Agile Development
Agile Development
Agile Development
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The process of adopting an Agile development software takes time to implement and start
seeing effective production taking place. Dell is one of the earliest personal computer company
competitive prices from other technology companies. The board members need to see that the
daily company targets are met within the shortest period. Being a project manager for such a big
firm, a group of people is assigned to the project manager to bring out the best productivity
within a short or expected time frame for the smooth running of the company’s software.
The need to accelerate the Flow development comes with a few things that need to be dealt with
as there is a team assigned to specific tasks that should be completed. Agile development
oversees that the team gets what they require rather than what the product entails, this ensures
that the overall product meets its best quality. To accelerate the Flow the below things must be
dealt with:
1. Current Situation
To maximize the Agile software development the team needs to understand the position
that they are in and how such a situation can be overcome within a short period to enable other
parts of the development to have an ease of flow. To understand that the company spends heavily
on its budget to keep its services and products updated to its customers.
A well-established software company ensures that the product and services that they
introduce to their customers are free of mistakes and other unknown bugs. The time that it takes
to solve such a problem while in its development stages is very critical for any company. The
time required to develop a certain service or a product and then to test it consumes a lot of time
and money. Maximizing the company’s resources ensures that it stays on top of its mandate and
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deliver quality service and product in the software market hence being ahead of the competition
(Verbruggen, 2019).
3. Process Efficiency
This process allows the team to measure a product on a scale of 0 to 100%, where 0%
indicates that a certain product has not yet started its implementation process of development
while 100%, of the product, has met its customer satisfaction rating. When the rate of process
efficiency is greater it enables the company to save on the capital that is invested to ensure that a
product has reached a board review meeting must be conducted. Being still a new project
manager for Agile development at Dell, some other solutions and methodologies were in place,
so the team had a hard time shifting from one item to another thus it slowed the process.
Educating and training the team on the new Flow adaption is an ongoing process hence most of
the team members are learning quickly and adapting the new ways.
There was uncertainty regarding the Change Management Board in Texas on its
responses on whether they will be able to deliver the code management tool that is supposed to
be upgraded with the virtual Kanban functionality. With the team putting too much effort to
accommodate the new Flow assimilation, it is noticed that they are working too hard thus
Lean manufacturing principle is well outlined and demonstrated in the above-mentioned case
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a) Build Quality In
Build quality in ensures that team members at the software development company
produced a high-end product that appeals to its customer. In the case study, it is well mentioned
that Dell is ensuring that the product and services it provides to its targeted customer are of state
b) Creating Knowledge
The adaption of Flow for Agile software development opens opportunity for the team
members to have an extensive understanding of what needs to be done by the firm, train the
employees on various methodologies that should be adopted to increase high productivity rate, at
the same time ensure that product and services generated are of expected quality (Poppendieck &
Poppendieck, 2016). Creating knowledge is well established in the case study as there are
meetings conducted to share the progress and learn where the development needs improvement.
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Poppendieck, M., & Poppendieck, T. (2016). Lean software development: an agile toolkit.
Tanveer, Binish, et al. “Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: Case Study and
Improvement Framework.” Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, vol. 29, no. 11,
Verbruggen, F., Sutherland, J., van der Werf, J. M., Brinkkemper, S., & Sutherland, A. (2019,
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