Estimation of Out Put of Ripper (Akash)
Estimation of Out Put of Ripper (Akash)
Estimation of Out Put of Ripper (Akash)
Ripper: - An excavator ripper is a tool that fits on the arm of an excavating machine (usually
an excavator or backhoe). Its purpose is to help move large pieces of brush, trees, and debris.
Using special tips on the end of its arms, the ripper can cut through almost any object with
minimal effort from the operator.
Component of ripper
Theoretical Method
The output of a ripper in parallel passes
heft = effective loosening depth (m)
Ku = Ripper utilization factor (0.7-0.8)
Vr = Ripping velocity m/s
T = Time of travel to the next furrow, s (30-60)
L = Length of the parallel cut (m)
The out put of a ripper in parallel – cross passes
ht = tooth penetration in ground (m)
Ku = ripper utilization factor (0.7-0.8)
Vr = ripping velocity m/s
T = time to travel to the next furrow, s (30-60)
L’= length of cross cut (m)
C= distance between adjacent pass (m)
C’= distance between adjacent pass (m)
0.2 Soft lime stone, shales, marl, chalk, opoka, gypsum, 0.8-1.2
harden and frozen clay
Type of rock to be ripped: - Sedimentary rock easy for ripping while igneous &
metamorphic rock are difficult to rip
Degree of weathering of rock
Method of ripping
Ripping speed
Ripping length
Operator skill
Condition and type of ripper
Operating and management efficiency
Spacing and depth of furrow
Fragility and crystalline construction of rock
Well-known fracture plane
Existence of moisture content
More the grain size: - coarser the grain-size more it is suitable for ripping
Union of different type of rock
Specific energy
Various physical properties of strata such as compressive strength tensile strength,
shear strength etc.
No Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m) Time (s) Name of rock
01. 11.50 0.83 0.70 30.12 Siltstone
02. 11.50 0.83 0.71 29.45 Siltstone
03. 11.50 0.83 0.70 27.56 Siltstone
04. 11.50 0.83 0.70 28.90 Siltstone
05. 11.50 0.83 0.73 28.00 Siltstone
06. 11.80 0.83 0.70 31.10 Siltstone
07. 11.80 0.83 0.69 30.80 Siltstone
08. 11.80 0.83 0.70 30.20 Siltstone
09. 11.8 0.83 0.7 29.2 Siltstone
10. 11.8 0.83 0.7 27.23 Siltstone
Avg 11.65 0.83 0.70 29.26 Siltstone
Primary data from Pit S12GN Kitadin. Pt. Embault.
Table 1: Characteristics of overburden rock at open pit mine Bangko Barat
Characteristics of rock commonly found as overburden material at open coal mining area at
Bangko Barat South Sumatra, Indonesia was studied. There are for group of material i.e.,
sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, silty sandstone and silty claystone. Field observation was
conducted on the performance of caterpillar D9R bulldozer with single shank. The following
conclusions can be derived from the study: 1. All materials have low compressive strength of
less than 7 MPa (3.69 – 6.31MPa) but ripping is required for excavation because based on
initial productivity (240.8 and 490 m3/h), the excavation could be classified as medium to
hard digging. 2. The materials contain high percentage of quartz (58 – 68%), thus they can be
classified as hard material. The quartz content is the most influential factor in the
performance of ripper tip during excavation. 3. The highest wear rate of ripper tips occurred
on the excavation of sandstone i.e., 57.9 mm/h. with optimum service life of 4.8 h. The wear
rate of tuffaceous sandstone, silty sandstone, and silty claystone are 23.7 mm/h, 14.9 mm/h
and 1.6 mm/h respectively. However, study also shows that the actual wear rate is not
constant. 4. The service life of ripper tip is determined when the extent of damage at the tip
reached 400mm. Thus, prediction of the optimum service life of ripper tip for excavation on
sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone, silty sandstone, and silty claystone are 7h, 15 h, 26 h, and
250 h respectively. 5. Ripping productivity decreases as the wearing of ripper tip increases
and the wearing rate of ripper tip increases as the rock material contains higher quartz