Cha Spike Mount 14.0
Cha Spike Mount 14.0
Cha Spike Mount 14.0
Nevada - USA
All information on this product and the product itself is the property of and is proprietary to Chameleon
AntennaTM. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Thank you for purchasing and using the Chameleon AntennaTM Portable Antenna Spike Mount (CHA SPIKE
MOUNT), see plate (1). The CHA SPIKE MOUNT is an innovative new product built exclusively by the skilled
machinists at Chameleon AntennaTM. It is a precision fabricated heavy-duty stainless-steel stake with a fitting for
attaching the CHA Hybrid HF antenna base and a counterpoise. It is rugged and highly portable and enables easy
ground mounting of the Chameleon AntennaTM HF Modular Portable Antenna System (CHA MPAS) or Hybrid
Portable HF Antenna (CHA HYBRID MINI/MICRO). The CHA SPIKE MOUNT is an essential accessory for these two
antenna systems.
1. Select a location free from large rocks, tree 6. Unscrew the Counterpoise Knob (d) by
roots, and overhead obstructions or turning counter-clockwise. Place the lugs of
hazards. the counterpoise wires over the
2. IMPORTANT: Ensure the CHA HYBRID Counterpoise Knob bolt. Reinsert the
MINI/MICRO is not attached to the CHA Counterpoise Knob bolt into the threads on
SPIKE MOUNT. the side of the Mount Fitting and tighten by
3. Push the tapered end of the Ground Spike turning clockwise until snug.
(a) into the ground.
4. Firmly strike the top of the Mount Fitting
repeatedly with the mallet until the Ground
Spike is 10-12 inches into the ground (1-3
inches remaining above the surface) -
depending upon the firmness of the ground
and length of the antenna. CAUTION: Do
not strike the top CHA HYBRID
MINI/MICRO, as this will damage it.
5. Attach the HYBRID MINI/MICRO as shown in
plate (3). Tighten by hand. Plate 3. Hybrid Micro Attachment to Spike
Preventive Maintenance
After use, detach the CHA HYBRID MINI/MICRO and Counterpoise Knob (d) from the Mount Fitting (b). Rinse the
CHA SPIKE MOUNT with water to remove dirt and grit, especially from the Mount Fitting threaded sockets and
Counterpoise Knob (d) bolt threads. Spray a light lubricant, such as WD-40, into the threaded areas and reinsert
the Counterpoise Knob.
Recommended Accessories
The following accessories are recommended:
1. Counterpoise Kit – Available from Chameleon AntennaTM. The system will create the ground-plane needed
for the MPAS or CHA HYBRID MINI/MICRO vertical antenna. The kit contains four 25’ radials on line
winders and four tent stakes for superb portability. Each radial has an isolation ring on one end and a
connection lug, for attachment to the CHA SPIKE MOUNT, on the other end. The system will greatly
increase the efficiency of a ground mounted vertical antenna over a single counterpoise wire.
2. Coaxial Cable Assembly - Available from Chameleon AntennaTM. A 50’ coaxial cable assembly made from
RG-58A coaxial cable. The cable has PL-259 connectors at each end and an integrated RFI isolation choke.
It will improve the performance of the MPAS or CHA HYBRID MINI/MICRO antennas by keeping Radio
Frequency (RF) energy from travelling back along the shield of the coaxial cable.
3. Plastic Tent Peg Mallet – Available from almost any store selling camping gear. A lightweight solution for
driving the CHA SPIKE MOUNT into the ground.
CHA P-LOOP 2.0 - The CHA P-LOOP 2.0 was designed is made with premium materials that are precisely
with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness manufactured and assembled in the USA! Easily
and high performance in mind. Unlike any other deployable HF magnetic loop antennas, also called
similar antennas on the market, the CHA P-LOOP 2.0 small transmitting loops, have been routinely used
is made with premium materials that are precisely for many years in military, diplomatic, and shipboard
manufactured and assembled in the USA! This is an HF communication links, where robust and reliable
exciting new product from Chameleon Antenna. general coverage radio communication is a
Easily deployable HF magnetic loop antennas, also necessity. Covers 3.5-29.7 MHz.
called small transmitting loops, have been routinely
used for many years in military, diplomatic, and CHA WINDOM 40 – The CHA WINDOM 40 Antenna is
shipboard HF communication links, where robust designed for 40, 20, and 10 meters. Amateur Bands
and reliable general coverage radio communication from 60 through 10 meters can be operated using an
is a necessity. Covers 7.0-29.7 MHz. antenna tuner. Built with the portable operator in
mind, it is very light weight, easy to set up, and
CHA F-LOOP 2.0 – The CHA F-LOOP 2.0 was designed comes with a military-style pouch.
with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness
and high performance in mind. Unlike any other CHA EMCOMM II - The CHA EMCOMM II Antenna
similar antennas on the market, the CHA F-LOOP 2.0 has been specially designed for backup emergency
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