CP 1
CP 1
CP 1
Identify Business Process Model for Online Agriculture Store-(Goal, Inputs, Resources, Outputs, Activities, Value created to the
end customer).
To build this online store is to facilitate farmers to buy (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides) from anywhere through internet
Manufacturing companies, all agriculture products, marketing channels and payment gateway, Internet connectivity, mobile
application and web.
To build this online store is to facilitate farmers to buy (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides) from anywhere through internet
Available payment method with the manufacturing company, like cash, card, wallet or UPI etc.
User friendly online web and mobile app to manufacture and farmers
First farmers will login to the portal
Then checking the desired product from available lists
After that the product will be selected by the farmer
At last payment method will be chosen.
Online agriculture store available for all platform of mobile app and web
Online agriculture store available at anytime and anywhere
Time and money savings for farmers
Moreover farmers getting option to choose from variety of products from various brands.
SWOT stands for Strengths and Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats (external factors)
Good IT team
Talented candidates available
Budget 2 crores
Good experience java developers and testers
Trained Resources:
Java developer-Ms. Juhi (senior java developer), Mr. Teyson, Ms. Lucie, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Bravo are java developers
DB Admin – John Tester - Mr Jason and Ms Alekya are two testers with us.
Budget-2 crores
Farmers are used to buy the products from the physical agriculture shop
Farmers cannot choose the agricultural products from the large scale markets
Farmers cannot give their feedback about the products that they are using and they cannot buy the products at anywhere
and anytime.
Farmers can choose the agricultural products from the large scale markets
Moreover the farmers can give their feedback of the product that they are using and can be able to buy the product
anywhere and anytime.
BA Risk:
Project risk:
Business Case Document: Business cases often accompany or follow a project proposal and help show why your
project is worth the company’s or clients time , money and resources.
1.Executive Summary: Mr. Henry being a successful businessman and being one of the wealthiest persons wants
to help others to fulfill their dreams. One day Mr. Henry went to meet his childhood friends Peter, Kevin
&Ben.They live in a remote village and do farming. Mr. Henry asked his friends if they are facing any difficulties in
their day-to-day work. Peter told Mr. Henry that he is facing difficulties in procuring fertilizers which are very
important for farm. Kevin said that he is also facing the same problem in-case of buying seeds for farming
certaincrops. Ben raised his concern on lack of pesticides which could help in greatly reducing pests in crops. After
listening to all his friends’ problems, Mr. Henry thought that this is a crucial problem faced not only by his friends
but also by so many other farmers. So, Mr. Henry decided to make an online agriculture product store to facilitate
remote area farmers to buy agriculture products.
2. Problem Statement: Farmers used to go to Physical shop to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides. There is no direct
Communication between farmers and manufacturers. There is no home delivery facility available.
With this project the main purpose is to build online store to facilitate farmers to buy seeds, pesticides and
fertilizers from anywhere through internet connectivity. Application should be user friendly. This new application
will be able to accept the product details from manufacturers and will be able to display them to the farmers .
Farmers will be able to browse these products and select the products they need and request to buy them and
deliver them to farmers location.
3.Financial Plan: Budget 2 Crores INR and 18 months duration under CSR initiative
4.Project Definition: Peter, Kevin and Ben are helping the Committee and can be considered as Stakeholders share
requirements for the Project.
Mobile application of online agriculture product store and Agricultural web store are requirements.
5.Options: The online agriculture is new to organization and require new team to handle all activities also unaware
about this industry.
8) Mr Karthik explained to Mr. Henry about SDLC. And four methodologies like Sequential Iterative Evolutionary and
Agile. Please share your thoughts and clarity on Methodologies.
1)Planning: In this phase they discuss about user Registration steps. Which type of login credentials are required
and which page should be shown after login .
To be able to add the list of categories such as seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and so on. then add the list of items for
each category. Items can be added based on their name, prices, company name, pictures of products. , the admin
will have to add manufacturing and expiry date. Admin can also update and delete the categories and items.
Admin can send SMS to regular customers on any promotion and sale.
A payment receipt is also generated for customer records as well as for admin.
4)Implementation coding phase : A good shopping cart design must be accompanied with user-friendly shopping
cart application logic. It should be convenient for the customer to view the contents of their cart and to be able to
remove or add items to their cart. The shopping cart application described in this project provides a number of
features that are designed to make the customer more comfortable. This project helps in understanding the
creation of an interactive web page and the technologies used to implement it. The design of the project which
includes Data Model and Process Model illustrates how the database is built with different tables, how the data is
accessed and processed from the tables. The building of the project has given me a precise knowledge about how
ASP.NET is used to develop a website, how it connects to the database to access the data and how the data and
web pages are modified to provide the user with a shopping cart application.
5) Testing: Testing and optimization allow you to make effective plans for your website. By reiterating your site’s
problematic areas, you can engage more people and also increase their stay.
7) Maintainence:
Sequential Waterfall :This is the most essential and classic of life cycle models,also referred to as linear sequential
life cycle model, it is very simple to understand and use. In waterfall model each phase must be entirely completed
in its entirely before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase , a review takes place to determine if the
projects on the right path and whether or not to continue or discard the project.
PM-Mr Vandanam
Requirements Analysis BA- Mr Harshal FS/FRS ,SSD, SRS, RTM
PM- Mr Vandanam
Tech Team : Sol Arch,
NW Arch- Mr.Mike
DB Arch-John
Design Tech Team – Sol Arch, HDD/ADD Solution Document
NW Arch Mr. Mike,
DB Arch-John, GUI Designer
Development Coding Programmers- Ms juhli Developers-LDD/CDD
Mr Application
Teyson, Ms Lucie, Mr Tucker, Mr Bravo
Testing Testers: Mr Jason and Ms Alekya
Unit, component System, System
Integration, UAT
PROCESS – Configuration management –
PM- Mr Vandanam
Deployment & Implementation – Release
After Implementation, maintenancte stage starts, and support team will take care.
It is an iterative software development process framework created by the Rational Software corporation which
was acquired by IBM in February 2003.
Rup is based on set of building blocks or content elements ,describing what is to be produced ,the necessary skills
required and the step -by step explanation describing how specific development goals are to be achieved .
Roles: (who) : A Role defines a set of related skills, competencies and responsibilities.
Work Product(what): A Work Product represents something resulting from a task, including all the documents and
models. Produced while working through the process.
Tasks: (How)A task describes a unit of work assigned to a role that provides a meaningful result.
Four Project Life Cycle Phases:
Agreement among the team andstarting in the planning phse customer as to what will be built.
The project plan, Project goal, risks, use-case model and Project description are made.
Agreement within the team as to the architecture and design needed to deliver the agreed system
Evolutionary -Spiral:
The Spiral model gives more emphases placed on risk analysis.The Spiral model has four phases : Planning, Risk
Analysis,Engineering and Evaluation.A Software project repeatedly passes through these phases in iterations called
spirals in this model.The base line spiral, starting in the planning phase requirements are gathered and risk is
assessed.Each Subsequentv spiral builds on the baseline spiral.
Requirements are gathered during the palnniong phase.In the risk analysis phase a process is undertaken to
identify risk and alternate solutions .A prototype is produced at the end of risk analysis phase.
Software is produced in the engineering phase along with testing at the end of phase.The evaluation phase allows
the customer to evaluate the output of the project to date before the project continues to the next spiral.
In the Spiral model the angular component represents progress and the radius of the spiral represents cost.
Agile Scrum:
9) They discussed models in SDLC like waterfall RUP Spiral and Scrum . You put forth your understanding on these
Scrum Model: can be implemented either at the beginning of the project or when you sense that project is faling
behind schedule.
11)As a BA state
Planning Risk Analysis
Risk AnalyRsis