Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Certification of Officers in Charge of A Navigational Watch On Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage or More
Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Certification of Officers in Charge of A Navigational Watch On Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage or More
Mandatory Minimum Requirements For Certification of Officers in Charge of A Navigational Watch On Ships of 500 Gross Tonnage or More
2010 Manila Amendments to the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
(STCW) Code
3 August 2010
Mandatory standards regarding provisions of the annex to the STCW Convention
Standards regarding the master and deck department
Section AII/1
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational
watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Applicable from 20120101, see IMOVega Note
Standard of competence
1 Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake, at the operational level, the
tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table AII/1;
.2 at least hold the appropriate certificate for performing VHF radiocommunications in
accordance with the requirements of the Radio Regulations; and
.3 if designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress
incidents, hold the appropriate certificate issued or recognized under the provisions of
the Radio Regulations.
2 The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in
column 2 of table AII/1.
3 The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table AII/1 shall be sufficient for
officers of the watch to carry out their watchkeeping duties. *
* The relevant IMO Model Course(s) may be of assistance in the preparation of courses.
4 Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge,
understanding and proficiency shall be based on section AVIII/2, part 41 Principles to be observed
in keeping a navigational watch – and shall also take into account the relevant requirements of this
part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.
5 Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the
required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and
the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table AII/1.
Onboard training
6 Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch of ships of 500
gross tonnage or more whose seagoing service, in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of regulation II/1,
forms part of a training programme approved as meeting the requirements of this section shall follow
an approved programme of onboard training which:
.1 ensures that, during the required period of seagoing service, the candidate receives
systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities of
an officer in charge of a navigational watch, taking into account the guidance given in
section BII/1 of this Code;
.2 is closely supervised and monitored by qualified officers aboard the ships in which the
approved seagoing service is performed; and
.3 is adequately documented in a training record book or similar document. *
* The relevant IMO Model Course(s) and a similar document produced by the International
Shipping Federation may be of assistance in the preparation of training record books.
Nearcoastal voyages
7 The following subjects may be omitted from those listed in column 2 of table AII/1 for issue of
restricted certificates for service on nearcoastal voyages, bearing in mind the safety of all ships
which may be operating in the same waters:
.1 celestial navigation; and
.2 those electronic systems of position fixing and navigation that do not cover the waters
for which the certificate is to be valid.
Table AII/1
Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a
navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Function: Navigation at the operational level
Thorough knowledge of and The charts selected are
ability to use nautical charts, the largest scale
and publications, such as suitable for the area of
sailing directions, tide tables, navigation and charts
notices to mariners, radio and publications are
navigational warnings and corrected in accordance
ships’ routeing information with the latest
information available
Electronic systems of position
fixing and navigation
Ability to determine the ship’s Performance checks and
position by use of electronic tests to navigation
navigational aids systems comply with
recommendations and
good navigational
Plan and conduct a Echosounders
passage and
Ability to operate the
determine position
equipment and apply the
(continued) information correctly
Compass – magnetic and gyro
Knowledge of the principles of
magnetic and gyro‑compasses
Ability to determine errors of Errors in magnetic and
the magnetic and gyro‑compasses are
gyro‑compasses, using determined and
celestial and terrestrial correctly applied to
means, and to allow for such courses and bearings
Steering control system
Knowledge of steering control The selection of the
systems, operational mode of steering is the
procedures and changeover most suitable for the
from manual to automatic prevailing weather, sea
control and vice versa. and traffic conditions
Adjustment of controls for and intended
optimum performance manoeuvres
Ability to use and interpret Measurements and
information obtained from observations of weather
shipborne meteorological conditions are accurate
instruments and appropriate to the
Knowledge of the
characteristics of the various
weather systems, reporting
procedures and recording
Ability to apply the Meteorological
meteorological information information is correctly
available interpreted and applied
Use of ECDIS to .6 situational awareness
maintain the safety of while using ECDIS
navigation (continued) including safe water and
proximity of hazards, set
and drift, chart data and
scale selection, suitability
of route, contact detection
and management, and
integrity of sensors
Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the operational level
Inspect and State the causes of
report defects corrosion in cargo
and damage to spaces and ballast tanks
cargo spaces, and how corrosion can
hatch covers be identified and
and ballast prevented
Knowledge of procedures
(continued) on how the inspections
shall be carried out
Ability to explain how to
ensure reliable detection
of defects and damages
Understanding of the
purpose of the
“enhanced survey
* It should be understood that deck officers need not be qualified in the survey of ships.
Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the
operational level
.2 personnel assignment Operations are
demonstrated to be in
.3 time and resource accordance with
constraints applicable rules
.4 prioritization
Knowledge and ability to Operations are planned
apply effective resource and resources are
management: allocated as needed in
correct priority to
.1 allocation, assignment,
perform necessary
and prioritization of
Communication is
.2 effective communication
clearly and
onboard and ashore
unambiguously given
.3 decisions reflect and received
consideration of team
Effective leadership
behaviours are
.4 assertiveness and demonstrated
leadership, including
Necessary team
member(s) share
.5 obtaining and accurate understanding
maintaining situational of current and
awareness predicted vessel status
and operational status
and external
Decisions are most
effective for the
Application of Knowledge and ability to
leadership and apply decisionmaking
teamworking techniques:
.1 situation and risk
.2 identify and consider
generated options
.3 selecting course of
.4 evaluation of outcome
IMOVega Guide
The STCW Code comprises two parts:
Part A Mandatory standards regarding provisions of the Annex to the 1978 STCW Convention, as
amended, and
Part B Recommended guidance regarding provisions of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended.
Each section of the STCW Code refers to each regulation annexed to the Convention.
IMOVega Note
The 2010 amendments to the STCW Code, as adopted by Resolution 2 to the Final Act of the Manila
Conference, will enter into force 20120101. See corresponding section applicable to 20120101.
* * *
The STCW Code Part A is made mandatory in the STCW Convention Reg. I/1 paragraph 2.