Syllabus IG II
Syllabus IG II
Syllabus IG II
Syllabus aims
The aims of the syllabus are to enable candidates to:
• acquire a knowledge of the major sources of Islam, its main
beliefs and its early history
• develop an enquiring approach to the study of Islam
• identify and explore the religious, historical and moral questions
raised in the material they study.
Assessment objectives
Candidates should be able to demonstrate that they have closely
studied the topics set. They should be able to:
AO1: Recall, select and present relevant facts from the main
elements of the faith and history of Islam
AO2: Demonstrate understanding of their significance in the
teachings of Islam and in the lives of Muslims.
Syllabus overview
All candidates take two written papers and answer in English. Both
papers must be taken for the candidate to be awarded a grade.
Candidates are eligible for grades A* to G
Paper 1 1 ½ hours
Paper 1 contains five questions of which candidates must answer Question 1, Question 2
and two others.
1. Major themes of the Qur’an: Three passages will be set from the list in Appendix 1, of
which candidates may choose any two. [8 marks]
2. The history and importance of the Qur’an: This question is usually set in more than one
part, and requires an essay length answer. [14 marks]
3. The life and importance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): One or two questions are set,
usually in more than one part, requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
4. The first Islamic community: One or two questions are set, usually in more than one part,
requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
Total mark = 50.
Paper 2 1 ½ hours
Paper 2 contains five questions of which candidates must answer Question 1, Question 2
and two others.
1. Major teachings in the Hadiths of the Prophet: Four passages are set from the list in
Appendix 2, of which candidates may choose any two. [8 marks ]
2. The history and importance of the Hadiths: This question is usually set in more than one
part, and requires an essay length answer. [14 marks]
3. The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as leaders: One or
two questions are set, usually in more than one part, requiring essay length answers. [14
4. The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam: One or two questions are set, usually in
more than one part, requiring essay length answers. [14 marks]
Total mark = 50.
Levels of response
AO1: Knowledge – part (a) questions
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Levels of response
AO2: Understanding – part (b) questions
Mark Description
• Responses demonstrate a clear understanding of the question
2 3–4 • Able to use own opinions to engage with the question and
present reasoning that demonstrates their understanding
• Responses demonstrate some understanding of the question
1 1–2 • There are descriptive and factual references to the question
with limited discussion of the material
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AO2 Understanding 32 %