1 Frequency Domain Analysis
1 Frequency Domain Analysis
1 Frequency Domain Analysis
When a sinusoidal input is given to a stable LTI system it produces a sinusoidal output of
same frequency but with different magnitude and phase.
The variation of output magnitude and phase with input frequency is known as frequency
response of the system.
Frequency domain analysis provides a good design in presence of uncertainty in plant model.
Experimental results can be used to construct frequency response even if the plant model is
Analysis of digital control systems in frequency domain depends on the extension of the
existing techniques in continuous time case.
Two most popular graphical representations in frequency domain are Nyquist plot and Bode
diagram .
The Nyquist plot of a transfer function, usually the loop transfer function , is a
Absolute and relative stabilities can be determined from the Nyquist plot using Nyquist
stability criterion.
Given the loop transfer function of a digital control system, the polar plot of
Nyquist stability criterion: The closed loop transfer function of single input single output
Characteristic equation
The stability of the system depends on the roots of the characteristic equation or poles of the
system. All the roots of the characteristic equation must lie inside the unit circle for the
system to be stable.
Before discussing Nyquist stability criterion for the digital system, following steps are
1. 1. Defining the Nyquist path in the z -plane that encloses the exterior of the unit
circle. Here the region to the left of a closed path is considered to be enclosed by that
path when the direction of the path is taken anticlockwise.
2. Mapping the Nyquist path in z -plane onto the plane which results in
Nyquist plot of .
Two Nyquist paths are defined. The Nyquist path z1 as shown in Figure 1 does not enclose
poles on the unit circle whereas the Nyquist path z2 as shown in Figure 2 encloses poles on
the unit circle.
Figure 1: Nyquist path that does not enclose poles on the unit circle
Figure 2: Nyquist path that encloses poles on the unit circle
These figures are the mapping of the Nyquist contours in s-plane where the entire right half
of the s-plane, without or with the imaginary axis poles, is enclosed by the contours.
Z-1 = number of zeros of 1+ GH(z) outside the unit circle in the z -plane.
P-1 = number of poles of 1+ GH(z) outside the unit circle in the z -plane.
P0 = number of poles of GH(z) (same as number of poles of 1+ GH(z)) that are on the unit
N1 = number of times the (-1, j0) point is encircled by the Nyquist plot of GH(z)
corresponding to z1 .
N2 = number of times (-1, j0) point is encircled by Nyquist plot of GH(z) corresponding to z2.
plot of GH(z) as varies from to 0 , on the unit circle of z1 excluding the small
indentations, by .
For the closed loop digital control system to be stable, Z-1 should be equal to zero. Thus the
Nyquist criterion for stability of the closed loop digital control systems is
Hence, we can conclude that for the closed loop digital control system to be stable, the
angle, traversed by the phasor drawn to the GH(z) plot from (-1, j0) point as varies
Example 1: Consider a digital control system for which the loop transfer function is given as
Since GH(z) has one pole on the unit circle and does not have any pole outside the unit circle,
P-1 = 0 and P0 = 1
Nyquist path has a small indentation at z =1 on the unit circle. The Nyquist plot is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Nyquist plot for Example 1
Nyquist plot of GH(z), as shown in Figure 3, intersects the negative real axis at -0.025K when
can be computed as
It can be seen from Figure 3 that for to be -90, (-1, j 0) point should be located at the left
of -0.025K point. Thus for stability
Thus for K > 40, one of the closed loop poles will be outside the unit circle.
If K is negative we can still use the same Nyquist plot but refer (+1, j0 ) point as the critical
point. in this case still equals +90 and the system is unstable. Hence the stable range of K
is 0 K < 40