Woodcraft Magazine - AprilMay 2022
Woodcraft Magazine - AprilMay 2022
Woodcraft Magazine - AprilMay 2022
Coopered Café
21 40 47
21 Mid-century Modern Plant Stand
An elegant and functional plant stand
doubles as a lesson in simple joinery.
40 Flatware Caddy
Transport your tableware in style with
this captivating coopered carrier.
04 Getting Sharp
• What’s on your bench?
12 Reader Showcase
14 Tool Reviews
• Laguna JX|8 ShearTec II Jointer
• Laguna PX|20 ShearTec II Planer
16 54
16 Tips & Tricks
• Easy outfeed support
• Stop collar for Forstner bits
• Router power lift
• Large-scale center finder
• Protecting tool rolls
54 Woodsense
• Black Locust
56 Great Gear
• Mullet M5 Dust
56 64
Cyclone Collection
• Evapo-Rust Rust Remover
64 Expert Answers
• Repairing scars on
finished work
What’s on your bench? Woodcraft Magazine. Check out the details below.
General information:
4420 Emerson Ave., Suite A
share those experiences with your 47), as well as a breviloquent look News & Views:
fellow Woodcraft Magazine readers. at bevel-edge bench chisels (p. 26). This catch-all column is where we do our best
to correct mistakes, publish feedback from readers,
There are myriad ways to join in. So what are you up to? Consider
and share other noteworthy news items. It’s easy to
Consider submitting to Tips & Tricks this an invitation to share what’s on participate in this discussion. Just email us at
(p. 16) to elevate efficiency and safety your bench and to tell us what kind editor@woodcraftmagazine.com and
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bies to veterans. Our Q&A section (p. RSVP in any way you like (see sec- Submit an article idea:
64) provides expert answers to your tion at right). While you’re at it, hop Do you have a story idea? We’d love to hear about it.
To find out how to submit an article, email us at
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the gallery, where you can showcase free tips such as how to take great “Submission” in the subject line.
your skills through photos of your smartphone photos of your work.
Share photos of your projects:
finished projects (p. 12). The News & Hope to hear from you soon! ■ We’d like to see what you’re building. To show off your
Views column (p. 6) offers a curation work send your photos to editor@woodcraftmagazine.com,
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April/May 2022 Vol. 18, Issue 106 (800) 542-9125 ©2022 by Woodcraft Supply, LLC. All rights reserved.
Woodcraft Supply, LLC allows the purchaser of this magazine
Chief Editor: Chad McClung Woodcraft Magazine (ISSN: 1553.2461, USPS to photocopy the included projects and techniques solely for
personal use. Any other reproduction of these projects and
Senior Editor: Ken Burton 024-953) is published bimonthly (Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,
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April/May, June/July, Aug/Sept, Oct/Nov) by Woodcraft
Associate Editors: Sarah Marriage, Derek Richmond
Supply, LLC, 4420 Emerson Ave., Suite A, Parkersburg, WV
Art Director: Brad Weekley Safety First! Working wood can be dangerous. Always make
26104. Tel: (304) 485-2647. Printed in the United States. shop safety your first priority by reading and following the
Publisher: Beth Coffey Periodicals postage paid at Parkersburg, WV, recommendations of your machine owner’s manuals, using
Advertising Sales Manager: Vic Lombard and at additional mailing offices. appropriate guards and safety devices, and maintaining all
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Video Producers: Kevin Reed Parkersburg, WV 26102-7020. photographs and illustrations in this publication.
Tips &&Tricks
News Views
Drawing on experience
David Heim, author of “SketchUp Success for Woodworkers”
recently released a series of nine self-guided video lessons
on making the 3D design and modeling program work
for woodworkers. The course runs 90 minutes and
includes topics such as generating measured drawings
and cut lists, and best practices for using SketchUp.
The course is available at sketchupforwoodworkers.com
for the cost of $49. Heim has taught SketchUp at the
Brookfield Craft Center, Connecticut Valley School of
Woodworking, and the Austin School of Furniture.
How to reach us
Email editor@woodcraftmagazine.com
Important: Please include your full name, address, and phone
number. Published letters are edited for length and clarity.
Tips News
& Tricks
& Views
1 square = 1⁄4"
Big feet
The dimensions listed in the Keepsake Box drawing
(p. 33, Dec/Jan 22) incorrectly showed the length
of the feet to be 31/2". That length should be 3", as
shown in the Foot Pattern template above.
Puzzling offcut
Making some of the cuts on the burr puzzle (Dec/Jan 22) left a
small offcut trapped under the saw blade. I found that drilling
a hole in the cradle gave that piece a place to go, preventing
potential kickback.
—Ted Garrett, Dayton, OH
Tips News
& Tricks
& Views
Reader Showcase
A river runs through it. Drawing on memories of the southwest, Edzant poured resin between
two slabs of live-edge, big leaf maple to make the top for his new table. The tabletop is
undergirded by a steel support structure which rests on cherry legs and feet. He used a template
to rout cavities in the legs and filled them with resin to complement the top, then inlaid ebony
in the feet. Overall dimensions are 21 × 36 × 60". Edzant says the tabletop reminds him of the
Colorado River running through the Grand Canyon. We say his river table is absolutely gorges.
Tool Reviews
Table lock
Laguna tools introduced a new lineup sided angled carbide insert knives hand travel when edge jointing wider
of jointers and planers in 2021. As that can be rotated or replaced as boards. And although it’s 38" long,
part of this launch, they’ve redesigned needed. It produced a clean sur- typical of jointers of its ilk, I’d like to
their machines and reworked face even during deep cuts, and the see a longer fence on a machine at
their cutterheads—the QuadTec I machine remained relatively quiet. this price. But at $3,199, it’s priced
(segmented) and ShearTec II (spiral). Cast-iron parallelogram tables are competitively in its class and well
I had the opportunity to test the JX|8 solid, smooth, and easy to adjust worth it if you’re in the market.
ShearTec II, an 8-inch jointer, and with a twist-lock handle that doubles The PX|20 planer’s ShearTec II
the PX|20 ShearTec II, a 20" planer. as a depth gauge on the infeed side. cutterhead boasts 138 carbide inserts
The first thing I noticed is how cool A pullout support roller helps with in a six-row spiral configuration.
they look with their matte black skin, feeding longer boards. Other novel Aside from its impressive teeth, the
modern design, and impeccably- additions to this machine include a clear advantage of this planer is its
machined cast iron surfaces. Upon tapered body for more foot room, capacity—up to 8"-thick timbers and
further inspection, I found that an emergency knee stop—a feature I 20"-wide panels. I rarely need to plane
these machines are not just pretty; really like—and built-in casters. The boards of that size, but the ability to
they also do their jobs very well. cast-iron fence is solid and easy to run multiple narrow boards simulta-
The JX|8 jointer’s ShearTec II 81/8" adjust with its star knob and lock. neously really speeds up production.
wide, 5500 RPM cutterhead features It tilts to 45° in both directions, but But what makes this planer really
six spiraled rows totaling 54 four- the bevel knob can get in the way of interesting is its small-shop appeal.
Speed control
Integral roller
Table adjustment handwheel
Woodworkers with limited space tive integral Wixey digital readout JX|8 Overview
looking to upgrade from a 12" or 13" (DRO) is a welcome addition and • 220V, 3HP, 1 phase, 60 H/12amp
benchtop model, take notice. The was easy to calibrate to the analog • Bed size: 8" × 72" w/8" infeed roller support
PX|20 has big capacity in a small gauge on the face of the machine. • Fence size: 38" × 43⁄4", tilt: ±45°/90°
footprint. The beds are short but It’s nice to dial in precise thickness • Bed adjustment: parallelogram
come with 4" retractable infeed and without breaking out the calipers. • Max. depth of cut: 1⁄8", rabbeting capacity: 1⁄2"
outfeed rollers. When retracted, the Neither machine comes with • Knee bar shutoff
planer takes little more space than instructions; you’ll have to down- • 4" dust port
a benchtop model. And at 85dB, it’s load them ahead of time as they
only about as loud as a random orbit contain helpful unboxing directions.
sander. Your neighbors will thank This and the aforementioned minor PX|20 Overview
you. The unit can take a 1/4" deep cut inconveniences aside, these are great • 220V 5HP 1 phase motor
at a time at either 16 or 28 feet per tools. They are pricey, but you get • 20" bed width
minute. A serrated infeed roller and what you pay for here—machines • 1
⁄4" max depth of cut, 16 and 28 FPM
pressure bar help with snipe. The that look great and work smart. ■ • Wixey DRO
top opens easily to access the cut- —Chad McClung • Retractable infeed and outfeed rollers
terhead and for clearing chips that • Serrated infeed roller
annoyingly build up in one corner, • 4" dust port
a seeming design flaw. The innova-
Power screwdriver
April/May 2022 | woodcraftmagazine.com 19
Basic Mid-century
Prop up your houseplants in style
By Ellen Kaspern
’ve always been drawn to the clean lines, gentle
curves, and obvious functionality of mid-century
modern furniture. This plant stand incorporates
all three attributes in its simplicity and usefulness.
I designed it as a teaching tool for the two basic
woodworking joints it includes: the mortise and
tenon and the lap joint. The project is easy enough
for a beginner to make in a day while learning valu-
able woodworking skills and getting time on two
of the most-used shop machines: the table saw and
the router table. And even if you’re an experienced
woodworker, the aesthetically pleasing stand will
look good in any home. As shown, the design fits a
10" round planter, but you can adapt the dimensions
to fit nearly any size pot.
⁄8" roundover
⁄4 × 1 × 3⁄4" d
⁄4 × 1 × 143⁄8"**
⁄4 × 11⁄4 × 115⁄8"*
Half lap
⁄4" × 5⁄8", centered
Stop block
Fine tune, assemble, and finish
Trim the rails flush to each other as
needed with a hand plane. I also use
a hand plane instead of sandpaper
to remove the mill marks, as it’s less
likely to distort the shape of the parts.
Dry clamp the assembly to make
sure all joints close. Tweak the fit of
the joints by paring the tenon cheeks
with a shoulder plane or a 1" chisel.
Apply glue to the notches in each
rail—a tight joint may not require
a clamp. Brush glue in the mortises
and on the tenons, and attach the
legs. When the whole piece is dry,
check it for level. If it rocks, sand
the feet as shown. Finally, sand the
piece through 220 grit, and apply
two to three coats of your favorite Plane to perfection. Making the rails dead flush to each other
finish. I used wiping varnish. may require a swipe or two from a hand plane.
Pull it together. Get your glue-up supplies Level the legs. If you find your stand rocks slightly, level
ready first, then draw the joints together with the legs by taping squares of sandpaper to a piece of MDF
clamps. Wipe away any glue squeezeout. and scrubbing the stand back and forth across them. ■
harp chisels are critical to qual- delicate paring. And their angled edges, article a refresher on anatomy and basic
ity work. But what do you really opposed to the square edges of firmer usage technique. Finally, check out p. 47
need? For general shop use, I sug- and mortise chisels, allow access into for a handy chisel holder along with other
gest you start with a good set of four angled corners. Beyond the tool’s spe- tool storage ideas.
basic, Western-style, bevel-edge chisels. cific uses, if you want to do better work,
These versatile shop workhorses can you need to keep your chisels sharp and
perform a multitude of chores from practice good technique, both of which onlineEXTRA
chopping dovetails and fitting joints to are discussed here. • Put your bench chisels to use with a
trimming plugs flush. If you’ve been getting by with a few free article download: Chisel Techniques
Unlike the stubby butt chisel, bevel- inexpensive chisels, here’s your guide • Or find the right tool for the job
edge chisels have longer blades that to stepping up to a quality set. If you with Specialty Chisels
provide more control for tasks such as already own good chisels, consider this
Anatomy of a bench chisel
A chisel is a simple tool, essentially lighter and better balanced. Plastic/ ferrules and occasionally steel
a blade with a sharpened end and composite handles are heftier for hoops to prevent splitting. Some
a handle. The handles are typically heavy chopping and can really chisels are also capped with strike
made from wood or plastic and take a beating. Wooden handles plates that take the brunt of your
connect to the blade in one of attached with tang construction are mallet blow. An added benefit of a
two ways: via a socket or a tang. more likely to split than those that socket chisel is that you can easily
Wood handles are available in fit into sockets. To counter this, replace a damaged handle or make a
numerous shapes and are usually tang-style handles often feature customized one to suit a specific task.
Strike Plate Steel Hoop
high spot
Mirror-buffed blade
from manufacturer still
needs to be flattened
out of the box.
Socket Chisels
Socket style with bubinga handle.
#161640, $179.99
Honing guide
Hone the bevel. First, pull the chisel toward you. Then, go Check for sharpness. A sharp
back-and-forth a few strokes, maintaining pressure at the chisel will produce a clean curl of
tip. Once you have narrow flats across the cutting edge and end-grain pine without a fight.
heel (inset), repeat the process on the 8000-grit stone. Flats
Putting your chisels to use
Your sharp chisel is designed to both clean up tenons, as shown here. Learn the blade flat on the work surface as
quickly chop the waste away from a few basics maneuvers and practice. your upper body transfers force to your
joints and then finely pare for fit. When In general, always secure your work, other hand on the handle. Lock your
chopping, you typically drive the chisel keep your chisels sharp, and make light elbows and rely on your upper body
into the wood with a mallet. Paring, cuts to ensure clean, square work. to make paring cuts. For paring in the
usually powered by your hands, consists When chopping, don’t ask too much of center of surfaces where you can’t hold
of slicing away thin layers of wood with your chisel. Removing a lot of material the chisel flat, use the bevel edge down.
the bevel up or down—a much less at once and really banging on the For the smoothest and the most precise
aggressive cut. For example, you can handle can dull your tool by rolling cuts, pare across the grain in multiple
use your chisel to chop out the waste back the edge. And you risk cutting shallow passes. In addition to what
from between the pins and tails for past your baseline as the force from a you see here, you can also accomplish
dovetails and then finesse the joint’s heavy mallet blow can kick the chisel many other tasks such as paring tenons
fit through paring. You can also pare edge backward. When paring a plug and splines, and cutting mortises for
plugs flush, square routed corners, and flush with a surface, one hand holds hinges, see onlineEXTRAS for more.
Squaring a routed corner. After scribing your layout Pare tenon shoulders. Start with light cuts, registering the
lines, chop away the waste. Clean up the corner of any chisel’s back on the section you just cut and pivoting into the area.
leftover wood fibers with the bevel down as shown. Then push the chisel toward the tenon, taking thin slices. ■
Order of Work
• Make the staves
h, Paris in the spring. A stroll along you to try your hand at coopering as you bevel • Glue up the base
the Seine followed by a warm baguette the staves from which it is made. After gluing • Shape the base
and a cup of coffee at a sidewalk café. the staves together, rout the base round using a • Make the cross braces
While it won’t get you to France, this delightful, fixture that serves as a large lathe. Then use the • Make the top
counter-height café table will help you simulate same fixture for routing a series of V-grooves • Finish and assemble
that experience in your own home. Its 30" to add a certain je ne sais quoi. While I made
diameter top is just right for breakfast for four my table from black locust, a tough wood onlineEXTRA
without taking up too much of your outdoor that lasts practically forever outside, other • Router Trammel free
space. The tapered cylinder that makes up the weather-resistant species such as white oak project download
base provides a solid anchor against windy would also be appropriate. (See page 54 for • Full-size indexing wheel layout
days and presents an excellent opportunity for more information about black locust.) • Plan for a shop-made edge guide
A table with a tapered coopered base TOP
⁄8 × 30" dia.
The table’s base is a truncated cone ⁄4" roundover
1 × 11⁄4"
Stave End View 2" radius 5
⁄8" counter bore,
11⁄2" deep
13⁄4" 67.1°*
11⁄4 × 2"
Stave Detail
Tapered V-groove
Leveling glide
Using the
tapering jig Tapering Jig Configuration B
1. Screw fence to base
as indicated. X
2. Position stave against
fence with its end
aligned with the 5"
base at point X. 27⁄8"
3. Screw stop in place
against the end 31⁄4"
of the stave. 34 5⁄16"
Glue up the cylindrical base
Once the staves are cut and tapered, but regular wood glue will suffice. T-bevel (or angle gauge) can help make
dry-fit them to check the bevel angles. After dry clamping, tweak the bevels fractional degree adjustments easier.
Glue three clamp blocks along the on the jointer to fine-tune the fit. As When you are satisfied with the fit,
face of each stave to help keep the you’ll be cutting all sixteen bevels, any glue the staves together. Be sure to use
band clamps from slipping. I used adjustments you make will likely be waterproof glue such as Titebond 3 for
superglue to expedite the process, half a degree or less. Here, a digital all the glue joints throughout the build.
A dry run. Dry-fit to check the angles. Tighten Tweak the bevels. If the joints don’t close, finesse the fit by
band clamps around the staves to draw the joints running the pieces over the jointer. Have the machine set for a
closed. Thump them with a soft-faced mallet to light (<1⁄16
16") pass, as one of the two cuts you’ll be making on each
bring the corners into alignment, if necessary. piece (the one with the top end leading) will be against the grain.
Router Fixture
#8 × 13⁄4" FH screw #8 × 21⁄2" FH screw
1 × 11⁄2 × 42"
#8 × 11⁄4" FH screw 11⁄2" dia. through hole
⁄4 × 21⁄2 × CTF*
⁄4 × 1 × 9"
⁄4 × 111⁄4 × 16"
⁄4 × 8" dia.
⁄4 × 21⁄2 × 21⁄2"
⁄4" dia. × 21⁄4"
AXLE BOTTOM #8 × 21⁄2" FH screw
⁄4 × 31⁄2" carriage bolt 11⁄2" dia. × 42" 3
⁄4 × 16 × 38"
w/washer and nut
⁄4 × 8 × 38"
⁄4 × 141⁄2 × 16" LOWER MOUNTING BLOCK
⁄4 × 4" × CTF
Screws to inside of base, see text. *Cut to fit
Mounting support. Bevel the ends of 3⁄4"-thick
mounting blocks to match the taper of the sides,
and drill 11⁄2" holes in their centers before pocket
screwing them inside the base. Mount them
⁄2" in from the rim of the top and bottom.
Leveling shims
Reference mark
Tapered groove. Switch to a V-bit to rout the grooves. True the cylinder. Shim the router’s auxiliary base level
Add a 5⁄8"-thick spacer under the rails at the short end of with your bench and clamp it to the rails with the bit
the fixture to taper the grooves’ width toward the top of positioned to trim the bottom of the table base. Rotate
the base. Use the indexing wheel to space the grooves the base to trim the bottom in six to eight shallow passes.
and a clamp to lock the base in position for each cut. Repeat the process to trim the top end of the base.
Saw half-laps. Set up a 3⁄4" wide dado on your table saw. Lay Measure and mark. Measure in along all four
out the notch on one of the cross braces. Set a stop on the miter arms to center the cross braces on the top of
gauge fence to cut the left side of the notch. Spin the brace end- the base. Pencil the base on each side of the
for-end to widen the notch using shims as needed. braces to mark where to cut the notches.
Opposing line
Align plywood with
layout line
Make the top, finish, and assemble braces
Arrange the pieces for a harmonious sanding. I used a 1/4" roundover bit rest it on the top, centered. Drive
grain match, then edge-glue them on the top edge and a 45° chamfer screws through the holes in the
to form the panel. Make the circular bit on the underside. Finish the cross braces into the top and add
cut with a jigsaw, following up with parts with a suitable outdoor finish the leveling feet to the base. Place
a router at the end of a trammel (see (I used Osmo’s UV Protection Oil). the table base-side down on your
onlineEXTRAS on page 32, for a Then screw the cross braces to patio and serve up a nice café au
free plan). Profile the edges before the base. Invert the assembly and lait et croissant. C’est magnifique!
Router follow-up. Cut the top roughly to shape with a jigsaw, then trim it
to its final size with a router attached to a trammel in a few passes.
Profile the edges. Switch to a trim router to round Center the base. Draw a circle on the underside of the top slightly
over the top edge, then chamfer the underside larger than the diameter of the base’s top to help center the base. Then
measure to double-check before screwing everything together. ■
s the sun returns and spring blooms, my thoughts turn each stave. Luckily, that’s not as fussy as it sounds. There are
to heading outdoors and sharing meals with friends 20 staves but only five bevel angles that repeat around the
and family. But carrying all the accouterments of a ellipse. The trick is to bevel long strips of stave stock first,
backyard feast can require a lot of trips in and out of the then crosscut them to length, ensuring all your angles match.
house and result in a pile of cluttered cutlery. This flatware The compound curve on the top edge of the caddy is made
caddy provides a solution for organizing, transporting, and easy by bandsawing the shape onto the staves while they
displaying your dining supplies in a simple design inspired are laid flat and then fairing out the curve after gluing up.
by the curve and overlap of garden leaves. The container’s interior is organized with removable,
The basic construction draws inspiration from historic half-lapped dividers, making clean-up easier in the event
coopered vessels, but I elongated the traditionally circular of messy condiment spills. And the steam-bent handle,
footprint to create an ellipse. The caddy achieves this elliptic attached with brass barrel screws, swivels out of the way
shape by carefully adjusting the coopering angle between for easy utensil access.
An elegant, convenient solution for carrying cutlery
An elliptic bottom panel of 1/4"
Baltic ply floats inside dadoes 1
⁄8 × 7⁄8 × 201⁄2"
sawn into the caddy’s staves. The
removable compartment dividers
connect with half-lap notches.
They are trimmed to a slightly
Brass barrel screw
loose fit inside the container to 8-32 × 5⁄8"
allow easy removal and avoidance
⁄32" dia. hole
of interference with the coopered
walls during seasonal changes.
The staves and dividers are ⁄4" chamfer
species for steam bending. ⁄4 × 21⁄8"
23⁄8" 1
⁄4 × 4 × 53⁄8"
• The patterns on page
46 are available on our Notch** STAVE***
⁄4" w 9
⁄16" t
website at full-size:
bottom panel
caddy wall profile curve
short and long dividers
steam bending form
• Read a free article on ripping
bevels at the table saw. 31⁄2"
⁄4" w × 1⁄4" d
Order of Work 1
• Make the staves
• Make and fit bottom panel
• Assemble and glue-up
• Make removable compartments
• Steam bend handle
• Attach handle
C A-E: 9⁄16
16 × 1 ⁄2"
1 C
F: ⁄16
16 × 1 ⁄4"
86° 86° 86° 85° 85° 82.5°
Bevel the stave stock. Before you rip the second bevel on
each strip of stave stock as shown, use your set up stock to
dial in the fence to the correct final width. Mark one end of D E F
82.5° 78.5° 78.5° 73° 73° 73°
your pieces with their part letters (A-F) and bevel angles.
Set up stock
Cut staves overlong. Return your table saw blade to 90° and Brain-teasing dadoes. Use two stop blocks clamped to your
crosscut the beveled stave stock to 7" lengths. Mark each crosscut sled to set the width of the bottom panel dado. Set the
piece with its part letter and bevel angles on one end only blade height to a 1⁄4" above the sled’s bed. Be sure to place staves
(critical for the next step). This will result in two staves bevel side down when cutting. Group the staves in two halves. Saw
each of A and F and four staves each of B through E. the dado toward the unmarked end of one half of A through F,
then toward the marked end of the other half, as shown.
Assembling the container
Arrange staves in order and apply a few strips of painter’s Print the Caddy Wall Profile Curve half pattern and make a
tape to keep them assembled. Lift up the assembly and template. Draw the curve on the still-taped staves, flipping
roll it into an ellipse. If there are gaps, carefully adjust one the template to complete the shape. Then bandsaw to the
joint to bring the assembly home. Print the Bottom Panel waste side of the line. While still on the backer board, drill
pattern and adhere it to the panel before bandsawing it to the holes for attaching the handle. Prefinish the bottom
shape. Trim it as needed to fit the ellipse assembly. Unroll panel and the inside of the ellipse. Assemble, and glue up.
the assembly and lay it flat on a 1/4" plywood backer board.
Cut the caddy wall curve. A backer board Glue up the container. Apply glue between each stave,
supports the flexible stave assembly, keeping but let the bottom panel float freely inside its dado.
it flat and manageable at the bandsaw. Painter’s tape works well to clamp the assembly, but you
could use lightweight band clamps for more force.
Add curves. After tracing the curves from your plywood Clean up top edges. Quick-grip clamps are a handy
templates onto the dividers, bandsaw them to shape. way to secure this irregular object to your work surface
while you fair the curve along the top edge.
Fashioning a handle
Print the Steam Bending Form pattern. Cut it from thick blank. Clamp until fully dry, at least 24 hours. Transfer the
stock or stacked plywood. I used 8/4 pine. Fair out any cut marks from the bending pattern to the handle before
bumps on your form; they’ll show up in your handle. Cut removing it from the form. Cut the handle to the marked
the handle blanks overlong by 6" for clamping. Steam length. Drill holes in the handle and chamfer the corners
the blanks for 15 minutes. Then remove one and bend it with a block plane. Sand and finish the handle, install the
around the form. If it breaks, discard and bend the next barrel screws, drop in the dividers, and start caddying!
Extra blanks
Cut marks
Bend the handle. Holding Attach handle. A short flat-head screwdriver on the screw
the piece toward its ends, side of the barrel screw and light hand pressure on the
gently coax the steamed barrel side is all you need to tighten these fasteners. Apply
stock over the form. Secure a reversible thread locker to keep everything in place. ■
in place with one clamp.
of stave A
A modular system
built for an expanding
tool collection
By Derek Richmond
or efficient woodworking, having best, utilitarian in appearance. Instead Knurled knobs lock the brackets in place.
your hand tools organized and stored of taking either of these approaches, I As my collection grows, I can craft new
close to your bench is ideal. But how wanted my storage system to strike a bal- brackets and slide my current arsenal
best to do this, especially if you’re still ance: good-looking custom brackets for around to make room. The order gives
building to your collection? A dedicated the hand tools I use most often along me a sense of peace in the workshop, and
hand-tool cabinet looks great, but adding with the flexibility to rearrange them as makes me a more efficient woodworker.
a new tool may be difficult. Tool hangers needed. I devised individual tool brackets I suspect observant readers will be able
attached to French cleats provide versatil- outfitted with 13/4" T-bolts that slide into to watch as my tool collection evolves in
ity and flexibility, but those cleats are, at slots routed in a 4 × 4 sheet of plywood. issues to come.
70° angle
⁄4 × 11⁄4 × 6"
Order of Work
• Rout and edge panel
• Build custom tool brackets
• Build plane holder
• Build layout tools holder
Make the panel
Handsaw Bracket Size the plywood panel, then lay out horizontal slots
every 4", stopping them 2" from the sides. Routing the
Magnet counterbore T-slots is a three-step process. First, use a plunge router
⁄4" dia. × 1⁄8" d.
with a 1/4" straight bit to rout slots halfway through the
HANDSAW BRACKET panel’s thickness. Second, repeat the process with the
CTF × 1⁄2" × CTF* T-slot cutting bit. Finally, plunge-cut the access holes
at 11" intervals as shown to create the openings for
adding and removing tool holders. Cut the hardwood
edging strips 1/16" wider than the panel’s thickness,
and attach them with glue and brads before routing
them flush with the panel’s surface. Mount the panel
on the wall with appropriate hardware. Then turn to
making tool brackets, customizing them to suit your
tools. The shelf bracket, shown lower left, for example,
BACK SUPPORT can be slotted for files, or drilled for screwdrivers.
⁄4 × 1⁄4" × CTF
r = half width ⁄8" dia. × 11⁄2"
of bracket.
Build the layout tools holder
After cutting the parts to size, attach TOP EDGING
the top edging to the panel. Screw
⁄2 × 3⁄4 × 113⁄4"
the bottom shelf in place and glue on
the sides. The bottom shelf ’s front is ⁄4 × 31⁄2 × 101⁄4"
⁄4 × 101⁄4 × 18"
curved to provide room for tool holes
or slots to be added, while the large
sides provide plenty of real estate for
hangers such as dowels, cup hooks,
and the combination square bracket 41⁄4" r 45°
(shown below). Lay out and cut the
curves in the pencil-holder, that also
holds chalk, markers, small rulers,
and similar items) and glue in place. SQUARE BRACKET
After sizing the upper shelf, cut slots 3
⁄4 × 11⁄4 × 3"
in one end to suit the blades of your
squares. Then drill holes to hold tools
such as marking gauges and knives,
calipers, and awls. Screw the shelf
into place from behind sans glue so
it can be removed and revised later.
⁄4 × 41⁄4 × 101⁄4"
SIDE 11⁄2 × 3 × 101⁄4"
⁄4 × 41⁄4 × 18"
Hard, durable, and controversial
By Ken Burton
n some ways, black locust might be But black locust has a sinister side. When centuries. Sadly, little of that is imported
considered a superhero (or maybe planted, it can quickly gain a foothold to the U.S. What you’re likely to find
a supervillain). The tree the lumber and crowd out other native species. It here comes from small (60-70' tall,
comes from is one of the fastest-growing also grows back quickly from stumps 15-20" diameter) hedgerow trees. As a
hardwoods, and the wood is one of the and roots after being cut down making fast-growing “weed” tree, black locust
hardest, stiffest, and most rot-resistant it hard to eradicate. Because of these is not listed on the CITES or IUCN
species native to North America. It’s aggressive tendencies, some areas and Red List and is considered a species of
rapidly gaining traction as a “greener,” even states consider it an invasive spe- least concern.
more sustainable alternative to both cies and outlaw its propagation.
pressure-treated lumber and many of History in woodworking
the rainforest species imported for deck- Where the wood comes from Black locust’s desirable characteristics
ing. When properly dried, the wood is To the best of our knowledge, black have been known for centuries. When
quite stable and relatively easy to work locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is native the first Europeans crossed the Atlantic,
given its hardness. Even as firewood, to the Appalachian region. But Native they found Native Americans utilizing it
black locust stands out as having one Americans saw the benefit to this spe- for hunting bows made from the strong
of the highest BTU values of any North cies and transplanted it throughout yet springy wood. These early colonists
American species. The tree is also quite what would become the coastal plains soon took advantage of the wood’s rot
hardy and adaptable to many climates. of Virginia long before Europeans resistance, using it for the foundations
Strong, resilient, easy to work—super. began colonizing. Since then, the tree of their houses in Jamestown. Later,
has spread across North America and during the War of 1812, one reason
around the world. In fact, some of the the Americans bested the English in
finest black locust lumber comes from the decisive battle of Plattsburg Bay
plantations in Hungary, where the spe- on Lake Champlain had to do with
cies has been selectively cultivated for black locust. The U.S. warships were
held together with black locust trunnels
Whistle while you turn. (“tree nails”) that withstood cannon
These small black locust fire much better than the British ships
whistles proved to be a fun with their oak trunnels. Afterward,
project for my beginning Britain began importing thousands of
spindle-turning students. black locust trunnels to refit its naval
Everyone smiles after vessels. Since then, the wood has been
their first tootle. Despite its hardness, the wood used for everything from fence posts
turns well even when cutting against the grain. to furniture.
Natural sapwood Steamed sapwood 100% unsteamed
Sapwood with
insect damage
Misnomer. Despite its name, black locust is more tan with a greenish-yellow
cast. Its wide growth rings give the wood a bold, somewhat streaky character. Its
heartwood is quite durable, but the sapwood quickly succumbs to insects and rot.
Better rust-buster
Until I inherited them, my dad’s hand tools sat unused for 20
years in the heat and humidity of his Florida workshop. They
were rusty, to put it mildly. Obliged to recondition them, I took
a friend’s recommendation and soaked the still good tools in
Evapo-Rust. Immediately, I noticed that rust began dissolving,
and within 20 minutes, knobs and screws could be loosened. I
soaked chisels and plane irons for an hour, wiped them down,
and they were ready to sharpen. Inspired, I set about de-rusting
the rest of my shop. I dipped old saws in a bath of Evapo-Rust;
I soaked a rag in the liquid to wrap around turning tools and
plane bodies, and used another to wipe machine tables. And
because it’s re-usable, I’m still on my first jug. Best of all it,
it attacks the rust but not the metal beneath. I accidentally
left a rusty old square soaking all weekend, but when I saw
it again on Monday morning, it was rust free and intact. To
top it off, Evapo-Rust is non-toxic, non-corrosive, contains
no acids or bases, and doesn’t produce harmful fumes. ■ Evapo-Rust
—Derek Richmond Evapo-rust.com, $8.99/qt.
2. Laguna PX|20 20" Planer with ShearTec II ............................ lagunatools.com, $5,499.00 2. Whiteside Bowl and Tray Bit, 11⁄4" D, 1⁄2" CL, 1⁄4" R, 1⁄2" SH.......................#24B86, $30.99
3. Whiteside 90-degree V-Groove Bit, 1" D, 1⁄2" P, 1⁄2" SH .........................#842400, $48.99
Mid-century Modern Plant Stand (p. 21) 4. CMT Straight Bit, 1⁄2" D, 2-1⁄2" CL, 1⁄2" SH ............................................. #403379, $41.20
1. SONGMICS 10-Inch Ceramic Plant Pot ............................................ amazon.com, $49.99 5. Whiteside Chamfer Bit, 7⁄16" CH, 5⁄8" CL, 1⁄4" SH ....................................... #24L08, $28.99
2. Whiteside Straight Bit, 1⁄4" D, 1" CL, 1⁄4" SH ...........................................#819072, $15.99 6. Whiteside Roundover Bit, 1" D, 1⁄2" CL, 1⁄4" R, 1⁄4" SH............................... #24B94, $24.99
3. Whiteside Roundover Bit, ⁄8"R, 1 ⁄4" D, ⁄8" CL, ⁄4" SH............................. #24B96, $27.99
3 1 5 1 7. Titebond III Waterproof Glue, 16 oz. ....................................................... #145562, $9.99
8. HIGHPOINT T-Nut Levelers, 4 pc. ...........................................................#160701, $9.49
Bevel-edge Bench Chisels (p. 26)
1. WoodRiver Socket Chisel, 4 pc. ..........................................................#161640, $179.99
Flatware Caddy (p. 40)
1. Earlex Steam Generator for Bending Wood ........................................... #851322, $79.99
2. WoodRiver Socket Chisel, 3⁄8"............................................................... #161643, $39.99
2. Brass Low-profile Binding Barrel and Screw,
3. Pfeil Swiss Made 4mm ( 5⁄32") Beveled Edge Chisel ................................#162515, $38.99
8-32 × 5⁄8", 10 pc. ................................................. mcmaster.com, #93813A336, $11.89
4. Irwin Blue Chip Chisel Set, 4 pc. ........................................................... #111165, $49.99
5. Bevel Edge Chisel with Octagon Handle, Tool Storage Wall (p. 47)
40mm (11⁄2").......................................................... twocherriesusa.com #4001440, $70.44 1. Whiteside Small T-Slot Bit, 5⁄8" D, 3⁄16" CL, 1⁄4" SH .................................. #128256, $20.99
6. Narex Classic Bevel Edge Chisel Set, 2. Whiteside Straight Bit, 1⁄4" D, 1" CL, 1⁄4" SH ...........................................#819072, $15.99
4 pc. ............................................................................ leevalley.com #10S0976, $62.50 3. WoodRiver T-Bolts, 1⁄4" × 20 TPI, 13⁄4", 10 pc. ........................................ #130435, $8.99
4. WoodRiver T-Bolts, 1⁄4" × 20 TPI, 31⁄2", 10 pc. ....................................... #130437, $11.99
7. Hirsch Bevel Edge Chisel Set, 4 pc. ...........highlandwoodworking.com #449710, $109.99
5. WoodRiver Knurled Thumb Nut Knobs, 1⁄4" × 20 TPI, 6 pc. ..................... #172005, $9.99
8. Norton Combination Waterstone, 1000/8000 Grit................................#830575, $99.99
6. WoodRiver Rare Earth Magnets, 1⁄4" × 1⁄10", 10 pc. .................................. #150949, $5.49
9. WoodRiver Honing Guide ........................................................................#03A21, $17.99
10. WoodRiver Stone Holder .........................................................................#09T12, $21.99 Great Gear (p. 56)
11. DMT Dia-Sharp Coarse Diamond Bench Stone 8" × 3" ........................ #147303, $62.99 1. Mullet M5 Dust Cyclone Collection............................................ mullettools.com, $229.99
12. Norton Aluminum Oxide 8 × 1 × 1" Wheel, 150 grit ............................. #163282, $42.99 2. Evapo-Rust Remover, 1 qt. .......................................................... evapo-rust.com, $8.99
Items above available at Woodcraft stores, at woodcraft.com, or by calling (800) 225-1153, unless otherwise noted. Prices subject to change without notice.
Ad Index
Amana .................................................amanatool.com ...................................................7 Oneida .................................................oneida-air.com.............................................. 8, 57
Mercury Adhesives ................................mercuryadhesives.com .....................................19 Woodcraft Magazine .............................woodcraftmagazine.com ................. 52, 57, 59, 62
Expert Answers
Repairing scars
on finished work
Before After
I was using plastic pyramid risers to support a
large walnut tabletop that I was varnishing, when
I accidentally shifted the panel a few inches. After
turning it back over, I noticed a narrow, shallow scar near Perforate. Use a
each corner created by the pyramid tips pressing into the narrow-tipped craft
finished surface. I’m heartsick. Is there any way to fix knife to poke a
these, short of sanding down and refinishing the areas? series of tiny, closely
spaced slits into
the scar, orienting
Mack Berger them in the direction
Phoenix, Arizona of the grain.