Volumetric Method For Free and Total Glycerin Determination in Biodiesel

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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2010, 49, 8935–8941 8935

Volumetric Method for Free and Total Glycerin Determination in Biodiesel

M. L. Pisarello, B. O. Dalla Costa, N. S. Veizaga, and C. A. Querini*
Instituto de InVestigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquı́mica, INCAPE (FIQ, UNL-CONICET),
Santiago del Estero 2654, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

In the past few years, biodiesel has gained considerable attention due to the increasing concern for the
environmental problems associated with the use of fossil fuels. The quality control of this renewable fuel
involves numerous analyses, several of them requiring the use of analytical instruments. According to ASTM
and EN standards, the analyses of free and total glycerin which are of particular relevance to biodiesel quality
must be carried out by GC analysis. This work presents an alternative volumetric method, which does not
need expensive equipment, and is therefore particularly useful for quality control in small facilities. Another
advantage of the proposed method is that it also overcomes the shortcomings of the GC procedure, such as
detection limits and type of raw material used to produce biodiesel. While the GC analysis is restricted to
biodiesel obtained from soybean, rapeseed or sunflower oil, the volumetric method has no limitations in this
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1. Introduction final products during the transesterification.16 Different GC

methods have been analyzed by Mittelbach et al.17
Biodiesel production has significantly increased in the past Each technique has advantages and drawbacks, and the
few years. Several plants with large production capacity have selection of the analytical procedure will be finally made
been built and several others are under construction in many depending on whether it is for quality certification, pass or failed
countries. These plants mainly use rapeseed oil (Europe), control, or process monitoring. In addition, quality, simplicity,
soybean oil (USA, Brazil, Argentina), or palm oil (Asia) as raw cost, and duration of the analysis including possible sample
materials. On the other hand, the use of alternative raw materials pretreatments are very important aspects.
has also received considerable attention due to the increasing The gas chromatographic analysis as described in each of
concern about the use of edible oil for fuel production. Among the above-mentioned standards (ASTM D65843 and EN 141054)
the oils used for biodiesel production other than soybean, has limitations since it has to be used only for biodiesel obtained
rapeseed, or sunflower oil, we can mention oils of jatropha, from soybean, rapeseed, or sunflower oils; besides, it cannot
algae, castor, linseed, or safflower oil. These raw materials be used with other oils, such as coconut, or animal fats, since
represent an option for small farmers and communities located peak overlapping might occur. This is a severe limitation of
far from urban centers to produce the fuel they need for farming, the method since one of the reasons why biodiesel is gaining
heating, and transportation. The use of very small production acceptance is because it allows the use of alternative raw
facilities to produce biodiesel for self-consumption has also materials such as chicken, pork, or cow fat, in addition to many
spread throughout many countries. For these latter cases, the other vegetable oils such as coconut, cotton, algae, or palm oil.
quality control of biodiesel is a major concern. A volumetric method, described in the AOCS Ca 14-56,18
The quality of biodiesel is specified in standards such as involves saponification with an alcoholic solution of KOH,
ASTM D-6751,1 or EN 14214.2 Among the numerous properties followed by the addition of chloroform and acetic acid,
that must be controlled in order to meet these specifications, separation, washing, addition of periodic acid first and then KI,
total and free glycerin are two of the most important ones, since and finally iodine titration with sodium thiosulfate. However,
they are related to the extent of unconverted triglycerides and even though this method does not require any complicated
the effectiveness of the purification procedure, respectively. equipment, it implies the handling of several harmful substances
According to ASTM or EN standards, these determinations must and is not quite suitable for the determination of total and free
be carried out by chromatographic analysis. Samples have to glycerin at low levels with high precision. Besides, it includes
be silylated, and two different internal standards must be used many chemical steps.
in order to quantify free glycerin and mono-, di-, and triglyc- In this work, we present a different volumetric procedure,
erides. The procedure that must be followed for these analyses which has been tested for several years already. This method
is described in ASTM D-65843 or in the EN 141054 and EN has no limitations regarding the raw material used to produce
14106.5 biodiesel or the level of combined or free glycerin; it has a very
There are other methods to determine the mono-, di-, and high precision and repeatability, and does not require the use
triglycerides content in biodiesel, such as size exclusion of expensive and/or sophisticated equipment. In fact, several
chromatography,6 viscosity,7 TGA,8 reversed-phase high- biodiesel industries in Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile have been
performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC),9 free glycerol using this procedure for some time, as well as small farmers.
in biodiesel by capillary electrophoresis,10 nonaqueous reverse- This method does not allow the individual determination of
phase HPLC with a UV detector,11 infrared spectroscopy,12-14 mono-, di-, and triglycerides.
Raman spectroscopy,15 or NMR to identify intermediate and
2. Fundamentals
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +54-342-
4533858. Fax: +54-342-4531068. E-mail: querini@fiq.unl.edu.ar. Ad- Total glycerin content is obtained after all the glycerides, that
dress: Santiago del Estero 2654, 300) Santa Fe, Argentina. is, mono-, di-, and triglycerides are quantitatively transformed
10.1021/ie100725f  2010 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/30/2010
8936 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 19, 2010

into methyl esters and glycerin, by transesterification. Afterward, the same sample after the first step of this procedure. In this
the glycerin is extracted first with acidified water, and then with case, the biodiesel contains 1.08 wt % of total glycerin
water. Finally, the glycerin is titrated according to standard (EN141054). Again, all the di- and triglycerides are converted,
procedures. and a very small peak comes out at the same retention time as
This method is very sensitive, and it is possible to perform the monoolein. In both cases (Figure 1 panels a and b), this
the total glycerin determination with 50 g of sample or less. peak represents an equivalent of total glycerin content lower
Free glycerin is determined just by extraction with water, than 0.01 wt %, if assumed to be monoolein. In any case, this
followed by titration, as indicated in the ASTM D-1615,19 is a very small value, and as discussed below, it is well below
IRAM 41089,20 BS-5711,21 or AOCS Ea 6-94.22 ASTM the repeatability and reproducibility of the total glycerin content
D-161519 and IRAM 557123 refers to the determination of determination by the GC-technique.
glycerin in alkyd resins and was discontinued in 2004. BS-5711 Even though this procedure does not allow the determination
is specific for glycerin analysis and has also been discontinued. of the individual amounts of mono-, di-, or triglycerides, it
Nevertheless, since it has not been replaced by any other provides a reliable and relatively fast determination of the total
standard, international commerce is based on BS-5711. glycerin content. It should be remarked that the ASTM standard
In all these standards glycerin titration is based on its does not specify the individual content of each type of
oxidation by sodium periodate. This reaction leads to the glycerides, while the EN standard does.
formation of formic acid when more than 2 hydroxyl groups
The detailed procedure that must be followed in order to
are present in the molecule. Primary hydroxyl groups react
obtain good results is presented in Appendix A.
forming formaldehyde upon oxidation and secondary hydroxyl
3.1.1. Glycerin Titration. In many standards related to
groups lead to formic acid production, according to the following
glycerin analysis (ASTM D-1615, IRAM 5571, IRAM 41089,
AOCS Ea 6-94), a blank must be performed. However, we have
C3H8O3 + 2NaIO4 f 2HCHO + HCOOH + 2NaIO3 + H2O checked that when following the procedure described in IRAM
(I) 41089 or IRAM 5571, in all cases only one drop of 0.1 N NaOH
solution was used. Nevertheless, each lab must check whether
Formic acid is then titrated with sodium hydroxide. This method or not with the procedure being followed, the blank has an
can be applied to samples free from sugars or other organic influence on the final calculation. Other standards, such as BS
compounds with more than two adjacent hydroxyl groups. 5711 carry out the final titration at an acidic pH and, therefore,
To consume the excess of sodium periodate, ethylene glycol in these cases it is necessary to perform the blank determination.
is added when reaction I is completed. The reaction that takes In our procedure we used the glycerin analysis as described in
place is IRAM 5571, in which the blank experiment was always
negligible. This procedure is similar to that described in ASTM
C2H4(OH)2 + NaIO4 f 2HCHO + NaIO3 + H2O (II) D-1615. However, the latter is designed to determine glycerin,
ethylene glycol, and pentaerythritol in alkyd resins. In this latter
3. Results and Discussion standard, the solution is not boiled prior to the titration.
3.1. Total Glycerin Determination. To obtain reliable Therefore the blank could be more relevant since the CO2
quantitative results, the total conversion of the glycerides present absorbed from the air during the sample handling is not stripped
in the sample must be assured. This is achieved using a large by boiling the solution, and consequently certain amount of the
excess of methanol and catalyst. This procedure cannot be carry titrating reactant (NaOH) will be used to neutralize the carbonic
out during normal biodiesel production, because of the severe acid.
purification problems that arise when large amounts of catalyst 3.1.2. Analytical Results. A set of experiments was carried
are used. Besides, the energy requirement involved in methanol out, by adding a known amount of triglycerides (refined soybean
recovery would also be a major problem. In our case, since the oil) to a biodiesel which was previously analyzed by GC in
objective is not the production of biodiesel according to order to determine the total glycerin content.
standards, using a large excess of catalyst is not a problem. Table 1 shows the results. In this table, examples of the
After the reaction, the system is neutralized with an aqueous determinations that were carried out are presented. A plot of
solution of HCl 5 wt %, followed by two additional washing the theoretical total glycerin amount as a function of the
steps, in order to recover all the glycerin present in the biodiesel measured amount (not shown) displays a general trend exactly
phase. In this work, we have checked that under these condi- on the line at 45°, which indicates that the procedure has no
tions, no mono-, di-, or triglycerides are found on the final bias either at low or high total glycerin content. The absolute
product, and therefore the glycerin formed under these condi- difference between the theoretical value and the measure value
tions exactly reflects the amount of unreacted glycerides of approximately 0.1 wt % is the larger deviation found at high
originally present in the sample. total glycerin content, and a difference of approximately 0.05
Figure 1a shows an example of a biodiesel that contains 0.24 wt % is the larger error at total glycerin contents below 0.25
wt % of total glycerin, as determined by EN14105,4 before and wt %. It has to be emphasized that this set of results corresponds
after the first step of this procedure, that is, the reaction with to experiments in which additions of given quantities of
methanol and NaOH as catalyst. It can be clearly seen that no vegetable oils were carried out, and the exact amount of total
di- and triglycerides are left after the reaction. However a very glycerin that corresponds to this addition is not known due to
small peak that elutes at the same time as the monoolein is still small uncertainties, such as for example, the oil molecular
present after this reaction step. According to our results, it is weight.
very likely that this peak is not a monoolein, as discussed below. The volumetric procedure was also used with a sample
Therefore, as above-mentioned, this means that the glycerin employed in an interlaboratory test, organized by CEMITEC
formed during this step of the procedure is an exact representa- (Spain), in which 9 European laboratories took part. Table 2
tion of the amount of unconverted glycerides. Figure 1b shows shows these results, as well as a comparison of several other
another example of a GC analysis of a biodiesel sample, and samples analyzed by the method presented in this work, and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 19, 2010 8937

Figure 1. GC analyses of biodiesel samples, before (A) and after (B) the first step of the volumetric procedure: (a) sample with 0.24 wt % total glycerin,
(b) sample with 1.08 wt % total glycerin.

by the GC methology. It can be seen that our results are in The volumetric measurement is well within the average of the
good agreement with the average of other laboratories that used other nine laboratories, with z ) 0.55, being σ ) 0.055. A value
the EN 14105 procedure. of z less than 2 is acceptable and means that the measured value
Regarding the repeatability, ASTM D 6584 establishes that differs from the real value less than two times the standard
for total glycerin determination, the repeatability is r ) 0.009. deviation, and this would occur in 95% of the cases for a normal
The EN 1405 gives the following equation for repeatability: r distribution.
) 0.0687x + 0.004 (where x is the mean value), and for 3.1.3. GC Analysis: Influence of Free Fatty Acids. As
reproducibility it provides the following information: R ) above-discussed, the GC analysis of a biodiesel sample reacted
0.4472x - 0.01. Therefore, in the latter case, it can be expected with excess of methanol and catalyst, shows a small peak that
that for a total glycerin content of 0.15 the reproducibility is comes out at the same retention time as the monoolein (see
0.057 wt %, which represents a difference of 38% between two Figure 1a,b).
measurements carried out in different laboratories. Our deter- We explored the possibility that it could correspond to a fatty
mination in this case differs from the mean value in 0.03 wt %, acid. The fatty acid elutes at longer retention times than the
which represents a deviation of 20%. Therefore, the volumetric corresponding methylester. As indicated in the example given
procedure results to be well within the quality standards in the ASTM D-6584 standard, the C24 methylester comes out
regarding the statistics criteria. The z-criterion establishes that in the chromatogram right before the main peak that corresponds
z should be less than 2, to have a reliable result, z being defined to the monoglycerides. Therefore, the small peak shown in
as Figure 1a,b could be related to the C24 fatty acid. Figure 2
shows GC analyses of a biodiesel sample before and after
z ) x - jx /σ addition of a mixture of free fatty acids. It can be clearly seen
8938 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 19, 2010

Table 1. Total Glycerin Analyses, After Addition of Vegetable Oil to deviation between two measurements larger than 10%, including
a Biodiesel Sample experiments carried out by different operators and experiments
glycerin, wt % carried out on different days. This is an excellent result compared
triglyceride calculated measured Absolute error % with the expected repeatability of the instrumental procedure
added wt % xc xm difference wt % ((xc - xm)/xc) × 100 described in EN14105 or ASTM D6584. It is important to note
1.028 0.112 0.154 0.042 37.5 also that many of the samples included in Figure 3 have total
1.713 0.184 0.203 0.01 5.4 glycerin content in the range required by the standards.
4.310 0.462 0.462 0.000 0.0 The titration of the glycerin collected in water after the three
0.430 0.049 0.060 0.011 22.4
washings, is very reliable. Results for replicated titrations of
0.965 0.105 0.113 0.007 6.7
1.463 0.162 0.148 0.015 9.5 this glycerin are shown in Table 4. The difference between two
0.970 0.732 0.750 0.017 2.3 analyses is very small.
0.730 0.002 0.3 3.1.5. Influence of Each Step Length. The chromatographic
2.010 0.842 0.900 0.058 6.9 procedure as described in the above-mentioned standards
0.840 0.001 0.1
3.000 0.946 0.870 0.076 8.0
requires a total analysis time of approximately 1.5 h, taking
0.830 0.116 12.2 into account sample preparation with two internal standards,
0.940 0.949 0.880 0.069 7.3 silanization, and GC analysis. The time involved in each step
1.930 1.053 1.000 0.053 0.05 of the volumetric procedure as indicated in the Appendixes, are
0.450 0.897 0.950 0.052 5.8 very conservative, and if needed, they can be substantially
0.630 0.916 0.860 0.056 6.1
1.530 1.011 0.940 0.071 7.0 reduced, as follows.
2.800 1.145 1.040 0.105 9.2 Glycerin Titration Times. The time required to oxidize
0.600 0.863 0.860 0.003 0.3 glycerin with NaIO4 according to the ASTM standard is 30 min,
1.100 0.916 0.930 0.014 1.5 followed by 20 min in darkness after ethylenglycol (EG) is added.
1.550 0.963 1.000 0.036 3.7
We compared results obtained using these times (as prescribed in
Table 2. Comparison of Volumetric Method with the EN14105 the standards) with results obtained using 5 min in each interval.
analysis volumetric EN14105 comments It was found that the differences between these results are within
the experimental error of this procedure (not shown).
total glycerin 0.18 0.15 Interlab control, nine European
Reaction. Experiments with times shorter than 2.5 h were
0.88 0.82 different European control carried out, varying also the methanol/sodium methoxide
laboratories proportion loaded to the reactor. Table 5 shows the results. From
0.16 0.15 these data, it can be concluded that using 40% methanol referred
0.33 0.31 to the volume of oil loaded to the reactor, with 35 g NaOH/L
0.26 0.24 biodiesel production plant
of methanol and a reaction time of 30 min, it is enough to ensure
0.29 0.26 total conversion of mono-, di-, and triglycerides.
Extraction Steps. To determine whether three washing steps
free glycerin 0.01 0.01 Interlab control, nine European are necessary to fully extract the glycerin from the reaction
0.0067 0.01 different European control
media, the aqueous phase coming from each of these washing
laboratories steps was analyzed to determine the glycerin content. It was
0.019 0.02 found that the first extraction recovered around 97% of the total
that the peak assigned to the monoolein increases after the glycerin formed during the reaction, the second extraction 2%,
addition of free fatty acids, which indicates that in the GC and the third 1% or less. These results indicate that in order to
analysis there might be an interference of the free fatty acid in make sure that all the glycerin is extracted, three washings
the total monoglyceride analysis, most probably due to the C24 should be carried out. On the other hand, it can also be
fatty acid. We carried out many reaction tests, using different concluded that a very small error could be introduced if the
methanol to oil ratios, catalyst amount, reaction times, and third washing is not carried out.
performing also up to three reaction cycles without being able 3.2. Results for Free Glycerin Determination. The free
to eliminate this peak, what strongly suggests that it is not a glycerin determination is carried out by extracting it from the
nonconverted monoolein. Either a free fatty acid or another type biodiesel sample with three consecutive washings. The first of
of compound could be responsible for this small peak. Never- them is carried out with an aqueous solution of HCl to avoid
theless, we did not try to further identify it, since whatever it the formation of a stable emulsion in those cases in which the
is, it is included in the analysis of monoglycerides as indicated sample is basic, that is, when the biodiesel sample is not properly
by the EN14105 or ASTM D-6584. On the other hand, the peak purified during the production. The detailed procedure is
represents a total glycerin content of 0.01 wt % or less. This is described in Appendix B.
the reason why even after two or three reactions carried out Several experiments were carried out by adding glycerin to
with a large excess of methanol, starting with a raw material samples of biodiesel that were previously washed several times,
with low total glycerin content, a small peak can still be in order to make sure that no free glycerin was left on the sample.
observed at approximately the same retention time as the Table 3 shows the results. It can be seen that there is a very
monoolein peak. Therefore, either the acidity of the sample or good agreement between the amount of glycerin added to the
other nonidentified oil component could lead to an overestima- sample and the experimental determination. Table 2 shows the
tion of the total glycerin content when using the GC method. values that correspond to the interlaboratory test, in which
This problem is not found when using the volumetric procedure. the free glycerin determination by the method described in this
3.1.4. Repeatability. Figure 3 shows results obtained when work corresponds exactly with the mean value of the other nine
replicated determinations were carried out in the same sample. It laboratories, as determined by the EN 14105.
can be observed that the difference between two determinations is The ASTM D-6584 renders the repeatability of this deter-
seldom larger than 10%. Only in one out of 14 samples was the mination to be r ) 0.001 wt %, while the EN 14105 establishes:
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 19, 2010 8939

Figure 2. GC analysis of a biodiesel sample before (A) and after (B) addition of a mixture of fatty acids.

Table 4. Repeatability for Glycerin Determination after Being

Collected in Water. Total Glycerin Analysis. Error % Computed in
Reference to the Average Value
glycerin analysis in water, wt %
1 2 error %
0.49 0.486 0.41
0.31 0.31 0.00
0.22 0.22 0.00
0.2018 0.2057 0.95
0.6265 0.5884 3.24
Figure 3. Repeatability for total glycerin determination. Error % computed 0.6165 0.6222 0.46
in reference to the average value of two or three determinations, as a function 0.136 0.14 1.43
of total glycerin content. 1.64 1.62 0.62
0.268 0.291 3.95
Table 3. Free Glycerin Determination by the Volumetric Method 0.27 0.2863 2.85
0.146 0.152 1.97
glycerin added glycerin measured absolute error % 1.52 1.48 1.35
Ga wt % Gm wt % difference wt % ((Ga - Gm)/Ga) × 100
Table 5. Influence of the Variables Involved in the Reaction Step on
0.055 0.056 0.0001 5.4
the Total Glycerin Determination
0.560 0.532 0.028 5.0
0.225 0.190 0.0346 15.4 catalyst concentrationa (vol/vol oil × 100)
0.052 0.058 0.006 11.5 sample reaction
0.039 0.051 0.0118 30.2 number time (h) 40 60 80
0.104 0.107 0.0038 3.6
0.059 0.068 0.0091 15.4 1 1 0.779 0.777
0.197 0.199 0.0023 1.17
2 2.5 0.170 0.162
r ) 0.0538x + 0.0014. On the other hand, the latter informs 1 0.169
that the reproducibility is: R ) 0.5983x + 0.003. Therefore, 0.5 0.174
from the data shown in Table 3 it can be concluded that the 3 2.5 0.6265
volumetric method does not differ from the chromatographic 2.5 0.5884
procedure more than what is expected for two independent 1 0.6365
0.5 0.6133 0.6165
determinations by the GC method. 0.5 0.6222
Figure 4 shows results of replicated determinations of free a
glycerin. It can be observed that the analysis repeatability is Sodium methoxide 40 g/L.
very good, typically with a difference of less than 10%. obtain the biodiesel has no effect on the analysis. In fact, it has
3.3. ASTM D 6584 and EN 14105 Limitations. 3.3.1. Raw been applied to biodiesel obtained with many different raw
Materials Restrictions. As stated in the introduction, the ASTM materials, such as tallow, chicken fat, pork fat, cottonseed, tung,
D 6584 and the EN14105 are limited to the analysis of biodiesel rice, castor oil, coconut, etc.
obtained from rapeseed, sunflower, or soybean oil. In the For example, a modification of the procedure adopted by the
procedure we present in this work, the raw material used to EN14103 standard to determine total ester content in biodiesel
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Appendix A.
Procedure for Total Glycerin Determination
1. Weigh an exact amount of biodiesel sample between 50 and
100 g, in a flask (250 cc flask is adequate)
2. Reaction. The reaction is carried out in a batch reactor with
a. put the flask in water bath (60 to 65 °C) on a magnetic
stirrer, and stir vigorously
b. add 40% (v/v) of sodium methoxide solution (35 g
Figure 4. Repeatability for free glycerin determination. Error % computed NaOH/L methanol, or 40 g NaCH3O/L methanol) referred
in reference to the average value of two or three determinations, as a function to the weighed sample (biodiesel density 0.89 g/mL
of free glycerin content. approximately)
c. keep the temperature and the stirring during 2.5 h at 60
has been published by Mittelbach et al,24 in order to analyze °C (see the text, shorter times can be used)
samples obtained from tallow. This is an example of the 3. Glycerin extraction from reacting media by washing:
importance of the limitation of the GC methods applicability a. remove the reflux condenser
to biodiesel samples obtained from alternative raw materials. b. add a volume of HCl 5 wt %, equal to the volume used in
3.3.2. Detection Limits. ASTM D 6584 and EN 14105 (step 2b) into the flask, keep the temperature at 60-65 °C
standards have reported the following detection limits: free with gentle-moderate stirring, approximately 15 min
glycerin, 0.005 to 0.05 wt %; total glycerin, 0.05 to 0.5 wt %. c. without cooling, transfer carefully to a separatory funnel
The method presented here, as described in the appendix, d. separate and place the aqueous phase in a 200 or 250 mL
can be applied in the following ranges: free glycerin, 0.0009 to volumetric flask
e. return the biodiesel phase to the reaction flask and repeat
0.37 wt %; total glycerin, 0.0046 to 5.15 wt %.
the washing using a volume of HCl 2.5 wt % equal to half
However, these latter limits are only due to the amount of
of that in step 3b, keep at 60-65 °C with gentle-moderate
sodium periodate added in the analysis. As this quantity is stirring, 15 min approximately
increased, the detection upper limits also increase, and it is f. separate and collect the aqueous phase into the same
possible to determine any value of free glycerin or total glycerin volumetric flask as in step 3d
content. No calibration is needed to modify the range of g. repeat steps e and f but using distilled water instead of
application of this procedure. According to the stoichiometry HCl 2.5 wt %
of reaction I, 4.65 g of NaIO4 are needed for each gram of h. rinse the flask with distilled water (20 mL approx.), and
glycerin to be titrated. To guarantee the complete oxidation add it to the separatory funnel containing the biodiesel
of glycerin in the sample, 6 g of NaIO4 are used for each gram phase. Pour the aqueous phase into the volumetric flask
of glycerin. As indicated in Appendix A, the volume of NaOH containing the water coming from the other two washings
used to titrate formic acid, is also used as a guide to know if i. discard the biodiesel phase. Rinse the separatory funnel with
the NaIO4 added was enough, or if the titration has to be distilled water (20 mL approx) and collect it in the same
repeated with a lower amount of the collected water, or a higher flask
amount of NaIO4. On the other hand, if the volume of NaOH j. cool the flask at room temperature, fill to the mark with
used is too small, titration has to be repeated using a higher distilled water, stopper, and mix by agitating in order to
volume of the collected water in order to improve the precision. homogenize all the collected water
4. Analyze the glycerin content in the aqueous phase:
a. take an aliquot of the flask (80 mL) in a 250 mL
4. Conclusions
Erlenmeyer flask
The procedure presented in this work, designed to determine b. add 5 drops of phenol red indicator
the free and total glycerin content on biodiesel, is a very good c. add NaOH 2 N, to turn to fuchsia (this high concentration
alternative to the instrumental methods used at present. The is used in order to minimize the volume added to neutralize
results obtained with this method present similar or better the glycerin solution)
repeatability and reproducibility, as compared to the GC-method d. add HCl 5 wt % to turn to yellow, and then add 0.5 mL of
described in the ASTM or EN standards. Another advantage is HCl 5 wt % (this volume assures that the final pH is the
correct one, in order to facilitate the CO2 desorption)
that it is a cheap method, not requiring any instrument such as
e. boil 3 min (with porous material to prevent violent boiling)
GC, IR spectrometer, etc. Since no internal standards are used,
f. cool to room temperature using a CO2 trap to avoid the
and no calibration is needed, the range of applicability of this acidification of the solution caused by CO2 absorption (from
method has no limits. the air). The trap is just a short tube with pure NaOH,
Another very important advantage is that the procedure can be connected by a hose to the Erlenmeyer
applied to any biodiesel, regardless of the raw material used in its g. add NaOH 0.1 N until turning point (fuchsia). (in this step,
production, while the GC-procedure cannot. Additionally, the the NaOH solution MUST be the same as that used to carry
acidity of the biodiesel sample does not interfere with the analysis. out the final titration, step j)
As a disadvantage, the method does not provide the individual h. add 40 mL of NaIO4 (6 g/100 mL recently prepared), mix
values of the mono-, di-, and try-glycerides, as requested by and leave 30 min in the darkness, stopper (see text, this
the EN standard. time can be shortened)
i. add 5 mL ethanodiol (ethylene glycol), wash the walls of
the Erlenmeyer flask with distilled water, mix, and leave
Acknowledgment 20 min in the darkness, stopper (see text, this time can be
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support shortened)
j. titrate with 0.1 N NaOH solution
received from ANPCyT and CONICET. Thanks are given to
Prof. Elsa Grimaldi for the English language editing. Calculation
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 19, 2010 8941
%G ) VNaOH × 0.0921 × NNaOH × Literature Cited
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where %GL ) g of glycerin/100 g of sample, VNaOH ) volume (23) IRAM Standard 5571, Determination of Glycerol Content; Instituto
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Notes 2006, 108, 309–314.

If the volume of 0.1 N NaOH titrated is greater than 20 mL, ReceiVed for reView March 25, 2010
ReVised manuscript receiVed July 23, 2010
the analysis has to be repeated with a lower amount of
Accepted August 13, 2010
weighed sample or a higher amount of NaIO4 (see Detection
Limits). IE100725F

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