2.types of Lasers
2.types of Lasers
2.types of Lasers
1)Types of Lasers
2) Pumping Mechanisms
3) Ruby Laser
4) Nd-YAG Laser
Types of Laser
Based on the mode of operation
(i) Pulsed Laser systems
(iii) Continuous wave Laser systems
1) Optical Pumping: Solid state lasers use this method. Generally for
optical pumping Xenon flash lamps are used. (Used in ruby, Nd: YAG Laser)
2) Electrical Discharge Pumping: Gas lasers use this method. The electric
discharge acts as the pump source. A high voltage electric discharge is
passed through the laser medium or gas. After that the high electric field
speeds up the electrons to high speeds. Resulting in collision with neutral
atoms in the gas. Thus electrons gain energy and get excited. (Used in He-
Ne laser, CO2 laser)
3) Injection Current Pumping : In case of semiconductors,
injection of current through the junction also results in
population inversion among the minority charge carriers. (Used
in GaAs and InP)
Ruby Crystal
Ruby is pumped optically with the help of intense Xenon flash lamp. This
causes Chromium ions to be excited by absorption of Radiation around
Internal Processes in Ruby Laser
Chromium ions are excited to levels E(3) levels.
Excited ions decay non-radiatively to the level E(2) lasing level
E(2) metastable level has a lifetime of ~ 3ms and atoms from E(1) is
excited due to optical pumping which produces population inversion.
Laser emission occurs between level Metastable and ground state G at
an output wavelength of 0.6943 µm
Nd-YAG laser:
Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet is Solid state lasers and same as
Ruby laser (Ruby Rode replaced by YAG (Y3Al5O12 )Rod) And was first
demonstrated by J. E. Geusic in 1964.
Energy levels of the Neodymium (Nd3) ion takes place in lasing action
Neodymium replaces 1% of Yttrium.
4 level laser systems
Nd:YAG lasers typically emit light with a wavelength of 1064 nm,
in the infrared.
Typical set up: