Cebu Normal University: Republic of The Philippines
Cebu Normal University: Republic of The Philippines
Cebu Normal University: Republic of The Philippines
Understanding the moral perspective aids in giving our thoughts a clear shape to what really is
truth. It is crucial for enhancing a different point of view and how we see things. We must know the different
principles of moral perspective because it will help us distinguish where to stand and will help us guide our
decisions in life.
Personal Reaction
As a human being moral realism is the act that regards to the truths that there are right and
wrong behaviors and as well as good and bad. An example of this perspective is stating that whatever
any person may believe, murder is wrong. To put it another way, the acts of immorality are unaffected by
the intentions of a single individual or even an entire civilization; it is clearly wrong. So, in this
perspective, wrong is wrong.
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, moral realism is the act and belief that there
are facts about which actions are right and which are wrong, and about which things are good and
which are bad. And as student it represents the view that there are mind-independent moral facts in the
universe, and people can make statements about them that are true or false.
Critical Reaction
In this perspective, morality is real and exists objectively. It holds that there are objective truths
regarding what behaviors are right and wrong, as well as what is good and what is bad. This perspective
allows truth to be directly applied to moral statements.
Personal Reaction
As a human and personally moral absolutism looks at things objectively and determines whether
an action is right or wrong. This perspective shows that murder is wrong, even though it was done in the
act of defending ourselves. Because this view says that whatever you do, if it is wrong, the outcome will
not matter since it is wrong.
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, moral truths are objective and apply to all
situations. This ethical position considers certain behaviors to be utterly wrong or right, despite the
outcome. This asserts that Moral absolutism exist in a widespread moral principle that can be used to judge
the actions of all people.
Critical Reaction
Regarding how we learn what moral absolutism. Moral absolutism is an ethical perception that
considers specific actions to be either entirely wrong or entirely right regardless of the result. To be truly
absolute, morals must have a universally indisputable source, interpretation, as well as authority, that either
critics claim is impossible.
Personal Reaction
As a human being, moral relativism is the perspective that explains that moral judgments are only
valid or invalid depending on a specific perspective and that no perspective is superior to all others. In
connection to the example above, if a person believes that Murder is morally right, then it is wrong for him.
In other words, for some people, it would be morally wrong to murder, if you believe that killing is always
morally wrong.
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, moral relativism is the act that moral truth
is dependent upon a person's culture. As a student this perspective pertains that there is no true or false,
that judgement relies on a person’s standards, and society.
Critical Reaction
This perspective tells us that moral truths are relative to culture and society. This notion shows
that there is no single, unchanging collection of moral standards.
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
Personal Reaction
As a human being, this perspective makes me wonder what really is true and what is right. It is
intriguing to know that, in this perspective, it is dependent on one's experience. If a person feels that
murder is right, then they are just agreeing about their own feelings and thoughts since murder is morally
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, the moral subjectivism ignores the fact that
our lives are inextricably linked and that our actions inevitably affect others.
Critical Reaction
In this perspective, moral truths depend upon a person's judgment. Under this principle, each
individual has the ability to determine what's really morally acceptable or reasonable as opposed to
Personal Reaction
As a human being, moral skepticism is the truth that cannot be justified. In this perspective we
cannot be in a side to defend a claim or a truth.
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, the claim that " it is wrong to murder" is
false as per the first interpretation of moral skepticism. This is based on moral skepticism, because ethical
assertions implicitly assume the reality of objective values that are erroneously believed to be
nonexistent. The second viewpoint would stop the remark that it is claimed that it is immoral to kill people,
which is not normatively grounded.
Critical Reaction
In this perspective, knowledge of moral truths is doubtful since they cannot be empirically and
rationally justified. This contends that all ethical assertions are unjustifiable or that we cannot adequately
defend any ethical claims and therefore we must establish uncertainty regarding their veracity.
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
Personal Reaction
As a human being, moral pluralism is the belief that opposing moral viewpoints can coexist and
be respected. They consider issues from a variety of moral perspectives before making a decision and
taking action. The claim that lying, stealing, and harming others are all wrong, along with the claim that
there is not a single principle behind these beliefs, an institute of pluralist viewpoint.
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, the concept of moral plurality holds that
moral viewpoints that differ from one another can coexist and should all be respected. When confronted
with opposing viewpoints, as a student we often seem to be open-minded.
Critical Reaction
In this perspective, moral pluralism claims that moral truths are objective, but they are partial
and plural; there is not one satisfactory and sufficient account of morality.
Personal Reaction
As a human being, moral pluralism tells us that nothing is obligatory, that moral truths do not
exist. An example related to this is when we would assert that murdering someone, for whatever motive, is
not objectively right or immoral. The conviction that life has no value or purpose and the widespread
rejection of traditional moral, religious, and other ideas.
Educated Reaction
As a second-year university student who study ethics, moral nihilism allows actions to be wrong
relative to a specific culture or individual.
Critical Reaction
In this perspective, moral pluralism is the meta-ethical belief that there is nothing morally wrong
or right.
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
The art of being human is to be unique by means of having different moral perspectives in
different aspects as a you, as a student and as a critical thinker. This classified moral perspective is an
impartial and universal viewpoint that each person is capable of adapting to. We humans are using this
context to refer to a logical autonomous. We may have different views but remember that there is only
one truth and occasionally we need to put our personal interests aside and act for the benefit of everyone.