Blanchard Kahn (1980)
Blanchard Kahn (1980)
Blanchard Kahn (1980)
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Econometrica,Vol. 48, No. 5 (July,1980)
The model is given by (la), (lb), and (1c) as follows:
t+1 Xtl
(l a) [X+]= A[t + yZt, Xt=0 = Xo,
tpt+l Pt
where X is an (n x 1) vector of variables predetermined at t; P is an (m x 1) vector of
variables non-predetermined at t; Z is a (k x 1) vector of exogenous variables; tPt+l is the
agents' expectation of Pt+,, held at t; A, y are (n + m) x (n + m) and (n + m) x k matrices,
(lb) tPt+l= E(Pt+,1i2t)
where E(*) is the mathematical expectation operator; Q2t is the information set at t;
Q2t=) Q,-,; 12t includes at least past and current values of X, P, Z (it may include other
exogenous variables than Z; it may include future values of exogenous variables).
(ic) Vt 3Zt E k 0,aE R such that
-(1 + i)t'Zkt'E(Zt+ i 11t) < (1 + i)0'Zt Vi : 0.
Equation (la) describes the structural model. The difference between predetermined and
non-predetermined variables is extremely important. A predetermined variable is a
function only of variables known at time t, that is of variables in f2t, so that Xt+1= tXt+l
whatever the realization of the variables in f2t+,. A non-predetermined variable Pt+, can be
a function of any variable in Q2t+,, so that we can conclude that Pt+, = tPt+l only if the
realizations of all variables in Qlt+l are equal to their expectations conditional on 12t.
The structural model imposes the restriction that all agents at a given time have the same
information, so that "agents' expectation" has a precise meaning. As Example B below
shows, the "firstorder" form is not restrictive: models of higher order can be reduced to this
Equation (lb) defines rational expectations. Equation (lb) excludes the possibility that
agents know the values of endogenous variables but not the values of the exogenous
variables: in such a case, endogenous variables convey information on exogenous vari-
ables; such cases require a different treatment (see Futia [8]). Condition (1c) simply
requires that the exogenous variables Z do not "explode too fast." In effect it rules out
exponential growth of the expectation of Zt+i, held at time t.
The following examples show how particular models can be put in the required form.
EXAMPLE A (A Model of Growth with Money): Consider, for example, the structure of
the model presented by Sidrauski [15]; savings and thus capital accumulation depend on
disposable income, which itself depends on the capital stock K&,real money balances,
M,- P (where M and P denote logarithms), and the expected rate of inflation (,P,+, - P):
From asset market equilibrium, there is another relation between the real money stock,
the capital stock, and the expected rate of inflation:
EKt?1 K,
[p'1J = A[J + yMt.
Kt, the capital stock, is predetermined at time t. Pt, the price level, is not. (The model solved
by Sidrauski assumes adaptive, not rational, expectations.)
X2,+1 0 X2 0
t+ = [0 0O 0 1IIYI I0
tPt+l O -a/3 -1 O Pt /J
XIt, X2t are predetermined at t; Yt and Pt are not.
An example of the reduction of a medium size empirical macroeconometric model to a
model of form (1) can be found in Blanchard [2].
EXAMPLE C: Models which include past expectations of current and future variables on
the other hand may be such that they cannot be reduced to form (1). The simplest example
Yt- at- Yt-Zt.
This is in effect a "zeroth order" difference equation which cannot be put in the "firstorder"
form (1). The same difficulty may arise in more complex models:
EXAMPLE D: This last example shows however that some models with lagged expec-
tations of present and future variables can be put in form (1). This model can be interpreted
as a multiplieracceleratormodel:
Yt = Ct + It + Gt,
Ct =a( Yt+tYt+)+ Et, a > 0,
The matrixA is in this case singular.This examplealso shows the absenceof necessary
connectionbetween "real,""nominal"and "predetermined,""non-predetermined."
= B11J1Bh'Xt_j+ -y1Zt-1
for t>0,
+ E B1lJf-'B1yjZt_j + B11JtB111Xo, for t > 0,
t 00
(5) Pt = - E B211{1 (Bi12-J1Bi2B1 1) E J i(C21y1+C22y2)E(Zt_j+jj2t_j)
j=1 i=O
L(l k)j
let A1,A2 be the eigenvalues of A, kA11 < 1, 1A21>1. Define ,u (A - a1 )A1- a12A2. Then,
a uniquesolutionexists and is given by
xt = xo, for t =O,
ManuscriptreceivedJune, 1978; final revisionreceivedAugust,1979.
Consider the system given by (1), at time t + i. Take expectations on both sides, conditional on Qt. As
Qt C,?Q+i, this gives
(Al) [ =J
A] +y,IZt+i, Vi O.
(A2) [tYt+1+1j 0
J[ Y+j t Vi aO.
totQ+i?,JL 0 J2J tQt+i
As C is invertible, knowledge of Xt and Pt is equivalent to knowledge of Yt and Qt: the transformation
does not affect Qt. Also existence (uniqueness) of a solution in (A2) is equivalent to existence
(uniqueness) of a solution in (Al).
Equation (A2) is composed of two subsystems. The first n lines give
(A3) tyt+i+l = Jl tyt+i + (Cllyl + C12y2)tZt+i, Vi 2 0.
By construction of J1, this system is stable or borderline stable. The second subsystem however will, by
construction of J2, explode and violate the non-explosion condition unless:
(A4) Q, = - E J (C21y1 + C22y2)tZt+i.
(A4) uniquely determines Qt. Thus existence and uniqueness of solutions depends on existence and
uniqueness of the sequence of Yt, Yt has to satisfy (A3). Because (A2) is derived from (Al), a solution
must however also satisfy two other conditions:
In what follows, we assume that Bl, is of full rank, i.e. that p(Bll) = min (m, mi); this is equivalent to
assuming that C22 is of full rank. The extension to the case where Bl, is not of full rank is
straightforward and tedious. If rm= m, then 3B 1'. From (A4), Qo is determined. From (A5), YOis
uniquely determined. From (A3), 0 Y, is determined, and Y, is determined from (A6). The system is
solved recursively. The sequence of X and P is in turn obtained by using the C-' transformation.
Tedious computation gives (2) and (5) in the text. This proves Proposition 1.
If tm> m, B1, imposes more than fi restrictions on Yo in (A5). (AS) is overdetermined and thus has
almost always no solution. If YOdoes not exist, then Po does not exist. This proves Proposition 2.
If mi< m, (AS) is underdetermined. In addition (A6) no longer uniquely determines Yt+1 given
tYt+,. In general Yt+l = tYt+l + Wt+l satisfies (A6), where Wt+, is any random variable such that
Because B, I is not invertible, Wt may include variables other than Z. Thus the general solution is (A4)
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