October Issue

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Volume 48 October 28, 2022 Issue 1



Happy Henderson Homecoming!

By Isabella Williams
Staff Writer

This year’s homecoming centered around the

theme of video games. The freshmen’s theme
fixated on Pokémon, which many people know
from trading Pokémon cards during elementary
school. The sophomores unearthed a confusing
theme, starting out as the classic Angry Birds,
then switching to Subway Surfers the day the
t-shirt designs were due. This left many soph-
omores reeling in bewilderment, but they ral-
lied to create an awesome hallway! The juniors
devoured the Pac-Man theme, and lived it up,
creating this author’s favorite hallway design.
Finally, last but certainly not least, the seniors
bounded forward with Mario, and they em-
braced this well beloved character.
The homecoming carnival started out with an
update on Hendy sports, then the cheerleaders,
and dance team came out and performed to ex-
cited cheers.
Then, a crowd favorite, the senior dance team
members and senior football players went out
onto the field to perform a conjoined routine,
which was incredibly successful, after a few
technical difficulties. The Henderson Warriors take the field against Downingtown West. Photo credit goes to Scott Rowan.
The homecoming court nominees were Nick
knew how to do it; we came together with tubes the third quarter, on a pass thrown by Braeden
Cugino, Jenaea Davenport, Aansh Devpura,
from home and did small tattoos on everyone. O’Connell. Downingtown scored no additional
Kaylee Giaquinto, Julian Gatti, Rebecca Miller,
We made it a fundraiser for the club. We sold touchdowns in the third quarter, but in the final
Preston Lubeski, Leah Nieberle, Diego Teran,
one-dollar tattoos to five-dollar tattoos, and it quarter, they managed one more touchdown,
and Zoe Nolan. After the homecoming court
was rather successful. We got a lot of people, without an extra point, sealing the score at 47 -
was announced, students were dismissed to ex-
but since they were just small tattoos, we didn’t 6. For more information on Hendy sports, visit
plore the carnival.
make as much as we wanted. But it was defi- page six.
Several tables were mobbed, including the
nitely a really fun experience. It was also a good The homecoming dance took place Saturday
Chick-fil-a table, free pretzel and water table,
way to spread the word, because people would night, and the line seemed eternally long. Many
and the cotton candy stand. Many clubs set up
talk about the tattoos and be like ‘Yeah, I got it students waited impatiently for entrance to the
tables and offered a variety of opportunities, in-
cluding henna, face-painting, lawn games and
from the SASA’ and they would be intrigued and building. Freshman Hallway
interested. It was fun.” To learn more about the Upon entry, most students booked it for the
puppy petting.
SASA, turn to page six for a club feature. gym, where music was blasting and strobe lights
In an interview with Mr. Pierce, advisor for
During the carnival, the annual tug of war were spinning. Others headed to the cafeteria,
Calliope, Henderson’s literary magazine, he
began. The tug of war between all of the grades where snacks such as chips, soft pretzels, pizza
said, “For the past two years, Mr. Umile and I
was won by the seniors. The powder puff foot- and more Chick-fil-a were being served.
have put together a game called Cliffhanger. It’s a
ball game took place between the juniors and When asked about her favorite part of home-
game like bean bag toss, where you throw these
the seniors. The game went into overtime, and coming, senior Athaiah Wallace said, “Probably
bean bags on these different ledges and they’re
after a few nerve racking minutes, the seniors being able to dance with all of my friends. Some-
worth different points but if you stack the bean
came out on top. times they get really wrapped up in schoolwork,
bag you get the points, or double the points. It’s
Friday night, the Henderson football play- as well as work, so being able to just have that
fun; we tied it in with Calliope because it’s called
Cliffhanger, like writing and cliffhangers.”
ers took to the field against Downingtown West.
Prior to the game, Henderson’s record was 0 - 3,
moment to relax and have fun with them was
Sophomore Hallway
When asked about the success of the Calliope
while Downingtown’s record was 3 - 1. Henderson’s 2022 Homecoming was certainly
table, Mr. Pierce laughed and shared an inter-
The pregame show was performed by Down- a memorable experience for students and alum-
esting anecdote about the literary magazines on
ingtown West’s marching band, who performed ni alike.
their 2022 show “The Summit”. The Downing-
“[It was] a success, even though our Calliope
town team started the game off with intensity, Quotes with brackets have been edited for clar-
magazines disappeared. We had them at the ta-
pummeling 35 points out in the first quarter. ity.
ble, and we saw what happened; they blew away
Henderson’s defense picked up their game
before we got to play. I didn’t get to see who
in the second quarter and Downingtown only Football information courtesy of MaxPreps.
picked them up and they haven’t been returned.
scored one more touchdown and missed the ex- com and Coach Brice.
Afterwards, plenty of people played the game,
tra point.
but all the magazines were gone and I still don’t
At halftime, the homecoming court was an- Junior Hallway
know where they are. They’re somewhere in the
nounced again, and the 2022 Homecoming
building; I hope they weren’t thrown away.”
King and Queen were Preston Lubeski and
When asked about what they could possi-
Rebecca Miller. After the king and queen were
bly do differently next year for the carnival, Mr.
to the senior class on
crowned, Henderson’s Marching Warriors per-
Pierce chuckled, “I would put a weight on the
formed their 2022 show “Queen”, featuring the
[Calliope] magazines so they wouldn’t be blown
winning the 2022
songs “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Under Pressure,”
and “Don’t Stop Me Now” from the legendary
Henderson’s South Asian Student Association
spirit stick!
created a henna booth for the carnival.
After the show, the football players returned
Aleesha Butt, a member of the SASA, said,
to the field to continue to battle it out. The high-
“It was me and a couple of our members from
SASA who were interested in henna and we
light of the game was when Henderson’s Ryan Senior Hallway
Prete scored a touchdown to wild cheers in
Photos by Landon Kamel
Interviewing the cast of Our The Impact of Marine October Book, Album and Hendy Fall Sports
Rotten Town and The Interview Heatwaves Movie Picks Upate

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6

Breaking Broadway News
By Madison O’Malley
Staff Writer

The past few months Broadway

has been buzzing with news. From
shows closing to celebrities making
their debut, there has been a whole
lot going on.
Since making its comeback in the
fall of 2021 after Covid, Broadway
has bounced back to popularity.
Broadway has been vital to the
culture of New York for years, and
an important source of income for
the many talented actors telling the
stories we have come to know and
To start off the news, unfortunate-
ly Dear Evan Hansen’s almost six Photo credit goes to Stockton Symphony.
year run came to an end September been running since April of 2019, Direction of a Musical, which goes achieve this in real life feels like ev-
18th. This heartwarming story of a and many will be devastated to see to show what an amazing show it erything came full circle.
teen trying to make connections in its departure. was. For our last musical update, Lion
a world where he feels alone was an The last show scheduled to close On a more positive note, Lea Mi- King is celebrating the 25 year mark
extraordinary musical, winning a is Come From Away, which ran for chele made her Broadway debut on of being on Broadway! Lion King
total of six Tony Awards. almost five years. Come From Away Funny Girl on September 6th, stir- debuted on November 13th, 1997.
Beetlejuice has also joined the list left the stage October 2nd, and will ring up a lot of gossip. Lea Michele This musical is a timeless story
of shows closing, announcing they be missed dearly on Broadway. is most known for her role as Rachel based on Disney’s The Lion King
will perform their last show on Jan- This musical is shockingly a true Berry on Glee, where her behavior movie. It has won a grand total of six
uary 8th, 2022. Beetlejuice is filled story, detailing the story of 7,000 was allegedly not great on set. Tony’s which is a huge accomplish-
with comedy and great music as passengers stranded in a town On Glee, her character Rachel ment. Hopefully The Lion King will
you come to know Lydia Deetz, the called Newfoundland. Come From had always dreamed of playing Fan- celebrate many more years to come
teenager this show follows as she Away has also won a Tony for Best ny Brice on Broadway, so seeing her on the stage!
navigates the afterlife. This show has

Interviewing the Cast of Our Rotten Town and The Interview

have a good time! These shows are
so funny and unique that you can’t
help but laugh!” said Athaiah.
Lastly I asked, “What should peo-
ple know about your character?”
Rourke, who plays King
Lear said, “Be concerned.”
“She’s just a mother… really look-
ing out for her son,” said Lucia who
plays Gertrude.
Eoin, who plays Romeo said, “He’s
a bit dopey, but he’s trying his best.”
“She really hates chickens…” said
Emily who plays Lady Macbeth.
“Come to the show and see for
yourself!” said Nat who plays Des-
Max who plays Lady Capulet
said, “Lady Capulet may need some
classes on parenting…”
“He doesn’t know how to shut his
mouth,” said Josh who play Polonoi-
The cast of Our Rotten Town preparing for a run through. Photo credit goes to Mr. Anderson. “My character is a lawyer! She is
doing her best to lawyer her way out
By Madi Romano few of the many responses I got! “It’s super funny and something of a very hot situation,” said Athaiah,
Staff Writer that people will enjoy even if they who plays the attorney.
When I asked, “What is your fa- aren’t huge fans of plays. You don’t

Tickets to both shows

This Fall, the Henderson Drama vorite part of Drama Club?” need to have a background in
Club will be performing Our Rot- Every person agreed that the people Shakespeare to enjoy the play,” said
ten Town and The Interview on No- within the club are what make it the Emily. can be purchased at the
vember 9th and 11th. To encourage best! “It’s hilarious but don’t bring your
people to come, I interviewed sev- When asked why people should very young siblings type of hilari- door, cash only, on the
eral members of the cast and crew
about their opinions on the show!
come to see the show, Rourke start-
ed by saying, “It’s a funny show and
ous!” said Nat.
“It’s a really funny show with a lot
nights of the show.
When I asked, “If you could de- we have worked very hard on it.” of talented actors!” said Max.
scribe the show in one word, what
would it be?” The words “roller-
“We worked really hard on it and
we’re doing really well,” said Lucia.
“It’s very chaotic and extremely
fun to watch,” said Josh. Be prepared for a night
of fun!
coaster,” “energetic,” “lively,” “ghast- Eoin said, “To get a good, real “People should come to see Our
ly,” “hilarious,” and “unique” were a laugh in.” Rotten Town and The Interview to
The Impact of Marine Heatwaves
By Madi Romano
Staff Writer

Heat waves have been a big

problem on land this summer. But
they’re not stopping there.
The North Atlantic and North-
ern Pacific Oceans are also heavily
impacted by the heat, harming ma-
rine life.
In some parts of the North At-
lantic Ocean, the water is around
four degrees warmer than normal,
which can be devastating for crea-
tures that live in the area.
Marine life isn’t the only thing
impacted by the warmer waters.
Due to increased temperatures, the
risk of hurricanes and other extreme
weather events have become even
greater, and in the Pacific Ocean,
there’s a La Nina event expected for Photo credit goes to MedicalNewsToday.
the third year in a row. the water, which can harm animals
The ocean has been affected in such as lobsters. like this will continue until they volunteer options in your commu-
other ways than heat, there’s also a become irreversible. If you want to nity.
If we don’t start considering cli-
greater amount of carbon dioxide in mate change a real issue, situations help, please consider researching

What to Watch: Midterm Elections

go to State Attorney General Josh
Shapiro (D) or State Senator Doug
Mastriano (R).

Current Texas Governor Greg
Abbott (R) hopes to keep his posi-
tion as Texas governor, but former
El Paso congressman Beto O’Ro-
urke is on a mission to win.
After a nail-biting senate race be-
tween Ted Cruz (R) and O’Rourke
in 2018, many Texas democrats saw
this as the beginning of turning
Texas blue, but Texas republicans
are not giving up their spot.
As a traditionally red state, Ab-
bott is running for his third term
and has been an avid supporter of
gun rights and anti-abortion laws.
Although O’Rourke has been able
to target many young voters, Abbott
Photo credit goes to Morgan Stanley. continues to have a decent poll lead.

By MaryKate Stepchuk right to determine abortion laws) first black woman governor in his-
Staff Writer has brought many more people to tory.
the polls. Listed below are three of
As November approaches, so do the top elections to watch. Pennsylvania
the 2022 midterm elections. While Pennsylvania had been a demo-
most midterm elections get brushed Georgia cratic state for six consecutive presi-
under the rug with little to no rec- After going blue for the first time dential elections until the 2016 elec-
ognition, this year is very different. since Bill Clinton in 1992, Georgia tion, where they went red.
Politicians from the Republican has some tough races ahead. By returning blue in 2020, it was
and Democratic parties are invest- In January 2021, when the Georgia the state to push President Biden to
ing in more advertising than ever runoffs determined who had senate over 270 votes, winning the presi-
for midterm elections, and more majority, Georgia now has the pow- dential election.
people plan on voting for midterms er to do the same once again. Republicans will try to hold onto
than average. Raphael Warnock (D) is fight- their current senate seat with TV
After states including Pennsylva- ing for a full senator term against personality Mehmet Oz, and demo-
nia, Wisconsin, and Georgia flipped football star Herschel Walker (R), crats are hoping the non-traditional
blue in the 2020 presidential elec- backed by former President Trump (current Lt. Governor - known for
tion, these states will now decide and the GOP. his look of a sweatshirt and shorts
not only the house and senate ma- For the governor race, the race to appear as a down-to-earth politi-
jority but also state governments. is between current governor Brian cian) John Fetterman will make the
Alongside the 2020 presidential Kemp (R) and Stacey Abrams (D), senate seat democratic.

election, the overturning of Roe v. who ran against each other in 2018. Governor Wolf has reached his
Wade (giving state governments the If Abrams can win, she will be the term limits, meaning the seat could
O c t o b e r O p t i o n s
The “Secret Read” Feel Special With Lizzo
of Henderson
She has become a beacon of self The next category, most upbeat,
love, which is the main focus of her goes to the first track on the album
recently released album, Special, which is titled “The Sign”. The catchy
which is this month’s album feature. chorus and upbeat music is the best
To kickstart this article, the best possible way to start off this album.
song on this album is “If You Love This song is all about her come-
Me”. This song is emotional and raw. back and return to music since her
The lyrics say “I’ve learned to love last album which was released about
me as myself, But when I’m with three years prior. “The Sign” will no
somebody else I question every- doubt have you dancing by the end
thing I know” showing the doubt of the song!
people commonly feel about them- By far, the most popular song is
selves. Lizzo talks about wanting to “About D*mn Time”. This song was
be loved for every part of herself released as the lead single in the al-
throughout the song, despite any bum Special and has been extremely
flaws she may have. popular ever since. It gained a lot of
The song with the best lyrics is its fame from Tiktok, where a dance
Photo credit goes to Pixels. Photo credit goes to Pitchfork. easily “Special”. The lyrics are em- was created which quickly became a
powering, reminding listeners that fast growing trend. Even Lizzo her-
By MaryKate Stepchuk By Madison O’Malley they are entitled to feel self worth self was seen posting herself doing
Staff Writer Staff Writer regardless of what others think. This the dance on her Tiktok, where she
song embodies the entire theme of regularly promotes her music.
As the leaves fall and the morn- “In case nobody told you today, the album perfectly and the lyrics Overall, Special has continued the
ings become colder, it’s the perfect You’re special”. This month’s album convey the message perfectly. theme of body positivity, empow-
time to wrap yourself in a blanket of the month feature is Lizzo’s latest Taking the cake for the most emo- erment, and taking care of yourself
and read a book. album, Special. tional song, is “Break Up Twice”. that has been a focus of her music
For the perfect fall vibe and dark This album is all about body posi- This song tells the story of how it career so far.
academia read, The Secret History tivity and self acceptance. It preach- feels to take someone back that has Lizzo is truly inspirational for
by Donna Tartt is the book to read. es empowerment and confidence in hurt you before. Lizzo sums up the creating such upbeat and positive
Although Tartt is known for her yourself. angst of having to choose to move music for her listeners, which is why
most recent novel turned film ad- Lizzo rose to fame in 2019 with on or choose someone who knows I encourage everyone to choose this
aptation, The Goldfinch, The Secret the release of her album titled Cuz I you better than anyone ever could. album next time you’re listening to
History is what put her on the map Love You. She has won three Gram- This song highlights the challeng- music!
in 1992. mys, a Guinness world record, and es that come along with forgiving
The Secret History tells the story a Billboard Music Award since her someone, which is why I chose to
of a young man named Richard Pa- skyrocketing to popularity. highlight it as the most emotional.
pen, his group of friends, and what
led to the murder of their friend,
Edmund “Bunny” Corcoran.
The book is set in 1980s New Let Me Persuade You to Watch Persuasion
England, but Richard tells it many
years later as a reflection of what
happened to Bunny and his friends By Macie Burt
now that he is older and wiser. Staff Writer
Many critics have called the book
a “reverse murder mystery” since The new adaptation of the clas-
the reader knows the ending from sic Jane Austen novel, Persuasion, is
the beginning but does not discover nothing short of magnificent. Star-
the “why” until later in the book. ring Dakota Johnson and Cosmo
The book contains phrases in Lat- Jarvis, this retelling is positively hi-
in and references to Greek history, larious.
and is a different, yet sophisticated Anne, played by Dakota Johnson,
and engaging read for many high is a heart-broken, clever woman in
school students. It focuses on how the early 19th century who has her Photo credit to Vogue.com
grief can affect someone’s every- heart set on her ex-lover, although decade-old romance. When their tem for her, and many more, each
day life (academically, socially, and she was persuaded to give him up paths cross eight years after their adding their own unique touch to
mentally) while highlighting the eight years prior to the setting of the split, what will happen? These char- the story.
dangers of isolation. film. acters are complimented by Anne’s A movie filled with feminism,
As Tartt’s first novel, it is still Her ex-lover, Captain Frederick hypocritical and selfish sister, Mary, romance, and plenty of humility,
widely well-known and read today Wentworth, played by Cosmo and kind family-friend, Lady Rus- Persuasion is the perfect movie for
in and out of classrooms. The Secret Jarvis, is also still hung up on their sell, who is a constant support sys- every hopeless-romantic.
History is the best book to read as a
pie bakes in the oven, Red (Taylor’s
Version) plays in the background,
and fall decorations decorate a
Check back next month for
home. “Noteworthy November” picks!

Halloween Movie Watch List Henderson Participates in
By Madison O’Malley and Macie Burt
Staff Writers
Watching scary movies is argu- ing seem- ingly perfect, there
Annual Halloween Parade
ably one of the best parts of the is an under-
spooky season. If you are looking lying dan-
for a movie to watch this October, ger creep-
look no further! ing up on
Our top picks for the best fam- This
ily friendly movies perfect for movie has
Halloween are listed below! such an
The Nightmare Before Christmas ing plot,
This movie is perfect to set the but it is
mood for Spooky Season this Octo- definite-
ber! It depicts the story of Jack Skel- ly family
lington, the “King of Halloween”, friendly.
as he discovers
Christmas. Hubie Halloween
When he On Halloween in the town
is exposed of Salem, devoted townsman Hubie
to the joy, is the victim of many “harmless”
warmth, pranks played by the town’s youth.
and cheer However, this Halloween, a fa-
of Christ- mous patient has escaped from a
mas that mental facility in addition to him
differs so being joined by his next door neigh-
greatly b o r who could
from possibly be
t h e a werewolf.
dark, Struck
scary Halloween, what will by mys-
the “King of Halloween” do? tery after
The Nightmare before Christmas mystery,
is a sweet story that conveys beauti- how will
ful meaning, and is perfect for the Hubie
family. handle
all of
Coraline t h e
This movie shows a young girl mis-
who feels neglected by her family, chief
and finds a secret passageway in her a l l
new house that she sneaks through while being the
target of so many kids?
in the middle of the night. The Henderson Marching Warriors played “The Monster Mash”
Despite this parallel universe be- and “Oogie Boogie’s Song” during the 2022 Halloween Parade.

October Animal Quiz

Halloween is right around the corner, and what better time than to take this quiz and find out which spooky animal you are? By Isabella Williams

1) What is your pumpkin flavored thing? 6) What is your favorite fall dessert?
A Pumpkin spice latte A Cinnamon rolls
B Pumpkin whoopie pies B Pecan pie
C Pumpkin pie C Apple cider doughnuts

2) What costume would you wear for Halloween? 7) What is your favorite fall scent?
A Something cute A Pumpkin spice candle
B Something scary B Fallen leaves
C Something animal C Campfire smoke

3) What is your favorite October activity? If you answered mostly A…

A Trick or treating You are a black cat! You are soft and fluffy and love
B Haunted hayride the month of changing leaves and sweet treats.
C Forest walk
If you answered mostly B…
4) What is your favorite Halloween candy? You are a spider! You enjoy the darker side of the
A Hershey’s bar month and love a good scare.
B Twizzlers
C Jolly Ranchers If you answered mostly C…
You are a bat! You enjoy October as a whole, both
the sweet fun side and the dark creepy side.
5) How would you decorate for autumn?
A Enchanted woodland cottage Happy October!
B Haunted house

C Leaves and pumpkins
A Door to the Outside
SASA Feature Part 1: Stepping Out
By Isabella Williams By Iris G. West
Staff Writer
This serial story will continue to be so bright. crazy. “Isn’t it wonderful?” Cocoa
The South Asian Student Asso- throughout several issues. Come “Where are we?” Winnie whis- gasped. Winnie kept her eyes on Co-
ciation is one of many clubs at Hen- back next month to find out more! pered. coa and slowly moved her head back
derson that focuses on embracing a “I- I don’t know,” Cocoa said. She and forth.
specific culture or race. The South Cocoa staggered out, the door turned over her shoulder and saw “We’re not supposed to be here,”
Asian Student Association focus- falling away from behind her. The light the door that they had just fallen she said, a low urgency coloring her
es on the culture of the ethnicities was so strong, it became blinding. out of behind her. It was in the wall, tone.
from southern parts of Asia. Cocoa held her hand up to shield her like all other doors she’d seen. But it Cocoa frowned, then realized
The SASA helps give a voice to eyes, overcome. Her eyes adjusted to hadn’t led into a room. It had led… she’d been smiling so widely with joy
South Asian students in a predom- the glaring yellow light, then widened. “Outside?” that her cheek muscles hurt.
inantly white high school and helps “What is this?” Winnie asked, cow- Cocoa had lived her whole life in- “We’re not supposed to be here?”
form a sense of belonging and unity. ering from the blinding heat and side. She hadn’t known it until the she echoed. “Why not?”
The SASA holds an event called light. moment she fell out that door. It was Winnie gestured to the door, then
“Chai and Chill” where students can Cocoa sank to her knees and so natural for her to be enclosed on glanced at Cocoa. “We are not meant
get together and talk about their ex- felt a soft cool carpet underneath all sides by walls that it didn’t strike to be here,” she said slowly and de-
periences while drinking tea. This her. Her hands touched the ground her as odd in any way until the walls liberately, as if that would help the
is a great outlet for students to talk and felt the… strands? Fronds? She fell away. message sink in.
about their culture and share the ex- opened her eyes a slit and saw green Now, she felt something she’d never Cocoa cocked her head quizzically,
periences that shaped them to this under her. It wasn’t like any kind of felt before. Miniscule. The great open her eyebrows furrowing. Winnie was
day. carpet she’d ever seen before. sky stretched forever over her head, acting as if something bad had hap-
Aviana Poy, a senior in the SASA, Hesitatingly, still shielding her face and the rolling grass rolled right on pened to them, and now they needed
says “I feel like it’s hard for a lot of from the glare, she looked up and over the horizon and forever into the to repair it. Or something bad was
people in school to embrace their around her. Her surroundings were as distance it seemed. going to happen.
culture and feel good about it when confusing as the carpet. There were She felt tiny, small, insignificant, Cocoa shivered. “What’s going
they’re surrounded by people that
pillars scattered at random intervals infinitesimal to the vastness reach- on?” she asked, agitation evident in
about her, brown, rough columns that ing without end. It was so open, so her rising tone.
looked coarse to the touch. Confus- airy, so empty, and yet so full. Full Winnie leapt forward and clamped
are white. [SASA] is a good way for
all of us to band together. I think
ingly, they expanded towards the top, of sounds, like the wind stirring the her hand over Cocoa’s mouth. “Shhh,”
there’s power in numbers, and we
branching out. These columns were leaves on the trees, of the creak of she hissed. “Come on,” she whis-
feel so much more cultured when
topped with green too, like the car- boughs, of the silent sound of sun- per-shouted, and began to drag Co-
we’re together and we can embrace pet, only broader and flatter. shine, of the air humming with life as coa back to the door.
it with a bunch of other people that Cocoa’s gaze followed up the pillar it only does in the summer. Full of “No!” Cocoa cried, and wrenched
also embrace it. It really helps a and saw that it wasn’t holding any- possibility. free. She faced Winnie. “I want to
lot of people that are maybe not as thing up. What use of a pillar was Cocoa felt an inexplicable joy stay here. Just for a bit longer.”
comfortable with their culture yet.” that? Weren’t pillars used for struc- flow through her entire being, from Winnie pursed her lips, looking like
Christian West-McCauley adds tural support? nose to toes and heart to soul. She she was ready to drag Cocoa back
“It allows other people who might She looked beyond the meaning- looked up at the sun, closing her eyes inside. Then she went absolutely mo-
not be a part of that group to learn less pillars to the ceiling— only there against its brightness, and soaked tionless, her face deathly pale. And
about all the different cultures of wasn’t one. There was just a great in the warmth. She laughed. A joy- then Cocoa heard what Winnie had
South Asia, which I think is super expanse of blue, stretching from hori- ful, radiant, effervescent laugh that heard.
valuable.” zon to horizon. And in this blue dome bubbled up from deep inside her. Her The click of shoes. A door open-
Everyone is welcome to join the was the source of the light. It was so eyes began to water from the light, ing in the distance. And the scariest
South Asian Student Association. bright that Cocoa could’t look at it and she had to look away. thing, that made Cocoa turn into a
Information below. directly. She figured a huge source of She looked back at Winnie, who statue of terror.
electricity must be powering it for it was staring at Cocoa as if she was Approaching voices.

Hendy Fall Sports Breakdown

By Michael Dolan and MaryKate Stepchuk
Boys Cross Country Boys Soccer ping up some great careers at Henderson High defeated Abington Highschool 5-0 with a pair
The boy’s cross country team has had a great The Henderson boy’s soccer wrapped up their School. Looking forward to seeing the boys beat of goals from Kendall Brandon. And Cobb,
season with varsity and junior varsity districts regular season with a 6-0 win over Coatesville. East in front of their crowd. Show out and be DiCampli, and Lucy Donnelly each contribut-
just around the corner. They have placed second Their win crowned the boy’s team as the Ches- loud! ed their own. The defense shut out the Ghosts
at the Battle of West Chester, and runners have Mont champions for the second consecutive behind a great defensive game plan and great
achieved personal bests all season. year. Golf goalie play by Peyton Grim.
The team has been led by senior Simeon Shap- Led by captains Max Teneza and Ryan The Henderson Golf Team wrapped up a great Sadly, the girls ended their season this past
pell Smith and sophomore Ben Pentz. The team Kuegler, the boys finished with a 13-5 record. season recently finishing 9-2. The team had a Wednesday. In a tough fought game, they lost to
hopes to finish the season strong with more per- This was largely due to a great defense anchored good blend of seniors, juniors, and even some Downingtown West 9-1, but kept their head up
sonal best times for the entire time. by Keeper Diego Teran and an absurd 16 goals lower-classmen who contributed throughout high. Congratulations on a great season ladies!
by Joe Deangelis. the season.
Girls Cross Country Carrying the momentum from the regular There was Sean “Captain” Surowiec, a gradu- Volleyball
The girl’s cross country team has had a fan- season, Henderson took care of Methacton on ating senior with a smooth lefty swing. Andrew Volleyball has had an amazing season led by
tastic season with team spirit at an all-time Tuesday night, winning 2-0. Kuegler and Potter Delucia, another senior, had a knack for sink- captains Olivia McClain and Lilly Person. They
high. The team has been led by junior Riley scored goals off a Griffin assist, and Kuegler as- ing clutch putts all season. Next year, the team ended the regular season with a record of 14-8
Bender and freshman Brinlea Rieger, who have sisted in Potter’s goal. Make sure to come out to should be just as good if not better with a prom- and are headed to the playoffs.
achieved many personal bests along with the the next playoff game to show support! (Theme ising trio of juniors that played very well. The team’s two other seniors, Emilee Mur-
rest of their team. yet to be announced) Josh Baker consistently shot in the 30s this taugh and Breanna Craig, along with senior
The girls hope to finish the season out strong year, with Patrick Lynn and Cole Snyder each managers Maggie Linahan and Abby Herbert,
and are excited for the end of the season. Football catching fire for long stretches throughout the have had a strong impact on the team, which
The football team wraps up its season this season. has led to a great team mentality.
Girls Soccer Friday away at West Chester East. Coming off Another bright spot in Henderson’s future Sadly, the girl’s team lost their playoff game
their first win and Coach Brice’s first win as a is Sam Houchen. He has the potential to score this past Tuesday against Downingtown East by
Girls’ soccer has had a fantastic season with
head coach here at Henderson, the boys will try very low and did so during Ches-Monts by 5 points in the fifth set. Still, they came out of
a record of 11-5-1. Coached by Mr. Norris, the
to finish out strong against a cross-town rival. shooting just +1 through 18 holes. Congrats on the game with their heads held high and great
team is known not only for their fantastic BeRe-
Although this season may not be what they a great season guys! sportsmanship. Great season ladies!
als but also for their top scorers, Morgan Chiaz-
expected, there were some bright spots on the
za, Becca Miller, and Olivia Bradley.
The girls made it to the playoffs but lost 1-0
squad. Field Hockey
Logan Goodwin and Evan Kearney seemed The Henderson Field Hockey team had an
this past Tuesday against Upper Dublin, still
to be making every play on defense this season, amazing season. Led by captains Molly DiCam-
finishing the season out strong led by captains
and Brady Collins stood out as a sophomore on pli, Kristina Cobb, and Rylee Bauer, the girls fin-

Becca Miller, Carly Gordon, Kennedy Stark, and
the other side of the ball. Congratulations are ished with 11 wins, seven losses, and a tie during
Olivia Bradley. Congratulations on a great sea-
also for our graduating captains. Seniors Cole the regular season.
son girls!
Foster, Tavis Willis, and Mike Boden are wrap- In round one of the playoffs, Henderson

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