CNC Lab Report
CNC Lab Report
CNC Lab Report
(01) What are the differences between a CNC machine center and a CNC turning center?
For rotating spindle activities, a CNC Machine Center is used, and for turning operations, a CNC
Turning Center. In a machining center, the tool spins while the part is stationary to cut the
component. Modern computer numerically controlled machines, or CNC turning centers, are
capable of a variety of cutting operations, including milling, drilling, tapping, and turning. In CNC
turning, the tool is fed into the part while the component is rotated for cutting.
(02) Write down the procedure that you follow to machine the given part.
1. Check the levels of the coolant and oil.
2. Make sure the compressor is running and the pressure is appropriate for the equipment.
10. After the machining is complete, take the work piece out of the vice.
(03) Write down the program that you used to do machining of the given part.