EP 5511 - Lecture 07

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Digital Control Systems


Design of DTC System by Conventional
Methods …

Belaynesh Belachew (Capt.)

Defence Engineering College

Design Based on the Frequency Response
When a sinusoidal input is given to a stable LTI system it
produces a sinusoidal output of same frequency but with
different magnitude and phase.
The variation of output magnitude and phase with input
frequency is known as frequency response of the system.
Frequency domain analysis provides a good design in
presence of uncertainty in plant model.
Experimental results can be used to construct frequency
response even if the plant model is unknown.
Analysis of digital control systems in frequency domain
depends on the extension of the existing techniques in
continuous time case.
The frequency response of a system is defined as the
steady-state response of the system to a sinusoidal
input signal.
Two most popular graphical representations in frequency
domain are Nyquist plot and Bode diagram.
Nyquist plot: The Nyquist plot of a transfer function,
usually the loop transfer function GH(z), is a
mapping of Nyquist contour in z-plane onto GH(z)
plane which is in polar coordinates.
Thus it is sometimes known as polar plot.
Absolute and relative stabilities can be determined from
the Nyquist plot using Nyquist stability criterion.
Given the loop transfer function GH(z) of a digital
control system, the polar plot of GH(z) is obtained
by setting z = ejωT and varying ω from 0 to ∞.
Nyquist stability criterion: The closed loop transfer
function of SISO digital control system is described by
G( z )
M ( z) 
1  GH ( z )
Characteristic equation 1 + GH(z) = 0
The stability of the system depends on the roots of the
characteristic equation or poles of the system.
All the roots of the characteristic equation must lie
4 inside the unit circle for the system to be stable.
Before discussing Nyquist stability criterion for the
digital system, following steps are necessary.
1. Defining the Nyquist path in the z-plane that encloses
the exterior of the unit circle.
Here the region to the left of a closed path is
considered to be enclosed by that path when the
direction of the path is taken anticlockwise.
2. Mapping the Nyquist path in z-plane onto the GH(z)
plane which results in Nyquist plot of GH(z).
3. Stability of the closed loop system is investigated by
studying the behavior of Nyquist plot with respect to
the critical point (−1, j0) in the GH(z) plane. 5
Two Nyquist paths are defined. The Nyquist path z1 as
shown in Figure 1 does not enclose poles on the unit
circle whereas the Nyquist path z2 as shown in Figure
2 encloses poles on the unit circle.
These figures are the mapping of the Nyquist contours in
s-plane where the entire right half of the s-plane,
without or with the imaginary axis poles, is enclosed
by the contours.
Let us now define the following parameters.
Z-1 = number of zeros of 1 + GH(z) outside the unit circle
in the z-plane.
P-1 = number of poles of 1 + GH(z) outside the unit circle
in the z-plane.
P0 = number of poles of GH(z) (same as number of poles
of 1+GH(z)) that are on the unit circle.
N1 = number of times the (−1, j0) point is encircled by the
Nyquist plot of GH(z) corresponding to z1.
N2 = number of times (−1, j0) point is encircled by
Nyquist plot of GH(z) corresponding to z2.
According to the principle of argument in complex
variable theory
N1 =Z−1 − P −1
N2 =Z−1−P −1−P0

z1 z2

Now let us denote the angle traversed by the phasor

drawn from (−1, j0) point to the Nyquist plot of
GH(z) as ω varies from ωs/2 to 0, on the unit circle of
z1 excluding the small indentations, by ϕ.
It can be shown that
ϕ = (Z−1−P−1−0.5P0)1800 (1)
For the closed loop digital control system to be stable,
Z−1 should be equal to zero.
Thus the Nyquist criterion for stability of the closed
loop digital control systems is
ϕ = − ( P−1+0.5P0)1800 (2)
Hence, we can conclude that for the closed loop digital
control system to be stable, the angle, traversed by
the phasor drawn to the GH(z) plot from (-1, j0)
point as ω varies from ωs/2 to 0, must satisfy
equation (2).
Bode Plot: Bode plot is the graphical tool for drawing
the frequency response of a system.
It is represented by two separate plots, one is the
magnitude vs frequency and the other one is phase
vs frequency.
The magnitude is expressed in dB and the frequency is
generally plotted in log scale.
One of the advantages of the Bode plot in s-domain is that
the magnitude curve can be approximated by straight
lines which allows the sketching of the magnitude plot
without exact computation.
This feature is lost when we plot Bode diagram in z-domain.
To incorporate this feature we use bi-linear transformation
to transform unit circle of the z-plane into the imaginary
axis of another complex plane, w plane, where
  ln( z )
From the power series expansion 2 T
  1
2( z  1) z T  2
 T
T ( z  1) 2
  1
T 2
For frequency domain analysis the above bi-linear
transformation may be used to convert GH(z) to GH(w)
and then construct the Bode plot.
Example 1: Let us consider a digital control system for
which the loop transfer function is given by
0.095 z
GH ( z ) 
 z  1 z  0.9  1  T / 2
where sampling time T = 0.1 sec. Putting z  , we
1  T / 2
get the transfer function in w plane as
10.02(1  0.0025 2 ) 10.02(1  0.05 )(1  0.05 )
GH ( z )  
 1  1.0026   1  1.0026 
10.02(1  j 0.05 )(1  j 0.05 )

j 1  j1.0026  11
where ωω is the frequency in w plane. Corner frequencies
are 1/1.0026 = 0.997 rad/sec and 1/0.05 = 20 rad/sec.
The straight line asymptotes of the Bode plot can be
drawn using the following.
• Up to ωω=0.997 rad/sec, the magnitude plot is a straight
line with slope −20 dB/decade. At ωω=0.01 rad/sec, the
magnitude is 20log10(10.02)−20log10(0.01) = 60 dB.
• From ωω=0.997 rad/sec to ωω=20 rad/sec, the
magnitude plot is a straight line with slope
−20−20=−40 dB/decade.
• Since both of the zeros will contribute same to the
magnitude plot, after ωω=20 rad/sec, the slope of the
straight line will be −40 + 20 + 20 = 0 dB/decade.
The asymptotic magnitude plot


One should remember that the actual plot will be

slightly different from the asymptotic plot.
In the actual plot, errors due to straight line assumptions
is compensated.
Phase plot is drawn by varying the frequency from 0.01
to 100 rad/sec at regular intervals.
The phase angle contributed by one zero will be
canceled by the other.
Thus the phase will vary from −900(2700) to


Gain margin and Phase margin: are the measures of
relative stability of a system.
Similar to continuous time case, we have to first define
phase and gain cross over frequencies before defining
gain margin and phase margin.
Gain margin is the safety factor by which the open loop
gain of a system can be increased before the system
becomes unstable. It is measured as
GM  20log10 j pT
GH (e )
where ωp is the phase crossover frequency which is
defined as the frequency where the phase of the loop
transfer function GH(ejωpT) is 1800.
Similarly Phase margin (PM) is defined as
jg T
PM  1800  GH (e )
where ωg is the gain crossover frequency which is defined
as the frequency where the loop gain magnitude of the
system becomes one.
Compensator design using Bode plot: A compensator or
controller is added to a system to improve its steady
state as well as dynamic responses.
Nyquist plot is difficult to modify after introducing
Instead Bode plot is used since two important design
criteria, phase margin and gain crossover frequency
are visible from the Bode plot along with gain margin.
Points to remember
• Low frequency asymptote of the magnitude curve is
indicative of one of the error constants Kp, Kv, Ka
depending on the system types.
• Specifications on the transient response can be
translated into phase margin (PM), gain margin (GM),
gain crossover frequency, bandwidth etc.
• Design using bode plot is simple and straight forward.
• Reconstruction of Bode plot is not a difficult task.
Phase lead, Phase lag and Lag-lead compensators: are
widely used in frequency domain design.
Before going into the details of the design procedure, we
must remember the following.
• Phase lead compensation is used to improve stability
margins. It increases system bandwidth thus
improving the spread of the response.
• Phase lag compensation reduces the system gain at high
frequencies with out reducing low frequency gain.
Thus the total gain/low frequency gain can be
increased which in turn will improve the steady state
accuracy. High frequency noise can also be
attenuated. But stability margin and bandwidth
• Using a lag lead compensator, where a lag compensator
is cascaded with a lead compensator, both steady state
19 and transient responses can be improved.
Bi-linear transformation transfers the loop transfer
function in z-plane to w-plane.
Since qualitatively w-plane is similar to s-plane, design
technique used in s-plane can be employed to design
a controller in w-plane.
Once the design is done in w-plane, controller in z-
plane can be determined by using the inverse
transformation from w-plane to z-plane.

Analytical Design Method
The main reason why the control actions of analog
controllers are limited is that there are physical
limitations in pneumatic, hydraulic, and electronic
Such limitations may be completely ignored in
designing digital controllers.
Thus, many control schemes that have been impossible
with analog controls are possible digital controls.
In fact, optimal control schemes that are not possible
with analog controllers are made possible by digital
control schemes.
An analytical design method for digital controllers will
force the error sequence, when subjected to a
specific type of time-domain input, to become zero
after a finite number of sampling periods and, in
fact, to become zero and stay zero after the
minimum possible number of sampling periods.
If the response of a closed-loop control system to a step
input exhibits the minimum possible settling time
(that is, the output reaches the final value in the
minimum time and stays there), no steady-state
error, and no ripples between the sampling instants,
then this type of response is commonly called a
deadbeat response. 22
We must distinguish between the designs of deadbeat
response for a digital control system, where all the
components are subject to only digital data, and a
sampled data control system, where both continuous
and discrete components are present.
An all digital control system R(z) + C(z)
- G (z) G (z) D
The transfer function of the P

digital plant z  0.6

Gp ( z ) 
3z 2  z  1
Let digital controller Thus the open loop transfer
function becomes
3z 2  z  1
GD ( z )  1
 z  1 z  0.6 G( z )  GD ( z )G p ( z ) 
z 23
G( z ) 1
And the closed loop transfer function as M ( z)  
1  G( z ) z
Thus for unit step input, the output comes out to be
1 z
C ( z)   z 1  z 2 
z  z  1
Thus, the output c(k) represents a unit step response where k
starts from 1, that is one sample later.
In other words, c(k) reaches the desired steady state value 1,
in one sampling period with out any overshoot and stays
there for ever. This type of response is known as dead
beat response.
One should note that if Gp(z) was the result of sampling a
continuous data system, the GD(z) does not guarantee
that no ripples occur between two sampling instants in
constant output c(t).
Deadbeat response design when the system poles and
zeros are inside the unit circle:
Design criteria:
1. The system must have a zero steady-state error at
sampling instants.
2. The time to reach final output must be finite and
3. The controller should be physically realizable, i.e., it
should be causal.
C( z) GD ( z )G p ( z )
M ( z)  
R( z ) 1  GD ( z )G p ( z )
1 M ( z)
GD ( z ) 
Gp ( z) 1  M ( z) 25
The error signal
R( z )
E ( z )  R( z )  C ( z ) 
1  GD ( z )G p ( z )
Let us assume
A( z )
R( z ) 
(1  z 1 ) N
N: positive integer
A(z): polynomial in z−1 with no zeros at z = 1.
For unit step signal A(z) = 1 and N = 1.
For unit ramp signal A(z) = Tz−1 and N = 2.
To achieve zero steady state error
lim e(kT )  lim(1  z 1 ) E( z)
k  z 1

(1  z 1 ) A( z )(1  M ( z ))
 lim 
z 1 (1  z ) 1 N
Since A(z) does not contain any zero at z = 1, necessary
condition for zero steady state error is that 1 −M(z)
should contain (1 − z−1)N as a factor, i.e.,
1−M(z) = (1 − z−1)N F(z)
Q( z )
Or, M(z) = 1− (1 − z ) F(z)  p p>N
−1 N
F(z) is a polynomial in z−1.
Q(z) is a polynomial in z.
Substituting M(z) in the expression of E(z), E(z)=A(z)F(z).
Since A(z) and F(z) are both polynomials of z−1, E(z)
will have a finite number of terms in the power
series in the inverse power of z, i.e., the error will go
to zero in a finite number of sampling periods.27
Physical realizability of GD(z): Physical realizability
condition on GD(z) imposes constraints on the form
of M(z). Let
Gp ( z)  gn z n  gn1z n1 
M ( z )  mk z  k  mk 1 z  k 1 
where, n and k are the excess poles over zeros of Gp(z)
and M(z) respectively. This implies
GD ( z )  dk n z ( k n )  dk n1 z ( k n1) 
For GD(z) to be realizable, k > n, i.e., excess of poles
over zeros for M(z) must be at least equal to excess
of poles over zeros for Gp(z). 28
Thus, if Gp(z) does not have poles or zeros outside the
unit circle, then M(z) should have the following
1. Step input : R( z)  z 1
M ( z)  n
z 1 z
2. Ramp input: (n  1) z  n prove these
M ( z) 
z n1
Example 2: Let us consider z  0.6
Gp ( z )  2
3z  z  1
When the input is a step function, M(z) = z−1
1 M ( z)
 GD ( z ) 
Gp ( z) 1  M ( z) 29

3z 2  z  1 1/ z
GD ( z ) 
z  0.6 1  1/ z
3z 2  z  1

 z  0.6  ( z  1)
Hence the output sequence follows the input after one
sampling instant. Figure shows the output response.
When the input is a ramp function
2z 1
M ( z)  2
GD ( z) 
3z  z  1 
2 z  1 / z 2

 2
3 z 2
 z  1 (2 z  1)
z  0.6 1   2 z  1 / z  z  2 z  1  z  0.6 

T  z  0.5
 C( z)   T  2 z 2  3z 3  
z  z  1

We can conclude from the above expression that the

output sequence follows the input after 2 sampling
periods which is shown below.

Example 3: G ( z)  0.05( z  0.5)
( z  0.9)( z  0.8)( z  0.3)

When the input is a step function, M(z) = z−2

1 M ( z) ( z  0.9)( z  0.8)( z  0.3) 1/ z 2
 GD ( z )  
Gp ( z) 1  M ( z) 0.05( z  0.5) 1  1/ z 2

20( z  0.9)( z  0.8)( z  0.3)

( z  0.5)( z  1)( z  1)

Thus 1 z 1
C ( z )  M ( z ) R( z )  2  2
z z 1 z  z
 z 2  z 3 
Hence the output sequence follows the input after two
sampling instants. 32

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