IMU CRB Part-1
IMU CRB Part-1
IMU CRB Part-1
A1.1.4 Obtain accurate readings of sextant altitudes of celestial bodies.
A1.1.7 Practice celestial observations (sights) using the sextant and obtain position lines
and positions.
A1.1.8 Plot three position lines and obtain ship's position.
A1.1.9 Calculate times of sunset, sunrise and
twiight using the Nautical Almanac.
GlobalMET 2015 Deck Cadet SSTP Record Book, in compliance with the Manila Amendments to STCW
Considered Proficient
Ref A1.2 Topic: Terrestrial and coastal Assessment Criteria: The primary method of
navigation STO
Sign Date
fixing the ship's position is
the most appropriate in the prevailing
circumstances and conditions. The position is
determined within the limits of acceptable
instrument/system errors.
Calculations and measurements
of navigational information are
accurate. The Cadet is able to demonstrate
sufficient knowledge of the IALA Maritime
Buoyage System.
Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A1.2.1 including lighthouses,
Recognize various landmarks and aids to navigation,
beacons, buoys and topographical features.
A1.2.2 Demonstrate understanding ofidentifying characteristics of lights and of the 'rising'
and 'dipping' of lights and compare the observed and charted characteristics of
A1.2.3 Take accurate bearings of a point of land, a lighthouse or a beacon (identified on
the chart).
A1.2.4 Determine the ship's dead reckoning position and estimated position, takinginto
account winds,tides, currents and estimated speed.
A1.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System for Region A
and Region Bincluding the emergency wreck marking buoy.
A1.2.6 Practice position fixing using three simultaneous observations, with variouss
combinations of visual bearings, radar bearings and radar ranges of conspicuous
Ref A1.3 Topic: Charts and publications Criteria for evaluating competence: The
no. information obtained from nautical charts and
Considered Proficient
publications is relevant, interpreted correctly
STOSign Date
and properly applied. All potential
hazards are accurately identified.
Task number Task to be performed STOSign Date
A1.3.1 Demonstrate familiarity with the chart folio system.
A1.3.2 Demonstrate understanding of the use of BA Chart 5011 (Symbols and
Abbreviations used on Admiralty Paper Charts) and identity various chart
e.g. buoys, marks, wrecks, obstructions, shallow depths, reefs and other
to navigation. Correctly interpret information obtained from charts and publications.
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Sign Date
Task nunmber Taskto be performed
of publications available on bridge.
A1.3.3 Make inventory
A1.3.4.7 List of Lights and Fog Signals (including Digital list of lights)
chart tracings.
to STCW 73
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Task number Task to be performed
A1.3.13 ASSISt correction of voyage charts for T & P notices STO Sign Date
Identity the publication containing information on and navigational warnings,
Schemes. approved traffic separation
Ref A1.4 Topic: Passage planning
no. Criteria for evaluating competence: The Considered Proficient
charts selected are the largest scale suitable STOSign Date
for the area of navigation and charts and
publications are corrected in accordance with
the latest information available.
A1.5.2.3 Set limits and use the GPS alarms; i.e. HDOP, cross track, arrival waypoint,
anchor watch, etc.
A1.5.2.4 Set and use rhumb line /great circle mode.
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Task number Task to be performed Date
A1.7.1 STO Sign
Demonstrate boxing of compass.
A1.7.2 Apply magnetic variation and deviation to
magnetic compass readings.
A1.7.3 Demonstrate the use of deviation card when
A1.7.4 using magnetic compass readings,
Compare compasses and determine compass error using:
A1.7.4.1 Azimuth, choosing the body with most suitable altitude
A1.7.4.2 Amplitude
A1.7.4.3 Transit bearings.
A1.7.5 Use the compasS error book, make entries under supervision and thee
deviation obtained with the deviation card readings.
Ref A1.8 Topic: Steering control systems Criteria for evaluating competence: The Considered Proficient
no. selection of the mode of steering is the most STO
Sign Date
suitable for the prevailing weather, sea and
traffic conditions and intended manoeuvres.
The Cadet is able to use various modes of
Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A1.8.1 Perform change-over from manual to automatic steering and vice versa under
supervision. Testthesystem on allmodes available,including NFU mode
A1.8.2 Adjust various controls available in the steering control system for optimum
A1.8.3 ldentify various alarms associated with the steering control system. Demonstrate
setting and testing of "off course" alarm under supervision.
A1.8.4 Demonstrate setting up of the "course recorder" for heading and GMT
Demonstrate understanding of the procedures for the change over for autopilot
from gyro compass to transmitting magnetic heading deviceif fitted.
Demonstrate understanding of the procedures for the change over for emergency
steering. Steerfrom local control.
Ref A1.9 Topic: Meteorology Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Measurements and observations of weather STOSign Date
conditions are accurate and appropriate to the
passage. Meteorological information is
Correctly interpreted and applied.
Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A1.9.1 Read barometer accurately and obtain corrected barometric pressure.
A1.99.5 Estimate wind direction (by wave observation) and wind force using sea state
(Beaufort scale).
A1.9.6 Estimate swell direction and wave height.
A1.9.9 Interpret weather reports and warnings. Assess information obtained from weather
wave heights and periods,
faxes, including positions of lows, highs, fronts, winds,
warning areas, storm warnings, fog and other warnings.
A1.9.10 Estimate the predicted positions and path of the weather systems with respect to
the ship's position and predict weather expected enroute
A1.9.11 dentify procedures to reduce the adverse effects of heavy seas.
height of tide.
Determine the direction and the rate oftidal stream at locations marked on chart by
tidaldiamond (symbol ) and also obtain tidal informationfrom softwarein use
A1.9.15 Demonstrate understanding of the applicationof Buys Ballot's law.
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Record Book, in compliance with the Manila Amendments to STCW
Function: Navigation
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-Il/1,
Ref A2 Section A-VIIl/2 Part 4-1,Section B-VI/2 Part 4-
Competence: Maintain a safe
ho. navigational watch
Ref A2.1 Topic: Watchkeeping
no. Criteria for evaluating competence: The Considered Proficient
Conduct, handover and relief of the watch conform STOSign Date
to accepted principles and procedures.
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Task number Task to be performed STO
Sign Date
A2.1.5 Assist watchkeeping officer in keeping a safe navigational watch at sea.
A2.1.8 Understudy an officer on the bridge during coastal navigation and during navigation
under pilotage, including berthing and unberthing.
A2.1.9 Demonstrate understanding of procedures for navigating in restricted visibility.
A2.1.10 Demonstrate understanding of the instructions provided in the deck
log book and
procedures for making and correcting entries. Under supervision, make an entry in
the deck log book for a navigational watch.
Under supervision, make entries in the bridge movement book.
A2.1.12 Observe a Master-Pilot information exchange.
A2.1.13 Give required notices to engine room for arrival and departure.
A2.1.14 Attend in the engine room when vessel is berthing and unberthing (two periods
A2.1.15 Practice ETA calculations taking into account the time difference, distance and
estimated speed, after allowing for expected weather and currents. Assist duty
officer with noon calculations.
Ref A2.2 Topic: Navigational equipment Criteria for evaluating competence: The
no. Cadet is able to demonstrate the use of all
Considered Proficient
information from navigational equipment for
STO Sign Date
maintaining a safe navigational watch.
Task number Task to be performed STOSign Date
A2.2.1 Receive full bridge familiarization as per company's Safety Management System
checklist from a navigating officer.
A2.2.2 Demonstrate ability to set up and operate:
Navtex, including selecting and deselecting message types and
transmitting stations
Weather fax, where fitted
Distance/speed logs
Bridge controls during manoeuvring; e.g. telegraph, whistle/ horn,
GlobalMET 2015 Deck Cadet SSTP Record Book, in compliance with the Manila Amendments to STCW
Task number Task to be
A2.2.3 performed STO Sign Date
ASSISt Ih renewal of recording paper of various
posiion indicator equipment; i.e. course and rudder
recorder, echo sounder, telegraph order printer, Navtex, Weather
fax, GMDSS printers, etc.
A2.2.4 Locate and
identify all the navigational and emergency equipment being
bythe emergency switchboard for safe supplied
A2.2.5 navigation.
Locate the alarms units for Bridge Navigational
A2.2.6 Locate the sound
Watch Alarm System (where fitted).
reception system and external microphones (if fitted).
A2.2.7 Demonstrate ability to set up and
the own vessel's
operate Automatic ldentification System. Input
voyage data in AlS and obtain static and dynamic information of
other vessels. Recognize the limitations of AlS.
A2.2.8 Demonstrate understanding of the backup
Recorder/ Simplified Voyage Data Recorder. procedures of the Voyage Data
Locate the operation panel, main
recording control unit and the protective capsule.
A2.2.9 Assist in checking steering gear and all other
internal communications, testing controls and
navigational equipment including
room clocks before arrival and
synchronization of bridge and engine
departure as per pre-arrival and pre-departure
Ref A2.3 Topic: Ship reporting systems Criteria for
no. evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
Reporting is in accordance with the General
Principles for Ship Reporting STOSignn Date
Systems and with VTS procedures.
Task number Task to be performed STO
A2.3.1 Assist duty officer in Date
preparing and sending AMVER reports.
A2.3.2 Assist watchkeeping officer in making various reports pertaining to ship reporting
systems, as per their prescribed formats given in the publications and assist in
sending Such reports.
A2.3.3 ldentify Vessel Traffic Information System reporting points on the chart.
Ref A2.4 Topic: Bridge resource management Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Communication is clearly and unambiguously STOSign Date
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given and received. The Cadet is able to
demonstrate accurate understanding of
Current and predicted vessel state, navigation
path and external environment. Effective
leadership behaviors are identified.
Task number Task to be performed STOSign
A2.4.1 Practice the use of closed loop communications, particularly during navigation on
Function: Navigation
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-ll/1
maintain safety of navigation
Ref A3 Competence: Use of radar and ARPA to
no. and operational Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
Ref A3.1 Topic: Radar/ ARPA checks, set up procedures Date
Information obtained from radar and ARPA is STO
no. use.
correctly interpreted and analyzed, taking into
account the limitations of the equipment and
prevailing circumstances and conditions
Task number Task to be performed STOSign
and carry out system tests.
A3.1.1 Practice radar set-up procedure
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Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A3.1.6 Fracice comparing and correlating the actual visual scenario with the radar picture
A3.1.7 Demonstrate understanding of the
oT the
limitations of the radar and ARPA and be aware
possibility of misinterpretation of information, false echoes, sea returns,
reliance on scanty data/information, etc.
A3.1.8 Use radar
performance monitors and analyze results by comparing them with the
original readings.
A3.1.9 Pertorm the change over of the display from sea stabilized to ground stabilized
mode. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of both.
A3.1.10 Check heading line marker
alignment with fore and aft line of the vessel.
Ref A3.2 Topic: Using radar/ ARPA for collision avoidance
Criteria for evaluating competence: Action Considered Proficient
taken to avoid close encounters or collisions STO Sign Date
with other vessels is in accordance with the
International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972
Task number Task to be performed STOSign Date
A3.2.1 Demonstrate ability to determine range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA of
A3.2.2 Demonstrate ability to identify and track small boats.
A3.2.8 Demonstrate ability to detect course and speed changes of other ships.
A3.2.10 ldentify advantages and disadvantages of using true and relative vectors.
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Function: Navigation
Table A-l1/1
Ref A4 Competence: Use of ECDI8 to maintain the safety of navigation
Ref A4 1 Topie: Use of ECDIS Criteria for evaluating competence; Considered Proficient
no Information obtained from ELCD13 (including STO Sign Date
Fadar overlay and/or radar tracking functions,
when fitted) is correctly interpreted and
analyzed, taking into accournt the limitations of
the equipment, all connected sensors
(including radar and AlS where interfaced)
and prevailing circumnstances and conditions
Tasknumber Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A4.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the operation of ECD1S and ENC chart symbols (S-
A4.1.2 Use the various display options (base, standard, all and customized) available on
A4.1.3 Recognize the differences between:
ECDIS and ECS (Elsctronic Charting Systm)
raster scän and ve6tor chars.
A4.14 Assist watchkeeper in correcting/ updating electronic charts- manual, semi
automatic and automaticmethods.
M.1.5 Demonstrate understanding of the limitations of ECDIS and dangers of over
M.1.6 Plan and monitor a route using ECDIS,
A4.1.7 Demonstrate understanding of the optimum ECDIS settings and use of various
alarms and indicators; e.g. watch vector, safety contour, Gross track, arrival WPT,
anchor watch settings.
A4.1.8 Demonstrate understanding ofsetting of safoty depth/spot soundings
A4.1.9 Identifythe Various inputsto the ECDIS, Selet radar and AIS input to the ECDIS
and use data provided
A4.1.10 Confirm vessel position by alternative means.
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Function: Navigation
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-ll/1
Ref A5
Competence: Respond to
Ref A5.1 Topic: Emergencies at sea
Criteria for evaluating competence: The
no. Considered Proficient
type and scale of the emergency at sea are
promptly identified. Initial actions are in
STOSign Date
A5.1.2.3 Grounding
A5.1.2.4 Floodingg
A5.1.2.5 Rescue ofsurvivors/assisting a ship in distress
A5.2.3 Understudy the team leaders and participate in an emergency response exercise
for a pollution incident in port
A5.2.4 Understudy the team leaders and participate in an emergency response exercise
fora security incidentin port
A5.2.5 Understudy the team leaders and participatein an emergency response exercise
for a fire in the cargo area whilein port.
A5.2.6 Demonstrate understanding of the contents of vessel's Shipboard Oil Pllution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP).
A5.2.7 Demonstrate understanding of the procedure for alerting port emergency services.
Function: Navigation
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-1/1, A-IV/2
Ref A6 Competence: Respond to a distress signal at sea
Ref A6.1 Topic: Distress signals Criteria for evaluating competence: The Considered Proficient
no. distress signals are immediately recognized. STO
Sign Date
Contingency plans and instructions in
standing orders are implemented and
Complied with.
Task number Task to be performed STO
Sign Date
A6.1.1 ldentify the distress signals used at sea.
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Task number Task to be performed
A6.1.3 Demonstrate
STO Sign Date
understanding of the actions to be taken upon receiving distresS
A6.11 4
messages and Signals at sea.
Demonstrate understanding of the procedure for transmitting a distress alert using
understanding of the procedure for transmitting a distress message
using MF/HE, R/T, VHF, Inmarsat C, NBDP, Inmarsat B and Fleet-7/.
A6.1.6 Read and discuss with a
navigating officer the contents of the International
Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (AMSAR) Manual Volume lll,
Understudy the designated distress communication officer with regards to his
duties and responsibilities.
A6.1.8 Demonstrate sending DSC routine and test alerts under
A6.1.9 Assist
watchkeeping officer in carrying out required daily, weekly and monthly
checks and testing of GMDSS equipment.
A6.1.10 Demonstrate understanding of procedures for cancelling a false distress alert
A6.1.11 Make entries in the GMDSS
log book under supervision.
A6.1.12 Record the communications, information and actions, including routine equipment
checks, in the GMDSS log book.
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-l1/1
Ref A7 Competence: Use the IMO Standard Mlarine Communication Phrases and use English in written and oral form
Ref A7.1 Topic: IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases Criteria for evaluating competence:
Communications are clear and understo0d.
Considered Proficient
STOSign Date
Task number Task to be performed
A7.1.1 Communicate with other ships, coast stations and VTIS using the SMCP(IMO's
STO Sign Date
Communication Phrases) ensuring that communications are clear
Standard Marine
and understood
Ref A7.2 Topic: Use of English in written and oral form Criteria for evaluating competence:
no. English language nautical publications and
Considered Proficient
messages relevant to the
STOSign Date
safety of the ship
are correctly interpreted or
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Task number Task tobe performed STO Sign Date
A7.2.1 Use hand held transceivers (walkie-talkies) and communicate in English.
A7.2.2 Communicate clearly in English during drills and exercises.
A7.2.6 Supervise ratings and communicate with the bridge in English during anchoring.
mooring and unm0oring operations.
Function: Navigation
STCW2010Reference: Table A-ll/1
Ref A8 Competence: T ransmit and receve information by visual signalling
Ref A8.1 Topic: Communications- Morse light signalling Criteria for evaluating competence: Morse Considered Proficient
no. light signalling is correctly identified and STOSign Date
Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
A8.1.1 Transmit and receive the distress signal (SOS) by Morse light.
Ref A8.2 Topic: Communications- Signalling by flags Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
International Code of Signal flags are STOSign Date
correctly identified and meaning of single
letter flag hoists understood. Correct Flags
are displayed.
Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
ldentify International Code of Signals flags
A8.2.1 and principal national flags
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Task number Task to be performed
A8.2.3 Code and decode STO Sign Date
using the International Code of Signals.
A8.2.4 Demonstrate understanding of flag etiquette
A8.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of signals covered by 2 and 3 letter hoists
Function: Navigation
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-Il/1
Ref A9
Competence: Manoeuvre the ship
Ref A9.1 Topic: Manoeuvring information Criteria for evaluating competence: The
no. Considered Proficient
manoeuvring characteristics are correctly
STOSign Date
A9.1.2 Obtain the stopping distances and turning circle parameters from the manoeuvring
A9.1.3 Determine vessel's advance from her original course to when she has altered
course by 90° from the manoeuvring information, when the wheel is
put hard over
atfull ahead in a loaded condition, and state the turning diameter.
A9.1.4 Demonstrate understanding of the recommended procedure for emergency stop
andslow down ofengines
A9.1.5 Demonstrate understanding of squat, shallow water and similar effects. Calculate
Squat for a coastal passage at full speed (open and confined channel))
Ref A9.2 Topic: Anchoring and mooring procedures Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Correct anchoring and mooring procedures
are knovwn and demonstrated.
STO Sign Date
A9.2.2 Accompany an officer on deck for mooring and unmooring operations including
securing and letting go tugsS.
A9.2.3 Throw heaving line ashore,
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STO Sign Date
Task number Task to be performed
A9.2.5 Demonstrate understanding of the markings on anchor cables.
A9.2.6 Operate mooring winches and windlass under supervision. Check brake lining and
brakeadjustment bolt clearance
A9.2.7 Use rope and chain stoppers under supervision and demonstrate the procedure for
turningup mooring lines
A9.2.8 Demonstrate safe handling of moorings, with reference to snap back zones,
minimum turns on the winch drum, lead from the warping drum to the fairlead and
precautions when using self-tensioning winches
A9.2.9 Assist the crew with removing anchor lashings and other anchor related tasks,
A9.2.9.1 Preparation of anchors and letting go
water anchoring)
A9.2.9.2 Walking back anchor in a controlled manner (deep
A9.2.10 Accompany an officer on deck for anchoring operation. Recognize the significance
and method of reporting to bridgethe lead of the anchor chain.
A9.2.11 Use boW stopper and directed
anchor brakes as officer inby charge during anchor
A9.2.12 Assist with securing of anchors for sea. Recognize the importance of three point
contact at the securing position.
the bitter end of anchor
A9.2.13 Demonstrate understanding of the procedure for releasing
A9.2.14 Assist inspection of chain locker.
understand importance of
A9.2.16 guards on mooring ropes after berthing and
Place rat
securing rat guards.
Demonstrate understanding of the precautions required
for hydraulic mooring
ldentify the points where tugs usually make fast
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Ref A9.3 Topic: Man overboard Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Manoeuvres and procedures for the rescue of STOSign Date
person Overboard are clear and understood.
Task number Task to be performed Date
STO Sign
A9.3.1 Take part in a man overboard drill.
Demonstrate understanding of the "Williamson"turn or other methods for
positioning the vessel to recover a person overboard.
Amendments to STOW
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Section 8.3: Tasks for Cargo Handling and Stowage
Function: Cargo Handling and Stowage
STCW 2010 Reference: Table A-l/1
Ref B1 Competence: Monitor the loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and the unloading of
no. cargoes
Ref B1.1 Topic: Cargo hold preparation Criteria for evaluating competence
Precautions are taken prior to entering holds
Considered Proficient
to ensure safe atmosphere. Assist in ensuring
STOSign Date
B1.1.6 Open a bilge non-returnvalve undersupervision and assist overhaul and testing
Ref B1.2 Topic: Cargo gear Criteria for evaiuating competence: The
no. cargo gear is safely operated and the safe
Considered Proficient
Working load never exceeded. Damaged or
STOSign Date
worn out ropes, wires or parts of the
gear are
detected and replaced. Cargo gear is
inspected in accordance with laid-down
Task number Task to be performed STO
Sign Date
B1.2.1 Assist the crew with the rigging and operation of cranes and derricks.
B1.2.2 Assist with routine maintenance and inspection of cranes and derricks.
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Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
B1.2.3 Assist with:
ldentify and list the precautions to be taken during heavy lift operations with
regards to cargo gear Considered Proficient
Ref B1.3 Topic: Cargo operations Criteria for evaluating competence: Cargo
no. operations carried out in accordance with
are STOSign Date
the cargo plan or other documents and
established safety rules and regulations and
Operating instructions.
STO Sign Date
Task number Task to be perfornmed
B1.3.1 Assist the supervision of loading and of
discharging and
cargo. Assist in ensuringthat
proceeding as per cargo plan that drafts, trim, stability,
cargo operations are
stresses, hogging and sagging are as per cargo plan atall times.
B1.3.2 Read the Chief Officer's standing and night orders.
B1.3.3 Assist in completing the ship-shore safety checklist prior to cargo operations and
also with other cargo documentation.
B1.3.4 Read the drafts accurately and on arrival and
calculate freeboard departure.
Calculate hog and sag based on the draft readings.
B1.3.5 Take dock water density using hydrometer and calculate the dock water allowance.
tanks during
B1.3.6 Assist in maintaining the vessel in an upright condition using heeling
loadingand discharging,if applicable. stresses using loading
B1.3.7 Calculate the quantity of cargo loaded, stability and loading
Computers, stress indicators, etc. Calculate arrival drafts using trim
with the Manila Amendments to STCW
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Task number Task to be performed STO Sign Date
B1.3.8 Assist in establishing and maintaining effective communications on board and with
shore personnel during loading and unloading.
B1.3.3.9 Demonstrate understanding of the effects of loading heavy lifts and high density
cargo on the stability ofthe vessel.
B1.3.10 ldentify the difference between Zeal and load line hydrometers. Recognize the use
ofspecial hydrometers such as Zeal for draft surveys.
B1.3.11 ldentify the markings on various types ofcontainers and containerstowage positions.
B1.3.12 Assist connection of refrigerated containers to ship's support system upon loading
and ensure compliance with manifest requirements.
B1.3.13 Make a record of daily readings of the parameters of refrigerated containers on
Ref B1.4 Topic: Securing of cargoes Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Principles for securing of cargoes are STOSign Date
understood and demonstrated.
Task number Task to be performed STOSign Date
B1.44.1 Locate the Cargo Securing Manual on board if applicable and discuss the lashing
requirements with a senior officer.
B1.4.2 Assist in securing cargo stowed on deck and below deck.
B B1.4.3 Assist in securing containers and the checking of container lashings and fittings, if
B1.4.4 Assist in checking the lashings on break-bulk cargo stowed on open flats, if
B1.4.5 Maintain records of checking cargo securing arrangement after roOunds.
Ref B1.5 Topic: Cargo ventilation Criteria for evaluating competence: Considered Proficient
no. Ventilation is carried out in accordance with STOSign Date
the requirements.
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Ref B1.6 Topic: International Maritime Dangerous Goods
no. (IMDG) Code Criteria for evaluating competence: The Considered Proficient
handling of dangerous, hazardous and STOSign Date
harmful cargoes complies with international
regulations and recognized standards and
Task number codes of safe practice
Task to be performed STO Sign Date
B1.6.1 Identity all
dangerous goods containers on board the vessel, with their IMO
classification and stowage position.
Demonstrate understanding of IMDG Code procedures for identifying a product, its
hazards, handling procedures and use of Emergency Schedules (Ems) and
Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) tables.
B1.6.3 Demonstrate understanding of the segregation of IMDG cargo.
B1.6.4 Check the documentation
requirements for carrying IMDG cargo on board. LOcate
the copy of Document of
Compliance (DOC) for the carriage of dangerous cargo on
B1.6.5 Assist in
checking that dangerous goods are being loaded, handled, discharged
and stowed in accordance with the plan and IMDG Code requirements.
B2.1.3 Assist with the opening, closing, battening down and securing of hatch covers.
B2.1.4 Inspect hatch covers and report defects and damages
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Tasknumber Task to be performed STO Sign Date
B2.1.6 Assist in reporting damage caused by stevedores.
B2.1.9 Identify elements of the ship structure critical to the safety of the ship.
B2.1.10 Demonstrate understanding of the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces and ballast
tanks and howcorrosion can be prevented
B2.1.11 ASSIst in preparinga ballast tank for inspection. Replace tank manholes after
B2.1.12 Assist in making tank inspections and identify various principal structural members.
Make sketches showing
Assist in a tank
thelay-out ofthe principal structural members
making inspection report.
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