and secured at the top of the saucer.
Dunnage not less than 25 mm in thickness or other suitable material of equal strength and
between 150 mm and 300 mm in width shall be placed fore and aft over these lashings to prevent the
cutting or chafing of the material which shall be placed thereon to line the saucer.
The saucer shall be filled with bulk grain and secured at the top except that when using
material approved under A 15.3 further dunnage shall be laid on top after lapping the material
before the saucer is secured by setting up the lashings.If more than one sheet of material is used to
line the saucer they shall be joined at the bottom either by sewing or by a double lap. The top of the
saucer shall be coincidental with the bottom of the beams when these are in place and suitable
general cargo or bulk grain may be placed between the beams on top of the saucer.
Overstowing arrangements
Where bagged grain or other suitable cargo is utilized for the purpose of securing partly filled
compartments, the free grain surface shall be level and shall be covered with a separation cloth or
equivalent or by a suitable platform. Such platform shall consist of bearers spaced not more than 1.2
m apart and 25 mm boards laid thereon spaced not more than 100 mm apart. Platforms may be
constructed of other materials provided they are deemed by the Administration to be equivalent.
The platform or separation cloth shall be topped off with bagged grain tightly stowed and extending
to a height of not less than one sixteenth of the maximum breadth of the free grain surface or 1.2 m,
whichever is the greater. The bagged grain shall be carried in sound bags, which shall be well filled
and securely closed.
Instead of bagged grain, other suitable cargo tightly stowed and exerting at least the same pressure
as bagged grain stowed in accordance with A 16.2 may be used.
When master is not obliged to assist ?
When vessel is unable to rescue, e.g., vessel does not have enough bunker.
When it is unreasonable e.g., the distance is so far the vessel will rake 4/5 days to rescue, but that
place is a traffic dense place and survivors may be easily picked by other vessel.
When it is unnecessary, e.g., a man overboard in ice/cold region and distance is so far that vessel will
take long time to go there. So it is impossible for a man to survive in this situation.
If the vessel have not been requisitioned by the master of distress vessel, but more other ships have
been requisitioned and they are complying with the requisition.
The master of a requisitioned vessel will be released from the obligation if he is informed by the
distressed vessel or by the search and rescue service or by the master of another vessel which has
reached the distressed position that assistance is no longer required.
The apparent period of wave is the time interval between the passage of two successive crests
relative to a shipborne observer.
It is sometimes called period of encounter.
Tendency of the bow plating and to a lesser extent the stern plating to work in and out when the ship
is pitching.
Fore and aft regions of the vessel are extra strengthen by thicker plating, panting beams and
stringers, reduced frame spacing in designed to withstand panting stress.
Following seas
Quartering seas
Corrective actions:
Surf riding
Occurs when a ship situated on a stiff forefront of high wave in a following or quartering sea.
Broach to
Vessel may cause a vessel to capsize due to sudden change of heel and heading.
A marginal zone (1.4Ö L to 1.8Ö L) below critical speed may cause a large surging motion (broach to).
Speed to be reduced below 1.4Ö L in the case.
Synchronous rolling
Large rolling motions may be excited when natural rolling period of a ship coincides with the
encounter wave period.
It may happen in following and quartering sea.
It happens when natural roll period is longer due to marginal transverse stability.
Occurs when rolling or pitching period is equal or nearly equal to the apparent period of wave.
Parametric rolling
Occurs when period of encounter is approximately equal to the natural rolling period of the ship.
Occurs particularly if initial metacentric height height is small and natural roll period is very long.
Unstable and large amplitude roll motion takes place.
May occur in head and bow seas.
Result: Unstable and large rolling motion takes place.
Action: Reduction of speed.
Occurs when ship's speed component in the wave direction is nearly equal to the wave group
It is equal to the half of phase velocity of the dominant wave component.
The ship is attacked successively by high waves.
Expectable maximum wave height can reach almost twice of observed wave height.
May be evident when average wave length is larger than 0.8L, significant wave height is larger than
Synchronous rolling.
Parametric rolling.
Combination of various dangerous phenomena.
Vessel may capsize.
Synchronized rolling:
How to determine:
There is no period of lull, rolling angle is almost same or increasing in every roll.
Vessel is encountered by the same phase of wave almost all the times.
Occurs when the period of roll is equal or nearly equal to the apparent period of encountered wave.
A very dangerous and undesirable condition.
Successive waves tend to increase the angle of roll of the vessel, thereby produce danger of capsize.
More dangerous in small vessels or vessels with low stability.
Most dangerous when a beam sea is experienced and the ship reaches a greater maximum inclination
at each trough and crest of wave.
Danger of cargo shift.
Danger of damage to vessel.
Corrective actions:
Change apparent period of waves by:
Alteration of course
Alteration of speed
Change vessels rolling period by changing GM
By ballasting
By deballasting
Shifting of ballast, FO, FW etc and changing transverse position of G.
prefer standing moor. Because:
Baltic moor
Used when construction of the berth is no sufficiently strong enough to withstand ranging in bad
Can be employed for berthing a vessel in an onshore gale wind.
For a average size merchant ship, a 25-30mm wire is passed from the after ends on the poop, along
the offshore side, outside and clear of everything.
Offshore anchor is cockbilled.
A man is send overside on a chair to secure the wire with the anchor, preferably at the shackle.
The wire is secured with ship's rail by sail twine in bights.
The aft end of the wire is sent to a wrapping barrel, ready for heaving slack wire.
When the stem is abreast the position of the quay where the bridge will be positioned, the anchor is
let go.
The vessel is still on headway.
About half a ship's length of the cable, the cable is surged and then snubbed.
The wire is hove-in aft.
The onshore wind will drift the vessel to the berth.
The scope of the cable and the wire is adjusted and veered slowly until the ship is alongside.
Distance of ship, length of cable and wire must be considered.
Normally, the anchor is dropped at a distance 2/3 shackles length of the cable from the quay, which
may vary depending on the prevailing circumstance.
Mediterranean moor
When the depth of water is less comparing to the draft of the ship. The hydrodynamic forces affect
the ship handlings in different ways. The effects become evident when the depth of water is less than
1.5 times of the draft of the ship.
In shallow waters, following effects may be evident:
Sluggish movement:
As the hull moves along the water, the water which is displaced is not instantly replaced by
surrounding water.
A partial vacuum is created.
The vessel takes longer to answer helm.
Response to engine movement becomes sluggish.
Speed reduces.
It becomes very difficult to correct a yaw or sheer with any degree of rapidity.
Occurs when a ship is nearing an extremely shallow depth of water, such as a shoal.
Blockage factor (S): It is the ratio between cross section of the vessel and cross section of the canal or
river. Squat varies with blockage factor as.
Squat S0.81
So, in confined water, squat is more than in open water.
There is a tendency for the bow of a ship to be pushed away from the bank, called bow cushion.
The ship moves bodily towards the bank, which appears at the stern, called bank suction.
Caused by the restricted flow of water on the bank's side.
Velocity of water to the bank increases and pressure reduces.
Results in drop of water level towards the bank.
As a result, a thrust is set up towards bank.
A vessel approaching to the bank will have to apply helm to the bank and reduce speed to prevent
the sheer from developing.
Canal effect:
If wind force increases above force 6, the rate of ice accretion increases because:
21 areas
- casualties to lights, buoys, fog signals
- new nav aids
- tows in congested waters
- drifting mines
- SAR/ anti pollution areas being carried out (for avoidance)
- rocks, shoals, reefs, wrecks
- cables, pipe laying activities
- establishment of offshore structures
- special operations – military exercises, space missions, nuclear tests etc.
Types of warnings
1) Navigational warnings
- Ocean going mariners require for safe navigation
- broadcast from NAVTEX stations in English (navarea co-ordinator for that area)
2) Coastal warnings
- broadcast by national coordinator
- upto about 250 miles
- Broadcast on NAVTEX
- also VHF r/t
- English and local language
3) Local warnings
- within inshore waters
- port pilotage or coastguard authorities
- broadcast in English
- NBDP (narrow band direct printing telegraphy)
- 518 kHz
VHF r/t
Hydrolant areas:
Hydropac areas:
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
South China Seas
Contiguous area
On failure to sight land, a navigation mark or obtain soundings by the expected time.
On the breakdown of the engines, steering gear, or any essential navigational equipment.
The Continuous Synopsis Record is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship
with respect to the information recorded therein.
The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be issued by the Administration
Shall contain, at least, the following information:
The name of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly;
The date on which the ship was registered with that State;
The ship’s identification number in accordance with regulation (IMO Number)
The name of the ship;
The port at which the ship is registered;
The name of the registered owner(s) and their registered address(es);
The name of the registered bareboat charterer(s) and their registered address(es), if applicable;
The name of the Company, as defined in regulation IX/1, its registered address and the address(es)
from where it carries out the safety-management activities;
The name of all classification society(ies) with which the ship is classed;
The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized organization
which has issued the Document of Compliance.
The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized organization
that has issued the Safety Management Certificate
The name of the Administration or of the Contracting Government or of the recognized security
organization that
has issued the International Ship Security Certificate and
The date on which the ship ceased to be registered with that State.
Any changes relating to the entries shall be recorded in the Continuous Synopsis Record so as to
provide updated and current information together with the history of the changes.
The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for inspection
at all times.
SC (SAR Coordinator):
Appointed for and oversees each SAR each SAR operation under guidance of SC(SAR Coordinator).
Duties of SMC
Designated by SMC.
The person in charge of the first facility to arrive on scene normally assume OSC function unless SMC
arranges relief.
Who can be an OSC:
When two or more SAR facilities conduct operations together, the SMC should designate an OSC.
If this is not practicable, facilities involved should designate, by mutual agreement, an OSC.
This should be done as early as practicable and preferably before arrival within the search area.
Until an OSC has been designated, the first facility arriving at the scene should assume the duties of
an OSC.
When deciding how much responsibility to delegate to the OSC, the SMC normally considers the
communications and personnel capabilities of the facilities involved.
Duties of OSC
Any future plans or recommendations.
Maritime zones
Territorial waters
The sovereignty of a coastal State extends, beyond its land territory and internal waters and, in the
case of an archipelagic State, its archipelagic waters, to an adjacent belt of sea, described as the
territorial sea.
This sovereignty extends to the air space over the territorial sea as well as to its bed and subsoil.
The sovereignty over the territorial sea is exercised subject to this Convention and to other rules of
international law.
Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12
nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in accordance with UNCLOS.
A list of known claims of territorial seas published in annual notices to mariners No-12.
Contiguous zone
In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous zone, the coastal State may
exercise the control necessary to:
Prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its
territory or territorial sea;
Punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial
The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the
breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
The exclusive economic zone is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea.
Continental shelf
The continental shelf of a coastal State comprises the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that
extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the outer
edge of the continental margin, or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which
the breadth of the territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does
not extend up to that distance.
The continental margin comprises the submerged prolongation of the land mass of the coastal State,
and consists of the seabed and subsoil of the shelf, the slope and the rise. It does not include the deep
ocean floor with its oceanic ridges or the subsoil thereof.
For the purposes of this Convention, the coastal State shall establish the outer edge of the continental
margin wherever the margin extends beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines.
The fixed points comprising the line of the outer limits of the continental shelf on the seabed, either
shall not exceed 350 nautical miles from the baselines or shall not exceed 100 nautical miles from
the 2,500 meter isobath, which is a line connecting the depth of 2,500 metres.
The coastal State exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it
and exploiting its natural resources.
The rights are exclusive in the sense that if the coastal State does not explore the continental shelf or
exploit its natural resources, no one may undertake these activities without the express consent of
the coastal State.
The natural resources referred to in this Part consist of the mineral and other non-living resources of
the seabed and subsoil together with living organisms belonging to sedentary species.
High sea
All parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic zone, in the territorial sea or in
the internal waters of a State, or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic State.
The high seas are open to all States, whether coastal or land-locked.
Freedom of the high seas:
Freedom of navigation;
Freedom of overflight;
Freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines, subject to Part VI of UNCLOS.
Freedom to construct artificial islands and other installations permitted under international law,
subject to Part VI of UNCLOS;
Freedom of fishing, subject to the conditions laid down in section 2 of UNCLOS;
Freedom of scientific research, subject to Parts VI and XIII of UNCLOS.
No State may validly purport to subject any part of the high seas to its sovereignty.
b) Functional requirements
Sections into which the hull, superstructure and deckhouses are divided by A-class divisions.
Mean length and width of which on any deck does not in general exceed 40m.
1. Fire pumps:
At least one.
Specifications as per FSS code.
Can be used on either side of the ship.
The fire-fighting system is also a central element of the SOLAS Convention, so it contains many
Chapter II-2, Regulation 4 of the SOLAS Convention, "Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses"
contains the details of the regulations governing this aspect.
The maximum pressure calculation must be done with standard nozzle sizes. The fire hose nozzle
specifications are set out in point 8: Nozzles. It states that for machinery spaces and exposed
locations, the nozzle size shall be such as to obtain the maximum discharge possible from two jets at
the pressure mentioned in paragraph 4 from the smallest pump, provided that a nozzle size greater
than 19 mm need not be used.
All nozzles shall be of an approved dual-purpose type (i.e., spray/jet type) incorporating a shutoff.
The maximum pressure is the pressure that the system can support. This means that it shall not
exceed that at which the effective control of a fire hose can be demonstrated.
The minimum pressure required varies based on the type of ship (passenger ship or cargo ship) and
its tonnage according to the table below:
1,000 gross tonnage and upwards but under 4,000 gross tonnage - 270 kPa
Cargo Ships
1,000 gross tonnage and upwards but under 6,000 gross tonnage - 250 kPa
The crews shall have necessary knowledge and skills to handle fire.
Crew members shall receive instructions regarding fire safety, duties.
Parties for fire fighting to be organized.
Crew members shall be trained regarding fire fighting.
Their performance to be evaluated.
Training manuals:
Training manuals to be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew's
To be written in working language of the ship.
Will contain instructions easily understood and illustrated wherever possible.
General arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance of ship's officers.
GA plans will show for each deck:
The control stations
Various fire sections enclosed by A and B class divisions
Particulars of fire detection and fire alarm systems.
Sprinkler installations
Fire extinguishing appliances.
Means of access
Ventilating systems including fan control positions.
Position of dampers
The details may be may be set out in a booklet, if approved by director.
A copy shall be supplied to each officer.
One copy shall be available onboard in accessible position.
Plans and booklets to be kept updated.
Alterations to be recorded as soon as possible.
Descriptions in these booklets to be in language(s) required by the authority.
Duplicate set of fire control plans shall be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight
enclosure outside the deckhouse for shore side fire fighting personnel.
Emc’y Fire pump. What regulations under emcy fire pump? Details of fire pump including
emergency fire pump
Not less than 40 % of total capacity of fire pump but in any case not less than 15 m³/hour
How do you assess or identify the fire to determine control fire or uncontrolled fire
Controllable fire
Yellow and orange - more smoke
- vapour fire
- due to leak from tanks due to corrosion
- rapid leak of vapour causes sudden drop of pressure inside the tank which will cause violent boiling
of fuel
- this could cause an explosion
- boundary cooling first
- then release foam extinguisher
Uncontrolled fire
- red plus blue with less smoke
- deep fire
- risk of explosion
- advise to abandon ship
Additional requirement for construction and equipment for safe carriage of dangerous goods
Water supplies.
Source of ignition.
Detection system.
Bilge pumping.
Personnel protection.
Portable fire extinguishers.
Insulation of machinery space boundaries.
Water spray system.
Separation of ro-ro spaces.
Document of compliance
Required information
I will try to collect information about the heavy lift, such as:
What type of cargo.
Prior lifting
Vessel to be even keel and upright as far as practicable.
Rig fenders.
Cast off any barge.
Test the SWL of the lifting gear and associated equipments, it must be below the weight to be lifted.
Check load density of the hatch/deck area the load being loaded.
Load density must not exceed the value given in stability booklet.
Distribute load on deck using dunnage.
Rails removed.
Barges cast off.
Unnecessary personnel removed.
Lashing arrangement is sufficient. Extra lashing points may be welded.
When lifting
DG Note/ Shipper's declaration of DG goods which will include: (SOLAS CH-VII, Regulation-4).
Proper shipping name
UN no
Class and division
Packaging group
No and kind of packages
Date of preparation of declaration
Name, rank, company and address of signatory.
DG manifest (SOLAS CH-VII, Regulation-4).
Detailed stowage plan.(SOLAS CH-VII, Regulation-4).
Prior loading:
During loading:
Prior sailing:
9.1. A ship not having on board a document of authorization issued in accordance with A 3 of this
Code may be permitted to load bulk grain provided that:
1. the total weight of the bulk grain shall not exceed one third of the deadweight of the ship;
2. all filled compartments, trimmed, shall be fitted with centreline divisions extending, for the full
length of such compartments, downwards from the underside of the deck or hatch covers to a
distance below the deck line of at least one eighth of the maximum breadth of the compartment or
2.4 m, whichever is the greater, except that saucers constructed in accordance with A 14 may be
accepted in lieu of a centreline division in and beneath a hatchway except in the case of linseed and
other seeds having similar properties;
3. all hatches to filled compartments, trimmed, shall be closed and covers secured in place;
4. all free grain surfaces in partly filled cargo space shall be trimmed level and secured in accordance
with A 16, A 17 or A 18;
5. throughout the voyage the metacentric height after correction for the free surface effects of liquids
in tanks shall be 0.3 m or that given by the following formula, whichever is the greater:
Fog develops for a variety of reasons and a number of types can he identified:
1. Advection fog
2. Sea Smoke
3. Radiation fog
4. Frontal fog
5. Orographic (in hills)
Advection Fog
Advection fog develops as a result of a mass of warm air, with a high relative humidity value, moving
horizontally (hence the term advection) over a cooler surface, whose temperature is below the dew-
point temperature of the air.
As a result of conduction aided by turbulence, the air is cooled below its dew-point temperature.
water vapor condenses, the water droplets producing the mist/fog condition.
This type of fog forms and persists under a wide range of wind speeds. The degree of turbulence
dictates the maximum height to which the air is cooled, the height increasing with increasing wind
At sea advection often termed sea fog, occurs at certain times of the year. In northern latitudes, the
Grand Banks of Newfoundland and the North Pacific zones are notorious particularly in July, when
warm air from the south-west and south pass over the cold waters of the Labrador, and the Oyo Shio
or Aleutian Currents respectively. Sea fog also occurs in lower latitudes during the summer in the
region of the cold California, Canary, Peru and Benguela Currents.
Sea fog not only develops where cold currents exist. but also where there are favorable conditions of
wind speed, air and sea surface temperatures. Examples are the spring and early summer fogs of the
Western Approaches to the British Isles, where the south-westerly warm air stream from the Azores
moves over the sea which. at this time of the year, is at its lowest temperature.
In the North Sea. sea fog develops during the summer when warm north-east, east and sometimes
south-easterly winds from Europe pass over the colder sea surface. Along the east coast of the British
Isles this sea fog is called haar or sea fret.
On land, warm air moving over cold surfaces may also produce advection fog. In the British Isles this
usually occurs in winter through advection of a warm air stream from the Azores. At this time of year
advection fog also develops over the southern and eastern areas of the United States of America,
when warm air is advected from the Gulf of Mexico and the Bermuda region.
Sea fog is a frequent threat to the seafarer and its prediction is therefore important. As sea and dew-
point temperatures are critical in its formation, their observation at frequent intervals is
recommended, and should he recorded in graphical form. By drawing straight lines to establish the
trend of each temperature. it is possible to determine the point of intersection, which indicates when
fog may he encountered.
Sea Smoke
Sea smoke, arctic sea smoke, frost smoke, or steam fog is present when the surface of the sea has a
steaming or smoky appearance.
This fog is often patchy and extends to a limited height above the surface, with good visibility at
bridge level but poor from the upper deck.
The condition is caused by the movement of cold air over a warmer surface, the temperature
difference usually being of the order of 10°C, although given favorable wind conditions it may occur
with smaller differences.
The air immediately above the surface is heated and becomes saturated through evaporation from
the surface.
It ascends and mixes with colder unsaturated air above.
Since the mixture is supersaturated, condensation occurs and the water droplets form sea smoke.
The wind speed associated with the formation of sea smoke may vary from very low to gale force.
Higher speeds are more favorable when the temperature difference is small, as they ensure a
continuous supply of cold air immediately above the surface.
Off the east coasts of the North American and Asian continents sea smoke occurs during the winter
months, when cold air from the continent passes over estuaries, coastal waters, and adjacent ocean
During winter it occurs in the Baltic Sea which is surrounded by a colder land mass, and in higher
latitudes it is associated with cold winds from the Arctic Basin and the ice covered sea areas to the
In lower latitudes it occurs occasionally in the Gulf of Mexico and off Hong Kong.
Radiation Fog
Clear skies. a high relative humidity, very low wind speeds and a relatively long period during which
the air can cool are the most suitable conditions for its formation.
The clear sky condition allows the maximum loss of long wave radiation from the surface during the
Surface temperatures decrease rapidly and the air immediately above is cooled through conduction
aided by turbulence.
Once the air is cooled below its dew-point temperature, condensation occurs and radiation fog is
Since the length of the cooling period is critical, radiation fog is more common during the autumn
and winter in mid and high latitudes e.g. in the British isles.
Radiation fog will affect visibility at sea if it drifts over estuaries and coastal waters as a result of
light offshore winds.
Radiation fog may disperse as a result of an increase in land surface temperature during the day,
since the surface heats the air immediately above, and lowers its relative humidity.
An increase in wind speed can also cause dispersal since it overturns the air.
In tropical regions, radiation fog is comparatively rare at sea level, but may be experienced over
river estuaries during the early hours of the morning.
The fog develops during the night over adjacent river banks, where the air has a high relative
humidity due to the presence of open water.
Frontal fog
Known as mixing fog this fog occurs when widely different air streams meet. For eg. at a front.
At a front when two air streams meet the colder air cools the warm air below its dew point and
condensation occurs and forms frontal fog.
The development of frontal fog is due to the evaporation of rain as it passes through the cold air
beneath the frontal surface. As a result the cold air becomes saturated and condensation occurs.
7. Appears on a met. chart as a series of isobars roughly circular or oval in shape around
the centre where the pressure is lowest
8. Vary in size, upto 2000 miles in diameter
9. Central pressure cud be as low as 950 hectopascals
Up welling:
Phenomenon of the vertical movement of cold water from depth to surface, caused due to depletion
of surface water due to an offshore wind.
Deflected to the right (NH), left (SH), deflection is 45° on the surface.
Flow of water in relation to wind not instantaneous – about 24 hrs, varies with Latitude.
- Eckman spiral
Occurs when the water surface develops a slope, due to the sea level, or the juxtaposition
(water masses adjacent to each other) of water of differing salinity and temperature.
Water moves down slope, deflected 90° to right (NH) and left (SH) by
Coriolis force.
Eg. Mediterranean current – sea level, northerly current, from east coast of Africa upto east
coast of india into bay of Bengal – thermal gradient
major currents such as gulf stream, aghulas, kuroshio and Antarctic circumpolar
Complex currents
Currents encountered in practice are complex
Bulk transport of water caused by wind is 900 to wind direction
This leads to an accumulation of water to the right of the wind direction
Leads to a gradient current flowing downslope, deflected by coriolis
force, which causes a current to flow in the same direction as the original
wind, the original wind drift current is then strengthened
Wind drift currents could also be superimposed on gradient currents,
results in a current that is a combination of the two effects
In the Carribean, a west going current is produced by the trade winds,
causes accumulation of water levels in the gulf – water levels higher on
the western side of Florida than on the eastern side
Eastern flow – the Florida current which becomes the Gulf stream
Area between two high pressure and two low pressures situated alternatively.
- Light variable winds but not for long
- Sudden change of weather is likely
- Relative humidity is fairly high and lightening may be seen
- Thunderstorms frequently associated with a col.
Boundary between two adjacent air masses, well defined by their different characteristics.
Warm front
After front passes if the temperature at that place is higher.
Cold front
After front passes if the temperature at that place is lower.
Formation of a frontal depression or the deepening of an already existent depression.
Weakening or destruction of a frontal depression
Painting Scheme:
-Below the water line: where the plates are continuously immerged into water.
-Boot top area where the immersion is intermittent and much abrasion occurs.
The top side & superstructure.
Surveys and certificates
Peculiarity of ports, stevedores working hours, interaction with shore personnel, lifting of stores,
water, bunker, provisions.
Port regulation, restrictions, cargo documents required, draft restrictions, day-night
Shore leave, gangway, watchman.
Pilferage by shore gang.
Deck watch, anchor watch, piracy watch arrangements.
Staff matters
Docking plan.
Dry dock repair list.
Repair works to be done onboard and by dry dock personnel.
Surveys to be done on dry dock.
Safety regulations, hot works, chemical washings, men entry to enclosed spaces.
Emergency contacts/ actions.
Power and water supply, telephones.
Take over drain plugs.
Sewage and garbage disposal arrangements.
Status of LSA, FFA, anything sent ashore.
Instructions to duty officers and crews.
Undocking stability calculations, tank conditions.
Closing-opening arrangements of hatches.
Special types of ships
Container ships
Bay plans
Stowage of containers
Stowage of IMDG containers, cargoes.
Stowage of refer containers
Container lashing gears
Normal stacking height
Bulk carriers
Ballasting-deballasting rates
Grain loading booklet
High density cargo loading procedures
Load density of deck, tank tops.
Capacities of load/discharge top side tanks.
Refrigerated ships
Type of tanks.
Controlling boil off.
Tank insulation.
Inerting procedures of primary and secondary barriers.
Upper Deck :
The upper deck is the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent
means of weathertight closing of all openings in the weather part thereof, and below which all
openings in the sides of the ship are fitted with permanent means of watertight closing. In a ship
having a stepped upper deck, the lowest line of the exposed deck and the continuation of that line
parallel to the upper part of the deck is taken as the upper deck.
Moulded Depth:
(a) The moulded depth is the vertical distance measured from the top of the keel to the underside of
the upper deck at side. In wood and composite ships the distance is measured from the lower edge of
the keel rabbet. Where the form at the lower part of the midship section is of a hollow character, or
where thick garboards are fitted, the distance is measured from the point where the line of the flat of
the bottom continued inwards cuts the side of the keel.
(b) In ships having rounded gunwales, the moulded depth shall be measured to the point of
intersection of the moulded lines of the deck and side shell plating, the lines extending as though the
gunwales were of angular design.
(c) Where the upper deck is stepped and the raised part of the deck extends over the point at which
the moulded depth is to be determined, the moulded depth shall be measured to a line of reference
extending from the lower part of the deck along a line parallel with the raised part.
The breadth is the maximum breadth of the ship, measured amidships to the moulded line of the
frame in a ship with a metal shell and to the outer surface of the hull in a ship with a shell of any
other material.
Enclosed spaces:
Enclosed spaces are all those spaces which are bounded by the ship's hull, by fixed or portable
partitions or bulkheads, by decks or coverings other than permanent or movable awnings. No break
in a deck, nor any opening in the ship's hull, in a deck or in a covering of a space, or in the partitions
or bulkheads of a space, nor the absence of a partition or bulkhead, shall preclude a space from being
included in the enclosed space.
is completely open except for bulwarks or open rails separates any two spaces, the exclusion of one
or both of which is permitted under sub-paragraphs (a)(i) and/or (a)(ii), such exclusion shall not
apply if the separation between the two spaces is less than the least half breadth of the deck in way
of the
Cargo Spaces:
Cargo spaces to be included in the computation of net tonnage are enclosed spaces appropriated for
the transport of cargo which is to be discharged from the ship, provided that such spaces have been
included in the computation of gross tonnage. Such cargo spaces shall be certified by permanent
marking with the letters CC (cargo compartment) to be so positioned that they are readily visible and
not to be less than 100 millimetres (4 inches) in height.
Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.
Capacity plan
3.1 safety area
3.2 compartmentation
3.3 clearances
3.4 cubic spaces or volumes
3.5 capacities and arrangement of cargo gear
3.6 deck load capacities
3.7 data - miscellaneous
3.8 deadweight scale
3.9 trimming table
3.10 geometrical centres
10. ships particulars
11. no of derrick or cranes and SWL
12. no of winches
13. no of generators and output power
14. container capacity in terms of TEU
rigging plan
i. the position of guys and blocks;
ii. the resultant force on blocks, guys, wire ropes and booms;
iii. the identification mark of individual items;
iv. arrangements and working range of union purchase.
15. Detailed drawing of standing and running rigging on board
16. Position and rigging of masts and stays
17. Particular and detailed rigging of cargo gear and their attachments
18. Position of inboard and outboard derrick booms
19. Max outreach of derrick boom
20. Max angle of derrick boom to the horizontal
21. Max angle between runner
22. Posn, size ans SWL of blocks and shackles
23. Detail of mooring equipment such as anchor, chain, windlass and mooring rope
24. Length, size and swl of lifeboat falls and blocks
25. Pilot ladder
Stability booklet
1. General particulars
2. G. A plan
3. Capacities and COG
4. Hydrostatic particulars (disp. And TPC)
5. Free surface information
6. KN cross curves
7. Inclining experiment
8. Wind heeling moment
9. Maximum height of deck cargo
10. LI test
piping plan
docking plan
For overall survey, means should be provided to enable the surveyor to examine the structure in a
safe and practical way. For close-up surveys, one or more of the following means for access,
acceptable to the surveyor, should be provided:
.1 Permanent staging and passages through structures;
.2 Temporary staging and passages through structures;
.3 Lifts and moveable platforms;
.4 Boats or rafts;
.5 Portable ladders;
.6 Other equivalent means.
Surveys of tanks by means of boats or rafts may only be undertaken with the agreement of the
surveyor, who should take into account the safety arrangements provided, including weather
forecasting and ship response in reasonable sea conditions.
When rafts or boats will be used for close-up survey the following conditions should be observed:
1 Only rough duty, inflatable rafts or boats, having satisfactory residual buoyancy and stability even
if one chamber is ruptured, should be used;
2 The boat or raft should be tethered to the access ladder and an additional person should be
stationed down the access ladder with a clear view of the boat or raft;
3 Appropriate lifejackets should be available for all participants;
4 The surface of water in the tank should be calm (under all foreseeable conditions the expected rise
of water within the tank should not exceed 0.25 m) and the water level either stationary or falling.
On no account should the level of the water be rising while the boat or raft is in use;
5 The tank or space must contain clean ballast water only. Even a thin sheen of oil on the water is not
6 At no time should the water level be allowed to be within 1 m of the deepest under deck web face
flat so that the survey team is not isolated from a direct escape route to the tank hatch. Filling to
levels above the deck transverses should only be contemplated if a deck access manhole is fitted and
open in the bay being examined, so that an escape route for the survey party is available at all times.
Other effective means of escape to the deck may be considered;
7 If the tanks (or spaces) are connected by a common venting system, or Inert Gas system, the tank in
which the boat or raft should be used should be isolated to prevent a transfer of gas from other tanks
(or spaces).
Rafts or boats alone may be allowed for inspection of the under deck areas for tanks or spaces if the
depth of the webs is 1.5 m or less.
If the depth of the webs is more than 1.5 m, rafts or boats alone may be allowed only:
1 When the coating of the under deck structure is in GOOD condition and there is no evidence of
wastage; or
2 If a permanent means of access is provided in each bay to allow safe entry and exit. This means of
access should be direct from the deck via a vertical ladder with a small platform fitted approximately
2 m below the deck. Other effective means of escape to the deck may be considered.
If neither of the above conditions are met, then staging or other equivalent means should be
provided for the survey of the under deck areas. The use of rafts or boats alone in 5.5 and 5.6 does
not preclude the use of boats or rafts to move about within a tank during a survey.
Determination of weight onboard ship
Two methods of determining the weight of a dry bulk cargo loaded onboard a ship have in the past
been used:
■ On the basis of the ‘free space’ in a compartment (measurement and stowage factor).
■ On the basis of draught surveys.
Cargo may shift either as a result of poor stowing combined with bad weather or as a secondary
effect of an accident that causes the vessel to heel, such as a collision, grounding or system
Shift of grain cargo Grain is a type of cargo that can easily shift when the ship is rolling. The grain
may in such conditions suddenly form a new surface with an angle of as much as 25 degrees to the
original horizontal loaded surface. This will create a heeling moment that in turn reduces the ship's
stability. If the ship is subject to a steady heel over time, this may escalate the situation, in that more
grain may be shifted.
The grain surface may be physically secured by cloths weighed down by bags on top or by other
means (Ref. The IMO's Grain code, A 16 to A 18). However, this is time-consuming and most ships
engaged in the grain trade operate without physically securing the load in order to reduce the time
spent in port.
Check language of this sentence: In an "unsecured" grain load, the grain may shift in the available
void spaces formed between the loaded grain surface and the deck and hatch. The larger the voids,
the larger the potential grain heeling moment will be. There is a significantly higher potential grain
heeling moment in a partly filled hold than in a hold that is fully loaded. The void space under the
deck also depends on the "trimming" (levelling) of the grain surface. The more grain that is filled
(trimmed) up in the "under deck" part of the hold, the less void space will be left.
The trimming of under deck parts ("ends") in a full hold may also be a time-consuming and labour-
intensive job. If the "ends" are not trimmed (so-called "untrimmed ends"), the grain surface will form
a natural slope from the lower part of the hatch opening (or from special feeding holes) towards the
ends of the hold. This produces a void space above this sloping surface, and hence there may be a
larger heeling moment than in a "trimmed" hold.
Grain stability requirements and the Grain Loading Declaration To prevent accidents related to a loss
of stability due to a shift of grain, grain stability requirements were gradually developed by the IMO
from the earliest mention of this at the SOLAS conference in 1948 until the "International Grain
Code" (MSC.23(59)) was adopted on 23 May 1991.
The grain code contains specifications regarding grain stowage, a description of grain heeling
moment calculations, stability requirements and documentation requirements. For grain stability,
there are requirements regarding the residual stability (area under GZ curve), minimum GM and
maximum heel of 12 degrees due to grain shift.
In order for a ship to be allowed to carry grain without physically securing the grain surface, it
should be equipped with an approved grain loading manual containing, among other things,
information on:
This should assist the crew in selecting loading conditions that will be safe for sailing.
The grain code also requires the ship to carry a "Grain Loading Declaration" issued by the
administration, documenting that grain may be carried safely and with a reference to the approved
grain loading manual.
DNV is authorised to approve grain stability documentation and issue grain loading declarations for
most flag states worldwide.
Grain includes one of the following:- (1) Wheat (2) Maize (3) Oats (4) Rye (5) Barley
(Any of the above can cause self combustion due to the gases given off)
(Q) How can you find out if you can carry 20,000 tonnes of grain on his vessel?
(a) You need to refer to the vessel's stability book to see what the vessel can carry in each hold
(2) Check out the stowage details for the grain (Stowage factor which you get from the shipper)
Find out the ships volume for that compartment which is in the ships cargo plan, then you get the
stowage factor from the shipper, the person who own's the grain
(3) Find out what type of grain your taking onboard and see if it gives off dangerous gases
(4) Find out the freeboard/draught before loading and after loading
(5) make sure the grain cannot shift by using boards transversely and athwart-ships to minimize
(6) Check for overheating (Sweating by cargo sweat or ships sweat) Both are very dangerous (both
can self-ignite)
(a) Cargo Sweat is where the air in the hold is hotter that the air outside the hold
Ships sweat is where the air outside the hold is hotter that the air inside the hold
(a) Make sure that the vessel is totally empty and fumigated (it can be oxygen deficient or have
flammable gases in it)
(Q) What is the main danger when going into a hold that has not been fumigated?
(a) No oxygen, the fumes inside a hold can kill, it's happened a lot of times in the past
(8) Use hard-hats, protective clothing, steel-toe cap boots and gloves
(Q) If you have a hold that has slack tanks with the amount of grain in it, what should you do with
(a) Look up the SOLAS manual this will give you the angle of repose and the amount of space you
need fro expansion for the grain to expand
Cargo Information
(2) the gross weight of the cargo
(3) For concentrate or other cargo which may liquefy, additional information in the form of a
certificate indicating the moisture content of the cargo and its transportable moisture limit;
Bulk cargoes which are not classified in accordance with Regulation VII/2 of the SOLAS Convention,
but have chemical properties that may create a potential hazard.
Information on the chemical properties besides the information for bulk cargoes above
All information must be given to the master prior to loading any cargo on proper shipping
documentation (the master must check that this documentation is correct before taking the cargo
onboard – accidents has happened because of the documentation being wrong)
With containers and cargo units the shipper must check that the gross tonnage/dimensions are
correct (an near accident happened with a document saying the gross tonnage of a container was 3
tonnes – with it’s contents, the master was asked to take the container aboard with the ships crane –
the crane had a S.W.L. of 5 tonnes, when the crane took the initial weight of the container, the initial
strain taken made
the ship list badly towards the quay, the master screamed to stop the crane which the crane operator
did, later they found the gross weight of the container was 7 tonnes – a misprint – but it could have
been a nasty accident)
If the shipper or the agent does not supply the documentation to the master the forwarder shall
supply the information well in advance
A master will not take cargo aboard without all the information he requires (this is an offence if he
Cargo Documentation
Every cargo except a ship carrying grain shall have the following documentation
(1) the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing adopted by the Organization by
Resolution A.714(17), 1992 edition;
(2) the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes adopted by the Organization by
Resolution A.715(17), 1992 edition; and
(3) the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) adopted by the Organization by
Resolution A.434(XI), 1991 edition.
Every vessel carrying grain shall have the following documentation onboard;
The operator and master must ensure that the following are undertaken;
(1) cargo and cargo units carried on or under deck are loaded, stowed and secured so as to prevent
as far as is practicable, throughout the voyage, damage or hazard to the ship and the persons on
board, and loss of cargo overboard
(2) appropriate precautions are taken during loading and transport of heavy cargoes or cargoes with
abnormal physical dimensions to ensure that no structural damage to the ship occurs and to
maintain adequate stability throughout the voyage;
(3) appropriate precautions are taken during loading and transport of cargo units on board ro-ro
ships, especially with regard to the securing arrangements on board such ships and on the cargo
units and with regard to the strength of the securing points and lashings.
Ships carrying cargoes that emit a toxic or flammable gas or causes oxygen depletion
(1) In the case of a ship transporting or accepting for transport a bulk cargo which is liable to emit a
toxic or flammable gas, or cause oxygen depletion in the cargo hold, an appropriate instrument for
measuring the concentration of gas or oxygen in the air shall be provided together with detailed
instructions for its use. Such an instrument shall be of a type approved by a Certifying Authority, and
the crew shall be trained in its use.
(2) The operator of a ship which transports, or the master who accepts for carriage, such a bulk
cargo without ensuring that paragraph (1) has been complied with shall be guilty of an offence.
Requirements for Cargo Ships Carrying Grain and International Grain Code
(1) A ship carrying grain shall comply with the requirements of the International Grain Code
(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1) or any other requirement of these Regulations, the operator
and master shall ensure that:
(a) a ship loading grain complies with the International Grain Code; and
(b) subject to paragraph (4)(b), the ship has on board a document of authorization as required by the
International Grain Code. In the case of a United Kingdom ship the document of authorization shall
be issued by the Certifying Authority.
(3) Except when a ship may be in distress, the operator and master shall not permit a ship loaded
with grain in bulk outside the United Kingdom to enter any port in the United Kingdom so laden,
unless the ship has been loaded in accordance with the International Grain Code.
(4) No person shall order the commencement of the loading of grain into a ship in the United
Kingdom unless he is satisfied that:
(a) the ship has on board a document of authorization referred to in paragraph (2)(b); or
(b) the master has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority that the ship will, in
its proposed loading condition, comply with the appropriate requirements of the International Grain
Code and has obtained a document to this effect signed by a surveyor of such a Certifying Authority.
(5) An operator or master who contravenes paragraph (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence.
13. - (1) A person guilty of an offence under Part II, III or IV of these Regulations shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or, on conviction on indictment,
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine or both.
(2) In any proceedings for an offence under Part II, III or IV of these Regulations it shall be a defence
for a person to prove that all reasonable steps had been taken by that person to ensure compliance
with the Regulations.
Precautions to observe.
Fumigation in port
Box beams, stiffeners, deck girders, pipe casings, bilge wells, strum boxes etc, are cleaned thoroughly
from cargo residues.
Cargo spaces to be air tight.
All compartments, accommodations, store rooms to be available to the fumigators.
They should be opened internally, but outside doors locked.
Food staffs must be removed unless permitted by fumigators.
The ship has been prepared as required by the fumigator.
Watchmen posted to prevent unauthorized boarding.
Warning notices posted on gangway and entrances of the accommodation.
All crews to be landed ashore during the fumigation period.
A complete search to be carried out for any crew or person left onboard and a certificate is given by
master, countersigned by fumigator to this respect.
All blowers, air cons, fans in holds and accommodations to be switched off. The generators may be
shut off for the fumigation period.
Fumigation at sea
Fumigators to demonstrate and train required ship personnel, at least 2 crews and one officer.
A trained representative should brief the crews before the operation takes place.
A thorough cleaning of empty cargo spaces after discharge.
Box beams, stiffeners, deck girders, pipe casings, bilge wells, strum boxes etc, are cleaned thoroughly
from cargo residues.
Cargo spaces to be air tight.
Warning notices to be posted.
Details of fumigants, their properties, hazards are known.
Symptoms of poisoning are known.
First aid and emergency procedures in case of poisoning are known.
Required medicines are on board.
A copy of latest MFAG is onboard.
Necessary gas detection equipments are available.
Protective equipments are available.
Measures taken to ensure E/R, accommodation and other working areas are free of fumes and
prevent leakage of fumigants.
The regulations state that all new bulk carriers 150 metres or more in length (built after 1 July 1999)
carrying cargoes with a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above should have sufficient strength to
withstand flooding of any one cargo hold, taking into account dynamic effects resulting from
presence of water in the hold and taking into account recommendations adopted by IMO.
For existing ships (built before 1 July 1999) carrying bulk cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and
above, the transverse watertight bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and the double
bottom of the foremost cargo hold should have sufficient strength to withstand flooding and the
related dynamic effects in the foremost cargo hold.
Cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above include iron ore, pig iron, steel, bauxite and
cement. Less dense cargoes, but with a density of more than 1,000 kg/m3, include grains such as
wheat and rice, and timber.
Chapter XII allows surveyors to take into account restrictions on the cargo carried when considering
the need for, and the extent of, strengthening of the transverse watertight bulkhead or double
bottom. When restrictions on cargoes are imposed, the bulk carrier should be permanently marked
with a solid triangle on its side shell.
The date of application of Chapter XII to existing bulk carriers depends on their age. Bulk carriers
which are 20 years old and over on 1 July 1999 will have to comply by the date of the first
intermediate or periodical survey after that date, whichever is sooner. Bulk carriers aged 15-20
years must comply by the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, but not later than 1 July 2002.
Bulk carriers less than 15 years old must comply by the date of the first periodical survey after the
ship reaches 15 years of age, but not later than the date on which the ship reaches 17 years of age.
IMO is currently reviewing whether further measures will be needed to enhance bulk carrier safety,
following the publication of the United Kingdom report into the sinking of the bulk carrier
Derbyshire in 1980, with the loss of all on board.
The report was presented to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in May 1998 by the United
Kingdom and contains further recommendations relating to the design and construction of bulk
carriers. Issues under consideration by the MSC and its Sub-Committees include:
4. structural means to reduce loads on hatch covers and forward structure; and
The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventieth session (7 to 11 December 1998), adopted
amendments to the performance standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems
(ECDIS) to include the use of Raster Chart Display Systems (RCDS).
These amendments permit ECDIS equipment to operate in two modes: .1 the ECDIS mode when ENC
data is used; and .2 the RCDS mode when ENC data is not available. However, the RCDS mode does
not have the full functionality of ECDIS, and can only be used together with an appropriate portfolio
of up-to-date paper charts.
The mariners' attention is therefore drawn to the following limitations of the RCDS mode:
1 unlike ECDIS where there are no chart boundaries, RCDS is a chart-based system similar to a
portfolio of paper charts;
2 Raster navigational chart (RNC) data, itself, will not trigger automatic alarms (e.g. anti-grounding).
However, some alarms can be generated by the RCDS from user?inserted information. These can
- clearing lines, - ship safety contour lines, - isolated dangers, - danger areas
3 horizontal datums and chart projections may differ between RNCs. Mariners should understand
how the chart horizontal datum relates to the datum of the position fixing system. In some instances,
this may appear as a shift in position. This difference may be most noticeable at grid intersections
and during route monitoring;
5 without selecting different scale charts, the look-ahead capability may be somewhat limited. This
may lead to some inconvenience when determining range and bearing or the identity of distant
6 orientation of the RCDS display to other than chart-up, may affect the readability of chart text and
symbols (e.g., course-up, route-up);
7 it may not be possible to interrogate RNC features to gain additional information about charted
8 it is not possible to display a ship's safety contour or safety depth and highlight it on the display,
unless these features are manually entered during route planning;
9 depending on the source of the RNC, different colours may be used to show similar chart
information. There may also be differences in colours used during day and nighttime;
10 an RNC should be displayed at the scale of the paper chart. Excessive zooming in or zooming out
can seriously degrade RCDS capability, for example, by degrading the legibility of the chart image;
11 mariners should be aware that in confined waters, the accuracy of chart data (i.e., paper charts,
ENC or RNC data) may be less than that of the position-fixing system in use. This may be the case
when using differential GNSS. ECDIS provides an indication in the ENC which allows a determination
of the quality of the data.
4. Member Governments are requested to bring this information to the attention of the relevant
authorities and all seafarers for guidance and action, as appropriate.
- log down
- all survival craft, rescue boat n launching appliances visually inspected, attachments okay, onload
release working and reset
- engines tested not less than 3 minutes
- l/b moved from stowed position (except free fall)
- gen. emc’y alarm tested.
- turned out from stowed position
- inspection of lsa appliances including l/b equipment carried out monthly using req. checklist.
Periodic servicing
- subject to thorough examination under annual survey
- upon completion of dynamic test of winch brake at max lowering speed Load applied shall be l/b
mass without persons
5 yearly
- at intervals not exceeding 5 years test carried out with proof load of 1.1 times max load of winch.
- Release gear test under load of 1.1 times the total mass of l/b when loaded with full complement
of persons and equipment whenever the release gear is o/hauled.
Lifeboat maintenance
1) Condition of lifeboat structure
2) Engine and propulsion system
3) Sprinkler system
4) Air supply system
5) Manoeuvring system
6) Power supply system
7) Bailing system
Winch maintenance
EFSWR – 6x36 for lifeboat falls and topping lift for derricks and cranes
Heart of jute or hemp. Modern ropes use nylon.
Nylon - When it comes under tension it squeezes out the water and prevents rusting
Jute or hemp – when lubricated, if it comes under tension it squeezes out the oils and lubricates the
The Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan, containing procedures to be followed in case of an
oil spill;
Personnel to be contacted;
Authorities to contact;
Mentions all the equipment the ship carries to combat and contain an oil spill.
Your engine room is on fire and the Master advises you that he is going to use the CO2
smothering installation. What action do you take prior to discharging the CO2?
Evacuate all personnel from the machinery space to the muster station, take head count ensure
all personnel are accounted for;
Ensure the E/R is completely sealed off with all openings, dampers, and flaps closed, and check
that ventilation has been shut down;
Close all remote fuel stops;
Open the door to CO2 control box, this will activate the CO2 audio-visual alarm system in the
machinery spaces, this will also trip any remaining ventilation fans that may be running to the
Second confirmation head count;
Set off CO2 on Masters orders;
Continue with boundary cooling and monitoring of the system after setting off the CO2.
The ‘DOC’ is the certificate awarded to the company after a successful audit of the company office
management on the aspects of safety management;
The original DOC is held in the office and a certified copy is to be carried onboard, the certificate
is valid for 5 years with an annual audit;
The ‘SMC’ is the certificate issued to the ship after the company has received the DOC and the
ship has been successfully audited, the certificate is valid for 5 years and an audit held
between 2 and 3 years.
Explain in your own words, what you understand about the ISM Code?
It is an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships by setting
rules for the organization of company management in relation to safety of life, property and
the prevention of pollution;
The Safety Management System should ensure compliance with the mandatory rules and
regulations, and the observance of applicable codes, guidelines, and recommended standards;
The SMS is to incorporate the following:
1. A Safety and Environment Policy;
2. The Company Responsibilities and Authority;
3. Assign a Designated Person to be the contact between the ship and shore with a direct
uninterrupted link to the highest level of management in the company;
4. Lay out the Master’s Responsibility and Authority;
5. Develop plans for shipboard operations;
6. Emergency preparedness;
7. A Reporting system for Reports and analysis of any non-conformances, accidents and hazardous
8. A Planned Maintenance System for all equipment and hull;
9. A system for documentation verification, review and evaluation.
Safety Management System" means a structured and documented system enabling Company
personnel to implement effectively the Company safety and environmental protection policy.
The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and
avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular, to the marine environment, and to property.
1.4 Functional requirements for a Safety Management System (SMS)
Every Company should develop, implement and maintain a Safety Management System (SMS) which
includes the following functional requirements:
.1 a safety and environmental protection policy;
.2 instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships and protection of the environment
in compliance with relevant international and flag State legislation;
.3 defined levels of authority and lines of communication between, and amongst, shore and
shipboard personnel;
.4 procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of this Code;
.5 procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations; and
.6 procedures for internal audits and management reviews.
12.1 The Company should carry out internal safety audits on board and ashore at intervals not
exceeding twelve months to verify whether safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with
the safety management system. In exceptional circumstances, this interval may be exceeded by not
more than three months.
What would you suggest as an appropriate whistle signal for a vessel aground, in addition to
her normal fog signal?
What is the minimum recommended safe passing distance off an oil rig?
All rigs have a 500m safety zone around them, so the minimum distance to pass is 500m
(Mariners Handbook).
You are on watch; what would you do if you see a ‘White’ light ahead on the horizon?
Take a series of compass bearings, maintaining a proper lookout;
Identify the target;
Change radar range, see whether you can pick up the target and plot to ascertain a risk of
You are on watch, what do you do if you see a ‘Rocket’ on the horizon?
Yes, but assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information, so to allow for any
errors in the ARPA calculations, I would also take bearings.
How do you determine/ascertain a risk of collision?
It is to maintain a continuous state of vigilance by sight, sound and all other available means, with
regard to any significant change in the operating environment;
To make a full appraisal of the situation, and to ensure that there isn’t any risk of a collision,
stranding or other danger to navigation.
So as you can in according to the prevailing conditions take proper and effective action to avoid a
So as you can stop your vessel if necessary within a safe distance and if necessary have time to go
Upon hearing the fire alarm (continuous ringing of the fire alarm), all personal to report to their
muster station, carry out a head count;
Establish location of fire and type of fire;
For exercise, shut off ventilation and close flaps/dampers and access doors and hatches to
effected compartment;
Prepare personnel for their assigned fire party duties, dress in thermal protective suits, don BA
units and test;
Have relevant extinguishers on hand, fire hoses run out and the fire pumps put on line;
At least 2 x Jets and 1 x Water Spray hoses employed;
Establish best positions for boundary cooling if required;
Check communications with all parties involved;
Check operation of water tight doors, remote shut offs, fire doors, flaps and dampers;
Go through a CO2 smother drill if fitted to space;
Stow all equipment in their correct location after the drill, but check if any of the equipment
requires topping up or maintenance before stowing;
Hold a wash up meeting shortly after the drill to discuss successes and short comings of the drill;
Log the drill.
What are the requirements as far as crew participation in Musters and Drills is concerned?
Each crew member must participate in at least 1 abandon ship drill every month, and 1 fire drill
every month;
If more than 25% of the crew are changed, the drills must take place within 24 hours of leaving
Passenger ship Abandon Ship and Fire Drills must take place weekly.
Lifeboats: At least once a month;
Liferafts: At least once a month;
Damage Control: to be held in conjunction with the above drills;
Rocket Line: Once every 3 months;
Steering Gear: once every 3 months;
The ‘Emergency Lighting’ for muster and abandon ship, to be checked during each drill;
Life Saving Appliances used in fire and safety drill to be tested at least once every 6 months.
ISM code VIII – drills for emc’y actions (SOPEP, grounding, enclosed space etc.) as per company’s SMS
Three monthly
Open Lifeboats;
Partially Enclosed Lifeboats;
Self-righting partially enclosed lifeboats;
Totally Enclosed Lifeboats;
Free Fall Lifeboats;
The Rescue Boat should be launched every month, however if this is impractical they must be
launched every 3 months.
You are in clear visibility; you have a vessel 3 points on your Port bow at 8nm. What is your
Maintain my course and speed as I am the stand-on vessel. However I would monitor her closely
so as to avoid a close quarter’s situation, as I still have an obligation to avoid a collision.
Sound 5 short and rapid blasts and reduce my speed. Keep tracking/plotting her, if no response;
sound 1 short blast and alter course to starboard and come right around to come astern of her.
Keep tracking her until she is past and well clear.
You have a vessel 3 points on your Port bow at 8nm, it is showing two white lights on her
foremast. Who gives way?
It is a vessel engaged in towing and the tow is <200m. She is not displaying ‘RAM’ lights,
therefore she is a Power Driven vessel, and the normal sailing rules apply; she is the ‘Give Way’
Bank effect is caused by an uneven pressure around the hull, due to the close proximity to a bank
or underwater obstruction;
As a vessel moves through the water it creates a bow pressure wave, this wave strikes the bank
and has no where to go, so bounces back and creates a cushion effect between the bow and the
bank, pushing the bow away from the bank.
At the same time there is a low pressure created between the stern and the bank, this tends to
accentuate the cushion effect at the bow as that is the stronger force;
The smaller the UKC the resultant effect is repulsion, and the greater the UKC the resultant is
attraction toward the bank;
This effect is used to an advantage to turn vessel through tight turns in a bend in a river, canal or
reef area.
The most important one would be a risk of a close quarter’s situation resulting in a collision
caused by the interaction of both vessels in a narrow channel. This is because the pressure bow
wave from the overtaking vessel could push my stern toward the bank, and the bank effect push
my bow into the channel, and a collision resulting;
Also a suction effect between the two vessels can pull them together when they are parallel to
one another;
One or both vessel could encounter a steering failure or a propulsion failure resulting in a loss of
Note: Even though in a narrow channel, the overtaking vessel is not relieved of her obligations
under ‘Rule 13’ (Overtaking).
You are in a narrow channel, you hear from astern ‘2 prolonged blasts followed by 2 short
blasts’. What is the meaning and what is your action?
It means that a vessel astern of me wishes to overtake me on my ‘Port’ side (Rule 34 (c ));
My response would be if I considered it safe to do so (Rule 9 (e) (i)) answer by sounding ‘C’; (1
prolonged, 1 short, 1 prolonged, 1 short). And keep to the extreme starboard side of the
It is clear visibility and you are approaching a bend and hear ‘1 prolonged blast’. What does
this signal signify? What is your response?
The signal signifies that a vessel is approaching the bend from the other side and that her view
around the bend is obscured (Rule 34 (e));
My response would be to also sound ‘1 prolonged blast’ in response to indicate to her that I am
aware she is approaching the bend, and I would keep well to the starboard side of the channel as
safely can be maintained.
You are in a narrow channel, constrained by your draft. You see a vessel displaying ‘RAM’
lights on your port bow, bearing steady. What is your action?
Sound 5 short blasts to indicate that you are not sure of her intentions;
If there is no response, reduce my speed to minimum steerage or if necessary take all way off;
Wait for other vessel to be clear, and then proceed with caution until well clear.
You have a “Man Overboard” incident in a traffic separation scheme. What would be your
By day: Three ‘Black Balls’ in a vertical line where can best be seen;
Also display flags: ‘L’ – Stop your vessel instantly, or ‘U’ – You are standing into danger;
By night: Two ‘All Round RED lights’ in a vertical line where best can be seen; Plus the ship’s
anchor light/s;
These are used to mark newly discovered dangers to navigation that have yet to be included in
charts, sailing directions and have not yet been addressed in NTM;
Marked using one or more Cardinal or Lateral marks;
Marks may be duplicated;
Lights: Qk or VQk – White for Cardinal marks; Red or Green for Lateral marks;
Can have a Racon (coded) or Morse ‘D’ (- . .)
Shape: Pillar or Spar; ‘BLACK/RED/BLACK’ banded; 2 vertical ‘BLACK’ balls as top mark;
White Light; Group Flash (2).
They are erected on, moored on or above an ‘Isolated Danger of Limited Extent’ with navigable
water around it;
Note: As safe a wide berth as practicable should be given to these isolated dangers.
These regions only differ in regards to the side to pass the ‘Lateral’ marks.
Also their ‘Top Marks’ are different in the regard that they signify the way the mark is to be left
when approaching from seaward; e.g. in Region ‘A’ the top mark for the ‘Port hand Red
marker’ has a ‘Can’ shape; and the ‘Starboard hand Green marker’ has a ‘Cone’ shape;
In Region ‘B’ the top mark for the ‘Port hand Green marker’ has a ‘Can’ shape; and the
‘Starboard hand Red marker’ has a ‘Cone’ shape; “i.e the shape doesn’t change but the colour
Region ‘A’: The Lateral Buoyage marking channels is ‘Red to Port’ related to the Conventional
Direction of Buoyage. Off the coast, the direction of buoyage in this region is from ‘East to West’;
within the estuary, it is the direction taken by the mariner when approaching from seaward;
Region ‘B’: The Lateral Buoyage marking channels is ‘Red to Starboard’, related to the
Conventional Direction of Buoyage. Off the coast, the direction of buoyage in this region is from
‘East to West’; within the estuary, it is the direction taken by the mariner when approaching from
It can also be looked at that in ‘Region ‘A’ when entering port it is ‘Red to Port’ and ‘Green to
Starboard’. When leaving port it is ‘Green to Port’ and ‘Red to Starboard’;
And in ‘Region ‘B’ when entering port it is ‘Green to Port’ and ‘Red to Starboard’. When leaving
port it is ‘Red to Port’ and ‘Green to Starboard’.
Both regions’ Lateral marks/buoys can be either cans, cones, pillars or spars.
A cardinal buoy has lost its top mark. How do you identify it? What are the light
Cardinal marks are painted black and yellow, the top marks if fitted are black triangles and the
light is white;
NORTH: ‘Black Top’ and ‘Yellow Bottom’; LIGHT: Qk Fl or VQk Fl;
EAST: ‘Black Top’, ‘Yellow Centre’, ‘Black Bottom’; LIGHT: Qk Fl (3)10 sec or VQk Fl (3)
5 sec;
SOUTH: ‘Yellow Top’ and ‘Black Bottom’; LIGHT: Qk Fl (6) + L.Fl 15 sec or VQk Fl (6) + L.Fl
10 sec;
WEST: ‘Yellow Top’, ‘Black Centre’, ‘Yellow Bottom’; LIGHT: Qk Fl (9) 15 sec or VQk Fl (9)
10 sec.
You are on watch and you see a cardinal mark ahead. Which direction do you pass?
All cardinals indicate that the best water is on the same side as indicated by the mark; e.g. a
‘North’ cardinal mark is indicating that the best water is to the ‘North’, so you would pass north of
the mark;
Pass ‘North’ of a ‘North’ mark;
Pass ‘East’ of an ‘East’ mark;
Pass ‘South’ of a ‘South’ mark;
Pass ‘West’ of a ‘West’ mark.
What are the regulations regarding Oily Water Separators? What happens when the PPM is
Firstly; MARPOL Annex 1 applies to all tankers over 150grt and other vessels over 400grt.
The certificate issued is the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP), and is valid
for 5 years, with an Annual inspection;
The oil content of effluent discharged overboard from machinery spaces only, must satisfy the
1. cannot exceed 15ppm, with vessels over 400grt required to be fitted with 15ppm
filtering and detection equipment;
2. not within special areas;
3. not within 12nm of land;
4. En-route (vessel must be making way);
5. Effluent not to contain residues from cargo or pump room spaces.
Secondly; Filtering equipment on vessels over 10,000grt, when the 15ppm limit is reached,
must have;
1. Alarm arrangements;
2. Automatic stopping devices; usually the discharge valve shuts and the effluent is
circulated back to the space.
Must be capable of inflation by a single manual motion (pull cord and CO2 bottle);
Must be capable of inflation by mouth;
Must have two separate buoyancy compartments;
Must have sufficient buoyancy and stability in calm water to:
1. Lift the mouth and head of an unconscious person not less than 120mm clear of the water,
with the body inclined backwards at an angle of not less than 20deg, and not more than
50deg from the vertical position;
2. Turn an unconscious person from any position to where the mouth is clear of the water in
not more than 5 seconds;
Must have the similar characteristic of non-inflatable jackets in that they must be able to be
donned in 1 minute without assistance;
Comfortable to wear;
Buoyancy not reduced more than 5% after 24 hours in fresh water;
Not to sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for 2 seconds;
Carry enough lifejackets onboard for every person + 10% spare;
Additional lifejackets to be carried in working spaces, including Bridge, E/R, Forecastle and at the
lifeboat stations (These must be stowed in float free lockers with hydrostatic releases).
It is a bag or suit made from waterproof materials with low thermal conductivity;
It shall reduce both convective and evaporative heat loss from the wearer’s body;
Shall be capable of covering the whole of the wearer’s body when wearing a lifejacket, but with
the exception of not having to cover the persons head;
Shall capable of being unpacked and easily donned without any assistance in a survival craft or
rescue boat;
Permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 minutes, if it is impairing the
wearer’s ability to swim;
Shall function properly throughout air temperatures between -30deg C and + 20deg C.
This is a suit designed to protect the wearer from loss of body heat when immersed in cold
waters, and constructed from waterproof materials;
Shall be able to be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 minutes;
Shall cover the whole body with the exception of the face; hands shall be covered unless
permanently attached cloves are provided;
It shall be provided with arrangements to minimise the amount of free air in the legs of the suit to
stop the wearer being unbalanced in the water;
Following a jump into the water from a height of 4.5 metres there is to be no ingress of water
into the suit;
Must be fitted with retro-reflective tape;
Must allow the wearer to don a lifejacket without assistance;
NOTE: Some types of Immersion Suits are buoyant, and are classed as lifejackets. In that case
the suit has to be equipped with a light and a whistle.
A boat hook;
A bucket;
A knife or hatchet,
Basically any boat that meets the requirements. The rescue boat is used for recovery of persons
from the water. And for rounding up liferafts after abandoning ship.
General requirements:
You are on watch at night, bridge doors closed, how would you ascertain if the vessel is
encountering fog?
Venture out to both bridge wings and observe the atmosphere. Also look at own lighting to see if
a halo has formed around them;
Check the radar and observe the range of targets you should be able to see clearly by eye;
Again go out onto bridge wings and if they are not visible by eye, you can say you are in fog,
about to enter fog, or fog is closing in on you.
You have a small fire in the E/R bilge. How do you fight it?
What is a Combined Lantern? What size vessel can display it? Can you have the stern light in
the Combined Lantern?
This lantern has the ‘Port & Starboard’ side lights and the “Stern Light” combined in the same
lantern. The arcs of visibility for each light are as per the requirements of the rules;
Can be carried by a ‘Sailing Vessel’ less than 20m in length, and fitted at or near the masthead
where it can best be seen. The combined lantern cannot be exhibited in conjunction with any
other navigation lights.
How many fire extinguishers is life boats required to carry, and what extinguishing agent can
be used and what type of fire are they required to extinguish?
Motor Life Boats on foreign registered vessels require one portable extinguisher for oil fires;
Australian registered vessels require 2 portable extinguishers, one for oil fires and one for
material fires i.e. 1 x 4.5Ltr Foam + 1 x 2.25kg Dry Powder.
It means 20 miles is the ‘Nominal’ maximum range at which the light can be seen in conditions
where visibility is 10nm.
Fire; collision, abandon ship and SOPEP drills at least one a month.
Rescue boat with assigned crew – every month;
Marine evacuation system – no longer than 2 yearly;
Familiarize safety installations and practice muster – before voyage;
Passengers onboard for more than 24 hours – within 24 hours of embarkation. Crew must
participate within 24 hours also if more than 25% of crew changed;
Lifeboat drill by turning out the boats every month, and all boats launched and run every 3
months. Must conduct a drill within 24 hours of sailing if the crew has changed by more than
Davit launched life rafts – not more than 4 months;
Emergency steering gear drill – not more than 3 months.
A Search and Rescue Transponder, and they are a battery powered radar detecting position
indicating device. Therefore on receipt of a radar signal from an aircraft or ship, the SART will
respond by transmitting a signal which shows up on the radar screen as a series of 12 small arcs
extending about 5 nm outwards from the SART’s position along its bearing line;
It operates in the 10 GHz (9.3 – 9.5GHz) frequency range, and responds to radar operating in that
same range (3cm radar);
The battery allows the SART to stay on stand-by waiting for a radar signal to respond to for 96
Information on SARTs is in the Annual Notices to Mariners, and the SART manual itself.
You are on watch when the visibility unexpectedly drops to a few meters. What immediate
action will you take?
5. Join & Leave at minimum angle. Join & Leave as required safe nav.
7. Normal rules apply during dredging. Dredging exempt from normal rules.
8. Fishing v/l not to impede deep draft v/l Fishing v/l not to impede deep draft v/l.
What is SOLAS?
It is the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea. And is made up of the following Parts
and Annexes:
Part 1: Contains the 74 Convention and 78 Protocol Articles, also has the Requirements and
Certificates Required.
Part 2: Implementation of the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification. Lists of
Certificates and Documents to be carried onboard Ships and the resolutions of the 1994/95
Conferences. Also contains the new Chapter IX, being the International Safety Management Code
(ISM) for the safe management, operation and pollution prevention of ships.
Basically it is to have the Bridge team including the Master and Pilot pooling their skills and
training to work the bridge as a team for the common navigation safety of the ship. They should
professionally challenge each other on actions of concern to them with regards to the passage
plan. The roles of each team member are clearly defined, and they interact with each other. The
Master should be stood back overseeing the operation of the team in executing the passage plan.
He is the designated direct link between the ship and shore; he is required to have direct
unconditional access to the highest level of management of the company.
A power driven vessel gives way to:
A vessel less than 100m in length shall sound rapid ringing of the bell for 5 sec at 1 minute
A vessel over 100m in length shall sound in the fore part of the vessel, the rapid ringing of the
bell for 5 sec, followed immediately from the aft section by the sounding of the gong for 5 sec at 1
minute intervals.
A vessel in giving warning of her position and possible collision may sound in Morse ‘R’ (1 short-
1 long-1 short).
VECTOR MODE: you must always be aware of the vector type on display. Whether the mode is
True or Relative vectors will indicate different things. True vectors give the true course and
speed of the other vessel through the water and not it’s true aspect. Where as Relative vectors
give the relative motion of both vessels to each other, the CPA and TCPA.
SPEED & COURSE INPUTS: Speed and course errors can occur when there are log and gyro
errors. Ship’s own course and speed inputs are used by the ARPA to calculate the vectors, and
eventually CPA and TCPA. As collision avoidance is based around headings the system needs
to be Sea stabilised and not ground stabilised. Therefore it requires a log detecting speed
through the water and not over the ground.
PAD DISPLAYS: PADs do not indicate the vector of the targets speed. The centre of the PAD is
not the PPC; PADs also do not show CPA. So care must be taken when using PADs.
Care must be taken when evaluating information, do not act on scanty information.
Be aware of what motion is on display, True or Relative.
Know any ‘OFF SET’ in use.
Be aware of weak targets, small targets, and very fast moving targets.
Use Sea and Rain clutters with care not to obliterate close in targets.
Do not clutter up the screen with too much information e.g. PADs, vectors, PIs, clearing lines,
Electronic chart overlays, trails, Nav lines, waypoints, etc.
To show to the operator the recent tracks or manoeuvres of targets. It is history; so they really
show what a target has done and not what it is doing. Shows it by a series of dots trailing the
target. Dot spacing can indicate changes in speed, and their curvature will indicate recent
If predicted far enough in advance that a close quarters situation is developing, then the Trial
Manoeuvre facility can be used to trial course and speed alterations with a delay to assist the
decision making process in avoiding the close quarters situation .
When trial manoeuvre is on, it is indicated by a ‘T’ at the bottom of the screen.
If true vectors are displayed, then own ships vector will change direction or length as
If relative vectors are displayed then the relative vectors of the targets will alter direction and
course from the delayed time inputted. This gives an instant visual appreciation of the CPA as a
result of the trial manoeuvre.
Manual Acquisition: First you set the parameters required i.e. CPA, TCPA.
Then change to True Vectors to get a general view of the flow of the traffic. Change back to Relative
Vectors, place curser over required target/s, Press Manual Acquire. In 1 minute there will be
preliminary data available, but after 3 minutes you will get accurate data as to other target’s Course,
Speed, CPA, TCPA, and Aspect. An ARPA must be able to acquire up to 20 targets either
Automatically or Manually.
Automatic Acquisition: Can either acquire them in a Global Form; i.e. by setting a distance
right around the vessel and setting the ARPA to automatically acquire targets encroaching inside
this area. Or by setting up Zones by setting Guard Rings say only forward of the beam, or forward
of starboard beam to right ahead as an example. The ARPA would then Automatically acquire
targets encroaching on those zones.
If target is lost after the smoothing process, the gate will open up further until it finds the target
again to save loosing the target.
Relative Motion: In Relative motion the vector matrix value can be displayed on the
screen in time intervals. The vector lengths are operator adjustable and time related, so the
vector can be extended to give a visual representation of the CPA. Own ship will not have a vector.
True Motion: In True Motion the vector lengths are also operator adjustable and time related,
so can be extended to visually show the CPA. The difference is that your own ship has a True
Vector and the CPA is the difference between the two vectors. It will also show weather the vessel
will pass astern or ahead of you. It is also possible to detect the true movements of other vessels
around you besides the one you are concerned with.
After 3 minutes gives accurate display of other targets Course, Speed, Range, CPA, TCPA and
Shows either True or relative Vectors.
Will give information on a trial manoeuvre.
You are going to bunker, how would you prevent an oil spill?
Ensure the ship is upright at commencement.
Hold a pre-bunkering meeting and have a bunkering plan in place. Maximum list to any side
established, this is not to be exceeded during bunkering operations.
Prepare deck as per bunkering checklist:
1. Scuppers plugged and cemented.
2. All vent save-alls cleaned and clear.
3. SOPEP equipment on hand, i.e. kitty litter, pads, absorbent materials etc.
4. Check all fittings and hoses, gaskets.
5. Drip trays under any hose joints.
6. Joins kept to a minimum
7. Display Flag ‘B’ and ‘RY’ flags.
Describe the complete start up, set up and operation of the ship’s radar?
Check antenna so that no person is aloft, any lanyards, flags or other rigging is not fouling the
Switch from mains source is ON.
Set all controls to zero.
Switch radar on and weight the tree minute warm-up to take place.
Switch from standby to transmit
Set range scale (usually the 12nm), brilliance, gain, and tune the set.
Fine tune
If required set the sea clutter: Sea clutter suppresses the sea echoes by using the swept gain,
that is an automatic and gradual increase in amplification of each pulse echo from low levels for
early echoes to full level for later echoes. Care to be taken not do obliterate small targets and
targets at close range.
Also if required set the rain clutter, bearing in mind not to obliterate targets.
Ship handling – Right Hand Prop, describe a ‘Short Round Turn’ in a river. Which way would
you turn and why?
This is taking advantage of transverse thrust. And for a RH turning screw you would hug the
‘Port’ side of the river keeping enough clear water for the stern to swing in. Whilst at slow ahead;
put the rudder hard-a-starboard and as soon as it reaches full deflection put engine full ahead. As
the ship arcs toward other side of the river and at a safe distance from the opposite bank, stop
engine, put rudder amidships, put engine full astern. This will utilise the transverse thrust and set
the stern to port and bow to starboard. At a safe point, stop engine, put rudder hard-a-starboard,
put engine full ahead. Repeat process as necessary to get your ship safely moving in the opposite
direction within the confines of the river. Use appropriate manoeuvring signals.
Ramiah Selvarajan.
Irrespective of what is stated in this job description, the Chief Officer is not exempt from any of the
duties or restricted in any of the rights he has under the appropriate Flag State's maritime
Roles and Responsibilities
Scope of Responsibility
Loading, Discharging and care of cargo during the voyage in compliance with the Company's
and Master's Instructions
Safe, efficient and cost-effective operations, in accordance with the Master' instructions,
relevant legislation, and the Company's GSMS System.
Knowledge of, adherence to, and implementation of the Company's policy(Id 001)
The Chief Officer shall keep the Master, the Shipboard Management Team and other functions
on board well informed so that they can co-ordinate and control activities thereby maximising
safety, quality and environmental protection.
To take such measures to protect all persons, the environment, the vessel, her equipment and
cargo as deemed necessary by the observance of good seamanship and the circumstances of
the case.
The Chief Officer shall report to the Master such defects, nonconformances and other matters
which could present a risk to health and safety, pollution, quality of work and operational
The Chief Officer is the head of the medical department on board and acts as a point of entry
for all crewmembers.
In order to always ensure safe and reliable operation of the vessel, the Chief Officer should avail
himself of the knowledge and experience of his officers.
In order to provide opportunity for the other officers to improve their knowledge and experience,
the Chief Officer should keep them informed about the intent of his orders and in general encourage
them to comment in case of questions.
Assess periodically the performance of the ratings on board and discuss this with the individual.
To control the stability, trim, draft, bending moments, shear forces and seaworthiness of the
vessel as prescribed by the Company and relevant international rules and regulations.
To ensure safe stability, trim and seaworthiness in connection with any ballast operation
which might be raised e.g. with bunker-transfer, mid-ocean ballast exchange and any cargo
To prepare the vessel's cargo system and cargo compartments ready for cargo.
To control loading and unloading of cargo and its treatment during the voyage, is effectuated
in accordance with applicable rules, instructions and contracts. To liaise with the ship's
planners and vessel operations.
Prepare Standing Orders for Port / Cargo Operations. In addition, make Daily Orders for port
operations as applicable. To ensure that these orders are understood and acknowledged by all
concerned officers.
Plans the fuel tank rotation in consultation with the Master and C/E.
Control and supervise officers, ratings' daily working plans, associated with watch and work
routines. Periodically monitor the work / rest hour planning for all officers and ratings in the
deck and catering department to ensure that the rest hour requirements are being complied
Training of all officers and crew with regards to collection , storage and disposal of garbage as
outlines in the vessel’s Garbage management Plan.
To instruct and supervise Officers and Ratings of the vessel in the use of safety, environmental
protection, fire fighting and life saving equipment.
1. Orientation.
3. Environmental protection.
Ensure that his / her individual work and rest hour planning is done on an ongoing basis and
rest hour requirements are complied with to avoid fatigue.
Take measures to protect the vessel and its equipment and prevent incorrect methods.
To control all areas of the vessel belonging to his field of responsibility are kept clean and tidy,
and in good working condition.
To manage and supervise checks, maintenance and repairs of deck and hull items as delegated
by the Master in cooperation with the Chief Engineer when the latter has the function of head
of vessel's maintenance.
Three calls of pan-pan in radiotelephone communications,[1][2][3] is used to signify that there is an
urgency on board a boat, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle but that, for the time being at least, there is
no immediate danger to anyone's life or to the vessel itself. [4] This is referred to as a state of urgency
a Mayday call, which means that there is imminent danger to life or to the continued viability of the
vessel itself.[5] Thus "pan-pan" informs potential rescuers (including emergency services and other
craft in the area) that a safety problem exists whereas "Mayday" will call upon them to drop all other
activities and immediately initiate a rescue attempt.
"Sécurité, sécurité, sécurité" (/seɪˈkjʊərɨteɪ/; French: sécurité), it means that what follows is
important safety information. The most common use of this is by coast radio stations before the
broadcast of navigational warnings and meteorological information.
The properties of steels may be altered greatly by the heat treatment to which the steel
is subsequently subjected. These heat treatments bring about a change in the
mechanical properties principally by modifying the steel’s structure. Those heat
treatments that concern shipbuilding materials are described.
This consists of heating the steel at a slow rate to a temperature of say 850–950 _C,
and then cooling it in the furnace at a very slow rate. The objects of annealing are to
relieve any internal stresses, to soften the steel, or to bring the steel to a condition
suitable for a subsequent heat treatment.
This is carried out by heating the steel slowly to a temperature similar to that for
annealing and allowing it to cool in air. The resulting faster cooling rate produces
a harder, stronger steel than annealing, and also refines the grain size.
Quenching (or hardening)
Steel is heated to temperatures similar to that for annealing and normalizing, and then
quenched in water or oil. The fast cooling rate produces a very hard structure with
a higher tensile strength.
Quenched steels may be further heated to a temperature somewhat between atmospheric
and 680 _C, and some alloy steels are then cooled fairly rapidly by quenching
in oil or water. The object of this treatment is to relieve the severe internal stresses
produced by the original hardening process and to make the material less brittle but
retain the higher tensile stress.
Stress relieving
To relieve internal stresses the temperature of the steel may be raised so that no
structural change of the material occurs and then it may be slowly cooled.
To ensure that the vessel maintains the standards that are set as per class rules she will have to undergo
surveys and these will provide for:-
structural strength of all material parts of the hull and where necessary watertight integrity
effectiveness of other features and auxiliary systems built into ships, in order to safely carry
appropriate cargoes and personnel when at sea, moored or at anchor.
Recommendation’ and ‘condition of class’ are synonymous terms used by IACS societies for
requirements that specific measures, repairs, request for surveys etc., are to be carried out by
the owner within a specified time period in order to retain class.
In addition to the circumstances for which automatic suspension may apply, the class of a ship
will be subject to suspension procedures following a decision of the society:
• when a recommendation/condition of class is not dealt with within the time limit
specified, unless it is postponed before the due date by agreement with the society
• when one or more other surveys are not held by their due dates - or the dates
stipulated by the society also taking into account any extensions granted
• when, due to the nature of reported defects, the society considers that a ship is not
entitled to retain its class even on a temporary basis (pending necessary repairs or
renewals, etc.)
• in other circumstances where the owner fails to submit the ship to a survey in
accordance with a special requirement.
With reference to hatchways doorways or ventilators
Position 1 means the hatchways, doorways or ventilators are positioned upon exposed freeboard &
raise quarter decks or //upon exposed superstructure decks situated forward of a point located
0.25L from the forward perpendicular (FP).
Position2: means the hatchways, doorways or ventilators are positioned upon exposed
superstructure decks and situated abaft a point located 0.25L from the forward perpendicular (FP).
Hatches that are at Position 1 have coamings at least 600 mm high and those at
Position 2 have coamings at least 450 mm high, the height being measured above
any deck covering.
Anchor Dragging
The anchor is said to be dragging when it is not held in the sea bed. It is said
to bite well when it has a good hold in the ground.The vessel is 'dragging her
anchor' if she moves her position while dragging the anchor over the sea bed.
1) sound 5 or more rapid short blasts on the whistle, try to contact dragging vessel as well port
2) inform master, e/r, anchor party
3) if in restricted visibility sound R (.-.)
4) rig fenders forward
5) if engines available and time permits, steam over cable, choose another position or use stern
propulsion depending on circumstances at the time
6) if cable shortened, own vessel may begin to drag and possibility to sheer her using helm to
clear the approaching vessel.
7) Finally, slip off cable from bitter end.
Dredging Down
A vessel is said to be 'dredging down' when she is head to the wind and/or
tide (stemming the tide), with an anchor just on the bottom.The amount
of cable out is limited to the minimum to put the anchor on the bottom.
Dredging down occurs when the vessel is not moving as fast as the current,
which makes the rudder effective and allows the ship to manoeuvre.
It is normal to expect a crabwise motion of the vessel over the ground,
which is often employed for berthing operations. Used in conjunction
with bold helm, the direction of the ship's head can be appreciably
Snubbing Round
A vessel can turn head to tide without too much difficulty, provided that
there is sufficient sea room to do so. Should the sea room not be available
then a tighter turn will be required.This can be achieved by means of one
of the ship's anchors, in the operation of snubbing round on the weight of
the cable.
It is most frequently practised when the vessel has the tidal stream astern
or in berthing operations.The vessel's speed should be reduced so that she
can just maintain steerage way. Let go either the port or starboard anchors,
at short stay, and allow the cable to lead aft, dragging the anchor along
the bottom. The cable will act as a spring, reducing headway, and canting
the bow round towards the side from which the anchor was let go. The
Master or pilot of the vessel should supplement this anchor/cable action
by use of maximum helm and increase in engine power to bring the vessel
through 180 ~ . The anchor party should be briefed on the operation
beforehand, and know, when to apply the brake to the cable, so giving
the check on the vessel's forward motion that is necessary to complete
the turn.
If the manoeuvre is attempted with too much headway on the vessel,
excessive weight will be brought on to the cable as the vessel turns, which
could result in the cable parting. In general practice, the anchor is let go to
about a shackle, depending on the depth of water.The brake is then applied
to start the turning motion on the vessel.
Anchoring in an Emergency
A vessel is approaching a channel in reduced visibility, speed 5 knots.
The officer of the watch receives a VHF communication that the channel has
become blocked by a collision at the main entrance (Figure 18.29). What
would be a recommended course of action when the vessel was 1 mile from
the obstructed channel, with a flood tide of approximately 4 knots running
1. Assuming the vessel to have a right-hand fixed propeller, put the rudder
hard a-starboard and stop main engines.The vessel would respond
by turning to starboard. The anchor party should stand by forward to
let go starboard anchor.
2. Let go starboard anchor. Full astern on main engines to reduce headreach.
Letting go the anchor would check the headway of the vessel
and act to snub the vessel round. Stop main engines.
3. Full ahead on main engines, with rudder hard a-starboard. Ease and
check the cable as weight comes on the anchor. Once the vessel has
stopped over the ground, go half ahead on main engines, allowing
the vessel to come up towards the anchor and so relieve the strain on the
cable. Heave away on the cable and bring the anchor home. Clear the
area and investigate a safe anchorage or alternative port until channel
obstruction is cleared.
limitations of the COC 2…COC 2 holder can work as chief mate on vessel engaged in world wide
trading. And can sail as a Master on home trade vessels of less than 500 gross tonnage.
Reserve buoyancy…total volume of all enclosed watertight spaces above the water line
Unit…. (cu.m)
3.Difference between general cargo and container ship.
4.Difference between general cargo and tanker ship.
Container Ship" means a specialized cargo ship fitted for the carriage of Containers
Tanker is a cargo ship constructed and adapted for carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an
inflammable nature.
Tanker ships are Type A ship. General cargo are Type B ship.
5.Loading of general cargo ship and what is general cargo.
6.How many types of ship.... what is type A and what is type B..
Type ‘A’ ship is a ship designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk.
Has a
high integrity of the exposed deck with only
small openings to cargo compartments
closed by watertight gasket steel covers and a
low permeability of loaded cargo compartments.
7.What is DG. Can you use IMDG on tankers. If not, which code is to be used for loading tankers.
Dangerous goods means substances, materials and articles covered by the IMDG code.
ISM Code. SMS manual as per ISM identifies loading procedure for tankers.
ISM is safety management code for the safe operation of ships and for prevention of marine
pollution. ISM code became incorporated as Solas Chapter IX.
9.What 3 things you will tell to a cadet joining for the first time.
10.Steering gear flat door is open and tied with a rope. what will you do?
The construction of all doors in 'A' Class bulkheads and the means of securing them when closed
should provide resistance to fire as well as to the passage of smoke and flame, as far as practicable,
equivalent to that of the bulkheads in which the doors are situated. 'A' Class fire doors should be
constructed of steel or other equivalent material.
--Prepare near miss report and will discuss it in next safety meeting.
Ignition temp of a material is the temperature required to initiate the combustion without
introduction of a spark or flame.
Flash point: The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient gas to form a flammable gas
mixture near the surface of the liquid. It is measured in a laboratory in standard apparatus using a
prescribed procedure.
The fire point of a fuel is the temperature at which the vapour produced by that given fuel will
continue to burn for at least 5 seconds after ignition by an open flame. At the flash point, a lower
temperature, a substance will ignite briefly, but vapor might not be produced at a rate to sustain the
Capt khoo
time 0830/09 apr
started off asking the most interesting(knowledge gaining) experience in my sailing time..
(''excluding bullshit,personal stuff'' - Capt khoo words) -told him ice navigation in detail
ice ,navigation through ice,safety of ship
1. IG system in detail was a 4 line question - didn't read the question full as i knew nothing-just drew
flamability diagram and basic use of IG as in our cargowork.asked me basics in the diagram he was
ok as i didnt have tanker experience.
2.As chief officer how will you prepare for 'breaking cable'. since you have a ME failure and you are
about to be towed by a tug.(hanging off a anchor)
3. What is natural sheer, breaking sheer, increasing the scope, what is holding ur ship when ship is
brought up..
When applied to a vessel at anchor, sheer is an angular movement of the
vessel about the hawse pipe point, it can be deliberately caused by applied
helm to port or starboard.
The vessel will normally lie with the anchor and cable fine on its bow, say a point to a point and a
half. This angle is known as the vessel’s natural sheer, because she lies sheered slightly across the
stream or wind. In a strong wind the vessel will tend to yaw about . At the extremity of her yaw she
surges ahead and then drops back on her anchor jerking the cable. If during the yaw the wind catches
her on the opposite side to that normally exposed by her natural sheer (i.e catches her on the port
side when using her starboard anchor), she may, at the extremity of her yaw surge rapidly across her
anchor to the other extremity of yaw, nipping her cable round the stem and breaking the anchor out
of its holding position. This is called breaking sheer. If the anchor fails to retrip the other anchor
must be let go at once.
A vessel is said to 'yaw' when at anchor when she moves to port and starboard
of the anchor position under the influence of wind and/or tide.
Yawing should not be confused with sheering.
6. Your vessel is calling river port on regular basis, you know that the water is muddy, your deck
machiney need to be cooled, what are your actions???
8. What is a hatch side girder and hatch end beam?? what is its use ???
Hatch side girder is a longitudinal girder (Stiffeners) next to deck longitudinals at the sides
(Stbd/Port) of hatch openings. This is of greater scantling, to give more strength required at the side
of hatch openings.
Hatch end beam is a transverse girder (Stiffeners) next to deck transverse at the ends (forward/aft)
of hatch openings. This is of greater scantling, to give more strength required at the ends of hatch
--Deck longitudinals(main members) are closely spaced and deck transverse(supporting members)
are widely spaced, this is referred as Stiffening arrangement for longitudinal framing system.
--Longitudinal stiffening member of higher scantling is Deck Girder.
9. What are the principles of fire safety on board???( wanted the answer from solas chapter 2)
In order to achieve the fire objectives the following basic principles underlie the regulations in the
Solas chapter II-2 and are embodied in the regulations as appropriate, having regard to the type of
ships and the potential fire hazard involved:
.1 division of ship into main vertical zones (Main vertical zones are those sections into which the hull,
superstructure and deckhouses are divided by "A" class
divisions, the mean length and width of which on any deck does not in general exceed 40 m) by
thermal and structural boundaries;
.2 separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural
.3 restricted use of combustible materials;
.4 detection of any fire in the zone of origin;
.5 containment and extinction of any fire in the space of origin;
.6 protection of means of escape or access for fire-fighting;
.7 ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances;
.8 minimisation of possible ignition of flammable cargo vapour.
10. What is the time lag between the blackout n before u get the emergency electrical supply?? -
within 45 seconds .
This primary method of starting should be capable of having sufficient stored energy for at least
three consecutive starts. But what will happen if this source is totally drained and still the emergency
generator does not start? It is for this reason, a secondary means of starting is essential to attempt
for starting the emergency generator. As per the regulation, the secondary means of starting must be
capable of delivering additional three starts within 30 minutes. If not an administration accepted
manual means of starting is required. Most of the ships have manual means of starting as a
secondary source. There are different types of manual starting arrangements. They are
1. Hand Cranking
2. Inertia starters
3. manually charged hydraulic accumulators
4. Powder cartridges
Emergency generator is provided on board merchant ships as one of the emergency source of
electrical power. When the main source of power fails, the emergency source of electrical power
should automatically start and supply to the main bus bar via the emergency bus bar within 45
seconds, as per the SOLAS regulations.
12. You get a call from 2nd engineer, he wants to pump engine room bilge out,
what are your actions??
I will check the vessel present position on chart.
Then I will refer to requirements for discharge of oily water from machinery spaces as mentioned in
Marpol Annex I Regulation 15.
--For discharge in special areas
- Ship is proceeding enroute.
-Oily mixture is processed through oil filtering equipment (Ships >400 but <10,000 GT)
- Oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15ppm
- Oil mixture does not originate from cargo pump room bilges on oil tankers.
- Oil mixture is not mixed with oil cargo residues.
--For Discharge in Special area (For vessel above 10,000 GT)
- Same as above.
- No discharge into the seas in Antarctic sea.
- Oil filtering equipment shall have an alarm arrangement to indicate when the level of oil content
is more than 15 ppm and shut down automatically when it exceeds.
13. How will you know that your ship is complying with air pollution regulation??
what are the air pollution requirements?
I will refer to requirements for air pollution regulations as mentioned in Marpol Annex VI ,
Requirements for prevention of pollution by Air.
Emission Controll areas
For Sox (Sulphur oxide) emission:
-North sea including English Channel
-Baltic sea
For all 03 types (Nox, Sox and particulate matter) emission:
-North America
-US, Carribean sea.
For Sulphur emission from Ships
Outside ECA:
-Not more than 3.5% m/m
Within ECA:
-Sulphur emission should not exceed 1.0%m/m
-Ship fitted with an approved after treatment exhaust gas cleaning system or any other technological
method that is verifiable and enforceable to limit SO emission to 6.0 g SO/kWh.
For Nitrogen emission from Ships
- Limits for nitrogen emission from Diesel engine.
- Ships fitted with > 130KW diesel engine are required to obtain the EIAPP(Engine
international air pollution prevention) Certificate.
Other requirements as per Annex VI:
-Deliberate emission of ODS (Ozone depleting substances) are prohibited.
-New installations can only use HCFC(Hydrochloroflourocarbon).
-All ships should maintain ODS record book.
-Each incinerator must have manufacturer operational manual.
-Annex I, II, III cargo residues, PCBs, Garbage containing heavy metals, Petroleum products
containing halogens are prohibited for incinerator.
New amendment enforce from Jan 2013:
-For new ships Energy efficiency design index(EEDI) system introduced to make ships more efficient
by 30% reduction in fuel consumption, hence controlling nitrogen and sulphur emission. It improves
energy efficiency but its like hidden speed limit.
The North American Emission Control Area (ECA), under the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), comes into effect from 1 August 2012, bringing in
stricter controls on emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter
for ships trading off the coasts of Canada, the United States and the French overseas collectivity of
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.
Within ECA, the SOx content of fuel oil (expressed in terms of % m/m – that is, by weight) must be no
more than 1.00% m/m; falling to 0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015.
Instruct 3rd officer to:
Contact RCC via CRS
Maintain communication radio watch and update distress information.
Monitor weather report.
Radar reflectors
It works on the principle of multiple reflections and this basic design is called a 'corner reflector'.
‘if less than 150 gross tonnage and if practicable, a radar reflector, or other means, to enable detection
by ships navigating by radar at both 9 and 3 GHz’
What does a radar reflector accomplish?
A radar reflector, or active RTE (Radar target enhancer), provides a radar target that is higher above
the surface of the water than the hull. Even though the RCS of the radar reflector may be no larger
than the RCS (Radar cross section) of the vessel itself, being mounted above the hull produces a
stronger radar image. Radar waves strike the radar reflector and gives strong image back on radar
SWL and Proof load (do no give him the definitions from the bible.)
Describe buoy?
A buoy is a floating device that can have many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed
to drift with the sea wave.
He wanted me to relate everything to conventions or codes, he wont accept your answer otherwise..
result - Sitting 10th/0830 (with 4 questions on COSWP, proof & safe load, rescuing a survivor at sea,
Thats all i remember at this time anything else i will update tomorrow with sitting questions .
hoping for the best
best of luck to all
9 April at 10:53 near Singapore, Singapore
Capt Khoo
Did not accept definations of SWL .. dont know wht he really wants.
29 March 2012
Time 0845 - 1030 hrs
Capt Khoo
Questions asked
1 How often do you check Auto pilot at sea?
Regulation 26
Regulation 28
2 The checks and tests shall include:
.1 the full movement of the rudder according to the required capabilities of the steering gear;
.2 a visual inspection of the steering gear and its connecting linkage; and
.3 the operation of the means of communication between the navigation bridge and steering gear
A nautical chart is a graphic representation of a maritime area and adjacent coastal regions.
Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths of water and heights of land (topographic
map), natural features of the seabed, details of the coastline, navigational hazards, locations of
natural and human-made aids to navigation, information on tides and currents, local details of the
Earth's magnetic field, and human-made structures such as harbours, buildings, and bridges. Nautical
charts are essential tools for marine navigation; many countries require vessels, especially
commercial ships, to carry them.
The nautical chart is essential for safe navigation. In conjunction with supplemental navigational
aids, it is used by the mariner to lay out courses and navigate ships by the shortest and most
economically safe route. Over 98 percent of the nation’s cargo is carried by waterborne
transportation—and all of those ships rely on nautical charts
5. Sma will provide you with 'Electronic navigation aid' certificate. What they taught u for this cert.
What the use of this cert for you as a c/off.
A thorough understanding of Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data, data accuracy, presentation
rules, display options and other chart data format the dangers of over-reliance
Information obtained from ECDIS (including radar overlay and/or radar tracking functions, when
fitted) is correctly interpreted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the equipment, all
connected sensors (including radar and AIS where interfaced), and prevailing circumstance and
anti-grounding, proximity to contacts and special areas,completeness of char data and chart update
status, and backup arrangements
6 What is SWL, breaking stress, Proof load.
Check bearing ?
TRANSIT BEARING : A bearing determined by noting the time at which two features on the Earth's
CROSS BEARING : compass bearings of two or more points taken simultaneously to fix a position (as
of a ship)
Cross bearing: The use of LOPs of several navigational aids to obtain a position fix. Remember to use
an optimal angular spread.
1. Leading lines
i. It passes thru 2 leading marks. When kept in transit, it leads the vessel thru a safe channel
2. Clearing lines
i. It is a transit thru 2 charted marks selected by the navigator.
ii. By keeping to the appropriate side of the clearing line, the vessel will run clear of the
8 Can compressed air be used for ventilating enclosed space. Why or why not?
The use of compress air in enclosed space is hazardous because high velocity air movement may
generate large amount of static electricity that may serve as ignition source for flammable.
3. What is natural sheer, breaking sheer, increasing the scope, what is holding ur ship when ship is
brought up..
SCOPE : Length of cable laid out , measured from hawse pipe to the anchor stock , divided by
the distance measured vertically from the hawse pipe to the sea bed is call the SCOPE of the
cable , ,depend on various factors.
Nature of the holding ground stiff clay, rock, stones , are poor holding ground. Very soft mud
can be a poor material in this respect.
Amount of swinging room available for the ships as the wind or stream changes in direction.
The strength of wind or stream .,As this strength increases so the ship moves astern , lifting
the cable off the bottom so that it assumes long stay.
Vessel will normally lie with the anchor and cable fine on its own bow , say a point or half ,
This angle is known as vessel's natural Sheer.
In strong wind the vessel will tend to yaw At her extremity of her anchor , jerking the cable.
If during yaw wind catches her on the opposite side to that normally exposed by her natural
sheer ( i.e catches her on the port side when using her starboard anchor .
She may , at the extremity of the yaw , surge rapidly across her anchor to the other extremity
of yaw nipping her cable round the stem and breaking the anchor out of its holding position .
The anchor should be flat on the seabed with its flukes embedded, attached to a long enough
piece of anchor cable to stop the ship from moving much. THAT is holding anchor when
bought up.
6. Your vessel is calling river port on regular basis, you know that the water is muddy, your deck
machinery need to be cooled, what are your actions???
- Bring G down
- Immerse the propeller
- - serves as protection to prevent flooding in the cargo hold case of grounding and subsequent
hull damage.
8. what is a hatch side girder and hatch side beam?? what is its use ???
9.what are the principles of fire safety on board???(wanted the answer from solas chapter 2)
10. what is the time lag between the blackout n before u get the emergency electrical supply??
12. you get a call from 2nd engineer, he wants to pump engine room bilge out,
what are your actions??
13.how will you know that your ship is complying with air pollution regulation??
wat are the air pollution requirements???
Result: failed.
1. Brief questions on IG System.. pump capacities.. one blower not functioning.. ur actions..
After that handed the sheet.. both questions same for me and chetan..
3. Why did SMA give the Shipboard Training assessment cert.
4. What is natural sheer, breaking sheer, increasing the scope, what is holding ur ship when ship is
brought up..
5. SWL, proof load and breaking load of lifting appliance.
6. what is the difference between windlass, winches and warping drum.
7. What is the use of Double bottom tanks.
8. Would you use compressed air system when ventilating an enclosed space and why?
9. what are the factor of tide.. what is spring and neap tide.
Regulation 17(3), Annex II, MARPOL 73/78
Every ship of 150 gross tonnage and above certified to carry Noxious Liquid Substances in bulk shall
carry on board a Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP) for Noxious Liquid
Substances approved by the Administration and such a Plan may be combined with the Shipboard Oil
Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) required under Regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention. In
this case, the title of such a Plan shall be “Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan”.
Position 1: (with reference to hatchways, doorways & ventilators)
Position 1 means the hatchways, doorways or ventilators are positioned upon exposed freeboard &
raised quarter decks or upon exposed superstructure decks situated forward of a point located 0.25
L from the forward perpendicular.
Position 2:
Position 2 means the hatchways, doorways or ventilators are positioned upon exposed
superstructure decks and situated abaft a point located 0.25 L from the forward perpendicular.
Dust Explosion:
Dust Explosion, an explosion caused by the sudden igniting of a mixture of air and a heavy
concentration of combustible dust particles. A mixture containing fine dust is more explosive
because there is more exposed particle surface.
The flame or spark that sets off a dust explosion can be produced by friction, static electricity,
matches, defective wiring, blowtorches, or any open flame. Dust composed of grain, flour, starch,
coffee, cotton, coal, sugar, or other organic materials is highly explosive. Certain metallic dusts, such
as magnesium dust, are also explosive.
Grain elevators, coal mines, and factories in which food, candy, soap, cocoa, powdered milk, and
starch are made are subject to dust explosions. A small dust explosion can shake dust loose and
produce another dust explosion. Such a chain of explosions can destroy a large building.
To guard against dust explosions, exhaust fans are used to pull dust into ducts that carry it outside
buildings and mine shafts. Machinery is grounded electrically so that charges of static electricity
cannot accumulate. Motors and other equipment that produce sparks are shielded so that the sparks
cannot escape into the dusty air. Fire extinguishers are provided to put out any flames at once, since
these might cause dust explosions.
Gusset plate: A bracket plate lying in the horizontal or nearly horizontal plane.
Garboard strake: The strake of bottom shell plating adjacent to the keel plate.
Fashion plate: A bulwark after the bow and above the forecastle deck
Winch: A machine, usually steam or electric used primarily for raising and lowering moorings.
Fish plate - A triangular-shaped steel plate used to strengthen the connection between the towing
bridle and the towing hawser.
Cant frame: A frame such as stern frame which is not square to the keel line
Wash Plate: Prevent damage to internal tank plating that may be caused by wave action within the
tank. Does not reduce free surface effect.
Margin plate: The margin plate is turned down(sited) at the bilge it forms the outboard boundary of
the double bottom, connecting the inner bottom to the shell plating at the bilge.
Cavitation is the formation and then immediate implosion of cavities in a liquid – i.e. small liquid-
free zones ("bubbles") – that are the consequence of forces acting upon the liquid. [1] It usually occurs
when a liquid is subjected to rapid changes of pressure that cause the formation of cavities where the
pressure is relatively low.
NPSH is an important parameter to take into account when designing a circuit: whenever the liquid
pressure drops below the vapor pressure, liquid boiling occurs (Boiling occurs when vapour
pressure of liquid is equal to atmospheric Pressure), and the final effect will be cavitation: vapor
bubbles may reduce or stop the liquid flow, as well as damage the system.
Net positive suction head (NPSH) is the difference between the actual pressure of a liquid in a
pipeline and the liquid's vapor pressure at a given temperature.
This consists of heating the steel at a slow rate to a temperature of say 850°C to 950°C, and then
cooling it in the furnace at a very slow rate. The objects of annealing are to relieve any internal
stresses, to soften the steel, or to bring the steel to a condition suitable for a subsequent heat
Inside diameter 64 mm
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code is intended to provide for the safe
transportation of dangerous goods by vessel and to prevent marine pollution. This code was adopted
by IMO Maritime safety committee in 1965.
This code amplifies the provisions provided in Solas Chap VII, Carriage of dangerous goods in
packaged form and in Marpol Annex III, Regulations for prevention of pollution by harmful
substances carried by sea in packaged form.
Form of containment specified in IMDG Code.
STA Course (as per Regulation I/6, STCW 1978, AS AMENDED)
What MSDS?
A Material Safety Data Sheet is a document that contains information on the potential hazards
(health, fire, reactivity and environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product. It also
contains information on the use, storage, handling and emergency procedures all related to the
hazards of the material. MSDS are prepared by the supplier or manufacturer of the material.
The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is a subsidiary body of the Council. MSC, which consists of
all Member States, is the highest technical body of the Organization. The functions of the Maritime
Safety Committee are to "consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with
aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules
for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and
requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine casualty
investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting maritime safety".
IMO's major function is to make shipping of all types safer, including tankers. The measures
incorporated in the numerous safety conventions and recommendations apply to these as well as
other ships - and the safer a ship is, the less likely it is to be involved in an accident.
In this section:
Inert gas systems
Equipment duplication
Mandatory towing arrangements
MARPOL 73/78 - Reducing the consequences of accidents
Protective location, segregated ballast tanks
Double hulls
Enhanced inspections
Mandatory ship reporting systems
STCW Convention
ISM Code
The Erika incident
The Prestige incident
Further information
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 includes special
requirements for tankers. Fire safety provisions, for example, are much more stringent for tankers
than ordinary dry cargo ships, since the danger of fire on board ships carrying oil and refined products
is much greater.
The normal method is to fill these tanks with inert (non-explosive) gas from the ship's boiler flue: it is
cleaned and then pumped into the empty tanks, or into the spaces left above the oil in loaded tanks.
An inert gas system is required on all new tankers and most existing tankers of 20,000 dwt and above.
Equipment duplication
IMO has introduced several measures over the years which are designed to ensure that, in the event of
mechanical failure, the ship can still be controlled. SOLAS makes it necessary for essential parts of the
steering gear of tankers to be duplicated.
As with other ships, much of the navigational equipment of tankers must also be duplicated.
The 1983 MARPOL amendments ban the carriage of oil in the forepeak tank - the ship's most
vulnerable point in the event of a collision.
Double hulls
In 1992 MARPOL was amended to make it mandatory for tankers of 5,000 dwt and more ordered after
6 July 1993 to be fitted with double hulls, or an alternative design approved by IMO (Regulation 13F
(regulation 19 in the revised Annex I which entered into force on 1 January 2007) in Annex I of
MARPOL 73/78).
The requirement for double hulls that applies to new tankers has also been applied to existing ships
under a programme that began in 1995 (Regulation 13G (regulation 20 in the revised Annex I which
entered into force on 1 January 2007) in Annex I of MARPOL 73/78). All tankers would have to be
converted (or taken out of service) when they reached a certain age (up to 30 years old). This measure
was adopted to be phased in over a number of years because shipyard capacity is limited and it would
not be possible to convert all single hulled tankers to double hulls without causing immense
disruption to world trade and industry.
Although the double hull requirement was adopted in 1992, following the Erika incident off the coast
of France in December 1999, IMO Member States discussed proposals for accelerating the phase-out of
single hull tankers. As a result, in April 2001, IMO adopted a revised phase-out schedule for single hull
tankers, which entered into force on 1 September 2003 (the 2001 amendments to MARPOL
73/78). The new revised MARPOL regulation 13G set out a stricter timetable for the phasing-out of
single-hull tankers.
In December 2003, further revisions to 13G (regulation 20 in the revised Annex I which entered into
force on 1 January 2007) were made, accelerating further the phase-out schedule. These amendments
entered into force on 5 April 2005. A new Regulation on the prevention of oil pollution from oil
tankers when carrying heavy grade oil (HGO) banned the carriage of HGO in single-hull tankers of
5,000 tons dwt and above after the date of entry into force of the regulation (5 April 2005), and in
single-hull oil tankers of 600 tons dwt and above but less than 5,000 tons dwt, not later than the
anniversary of their delivery date in 2008.
The full timetable for the phasing out of single-hull tankers is as follows:
Category 1 - oil tankers of 20,000 tons 5 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April
deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel 1982 or earlier
oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, Anniversary date in 2005 for ships delivered
and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above
after 5 April 1982
carrying other oils, which do not comply with
the requirements for protectively located
segregated ballast tanks (commonly known as
Pre-MARPOL tankers)
Category 2 - oil tankers of 20,000 tons 5 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April
deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel 1977 or earlier
oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo,
Anniversary date in 2005 for ships delivered
and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above
after 5 April 1977 but before 1 January 1978
carrying other oils, which do comply with the
protectively located segregated ballast tank Anniversary date in 2006 for ships delivered in
requirements (MARPOL tankers) 1978 and 1979
Anniversary date in 2007 for ships delivered in
Category 3 - - oil tankers of 5,000 tons 1980 and 1981
deadweight and above but less than the Anniversary date in 2008 for ships delivered in
tonnage specified for Category 1 and 2 tankers 1982
Anniversary date in 2009 for ships delivered in
Anniversary date in 2010 for ships delivered in
1984 or later
The revised regulation allows the Administration (flag State) to permit continued operation of
category 2 or 3 tankers beyond 2010 subject to satisfactory results from the CAS, but the continued
operation must not go beyond the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2015 or the date on
which the ship reaches 25 years of age after the date of its delivery, whichever is earlier.
In the case of certain Category 2 or 3 oil tankers fitted with only double bottoms or double sides not
used for the carriage of oil and extending to the entire cargo tank length or double hull spaces, not
meeting the minimum distance protection requirements, which are not used for the carriage of oil and
extend to the entire cargo tank length, the Administration may allow continued operation beyond
2010, provided that the ship was in service on 1 July 2001, the Administration is satisfied by
verification of the official records that the ship complied with the conditions specified and that those
conditions remain unchanged. Again, such continued operation must not go beyond the date on which
the ship reaches 25 years of age after the date of its delivery.
Carriage of heavy grade oil
A new MARPOL regulation 13G (regulation 21 in the revised Annex I which entered into force on 1
January 2007) on the prevention of oil pollution from oil tankers when carrying heavy grade oil (HGO)
bans the carriage of HGO in single-hull tankers of 5,000 tons dwt and above after the date of entry into
force of the regulation (5 April 2005), and in single-hull oil tankers of 600 tons dwt and above but less
than 5,000 tons dwt, not later than the anniversary of their delivery date in 2008.
fuel oils having either a density at 15ºC higher than 900 kg/ m3 or a
kinematic viscosity at 50ºC higher than 180 mm2/s;
(The reference to "fuel oils" was amended in 2006 to read: "oils, other
than crude oils,". This amendment enters into force on 1 August 2007)
c) bitumen, tar and their emulsions.
In the case of certain Category 2 or 3 tankers carrying heavy grade oil as cargo, fitted only with double
bottoms or double sides, not used for the carriage of oil and extending to the entire cargo tank length,
or double hull spaces not meeting the minimum distance protection requirements which are not used
for the carriage of oil and extend to the entire cargo tank length, the Administration may allow
continued operation of such ships beyond 5 April 2005 until the date on which the ship reaches 25
years of age after the date of its delivery.
Regulation 13G (regulation 21 in the revised Annex I which entered into force on 1 January 2007) also
allows for continued operation of oil tankers of 5,000 tons dwt and above, carrying crude oil with a
density at 15ºC higher than 900 kg/ m3 but lower than 945 kg/ m3, if satisfactory results of the
Condition Assessment Scheme warrant that, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship is fit to
continue such operation, having regard to the size, age, operational area and structural conditions of
the ship and provided that the continued operation shall not go beyond the date on which the ship
reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.
The Administration may allow continued operation of a single hull oil tanker of 600 tons deadweight
and above but less than 5,000 tons deadweight, carrying heavy grade oil as cargo, if, in the opinion of
the Administration, the ship is fit to continue such operation, having regard to the size, age,
operational area and structural conditions of the ship, provided that the operation shall not go beyond
the date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its delivery.
The Administration of a Party to the present Convention may exempt an oil tanker of 600 tons
deadweight and above carrying heavy grade oil as cargo if the ship is either engaged in voyages
exclusively within an area under the Party's jurisdiction, or is engaged in voyages exclusively within
an area under the jurisdiction of another Party, provided the Party within whose jurisdiction the ship
will be operating agrees. The same applies to vessels operating as floating storage units of heavy grade
A Party to MARPOL 73/78 shall be entitled to deny entry of single hull tankers carrying heavy grade
oil which have been allowed to continue operation under the exemptions mentioned above, into the
ports or offshore terminals under its jurisdiction, or deny ship-to-ship transfer of heavy grade oil in
areas under its jurisdiction except when this is necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a
ship or saving life at sea.
The revised MARPOL Annex I Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil was adopted in
October 2004 and entered into force on 1 January 2007. It incorporates the various amendments
adopted since MARPOL entered into force in 1983, including the amended regulation 13G (regulation
20 in the revised Annex) and regulation 13H (regulation 21 in the revised annex) on the phasing-in of
double hull requirements for oil tankers. It also separates, in different chapters, the construction and
equipment provisions from the operational requirements and makes clear the distinctions between
the requirements for new ships and those for existing ships. The revision provides a more user-
friendly, simplified Annex I.
Following the entry into force, on 1 January 2007, of the Revised Annex I to MARPOL 73/78,
references to regulations regaarding double hulls must be updated taking into account the new
numbering system in the revised Annex I according to the following table:
13F 19
13G 20
13H 21
For a comprehensive cross-reference table between "old" and "new" regulation numbers in MARPOL
Annex I, please refer toMEPC/Circ.421 (also included in the Additional Information section of the 2006
consolidated edition of MARPOL (IMO sales No.IC520E))
Enhanced inspections
Since 1995 all tankers and bulk carriers aged five years and over have been subject to a specially
enhanced inspection programme which is intended to ensure that any deficiencies - such as corrosion
or wear and tear resulting from age or neglect - are detected.
Guidelines on enhanced surveys on tankers and bulk carriers are contained in Assembly resolution A.
744 (18), adopted in November 1993, as amended.
Mandatory reporting systems require ships to report in to shore authorities when they reach a
designated routeing system and give the ship's name, cargo and other information. This enables the
ship to be identified on radar and its course plotted throughout the system.
In December 2000, IMO adopted mandatory requirements for the carriage of automatic identification
systems (AISs) capable of providing information about the ship to other ships and to coastal
authorities automatically. The regulation in SOLAS chapter V – Safety of Navigation, requires AIS to be
fitted aboard all ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages, cargo
ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on international voyages and passenger ships
irrespective of size built on or after 1 July 2002.
Existing tankers (those constructed before 1 July 2002), had to fit AIS not later than the first survey for
safety equipment on or after 1 July 2003.
The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGS) contains special
provisions for ships such as tankers which, by virtue of their draught, have a reduced ability to
STCW Convention
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,
1978, as amended in 1995 (STCW) includes several requirements aimed specifically at those working
on tankers.
ISM Code
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code was adopted in 1994 and became mandatory for
tankers in 1998. The ISM Code imposes strict standards on shipping companies.
The investigations into the Erika incident carried out by the French government and the Maltese
maritime authority concluded that age, corrosion, insufficient maintenance and inadequate surveys
were all strong contributing factors to the structural failure of the ship.
There was a wide consensus that the Erika and other the recent accidents involving oil tankers
pointed to a need for additional international measures to eradicate substandard vessels, particularly
substandard oil tankers given the catastrophic impact such ships may have on the marine
environment in the case of an accident.
Besides the revised phase-out scheme for single-hull tankers, IMO also adopted other measures in
response to the incident:
- Furthermore, IMO has taken action on several other operational matters base don a list of
measures aimed at enhancing safety and minimizing the risk of oil pollution, drawn up in
response to the Erika incident.
The Prestige incident
The Prestige incident of November 2002 led to further calls for amendments to the phase-out
schedule for single hull tankers.
The MEPC at its 49th session in July 2003 agreed to an extra session of the Committee, to be convened
in December 2003, to consider the adoption of proposals for an accelerated phase-out scheme for
single hull tankers, along with other measures including an extended application of the Condition
Assessment Scheme (CAS) for tankers.
Further Information
Please see latest summary reports of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC).
Information Resources on double hull/single hull ship design and related topics
Information Resources on the Erika incident and the revision of Regulation 13G (regulation 20 in the
revised Annex I which entered into force on 1 January 2007) of MARPOL 73/78
MARPOL 73/78
Abort point: Even if a Passage Plan has been well planned and conducted, there may be some cases in
restricted waters when the Passage Plan will have to be abandoned due to change in circumstances
(like equipment failure, port instructions etc)
The Abort Point is a position to be marked on the charted course where the ship may abandon her
passage and be able to return (or hold position safely).
Take care when marking an abort. At the abort position, there should be sufficient sea room for the
ship to undertake any of the following maneuvers in safety:
Turn around
Stop in safe waters
Once this point is passed , the ship is committed and must continue on the passage.
Contingency Planning by the Master shall be done in advance which may include Alternative routes,
Safe anchorages, Waiting areas, Emergency berth etc., after passing the Abort Point.
When approaching confined waters, the vessel may be thrown into a situation where she has no other
choice but to proceed. Called a point of no return it will be a point where she can find no area for
making a turn because she has entered too narrow an area or she cannot retrace the track because of a
falling tide or insufficient UKC.
With consideration given to the following situations, the abort point should be set and used
Point of no return
It refers to the point at which, due to fuel consumption, it is no longer economical for a ship to return
to the port it departed from.
Narrow passage
‘‘A’’ class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks
which comply with the following criteria:
.1 they are constructed of steel or other equivalent material;
.2 they are suitably stiffened;
.3 they are insulated with approved non-combustible materials
such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not
rise more than 140C above the original temperature, nor will
the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more
than 180C above the original temperature, within the time
listed below:
class ‘‘A-60’’ 60 min
class ‘‘A-30’’ 30 min
class ‘‘A-15’’ 15 min
class ‘‘A-0’’ 0 min
.4 they are so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage
of smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour standard fire test;
In cargo ships:
.1 of 1,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the number of fire hoses to
be provided shall be one for each 30 m length of the ship and
one spare, but in no case less than five in all. This number does
not include any hoses required in any engine-room or boiler
room. The Administration may increase the number of hoses
required so as to ensure that hoses in sufficient number are
available and accessible at all times, having regard to the type of
ship and the nature of trade in which the ship is employed. Ships
carrying dangerous goods in accordance with regulation 19 shall
be provided with three hoses and nozzles, in addition to those
required above; and
.2 of less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the number of fire hoses to be
provided shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph However, the number of hoses shall in no
case be less than three.
1 - conventions
2 - documents
4 corrections
- Layer correction – xyz (stem stern n midship) same name minus diff plus
- Quarter mean draft = (f+a+6m)/8
- 1st trim corr = LCF x trim/LBP
- APPLY TO QUARTER MEAN DRAFT same plus diff minus
- Density correction = DISP x DW DENSITY/ sw density
- 2nd trim correction = 50 x TRIM²x(MCTC2-MCTC1)/LBP
- List correction = 6 x (TPC2-TPC1) x (Dm1-Dm2)
- 2nd trim n list correction always positive
Account for consumables n you will get final quantity of cargo loaded or discharged.
Visual Checks, content test, leak test, low level alarm, gas tightness, positive pressure test
1) Visual checks: Check condition of mask (facepiece, head harness & lens for cuts, scratches, missing
buckles), backpack (straps & buckles for cuts, tears), cylinder (dents, gouges), hoses (cuts, cracks,
bulges), SSD (damage,
2) Content test: Turn off the black positive pressure knob on the demand valve. Open the cylinder
valve to minimum and check the shoulder mounted pressure gauge it must show the full.
3) Leak Test:
After opening the cylinder valve once the system pressurised close cylinder valve and observe the
pressure gauge that should not drop. If the pressure in the system drops 10bar/min the set must not
be used for operation.
If any leak observe in the pressure hose to identify the leaks the hose can be immersed in the water
or spray soap water for the same.
4) Low Level Alarm: Gradually forces allow the pressure to drop in the system by demand valve
slowly the whistle should blow when the pressure reaches at red zone at about 44bar.
Close the cylinder valve and continue breadth until the air in the system is exhausted. Once the
reading on the gauge shows zero hold the breadth for at least 10 sec. Any leaks will be heard by noise
or shown by the mask moving away from the face, if leak is detected turn on the cylinder valve and
a. With the pressurized airline connection attached to the SCBA, hold your breath for a moment and
listen for any unusual sounds from the system or air leaking from the pressure demand valve. If any
unusual noises are heard, do not use the unit. Immediately remove the unit and tag for service.
b. Put to positive mode, continue normal breathing and insert two fingers between the side of your
face and the facepiece.
c. Gently lift the face piece seal away from your face until there is a good outward flow of air, showing
that the face piece pressure is positive.
WPSHA (came into effect 1st march, 2006)
- Targeted at cultivating good safety habits and practices in all persons at a workplace from top
management to workers
- Applies to various high risk industries including factories and shipyards
Enforcement measures
- Workplace inspections
- Investigations in to workplace accidents or incidents
- Suspension of certificates
- Remedial orders and stop work orders
- Composition fines
- Prosecution
- standards of cons.
- well maintained
- properly positioned
- adequate lighting
- well ventilated
- adequately lit
Open and naked lights to be avoided
Risk assessment
- Hazard identification
- Risk evaluation
- Risk control
- risk assessment
- Risks/ consequence (consequence value x probability = risk prior control)
- control measures
- consequence value x probability = residual risk
1- negligible injury
2- LTA, RWA,
3- Serious LTA
4- Single fatality
5- Multiple fatality
Damage to property
1- Almost never
2- Unlikely
3- Possible
4- Probable
5- Almost certain
Duties of employer
Based on the findings of the risk assessment, appropriate control measures should be put into place
to protect those who may be affected. The permit to work, are suggested control measures for
particular operations.
Before signing the permit, the authorising officer should ensure that all measures specified as
necessary have in fact been taken.
The authorising officer retains responsibility for the work until he has either cancelled the permit or
formally transferred it to another authorised person who should be made fully conversant with the
The person responsible for carrying out the specified work should countersign the permit to indicate
his understanding of the safety precautions to be observed.
The person carrying out the specified work should not be the same person as the authorising officer.
In the basic principle of why a ship floats it is understood that the weight of the volume of water
displaced by a ship is equal to weight of the entire ship.
The volume of the displaced water is again equal to the volume of the underwater volume of the ship.
Now when the weight of this displaced water is calculated we take the product of the volume of the
water and the density of the water.
So, if the density of the water changes, then the weight of the displaced water changes, the weight of
the ship remaining unchanged.
Thus to keep the ship floating something has to be adjusted and adjustment is in the underwater
volume of the ship.
Let us take the example of a ship with a weight of 10000 MT, let this ship float at a certain level
(assume the water level is at the mid level of the ship)
Then the underwater part of the ship would be displacing a volume of water that would be equal to
the volume of the underwater part of the ship.
Also the weight of this water would have to be equal to the entire weight of the ship.
So we have,
We know,
Weight of this displaced water = volume of displaced water x specific gravity of the water
So now if the specific gravity of the water changes, then to keep the weight of the water constant the
volume of the displaced water has to change – and this is the reason that the ship either sinks lower
or rises up when traversing from FW to SW and vice versa.
Thus to keep the ship floating something has to be adjusted and adjustment is in the underwater
volume of the ship.
Thus we may now define Fresh Water Allowance as the amount in millimetres by which a ships
MEAN DRAFT changes when she moves between SALT WATER and FRESH WATER and vice versa
As a ship moves from SW to FW, the weight of the displaced water reduces – RD of SW at 1.025 and
FW at 1.000, so additional volume of water is required to float the ship, this means that the
underwater volume of the ship has to increase so the ship sinks lower to compensate the above. So
the draft increases.
In the same way if a ship moves from FW to SW, the weight of the displaced water would be more
than the weight of the ship, so the weight of the water has to be reduced, this may be reduced if the
volume of the water is reduced, this again depends on the underwater volume of the ship, so the
underwater volume of the ship is reduced.
And so the ship rises a little and the draft of the ship reduces.
FWA (in mm) = Displacement/ 4x ( (water plane area x density of water) / 100)
For ship shaped vessels, FWA increases with draft. As the draft increases, both the displacement and
the TPC increase, but the rate of change of displacement is higher than that of the TPC.
Derivation of the FWA formula
Now let W1L1 be the waterline for the ship when displacing the same mass of fresh water.
1000(V + v) = 1025V
v = V/40
w = W/40
Now since the FWA is in mm and the TPC is in cm, they both have to be converted to metres
Simplifying we have:
Or (FWA x TPC) = W / 40
As a ship sails the seas the SW density is assumed to be constant at 1.025 gms/cc, however the
density of the SW is never the same everywhere, especially in partially enclosed salt water bodies,
this does not make much difference since the depth of the water is very substantial.
However when a ship enters a river from the sea the density of the water changes from SW to FW,
gradually. The density of the river may never attain pure FW conditions and may be in between.
Thus the need to calculate this intermediate correction for the new density.
Docks (enclosed port areas containing jetties) have water that is intermediate between SW and FW,
the water is brackish and may have a density of 1.010 gms/ cc.
Thus Dock Water Allowance is similar to FWA and is the amount in millimetres by which the ships
mean draft changes when a vessel moves between a salt water and dock water.
Dock water is the water whose density is neither that of fresh water or salt water but in-between the
two. RD between 1.000 and 1.025.
To get the correction in millimetres the formula that may be used is:
(Please note however that the DWA allowed for should be for the minimum density that will be
encountered by the ship while proceeding to the dock – this as a safety factor)
Regulation 11/chapter 12
Loading instrument
(Unless provided otherwise, this regulation applies to hulk carriers regardless of their date of
1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of
providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments, taking into account the
recommendation adopted by the Organization.1'
2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards constructed before 1 July 1999 shall comply with the
requirements of paragraph 1 not later than the date of the first intermediate or periodical survey of
the ship
3 Bulk carriers of less than 150 m in length constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall be fitted with a
loading instrument capable of providing information on the ship's stability in the intact condition.
computer software shall be approved for stability calculations by the Administration and shall be
with standard conditions for testing purposes relating to the approved stability information. +
* In verifying the density of solid bulk cargoes, reference should be made to the Uniform method of
measurement of the density of
1 Refer to the Recommendation on loading instruments, adopted by resolution 5 of the 1997 SOLAS
* Refer to the relevant parts of the appendix to the Guidelines for the on-board use and application of
computers (MSC/Circ.891).
This section is devoted primarily to the terms used in describing various properties and
characteristics of metals in general. Of primary concern in aircraft maintenance are
such general properties of metals and their alloys as hardness, brittleness, malleability, ductility,
elasticity, toughness, density, fusibility, conductivity, and contraction and expansion. You must know
the definition of the terms included here because they form the basis for further discussion of
aircraft metals.
A metal that can be hammered, rolled, or pressed into various shapes without cracking or breaking
or other detrimental effects is said to be malleable. This property is necessary in sheet metal that is
to be worked into curved shapes such as cowlings, fairings, and wing tips. Copper is one example of a
malleable metal.
Ductility is the property of a metal that permits it to be permanently drawn, bent, or twisted into
various shapes without breaking. This property is essential for metals used in making wire and
tubing. Ductile metals are greatly preferred for aircraft use because of their ease of forming and
resistance to failure under shock loads. For this reason, aluminum alloys are used for cowl rings,
fuselage and wing skin, and formed or extruded parts, such as ribs, spars, and bulkheads. Chrome-
molybdenum steel is also easily formed into desired shapes. Ductility is similar to malleability.
Elasticity is that property that enables a metal to return to its original shape when the force that
causes the change of shape is removed. This property is extremely valuable, because it would be
highly undesirable to have a part permanently distorted after an applied load was removed.
Each metal has a point known as the elastic limit, beyond which it cannot be loaded without causing
permanent distortion. Whenmetal is loaded beyond its elastic limit and permanent distortion does
result, it is referred to as strained. In aircraft construction, members and parts are so designed that
the maximum loads to which they are subjected will never stress them beyond their elastic limit.
A material that possesses toughness will withstand tearing or shearing and may be stretched or
otherwise deformed without breaking. Toughness is a desirable property in aircraft metals.
Density is the weight of a unit volume of a material. In aircraft work, the actual weight of a material
per cubic inch is preferred, since this figure can be used in determining the weight of a part before
actual manufacture. Density is an important consideration when choosing a material to be used in
the design of a part and still maintain the proper weight and balance of the aircraft.
Conductivity is the property that enables a metal to carry heat or electricity. The heat conductivity of
a metal is especially important in welding, because it governs the amount of heat that will be
required for proper fusion. Conductivity of the metal, to a certain extent,determines the type of jig to
be used to control expansion and contraction. In aircraft, electrical conductivity must also be
considered in conjunction with bonding, which is used to eliminate radio interference. Metals vary
in their capacity to conduct heat. Copper, for instance, has a relatively high rate of heat conductivity
and is a good electrical conductor.
Ultimate tensile strength (UTS), is the maximum stress that a material can withstand while being
stretched or pulled before failing or breaking. Tensile strength is not the same as compressive
strength and the values can be quite different.
The force with which the water acts upon the propeller blades does not all act in the longitudinal
direction but also has an athwart ships component. This is known as transverse thrust.
Going Ahead
If we look at a ship with one right-handed propeller (i.e. the propeller rotating in a clockwise
direction when going ahead and as viewed from astern) and the rudder on the centre line the
following situation is the norm:
Figure 4 Figure 5
During this period the transverse thrust is directed to starboard and the ship’s turns to port.
This is due to the fact that the pressure from the water is higher on the propeller blades in their
deeper position than in their shallower position, as the water above develops turbulence and air is
sucked in.
As the ship gradually increases her headway the turbulence is reduced and the pressure on the top
blade increases. The thrust directed to starboard decreases and may in some ships be replaced by a
thrust directed to port. This is, however, of no importance to manoeuvring.
Going Astern
If we look at a ship with one right-handed propeller (i.e. the propeller rotating in an anti
clockwise direction when going astern and as viewed from astern) and the rudder on the
centre line the following situation is the norm:
Figure 6 Figure
The ship proceeds at low speed and high RPM when going astern.
The transverse thrust in this case directed to port and the ship will turn to starboard.
The cause of the transverse thrust is the same as in the going ahead case, there being higher pressure
on the propeller blades in their deeper position, and the resulting thrust is directed to port. In
addition, the water pressure on the starboard quarter will be higher than on the port quarter, since
the water from the propeller blades is thrown upwards obliquely on the starboard side and
downwards obliquely on the port side.
If a ship reduces her way from 5 - 6 knots to zero when going astern she will, (with a right-handed
propeller) begin to turn to starboard unless the effects from wind and current are more powerful
and cause a counter force to port.
The rudder has no effect in these conditions.
The magnitude of the alteration of course which might be expected during the reduction of speed
astern mentioned depends on the size of the ship, the relative effect of the engine and the loaded
condition of the ship. For ships in the 10.000 tonne category with small draught the alteration may
be as high as 20 degrees - 30 degrees, for a ULCC in ballast it is below 10 degrees, and for these ships
in the loaded condition it is only a few degrees.
At a crash stop from full speed ahead the total alteration of course to starboard will be somewhat
greater than in the examples given above for the astern case.
The magnitude of the transverse thrust when going astern is in the order of 10 - 15% of the total
thrust on the propeller. Hence for a ship with an astern power of 7400 kW the transverse thrust is of
the same magnitude as the thrust from bow thrusters.
When the engines are working ahead, it causes the propeller to drive a spiral flow of water towards
the rudder. The spiral flow of water is known as a screw race.
When engine works ahead spiral flow of water is thrown towards the rudder.
It increases as the ship’s speed increases, therefore it cancels the transverse thrust.
If tug line is cast off, the spiral race causes the line to be pushed away from the propeller blades
When a vessel moves ahead, a cavity is created at the stern. Water from sides flow and swirl to fill the
cavity, which is called wake current.
Propeller works in disturbed waters, speed will be lost, vibration is set up.
When engines work astern, wake current is less and propeller and steering is not affected.
When a vessel moves ahead, belt of water is drawn along the hull, which is called frictional wake.
Under sternway there is very little wake strength at the propeller and transverse thrust increases as
speed increase.
What is girthing? What is capsizing moment? What are the conditions for it to happen?
It is the capsizing moment of the tug due to the sudden movement of the ship. The line is usually
secured very near to the centre of floatation and for this reason the tug is liable to be girded. This
phenomenon is known variously as girding, girthing or girting in different parts of the world.
- The ship turning independently and too quickly away from the tug.
- Excessive straight line speed with the tug made fast.
Position 1
In this area the tug is relatively safe and regardless of whether the ship’s speed is too high it does not
result in any immediate problem, provided it remains within a small angle on the bow.
Position 2
It the tug is out in this position broad on the bow, the ship could, as a result of too much starboard
helm or excessive speed or both outrun the tug which may have neither the time nor
manoeuvrability to turn and keep up with the rapidly swinging or accelerating ship.
Position 3
Thi is the worst possible situation where the tug is being pulled around on the radius of the tow line
and because of the position of its hook, is then dragged along with the tow line out on its beam. Due
to the nature of the forces involved, it will also be pulled over to a dangerous angle of heel and unless
the tow line breaks, or can be released immediately, the tug which is powerless to respond and
already listing heavily may capsize.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
at 12:05 0 comments
Keeping in mind the recent oil spills at sea, spilling of oil on ship has become the most dreaded
accident without doubts. It is always better to take precautionary measures to prevent such
accidents. However, sometimes accidents happen without any warning, leaving very less time to act.
In this article we will learn what to do in case of oil spill on a ship.
There are two types of oil spill accidents on board a ship. One in which
there is no danger of the oil going over board; whereas the one wherein the chances of oil going
overboard are maximum is the most dangerous one.
Overflow of oil from internal transfer of oil through vent or sounding pipe of the tank.
Oil spill during bunker operation or sludge discharge operation.With proper sopep equipment and
training, oil spill over the deck can be contained and marine pollution can be avoided.
1) If the oil spill goes overboard, the Master will immediately inform the coastal authority like port
state control and owner or office management.
2) Measures to be taken to limit the area of spill in the water with use of oil booms and other
effective SOPEP items and all efforts to be made not to allow further oil to go overboard.
3) Use of Oil spill dispersant chemical can be done to contain the spill but with prior permission from
port state authorities.
4) Contact with 24 hr Oil Spill Response Organization to be done by master for further cleaning up
operation by shore team.
The cost to clean up an oil spill depends on the quantity and quality of oil discharged in the sea and is
calculated on the basis of factors such as legal claims, money paid as penalties, loss of oil, repairs and
cleanups, and the most important – loss of marine life and the effects on human health which cannot
be measured against any amount.
As prevention is better than cure, in order to avoid the above mentioned monitory losses and
primarily to avoid marine pollution and losses of marine species, a prevention plan is carried on
board by almost all cruise and cargo vessel. This plan is known as SOPEP or ship oil pollution
emergency plan.
Understanding SOPEP
As mentioned earlier, Sopep stands for Ship oil pollution emergency plan and as per the MARPOL
73/78 requirement under Annex I, all ships with 400 GT and above must carry an oil prevention plan
as per the norms and guidelines laid down by imu under MEPC (Marine Environmental Protection
Committee) act.
The Gross tonnage requirement for oil tanker, according to SOPEP, reduces to 150 GT as oil itself is a
kind of cargo which doubles the risk of oil pollution.
Master of the ship is the overall in charge of the SOPEP of the ship, along with the chief officer as
subordinate in charge for implementation of SOPEP on board. SOPEP also describes the plan for the
master, officer and the crew of the ship to tackle various oil spill scenario that can occur on a ship.
For oil tankers, action plan widens regarding the cargo handling and cargo tanks containing huge
quantities of oil.
Contents of SOPEP
SOPEP contains the following things:
The action plan contains duty of each crew member at the time of spill, including emergency muster
and actions.
SOPEP contains the general information about the ship and the owner of the ship etc.
Steps and procedure to contain the discharge of oil into the sea using SOPEP equipments.
On board Reporting procedure and requirement in case of oil spill is described.
Authorities to contact and reporting requirements in case of oil spill are listed in SOPEP. Authorities
like port state control, oil clean up team etc are to be notified.
SOPEP includes drawing of various fuel lines, along with other oil lines on board vessel with
positioning of vents, save all trays etc.
General arrangement of ship is also listed in SOPEP, which includes location of all the oil tanks with
capacity, content etc.
The location of the SOPEP locker and contents of the locker with a list of inventory
Oxygen analysers are used to determine whether the atmosphere inside an enclosed space may be
Explosimeters or flammable gas monitors are used to measure the hydrocarbon gas in air at
concentration below LFL. Explosimeters operate efficiently when the oxygen concentration is at least
11% by volume.
Tankscopes are used to measure the percentage hydrocarbon vapours in inert gas atmosphere.
The ISPS Code is a set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. It was
developed in response of the perceived threats to ships and port facilities after the 9/11 attacks. The
ISPS Code is part of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) and compliance is mandatory for the
148 Contracting Parties to SOLAS.The ISPS Code was adopted by one of the resolutions that was
adopted on 12 December 2002 by the Conference of Contracting Governments to the SOLAS, 1974
(London, 9 to 13 December 2002). Another resolution includes the necessary amendments to
chapters V and XI of SOLAS that mandates compliance with the Code on 1 July 2004. The existing
chapter XI of SOLAS was amended and re-identified as chapter XI-1. A new chapter XI-2 was
implemented based on special measures to enhance maritime security. Part A of the ISPS Code
contains the mandatory requirements regarding the amended provisions of chapter XI-2 of SOLAS ,
1974; Part B provides guidance regarding these amended provisions. You may purchase copies of the
ISPS Code and the amendments to SOLAS from binnacle.com.
A ship is required to act upon the security levels set by the port state or the flag state, whichever is
appropriate by carrying out the activities prescribed in the ISPS Code with the aim of identifying and
taking preventive measures against security incidents.
Ship security system
Security level: There are 3 security levels, namely, Security Level 1, Security Level 2, and Security
Level 3, defined in the ISPS Code.
Flag States will set security level for their ships.
A ship prior to entering a port or while in the port, is required to comply with the security level of the
flag state or the port state, whichever is the higher.
The master is required to have information on board concerning persons or organizations
responsible for the appointment and employment of crew members of the ship.
Ships are to be provided with a ship security alert system.
Ships are subjected to port state control with ect to compliance with chapter XI-2. The port state
control inspection in this respect is limited to verifying that there is on board a valid international
security certificate (ISS certificate) issued under the provisions of Part A of the ISPS Code.
The master of a ship has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions and
measures with respect to the safety and security of the ship.
A ship is required to carry on board a ship security plan approved by the flag state on the basis of a
ship security assessment.
The company operating a ship shall designate a company security officer (CSO) for the ship.
The CSO, the SSO, appropriate shore-based personnel and shipboard personnel having specific
security duties and responsibilities are required to undergo training in maritime security in
accordance with the guidance given in Part B of the ISPS Code.
Drills and exercises with respect to the ship security plan are required to be carried out at
appropriate intervals by all parties concerned with the ship security plan.
A ship, after a verification that the ship complies with chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code will be issued
an International ship security certificate (ISS Certificate) valid for a period not exceeding 5 years.
Within the 5-year validity period of the ISS Certificate, the ship is required to have an intermediate
verification which will be endorsed on the ISS certificate.
What is SSP?
A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:
.1 the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship
it is interfacing with;
.2 there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security between Contracting
Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on those
.3 there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or
involving the port facility, as applicable;
.4 the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port
facility security plan; or
.5 the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have
Drills – part b
should be conducted at least once every three months. In addition, in cases where more than 25
percent of the ships personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has not
previously participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3 months, a drill should be conducted
within one week of the change.
Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall
be maintained at all times.
Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall
be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.
Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be
maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it
may not be possible to identify the specific target.
A ship security officer shall be designated on each ship.
In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
.1 undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures
are maintained;
.2 maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any
amendments to the plan;
.3 co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard
personnel and with the relevant port facility security officers;
.4 proposing modifications to the ship security plan;
.5 reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities
identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and
verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;
.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;
.7 ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as
.8 reporting all security incidents;
.9 co-ordinating implementation of the ship security plan with the company security
officer and the relevant port facility security officer; and
.10 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any
- access points
- restricted areas
- handling of cargo
Which part of SSP is confidential? Can be seen only with permission of contracting
- operating instructions and testing of SSAS
Ship security plans are not subject to inspection by officers duly authorized by a Contracting
Government to carry out control and compliance measures in accordance with regulation XI-2/9,
save in circumstances specified in section 9.8.1.
9.8.1 If the officers duly authorized by a Contracting Government have clear grounds to believe that
the ship is not in compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the
only means to verify or rectify the non-compliance is to review the relevant requirements of the ship
security plan, limited access to the specific sections of the plan relating to the noncompliance is
exceptionally allowed, but only with the consent of the Contracting Government of, or the master of,
the ship concerned. Nevertheless, the provisions in the plan relating to section 9.4
subsections .2, .4, .5, .7, .15, .17 and .18 of this Part of the Code are considered as confidential
information, and cannot be subject to inspection unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting
Governments concerned.
1 Every ship to which chapter I applies shall be issued with a Continuous Synopsis
2.1 The Continuous Synopsis Record is intended to provide an on-board record of the
history of the ship with respect to the information recorded therein.
2.2 For ships constructed before 1 July 2004, the Continuous Synopsis Record shall,
at least, provide the history of the ship as from 1 July 2004.
3 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be issued by the Administration to each
ship that is entitled to fly its flag and it shall contain at least, the following information:
.1 the name of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly;
.2 the date on which the ship was registered with that State;
.3 the ship.s identification number in accordance with regulation 3;
.4 the name of the ship;
.5 the port at which the ship is registered;
4.1 Any changes relating to the entries referred to in paragraphs 3.4 to 3.12 shall be recorded in the
Continuous Synopsis Record so as to provide updated and current information together with the
history of the changes.
4.2 In case of any changes relating to the entries referred to in paragraph 4.1, the Administration
shall issue, as soon as is practically possible but not later than three months from the date of the
change, to the ships entitled to fly its flag either a revised and updated version of the Continuous
Synopsis Record or appropriate amendments thereto.
4.3 In case of any changes relating to the entries referred to in paragraph 4.1, the Administration,
pending the issue of a revised and updated version of the Continuous Synopsis Record, shall
authorize and require either the Company as defined in regulation IX/1 or the master of the ship to
amend the Continuous Synopsis Record to reflect the changes. In such cases, after the Continuous
Synopsis Record has been amended, the Company shall, without delay, inform the Administration
5.1 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be in English, French or Spanish language. Additionally, a
translation of the Continuous Synopsis Record into the official language or languages of the
Administration may be provided.
5.2 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be in the format developed by the Organization and shall
be maintained in accordance with guidelines developed by the Organization*. Any previous entries in
the Continuous Synopsis Record shall not be modified, deleted or, in any way, erased or defaced.
6 Whenever a ship is transferred to the flag of another State or the ship is sold to another owner (or
is taken over by another bareboat charterer) or another Company assumes the responsibility for the
operation of the ship, the Continuous Synopsis Record shall be left on board.
7 When a ship is to be transferred to the flag of another State, the Company shall notify the
Administration of the name of the State under whose flag the ship is to be transferred so as to enable
the Administration to forward to that State a copy of the Continuous Synopsis Record covering the
period during which the ship was under its jurisdiction.
8 When a ship is transferred to the flag of another State the Government of which is a Contracting
Government, the Contracting Government of the State whose flag the ship was flying hitherto shall
transmit to the Administration, as soon as possible after the transfer takes place, a copy of the
relevant Continuous Synopsis Record covering the period during which the ship was under their
jurisdiction together with any Continuous Synopsis Records previously issued to the ship by other
9 When a ship is transferred to the flag of another State, the Administration shall append the
previous Continuous Synopsis Records to the Continuous Synopsis Record the Administration will
issue to the ship so to provide the continuous history record intended by this regulation.
10 The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be kept on board the ship and shall be available for
inspection at all times.
As per Solas ch. 6 reg. 2
Applicable to all which carry cargo other than solid and liquid cargoes in bulk and timber cargoes.
The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard to promote the safe stowage and
securing of cargoes by:
1. drawing the attention of ship owners and ship operators to the need to ensure that the
ship is suitable for its intended purpose;
2. providing advice to ensure that the ship is equipped with proper cargo securing means;
3. providing general advice concerning the proper stowage and securing of cargoes to
minimize the risks to the ship and personnel;
4. providing specific advice on those cargoes which are known to create difficulties and
hazards with regard to their stowage and securing;
5. advising on actions which may be taken in heavy sea conditions; and
6. advising on actions which may be taken to remedy the effects of cargo shifting.
General principles
Chapter 1 - General
Chapter 2 - Principles of safe stowage and securing of cargoes
Chapter 3 - Standardized stowage and securing systems
Chapter 4 - Semi-standardized stowage and securing
Chapter 5 - Non-standardized stowage and securing
Chapter 6 - Actions which may be taken in heavy weather
Chapter 7 - Actions which may be taken once cargo has shifted
The purpose of CSS manual is “Correct application and securing” of cargo units, containers, vehicles,
and other cargoes based on “transverse, longitudinal and vertical forces which may arise during
adverse weather and sea condition.”
- used to attest that insurance or other financial security to cover liability for bunker oil pollution is
in place
- an oil tanker greater than 1000 GT whether loaded or ballast would already be covered by the
convention on civil liability for oil pollution 1992, so they need not carry a BCC.
- if an oil tanker making a maiden voyage from yard which is completely ‘clean’ will have to carry a
What do you know about navigational bridge visibility criteria as per SOLAS?
- as per SMS
- training
- rest hours
- safety of ship, cargo, environment
- cargo work
- stability
- pms
- preparing for surveys
- reporting non-conformities and near miss
- navigational duties
In the certificate
Part I – master
Part II – pharmacist
Part III – director of Marine